II U 111 ' Pirfatit/AGE . . - ' TTS loves and bates, sorr' ows.and angers, hopes and fears,-regrets and joys; MAN HOOD, how lo,st, how restored ; the - nature,”, treatment and radical cure' of spermatorrhtea - . or seminal weakness; involuntary emi*ons, sexual debility and. impediments - to marriage ; i generally; ',nervousness,. ,cmtunmption, fits. I mental and physical incapacity, resulting from I L SELF-AltPSE—are lolly explained in the 'MARRIAGE GUIDE, byl WM: YOUNG, M. H• I This ni,,St extraordinary book should be in the hands of every yEiunk person contemplating . I marriage, ; and. e•vvry man or woman who de sires to limit the bumber of their offspring to I their circurnstancos. Eiery pain,- . disease and I, ache incidental ti4outh, maturity and old age. is fully explained ; every particle of knowledge that should be knoi - u is here giveft. It is full I it• of engravings: In fact, discloses - secrets that _every one should know ; still it is 41 , 1 , 44 that must be-'l, - iFkeil up, and not lie • about the house. be scat to any ore on the re ceipt nf enty-tlve cents in'specie or postage stamfs. Ailsirtlss.Dr. WM. YOUNG, No. 416 SPRUCE ctrc ei, Fourth.. Philadelphia. 0-;# - AFFLICT r:P .AND UNTO ItyliN ATEd no matter what your disease, before .3oh place yoursolf ttdr,the care of any of the notatioue QuAcse—nativeerfureign--twho ad vet tisc in ;this or any other. P'aper, get a copy of Dr. Young's book. and read it-carefully. It I will be the means of saving .iou inikny a dol. lar: your health, aii•l possibly yourlife,_ DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of, the di•teases iltsoribed in his publication, at his, office, No., 41€1 SPRUCE Street, above Fourth, OfEce hours froth 9 to 3, daily. • rnar2il • . ? I E PoWEE. & • CO's 4 ":11 CA RII i!o - E and (11 OLERA wih irTIDO TE 9 !las bstp experimented on :Since 18.'54, and in ercCry instance proved SucCtss, and is now beThg pia iiari the market. Tr' It and be con 'vinced yf ita :gem] For Sale by - Rochester, • Stephen Shat . • Bridgewater, frt. , . id Mini jr, - . I.kaAer, Julln Sargent. • Ntav r ,Brightou, Duncan FaNtoo,. - A. C. Hawkins, • Rochester, by :1211 -the principal' Brug.gists . thrclip.hoh ;•a1ai22.61. J . O .., • • .! IV:`.t N. I. B: ICELB.O. ,JAIIE6 FINi.AT, . . ~ s . - %. , '' ' . . . , . L ~'.. . . ~ .. 11 1 11S t_ il v ‘ l ' ) ' :' -', n ) .1 7 : .: 81 u " . co ~, 1 _ . •I . • •. , .. • ,r ~ . • u''.4 : m oo: •,;• .--..,-.., . :.-, ~,_ : ,•. • PfIirTS3E3TTR, _. .. .. '' - • ` . ,-.• 11,1 :1, , ) , 1- .thor SPR IN 04ST° , - of, lj S ' ' • - DRY- G-00 . . . • . . • 'uulifitl•ti.. Extra . .indueementsi,offer 7 4 • vti to Cash buyer's. . 011119 . . . A. S .- A/lA.I_IM., .1 -I A_IZIVI FOR SALE- • - VILE ",•nhseritter. offiors DI- sale a -small !I NI, situate .in .Big Beaver township. .Bert -, er•volintv. !'n. ; .wi•_hin a few rods , of •• ii-ONE WOOD STATION'. • nn the Foil ‘Vnytte s Ciiicagoltailroad; aboui . five 'above (a t Brigirtqa, comtaining. lthouti' TWENTY-FIVE - ACRE,S. -There is rreettd. thereoit'-n c mfortabla leg and framp t House' f..ity-tA - u by .ei.ghteen .fret hi s°, a • frame Barn. 47 hy '2O tee, tind one frame - .shoe• enclosed And uu - der 1 - I reu:4l.l • ,„ • jrl:gf F“ r further particulars ealdire of 'the 'Ai-raver, iti Bracer, or of William. Graham. on theLpilimises. mat 7 WILSON. I,J 33 , -=A:V=I:Zi SEMIN AND I.IX T ITIITE.: - Rev. R 1 . T. TaylOr: A DT -Prin. Mrs.- A. S.: Taylor, Governess. .FutsT cLAsss ; cimol., FOR TIIE-F.D -1, ticatiott . 6f young Mills. :Special- care gtVen't in the 'Primary and Prel.ratitory. 1111 All! expen , :es .o.x.cept WnAhinz. pperertn of f t , urteen . .. ti :IS. 00 Tuition'front $3 .50 / to tisoO including! No! efforts spareci : to .rookitt the school wor- • , _ tny the-scootiden'ee of its , patrons. jtkni — tiert f,n: a Cittalogue.l • I '1 he next Term eomnienees TI.TESDAY, 2i ih; 1•962. 'Konook's DandeliOn Coffee.. , ri911:74 prepqratitin,inade from the best Java Ji coffee; i< ree4nmen.leti by physicians as .silrerier'SVTlATifitiS IiEVERAGE forGenL ere llf eia and all billions-diioi deli. Thousands who have been ciAopelled to 'at - 1111(1c] the of cot:l've, gill use this with mai injurious . e . ffeets Onef can contains ,the f two 'poti,b , tf urainary coffee. Prqe ceLts. - • . Kt )I.T.;)(.*NIS LEV - AIN. : , . , Tile purest and Lest BARING' I•OIVDEP. Iv.nown, for inaking-liht, sweeVand nutritinus Dreld - an.] C:ske , i. Price lo ckts. _ , - - -• ' i :ilauufactured by I 1 n. IT. KOLLOCK. Cheruist.', Corner `of' - B r ead and Chestnut f•-treets, ; i; i 0 1 PIIILADELPRIA , co Arnd soll by all Druszitts and Gro c ers ' . - JAS• C. GRIERSON, 4 11 - , aroiCr. & Conin!ssion Mtreliant lai), Also r • F i LOTTI2, F'==2) A I'D ± PIIOPITE GEN!: (LILLY • 'No. Fi,,311T11F11:.1.D ST- 1- , opi)osite ' PITTSBURGH. PA. . . .N '••-•• • . .NORMAL DEPARTMENT, tin.ler- the Ik mire of Messr.s Mmter.a C Ptim.t..nt,,l belcpered . BEAVER - .AQ.:II 4 EIY. at' the commencement or the Summer Tcrtm . .Nnt 'CCU ^ath, fir the.bentfit.uf Telebers and for those 'alto w i lth to c.jualifrthemselv'es fur thepro feL-iion. For particulars S. - C. • MERCER, Beaver, Pa. eb. 26, -'72. WIECISTIIATOR'S SOTIOE VIIEREAS lettersfestam l entary on' the V . Estate of John Conkel, dec'd.,l late 1 S.,onth 'Censer tp., .lieaser county, lhave 'a granted to tL subacrilier, - residing : in tald tironthip, all" Tersons indebted to Id esta\e are requebt,:d to make iminediatie p 7 nt, and titose haring 'e:ainisiwill please pr et them properly authenticated for settle -14. :MI&IAEL CoNIZEL, sichtir. Mail9,lB62—F.t. - ' - i 1 of %e th BC JQY, COE' & - -C0.,7 - vertising and Cop:mission Agents, D;LTESI.E.R:3 IN I RIN TIN ( - 4 - OF ALL I . Tylieprrinting IVlaterials, SNIfkILINTING PAPER C-11IDS, &C OFFII'ES-Brbwn'a.Building, Philadelptiia • ibune, Bo:Minus, New York., • " mar26.lr ' - , '`,l . . . cp• cp• Knox Fruit Farm & S. IC.NOX, BOX 155, PITTSBUBI.II:P. SELvCT. 