The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, February 26, 1862, Image 3

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    . , I'
1 - - • -
RECR'SITS reosivedfor the jlOth Rogir:eat
Pante& 110eile Corps .- Col. lil'Calmont. or
soy other:Pales Regiment non in the set%ice,
Lieut. E. P. STEWART.
• Recruiting Officer.
.Patiliori Hotel, Rochester.
• Feb/ 2 6 tb I
1 7 - #oxez.eLatia ,
DEPARTIfENT. anat.r the
ofi Meats ,"tracsit - I Pirtteot., will
be opflie!cl 111AVIIR.'ACADE .IY. ht the
'C eta seneetaenttr of the Sammie! Term, 'lancet
15th 4~r !Li, 'benefit of Teschets find forthciee
who tioli qualify thenotelres for the pro
tean() . For iurtinulare eddrial
_ ' 1 S.MERCER,
lit;.l ' 1 72. - Denver,' Pm
I ----
Notice to Contr_
E. PROPOSALS wili be ree'elve.l by
'O. tba! tioaersrgued, Secretary of tie Board
r( Sehsioll Directors f So - utlil Beaver tp , at
bib r'etiiienee in said towaelaip,, until Saturday.
Iltr4h Stli, 1862, for, building a Frhvol Rouge
.n t`61,11 , town - Alp. Siz.e, 23 t.v J) feet,. 16
ivoi.,eloyc - - .
' PlAbi• sevifiLetions, etc., tail be seen by
51 711 . 5 1 in' I to .`.l,e uudereired. 1 . .
Sec: R y r :B U dt :' ; D W lr A e T ct T e . i4.
•,oti, •,tter tp., _ Feb.- 2f 5 ,l'f.-2. • , -
i_ r _ ).....- 1 1 ...7 ::...'_ : .... 1 ....
1 - , /list ot - Letters • '
1 , ~ L - •
. - 0 01.isEcti in the i:citit they fit l:Debes-
JLL tl - T,I ir,V. 38;11, '131.; 1: , , • :
1 . 4, . '.
.•..V.itAl.r.l 1)r ft 6 Jordon L , .
iN•licoin AJ • Ntadriniell -
1'..i:',.,i 4 E • .11.'esndless '.I
I;:il,rtie 1 VZ., - .4rry B, • .1 S - Mullet 3 -
bil.6iNot , J - - .V.Master A D' •
eiai-1; S ; ' - 3,l!Dowell 11
ehirld irm 11` '; - Osborne E B ,
Pdy bi.Y,,, 2 Reed XE 2 '
Eli!.4 :El Reeins G• 2 .
Fi t di 1 i i - S A P.- Read E . - .'
( 4.1,111 2L ' _ - Reed I
I; : irdkerlE -. 'l aw
. .
•I;;Lrane R ...'. Snyder I.? . - • '
,(+--1ta1.. - e lf. Smith A G -
lln.i.i.lW II II Shephard S A
- IlLrit•i• LI T .. - 2- , i rlionip;i,n T W
1,,11;1.•••ki•t• IZ - ev J•• IViiite G 11 - -
1 •1 1 • ! • 1
I&•:ercp•auns calling for letters iri the'eb . ove
Lill' Oc-a...-e :ay they- are ach-eitised.
' - J i - J S SfIEPLER, P. \L
1 I
List of Letters
INING in t 1 e. Post. office Le Bea-
Pa, "Feb. 15th,
:NLeClure Mrs .M
011-hitina Nibinek
°Mott 11 iii ' •
i - Mre M A I_Tlnstenti S
.-11c;.rs (ff . White
erjous cxiiiuq for,letters. in the above
please ini3; they are aJrcr , ise 1..
• M. .1. ANunasus, r. •
1;j1h1.1 1
Ji/ 1 111 1 -1/ :
1 1 `
.l Uel
1 ' r
List of Lettep
Wining in the 1 3 60. tlico ew
Feb. 155th, ';62.
Simer.,J 2 •
tStewart H W
; Sliallc ; nlie-c , e'r
.:itewart S \i Miss
Th9nip . stni
Thompsmi 5 T
I:THW.ea , I E Miss
- IThistend 1. Miss
\Vale W
Wet'iler A
' l'Srig!r . A '
''.Ari! , ll S ..
I :',art.ll-ton .1.,)
iii:s[. I Mrt;
rus I :,1: Mr"
_.( 'arpetiter I l ' IA
tyriptwiLJ 31
(I;abe W 1 4 : 31.1...,
• '.--
11 - 01p0v T ..,
ilastii;gs. 1; . 3
' -- )ai.ikinl A. -
...ii . .ctinyry J :
1 az4:if W 7 -. :
c, r elrini• L. J
INfrer.s.,:f -
al `.. F B
vain' r _ anity
) brati er E ItrB Youngt;
i' '
le- ersons Wittig fig letters ih the tib; l tte
tit‘t wil l please eay they are ntivertised.
4 -- - . . J. ,C. BOYLE, P. M'
Thu folldwing nained persons have
their petittrs ther - ,*Ottiett of the
t.lerkEof the Co rt° of Quart er'&fisions.
jot' Peace fok Beaver. County for
Ilitensle at Mardi-Sessions,
'or Taverns. -
Joltu . pruebrino• • Big Beaver Tp
~)lar,,laretE At7l.(e4i - • Bridgewater
tit.Orf4e Proudley . T Bridgewater -
-Pya is Blount 'New (Brighton . ,
CIF liceareher •
Ditvid HamiltonGhtsgow
StiruPson Bearer_
~ I leay'er •
_~~Alant Johnston Rochester
.14h111 . 1) MeKall Georgeton ,
Michael HANew Sewicley Tp
I,• ' * ,
liquors' in ;quantities 'not less
data One quart goods' wares and
Jleeeliarolize . • ;
John'S lifeliey • Bridgewater
Shafri.r: -.• Phillipsburg
Mary - Alexander .Rochester
George Vim Berk. '
~Big Beaver Tp
Edward IfKin • .N'esv Brighton •
Paris &C Marks.L Darlington Boro
;;Beaver. Feb. 14, 1862. . •
reccr. ft: Commifsion Muchant,
Also Dealei• in
AND pltopuce . GENERALLY.
Ommoit_e the Monougaliels. Haase, ,
1 . :3900'1T HOTTS - M
t R D.: 7 3fARKER, .IRor'n •
- t
1 N. /richt Bt4 & Duqueshe Tray,
,! 'llse -Sc‘tt Rouse' is one of the largest and
11/.li, fin &rigid Hotels in tl e Iron City. and nei-
Iner pains nor expense will be spared to 'main
lain its well:earned reputation, 1 Its location,
c 1 . ,
ta , vtLicat-t4.--tliet Bridges and Railcond stations,
i i . p L:ially commends" it to the traveling public.
`--=-- —
1 " ' : Mq - d r i t lC.M.
, A ILL PERSONS knowtng themselves iiitlelite
t al to the 1.
sub S dribei by Note or Book' Ac
unit, will please call at the 'I REASUIt,ER'S
ttiFtlCE, in Bearer", and settle before ihe first
* :' l2 ,7t of March, 15(32, as all book accounts tot
4Psitiset previous to ittiat date will do left with
',Cas!pr:...,.,:r Officer for collection. 1 '
.- , [ . G. C BELADZEIA" . ...
f., I .
r 1
--'' : ."' B}llFsbNil i r d o --- ! - 'lutxxig. - 1 - - - i!
.--_,t ' I . i
Ir.a' .4
•- Y sirttai oftonntiel wirst,s.of Pier' :leit.l;
- . Lined FOitni e nar I- viemnioni.t zpowa is.
Acted out of . the CSitrt of eoiamOn Pleas of Bis.,; 1
ier;Connty, and'. !kens illrectid. will 'he lik!
- Posed to Public Sole, at the Bherirs office in
Beaver, on - - .... ' ' ' . i', ,r 1
I .
Friday, Martibith l 1862, : : . . 1
, . •
At I 0 o'clock In the Forett3on.r , j :-1 i
All the Tight,' title. interest; and elaini of de
fendant, of .)n. and to the 10 1° 1 '0g de i' crib "
lot of groond, situate in'lnduetry,' Beaver, CO.,
Pa„ being lot No 80 in thb general plea ktf 'lots
r ot said borough, bouniedland dereribed l ak foil
; lows, to wit : on the eastiby hit.. 1 40 40,' on the
south by Canton street, .nn the west by illuron
I strcet,.ott the notth by °tangle wort, being 50
I feet by 182 - :feat in length and 'breadth ; on
`which' ere erectst one fnhne ilwelling hbuse 18
by 82 feet in len gth and), hrtiadtb,.:Onel antl!a
; half start-we high.. and .on Trims, Itt4ble: Belt
; edl -- and taken in execotban a l s the proPerti. 'et
Frineis:W. balker , at this . s nit 'of Janies Car
l eon. 1 t • ' 'I l '
N 2y. AlO5O-
O. '
; . .
' ' I
At the same time warier* all the r 2ht, 'll-
tie, interest and claim of defendant, of,. in and
to the folloWing destribefl lots or ground Sit
.; nate in Industry,''Beacer county,' being lots
; No 38 and 84, bounded is f011ows„ tol wit.' No
188 bounded on the east by" of No. 84j.0n the
ton th by Centre alley. ob.tbe west bY, Wabash
street. on the north by; Orange street. No.
34, bounded on the, north by public., road,
least by-Jobn I.lichaels, t roith by alley, !and'
west•by street The. ;$ ore( lots .beir4 (10 by
150" leet Is length and breadth, both' being' un
der fence- tzeized and ;taken. in execution as.
1 the prbperty, of Jicoh`i Bays Intl the snit of J 1
Geo C ?peyeyer for tie.of. 'NI ''S 0..0 yl -‘, 1 .1
N°. ,3. `--. -. ' . ALSO.. ! •' • -'' .'
~,1 t f ! 1
Y. ' At 'the aunts time nl4'planc.l all 'the right;l
title, intert st:aud" chtiat'of d i efendimif, inland; ; .
