is certainly very useful. Now that the long winter evenings are coming on, we think it a good time to resurrect the dead company, and start in again, as we would have more time to practice. It is true, some private instruments are in use, but the practice would certainly be more interesting if connected together on a The " Bobby Green" Telephone Co., which was organized the beginning of the term is now in good working order This company pushes work to a speedy conclusion when once un dertaken, and gives perfect satisfaction. The rates charged are less than the Bell Co., and more gentlemanly treatment is accorded by the superintendent. This company is coming rapidly to the front, and no doubt will soon be one of the rival companies, A committee of the trustees from the Millers ville State Normal, consisting of Senators Mylin and Stehman, ex-Senator Warfel, Dr. Lyte, Dr. Hiestand and Mr. Moyer, visited the college November io. They came for the purpose of investigating the manual training here with a view of introducing it at Millers ville. They were pleased with what they saw, and departed well satisfied with their visit. The Y. M. C. A, has organized a Bible class to be held every Sabbath just after chapel. This class is not intended to interfere with any other class, but was organized for the purpose of giving the students more choice in Bible study, and to get more of the connection in the study of the Bible than is possible in the use of the International lesson. Mr. Beaver has charge of the class at present. Any male student is welcome who wishes to increase his knowledge of the Bible. STATE COLLEGE, PA,, Nov. 7,1888 To Mr. Lieut. Pague, U. S. A.—Der Sor• I would humbly beg leave to state to you that I did not make any dirt in the hall on Satur day afternoon. I took all me dirt and put it THE FREE LANCE. in the waste box at the end of the hall. I wish you as a gintleman to withdraw the charge, sor, as I have no interest in tering up the hole hall. I want to see the building kept in its proper condition. I came here to study not to be reported for dirting up the halls. I will excuse you this time, but I do not want my name ever to appear on the delenquency list again. Probley it was Snatchen, but as for me, I did not do it, as I am not here to divil me time away sor. '92 has elected the following as class offi cers: President, G. H. Linsz; Vice-President, Hildebrand; Secretary and Treasurer, Kessler; Poet, Aull; Historian, Hile. Mr. Keller now spends his pleasant hours at at the half-way house, where he continues to grind corn. Oh "Dukey," still he owns the mill, the Miller belongs to "Dukey" still. Herby (to Linsz), Linsz this foot-ball is'nt blown tight enough, where is the incubator? A college serenade quartette has been organ ized. Its object is to take promenades on pleasant evenings and fill the air with soul stirring music of the sweetest kind. The Misses Meek, Mr. George Meek and Mr. Horace Blair spent their Thanksgiving at their homes. Under the supervision of Prof. "Ghost," there has lately been started a singing class for the purpose of harmonizing discordant voices and ostracising thread-bare and ante-deluvian songs. His plan of developing this original idea is somewhat the same as the manufacturer of boarding house hash. He gathers together all the odd ends of neglected voices and serves them up in ducts, quartetts and solos. It has also very much the same effect on one as the hash. You feel that though at one time there Your very true friend, W. J. MCDOWEL, Snowshoe, Centre Co., Pa., U. S. A