dreka Engraving and Fine Stationery House, 1121 Chestnut St, Philadelphia. Commencement, Class Day, Fraternity, Reception, and Wedding Invitations, Programmes, Menus, &c. Steel Plate Work for Fraternities and College Annuals. Designs for Annual Covers and Cartoons . Fine Stationery with Fraternity or Class Die, Monogram, Crest, Address, &c. All work is execute'! In the establishment under our personal supervision, and only in the best manner. Unequalcd facilities and long practical experience, enable us to produce the newest styles and most artistic effects, while our reputation is a guarantee of the quality of the productions of this house. Designs, Samples and Prices Sent on Application LONDON - READY-MADE CLOTHING. v Will suit you cxnctly. It is. Perfect in every particular. Specialties: Full Suits, $9.50, worth $15.00. Thompson’s Patent-Cut Trousers, $5.00, worth $7.50. London Made Spring Overcoats, $l2 Also note London’s Latest styles in Spring Overcoats. “The Pall Mall Overcoat.” “ The Beaufort Overcoat.” “ The Piccadilly Overcoat.” E. 0. THOMPSON, No. 1338 Chestnut Street, (Opposite the Mint). N. ll.—Our Fashion Plate and sample of ma terial mailed to any address, free of charge, SEMENTS ADVERT The SOHAFFER & BUDENBERG Improved jjxkauet Steam Injector Worked l>,v exhaust steam from non-eoudoiislng engines. Is beyond doubt t,ho most economical boiler feeder In tin market. For particulars address SCHAFFER & BUDENBERG. 40 John Street, New York. Or, 18 South Canal St., Chioago, 111 The Ide Automatic Cut-Off Engine . TRACTION PORTABLE ENGINES, STEAM ROAD ROLLERS. BOILERS AND SAW MILLS. Foundry # Machine Department, HARRISBURG GAR MANUFACTURING CO. ? rrh. Jll *1 PERFECT REGULATION AND HIGHEST ECONOMY. HARRISBURG, PA. .Y.H.V.I'UVt VtUVtA II u> K id 3 3 r V o wjlvjsp r'