The Free lance. (State College, Pa.) 1887-1904, October 01, 1888, Image 14

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    The Annual Reception of the Y. M. C. A. on
the second Friday evening of the college year
was well attended and a decided success
throughout. Miss Hoog, the musical directress,
rendered choice selections of classical music.
These receptions are always accompanied with
pleasure and profit to the general working of
the Association. Much is clue to the excel
lent management of the committee in charge.
The first base ball game of the season
opened on Saturday the 22nd ult., between the
Flemings of Bellefonte and the ist College
team. J. G. Mitchell, formerly pitcher of the
College team but lately of the New England
League, twirled' the ball for the home team.
The game throughout was wholly devoid of
interest except for Mitchell's pitching. Score:
ten to five in favor of the College.
The Notes on Experimental Dynamics by
Prof. 1. Thornton Osmond, relieves his class in
practicum of a great deal of unnecessary labor
which former classes have been compelled to
perform. Much is clue to the Professor in
charge for the interest manifested in his re
spective department.
Griffin says he has had a wonderful dream
since he changed his quarters to the new build
ing. He dreamed that he saw the delinquency
list posted, and there in large glowing red let
ters he saw his name and opposite to it: "In
bed, door locked."
Wanted.—A room-mate, must be of good
morals, perfectly quiet ; must always keep his
feet on the floor and not sit on the bed; must
have sound teeth and must be able to handle
a racquet. If good credentials arc furnished a
person will be taken on trial for a week. None
other need apply. Address: Care of " Rabbi,"
room 590.
On account of the remodeling of the build
ing the society halls will not be ready 'for
sonic. time, probably not this term. But we
arc willing to postpone society, knowing it
will be so much more pleasant for us when the
contemplated changes are made.
Through the agency of the Sophomores,
General Orders, No. 6, were published, in
which military blankets were issued to all new
cadets for the ensuing year. But we can't un
derstand why it is that not one of them is
ever seen. How is it Freshies ?
Rev. Hayes, of Mifflin, lectured here to an
appreciative audience Wednesday evening,
October 3. His address was short, spicy, and
well suited to students.
The Mills Bill is agitating the minds of
many of the college politicians. Prepdom and
the college are divided on the issue, the for
mer believing in free cider, free wool, and free
whiskey; the latter believing in protection on
all American manufactured articles.
The mischievous custom of cane-rushing
and general hazing, is at last coming to a more
sensible issue. When there is a contest now
it is carried out in an entirely different way
than formerly. In the place of strong feeling
and heated discussion, followed finally by a
scrimmage lasting anywhere from several se
conds to as many hours, in which mere brute
force and cunning have been displayed, fre
quently resulting in physical injury, which is
at many times fatal as well as damaging to
property, we now have a strong tincture of
common sense and sound judgment. The
contesting classes now carry out the usage
with a feeling entirely friendly and do it with
some regard to generally understood rules of
tackling and the universal rule of fair play.
But for all this the custom is, if I may venture
the assertion, almost barbaric, and the sooner
it is made obsolete the better for all of us.
We have in our possession a copy of the
first paper published by the students of Penn
sylvania State College. It was called the
Cresson Annual and published by the Cresson
Literary Society, Chauncey F. York being its