II M TIM BEAVER ARGII. COCEIRA - N, the present able and efficient Auditor-General, 'whose ,name, we are hi infored, will be Presented tb'ournext *State' Conception; in c6nnection with that , 'office. Those only who are .f.a , iniliar,with the-administration of -the . - finances of the ,State, can appreciate the, importance of the selection of an ; honest acid viailant officer for that: io-• k 1 sition; . . and stick, - Gen., Cochran has . - ITlfer Seventh Annual Exhibition:proven himself to be. During: 1 -th e o: the Lnion Agrieultural Associatio4i last. Iyear. the .expenditures of the ; wlll be held at 13n.rgettston, Wraslit c ,' vernm•eat were doubled, find . of a I ington county, - Pa.,. on' Wed_ day cun nownyto the reas? char befor . - k 'T and ThurSday, Oct. Ist ~ and'2-1)d-- '..' .1 ,13,.). -"t.ury--affording peculiar ' temptations - land facatilis 'to fraud; yet they were cOnducted with an-economy iii marked Contrast to the. disbtrsemdlits of the, Federal .=,:)verrinient, and - lo those of our own- n ht many previous •periods.---; Every' account presented was thorH oughly - investigated—if exorbitant was; 'reduced, and if fraudulen(dismissed.,l Within - bur ownknowledge, thousands of dollars weie tints saved _to' the state. , • - - --; , i • Certainlir.terests, - powerful in thof part) . - and In the Commonwealth, whichl might be advanced_.by,a more Pliable, officer tbaa Gen. Cochran, may resist his I niminiation.; But Penfisylvankil, ow - es it to herself, and to him, to defea n them; and we lave but;_litle-tdoubt O the:resulbin the Convention and at the , •. - . P o lls. : - At all events,We-, - place oar' views - upon the record_:without besitai- I 1 t truly, remarks that'' , tion, b .1i s• - t; the •-- be - and we ,_ ~. .. 3. ' ill unan :Y- .,. `_. • • -. ' 1 i•eckenricloo i ceo fbe e --; imously - - endorsed by. the people of 1 n . ;" - ' ell sa , railisi lavi n tr-a 1 Beaver county. .. • 4. 1 •• I. a! ir on the rich •t‘lave- ' - Freedom's Latest Triumphs. ti 1 • Lit Voted to math tax - lie poor 'man'S ;:og.'' '. teessary. . 2 - The 'Act for the release of certaio •per's i ons held to • . ..erviee - or 1a1. , 0r in tliC' 1.1......L__. ...,. I -District of Colambia," .« filch, has he ; a-i l a__and Col. 3.1. S. i col" the law of: th(-1 1 4 1 " 1 IT att.,,over 14 ,isit to theirlam:- I n whelming vote _ ii,i. both, Houses 4 • rii,.;,. evnlence, by thcir .Coill-tress and by the signature of th's 1• b . , . President. provides that from and a = nos ure; affree.s with • ; I - ' '---' • -I , ; '; ter' its: Oissage slavery; except 1 . O.• county may cerfain,y, .; , e l r ( eyrcse' litat_ion • crime, shall cease within 0:4'1)i:41'47 . hl . ic : Alffle.r•;011-3 161 - 1' to the I:iiit.'d State, 1 aprtol. :No Imore ' .... '• • • ‘-` - • „ , , ;-, ownti,...,•r slaves. shall,. within iiine n t . .. Autticers count , nave - - I - days present their claims and sui d they art an honor . ' , . ,well as their State. port tnem ;with oaths and other test.- [ ' - .i.• .... -molly before . - three commissioners. ir"...ltsficEs el' TflE. whose aPpOintinent :..hereby proyid. i.. ~1 11 f :c0IIS have been., re- ed' for: An ' atouut not exceeding 1.-.l.loider',s :ake for the' ; t.lii: . ee hundred - dollars fait each slate ; 1 IpeN011!.. VI7.:';ALIF-till .1.1111 be I•aid -hy the - Comm ti issioel4,; 11 V . , - att - , 'AlarMaduke provided tbe, ela‘ini is legal . and th l i ' Ni. Shrou ~ Daniel slave as slot been I -ug' I into tl. )1 .1- - reiniei. _E er,:•tmin District since ta-passage of the Ael l c • .1- A.,..Sholes, Lewis•Gald 4AIDI provided, Julther, That ii; .'than, Mar_titilsisher, I 4-I'l4° shall be TillowTed for ,anY Fla ; l i jtv. . , L , LI/ . 0 . 0, :"..„ ,or slaves bras,: said into said bistri i ` • '-:- - fld .. atter"the - pas , age.oi . 11.1. set. nor ii Jyt - . ?, !apy siuyC claim per en by'any pe,on wI l t:t r -rEINM•••• i-- - - ~1 , • r. ,„ -,-._ n - has borne arms agilinst the Gover .--f,;,:,...,...ne....•,. -..0. _ ;•.. - :tient o - t. the United States, in the prE, x.' l 4:elient ..q.igaz4iie is oil rebellion, or irrar.\ way given a I le. • It is . enough to air coini('lrt thereto...or which °tit . ” ''•• .1.,)- . .tue . n .of_ n ativ trans: 23F_LA_ v ifE . DNESIf.kY 2 APRIL-23aD,t1Se2 T..C. Nic4olsorr.,. - - , For Auditor-General,_.! HON. THO'S. E. COCHRAN. OP 'YORK COUNTY. .L ad P es - om 1 anderbilt as me r, - ie"C . . idea Lineoln a present of his steamer Vanderbilt, -for 'the use of the G:o.y. ,-e'rli men t: - - - ' ge,n_Ge'o7 - V. LaWrence, of Washing et-:;',,stntv, was eltted Speaker of the I.Sen - ato at its close.; 4c a rNotiVitbbtanding the Neqr times. A t ns- cnnt inues to sell Clothing. 'Etats, Caps, &c.. as cheap as the cheapest_ B e has a , good' asorfinent, and we would advise our readers to give him a , . IVe print in another column the ildrertisentent.of the Pittsburg.Satur '.-day.Po.Ft; and shotild any of our read- . , . . ers fleire to subserilier, for a Denio .. eratle rark , , , r,Nre:would feeommend the Po:` :L•• heiag one o the very hest:.. all +.lll r, in C"torre-.1,--vott tax of one dolls Itu:deC , negro. it `Oar o-n ~.CoLumenLis unn •Ei..-(;11'1. ]9 I o, lav , raid a 113-1' s this wick. • foal that ILI them. Beaverl be prom? of tt ,has at the Slit :L een nrvoipte4; eimntr' C1)3! zSIONS PEACE. - ~ Ulll7lll cei - veci at 1.11-e ,-IZ. ,1 1 . xvi I; J, Pettit, NV,11...0 ;1, Johr, s•ei Saco WI ":1 - a in ins • er7,- fii .1 a raf2,; M. /we kr. ati Con wa GoDuy's or ibis ! c.n our 41 say that this k F° :Any I)rc. , ..vu ios , givt , it. clir.ra,..t-ZT oar IddyfrieliA4 fdtnity gi ih -inie. •AddreA: I .• , street, te- 1) . .0.i,1 11. Wa L.:. ‘ il Regi•:h o 2 ( , i - a pai4: • nr.Tair. ' ' Pief , . 11 :•;11:2,1,. , , silLee inch >;,lien we 'take ---- and the kind ~ ,been requh'ed -. doubt that Th . tenswely -patr4 I%islics 1..n-,its, ,. . - • The .- , - - '- -, --7 - 1 ---- - - •• --- . -- Abolition of SlAyery ,Distriot 'sof Columbii r.l that We conf , .. r tlalate oar eaders tru ' I , .Slavery at larg hn , a Is en banished 'lr ...rn 'our ,N4)ral Capitcl. l'olhose. friends of frekloni whi? have been bat i • , tlim: for verr , the - accursed institti ._ i i .. 