Inagt. tts Brminsc,te. CHir4r. • - Who are Abolitionists ? ! _d politic* abolitionists is one who, ;eiire.s and advocates, is a prominent -eatuie of his, political ereetl, the int .- elate and unconditional abolition - 1.-Islas -et-F. On the other hand, the , . I . ,e ,,,hliran party, as a party—though;l be r re ma y - be individual exceptions i l,radvocated any thing of the su - ch doctrine ia, or ever-was, r ,TI • • -• • 1 , x id downin yof their paity e "plat -1 o r : .res an olutions, and w defy.l man to show...the contrary assertiop.. It answers 'a very purpoAe tor the leaders d.m(piefn'ileinocraey. keep upthis which the:, rank and_ file take as a - matter of course: -It :;trlle:as «c said before; that .there ••• be•here and there , o - t•.e that:pre a .Beßublican.and general-I :the iepublican locket, rhol the ge,n - eral and inunedlitte itiiu o t:.;:avery. ; but- that the Re= I party at large, contend, or Iltivts contended for 'any 'such is utterly untrue.' as the his- 1 par*s for the last twenty : 1 altUndantly .shoW. 1:1 1 .40 . t h,4 eandidateS for Pre sl . wcre-Lllakrison, Whig; V a n ;;;Lp.l4, .I)i:_rnecrat Birney„ Abolition- l= l li IS•14-Chtv.. Whig ; -Polk; Demo ; Birney, - in ll<-48—Taylor,IVhig:i.Cass, Dem- I ; Van !Buren, F:- S. Abolitionist.. • 1L.5" Scott, Whig; Pierce', Dem ; I ,f'.- in ;.',sC—lFremorit, Republican ; Bur mocrat ; Fillmore, Conser ,-;• • Smith :I bi - i/it . i I 4col n , Republican ; siva t ter Sovereignty; Breck prn,r4l-every .extension i Bell, ..-.; ; sinith Abolition- . hliern l ibs•tl Ab if —epu 1 ! t_• • 0„. p t yrk whV.didn't they vote for eandidates ; and yet, did 4.ver pretend, that either the l •arty--Nyho, itnder. - that name; ki.9:1111-mitell tbeir opponents., :_doiitionl party—ever !voted. f-r James G. ferruey ; for Mar i;llrtql ; for .1:*:1n•1 ) . Hale, or (;.. 01 -0 , . Smith Why then do leaders-,continne to prae ,deeepti-610ipon their 4tii1,.,-let alone. are, general= lo,be tolerably candid and Il ..• ei - All.ilean party. as a politi- I - Ur.:1.40(111, and:mc..rording the nieuleated in'their . platforms] and ,their.argurrients: ~,,,eea:ions.` both public and pril . non-extensioniste_--- ,opped to the furthefexteu c.i; shlye-ry, and advocate ite ye •:.•:'n to Tits present limits., • The hjxsn't guinption : :: .ii•6).discriminate between nbo r.r.n 7 extensnin. is - a tool; and distinguh the ditrefenee the two, .a.n.l the same Ate hood an wink other: into flu , that - they. are identieul, is 'a MEM rol7iNk:iros . .lfareb 24.—Cot.Segart :.7 , presentittive- elect from the -Ae., .::,,.:Dl.4t);lPt of Ciro}nia, arrived - cites this atorrliag. -lie confirms I-Wrtress Monroe 11,e, de:Artie:ion of the privateer ili ,4nd Furt Macon,_•by the For $lO we will furnish {Co Itrinckle Orange, the lineat floored ltespberry,_us well as one of the largest, ,moot beautiftil,. and prodoictire: 100 Franconia, a very large red berr y.l of good flavor, attractive and enolinouely productive ; 100 Improved Amex kan I_lllack t'ip. much larger, more juicy, better 'farmed, pith tower seed, and'Ariy way superior to the common Black: Cap.' The plant is entirely Hardy Ana very, productive, and the fruit is Mach eought after in the market: -t 1 . The above kinds inaliole' the Ili' red, orange, and black,. nail furnish variety in flavor. We regiisilibetu I tor amateurs, and the most prufitabl ket culture. • . - 4 Blarkberpc•c. . • New Roohelle. $1 Per doien. $5 r,,- 100, $25 per 1,000, $lOO per 5.000 ; ,Dor 4 iester, l'fr cents per dozen, $1 per fop, $25 iier 1,400: Newman's Thornless; 50 cents per dozen, $3 : per 100, $2O per 1,000. lye will sendloo each . total yotc of .New Maine-' of the above three kinds fin $lO. Raab pack; ' i'overnor, in the late, elec.: , age or BtrawberrY and Blackberry lints will f-contain printed instructions for mil ivation. ! li'' AOll - - - as Lt rear it WilB - 1 For prices of Grapes, purrants, Gooseber; he Tote Mil year wa-g diui- i ries, Rhubarb, Asp sragui, &c., seel ur circu l .' a. a ea • the •vandidates - as follows : lar, which will be • seut, to al app ica t = . 32,146 -, penroeratic 2g' ; I closing stamps. We:lll4e opened, at No. 29 t i t. &r--,--.' 1 ,G 2". I Tile Leafs-; Fifth'street, a . • .. ' I • &of Store 'and llortrultaral, elc ct cd, is 'as follows : gen- ! ~ t 3 : f -Where all art i c l es - b e l ong i ng to so* ,licans 9 • Pcmocrats , i merit can , q 1 'be had, of the best ua it,' liublicans 1994 D emo crat; 1 xnar26 _. 1-- r. D'Epenetd -Zouares, about four . in nu'leher, were paid off. to ; The •gs.rNiter portion of them :rztirr. hope'. Mltre'u2.4.—The . following . _ . . py : of s dit % patch to. the, Secretal War.: A detachrneUt of the Ist w . a . t:ayalry out from TetTerson 1, en Totten. against a guerrilla Lad a skirMish'with the enemy two and wounding one,.:,.and . .i,:eventy-fire . prioneri: Over hOses, twepty-eight • kegs of icr and a qtamity of arms were 4rourCd: !Our joss is foUr wounded: - - • W. 11. RauEt:K. Thi` , ire for ri. m-nq I 143 T i among . uablican Unio! arc-,ju=t, ii lihiili • e 13C, , F. , i:TRII'S. .)to.sitoE; - Mtiren . 22.—A •••. ,, t ;mice •tOav .brought back the . .!..1 . 1 I\ - :cil, officer who went to -..: .,, 1k k‘.