(ElevenllBs y hundred and e!phty.elght) Students In attendance , last year at , PEIRCE; COLLEGE OF. BUSINESS, . Record Building, Nos. 917119 Chestnut Street, Philad'a, Pa. _....LssMORNINO, AFTERNOON AND NIONJ )?• EIRCE COLLEGE is a College that " vaunteth not it. self." What it is has not •been;nartde by any artificial means. It has grown solely by, fitie ofits experietnied staff of instructors chosen for their fitness and adaptation to thepositions ivbieh they fill, by its wonderfully practical and realistic coursespf ipAtruction, by, its unrivalled lighting, hott ing, ventilating, and other appointments, great and small, in the far-famed'! Ageonl i lluilding," which pro tect , the health . and promote the convenience of its patrons, and by the fidelity to the interests of its students of each officer and member of the Faculty and each attache, from Principal to Janitor. The followthg is' en extratt froni a history of 'Philadelphia, just published. " This institution has been exceedingly fortunate in the suc cess of the students wlity bave.mtdruled, therefrom. . . 1 ~ EIM :ER ::&. :.AMEND, Nos. 205; 207, 209 andq2ll Third Avenue, Cor. Eighteenth Street, fe . maw YORK, Z7AIPOIMXPIZI3 Aria T.C.A.S777IA.CFCSTRZIMMI • • hem call: Chemie .Ap.paratus. „ All kindieof TeEiting Atiparatus;'Reagentsatid Bottles. Sole Agents for Renowned Factories. ADVERTISEMENTS • " Address.: THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, M. A., • •PRINCIPAL AND FOUNDER 13?..___ESTABLISHED 1851. e , 1 ' BOHEMIAN 'ci.LA6O/ARE, 1I ' t ~ P,L4Tj . A4 , WARE,,,, 'GERMAN' PORCELAINS, BALANCESE,Lnd''WEIGHTS, FILTER GRADUATED WARE, It •is no marvel that the Peirce College of Business Diploma carries a warranty of efficiency that makes its graduates eagerly sought after by the leading business men of this and other cities." It is doubtful if very many Philadelphians even know the extent and importance of its clientage and the result of its traiiiing, outside of the facts that may be gleaned from the roll of students annually published. Send and get one of its Annual Announcements and a copy of its Commencement Proceedingsi that youimay be introduced to it, and establish a speaking acquaintance with its results. MCKEL:WARE; , GERMAN . GLASS 'GGODS, !,: Etc., Etc.