1 ._tion." this r s it will be hailed with , jo. The g• at wont :TS:progressing . blowlv and s rely. The' vote on the . 1. , i11,4 . n abolis Shivery in 'the, District I. - . was as folio v :• In the Senatet 29 yeas l -and 14 nail n the. House 93 yeas and! ',- .- :.. , 9 31:iv--al the Republicans voting) for the bill, and' most. all the Demo- 1 crats Noting g'ainst it. The President • ilas signed I land therefore it becomes a 18 NV . . Welltmav the friends of fi-:eel • . dom rejoice at this evidence of the 'dim ii ig ofiliat brighter * day Avhich • 'is fo rapidl - 'approaching. ~ • , Fos-zux moss. I : In the last' issue of thel •ed my name announced e for County Commissioner. . Plate, fellow-citizens, - and diompliance with .a peti been-before t,he people ray, to offer, my services day.. Perhaps I am bet to the people as the great of! this . county, who has in the way of destroying than any man of this . WALTON Mffl A igiis ne 4, ns eandid4, I'AID" a ca beg I;enver • • tion whie4 of this eo for $1.50 TA - ter knowp • fOx-hunter • e m done mere - • • . wild "Val' 47t; • -We place, at th.eleatl of out; columns this week the name of Hon.:Thos., E. - Editor'. ,c is* not -infcrim• to nary' in Or -,.: vti•--- - • ..- 3, ,Nri k iell • would b e -:,',. 11121 . etilore made .or which shrill bel•ed 01 Coll in p,ropot•tion 4, 5 3. 1. 1,i.... fi 1l“ t . .. . • . r niter 10 Mode by any son .c . v.ho lir t s i the traitors talite - heart. .i'‘N hat isr. the i gat:on as W( coma . . •• • pct . •'i . • •• ..- 9 -. • ~. 1 : 11l anv Maniler aided or sustained the I .piain tact tietoi e,us . Ncither 'more ~ aeqUain tea "Jt-h-- the rebefibm•• a=ritilist the C4overnment I o il l t nor less.. than that. the I removal of I t Gocley:" .. .We advise - the riiitloilr'Btates." •'' 1., I slavery iii tile District of Col : pint:lit , V tt ' f. I ' fin• . - - - I - tire , Tee n I .., who wish iii first-elass: Still thrther the 'Act provides .., tf„ los, licat forty 3,- Purp 'sit of the ivery chi3s of i e l to subscribe for ihis.ll.e.(,-''')l.Pirli,'"siliner•'; shall' wind u'l)t•h i ri - r: l i.elter ished e A . , . - , . - r 01.1!:II II ir s r g. IS( thin nine months, ai.•l sh:lit citizens who miwl i rroteit ugai iil4 it. N A. v.:WIT, Leestnut • I‘ , „.-.,..1 4 , ....1,116 eac h . . with •i reasona tl: The-Natio/141 Ifepti )11 , 20n of y'est - e.i•dtiy,! 1" p "' U Sj-l- il . allowance for expense: clerk-hfie„,:eL the lZth, reproduces t pi titien stint to ',I 'received from ; ce. of t1ie.76111 Penn/ . one • nt, now at P:irt'lltiyalt•': I (oh. One nriliiiii of tiollnrs is herebv t ip l •Congress toyear Is2S. signed liV one to r . . ~ .Cared Thetve„, sia,...th::: 1 : i ' ' t„ P 0 11. : i 1 1 : dt :" t.i i, : "l ' ll i i ; ) tllleiirll.lY A t o'r , t luitrsaml Citizens Of this Di St rie Ciinie. ! i I°-itiint•s'ct:ii,e,:,‘l'l'A. f i ii. aT d, I log II ir the ' , Tad Pit illiolitioloof Ll a ve:, i ci.. , .. . • 1. - ( ,i , ,q.'ent , iron' toe - Di 7 tViet shall he liii i l - , rY" lier•-•• ..-......1t,•• 1.!. ;:•‘ .-1.2. - it I.o_ .Cr.S..thati fist or Ut 'iy,,,. still nVillgill . ‘ :,t , :li;li .. 11;i•In ;i+l 1 ~.f.l-...:,11 • ' ! . . than tWenty 'years. For twentv.tivj: •reslicetca and influential men, liTiVo ItA• (mite -4 _l - I - 1 ' the •• • • ;It• place. :, s = - , cents the clerk of t ircint rust I poragriiplis rrytn this rgeOrd may be 0 . 0 - le r orn 1 - ‘on. it the of .Washington shall 1111.11iA anN-liek- 1 Profitably (poled : . ' 1- , that there has riot been . , a :. . .t. ....iice -C • 1 : Iii i (•• , e o f n i anninissioii,. I' " "The eXisteliee among us .ofza di s-; I•' . . i l— l tr net' el; - f • I ‘ tin;•l •reel in the 761.1; r . inw h t 'h i ,: t w , l , A .1., 5 1. 1i g seetoillS lit the !!..\(:;t, I .t" , t, 0 IR_ 0111.1... Ni, ,I 1 - ailpritth ' ,l F. 1 1.10 , 1 . 10/ to :lid ' ill thi el'. j i (ilti. ' condition :13 laves. iirti ileprio.il of„ ed lit Port Royal.- The. • .. . . i . , , - •li I i -1117-vition of Snell - C.1 . 4,W free tie•rroe , 1 a•most every ncentive to rittele nod ['intent. which is in the . : •I • ~' i r ... i. .in a., •iiiny xv;,s•i..to emigrate to , A .avt,,., indus.i 3 . s.ittt out limn initily :or . os ! lost (hay thirty-- .liiiteria,•;•r 1 t . , 1:.,;( - 4-litre, aiia . ail; a et t. :,,-` t i l i-', the sOurces•• of f light. and linowled,4e, Minis .1 - 'sit 'nunibei•• • dongres , All laws of,..llurylitioll aMI ail'. lias tin 'Ville it tentleney to (Trriipt he people, anti toi• damp; . into account f t he ci:iinatti;‘Ortiin'tlicesiti,4r-W:l,ll.iniZtoll turd ( 4 vc`ri"g*: - the -6f°lltl ' 7 of - - . tOWn . inconsistent with • this' Act ar'e,, the spirit-of tito;prise.•: by acclistoni= I lof wricic the. men havii i . 4 1 er o )y ,: ei k a j e d: , - ...‘ •! .1 trig We . _ rising generati• - ) . n . 'i'oloo; with I to d o • 1 ` - h..,itee 110 ;1 I In; signing the bill. the Presillent 1 conteMpt , 'up- a- honest' , labor . and to' P I b . _Vox ..c.;•mth , will be ex- ' Tecofnineilds, that n longer time titan ditpend 'flit- 6 Ilit;Olt too Much: upon' i Irnized. It has' 'OUr hes ' lillletV il'lri he •tiven to minor I the labo' . of other 3. It. prevents a ; , i i , ~ . .! 1 : lfic'S CQ6Tt , ill Salle or absent person's 1 use:Au-aim nit usti•ious ;doss of !People • - H and that a supplementary 9r-.-oniOntla= ~tromisettling among, us :by reiitlering tOry act he pa:•se'll to supply this • iiiiS.- 1 the• means of subsistence n:o •ti• pre-. 1 ion. lle also nominated' to. the.;•;;ei:icious•to the' It Ikringelassor w,iites." .to James ,ti: • Berret. Ex- liivor of -It diniini: T . les the reSourees! of the. , Washington. •I'lon. S. F. Vinton (it I'commuitily. by throwing the earniii ,, s 'Ohio; find Daniel IL tiocitlloe . , forliner. 6C:the poor into-the Cotters of - the rich ! Iv of North, CarlAina, ComtnissiOncils. thils reuderirg the former dependent, under the act. ,- / • '; servile, ',ult.! improvldent, Whlile the - ' ' I • latter tempted 1 . .., As a testimony - , in behoifof 1 ravai - I areto vcome./ in the ing and suffering - humanity, this.o-etit.; sonie proportion, luxuribus mi l d prOdi- Act.