II . 0 . :- ,• -... TEM :Dal . Goo - I °B•r 4 / 4 ° c ) ." . • -? /7213 ' :- - - ' 'catitiOns 1 : •44) *aims.. : - .6,lH—...Pittaburgh is. assuming her f1......i c - rveiall activity in her business depart , • . It is Undoubtedly a,• !natter fu 1 . o ,4 . In' ••no particular is. the men— _ Yae,,t• difficultv to adjust thi, • unaccus mod .1 r . ve- manifest, -than in that of the) burdens which in t now fall on .the ) m V t liolesale Dry Goods, or Jobbing be-1 business and ,prt# pertiy of the loyal sinesS: It has long been known here 1 states, and wo • mild snot encumber. • that our lobbers possess mumerods ad-,1 the subject with` needless' objections` , an tsees over Eastern houses,, which 1 or cavils, which Ifavelonlv an inlvidH en bl'e•their., not only to lay in as large 1 ual interest to jultifyi But ther are rind s l iried • 3tocks of fashionable. gooda. certain principls of - admitted p priHi as k : kik be found elsewhere, but actual-I etv in ,the - adtustmbnt '..if tax tionl iv to ,sell them'-cheaper, and on alto-1 which shotthrnot i be f4rgotten, be use .;ethee better ternisi. , Any wlty not.. lif - not, observedd the ptf,blic intrest:,l eat curt'themito,to import, goods l suffers - more more than, an other. •a» on; t1;-:= --! do ' .t ' - -J'' I•• ''''' t ' /•11 e ? t- e m P O- .! these principles t e fist and fore lost ,-: - H:-.4 They ca n :e,ll do visit the pis.-that no busihe sor; interest •sh uld trae. sales trio ekiminission houses of le e erasfiee inode! a ltas:l The most il ie el•.. 1-',artern markl-ts,. and dn- Ltliffieult of all thiksl is the decision 4 1:--iie ties hill of teen- mole pi eten- what the practice? •effect•of a particuH T t ,.,',, - ,,:, - .i es . l'. i , while i•, costs them only . • , !tar tax will be, and , Whether any ni- , , , •-• •• ail to keep up their estab s•out 0 , A.;••• , ! tCl : elSt 'can bear the tak proposed to-W iF , :ler.ents :It home. i ' ' -.• • .. - i levied. This qeetionniest be 'hard ks - .., h see n ee.- some eight. or _mile: on theappeal of •thejpartiCi: tin Cily : , Of Illi. , kind in '.iiir city, :ill do I 'concerned, and stich bearing ought tO . L ea dirly:ng and - ' l " l4il Y ille . r ' - ' a s i g •be aflold'ed before- the hill . becom s a .1 ,,....i e ,-.,..: , - , .. Dui inn the laSt eighteen !l aw; : ,. . i . - t 10 ,1::hS their sales to Western }rouses I -- •As to thanufa - triiren, also; it is cer - incre:,meil over- those :of fernier) fat fdy b a d p u li f. ..yli o il sx th eiii •h e , vii. frern• - thir,tyto forty per. cent ; l Spain took -the .th w ist donward to ...,,i,„ it enly requiras ' , them to push ias a nation wbefillierigovernmen f-i,efr leisi-riess. :101l present their claims sisted • On a honk- tax •un hag •t' ~--,,, re:e:rior env::iitages thoroughly r flourishing manutaettires . .te• pay. I,e';ore-tke ni t erellants.of Ohio._ India war debts. The'rpahish 'tilers • ea Kvr.tte,i: - ,. Virgiiiia, • and . other 1 tinned. for more : than hcentuey to i•Vctern !:' - .etes, ie order- to ,secure, heavier duties onAthe I manufacturt tr tire ade. --",'"-•.-- ---,-: • I - . h'er own :cities tlaii ;were levied iotatile feature in the ealce7of the; manuiketures•importdil from Holt e , r'or two is. tha.t the character • ..; 1 the . J tine ly ' conseenlence was -that „ eie iehants who deal with ~.them : ear 'and mag growl) ificnt . : gwt.l ultirely cbanged. Sonic of the Spanish lipine we lull was. destr .f.. shrew - tit:LA. and 'nest poSted manufactures mire lannihilated • ''' r"':" o f 7 l ' e t- are - '• -art ' n° ' , texat'on. and the ineypr have bee ' - '-' ' '::" 1- ! - - 1 -i't" }i ''' '- ` 4. -a0 tll 9 - d , /°- slora;r.. Though, I,fillt thiS Ira 1 1 , ,„,i , ..itr - buyers - -they are,. •trip! te - o centuries ugcrit ?,S not the le , :!spay the par . ..le - Ise in thili r ru_ar- I ', um ter to .he thoughtiof . isi our .•.i aue the ?:,:r4ie reason that; experinlCnt, in iw-latioir. ', , " ;- • 1. 11 " - ' '' - ' -iv 4111 ' ) "g ' " I/H3 -Y s P e ° .°: -1 The.diities proikosep oil'. all tit'. : fe e net . a partie . elar of :doubt ; factures is three t•er nent.ad valo er : !•,. le a 3 - ear or t es,,l the jObbilig ~ This is. probably, iuttuded- io_b Pit tsblieg - - .: ,i1l ho doubled; i plicable, to the entii.e Pk'clufaion q ~-. ti.,-),ka. - f. would ul •ge . :iiianutaeturii 0. eHillislinizrntsAle ii-t.-1-eketues• - to iyisit, this loient- : _ lin many Cases t 4 ,! iterefi r kie iii- V• 1-..• eeleg on to eerther and more , ( ~u• f l i ,„ ; la w material rksed)is bat tl ve ,•,--- kets. - I ,i e. are satisfied :or ilirix - Per - cent.l •In handling _. l.: e.,:, ....oistaneesi they '4 i ' IJ J I 3 . l i masses or irofi and", other . meters 11 ••-1 cheaper, beside, savi n'' . - •r•ion of . raw . : nieferial is • pi. opo .. I •yr't-rA.! expenses. '' -;• 1 largo,. and if it may•pasS through • •:•::i OfV• rcilson. 2ki Elroy & CO. I ... t - t t_ I .I hi n ds, I . IIC . I::Tht. 1;10S' t-übstantial gild ! tax ,.,- 1 . p i, -i ron it x\ ill lt k a i n, he toil._ .t ei* these re. men- led a; li a r , s S ee t oi l ea l ti ege and a . , Ilic . are. now pre - las iiirlslied inatibinerv. Here . i , i. - _-r :fie `pi-ii,,t b a „i,,„ s, and • three - distinct ass(issnOnts oil pa ..:::ncdate that friends .1-1) any wiko in ay turn their production .t "-" s'" '-'''''''' "r''"e ._i'' the or mor,ic.nt a, veal- aliq•wlio, Oiere ~•.„ ;. 1 • r . pion ii:i€•.---f i , •`:- - . - , •-q-•":' , •-• . pliplue'e iont of prnpot 19 the . • .--- ------.--- I' . lid atfil 'labor el'iployed . ilVhe 1 .. M:ll ., :h' i ' l r i--Altee sevr ,ll : large a tax is tine 13,- llefip . d .-- epon ..:i leishine-,. aid ;:-Thionber or finished product the. 'heir-eased I s ic.adi- b' the -enemy's gun- ! ma y d rive - ii, \r 110 ly dilt*of its at disli'llge Ge'''.' l- th Pops s oat ' 1.,)!.! :illiarkets. aid niay let into S. t- l'oinvTleasalat. the enemy i lese k4 f•:er o peah nuinufaeture. leulited liis •felltevel entrench- • ~:.- . ,.„a d le n c i. e . i s .reat reason, to. II -Yu"' - 11 -0 1. i'l L-'"vi" ls -all his ' this result in on peesent extei [-. t.', , -1 , 1 lelitrri: r t , .e.n. Wagolli • ? Liu : 411(.4); _ with tll6 lyeSt, Indies ic,.....,•:'..i.:1 :ol i;.l.,,nete , e plant ay ? South ' Merica iii i roil machinery xi; t''-`-' l.;2 '-' , ' taLli•rt ., k4ers•l ' . otll-_•r.li ivy_ rnan fact:tires. • to hits oecef.iet the place , . . , I Manufactures 541041; at such% :, : i i ii 1.,.