Our new Salt Water Bat is Stronger, Lighter, has more Driving Power and will last longer than any bat ever put on the market. As the supply Is thrilled you had bet cr send in your order early. FRICE, $112.00 PER IDPOZE'N. Catalogues mailed rm.). JACOB REED'S SONS,the oldest Military 'l'ai- Loring House in the country, invite the attention of the students of The Pennsylvania State College to the FACILITIES WHICH THEY ALONE possess for furnishing the Regulation College Uniform in PERFECTION OF FIT, and with accurate attention to every detail. 918, 920, 922 CHESTNUT STREET, --43. C. ACHENBACH,ii- No. io 'West Bishop Street, BELLEFONTIC, PA DENNISON'S (/1/ // //,18// PATE NT SHIPPING TAGS. • E a A 0 .., ° i• °_ 4104 v +AcTELLER'S.- U E IJIOUSE9 BELLEFONTE. PA H. H. SCHREYER, -:=carpet and Oil Oat louse=:= No. 6 lite3lloP STURM, ADVERTISEMENTS. A. J. REACH & CO., - 7 /I-, 1\ • . ;7. (Fu L 11 ,K a it LEADING MANUFACTURERS or ' \\l'ic* 'r4 . e Ball / ~ ! -.: . Lawn Tennis / Gymnasium & General Sportiul Goods, ',/,gi. 4 4;4: . 1022 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA, 13.A._ PHILADELPHIA. -AND - -41 FINE CONFECTIONERY, DENNISON MANUFACTURING CO. Tags and Tickets for marking every kind of inerelintilme fi ttttt used La bels; f •d Taper; lawyers' seals; Coin Mrappers ; • Denuirold Clops ; Game Sets; Japanese Napkins; Elsie Tissue Paper; Sealing-Wax Mak ers; Dennison's Standard Absorb ent Cotton. No. 630 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. BELLEFONTE, PA. JAMES HARRIS & CO., P HARDWARE, 'r:° BELLEFONTE, PA. DR. W. S. GLENN 1)., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, 11 , 6.-s TA TA' COLLEGE, P A .-o BREAD, CAKES, ICE CREAM, Hats, Caps and Gentlemen% Furnishing Goods Also, Merchant Tailoring in all its Branches, —MONTGOMERY & CO.,— Humes' mock anti Brooterliotr Itow, BELLEroNTM, PA, ,wAndcacv ."1\.,;:,,tc0\.).. CHESTNUT STREET, CORNER FIFTEENTH, ONE BLOCK FROM NEW PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD DEPOT, • PHILADELPHIA. U. J. & G. U. CUUMI'. Bate per day, $3.50.