-4 Free.lom is •one of the ;übli. I gal." --, .1 ' :' • • I -,' :• .. mest deeds ever aCeoinplislred beneath). "That 'these tlisastroiis results flow. the shadow - of the Stays acid it4ipt . ' ,from t i te. e . . i. •nco. off.ltve-Y'arion, Ifet it be" so hulked at. - -‘‘ hill' the us isstitlicien-tiv conspieions, When w.e hcart throbs anti the eye t .p•oivs (1101 ' coptrast the languiskitto , condition of I.' . '' ''' with mingled emotions of- exultatiOn , this litstt let. , and the stirrpuniling• Syniiiathy :aid priir r e at the-veer al al country. •withi:the prosperity lot those the noble' deedsr-61 our soldier, and 1 parts of th 'I ;Union 'whit•lt I.l!'e. less IsailOrs:;;, while we exult over al d- .1- 1 favored in pint of climate and loca.. ' most I worship .the heroPl• a f rloin ' Lion. but bl ss6d WitW a free and in. - I• i hope,,or thq :olor beiticr -who l l l:tufts dustrions population.' . , his flag on` the 'enemy's, battleitents; Thirty•lodryearsa!rHaganeratior with' shot and shell fiviiiaroun I hiin of time-4)e 'fit e ; rairroads iiiiil -tell Icit . usi honor - those, Who have passed graphi were pr4ticidiZetlitli4e, word; this generous deed- of manumiSsikini I were delibelatelyAvritten. <ti l ..lned. am by which they have loosed the—deaCy !support - ed . -1i one thousand c'tizens i ol burden, hdve unbound' the .yoke, alid .the Diz;trie ; Sine ° i this , peal t•,' have. Ilet - the oppressed go free'. Let Congress, s avert' baS grow, i almosi —.... . ' • - -- ' ..---t ' '- ' ' -;;.,,,,/,,-- - ' . I:CCCS~ lin the Auditor-General us honor the • Thirty-seventh grey.. - ' of o the "Ur.ited S•ates ; let I cover our heads before that hearted, magnanimous and unfali leader of the people, Abrahan c coin. President of the indivisib publie.—Phila. Bulletin. The steamer Planet arrived duenh on Friday, with the ;71s en route for Fort Donelslip one :of the sregimente 'that dis. the ,State on the 6th. - Their tilid be= - taken fres them I= MI ladelph a Press. "Occsasf•na " April 1, '162. -1 ` ..'rr Ctiresiondence ?f th Letter from • • IPAar!so.7.9l • If by !ohm' inekorahle cOlurnanc, ,which could not; fafely be I ;resiste _, `Certain • of our nubile teachers ; were I directed to turn th .ir faces j nsteiLd.ofi `'their hacks. upon their records ; and ',forted to re-read' liii - _re-,digest there i : ,records, we shouldtave some most it 'Aeons andliitiahlel rUtestations. '• FOT 7 , IruSt. is playinga Sbnkspearian engage; merit here, --amitliqui , ands ;list' to see him in these Wundet ftil repres nthtiotts -of; the - Works ! , of the untzhal nged dt-i dramaticvity of literature, - whogr ‘ 1 wordly wisdom and knowledge of hit.; mhukindlexcitesltheiuntizement of a I til'PFe who ca;tetidly read or iitietitl - Atidy them..:lleitkqedMachetha few nulls ago. That •it.ibitious asi),i rani, 1 , -uriVell li) Dilirder k.S• his ~rite. Wits a trite seee,: . sionist. Ile had all tire qtialitties of atpro l slavery traitor fa a just and generouti, Government. 'Hie -lied and cheated, flattered arid fawned: Ile murdered MS !niltilgent c linonarel,: after haying invited him t , his own 1 e .l lstle. With his OWti hands flaking tile life of hiS roial guest: Here was la • ; genuine secedei..[All hat thni- asst 'in _ feared cliiefly - :%tal,to be 1.1:Oiled tola study of his flirrur "deeds j; - of his early pletl.i.es - lnd )1.-oinises and espe chilly cf his efforts to Coilipass the throne. ! lie. sta y '.', • 7 . 1 . I . 1 . .';qi am to blood . ' I . i Siept insa •far, that, Ould I walbno stiore4 it t ietnraing, were ds te lolls as g 6 & t er . I•I s i Imagine the ilieture o , Jefkrsn ( Davis, Rowell (241.,1), R. 111,,T00 I nihs, I .ltidah. P.: BenjaMill, I . 6l*CCa to i iiice `their -otes• and . - c celarations ill faviOr Of the UniOn : and' : the':. Constituti{m 4 they are-noW trying, not oid i y to an- { I nul, hut to . annidilate. .1t wOuldjbe like compelling ) acheth toy carry tIIA dead hedy of li tig Duncan !on his ishouiders;. and it they wear. itSkedl' to I [drink; all -the hi d that has flowed from !their treason they co tld not [be i ; , mor e ,horrified: Obscri - e., t,liel.e Men art ,, • . ,t - tile 4re itietut n, dial ii o ties. the 4 . , porcclain' of tht. common :... , ecessnin ' •clay land vet theri li - ite, ex -elleitin[all i•. ; the arts told atrc'eities of le assagsin l'settok Bee-iniii i' , with the Most -io -1 t nt prole Tilt in iaror , of the;l..won,' , and carry . og:thsltelng so far aS to I- IL 1 ~ n : Make all col flirting wit!. it tl , i :pet4o • , •' al enemies, they Jim' in becoming the Itexecutioners GI the ;very'caue they 1 Claimed chiefly 701 cliameb.i. 7 _ ltini 1. . - i 1• . , ..strout: , as his e - iti t appears 'to all rood !; men, it is atnazing that lit . has ',Mot Iturned against II eSe w retched' triii tot s the corseience a id the cou i ra ,, e ofjAhe 1. i ~ liboutl . ' ; - .t . . IL But thereare others, not ti.'xeslon -1 litsts, who., eould •e4exitnittu their Uwii ; .lets. s.ignatures, votes. : oct 'wards, 1,.t •- , i wan mono: :.. , .:000 to thenisclvei..- 1 hating - , . , t i e ;linen jail to see Odw Powerfully they 1; ;:tre :tiding them. , I allude io that class ;e !in the South Who clunior•itelainst en . tale 1 .: i"cipation in this District, 'lnd go. pito t o of - riige over :al) , at e nipt. . 1 ( i I. to levy a tax . 111.)n the prperty even • .t-itkt . -8 repel. ;To hear soino of these 4.lnicti Tr , :4l - 0 supp ;sb that the iiiril. fit ;01 nb?lishing slaver in this --ieinity t iwir- , ,1 a pew thought, :born of i the heated lfitnati . eiffn'of Wendell Phillips (w \V it . : liam Lloyd , Ga-rison, di• leii.e di:it it , ": - eras. ret)ewed; for ,the purpose of tt - a k: ing flit' prOper, yor our hest fritimis . . t.. • as 'all ilia' 1• 1 —• i ' '... t , 4 • ,invine._.e ; ,n pi epei t cin ,As ii slaves have itierease&and rdittiplig(l the exaetioi S and aggi•esstoq; the an noyanee Ati d the:. inSoleneeF4 ot thei, owners haVl‘ • itrereased and Oiltiplie( liVeal.th.i . . ati4,'',pdweriiil, bileause c their prodintjve priperty, they WerJ„ alloWed to- control the polities of hot COn s •tin rrOit- cripg L;ik e Re- , . the great parties of the country, and hampered by mere only arrested, by a nor majorif 4 , 1 elling andoutit44. when they aiitiumed to absorb` the de - 1 113 - v.)ol:Wear del tinier of the North, and to subordina el---..