`,..'t he i.:iiitiztg , ..7 - k , .!s -`": I VS • .iS as this, be eueouraged father I 'cl- , Pls t ; v 8 "-late - fl l'i, ow Madrid ; iveakened. - - They,.ar . :he most - I L -t; Ita•-•:•in- - .11 e liffritity -of geel-s l Tkortent -internal eiliet it of until -es. \Thiel: thevWt're unable_ to ' ,"t ren ,fh, fi lm *bil e t i s m as o n; . 11 i • • • • P ' f , .. - moderately,it • i to tax .t..ain would. areal mi'sfortune to cosh any of tetn. under an illradvis e ld irapost. To d4iVe then( out of the. Markets in the- West . Indite , and tropidal‘.-.liiiterica would al -so be. a great tnefentune. If .every form of manufactere -was a strict :and complete reekilt, Pettika full prepor- i tion of . labor and lot' - 'otpital upon it ,i ..k. , k 1 from. the merest raw material; tile , . : , t'et.se 'would be 1, - o,y Iditrerent. As it ", is, ,cotton or wool lis made in yarn- by i one;elass, and ,is ;1% - osin and finished i 111./1160.11er there' r osy be two or ~ : three , additional processes,. and •in i . , i this %ray textile inay pay three '..] I tic . • -• cL as iron wi11.,. These points need -e . ikietill exanti.naiidn, aird' show conclu- • siktiloliat the prikpo4tl tax ,of three i I per tient.. on all tt!e settles of all. maw' I • Win:during estalAi4binints is too high. It weeld teinporailily silence ninny of I.tbeinl and preye4t than. classes oft ' g 41:11v0jS being Vitherl - 11:flde f/1 . sold. as 1 _ lol^ as it should tindure. This-result ~'t benefits nobody ; it ssould' not! yield' 1 revenue, while it i‘votilci prevent all l 2 hush es's in many lineslof production.' - i 1 ... , , I 1 ' --.l.lfitlL -‘ll)erion. • : • ! : . 1 •_ . i......._41 :tiff' 1 : 1 , i• - ," . 1 Tlorp. Cottnterfeits. ! i.: : 1 -J_)u.i.infr the last! fortnight a grout !`) .1 '' o f - 1 . ' and I 1 ' ll nein} el- its coanteffeits a ter r : I ed notes`ba.ve been ins in- eireulation r l ft. During ,• - .- 1 I .s, the month Of Flebitiar.v fortyrl. • . ,q - I. ' " . i -I" 1 ii,ye new count.erners were : put in ell. e• '01 1 .11.t101): Front .t taxis filet our readerS - • - .., • ,i .• t I I fitay . pnig of the ineteasity• for closely serutiniiine•eyerY ; bank bill offere,d...-4- ' ..i •kt i t. - • .11:non,•• the latest bon-terfsits is .. re ke ! , .ir , •the Tullowini - t• :1- -, 'r' ' ',. i 't j 1 1 - , 1 ' N l\ • : lßat'- of Beaver County Pa.-ss; ,a I altered ,;\:vignette ; I man seated with Child-,1 - dog, lkorsej anal plough ; Ofi • ' each encl l s, I ; 6; on t 4 10-n.er part.of 1 1 -,. .the note State a , nis.- .: 1 i 'Bank Of' 6'l-await:A if aunty, Mead= I cille, .1 Pa.--10s alter frpm 2.s ,; vig.i: r nette) buck and ': 've Aeer untie] al:, 1 tree - ; - 1 female, _ girl '...alid Chicicens. ; on 13 fright.' -', ~ i ). N„, ,, 1 1 Ba4k of Danville, I' . a.-Is, spurious; I : vignette, an eagle! -poised on frame, inar,.on•each side; brig,'and 1 right ; • !:ftsmalesefigle on left.- j - ~ • .., . ' I 1 - Columbia Bank,'Pa?—ls, , altered ; 1 - igit'ertte, ap eagle poised on •it . shield, 1 • ears• •kS:t.i.• on.right 4114:1,i.a girl gleaning anu twure 1 ; on 'left,} e ' •',,. ''i f - Male E l e . ated nettr , graiti, holding at4eitgleandlStars II + , and Stripes. . I- , . - . - • ParrnerS' Bank, Of 'Beading, Pa.— ,• , - )s, , sreerions '; Indian and 5' above on hieft.., portrait with al+ve on right.— . , 'NemOacrogs the b ill. 1 , - j * I Haerisbarg Brinli - ,.. Pa,---3s, 'altered from Is ; vignette; ;Gel. Scott in cell-' - tre ; •woman and Oil( - 'on' left end ; i two girls nnright and. • I • ' ~ I . Alec:beetles! Banl,P .. iladelphia, Pa. 11 i l — 9 5, 'are .- - in - eirculailin. Thia bank " et has not• issued anylsmall-notes-yet, so ea ..',,refuse,all ls„ 2s and 3.41 -, -: . six I --Mechanice' Bank, - Philadelphia.— Pr , : .2s, altered ; vignette' Avaprie. loaded !''. with cotton ;'_on -letter :right, bust of . ... 1 , & w oes; On'lekte7 left.i mon plouging - I ES A EMI VI t I. - lEEE IBM =I MEI HEM .w.: aI I , - ecrr ... , fight ;n7 tor.,;: I , lv.ce vi.•sterdny '-,•*l- 4n,:.ir ! ;uni;aut,, :,&nil our tieig,e in 11hio.1*: •.vel.:: - .st ty. - elit• Intl; ~ -( ; t 1;;' , i ,,1.. ,A --1 2-1 ~ t j'rOin one of ins disti - tylipter , c,ne of our - 1-i.. killipg i"; - ,crlot five. 1- Carr, of the 1111: Illinois was a ty.eihiesday i Aizht. while - phi i - -lz cts. The - lo4s - of the enemy slit...Nl-11, :1 7 -, they leari.;_4l oili their 1;(1' wouniled. 1 ; 1(.3 - , were sup-- 0 nu Ili ',WI' 6.1)0011? ) ITICII:kj . .iii: " l i i arch 15!.—G'et1:1 ) Opelit, ieh t o - Gen. - Hailed:, saysl: Our ; • :t:. as - .Nev 31iidrid iiiisTbeen 1 11-atlll-thati repol , ted.. Tvi - ent - - 1... i, of at,.11.. .ii,,.111(.. ... - .%%.,t...nt,,) citii;, - d,ers -- - itrid rifled. thiif - A - dwo a s. field - nrililery, an iniiii - ense t of fixed ainnikini t ion. sveritl { J . 4 sn.lll arin;:.:hutft.lreds cif);i4.l. - - 11.;1A(t.....5.. ciirtri , b4.s. tliree.rhund ;l,L: itiid h:Or•Sfs: gents tOritr ar "1:2..1;011 men, and an iiinnense ity of et ice& prokrty of not les s Ilan over - Inillion ot.clolbir ha's into onr.han;:ls* 1 - • . *. •• • I I i' - The enemy I;:trety e.s.capeu. fOrei.; is• donoratiAcii_ and -(lis in , -, Vali:i.tit;ii ti::: ol.posite side ri , ..er- •• The cticnly ahatalotied .; : •;_..ks .;') lairkieiliv a-; to leave, Lag: , ..:. - t. 'kie' ti l :C - otlivers. t h e at.;ls of tlink. - ).1 their dead tiri:i 1, their svippers lon the tables. Indies burning inl i licir totits.—, oils tl - irthilf , r ..f.orni which raged it, eitatded*thetO to ; get • actors 1(T without beint'r discovered. . 1 • hr;avy battery wps c:•tahlished ~ the,n r ight of 1144; 'l'.*.ftli, within -61 1 ntelt- yards Ur the. enemy's • iintli.pened 'at daylight on the illit thirt:, - -foitr ;hours after. the ;• i re deliered to us at Cairo.. r ri tl;e whole of i. steaday, cur •Ic - r•e ,irawn closer around their airier a -furious lire of si-x.t\ - ' • - 311111cl-3, . Fehr of an assault ' . i . • . - 1 -. , ii l 1 1 1 . ; ,e rk p s r. t e tt ir * , d at iti, f - 2, l , ig d li t t ni ii n ti g l7 the ivlany prisoners - have been ta -1-..1 f.." 0 the,colors of several 4r re r - itnents. Oni• loss is about' ~1 . 