~+ .. =I KUM g•XXX,VIII-NO. BEAVER, ARGUS, ; Th e Cabit:Cßo; , . , . A APTAiN'S STORI - 91'-14 way across the Si in with .twop old sea- Capti Streeterand Aga AloAon--1 "I had!Some slight acquaints , twin: Streeter was about three had followed theses most Morton , was considerably y still' alseitman of Much ex' The enbject lof abolition of f our naVy came up in course sationiatid Captain Morton himsel ' decidedly in favor of honored institution, the, tails. L ~ , i • "I at nal prepared to sa : u u re., of tw el ve lines for one inscr-ied • Captain IStreeter, in re , . i• , the cot dition of our inns of: 1 i.;,, , ,,,,. : b subsequent insertion 26 cents. - -A: . t will be in every case benefit! . „ erql iiti , :ount:nstie to yearly tuivertiSers. ! abolition of 'flogging, though it i I p -- -i.otters 88.1 communioationS, by mail , i m i g ht up. 0. I Mean. tkili - ; cers have it in their power t „............... .. I with all kinds ofpunishinent ... of course, for such ;o ff ences u i:11 - arr - r: .row TuE. Artotai] - ally puniahed On ship-board. . ,• , , Wave ! Wave ! 0 Starry Banner! !! "I.' or 11 ,),Y Pa'lt , ” said N . 1 ;shouldn't to:take corn, i . ship, it the. power of pumshi i tory seamen aS I thought in. 1 were taken •Om rne.7 . ...• — .Weii."' said Captain St / used toihink t just so. In 1 I were b ut . mi fe'masters more' . 1 and severe 'than I, was. MI run away ft.m me, and on ^^casienl '. ~ ~ _. EUNESDAF, MARCH 264x,1862 C: Nicholson & Co , Pioprie TERMS—Osz DOLLAR and Firrr CENTS tiri• ADTAICCi: otherwise Two riot - w:n be N paper diseontired, 11:,111 -eroppt at the: tLty tl._•c rOitor :•Itcrti.F.er3 , 2llt3 iroterted at the rate of 60 L.: y. i LT Lave pronint attention: HI MA LONE _ . fg:' I ttk the banks of the pleas .. a OA - Srave: 0 Starry Bannerl kr.pr.yr yt ars, ;191:3 of cur cciu.trs, . - - • ,one occitslenliay life has bet I: -:....r. I:- Yonkce ' Vulut:toers: . 't: • • ... : froth the riapr,co`o£ mein •wh -,- i_voluutee - rar Volunteers! . .. 1 abused:i I u s ed the cat and OcE. gallant V olunteers, ; end adtu l ost a freely as I -... C'eor ! Cheer ! Cheer -the Benner tongue;] and used to woad 19.1 . _ . 0Ur gallUntVg.:unteers. • : had'tha hiek I to get. such b I t 1 . f.m' v ernplof..j . . •7 4 :1:i, el y foh;s, our , father` - ,„ , r.. “When % as. about forty -c.iit-,c, o;. kings toe ,peors ; • I ' , age, I t o ok command of the 11 :q. :lie' worla-ritig with the prrwess ! .. . ter:,nam z)ne.v,us an old c :11:,-.-.:-.:e.:e V. ,, lunteers. . • • , •• , ~_ had seen full; as • much servi Voiukteers . ',.Voiunteere. ai.e.' l- v . as _.:. i Ll_ is. -ti e ing ..,!.11 • . % .. viap Wiz is . l% IL I ; But her owners were willin i 1 ' . a I:alit:114e cargo in her, So 11 be refuse o trust -myself. i., I bound t Liverpool, acidnotl ~.1 : sual hap, )ened, until about th ' day out, whet' we ran foul o' a , ieeburg. 'IL , easearly in the ' et . ' before smirk al id not abov i .1 .1 , .ti , eight feet of lee were: . a r water; itithaviiPr ti l early all be Ts ..' etl itt t 'e warm i waters• of -,..! • Stream. -I diil ilot think. we .1. . wined inueb iiijUry tor the, sit, il :-light; ktl ut of it 1 'N4 I as' very an4rY a ry I the I. erg: , 'JUL stopioin.r toi imiuire r \l'ill' I ; ithitOr . tilnd E.hail rend iLie tud 8(1 tbe land Fith fears keep tne.e and defefiti thee, ' cc, a •tatiljun Volunteers, . . , .lu o tee : V,..duut eers : i 4112 the einuds . 'bat tia rat. K `pr hit out!perte., .-13,:y Inciw ll6pe still marclies i ;Jur gill ism - V ..::;. - .4.iteer4: ;Vt.: ur.Lcer; , : t...1 . L.;± •l. `4 `.r.,.....: ac .t 70 , :, 3o7c . l.l•reari, rtrp..the'..q.rtli. th.ifit nerve tu ver.,-.reanco biuudluliCCt 4 , ri II a 2 • erg: i l ~- - ,i7,.. •ii.41..-4._ _,,, f ,' -f '' - -"4:*ti:: : i ti:.;'ilinZ.iio,' '.*'",;,-. .. VUtia 11111111102 - 11 - 011 ' KUM .eit c. a t ,i ; lit.t.t.t , r.;lli !-11:111,rass'in chieshi = -- ;s i br . tirrr . Volupteeri.... --. 1 , 1 bilY I.l7B . 6. !u 'e lu r :te Ee eri l' l: l :l 6: ::u .3 ::::rl.l: 3c. '''' '-'..-. ' -1 f•r' ' • '• - . .boss"lNllvo l fahitv . A - as Irani Withers'. lie Avit,4 fourteen age, and this Iva his tirAt vo had talc`rn liim:. from: his s mother, and 1 . 411 'promised lie ; ;would se;.! hiniwelrtreated---tt if he Leh ivedlliiniself. I .sooli 111 ys:elf believe. that he had, at disposition, .• Il l fabeled :that lie : must stuhhornipieee oflortnan ~ ever come aerass.: Imade up i lie had never Liken propeilv rattl_resolted, to ,. break Jilin in. • -, Lim I'd enrb' his, :tentpel hefor ; dime with him) in reply he - I might. kill . llini if I liked I flogged _him with ;the end - of t cilildrep de'er 61 ! iillIcalur, ! zen-top gallatitklialliards 'lill h. • i hardly swim]: 1.1 asked him if defeat or s.Laiti";!..Ge !iheirs, '-' i ' ! . got en . ongh i and lie told' me' I •it natinilialled in thi shadow, i- En, ri,ed,,til%; Vol zritcErs: ' ... .1 111( T 11../i1 /1 , -/ "C i l l - wiOleCt it- , ~t ron,r. nelination to" throw .1: Overbo vol`•;ntecr= : 1-01 u t'er .3 ',.. . 1 . '. '" . ard: .but at that moment , , gt.red baek.agaitist the inizze - , , r, f•Jo% ~iy.; of. 