The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, May 01, 1889, Image 16
style of architecture, having on the first floor reception-room, library, dining-hall and kit chen. On the second and third floors are located the sleeping apartments and bath rooms. The whole building will be heated by steam, and lighted by electricity. Lieutenant Pague has completed a Tennis Court, which will equal any in the State. The following officers were elected at the last meeting of the Washington Literary So ciety : President, J. D. Hunter; Vice-Presi dent, C. J. Girvin ; Recording Secretary, H. H. Herr; Corresponding Secretary, J. A. Hunter; Treasurer, J. B. Walker; Critic, C. H. Hile ; Editors, F. N. Weidner, S. G. Craw ford. PERSONALS, Ralph Crump has obtained a position in the Union Trust Company of Philadelphia. ’Bl. Prof. David I. Etters, who is Principal of the Bellefonte High School, visited the college lately, ’B2. I. P. McCreary is working in the Maintenence of Way Office of the P. R. R. and expects soon to be called over the road as assistant supervisor. ’B3. Will E. Gray has recovered from a serious attack of inflammatory rheumatism, and is again in his law office at Bellefonte. ’B3. Dougald Jackson is at present in the mining regions of Montana, where he is working out a scheme for the introduction of electricity as motive power in the mines. ’BB. Wm. P. Jones is taking a course in medicine at the University of Vermont. 'BB. Wm. M. Portier is occupying a posi tion as topographer on the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad. He is working on a new road which is being built up Pikes Peak. THE FREE LANCE. ’BB. John G. Thomas is studying medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. ’BS. Nat E. Wilson is not attending Cornell University as stated in the February issue. He is located at Burlington, Vermont, where he is assistant chemist in the agricultural experiment station. ’9O. J. R. Rose has succeeded his father in business, and is now contracting for the con struction of asphalt payments. ’9O. John Mitchell has been released from his engagements with the Philadelphia Ball Team. He has signed as pitcher on the Minneapolis Team of the North Western League, ’9l. Frank Atherton has left college and gone to Huntingdon, Pa. where he is teaching music. He spent a few days with us last week. ’9l. Sam. Allen spent a few hours among his numerous friends at the College recently. He accompanies the Appropriation Com mittee of the Senate on its visit. Rev. Wm. Snyder, the pastor of the Re formed Church of Bellefonte, died of pneu monia at Atlantic City, where he had gone for the benefit of his health, on the 20th of April. Mr. Snyder will be remembered by the students as one of the ablest ministers who filled the pulpit of the college chapel, The Misses Detwiler of Columbia, Linea weaver of Lebanon and Mehaffey of Marietta, are visiting at the home of Lieut and Mrs. Pague. Mrs. Mary A. Noble, formerly Mrs. Her man, matron of the college, died at her home in the village on the morning of April 27th. The deceased met her death in having drunk the contents of a cup containing strychnine during a time of temporary insanity.