0 and. W o und,,,,. , 'ttnis wr,s• in voratnitnd of the. fleet 1 - , w . • ~ -- ,i; :-. ..tl.'Conn, :Steart and (inatt ~ -'2a - Id fnrces: ' The. euetny's gun it-in-t dolvp the ri,-er,* '• Pope- has tweillt-five heavy il - iih taco •iv , . - prlts loi* the -eneinv Iniarand of the ril-f.a. bet , x .1 1. att ei Em MS OEM "illt_til cr Ilit' } ;• 1 MEE lEEE Er =I ~r,rti.i iir:~; ~: =I lEM EMI Mil ME .tilen Th Y vii •~;t1 IRE BEM MI ur rt% o• • NM ME • 11 . 1 1P- UM BM ME 1111 MB ME I s .-i -i at. Litt . p6c,ple are .J . :‘' t% . of ;In': st . o.) , ,tanti:ll 1-er ',ll •rr.ci thilin. i:.fen La the• re ;lr - .A'yc.is ,i)•.!1-prise. I t 'vas. 1 ---• , 1 a. renturel for a chemist til l ..endid-i eplitatipn :tine.ng the Oft'nelvorltl, tolrkk it in" the iiin ',f Cofigh Drop. and Pills. dly 'hr.—N . Ilni• elf ilitci l j t,ho ... ''' czie illstaleut.:, tiould Let t.itk- , t r .i. public IF , :al. Iriti it i : now 19. - re thJt he did ILO.. ciisjitc7e , , 0 't . ..v..17 . "3".E.-17 Of Lb': CaUntryyn:en.-- -.--2g':C.7lt thii;-na.ti::;ll-. his name is, zIc , T., tty the bedside of rickiiess 7,- i s_,' zhc I - Tightest I.4urels man can .7--,, _ f : • . 11l I ESE 1121EI ~~ 1111 ME t. t =I . DQ , lIAILTEitS - ' clor; r. Ta ~ : THE ostacH-FaiVii. Cqurt e P*inac : FO.. iil‘ng time e rii p . t "W yO a n reh .in li a * C 4- tiv a39 e, l4 lb l . t er :t o io r t ik , w e ' rmed, and instruct. , l li e FS ari s i l l; artillery ° lli be a T it ciei , li g . t arelied. Other'artnies wore • nd accoMplisWeertain results. you back that you might g dßath .' bit to the 1 rebellion diatraeie your once happy The riatiece yOu have swn,a confidence in yeur 4eneral, ar n dozen victories These prel r.sulta!are . no'im ace° . jplished.l t at - the patient' litho of many IFaye prodyeed ( ltheir 'fruits. my• of the Pot mat ''s now a i ii ~ . ~. , TY, Illagnificent in material, le in litliseipline'and instruct c,elletitly equipped. dud 'armed eerninniidbrs arc alai 1 cou The thoinentl.ftir d i e lon has and I .now that .T.' m i n trust i save Oir country. ! la I ride your ranks, I see in! Or faces - Iresti l e; of vie try; ). eel.that J f o wh atever -. 1.. skofbroju.,Thi of inaction - ha's! Passed.l I wi you faCe to lace witt,the reb : only pray that! Go a d def r ght. I! In whatever friction eve, lioNVevr stra ti de r.. 37 acti ppeli ; tclymi,x.er L. Bear in m 3- fate i'i linked wit i 3 ours, di 1. 1 0i4 to bring you where ionwish to be, on the eCisiv eld. llt i is - mybusiialea - to pl , ere..i I aml ' to wat . h over ) ;over his children anti y our: IGeneral ioVe , you f o I his heart., t shat is iti.haa ever) bee , to g tl L tli 'the lenstspossible los hat if- .it is iincessary 3 . ...,iy Ifolle% tad to' - ur grs kliteous' iihei ii G clsinil ‘riefory'a tends 1 u - !.yet - i Ve ,you 1 think tlifi our a wined without manly - et Jot ditigise it ' ini yot, i t f!' !rave .foe to ei 'counter, fOrthy of the s' ', e that 3 i'is-cll-.. , I shaliN •mand x l e-tio n' s rapidia' 4.1 6 n g relate norablitsi;p •ivatiol We will'Hhars' . hese IA ! ' 'en this. E t.%.,'s 1 ' ()Ur ii . 11 10, 'O i Ver, ',feel I ot,' :yed, I • by i ned re 'SS a firs SECEB 'epth ro, , 88 I, 31Z1 anuil Tin illiti our. ri' not h ix .?.tt I Ik 11 I tyVt.` up- f all I ugh alud • reati the! sev- Ifi I ell -e .sel ~4 .l t- ~~~~~ no high .Insness th o ,-„ f yo; Ir • GI fifitjor-GeF Em i ts,: - 81 l o 31:trch Ing, the r oi)e's Lit rMI 'Avn the Ibe front %pc ;id t the r EMU cl ivirib r.kve and and 1113 !MB lig MI Cll - im- !V mu r wpc+ I sal able ea • Wlld oz - lheir . : I I )[{,y• ed-:to OD EIM B . 7 sus— . N. A NeD , • ,T. I TFLylor, A.. A. S. j q'ssty* I Gov! NE EI2 "Elft 2IS r .A A ucaj'.t t ion 'of ye. ;i l ven iti' tiie Pries,) rtmenta' 'I • ' .' 1. 'AH _expenses ex fern; p r term i ;rf fourteen Tuition! from lit; 1 g ages. .'" JNo efforts sparet r y - of the enofitienst ikie-Seid ;forty CI 14 Ihe 1 Torii) i eth 2r.th, 116 - 1 I ADIWINIST,RI, ii i li t it/ fir4IEAS let V Estate of :J Df Soutii Geiser t ie n gnirited to thi litsaiAl township, 'a ' d estate are reqnei ■nti tl!ose bev Alit! rl9 8112-bt EXECUT 1 . 1 • ' person, inde ;urns, late of:N ara requisti sad .those ha, ii n t 111 please pre efd CD ate .ny. Q•pi .wean the mule nu '4 f F. D,' H{ issareci by foul 0 . the' t rm 'wie 6dy 1 ,11 who it ch or the tra fo s ESZ Ue Ke.n l name "th •sipll h i ft E t at or arii' hero Pry Bile be held lu t— on tliit last Mon, 1862, coiantencing mar. i, '62- ' I X''D ECU it BTTERS tibiae I Jai) Saran, det astir t county..;'ln to thsTerier a to ara,notitied to thmml having Flal vent them Properll t wit ilelar arl2,'n2. r Apl 1 V itir 5. 'll SWIM MY Or Rouse, I rm b y of ay e thout a d to be o move I. held ive the ;hat has untry. d your ~ worth minary I feel months le ar- • al ar dmira- on, ex- Your d wish: rrived, you to Ihrough hesur© -ou will a wit 1d 1 pmes Irlion4 lan t louge ill, at w•e stomasi i.o. !Ili 44 ellal GLEtL. I Inman, ing Foote fo. 10; Weir es els are • trong. ood to ieS. !modal sland %•c ent t he re 20,000 traders batte 11. .1)(13 lerice;:k hr )iver,H 't 5,000 t( ats arl r e Porie% m'ELWr EEM I'INLET 01, DI En 'PRI \ ME CK of G l9 l 1.(1.• D offer mlllo. IMIEB a 1 1 sli lEi UTE, Prin. ,rness. i , i 1?oR :e. 'spe . repnra Sc ung i II E ED i• , .iiii, Care Ivry De- t ali n and POT( ''asbing, $3B 01.1 l og lan- ei)t. wec 0 to i nal ad MO the HC atruni. 00l wor- .:,0 of :at alp) ham ei rguT. bees UESD Y, Mar Ii ; ' IS NI O T f 'f ' • t esa ~ entary Co' Al: dee Beni e count i l l:m lier, rel trM 1 p as kid ) e imme laim will . pll lettti ated fr OiI:KEL. eri ------ R'SlS t- i , bled' o !.1 1 1 ea ' S wit:, i to• Mike tig ea r i lo at the ,, t , eettlet ';I,Y i . 13 tCNS. on the id.; late , ban) ding in lited to late pay se pee r settle• e all • Led t , Tog c Itutj , AELI entate ly tp, tk Inthledic agar - ma the y nub cnt. I.f Abel ir eel' CO. e pay. .aid es :, (Tiber' xr'x, 'r. B.IO I WEINT, E P I ---F-iitiera i — - , i p ic e re to ore exie eel ed,C, rider th )utairril , . it. Ce , ' tnal lcoi ee et. Th I be sett ed by lyeth3rized to -"'et,,p4r3oeie. ing be style as this busi • Mien se the April; 10‘°c*1 r IABi AU CoEli k ., — . 