tions:,-- W. N. B. Hawk,— " Is Life worth Liv ing?" John F. L. Morris, —" Breakers Ahead !" J. Dorsey Hunter, —" The Nation's Bulwarks." C. G. Roop, " The Destiny of Labor.'' J. Weller, —" Alcohol in Politics." A. A. Patter son, " Are We a Christian Nation ? " C. G. hoop was elected by the members of the Y. M. C. A. as a delegate to represent them at the School of Bible Study conducted by Mr. Moody at Northfield, Conn. We wish him a pleasant as well as a profitable time. When " Pud " was umpiring the game the other clay one of the Lewisburg boys objected to one of his decisions and expostulated with Cap tain Mock, thus : " Why do you let a kid like that umpire the game? He means all right but he is too young and inexperienced." Well, that was a good one on " Pod," but just the same we would like to have seen the kicker try to box with that kid. There would have been a surprise party in store for some one. —"Buck" Reber was on guard the second night in camp, and his vigilance was certainly exceeded by no other sentinel. Once during the evening Buck heard a noise in the deep grass and coming quickly to a ''charge bayonets," cried out,"Who comes there ! Halt I" His thallenge was an swered by the prolonged moo•o-o of a red heifer, whereupon the Dutchman, mistaking the sound for the voice of Geo. Demming, said : "Ad vance, friend, and give the countersign." The base ball game, Bucknell University vs. State College, was very unsatisfactory to State College, for the simple reason that Bucknell forfeited the game rather than suffer defeat on the field. Again they delayed the game throughout. Bucknelt's team was not composed of University boys, three of their players being chosen from the professionals in the city. However we did not care for this only so the name was the Bucknell team, but we would much rather have taken the game on .the field than have had them forfeit it. The features of the game were Brew's fine centre field catch and McLeans' support behind the bat. The batting on both sides was miserable and errors were numerous. Struck out by Halfpenny 16, by Elenberger 12. Time of game 2y 3 hours. Attendance 175. Score, Bucknell o, State Col lege 9. Umpire, Harry McClaran. —Some things we would like to have explained: We would like to know why Ben. Demming preferred to stay at the college rather than to go to camp. THE FRE We would like to know why little "D" doesn't let his moustache grow 'I We would like to know why the young ladies were refused permission to visit Camp McAllister? We would like to know why Alex. Patterson and Walton Mitchell, when out walking with some young ladies the othes evening, preferred to walk up towards the college than to go on down. past Thompson's ice cream factory ? We would like to know why "Old Calamity" Musser didn't pound Halfpenny as he said he would ? We would like to know whether the cadets are not unanimously in favor of purchasing white hel mets to drill in during commencement week? We would like to know why the farm house near our late camp was so popUlar, and why the fellows felt so happy when they would start from the farm house for camp ? \Ve would like to know why some one doesn't steal that crispy yellow hat of Pewie Carnegie's and bury it ? We would like to know why Ruben McGilli cudy Rose insisted on hitting the Lewisburg pitcher for a total of one base on missed third strike ? We would like to know why A. Forepaugh Courtright doesn't tumble to himself and come off the porch and out of the hammock ? We would like to know why the electric lights cannot be on. until twelve o'clock now that they are not needed before eight p, m.? We would like to know why "Sarah" doesn't look solemn just for a change, in order that his face may be rested, likewise his friends. We would like to know why "Pud" doesn't take some one of his own' size instead of keeping Georgie in such a fearful state of mind all the time ? We would like to know why Willie Taylor wanted to kiss every one who passed him the night he was on guard ? 'B6—Miss Martha Bottorf has been visiting at the college during the past week. 'BB—G. J. Thomas is acting as reporter to the Pittsburgh Dispatch, Pittsburgh, Pa. '9o—C. E. Rhone spent a day recently among our boys, reviving the associations of last year. —The writing up of 'B3's class, history in our last issue should have been credited to Prof. Butz, LANCE. PERSONAL :=E