• . , ~,,,,,,...: . . 06 liecF 4l. 1 -‘Ol-a(k 11 , P4t3ty6usliieadaehe ei.R.E kale , Cia:c • 11 , - , : . By the useof these Pills the periodic dttaoks of Ner4oue or fiat Headache may be prevent ed.;. and if taken at the Commencement of . an attack imMediate:reilef from pain and sickness - will - re obtained. S, - They eeldom fail in removing the --:-. —Nausea • and,Fleoda'che to which females are so subject. Thy,, act gently upon the bowels,—removing Costiienees. _ . . • Fo Literary Men, Students,. Del ... . .icate Fe - -malesl and, all persons of senedtary habits, they re valnable as a Laxative, improving the' appetite; giving tone and vigor to the digestive organe, and restoring the natural elasticity and strength of the whole system. The CEPHALIC * PILLS are , the result of long investigation and carefully conducted ex--' periments.:having been in use many years, during _whibli time 014 . have prevented and relieved -a 'vast amount of pain and suffering • from. ;Headache, ..whether originating in the nervous system or from a deranged state of the stomach. I • : .. They i • • They ar entirely vegetable in their compos ition, and may be taken at all times' 'With per fec6afety Hithotit making any change of diet anOtiiabsence of any;disagreeabre taste ren dere-ft eas.± toll:Omit:Oster them fochildren.., hi ir; - re off Counterfeits ! The genuiKe Love five-signatures of Henry C. Fpolding on each Box Said l'bylirukgists and all other Dealers in • Al: lie sent by mail prepaid on re ceip:t k,f the . PULE 2.1 CENTS. •"AH l nciers should bo addessed to • % r IRY C.• PA LDING, V 48 CE . DAR" - STREET, NEW YORK. I r .fir- • --- 'Tipg 1;0 RIGHT TO THEISPOT. iNST.iNT RELIEF! STOP ?OUR COUTGII! PITRIFV:YOUR STfiRNGTIIEN YOUR VOICE! jil) A T.,,D ING'S : • I :l'HiltkAT CQNFECTIONS =WM GOOD OR CLERGYMEN, G 001.1? FOR' LECTURERS, GOOD IFOR - PUBLIC SPEAKERS • G OOD FOR SINGERS, GOOD- FOR • CONSIJ3IPTIYES, GE;qTLEMEN CARRY Si',ll.l , lNO's THROAT rONFECTIONS, d;ladies are delighted kith SPALDING'S 11ROAT . I Mil,[fen cry for r a I!ALIANG'S :TfritOAT CoNFECTIOY4 • I- - They relieve a enagli instantly. They clear the Throat., ) : They give sir ngth nd volume' to the voiee r They luilrt delicicns Aroma:to the breath. That',are cielig.htfal 't , ) the taste. • Thn7;'' arC i ltaade of' - herbs Slid cannot arm! caY"one. nAtise, every in:P who has acough or n Tins ley; Voleolor a Bad Breath, orxanY difficulty. Thro,it, to get a package of Wiy Throw, uttectioljs . : thee mill celkeye yon instantly:; azree with lie that "they ;go rtght to ti e spot ".' You will find them yen useful ant pleasant.'whia traveling or attend lug ljuUic meetings for stilliijg your Cougli or iiii,:yin!c; yemr thirst. 'ff• you try one pack. noe lora aie iu easing that you ever afte6Qats4 consider them indiiipensable. You will Find Chem at the Druggist and Dealers' in I Arasonville, Conni, Feb. 5, '61,.. r - • Hi . sir • I litricjided your Cephalic and I like tlieti sot Well that I want you to- send me two &diets Worth more. • bf these are for the neighbors,to whom I gavel few out of the first box I got from t l pl ro' e Pills my mail, and -oblige Your obedient Servant, • James, Kennedy t , 1 Mr. lep /7artfird, Pa , Feb. 6, '6l. ling. ~ Liir : ' ybu to send me one more box of your !pills, I have received a great deal of •Oni them. ' ' • yours, respectfully. = , Mary Ann Stoikhouse. - i - , ---- . Tuqe (rah, Ilunein .l , glon Co , Pa. } • r ; January 13th , ;1861. Spalding, • d , Sir: i will please send me two boxes of your lie rills. Send them immediately. .: Itespectfully'yours, ' • , . John B. Simons. S. —I Lave used. one Box of your Pills, ud 'ili s ciL excellent ' -' I Beille rcrison, Ohio, J:... 15, '6l. 11 • , tISII•.ALDING, Euq. !' • , selfind .inclosed twenty fire cents, for ..4d me enother boil of your cephalic they arc truly the, best ' Fills I have ,14. - • . Direct • . , I AJ Stover, P. M. Belle Vernon; Wyandot Co., G. • I• Ar l single bottle of SPALDING'S PRE. illi GLUE will save !ten times its cost . 11 i DIN.G'S PREPARED GLUE —L.I LDING'S PREPARED GLUE l l is , Cephili I:Luefit IL C., Vol" Cul ha d 6 :I . l€ , t PA RI RIILU4, i;i SP 11 sF,lii E. eLDING'S PREPARED GLUE.: SATE THE PIECES :.. _• I DISPATCH LI EcO. .. XVIA SticA in Time Saver Akne,sigir LICE TWENTY-PI • '-• BENTS. I . 1 , . Nfyl,ignatuto is, on each package. A 1 ctn. arr, ceuoterfeitel, 1 - . - , ,rao?cagawillbe E l ect hy mail, prepaid; ors rtßeip! of Thirty cents.. :.Addreis. , 1 B. C. SiALDIATG. - , j ro.iB Cedar Etreet, Never York ~ SAY ES. - , BY 'virtue Of sundry rwriti ofiFieri Fftries. 1 Lerari Facile,en'd iv enditioel;Exp l onas is sued out 'of the Co urt oflcommen IPleas l of ver Connty, and to rne directed will be ex posed to Public Bale, at the Sheriff's office in Heaver, on 1 4 1 . 1 Friday,.;lllix h7th, - .1882, At I 0 o'clock in the iorcnoott. All the right, title, intereat and claim oide fendmit. of in and to the following described lot of ground . , - situsite inl Industry, Bearer Co., 1'8.4 heing lot No 391 in the general plan of lots of said borough. boUndeil and detcribed as fol lows, to Wit: un the eaT. by lot No 40, on the south by Canton street, n the west by °Huron street, on I the not tit by range street, being 96 feet e by 132 feet in len gth and breadth on which are. erected otte T me dwelling hot!. 18 by 32 feet in lengthlan breadth, onel and a half stories'high, and one frame Stable. Selz: ed and taken in exebuti.n as ,the property r ff Francis•W Walker, at t.e suit of James Car ten. , , ; • ; 1 :• 0 11 SO, i , .. .At the samtime and rlace all the right, ti. tle, interest and claim of defendant, of, in and to the following deseribed lots of grozind sit date in-Industry; Beaver crxinti, being iota No 38 and 34, bounded is follows, to wit. No 33 bounded on the east;by lot NO 34, on the - . r south by Centre alley. on the West by Wabash streth—On the north by! Orange street. No. 34, bounded on the north by public road. east by John Mid:tails, !south, by alley, and west by street' Tire; abOve lots being 60 by 150 - feet is length and breadth,' both being nn-, r der feller: : Seized and,taken tin execution as . the - property of 1 Jacobi Ross at the nit of geo'C Speyerer for n e of M S Quay. 'No. 3. - 11 1 1. 