'LISTS OF giTAWPERRIES.x rOR $5 we will_furntsh 100 Oriats eachecif ' tLe following kinds: Triomphe de Gand,. Trollope's Victoria Burr's New Pine, Jenny Lind and Wilson's Albany. . -, i ir For--$lO we will furnish 10C 'dents each of , :'he tollowing-thoice kinds,: Triomphe de Gand. Trollope's )Ictorla, Xicomtesse Iteribart de Thury, ,Fillmore, Downer's Prolific, Burr's -New i l'ide, Jenny Lind., Cutter's Seedling, s‘l'Avoy's Superior and Wilson's Albany. '. ' ' '''Trioinfihe De Gand. For discrlltiofi of this 'superb and unrival led Strawberry;.see Our circular. We will fur nish this variety and the Wilson's Albany, the two leading kinds, at the following rates; , i, • TrionThe De. Gan . d. . 50 cents per dolen, 82 per 100: '5,000 *for $45-. 10,000 Tor :$75; 20;000 ft r $lOO. For the $lOO lot, five per cent. will :be charged for boxes and' packing. : TViinit'S Albany. ' 25 .eents•per dozen,. $1 per 100; 3,000 for $lO. Larger quantities at same rate. For $lOO we will farnish 10,e00 Trioin - phe de Gand and 10,000 Wilson's Albany. Five per - cent. will also be charged fir this lot,- for 'boxes_ and ipacki_- , g. L . , Planes by )fail. -,, 'We will send to any post office address in the i 'country, post paid, and carefully Fit up so asl to card safely, one hundred good plants of any varietyfriend in our catalogue at the prices there annexed, For in s tance, 100 Wilson's , l Aibkoy for $l, 100,Trollope's Victoria $1,50, 100 Triomphe de Gand 's. - 2., U. • • rr.-ist . No orders filed for plants by mail-for lees than one dollar's worth,,of any one kind, and when less than 100 ar e 'ordered, it must Ibe at-the dozen price. , 1 • ' • I I _ • Raspberries. . • 1 Brinckles Orange-an , d Franconia, $1 - -per dozen $.5 ' pei GU, S3OO per 1000. Fastolff, 1 Itim - er's Large' Fruited Mcrthly, Knevitt's Glom% Hodson River •Antwerp, Red Antwerp, i Iled Intweri.,. Yellow 'Ant4rorp, Allen'i Ildrily, 75 cents per dozen, $d per 100, $25 per-1;000. 1 Improved American Black. Cnp, 50 cents per (Amen, $3 per 100, $25 per 1,000.,' ' i • Select ..1, , 4. otitr.tspberrto., ! Forslo we will furnish 100 Brinckle Orange, „ the finest flavored ltaspbtrry.,..as well as one of the 'largest, most heautilal, and productive ;I, IGO Fraucania, a very la: ge red berry, of-good flavor, attractive and 'enotinoutly productive;; 100 Improved Ametiertn: Black Cap, much ll.kger, mere juicy. better , flavored; with tJwer seed, and evory way superior to the comnann, Black Cap. The plant is •entirt*,- hardy and I very productive, and thedruit is much sought after iq, the market..! The above kinds itxclude the three colors. red; orange, and clack. and furnish a pleasant riery in flavor. We regard them as the best stems, and the most prodtable-for mar re. . . . LEM B1,1(1141744; 1 per (.9zeo, :$5 p , r 100, $25 5;6.00 Porchester, ,75 ,100; $25, per 1,000; Os pet dozen, $5 tieria 100 each . Each pAck- Ants will 4)M Ne'ir Rochelle per LOC°, _sloo rentFipi!r Is.ewinan's Thornlegz; per 11)0. tr.;2o per 1,000. We of the above three kind= forsi nge of Strawberry and Blackberry contain printe.l instroctions for cultiv~ For prtes_of Grnpes,' Currants, Goose rigs, Rhubarb, Asparagus, Ste., see our cira ilpr, which will be sent i to all applicants mi -1 el'o7inz tamps. We have opened nt No. 2,9 Fifth s treet, a I - • 1 Styrettii.l llo,;•ti..athrial - Deput; • Whete ailarticlA belonging to such an estab: inept can be had, of the best:qtiality. - ' lilargti : ' ALA — 061.-)' , • • HOW LOST , HOW ..-11,ESTOI1I.:1). ,T UST PUBLISHED, r t i.ASEALED ENVEL -0 OPF;. Price six cents. IA lecture ,nn thenature, nature, : treatment, "and rrolical cure ef''Srer. matcrrlicee', nr Seminal Ave u kcieps, In vo luntary EMis:dons, Sexual Deldliq,. find Impediments to 3 larri:Age generally Nervottsnit., - Consump tion, Epite y ant tit , .., - . l letitil and Phyt , ical Itu:upacity,ire trtan CULVEKWE'LL;i:II - 'of .the —itreen Book," &c. - The world-rinii7.l ed autl.:or.in this admires= ble Lecture, eearly proves from his own expe rirlice that -the awful consequences of Ziell abu,e May heeffectually removed without med icine and' without dangerous surgical opera tions, bong es, instruments tinge or cordials, frintil.g .out.'n mode of •cure at once certain and ; effectual, by .which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition lurly I,e, may cure him seif chetrptli,i t•;_i 1 0 rr!id raelcally: This, lee E ; 'tore wilt