'No . "urcp!es, ' 1 t.; - '-' 1- • I, l ; eit ~ .. t -, : t , . ~• io•n:ii:ft . .) o u (..‘ ea tness, and Il i 1 ,. r...1:5 ~0 ii..l tae 3 can..., ' !to himself'' W len I rea:oned.. 1'.41.L,f1e enoti.fb t.c.. t!unibcq., . ... ~ !uar•l of V. al.kurt. tlie::boyls diSpO'S:itiOii. , :unteer,. - ' Stnto will surely - - e t'it• - port L.Nr tic itevrs. ' • . Lozrs theP.ntrinrie.l, with - 1 ..- ;C: - .1 - 1,eo-* V.. 1, inti:L Inl3 1 .r;. Yulunteere:: Vviantotrs , - %%Let] s:ceping our aailiersl . . . . a Irorg c t our hope, an;: re: 1: oinnatobored laiiii•J i nr• hail thee; H 1,.. • Yankee Vti:unt.iets.-- Yoluuteert,:f Voiarite,.rt . , • - icirced to ' acknowledge lie. w .. ri V '' ! "ut"': V " : "" t "'' - ' .., inaz•leSt :Lad inpsf - thithtid lad . p . • 1., t . 0 ;1 1 - clurtzsgrect thei r - care ' ' • • wr rI. , • st.e n. i ii ben 1 r isked lornj to d :-. 1 (........,1 , : Chvir`‘'Letir. the nastier.' . t hi ng 1 ,, ! ~,'.0,,,a be 4.4 .like a i • (,;.- ur cillant'lvAituc.eits. '',. "!'but when I roughly hid -..... .--- 7 --: - ; i t . then came the Id ispositioa with' i it:.•: - , - .V.l - 4...Ws IloYttoon.—Af-:' I found fault. - - " er J ilrty yea • - . litoi sh • ip of j , -.: ~oti .e ua wli nitw ' . as yen. • -Av:rs). cl .y ,? j 1i,,: L all y E r , it ipy ..Atfriial. few real-." noon, I speke• to him, and told` need ••to be . teld - Who 'llllll.low , elow and brng bp my qua is; 41f his boyhood an Albany' 0 was looking I over the quart ;• poil- ii'lit of the. Rochester .De - mid' I, knew he. did not hear ni Av-ites • ' .. . - . i::11/ore tlian -forts% Lear,:' nce t i: oath-, and intimated if he did no ywoFnhind.jfr.iendl __S. - - v j. as I would liehi liiin. -.. '. ~ zing.- 014 the norther road, and 1 , •‘" 't did'tjhe3" ''.Ye:' he- said, in ing the way -to . :t tie . He was a i dependent. one, nier hy professiiX and had just -- 'Ntrwnfds,' Said 1. • ' ;lout his time.( /thili.-tinle :ent, I which -"I Spose I catt.Speak,' he. ret . jxplre(Latt .•. .. er -e•bat of I'latts.linoving slolvly 'towards the to i . While ' 11e. bOy was Avearilv ; ion-way. I: • I-. • - llng alop-! , . the re-Irular stage coach j "his looks, words, mid the- 11-hi iziiiii the ( river, himself a. careless manner in whieh he F vltieing. hini'_with sympatliy;.l - fired. me in a moinent, and 1 gy pi -tin: to share his 'seat on the) him by the collar.. j • Thit poor di•lnTrier boy answer: I "'Speak to me-j like that agai the name of Thurlow Weed.---1.1.W flog you within an inch bf rived at Utica. and there, while; life,' said I. , -'1 ,' . • I ng the :trade of a printer, he be l l "'You cln j •flog away,' he ,rej the fist' ti of'7the kind stage ;firm and undaunted'as . a rock. H.'" Yeat s- p :IfteitAsiiirils, - when the, ." 'And I did-flog him. leaught r..., 1-• had - become a rich and influ 4 . end of a rope, and beat him until II:Ian:lie remembered the kfr.n7 arm fairly ached; but be:never I liown him on . the .road, as evi-j ed.' •.111,' . • ' . ' ; h r the kind friendship ever 1 ;‘"llow's that ? j.said I. tg I;elween the - two. :finch was !! " 'There's a little more life i llnry . given Ali of ,the intimacy i you'd better flog-Out,' was the r ',:: Fe.tween Thtirloiv • Weedand i And I bea him: again. • I bea j iore Fakon. •' :. ' ' j until he sank from my 'band ag the rail; 'and then I sent -one o • •; men for my. uadranip': When it I andl had a jugted it for my obs 1 toin.l found the slit( wits alreadk the miridian, itndlhat I was too This added fuel to; the fire !of my fleas, and quiekly.seiziag- the la*. I the - collar, led him to the matu'h , way, and had the-',,batoTi-taken o I then thruSt him !down and swo Would keep hm there till his stubb l i e,ss was - brok IL he hateli was put - c:.. - sad I • - rer., i-2:tn the .-af;_ Fume one gives! this cogent" .adj bachelors. • "Be sure - to. annex I an: who *lll lift you, instea of , re: you down-:in mercantile get hold of a: pier..e of calico ] fill wa.sh • MI !LA's h.o. covers himself with , pparel and ' - neglects hii mind ••• 1:o tbo outside F::s 7ir. the, I '' ' { 1 ' - i' 1. I', 7:;: . , • i ~ , 1 " ; I ' ~, ; i ii 1 i - 4,- ,• . 1 .,. : *. x 1 , .- '6•11:11;..... i,i , . --, .• •-,.--, .. -• , -4-1--,-, .--J- ~-4-)1i•• , , .- , - - • IP' 4 '"' , " "" "'" '''.• ''''''''' 4.6 * l R ' '' PI . —7-7-'-1-- * - ,'"-.--" I -. - -•. 14 .1 ' i 1 -, - r 1 . +. ; , ' .- - I . 4 . , '' 1 .' Itg• 1 ^-g ' •" ' r 17.- ,-,,.. 1' -, i , • I 1 ' p . r. , 1 vta .1 `• ~.• . ~, • , • I 1 • I •'' ' T. i f--. -,.,,. ' - , 1 . h L 401 ~1 .1:..•.,, .. ;r`' imii6NEN L ' ' .i . ', ' ' '' ' ...., -c, 2 r• -'--.. ~. ..4 • - 1 = j. l i Wi i i) NEßFak ' 1 Xi 1 S:c. , EMI / { Fund ins—JO t• • ith co: C: score, :, f his 1: unget, OriOnfie, ioggibg ' of cony' I expre: , d.thxt ti at-o'-n • _ [," I,wars-i -Ited-by tho hI am mire tit the os - do away MO Is are eau- orton, and of a' g refrae st proi44, eeter, , I :sett there ar;Sionar .n b tised o more than qi in dau iim I- had I . 2e . ropel ised m I r howl: I ,e .1 men in ‘ years of ship. Pel. aft, ancd • as sh6l safety.- 1 -, I to trust wouldn't I V i:t -NV ero ing 'unti l .; e eighth! 