the same. The boom in Athletics has been helped a great cleat by the presence of a good tralnet Commencement exercises will be held on the 19th, Class Day on the 18th, The class suppers \rill take place on the same evening, the Senior Promenade concert on the evening of the I 6th, and the society suppers on the evening of the t sth. The staff of Vol. VII, of the Phamix, besides providing for the refurnishing of the sanctum, left $92 to be awarded in prizes for oratory to the Junior class for the next .four years. Each year a srs gold and $lB silver medal will be awarded for the best efforts in public contest. President Magill has also offered five prizes of io each for the best orations in next year's Fresh man and Sophomoie classes. During the Summer an addition will be made to the Observatory and four houses will be erected on the campus for the use of the professors. =ll LOCALS. Cherric:s " Already, still yet, once." Swank is learning to hustle the racket Levi made a pretty powder " monkey," B. E. C., boss egg cooker—Petie Meek. A dead floor will lya put in the new drill hall. " Buck " Reber reports himself absent from " Buck "is glad that he went to camp. So are we all. —,PANTED Some, , new songs. Address, Guitar Club. It is said that " Stiff" Secundas broke the eating record while at camp. Shaffer & Sons have an elegant stock of summer suitings now on exhibition. Well, Gobble, the walk is somewhat longer, but then it is good for your health, 'rHE FItE Editor (~/"• Pluvnix LAW CE. —'There are nine members in the Senior class. The Botanical building looks well in its new coat of paint. Swank is inducing Henry Miles to join the :Brotherhood. Allen : << Miss Racket, will you please throw me the hall ?" —The work of trimming the chapel belongs to the Sophomore class. • The Freshmen are devoting much time to the rearing of mustaches. —"Dear" Park is the popular resort within the limits of the college campus. McLean caught an excellent game of ball in the Bucknell - State College game. -- John Andy's tactics, --" If you see the ene my charging run for the grub tent," We now have the strongest in-field that has been on the college team for several years. Prof. Osmond is certainly making valuable additions to the Philosophical department. —Messrs. Carnegie and Vandervoort visited in Pittsburg during encampment week. The title of Annie Kessler's latest novel is " Ben. Beaver, the Bed Bug Detective." Among the students in State College there is only one Democrat to every six Republicans. —The Ist nine appreciate the favor and aid which they receive at the hands of their fellow students, -- Leap year, special inducements, ice cream, cake and strawberries every evening in Foster's building. -- We have an abundance of cherries which are ripening, and an abundance of "Prep"s to eat them. Brew's " running fly catch " in the recent game was certainly one of the best ever made on our grounds. --The battalion is drilling excellently, and bids fair to give a fine exhibition drill during commencement. , " Who stole those lemon pies ? " was the howl at Company A's tent on the second morn ing of camp.