1 1S0, '1 . ' . , , . . - • -At the same time and place. all the right, , title, interest and cl mof defendant of. in and i to nil that certain farlin dr tract of land 'situate in the township of Deprth fiewiekly, county of IBeaver and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the north by hind of Jordan M,:' Nye and Joseph Hazen, ion . :the east', by hind of Hazen, on the south by land: of Beni Reno and John Wiley, and out the !west by ls.nol of Poster and Jenkins, containing‘ l about one bun= i i Bred and; twenty ac r e s, ' more ' l ot less, about seventy-five of whir,. are cleared and under fence, and on which re erected one log house and log stable, and !some fruit trees on the premises and good water. Seized. and. taken in execution as the piropertyd,of John Wiley-at the suit of William Bush for nselof JaMes D. McCreary, in tract for Hannah Bush,: gob fir use of Joseph H. Wile , n.! . No. 4. - ' .A ml lliSp, '[ 1 saute 1 At the sae time nd place. all right, W tle interest and claim of defendants of, in and to the undivided thrdetenths of :the foll owing tract of land, situu 6 in Pulaski towashiP, Beaver connty,l'a., , oahiled andldescribed as follows; to wit : "On,tx.e worth by:land ',of El wood Thomas, on the; east by land of Jane and 1 --- Grant, on the Sony: by lan4 ~of RobeXt Wallace;and on the rest by laadlof same and -- Champion; the Whole tract containinglib acres more or lea's, tbeeit; 80 acres of high are cleared and unde fence; on Which! are it % rected one log house,' one log hain, and out; buildings: two tenthof the; above described premises being the ,property, oflWilliamlMoore l and one-tenth the ,property or : Hugh lloore. Seized and taken in execution as the p yerty of Hugh aria William MoOre, al the Snit of Matthew Irwin. / i ll 1 Na 5 r . AL50, 441 1 : i I All the right title , interest and claim,°of de fendant. ef, irr - nod 'the following described property, situate in BridiewateC,-Beavei court i ) ty, Pennsylvania, bounded as ollows; pn cite north by street, ) east 1 bil i Mark t streibtjlionta by: lot of S. IL ' DarcagriA and west by alley. on which is erected one tiro st ry coach glop; upper story used forla Ball, a a a number of tenements used for taint shop 1 Seized and . . taken in execution as the pro ertY of. Hugil Sutherland at the suit of True ees of Beaver. Academy_d 1 ./ =i 4 1 , No. G. ALSO, • At the same time ind Once, lithe ti tright,•l ie, 'interest and claim of defend nt, of, isandt,o the following described lots of gi and, sitiate in the borough of New IBrighton,4 Benner c4.ucry being'.Net 417, 478 and part (4 479 - houoded and described . follows, to wit.Nd 477 bound . ed on the north; by liarniony, street, e4st by Frout street, south bY lot.No 478, and west by Main -street; No 478 bou4ded on the north by No 477, 'east by. Front street, south by $o 4744 and west by Main street;) No 47 ; 9 'bounglpd on the north by No 4781 mutt by ;part of lot No 479, south by lot N0'480,: and ;West by Lelain street=ad which are erec ed a large two-stpri, brick dwelling house; wel finished; with:iiitehl en brick oue story high;a so, moue story brici budding used as a banki .. ,g house, one !eran+ blable, - coal house, ,6.4 other Jut balldings.—L , , The above lots well improved and id:toted with trait. and •ortiamental trtics. seized and taken in executio4 as the; property of Hurrison Mendenhall at the suii. ofl Marl's Gould'` whu surtiies Marcus 3'. C t Gahld, fur the use of Fanny C. Hess. ' • i !• ' ' 1 N0..7: • 'ALS ). ALS( At the same time aid 1 , ace, 1 11 the !right, , t itle; interest and cla - m o' dere dant , or, in.? I and to the following esarlibed lots of gTound; situate in the Boroug of Brie ewater4 Bea ver county, Pean'a, heing lot; Nos. 41, 42 and 43, each lot being Si) feet 'wide. by! 150; 'feet long, all under fence andl bounded and described as follows, ,to wit : f i On the :north ty na alley,On the - eaSt bylMiirkUt street, routh , by Canal street;'nnd tvestiby Cherry alley, OW which is erected one -large two story 'briclt dwelling house, with! basemen't kitchen and cellar, a portico in front and porch' back, a large nytnber of 'fruit.•anB shade trees,l and' Shrubbery on the lot,ial.soi plenty of. water. -1 Also. All those other three lots of greund,l satiate as above, bounded on l i the . , north by! ----- alley, east by theiry al, ey, - south by' Candi street, and west by.i.larlo' &Hey, being Nos. 58, and 59 and 60, each lo 50 feet jwide by 150 feet long, all nndet fens`. on which is, , erected bne large two: story brick BretVery,l 50 feet wide and 70 feet long, , k ith' good '} cel i lar, and all the necessary iiltur a for an, Ale Brewery, a large frame s able on the Gumsl -lot. Also, all these other tbre lots, situate 1 as above, being lots 81, 8 and 83, bouhded j jt. on the north by.northi alleY, eat Iby Barley i alley,. south by Canal street, , and west by Mulberry street, - the same! sizeps the above lots, and all 'tinder fence, on which is ereleted one brick dwelling' hause, ',with l i aellar under neath. Also, all;tbose other ttiee lots situate as above, being Nos. 65, 56 and 57, bounded on the north by-Candi street, east by Cherry alley, south by Pine alley, `and . est by Oar ley Alley, all under fence, an o * hard of fruit trees. on the premisesi Also I.ti 7 4 , in i the same plan of lots, andlsime'Size bounded on the north by Canal street; eas by No. l 7/, i south by Pine alley, land f west by Sltatierry_ i 1 street,'the - above lot under fen e. Also all 1 those other three lots . !bein g NOs 75 .. 75 Wand', 77, bounded on the north .by Canal stteet, i east by 11dulberry street, south b Pine a ley, and west by Clarion street.i allunder fen&L—i Aleti,-ali those otker three lots, situat as! 'above, and same size,.boue.led ',in 'the 'rth by by Canal street, eastclariort street, south by Pine alley, pod i wes . by !hickory alley, ' all under fence. AlsoYs a 1 0034 ether three lots, being Ncis. 87, 8,5 mid 89, bounded on' the north by .North , alleyi,_eau by Clalrion' street, south 'by Cansil .sheet, and weal by ElicleOry alley. nriderlfenc . Sized .and tai (1 ken in exeen - tion as -ihe . ropes Vera, at the snit of GOorge John Allison, AdaiinistridOis of non;.deo'd. - - 1 1 No. & ALLsr - I I . - 1 At the tame time soil p la ce . [ all the wilt title, interest and clams 9def dant, of t in is and to the following " described 1t of ground situate in the village of Vanpor in. Borough township, Beaver county, bLing I t No. 3i in.l Noss` plan of dots in id village . , boundedland I described es foilpws : 1 On the n rth by clea ver street or State road, on the est by Wita lt- 1I ington Street, ' on the . routs ! by . Grave alley , I I and on the west by loti•L [2, i the phial of 1 lots ateresaid,'said lottextending 150 feet! on ! Washington street, by 544 fie en Seiler street, on which is erected one frame building, li i I ! 