The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1889, Image 15
The Literary societies are now well under way, having been able to open promptly this year. This should have been a great advan tage over last year, but for some reason there appears to be a deplorable lack of enthusiasm in society work. The ladies cottage is now commencing to assume the appearance of a solid and very pretty building. It is being cased with brick. The college has long felt the need of such a building as this; as heretofore the advantages offered to ladies to attend school here have been very meagre. The position formerly occupied by Prof. N. E. Cleaver is now filled by James T, Pike, graduate of Brown University ’So, Andover Theological Seminary, ’B3, and late pastor of the Riverside Congregational Church, Law rence, Mass. The Phi Gamma Deltas and Beta Theta Pi’s are now comfortably located in their new chapter houses. Both have their boarding clubs, and the majority of the members of each Frat room in their new building, thus being as comfortable and as privileged as in a home. The house occupied by Prof. Jackson was moved back in the grove to the rear of the rifle pit, to make room for the Ladies’ Cottage. Since moving, the house has been remodeled, a slate roof put on it, and repainted. When the grounds are graded and everything ready for occupancy, it will be one of the most at tractive dwellings about the college. The College grounds are somewhat disfig ured now by the construction of a subway or tunnel, running from the Mechanic Art build ing where the new steam plant is to be located to the college and new laboratory. The steam pipes and electric wires will be laid through the tunnel, thus making them easily accessible for repairs at any time. THE FREE LANCE. “John Andy” now lives on third floor, where he says “ it is so quiet, that if he lies down in the evening for a short nap he is awakened by his own snore.” If we were to give a reason why he should be so easily awakened, we would say it was owing to the sighing of the breezes through the hirsute formations on either side of his face. Geologist Weiland, made quite an extensive trip through the Eastern portion of the state during his vacation, gathering geological spec imens to be sent to the World’s Exposition in 1892. Weiland has devoted much of his time in this direction, and now by the aid of his pocket microscope, he can tell one the name of any mineral or rock placed before him. E. H. Farrington of Washington, D. C., is busily engaged under the directorship of PI. P. Armsby, Ph. D., in preparing for publica tion the result of a series of experiments in feeding stock for experimental purposes. Knickerbockers are all the rage in Prepdom this year. On Wednesday evening, Sept. 25th, Prof. Louis Reber delivered in the new chapel, a very interesting lecture, giving his impressions of Paris and the Great Paris Exposition which he visited during vacation. With the assis tance of different outlines of the city and Ex position, his talk was not only interesting but highly instructive. The village of State College is fast ap proaching the time when it can think of the advisability of becoming a borough, New streets are being opened and graded, and with in the past summer six new and substantial houses have been erected. Several more are under way. A new school house is being built which will have room for one hundred schol ars. It is built with two class rooms, thus giving the people the benefit of a graded school.