KNABE GRAND, SQUARE and UPRIGHT PIANO * FORTES. FIFTY YEARS BEFORETHE PUBLIC Upon their excellence nlone have attained nn UN PURCHASED PRE-EMINENCE, which establishes them as unequalled in TONE, WORKMANSHIP, TOUCH AND DURABILITY. < 112 Fifth Avenue, New York. NVaruuoomb 'X Nos 22 and 24 Fast BaUimnru Sired, Ikdthnove, Md. (No. 817 Market Space, Washington, I). C. HELLER & BRIGHTLY, SURVEYING INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, nidge Aye. and Spring Garden St, Philadelphia. Heller & Brightlv’s Instruments urc f exclusively used for purposes of in- Columbia College (School of Mines). Massachusetts College of Technology, Sheffield Sci. School of Yale College, Western University of Pa. Oregon State University. California State University. Maine State College. The Peiiiißylviiitln State College. XRHUTWINE’S PoCKET-gO'Ok “Without doubt it has proved itself to he the most useful lmnd-book in the language, for the engineering profession.” —Engineering ami Mining Journal, August 25th, 1888. JOHN WILEY & SONS, F. &F. N. SPON, New York. SLHGLE St HOLMES, —DEALimS IN Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars CONFECTIONERY, Low Cash Price. STATE COLLEGE, PA. James Harris & Go. HARDWARE. BEIibEFONTE, PA. ADVERTISEMENTS IDCPOFF PUS CEO. B. BRHNDO *«CLOTHING® —AT TIIH— Rochester Glothing Jlouse YOU VYII.I. I,INI, AN KLIIGANT LINK OF HEN’S, BOl'S’ and OHILIIKKN’S CLOTHING, at prices lower thai (he lowest. Also, a good line of HATH, OAFS and DENTS' FUIIMNIIINfI GOOIIN. &%"B QZiJ§I*fIT Stlllt, (Reynold’s New Bank Building,) M. FA ÜBL E, Formerly with 8. & a. Loeb HORSTM renting Polls, Swords, (llovcs, (Inuntlcts, Masks, Shoes, Jackets lloxlng (Doves. London, lloullng Hosiery of all Polo, Foot-Hall ani jSST Suiul tor JlhiHtruti BELLEFONTE, PA. PROPRIETOR, F.stauusiikd ISIS, ANN BROS. & CO iherry Streets, Philadelphia, Fifth and QYMMfISIUM * gOATIMG QOO I. kinds. Skirls, l’unts, Hose mid I id lllcycle Jcrscyß, Noctcty Madges, I'lns, etc., etc. tml Outuloguo, so* G iL LOTp s | s§)leel GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1818. Ills Celebrated Numbers, 303-404-170-604-332, and his other styles may be had of all dealers throughout the world. Joseph Gillott & Sons, New York.