The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1889, Image 3
APPARATUS AND APPLIANCEB FOR PHYSICAL CULTURE. SOLINGEN FENCING FOILS, etc. “FRICTION” ROWING MACHINE. At Gymnasiums,Club Rooi nnd I’rivnte Houses, Professionals as well ns Amateurs use them with ns rnucn satisfaction as an all-round exerciser, for Illustrated Catalogue. _ W. ROWE & BRO., WHOLBSALR AND RETAIL, DEALERS IN Furniture, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades KJALiLi PAPERS, F?ouse Furnishing Goods. REFRIGERATORS, BABY CARRIAGES, NEW BUSH ARCADE, beelefontb, fa. Dr. W. S. GLENN, Physician Surgeon, State College, Pa. LOGAN MACHINE WORKS, founders and machinists, BELLEFONTE, PA. PLUMBING 0 STEAM HEATING A Specialty. We use the Branson Steam Heater and consider it unrivaled. I'LUHWilts’ SUPPLIES. STM FITTERS’ SUPPLIES. ADVERTISEMENTS A. J. REACH & CO., 1022 Market Street, Philadelphia, Pi Sporting and Athletic Good INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS -—IN TUB— Manufacturers’ Accident Go. OF GENEVA, NEW YORK. Cost, $13.00 per Year. 3*4 Cts. per Da; ALL VALID CLAINIB PAID AT BIOHT. Policy-holders are protected by $50,000 depositi with the New York Insurance Department. If y< carry insurance for 20 years you will be carried tl balance of life tree. GEO. T. BUSH, Agent, NEW BUSH ARCADE, BELLEFONTE, P, No. 206 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG, PA. The Oldest Establishment in the City. C&Linel PKolo^rapl^ $3.00 Per Posen. All Work Carefully Finished and Guaranteed Strictly First Class. ©OPIED AND OUU-DOOF$ UIBWS $ GROUPS p SPBGIALIWV Made According to Order. LeRUE LEMER, HARRISBURC, PA DEPOT FOR A. J. REACH &. CO.