the adjournment he took a trip through the conti nent. He was met at the depot by the faculty and students, headed by a band and a four-horse harouche, containing the President and wife, the students marched to the campus; an address of welcome was delivered by one of the seminary students to which Dr. Appel responded. After a display of fire-works and college songs the boys retired. It was a grateful reception to a beloved President. EDITOR OF COLLEGE. STUDENI INICHLENBERG COLLEGE. ALLENTOWN, PA,, .Sept. 20, 1888 ro the FREE LANCE :- The formal opening exercises of the scholastic year were held in the college chapel at to A. M., on Thursday, September 6th. The seating capacity was taxed to its utmost. There was a greater number of students in attendance than at any other time in the history of the college. This fact, to gether with the encouraging financial condition, augurs well for the future. The Freshman Class numbers twenty-two;' the Sophomore the same ; the Junior twenty-six and Senior eight. The Preparatory Department has received a number of additions. There has been more interest manifested in ath letics since the opening of the session than at any preceding time. The gymnasium has been reno vated and improvements made. The tennis court monopolizes the attention of many of the boys and some have developed into very skilful players. Cricket is, as yet, an experiment, but bids fair to become popular. The base-ball team has received strong accessions in the persons of several of the new men, and evinced its strength by winning three straight games. The literary societies and fraternities have the new men under surveillance. A defunct chapter of Alpha Tau Omega has again been restored to life. Steam heat has been introduced into the build ing. This does away with the labor and discom-, fort incident to the maintaining of fires in the students' rooms. Our college paper, known from its infancy as the Muhlenberg will soon appear under THE FREE LANCE. a new title. Before the expiration of their term of office, the managers hope to enlarge and beau tify it. With kindest greetings, Ens. OF MUHLENBERG MONTHLY. There were thirty-seven Japanese students at the Universty of Michigan last year. Princeton has established a fellowship in archi tecture with an income of $4OO. There are thirty college graduates on the staff of the New York 5i,,,, The average age of the graduating class at Co lumbia was twenty years and ten months. The College of Mexico is the oldest American college, being fifty years older than Harvard. Muhlenlwrg has twenty-two Freshmen ; Frank lin and Marshall, twenty-four; Dickinson, twenty one; Bucknell, twenty-seven; Gettysburg, thirty nine, and Pennsylvania State College, thirty-six. A University to cost two millions dollars, is to he established at Wichita, Kansas, in honor of President Garfield. The standard of examination at Cornell has been raised to seventy per cent. President Barnard of Columbia, discourages all inter-collegiate athletic contests as they are now conducted. The corner-stone of the new library building at the University of Pennsylvania was relaid on October 15. Chit of 162 college base-ball games played, Yale has won 1.17 and lost 45. In foot-ball, out of 86 games played Yale has won Bi. Wagonhurst and Price, of the Princeton foot-ball team are this year attending the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. J. P. Campbell, a special student of Johns Hopkins University, has been appointed Professor of Biology at Georgia State University. At Lehigh, the student who secures a term aver age of 85 per cent. is excused from examinations. COLLEGE ORBIT