Btalus Mello """"" Carpe diem EDWARD 11. NEEDLES, Pi esident nouxrio S. STEEDENS, —billop/crs (Ind 111(TniVoc/w-ers CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL APPARATUS, Pure Reagents, Chemical lYlinerals, etc. No. 24 Whitehall Street, Z 1" "W"‘ YORK. ADVERTISEMENTS Accident Insurance is Good ; Life and ~6 euidont Insurance is Better. A 6 per cent ENDOWMENT BOND that combines PROTECTION in case of death from any cause, with an ABSOLUTE CER TAINTY FOR ONES OLD AGE, and Guarantees should death occur within twenty five years to pay the face of the Bond WITH MORE 'll-lAN ALL THE INSTAL• MENTS PAID FOR ITS PURCHASE --that sort of a contract is Optima. Send :.uldress and age to The Penn Mutual Lite Ilvurtinee Company, 927 Chestnut St,, Philadelphia, Pa C' G-3110-5Z UEN ItY C. IMOWN, Seely and Treas. JESSE J. 13ABKElt, totintry. -ITHE LARGE PUBLISHING HOUSE =l= Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston, have, among their 20r0 hooks of their own publication, hOSII SII 701 I to every musical want, of music leachers and pupils, of pro reSS I 01111,1 01111 I Imam' players on all instru. 'malts (they have also the instruments on sale) organists, choirs, congregations, Swinlity and day schools, college and social singing, circles, umpleal societies, etc.. On their miles or shelving they have at all times a million or more pieces of sheet music, all assorted, catalogued and easily ibund. Orders received in the morning are attended to ]'unaptly, so that music is on its wan by 711011 or express, by set of 131111. lle sure that all the music yon ever need IS 10110 found in this greatest of establisments. College Songs, 110 ets. 0, 11, 'Waite, (with assistance) is rt, condensed hook of college and popular songs, seems to be the best popular collection of merry songs and has a very large sale, Carlo len Coll egensla, $3, or gilt 4411, University Songs, OM, or gilt 4411, Student's Life In Song, $1.50, are larger and more com plete collections. War Songs, Camp, Battle, Patriot lc and Memorial, 50 cents. Sell very largely. Minsirel.Songs, old 117111 new, V., or $2,110 cloth, isa standard collection of 'world-favorite comic, plantation, minstrel and jubilee songs. Books mailed promptly for prices mentioned above. MAYBE DITSON & CO, BOSTON