7 1 ~ one .itd d brig stories h, bete 1 l a store!! Bone , fronting on Beaver meet 20 feet. end e xtending beck 40 ; feet., alone -W, l shingtonil 1.• meet, to wird' is attached ' s dwellin . rt hoe-,l' - rotting on Uashington street 14 feet and extending beef f irty feet, a fl o oreilill havi ' two rooma on I lowe o and beinv, one ad d half stories high Seized inil,ttilter iu ex ec ution as the Property of It. li Neleon, at th quit of Stewart. Knnitedy /X duff. No. . , ALSO; 11 At, be rune time and place, all the right. ti-• the, in terest and claim of defendent or, in itti . d. to th foliowing lots of ground: situate in the J borough of Rectester, Bear er cowitY, P.oin'a,' bounded oil the north by Adam etreet. on the erst , y lot of Lewis P. 91 eizel, and on the south-by , John - and Julia Thompson, and west by lo welted by Fry. .being 80 feet frotitl t i by 12 feet deep, and all under fence on which are ected three frame &Welling bonzes . the two I is being 'divided into three equarperte each fronting.on Adams street, and running back 25 feet, and one Mime dwelling house en earch lot of one and one .half stories high also al well'of water on middle lot. Also one' other lot of ground situate in Rochester, Beaver ceunty,bounded on the north by Thomas Hays, l east Ily Ovid Pinney, sonth. by Thoolas Hays.l amid the by New Yolk street hang Pile: her, ci in plan of the lots of intid town,hei.g oi..“t! 15 fgetlront by about 160 r ,flocp, more or I. on which is erected one new frame store house 15 by :30 feet in length and breadth end two stories high. Seized and taken in execution as j the p;operty of Philip Ste t sel at the suit of G. C. Sp yenr, and also- at the snit of Minor M'Elrey 8/.. Co: . ! , ! , ..' No 10. ALSO; At the same-time and pltce, All the right," title in terest-and claim of defendants of, in and to the fallowing triennuage of tenement and tractpf land; sitnate n (now) tht down. shipif li Industry, county :. f Beaver a d State i of Pe P en nsylvania ; bonnde and iltsbribet tin foil° : Beginning at the mouth of Wolf .R un wherthe came debouches intb Abe 0 io river' or atear the village at Industry, r said ek l terns ip of Industry, and:running tit nee up said Wolf - Run by and Moif, the linef land owned (formerly) by Was. Henry nori 63 de , grees,West 22. perches, no rth 29! degiecs - east 17•pehes, north 47 degrees west 10: perches N 39 deg W 8 perches, north 47 deg west 17 t perchs. north_ 16 degre t es -west 8 '.• erches - north. 28 degrees , west .20 perches,. north 88 degrees west 9 perches,i north 56f, degrees west' 58 perches,eouth I ril degreeawest, 8 perch e s, north degrees west 178-b perch. 76} 1, 1 es, an inorth 31 degrees rest 7 perches to s red odic:: (on the pletc,_new a stump;} thence . by and 'along the land of ;Jacob Rose i( °emir ly Wi liam Stance) south 8 3 degrees lwest 46 1 - 7-10 perche s to a hickory , thence albeg the line 1 q. ast end belonging to ofohr Vite r c:e south 65} , egrees e 26 porchen. to null: P r tree; thencealoft the - line of hind . form rly of John; Vance, .now of Jitnes_S Vells south 65 degrees west to the Hie of land ow ed by Willidni Cairns • thence by »fat alb tg the line - of the said ;Wm: Cairns south 64 1 °green east ..(or thereobouts) `to the. Centre; f Codl ,_,.1 1 street as laia rout in t h e plan ofThi °stip t* i l thence along said Coal stirred I , nortii t 1 - 57 detrrees toast to Canton i+ met ; , I 17 , tnen,-vtlong said Crton streetlsoutlf 32 d' grecs east, to i smoutlf; . banan a , along the line , of' Jacci-b Ross• •(now , , Samael Gormley) , South 20 - drrees , ; , _ ) east 14 5-10 perches ot-; thereahotts to l the Ohio river, and thenee tip 'the! 4. said river along the margin' t'iereof north 51 de(rrees . .east to the pLee of 1. t' "I. begifinin,,o- ; en - ihriacmg titian said limit's all the lots'ol the stud -.Own or )1 1 , Village of Industry, lying bet the slci l d Canton str 'et antiWOf mind n extending to tit river, an taitfitg in all about nineteen tl i Of la ni, be' tub same more 6 (exceiping and reservinir tli and c'hiaefrom,ineverthelesss, 6 one 'kindred feet inf,length and; ty fait tit tbreadth, On which is l : eci a knliek elittrell. dud ick,)? 'a i l . • , lourn on Nv li iOl isFen(l:lM • ali I b . melioo l l limns°. tlie t.,lz s 3 of the 16' known'• 6ii which .4aigl prCinke": Oeare erected one fra roil illl 4;1 storie4 high. wall till--:tite tiotteing in.ifheiti , ~ It: wide and 4ty feel. 101i 7 4 4 en• ngine and'lioiler and I;iiNvti.i. 1 tp rim the s u it mill: :11 h ..., 1 )) o ' Bourittg, mill ! inivin'i.: French burs , an d'o'ne d oe 1 .=td all otlicri,neees:•ary ;, 'Ol fixtures Or a good milt. till and Alperin. , /mil h o b ?rder.' `Also) all g tlicl'-e tiiii.! ~ icer.4. pare parcels or Iot 1 ; oi , gt Ind bein situated t in thc: ' Industry-I - eounty l ai. nO. id, beinOorts Nos. I -I:1' 4:-V: ie plan o' hits of said vii aitti e uprising the block! of Iciq elude la within Clintot. streid,'' 0 nil G i street ritip• '.t i . .i! (. 11 , , On hl en .art. 'Toi., t .. 1 ,.. t:,,.., ling °use and: nZI ii `;r•111141 1 hOUSCII Ning :thou . (ii feet in ,troti . feet d' ep and tw stories ( ' - hi %h I : 1 .... ! flvtr-sticiry kitch n., atta lied. 1 • . thvee i i i is are' en losed •with a-" , , boa - cd }i'enee.Sei/ed and taken its , t ecutioil.as t he property of Beiii Todd itrid,Flancii W. Walk 9- sit suitl? i t [Willi:tin C 1 nningliam , and , , uel uncan, exact tors of the last and tekametit o ' 1 James T.l. .81 , in; n ea‘s it ty one..e! eient mill pair oi ery a w. ; Igo o wan P; lying /a g e 91 afore 44 in ■ dec'l No. ,- - - I . _t tie sametile anti place, al the 1 righ, , 1 tle; intere:t and claim - ' . de -1 fendAn I of, in andl to the followi - ► r de ' s l crihed:piece . orp' reel . of lad situate in Rae Non town hip, Beaver; coltityi Pa.,. hottilded and described as Toles, to wt . 