1:a sniall ZEIZI BEM ~11 rue Iti he GO Inv! EUM ENE i'tlli gay .r • with the • t 1 Jack -ears of ;':tge. 1 - idowed that 1 f iat ipacki 1 awful i ; waR the a ..y t . mind verned t I told f: had t: old me ti 'and 1 di f :tched Oil lit to him ill I.rack, are -Yes, help el mile! lii lie ship has I hesitated wrer tone ~ -Make lial .1.1 you comel I waited to i ie-on de'clt• ett rued ' witl le .. Three !, le ply worm ~, nd on 6 of ',th token and x leat the boy , et were bi-a ed a, him. 111 if-a-( At r wereU streair at he was w,.t to w the plank mus e _train wag ren ad • my met] lA': ;ai ist it before,' c men were called, rid !pikes, and ad 1 areland trouble, li w ' etppping th lea" ~ :pier.- IThe plan - tsisi feet ong.. i ale; arld,wou d ;Ihave i c- water Of th t let'pae l lavelbeen• bey nil,' ur To eould s disco i 'er t, a. nk i lus in a' ver y short must have ,b ea viif , ' ruck us. 1 11 1 , 1 - Jap Wi the wa! E to en to t, Ni.k r 1) ?lied, her •he managed to t I his i S or 1. ) ; after 1 ntt, „him in the p the crawled forwar , atid,w. en he Imy used o the din glitter at cat vine- t e d itcl-lights, he look d ,abol snug place to li in, for 'iti lintl ' 8 re. IHe went Sot i sleep I:nd \ i nie h ardia faint so Int, lik, i -ateri ply. ing t rough a .small ho e, he him t the Oi en place ih the cargo an, Sinst.f. ec. down,'and e Was snap' - he my tsmalllet' of water i sUriii;ring it raine 1 the ship's bottO . .1 ho reaped j iTra- I and hi a few minutes foUld t I n rashtimbe had , given t i wholly aw ate. the stream, wa,s ucreasing 'n si ad- I plagecil his hand' upon the pl 1 - byl foundiVbrokon, and clis l co-erd tch- I tht,pryssiare of Vie. water withd• pr SSI e nuz- E e could he hail might I felt a I he bov 1 10 Stag _ I=ll eft h im eatinl3 I was ! s the' ever ; an 3 - oeket ; I le to do Nwhieli iim to I IBM =EI utan more lan in- 1)1 recd,,( a pan- LA slow„ I oved. I :sped and Ii your EMI , ria- 131 en ' W 3N- IMMO suffered , a t good de a l . that 1' 1 afternoon, not with any compunctions for whal iI had doge; but with - mir own temper ] , and bitteimess. It Made me mad to !'think thl II could not conquer that hoy- 7 --tba I i could .n o t break down his i cool , stern o pposition. "But 1_ will do it," said I to myitelf, ‘'hy'the.lleavens above me; I'll starve him into it,,or he - shall die under the operation." - • i After supper I' . went to the hatch- Way, and eaned 6, him, but be- return ed no answer 'so I !closed the hatch 3 oa n md d eto e ki n .et t n : i a e w 4mw a e y: n3 . 7 •A ti t : i r O esd :' ,:im c lB l: es u l k iih l aat e d a t . b l i call ed, 1 1 gain, - .and ag a in I' got' no 'answer.; 1.: i rbt haVe thou ht that'lhe flogging s I b had heard him, 'pot an libtir before,l calking' to himself. 1, did, not trouble 1 im again ' until morhing. After 1 •breakfast I went j. . 0 the hatchway and lailed out ,to hid,' again.].l heard! 1 otbin, ,, fromhina„ilbredUld I see himl 1 I had not'seeni him since I put him. 1 . . . , , ~ , i . t aati:mt:leinititgitliNeveour that t..l told there:.'.' 0 : :t . vl a i te p sr e i,k d . out for hi iiimorning. d,e. iI several eia.lm. d t o i ,,,i n ati l il e illev i 1 ut he \ VqUid 110 rt;ply — Lifid ytt; iI . W. they,4 . eemed to lbe Calling on them for help, iu break him j ute it. lle 11 b eg , be ore-he'll starve." I thou'ght, and so 1 - etermined to let ;him stay 'there. I upposed . he hadl!,crawled iforward to he. forecastle bu hhead, in order to lake the sailors war hint. SOme of lie men asked lea e .to go down< and 1 i bk fr ' i 1 ..'or 4iin, but I refused. 1... hreat eitied t o. punish p the first•inan . thlt dar ed.ito go down. , 1 tt , At noon went again, and an he id not answer this that tizne, II ireselved he, should come to the hatehway. j . i aild ask for inc ere I went .any ,more , ' The day. Cainepassed away, and i l when evening I begun to be startled. I'theught of the many good qualities t e boy, had, and of his widowed I other. , li e hadl , been in the hold t i t irt— - 1, i id ull of forty with-' tie g• lie 'neat be too I Irg . l now. It wrta hard Le r() but if he died there Islip ; I 'Cation, it would go i yea till. ' So ait, length I; with [I to go and sea him. 1 - b it , I.indtiwn when .'I hnd 1 birt I,o', and. I jumped 1 •A, i'alone. , 1 Ime r I Ward I saw a ',space 1 bd•Yr,i easily have I gone 1 ser-:0 , , oint 1 e tvled on 1 81 9 1 e' 43.1 I call out 'there ! ruUrti t tl wer. little dis_ I wont 0 t r .4l .§Flike!xAkilli t -it. 1. 044 . ;ar en, but which' I; be'tl. ! hadl been left 'open I .fr';° t i l ilinic inL tile' flooring ur, IT! •,1 I Alould Illavtl left I I Mi flit ; hhVe I i NI ,A.l .1 1 lll, ,i : , . nig l directly upon 11.4 1 ftlie ship. I I - I e(filte nude my wity a n d ' (littler card the :plashing ; c 0 , 1 11 14 gift ,I could: tlteet [ to euJ the' incor i ni og l of a cit l l l l e ;At first I i Filw notit-; strt,ig I becameru6e(l to' POltc' iii}i distin i o•uisii the: po , ,iti e bri:v at • 17.orne ells- 1 maid' I t ., ,i , '0 Se emed Ito be bit- b o n y ..) tfodi. with' his' feet 1' us Ulo .irty-six h ofli food or] Alleak to 'cr.) , Or the to gi fiorn:absolt harder with' intadeui, ui was riot tle t ;bateh 11 A little w iere Jnek fic we, arid ! 