prove a hooti to thousands and thou . • . . . ScutuuLler seal in ri plain envelope to any atitlf-tts, titt -the receipt of six cents, .r.r two posulge suimps, iv a.Nressin , ' , Dr. CII I AS. J. C KLISiI,-1:.:7 litwery N. 1"...1.' , ..!. box, 45St1 mar'26 -' -, : • ANEW P BEAUTIFUL EDITION r I ' or THE . I - MISTSKES OF i,,DIE(ITED MEN.. . • BY ‘IOIIN Il_11;1, D., • 12m0., muslin, price 50 cents : rarer covers, 25 cents. Copies of this hook sent by trail on receipt of the price', in postage stamps. Pl MSC , address - • • J. C. GARRIGUES, Publishe . r. 148 - South fourth street. ,Phira, Pa... mar2tl • ' — ':The donfessions and. Experience • - of an Invalid. licrußLl:3ll for the benefitaml as h warn- JL ing and a caution to'ynnug inen wL(f , fer from NervousDenility, Precoatuie bed : Ly, c . tpusplying,st the smite time the means of -Care. By one who !has cured himself after being put to 'greacexyense thrmlgh mod ! Ica impositton and ciultekery. By enclosing a post-paid add-essed cnveleties, single copies may be had of tbe kutki - t!, NATHANIEL MAY FAIII,.Esq., Bedford', wogs CO., N . Y. N AILS, Ell . NI AILS, . sal sixes, icr rile , V.:te'e+ale And R . " C h caper than the Cheapest," ,by Ai 8 HARVEY , • . . ! Bridgewater. • , d 11.!! OIL !! ! steam . .-For' 'Sale A LL persons r engnged in the oil bnaineaser requested to call_ and exatninn the neir Steam 'Et,lgines manufactuied by JO ILV :7110/LN ' ILEY, • .• • si , • . • • . FALLSTON, PA. LNION (Formtr4 I.lb!erly House,), • .STREET,,BEAyER, ?A.. K.:C,LARK, Prp'r. J::l3olt.bitTl: 38T_Tt i Ci - THl_Tei- Shop or. - West of Public Squor Mieet , t7e2i l 1= o .a. gentlest for sale ,at all Vroes: prices rang Vngfro!ri FOUR to FE TES Cents per round.. MAYORS':OF , ~ ii • L I . , T sa lf :E n t i !Cities. I I , - Ws, the MlClars., heret titr ths±'llie , • • • . - Auothenarlei Physicians of our as*: sit's have u ...? .... ' 'taul ' i ruN ;. : :F. -. : • ff. • , bee" a -••- .. of great -• • . nonce, and, th- conlicitmco.of • • -tcusuntuzity. _I HO: .I TAMES I ROK, • 1. 4 .. Mayor of LO ,W . ETZ, 3 t HOrt.l _ IN tEAR,p, , Mayo of NASHUA. 3 HON M. W HARINGTON \; 5l. of CHESTES, 3 HON.JO , HOTT, Mayor i of CONCORD, ] HON.,i, A. H. TrIZIOCK, :•• Mayor W - . c T irj WESTER; 21 HON. 1 NATEPL SBEE, • I May of SALEM, 3 i I HOir.j F. W.IsIXT: A , Jr.,. ..„ -- , Mayor r BOSTON, 11 HON.,wm. M. no N, - - 1 Mayor of PS.GYSk:DENCE,I HON.; AMOS W.IT Si 'REITTICE Mayor of • 033. 1 .C1E, CI HON. J. N. HARRIS, zirrit Mayor of NEW VoNDo , C HON. CHAS. S. •RODEER, •*" _ , Mayor , l of, MO ._ HON.' D. F. N, • Mayor Of NEW YORK BON. H. N. IHHiSTREY - r , t ' Mayor of 3UMELTON, HON. ADAM WILSON; Mayor of TORONTO, HON: R. M. BISHOP, . Mayor , of CINCINNATI, HON. I. H. CRAWFORD, : I • Mayor',of LOUISVILL] HON.' JOHN SLOAN, , Mayoi l'of 'LYONS, lOWA. HON. JAMES ,McFEETERS, • Mayor of BOWIKANVII!LE, O." W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Mayor of AUGUSTA, ME. , HON. _HENRY, COOPER, Jr:, I' , Mayor of HALLOWELL, 3LE .., . I HON. JAMES S. BEES, May of FREDERICTON, HON. W ILLARD NYE, . ,: Mayor of NEW [BEDFORD, HON. J. Hr. A TSDHLL, Mayor of 'FALL RIVER, HON. W. H. CRANSTON, Mayor , of NEWPOR! HON. FRED STAHL, • Mayor ' . of GA.LEN: HON.' JOHN HODGDEN, - Mayor of DUBUQUE, HON. THOMAS C I RIITCHFI Mayor of CLIAVirANOOGA, HON. ' ROBERT B LAIR, , Mayor of TDP3oALOO9II HO 'R' D BAU H 4 , ..aor of MP3113, HON. GREO 3NN E g.I.II, Mayor cf ()ELEA] HON. H. D. sp44mrorr, • Mayor ; of ItOCEfEkTEI HONG DE WITT p. Jartekr :May ar of UTICA HON. .GEO. WILSON, - • Mayor of PITTS/311 HON.' C. H. Butiiii, Ki l Mayor, ofl DETROIT HON. H81E.A.31 Li PAGE, Mayor of NO2UWA.I3 HON. W 1 W. VA GUN, Mayorof-lILACIIC, "Lox. ;411.. PARR, I Mayor o KENOS E 4 _____ HON. JOH:NI C. ot 'IMES, Mayor :: , f =CAC HON. X. J. A. HEATH, ..._ , ,Mayor of BELM H - 6N. A, J. II'OBLE,.: 3114 F Of MO iporerma ; ILA. HON. W , • ‘S • IHP _ BAD, I I 1 }Mayor COLUMOUS GA.. t o ± DON , FiSpARTER I MAN L, . i . I May rof VER CRUZ. DON PIETRE D CA33A , =yor or , 1 3 ... CO. I • I RODE (SU ES, • Mayor of - . !VASA. TO 'ECHE • at: . , Mayck.l of EMU, I 'PERIL DON ESTEP DON Aim DOR M. G. • 1 1 Mayor • DON MAROI 1 Mayor of CerOfY that ' 'il'or 11-1 0 7 Fr I For. - :TOTE L, ME MILANQNO, 1 V4PAItAISC , SESFPED, DUO .J "lgrEtO, F. he reed Drum re ent Dm waltzed'/ them ' 1 ,t I Sa sapE I..emedyi micl vrorti of the communil Ayer's Is as tixcellont , i i ....o rt Sp e tng D po .1 3 turifyini Fo tkrofulit' Fo lTntnors, Foil Eruption Fo i r,Blotches, 1.•-i • 'For: St. Anthc Fa i r Tetter or , Ft Sco44lllet F r Dancer al P.or Sore Eye' 4 / e Female ft denoe liesises.[. the BGod. ~ . r lEln , s Evil. ICers, and Sore and Pimples. Blalni4ancl Hot ars ,Elie, Rose Salt Rietuis. d and ItingWor d Cancerous So Sore r p.ars, and i lseases, c ' on arid Irregular' .r Vertirreal Due ts plate M s. I .f the. Ileart. ___,_ . 