-- to themselves , the interest s and 4 0 ita-Gen.,Scot Ni millions convictions of twentillicinS l of fi-e 'home fit Elita4i i ,. ~ at Pa- Oliio. I:iti is •raced cofors 1 ! Then .they ...bro. ei out into n, which present y,blossOM•d! Olt,iiida f terwi l liintoalia d 'and teak. ...f Oanwhile4."; fsciences and j i , f "i i n retitle th ' ors of thin trb • •liery.,lingr ; War, arid ' death' itd'amPlM ' ',' ed,iti till huitiati• , titittle.; 'An, . time iike-.this-t •itt the ab,nlit :lvery ItT. the D,i.e . pct of Co in tilde& . thirty-toni4estralai/ol A reasons, is resis ted and d ago:, in,iiiriont. 3- a ndill4imnd.:: 11 ' It! its were tmansWerable thenl t if- possible, ,rit ..nrianSwer Y:• " 'Slavery, in _t u:r Piritriet lily been a Motif (In tha,nititi' , ,mit a Curse to t ii•Distrietjit', 1828, it has eve since depri -fr.laves of "every ! 'n(ientiveto f' . and laves •',. 'Shut out f 1 ,11(if the -Onf6 j .t . 1 . 1 ,0 f light. i ~ ledge ;- "e; rriti . l eit the Mera c. - :, , i , .) 1 .1. people, it id; .. Ir:customer,: g l generation to lOoft" with it • upon horiest• I thir, and k 1 . Iftir - Supp4t - too Much i .up n 1 nf,others,ir, It; iit: kept 'U. industrious; clasitsl, from A tll has fr•tht!own I. h i earn'r po!: • . .of ' • or -i nto t he c0,.,0 ~ . tl , i dering.thelforme iriend 4it, and improVident " toil:"th 11 nt. ous and prodigu . .'l,] Thel i t Unguisliectver si '4 1828 c , • : - • , . I in. •• • idaittly , fitv,ored cline t 1 ,. .other natural , ;Fantagefr,; ltecause it i l s- no `•blessed .kv t andl an industrial's. pupal it lernanded by di." t,foresii 1 i_i •e' we 'pro4ressino' w F back rc I we gather . no .4 perience it of 'marvell ? A e Stti biter I these to .be . ign! , red. though led by tenlit hoit aiid..pro . ot's, :StCd by teat tho o s . asid , w ‘ t t its' very is Z. flow umi• Ithafl ~ eve le, of this liistriC , .6nd; it ''."'• il4l it not I.e rent Nett ? Wli ititjured by:', - It. ? . ot., thehiyal lie is , paidli,for il isl:"proper y ; tild this . grcitt ne of delive.;:i i .ated to . platsir' tl p4iisloyal- ti ,( [ 4siniabte ? I T . 1 1i • . he Presicittnt 'ta i l stun the • Int ;[ of - there"Aieol bOl (ti;.",doubtd I hose ' " : '' I 1 ''• 1 t'' impormnet. . i iii.. rip . o () so . tImPl - read Over - tf c lirecordlie c In fled, and 4 . overi. air fliteS ;t I" lii(l6' C":confusioril prod' ced by thei Own . 'sciences." '.. ; Tlio '" hdlitiOn ht's aver.,Y, re - ..wi1l not.l inn's', I lit, - to hel.rernok•ed L e,where• .1111 is 1%160t. the . det4gn 1 r, the de:4re'" O lite •rnajoi:ityJ oq ise wil,"( 'voted lii it. But it Ivilli productiy4..Ofl .0 ito good e(tusel et,ces. it; dill 11 tape ..1 he n: tiOna.l l (ital free: It will:att.:lel free Nvidte ; I''r here: .It wit •litlF ioto`ttse•!aii(l l • .. 1 tlttire..our,desJertc• I4,ts and 'St barhs will employjoa el inistirpf Ssed witter[f! wers: It .u - i 11..-1) tip fat:forks' and ' whine shopsialon r ur tyhare‘s. I t: , ,,' i t fl preyunt ter n I'l it"speetifittiog iti i aces; tvotner,. • fr, n' reloici [or.: o v e r.. l i••• - '"? • - liter p birth of skives sso mueli o re' : mey in thetitsaw_ peckeks,.,:itolWill l .at..-e the cOinmtyty or .010.,:e ..ym• thizers with arc isbn trim have in sted this ten n i t Id's: squar - eltOt s( ! •toy 2,-ears." :II " i ws I my ...N"rirtheilr' aders espe;lally! h ;se . witolhayp .al.l w d'd these 14jecti t:ts•to the. I-en - loyal: il slavet•y frOni" t tel. capital of: tlietr, (asp t ry totittlict t ft .irrtri lids.. cs - Mid set i ., r thettielres win t [slaverY hasdimei this single shaltf JherC pas •beek r. prosperonS nip die el . tt.4 inj V:o , b11, gton: Sovii" , ty 1 ett i e has Peal 1 V 10 . -1 i, or rather sepa ra ted. by the taifti.F - ' on :between • the Y try rich, :Ind the •ry poor.. :Prope .t. •is - 110t ltepl "heili Iv fi t oeha(.. k ie.y.wh i , 1 : 00: -. .eartreld their, song - , . mi d, - Ny'qp i I - el . their •%•1 1 y-. trr: 'ealtli in "their o N . ! avocitiiolns i ;" :Until 1., y sueressinloper ; trs. Hayeloilders, I laee•tiien. ,:reed .1 lo hy-v. l ±entl. " Thei 'lave. trattit, :Allot: h ptollibi t ted l(v1 1 i'w has ];(Self stiec,s •hilly e tri*. , (l i 'oltil I various' WZIV:I. The! kiSII I I.F.;S O l fi 1' ,. 1 . I I , '‘'.'ll It!: Yl:i enTielrk nu lr l ;.‘ th : ,ll lt •-,,..,,::•"•, (1 1 ••••,;(..•i:e i ::(,•,:0.5 . ,• ;II.; „ the' tyitth.tdla IP sexer r have, nil naitY eits . 6s. I..eel•el.rcd i t() l•pi11 i rtit till: ll'Oilts or SiziVtir , ifireltly l a tt l toil,;;! -ectly.:toil not,,it .) sinlthelr owl 'ltaleufs w r; labo > 'fite • tro fact!. has . peen: nj I t :aughty, 'oyerhe •it "g"- . 11 4 nd dickatorittll pi ri t, a conteni itt f( r :all in . ( ti 'try Old l i icolionly s ,- :Mil ,*a i maditless t 1 1 ace {it 'ocession .0: ;st•ipe fro 1 leontlic , • - lit'- ,. r • ~. ,1 i • 1 with tire unuaintut) -iota 1.,0-Ltiopt' masses ' •of , tile fieet.Staitcs; !If .th; \‘;110 read Vite.:e[ tt'Crs..(r)ti.l) l .4 ,. ! tik'? things for thelll§. V' s; ti e-stlalCs w it - kill frm. • their; I.y 's ai d:, ill f- pits . party teeling:i, t e)1.1S ; 01 hi . 11 . qp1{' : i, that .Wasiiingtot , 4 t:,, 1 , NV , :I"o'ptir'! • from a' boll wI4 'hi .hat P f lon t .„011 bee i C:lllCer at the 11 - att . 01 thd.14 . 1.m, and a stain tivot4 tity coantiryl. am the ikttik.fus or I idileal,tili. rens are, to:d , not . ' num: i 'the tue ILM not Bk. tnii i atttJ, sh(l CC th , 1 1 be I gel .1, lay Tim ri.r.t•li 'X, the Brt cliiittid, , t - ellpa , -less a per•tiinagtHtlpairJ; dr-played his pet( ijioo r i Conititutign fild tie _h? bat re twat' Corio ki, on The ,Riehttiotld'D . 4pirn, lieoluelty regta - 444 or. 'snip -cu., NV r \ extilled 11 1 'lts ilohle , comma? er . i a tame, wifieli c;ial evd 1 -lot e : lii3 left Co st •ess than 'ix month' i go, in tnouthr4ee ofi 1 in.the,,Free Statt44'lwhO t proatiee tho argfiffue dieted their anietft pr: continaz to plai.