The Free Lance. Vol. 3 THE FREE LANCE. Published monthly during the college year by the Students of The Pennsylvania State College. STAFF; GEORGE R. MEEK, ’9O, ASSOCIATE EDITORS Lent. \V. Hemminu, ’9O, H. V. Holmes, ’9l. J. I'KANIC SHIELDS, ’9l. N. M. Luyd, ’92, Business Manager, Guo. R. Johnson, ’9l. Assist. Business Manager, Muon Hamilton, ‘9l ( One Volume (9 mos.) TERMS: I Single Copies. . . f Payable advance. Contributions of matter nnd other information are re quested from all members and ex-members of the College. Literary matter should be addressed to the Editor. Subscriptions, nnd all business communications should be addressed to the business Manager. Entered at Stale College Post Office as second-class matter IN some unknown way the original manu script for this issue of the Free Lance was lost in the mail, and the whole matter had to be gone over in a rather limited time. Under these circumstances we feel justified in asking our readers to overlook any “short comings” they may find in this number, as the fault is wholly ascribed to “Uncle Sam’s” new mail carriers. AT Lafayette there are forty-five candidates for positions on the first ball team, yet the Pennsylvania State College, with her two hundred students, can scarcely gather to- STATE COLLEGE, PA., MAY, 1889 EDITOR, W. 11. Wai.kek, T. A. GII.KKY, C. H. I-lii.h, 92. gether nine men for her club. And whose ft fault is it ? Surely it cannot be ascribed to the college authorities, for, thanks to those in charge they have at last, fixed up our athletic grounds and put them in a fit condition for using, nor can it be to the lack of support on the part of the students, for we can truly say that nowhere is there a club more faithfully championed than here ; however, with all this trust in the team there seems to be a shrinking from, rather than a desire to obtain a position on it, and as you well know it cannot play ball without a full complement of players. In the present condition it will be almost impos sible to play satisfactorily, the scheduled games for this spring, without borrowed men, a thing which should never be done, and yet it will be necessary unless there is more inte rest taken in the development of young ma terial. As the higher class men drop out there will be no one to fill their places and our institution will be left without a repre sentative on the diamond. THE necessity of the extension of library hours grew so apparent that the time has been extended. By the new schedule the library is to be open from seven until ten in the evening, thus giving those who have practicumeanddrill during theafternoon hours an opportunity to do thesis and other work. We understand that the extension is only temporary, but as the college library is the only one we have that contains extended works, we think it should be available to the No. 2.