114- hand an belt Could takmiltrilxei num, a drink. I , out re up, , te stat Mme st ; mind uite s !taken "mac. I might n 3- fors t u b: a t] i knee Jrar • rent lieed InLneeount f a ,f the -hold )sFilic: . yorything, tiaut .tonetl. there rest he thin planking T 4 this- i plo4. 1. (Nike(' 416W . n. 11 I t 4 ater,•an'O- Out t -Hint soti.nd like 01 stireitm. but .as sbou ai light, 1 eti hint. outlined of . tl anee front 11 the'qrdkeil r2telied agahistla eask. ' • I ealled . are 1. I t'n'el erten, id thought. lie I oked• up. ' we pa - sithrough li Iyou there," ' i ; lihood tl;i,t when 11 1 / 1 me: I,`FOi. Heaven's sake} wilii s ,linA , 'up nrO • ,- 1, and ,i ' ,- 1 , 1 ~., 4 . ink 1111011, a 1 htn tern— J 3 ,7 a e r . erpinel prang a', leak '.1 . 1 I 1 playt, :iii law isti'4 and !lie ;added:rill a more strurg. le with forti , ey, it r q'or 1 t bd , ..., . ~ „, t i t. o • 14 L hold it ! uns eia4 The' tixii4 r ; tern hied nsiiirant it ( 1 4 ihuf,., bu r '. 1 Lion in i a,l tumble /I :-aide, and' no o ti. M I l'!; . telleS 0 ,, i l l q thre e 'llllll. nay •oil heat wer e - e b in _ belt.) V Ile Iliiill t ig,, 1 1 I I • ' ( I 4..! . -.• .. , Jry heart, e • n t. tor .1 •ia to tl ,", wits thot had been Zany mo.•:: s lift , int' a li;tlis the ii t) w bl ose ' day, Ili d lc Someti t cask 'b e . ! nngrat TO iwheu tl l i e 1 jet 4 of ;its Ol) ., ''kvape, it e ' Out him. !ter ,1 , 1 n the; pri skin. I !shout depend utt moment ; neith l i e giving nor. ' it, so I' .:But t. is; dot fr .1,- • tiveB ierelv that i'n ' I 'I ) , _r. . p. oth-, I anew' of ri v o i il lio, i r ts o s u i:t ii planks tli in 1 .b temper merits syn • 4 ( • 1 1 fxeet t e d .? 'Tiley 'tutor 1 the i r i ting t le ' fought gal ,a,ntly 46, e0 i n i thong! rent ryes ma t i nc h es I him; they reogniz stream spirit °ugh he lie it .irotild I are will ug O give L,oitg dre ; cause] t ey ,!'eel tha i have 1 new f • thold, to c a.! Ilknew , success. These area iceberg' ' Why me• wflo are t'' - 1 litre al oat. Ins-aria lineaVin irother,l mean d ashy the ti s t, r3 -.1-- 1 sympa i mean so lhold he,! wotds, 1 , became • . Lett n'i' , on . 4, wlia nie'from : his opp, rtui4 ies, nit forla rhis,,bmin poWer44; de bs.'iveo I I of sushi ten.{ No h *hen lie was or ill be eapa :stream-:.eminent in the busit tent . 0 • 1 out at e• least the ind ! irel tilook- i Therefoi e - ilet, all the ; sa w ! n it - tie entering )ittaines' tplfrom !flintily at d justwnyi i do wni I --amlbf the fight so at , toe I - - 1 ' i ---,,i , , and F. , itia".ll 0 oi - .to yo ! e. lb are- 4b6U • to 1 rairike; lc andl steal, or o any'impr id .that I 1 - Toldi nto , our , fo' 'at was I.on the . - oint hof ki•- ti l b e a — ek l hear 11 try an no i more se pos! :intern ft tiinbers the . rc r Planks b►}rst in t leare ;ainst the ioien litt i$ :AK; a of th eate out ould [ mit; 1211 • n the :vt Iron the 3 n • . `us, and tics fiiiaily, s a iid'avev, 10iieh ant eibhi Ord kfc at 4 if it gai .11 go,-"app nd perhap too, that . I 1 g it Inly ;la, to see;th k must s e lost; a , n• I He sa.z•• 1-' , BEAVER; siltyli e t ac i: . .d wol time. ; a fi re the! 1-- 4.1, Ben e a‘vay a inc ~1 path of c,, i' Shi L I Edict 0 hail 1 angryi e: cot! lOth,.€irs art 1 had ed th all • t h e 14 .! °h +! 1 4e , ,. i t il s_o l t stop the ince . . trii)yr i i iimself upon 4,, , An lrite4 likainst the ' cailk,rfn ' (ni elp.„ r ; Butle w*soi,fiurya,vvl w own, witli ;slek fi - dense-rr rg, !about hiln, t4tAia!iroieit 1 rcbed oth e r. Data an Wk . in men bed d him !bilk thou s alking to liiii*lti i d there he iii aft,43 - viih i lii ' fooi, cad, , for foai ialWi lve o i ty , i, our!, II thl ; the water ~" ipi4rting i „lii 'tiny ei&iis drench i n g; ultif to theis in.- 7 bad thought . 8 - einittlmos f go, 1 - .) the ihatehwaili 'And milli' ,s. fo r s, p i but he'knee that the,! lank, i ui4, be forced ;in i ilile left it, 'or he' 1 .feel it. hove ,th him . His , engtb wits failiniclini-:Ais i iinbs 1 . i e •relinekeci with paiu+ , but.he , ould Ove up. I' with himif he a ould -Wave givertitgi if l l' had not 'c ome I (lid. Ho a swereil that he' s sh ould have done t while „ he had . l f , b in I ii-,1 ;He said e thottgliii, not 45 him , ' i *-- - , :he was oidg r i tttiii, diil4-bu be aid;'save the I rilsCif ; h e could awl sa4d us, is rel**yed us - f m a :`ry, grave. _111,4 , .' • I hit boy la y fickileniost into draq; iij i I nursed hi 7.) idth ley , ewe n4 B 1 . ursed him tb tigill, all , his deli, ium; , When his reasinkiTeturued, a he Idisitup and! talf4l bowed i in self, •r 4 ;him , and ilitunNy asked b" par- fqiall the roni . l had done ill'. throw his ar A liOnit my peck a nd -die that if II , i tuld be go ' to , lie would . eVe give me can for' i et , • and h ed , as he .14t. up ii,i jI am n t iiieeward-1 ' i uld a l l bl: dog." z- :; ii , L xi that hour !quiet. forgot'f r ose. s . and - too t 4 it hour I n ver , , k s h i p a blow o . ant my , , 1 .1 e i 'o e i ,r u i!i f ii ee th m h . I , ih ill that i ll 'I ; eke them,' co ' ortatile and; ap e possible; ! n A. hike not f iled iel f in their repe ti alid ) eciiifid' c 4. , 9 (no undue le iiii i i but make niy a fel t + at t. '‘, ii py_e: Ufrierul lid ris&ri in the sai Pori irte sailed in ,_ utinfii' r i 4~ r li' , 1 , an ac 6 t 'e, d i _ 1 ..