[tho V. lie went cu'rfill t 'of the Deinoeratialwh awl the Breekittlii'Og Free State re a t tain q litliino• t -, ere'dit tO til'ent ri. 1 ing iyy hi di;elyities. lime, trying i.oljtlat.eiv i claiming eompa,d4ash - men 'he r olunt'ered lhereig no ineOnsi , ,tt. i.thnoE—Lhe folliOcid conclusi l ra-4 adhere to tida 4 l fait! '' 0' ~® om th ~i .:,i .. : ,..1. 1 " . 1 .•. • ' i-, ''• li --. ••Ji 'he sesrii' • :Of the Legislature liti'v, 4 , lelafied '- - ii .41ifiy• ' perhaps • not ' be t. iss.tO eon derl.t . h . , political-'; r its aetioti.;- SO :far••6:4 regards 8 tate• icy, no .i.S :esay. > been tnade ,•se as t'. inane the the , 'ividing 'line. ti,- een partie :-.- Hap ity,.iiartY , lspirit • ins ,bat -MO to-.do '..witit..legiSlatian; ' . il , setisiOri-; 0. far a- ithAiii eferenee;l. State tntt ers • tut • 'WlteneVer'''qUes i i! itS- of *bit •anal listuring.wereairder . 'iiideritio• p .• arty .pirit nianifeited ', . •if - mast.! iearly : - • , t,..i5,, berefare,";l 4- dent t 4 ait is . A 1 ,in - : ;- nt:tkii) ittliqiies 7 i t i C. hs - Inat pi .rtfli n• ~ will--thidiythe i p. , Ople, And - hough''vas shoW,n •bylolel ation l lif th 'Leg starete mark di tl ... 1.1..t1y the !lnies pt. .rties..,'''.. . '.' f 1 :. ' 'he leaders ' Of the .rcelcenridge*ing. o the , Donit . .ratie4 iety,:pre 'warning', a •iduausly':i . or the' ,: . elorganii,atiion of 1 t , eir`Partyi•ipOn'•tn•l'oldk.O.3'7o .. 4.l 1 fo ~..In, ' and' I 're. rea y'....t - ii 'l.i ito l . iv 94.11.! ,their friend' `in the' , :onth a • . saon..oo ' ti 4.3 7, lay do -•n- the; ' : '•arritS and: cease: their open! . ,,,tibellion` while -the .Union, .and - 4,D . 9ng1:41. .Demo rats '.rtind 1 tilel'Ref • Pn'hlietins .;. re • opposed . ...ti) the 18(iiith . 1 tiOaliiiiulin.. this co titry, tlijco aglithe ..t r ferriberatio "or . ,any ?tiler party ; • 71.10 : retiolutiOri f. reque.- • iour. Senatars[ap4 ~,,, tp§truet ou ,:,11eprel..eritaltveg in .Conk•: tTis , to ye e fort abOlition of Ma- Vje .tsin .••I''• ' ie' Dist ict ofj i Colunbi4 , . nought o f- : the i iVidiniine very -)6ar/y " !re whol ;gist of the aroli, Tents-o he ,Dit ocratic. s• ihat stavet 1 waSit4rre,tVgea :litst . itutiori.; rat, • Iiltli: ugh - . 0 igreSS lids,'..llndo.t . he .C . onSt tatton; ".441usiVe: jurisillo-•i fOonnver t. 'et .I:3iitt et of Calan'ibia . it : l li-'OB no jtiri:diet'iTyn f:shivery in that 1 1 114istri t ii..:44 - ;.-.. i,".1.• • ..!.. . 1 i 1•• , • • . • , • . i! .1 t1 . .1•'-th• sit .. prinei lei 4 embodied in I I ire ribell!:tonstitii . on, had.' ikyri.l years t i 1 .11,4 - :wlii?iiirel.iii3ol . the 1eiN0.41 . 9f the ', I.' ; therlion,! i antend ' ;that . it wiiii an.iii--1. erferenee I,witli tt en7i-' i .t..,,giqs Alp deny.l ilit• slave ,y'Was..i priVileged.. lin:Alta- i 'll oti.'..Fi:n ar V,'-as iri4nuitter carried 1 lit I iat a Breit Porti( ti',• of the' Deinourat 7 I • li` • • • t-) - f.- 't l , t.• -t o ok t r. party. it . the r e. , ...t t., the i IF'aine gran d ,i . al aovtioatedthe!_arnend• • l . " ifig, of tii ,i Ci)Witiiiitioil• , so. as ' to r de - 1 ,- . Icllarle that Slavery' annat , .. be' - u-nterfer ', • t, , - ,... - , 'bsl..witli, in iv n,, .by the People of the 1 - i tates wh . .re - it ild :4 not exist. 9fi thiS 1 subject th 3tii re. Aution Of the Dein , "!" . el . ; tie .•(.• • tiventin. •- , whit di ~;met ;at I', 1.11 artisbn •g,On . t 2.2 d Of February •' :` • I iierl, bears - direct V.: , It 14• SIS ibliOWS :1 - • • It 1 1. ReSit;irl •,:,17113i.: , • - e will 'b -- .111 prop • I 1 - . `itt,ar . ull.l . e , ikitaate leans, ' . ,appOse; - -dis 7 i• .l tolinteita ee,arid • )reyeticOlyttempi.: - .' i .,)11 . .`t,1ie pa i of : the' fiepUblieans in l'iow-- ~.4 . , 1 0, to ti,a ,O a-.ny . si -tiled 'a go, resi on .up- - "ii ,an the' 'S ititherii- ...Allies, especiaily •r•a. 1 - •:,. htig. - -aii ... .1: NNS. coat '4vetiitil; their ~r i g h ts I s . • s'iull'Teifiaim tier )euled on the -tat-'! , i•„ 1 ,- • 2 : , • • State i. ,J. !' I l i aO-11( OK.' •OI ••4 )1" )erti .t. tinwt.o ,• loirgr , I'Li e j1141.t ' iia'Ads•ip . f •the .S , /lezh.. 1 ' • . - I - 1 i ,,. .,,m.t4)tep !be )tnxe( . Vli I :C. (1 by 04', :I? e:iyb... , t , 1 HI kali ( .71111i ritie:Ott:, fiese,States t f - dnd iilfr!. i• [ I .1, ! 111 - e4 :by:f 4per 'irlW'tidtdjr!) eXPi::/)/((iii))7s • .loi '. tlx co is.liiatioiiy :, . ,1 -- - - ,' ,: • ..! ' 1 ,... 11 Tki IS: !:'i 4\1'14•04.i; , i.ik t. ha i - t h.e - • Jep4erm Li, '. if 1 411 , W n.9j.:1..4.h. -party heir! tho'n.hie l'•' }principle' 'that- , iev do , non This. :,.. ' . ipt• i noi pre 'let it li disguised•iis it iiiilyl:' • , ' is iiothin • ir.orc i Or less ithati that .the ! - • ~' inajoy, - ay , ?tallm . .1f ult.. .. 1 . 1 . 1 ~f . ..,1,1A,!;, 1.• is' a ,imiri ogOrfill titiitio p ; t.c.f(-410,•tvs '[' I,ll,iiii.A.ll6.e . .wlyo':i , . Oral it- and privryegi: , ed r•is.jl ri'llii'iori .e - .:'0.1mrit.c.4.1. t he . dem;;• 6eraiie'firture .6 our goverument • is•';, • ' lot-an iiiii..t.-6ci': eY(iS bilili .it p. in: 'our'''. ... . ' witki: - Liu& th'e. 1-ot - de. arc -no • loiwer ' rt • 1.; .the rhierB aiulleoltrolleils of their own 1 • • ;.•• It ; •l'• • ' .is • ~' •. . •.(,est.th, - their so.. vere ,, ntv ,ton.,:--..1, •Tilis.isi..i;•htii the . rebeis 1v ant,;. for t.hisi - , i they , a lie ctig-li i i ril.. L. TheY jeehti•eit avOrh • ,•%. i iid , o• k l 4 ' iiht',. th V . Will .iiiiiirit tisr.• I the" i ..- I L : . i. 1 .-, •., i ...`. t ~ " . rule o.- an . ( vu.s. majutty. . - Je., ,I . ,"rabirle .4 . the N rtiii"-4the...toitti-illsl i'l of. soeie ''‘-,'P •'sl4 1 j ha...V . t r ,k no! !baud i iii 'lLeontroinigl - the • ;_. ; „oviirurnent of ~the- 1 , i',.L.;enilei.ron or ill. South.l.- .:The Ddulo.C. 1' o.t •II 'zidors, ho are A . ilOkilli'. fOlii, 11 . o . tf, I'llp'._, , :trli ; ini i!ll . .of i 'l4O I''. p:irtyi! r 1010* tll i Drell: , hat Ithey,lnnist. in ,:iir. 11..meat4.itte h 04 1 .., o•-the viexi.s,.i.)fi4lie, it•phll4•.: -i they lisli• ti l Itettutte' ls'it4, 1 ilienii-4f:er•"theii . hOlii - ai is over-;l•bitt • they. , yO-'o*,•" . .eip illYi l'i-lell '.that •i they. due 'iii :otio l iity", iail . d.ir,eetly -4idvaeute, .the prii Icipli,3s... lio ,innierlity:_•the,l re-' 4 : 1 ; •1 1. )( 1 ' i ll •i i° r 11 il lrl ' t. iin .l :. i o i ;il -• 1 ' . i l l i e et li i t r •l e .