1 Supprei Syphilis Liver Co Diseases I • The Mayors tea state:, C. J : Chill,'Peiu, B; meat ell the c signed this do • what remedies confidence.. B Portion'of .f the chief cities I- . • : ' , ad .British azil,exico, an. ties on t hin con .. ent, o assure t they use wit • t our ap a ce will em. I • I,raap:lla. Cheirry Pei Ayer' F s Agni iritEPARy.D BY Dr. J yer's S Ayer'si C. _ virEd,r er at 3IASS., cry y where, solck by ti EMCIE *al. For tali Cro4a.liochete dolci; J. Niel/. Brbton, cantlkEdgar, Jr : •nnei ,& I 'den; J. ck, Dart i rir,find Ity by D. I r; Wag. 01s, Be i ' Ln BI Fullet ]1: II !IMI 01 lerhare's proi, n ben Mn W. gr. great ben • E!Ill El 3 Bev. J sap, .--1 h I uus De ONN. , ~ rieltlLA * , dowdor Co. Q. i 'You,-;rd ie lonj. •f the best id aini n tiver . plaint, at:', Ica ato t coudtry, t Sperm and II er •Ifir. i i dentld,lltatie 4 18571' 1 .4 1 ! ht : talvertlseinent U oil sent GI el r. which. nwtor •me to hi; 11l • I 1558. but for., to hringd Kli ••;nec,llßt it • ; , much: m 111 ed with ill: alarm disease *nu t of the flittdre ', nelcuedi 3" u'w "mm; write to i as soon ' post udagent bet will fn ;' d .tit I liy. ; ". ^, I I 0.. T11051 . .4' N. i ~ lONI OF E l . HE ' RT. e taunter layer of ; o City lye : , -".1 hat., f. Ikurbi .'s 1:101- IPalintation; 0 ' In 'Lleart:;" it is an y fie this dice: • ' .1 !,; • ' • 74' 6 ; st i r3 i i: . , I 1. • . Ereadeaue.' . .. , of H i ; 1 us 'sedan* •it Plater H. E. Ant I Aventie. 1 •s:-‘.l tube pleat.; .dle' , •110•21 f. Vil'S IIf..tIAND 'of 11.' moet 'i cable ms iCIL nit I, It ipe,-dily 're bled me Oa dlienue A :nay. /11-10, Of my , ~ , ‘ /trAt•g- a len,' Imil ,Istferllcl ~,, i t Mogi time - rota' 1• 1. I mligeSio ~ losAisc le and C 0,., 41 hr the useoftwo tplitlis of the 1 I rtiiit - ta u,' liePtemix•r Ethi 1953.. 'N ti.:111 12'D .. IFl . i L E i / 1 1 ..,..,1 'RC:- ; was sorely afflicted f; sbottibro .the fl i esp,R.Kie an,.o /award Bles-itwo vow- . n.•tly c. !<l ''lkerhaile's Rol ray-re toted me tO Peffret heelth '' . ; 1:11111NSON - ISltillt. Yousowttn ix,i Pa. 1 , 011.11,1160. , ; 1 . • I •il EPS' TA • FOR ;20 Yilili RAI: INTON. ,ii!olkone RI f , & April I IC& 15'• 1 Lner. t•n e: JO:s„ii 3•lontgotner'v, 0.. 7 - II oil itind.lfive difeit.-plesee3lendi me of it in •ll,erlieve'., I liolland Bitters. • I 0,1 . ' tiliog p.ily r pep.ia, fon the fist a... 1. hon. 0 thol does cue mere' goat- -4;..... :4,i1el to th* care ol;Cleimblilf t, 1 •,. J. 11. i WALKED- • • ' i El I C Et• r .10 Njf-' '.. • I:4o l iitg..m.ry . N. m.f..1;..ii ; 31. 1 ST. i., llonent ~II tilt . 11/4•llidtlet S.. much '• 3; i or ills! liltV Ird IitiLLAND , I:imbed lust tall. ' .; " _•• - ' am JA.4 Ma. B. Pt C. E. for D horn found aillict.qt Sri t:irntBl to OW° Irl tinla tn . .) I Clllll` 141 ic 1,1141 Merl anal Lire find hi lons tie.ll yo money for PALPI 0. W. 114%, sup), At Lid ~,,,, ORIO. 33:1 Lou.. of C0.11,..0 hint BiL excellent I • I Inds • ILev. tile in rrt l 1.1 n) i.••• ‘r 1,1,1 0 00 At . It Cl //,' I nm I L.JF lltZe irPeti till! N. B mere Srit t ti l• 11.14 ~.'! 1,11,,1 •Pitt IMIII Fry. mi MEC 7---- , IL I• r tll-I.l‘ it. 'fl 1ll 4 •• tr. I illll • 11 ILL : BE lOWA MEM o LD, TENN t t u / It • t.i... 1 it tt I.' u:1 a kia, !EMI li3ZE 1.1 Ig ‘,•1) = MEE t WE 41 , 4 1 1 ',el. - g I 1 1 RE RIM " t 4. • MICE WIS , WIS BB t I ri 1%, 0, ILL. II ME IZEM ME / • .. • Aril ME t i t .1 Hi q , 1 , .1 1 .. - I: 1 I __ . , ists...s. 1 . , 4 —7-- 7 ... ! t 4.7-i.vo son i o, air.lll ? E: 'eel iommonced toanufaettire this keiblc Elini • I o home I ' l a , s estined TO Tor demand, it ; Tutang it o t a bran of his ' drug lanai B trom ye • year the know o i s ttl value -•• ead frOm faMil f ti y county t• county,-I-Btato to -till oar it ma e found / Prt nearl3r Vpwt, in le testerrii countryl, e nn dered o• • pensahl int / hon. o Li:lilies. ' iII j [ / f hula did o come,; o him int at ous Wa Dithers' rnlshea ./ t lail wigwam:l,, nor ac tdO tally 1 e din wan rings vox' tho arkldertienn i " but is 1, 6 result 7 Years ezpe nee and o e b . se c r o va: 1 ' mem I n t e l "P infl ratl am tie na t3 a ory or, piritumis m a t whate4e , it is / 60 only Ile tothe vas ma - jori y pi t Pul 1 i ty d v :I r :e n :Pe a 1 child alle-4 n °ll ' a r tr' obrudt .• t lief in V4hpopolg ough and lar s diseases rrn3 allar number rttficates recered fro year to w , ••• ••••••esent tho ollowm : t C qt e ev. • r. G. f amb, Pnitor of the a fist Chcurth, illexandrl ' Ohio. I . E ..rie wo ic 47. 1 Ilk int (1 , , F g ' , l, " t : v rs .:4, l ll: dn [ y n ri, ISU,:th4 severe eo i.h, proce,d -m t d mld.i 1., th i 1 COntled 117164 t tn,cr g rUtnrdet t I it It. of twlcl. in the`. 4be rt4edd, / and retire nailer all i j it b e ) o rnp rui r:tin n t tre r nt i". ondo r .an c P9g: 1 •1 e a t• 4 the day 10,ovt an) I conretileh e. • tat tom. I JacekNen It f .entlir to nair ...• ' belkri th has alien sesebutially, i t •th 1 : LI 'Torus, trolly T. G LAMM, I ........I _ mate ded ptirtlfolorly to . 1c...y.1, urye and eat r Public Skokie*. I eeror ,rt..r luo, ritbout ,t, 1 itatti, gt rni t fie to (thee:n.l' nr, of tto., • pi pt ta Cough' .Ind-. !will ii- I .tiresting inil who are • hit oiotighs-- t butwa D oty tha: p i u 1 I , Atint)or• ~ t., Ikeeto r 10'155 I . ode sta i r! t at. l l g b pr lu er f e or cu te l. e .tr t:l i tt i l nk. t l •tr end ha n tried vim U 4 remediro,, itc end all to '.O u egret. lit •`to , lnot,Alhf tient Mena. IT. ' NI 11' tce.l of IMO city tu a iris of R. Ern e 'lCongii. laTropl: 'I "did dto y pent en .rt e. I reccisi.d strecot ba llet L. It woe ' 1 i tho greatest 4.llkulti 1 t e eth e d beige . , t>ectir , ilt - tree buena t oral of tb r asp. just It true Enter rig pro room, I co J . epe.ak, unit nerket ewe g the evening. n hld p•utila r taii recant -1 Itfto erg/torn. s rre. end othet pa duo 7 'a /I. Pf_lE El I t Altofeuor c .110 t,er 7 5 Ce n 8.11 . il have illa the COLL* - ria= =l3 J . ap • MO 48 F ing ninors. I lly. ' es. the Vol :1 ovincea, m tact al ent, have eir people 'gaiety and Sly admit rhibi relit Be Mt4lll toral, d alai I YWY I,I 11 il. ~ , .1 .. 