1 1 leuty ' LSON, I Tll the Darltui duly • debts( d, tc L 1 #ing bcc ali period! tp , grant to said ymeot, me will 1 ~. mi authen i z i l l - at ; "r. lIGNL is SEM 122 I 1 - : , .1 i t . . a.ziffli Court Sala. - , 11, I I ..1 . till I;, off, of tin orler of this{ Orrin's:is : 'o Beaver toa ity, wilt Vits upend ', I public! vend ', e or ont.ir,Y. at . thi' sib , Oreabing, ; a the vl a.ge of Nellt• . ' ll , I 1 ''...:, i x .4pril 15th,..);862 1 , ; 1 o c 4 i , , !. • k ,141.,' the f storing 1 'vital 1 eatnte B idl fk t i e n o, ,l l la t te_of New Gai1 ,1 1 . 7 . e, iicav l e ) i , 11 that piece ' of land putuate in 4i, in .aind' courtly;botinded laid , f,olloWa via: 11 ; etionirigiat a poei ; pereat lea ' rner; thenewl ni U deg, 4 , :Rbet, theope 11'89 deg,l'W 12 io I lit, thenne n 1- (leg, 4 61t45-100 per ...rice a 89 deg, e 45 04N:spew to 'Ode, 'a 1 1 1 e,eg, tit 86 45'114Uper,satni , t t 8 111-1001 per to the , i)laie Vf nontaining• 26 acrea--atlant 4 niceieti .4cabin hcluee erected'.lbereen.i i hf. t lot ,of ground'ititnate in "Big In isaid btionty, bounilleil as folloint: tan oak, 'thence n 621 deg, w 2,6 i ei 17i ' deg, 1 84 Itlglper to the I ls i' ts.lkt ' W psis a a ;C'hiongo K. 'n ;31' 1-"4:deg. 7 - 8- 0 'per by lin e . JetnealllibarpS heirs, thence a 831' ',7 10 per by land !Of Oita Sharp's place 'of. beginning,' i ntaining 1 ! .1113-82 per, encloseil. I 1 ; [i , , , . ~; , hat lot t ot 'ground l eittlate in 111 g biletle,has fellows, i is Beginning., on; the Iline of inarliottOn •canilei beetle by Incda of Jos Rharp;4ll9l .ei , to a illickOtY, tie Co by , land lore' 01721 deg.. a 81 55,.1100'petf.te' nec 1,,y r land of New Tiavk Coal If.)11 - g.! el4l 8-10 per to a stone, thecae . a 17 5.10 per to tho I Darlingted 1R it, tbenee,by,spaiiiitlA a 25 '' 4 2-i 8 per; thinve,-,4 , fiat, iei 85' iniii, Eye(', thence a7 4 1 6 dog;* 24' 4710' g3ilE to sale b house of. o per to pla e lit legimini, contaDdrig 10 Hem and . 78 p robes, .all. enclosed, niti;in a good 1 state of, au tivatimi.l 1 . • 1 I, 1 , • 4th. Th • Undivided rinT-thirdl i 11l that Jot orgrOund' i bate - ini New Galilee ;the totem! ship btu aid, c o mmonly fielhi, he . I '4 Snie Mill Let,"ladjoining lands of J,irin .?birp't heirs, Rob re Wylie, itc. l being'isbdut 30424 feet, on w :oh is erectadl t tine steateliilaw 41y1 with item e ngine, ' &et i 13 9" " IdSf .1 ! 615...1 I t lot -ground situate in the village aforesaid,' Iliciundod west by lot Or i ,, Borah A Sharp, so Oa' by lard of ;Tamer Bhorp's heirs; • east by 10 Of Win. D. Eakin land: north , by', street. :on ` hied is erected a frame! hones 'l6 by' 26 feet; on end alhalf stories high, ' F ko._, 1 I. 6th, ; The iiiildivitled - one - halfrbr , a lot' ar 'groundSitfe in jhe villhge of 'Now Galilee' aforesaid.bounded as follwa,: Beginning at a et unip.i thancc by land of .lamesisbairp's heire s 8 d 18-10 per. t enee i n', deg. wI2 82 deg, j 'ir I I 2 75-100 lici t thence s 8 deg; w 7i per...thenco n 82 1 deg, j r 14. 18:100 per. thence i n 8, deg, e 108:,i-10c er; thence' 8 791,,deg, e 4 20400 per;: I nod then ce" n t 351 deg, e 12. 8-10 Iper, Jo tho piece of Brginiiing " coti l toining Onfiut 50per. 1 on vbith is I erected a frame dwelling house , one story high 27 by-40 ft. also q- good 'well of water - on re premises!. 11!F ' , , 7th, The undivided one-half of. a ; lot of ground, inttlic village aforesaid. ihonnded asl n un i r, 3 B e ginning it a, [iv,: tivihoe by land lot James Shnep 4 s heitar.ll 36 deg:l7 12 4 . 10 per; il:vnee 13 lii deg,' WI 4 6 .100 por,l thence 8 1 1 ;, 363 d,:g. 3, ti -100, per- nd thence a 82 deg.! c 4 c6i t gifivir, uil place of' Beginning, ' co-: n twining abOltS..3s' per.. SW, 1; ' " • Bth, T,he undivided . tie 'half of : n lot. of gTond t itnate in ibe vi e age aforesaid' hound. ; ed as follewstvis : Begin iny at :til post thence; by lot No . rtit l'p s ntiOve des ribmoLB...deg, w 10i 85-100 per,lit enceln 82 dgw f, -100, per,l t i thence n P . 14 deg; e 4 t 4110 per, ithence \n' 28 deg; elia 25-100 per. ence s, 172/ deg, 'e 235-100 peir, to vhe !Attie! of Ilekinilarig, con-' , i n twining ninth 35 per, on which ie lieb'ted a one story Oa e dwelling house , a b o u t= 80 .by 86 feet , aisio ash house it - ; ; l'i - ' / 1 9tli, ; Thi udivisied o a half f,l a lot of groun d iii' ci o, in their ill ge Oforesaid, lamnd ,ed on: the W;1, b lotslNos. i and 8 as, ober, de scribed on Oh "sonihwest . lan ,of Jame s 3:4ll.lprtf - ' ' , geff.lor-t-tt above den' bed._ er I iiic Cibthd % frame nlorultioui•*.2 by Joe _ one an I half .810.: rie3 I high : cellar !utid th 1" Iltii ed with ! shelves se. ; so a Pita° Warehouse , one story. 20 by _i feet. . 1 ' ' ‘l' • ' , 1i 4 •10ih 'I ' nd hided one halflOf a lot of! - . ground sit ote as aroma ~.bounded on thele l by land. of • SaMes S'hitrp's eirs on the wby lot. Ne 2'as above described , od on ithe aby ~lots' I,Nos. 6,6, d 9, as shave l'idescriheci.ll - ..-' 11 1 . ' UP M 8 One-dill:11 of the,pnichase money to be'paid n the neatest/019a of tho soles by the Court,' and the balance in tir4 l ,l. l quall an nual instal opts from that date.lri interest- - timi ;on ' i aandt slid .. , jnformatin .1 or. or fisti . Wm. l Eakin,' Pet.l y th'e'Co. , A. ch.. ch 19th., IS'. from .the a be secured Fur flrt I Eottih, ea Seaver eoli , Bearer, • - le's .co . z Ede. i- • I • : 1 ' '• ii -I awarder of the Orpb n's Court • „otnity of ! ! over; will be expos 4 i'y'publie lieu ne •or i u t-cry,l ou R! 0 • 'I • , • r S'DAY, pril 9tA 11862. ,'• 1 1 i 'I- 1 1 ibe follotrin% real allot -of / 4113(.8 il.l, Omni/. on 'the watt ' of llttle it, .in Darli i ngt3n :tp, ! beaver ,is: a i tem or tract , ix • nil.• ! .12 !acres itnd 11 iperches: i • > II irttse, north by land. ! tif 1 William iland of J 040.8.1364 and lym. , i by lisoil,of , oseph!•4l,,irp ',Rod ,8r mt byi• the Li ill Beaver Creek , . J am! . At reit', bout 8() ad in a g :kitste .41 eulties i,••• sir.,i.reeiid a Ittil iti ry -tulle .8. shoes IS y SO feet; a doe . mod ' 'frame 8 to Siq s I an • •ori 1.. several apriagslot water i ( rro , •••s. The lib* e property is iii U. 11. half mile in • the Lltarlini." v lilee!Btatio . on the, •Pittsburg i Chicago Rail pied." 11' ,' one thirti..afjttte rash se mod: I, , ••• • • , 'dice the oonlisibigian o f the sale 1 1 , sad the baptisms In It o eqa , id. !meats friiiat4hat date with sa.'i 11 ..,ii from . , fivel..uatne 4' e. , For 1 ivlVlVietr inquire of Willi Sharp: 1 air, tkcijoitting the premises, ' I 1 1 .. '+ s' lii the eatirt,l lt.l'd2'. l'A. G. icraile, tlurg , ;Weekly Gazette n bill . Ito this effuse. 