KNABE GRAND, SQUARE and UPRIGHT PIANO * FORTES. FIFTY YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC Upon their excellence alone have attained an UN PURCIIASEU PRE-EMINENCE, which establishes them as unequalled in TONE, WORKMANSHIP, TOUCH and DURABILITY. (iia Fifth Avenue, New York. NVakimooms : < Nos 22 tmtl 24 Fast Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Mil. (No, 817 Market Space, Washington, 1), C. HELLER & BRIGHTLY, SURVEYING INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURERS, Ridge Ave. and Spring Garden St, Philadelphia. Heller & Brightly's Instruments are - exclusively used for purposes of in struetkm nt Columbia College (School of Mines). Massachusetts College of Technology, Sheffield Sci. School of Vale College, Western University of Pu, Fisk University. Oregon State University. Caliiotnia State University. Dartmouth College. Maine State College. The Pennsylvania State College, ■ avea* I'’ 1 '’ jRaUTWINE’S pOCKET~gOOK “ Without doubt it has proved itself to be lltc most useful hand-book in tile language, for the engineering profession,”—/Sng-iiiivring ninl Mining- Jon run/, August 25th, ISSB. JOHN WILEY & SONS, F. &F. N. SFON, New York SLHCLE St HOLMES, ——mt.vutus in Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars CONFECTIONERY, Low Cash Price, James Harris & Go, HARDWARE, BEU2L2EFONTE, PA. ADVERTISEMENTS. London, STATE COLLEGE, PA, MOCPHOFF 1)0 BELLEFONTE, PA. GEO. B. BRHND PROPRIETOR. *CLOTHING» —AT THE— Rochester Glothing JIo YOU l’INl) AN KLUOANT CINE OK HEN’S, ROYS’ and OIIILIMKN’S OLOTIIINH, at price, lot (he Lowest. Also, a good line of lIATS, OAI and HUNTS’ FIIItNISIIING OOOIIS. AXIcEGHEISI SfBS: (Reynold's New Bank Building,) M. FAUBLE, FORMERLY WITH S. 4. A RSTAUUSIIHI) ISIS ANN BROS. & HORSTM Fifth and Cherry Streets, Philadelphi; QYMNASIUM 0 Fencing Foils, Stvards, (doves, (Innntlcts, Masks, Shoes, Jucket* Boxing (doves. DO ATI MG QO Boating Hosiery or all hinds. Skirls, I’anls, llose ni Folo, Foot-Ball and Bicycle Jerseys, Society Badges, P etc.,etc. gS-Suml tor 111 ust rat oil Uatoluguu. \^G'LLorp s \ | | GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1818. > j Ills Celebrated Numbers, > 303-404-170-604-332, | I and Ms other styles man be had of all dealers j | throughout the world. , 1 Joseph Gillott & Sons, New York, 5 yy *>M einnn n n / a ev ev/ v/YZY/seWA/v/vl