1, On the ' ast by'. land . o Dii- . .11 yid - nnecly . ain • Itichard Cailioun, Rae on t e oath and vest by land 6 DA ' Yid e nedy, on the north by Isi dof Tiavid "wing:containing about ' ight iicre. 'Ore lest; ; w which are er •ted One' w -stork ,r. frame dWelling I use 32 b - £i feet in . P.ngth, r and' br'elith, l ! with itchen "bit 'k; one .frame hoe f ishop 1 libet., square, one franie I, i thle 16 fet- s,quare,:orl l use, t frame wagoul Will o goon' Ny'att.r at the door. ; - iciz-• ed. and aktni in execution as the Prop. 1 erty- T ofro rt . C,alli.'Onn at the Suit. I . A. Frog 41: & ,Prt;. 1 . 1, 2I i ,:, ALSO, - ] 11.° A . t:e s a me , time and place, . all tht 111 I-1 righ , , itle inters and claim - of oc fendan 113 f; inand:o the follOiring lo of iirro :id situatel in. the boi•o4,0 1 1i t Beaver' IBeaver cOunty, Pa., i beitiii, I( No 35,1bottndeti aid describe d . Alil Ift lows*it : On the- north 1 1)41.' St: st eet i on the: ondeast by'". .4 l k 'street, liouth ,byi! a)ley,. and onq t t4F west: kt I lot No. 36. The I n% - of4 beinif i tihree hint - fired feet in ten 0h -one hundred and tventy feet in hrei , :and tinder fence. [ Seized and tak'ei °exec-409u as the prOperty of Slyilf ter u ham ati . thref-snit of H i ughf rderson f 1. - nd 81 ty .of pb 11-uiti 1 Gin and 1 a.- 0411.. a• 86n- t i nrchasere will take notice' lent. , upen lamounts For ill be req , ired in hand. aer fifty d' liars will be re' ;, 19 gait • per bids • bids In' weep ' ittni e con neretj • less,. reont e tot !even reet- ,ot of REM 1 OL to , ye tiou, (+ ant tOr N% blltli -4114 tv. ttti 1 eli in- 1p h lh et , r ound' vil ktate anti lage. atl ~@ thy t, . ( with •The I nit n the NV I kin A. 11.50 IN hat heir lAII nir- ~. iv t the ti m a ;e f sall. , a tenot(iliilie }ib e r i tlXicE 6 ' Qfice, sveei. • • In ca. conditi• report Sheri 2,'186 ERIFF' BY vir ~ out County o expose to the borou said,, on of A. writ o .e court of eaver and t. blip sale at of Beaver, ay. . I'd Wediii Lt 10 0 4 cl preperty, MI the deftlithin ed real! e thereof, a l Oetiver c. following the numb alley o, ja • rm.loi h•y ' O 3 A I I. hill 02,8 I copy of Civil when oth lot Al; 448 &"!d Wayne s.l River, ea , in width, ] to the eai, 2d.,' Al ots Noe. ; o 1 c . 41, the fur wit • i ht, title, int in:and to 1.•,,.t0 Wit i to te in the b. 1 .ini,ty, Pa., to le/eription, th lethereof t•giv t, itniv_st 1 4.10 Wt, anti ti borough oeral thaptita I. neer, Decorah , rwise parttcul I t ro parts o I ing trainee ltiicagoißiiif h of anid .part.l anti extending river.. I hit:piece of - 47, 448 k 448, Viciode. cast b 11. Marsh f Henry .1 lalld ailroad 3d. AIII 439, 440 ; er aud re ' 4th.. A 439, 440 road and sth. New Ha d 6th L ' New flu .1 t.part'of lob 91, lying b .d ateresai 'at part'of I. 441, lying nQ street_ o. 608 bet* .ire street, o. 603 aaad~ ira street a• s o• 653 frau L - --‘; • ith L CIO by 151 Bth': N Hampshi 460, 470 an (re s et, eae,i Q. 468. frog i'2lo feet. t ,1 Noe. 618. ar neh i 9 by 1 1:40, fr,, 9th: L. street, 6i ,10th. ape etre:. I.th. .10 liy 19 I bY, I oral fry 12th. 50bby 15 o 329 fro •13tb. • inn Monr nclivided xleet fe ndivided ranting All 14th. C 33 And i by 100 fe loth. ptre9t, 411 tt. 16th. ton stree 17th..' ing Erie t' Nos. 617 au 111 ti feet -628 I. t Nos - . 528, 6 18th. .Ingi 'AS. 524, 5' r. or. Public .clOof lots, 621;' bound on •wbi; • 1 Nos 557, 5 , e 1; 50 By 11 1 'cos. 50,5' 6tiB, rout 0 feet. 05.675, 67; -.6si, frou fiet. :08. 639. 64 [t b .P 9 t 6 6.9. 36 etreet, ett Brighton for mug I .ts air: 20th., Jefferson 21fit„ 1 366, 567 " each 501 2 1 1 ,4 L.' 58 1 each 60 bi el • • tut street. l e . • i st• 331.fr0 Iret7 15 0, )'roft ro ;;:>, 6%; Ili r i t 1 ~Ito , 0 ,se ' t • t [ , '' i lly•• it.... 516 tr , n I. i reYtt.:“. %1 t.S. I , lii l l 1. O• :/1 i Itoi p. 41, 10 .et, ile9- ' 1 t, ~ 7S curial-1i 4 lireet- od t, tliNo, 44 ko!. I - ',l '- li tee on i'lvas'ii ilPy, !Pi 01 49 . 4 front l ,(I ex,leading,b .0 4%1 Sti 13 iw; li ktriets, 711 .t No; 60 Isii rddlind street 1 1 ts't; o• o'2 J" • I • •:,. '7, t‘. • g. 4,.,.5.tyir 1 , s let Seet l frolit. tslt os, 503, 50. 1 `its reef, each ;.1 tsos. 607, nO. l P eltsant sire t It 1 tnting Hive 11 iTison street led pdrth by,ll A .lial Cohn, sou • aley, of whit N 5.162,. 155, I 167, 1 10.., 169 a ck 'bounded nor ( *rk etrimt a. kt eet I , j ilangultir block, Jaw street, r 01601 and l i wesi 51pts from 18 t up: of lot l'J n ilion.iy : stn o! •.i doted. a t , mall IN I I7 , boon , t 0 y outivciicut I; tiht l ett stree Pos.l 101, h-10 ,by llb Ih blond, east etlstreet and ' • i 1 Nus 107; 108, ! l",ricl of J ~.1:. •uth by tin . rt Irolnl Ann ...0 1 t w i n ° I ts - t. i t li t r j e e r : i 1 1 1 a _wad welt all Wine 39th. .11.: 1'1616 .4uih, 41st. L g back .;t et, beim t.. 1 lot ot J .4 wc g tt b $ me atipp •.[ 424 4'16 . 1 ; 6 'A ,) • 166; attgplaT bl :I Oast by $e ,tiy- lirigOto • j 431.1. - 4 t olorth' by: . A .4reo t find t: Ft bra. rig _(x.e.pt :to a d is. iitxtv • .. taltici. , :ial 44:h.; [Lo : :street 61511 Eliot • we• b 14t' . L Lo , asp 10:.;,1oo ! oral 'by, p south IT Hi & H. Jacks . 1 4tith. 1 Liit d d north b b rough:':,liu aud l:biOag. Iti,.) :: ooks'on, dwelliug[ ho 40fee,t. :Oat mists. • [I" .. .• • I ' .ian i gul.a . .. block ILI , u —4... sties I. 10 'and '117.1 N ri 118 tti'sl2 blink boun4e 1 south hylioss , '18.4 l'on , ell, 1 N 4 1* being ' or Patabtr't. 147th 4 1. teen C4se 1 14 3 .91h 1 .1 j L ' 0 . 1 1 1 ai triang Case eqice:, by land Ct ; 1411th. 1 1 ...i0t! 41te b4ck 144 te l 50th. I,Lot fleet 'frodt;o. Coo ati islet. LOt .135, eacik 4M iiliep to tin iv ,52d A 1): 14() 'and 4411 mist. oy Lea I add west by 1.;.43 Rifer street on :Which • .1 1 a - alley. , ~.1 Nits 130 133 I P nnty Arson N ' 127, 1,•28. e l s t t frt,n i; la, i 1 clout'ioteNos btounLte4ort uulty street, isui 141 1 01 l A • Izeti Nutt 90 911 *Lid' * u5l putt's' , etlessatil s_sawl . 1 I. ' •"' 1 Nos 95, 96 at), ,4 1 1-ingiberre•' j . ' i • EE23 64th. Lot 15 feat Sac 1 - ,i-. r ii • } . 1 ' • and Si - str e et , i hiott r.s I And an ld log direlliug,,boetis um :. water: 1 ' i ; 1. .1 fir 1 55th Low, Nes 52, 68. 