- SiTii . " . tti j i e:- is. i' r . r f .i l ; ' l I V I.l•gd •1.0 1 .. that th'i 'view s int4llledi - 1 1 1 t g i:o - ; . .:: ,.. iii t . ' , ..n , t, i k i.ii. n lie . l l l:::::l . i., fit - •i . 11 -- 'li • • noe l • I• • • '"t• ••' -. '•• ' ts - ri,,yei.i y i • tit .Ir, r_ortneri party . I( 1 sooiatia is fiticl. 'I taehments - ta i l ..•: A , •••! ~ - i - tint , H ~ ,'...4 , .•,,i,, I. i '.l.Vi r; i ttr ed..° 1 I lip - -'Bep übl lea iyi f pa, • seonisd,. y tjber,:i l it ..n.st,equal t jc.tlS;..t ilie..rell IS ' an !! eYSeeu td' hatell!a t. oiitioni ts. we rs thau the l ').elSH With; tl e exee oh of iightl)f.l i stet h - eccf ,l, 'Ont the. I..COion; [(and ?ii . ',.'en • t . ~ i'S „trial r-•eOntendiab....thatL.tla• CM i l l ii, rot) biat, fl t I p ne 7 r l i ese 1 c Si .1 t Si? ti 'mg lc. nah if at 3 J.' l ) t i i J l lll MIS r. N . • 1, ) eru i' '`r she 111 I I I goverul ", uli-itlgel I►, i, - 1 , ' t.?'- agt.'• i ~bellioir. -.•!lo l i', the e.part ill I ) 0.4 overu /r` j£ f 1 b . ', thi .'ses ba'„‘ 1 e '1 liapiU -1 ry; su ' b ry, tepu ^d fere , %ii di;lat 1560.1 . 1 hi tirsi. i011:1 0 t; 11(1 tialll , 4 th{il 1 . er . t4 !ilnrk'l4 tittii i tit 111E1 erf 'tol jell t 001 des! 1 11, t the eievet tiro I 1 vol %del • elvtl 41141 a I MEM itt(!. brl stand- I s eopl 1 the bre, ught li 1 ttF,vtrt th t AFho some I:of r I - ieditfiel :affektiot •Otipli to r him I, 15 ni re ti I ll: It bas t tbprFy ed. t elianok P. 50 c otfr j - Tail:l'l2,lB62J .1, BURG, i Wentll ', • !Ai; 'pow ettO pre - letit.. , al:it - ig ti of n n akaitts,l . th t . 'tient,: t l i; leaders 6f the ipi'eek 1 wing itt the li.elrlotrtticf, -, i ii4, l e•w It i :IP 'l6lileis•r of the • :.re ' They . gee that . the .:Iteotii i i. 1 ..Not't4.- irej . wF6 . 0g,1n . • - tiqii 9 I.l4ilin 6;il'll;ere , the •Getlera inein 6; •piYisiiktign,. - iflijt.bi . . ynlilt e ii:tistitutiiiri of Otiy Thy., ' 4 . Intji.ni.i that the' i eltio .iiil.; ktl, to 1:1!.ke': part ip i i.tht. of tii„e. ,2ig't:ini 0 of.theirivoi. : ~• 4by ill 'cilY - Itistin , r that. • lean ,a .. ,,y.:;• : k:trvingto late 7 ft i ith:.tle. , rights 1 : o . f !the: State i 'Vert'. it attention . )oi . th .. A . V. 7 ... the d ' rtge'rs: itfi the prit;eipl , !•1 re''ad i tt4 atifig .•:' i ppt;:,.9l)ciily . , :. a • , I 1)::;.-bu 9 , i . .. ii( l et,l'y'l .:: ..-I, . i-:, , : -- . ; ltracite" jisuet l ,.thereco:, ;-tit . t itst :bl;o L liiiii t • herdre t-heir:':(lVet,:lo I : , nest et .tip!o l ,..l:v_ili Jhe , 2t:Mll (i i :q •.'? ir . i . cstiOn.s.ai•Jsii!g't 00 ,:• , l.:shi . t; ', Mdti and settled '111 : th ! direlfit t i t' I;e0,. 4: stand .agitor t st -t 14 . bfrit't t raitors nzifiTr - rebey,:,d 4 tlkel ifi t'Oitii iooei• of the- 4 . ~ ,t .0' .•prot et •4.34. or :by those ..ic they (1 '' ll l; y frci ti , irecil Th l\s( r -ill li ,(6, 1 this'll Whi9 ) i nia .le 1.,4s IFer ser nm i , ,1 ' \ i 1 "°t °FI Y Yul t le to ' t/ ''.dema i i 'iraitd , but t ac noadedged their . 'as.''col ltutfoli :fipht t sthatshould,be f endat titer . i tcaraltee . by: "ProPel'• a ". 1 4 „ fc spta,fia tio ..the- constituto i t er NVI t rd ; whether the "erimih biro , h , h p t ri organization an4Pa t I 'tted • to decide drill; shalit etePpi. be, 0 t OWn aßci,,fir pc*ther, ! itt,,skat 1 , MIR byi cit , eye le i e. Fir; if . rear _ ani z, , • now ' , ttem ,oled,by tho 1 en- t, eontroli ' ors and s re b e that ever i p, other eountl o itieir own country. 8' not desired 1- on nization o lut th'e inevi n is Ofat.wa anted by tii eeking; a re ieinns, and udice and I' c_ . 1 up . pose t I h, . 1 Ail to • ..,......; , old, „ en emy, - i . , r seue. eeping jup . their rtroops- of •the and , her . ,atred 'against 'I those soil...lilissourt was overrun by,- the.',,,, ,e . dfunands ~ o. the. hordes bf Price: they been corri.,:, -4 • ,•• - ..1 , pelled-tO fall back: ' Weste n, -Virgin , ' • asstieiation, , tli i e. nitt,:- ianovv, enjoys uninterru•pte. I repose.—.l poliiieal. , tower, Portions'the... .of North I Carolina,' South, - 1 timejnts.lof ..offie'p; •andlCarolina; GeOrgia, FlOridit,l - ALl:ensa.4„ . _• • •, IY-cilt,i,Vtited -1 ,. j prejul Alabama, Teri nesec,- and liTirgini a are 1 i s 4 %%lie haVetioppoSetki Row; occupied ,by large - bodies of our; Of. the South,tall unite ;.troops. , Thd efficiency of Our . _ block-' l emcieratic leaders of j ade,is:•doolY prOved by the 'high pr ins he anises andpoliticall of all itnp,ortiint ' foreign -crOducts •i n leading pout Omit , : oft the South and, the 'scarcity . of • ticei no,W • and no, one ho has , Southern- Si aples in foreigal Countries.f • i° in the • Democrats' 'EVeii - fort that-we have.: :. , ,Viseigedj - we ' ji' in the State 1-Legis-1 have .eapturid... l Every utwork" or. i , /irri ine - nt dOalit ,but rthe enemy' that wehave ssailed; hU:s, -,:- l'be, ore the vv at',, the' falten'jnto our hands:, t• r -I --'• :,•;-••• - - -1,.; • ,4.. i, estof: f Spythein pol-i - 'soave' now,Aushed With: '; nr nunner--1•.• : : gr . at lextent,jadveca-j pus paste victories, we're uPProachiag: the Seceded . • , ea #,crittie parts/. 1 ;;-,' f States. The . tide of hattle at this mot - 'ntay,'afid, .1 feel.:4,nifn I, tile:l4ls ragitittpd., , YOH:town, the • She,, .Ibut, let. it not be', key of .the navigabla - approaches. i to,-_ 1 tedlt/hat the itipmpleslßithmend ; Fort PillOW, tie chief . re'' • i Licit:rushed With it., , -- I main ;fig ; defe ne j e of ' Memphis-I:. the tedlis the than , r fl . fo:t 0,41 i. priiteet-New Orleans.; •and , robral.than'eVer; I,v j ill 1 Corinth, the:place to Wliieb Eeriure•- w; 1. - ,- .- --)", I Bard's array retired litter is defeat at- . • , ..• . , lie for the p riv i leges of ~.Shilob.. - , A -complete; ‘ - 4.tory ;:o-,. -- . ail _ thej :ri . lhfs*„of tiio - many 1 these points would virtually terminate' over,:ptilitically, When I:the war.• • - We 'must', not iiisguise the: • ‘, --'' Cr i as'e l ti. i The. same J,fat, hoiVeyett; that large a nd power.,: - .1 to smile, extent,. be in ' i tal armies prpteet them, , ati that the ' . I J. :t treneral eleetion';•but -, skill and cot4a4:te of, our gem. - -rolsijand - • r '' i - ;•'' ' ' t •'-' ' t anc,", more onriortanti our troops m..iy , e,pu to s j everer tests r;fietii•er - theTrieiio l Of !Mel : than 'an y.