LKi3 n»aat» i sibTOHi& |sm i,ted in one of the Most Beautiful and Healthful Spots in the Alleghexy Region; Un denominational ; Open to Both Sexes; Tuition Free; Board and other Expenses Very Low. iBAniNO DX3FAB.TMBNTS oJP STUDY. AGRICULTURE (Three Courses) AND AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY ; with constant illustrations on the Farm and in the Laboratory. BOTANY AND HORTICULTURE ; the oretical and practical. Students taught original study with the microscope. CHEMISTRY ; with an unusually full and thorough course in the Laboratory. CIVIL ENGINEERING ; very extensive field practice with best modern instru ments. HISTORY ; Ancient and Modern, with original investigation. LADIES’ COURSE IN LITERATURE AND SCIENCE ; Two years. Ample fa cilities for Music, vocal and instrumental. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE ; Lat in (optional,) French, German and Eng lish, (required,) one or more continued through the entire course. ADVERTISEMENTS. Geo. "W- -A.t MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY pure and applied. MECHANIC ARTS ; combining shop work with study—three years' course ; new building and equipment. MECHANICAL ENGINEERING ; Four years —instruction theoretical and prat lieal. MENTAL, MORAL, and POLITICAL SCIENCE ; Constitutional Law and His tory, Polical Economy, &c. MILITARY SCIENCE ; instruction theo retical and practical, including each arm of the service. 13, PHYSICS; Sound,Light, Heat, Electricity, &c., a very full course, with extensive Lab oratory practice. 14. PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT-; Two years —carefully graded and thorough. Fall term opens Sept. 14, 1887/ Winter term, Jan. A, 1888./ Spring term, April 5, 1888. For Catalogue or other information, address 1 :BIITO3Sr 3 XjXj. 3D-, President State College, Centre Countyj, Pa.