- the' :flag of iruCe a few =MI lc or - spapers . were TC- 11. rebel bteamer Merrimac, s still repairs at- Nbrfolk • 11 [HO\ RCTION ! ! ' quitting tbe Mercantile • W ill olTer 'onr entire Goods at PUBLIC , Pornmenring TUESDAY, April 15th, 1862; :1 , 17 c. , ritinue l fronY,diy to day 71- L 6/ all is sold' assortment will be forind DRESS 600DS , OF ALL KINDS. -L , . J-t rIS• .CASSIMEREE, TWEEDS, &-e . Sze., I .ke f 4'T. C'.l PS, BO .21 7 ..VE I'S. BOOTS ;110ES, Q ; ETEEIS I [IIARE, &c. cl.,ods are NEW and' of the BEST St I LITY : and to all ttose iraw may wimt to tff , r ei, CREAF . GLODS an' oki-ortutliti is _ • J. a TRIrdB & =EI ;,17Y•. -h 2'i APRIL 14, iBCI2. - , BEE ER FEMAL E" SEMINARY. Rev. W. W. LAVERTY, Prllia I rlllllSlnstitution, format, th'vore JJ of the - Nev. lir. was' re!opened. nniler its 'present - managemfut. id November last. The present Session bgins on the! 14th OP APRIL (NEXT. and will continue Forarp,awyearts., Believing that we 'Uri advantages squid to Any Inatittitioa of the kind in this region, the Principal asks the patranage of those - desir ! ' one of securing . a practical, :thorough , and re fined Edadation for their Daughters. All the Branches of study, usual to'an extended course of instruction, including. . Mud°, DFawing,i Painting. and MODERN L'ANGUAditS are taught iWthis School.' " I . The Seminary building will aciommodata. SIXTY BOARDERS, under the special care aud• thiperrieion of the Principal) and Teachers. The Priacipal 'hav ing • removed his family toi Beaver; will give personal attention to alt. the interests of the Inatitation. I • • • TERMS. t For Sessioit of rice klanth : Board. Light, Room furnished, Fuel and Tui lion,sss oo For Session of fourteen weeks Board; Light, Mont furniahed,lFuel and. Txtition, . • ' $ 4O 0 Q Titition alone, ie front $3 80 to $8• tiO for Session of 14 weeks.• tit /ter One-half of . all Bills payable , vaacz i the other half at middle of the Tenn. Apply for Cat Slopes toithe PII4NCIPAL, Bsaysz, I's. 11 Knox Fruit .Farm` & Nurseries J. /C.NOX, BOX • 155, PITTSB H URG SELCT LISTS OF ST SAWBERILLES. F" $5 we will furnish 1 100 planta eacheof rtLeTollowin kinds : T iomphe ,de Trollepe's Victoria Berr'slNew Pine, Jenny Lind and Wilson's Albany. For! $lO we will furnieh 10C plants each of the following-choice kinds . : Triomphe de Gond. Trollope's lctoria, VicoM i tesse Hericart de Thury, Downer's Proliffsi. armee' New Vine, Jenny Lind, Cutter's ;Seedling, Al'Atoy's Superior and Wilion's Albany • Triomphe De IGami: For qieserti-tion of this superb and led Strawberry, see our circular. W, nish this . variety and the Wilson's two leading kinds, at the fcllorring Triomphe .DelGand. 50 cents per uozen, oh per !•tp,oox , sOr *46 , 10,000 for $76: 20,000 fbr,sloo. For the $lOO lot, ,five per cent. will be charged for boxes and packing. - . TVilson's Albany. 1'23 -cents per doien, $1 per lug ; $lO. Larger quantities at Same.rate . For $lOO. we will furnish 10.000 1 ! de Gaud end 10.000 Wilson's Albsi per cent. will also be char ed fer th l boxes and -i•acki-g. Rant d by .4 We will send to any postoffitse , a.ldr country, , post paid, and ea "fully put • to carry safely, one hundretkood plea variety found in our catalogue at tl there annexed . , •FGr.inst nce, lt:01 Albany for $l. 100 Trollor t , e's Victor 1100 Triomphe de Gond $2, f. c. • gar No orders Shed foli plants Lh !less than one dollar's worth, of any' ; and when less tio,u orde , be at the dozen price. 1 . I Raspbt rrf es. Ai males; Orange and Franconia, dozen $5 per' 100, $3O • Per 11100. 4 RiCer's Large. Fruited frionthly, ' Giant, Hudson er . Ant vferp, Bed 1 Red Antwerp; Venom, Aufkljerp, Abet 76 cents per dozen, $3-peri Um, $251 Improved American Black Cop, .501 *:cper 100, s'2s . pet 1,000. • • Sele.ct Lists It,tspberr • AIANI1901)! HOW LOS T, 110'W RES, JUST PUBLHED, IN ;."BEALE OPE. Price six •cept . A legit nalhre, treatment, and radical en 1 - matorrhcee, or Seminal Weakness, I Emissiona, Sexual Debilit, and. I to blarriege generally_ Nervousneie, tion, Epitepsy, and firs_: Mental and Incapacity, resulting froni Bel!-.kb By ROBT. J.. LV;ERW EI W Author of the “Green • 'The world-renowned author in di Isle Lecture. clearly prove l tsirom hiss .rience that .the awful consequence abuse may be effectually removed wil icicle and without dangerous surg i tions, bougies, jontrutnents rings o printing out A mode of care at o, and effectual, by which every suffe ter, what his condition mar be, 11 4 self cheaply, privately and radically.. ' ; lure will prove a boot) toithousande aka.. • - Sent under seal in a plsin enerl. address, on the - receipt- of six cen postage stamps, by addressing Dr..l C KLINE, 127 Bowery NY Y P. Mar 26 , Xo'look's Dandfliort Coffee. 1 , •• 1 gnus prep . arntion, ma e from the beet Jar, ii• Coffee, is. recommended by ph l ysicisne a a sit prior IS' U TRITIOUSIDEVERAGE for Gen end Debility, Drpet Ida and all i billioue disoi ders. Thousands who huke been c4mpolled abandon the use of coffee, will use this will out injurious effeets -fine coo contsins ti etr , ergth of two pound of urdioery coif/ Prinst2s cents 'TaLLOCK'SI LEVAIX, The purest and "best BASING I'OWDEI knOwn. for !linking light, sweet sad nnuit,iod Breid and ,CakeL Prie lb cents. • T . Manufsfored by Di U.KLLOCS. 