1 -.• ! . Beaver; 8 nffry, Free argent, New ngior, - Dun 'eaters every. eh-12 'C2', 0: 1 7je s3 t L 11 1TY...; .Init H. P. letited by tbq !TgllS' for ynn .4 • Iniin3iof toy if Gallitytrtlle } , _ auYi ' t I 1 Prcb übe a i i t uerg i. t i• l ous DE I It (iQil~~['alta u' •rcatly be OLLA 1) ltl. DITNO [ Od. 14, S6 P• 1 14PII C. DE4.LEI,T. I ! ,___ E. JOS'. i . FINDSIOE i ' itnit DE WI 4 !e.oun ty. Wl] Si , mear/ :0i.1.1..,t:5:1)1 'Whet 6rm.tl pan , ri :T 0 N! ir rrl .F 1 \V [ Pro lp t!; • 4- 117.1.:1 Is , 4111 rf ... 11re... liiinz ip , llotrana 1 / 4 111411. AllNyed much etwl int/iyeolion. E 1.., • 14.11r,.•11yr soqie time. 16 even hie ti1;1111. Sin, 1 Atalllii lit.'ciur office, Z . .. ntifit: ileilnprc Cite i l . :we fiinkl Iltlieye 1,1,44 etrene4 by yut:r f:j. QUINT ,S .. ,4.e, SheCnii,lni Oft. 0,.. '5: 1 • . . : , • , •• I . . • ' : : '.. , , , from A.l-I,xne,. /1,441• P's 114- sexy In cases • ~~. ~ 1 ~~«~~r , j.ka ic..* meta •, ; : Yr, .• i 1 !..11:,%•., ilr 't.ll r . i ti) , enti.:3 , 3, , ,j: ! , prtatei. •• , thimer 01... - .k-r.4..t0.ati..; .1 1ty1,p0 . ,...i?. ii..,K, .. 1 I'vy .a 1,tt1.1 of 1';%e0,„,... i ` ,. i , s, it twriil , l hare ilim. L.l'. I . Nilail was , my 11.17,,"111:ir,Gy ri,ill!i ; l'imoUild4 6r. a 1.!,',,t: n trfr 1 , 1:1 I r.n1:;1;v1:11'si v.. • 1 1 . . 1111 t. 111. iti..11 , ..141 , t •11 . ^ •. 101•, fil.li,: l / 1 1 , WY 1i : ,• , !, 4.0 ., ' ' 013 , 1 ~• 11, 'I. it r• 11 I; , -.,., , t. , • II • 1.....,1 J,p-i0it," . .,1 1.. y 'lti.:ll, 111.;ittrIbute.4 1 . I. It rult llq I L ortvar,ll:,l I ' ' s , x i -0.51,,,,,r.:55.5:,.. - , .i:. , 5 :,:•0 s,:,, , ,ir , i'ar'.'tia:ill o •I' :IQ 1,..y.1 ! . 1,1, . ' I .': • IT ' , ' II '• .1. ~ ..ri, : zti c...,, , , ...;, ~, _ ~! . !. !,- I. '.:.'A,,, :... • j: ... alopli ,•C .1' 1126 '1! ' ' :i Ell , ilf • I . “Lr% Td 1 lIN P si SEE , I ricp : j l• - • - ~.-, '' , "•Till" - . ,' : , • ~ I . li .-Pll 8 ? A . 11 A, 1 ~ . If,, iling proofs go strong ' a n' , a , 1 ,i.. , . El 'PEIII -E 1 DOUBTS 0!: , - r , For Stat .'.- ..en;.Judges; Edit Ors;, P I A th .2.01de t tiehoole tis well is n ew , i; a 111 t .`eir nqn!Jlified enaction, and reef... ' r al ease lof, ertipiens. , and dues! 1p rid o , in; bUt all who have tile i I tea yip !thittit Will preseive the It up ire" , • and from' filling to any 'lig • e res ore. Reid the followit4;—!,.. ' i'.. 0 orove, S, C: June 2.4 th, Pi F. 0 J. Woon;lDear.Sir;—Yetir 1 era vds is apldly gaining populatit• • ( u o insnt nit) , - I have bad !occasionlil j i dle Said , and giiii . your, Fl it It s . erfe l tee -- I . I • • , 1 •, , tin y 1 1 I 1 Du ng t.elearlfis . ,..l. Iwa ism tin as to bath own from my, sulky agairi. ear I I •s' r 0 :dell, fre.ta which: my lied I a most 'rril.) eblew; cUusinia ire ritation, hick cr l i mmenicated tii ".1 id e i iterii I surlacs!ef ate bead, . 'ern cts bf w oh tey hair 'was finalljr.. Ter thee!) ire sarface - ofithe 'head; 1 inie if fir: discovered its drippia*, ") ttribc ue otits total disappeati n ' , Pye ev . ythiug 1 could, thing:hf, profe, cion: mar; tuySere, l aud, as I tiliti. tlerst ndirri.the nature of the ,diSease i fiatill 'ilef ated in eTerylptescriptljh ( L J , 111, Th' i sti' dno other circumstann'es I . 9 t rea t. to yo 6. tworthY.llairlie whie Ih. e everj , reason to hcliqe, I. ver hap y relultd tvib.Months alte pliOCtio .'I had as beautiful a fiCkid . airfis I sr Ow, for 'which I cart ou ray'm st sincere thankii: . liVst ear sir, I -ball recornmend yOur t.im 1. Miniterts! lorcoverJll. shall j use MY ' Bich 11. fl tier mysilif tug . 6 ,1 1 Y . 1 i s Mit I ,You Oa. publish this if yolfiliiiik: yours', very regpct !I ' I, ~11. J. - WRIGHT .. . 'olfice 0 . the' delletionitin,, Philli I Dec4' I2th ' .1858 4., .i . ; dies* ' i I feel i t my duty as i s, pleasure, o astft te to' von the; followin OtatiCes, • Mob you can use ;as you: . .! !Or. "' A . • lt i letriaM of this 'placed (I I las fieen 1 l ever hi:lce liis•youtb;iso tibia lie!w, - F otripellied tO: wear a Wig,. Indueed t use a bottle of 'yolir ”liai Itive,)' .wl,:e.b he liked tVeryl i tritsidr, using col two or thrbe;l?ott es liis ilutlquite 'luxuriantly, 1 n sil he no* b ...onie hert 1\ of !bair. , l ht. gmitleniqu' Ilradfrd., aud as he is Ve7 tiell: . ,km Mijotning counties,' m .ny per rsoU l s c tcA .. lic tr, h. 01 this St2 . i m t!cent; I givle i ihe •ryt i lt,,t of ',llr.l.lirlal.. ori d. 1, 1 ,0.1 pros(. den of your Hair I I e , t'orUtiSle ' tq.. i wijoi lug COUtlirS . ii yoUr bt4Te m:li I ts. - yOur4 o B;ie., ~ . 0 . ,.. I - 1 7 ! [ 1 !