.! to all that certain' fartn"4o. tract of IMO situate ;
1 in the township of N.„.p dervielaly. l ' county of
ji3t.saver'and tiltnte bf , . enneylvallii, hounded ; I
lon the north. by. land: cif. Jordan M, , -Nyeri
. ,, '
!and : Joseph "Boren, on- the' east hy_ land of 1
; linten,,'on the south by.,'.lthitß ff illenj keno ;
litrl John Wiley: , and 'Mr tlie :wlet by laid of
1 Foster and Jenkins, cod tam ing labont one bun
1 A _A and ' ' -"". le' ■
ors7u ttenty acre .% 'More , or ~ teas." about
sCrenty-tive• of which l'aii;Cleer''esl and' under,
I fence, and on which irb cieeted,iMe ,log honed!
add log. stable, and _ sinne. fruit treee on the
l'premises and good water. I - Seised - anti 'taken
tin est-cation As the prOpetlfy.OfOhn I
1 the suit or INillittm BOA for Id Ofj Janie's - 111
;Nlceru-tri., in tract for anituah7 'u311,, now for
uie L I J a d epp 1.1..1Y51a ht. -1.-‘ k.. , ;.,"' '. ' ' -.
" .- N 0...1 ' - , -'..111 ,SO, I' -'"i 1 :. .. i
At the enTe floe acid Once,. all the right, ti
; tie interest tind clail'n of tlerendfultl B ! of, in mid 1
. to. the unciiviileg thre.,•!•tenths Of' the follotring 1
tract 'Of land, situate ic; Pulal,l I towilehip, '
; Beaver eotInt ; ;;; 1 a., bns, in d!Jascribed 401
followa, to<vvitt On Ind ItoN''.th Y., Iflnd -of' Fl-. 11
wood Thomas. oh - the a l tdlOf Jane and
• I
—: (rant , e r n the south 17 1 1 nijof .. Itobert
'Wallace, ant Von the West :by lan .1 1 o; etbe anti
-:-.- Clintnliou: the wpoltraet ,cOt'to iz. Ling 140 . 1
- ,creis more or lees, about dOliOrtsti . . of : which
...ore clenecd.ntui utpler r fen; du • which ;are e
rt cted one log house, ;onto log) tam,. sod 4 ut / '
i building,e; tan tenths ?of
f le alt , nre, dets,:rl;oed ;
pretni:!.es beingithc property of villiamllfon. - c
; sod one-tenth the propeily oi l iingli Aioore.
:Seized awl trili rn in execution el the pl•operi.v
, of o Hug h and William Huure, dt, the suit ot .
; Alafthew Irwin. 1 ' i .
• , ..s:,), 5 - r , 4-1, - .L30„ 1 1 i
Al. .the ri g htitice, iintei, est 1 n .I claim of de , - .
foude: - .t. sf, in-and to tfie folli l kiiAg described r
, 1 ./
ptOpertt,i, sroutte do T ridgewater, ne,tver coon
ty, l'eunsylrania, InWlnded els follinea; 'On the
north by Eli. ect,.eastl by; Malrket street, finial'
by lot of S. .i.'. Dar r lge, and icei.t,by.alley,
on which to' erected true ;two I - i coach shoj;
ni.per ...,tory used f.-71 a B x
all! a4td intdber of
tenements- used for itaurt sho s ,I Seised and
taken in `eiect.tiou' . 4e the r D eity 0 1 . Hugh
litatherktt at 'the e d it cif 3.' efis3 enver
A.eatlemy 1 I•I - •
o. 6. 1
At thd ERIMC. tinte.'atall . plac's. a 1 l ior right , ,Ii"
(ye. interebt and claim orriere'ral,tnt, pt , fAtanct . to
t hr foilon lug I leeeribi tuts ofigid It,
und, t.t.g‘te;ln
o...,borel.tgli of , Newt ptight,n) illpnvet , cotillY
b e ie g tic.„ 477,! of 1 - 479. bountle,:'
anti described .r., follows. to wit! 44d'477 bound
ed Ott the n o rth by illarinooy .4tr*.ret,. ee4t,by
I ro,.t .., , outt, by hit NO 473 ; and West by
31a,in rieeut; Nu 47 , 1ry boxinde...,l on the north by
No 477,, 'east by Front street, Bluth bY!No 479 -
nun West b i y ;Nlnixf eir , ..ict:: Na• , 179 i bounded on
the north by I o 475, east hr part oil lot No
47), south by la N
street—on which sire erected a
brisk dwelling 1:1011P, nen firth
ea stork
huildiug u.ed ass 'hulking lb
etahle, Ant house,. rind "ether
- The ehi)ire. , bote Kell impreei
Kith WWla'nJ ornailiertal ,tr
talisn in executiou propJ l
I'dendenhall at the shit!of lklai
survives 31nrous 4'00.41
tanbv C. !less. I
No. T.
- At cite saw• timaienci
title, interest and claim of el
and to the following deeoribed lots of ground,
eituate in the Borough of 1340gewatot, Bea
ver county, Pectea,l being lois : Nos.!! 41 t , 42'
I and 43 ; each lot being! 50 Ceelt Wide, lby 'l5O,
feet long, all under feire, an hotinded and
I described, as follow ,, to wit 41 On the north
ty as alley,on the oast* Market strut*. 80utti
Iby Canal, street, aul *est by Cherry Bey, on
I which is erected in. j large 'two atoiy, brick
1 dwellieg house ; wlO lbasement kitchen-end
I cellar, a portico inlfrant anti porchlhash, a
!large number of' •frUit I and shade tress,' and
shrubbery on the - hit, also plenty of '"water.--
•AIECI,'AII those other! three Ilots of( grohud,
I theses as above, bounded' one, the north by
! -- alley. east ,bir , ebony, I al!ey, loud', by
; Conaletreet; and West!by Barley alley, being
I Nos. 58, and 69, and 60, with let 50 fast ,scitio
lby 150 feet long, all under, fence, Ow which is
I crechtl one large two etary 'heck Brewery, '
150. feet wide and 76 feet lo g; !With ioctl• ; cel-''
'ler, and all the 1 .
necessary :tures ,e, an,' Ale
ble ion the Name
I let. Also, all thss'e other three lotsl,_ .situate I
as above, being ;ote 81, 82 anti 811,1htt
ouded I
ton the north by uaithiallely, I east iby Barley I
00,v, south by , canaketreet,' ' andl' west by
Mulberry street, the earn* siseAd the above
lees, and all underlfetiee, en ,which ie erected I
ono brick dwelling hmiseiwithi cellar "finder- I
neath. Also, all those of erl'three kits Situate !
as above, being Nee.. 55, 56 nail 571 bounded ‘ l
on the north by-Canal stroe , %Mot b y Cherry
alleyoloutt - bY Pis alley,"-and ;West' by Bar
ley Alley, all tinder finctil no orchard of ,fruit
trees on the pretn;es. Also No: 744 .in the
same plan of lots, n-1 same eize, bhunded on ,
the north by Canal street, .east , bil.Nol 73, !
south by Pine alley,' ant welt byl Mulberry
street,' the above lot !uudr .Ifence. 1 Also, all
• those other three lots; being NO3. 70. 76 and
i 77, bounded on the north by Canal street,
east by Mulberry inreet„.iouth ,by Pine alley,
laud west by plarihn Street, all 'under ftince.—'
lAlso, all those Otime three , lots, situate as
above, and same filet: botinded" on
,the 'north
I by Canal street, east! by Clarion street, "'south
by . Pine alley, [awl west by hichoryalloy,
all under - fence: Al4o, a thoss ether 'three.
lots, being Nos. 7,-.03 ad { B'd,-bounded on •
the north by .Narth! all y,, 1 4,14 liy 'Clarion
~street, south' by Canal treet, and went by
tHickory alley, uhdet fete. ,Seize ii aril ta
ken ins e x ecution I aal the Priperty!' t.f Joseph
Vera, at the suit of "George W. Hamilton and
John Allison, Adininiatratura et John 11' Shan. .
nOn, deed. Il{, t il . 1 -
'NO- 8. : ALSO, r :1 .
, .y i it the tame tint. land place. all the - right'
tale, interest an 4 ciaim et defenchult, of, in,
, and to the following described lotl.of ground
. situate in the villa ge of Van Port, In Borough
township, Beater oohnt t ybeing - lot! No. :I 3, in
Nees' Oh of lode hi se village, hounded and
described as tfirawsl: Ony the north by Bea
ver street or State road,' on tite'tsit brWaiti
i ington street, oM tbi south 14_ arave 1 alley,
1 and on the westi?y [lot Ni•l 2: in.the plan of
lots:alereatid, said lot a temiing l'oo feet on
feat -on
VI. 41,141:1en o!reet,l by 53 'feet Isn !Sewer
i -
stet , n; lam which! is Tree el cue intim building.
• I •-
_ i, - i - ,-
etteittoi - *7 • altostarlinti
ho,ure. fronttf at oi3•l3eari
-elt•Wsl . kPfc-e• L - 40, f
!r, rei is • arta -
1 rooting on -Washingt
' eatenditqr backforty fe
having two, Tubule on lr
one and a half ;stories L
' in . esecutioh: suf the p
rat the suit of Stewart. 1
N0..0. ; ' , . . AL
I At the came time an 4
tie. intereit l and claim 9
Ito the fohOwingiots of.
borough. o Rochester, :1
bounded o the north -
eastiby- lo . of, Lewis
aoutb by olio and Jtkli`
by tot ow e'd by
by 125. fe`nt.depp; and
I are erected' three frau
,two iota brink &rid
i linch frorting. on Ada
back 12,5 feet, and o
en each 1.. t of one a
ialso a we il ilf , water of
other lot qf ground Bitia l ;
conaty,bcirinded on the!
east by Ovid-Pinuey; a
Land west' by Near Yori
In the plani of the lota
c•l'm* t.,,,—,_
iltil'eet - triit hy about 50 deep, mort or less,
i i
Oil which I:girt:toted one diem frame stere•house
1.16 by :30 fie, in lengiq and breadth odd two
stories high. ; Seised nud';taken in execution as
the prof:Tell of 'Phil gtetzel at the suit:of 0.
:e. Speyeeer, en.] ale , 1 1at: thW :suit of ~Iyihrou,
lil'Blroy & Co. '. 11: 1,
N., lit .:
mute, 1 ALSO
At , the ace '
mute time a n d plac,•: all the right,.
title intrust and iclitiiU of diefeodants !of, in
I and to She &Bowing :Measuage of tenement
and trac of land, ..tsitit4te in (now) the town.
Flop of luditstry, county of Beaver and State
lOf Penn vivrinin ; boil tlld tin] deshri d is
I fo!lotts Beginning it tint month of .1r If Min .
r.where tre Elllll9 deb° G hee into the Olio riverl
lat, or -Boar the villa -of Liddustry„, i saidl
tiil l
1 totenß•hiP ofludustry fnail.riituting the ce upl
said Wolf,Run by an 111Oup the line f lend
owned (formerly) by W. Henry north 53 de f
grees west 2 . 4 perch s r , riorth',"2B degre s eadtl,
17 pore es, moth 47 de.iree .•:West : I u ' erci. , .s
,_ • , -t , deg '
N 89 'tl.g
,e• 8 perctr.loorto 4 • l ' rat /71
j ::
perche nor h 16 egrees ;west; 8 ' j erches :
north t i fi'degrees wept ',so perches, narth,BB
• ilegreesl west 9 pe7les, north_ 581 degrees,
west 118 : Perches. isouth 77/1 degrees tweet.perched, north 761 degrees west 17 8.10 persh;
I Cf, and . ' ni:rtb 31 Je /roes weld 7 peroh4 t to. i•
red oak . ; (On the pi 3,' now a stump:). thence
Iby: rico] :n along the la 6of Jacob Ross formetJ,
le Williay/ince) e uth :33 :degreeswilt 46.
• 7-10 perches to a it Cko'ry , :thence' a dug' the
I li tic df land 'Alpo ing to Joint yft c e south
651 'd e grees enet 6: perches to:uu iir tree;
, thetiop along the .1 'lntl of land fort erly of
Joins "nape; now ' !Junes S Welke, south
65 degrees west,to :he h ue of land o ned, hy
IV:!Illam Cairns.; tthence by and al '•rig the
lin*, clthe'Prild IVITI 10141'114 ,south 84 1 degreee
I ( r thereolio d) o the centre of Coat i
street,: arilkiti • out s in the plan of I r.lll3try: I,
I thence along said Coal strew north ?
1 1. 57 I.l l egilzes eait to Canton street ;
1 'de': i
then .e ti long but ...trhou stre t south
3'2 degrees east 4 to its jmoath ;; thence
:don the lint of Jacob ` Ro s (now' • : I ? • 1
,‘-lain lel Gortal v). south* 20 degrees
l east 14;S-10 pe ekes or therea outs to
1- [
the Old° rive .
• r and I thence inp ttto
6 31".4 •iver Ilion •• the, imargin. I thertgop
north 51 degre 4; east 1 1,0 the lace of.ll
1 IC 4. . /.. ' 4A I
beg:loving ; et ta.ttit,g v, itl in t 4,1
lintitsl i a;l *Ale It
,8 101 f `the said town or •
Tillage ,of in41.14T,1 lying , etwepn,i
the :1 - aid Ca.t.ton, I
s recd and %‘ ulf Ruty,
and txtewling• to he river, .nd eto
t a i l ,i, I t; 111 all :1 it iou9 nineteen ne •e. 4
of b ti , •e t . ptatne ow. e l,i,
C ' .l L. 41 f " 1 or '
',excepting at.d .I•esi•rvitig here ut, ll ;
and the'refrotn; I tieve:qhele?MS. one 1 ot; 1
otle hundred 1 f et lit le l ogth u 0,8,,,,,:,];
, , ,
tv t.6et hi bruit au: on tv,h;!:11 i it• erect; f
eti a brick -
eliu :hi an 1 ai . F..) 40t1 of
nd on'whit r li "s c reetet: B • fra r tlia 1
0111'01 1 .w, ti t le •ize of thellot 1.0.1;
li !,
wu ;on w lel sal pretni. ill; above i
filled are tadtedioue 1i ti `fief UV
;till 41 s; .trieg nigh, at I l steb.nt • 11
. t the °t i nily; mil 11 h Ong` lor l ;i w•;,?d a d Sixty- feet 10 1g; 411. th 1
1 1;:ngine :;:i b{ oiler and po ,•t•i? iptit- i
i n run t i . t' / 117 TO/ ald : .iN i
die I/ 4,41 . 11: I re nill 11:6 .' ,, i wo.
of Frettelt i burn 'and OH trej
. 1 I . . .
. ittlti all o,ller. nisce s b•m3 -
t. ;.
aud rti &Lures l i or ni t. i-o, l d-,11
mill and ''gottring i n": 11 1
i •
1 crlcr. 4lso, a l those!
IL 'ln
ing '
t•v 111
.reat by slain
large h yo-story
'Rhea, with kiteb
i kole. story brick
uuse, ono trnine
rid I and, planted
Nes. Seined and
iiity of flarri'aon
trini Gonid, who
ifor tho'i use of
I ,
I Fait
1 lid
1 -
tikes. pa :ees: 04 iOl. t)
Cyltio . qti Feinr fituatet. In
la;_p',: 04 llndastry l , equqty
aforeznlid, being lots os. 42,
44 i'n . ,41,6-plattiefotsi 3F of said
and eomPrisidn• J tthhtl ll?'lock of
eluded - INVithi Cants*. street
sti4-ef and G , pe - anv tlentr,
on irli l ich are:.:re'eteni , one Ira
lin* '
,House ndl ful nr Stf
hotie ibeing a ont ' i ll , N feet . in
feet deep, and, t'. o f Sories It
two-story kiieL : attache
thtiee lots are. enclosed( witl
board)fenee: - 'Sp!zed !and take,
eeu tion as th . properti , of
Told land Fi; u 'WI. Walkf
suit of Wiliiiti
all th
of, in,
uel I)Une4n,
au( 7tesiamet
decl'd. . •
No.' II ,i(").
At the s:ini ,4, and pla/e, all
right.l title, i tercet:A:n(l' clai of
fur dant'of, i c li add to j theofoll wing
scribed Piee rj i par , eel of I d sit i
1 )
. ,
Raccoon t w ship, t3eav caul
~, ;hounded n dOitribed :, fell'
it : t 'Onr h east by la: d of
KennedY add Richard Calh
the mouttra nd west by la dof j
Kennedy* on they north y lai
vid .Ewin,s contai ning i alyout c
eslmore le s ; on which are ere
ile two-stori• frame dwell n . g: ti
; by, 18 feetlinj len' th an bre:
th i kitchu hack , one fi
10E) 14 feet!, :tititire, one fill
feet' @qua? ~ one ratite we
§ll'of goon water at the dl
land taken inlexeCution a
ty ofJohn Calhoun - at thi
kowenfeld re. 1
to. 12. '. I.ALSO,
lAt! the tie it time and pl ce, m
gbt, title, iit B rest and cl I'm n
ndent of, i, and to the fo town!
'-ground sttuute in: the oroug
raFer, Beaver county, Pa , heir
d.3:.;' bounded and. descri ed 'a
wa, to wi t: 'On the nor h- by
ti reet,k
_on . thi ll east y i 11,
"l e stiyy so br g i b o Y .
418: eY ill a t abo o l r
wing three hundred feet i leo
one Uundee
~, b
twenty feo., to ge, ailt
ilpiturider ne. Baited and taken i
the property lof sii+d
er DOnhurn at the suit efiliugh lik
r Berson, i
II -M — rPurc aseiv will tak notice ib 1
I(4lecen ~ ton ill amou is o then
[ , ' •
1 tido - [will 1 e
,egnired in , band.
f i A,.1
tit i
tid.f ‘luder fiftly-d4llan, w 11 be re )ai
Xlll i . i , 1 ,
I 1 ' 1 ; - i
14 ...... 1 .. / „.
1..,g.A1 ri -...-.~, 0.,..ra
er rt r. 2o feet, l ; nd
I v. r°ik ' W ae hingtrn
, i .
And, direlling howl.,
tut 'Wrest 14 feet hud
t,Aid dwelling bo4 es
W I_ dem% and being
gliW 'Seised andl,taken
l y of. B. H. Ncllton,
a nwfdy Is duff.
1 'CI
"plabe, all the right. ti
of i defendeist of, in`Bad
1 ground ;situate 'i the
:tsiev, er county, Pe n'a,
r , tAdam;street. on the
. I fitetzel, and .on the
1 T ompsnu.' and iwest
i r i ' l, . tl b d e e i a f 80 feet 'front
e Tw n elliWh e o e e:e n s " .• I th e
ato three equal parts
i a Street, And running,
e ' framn,dwelling hoses
d; sme-tialf stories c high
a Muldla i l lot. Ale one
';•n in Rechester, dcaver
(north by 'Thomas Hays,
iokah by; Tho.ans Rays,
Istieet..being numbered
`laid tuwn,being about
tiing r ltaia
ap the.
us firtin ,
JO ;0'
• !
7 ,
? t
exp 6
sail: I
I f .
71:o 0
prl, I
1.41 t
id real
1 0 1111 ,i '.16 a r g litaf i ll ti" . °6t io 6i ti t t erilr o j ei ra ersa(na e u Tt r ili g 'i b ,
ii t K
I' I
6 , 1 1 :e.
11 . CI
6 b 'e l lb 4561"
: e ir 1841dl i t i l" all
ii e th:: t ei de ll 1 l' h ilbil: ro ti.l f tt t .iliPi r r enib i l7 Itn i a:it t liti
o th - It e wi era vi s pa ba r P t s ic r u e a l r e l l
Alt ese parte of
it io
St 49 lyitkg betiveen t
it an iltilcitgo lit.ilrOo
t i I I
'r , enc of acid pale '0
id b, ind tztending tru
to Erni river.
1.. All lam piece of gro
N 4..417.i-113A 440, be
le ry YhDo is. emit byi I
et d uti IV. Hi Marshall,
.0 d.• I t
_ 1
440, - 40, lying bet
to I A r i e l :l l : h re a 1:1 ' l''
a s
f r o t re ° s r a l :
t . i t - 8
th Al th t part of tot
; 40 vid 41, iiingh
I nd I‘l.ll "'street ,•1
ib.. Lot 2t . . ( iob betwe
e lisuipsit ie street, b
ch Lot N . 603 and
,b w cyb il i a ll oip ti d eN t e . t r . e 6 s s t 3 re f e r t o a n h l.
1- tti 'Nes. i 69, 470 at tl
H ushshive s •eet;dsch /It
,:' th. L t Nio. 468, Front
t eet, 50 by 210 feet. I
iOh. °throb. 518 ani
e a street, e ch 19 by d •
1, .. I h. :Imt ~No. 320, fro
4 b 190 Net. • ,
t. /
II 'l2 Iv Lot '.3 . 329 fr o .1
3 b 150 fe t.' I
/' 1; th. 'The ontlivided-1. '
loci, oel trees. 40 fe
tb. The undivided))
Intl 684 flouting 11
10 feet,l I , , t i '
th. ! Lot Nov. ' 817 a, t
t, 40 b 1 11 10 feet I.'
ti. 11.0 Nos. 623 at
.tee t. I I ,,
tb. Lot Nos.ripB, 4.;
el it
Sri all yi, , 1
th. Lot Nos. 524,5
Eri all yor l'ublie
.tr l e
t t 6h , 3. " a Aa s t., ;ll : 6c2 o ki li 1 . o e
f y 4 °l a llo o nt
;,ri hton 41 eel, on wtt
for wetgbin Hay,,,tc
oth.l,Lo s Nos. 557,
e ereonileireet, 50 by
' let.ltet:s Nos. 1;60, .
36 , 567 a '1 ,568, fro '
one 5 0
by 110 feet.
" od 'I Lot Nos 575
58 ,!.582R 1 d 581, „fro ,
l i
"stir-5d by 110 feet. ~
'ro ' fl a C ti o . ia l L I.Z ti N eu ° t street
2 4 th. 11
g i : y th: so l, :e t e N t. o. 334,1 :
43 1 2 1 h t
; 5 . 1 l t t h :1 6 • .1 ;L I 0 1 e .
N I : '4 O : 034:8: fi t
o . :y : 1_ 5 1, 1
t i
. fithi, No, 253, f
' 0 ti 148 eet.
- 01• V 143 eet.
.1 th. It eNo. ttifi, b
'l i d:G o: e l Green a l l i, l N ey o . s. ' 5l 4
'4oth.' L t No. 516 ft
I nvO i liing et wenii, 'M.
'F.rle alte3; ;
ant e . 1 "."et, 1 , elicit CO tee -and - .
to Gre.' ft,ileY-: ',_,.
2a ; :;,1,,,Q 1..) 7h corn ring l oil
IR °lli 3slint: streets, ;by 121.
3.1 j Lo No. 41: 1 1, yiug, 63
stteet I 53 - on Pie, ..tat etre"
' oR Franklin alley;
F I j3ith. Ltit No 484 f b othig o
14 feet add extending , :tc: , : to
am3sth itt. Fo. 86 lying in th
id stip& ind vtrrets 70 by 1
r;!li: Lit,No. 80 sing MI
lleighioll,And Hind sit ets, 50
' 1.37 th. 1 th 3 Nos - 492 493 at
the eugle fl o,rigocint nd Nell
3gth J. to Nos - 437 498, 45
1032 frimti: g Pleasant street, e
427 'which 4 CO feet I . ot- -• '
I , / Dtli• ij is Nos, 563 ,564,i5
1 1
lugl'inne it street, ea h. 50 fee
I '4oth. L to NIA. 607 568, 56:
61 aron ci g Pleasant nem, e a
41st. 144 fronting irir st et
jo beick Itp 11RTliSOR 4 reet;,l ab l u
feet, bounddd tough b Harris..
64 !oi l 0;.1,4u1ia Cohn, south' b
1 ,
sod wesl, l y alley, on which is
• fettinelsno . i
1 42d; L I T to• Nos. 162, 65,,04,
)114,)166, 167, 168,.1 Sanil 16
fligUlar 1) Oa. bentide north It
«twit by 14 w• York 'tar et and 61:1
by ibrigi4 n street. . 'I. :
143 d. 4 ttiangular ~loek , of
north' by Adams etre r; sett .
Sttreet and south and est by
embracing 15 lots fro 181 to
(hceilit v., much of lo 191 as ,
4/1111. 16 , ) 114041444 Ili (61 1)
YU wh.pli s created a wall bri
44dt, I tNo 179. ,outided
I's rest. e t byConne.tiout .5t
n,nd est y itrightOn street •
• 7.,ti.ho ts Nos. ;1 1. •102,
I.' I d 10o,I" "ch 40 bY• 110 fel.
dortb by Alublio road, esst ib
ihuth 14, , 'e'er street and *es
&IR. Jac n. 1 ':
46th. 1 °to Nos 107 103;10
d d northby mad of 4 , , it Ja
borough, iuo, south b. Vitlnbil
and 1 1 .:61 o railroad no groat
It Jackd o ' on - Iwinch is !Brown
dWelling house two' s . ries bit
40 feet,' lso a good ell 4f Tel
[ Mimi. I I • • ' '
1. 1 ,47 h I A triangols.
tereen' Case mid ——
218,?1 I'4 il5l 116 ac
I I 48th: is Nos 11
l i e
6 trian gular t
Case .at et, sonth,b
by lend Lit Bilis Pow
490; ILot No 126,
'Pinney street or Pie •
back 144 feet to an.
50th. ILott Noi 1
feet, Ruda ott Indio
to an alCy. • ~. I
4 1
frist. Lots Nes 12:4
135; eat h 48 test fr n
I deep to au alloy. 1
1, '5211 A., block of 1 1 t
/411'ant 141. loan t
east by Kentucky ,r
Mid we , tby laud .1
53d.. iLots Nos 98 1
Patti Oriel end liu 1
onftski4b, tire erect d
r,lihi lots Nos i ,
11!:4I , ,
,1 sire each, 1,),1ir
1 lii
iII .
i ili, ' -
i ii
i i nd
i do
r de
i nto,.,
pit Yi
4 riot,
a 1
I [ '
Bing l a
Olive cox,
4(1 )
J4l hy
r, 18t
N. 8.!
946;447 "
• t
oirgb, ft: .
:g 48 feet ,
paTti of
by 19wi .
cif; south
iit" by ilia
rE' 1.,.
4137; irB.
41' -mg d t
lots 4e.
in the as
1 1.
bei .1,
Isms at
r ) ttud
I .
NAp Oat
Nor 431
tOoro st
Rome a,
g on Ado
; 437; 488,
[h I bald rail.
I . . .
street awl
ST 140 feet. ;
sg betareen
t ley. \
071, f
b 163
I g tiew
:log Ad-
ng Was
I t I
egton,St., .
k 0 . li fronl l ,-
/ ilgos. ;632
FI - '
eet, ench 50
of lot
aun at t
ni S1;10113
1 - .
ilte 8ri14 1 . : , I
.1 , . r , ,
51 front ;
r 7rf„,„,, r .,
of Nos.
ntd it
west by
tic 4. scales
I ll' •
Ips, 1 rrotiting
163, 561, 6',
erson street,
tt3. b} 9, 680 j j
,itioti eitrec4
1 • i ' ...' .-1
nd 64,2 froatl
1 Y,l.l.)feAt•
I -I
. 620 r
9, 630 a
F ' I
5, 026 a
1 [ •
1 ed north
19k ]5 e
IDIUp% 1
1 10 feet
'6l. LW,
e' J
u tft,nto,
• ,
6 .ng A
10+ 541
each 40
.uting 0,
ii4gtoo :st.,
:ehipiton et:;
rid n i g . ri
oabington. st ,
inbiogton st..
" -
iniantlet c en,
Is btreet aij
eween 1
• p
Sonti . ne Pleas
stending bac
Pleasant an
feet lee Ilin.
t, 165 fee
." hind etrei'
teen:. ,
of Plea'
'0 feet. •
I the LAPSie
1,70 feet.
e,19 , 1:
not alre.:ts.
1 - 600, 601 sri
ch 60 ft oxcep
;5a4 ; 566 frau
, .
610, (41 4w
1 04 t b r 13 !
1, etor
. .tri
PiLiiey btree
tb , Wed
, .
13taj bounde
.y, Conneadou
cictey sires ,
1 194 inolutve :l
440 bteti boiti
k iblitoot Inkqise ,
urthl by Vitale
-et oind , flow
108, 104, 10 ;
.ond lkougdoti
borough lin ,I,
.bylond of .1
! an.l; 110; bOut.
keen, enetY
l ill; ;Ft. 1 1 Vay e
Iby land"'of J 4
I i
. a. large brick'
!h, !about 30 ihy
et' iin the prey ..
,• .1. =,,, .
plots ,!ying bn
bedig loin i , ltln
nclnnivei being
rih:and , ealt, by
iltrent and Rest
block of
I - '
• d II r.
i• to 14
wailed n
L !Leung
1 -11, '-
being I !
tberrhan ,
I Iley,
13:3 sr
strtst au
4 feet •front.
And , exteadi
d .134; each
feet trip
i ; r
lel 132
feet th;dl44 f
1/328, 1
los. 1
• 4 *a •
lune •
i sad :1
• rood,
fitly •
1.6 . 137 i 18E4.1..
, ',y P inney eta -
: by .Cane str
oh 61) het w
And dwell u.
jibe .r
• rand
ANL ' UrAtlll
end e t iol4,l/
tirater. 1
it::o6.: .. E 0) : 1 i]
I frotkditg foci'
inuitittig back'
!. 68. The nn
AO feet on K
200 t4t. • •
57tb. - : The
his 5Q feet's(
68th !;,)tAt
feet 4 Biro
BFatittY' I -,
50th, Tint
lyint i t hetts
ssi,l lets sal
Johirtf!n. ea
Kostaith sir
to Feld Joh
80i1t. 'LA,
dwrilliii4 hoe':
loffal. '3,:•
60lies on IK
bout,2 oo lid'
r Drilled halt 'of
:senthr street,
1 I
Undivided; hall of kit Nir*lt
s'itivek street. t ',. 1
Nini 91 mid ti .f : froutttmen't
street, Oil wh ic h is au 4. td
1 !, ,
1 3,c
part of lots . os 60 1 ,-61 an
Kosiutb' ntr• It nail 31. l j
to 4 ,•i'd u.inr; o en pit ti
,hp Mr
4 pnits of hit neidg 4i . a.:
t and extend • k aliou 1 C
totes line. • ' , t ,
No 64 (retain' 48 feet otkli
' Nos 44, 45, 6, stud 47 1 .
on Kossuth s reet. 1 i •
N 05.148,1144. 147 'arid d 48.
;feet on Kostat street. j
' rihislsl,ls2, 155 and 5,6
ut 48 feet on Kossutli 401
Nile' 142. l f• , 146 andll4l;
• feet 4:in Piun y :tree ok i V
4feei deep ta an alley 'I • 1
• Nor 150. ill' ,'lfil an;l 161
fre . tiou Pinny etree, t er
fee deep. ' : 1 .
s Nu 130,33 , 338, 309.! a
.4:20, 274 a id 275 fro nth
iiiiieY street r Panther' la
:telt 144 feet t ' Ilyr . ort ale
s Not 3:304331 32.333:83;r:3
8, 277 and .2 6 frnutiu
1 atrelt anti ex entling;b• ok
I €ll T r 1'; • '
is Nois 324, 32', 326. d 2 • a
5, 1 ,204, 1:83 a d' 82, fr nti
Hull iitret an iii extendi g
tot alley I 1 - .
, 3,01 H, 319, 320, 821, p 22,
90; . 289 and , 2. eti
88 fring
street and e 'tendingiback.
!ley.; . ) ' ' i
,ta iNda 304;,,8 2,180 N ,'.
g.eaa'n.,4B leer on' -Jaciino r
lug' back 144.1 feet to Amin
•ts Nes 158 'and 'l6l frit tin'
r tber Lane; tl PinneY 'st
hacklll4 feet to Canto n
d reekrring a mueb or .i
.olds Co nuil,is now in th p . •
aney lot Thor. , a flayei ..:.
is Null 159 an 160.fre in,
t.anit'• extendi g. back- 14
ey', excepting and iisew .
ans bht heeti, old twee I
sinn tif Thome.; flays:
o'all that certaltilot oft t.ij
foressicL beintpart o out
ulanclAelicri aas fo w
I the NI N 'en • ei,_ at i in
nit, with Pox iine,,ilinn is .
Fox lane 831 erches, lii i mi .
t 69 rierklik ~ thence
parallel with ox .lane 83
ant; ;thence al tig Deerlane
chea 10-t pl co of b in
i ~.."
2 scree e d 5 perchea it tri •
ing anti - ' set ing a small
'.t corner ere f 46 teet irt
parallel Di oz. laue 1 '
li feet in le gth long tits o' i n
I , awl also, a I t itlfoin ng
i t l, nonrated. al d deeeti .
oning'• at aport on Pt e in
N E corner a criesitid4l, ell
to Fez Jane I:to feet, th tic
i to Deer limo tin feer,qloll
to FoX, lane I* :.1 . feet-I4 Jae
y Deer lane t the rleke of
I 'oletterfaiii lot or parcel f; I
1 e,foresaid,'be ng parls Ile
0, hiluniled a ti describ .i.
r inmag et,'lt pat -on Fo 1
of; m lterio ' GI clegrii i t
he ipi•ougliii ;thence i t
i said lioroug line 29,1 ' ki
1. deg'rees wen 150 'perch a t
long said lan 24 049 • e '
t beginning, c ntaining itb
• perches..., E oeptingr /1
t and therefromall, the all
. iteanrined 4 ur, drake ea
, oribed ad tai (Mien au 111'
t•or pl .n Of • usiwps • i e
in said boron b, viz:N . a -
having an ag 6 egate Iron
f 250 feet told xteuilii , glurt
25 feet; tartsns 7, 12, IS,
Truutilig, 40 le t each MI '.SI
.ending baokhcrefroiu 12
15. 114 34, 8 , 85. ril6 ; in (
idOb street. ea h4li ' felt ex
i It Ikas a trout f ;but 34' ; t
itig back from said fit.',l2::?
1 g on Virginias treet 4EI test
.k 125 feel; le Not 42,;r 1 43
60,'54, bri eh 59, being '1
th from .)lad '}'uu l street Ito,
ch 49 feet in or ditto() liald's
I :which is 89 le t 'Out Altniiso
: ou Jefferson trMA. 1 11 11
Also, all tholes rtain letiof land sltuate" l .
, beater towns ir, in ;pie c • unty efore-! 1
r °untied anil de cribedatil'ol i as, ; tris'; Belli
gat a post o the line': of Tito lteserve i
thence N ; 88 d greet B 11 3 perchea to awl
ti f
hence south 9 tlegreck: 8 . 3 . 26 0-10 perches
81, 1 theuce 8..4pi degriei tig 4 perches to
. thence 3;48 egteetll,til I 2 I );err a es to`?
on the line of the Keioe tract, I ;l ll t 4 n•' 4 s 1
the lino of sal tract-Bt l- 9 perches 'to 1
roe of begin :ng, con ' i 221 4 cre's I
•1 perches:l ! iih • • • • 'Z.
Also, the 'nod sided hell r f that. lot or ,
i t ,:atii in ;.too enter towns ip atrkes ; iC•
ar t „rt orai-lot NO 92; 'Mal bounded and
i , d as t;,•ll , ows via : Begin ing nt p ,post
hue of i s i t od lane, it he uouth Of - tle:
. .t,Run, tlieuc • hi' ou -i'it, 's. 86 north 01
t'east 41 p •rc 'ea !ro in 4,4
'a to' islaud'la e PI, zbel4e by
No 93 N' 9 egrces ,11 , l' 1 5 *relies.
of George; lila 141 S GI e 1 tees ' went
(ii li
i 'cid t e• ea along ' abe I
no 131 peiche tO the,pl b. of beginning r
ing 3 :tires a a 154 pe h 3, Cu Whio I
led tam snail frame det l dwe ll ne; him.. 3, 1, .1 !I.
Also the undivided on Ii If ufl all thiti
/And situate the Warn' hr of Unoirster
d, bounded f oll in', s 3 4 ' . B g illl4l /
I v
oat on lelisul e, the e y latl t
N6l deg(l3 8 71-10 p . ea, to a i pose, 1
•by out-lot No 93N 2914 •
"'sea tlfirlltl7l(/1
a X 0 corner o ottt-loi . lo ..19, theniel by
ut-luS'ariuth I 3 degrees we t 35 ' pOrtm" ; :s
'tulle of Island ens, thinine long thneant)d
U p e r ebe.4 ; to t'e plaili e gluniu coal
.- 4 and 67 Pe . , bee. i' r • .; ' I I
* Also, the nut. traded en -h if of t at lot
eof lantlintn 1: 4 3 in , eh stir t usbip
aid, being par ot nui l' t . o 99, bounded
,n ? ,
lows, xis: I Deg' riiiiirr Jirt int ~..°6 Island ,
latent from th N t i l bet, 11 of out lot No;
1;e 1
4 7-10 t4et, belie el n said la ,nll 6 1 1
es to a post, toe ty, ;ti r7olltik ii.j!f of
i99.N 61 deg es; E, 2 d 0 perClMiz;to a
thence N 29 degrees ; E GI- percloYittto m
thence . 8 01 degrees W . 3 ( be',
of beginning, contaiiiin nare. and fie'
011,. 1 ,-, ;) i • L
, i , - I ,
ADM, all the pieceorlot f land: a tante
e :township afor 14, ;ti,b - -Nitbe,-
, .
'etteet. •
eseltl'bp fee
logy To:41140
log 634
0.4.11 t.
is iitioittt.' 4
4i Ott i t
log Oho/it
14ite onlo
I I 6 6 th. Lot
270; 271 i :
48,,rett, tett" i
E 7tll. La
280 1 278, '
feeiou lI
to yrou
1. 0
45 tett on
feet -t6,81.1
s street
end 1
lot of
'et a
to 112
18 8-
' to:ia"
I or pi
as to
J • 7
_ Jr). Fond, ,lOni
lair of out-let !v 9 ..hiilno
Beginning at '*post on 11
oruer or out let No 92, -the;
o 92 N tit "tlegleei.l3 'Palk
c tiy nit. lot Is o 100 N lil.: I
1 2
perches to 'a l oel, then . :
10 pin:lite 16 a pest ott al
;sitid;utnil6 -10 ptec . , is
ace,of begionl g.-con 'l.
rebee,---exce ling the a
t i
or lot or gr ntl . soldio.
bounded as f 116 mi; ii :
ou lilandlien ,-fronthi' 0 ,
running l in st. sod
sail lane ' 2 tent to' , p.
angle there WO teat:. 'o
le Wad i then° naiibie 1
feet.tO a Post, thence; tet
oor less to p lac e ofbig ts.
ling thereon, c.
• . - I , l[l
1. Also the 'un ividedl tw o 1
p i ece or. pare t; of landlisi.
chip 'oforosoilpl. Ils o tanled - a •
al, vie: 11e7inn ug at ' p i
imorgin. at Locoik's ltus , t
6 th6
• I ,
to p
0 sod
'r , 4
I 200
thr •
! a.
rdilrt t soul
41-io;lsir -t . no
ttp . 43i;lri'er 'e!,l
. 0 1 .' 1 VaYr 4 i.
mockor 4
lohita.l9,t &vela
filorth i bili legre
i-'ef . • c
lobed: 141 11Ct
lower !i e to t
River.' 1 1 ).
_nl . ,;' ~1 11o,' an I
'eituaste i . 14 MO;
emitt. l bopitole4,l,
Peg - fatal/ 1 g tar, i
of the Olio Rh
tvveral c'uars!es
43 .pi:lti '''t , s,
i ni
per4t,it.s the m
•is Ili nett
I 'thence e nth! 4
'Dort!? .641 1 :iegr•
tiegrees eel i
therice sotto
jetorte, tlienie
o as eturp, th
24' perae* to
ra a rip:4o,f
sti; ° Andi a' ir
I 41'
'kith iitree •
i Of
I • tu,l
lot ICo Oft fro
nd xu4rabif
li 50
kart x)f
V al lam
•et oti
Iront- •1 -
1• ' i
l i
1 , I
t front
) 0, 341,1
t F each;
c, awl
fteb 4s,
D 44 feet'
—.lse evirr,
aest t 4:pereb sto a post, tbestee stluitt h 5 de t P9n t)tri r".
*". b .
s nu. Ant: - lour Ws. sue t-n P01...110F or woi FAL
gees weal 1b per;eltes to -it tit tht net south i They traced sse Es.) us o mute a 1. , ...41 41.41 , I VI , qii'SOO:
(if ide greeA ittt:4l4 per hes t 6 . a post at ‘,/ ' Elie had 1,,,. ••••k JO pleh.e te s far ottltins.; Bleat'
from tht,n , e th
,-, .
„, • , . i . AIX lolse'slootorra gressy exp. i..., List got no hetitir.lna
el pla...e e bet to In tont tin•
• I 4 • • Melt Oronien , ed taktneyone rill, u haat touts oureeltist,,r
loo' "0 ier . T L • i
e 0 4 ... el , tore, or Its . he whole heiog ;by expellust , 1.. 'u, gutustitto of icons- idsusi; tilint leti•
bountlesf inert / by the tnu, ilittek• nOdeottt Is it . ) ,), br i .l . • i Th i t l t . :. ' riti'''."."' tired . liar "' 1 " 1. tn. " chlkifin
his of, .te,,b Wagoner. 'Exoepliu4 out of lt,e ' ° ' n'n 3 ' i n r :"'• 11 " . '''" nr "AsOO?" "'lit t.' 844 ' 1,1 ).,
1 nit trite s.ti ert lain e ith two .1u...... ot sour l4lla. "slut*
.„ I s s ,
same, bout it) a _ ch ' s 4 / 1 111 '"Ior.i Port to S . 11 q °there armful Ls paid non MC pt Vekili3 FltAltlet 43404 . 3 *
I FISF n , 13eq ,6L butpq is. iteti l eh (hi, 6 ,h,e b O . : Flit. and len nitss , ls Oust ttwitt tam/. ,finKt otwy
lug 4t) ut t.,4,, par }
g i b
, t , , siren l'hon.l :Inch nis oshoine ass yonn., which 1.,ac;a4 3 ,
‘. l
De Via') 1 good. nuti 114144,4 airs tut prtretl hen, , I
ltt.tvtr s till ells Ithug ba • ab ut t°c' . . I,t tells i I , 01.0 .1. CiltlFFltl..
t'• ' ' tLie 11 4 6 Of • Inetob It agol.eetr .and its afore- ~ Indigestion and Inlianity of _the 104tod. '
list.! , ' 1 ' , I - I .h . err Rer47. I iliots, Aida,' sir Adroit' Cita eh, attisn.l
81. Also, Isil tint ecraclu other piece or lot , Da. Attn: I hate iseod peer l'iliss with warsertiloarii
of ground situate iu Stout& towtn.hip - ateresuid, ~`
fy j:; e ' i t7 t. ,,: t l,, 4 ; 7 Y .i. te r ' „ l,, m g , r , il7 !„, n t n ,. 4 tl " ,, m' on,t "g y t , h s °E st e e l ,te . s sn' t a' isa ll . ttit- t it
oh tltelOutheru hauk , of he Ohio ttliti•r lIUUL. I, LI Ii y a IL, t...ry fast reme d y I LIMO CM
I F , , n ' 1
dell 1101 close ibe.l as , fo/ owl+, " 14 i DePhnin ; known, str 1 - can confidently reeenunend thee' lo any
at au eltu•tr Butt the en t•iver, thetiOe &M g t/ ' 1 61.'86. W.,ort l er -c l ri' 4.' "' V. 2411131 ..... eicliss io black', oak, thence 13 , i Da ta, tt •lam t ' i v tr ; n or C C6. I - s N r . ts V c " Vil -t. --'----.
Ihtitin ~11. J.OLOOS. fliickerstt ff ;tto ' ut.h 125 - '../4 1 , ttee .and Cal thou A u n n el.celk r ut " p t ur ' ,t ' a . the t i e ' j eUrse t P to
cast 1 the Grow of the la ei hill, t [ l i mn!
~1 ,, n , c- system an d purify the frentedrot of tow ht.V. 1 1
the edge ur brow of.the Jam. shun{ &• f i ''
11 JOHN G., 51: 1A (
" 11.14i,tt.
thclici, by
witli:l , 3 ills P a e a r .. e . ll . e .., s; Erysipe" las, Scrofula, Hine:. Frit, Center
/ , I
to ilttirS Fisher and Sla y *d * , nr,r,`':,".. 11 Turnorss raid Stilt Itltettm. l i
deg'eid %tett 14)1 ice Face of beginning'wire .") a
F'le‘riali Xn.''antilf
. Du. ATYA: )ostr rills ore the paragon of ill ilsat in
'4tlill.ll aln /; '
~ tig
~ en l a e ecau , a at the prop. Irma hi medkiee. They woe eared pay little earittbtei
err) id .littria, 11031141,, la utri of hltircits T. 1 c i oLtiez.:l
tQ s , sres noon her hands nud tett that 144 .
C. iltalti, l deceased. Rif the itu it of Samuel IS ninictea 'ln,. th,r leol her bait Leen lung moron
with blistche. analiluipls* on her shia;sua n
i a, assignee of ,t..llvitii Petit/Ely 1
If toe her hair.] After our chlisl wit curd. the how tt*d ytor
_t , I - Pills. and they have cored bor. - ASA 3101ital4iKit j
W .l,7u f °hss ers will tke notice th at 10 per pb utuatibm !V uratgia, and GO? t. ~,
l eu j o ir t e.u op i o n u li n a l i l l : . to , out? 13 G . thei r bids -twill b.- re. P. oxi Pie. Dr. Rut,h4e. 0. U. 2/ /bah i EjaliChtsreN.
All bl i 'llll t I'lllZ/0 will be 1 ", Win n 1t.4
, 'N I
requirtd to
loam(' "at the time, pr rte. sat e. , Li 11 NnA.l. , : I 'lOllO4 onsttful or the rti
these coil4ktions taro tie i ntnn , 1 . ,
~• akin heal ttennvht ititrif I aid not report tor ant to 3
p its mith • the 1 , A ail ...till ain my 'hosts anti lrts_sast cis ratrostat
pr pt Mill be 1e suit! , " --- 1 isassis i,
tr 1... i.. stneft enth.i in t.h.eti:c altitita
. '. I _ ',-Nnt ith-tntrdiutcl hid the bk , ,t of thysactnne. mi. di -
' - ,ito ii . i: [tc Graff. . . P, 'Ale rep. nil wore,. ostill,ks. the ells i , r of :ii.,ttr ezcGt
, ; 1 I 1 i lint Wilt in ittsitlinote," lir. niciteuzie. I tries) yourril .
, 1 1 1 1 The to'ect... w.. le .low, but .air.' lii IVISIACtIif in
I .. - •
1 8, 219,
ig eitai
ack, 144
23. Ta'
01 feet
144 tee
1296 Ail lc
each 4 11'
et, ap4
lett• • ex
lotsl as
,K 4
feet. zo
so due):
i in
Hituato in
lot No ,83
viz: tle
' erseetion
Uth wad,-
ouch di
i uElliFF . lll.lrefice, 1
ileweer, Feb, i; /SU.. j
•i • '
011 P -7-
, " •f"
- eirt9e of an' or
L--kllll74 #'t .... Conit • of ' , Beaver ci
~. P,e", ..., 11 .t s lle 1)); public vend
'' '' "7g t cOUttr 7, fip,USE, - iiitl'.:
iing, con- I •1 ! • ~..,T
t i , ' l . • 1 ... /
t megma k, . rii crt er rz . rh r J
lot at the ;at 1 •iiteloc r m . all ,
tltil along ; t eni ettnt of aciliu t 1....
; gtilor 1.; aver, co it
li ir je re st 6 . l ll d le ' : :t u e us rbild. county :of 1
cer alley , i 9, 1 1102. 13, iand 1 . 4', :
. 4 I ' o / 10 4 4 . or plan "scroulbanying
,0 136 fiterNitten of said real estat a line i ! ''of !lie. cutity'uf 'eave
by witiro j Tt.val;:lt366 : -.-- • '
e 11,7.11. line 1 .No 11 Fartu situat.
latie.- . 11'1! about one' l nyill'e Cron) It
egiuntl i g.l and 161: p9cher dronn
od 81(4.11 0 1 Of Thoeone Stokr!r.
t-lots Noe tSr 11411 . S hei r s)' to uni b
s follows, • an'tl west tip land ; of
ue, obelloo i acre's. Feart4audlo a
V l'ili t ' i ter- . 01 , 41,1 his eireted r.. 11,1
0 !
ivrentw td . 7..'.lprensises,well watered i
:e.s, thence Ni No 4 i'.l l Par tof out
b',ox / 3 ,0e). 1 , 47, in ti..ii - ,:;(it of, out
1104 tcl."!he I:of Bear 4 being .in
' ol.'li. aurae I bounded tiorrh by- the
reservlug l ! rleicrib L e.trenst by tI,
trios now ''Skivelely. laud %vett y,
tuutibtirld 1 eGiaal.:}iuo. 17 acres it , l
' moofool on I ,sed, a6ottt ona-ilitlf ti,
, udivisi)in" Ni.. h. The uritlirli,
, 2. 3.:4, 5 l 'i n No', .Irlp;ortlie
on. Virg,iunt r e d pii Ott . north by !. p
It fro'ru . iaid b i
!. - to dostry,lwest by
21. :1.2.: 63 ;^B.)uthl,l]..: east , by th
rime street N. 1,. The :testi:
' feet; lots I,i)1:1)1,, y of in-lots of the
I 63 ' tOntilig ,'1.40,11 beuse
,y n
, houded
oft I°l ' -` o ' l stieettiot b.V.. 1 9l of
. t, aulftiacht 7 z___ alley, and
. West
ft.; lot Sfil al! 'elosett or which! at
11'14 vi‘teo° l ",l'story hr e.k :dwelling
1, 44, 4‘l, 47, ,f!hr•lenrt Ou Third si
26 feet each i'idep th 0 MA' publii
i i
. ./OP'etillt ot- l 'ond 'two liPs*ou th
reefs.except I the 'stiob •d /in - or,Tcel
roliee4 - sad:; ono fr i `u*stoble, a
. .
pre mite ~ 0..
NO I fl.'. Tile north
in the'p on: Of tbe.l)l
..1, l ot 5e.0.... „._
90 feet - y 183 fee.t, bod 14cd 611 thd north by i
lot of hy bt o ' C I pt C
W ....And:lt-son ,s -1 1 etrs. eat by. lot • vi. •
---_, so ih ...1 May and west .1 1
by Mar et, street, eilehlseO r odd on °hien ore. ,
erected n 'old logduel `Mg boUse Ind frame . 1 -
*bible. ' " h h 1. ~ • -.- , 1r
I -- N o , 1 . ,The undisill q,olielhalforlots 04. j
43 and ' 8 lathe bs,rdugh of Brldgewatey, boon , : 1
ded on benorth- by I,llii, east by lot of Fran
cis' SI tnirellS; south by iii .street, And west
by Alari i ret, street, oni wbilla are erected . one
good two;Story brick dr4llingliimso,With base
ment underneath, firsd i gdod kitchen attached,
• No 'l'2. Lot No. Bin tbe blliough of Bridge
notes . ' a l .fores id, boded luoitli. by Bridge at.,
east by 1; liar et et eetJ out)) by L-=-- alley,
and wet by ot ot, . WI. 1 erophill's heirs, on
,which Are erected one :trio double frame i
[ dwelling house; ti 66:pries high, also frame
fshoPt , tp• ' r i 1 - II
1 No. I,3.:Tke undivided, oils half; of lot N0..t.1
18, in Ilernphill's plan . 4 01 lots in the borough
of 13ridgeviater.
slot - et-aid bininded rrorib by
lot of John'W. Moo o, e 1 t 1 .'0; lot No - . —l—,
South- .bY VA of 11rs1 Stait , a-sst -by - Market 1
Oareet, onlwbichls 6reattrii one two-story frame ;
ildereUitg, house. I 1. :. 1-, .. ; • 1
I=4 NO . lb. I Lots - No 41 dud
42- , in Davidscn's
1 plauf oC Nertb Brideirriter,. bounded ; north hy
t . ..----1„ tilley, east by, lot of Johnstbn Small, south
by rotilar . stree,t a d weal , by Mulberry street, .I
I'll 4 owed ,- on wl ichl4tre erected one two
t "` d 1 1 ' h' - 1
story , alto
. we I,g ottae, i a frame stable,
had fristti trees on the lot, Mr. ' . .
.c ,Tbel l kliiive embfracirtgl, all 'the unaccepted'
Ptirparti of the real statej of Said John IL
hanttitt,. q deo'd.
i ,
TEARS—One-t4rdl the ittrchase money,
I; ; .
I to be plaid on t oonfirmtiirrb Of The sale bythe i
ICdurti a t nd 'tha balance I,ln two eonal anrival
!instal enta,ftlopi that date. witkinterest there:
;an:front the same time,lthe defirredinst .Iments
to be ,s°ctired by *nd i rrl nioitgage -
•For ftirther inform tiOn inciuirn of John Ali
tisonla l ukCieo. W. i illa Mori, miministratore or
a..ald- hn R. an nOn deo'd..' ' . . • 'l.
FA. 3 '62. ;- A; G I . McCRE...IIII", Crk.
- I l i i t .: ,
lg . floe n t e 4 ans Court;
L ;
• ICE if; hereby Fiten to allrpersons' in=
..1.1 - .. • rested, thor th° accOunt of r ashen.Ea
klu.o nstee, appoSinted by the Orphans' Court'•-
of 4ea. er .I.louuti r ; to make dale of the Beal
Eshitli of: DaVid ~..,dreirs - deed, tinder pro..
cemliii a ln- partition, hatieeh filed in the of
ficeldrt the Clerk lof a id couit, Mid .that tb'
sameill be presl i ente o r ci , ibri.Orphans' Court,
to be eld al Denser 'o ' l l)Vddriesday, the I2th
dal? d Minh; A: in.-1 62, for boutirmOtio niind
smo'yismee • 1 - ,-:A. G. McCItEARY, '
Ile l aer, Feb. sy , ii: !, ,1: cleit.:43. 13.
11._.mi. - Nis i .
LE Ttaz
[ d to the ni
Alfred Walton, cid
Penclerko, all I
inde t td to Said; A
pal entimmed . l
SC be e ! duly ant
•. arl I] AND)"
• 304thcrit
hitie i t.!
.3? ealtloutj
; lite Ipeitt.l
rceel,lo 16
[ d:Vete/OAI
ems oiinti
Re Sheik- ,
I nuing at a
: eirer'river,
hence at a
lees to the
tug the read
• iy 160 teat
;wit ' frame
• .i i
l ath of t en
, 1
in gooltes
'escribe4 ae
, t 1 atone at
eselOng ffi)t.
• 1 ,
h 4 • , ~ ..., h c I , ,
..31.itr,rt..9 seat ../ 1 p!te ea Iti; i Y z 1
, ‘,l6tit thelfthitnitveislimmei, 1,., r''' -i? ,i, , , ./ 61 .
..., 4 •
th tift Ilegres west 10 vw Mies i 1. ri
c ri.wting iftn4.444. l'. Ea- - I t. , ' .,.
Catilae`iis Piiiis"
inlit - 857 , tits 'e,liiiteiet` ..t0 pr r, ' -- ' (SVGAii- ' *O4 TED,) 1 I
I r rild. the of nittag Ani4 rota , ,1 : An
"1.4 /• / - I Pe+ c sei: to piece i CLE*ll.B.l.TErzatooD AND cuts =lnds.
o twii t iwg , 2 t! ,,#•...i and It) Itt per_ titvaltom IRathtors;ll4otheis, Phrsitolaini4
waste ntrtho grourniou the , P,Llas'sdelliiiigtit read elleir N~a4 f
ateen ti.i.nt .4 the Ohio I .4 Judge of Itilwerse h lrlartionan
' I* ' ' ' . YOU 'VIE t GItE 'Or . .
it 34 eertwin Oiler or NA at int.d I..eadtteltp.,,Sick tleadneiler Foal Stanut - .
- , . , tt...n...can i a Mac 1 IV45 1
;‘ ) 'Watl'ii , .. l l , ,1 1 1 3 a,PhatS arove - i im. J. C , -'.Vc , t. i.i.-: 1 b..,.‘u . 3',.r.ri , ..-::L•o.Ay c'.1.46r
ri decent/air 11`11.twn, viz . ; 1 t h e vrorAt timinzhe u:.y t.j4y en. ' Lase 4 ; .6.. o r I o
re o i k on , li -,, if i alt ( f in b;0 0, i a t rstrin• Plll4. It MAD": ‘, ..11-., 111 ni a t . ....1.r.0w.11,11110,11
' WO .ClOllllOO at our It Alun , wa/ 441 V taiu-a4 • digt , &
cr, atellCO .p 11) cntCe b ti4e 1 cot,t6e fact i. wrtiii,Dorratiz. "' '-,_ -
th,.re..f 'liar. ih ' j d e ' li g n . e . s ~,,,..,.; , vtnnt,t with glut rovit, 1:D. iI',4I.I:f,ELE: 1-
ut,i. north ''l) tl'e l ittos ea*t.' tili I - • nn
Cr " . 4 4 '''''`: ':'" t l ut i 's '
i lor t I l i 64 a6gretfs' t.6t 76 1),:i- i 11/11 , °881 , D lit)rdy n ra linli 1, / rer Ct , kollift4 l 4 s .
,till -b8 tlrgrt e•nj en it .lil p crolten„ 1 •,.. ‘'''',,Pt5,7,7',,,,,,11-.47,'i7..t.-.1:1-.; / v l 4 taa ur ol: s % . •
5 tte?rrou se at dii l perches, l lr nre I Sn' : 1 h'rf MlO l Sora - 111;9'lle. my got., r,ts.ornat.mi l ita
OS C 4.54 Di p6sriiiis; thisee S' i-;34 i t!rnt . .. et , r a t rcli b ria . uu?: th em. Dud C4tltn+l Imeitatla tn
) ptrellet! Rh .I r i h liaita to a
pont. 1 raitn,....nlettonawritin'ltire..;‘,..irlotir'e..',V:ittt ".11.1Wds'h14.1).,
'9 . degreee elFslj' peicies to a 1 17 tbry AM ini atinitrol.letawly ha ult;ltpriitn . lontalssAin
ottli 12 detlqii.l'lt l est , s penkes ' nu'. 11°4'11" ta"C*Lqa‘&fmlintar"eurPk°l-46.
nice south littf ileitenes .went 40 1 " 1416tinstr ! kat 4 .ll 4. l !"' lratil l - r ietatedallci.
, , ) 'Fat e r.L.4ll) yuca , , . • .li .()\/ lot HALL , 3j. D..
nit, thencetintli ill ' degrees W '
_,_ , ft . ..J: 1,40 e q 'Po, ,-U'r' , . tri.9lo.a.
pinti, theme ; mouth al degrees DYnegre'' Y Iteinr; Rad j Wart!ra , I
_ ,
.. Poir &inner, nit:ft:sr. 1,1!: CO., 31:011:. Mei. 111,14,11.
I de " rl io .
- 'z 1 .
.1 (Irpbtitt's
funts i „ %Al f:M exposed
e Or out Cry, at the
liorough of Beaver. en
u qt./1 2131h t 1 , 862 '.
he' 61lowing!...deserilled
hal4tll; late of thelkm
. of Oenvei; deed, situ =
aver, _NOS. 4.2, t,, 6;
' s ,dcifgelated in tee plot
till l ini l u4it ion- and yar
e .iii the Orrhao's Court;
r 0 No : ' -12 of June , !
-,I I I ;• ; • .''
_l. !
.',inißziglitoll 'township,
f , a
..rer,'cOntOunnr. : B7 acres
11(41'61.411 e north hyla , ld
silt Eby %%id ,of Ifenrs j
y lae!,of :John Fbireley,i
parnfli,Vpr,t.about op I
00 , 1, ii.sitti of dulticatioad
ke h toll; I
t &cl
10t.4 . N05.144, 45. 4 1 1 fil ii:l i
ilts In/ jo'dilit the town;
flrigHrn township, nod;
: •1;; I t " l er fatttn No. 1 aboTe I
oe,' l ,
fr,uth hy• lot er John
i larl. of ~.1: Darndoll4e,
, id
,3 perehff all eel 4;.
'lent f etenre4i •
'led hit-halrof lot. No. 36
1. Ilia,: 1 T i ainibir,liq tprq: i
'0,4 ' F .:,,)fi... re,veri
lot ' t at 1,1 vise Sutherland,
F r eres] Roild. i ' • . i
It hailf of lei No. 79 in She:
lioirilt 4. l Beacer. (wan- !
poi the north by Third, ;
I_ViJi.iii 0 tko, south by.
s t
by , ruhlie!sqtMee, all en... 1
erected l'one large two. I
hour being About 60 feet
fre! Ihy . ohont'49 feet hal
.184 re, having - 7 rooms",
Gals liour t and 9 rooms on
srslu+leenettth;'&c., also
tl goed, cistern on the
~ I I 1. I - - •• •
... .
tree . part of, in-lot No. 160
,rough of Dee ver a foren id,
h E'
IRA 0 ',5 TI I A. 0 C
mile tn 4, having been gritut
nder igr.ed ou itho eitata a
:coca eft, late of Brighton tp
, ors° n knotting . - thenteeliee
tit ," fi re-requitititt to, make
f tely I , in4 Ihne• baying laims
w i lt inmost t,' tbotur to the, sub.
Vent tatted ftir ietgetnent._ '
A' tkem, 1. :an c,,tor.ristirri:. - weli - . ...., ... 1 .
, I ii . ,:4TE tn,±lllll , ll, lIATI 4 I W;VGE. 1 ' ,..1.,.511*.1! , 7..5.1
L Di.,Aiii a : I. I.Eitc 1-.4 HO ino.v rurea by our'. l'iN 41
' . .ltheurnttle hoot —c pintol dilio....'illitt NO clit itted my
cp. . .„
'PNT stprLi....
r. 1. ): 47.. ' opsy, '- rtetii urn,' VP;
or ( 11:intl;e - ti &tn. ,
rifittit, ietivichw :in actii I: 1..:.),..... ll,oy' il.i:.:. f•XCLI-' i tit. ,• • - i • .
'foe C(iSti 1'116 , S ei Constipntionibind fit.!
6. plikiti.r Pill, - i 1.,•:, vi,. , zi , 11 ,1 :4...A *IT. 0 , ` , !• ' • '
/....'., - Sittpifresion, floral r.ii, infinntrin'-.;
I toiq fliid,. rico Den (bras, nln.l -P:2 rt in i!i . pltaid.
• 11 r%5, 11:114 b.r:i curod Iti -tilt. :.ik tali , t t.
:allo. f tl - i!..a , ..
l'itls.H. , . . , ,
_• . : 4ri • .
314 i of tire.fillsin, pin. tri•i \ ti.r...ofs 4v. Wilt, - ..1;
iinnioi . raltn, mm~,lr in tl.ilfric )ii....1: I+l:int:emus ..
Ina 1.0,14711 U, itoiojlo dreftdrtil c; ; l•lovo, , yr , 4llukt.• ft.'..
itsentli:- fulititt It..' ItlraWirt,o 14,(.. Th,,,,, ‘ „,:nlin 1144 0 ,....!
curl ~ ..i tort, -.l 4u1...1.0.,i ,!..,it - ,, , i. -. '.., ' I : dj. - .. .•.i -.
!:,•-- ~- , ..,... ....., •
.'.. J.. ,
-- • .. '
ilYEll'k. * CII.Ii BRI PECI j , Rili !
• .
, ' L-- lialt . •1111.: liAi'l LI . 3 ciii..:...i , - ' • -% '
Cot cats, C01..p!. 4 .1 11,0.4 ItisieN.i.:,r ; :i:oitivtax-: - ..
E.1:42A, ittlONtli LTIS, NV iifltipli94 , • ;,. i ' ,
4 1corGJi,. viz Orr; .As' l l l3 lA,' 1%;- - ,
......, .-' • CIFIIPCT COX kil.7 Be PTI(111. 4 .: . •,,, i
nna !.t it
tin. ',.oior ,of rvi,ilavi.ii.i. ka1if..1.3. i i toliefi,..4 .
ta.,,,,i i..i • tbetlired..e: ' . -
.., ' .
I 1r ..1 nor.l ;Poi up. - .n' - to tlo. 0.1.1:1: of ;it i - 3 irtut., , ,
l ' Ti:Wo...tkr:Et fiter . I ..., ri.; ;,r.ti • stem.l loidlitt oft f:,i
[ Att,,s,l,aliP:ti:el... i... ii...,detft• I 1 . M., , IA I:t . ltiliryc,: , ,..! .
.lams= ir,vi..o...irt.- At Vor %it: -
..:' , r'. , w .u,.. r ....b^ ...
11.1.14,,, - .... - Tioy,ril Pi::: . 1 tow.. ri. el)" 41 . 11.4 t IA; tin. ~,Ll4jl!, .
,Mt.,,,,1i t. r;11,(.1:1! t r ,-. i...11 , ,..• of. VS, v.teo , A il . er!'•.l •'
i .11i...,6, - .mytiti.., ,, : , t .10. i r.01.1...1.1,.,.. T.,..1 ,p,_;.;* Tl,r,
1 7 ail:tiog 1...11y . f 1 , , % . .,lco •Ist r 11,-, .itthi.....iilliit:.• •
~.J0ur'41....-0...... tt d.c '.1.1t..t ,i.. 1 i0:•.1.:... •• it .li. Ilit.. '
.1.....t!0..0...iiii.....i:d0.....:: 1.:: - ..... - ...o ti,' 1,1,..1k r.,(14. t",,Awi. 1 .
t 31. 1 .11 1. Ind 0, 1 , 1:fn`31 , . , ' ,,, .. ,- 7: ,. 1 . 11, innlip.;,,, y‘.l-;an,,.1 . :.'t
i,,,),,, ii!,.i.t ,:
..,f,rotr.... , 1 , . •,...a NI je:l33:ly !1t:,.! :1 ... t. !;2 Cal 0-
1; 1 :14 . it ..I' .o i:::Z.4.4-i 7.. !beiti!r.V.,ii., , ,;..v.1. -11tri :Ft..,,61;
..itt . i.. lE. 11, 111•1 , o,n. I. .1 .. i. I.:- ~` :t , i,51.;1;11 , ,f4r , tniiy r, i
3. Iwiltr I, .the • ':;•.,',;; 7; c , . • ,•;;,- • -.2, ;;,; 1:1,-.),, ,L,..,,,., 1
t--vrn; --1..-- ••• - `4....artnt, f);:;11.• Ifff , " 4 if '".4+ ' , II' ' l ' . .. " 1 ' • 421,7 I ..
rm.; .nil Lir. y, or :011. TO .It.e. (..,., ~,,,,,,,, .....: r,* 01.
71 . 111..11k.A11:ril .11.:tun;•,, ..t.iu ~.;,,. ,i,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,- .
~..:),. f..tril . .1 .4,1 11, ~ ! •,1:, . ..: - .. :..,.t,!fr.
1 All VE,,I. iiio - , ..irtni . i . ; 'r l lF:;lify ;;f 11 - .l:g - ,fl: . !'f•tr:- , ; ., f,
; &loft ;.1.0. t• i • li,t 1c:n. 1 4 a
thi , 1,11...di., v.v.,,,...,,1, go
i me7;4..1., t, ; ,....m.,. t;,,,,,,, ft IF <tit! ..nds. it. , set it 3.1. is 1. .
;j 'i). 1 Ir , ', ,, lNlre nO ~ .r.t.. 11. .-:r.•.r,,.' 1 ,0, it. , Pr - , C1V..: it' 0:•.? i,
nioAt:p.rf....t 1.,,..t.i.t... old I bv." fr,, 1 . ..,1 th 0 i , 1: , b0 , r 4 1 0 P. , ,., •
1 It Mt -lest Rttfllt 00.11 nor Akil! ern t . uratts.ll.o.rAlt-kr cor , , f
Y : PREPARED • ip.1111 . . A..T. AYER, .:-
I.Pricticia and liallyti l eefebezeist, Lgroll, Nii/03.1-
i• AA' h Sohn "
1 itlia. For pale
. by 1:0 , N finis,' jr., heaver; 1 ..:.• ..
Cress.Rochet•er:',Al'aggoner k Ldcry...iFrio-:
`torn; J. ','Plirboll',-..Baden; - : -.1,' .S . ..rgerst,
se l ; +4. l
Brigbton, Jelin lllack,.,
Pailinizeen. antl'yki
dealers e'verywhere . i. , :' ' . '.. ;11.4.1.., `02.1 --?.
' • Ezeouto srSale•
I.IIA/ 11. b. be offefed '. al. politic [53,6. On 11{ ,
I . T bird . dey ot i March nexe,i , i3 the rrefifibii'S'
In ' the - borough of .. lfeolt4tawn, I; tbc, real..
1; estate of MTF . .-11.)lif;:lil G1a1. , , latet i,
oi zifli(i . cit.- ':
: . ongli,..doc'd. , to wit : Pne'bric, lo•re!;e'Lt, - A - r... p l!v - '
i I'4ll high with brick . .ltirchen l • if ttael: , . , ll'ai , .l
f dii!‘itt o'sc acre r.f ground. a, etod twill .:.{'lacer
i ifch en 'doer, an a ft:ttne' Stabl, , s e:n riie,`.
1 - a ~ t : lis;building 1.1)i fr4lting i w n .tbc..;tieit:
also. abont & iler' g rental a fenced f #
:itr tbreelots. Tbe. oho e . .e• tiropertly wiil,,hr , .1...
f 1 • • 1 •
-Cored and,;:‘ , ,,lld fls ti whole or, in serarat , C;parks . ,
Ss; the interests of the -esotate,. - tpav riniaireff.
Sale' to?ennanencc at t oteleck it.ta leri ps.
One•third in lt fiTlq, :pia the re'riii c iti.t w..,, :in .•
iniaLpy meats bearing . .interel. ' - - '.
• '7..10:;F:P114'...1 N'. . - F
1110ekat:rvo, Jan- 1; 1 . 6t12. 1... 1... l'',-.•,..10.
I• ... hoof Boost . aiol, ,‘ . jt, t i v, l ,,L
.--, ''.• . • • ' Mk:. 7 i• [. l-,
Tll`e b- • I,' •l ' i, i• ~'• - • '
.s.O seri ler Las' al iyarv.; oil 'wow
, Qs”oocl'S'& 31.1jutri? I v'S . pti or VI; 1 '
1 ders: Bay`a: Aritliraetie.s.- Storitialli• - •t
•.: :It ilnetle; Junco 6 (Ira' la rty , -- 13i
-blea&e.-, Testainents - .1.61C - ,i. (A i !:: l 1'
Gominereial Note ,gapei rs:lEnlieloti,esg
'Blank Books; Pass . .Boolls . r gt - • lj
Niels~ •
, -- • •.. .. .. .• / k . - e,
and .11Olders. Copy iiluteis`: Ijik.
'lnk stand's - Bontikt 1,30. ahG .' .;4ti.., :!c::::, ._.:
liouas .
Usual -discount . ilitt..;ea r -slk.,°
packed •. and delivered , ' to ally t ra in sif
tbe : eity. . 7 .
-- - -73 '.. .Ii irl o ° 0i 13 1 ' S r il i • 8 '. 1 1. 11 i t r :L A s N bU f :S b
• • EL:, -
' feb:it3 •.
" Quarterly Statemi
f i 'if the lank of Be;ive
NEW BRIR,IIT0;9, 11E41
• I
',ivies,. & Lotitis Disn't/aetie
Same. •untier'Ooti
IState,Lonn, JJ 4
• Furuiture and Office Futures,, ,
Current Expenses. ,
Line from other Banks,
times and checks of other Banks
Protest acionnt; -
Coin in vault,
Er. a. Treas..ry Notes, 7,a hit
' LIA7111:11117.1
Stock paid in, • F ;
Notes Cirentation; . ..
Due leporitors, '33
,Dividends unpaid; ; • •
Frofiis and tart:dogs,
. ?Total, - • 3 -192,03 Q V,:
• Bk.AN'Eli Cf4NY'r. SS .-;--AieruiC Jig u 1;311/
lice . of. the, Peace, iti'33anti for the county of
- 311istver, came Edward Hdops, trashier oil the
tank of Beaver County, who heag duly affirm
ed, dePobeth, that, the aboire statement 3is'; For
rect. and true aceordint to the toistof.his;knovi
ledge and belief' EDWA RD 1160113, Caab'r.
Atfitadtd And subscribe...l-Li-foie Inc.' Ids {itt,
d.r of l'ttk. 31i62.
Dept. 4i.
r County
t'4oo 00
6, , i00, 00
.4,-115b 05
, 40t 45
• 7,75.4 18'
II 54
21,C57 20
5,000 (XI,
102,;30 -17 0 7 2 -
. 1 9.8.17) 00
1;4540 Oh)
46,0 0 7$
' '1,,719 5:4