dition, and Princeton hopes to make a good show ing at Mott Haven this spring. Lacrosse is in a flourishing condition, there being about thirty men practicing for the team, and plenty of excellent material is at hand. Those whose aspirations do not carry them into the rougher grooveS satisfy themselves by wield ing the tennis racquet. The other college organizations are in a state The gymnastic association is prac- of activity. tieing daily preparatory to the exhibition which they contemplate giving about Commencement week. The dramatic association is also getting ready to bring out the play "Engaged," which is to be presented some time during third term for the benefit of the base ball• association. All the college publications have changed hands, and 'B9 has now the control of the P phut , - lonian, Sit and Philadelphian, so that a new year and a new condition of things has been ushered URSINUS COLLEGE LETTER The spring term of the college began April 9th, Professor Hendricks delivering the custom ary opening address. On May ist the catalogue for 'B7-•'88 will be issued. It shows a total at tendance for the year of 160 student6—the best record Ursinus has ever made.' A lawn-tennis club, recently formed, promises to be very sue• cessful. It already numbers a large list of active members, who practice daily on the spacidus cam pus, The Alumni and several society libraries of the college, heretofore kept in different halls, have just been consolidated and a general.library room .established. The change meets with the warm approval of the students, and as a result large additions of new books are.coming in. A department of music was inaugurated at the in stitution this month. Preparations for the i 7th Commencement in June are under way. "Hard work, enthusiasm and much prosperity" is the message Ursinus sends. EDITOR URSINUS COLLEGE BULLETIN. Gig!lepTille, Pa., April 23„.1888. TI -4E FREE LANCE. PRINCETONIAN. LOCALS. DIRECrOIn% C'imssoN I.lTrit.‘ity Siwitrry l'rembient Vlee•l'renbdeat Iteenr(ling Seeretary Correspondlins, Seeretary Treasurer Librarian Banker WASH ixirrm LITKItA S(IVIET:i l'resident V lee-President Recording Secretary 'erverinoteling Stierelm Treasurer Librarian REIN' SOO KI'V President Viev•President Seeretery TrensuiVr ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION President Secretary 11111.811111 President Seeretavy and Treasurer Historian PreSident Secretary and Historian President *pieta' tensuivi ktot l't ositlont tierriino I'ri'na II Isttn Inn -I.insz is the best bowler in college —Frank Carnegie is on the sick list —Frank Musser is one of our best 1 catchers. —The Freshman Latin Scientifics have row to hoe. • —The. boys of prepdom arc becomii poultry fanciers. —"Back" Reber is engaged in writing It will be in blankety-blank verse. .--Amateur photography is again bee "craze" with a number of the students. —lt is said that several new residenc he erected at State College this summer. —The new brick-works for the manufl brick for the new buildings are about coi 1 1 , 1( Arndt. I. \V. FI I M. Si ....F. A. Pr _J. M. Will 11. P. SW it. M. 111iCh F. W. 6 4.(1. Craw W. 1 , ..)( Uvorge Dom ...J. AI, Willi W. AL I'm ,J',A. ill _I. l'. Al ..11, D. I%lf ...I. S. We. VI M, Po (L A, Bei ..r'. A. C. M. Ke ....I. IL L CLANK '8 Carel° lilli .„lieerge Me ,lieorgt , Ilowt ( i %ss 811 .1. A. Mittel I CI .ANN 9111) ,C. M. Ku _P. A. lir .1. )1. Wn 11. It, I.A.v 1. I,‘ s 'lll N. \Vol( Clara Hurts% .111tigh Muni