'Cbernist. Corner of Broad end Chestnut street', PfiILADELPIIIA. eta and Groe s ers • A l rid I'7 1 11 1" Orttiutne Ocnirt , = wine of ail order o th;'Orp han*' fart of Beiver - onuatyiill exposed by public...vendee or ,on ry, at the *!John Greablatt, is the ; * p of New on 5 esday, April 1504 - 1 62 Week, ;lll.,tbe following BY to sele house I!BE - sin Eakin, late, of New dill dso'd, ie wit. * . ~ au that piece of lend a tp, in said county; be as &flows,. is Ileglinini southwest oerner, , _ thence of• Wil P c "V' No Chippe deseri it the •18 per lo a pe at, thence 149 dog, 12 19 - .101:1! Per to post; thence a 1 deg. e 46-100 per , to a post,, thence a 89 deg, - e 46 6 -100 per to: an oak thence a 1 u eg, .w. 86 65 1 per, and thence ti 89 w6B •19.100 - per Molt place of heginniag, containing 26 itorei r -a t 4 acres clew and a cabin house erected tbeteon. I '2d, .II that , lot of ground sit to in Big l e Beaver tp , in mid county,: bounded as fellowse Beginning at an oak. Ibises 111162/ deg, lir 26/ per, -t nee s 11} deg, e 8418410 per to the 'line of the Pits. Pt. llaym and Chicago R. It . thence n 31 1-4 deg, .• i 6-10 per by line of lar. 'of Jamas filistrp's hake, sue aB4 deg. i .17 7-10 per ihy land of d Bharp's heirs the place of borionlig; - 1 lacre 164 18-82 per. eacloititi. Ij Bd, ; 11 that lot et grooms!! idtwate in Big lireavei tp, bounded an follows; vie; Beginning at 'a s to ne on the line:of - Darlington Cannel :Coalli R, :thence by lands of Jos Sharp, a 9/ a l l !deg. w 43 per to-a. Hickory , thence by land ,of Wm McClure a 721 deg. e 31_ 66-100 per to 'a stop . thence by land•of New Ycirk Coal Oil Co,I a I deg, fa 13 8-10. per to . a shone. thence 's 76.1 eg, e 17 5-10 per to the,' Darlington !Cannel Coal R B, thence by said B R a 251-4 der.ler 22 2-10 per, thence sl5B deg 116 min. Ivr la 5 10 per,' thence 4 73, i • foideg. w 24 4 10 'per to place of reginning,,etastaintor 10 street 1 and 75 perches, all encloied,'end in a g00d,.. state G 7 cultivation. ' 4 • ' 4th, The undivided on&third4 all that, lot, of ground situate in New ; Galilee in-the town-I ship aforesaid, commonly 1101 the "Saw Mill 1,40 t," adjeining lands o I:James Sharp's heirs, Robert Wylie, &a, being about 800124 feet, on which is erected oneteam Saw Mill. with a cam engine, Atc, in go od ~ ordei. sth. A lot of ground situate in the village 1 afores id, boended west' by let of Sarah A Share, south by la rd of James Sharp's heirs._ east. LT lot of Wm. D. Eakin and north by street. on which is erected a fatale i house le! by 26 fee , one and a-half atories ign, he. 6th, The undivided one half of a lot of ground situate in the village of New Galilee sforesaid,• bounded as follows II Beginning at a I stump. thence by lind of James rotarp , ,, h e i rs ' s 8 ut.g.. - -v - '2 3- .0 ,•,t r: die,:t••, :: 8.: de:, 11 2 76-16il ptr,„thenee s;8 deg, 44 7i per. thence n 82 deg,. w 4 15 100 per, thence LI 8 dig, e 10 85-101.' per ,! thcate 3,791 deg, e 4 20 . 100 per. and taence a-651 deg; ,e , 2 B+lo 'per, to tha placeof'', Beginning - containing about 50 per, lon wh ch is 'erected a frame 1 !dwelling house ; one st o ry high 27 by 4011,, all+ 7 good well : of water: ; on the premised. : l Li, 70 41 The eudivtded one -hfilf of. a lot' ! of ground, M the irillage aforesaiil I bounded as °owe! Beginning ate post. "thence by laud of !H James Sharp's heirs, s 361 deg4w 112 4-10 per, thenee n 161, deg, w 4 11-1:104111: per, thence e 1 361 deg.: 6 65-100 per. and thence 'e 82 deg, i t ie 4 89-100 per, of eg to plaee! Mning, ceu- I hailing shoat 3;) per. : 1 i Bth ,I The undivided lone half of a ,lot i .of growl situate in the village 0 or!Pslip bound . ed es fellows:vial; Beginhinir act a post thehce by lot No 6as above described,l . 8 deg. w,40 ; 83-100 per, thence n 52 deg w 4 70-i 00 Per, 1 thenee a 7 34 deg, e 4 15-10 0 per; thence it I 28 deg, e 7 25-100 per. thence ,e 1: . 79/ 'deg, e i 2 85 100 per. Ito the,plece. of ' Beginning, con i ',:taining about 35 per, ou phi b IS erected a one -story freMe dwelling boa ;bout, 80' by", !•361ect, also wash Itcomeiken, I • 1 7 . , • •: tlthi l The Undivided\ one ha f :of a :lot of, I groun anointsinihe village Ol'or4said,.bound-; ed ou like e bidets Nos 7 'an f. 8 s above :de ! scribed On,•the itiiithwest: by 01.4 of Jainss: : sher:p.,heiraiend on the w- , lot No. 2 as: ! o we I g e s e rineg.Tiosi giblet artretied atrium, ' slue house 25 by Ur reef; one ' ad a half Ito.: iee high cellar madeeat : finiiihed with in s h e l ve !, se.„ alsoa frar.m ware hottse site story! high 10 by ?.1.1 feet. . " , t I, 1 'lotb The and isided.One. hell' of a lot, of ground vituatelas aforesaid:. limultde.l ou the e • by land ofJoroes SharVi, helml:i. the w by 101 l • Nc 2 !p 's above ilescribetiVnnd'i'6 one a by lots, 8, and 9, as above des ribed. ' Nos. „, ; TE M-- SOne-third of the purchase money) I to teed on the - confirinatioh 'pri the sales by the C urt, and the bAlsince latwo equal 'an-I, I ,nun ) instalmenta from' that d • te, with •luteresi frcra the same dole ; and the latttipsyme nts to, I he ecOured by bond and mortgage ..? I Fori further information engulf ! Esein, exeinter;lor. Nlntisi A. W. cum, Of said WM. Eakin, cree'tl; 1 Beaver county, Pa. _; I I I • By th e fotat, .i.._.. , i A. GI. Ikl' Ilk.. 1 , 'Beaver. March 19th. 1852 I 1 . , , : 1 I - : ::.MARRIAG E . . , ...ITS loves. and hates, sorrows and angora 1. hopes and' fears, regrets lan 1 joys ; MA N i 1100 D, hoWI lost, how 'restored , the na t ure, treatment tied radical cure of rmrinatorrhcea or seminal weakness ; Intvolint vary emissftms, 4 : 0CIIIIi debility and impediments, to marriage i gene Ily ; nervousness, cannumptinn, fits. mental and physical incapacity ; 'resulting rem S MAR tiAGEL -ABUFlE—are • fully explained in I the I 1) 3 11 , GUIDE, by WSLI,YCIUNG, • This ost estraerdinary book should M. D be in the : hand of eery :young person ontemphiting. 