'ill, 55, reAntio each ' 60 feet on•KoSsith, ruhnin back about 200 feet. t i ' frfi. he, undivided half of 1l t. p.ii• 1 AO feet onIK math Street land .fuli 200 fee . • •-' I 1- I " 57th The undiride 1 halfof ri ing 50, eet onrßiver street. ' . 6Bth Lots N.is 91 virol t 92 ft Atli feet o itor street, o l whicti, 4an boutie..l i, 1 . ') .; • t it 59th ThAt rptist of 018 Noe Op. lying 6 ' tweeri. Knssut li lore. and sail lot sold oit 1.1 n wroceuroil d Johns ( . i!laid Oils of lots' being Irmo street wild extend backrab I to soi , ohnsts 's. line.{ I 1 1 I ,' 60th, r . Lot No " fro:tang 48 filet street ' 1 : r : Ir, r... _ . , 61..L0ts piers bit, ,J, 66 lil.. each 51 feet on Kossuth stree t;. •r 6`2C ots Nos-148; 134 147 and ing,ec 48 feet on Kqesuth-atieet. 1 63d ots Nos 151, 52, 155 I rma uhag c about 48 feet On Koesitti; 64t' Lots Nos 142. 145, 146 an itig a o:: 48 feet od. Pthiey street, land, . 144 feet dee .-o an alley. 1 1 65t . Lots Nos 160. 153.101 In. ing a o •t 48 feet ou Pulney street lane. n• 144 feet deepl 66t : Luta Nos 886, 1 337, 388,33 270, ' 7 , 274,273, 274 and 275 j fr. 48 fet. .n Pinney . &tree or Tinthe, 'exten i : g back 144 fee to ItYroii 67t biliLots NOs 330,8$ 332.333,3 280, 279, 278, 27t and 76 friantin feet on ball street and extendlni b to Byroh alley. 1Ii• . : ~ ...,, 68th. Lots Nos 324 8 25 , 326,32 287,'28 285.1.284, and' 2B3l 82.; f 48 - feet• n Hull street, elnil .eiteddir feet to ristol alley. ^] II ri ---i - : .0 . •' 7. If thee i with th Sheriff_ Febrl MI Levsd 'Common me dir , he Qbr , the 6 noise !snap kletio of th', loud.' it'd office' uuty •'afor-. oh 5 h,,1 noon, !e' folio ftin • ; tiLiirii ntth h licheste th Ic!ta; an ”re..ta ad 1-43 :1;;t4 LtA . and al: I. - -- rest an [he toll, Crown 1., .rough o it s (14 • tiumbe. :n, and in}, na stt ,ttnbered, Roches , ised by r 23d, el, men lots N the Pi mid and of lots, • tom the mi a map o u. r,. being natare Cox' 851; excep oanl ) a. 1 446. 447 isburgh. Ft -the' iteave .'ehti 48 fee aid railreit g) m u n o:d d i t e e d . 11, aud I tng parts o orth by lan ' teet, est by tfsidi , ' 437 438 r: , i deaver rtv .69th. 1 Nos 318, 819, 320, 3 8l 21, 292, 29 , 290; 289 and 288 front 1 a Jack on street and .sxtendini-b." Ortttis 1 41.1 i 111 ,--1 - 70th. Lots, Noe 804. 302, .00,1 2 I 294 frp ing each 48 feet . on Jack and ekt ntlipi back 144 feet to 4i. -.718t.L0t filo. 158 and 161!friin feet pn anitier Lane . i 'or PinieT extendi g back 144 feet to Cantpn cepting ii resk•ving . s/ rquefi bf 8 has bee ' stild to aid is now is :the and dcc pdrecY,;of Think:is ;Haisi 1 3 , 72 . ks , N6s 139 it d 160 frthat suth tr pi, and extending bcq i.liiiit n , IleYilexceptiii and risers' it H of kti(l: .ts as hi. been I Sold td to d the pbs. •ssio lof Thorn as Hays. 73 ii i so 41 'that `certain lot of ra bk.° gafo're::aid, bein part,lario and boo • ilk!' nddescgibed as r oll. , ginning , t tbi NE cur er, it" th . c: Deer ane with 'Fox l r an'e;then,F -e ly shin. Fox lane 333..ierches,'t1 Cr deg wtJ t f. 9, perphes; .thence .on a in :' parallel with Fos lane 3 to Deer ,ano, thence alms Deer la. E.6ope alies i!o l She plice ot4beigi taining 2 acres and 6..); pc rchas str —excep ing and reserving a sntal I soutlivie t earner theyeof 4.3 feet • 0 ' a Nos. 4 amen th I s Nor 4 l otween A; 437,438 !e said rail en Maid l eing 45; 604 604 . Iyi , Kom4 1 ng on A • Ittreet andi y r l4o feet. .g''between, Iley.: etreettil . , 471, If I by 1'63 pg New t on w ;feet. • ilampshire gnaig~ Ad ' Ins ativ.et 1510. f",; 0 feo.l ttng, MCI ington St , foflot o. 14 front- !t IlLof la• ; dison air Nok 632, ct, ach 50 618 frou r tiryg Shields 626 fror).ting 'Brih. 530 act 031 front the •Itne ant-12S tiforeLi -ftforesai viz: I Re 14 1 526 nn 527, front :canaro. . 1 • eunais'ti g . of Nos. d nortti I,y, - Nahlisen south acid went. by la eructed acalea .• - . 8 and od j 9, fronting i feet I I:i . 562.50, 56 .565, .g Jefi l efe' on street; I s froin:th NE 'corner at resaid.±,tl et i parallel-to Fox lane 1., feet, tit at parallel o 1/e'er lane 1 O. feet, 4 zit paratlal.to Poi lane 1 4 feet td, 4,, I tbetice• ' D r eerilane to he piece So . 74 ;Ali a certainlt:it', r parcel Jt• ~ in born' aforesatid,lbei g parts OY 13 tiu l tl 9, bounded an desoribo, vas; ~ tte uning at a post on' Foq 1. .by lands f Wan -Reno Nllsl:_ileg,t;etts ,elms tA, t . borough line,Ltheneeeout. " I .y along field borough ltne. 29 petre eouth tii degrees west .11; perebei t [unlace at gag 'staid lane 2i b-10 Ip4ie pluiieLdt Oettinning, corti.a.i!hingi fib and 1 ti; part:hes. , Exe I.ta l ng !aid . .livr4 ~.i 6, ..th,ir,..c,-,,,, i l ti' ii, * • if., I‘, , ibure.• au t di:at:6oo lot 1 squi:.ii ilri.. zi ntl.tit,:m: Itiell' es heel ii. WA' aiill iii , i .ciie ,iiiiii.l rpi u of . ••Lillu•il a i'?,ti.l 14 I „r ,t.;..i said. b , ,,riaiagu, i.. 4: ,N,:,s 1 aud]'tiL , ' la viug, au' aigtegitte t roil i S.re'et pl . 'it) i lettt laud:ex i....., , ,i;-,:;,•9 ~t, strei.t i'..! feet: Lta..NiiS i i,„ i.....,,1'. alia,iii i t" 'tart% 40 t:eet if ittpliiie:liiiß g, b. it' k tar: Nua.0,..,4, , 40 3 'r.. ' ,;ti .\iiiiii. iii Strilit euttii t.ii.3 which Luis a Irma of exttitiiiilt lm-pk Irotai Lir 1,,577,, 574 579, 580, ng ..atkipon street, I ' t 541 1n t 1„542 front— cb 40 by 41•40 test: ting W:Lzinegt i t. st:, fig Wa ] siti9guiu bt.. st • tag tistiingtolt st., , n I ' ' I eV,II 11 PlicA- - :int sireet t itu,ety) rtlect nlisl '-' 5 fq"i" , :: bac:, I 'li 611 1 4 2( ri t nn., I 'U 13 . 7 . . re b) :lei on tlflt l' I',h 103 t 0; I I a u:l l tilig iii n black ill .Fl{l, l tt iglu <1:1 ,‘ •,.,', I Lt Ml® IL I; oti said, I? I g ginnin ?tract, t ost, t ii po to ilreon ' u '#r. hathe .iii,,•.qe of i'le.t., by 120 kept. g in the angie. of .1 ..8 . 1byt100 fret, y• 1 1 1 .7 , 4 'O, ,t except 4i, < - )01 .arid I Post ( -I, each 50 ft e I eons tI 1 t he plaq , 50.3 (0'01506 front- ud 21 P. feet i 1 1 78, ME 609.T0, 511 an d and !Atilt each t t , feet. -• , being Pa!rl street and extend- escribeo , 'about 140 by 130 b .- the lib 1 mon street, east itde.o l l l by River, street degrees e .li is a •two story 11t-loe Nd, , • . . 1 9 lot of 4:1 .1, . , I t,i, t145 - :adjoining tbrendi to d 170, being a fri. aid lane I hby Pinney street, butalbi ti d soutd add west o erected , 1 iit dl 0 ti of '10,! bounded tof lan • t by equnectiout Iftw oll aitl '.1•1 _Plunoy 'street, 't 4 POSt,' to 194 linclusive, klinds N, as has titbit j a m d ',, t i pende by D. 81 riliarquis,l • erches t. I L brick si.lii.ol house ~ id out-I: ed nerd , liy, ,. lene.) , li the lin Street l impdi south : 8-40 p ming 4 I 78. Ms , piece o I foretsaid, tollums f . oe thstat 1 , 195 7 reins t 1.; No 991 ..EA, then i • .st, then . ace of :lit I . relies. . 79. Ads. I the tow o e half of i z ; Begi .e corner I=t No 92 t•ence by 41 0 • pert ' . •':r,lo p ong said d place o • percbe piece or ss bound .I.tit on h .d rune ~ ong said r gbt augl iplic ron ,• 1 0 feet t ~- ore or 1 . elling tb 80- Al . sit -at ,piecs iiushlp,s I Howe, yii e tuargif IE 02, 103, 1.i4, 'us, 'eet, alai, bOu'ode/1 oy oin i •ptigat Ilia 4 'est., by kilt! s . of is 1 • . . I 'l . 'I 109 atol l lit), bouri-; Jaeason, east by burgh, Ft. Wayne I tit by land of J it, .ted a • lOrge brick I. igh, about 80 by water on•the;pre . of lots J lying,. be , being lots ' No s 1 L ' , • ' mein iv; being north find eaet by th street find West ; : 1 ,t , 144' feet Ifront on ne and extending L ' i II - ful 134:i each 48 nd 144 feet deep 1; d 19,,-3 , 132 and .treet a 4 14t i feet . 130 18 .j. la€,..jap. by hooey bilVeq th by Caere agirei, up. 1 ill 1 100 lyitigibeiweeW , !Sal 60feet loride mill ana•Jlwe ling , 1 , 1 ~ 9/ . &bill:4 50 by ', the. public ;road 1. - I I - • ;• Itt:Tet% lorq, tlie4O t. adjolui9 I dcsciitie It on De,. I .parallel t 4 -4 :feet in lentlh v, and also a 1 biinded an ailing- at a poi Cil oll ; ',1 . 0 :ft 0;11 . ...I . 4„ ; ). ;0; .1 / tel.( r e. ul at. :)I 1 - sr. ivy 6c n.e . t to ttf :1 sa . idmip. I Jar n. V 1 rgiina ,tre ..:41t!_• . e . ii . 1 .t.3 ':. , . &A, ...)., /I i .i . - .)9 ti inlili` iii: , /itiO.ti ;:l 40 k..et Its cyidti. 'NI ch in: bqieet . i.l ki" J eil•',rFuti erred: ii), all that cart tri loi•br !lin tester t0wn..44. 1 it tsp! e,iu a ded and desorioed a:i , pll9w 'a a• post on ' thetlin l e of '4l - .. , N, ece 88 degre E '3 f 11ie sl i e ce south 9 deg nos, E. 26 U r. theflim S 4t13 - .I “grees P 1 1,14 1 1. oeti I .SI 88 degt e 5 ,%.. 144 • i hp 1t 1 ...e of will Sesoi• a i l ra tine . of apid ti•a0tlll 1 1 4 • e of beginnl, ;contaiui g f t ) cl;ea. • . i thd•undivi e half o t 1 teln timeliest e" townah p of out-lotlNci 2, i and • o a follows ; visj lleginitr g L :Oriliiati.l lau ,iat the ni l o 1 up,l th ence by out-lot Nd t 41 p, - ! 4 rolies -tO a ialsq 1 98, 1 ;:i 29 de ees W 13 !II • Ileorge Hinds SI 61 deg* I.laldnti lane lid tbenob' 31 porches t t l'efaric:e of . 3 acres and sL;perckt.al 1 onejsmall fr L' l e dwouni ; thw. inidividti, on bill o situate in theltoWnsh p f .oiiiicled as , o 1 edrac.iiz 1 . I s la n d lan ,1 hence b y lo deg .E 39 7r i, 1 percnel I I - ut r lot ?it. 931 N '9 degl i eed % 1 corner o'f o Lit-1 tNo 9 1 - t south 91 degrees sweat 3" .f Island lane,- hence filo g . dies ito . the pl eof tieg n ad: 57 perobei. I 1 . 1• tbe undivide one-half o taint situate i Eochest r ingvart ;Di o t. lot lid 9,1 vii:-.ftegiduinn• tit a pditit'e • t from the ! ' N A corner or bl / teet, l thence dlonea Id -11. . I .‘ posti thence 1 5.- the!soul ' lii degrees E 32 7 11:1 ei u'. ' P 7 . N 29'slegrees E 44. ptrc. .... S til ileirees ly 33 perch . Inuint containing I!.a ire fall'th t - piecd l or lot of lsn, . . ship storesaill; being ithe out-lotl% 99, binituled i lis ing atla post Inn • Isla d . f out lot No .92,rt h enee „by . 61 degteei E 35jperehda nt lot No 190 iN2,9 degro a to a tiost;therido.B 'B.lti d • chess to a post!•lalaricl lap m :e I 6 J 6-11Ypet9lies o r the beginning. i tontztipingl la. exceptin thereont4ll, E. tof ground, sod to Th o m . d as foll i oars, iz : Delon nd lane, fronting on ;B a+ g in ' j ..so' ttswardlyt, , ane 200 Teet t a post. the theretn 10qfp t 'tnor4nr, T , let ,thence north anlly al4g , , 1 post, itheucc w l eatwisrdly to, place of b linnitig, I rf ton, *.o. -'-' 11, . „ I i e weir/Wed ' parcel of lane grits': bedud lieogiunitig at f Laceck's It, it yro-ie;velitb Id , situk . te. in i ed and, d se i a` posi ',a d,J sl,theitc iti chard street ea Otti 2: lil l tel a post at the ban lofil aft 'fialkirlyer soutlL6 I d r_ tit a s 3 calaise. the !le ' al i c-l'ek or assigns nortl 671 e l e* to the imhlie 'rot d. si t nit +.B sieges .t. XV. ,21 . °hes, flutd i's to inelulde cI beglunii. . emotion ng , loWer lirie to the water'' ; Itiver.l' ' . 4 . _ I I • Pl. Miro 'all dm c rtu , a ' • • lettuale in Moon town hip DEO, Hounded nhd desert; Ile i gineling at , a red o: .k: ei of the Ohio Igver, tb ace ' Bo46l courses there, f. ti ' '43lpetehes. dunce: II ril pe ohee, thelicie northi 64 eh a, thence north 68 de, • th, ace ;north, 18 - deweies 1 ip n th 64;:degrees east 94 degree's west 10 perires i ' thereci south, 79 degrees atone, thence north 12 de 'ci a',Eiturep, thence south I p erchest to. a Foal, thence 2fiperbfies to tt e Post,lthe wet l'4 perchesa oat to. gt4esserest lb p i robe" I to lili degrees west 214 Per i from thencoto' the Ooze o ing 30 acres more or! le. bounded north by theeloh ,lied OfJicob iVagon r., settle about 10 'acres iler• 1,150n,-E44., & &Axel 13. jng aboui • 64 perches , Fin `lllTer and, °melding I ba, .tdithe line' of Jacob wa g ", 834. , L 1 , . , 1 $2. Aleoi.alftlist carte of grodud'aituate ju. Moo on ;the ;southern bank of t ded and d4aZribed-as ,'foll it an eltn i tree on the sai thi,same'62 Perches olt lands of J ames Itickesta east tolthiihrew of th . n thel edge Pr brOW of the re to a poet,,, thence by laud to henry Fishier and Mar .degrees w e st to toe r4cei Seized and taken iex ert; • l i ot.liiiiria Gould.' 'x,e C. I ould 4 ll4leceosed„ t: u tc Siroesi'assignee of .01d - - turenaiers wit to eenuPen all amountijor sr Cl3t ed 113 1 141nd - All 'bid required in cash at the. Iti the , • conditions are not 'all f a we • , ;•tind stre l et-1111!t . )8 frln int I - 0 .93. .ft •.• mm011'61) - 1 , .614 • .1 . ,1 4 I 'aild.l6: ! , !bat pirt or A Wig hall. .4M feet OV, > ut 100,felt . ' '' • • - • - f [.a ESose h ata r g hinting 148. frciti - 156 . fron ~ stroet. 1 1 , .; - 149 front._ 1 . r Panter' 167 front. , ',,r Pantlt4r I,', 340; 341, nti ea h, Ysu~o; and ley 4,885: 281 • " each 48" a 144. feet , 828;229? , nting . enett' g back .144 ; 828.233,` ng 48 f4et k 144 feet! 8, 296 an .on 'street n .ing each 48 :trees ; . -Ints;aEl pOosesOiOn J-1 'rig on Kos.: 1 44 feet - ' , ,to' . tig so . illueli! now -in- I re , pro' ert4r Will be re-1-o'd , - 1 t , JOHNS I 8 iseivi'b.' Orrice Brit r '-keil- 12 -18 : 1 I REGISTE .I.. c i'lHrein.i's int, A reimiltrationr !(1 situate In, .r lot No 83 . 8, tit: Pe , , 'citersectiow co south 61,; Orthiterdli L p.ereliep' .o de k. .ning, cot? et measure Jot at the idtb along . aforesaid; thwestdioe Deer alley as follows, ne feet eel:4. a litt l e e, by a line' t bya line r lane, and beginning. and situate t-lots Nos 5 foOpit;.-, no, the,nte V dI per-.' terestward ies, thence Fox lone;, les to . the at 8 acres rosepang4l I I,eliTi e . bbiiia .4;90 .. 1 , : • office, •or.Beacer 11 , e.tnat the spine: i. ~ Hall i2(auit, to be • he, ,ay titbllJth of : MaYab I tiba and allawane l f;l•' le fie"llnac-atit.-(4.IPH I(Hiel astaienf•M is I . L .e •fin I.aCco inn o ~T.a. , tar. kit the estate o :06 e fiael eabount. or: •I 'otratrti of the..*asta, ta L. 1... 1• . •••• li.•I" .0 finaLatcount oil Ito : I tor bf the estate e,i' of e final .aceounte, (fa. 1 °jai l ti4tterralite,.. din I of •johnJ li4' ? ing r 41•1 I e , fintil:,dageoviii jot, : nia I Fratik, E;b ate ,ge frank : r dbc'd. le fiaal:aneoitat a • jol .r - Of .the estate of Sp. ie• Emil aeceunt of : Jo •r bf-the estate of Jos . 0 "final :ftacouat'a.:-J: %le aphey;. - Eieuu tiew !I. Jeth,L.y, ( e. e-.6ltterd out . euseei . . .f•Jclk!ph.o , -• Mae. )iai.ll me, decd le .U.C‘arddru:.cecoi, ..„ i.e.Taieli pt ma HIE mill dee, ist T Nis t me 1 Rig . : lies AJtofil ~,it 14'1/14 1 / 1 111.11 ul l) e/W ( : iu 4_ ti!e( dre' • I Fri•l l .l-)ek u I_7l fir.puu Hee,. Jel/11,11:11 1%1.6. Al . .. 41). I r M3l fret: A 50, ' PUB .. . _ LI .. S ILi l -be espo.ed t s .i. f . ,or tit-t -Q t .., tt... p ).:1V Ihe '.2tit ,ta3 If ot , in g; 4IP ..i•-ri net I 1111 ts tate! or I Ifrut c ter o ivs rye, - it eo'd,to wit: • ." .A fillert tract or patcel Aaii ver itirtit.itip Bet s 7di ut;utt' 100: ad nerea citi 1 r.litai s Harelia, am l'h s. . acre clearsi, arid .r..• bicl Fraintetnt t houses an a abov pre ,isesraie wei w ,'cons 'Went disiance of Lill . • '.Terros made kno , rn ' a t further intortuation• inquir 'Feb. 5, '62. , - JAIL • . li 4 7 ; 11 1 . 0ePTICLI , . It i lER.P, P§ Iii;01114 tide I :and b l w eautifiealina or a ni e settiof teeth ~ . yea should you . )e unfortu nits a se ter Mt t e gums or lit • teeth, yotbi beauty ~,dis.'tip Tbel welts oroxiore itipn time theixlcost. They , fir giin yoir Ifood • if that i the to-stabil, cannot digr i dige tion allows. ! -.The gc .. ' / 8.1 liitSSER': 11' / r will, , make you a ver mei eethilon Coralite 'plat Gumtned Teeth, $, me. [teeth; $25; comm 4 $8 l Ail i. w'ork warrantl 4)6. ; Wa ktn unship:as 06ounty.l . fte' rfthe 1 - pr•co of Co alite will be Electro Ilegnetic Galva, 'alleviation of pain` in ex - ' bffice—ttiolid v!ay; Net NF:S Ol t, 101 , writ, • 'St • I, 37 f et literveu . r ets i .treet nett 1 situate ty afore :viz; BO" 1• Reserve 'ohee to. a °perches .ertihne to erchee to t, thence miles to 22 serfs at tot i)f af,resao. aded at a, light 01 of Afc :' north GA by perches west. 40 ' ging yhe I • agianlag, , 11 !Well onse. ' ' all that '()cheater eginning orgeo a poet, 18 7-10 ence by, percher the same ing, 'con 1 - nil lot ownsbip !bounded n le;lond • t.lot No, lano bah" et 1 . hes to a, I.es to is to the 1 and 53 NEr I ,Vr S 4 AilElundergtetled.Wro A ;hie friendu'al dloro j. '• • J:111 S T 0 in the Rociso formerly Bothin, Third ' greet, Be l .sertikil... of new and 'de which will be found 4 ' D'R Y.'.G of every d sIIITARLE . i FOR HARD IFARA • 1 • • ' • - Bou t s 1 Q'UEF f NS WA : and, in fact everything class village store. 'l*irCrill and examine H ' ; HUGH .1 Beaver 1 tine :13, 1860. 1......._2,—.. -- i • i.: , - L-- ADMINI - STRA.Tort' i It HEREAS i letters testi kW Estate of 11..bert Cr of ' Hallow. tvitnahip; He 'ie'eri grantd to' the 31168 9 the i said t wnsllo, all pe r ilsaid estate e reqtresti o m insiit f aid t ose having lai , set* lliem properly as heal ',Tent. ' . ;J:A.IES • ORI 1 l'Ob..pth. l lBq.l6t. ~ .s tI l rept.2l perebe ' e be.Odo ' river, thence tes '*est id per. bee '9fc i Is ? t ifior AL: l''' Lrt: l l 1,1 gr.-ea:east' 20 peri noel AI? liii said road, 1 b pere:toe to pitice ere l i s and 2.10 iier:- lit the glean I on the 1 ,Age , 4: rite Ohio I 1--1, ~ .. 1 i tie c;.unty atore-'. I. 4 se Vllowt‘. vii'; bel st:tiiheto bons ,1 'the Pill:ne ;:by the a t 1 8 ) i i l e l: e de . g E ll ti t e l n it i4 s t -7,0 degrees eas t-85 -, egref.e eamt,,t ~8 per 4rs east 40 perehei, et 28 percbeicti4 nee , 1 - .erches,,theriee...l,B3l d 1 isliin to: a post, t 8 pe c i " rs• reedweet perclhshes to a ' 1 - 6 ' . 8 i., es 13/ degree west 40 1- l e r Outb 71 egress ty ee so,utb 2 degrees' (3, :1 pt e lt: ; , C o .e a p a nib t 6, 5 .a d n e d . , ,Post, tlitfice south 1 IBeginting,:contain-, LI The whole being I. Irtiier ;and South by lExceiging out - orthe itdor eold to S.' O. 'French.. the acme be-. --••- • . • Length - on Alt... Ohio bj , 1.1!.. 25 pOrcht;e or's land as atOrO; , ni other piece or lot )townehip afOresatcl, e Ohio ,ltiver, bouu nirs, vii; Beginning rfver, -thence tio'vro,l l • , black , ' oak, thence by` ,pouth 25 digrees t, li 1 , thenCe along ril l e shoat 52 perches which'wide allotted his ',wife north 225 f bemanhing Clllloll,of the'prop, utrial of. ,lai•cus he au :t, of :Samuel. tinaey. • ; er,. notice that per: Itic r eir hids will Oe re : uucihr $:)0 wiu .be e of tile axle. • If' complied with the ROB ftT§, ' NOTICE. d . futritviog will tal,.7c pre.4 - nted tp the at I.3a.ier, .oti Wed= A.!D 1 , 62 - fur 'coil- 'S est du tid Co •'' , F. .e I , '. • . ! n • ; rg, sop, Fie --- n -, i . ~ I ,rgua"fi:. deed ' 77 =' . Tb,tt • illirifer - t? tniire. is ' ' I • 4IPiP •P .4 Iti P C ?: ' lee 4 `PriJatlici3 !'l4l4-d: Noonan, !• . • It f Jr W a ll • , n _ ace, admit . S e iklm,re -- 1- ' I I Jand .:.(1" -d•- et:;trit p"2"a/)-et: 1. 1 , - , torc;f. 0 . ; 1r; deed; . ,e,e.:_,7i I ei•otli'ea• Frank I 1 4 Jo _ .. ~. :iril 1 -- _ the estit e t • . at: .... • I - • '- ' .nl - .slentz: Stieeter, d. icon IStre'i;rangen 4 S: s of the . estate of unr •,..t.uttVoi 3otr .0 f Nio•hi , lits ljtitter it'iC!ll.lll Lvrk:ualo. j. • t 1110. Al ul • 0 1 0 It INIBIE2 • LE., ,• „ Xi I r1 . 11 ' .. 6 . 23 tV.e"` ~te 'rcs 3earc'r (Nutt- oft lnu l sfintlte kn. -okinty;, containing This St' - I , Anc Reed, Icit4 re, 'ltbot: t 6: Arai er6lte,a two rri,Mo kWh.. , The tered, And' within &c. e o,v, of gale. Forof OR.RtiNCE; et et - tla! , .y r art that n•lorti r s woman a.) mach as tta • ; , ott rind en l ongit', to exhibit . de!kyea - siumps ot. nra tia nothing. • • anceLthan—twenty oat re's mill to 130(1 well ground , Co.aepuehtlyin . nY o co fo ENT ST: : ilaS". Jtist Becetved 'one 'of thel,al7- ' est Best - Selected •,, • . 1..570(...:K OF F.ALL .GOODS IVFR pnorGJIT-INTO . THIS COUNI'I m .E 4 fro the very fincst . Droo , cl cloths-smlS3t -insdoWn: to the - oparsiir qualities, kalich he i 4 letermined to sell TH,IN C . ll . E.ApEsr, • I • ~ • i F A }sc., n L.O:GE SELF:TION I.f . • ' H I, • - Itha't§iin;.ll k - .4)s wishingtopureha4e will do well to nll null examine his Stock.before 'buyirg elsewheii , ne t , sit,ot Qum e :I f i% ' I4 E S - Oolel• Il i yer ifinte .gum tts, anrieliee bie.e.. retailer .latiefiee iis titv t. tnntie in ofApril. 18G - 2; O.; her. , 1 flr iiseii nu liParnius for the ink teeth. - ' ignton,ill'n. A , - N PE ! I • .n s. goo rat FARIMIURTAIi TRC spec, hull' inform tronttthei 6e le • i • WING 1 ~,- :ted 0 Wilson a htli extenaiVe ni- . 4 , I gS , ods; among • I 0 ID. :S ;" .; Hari : • - : • • • Ts Agent' thewa eof nll .1 of Hu. b tnAry, .11 tyle A,Gi;LCIjLTURA - - Cleve and, Amongst Wiiieb, use Wood's lit ht t 1l suer, I Mower, iitibbaid's 1 captna .wio, &Witt Co's :tar (Jr ‘..ttlidiftli-ass Seed osver. Wells v ille, June. I till, .ISC, 1d r! er Ali ~ c n. LTI SFAgONIS 4 CERIES, hOes -1 I 4 . ~ y kept in a first- • A . I.L persons indented to t c estate.of Thes., CIL Wilson; E.sq.,:late of tp.. Tien vex- co., are requested to ,inske mediate payment, an tboie having gainst [aid estate will please . present - thou .to the subscriber properly antl•..,ntle.nte.l.for,eet-• :clement. WILSON', :Dec. 11. '„ ,lininiqtrator. and prices fV DERSOIII. Notia; nteutaryl on, the late ver county, have *heti, yielding in .ons 'indebted to ke initnedigte pay a will please pre ica.ted for settle- ESP!, Acini'r. AL.tt'w , r , tarr ; Eibker's v ke Grover & ~,, • L .t . '"..' , , . ... ..‘/ :.s . --!;* ' - 1:1r":"... 4 ,J.:S—S , ~a, yrif:"......1e t'' 4'l e • tiI4V i‘' . ,';'' 'I 4:L. .., - ,-,..., ..., ...--„!. r-- %, Iffl -. • , No : 18, fifth; , . VA 7 E offer to the publio. Grower• iv Tr .Svwing llachldes 'at reAtic4l *i . :ll increased confidence in 21. Kr rr best and most reliable Sewing 11ar1r Are, simple "in ,constrnetion, ?mire imieement and more thimble and le disarrangement than any other" ma, give fall instr Actions, to entille the : to see" :orditiAry . searns,„bent fett, ti• .quilt and embroider. all on' the samL and *anent them for three.yinrii Circular; containing--testimonials fmnile,4„, of die highest standing,- Etiet4in4 W t , ti „,„ pricaii. - cantaicOng ditectione'rSte Wirt i, 1 ,:;7 . . r. niebed gratis, on,-applieatiod rt•L „„ letter. CITA TON E IV IC B. Sewing Machines, Needles, ton always 01.1 hand-. 6Q - An actiie?local Agent rantc , Sept. I 2 1860. - , __ 4_ r , ..„4„„,„„,,,,,,,.., . -4-.. . : 4 Let .:;.• "!-: ;=z - 1 , ! . 6 1 --,14 i , i' !: -: t..",f,t.kg • -.-: : -: _ . . I ale 11'61Y. 4Peil.l'ing in t li c„:lt' Thousand ,--Al ill fa , n I. i I e V oe'dl i; 1 J 4 I', b.' • . a . - w )). auie It tt tierer .fail t) 'Tel- ,1 ,-- sialtaneous rettef, when gii.en - iu. tile ~ fi ~, asiT by . rnagic,...anitoae trial al, „- r, you -that.;whnt we 514 ita true. • 'lt eiolici%. - .N 0 i i . 4 REG °RIG'. OR •O'l 1T J” • of eikyo id yl, nail - therefore relieces 7,v n-eio.ori lie,sitiTrri z,frB of yOUr cltild, instj.t 1 i,:f by ' cid;.'. ning . s 'its' nsibiliti . ek • For tilis_re?rT, it , e 1,.• I • mtndl its, if as the only?, taJ e.p p: ra.,or..al '/' // 're. ''. f . knoivit for CIIII.Dttr,N TNETHINO; I :A.Pltil,tll.:," DTSIKNTAIVY. 'SHIPING IN Ti:.ll 1;),s"-(.1ii...\1.11::,,.:•'. - )F• THE STO3IACII. IND, I'p • .'i I 7 - .N:r: li r.tkat.4.-. ~,. t.;ROTIP, nisi), for 51 , 171,75 , ' fil,' -;,' 41 . . :1.;?.,,,, ,fiamation. rerria lir; , 16-1,,,,, r ' .., ,,,,, i 4 ,, , ,,,, ~ , 7 - ' i ,' -it Ada no equal --i.eid , * ar. ,- : , :, • r • , 0 1 • /,. •'; • . - ; with unfailing ...iic;9'in al ea 2 , ,, 0" . t , ,.004 vili -; •SitiN c;it. ciTIIED Fil4 ' A. 5 v.,/ ~,T i.,e'r,/,;; - I ,'' . ~,,, ., , •, .! • ''1.:.. , he a th, of your Cl,ll!,ren, and Irr.! . :, t , , , ~ .. ,i,. , ,, fronz , lLave S ., tri and '.,'..t, z ,h a 2/7 t' /xi i; . 71; ~, tire :crrtvia h) rekull fro at Ore iTtil r•r , :' , ' , / . ".f . 1 ( e l • ?A iih all tither' rrra-dicsforrlnge,, ti l, rj 0 ;,,,,, , , vr. L .i. are ropposed Take ,i(Pif tin! Dp, E.11 . 4N:2, 1,, , ,,,, 'TILE CORDIAL, t.i - is , yon .can rely itpiu.; it - J . . ,perfectly ivirtniegs. 'and canuot ii.jura the matt delicate iabilit. Price, 2 eentsz. - Fun , lin.O. .. tin _accoutpartY each bc,tre. l l'revirei -.ilaFi . by: 1.: '•• CIitT.RCII k 1)171):aV.-1 . • I ~ - 1 4 ;o. 41)9 tfroaLlwAy. Now litrir I. 4g. ri.!. --•.*tr .1 Healthy human [11,344 up_on tieing A ;V A L 1"'b' !)': i t irWyi, presents 119 fly ,fl:94` rment9;:mrl gives, of rovse theTorc t)aA An:426 the Blood of .pPr.s,n.F.llF,;',cinz''S 1:1% Consumption. Lii•er Set oful i, k„e atol icr fin lit over-' certaiu d.-fieioneio., in tl,e !!'" ' F t ti -e w.• 11 Tae F. 44) •; e 'hem', ELI ,%.- e. pkr ,j, 5,-*.f...tlett-t 61 the Itic+o r:! , ./tl7'er, ifv:iteolz I.; ,i 1,1711 e." rl.l ;roll) prat. 13'1"..:1/!ti N 1 1:11V01 . 3 No 1, tvra P.' , - ':; 41:11 •,) 'that ‘"tit:: :t,TF.P.I N, V E. :.: . `" ?AL:. 1; tt , syt:••rt:Lo . rs, 5. In all ti:'! ;I strictly foll,yred. r. 'For full,direc,tirm,o,see cirettl.irii,, per bptile • _ by CIIUCII a DUPO I N T; Iltrup.tist; Maiden Lane, .75..y.:nrid . by all rer..-pcte.,hll, liruggVsis . tbraughf+itt rbe-e'ount - ry.; -For '2a1,3.1.9 1 Dr... O. CUNNlNfill'ANl,.:e;trer " • ' " ' A - TAINS 4e*- Benterilher the plaoi., of the "814 Beaver; Apgust.29, ..181* JAMES'STE --t- . ANIINISTAATO.R' O (DISTRICT - ATT c OfEee in the Court Ho I ni€ INaill II ~., MEM 1 &. " 4 T . 4 thy, let. .hine. W,L pureh , l4- r ek. Rube toachiol r. 40 ie .;\gi-, I ; ~y: ':~I ` f~ C • KM ME =I SEE 'AO - Sti t ; 1 w 10 ICE ART, 1 4 6, 11 12. 1 1 the Im ilemeiits w • • • I bard's , Sisll:;r in Drill, j , v,!!1,1 or NO fIC E. t EMI I . . A W.' I . , ~ r t i f i.e. ) Jan: 21 . );_ t'::. i ' ll=