• 1 . Tnovaso..; Sqktt 1 •DO ' IV low DeurlSii, 'Permit I llie the i/lil;g ,'ions I nm•uta er for tliC I I !toration! , flay hair to hs •miginal IM, the tinies . .f my arrival ,i tht.liaite iwas raid ly becomitiF ha y, i buti tip , , plic - ition Ayour "Ilair Restorative ' covered ~ Is origiri'al 1 hue.! ' I t6tis 1 dlestorat . c as a vetywCitlerful i t ik•e i eflicircio as well os ..grenible. I ! ! 11 . e , 1 • . •. . E , 3. Tq .1 1 The R 6torative id, put u', in Mitt) 'sizes: Lir :•e7 medial : ll 7 od 9 nail; ;the pint. ant refa.ls fdr. one idsllar her medium olds at d i r etriti twenty .1a -r - ,iii pr ,q,.., L inn than] Illye ..Taal!, 'tiltai - dollars 1:r 'hot tl .-!;•1 thi. , large 110lils • p.‘r cent.(rnore iu proportion; arotrct 0 .;.. COOO ..t.tio.,,p,i o prit.L.:is, t tray,! - IN!,!,t. nod 1-el'i.4l;ot, !'t..!St And s' li t by :ill 'l)riig k ,i,ts J' a ,t . F; D'enlers. _ ' . ' it F 01 , 92 Mar ket Stre - 1•• . 1r.ti511131.11' 1 7"..? •W; 010;11 IZ ,t Ifllt , t e and Vi t 1 C)C) Seen bought till A CCTION 1' lose the s*.eltrt k, 4bout hoc i -.• . , h'* : '1 S 1 I_, - Tc. S t c'e'llii• flo a!tv' di - Sfrol I.ri;l 1, 1 : 6 I : • lo ,RENCH; IV/EatirsT f M ; . soCsaisi to any kie. , ,irtil 1. ' k -, K S '' 81f • 2 SH A 1 ' :i•i ~ ge 1 stock -from r•b?'. Op ahd . X if.(t ri epii's!. { I C I t..,,,..,...r - ----t . 7 -1. I - - .•,. • Ellitv ~ tamTntary. nm. th . John! 'f..,,,.t, of flopewo • ' 0.,1t1e,,j.,1. li,tin ., l 4 . lltel'gr: i neni, l ;:ll,.ric, mlin , 4::,, ,te'd to eliLl to n :)1i: • i ro'v'e r. ring (.:11•I i ll'9 'l ,, itk Oil' thtlin to. 1111 , su,b(crilArs 1 tedil....u.' stttl :Anent:. t 'll I i .11111;;It'r t...: SO )1• t 1 ;1),A1111) REED, I ' :2. 1 : Li .!'... • 1 . 1 s :' '.l . ' - f• '4 7 Int! .eitalli a. 1111.11 tE 1 i5..)14.9116.. , 4 mada by lit I .an beautitiel a anon or'wo 1 J. a ,uice setttofi tceth ipretis a ! !.I shou t;) •0 1! ..1 be Mille Illiate ee e , , a tett f . 'tire gums ( r .old ;dea l s to tb, 'dui , , beauty di-lippesrit tl leir gse is if ': more importaiii n , ties h'eiri coSt.! :Tie) , ore • tir griitid , out fmAl ill - that lis ti l l.. On st(i "acb. militia .;ilgest I it;- 11 digost on allows.) I: t hei r nq ' . j : S MUSgIM, 1)14 ' id I, .„ , 1 , , / le 111 1:11:11it yfittl il,,yer:4 elle 'lt ruled etbj on (loin lie Rtise;i Plate 'umined m ined,' $56; Si, l rim Cetlids2s:!'co l frrnon setti Ili work' ivqrr i linted to L4l' 1 • - '' --: 0,n0.1 AO e 1 stock;o 31:, V. hating I will I FErt tr EMI NO ama En jr 111 t l / 2 -e thtnti l F 1' MIMI t 1 e c nip ? 3 1.1 ritti . t f c c j : ; r:eo I ectgnetle ti4 1 e.. 4 0f Broatl 1, off,r.,,_ SSE m L7l~9.iLii~ • I . Flo. ' l2lr • 1 ,11/ey ' Jr r r ur i 1 iynnc 8.. ..., 7 ,f!finit — d,l r,, 1 .. 4 , 7 -c,, 1 -_, 1 , . II i .:, Ri„„ ,5. • , ..,..,D„ r ,., 'ITT - 8111; p, ,5 " iS'Q,ne i)f i A e s in :il ''e 'I op ) use l ion e l 's . reputati: Ili 1 11.10.• s nn. Ik . r '..it'to•tli in '+,---H--- ,-, 1 • 71 0 EALER 1 „ ; fli A '4 , t , 1 11 ASHING Store X1:0;11 !LL. !ysielant give II mend it .3 of the it,ttnite et, from [i 1569. flair• re • in alit lay pro . rktive a rianale rqck 11 rot:em it-deal of .he brain ; the ef ,eatroyeti rout the .. lallover, , r B the T .ti l. il' l7 -11 Isperiodic - 'tt ~, e o t ieße i, a t e a .v, of .. erVltllit or Sici . . Ileadile4e.may be prove ed ; and if taken at theicommencement pf, t att k imidediate relief froin pain and siekn a will he obtainetl.• ;. . .I - .1 . ' ~.. i i ;, hey seldom : fail in removing' the :Ftiii ea nd Ilendaelie r to which Pennlles are so sUbject. Itt a y i tiotsentlynpOn the how.els,—reinoving. 'or Literary Men, S udents, Delicate 'Fa t 5, and: ell perso n s .l of , senedt,try hal)its,, are yalnnble as l a Lean ice, improving the etite,Vgiving tone r a nil vi nr to the digestive tnt,'.dnd restoring the natural elasticity. and ngth 411 the; hole syitetn., '' .. lie, cEritrALfc,..:P\lL:S2.lare:.the result of i inye'Stigat ion an . 4l;,c ref illy 'con+(uctect ex.? . ment4.lhavitig, been in.; use mitay yoars, ing wille.W. tinie the have prevented . and eyed '.N' vast nnurFint I . ofJpain and siifferin,,t Ifeadaehc;, i wlietherl originating , in the 'pus syste.rlior from tt 'deranged atate`of the. naph:l 11,, , ' " !. : ',' ', •, hey .41re l entirely 'vegetable In•their cernpos n,-and,'i ay be taken at all Alines with per-- ma t'Sy , pith...ht. making tiny change of diet; ri i tbelabrece of any dif.agreerthle. taste 'Ten e it easy to a dinini,terithem 'to ehiltlteh 4titare'l 01.Catarte " - filts !' , ' 1 ''• : i ' • i - xiiie. have firesignaturesau of Ilenry• C., on ' tacit , But•'' . 1 ' • 1 p)'llruzgibts • and :di, pll.t r Dealer's. in •r, 1 em being a u'ght,uc}'- but was advana- the l I :?,n4nce4 . h„1 I tpiit ivt; 11.°rg d the of yciun,k,Lion r37td,4lt reli itifluenai„l fro 1 I .tne 91 ° •• .11.. - 1111. • i'. l oci feel nn4.. 1,,, . a de . ~v, s. my I 1 .ctenwn- diini: pro- 1 • /laviyer,) 1111 timeli so .. Sp lie-aras' r - . I liesnira-. 'Nit nd Filter ,I, viir grew ,O . 4 - 8 ! 4 kind- !..'. rutin.. ii 1 1.. u fit uttr . I • I 7'• yukt 'a •e. 1!,0 tIISOP 1 Itoexi , ri , Ks tittrel ri:s- -f . titates o till+ ap t goon rt.- der lyultr P.F.IIG. MEM 3 . : i+ttlti; the ',/; ' • qu ; te,t,4o-: . • • 6 ;1'14.•,.;•1. t. I tj.,l*) , Ct): . t, I I - 111 / , I .T 1 1111l:1,.S, we r ,. ri he criginal 1212 I.rice.i . : - . 