The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, May 01, 1889, Image 15
livered, poem recited, and song sung, have had the desired effect, for the tree now gives evidence of sturdy growth. Did vou see Asserton’s Patrol ? By recent action taken by the Athletic Association, tennis was given equal standing with base-ball, foot-ball, and general athletics, —so now it comes in for its share of the gen eral funds. The big nine + the miniature quartette + the universal Ego = the all-important four teen. Who says Seniors can’t play ball ? A tennis tournament is being arranged by the Tennis Committee. Judging from the interest already taken in this .coming event, it will be a very successful undertaking. April 31, an interesting game of base-ball was played between ’B9 and ’9l. The game was very closely contested, resulting in a score of 17 to 12 in favor of 'B9. The Centennial was fittingly celebrated at Pennsylvania State College. Patriotic ser vices were held in the chapel in the morning, and short addresses were made by several of the professors. Prof. Jackson recited a poem appropriate to the occasion, which was well appreciated by all. In the evening, the Washington Lit erary Society gave a play in honor of the day. Mr. F. L. Olds, of State College, has been appointed architect for the new improvements which are to be made at the State Reforma tory at Huntingdon. PI. B. McLean, C. H. Hile, W. A. Roth rock, and Frank Musser attended the Cen tennial, at New York. A New York policeman found Hile and THE FREE LANCE. Rothrock wandering around the streets hunt ing for their Delmonico Club. H. C. Blair and W. B, N. Hawk spent Fri day night, April 26, in Tyrone. Birdie was very much disappointed in the production of “ She,” as it did not come up to his expecta tion. Through the influence of Lieutenant Pague, $1,200 of the late appropriation was set apart by the Legislature for equipping the new armory with gymnastic apparatus. The Lieu tenant is sincerely thanked by the Cadets for the interest which he has at all times taken in them. Ask Abreu for his definition for “ true love.” The Glee Club will lead the singing in chapel hereafter on Sundays. . “ Give the boys a chance,” as Calamity Musser said when he first tried to raise a mustache, Antonio Hawkanio, the Italian fakir, can be. heard at all hours calling from his peanut stand, “If you don’t want a bonan, take an o-runge.” Weidner went fishing the other day, using a Minnie for bait ; but he lost both bait and fish. • Geo. R, Wieland desires to state that he is prepared to furnish specimens of “ My Rock,” better known as Wielandite, at reduced rates. Call early, and avoid the rush. Linsy, to a Prep. —“ Keep your eyes open i these people are going to steal our canes.” Ptep. —Ah, now, get out. Ground has been broken by the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity for the erection of a Chap ter-house, to be finished by September 1. The building will be after the Queen Anne