11c 1 vi nt JILA of th l ed to sale the pren.le. WED.: .tit 11 A+. EGnrp, Jett Beaver Cr County Pa. Con ti/ ' Bounded Sharp, east 312 . 0 .atbers, and grad lauds . acres Glen lion, on: aI I &selling to We kg chard:ane op the. pre H atrd about.. tan or Nen' rt. Ws% ne • TERMS: ' ei • to be p by the Vou annual bust teirest. the furthr int!: Joseph %! • I i March 4 jagr.Piti times and ibex offers fc, tats In wi• ' WOOD ynt '& Chi ve Old B YitrlVE by o eight* bp '2O feet .by 16, all- ei ripllE gni 11,1- FAR. Elsler Co; H° od the Fork fire. miles 1 1 about TW erected th Rouse tot frame Barn shoe Shop, feuzer 1 teirFor •oberiber i op the pre i panic. er. or :o ivisr7 1 0. 1 0 I • W HO LIMA Comaiss Groe r IND Also Deal 1 IP r) PUCE 8, smiiii 1',' , 1P9.; .1 1. HIC • Peon'ai any oth upon ap A 1 " Ca be open , I:innalsen fo whotri feseion. 'RE" ter • Adudd: 131deks Baier Bairn e, Barn e Burnis • Clark . Clark : D Eliot Fitch Gibb Gardn i , Girdn Grekh, 'lads° Harrel' Hones m a r Hit will li''se' Barnet Baird Baker , Daily Johns 1 Levi* 41Tarl I or- • List wiii 1 1 1 em 4 13 i la, , Bright I • . Bright rßrothe ,Bns r: !tarns . ~ .htirpen Carovbl Eliot S . ; Gabe Al, Hartle.T , "Instill , , s •G 13 1 l'aekio A i ,Kenne y J Laiiej• M r I .! eeloAr I, J Pahie Ptirai I err list win 1 rilliF f atten to the se Big D eny Dorlingt. aslaal psOmenia °rtgite. "T enpurei pim,htin , i ga 0n , • P; 90- deed, il!'ee asilpee,,; South Be Ohio 'tp BriglitOn Borough Borough Induqtry Glasgow Georgeto Greene t Hocksto AacCoon Philltpsb N,ew Un ,Moon tp. ' r.pewc.ll ludepend , en] it I 'Hanbver Flanktor l , Crk. 'I "CEEA, The pr , districts i lA} peals Comm I I TO Vi9 o / I • ••• , .1, , • e,,s, ,Osgood'; dcry, I • omme slunk nd 'Hol . Ista .Usual acked e city feb:Th ,". CPIK copy 8 Sc 1 eonß ~' i D: II } b! este; ,' small, Bearer wnshisi e I slew ' 44 of , A.ir l io .• 1 go Rail fc ad, , about gliton. , tinitaining iCIUiS. 1 Tbare, le 'bit loge an d frame ten feet',,' 'Mao 1 a „'and I .one 'frame rmloeedi •and under vi re of , tht , in Graham; NILSON. The "S • est 1111110 cr "pains sin its atm:lien 2ZSM ed to obn Sny • eitver co trdebted t „ ymentii ga , nat th, eel ers d Will J. C.. • z Ott • f r on Ite,rhant, in d i. i I 4 , mro, 6 EALF I PROPOSA ' foe, b wi Unio ,, School; Boe' •,, Roanss ' will be' re cifed up, to lirchl 29th be store of, the:pubsoriber in eal. ihere,plot and apecificatio for the seen • t••• 1 • rn i kri 2,12. • • ,-1:1 17r4CMD IGEN7RILLY LD • , , RECRPiTS 1, 11 v♦ g .. MT , I I ITS reeeived,for the lot 'eerie oeir.l [pot. lire Venn's Regiu4qt now ; in ,t . Hoagies tq ' , . ' • 'Errp , .1 ui in .1 'Ace: ,Pavilio'n , 'ford • tb• : Egl •• jeiilC ; : -;•:•': -1) 1 I • .. z r -. , , .! . hIA. DEPARTMENT, -on Mpgsra i :Unseen■ Pre lin DA‘cERIACADE%I ' ensenti of dm EOintner iyer the benefit of l'enelteroien . to qualityl theanteivee fcni For partleolninindchetti I 1r > i S. B. LIUF. 1 , 17 . 2. ' L 1 1, :Ilea -- . - f : ; Litit of etteTt; MING in the' One office A I L r reh. 113th,:'E .1 ;• 1 • : I 1); . , R G •. ordo ,1 . ., 3 1 in AV : ,ailanic.l • ' -1 • ' Calidles l' , - 4 •.- , .:,,,muri 7 ,l3 ,' JSI , ‘ 1 Mtillet J • ott J> - 2% At'At4ster• .- •,i, •. , Ai 'D owell Trii B I: OA I o ' rite• B Al r ni 2 . - 7leedlN, E %mitt's, G 2 Read E ••„ t44e l tl ,VI _Raw J ': • 13 I tly,ilerD • • titit,ll A G ihelili4d 2 Uhortiphon W r ithe G GO rSAR rill 21 e i 1.1 T 2 1 erlßev, CIIIII • lease ~sy t I , or letters in are adrertis SHEPLER • • List, of !NINO 9n. the 15t "i • I . M E is 'er 2 ; I I 4ousia na , ; . ,Tietteis 1 • Pod• offic t 1 if cel u i!e 1 i . co4 l .)riniel ciblOck 4 E )11104il fmstelid S ilaoliirk 11 , Lite :Alw ghilJ ( 1 I , 1 ; . -- - ice, t ers in . sime ndiTili . 1 , ANIMISM i 1 , .-. EBRO rid J reona calling .lease atty the M. tettiis - post offic List o . finingkn tb in 1)., - Feb. A • • • Itll;'U2. tugget 'i,nlerv.l 2 't,owart ! allbiiber `liallenher nit h A r: , • tew i art, bop-11440n ion 1) I Mrs' erV 31 .11 .T 31. ~~ Itoip::on 0 1 I . l CTlnstead Yegel iso S: • ValO Mr rorhei..t IWariitS , ;A ,' ming G for letters in 'are ,s(iverti ,BQYL F • ' I.rs races exiling ',lease say the' AppeplS f 110x01. e df :ll & aria as , I Court; of I iintniesiCietre Ifor' the Rerpl eral to:0;1810p: r. r,•Alontiay bpro tueedtl. 'V."' " ver'yeda esti heredity Mar! p. Friday .aturday ~1 ! ictl 24, ',Ws' , L.. 31iii: ni 4 I f , ~ v L 25, li\ i rLik J . to Si I iniftis'. 2g !Richey' 29 .. lAtnin, •29;A4 •• d. r 31- .1:// Es , i oon April 1, , , oon ',‘,Lt i i pl 2 2, -Al, !T - T -. Lril 1 i C''l Pril' ; .3.llair.ii . n'Ei Apl 4, ! , , Apl 5,..1!Eqg, Williim E i pril 8-illnle, , scl.ty Apl 9. . I .• . . ,- ' 1 P: " . 41 p Monday MI oro Tues fat 1 n lair " after Weduestlty ;n 6nr U. • " A .p. Thnrsdni ' rg ,FrWttyi afte tou Coro Sot 'Monday, April tp - funsdny :1 nee IYedn p: Thursday A Fridos,Apri s oipti.Assesso `re required to Rh their Quid; .1, 10, •Robe •11 . . H Mee s of their' attend' 'ont. • Puptiates O AGNEW; W 62.1 RICHARD' OfEcey.Feb. OUNTR aoks , atul St sal tbseriber b. , • 1 s al witvii. - f - Spellei ' ties,l St s Grithun Leiter q 1 -1 , nners: En', I: 66:c4; Ste' Ooks i :Sht Eoards;,& )rll cash. to! `any T. S: P. ~( I'st.i:Pitt! I 1 'll 1 M'Guffe 'B, ' Arith ic P;inneo Testitmeni iat Note oks, Pass , , Bonnet, diseo Yit ad cfplivei! .1 4 11181 7.. Wo., *T ti T_ 011ZT • . D. MAR.K.E.B., .'itoro; ' 'I Dtrgye‘lne I PiTTbURGI'II • ' .tt ilonsel is one of ihel' ed frot6lelin 0 el Iron City or exiienee be spare 11-earonti repitition.. Its to the lindges .mmends it tol the trisveli NO TI cutored - NOTI (1 1 . • I , !_,_' • 3. testatnenta,ry, hsn'og b the iindereige4 ou.; the, r;dee'l. tete efi New .'e all Orions I•kriOwteg . ; said ,eetait, sre request : 1 inedisteli, aid: those hie . same will preetint.tbein• 1 y authentaeated!rot Isettl , 151 E IJ EORGE ItO SCIIER, o , , EDWIN': EtEE ER, i•• : • .-. '' ' -i , -1; .: ',-. Sill , EM'S rti .1 ills, ~. c ,t DO. . ,I , I • 1 ad, a 2 ' i l if .. , l, „ c m =MIES BLOOD Mt • OVER Era. t . LoAlitis Failters, Mit • ere, Ph sic.lanii, i. Filllas throplete, re their. mete, ~.,-,.4 T judge. of, l'lt r Irtrta is. .',. p ., TOR TUE C'' E OP ' 1 ,• ,„ ''. ' ' : ileidsicti Sick Heada l i • . e e l toMaCh. I . i 1 , I'M ~ PA., SI V 1,1865. I . DlO.l. C. , to. Sir: I. hare .., n:peate ly condi of 'r''' the wont h ' e any body cr. , hare ;by is us.