7 Ma age, mid • every man or W; man who de- . sires to limit! the number of tkei Offepring - to their circumstances. I ..ivery i pitit, thsemel and ' achecidental to youth maturit and old age, lis full y explained ; ever known i bete given. It i particle o f knowledge •i i ! that ihoUld kn is full 1 ofi ea vingn. In fact, t ditieloss secretslthat• I must b.. every one aluld know , still it , e - a book that ills locked up, •ind not i c lie - about: the I h'ous . :It will be sent! to any oBe on the re= ceiptlef twenty-five cents in! specie or pottig.e I stamps. Address Dr. WII. lypuNo, N 0416 SPIR 'CE Bret, above :Fotartir, Philadelp h ia. Ali. LiCYED AND lUNFORTUNiTE, scii... : I no matter rhea may be yo ur : disease, before you place YolarePlf under thecorelof any of the notorious QillACJol—ntiti e orl forern—wh Tirad vertise ici rte , get a copy of Dr. Ycliales book,' a d reed!: it earefull 1 It will De tlie Means of sivirig, yo many a dol lar, your henlih, and possiblyllo r life , I - D . YOUNG can bensolted n any of the diseases d tl , el•terihed inin Publi ation, at this' office No. '"ItUCE Street,' hove Focirth, P Inlaciell tee hours frem 9to 3 , dail l y • 1 mar 2•6 • • .1 t • I I • . I . . .UTIFUL r EDI T I O N N 1 I ' 1 OF Tile .1-• i' .-___ sterieth will fur any. the tee: 2,000 for II riompbe tiy. File L a Ict, for r • F 4 in the, ~upsoas O. of any he pries I Wilson', *a.11,60.1 • wail for' 'one kind, it must .$1 per Fnatolff; KneN itt's Antwerp, arty," ,cents per lelcolors. P'eabaul s the but for Ix r. Depot ; 1 au e3tab= T(..111:1.; D, I EN EL L re on the of, Elperr , volnntary I pediments j IConiump,!. Physical ..e, &o. .._I. ill j , , M . D &o. 3 ainairs ownsexpe- of SW: bout, med. al opera cordieli, I ce certain .r, no mat cure- bite- This led , and thoti. ii . 1. MISTAKES OF I;iDUC. ---- i - LI . BY TPRN S. ' ART , • • .t —. 12mo.emailin, price cents: 25,cents. , i4opies of ib e book 1 nail nn receipt of the p ri ce. P' Plates sciiiiess , i -,J. C. GAR I RIGUIES 148' oat 4 Fonek i5701..1 mar 26 . ~ e' to any to, or two ICHAS. J. 'box, 4.586. 'The ConfeEisioli ' . ~ of an IF - Ma r .- 7, yIUBLIS EDifot%th benefit and as a t i -l — ing and a Cautio n to young'm en win fer from Novae, Debi ity. Premature 6 1 /te.;_inapplYing at the me time the melt ~ Fell -Cure. Uy one who as -pored hii after !min vutltti grest. expes e throghi foal impo.ii,tion , and quacker y .. rßy tech a post-paid odd eased nveletiesi single o may be bid of the atat r, NATBAI MAYFAIR', Beg.ed Bri She 'Co., N inarl6:le • !'1 estate es, thsver situate In • •MA and stspost. 1 deg. e el of Nathtn akin, eigc! New Gilllee; RY, Irk. ED MEN. • I f 4L. D., paper sayers, ill be sent by stage stainipe. ' . 'Publisher. Phil's, Pa. rTia = IN; SODA Cr=i c) I • I - i11:13 6F Aidt 11 , siting Matalipait, twris9.4a cains, ttei Bikildiug7 ?humid:l,l4 New YorIL I ' Ativertziiag p Atif P l wit INTING _ TYPell P: TINN MI L D P • OFFICES— Tobuno. !Es726:ly •*` Emp loyment. io j' OFFER a, pi r t t ti b rare u hi sines prrais.ful sito l r issammi el oo rinig 4eibr. new ! cid" I ' 54 c n to. Eli t if'D'SKAßS: A dd res s ' T will 81.011.:Y.1 'autr26 T _ . ` vcr • 1 1 , jIL --RECRUITS RECRUITS receird far Oar 10th Regiment Penn's Reeerett i Oorps. M'Clihnont. , or any other Prue Riegintent titew thnitnreice, upon applicatio to 1 • 11 •! c - etit,. R. P. 811Eiir Ali, Recruiting (Miter:. se- .1 3 avition- Rotel, Roeh , Feb. 26tb • I Et C:1 . . A NORMAL fix core or Me be opened in Commencement 25tb, for the be , wh,o wish t. l O tension. For t ai. - • , .1?,,•7y1 - As,T,l 1 i , 1 'CO CO : I. X , XI E i rARTMENT. under the pare. Mations Pc;PinssoL, will EA ER ACADEMY. it the f the Duman ;Tern,. Mason fit, hf Teachers and for'those alifi tbetneeltei for ;thepro , .ienlers addrees . , ' t.'• S. B. ,MERCER, - 1 ;Bearer, ;1?,. • i--,-- 7 --- 41 GargitSON; ' ' 1 IFeb. 26, -116LESKLE 'llB9l9iiF - Meichant, lEo Desler in I " Bii o lk,;llALLY lITTIFIEtiO "ST, / ; , Ir[ ungnhein Bongo, ' ,;t 1 , IPITTBi4III.OII, CA Grocer & 771.,0 (11 - OD Pilol' N o . • 8 Opposite the Slciril t o i LettOre ' the 'bike at New ,Feb": 150.. 't32. , RuggetJ Simers'lJ 2 7 ; " ' ! Stewart H W 2 Slifdlenberger G ; Shallenberger A T i Smith F - Stewart S 3ii I}Liss Thotn . i.ison 0 I- I Thompson S T • , Umate E ilitnst ad L Wegel i.l j f .Wise ' • "Wale , Worn Wiest i r. E Young it ing'for : lette ee they are ot , J. C. --/BI 148 Brighton -Pa, Brighton -Psi, Bright A Wight S • . Brotherton I Barns 31 31rs Born s-'3l 31r Carpenter P . ; Campbell J 3 Pilot S 3trs Labe W 111 - arney !Hastings G Jackson A • Kennedy J Lazier'W • iMeelour L I 31.yers,T — ' Palmer. F. B Phrasier E liarPeriwins list will please --- , Of App als. I ,' ~ .1 .eilo Olsen , r County ,will 1 e Impose of nring A' peals , ownshipsti.S. roll wt: li, 1 ndey March 24,1N1re itliHer's, . 1 / 2 , Tuesilai. , Mar 5, A J Cook 1 1".1 ' " 25 . - •- edneadsii Mai 26;'Jno Bowe. :' y i l March 27. 'atalenti •Elllc!'s idNy .. ".1 ,20i, ichey Ealim es 9 1 ,yi r" vi'29, Commielf, office I. 1“ 2.9, I , 'do rdnysMnr 31, D. Eakin*botel tieilarenonn April I, J McFall's 'I" - afternoon 1, C Calhoun n e. edny Apl 2, , T McKlbbezes ' " ' April 2, I do ursdny April 3.. David Evring's ' day Aftern n API 4, H Blither .dro Sat Apl 5 J Edgar's lintel Y Apiil 7, William Elliott Emil [ l4. esdi4 April 8.1 Robert„Bcott's Wepu i esd i ai-Apl 9 , A Thump tr..tdny Apl 10, Robert Marsha y, April 11. H AleCutchean's Asseasors of otter respeCtive aired to attend! on the day of L tr Guide Thspitcates. , .. By 'order,. 'IIL , HARD 11. AGNEW, Clerle: ' ' ....'• —;:=-- . ' ' FA-IROSIC . , rricoml , attend fcir-,t, in the several Big -Denver, , Slo' Derlingtori.bor , .1 tp- South !looter . • Ohio tp Thurs Brighton tp. F i Borough Stant. Borough! tp. i •'' Industry tp !M. Glasgow boroT i Georgetown! ho Greene tp., We.l Hockstown bur Raccoon tp. T Phillipsburg Fr New Ilrightou Moon tp. Mond Hopewell 1p Independence a Ai'. (dec'd) Hanover tgo.!Th Fronk I oft! Frig The principal districts ore re( At peals with tl An Commia's,o 0 RIS 3 1 . 1 . . . - . her offers tb.. , 1 ntej in Big B, ' , l ! Pa. !" within ' i .• wooD . ST,,, I I ,:. ~ 1 • . . :7 . 41 . id 9Ii irrgrl i l reFtvE ..AC , ii! qi iiitortAbi;' l 1 • iiyi !eigliteafil ,f lb 1 .10 1eer....! by 10, all &tic 1 ••1r • ! . 1 ter particulars' • aver,. Oi. of Ml' • - ilii,r7 I.t' . . , f [ HE' subs FAKNI. Beaver county. 'llO3l on theFort.Wal five miles ,' itbc• aboa,t. '7l VE.K • erected :there° lictee• faty-tv l frame'Barul '44 shoe. shop, '47 fenze-', j trarFor fur sub,friber iri on the •premis iiTR ----- iDEALVREL , 1, !I . • and Matiodery atWho&- ,salc. i.i 1 riber bus always.,9n hand l'Gtifiey's .qpelleri 84 Rea- A rith metie 4, , 5tip...1.141%1 , 4's 4itinnars', rn Bi is staents, L ' tter Cap and Note, papei S, Envelopes, Pass 800 , Steel. Pens , Cr •v• Rook ;Slates, Ink '''‘ll l (IP TO ,0 School The 'SU (lers, RSI Arithme , Wes, R:c• i ], Comme 'Blank and Rolli Tnk star paOcedl the City. s: "8,1 I .0 , 01 1 ))1 ..)Ohlt, 6. -0, . 7 ..ionqet Boards. &e.• ' &C. , 631iiit for 1' ash.: Goods ' delivered CO any piirtiof F tROBT.I i IS; DA is, I 7'3lAood a .. Pittsburgh 4--.-- ..--- UTOR ' S . 14[0 1 TIO.E. I .' I tameutary having beeriagrant . i, t underaigr.ed 4". the . ea ki te iof led.. late of :ii i ilw ;Nemo ey , tp, I II persons knowing , themselves' t • estate} are ,quuetecttol t s make .it itely,' and. those haviog claims, . will preaentlithem to the sub- Utherstmated for eettlentent. 7 'OROBItOUSOHER,- 1, Ex ,"' s tviN &SEDER, ;„ 1I . 11 ' ~ . I , ..CYltaM i r nOPOS I LS, tior'butlaing" a • '.l Houite in Bocussrsi Soso.. • • up to Maioh nth. • 1862, at' 'I subeariber.,in said Borough, a r epectifiii•ions'for the aims may I t , j, 'By order of the Board. il l ; -B.'J. 0 OSS, Preet. • LETU; ed to l John Sid Beaver e), indebted s o payment opined th northers 4,, I I ..t MIS EALE 1.3 Uniga will be re the storie where tibt • be seen: l''''" - 0 isur- 1 marlV i JI ' l . • a/. us of elf finked -. mug —pies NIEL R i tc 'artizaa w':l tit, cart_ co El 1111 Mil BM dr 1r A !;.:1 A . G Ire the:ii!linve YLE, P. M. 1 I ES • e I :TM 1 • Enver' t7osbir. few r of: TION. 1 ,Railroad, abalit ,cont4irdrig' Tbere I tog and frame , feet. ' Ate° . a ad one frame ,osed unddr ;enquire of the :illiam Graham. t).; WILSON: - • . , -Isis. .1 4 1, :ate I TA32 I EI - DI 1. PITTS. • -,4 , ,BEA,Tga Covisimemerag, Niles 1 8.10 M. O 2.451.11. STATION. --Qom Eikirr., Noi9r 4 1 Bea tk 7 Station as foil. MTN at, Pittabl 8.40. A. 4 ! . 4:10 P.. Ta 44 tab A. M 8,29,P U • • 'Disci rus.r. Pittsburg as Isnot; ye at IBearer.• 8.2&A •• I 6.00 P N. MeCl4Letroll. Pre 6, Oen'i; Ticket -A6% ,; J 1; F. It. 'Mrs; •1; ' • r :lvf I TT 8. T. w. a A.l. rti EITATIOX.—troao -•Ens I are Rochester.' Arr. It us' 6,42 A X . 8.25*. , ' ,It,IO" I 12,254 x • "2101 r 2.80 t" *8.50; , 4 ' 8,45 A. X. 6.00 A. OING WEST.: J I A. at Ropb I .L65Ax 3.I0 ; 9.20 " 10.67 m., 2,30 r x 4,85 out :4,20' Ag •• 6,61 . 1,40 - t . 2,56'' . • iItOCHEEIT Bright , Ac AlltinCe , 13righf r on Express, malt I 1r BrighiOn Alliarice Ace. Brighkon Exprces UNION SAFE! I• 1 ' N 11 .1.1.1.-,Vllliil ISTORF I THE under* hie frieed o ;i ; .11 IT, , it! the , Room ; ifoden, Third; 'aiirttneet ile Iwbich wilt j he • R . . iced ' would reopectifullj 1. ai if former patron* that ft . r rtxrzyir G.! . .riserly occupied by treet4 Beaver, .au et:Act:lair aud,:desinible gOods; a • Y - GOODS', every desoitipion I .10 SUITABLE TN A R . FOR THE SEAS ARP, _OR ()GERM ' AS* .z.,hoes , S RE, rytbing usually,, kept ri la a extftoi!se Goode ifid - pripeo ITIIIII l AINIDEI4b 1 0 8 60. j .1 . • 411 E 14; iN and in feet in claw* village st . ler Cnll an Beiii•er . Jun. o - a. s. sesimor• JAXL/i F ' ' - WELROY )011 • • cocma. 1 -F TS33T_TI2.4. eir SPRINGLIS'Iq PEI nolp (t IGS 1,11; Co piet'e.l ! 00 , Dvirtu Of. ed 'l. sale bY the GOODS striti indupernerits o Cash bu'yers. - u's . I Court Sale: an order of the Orphtt i 6Vo [unty , ,tif Beaver, will be 'white rendue or out:or • - 1 7D.A1 4 L• , ,• , , 1 aril ,4,. Ali t Sha,p, i dec $.l. lien er , Creek - Crupty. l'a., v Coiltainin4 1 i . Bounded s. Shlp,l east plii Oho p, Souili oth rs,l and w and! lands, o merle cleared G EO, On Whie. dweling 110113, ble cg barn,.: CIA and, al: On, the predas ated about , on ion !or Sew G I.V. ff sy no a. i s' TEItNIS. ey abe paid t, by e A....otirt,, anti al instal ter t thereo fur ,er judo ~ Or osepti, Sh i 1 , .1 I 1 5 arch 12Gt, gekrl'ittsb um a and sen i -- 1 - ----, 9th; .11s • fallowin'g.real estate. of eituale on ithe"watera,,o Ha farm or tract lof-Jahci 115 pe the nortb'briandis of lead of Joseph Shart:.ap. l .y laced of Jopeph SOrp it by the Little Bearer. I, -lames McGeorge; atm; 'id in a . good state of ; are erected a two story about 18 'by .30 feet," ooli frame Stable &C A several good spripgs rot The ; above property i• alf mile; from the D like Station, on the Pit hicago Rail Road. • ue third of the purchase on the confirmation of: t. r.d the . halancei in tiro cots from that date from the eame'tirti alien inquire of William 'rp, adjoining the premise fly the court. , • '62. A., 9. M'CRE - A - ItY. rg Iveekly Gazette`, bill 'to this ;office. M&TV - E..TZ ~.: ! is 11INAt 1i..1 R. I' M' =.! A. , r, _. ~I a , F IRST mnion 1 gtv ,a iin the Ipa , meats , li l expensl . 1 , per . tertu offs ' .. l uition froi 'genies.' lo . lefforts tbyl of the coj i afir Send 1 1 Tbe'rtext Tj 25,tit, 1862. I 1: ! -7-7- 1 1 li. ADAI N. • . ‘A/lIIERE, , Vl' .! Estate of j'Eouth ft 'tee !granted the; saitll .tot eai estate art merit, and the sent, hem f 10ir19,186, Y AND 1 .N.TIT aylor, A. MI, Taylor, - Go I TO LASS SCHOOL FOR of young ladies. Specia Primary and Preparatory evepl Tuition and Ws! urtecn Weeks-, ... ... $3 60 to VI 01) includlu spared ' ; ' • p to make the echo.] fidsnce , of its •patrons: ' r a Catalogue. '. rm eommences TUESDA L. , 1 ,• IS, T. 13 AT011"8 PiotiC 1 8 letteis testaMentary , ~ 1 lof John Cooke'," decd i , aver tp ., Beider comity, to ,t h e subsc r iber, resi i r ,shiP;• all persona iadeb requested to Make imtnedi , 4 having elaiMe will We., , rhperly authenticated. ;fOr • NIICHAEL CONKEL,' id .I.Bt ' " " • ,s -- --,----- •- - " ' — l, l 'tiTOR'S NOTICE. 1 . i i i t f - I ', 9 ;indebted' to the estate; o i 13 to of New Bewickly tp,' u ate d to,toake imumdiot os having clainis gahist . C.e 'present them to' the subs [kited for settlemcial .1 ' 14 ,RY 1 BURNS, F. 1, I : W3l. B.LI)WEN;'''Ez: ' --"-------2-- -2 i ---- " ,---1 I 1 tion of Partnenith I I , artnership heretoforecxistl 'he uudersigued. under the . U. Hoimarlre !le,' CoLIW i t- by . ' utual consent. 1 ahe :.ria ill be !settled by % . o is . duly authorized' to ii firm or that purpose.' 1 ' F. D. HOULETT ' • ,OLIVEK 'HOULE ' . • „ 'lV:il. KENNEDY. .nsiness will be continued firm of F. D. Uoutette ar. Om; mar.l7,, 'B2 .., . 1 EX-Ei' LI. petsil TN Burns. I tie Td;, melt:id:li torte' will ples duly entheril , f 1. 1 , t I: d_ 4 1 D ar nliSO ' l l 11E : ,Co.l ii, I ‘ t wean I ail `firm of do dissolve 0 of the .1 Hiinnedy. w =Us or the. / . , The . style si l'ew Brig', = kholders jof "hut ,ciatapti g a Bridge over Hilo Bea, elf lane in the county all t notified tblit s an eleetio l l z Mattagers,::and a Tromso .e Toll House of 'held Monday,% the 28th 40 encing at 10!o'cioolt. A. pt: 2 JAB. AWBOhI.I I I RE S ereC or flu ? hereby (indent, - held inl the 1 com n*r .17.! I *I S 6QU S i I flip' . KT; A 4E. ---t- - '`" • [.l ' ' rtue !or an order .".• of item Orp rt orlie:iver'oodue 11 1 . be ~ y,. ws ex t tortesle v.'6. ps. 'undue et. oiatiiry; st COURT PODS 1 , in the Borough 'Of Bear . ; •••.• 1 erthieS ay, .A.pri/ .1 1 9t/iq+.1.862, ist,3 ,kicik r' . alllthe 01041;qt... r ies ' to tit, of w bn,R. Sbxurion,llate of th ongh of, vet', centity of Beaver; deo'd, I ate lllaid - e unty of Benver,t Nos;, 9.. 42. 18, and 15, *á deifigneied in the , or plan ficcompenying - the inquisition and titian :of said real estate' in Ithe OrPhan'll of Abe ceuntrof Beaver, - at Na. 112 of :Term, 1860 : 1 • , I'l _ , 1 0 No. 2.1 Part of olitdets Nos. 44, 4 5 .•4' 47, in t e plettlif odplots adjoididg the : Of Beav r, beinti •in lk Brighton toienvbip. bound, north by the litt or fared INo„ 1 describe , east bj.4184: south by ; lot of * 1 . Bhivele l pad West ily land , of 11.11 Bernd. *ontaini g littereisquid`32lpeeches, all e sed, abet ona-buff thereof, cleared. • No 8, 1 1 • ., The western , bait of lot No.• 79 i plavrof., -lots of.the borough et Beaver, ( slot lio e.) boUnded 'on the*noirth by , street...a tby tat of Wm. I 1 Clarke, coot i f s -- all y, l andlW, est by public F.:inure, a I cl3sed.; n which. ere I erected ode lergori itory, Itck dwelling house, being about Cit I I in lengt 'on Thirdltreet by about 40 fe depth C. the puhlie!equare, having 7, r and two belle cod the first four , and 9, nib . the seco dloor Cellsrfunderneatitriko.. one fra e stalril '; sittl a gnodciatern on premise:. ;,6r.c. .' ; • t- ril , , - No. 9 Thdo rth-iest part, of in-lot No in thej ed pit é borough lot Iktaver afore •90feet; y 11l i.. , 13lir eat, bounded obi t the Dort I n -lot of . Andtprsen,e bete* . east by lot " —Onth by lotof Captl C. May. and by %larket street; ericlosed;:and I ou whirl meted tan old 1 'dwelling how(e• :and f Stable., • . ~ , No 12. Lot "o. 28 to thp borongit of, Br t f tarsier 'aforesaid bounded bony by Bridg east by.l3l(telte atreet,l Beath hyl--... • and wemt by lot 01 Ji . W.i Ildmphillis liei ' whialLAre. erected robe . Verge . double f dWeDini r , house,twoistories high', ' :also f - sh9P. 1i ' 'I .1 l' No: •1 . Thc, ndieided .o . deltalf of to 18, in I erriphill's plod of ,lotsiin the bor et Dridltwaterlnfores%id„ .bounded non LA of.J ba l W. loure, east by - ' tot No.' ; south' by lot ofMrsillimith, west , by M street, tin .whic h to erected one two-story dwelling house) .1: - I , 1 , 1 • No. 15.. Lotillids. , 4l.,nnd 42 .in David 'plan of Nerth Dridgeivatee bounded nor l• 1 i • . alley, Vflel by lost of Johnston Small, by Poplar street and !metal by Mulberry e all' eitelcl.4ed; obAchich are erected one' istory frrima - dwhlling honie, . A frame et I and fruit trees on the lot" &c. . r ! I ~. • - 1 he.kibove embracing 1 all the 'nonce 1 purparts•of the I 'Feat estate of 'said. Jo Shannon, deed: . :',l 1 - , i TE Alli'B,—Ou l e- third - oflthe.4ur obese .• I to be pit'id on chnfinnatiod, of the sale 'h Court, and the balance in two; equal a 1 instalments from ' that time. withl l terest I on fromithe same time. the deferred inst.' to be seidired b i y bond and mortgage ~o:Fbr fertherlinfornintiod inquire of Joh lison mid, Geo.llll. lituniiten, adminietrat I 'said Jblin. 8., Elantion; dtc'd. ; , Mar. 2th, '62. , ' 'A. G. iNiciNLEART, Cl' 1 •• • • i i - , 1 1 rptian.'s .Cou.rt, side. • , 1 1 — -1, By. yirtne °flan ord, -.I er Of the OCEitian'aC of the conty . of Deaver, will be - ex I to sale b , `pubic veuduel or out '- cry, -en i-premise on '.. 1 : . TU.t.',siiiii l',. Apia Dth. 1.862. 1 • , , Int 1 o , cork, P, 51.. the ;following real iof Timid hy I..flintle, dee'd., eitnate fort in , Hopewell,i . nod' Independeucelii -- 13 Co. , '• No, 1 beginning. at a wmte o a k, t by lands of T.lM\L'llinny; south 124 deg.t. I'loo pe'rtto post .near--white- oak, thencJ,e I No'. 2, no r th 77Lileg. 5 min- east 533.10 pet black eprk, thel ce south 89 deg. east 16 6 1 r p Per. to kiet, *thence 77 deg. 5' min. east 5 Ind rer.lto . t,,, thence north 13 dog wee 1 , 440 per to post, north 76 deg 50 into ea t pensites Se a Stone pile. horth 13,1 ! deg w 161; •,...,10 per t post lon line of, *land of Wm. 3CE litany, tl ence south 77 deg mlitl w 152 la t 1 per to b, - 5 containing. 00 acres, 92 tier. I•about 7t.. , acres cleared, umber i4tlfee, tied , nil . I good sta eof Cultivation, on which are erect ed a . large sire Frnme and Log . house, ) tiro stories high, hirge Log barn. geed cir Chard on the saute. and) the premises well) Watered._ No, 2,j begi7. cling at a' posthear whiteleek , thence - by land of T. NCElthinyYs 12 1-4,deg 1 •• illi per t ellaeboon Creek. thence nordi 32 1-2 titldg east 32 3 30 per along spitl , lCreelt tol post. Ilthence b„ eabkreeknorth 111 3;4 east B.l', 1 1 -10 .. per to maple. tiorth 78 deg past 43 '3-10 per I to sycattluee 'Tat, north 73 8-4 'emit 1011x10' Iper t droot. one of the cdruerd, of No , ' ,3, thence by purpart No .-:3 • 4irth 28 1-4 deg 1 west 99 3-10 (i . ir to post: being one of the Cor ners 3f purpa t t s No. 1 and 2... i thence by, No. 1. south'. 771 deg lest Cast' 65' ho-101/ per to pest tforth_llstleg IG 65.ii001 1 pee to black oak south r 77 deg f i . ,, , miu, west 53 3101 per, to. be.' t• ginnini:Lcon ego, ,acres, 181 per., about 60 nereslcleuit,ed nud in a goial state of culti ,ration; ibalance 'well thubered! On - which tare`' lerected it go3d Log . Dwelling., lithee - 'Barn; 1 ac., pretuisea watered;welwatered; and , (tuft trees, ! on the came 1 , ..; 1 . 1 *I 1 i 1 . . r 1 ! , N0..3,1 b eginning at a i p r . st..nei..Baccuon 1 Creek, being ON of, the porn Tibet Ten . N05.4, - 1 : 2:4lnd 3,ltheneelaortit 73'3--k i6l per 3 to :1 } -postrin,said creek. 'Dena 6 I= l 4 ..e st, 86 7-10 1 rer to' p4t iti week: thence o l orthr 131 vie-t 26.5-10 per' to post:along le! del of 'V/ ca.. Ml' EI-1 bony. mirth 177. deg 2.0. mit east 34 per, to stone or 'bickdry. northll3 d, g 25 ' mitt' west 97 :per to stone. nortb 76 (reg f !min ,east 964 I per to if ost, ennqi 13 dait:42 4-10 per to. post 1 being on the,ccinters of 17 , .ib..i. "and 12, .thence I by the iliisiOu line of; *porf art O. 2 salt: t h e 28. i cast 9d I3"-10 per tolliegi ui , u p g f -J ,L e w o b n i ? h i tti n g I 81 . acris 47 , Per, alout'so 14 cleared od te.a. good '^ l slat of '.e lti r iatiOn ; the balinee well timbered.' ' ! be. above. premix acs ant, Contigitous to each o er, and eoni.en lent to soboole,linills, &c. 1 - • 1 I •. • The above prePerty;7Sistuate on *Raccoon Creek, being bounded by said Creek for, i of `st ; mile,. and hetice .affords invdrable locations for Oil lyelle,,a large portlokt of the lands in the neighborhoodbeing already leased for that purpose,: ll I*l I J ;,, ~, . . : - , , ... TERAIB.-=-10be third ,cif the purchase ;money. to be paid on•Cohfirmatiotttof the sale by the Court: and the bitlanCe in I -two equal . 'annual instalsn'enta from! that date'. with interest there on from.the sitne tither Fbr furitier informs ; two ennuire,of John Shane, Bridgewater, or Coreelius Shane, Sm*ice; P, .'. 0.. Denver county, *, • . By .the Court ; ' ' l ' March 10th, '62.• A.U. ift'CBEARY, MIT., O It Y • Cot I. LI kis' •, ;form LEO I sot aL I o 'l I Zi ffer hl9. curt poe tn IMI little wirer FM Mm on Wrn. aivr reek: ti 80 Riva, stone dou . or-, water r 1 I.bu'rg ' !non e !ale •qual, I. in 4 For harp. . 1 I l'k ;PY 3 i . rin. ED- Care • De- tang; .18.00 tan -11,1• wOr 1 -dint I 1 ,0. the !, late Imre ng in Fed to t te pay 'e pre ;settle- Abel er yes ribor ;' IP -1 , . ni be"- style t :: ,thin 031 o Tuxia'rila.g. lobseribertt, improm- of cloiting out 'their !th view,to Oie basineus, aresel ds et extremely IoW rates. Our sfonk awl embraceil everything ditially• fu4t ease. store, andbeing puiebasdd thel late rise ) will enable us, to . sell owes than , can bp eokl A. Mall; judge for ;yotliaelves, land se rgains!: '. J. 114 TRIMBIA: 4 Co. itovin, Jan. 23 1862. 1 , • ' . ; The stuck of iing:gocy le eaten : Lept in . Wore goods pit, us 4ure be bahi • il;liam ae the NOTICE., accoplts ,and !subserkritions i to acid s 'for 1860 ; arid 1 1.8‘1.: t lbee'n settled up, welf as 4;onnts of M. Vevand J. d, and lyeyand my i bprOis i ' . tn for isettleent: All e ndebted' td, either of these Option, advertisement or job please call* me. at the ti'so t - FICE. Many of titese ca v of long standing, and 43 honk]: The THE A, have a l the ea Woya ary who al El EB3 .1 under I =06. . 1 y for greet aiet," one twill I . 'll l° 7' ; April, work, ici TREA It! counts ZIT be set le Fp lictE ' .1)- sem. AMITEL DAVENPORT _ d:Carinice Intp i at Dv. . ! M 11/IYORS OF TEE Great : 4Ditie - s. I the tuedetsigititd Maim% hereby,oeis id* that, this DruSgtota. Azothooarias, _and Phrrictiads of our several Cities have eigpied a deattint of aiettranee to 10 that AtifElit'S SAVO ARELL& had boon Annul h toy be a moody oi' great cosiglanotr, aosi worthy' the otrafidenee of the. voinin!irdtf• I,'l l _L I HON. JAMES o°ol', : , Never of LoonlLt. ItALtitg. HON. Ma 14.13nt Bkilitt; Mayor of Ere:mitre. N m 116 N. ZAILIUNGTON, - Mayor of MANCESEIVEIN, Xt. fION , AB OTT. Iffsior ofVONCORD, I f wee 'on eii i 1 th, , e r: 03 EON. A. a BULLOCK', - • mayor of wORMItsTss, KABS4 BON.. SIE.SBNO, I ar 'o ' • _ltayf EIAIAI24 =SS. ACM. F. W. LINCOLN; - I F Mayor of BOSTON. lILLScS, 110 N. WTI. M. RODMAN, !fitayor of - PBOVEDELNON, XL, f. MON. AMOS W. PRENTICE, BLiaor, of NOBVirICII, CONN. HqN. mew of NEW LONDON. co3srir.• HON. CHAS. S. BODIES,- . I Mayor of MONTREAL. O. HON. D. P. TrezieNisr, l, Mayor of N E W YORK arrr, HON. U. lc KINSTREIT. • mayor of MeILILToN, , Ws HON. 'ADAM WILSON, Mayor of TORONTO. a yr, HON.' R. IL BISHOP,, '' Maor of Cl/NIMMATI, 'OHIO. HON. L H. CRAWFORD, • msyor. of LLOIIIRVILLE, EY: HON. JOHR SLOAN, Mayor of LYONS. lOWA, HONt. JAMES MaFEETERB, Mayor of BOVITXMAITILLIC, , C. W. HON. JAMES W. NORTH, Moister , of AttGOBTA, , HON. ECIMY COOPER, Jr; - Mayor of iIALLOPTELkidit. HON. JAMES S. BEEN; Mayor of FREDERICTON, N. 8 . ,. HON. 'WILLARD NYE, , Mayor ofiNEW BEDFORD, MABEL HON. J. BzimsDELL, 2 Mayor:of FALL RESTEE4-11tilli. 166 aid, No wentnre MD dge- IC on • e r ' ame ame N.o) , uh 1 tl, riie t aii e -cn's I by ! faith I • root, two able, 1 pled i n . • • the here enle re of pert r ooted I the _ HoN. GERA.RD STITH - , ' ltdayor of:NEW OnisEANS, 2./t, HON: H. D. fscrirtrort, - 1 • I Mayor or NOCHEETDEL N. - IT, " IMMO For sale 'b Cr„ose.Rocheteer; • doin; J. Binh°ll Brighton, JOha van; & Etigar , mtihre. , 1 -- i =I HON. - V. H. CRANSTON, ' Mayor of BIZIWPORT• IL 1.. HON. ( FRED STAHL,. ' I Mayor of GA.DENA, , EM HON. JOHN 110DGDEN,-. , lttaior of DUBUQUE, ioNTA. t HON. THOMAS CRuircitnEizi, • Mayor of OHATT.A2I_ OCIGA, TE.Blir• HON. ROBERT BLAIR, r- _ mily9r of ?PVBOALOOSAy Ara. • HON. R. - BAtirGE, • Mayor of ; MEMPHIS, . aT160111; HON. • DE' -WITT' C. EiROVE; • h Mayor of TA. I C Y. HOZi. CkEO. WILSON, Mayor of PITT/SW:MG. rA. HON. a. H. BT.THL, • Mayor of DETiorr, 1.1103/3. 11910,. IrErwor L, rAdg, ' - Mayo . z. of IdILWAVICLE, HON. W. W. VAIIGIIN,„ 3tayor of /1.9.C32411% HON. A. PARR, • 1 mayor of ICENOIMIA. HON. JOHN C. HAINES; ,Mayor ofj CUICA(M),- ILL. HON. id. A. iirEATEC, ' • - 1 ` ' 2dayo%:of SELMA,- 244. HON* J. NOBLE, • Mayor of . MONTGOMEter;;•AZA. ; • i HON. =W S. HOLYBAD, - , I Mayor of C0L1n1:13175,...434. - DON ESPANniato , 4A.NuEr • 1- - Mayor or-VEIELS: atm. DON. 1 3 ,1ETEE • DE CABA.LLOI • Mayor of DON ESVEPHAEIE EODEIG,tES, ' , Mayor of HAriNil.., DON ANTONIO ECICEVETIA; , 1. 1 t Mayor of 1.1.1111t,' PEntr f DON N. G. XCLA.NGNO, ; Mayor.' of ,ITALP.ABAYBO, CHILL DON KA.I3,O_I3ESQUIPF.DALLk, 'Mayor of Bio JANEIBO, BILLIEI24. Certify that , the 'resident Drum:emits havli I - .assured them 1 . • r Ayer.' Sarsaparilla Is an excellent remedy, and worthy therein,. .. '' Adana° of the', community,. -... t 1 , . For Spring Di t sestes.- . 1 . I For Pneifying . th Blood. . For SerctnlU or *lngle Bell. "r .. -, trt For,nmors, re, it` and Sores..r -. For'Renptiens ..Fimples.. ~ i For Blotches, Inene, in td Holls. ;', r o....sit t Anthossy ,s Fire, Rose, or ys For Titter or Salk Rhenns. rj elpelai. For : Scald Read niid Ringworm. ...._ t ,_ .' ..i - _ _ So re s For anneer,ona \ Lancerons . For,l , For Sor Eye. , Sore Bars, sat! firmest': For Fe m ale.senses.:Ti L " is ' For Stippressiion and Irregularity. - For SyPhilislii:".,iirenereil Disease'. 1 •i • , L For Liv er i Compla i nts. ' l- - t For Diseases dl. the Heart.. 1. k . i ''' I - The ltsyore of thp chief cities of.the Uni ted States..Caruulas. azjcl l , British Psavinces, Chili, Bern Entail, Mexico, and in fact, -al most all thkcitiei on this continent, hive signed this dboninent) to assure their peOplei what remedies they Elia use with aafety had confidence. Eutjour space iii/1 only admit a portion of them. - A.yer'S Bars ' Ayer's- . erry Pecteral; .Ayemls Pills, and flyer's Ague, qurei' itutrann BYt Dr; J. C. Ayer & Co., &Aid 6.01:1 Drugg ists ,iteLL.73l2lSwhere.S., EN D. Minis,' Jr.. 13eaTer; tl. r • calrgOtler 1.011 . T7, .13aden; -3: Eistgetkt, New ick, Darlingron,- Dutiz li.eldltilivd t y dtattre etrery • 1 i, • ;