1. • 1r- ''' L.,..i.. pcxuritsr •i. of . I` 3 : I f, ~. a , estatl o f;. ri• i;- 111t(i'l Ito 11. b e. &it,' 1 -savilesi ate L tro , pu'elit, 11111''!t. . h.. .e,:........i i !.! wt of r0pt.74 . a1l- . v. , Ext's. -1 • th!, ladnniq t sa r 1.4 d 1 - n• Will, and i i to '1 { I btumps .of y thnn itwenty, re's mill to . 1*(11 -ktound l egnenfry e • .• 1 t - f• Gptil- , $I51: Gold, plat g um- .l t r-aiitiD ba F e ; 1 I. or 'sitthtfa.t- II fl y nntde in,. il., 1 X&',2, the !- le Uses an • 'sins 'lfer the 1 , eth:'. its gnoq le first .) be bigbi liratric ill extratil Neiv, i~ IN, , JOH Mereliao iSS/01 ...NI; u - • Colisignrnetas aLtz.:2B. • i t a SM 7 •01. •D • .? " • • 17IVE Pi:N:vA e'lar,gest and nel` [wed to 'main- llts itroa §tatious rfliiig public: S ~; N'D;. I‘IVERY, I'ANOY 'BRIM lITICLES ON, PA. i Minis' _Ding 1)r: Dru RE vait -• -I ~,' - • r l i, '1 - • - -:' 1 • ' ..‘ illo _ ~, can , ~ ._,,A„,, A .,,, ~, CU. E . IrVousHeadache . cu ~_ ird . , ....., . 1 , ~ 0 , • -1 .. ~.1 . „.-, adae .. 3 ,‘ ~, •- • 4):- • - '.' - 'f' :. '1 - • : • ~4:' ••: .• •:':::'' :: . • :1 4 1 ° ,: -: - .. .' -,,..„,..." 7.411 : . - i ':: ' 1- • i . . 1 . '. • ',..i.:+...-',/( 0 -, .2 w .: • . t ~.•:..'..,: j C-70. : k74. ‘..... ~ ; - * V ' 5: :: - . I . ,.. : .. . • •$.. k!. :1. 1f, : '.." 1 ' : - - .:' - :•.,j ..% .2, . •li ~: '• :' ~...:. ..-: , ...:, - 4" : ' • -.,' .. • -- . .. :'.." • ~• : ....4. v. - ,),,x. t ., .:- .-.. ,A, • , , , • 1 , -.-• . 7 ] "....s.X , ", Va. -A.,.. . ~., ! ...i, '...:.'/4 . .4',,,,,' 'IS. r -n .` l '7 - :' . ..' ki --' ) . ?" - .ir '.' ''......,. ...".:...A: i ' • N i. 18, Fifth : Sheet, ri t tli in trjh ' i IX 7' E•ttrtfrei to the, public; .Greyer . &../ B a rp V T.' 1 13`king PN!dellined, at 'redul •'., pr,,p, If ir'.ll- increased confidence inn - their to rtis ' :t,:, t•loi.s.t 'aomodereliiblei'Serring.M.dclili,.trsh'-;;.' 1 . are simple icntab- instructions,; r n nute c tt u hi o n an s n :r , i r7 i t c oy t i . o e9 n n : ha . te n: co o , ni. r t,b l : :' . :i p ::: - etlire. d .cb.s :;; :. movement ,aiid more' &arable' and 16.:± Bahl; i; I,.. di iv sß e rr f a ii n ll g . ',-to iien , .! ordinary..seatbs,die.m felt' l' ' • ' r. , e&..gdth., I,quilt :and ,e mbroider,' fill r oil. ,th e:sa.l6 44 . ,„ c h ir - ' i anti 'arariant thein for .thiep ykare. 'f. ..' ' „ 4,.''' I . eircillars containing testimr;nialfr-',i'iiiik•-t -.i-ot the highest standing, Eajit and ,IVe,i. r .'„::', '• tprica's, •ccntaining. directions, S-.e., ‘-'O,l 't , ..; fil l . i i nished', .gratie,,on. arliiication in p t , , , ,q,,, Gi , i I letter 4 --. , . ; !. . .• r _.._ .. , • I- --- r „AI'ONEY ' ' , .AVI's - 1.T1"i•R, 1 5,",4 1 .,,,..,,,,.' 1- - N. It.' Se4sing Machines; ltice,tk e k",:;,;•i'-,".'1,', ierlalway,S oat band. ''. ',.;t ' .' - •'. 'l'''' .• ."...! ll' 1, , ..,167Aii active docaPilgetat yr4ute,l. • . s .• ; ... I - Sept .I 2 1807,0. - "4' . • .... • :., . .i , ; I- • ' • - .-.,1,t ; . ,___ 1 t : -...,?. !'-' ~ . _..........:.. ' :. _ ' -- ---- - --L.'il ...-.... -, • . ;•,..• ' -...„,„„....--"•-_,, ~... ,_•-••:- ~ 31.1 0 ,,:fc.7:-.7.4:5t....,", i ~, _ - ' • • '•:.' •pn r... 1.41 i' , 5.:.:, , .. - • 47,1,1. 1 `.`r., .'. g , . 7 r 7 i-- C'-f'•i ;:• -• - i•- - ; - - ; 1 • ;.- -e .'• . . ',:;;.'.-,••••;-!..--•'•_. ••••:: . I:. •-•=;.•••..r. & 1 t •••', --z . . •''..•,•,: ".!•-• _••:.. - __.'" , •!;_;'•••':•ro. , :••;•",-•••?! • ~...yrr , .... . . . 1 - 7 - 1 ::••=.- t,...„ t•,,,.....• •i • = .;•• '' . 7- • . ••17-v il'''''' - '' • '•,',..--.';'' t• • :•• .1 • • ; Th ousand aie doily .peakinn•'''t •.- ' ,- , :' , pzß: I',l A. i. 0 N '!S •*;' • - .1 - 11; n fli itil'i 11‘ 0 4; •o ; i d i 1 I . ' • fili c d , Hiy?,bkiiill . :ie it 'it ti;..Per Itti,'47 to '' -,I r f akti4rautot ,:' , ..4"..1" icht:ti : izi i • rT.II.:I' ii :r: 2. ' ..!..., ~:,,,• •;."-. li! ,, iffy •itiiilitiiitoln_in" , :'...1••,1,.;',":":-•;`'`..., , , o i rs , -' - you that‘ilint ell i?. i ; true: .. I t ..... : :i ~-, .... k It • •' • '..i.V . O '- P.:4 k"-k:4 oif ic•.. ( )1 , . 1 ,H ai Ti TI: ..', of Op , ktryl•-otmlij tberefino;pl:evi , s I.•'-',...,..',..., - • ,i se .vi l if e riivplytt.' - ,6 - ittil: . ...chi . I t.,t i', , if...!"4?, I •,... . e ic,,'.. :i in i figs' i Pi . t,-, w.4 l ;lli : f i: , ,, .Fe r' t'll',/.r . '6,..e.." i ' c•:,• ' ni,f, l nil. it,o , lf oi - -.: tt...4 00ry.7',11.1./ 3 ,/ , p4e_p;::.' , ,ti.,d r,,,, .linon.„-•'. fOrCI.4 I 41 . & I!J: x '.'l F. 'l , .7lll.`iii, bi , ,•iti!i l t. , Ei. CI . .1.)1:ii. YAITA ity.....; 7:IPIS , i AIN Inc liniVi:r:S i '. •V:ii,f 7 7 .OF lil 1.;.` if...:V1J1.7fi., 1. , 11 .- .1 is HI, K . !1,..i.t , Jr- i• "CitoP,./.1, 1 ,tf0r'••.-1!P:i - ,', , , , ..;/, , ,./t.',':, , :-.-,:l.,..., , - , , • 1 fianint , orikreuratin; thr 1.1...1.,...0 ili ~, ' :;:,,. ' ''' . , . . j:.,it It:1.1)74 e7 , , , T1-Veingsraii ant" " '.(114 . 11.0 I .` . l, i: ': 41 . l' • : • . , . '•• ' • lr Itill - 411P17.! 1, ~ 7 ; . SUCZCI:.,; is tt;l • easies 1 t .;N•,•c:.. (ac) Itlie`llll ,- 2ro I'll 1....; •ST'OL,; . :(Ei:i t iti . LiTfErt FITS. ...1 2 ,,F, ,-•4,:.., ~,: ~,,,...-,.:v t ~ I'' „;,, ._,,..'•, i i ,.• ~.,,...• . 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I,lz , b• Teec , “-' ,, ,,..:1. ~.,.. ito rtzid .