* Cr. two' of your Dil . It seems to arise "r.lll a fold a h, which they cleethaeat'opee. If they wli cur& othe as they do . me,.the fact4worlb knowing. ' • • _Yours groat respect, .t. W. MILE, . . ea f ic 1 a itj St jaarion. i i Bilious 1 im)rders and vet-Complaints.. - -, i .-; f DEPARIVA '4 OF 7111 It fllll6ll. 1 ' . , 1. 1 1I . ' ' !IVAIinrIXaTO. ,D. C., 2Pe )4 1856, .. , • 1 - Ent: I'llare used Your l'ille is • y general stud hospital. ' practice :rill since yen made th -us, and canoe t liceitate to laY. theY.s i : l the'best cathartiei emplov. • Their rem- -'. Wing act with* Berr i lerinielc and decan t- O :w nit:enc.: ly they are yo admimbie remedk or derange natio( that - . organ. Indeed, I have seldom !' and a case' bilieas din ease so obatinateihat it al not, ily yield ,:i thcm.k. . kiiouty,.. 317,0 BA IL 31. Dj, - .si .: i Pkgsid grthe-dla of Violated. , , • Dy ntery, Relax and Woims. 1 , ....', Yrst4iud , POrt.Ori ct lIAILTLANIN LIT , 311611., NOF. 16, 1815*. 4 'Da. Arsa4 lour Pint are 1 perfection', ill nectlicine, They heve.dthie my wife more than I Csn tell you. She bad bee . sick aurPpititniway for menthe. . Y.-tit it.t..o off to be doe red at groat exp. . . but ho letter: Si.,. than Coteau. red taking your P I which sou cured her, by expelling large mauotities dr .wonni ( der,) fro th her body. They , rwanls caned ` r and one! wochildren ' of bloodidy teiy. ('i.e of out' . olglibors II it biul, and ' my wire rcu bins ,with two 'of you r r Pills; wlllle .. others moon, ins ptid fivie liv'e t twenty de lari doCtors: bills, and lea mach time,,iri o t being cu entirely .i hr even then. nch A.lnerlicipe youn, whk ' is' actually ' itiod - end e a t, will be prize d, lelW- - ' 1 - '', • bo il I : , - 01 W. J. ItIFFIN. (master. Indigestion and Impq i y, of th • I Mood.' , . Axon RM....y: r: HiMe2: ;Pular ~:idoent CA eh, Dorm i. Da. 'Atria: I have need you ills with e irsirdiths4 success in my family slit anion hose tar lied to...ink -In dlitreie. To rivilate the p ut of digest n and prui- i Ty the blood they are the very t remedy have ever r known, and I earn contidentlyi ommen& been ter. my '.. Monde. -. , Yours, , ; , J. V 1 11131 ES.: i _," Wurstw, Wtontso. C . N..Y Oc t 24, 1865. Vita ii:: lam using your C turtle Pill I inrny prao. Ike, and and them an excellen lurgati e t Clams the system and purify the fotthisio , f the lood , I' • i 1 - , i , -.IOIIN . 31E Cll 31, M. D. ~Erysipelas, ScrOfala,` ing's Evil, Tetter, I l i ,- I 'rumors, and- Sit Rh, am.' -.- Preis a lbrrardmig Merchant 4 R. imps, *b. 4,1856.' „, Da • Aria: Your Pills are a el paragon o all that hi .„.• t great in Iniedkinel Th ey bar Mired tdy little daughter r of ulcerous sore Open her hart 'and f i l n tha had proved.! Jacinth% for years. I Iler mo r'had luk grievous, ly affikted with blot ches and pimples ii her skin and in her „halal 'After o r child waaieured, she al*, toed your' Pilli, and they ba 'cnied her. i ' :AWL 51DEt3RIDGEJ .., 4 .. Rheiinaatiamt Nen 14iit. and Gout. i " : I Prom; limiter. Dr, 'Hawker, of 1 ,14therlist Zpis..'anere. ' A. .i . ra.mtil ,llacar, gees, tAR, GA.; Jab. 6,1856:..1 i RONOSZD'Ent: I g should be unrateful ibrtith ur relief fo skfft bas brought me if 1 did DI t report Izny nee to you. A cold•settlift in my limbs, and brought;ou excruciating nenralee pains, which ended ip chronic 'rheumatism- , - Notwithstanding I bad the best bestief physicians...the disease trews worse and won*, until, by t e advice of your excel.' lad load in Baltimore, Dr. 31ac enzie, I tried your Pills: E. , Their effects were slow, but amy l lity Persevering in the r i ' his of tbem, lam now entirely, well. I . ' • , --!nuts Ciukatuts, 'Bain* Tolcos, LI., 5 Dec., 1855. ! ILb DMA's= a . I have been entirely) by your Pilli of. l eilloattc*Gotit —ln painful dist , • tha. had aftlicted me ), for yaws.. i • •••!.- . 1 I '17,:C1.2. 4 2T 'SLIDELL ..- . For Dropsy, Plethn ,or kindred Co m . t plating*, requiring an active. p rge,' bey kie an excel- , 1 , +I - Int "Trd-1- • . . . F ‘1 . - .." -' ... For Costiveneis or C nstiPation, and as i; a Dinner Pill , they area .able a inlefr i ectutil. 7. . FitisiSuPp4esi.ion, Paialysis, Infiamma; tlon, , and even; Dialfnoss, and Partial Bllnd*,- stems . have 'veil cured by. the al tentive action of theta' . Fi11... ' L 1r .! - : . 1.- 'I ' ' - , mod. of the Pill', in market cct, .b.in Ilercuy., which, al though a valuable remedy to lc, ul hands, la dangerous 'llea public pill: trim the dreadftil consequentes that fn. • msently Aglow in inemititßlN us A. 'Tlieet coninin no met , ' curr or mineral substance - aberev: r Regiment Cont.lk -or . ,e,serrice, AT, Otficim ochiger • Jei the • sox., will et the Atitacn Ito those the pre- cpt. er, Pr' Roche! OE til the above UM 1 ~. i j' l st 13er- - s m 4 Ida thb sibtive , P. 11. ME MESE \NI 2 A. G cr A T AYER'§'••CH tßit. ,• FOR THE 411A,P1 •co ttans . COLDS,DOA I !GINZA, DR ONCIIITIS tfy; couGp, chor P, jA, .."P ; -cir°l,Eiir cossil and 'for the relief G 1 coneuntr '‘t stages of, the . dif , ostro.,: . 1 1 •We need, not e , nick' to' 1.) Tbroughout every tvritt, end 0 American Steles. IS l iaCtuletful plhinte Into made ft alregdyl. a . families iu any . civilized L counny out sonic remittal experienhe id I the communitiee any, where ' , eh sante living trophy.of iti yielgt. I striamittlimattos of tte Murat ~! Snort powerful emid.4.. yet .kne I &Me and danetp , u, diemee. of t I Is also the pleneantesi.'und rare 'toyed for infmnb. a i,d y rime; . 1 bate it In store ri,:aitt.t the in . 1 i t i te r rie ? re lb t . l n te i g i b P ta a i r. 'kre ' l l T enMptions it prevent. thin nice'. ra . ti . ,el l i c ii tt u r u o ,, , , , , , i, , , , l d ,:n w sl% t ,, , ranker that...fa...toted on tke, t All know . he dreadful fatehty f they know too the virtues of chi more than to assure theta it .le , be.. We apace no cold; no can.. ni moot perfect mAtible, anti thud it the beet agent whirl" our Ala I . ' . PREPARED Bi DR r.actiOla antrilialYtea,Cl 1 :.'.LSDSOL ID I lA_ For eale by 1). Mi t t .f Cross, g o et i i4 4 ,-.,?r ; I . yaggoln el rdo;o• :- Ji: , Ninho!s, 0a1: 1 5 Brighton '. John "Bine - J. , . con & Bdgtii, 'Fall ktop lr if • T w here.l • 1 ,•• 71.1 . M ‘; I l l ' ‘ l, -..1i vial) es : wr - serl , o4 i gIMI: - wr w * llirriber ' -'''- , • - 'lng* fr'o l .llcitel * • - ' liott\Eecit. cL.,VE. & Plil t. Ficiqt's . '. : • -'.. 