--------.- ' , --Belf+lianee I , eoniplit'eenee wfi e, or othtirs, are i. r; It' , is ; well to fi v own energies 1 II 1 :j 1. but -Jio man' ll %4.9,- to'isueeet-5.4 eililty Utterly 'onl i a IiAI wt ShoW no Itli tlikelveri, tad' 11 a pr Oliabl' , c that a y• 1 -, llllle'ol' drag e g e , 91ither.:hancl, ii se hr teinake frithhis as . b, ;there ;is little like-' . ' c e I need! then - i Ali .)' 1 ed us ijpontane6 e 'we i lay have ps- 1 Pail, tii6gle-hautlkA iune. Itlis bad . P JP' I haughty, repella t, L t res 1 e olute arid' 1 , I I ct weattlh 'Jr poi 1.1,1 !, he elialbs; -anti it •..f' t a' tiner, to . . gi,t cii 1. 1, wig to ,it depthit ' ii, Au,: whiat he sta t-4 ,leye,'; ; a tooth If r 1 ci 11a v.-, fin , Aided;a • imiqinea]rulelof It ile : broken by te I Si [ er is , nrost need : f !rtsinly .3'Arks b t.- eiOet that a na n I '' ? i rly upon ' himse , ~ .eetvindassistane . 'll --.. ) d pi...ud falai m , he en,e' retie di d fri 1 each 1 0 her :.' A I(4li' c 'bids and elasticf ail ize'With 'effoi . r i to 1 ii'idud ' who h kel batte• of If , I vii 1 hate 'overtake' 1 .„, 1 , '4 o i r l i n hi a s s t a c ti ; n t; d i i i ' e e T (7( mi ,a t.ibboet,"i b ' i E--.] , he needs but' ql tire his ultinuit . -It , nrng the reaso n ' mai to themselv ,th I 1 13, 4 , 1 true to eae 1 l i r Wriendslaip an I.lAx I 'thing; More thaili r fi re t l,l stll I ' lit: -A,i FttiEND: uticltv ell nps i the ail 'nt It.l . iings.i tilleb in ono'i l i t 1 ti ate, them' , glit his : 1 r 1 dut:of di oil alone.. i 1 n til help . • 11 - ..,[it .Is not ;; V I Lace thei 1 , ; ibnt on ti .:, it • ••rr his talents I Ihi confidence na theailianc , ni,sn being eve ap .1 we s world with ftli, help r of others. I , men, -"idi to lire labor Fin th o imaki friends,' aril . • 'I Satid.4then - 304 Otich i Sei*tell, per • . .1 ftul'C you are teem ing .01 .irun'Oine the ihre or crime . 3301 :riper when '' are''i bun Rio • upon. or • .1 t • fo r.--1 mi sPlogYt."- ror,libliatrue to ,S•dux ' t ;cited, or iu abof = -7----7 Ifiblioalfol .1 ' : ... The fir st divisit , ,mint : i nto chip ardinil'llugo who i a 1 ' _ • .' I. ' He wrote . o,corl , ' 'rititurea,, and proje t t e • rdance which is ,t a, !-( ' iiinon Latin-Bible. - A: , , ram - ons ~ iJowiih ordccai ,Nathan? ads ugo's,ahaptors, 4rici # ll:verse with i n tigir ', 1n11661,- Athiss,i-a 1 [ 1 storddm, in' his ad t ri , old Thstameni, i b , iii • na i 'of ...lingo, into Iv , • t vel - tbem.l=fdtebe t F eneh . Piinllo ter, • d vided- the New Tsl ri 1e• itifthoy riow are ` • The above division s t' chapter and vel.st, au= o kpman anttio •4 is de,Tor convenieno 44 f . ' - ' t ,co dapce, regordles o .., t 4 , 1. D;et i o n . 1 ' Th ' : 1 ,e Old Testaale bi . k5,;929, chapter% "' , b 4 .1 — l ' Ords, 3,728,100 0 .• 11(3.. New Testainol Irs, 26() chapters; 7,9 f 2 words, 933,380 1(0' he name of jehovi 1 le , . 0,855' times [ , i, rill lit; • I , 1! 1 ! , j ' lie middle bookt f in ut is Proverbs. 'he middle chap ni thlof S i ck. <, ‘ I - he middle verse- 1 el 20th dhaptor 17 hi, n f 'ho Tidiile book' t ofi audit is, second The4s l 'he middle, ohaptel xii anil air.' 84 - li : 1 d:ibiii: lea: eta of area- ht; ha he middle - versei is.. he he middle chapter, a in he Bi hle, is Pslarni 1v . he middle verse ' n Ps imexviii, 3. i 1 e middle l ine inth e h'' ' IV • • Chronlees iv; 15. 11 he last verse; in the xi, ;6. - i 1 1 1 - .rfeqiineteen.th, eliaite Hr =g•ii! and Isaiah' t • • . e. , # , -..4,-..: . -I.t.‘. "1 I ; :'thef , 2lst : irericei J of : , tit. of Zara areiiiin ni a = i'i, 7!1: ao.i..consid::-: t 4 4j e rPe....., 121i i' - 124 . 2 % . • Latu ti , ' 4 ~t lir - preceding facia wel ~ed y a ' t gentlemen in 178 ; 1 an Englishinan residing ' dal in 172 . 4, and it is, s i I,tair. n each man !three y I inv stiiration. i ')l\ N l , ' heiv - , is a 13ible in, 4he ''' wri ton on 5 576 n lin lea' i'e H - i' - a 1 dai-'s journey li ~ an : A 4Sabbatli day's joitroe . ) or ! t an ngiish inile. 1 l I - E elciel's rce'd was eleve ip-,, . ,-; . , , iil r 3 • l' 1 . L ,= ti, cubit is , 52 inches, nc. - ( X tin , rer ibreadth is, el .. , l i ne ij, •‘' 1,, ! -i 1 : - P., ---- ' i . ' . i • :1 1 , A 'bb ',kell Of sAver ' I ceritt ,:" , . ', , ',i , Ash i.dtel Of gold w,a 8: de( . A tallent of silVer was, *I i, A Ilent dr kola 813,80 i --;,.A. ieee of silver, or a 1 13 . c ntS. ' '' • , I I,lo ita l i A artbizrg,was three'.'ec 1 1 kt perdlt was one cont.'. ' .14 'nlitit was one and a'l IA ')otrier cdntaineti,4evei , 1 1 on u.d i five pint , t i . IA; Epha or 13:ith,#Vonta G% ' s antrtie pin thy. , ' . Al 1114W:is one gallon an At 1 fiticr . ..,. - alits tIVIY plias. JA -4b' c wis. t hree pi tilt s. g T.VSLS one half Pint. T . old Tektatnent itins J o icinsi 1 l' . I - , : lstl, - ' The Pentateinih, o k'of „Ircisfls. ; ' 1 2d T o h b e l ' to ll s i , st ol o ig r s ica o l f 1 - .);:3 5,.( o: ig .1 . blina to Esther,. inelu.i 3 Poetical ..Or;. doetri 1 ] . II • Z5ll shipboa iid •OM 'Propheticalaeh i. , ' - ,rj , 1 books. NT rh New ,Tgstament -, is ded nto throe parts. .: Ist I n4stOrical, contain Nos and !Acts . 