gENNSYLVANIA n one of the Most Beautiful and Healthful Spots in the egion ; Undenomina.tional ; Open to Both Sexes ; Tui Free ; Board and other expenses very low. o--LEADING DEPARTMENTS OF STUDV.-o • AgriCiiii/t/Y (Three Courses), and ./kricullural Chemis ky with constant illustrations on the Farm and in the ratory. Ir'ohrurt' and .1 / lure ; theoretical and practical. Stu dents taught original study with the microscope. Chem/sky ; with an unusually full and thorough course in the Lahoratory. Civil En;, , iir.ccrin,;, , , vet•)• extQnsive field practice with best modern instruments. History ,Ancient and Modern, with original investigation ./...ealcS ' • CO/ITSe iu LlierallllT Two years Ample facilities' for Niusic, vocal and instrumental. Langnace and Li/era/11re ; Uttin (optionnl), French, Ger man and English .(required), one or more continued through the entire course. MaMena - airs and Astronomy ; pure and applied. • Mechanic ; combining , shop work with study, three years' course ; NEV\ im,oix(; and equipment. Mechanical I.'nginccring ; theoretical and practical. Mental, Moral and Political Science ; Ethics, Constitu tional Law and History, Political Economy, &c. S•cicncc ; instruction theoretical and practical, including each arm of the service• Physics ; Mechanics, Sound, Light, Heat, Electricity, &c.; a very full course, with extensive Laboratory prac tice. Prefiaratory Dearlmenl ; Two yearscarefully graded and thorough. lON opens September 12, 1888 ; WINTER SESSION, January 9, 1889 SESSION, April 4, 1889, For Catalogue or other information, address Crmo. PRESID STATE COLLEGE, CENTRE BTATE (WATOIIIiIAN PRINT. Maximowen, PA.) ELLEG