1 : . . Til'ori l P - l' t • BE.AVER . STATION!' • • CoMmeinc° nil,' .31 , *(fay! 1 ... ... 7'icrtna leave Beais..'ri...,' 8.10 - 4 .111. Arrives at Pil ‘, 2.15 P. hf: • . • ' • 7:ra d : leave f Pttts'bv 1:0 ti.ll :Arrive .at B 2,20 F 31 :' " .; , I J.i N, 31eCtIt F, ° Iti . ‘3FIERS, Geol. li \:, ,• • • , PI T T 8:. FT .-- IV l': • M Miss ' T ' 311.'s EMI • the aboie P. M. nip will Appeftle 1 litler's 13 Conk o Rowe l:';Elliot's Eakin'ss , 's *ciffice 1 d's hotel Manila Crilhojaii 1 Kibben's illasha • tcheoree i•spectie e day or MZEI RS. ! IV/tole . m h d . Rt, d!claril's up and s f_lo s an ROCtIEatER B . TATIO: It - Tighten A ecovir 6,42. A Allier ce •-• 9,15:" Brighton " 1 ,12,25 al Mftil ; j '2.30 ' 4 , 1 , Exp es, 8,45 A , 'OOtNG Leave Pit , • .1.55 , k ton. Accona ' 9.20 '" Aectint • - 2,30 e ton Accoln 4;20 0 4 isa 1 40 • c' [I.TAION I -N: s Mail ; Atigh Allian Bright Eiprc itart, s l g I. if I I'l l EPIN A iegt an!. and tjei tmiti ldcati !esti n ~ g lpub is rrlAE'' I f hil, in the Bodgn, eortinen wbieh w P (E .•1. 1 1 en i grn , 1 nt'-, eitotoi of k ioicley tp; ; . imseives . mite og chums iio pie l b eats 11. E e's:'. SUIT hr , QU /nd in f a ninon si ll air r E=l2 a ER 13n0... 38G2, at Bonviug!ii, fame may .1 • wi 6(1 nil ant the dneip:e oar i'.l - Pre 't. MIMI t' A Catit (SI'G I .PECTORAL.. 1 UltE OF - • - '.; , - I 'ILNESS, INFLIO., "I ...1 i ' NVIIOCTING THIMA, ; IN.. '. hi PTION %5. patients in advanced pUtpe of Its vlrtnee. Orr every bitinlet of Vie ' res of pulmonary Dom, 1 tin... say, few are 'the r on tbia continentsrlth- a effects; and•feweryil • bare not among them • ver the subtle and dan. rings. While It ha the to man Mr tbs forint. le pulmonary organ', It ' .n3edy that con be em reams.: Parente !boo Id !it'll!, enemy that 'edeola abundant grctinda to' . . ore Urea by the eon , -it-Mire,. Neel, it Iv y ere eurol K eep ntl• nee , ' mloter tile inekprahle la. mita yrthr life at. on. ' lung (lit all eral and a emedy, v. tired pot do ' 11,'optde,t1Io betri.it eon toil to pt'educe It . the . nni these'vebto rely on '• fortlieh for their clime ~ ' ' • J.. C. AYER, . • l iiiist..Lliwell,lituiii.. Er .11 • ',. s . , 1;1_ s, Jr:. Bouvet*: 0. Sr. Lo - ury, Free... i 4.,- Sao' est, Ness-1 Darlirti on, 'DuP'ri .1 by des frs every -• Pfi:•ll', 'C2 i l ' 331-1 T Go two IXor . r. 1 1.141i0n rs i I tsb'g 9. • . 4 g as y laver, 3. i. ()UGH, act Ag & ki, ter. Ar ,ST. Arr. at = !, nd,rsigned woula friend; ii d forolei JIIST,A OP ' Boom formerly ot? *fSird Bear, e it Ofinew and desif fill be found R -Y.' 9'R -spectifn' :ntrone t • NIN , pied by , an ext. ble good z ' 0 - of every desor .BH I F,' , . FOR • T i IRp IMRE, ,01 :il ' eots -•3i , . E, NSWAR 'set everything Usti log stOre. :;all od examine Go 1 . 1 ',limn . .a. Ir, t lolie 1:8, 1860. ption IE SD OCER ho Ily kept ; da and p 1 NIDE I riau 4 s' indebted Inase, call and firing actounta e. at",the sto4 :nzE,' cozaddi 1- o A. C tie their inst hi., • uer d ,!ta . 1 ' ;'I; I !; • .1: ORPUAN S COURT SALE.,: ... _ .. 1.,x virtue. of an . - otilet.,,of • the- flephati.a. 1 - 11 , 'Court e 4; idelyee•cpontyy l l . ol . l bo. expose& I to eall by iii•faliti vendUe .; oe,ciat4tY, ' ...et lite i COlittr flogsE, in the Beeiineti of Bettc.i. Or ''-- - Tfredne - adall , April 6th 1862 1 ' -• ;- - atl - ifelock r •it ,'al'l the!: fodlitsrit3 ; g:deleribe4,' . . , estate.veat Of .loha It. Shannon, late of the bIM7I ough of %Beni*, county of Beater; docq, nittir Ate ;In -- inddi . oounty.- of. .13eave,t,1 NOI, 2,6, D . .. 1 !12,, l?, and Jo, an. detf i gnated in the t.ilotl or ~plan necornNtlyitig tie ir.quititionand'tat'.l I ,:titilat,otaiild real tstste ihtiie'Qrphan's Count nCtiie county 'of Heat or, at -NOl - .-.12 4. I atiCk l ; Tea j ni, - •18150-.: 1 r.. 1. .... • -.' •.. . '. -- :-.-- ' I L -.. 1 1. 1 . . Dre 2 . • 'Tent - ofnut.lota NOs. 41 E -45,- 46 1 ;anir 47,1 in the it!oil of 00t.4--aii. ti , .". i,inlOg"(filt7tOicttl' of Renter, being. ;in Brightea• towrtibit) - ...n0l "Itolin'iletl 'n Gab - . by . the lc t er firm ,1 1 40 • 1 nbov'er , - r• ~ - . dotiFiihil; 'Oat by same, ii , mitt. :he:tdi of dohn.l. t•lhriteley . .. and' west by ldtt•' . of - .1:, , liorptlollo.F. - • contttioitittil.o• acres...and.. v.x . cri,Liv.,, ii.lisui.cliv• i t . 15C(11 • 1ibc0 . 4 . 0.1.1.)-bilif . theioof ("iron rod.; :. • •:-::"' No'. .6. 'ThO 'westorn.linii" et .it: - .S.l,:lititillipi - . . . plan of in -of the dye ro ti rh . o• - Bea vet, (wan -II :non lioinve,).htionilivd••o4 l t lie - tiorth b ' . l`bicl,l l . 1 street. ensr, by - lot of WM.-.11.---ularke, south Uyl, .•--:- A ley; timid cyo'st by, public, tt.quare;:, all e n -1 elo. Oil, oh -ichich :ire . erected • .ouc . littge !ti;o•• • etufk i liThX•ilividli„ro; 1i0,u,,e, beiiiiithotit.iio-,to"t ' in. lOntiih• on , Third street by .ahlint 4tv. fceeJti depth,on ithe..pab lc squire, haying ii . 'roerniv Htod .. t 4:0 lovt,la.in tho lir.A tbil r.nivil 9j•onrato; . en . • t"4le.-vlCeotti floor, oolihis w;:l rittfmtr,Aat, .alai., guns franc stab! e,i' an I n.. g, , .. I c . t : tit.7;q•li: Li.' -tali; prernil3l9 f k t o.'....; : ,'i . ..-.. i! . ., - • --. t. •-•• No lil. -: The'tifth-rct pact oflin'-hit '..41.-0.;.-In4l - the plan of •tlic boreni;ll prißeitcer - afors-aid. bii fobt- by 133 fen, briithil,l,l on: - thOnovii hY l'et of . ..Win...Anders D lleirik, eris by lot .Nd 4 --..-,..eoutli by 1 .0 - lot b opt.. i. l.•'lay. avid wweer' tly •tt.ieicet . street.. onolose , f Atb‘l.,on. , kitio.l - ii - re 4reete.l au ell lei; duellia 110 m 1- L. - e l 'and ft - Liltel. - ! 1 NO: .1 . 2: 11- 11,,,q Ni-, f;:8 in the borenglt - pf..l"rid;e. r , ..._, Vi4f4.r attirvsni,i, houud.o horill.lky• Itritleit st",l • ectit Is , y .11Orkot btfOOt..- s‘l'oll by ..---H.oll-,,V,1, dna. #e.., 1 : by lot et J.' W: l ' lleiviphill's tieirs,.oU I' , which are 'enacted.. r oaC 1. - tro . doubly ; cr - Arno . Its , cllltig, house, two atorins , high, tilsolfe.t.ue I . abop,!&c. - . ~. No "1.3.. TLC .bnlivid;.":l-,oris' halt ; of tot No.' IS. ia 'Herifidiill7B.plan ot .- 1 , ,t 3 r,.hia t..) 4 ;1 . .. , ugh 1 of Bi•idgewater aferel.l.l,..'l,onuiltvl,l iiii - rdi uy.. l lot 0 1 1 . .10 1 1111 111,.. Moor.:. O - Itit by 1 lot r -N 4„ f- , ---; - south' by let of Mrs. smith, ical:l Iby _Market,. etreet, on .which is, erected ohg tried- story frame - . .., . (13Telling.liense, .