`1,0 which they have bithert6'. of the -maiiy;ihat-i 's'ettle j been siihjected. -- ~i I ,' • - .., .'. sing toia of 041car:cuit i , - The,"lii:ie.of Yorlitowri promises to . . Tnalierkt..or ;whether .th i• be a Trot rseted or I? .Is l , a : sort ;t - ,, , ,els . qud of the privileged I Sehastophli j . and tacties-sonle-,vhat Eli ; . tent 'M.I; rile our ~ountry.j- i liir• to those resorted to by the allied... . r"'"" , , - :):CDEpEkI)tNT. • I troops will . apparently .be -rendered -' •11 . 1 ---, -- .f.;,„. d , • ''''• I neces-Jary. I.i..4enerat .N'ict,;icilari: hav„. 'll6l ffelv,extart..n . ''-xut - 7i79 l lktowl:L; i n it,' en`jo3-ecl ' abundant oprort niii:ies‘.:l , I' .I.7he i oidlit h., o?oitipil..t ti,4 ~the , j witnessiog the, opeiati'ons 'of Ow 'op, -' 1 istAie field o i ,which the liberticii of Owing armies itr-that exciting strin -- IC - I,'Ttiiiitlyie Werelilyst Fiehiefred, is to ,gile, . wit do roief..:lly - e , r.T.lov. • 0 thel.theat re of Itke d /great'lbattle, - ;of ~ 9ritia•-, ,0 f I tbe • know redge-th it , 4 g,ii1i6: 4 .,.-- - . le j ivhr for its pris et o,t I Mi. the, in Ills- Pf4'sent undentakirig - H: - .77 -- A.• vailitble pOwer i•!fl the.'enein • in Vin - 1 . t The experience a:Attired b , .. Coni , • ii' i H 'll - I'l e" ' t t 1 1- I •i , ' •' at i slapparcit, 3,.) mg con 'en in el 'mot. ore • _ °cite •at Fort, Henry Fert t. :York t' Wit I Not Only rri-e three of ' Dimelsrin and island No. It_ w ili 2 ll% - td. --, lieirllbest gent rhls..l LEP, li - )11?,:sox, and : him greatll in his' attack ally! For ' t,r l ~ IAn:fq:DER. believed to' -, he 'ilireeting ?Wow. al ,d I=eneral Pope's virzlory o.t . heir Anovements,jhut it is 1 - reported j BOoneVille, his- eaPptire - 4JV -N•iw . ..Shed- hat; .li.:si% DAvis hos. arrived iri•thein-rid. - and art S saacititis Mrivement. - • . ,„. ~__ , , amp,:und titt t .•, -t losen yo,oi-Ot i to., j aei u.-, , s the ,ktississippi to the rear .c, -. ow".oracy ji , ... t' it , lll'liggle jll 114 - 1:%.1 1 11 for. -- , the . . , .*arrii•oU atlsland 2c:10. 15. •:InsplY . • liemaintenaneel,r , hb,,iii. g :, t r .pc,„:* ; prove his, al- j - i i ility to- r.:,oder i T.:al:table : r. 1 4 vicipr ,- over such a 1 b'si - j' tlsti, as:dslitnee,wlitit Iri,; land for•e,es. d,l , ,would le. mriStiinportan -: Thert i t • Tile' Tiri - Ops -o',-.ric.• on •itforalaY,-..tle •-• •I'li I..,tie t yaso), :hOWe 2 rei•,.. to, I•tippri-Je j 7th of April, redecteed j all tlie-;erx; • liatkA:•en it '1) ealirs _act, i , e: i'.‘d. i Tli'e ! and •di,•asterf.. , of the hat tle on • Su tithiy,. Jpsition or.ti ti , . eO,O-. , .. ooei of Igreac wiji A , t,no? 1ii, , .)6 .., Colin? h. 'at .the . __•: .. - tr'ength.. Every UpprOince cf art has), properlst-asil?ii. with . 1 VII. ern ideate in - seen Used . to renilltr; it iropre, , ,pable.-4--i their - 'iavineihllity. Thfty ' Will wit •-. i hereenienilin ,, firinitis appear I t'o. be Ifail. ii-'1 eneeting the same 'enemy upon. ' qinally Conti l'entll'of victor:. ..i It t a new tie! , l, to a•,•i , iii4e i f;lt4oir t .latigh - ..., •vident that.: II tilts appliani•cl , Orl Ti.l'id- 'cored] e6innani , n,i..4.o l . to. win new ti•-••'• rn: , warfare• viii be emll.l illto , ;tit , ''regal - tn the:mlinirtitlim ibu,i, gratitude , . IJ tio'at; :a:rt.:if the battle sotht lex Pected' Of their . ecAntri- tiwil. '-' - . ---: -• , t j , ce ri, s, it 'wit, pit Ilabl;) 1)10.1- tine 01, AdNtalola join ..,..I a:lin - mac i....., on . he Innist .de per, to that- litive evert the, ,atithorit.,-1 of 4a :ftciegraphi - o . des- akea , Plitee i.) at - o;, L itge ot. coarltry: • 1 , patch from illi.tj.hinoird. dated' ...,pril 1-a,', •••• . ~I 1:. .•-• . ..--ti. - _ - 1 1: ' - I that oillikil Jre vies infOrmatiria had' i • SP4 - ttTA, ,Ito tau mail Co., • Vm.'Apr. ISI 1"., & ,.., . Ter.. ,„•,.„1 .( ,,i: .t h„ - , ~.0 , r 4, T e„ ,..- 0 )1, .,,,.._ L T --",tiyii.erill'l3J-ol:s' eoluinn arltve ' 1:1•e ilf ' an attp els. ell! y.orts Juok?•,...,:ii , and -, this tore noon , • : tlri 'ing...the etteniy:eroinipliillip on the I.lth , f,inst.l ComineidAre , the! hill • wit i ' at. illery •-,and cavalry p • t '.•.. , , t .fl',.. . t •',< -1 , ...1 , 1 .. •.. • ~., ,v an- ~. k etiarkes.. •' - f 'r - •.- i , 1•. , . , .-..- at Wor . ant. tt.terrih , attae., ),... no ' ' ' - ili's troops -, 71 Si:1:1 tlionsand ',V I.TUckfo , iioullt being ' - ' - 'niade'nfion,tlici, doe ie,e• s _,. passed . -Orotk,4ll.jtl e : ltoWn evelai l e - ,inlig H1,., / , ....N. L ti r _6,..„. a i i ,.... - Even if i t . : ,1,,-„ii t i , 4 lidik'neatriP ( - 41 . 1 -'' 6 ' l di 6 tafl'i'e hOYon d, '''riot -li. present 1 - )I- fully •iii.;ce-;sful' the ' ... last.; iigh d t. _. , . .:j_•, , ' av cannot be Aar distant. iv hen stir.. l.l • - • . hitry .. of ?ftv 'I ry ea , incitipon too' gtcnbnats . kti 1 i ilg id( 4 ii, the 31i,si,i - pi,i • • squittironlS7 9 Asli by s 14-Itralt*'l4r4Wn . Will...bi - acting it concert with it; in- - . up la line - of hattlei j '-• ,' 1 . ' n - SUIT, it! irittilfili ; .. . j -' .- . ~..- !--• -- 1 1'rie lattei.suddenly brolielia Ors and . Th us ' t „h e . , i a' t. h era , n icti . oi l m ri.,2. ~,'d ' hh.i,iirtillery opite,tl Opp!) ritihadyance••• capital' are,' at J . the , - s•ante''. Jnioniait, - ' °Ur" ,S.aalrY ,dravviiup in liter •411bat;',threatened by p l o'ivorft I demons ta t i ens: Ale - , jaWait;•--f0 91e tirtilltr.Y7-I:w I llich 'The capture of.cither:kvlll be*a verrifier; , Opehcd tiro tad .e:it,tered - the rebels: I blow to the e - nerhy;. phd a :'Pressl }1: - 1.itt- nigh Vt lA;'-liii:, -. enean hell 'near I-• .-- .1 - . ~_ . __),.....:... „'. ,---, . .r . , I. lIS - env •:karlc:ti. Ditriiim •th - slight I , 'T'ilii.,E o - E'll . )isrAxcEs,-7 , A'al‘nro , R ic h= :, ... eon * l3 a." l ' ' 456 e9P 1e4 the' t ovil :'". ' mond as th 4 ce.atir l the' follOivir.o to -1 :1 I 0 : V.;'40 . i H - . • '.. 11 '. • . ••• I i I . le shows at a gl• nye . the distanee' of ,••:, 1 , ,‘..shi)3,Ll, be 9g :threatened by our ar- . b illery,- 'set. tire to :his . caMp-- and r,.• different points in i _ - _•Xtrginia frem treed in•ureat.liaste, leading' thirty ibere : '' ', ' . , - , -.....