2 4th d Doctrinal, ' istl s from Romans to'n repbetical, being I th • vel.'tions..of.St; John 4 The commemorative Or, ii -Were j. The i'aSsoirer, to connnt otec ion of the Fsraelite! Etv h rn pf the Egyptian .oye, .1 Gn innclision, the. seal n 4 'it lAbraham. rho 'feaSt of Penticost, pain r ed !fifty; days after ointneneorate the l i lay,tiOni Men*, Sinai. , ['he - east of Tabernael 146 :perpetuate. the sej( Ie aelites for forty deig esk .! Puri in. kept in • . de ivory of::the..Ji* !iced Truibbinittien of Kai n:th: reign of... Edwar d -. 1, 1 10.-i-tt cosOtilaborii y rEi and three ..me pur , ns . a hible,*..hi ee e • taper day and the le Nr, thlrty-Se . fen porn idre. and sist~four doh, anti e Scriptures bar i ; secen aid a' bail El [ • t . ~ - -- -- ' . - . • , . . 11' -. .........- '•• ' • . 1 I 'F''' 'l:''';'' r - ''' -'..',- ' ''..- •". 2 ' '-'. . ' . - ;. , . - .7 -7 ;: - T ' 7 -. 1 - ' 1 " '''' ' ' . -. 1 ''' ', f .... ' --' .' • ',- 4- ' , ' . -...- '.. 1-- ; * ''.' V . r ; . 1-r • ' Y r• '' , l c ' . .. - • • ~ . ,_ • r ' 't , . ' '• I'l . . . ' ' . • l• `-' • T - 71 : PaganHY . . 1 ,4. - . -- -.1 .•„. . i 7 I_ A I.#3gcui of jesus. .1. . The bhoTd ofil Sprispathy; 1!' ihiblitiateknimi attstaiteCt- by , some - - ‘. l .411; has.not 1,36 a-fr,stasi" • . io b been I '' " ' . --: aye proconsal of Judea, ,pri-! Our, friends have been flitting away OtHtt , HerOd, ii, re . 014 d t 'l3l ~ . friiiii earthititi the eeheleas shirr ' , and • i .., . ,,,p . 1 q a (1 . , 8, 13 t bore l, . „. . ~ , 1;2 .. ,; lf- a thi cad -. of _the , g,elden .the Saviout, and to litlVe writ eif - •the I each I-chi-AA:of. sythpithylthat coils. ainundr fnll i oWing:!letter'te tl4 kornan:Scriate '-i. our heart strings; as.. We parted'. With - ' 1 ‘ 1 ',..9,t this time "appeked . a - : man who' them - dawn near tthe chilling istri•' . e . it.t . ..lstill .' living, land : ' ndowed , with i d i nt swe e p s th e se t a .t t wo,„ -, 1 mighty power; lhs n rite is Jews I They bore theth:qm-beyettd t 13, ''..hlikit• --Urs"-disailiit's ell him .thtiaPti I ihores of titne--Htlieli , are but p rtes}; , ' op God; others . regard him as a Po \v - ; and „Whet( the, nlotids ! all hudd e te-', titful'pfephet., . 1 ITC -rais 's I the dead to ,;.(Tether' in sonic` dint net-corner itib!e life, and beala the Aielz; of, every de- 1 riorizon, horizon,. ; t u night'S lone . ' holii ;; :lt"hen',-' ..a .tiption , 'of infirmity tad disease. 1 tlose ---- s • uspended - thords ' are - paved' his 4 11 au is of lofty stature and . iv.ell - i With _stak;' an& the angels * etheriat ,' :p Oportionedli Ids countenance .c‘,..e' re!, formSgli ,e.(lewn:tioisiessli-;_andirith : a d - 'Virtuous- so that . le iP•sPi4ii l *• l 2e- I bowcd'head . and folded wing, listening:, '.l holders .with feelings - both of, fear and i te.:;64,1.r heartihrobS• hroitnd the_ aletip•is.. - .I I ve. , " . ••' ' • . ' '- - • I iris. couch .l *- - 1 ...'- •• ' • -'• ' . . •-• :The hair of his head Is the color of llnd wlien bi ra im orn a lra t l e.n. *- 11 E r g ; l ig : ::; r' 'a l ine,. and from the top ef his 'head to 1 pitrs.th e - sa bl e ~... ~ ~ . of . nig t, awl .: ' - tlol ears, straight arid withew.i r.a . di- :light gushes in like titi,flOwing stream, l e _ .a . c'e,,brit It • desecaila l'i• to the ears to th en ( 1 the Starsdaro buried in the bright; i t( • -the 'i . shoulders in shining- curls.- ,effulgence and lost te - VieW, but 5ti11,,.. I. F ' , lii- the - -shoudiers . , ',toe hair' - flows . ..remain,. V iand the.golden chords of eyni.., 6 i d t wnthnback, ilivid i ed into two por- :pithy remain . outseretehed bet,tieen ,, i trona,' ititerithe jrnanner of the ' . .Nriz,a- us and bettven. To. altigei . eye's' he , 1 reneii; his forehead is clear and! with.; i arc visible Ntillen darkues''like an i!ilky 19fit Wrinkle • his thee fi -, c froml - 1 .: • - ~ , . , , .. it, inni . .., c l oa k . j y r ,..4. ) - I.lsb t , and !slightly , tinged ; with red •; his 1 storms .•• sve l e l' p t t ll li ° o e s a lt.3 rt- . ll ' T a h il n d s,:f. could'nisi; .. ''• 1 i )ll YkiktilliY , iitible . antlgrokious. " The , trace 'them were tli'ey centered areal' I nose alai iinatith' are ' tkiultless ' His I the thronel' f God I ,th • - 'll :•'ll** c- i fl• 1 • . same • • . , ..,, )3 ~..eu ,vi la liens . beard' is 'abarichint, -the , color as • back to• our torn and. blZcding heidts., . • • lila • haft,• arid l forked , rs' eves are. ;Seine-tentlernhords,vet twine . on;e rth . . I _l blhe anU very brAuttit. .In reproving ; but many ,are -linked,An Heuven. ..... 'Oil censuring . he l ls ! awe-nisktilig; in i . I • • . .' Aid... - --,-t- 1 ' S .: exhorting- and tetteh,ing his speech is I • How- . .rr ..11 - 101tv" .`&.-"iVlieti igentleand, caressing. His countenance I think," says Dr. Ciranning, ‘Fthat el -1 is [rnatvelous in i .seriotishess . and grace: '. house ;bright be. cheered - by', in i 1 . ne•ill. aAk as neverente been seen to laugh, genre,` genee, disinteresteduess .and Ire! .. i.burt Many h seen - hint-weep... 'lle is . merit; and then i•cinem her in how, it i slender in ri perpat,. his hands are straigtl houses the higher powers . and . a ani I beautifrit •,I Grave a id ' :491,211164a i tion's of 'human nature are buyiet , i hi, . discotiscy; I is itingti• ge is simplei, in- . toombs,,tw trat a darkrieSs fat „ 1 l i ..arad - qaiet. InlapPearan .e he. is the I ; ol•„: . er society" _ Well mify the ellie 1 most beautiful Of the children of. teen. :l .'' darkness' deepen and enlarge. sj,d - hutch ,11"154111, Ij. - ,: . - d._._, ' .L 1 ty , after So muelthoasting of ours' • ,_• ' , .-_•:-.--.-. - -,,,, • .1.. 1.. . ~.li are iu thevan.et I, be nations.: 01 . 1. ITE MIODDY TRADE.-The IolloWArlir ; - worla - for intelligence and „ilattieli.ti • . ` exextract froM an article . on "Rags," in l and - - general . culture.. Tiow mi Illi ..LOrid(lin i F Retied",' g i res - •aa . .. a peep;; hi:lmes] are .really cheered and ;ni! , perpetually happy 'by the ,Otroc iint i o the ' Mystettit:s* . -Of • the : ShOddy tion 'of books, of hinsie. or eNeli•Cif iTtade :•* • .. • - ..' • .. ' i family .paper ?, • 1 . 1)- how ' Many hiu l• - .: - ; . hat ski , yon, oh,. gentle: ladyl : to l, night hot an alino,st initeullous chalige I'' ...fatit . .thavthat • soft warm cloak; so . c wtought, if onli.b . ...thii presl.nee „Alt* dtg414aY,41144 it were heit l of . 11, good newspaper'. That presenee' lb. -. t,ol.l4W4C , tiotii*ieg.iof...gitr l ligives birth - to a - brat - 4°f neW th oho - fits,. • i it t44 l .4 .. taitiiilailefitrallte• loollietti , ii _distinct, class .of `doni;i i itip,....... Aie Aktide4l,-440-...iCW:I-. --t*l.- ' ipßoh . ..stkmulliteit4e higholt9d -‘, 1 , ..p- . :11 0 - k • s .) I . l.:*tai)geoti'.ope#s '=.00,-flotl/4-,- lii: thoi*crorintiniii4ri(tkO: 7. -1 4Ke:ciat 4 sjili .--': - rke r ..- ~ o A? • - ... , .. ,- .. -. 4:...1._:::,i - ,. - ,, - _ , ,-.,„ -,:n i - '• -‘,.......# ~.' , ~-, . .'"iii _, „„ .-',.'''''' - B . •_:, ..0.... ,joii . mg d„..* * * o - 1 ,,,„i. - • 1- - ••.- •• •-•... , e , - , -. et. l ypurself, *a • becoming . garment:inle:li circle: -1 where before . - was, per , las‘that combination of coarseness lizips, - only discord. -'• i • ..4 . [:. - r - , .-. of th dear to the English .;..1 e The influences.of thesellffilc .tiliagsLL „mar pf that l i teriod. ! ....S . evertbeless; it is '. are'far• more potent and l i perniahettt i ,, not .iingornearlYinOthing i Jiut I )llll.ii , rs, ,:than people.gencr.4l3-.4laV e an idelt . or_L of N cry tiftteli . t.l ! t i silinequalit3.- as the : tlieY work naively, efveril if:. they are. .., sealskin just Inerittilittet . .. .:V.H.ifit One,. net- scen,.bl Alit- Vcfrt" fact oil . tIIL-ir. i tip: 1 filth of the tieW - elotli now winking' - it% Great Britain trill be .composeti .. /.4 old , (terrain thesWinfluences iYorli,,eyti ke. cloth: - .No matter : who your-, tailor . . molt' closely' and - poweyfu ay - .11 r ur may be, Pool° 1 0r,,;116 . :es it Must h e .. s o. ' liVes and ottr.liappiness. . A - family in ,They may call „ are 1 uateriai . as - , thCv... wholemidst Alo radiance Spring,i; . SP it t7w like,l but Still, hied;insidiously •wit; the 'workings of -!titlectiun, • acid; 6 the l'i..cSli •wovtnlleCCEl of tiei•Maii. or ; c:xtliiiiige of .sWeet and iii.4_ aii.l ,te 'Australian - sheep . ,: t ere ,nil' .surek: t. 16 '. sentiment; itZa dweljA.4. ill. rt.gio jut* the tiiread of 7 'at, onee. - svasyag. : . of.,darkneils`iiitle,e(l, aria. will I:6 i 1.1 'The Merl who not/ lon„.: vet-Since discover_ ' kno w their. real cap .eti that , old materials are vet- good . until they - have come oat-of. this viii'; sul;sattites for lioNsl . have made • int- . 'Of . 'gloom s and despair..-- What Woad rhente 1 fbrittins. A 1; ton :of' the best,/ that, oar public affaii•s are iii",sticli Wool it • ragsl , Hfor there are; qiialities stat eof publ4iation,. when idivataliv even 'in rags-isi lwOi•th - some forty- ; are solinaify '' of them., it nsat isfacioi ,4iur ;Sovereign4; ltli,(lir money . - value ' and in tdarkiness '?-.'. . • .. •.• . 'leaving ii crertsof- twt•iitv-feld in the I, . I •- =- -=7-- - .- . 4.- last qintyter of dcen tiry. The eh.. 7. I - DI - SCOVERk , or 1.4 - TELESCOA'E,7--- Wilk A IS iinitiwlly Ind itifactured '11%) I.' Seems 1 - scarceit erodible" that 'thii hem will be :paidl-.oy by sonic mil. l wofrilerful fitr-seeing . instrtinie it(wiiii; ton .and ::'a Italf , ; Of Money:- iNoW, ii:, ',. brings the A - lest clisttint ,Wic m o. triils -id i . here-geed' in rags, :think-- , - - 011?... AS -our curious ken, Shonishould,bave ,liati i on is one thread.obatinate holds to:ftorigin in childr_en's-' play; }et solt lt is- gethtx the Varketrapatts, . and . gives - it L Tie, •children of a . spectacle-maker. It still a claim to•he 0110 a garment ; it i litiddleburg were - .allowed'•:tt times:42 7 S . • comparatively worthless.; the ' me: i prdbably on • Wet . days--,to itlay . - .1 h I lent that giVes . Way, ~nnd no . longer 1 their* fiithet's workshop.• l ' Oh one .1 inalutains.the. - .vain pretense -presto I .ri these, ticca. ions . tiicY i' ere amusing .. .laniernbered reinnaritii.aciiiiira inon.l' theiiiselveB ;vith._scorre;spectacic-gla.s/i -. , 1 yi- Value, - pur4eistriug t s are 10 - ost.ned, l`eq, when 'Tic of theitCplaced two to: rad .ftern far German Markets ; .1 tied' ft itlier; 'one hefore.theotheri arid lopk igetitU of' the . ,rag-gilirider .trahsports • ed throughar*.ac'tlic-6,-;eatherCbilik. hula back to, their own West *Biding. ,on a neighbor ing .s.teePle..... TO the Allierel .. i.4 . sonieth ihg.: poet ic•al in their.' child's astnrii , duncrit tbe vane appeared' .1 • • - - ',- • a r- . rtterieng to their .hative. nlace in ot- b arlar , T - - and nof to itjhurr when seem • . r,. ,_. . , 1 4 . ' 1 - ' )iiii. Isaiah - .orily.''.The fathtit - ' ~ ,••• lAltideria, tc be )Ivortli inueli: they mast: Was called .to sot' ti4sight, and, struck iutiiiv . d i : I , ei•ess land re-ci . .6.~1 are 'sea'. - -.- .. !... . . 1 , - 1 - -.._::____-.......- ......„ . T ___ -lit to advantage His:‘. first Van- wati... . the four i, imThe mode ins Which newSpapers , t°PN two g i r FeS° " boar'', . Mean?' • rte taxed is very novel arid effectiVe.: of brass rings, Which !night. hri-c. been -. all . the fin the fit•slt- 'place there is ti . taX of, brought: nearer to' ,each. other. dr„fur[. ltlree trills ' arpotind,.Or'abou t. fifteen: then oil: at-pleasure. He wal4 tlin:i . -en, .elms per r. ant, ripen' the - White paper. ',abled- ra i ses distariA olljec6 hettcrand ..;1 then there. 's.:a tax I zofl fife per cent;. i : * nl°re-. distin,etly that, . befor.:••• ' 'Ells uPott the,innual receipt i ret,a ad ver ,. Alexi, improvtrnent . was to place the... tiSements.. Thirdly, Ahern is a stamp glasesi - in .4 6 . ll ? ,. wilieh 1.3•133*b° reinter' ,J• thity. uPiin ' telegritplii r fnessacrei; and; the first telese9Pe• Galileo lie.a'i l . ft.,trailvi Contes - 41 Lk, of - three I per ofit. and . .ipi. wed it to . . t ' - i'eent, apert7the'4l.ggregate , income of: PurPO:se!'• ' - El . 2 Ilthe'ne),v_sliaper 'establiShMent. 4 1.1t0- , 11 - il.,g thei7lhese taxes Lions / ti l t:ate a pretty' I h avy, : harden upon al newspaper: --.. i TI e, II - witri; for exatitp),e, , will 'pay fr ni,thirtY-rive to'fotty tholisand dol.; `la a year, in the •foriii .or taxes, for th 'support, of •the . Cie: ern - tnent,.:-;il7 ['r. lienild. '. • ' • z i . .. ,- F .• - . At. ~ izig -afi . . :•' .. IA I • in • tha • .i Sall.,_ '' . l P • , 1 re , 4 et ne; n i Ory OfiDenelsiiii e t ' m . the; . ,"Ditat, 1.. -.1.. ',I didn't.fel, pug- 1 • ..%, j• 1 .• f i • I--A, C's 1 f o i; • . art fif to it'a l ,t 'e labor' I'. • --1 t, .43tlwas / .: .tz , g1.4.. 11•4e9t0t..1, ..iliAfen:i itl 7 . :* one 1:1.. niciaSo d .- ....Now i. faces he c . •:bunght i guoiss' he ., ,i ~..(. ts.. I ,thqjrhac. ! . . , , , sit. the o,lil was made ttriehed A. mentery on P., the first.' I he of ;.the vul Rabbi, Ant i ptod in I' l marked ev I • armed, Jew n .the Med.. the es as we 11 I Stithens,'l • iistruely . (15 1- ent ve. the.l3iblo !et,it be 'not ! ry, :and • NV t i krence to iOnae and col contains .14 vormls; 5 , tor. contatris: .03'erseei, 18 ! or Lord - o, Old !TOst F ie Old Tti'si the itwent fond.Chro Now Tes mans. are. Roman 7. 61 4 the, leas the. Bible i Bible is sec i Ile, 'll ; .Secon t .• , !..-• , ... 7- : • !.: ••et1...;,. .1:: , ...:1').":= r..1, - .. , *;i4l. l i- 1 '..-•,.. !2 . (1 -tit , .+. ... itAftliot: • 41 2° yyM 4116 i ) 13X-- ascertain. '.flak It II andl .Also" by at ;Amster lid haye in Alio ivermty s. iiiilesf; • was aliout feet; lear- t . lO .. t# •oi aboutlso" ,09. ,516,32, flity, wslts: i ' • , If Cetit*? gal= nod seven '• 6. 1 two , i four ° ' • 1-I,i the five' comprN- • ive. j at - books Lt. on; inch'. c: book of antes 'of erat€l th4' y nen the. hero- 'd e=. A '.I6.rIIER' ) L 1 , ,.1 S I ".; I 4 I Nell/ENT.— .A. , 1 ..few days at.t'f, :it.) G enei•al Buell. was riding on horgc ack through the streets I of, .N - ashville. an , aristocratic lady, If t I 3lrk. 11r,., liyin,l., in'a line:ar ,, c, house,. t , stood at an ofien t door , orS . .window s ; waved a' , rebel flag at him anti eried, Hurrah for Jai. Davis and the ,South: , ... .. ern Confederacy l" The GeneralreinT ed in his horse, turned' tbwards thei lady, touched his hat with all the cour,-; tesy And tittavity, Jar which. ` he is i.4-i markable, and, surveying the house! from top Jo bottom with an eye- of a; connoisseur,quietly rerharired, "Au excellent' houSe fors . hospitalP In I ,l 'i ' !•I(.•ss than two honrs, evet V room-tsar;:. I:O i valle eorresitofident of ; full of sick soldiers, and Airs .W., was! phis Avhlanche l ayg --- 14:it the: politely reqttested to fake good' care of `• . Idier i s have the worst lookingl them. We heartily congratulate her - ever, saw inibis life. 11,e; upon herlides'sed privilege of . ininister - , will never be t a le to ,see how , ing < tb llM•nceds orsuffenng p u tri9t s ,.....:. Lank.-[Pre lobk.[Pie th ) e , ! . ' Lour&rille .7 , ,:;;.71' i) ho COvei ich was !0 Passo-, ivory. of MEM Trhy dic lezv de. 11104 !for 91! o.AfAS ',161 on."p ose l•e el slbepy.r .ab as cal Ipillownt , a oolv,l ~ Gtin.i. - Grant is he tools• Fort b . e !sppetpd ot a slip"' 1 I 1 '"1 -11 SI I .ABLi SiIED INI II M 19 II N II REI BE I I .jt SIS ~ very fine tam- ens of inl-1 ho ent, uy ludo tic - [ the ea EgN ell.. cut 0'