• - •- ' - ' 1' '' • 1+70.. 1 15. .Leta nia:`4l cud 42 - io , t) ;.•.: acidschs ' plavile.f . .Nivrt.4l Bridgewater; h4.3litide, north - pil i • --H filwb.ello, i, y lo t of Jobe. to l ri Sinall, south-1 ey. Pop :r .tit.r.-2.0.t.. . 0A w:LIEt hi 11 0.1 henry Skieeid - - ail. euclosel, op which ore ' orecieti , ...ore - tvi,iii story fr:,toyi cloteltillg"hgosO,, :t. ,t-riLme .4441i1'7ti tio,d fruit trees : ran the lov, ~i'e..l.!'; • - -. !-,r The above 'embracing - all . the ti . nricceptc, purports of the real estatrl , or !said • .I‘.lltt Shannon, • • - • TEARS—One-thi'rd nt the rirrelnise money to be nn id on Confirmation 'of t1ie.A41 , ..• by the Court, ortif the balance in trro, iinnu a t instalments from that dite,:tvith ititoremt en from the same time; the deLerrcil to be secured by bondlaod np.r • I For further informatitm :linen and. Gen; W.:llamiltim, attiniubtraturs of. said John P. Shannon. deCtl. .111 - or. 12;11, G: Orphan'g Coint Sale JJ ` B 3 virtue ef 01.1.0,a.i , Court I f)f .0? coAntyulll',...av!, , Nf; 4”. eixp:4c. , d rto sple bT.Floac 1,e.1,1i • "ati uu, -zry, .10 prenih:e.;on s ,•• - • - . TUE:.;D:I 1"2..1iwil I.stb. 1.56 1 2.- . at I , n'.e.:oelt . , P. Mhe .., •t. following, real, ebtatr el of ,Titat thy Shane % :dcg, r 'el itante formerly! in floPewCll, now In, , ilerlndenec ip . Beaver No,. 1: beginning, at. Evt wr.iip inlt,', thenee lby lands ;of T. Nl . ,Elhany, south ';)24 (leg.; flet,l 1 .100 'per. to:post near white , 'oak, t; ens.. 14-1 NO 2, north , 7„,ileg. 5 'min, east t,3 3.10 pe:r. 1,11 black (talc, thence seuth 80 - pleg. les , :t 16 lis 100 i per. to post, thencel77 deg: 5 tan „ease 55 831 leo per. to post, thence north 1 . deg,trestl4.2 4411 per to post, north 7(1 4.,e; .5,0 ruin en,4l 30, , i percoes to n stone pileYn .rtit 11.31d 1 T w tit 8-I I j:g per to port on line of land i I f Wm.' M'El..l litany, thcitc‘t south - 77 dog 5 rut 'IT . 15 2 1 10 s. IPe . to beginning. containing%) `e t es - , - 92.-p et .,, , I about 70 acres &eared ! under 14' . . •;;,rid, rii - it good state 'of cuitoiation.. Oh Wll! , e,ti are eruct- i '.el a large srze!*FeAuto ,ant -I . t nou,e, ; twol ! , stories high. large L6g !rim, gocgll uiCh...ird • ull , the. , ,,anne, and the prentlses welt i al'fftered. t • t No "'l, beginning.,ut a• Pest ntert;white . oili,l I thence by l land of T:. M'Elirtii'..s:. 12 1-1 de ,, i-1' ,s. !li).-pc to Raccoon Creek. tlieUce nor it 22 1-,,.. . I. ..tieg e.i st 32 3 10 per along 'sad ', Creek to -post .theuc by said CreAk•-tiortit,B4 l :3 2 4 erect Y I I -.lcii !Per to maple, north ' 78- deg vejtst r 43 3 : 10 poi . 1, -. to sycanyle root, north 73 . :i'',:- . 1 east JO 1.40' i'per to root. one of the corpor.§, ..ar to. :.1.. i thence by purpa-t: N o 3, hextli ge. FA tle;ii . west.to 3-10 pe to post,-being oche of lii..i.vrOr-i I , tiers' of pldrpart. N. 1 - arvi . 2., the '.7e ty Nn, 1;. It uth , 7 . 7..1.4 s nib east 3'd 9-10 p‘.r , r to post 1 nortns49 deg' we,t pi t:,4-100 per 't , br a 6k oaki south ri deg 5 ruin. west 53V 3 10 .ter be`-'1 . . glut:lug- 7 c: Atai ling 82 icres. 16prr, ab,•nt! 150 acre: : cle4rei and in a good' stile c,f cAiltV,l . Vali* . balancet Well 1•11131)er.' , ,d. 1 oi? ivliinir - ark : O., Oral, t t,1.. a - , 6 ,,,, Jd - p) g 1.) we 1 . 1 in k It! idt , 3 e, Beth,! AC , . Itemises 711 watered, ;snil : jfruit tretis, ,on the 0.6, e . • - • Nb. 4,.Leginu", Creek, Lodi% On ) : 2 . 1. ml 3; tnence . • . i r•ost in s,D.I ere t , er to p. , st Ili Cli 2'x.5.10 per to ininy: north, 771 stoneor hichozy, . per. to stone. no] per tv post, sdilti ~I t 4 1861 foliffics 9 A. M.c ) P. M. llofes: ) 1) A M. o P M. Preet. t. being - on the corners of 1 nn,tr, 2„thence. by,the division line of po'frek, No. 2 'sentif .1 28i.'enst 3-16 per . to . beginning-- entnint!:g: l tiLacres 47 pet,intout 50 acres of which diei ellared'und . in a slate oft- enifisaaioi~ the _balance itceli tinitiei ed. Tha nboct. prpini.l sea are.contiguans to„mb_olhc.r, na i l conell-i ietiktu schools, &e.. ^ • , The above prOperty, - -ailtia!e od Cieek, being boudded by said Cr - cek for of . mile, and - beu4 affords lavorablti,l4.e.itii.us for Oil 'Yells, alitrge portion' of the burly lui the neighborhood-being dire dy leat , cd.for tidal , • purpoe, , . • R`, FAST . at Pitta i. 0 r V 0 4.. E 0 A. A och este J r. 'JO 31 57 c. , 35 P 157 cg 155 TERAIS.,-- ; One third of the pirchibe meneyl to be paidop confirmation Of the sule by' the 1 Courts and the • balance in two ' equal annunli instalments from that date with intere , t there-I on from the kinhe time. For further informa.l tiou enquire of. John Shane, Bridgcvatcr, on Cornelius Simnel Service;comity.' • ' • By the Nu) t.• •1 ,= filurchlOtb, '62. A. 9. .iI'CRIIARY, C.l'k. E • . _ WC , Ihe•subscribers, desirons of cloSing out theist stook with a view to qukt the blisineFs, are sol.;,; iftig goods at "extremet3tloW Our ston4i extens, - ive, and embraces erci l lytbing usually f kept in iifirst class stpre; and p ing pui chased! before the late rise,, will en. bla us to seg gOods lower than can tro sol elsewbv24.--Li oive tie a ca'!!, jaylge for your:elves. and se= cure bargains. H. TItI.IBL.E &,i;o.• , Hookatoven, .741 E. 28, 18412. • b inform :at-fie is 'Wilson & naive among I ) SONS gaS; IS` • • & c . n s. first: . . . -; - NOTICE .' • . 4 4! the 'a'eeottnts and sni. . THE tfs for 1860 and B6l..Whitla have. not; been settled. 'AT,- ..well;aK the , acebtintS . ; of 31. .. Weyand, & Ayeyaniii and..AVeyand and', lienrii are in. iny..hands for settlenient. 4.4 who are _indebted `to eit,h'er of theniii. adverti.4enient or jolt' work ~- will please ' call '•oti •me -- at thd i - T I.:A t RIiCii'OFFICL. Many of tikes9 ` . .6.4l( cnnnts are of long,Standing and ghtut h . - be settled. • ces. SON. HaNt l .lll . lB ' 3CCOUTAD, will ilre after the the el9ll 1:114-• ==l lag at a poet pea? Ititectil ta torpersnettrecit Hrth (14-it '46 Intr t.ti ek.- ntritt 651-f i l4 tt,- 6 .7-101 rkek: ht.t.el north W.! t , - ust sic; g lands. ofl .1.1 . k.11 de g O tuitra....i! ;34 , per ;to ''..tturth irau west 971_ )rt.1176119g 50 min east, psi— to . posC SAMT:tL DAV'ENPO is 24.:~:~. lEEE MI II CI El 13111