• .' " 1 i• ...5, butchered l.eeves on the glifund, and. - . . • . J d u ja ,••Whatllte never did before, burn- ---,-. --1--.- '.. I'. ' I • '... ' . " .•' l 4/.. e 3. '. in ,,j- ''. ey.. . x , i , ) , I j. solau, as . „.,,p j t a ,.; j. i ar „., 'i From _Norfolk to Richmond . , 7 p) s . tii 7, li . ) 4 t3 b '4, j ii , ,. 4 ..; - sc ii t ,hl - o f -_,N• - - e,••,,, 3112, i F._ron,l Suffoll: to . .Richmo iiii: • •.. 'BB ..J k e t.. ._ ..1 • '., ' , .1 ~ r il .1 .. . .i I rpm Cape Items to Richmond , j lis . I ' .4 , •• ---- j:••••'- -- 1 -- 1 1 ", 1 llllrom•llaniptrin to', RiehUriond, .. ''3 I : , CA° A iii 19* A s peci4l di;patchl,Froin - Fortress, Monroe toltichmond 9 , 1 , to tl e Tritm i e _ofi'.l'ort , IN - i ight. says: i FrOni Yorktown ' to RichMond, - - F.' 9- - - The tiring' it) both sides • on -ThursdaylFrOm Williainsbhi* to Richmond,G)l Watt Very Ji..avy•-'oar niortanyopetted, Fi , Oni-FredericicSburg to Richmond; t 35 i at",noon, a d't Nes enemy. rePlied brilc•l.Frorn Washington to Richmond,; 1:j3, - .1• : Ily Irt.i'm th lair, htind..l;:eatteriC:o ili'rowine.From. Winhhester to Richmond', 150 IshellS deal' over its-itna. net k• ,,. lc a „across I From:Cjordoasville _• 6: Richmond - ti t 1 .- 'Alio ii,Ver.:: rflititt, tiring wts ery ,ue- 1 - From ..itattnti:in, to Richmond,' , lap '..,' ~• , J f earate .- ant - tro-nTverY. , bC'zlTY.'gufls - ' - -1 The' tebel - rtirces..wito make' a i i 4 . - • 1 , 11,6, - : g unli 11t8•••St Louis, C l • thin : (in'it • time' of '.burning and ;dcsiroyin,. , ivill- .* land-' 4l r 9- 'statli9 llo .. 88 ' .. P tCke•••''s!ill''''' l . la(re,i• • kitieS, railroads and bi4d,iri..ify i neitr ,klie xtreinityj of the point, had ).% .' i• - 1 t-1 and i f - ,an .t,tea nig lorsesicaa a neg (R t ., 1 .t:• move Ip . . tlit.,, : river •o Iget, out oft hold up their, hands and•all - their eyes.' ' railLt('* . ' I"ihe .firinir. -' NV aS CePt.i . 'tip 94 lin horror if a Union soldier burns - la - biitii. l isidesliniiili.ininight:'.. The.. tun- I fe nce - . bdoiming to a nian.,rivlio I:o.a l ts, St. to laud ' - I • rail. ‘'' • , f ts, - strut* i h as helpedlto.elcithe and feed the - 'rob- ! . bygt itlteli r , .but no daunts Iwas dorn3.l e i l - rrnyi : •-,. Jj :•.. . .1 ..-,:- . I ,' I ~...." j Yestcitdaybut little,: firin4 Wai,: done. „- , '. _....- •---.- . . In tbe•.affernoon I, the 1 -in ,rtars 'were - - •,• 1' ~,,•• J. ,1,. '•1 ~ . .j , - ~,• . 1...2.. 13wstrorr Sh4oh.. i . . F -, ,.,. . ; shifted to iiteoppoSite sid;i,pf the river ' The j ftWg'reater protection •! Irf, the forraer j •j T :special correspondent of- the JI 'l,6e-stilt) , 'they.; were . ins •gti l eatf • danger I. cinpitinati Co l iiiinerh,ip.l learns .frena t i,•„ - •, Irtint ll 'prowifg T rebel band4,..,Vho- have I reb I prisonere.that the greater • • alreadycut the lev=ee, in- tiro 'O - r. • tlireel•the J Eighth . . Twelfth aral FOttrtcenth'* r 1 - places ,t embarrass the•operations .of I IoWa; : Fifth lllinoisl , and Twenty third r l .the..mc;rt r 8; Pc4eiters's43- the rehel "MisSouiL -I were capturee`with General et. batteries nom'. incitint-abOatirif irifil4 Prentiss .. h, . ' ; .:- . .• I) .1 . • p: and hay sixty merri-Wliiiti• re rapid ,The ' 77th - Ohio, has: 'been disbanded .. "tilY beitig ,put , llit litikitllon. - -,' tragg iha4 a gnd 'mustered out' of the service' . ",:.• ' iireeeede , Villifage -in .t!ornmanil.4, - , - A deserter . FrOna„peauregAril'slirO 2 y , rElielre a C1 . ,,.i1i thou Sand iroopSltherel.l.eaine into. 'Savannah, pri _Wednesday,' J, ;There a e four ghnbeats liti,tii‘,riverj and says. that General Piieelrettehed ' tn•utintii .I,.xierityjour g al• t i: ." • -...l.lCorinth - -on. Saturday, 12th ingt.;.NOlth ' e >u Gov..' : ''P.., --- Harvev,- 6f Avi eons i l ij l v s vl eg ii: i t ert h e e;:e . a . ll , p 1 0 1i ,0 . 0 , q 1 . 7', and . th ,., rit : , 0 3: i WaStlr - O j i tied,. at Savannah, - Tenn.; -Oil 'rebels--were very mirli rejoiced in con... ,was •., night, iNvliile sicpping‘from ene;bda to ;another ~ Ail thetimo ell • CaplAind,son belonging. to the 17th. iii4 l deat I he- was o n ' gag Od-i tt - , , tisti•hlii, - i •Kentuel:ty,H - tell •ov,erboard- to ' th!,, . -,, - 6 !.. 1 & trip t and ' .144110 , ittlikiekit 'of • ministering Ito._ the I r4ton, 94 he'r -.4 : l9l i'lwar - Jtrolinde 1 stll l lt.ti ttr,g iii?'•ditlfg.r : ' :Wag tiTY"•in°l- ••••'; ' ;„.{.,-.- ''' ' ' . ' -•; -l• - 1' _ ' ' t•Ci . .. i.' ,• .. '• I . :- , , lon I 1 g politieil 1-desire for Ors and emo 1 sy:stematiea 'against .th ' aggiessiens Aim the ' !free States In .of the i t bitty° s tates ae t Lagross o I.ean for ,ti leady„ in 1 sdre's and pri :ia4r., are, to 1 i ard defende !neiples of the ne*rebe i llion t *ill, be eru -en for gi.ni eilyfng it wt Itert4tl vigiht f;" . and ttl9 . neee i ssary .n The <war is • -few! agairilst d it i will p . ot b .0 I' l ebelliOn I lineiples - .svil;',- net oar ne o. more &® -tie will be, 7 'crTnzent and, :elquegions art 1 ntnill the gon liends l of the - it,q • w si all settle t) I \{\ '-'7't in !at LIB ?ne Pr' 'de Yin asl 0 ' a 111 , . 0 a-b. cordiUg . to la sod ( :, be Demeerati par upon lilt old asie, rted, then it t // be lSouth,iiiuti th rebel I ig. the: Sent; , the;; ia---the'blacke erira- I V . .toot; upon ,t is or , 5.14w0u1t1 • vir gaily ce4ds and age' rule ieh la result i., per by the'l,eader,s bf the the Democrat Oper able tens eacY c&-its ~. ; anti' tho • measures iem siniwi that; they Ilion eliih,SchiEbdrit - • 't t: : : , The New Pattie -Fi Ids. ! _____, , • - ' . ' • .1' -.- - A: gtatifying proof Of thr - pow -.._ # the Republic, and the wii Ont -A,_ .. Svhich its, affairs have bee : adminii• ~ tered daring the last year, i afforded by rthe --fact that / every impertaik 1 milltary enterprise. that h' s Lfairly t been undertakei'hai' been iIY • tinei, eesi;ful. The 'capital Wag be (Inguered: we l hare deeendedl4. l The 4 .wasoin ,ck outhrealc.in Baltin ore.. and , t he Ste 1 Maryland -was apPcirenVy en the point of being:hurled inte,the arms of the traitors: it has been fully' r estor:‘ l ed to. the Uniop. -Kentucky was in ;;ceded : ~ .;ee have driven bat* all the ~i,, - -1...-..1-7.-!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers