thought; the mind goes through exactly the same process in solving a problem in higher mathematics as that involved in the simplest arithmetical calculations. But, in the one case, there must be that ability to take in a wider scope of rela tions ; and, in order to be effective, to do it readily ; this is mental discipline, which gives the possessor that mental bearing so desirable in a professional calling. The importance of the knowledge acquired by a college course is not by any means to be overlooked. We may be for a long time in the dark as to what passible use the medley of facts, which we daily glean, can be put to ; but these are the blocks we build with. We may rest assured that this confused mass of apparently irrelevant ideas will by and by take on a shape. We know, when looking at a system of distant objects or at different parts of the same object, the eye fails, at first, to catch the design in its entirety; but, continuing, it rec ognizes more or less suddenly the con spectus ■, clear and entire, and then the eye finds pleasure in contemplating the unity and design of the whole. Like wise, the. young mind, in dealing with the world’s facts will, after a time, from what it has gathered, build up a mental structure which becomes the leading principle of the man’s life. THE late election of the editorial staff was such as to make it nec essary to: elect two more members for THE FREE LANCE. the remainder of the present term of office, as two of our number are mem bers of the present graduating class. Hereafter, it will be the rule to exclude the Senior class in the selection of new members. The constitution of the edi torial staff, now being drawn up, fixes the beginning of the staff year with the first issue of the spring session, thus giving the outgoing Seniors additional leisure during their last term. In mak ing up the staff two members are to be chosen from the Freshmen, three from the Sophomore and three from the Junior class ; the newly chosen Editor in-Chief is to appoint the business man ager, who, in turn, shall have the right to appoint his assistant. The retiring members take the op portunity to express their satisfaction in seeing the new Free Lance on so good a footing. The position it now enjoys as a literary medium is much above what was at first expected. But the publication is only in its infancy ; with the promising outlook for the col lege and with the continuance in office of the present efficient and trustworthy business manager, it cannot but grow in merit and esteem until, as a college journal, it will be found second to none in the ranks. . We bid adieu to the palatial sanc tum, and wish our successors all possi ble success, and may the Free Lance always be an acceptable monthly visitor at the hands of all.