The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, December 01, 1889, Image 18
The game all through was fast and spirited, and is to be considered a very fair criterion of the merits of the two teams. Mr. Hully, of Bucknell, acted as referee, and Mr. P. E. Brown, of State College, as umpire. The teams were composed as fol lows : State Coli.hok. Aull, Loft-end, llile, Left-tackle, Price, Left-guard, Read, Centre, Dowler, RiglU-guard, Heppcnstnll, Right-tackle, Linsz, Right-end, Mode (Capt.) Quarter-back, Poster, Half-back, McLean, Half-back, Mitchell, Full-back, ,Vesta vs. Delmonico Teams from these two Boarding Clubs played a game on Saturday, November 23, The game was played for four turkeys for Thanksgiving dinner. Most of the men were inexperienced players, so that little scientific playing was expected. Stephenson captained the Vesta team, Reed the Delmoni co. The play throughout the first half was very spirited, and but for the fumbling, which was general, the score would have been much higher. As it was, it reached 16 to 10 in favor of the Vestas. The second half was a little more steady, and contained less bad playing than the first. By some brilliant plays by Bohn, the score was increased to 20 to 10 in favor of the Vestas. P. M. Brown, referee. Aull, umpire. The teams were composed as follows: Motz, Left-end, Bryan, Left-tackle, Mattern, L. W., Left Guard, Williamson, Centre, Mattern, 11. \V,, Right-guard, Clark, Right-tackle, Williams, Right-end, II eppenstall, Quarter-ba ck, Gibbons, Half-back, Bohn, Half-back, Stephenson (Capt.) Full-back, THE FREE LANCE. (The editors do not hold themselves responsible fur anything that appears under this bending.) , It is with great pleasure that one who has known Pennsylvania State College in former days notes the high degree of favor and pros perity which the institution has enjoyed within the past three or four years. It is only a few years since that the fact that there was a State College was known only to the few who at the opening of .the college year would happen to read the advertisements in the educational columns of the newspapers. Perhaps this statement is a little too broad. We might add that its existence was some what more extensively advertised to the neighboring farmers, through the issuing of a pamphlet, now and then, announcing the miraculous work of some new fertilizer which had been used the season previous. It is now no uncommon thing to hear our college compared on the same standing with other institutions much older, and which have for years been recognized as prominent seats of learning. The professors point with much satisfac tion to the after work of their graduates in other colleges. But it is not necessary to look for shining lights among the post gradu ates. The many recent innovations, and in fact everything in and about the college gives one the impression of a very present, active and modern spirit somewhere; and though our personal knowledge at present is not in timate, we are inclined to credit this stimula ting force to the undergraduate students. A general interest in athletics, backed up by a generous support of the working teams, is one of the great means of begetting loyalty to the college, and extending its fame. I understand the base-ball and foot-ball teams have for several seasons held their own with the leading college teams in the State. We used to think a trip to Bellefonte, or a neigh- Bucknki.i. Caterall. Wyant. Corson. Pimm. Uunmtro. Wolfe. Williams, Blackwood. Allen (Capt,) Ileysham. Horter. Delmonico. Bailey Read (Capt.) Camp. Chamberlain, Kintner. Dowler. Campbell, Bush. Kinsel, Miller, Cauglty. COMMUNICATIONS