Richmond Straight Cut No. -4e.CIGARETTES Cigarette Smokers who are willing to pay allttleonore than the price charged for the ordinary trade Cigarettes. swill find THIS BRAND superior to all others. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS, and observe that the firm name as below is on every package. ALLEN & GINTER, Mindacturers, RICHMOND, VIROI,N,W,-. W L. FOSTER, State College and Lemont, Pa., DEALER IN DRY GOOD'S, GROCSRIES, Hardware, Table and Pocket. Cutlery, DRUGS, MEDICINES, PAINTS, OILS, Dried Fruit, and Garden •eede. -FLOUR AND FEED.- CHOICE GOODS AT MODERATE PRICES SLAGLE & HOLMES, Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Cigars CONFECTION WRY. STATE COLLEQE, PA, LOW CASH PRICI, ADVERTISEMENTS GREEN'S PHARMACY, THE OLDEST, LAROEBT AND LEON° DRUG HOUSE IN Our Motto is " PURE GOODS AND FAIR PRICES." Jar The Prescription Business a Specialty. C, B. SCHAFFER & SONS, Aterekiil tit ,c-;(liiiiielib, A full line of SUITINOS and TROUSERINOS, In the latest Fall and' Winter Styles. Only place where full satisfaction can be had in Military Uniforms. All- Wool Pants, Snits, - Rooms in the Foster Building. M D. SNYDER, Mfg 0004, groceries, , NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, Flour and Feed, STATe 001-1-6-Ge. PPE. TATE COLLEGE BAKERY, BREAD, OAKES, PIES, g&G. ICE CREAM, WATER ICE and SODA WATER IN SEASON. Fine Confectionery and Choice Fruits a Specialty [BUSH HOUSE III,OCK?] BELLEFONTE, PA. CENTRE CO. STATE COLLEGE, PENNA -DEALER IN FOSTER'S BLOCK, STATE COLLEGE, PA. *5.00 18.00