•lit.i• al' eil Unit'. the .' - '1 iii- Pt Si l'ii , li , P.AllliNfi'!gi Tlll'.9.l'}!.[ONi'll:i'."Fic,Nsd..,.- rw• • . , - .. - • _ '. t _.... ' ! , ' '.• .. - • •., I • .'„.1,.. ' , Ar,.:,y7..t . : , !Ie .119Y. , 1 Its ' a pt t ri,..t t .sitT.•!•; q :;tr•••:; • •••-= tt, e ..," t ,, ~ , 1 ”, 'rt '. If . 'fte I. - • I :(2l,,Lunirfion,..; Li"."er . Conipt‘liit -- • • • ,- ;,i , ei , .. - ".:, '. • • ~ ••., :? . ~s , "•-', 4 • . Scrrilalo . ',S:c owl . . vre; -find. itjev,ery '.v•2•o•'-•! PA LDING'S . II!Ii()VT , CONFECTION---.--' ,---- - -,-• .•'; ,• •?• ' • ~ , • •• 1. I ,', .• •, , • i , 1 -,• ? • k - • - ocri,,,lii.oo.lei ! micies on tete ret,p ; Eubtr;,.,.., c. ,f „ i .,,.. .., . • I:ii.4,lo'llle'of _1,1 , 1*- . i,, .. . !. .:•1•43•:y. 11, , ... , : 0! Hitt iencies, 0 ;ici v O l. fin:, ii •;-PALDINGiS •'f ;!110. , ; ; .1.: (1.01,-..FECitt,..l7, 1 r. 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I; (`. - C. , 11'. , 1 i'& * ; . '•., ;'. ', ),.... , ,t,1.r.„., ' • • '1 L ; • L. - ...I Tor sal 2to Dr. 0.. / CITNALot. - -1: , ~• 1.,•:••-••, •!,,' , ' . --• . - I .illnv, 2.. '', 11 1: /- . - ' vco l7 e Fni t ic.Pills, 1 ,,,i Ilikel - , - m . /,' .... - ~••6 '.h :i".. , 1 Itl Wani von ...•. 2-end Inc t n'O I" -- .' ' - 4V "•, ilk - . ';%:. ..t, : 11,', .- - I ~• ' ' :.. -:.t.. g' - ' ,:''',., rr -. ,;. 4:vi" , - . .. ' ~..„. 11a.5.. j'at••;l iZecoJeti 0110' 01 1 .. - 1 - 11t: ~:n, • .i• / 'est and ikest :Select(.ii` • '!,.. S.T. 0 CK. ' OF. - -•F Al ,G 0 4 4 1 , .... 1,1-i T iiElll '''o 14 oum Irf IN't° .' l'ipli - S: 0 41- ) . C, -1- '' 'l4 - f-1-6in . th e vcr3 . l fin et , t" . ilrfool •e:•-it ha aii.,.1 , , 4 iIOW II .to the en_oirLs'Er ,llifiljiie...... 711igli ~ ...f .I;Ae - 11 - line& to ~.yll „Cliii,VPl-',.P. '1•1:11.iN, ''ir,'[ QffE.ll'E3,. ~, .+' [ -• •, . •••Ailci . o, It LA11(117, S,Ei.E.. - _,TdON ;, - h 2 -':'. - . : ..- . . • : - : . . • gqiit , ~,,13 , dieln V Bo ipt of will be gent i!y t.i iil prepaid.nn -re the _ ' PRICE ;25 - VENTS., ' 1“.! 811 , 4 . e'red,!o . S Like N't4, '4B . :.CEDAR EEl', YORK C 3 lIE sT(-4 ME OE 00 ( lIIM s i ird, i 1 I•114Ce trie , l etri,, / 0 Rell flint lt:iFs , n'orth rwi Pi rt, et these nee njew au .re for', ao, t the first Vos. - 1: gut 'rum U. • SO - Id tha rnPrnail; and oblif;O_ • obedient l'Crvant, ty2 , n7, /(z , ‘b , Reno nie l otA tuote oF received a gre Spalding, I Nii ' Sll :A : 4111 tn. .ph ilia Pins, petit froth the ,urs, •T•spe . ctfyLlly ,1 1 niry•FAtin I' • I • , •II I . Spruce Co, J Spahl,iigil • t'r: • You .3011 plense $ mend e wo w boas Cephalic:. Pills. Se id them inifuellil I ' It:eh ) • ull • • . . 11 1 --At . , 3 pours,. • , - i . :,...! •Jolin B. Pi .1-1: bare used. one Ilux :Of and find tbeiltf exei,',ldnt., - . i Belle ref 12411 i 04111, J 10; . . [ . I r • 11. F; SPALDING Esti: ''. • P i leg:se.find jinciesed twenty-fie hkh stal rne . jano:thdrbps. cit* yo 1 . 1 ills. . .4(7 are Irtqy l, tbe 1 best I - 1 . Be -- 11- ° .• T n e „ r d ' i v,ei. tried. -.',.' .i. Jl.Llir j e k cU s . ... .. i ~. _-t' - - Ite..„A single brittle .iof SP:II,Di; 1 n A n d. u t a E i tt ly. ..l.l.T , E ,savev i kil ..,,, - ten 1 bail ~. , , .1 1 . , . ,1 I) . ALDING ; '4 1,'11L.P.k1117.D GLUT: , I• . i . 1. - I .4—--, . 1 :, SPA.I.DiNG'S.I ) ,ItEI'AItEII c. - 1 . , . ! • I.÷--.• ' • ' I,SPALDING", PAEPARET BADE THE 2TECES: • 1 1 - ti :,cONOMY 11 1 .- 'DE ] . I I Liti-.2i ~.cvtil c h. 41 . rinii scires::47 . , , ,-L, PRICE : ,T:t r EIS TY•FII . L i.' . r t'ii g nature i. on each packnii ire. 'neon ter:f 'tea,. . ; 'actinge J.ivil be sent by mail; It of Thirty grits. . Address:; B. C. SP.A.I.LI , !led r No.4Blittret.,' * ?: 'I. '--- 1 ' • * . -I NI 113 0 IA 1 Give fre — Bairer's 'Sewing Xi. chines: I t 1, 1 f II s•t:bedy. t 1 EME i, 'CI./ !x 'Cfiiir t of . . , ... .... . • • .1 ' '' 1 a II lia!s ;1.r,1:01 ii ( n.P§ Persons. wishing . to ,purth:Lse will .d0,..,1 , 1: 0r t , e If lial email/hie his stock b r ,efore r'::•:.4 el :ewhero - `. - - - EtV"hemernber the place.. yhird, , ,...,t:, : ,,, , i , ixf the''.l.llG .11.1T.".,,(3 .,. ._,;- - 1 ,1 Beaver., Au'unst.29, IStio : . ' ' ' ../,' , lit - yfiur Ite!y. Sour_ Pills, J•I . , S Agent foi gle Oale of - the , hip`.'':`'" -IL of Ifutban.lry, , made. nt the ` At;.l ZI L,IT I) 'lli A L 0 • - • Clev~laiid; Ohio; i 5, '6 1. cents,'for Cepbritic iiis ) Ice 41dngst.widch,nre Wood's Improvel frubbat:d's Light' hord's 4 ' o ' l l I . 4.wer, Ilubhnrrl s Ren In Att”chni , 'l L Z win, DeW4Ck Co' , s-stiq Without Grass''Seod - SoWer, ' 11 'll 'is N6l e svi une 1, : , P. M. l ot Co., 0. NG'S PRE its ,cost JOHN B. YOiliklG, , I 'Ett i-JA VCr . ISTRICT A • (p "TToRN.F.Y.-d GLUE,' C I.F. ' ffice in the Cnurt Mee. . t 2Q, I .13eav‘rer • - • ~ • i d 0 E l'r I ' • - =EI sIiSTCI-1 Kne.ter WE t-.. . • .., Beaver; Pr 'ilea , 4 , HAVING thpreughly fitted up the` ..itaii:: _, ment formerly known ats :the " 64 !; 1 ifOrSE,'.! isl prepared to . again-kraal:oe, -1 ;friends, And the pAblielenerslly,. in. it , „r f" 6,41d - tory nal.nner. i.,1 otti- prepaid, on , r usTG -.. Ymk .. l i,. '1 JABSST E A.„,. E El 0 I Ii ( . i 1 i f ' 1 I. ' 4 i 4#t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers