The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, February 19, 1862, Image 2

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T. C. TOohoison, - ,- Editor
~,,, -
f sarthe song froTnonr Fallston eor
r.:spor.l4 ent was received too late fur
iThlieation this week. i will appear ; u
onr nett - i ssue.
ts:lVe are 'requested to state that
the let.tiire on. Oxyge (Ins, at )ir.
'TaylO - r's Seminary, wiil take place on
Fridik+ evening, instead of Saturday ,
as heretofore annoneced. '
tua l ou.—ln the POor l illouse. account
tip , amount stated as cxrnded . for sup
portof insane Paupers, should read - 61,-
179,64; instead of $1,7;9 64 ; the ac
count as footed up is correct.
*•'•l3.l_r. Boyd • Elde'r, son of Win.
Eide4, of SO - uth Beaver township, and
a member of _Capt. Hamilton's corn
panyl, Round Head Regiment, died
some time last month! at Beaufort. S.
L.., of coast fever.
by theiPittsburgh Post;
illat,Amlrex - + . 4,. Bears, has been -
~.: 1 30j*ted Mail agent, on the Pittsburgh
FoA.Wayiie & Chicago Railroad rice'
IV:B. Lemon, removed. We * have no;
doubt that tbelCapta l in will make au!
accommodating and popular officer. 1
llq us a
• -four n, „. 4 ,t00r 'ca bread
iou r ny hard ,p . uraeS. and perpetrateS I
- 1-.
None long:t:,arks= at our expense. All
right neia•hbor. do i
wish that we
eohld'retort,:by callingyou.a-gentle-1
man, but really they faets in, the easel
wion't allow it.
Tfju are hereby r,ofified to meettfbr
itrude, at the Court HOuse, on Satur
dv, the f.'2d day of.l'elartiary, (Wash
ington, s birth-day;) at 10 o'clock, A.
Jtr A Mull and punc:tuai attendance is
recpp_ted. Bb order of the
• '
• - • CAPTAIN.
1 - We ll,f t: that NV. H. Keim, late!
1:1 1t.,
btu r e )
-or General o 'Pennsylvania. has 1
e 1 - oen c v nfi:nie , i b'.ihe Senate as tri ( C..
alier General. It ks to be hoped that
he will pro-:e bon rat commanding)
;10 - en than II,: was a writing reports, if
hp don't we pity the men under him.l
ilf brains are a necessary element in
ithe construction of Br 4 gadier Generals,
, , - 1
Iwe are terr.bly mistaken if BeaTer
.Ic;ourity has not sent out scores oilmen
las -high privateS; C who are vastly Ills
i superior, but he tray_ do pretty well,
I people generally
I believe that he is ` Tome' on a butcher
'ims,..We understLnd tilt iu addition_
1 • i -- -,
;to the Many iheiliti,es already offered
lo I , 1
r the Beaver Academy to those wish
-1-' to secure a Practical, substantial.,
i i I
!education, that t s the intention short
ily to add a Nonual Departinent. !Mr.
,'Mercer. the efficient Principal, has es- .
!titbliz.died his reputation here as a livci
teacher. and it \ ig not necessary for us
to say anything in his behalf. lid wi
1 he as , tisted by lir. S. H. Peirsol, .wh
1 1
for years has 'runic teaching his,pr
fe.ssion. and not only made it his pr
fession, but has Practically demi str
ted that he fully understands it.
Weknowpfnoinstittition possesii
so many advantagei as this one, a
hopu, that it- will meet with! ti
enoouragement l and patronagt 7hieh
it .
Is FO justly en . titled to. I
VdrThe following letter has be
• I
recently received by the-Ladieg' A
S,ociety of Chippewa •townshil;
knowledging - the receipt, of various
gifts to the sol(tieri : • 1
BEavmHT, S. C., Jan. 3 °'62
To the. Ladies .41id -Society of Ch ape
Township i '
LADIEs:—Yur kind- gift, of oc
• one - hundred pairs tlf socs and otl
articles for the members - :of 41;'o.:
'Roundhead Rektnent Ivor ! a receiN
' by us. I
4.M.r roll .ca 1 last evening a vote
thinkS and. th ee hearty , I, cheers were
given :or_ the Iladiek of ChippeFa for
. 1 this token o regard •,I•rest assured!
ihat'we will ever hold you in lirateful
remembrance f i lar your kindness. The
assurance that .yolf labor for =oar cona-,
fort at Lorne, t ill remain and strength
en our eflorts.l . -
To Eniroa. A
Dear Sir
circulation (g
to the transt
Capt. Lowry
s eompany, wl
'some fliscred
at my speei.i instance and 'request,
in order that he, officers of Capt. May's
.1 .
r company might be, sworn into service,
which could not be done_ wihent the
adclitioa of the members transferred
by the povernor, and that Capt. Low
yy is entitled to a great deal of credit
for the aid, he and his men; renderpd
. the Regiment, in this transaction; and
' that it,wai a fair and honorable trips
'AL action, and dome, too, with, the con
sent of the men that were thus trans
ferred. I - • '
' 1 .1 11. WILSON,
f . col. Centward , , , g.
- ' '
i -
I [
- - The News of the WI
Since our last issue greai
bane been achieyedVthe,
ray. Gen. Ilahrsida'n
been heard from. .131. ea, t
emy at Roanoke Island; Wi l l
ated about thirty miles no,
teras Inlet. and is I bet,,vee
sounds, Albemarle and Tam
rebels bad erected batteriv
the Island and Main land. 1 i
and they had constructed ft
an intrenched camp inioe
which they bad abput 0,00
Our victory, was cpmPlete.
WaS 4 killed and 140 470 n
ance which , ithere werelpo .
ed, 100 wounded, and ti;000
one Among thbse s lain
side was 0. Jennings *rise
Col Russell; of the 10th C
and' Lieut. Col. V i lgicir.D
Our troops have now Poss
Island, Elizabeth City,: an d
In Missouri, we learn b 3
to the St. Louis Deniocidt, d
field, Feb.,l3th. that our Y
• 1
taken possession of Spring
following 'dispatch was i
McClellan: "The flag o f:
floats over the Court Hous
field. The enemy retreu
short engagement, leavi t n
mount of stores and .equii
was captured by Gen. I
cavalry is in close pursuit." ,
The Union feeling is ga i ningl ground
in Tennessee, and the sebesh papers
are deploring the fact. „ 1 - 1
We learn from" the Pittsburgh' Ga..
:Ate of. Friday, that theJ Baltitnpre &ii
Ohio Railroad, it is 'th4ight, will bel
opened for travel in two weeks, corn
mu.niention having already been-open
ed With Hancock. ; ,
- And , following the new of the abov,3
victories in quiek.7 succession, comes
' t
the glorious i intelligence bf' the c.
I pt ure'
of Fort Donelson, Surely this has been
a - week of stirring events, and it ap
pears that Gen. MeClellin's prediction
that this war would be -quick, destruc
tive and decisive," is bei i ng verified.—
The! fight at FPrt Donetson wal .? com
menced on Friday, and continued un
til Sabbath, as will be s , et by the ac
counts in anotii'er column. Floyd es
caped. After committin
g ; almost every
kind of theft during his life, he hag'
capped the climax by stealing himself
—certainly one of the Meanest : thefts
he "ever perpetrated. V I Fe rather think
we twill hear no more tbreats: now
1 .. ~i - 1
ahOnt hanging Cbl. Corcoran ; that
,I• - '
brag and bluff 'game is about Iplayed
out.. It is highlyprobable that Savan
nati has fallen into-the hands of Cont.
Dtipont. Certainly we have had e
i i
non Ali good n e w= for -one week. --
I -------------7-- I
T. Louts, Februaryll6.—Special to ,
the St. Louis 'Democrat. iVAirl.o. Sun- ,
dac evening. Commander r Foote reach- di
edi!here atl2l 'o'clock , last night On it
bOard the gunboat 1' onestoka. He c , .
sOrnied Fort Donelsbn on 1 Friday p
evening with l ithe„gnitoats St Louis, si
, • ,
Louisville , ittsburg Carondolct.
-, , ,
Tyle,r, and Conestogai I After , fighting
a little over au hour, Ihe withdrew.—
Fifty-four werc killed and Wounded.,
( Okir gunboat pilots Riley and Hun:
ter of the St , Louis being among the i
J ' latter. CoMmander - I. oote, while 1
)- standing ou the pilot house or the (St. E
. 0 . Louis, his _fla , * ship, was slightly •
ra. wounded.. The St. Louis was hit, six -I t
ty-ene times. Two 1 grinboats were 1
' disabled. The Tyler ! and. Conestoga
ng remained out orrange Of thai enemy's' 1
nd guns. The lice of battle l w• s as fol- 1
at lows: The St Louis On the right, nex 1
1 the Louislille, theat! the Pittsburg
' and the Carondolet On the ' eft. ' Th
1 enemy's tiring Was (very a2curate
{ They had three batteries, lone , ilea
'en 1 the water, lone. :fifty feet above thi. ,
''l and a thiratiftyfeet l above tlie seeon .
The - upper mounted fourlB pound
ers." This one was held in reserve un
til our boat; got within four hundred
yards of thd fort. Our fire was direct-
ed principally:: at the tet 'wa battery.
, wa One of the enemy's guns b 'tested, and
a number were dismounted The en
emy could be seen carrying the dead
er out ortheir trenches.
1.!.7 LATE.a, -- 2 ,A gentleinan who _left Fort
l ' i borielKon'afternoon at 3 o'-
ed ' yesterday,
clock and reached here at loon. says
that the fidht had ,been tr. . t in . on' all
n . . s ..
°f day yesterda y . , The rig t wing of
the enem y } i sfortifications ere taken,
and the stars and Stripes . w re floating
over them.r The 'forces N ere ' breast
to breast. and the fight was to be re•
newed. . 1 • - I I-
Dispatebes received at •
say that all thegunboats
effectually-I disable, except
inander .Footer s woui
but not fkaally. ;The up
taken by our; troops cunt
DOT10:8011, 1 and Gen. Grant
be would be able to capt
to-day(S,Unds.`y.) General
received a, dispatch from .2
stating that, krice's rear
overtaken in Jim uit from
and after a brief resistan
fled, leaving( theroad
wagons and Iba gage.
tiss reports having taken
ers than hp k(new . what to
never I ains,"but 1 pours
__L . i
C'grtin, Feb. 4.1 . 62.
I -
:GUS: s
Ai there is revort. in
,bt up, no, doubt; by sym
the rebehion.) - (relative
‘r of a fun men from
is company to Ca t. Mays
'ltch has for •itS object
it to. Capt. LoTry.
pleasure in 1 stating
transfer irsi.s' made
*tion bas
l ed the
eh is situ
1i of Hat-
I tilo:tive
ilico. The
on both
thp Thl
, fortil and
centre, it.
Oar Tose
ded; to bal.
ebels • k ill= ,
taken prip
n the'rebel
We lost
,sion of the
a dispa i tal
ted Sp9ng
,•• ps Dave
Add. The
, 'nt to Gen.
the - Union
I le in Spring ;
/ted after a.
ig a large a.
, age, which
wzg ,
~W 6 no ice'
. in ..t.ho
Gazette,, that ithe 6mrnig
New Cas!tio & $ verll;
books for subspri tion'of
road. at' *emr Cas Id; on '
27th:inst. We hope 'the
amount s'ill'be b4be •" '
1 b 1
' 1 e
of no pince o sadly in ni
road AP, the 110 r)shiiig
Castlth ! 1,
is 6011 . dance... , ; 14puirattu ,o; eb,156, 186;.;
ii i 4aliticoro CI ,Feb. 1.262. Ma. Ibiroa :--LaSt year a law wiui'
MR. EDM!.tt.--The disnatches from patised'anthorizing the 'Governor to ap-
Yortresd Monroe a-tiouncing our great paint an Auctioneer for Beaven coun-
vict,ol7, 'tip Gen: Puriiside, 7as 'read ty.r - Th er e was afrestriction i put upon'l
in theHOnseto4SY and produced great hiiii,pra,venting him from sollinglgoOda
exultation;, both on the floor and rattle hrOught .into the county , for ii,nctiOn
galleried.: ' _ - ll,froM either counties or' States:;-- ,
This triumph of ourarrns ifolloiving jAn effort is on foot' here to' -hate this I)
so eloseli, l npon the brillian t ' act ieve. ' prithibition removed. I presume all P
1 1 .,
meats at. Mill Sprin‘, Fort H .ury, , your retail grocery . and dry I goads d
and Florence, has inspired all, p rtiea , dealers 'will, as a matter of Coatis°, Op-, Y
here with s new hope. Every loy I I face I pose this. Would it not interfere ma-: ,'
is expre ivh of u bOunded Joy, nd I , terially with the amount of their sates u'
IL iik.
may say thiit thi list 4 been the mostltO,' have a keen, .s t hrowd vet of, men t e<
hopeful daY t at W i Langton since pril ; coMßine and set up one or more large
last. In& it is confidently bel owed, establishments in the' emnity ,
that wi hill' a fortnight other str tegic ' and= sell at very low figures, as ;they ~".
moVem nts which are now in pre ress, I could afford to do, 'as their sales would 11 '
will be,'lcleinsununated, with e wally Ihi •for cash? , The retail dealers sell" in ,
gratifying result. Il_ I' Many instances on time, and must haVe '_'
The rubbers h
,vC been taken i ff the ! a broader margin of profit upon their, ,u
wheels of 'the militaii , coach, and for ' capital than . auction men, to male u
the futiire, the war chariot will (make I themselves whole. ' • ':. a .s '
better time', and elosialcontecti ns. :" 11. believe that Mr. Henry, either as o f ,
The arrest of 1 Gen. Stone created read ; or, will read in place a bill to:"au- `'.'
much e eitement among rnilita7
,men klioriza the town fathers of Roc:heater 0
Many afro ' disposid th, suspend . judg- 'sof borrow money.: The amount II do ,
, .i i ,
meat n ill rnore'id known; while oth- ' not recollect. I know that a' etition
ers are very indignant, and denounce td this effect has beenpresented y-yoUr
him- in the most" immeasured terms; , attentive and careful represen ative.
but all agree that, if the Baird Bluff IBy the way, I-? may •mention that
disaster 'Was the result of his treason, soar Senator, Mr. I.mbrie, has heen
and Col Baker ,arid l is men wee sac- i i honored with an appointment of-iv - place
rificed through hie treachery, that he , upon the , sub-committee of 1 the two
should he hanged"as high as Haman. 'Rouses on Finance, to gnto Washing-
The irOte in he 11ouse On Friday , tOn for consultation with the Secretary
last, on the Treaitiry i Notehill,inaking :of the Treasury, 'and the conimitees
1 :
the notes a legal tender, was as im- :on financial matters in t h e twoqlobses
portant' a Vote is Was ever given in o f Congress. This inter} sew has been
any Congress. 'rT Ihe constitutionality sought by the highest finaneial,author
of he legal tender cause was ably de ' a
Liles at Washington. It • Was.t, erafore
bated.lfer a nuniber of days, and was I mark of particular honoelo i e select
finallv passed by a vote of 93 ayes , to Iticl for such a condulta.tion., I preaurne
a 9 naN-s.: While. the act may verge on „this selection of Mr. Imbrie, ia, in , ien.
the cOafines Of the Constitution, still, I l Of the fact
,that he 'has' beenl here -so
lam cl l early of 'the opinion that Con- long and - acquired 80 muelii etrirce.
_gress yis the eonsti utionalpo . er, and I I The_ interest upon the State deb has
if ever there wds a, ime When the ita. o)een paid off most successfully ilerirj
perative wants of the Government de- ID. Moore, the effiCient State Iji:eaSurer
mand di its exeteisC, that time,js now. I iwith hit able' ssistant, Thomas Nichol-
With an army Of sven hindred thou- -?ion of your : minty, has aehieved this
sand 6 'provide' for and our hike and Jander the ',t ing and delicate state of
sea c arts to d6feni, , without one dol- ''"public credi shaken as it isi in every
lari the Treaur3t, and, the hankers li direction un ier the administkitionl by
and rakers using every exee i tion to;',State titian iers.; With
,iiiich officers'
darn i gd the cr4dit of the Government, ;ilwe need not fear a repetitiOn of the dis ;
Congress had the alternative' of exerqsraceful rep dintions whirl!' e/haractei-,
casing that poicwet t
Nlaich wiis done..lized the 3e rs, 1840-41-42-43 inc o" lU
• fie
- t
and --
I S f reby ii4tai
, 111
, ,
Gov rnlnent, or' of l
ques, ion in . tht hat
let !§ yule t e
a thilrig had be
eyed t would la`/ ve
ninedays, b 3-oi
Gov ynntent 1 'pal
led 9 have sol i d 1
i y
dist: Unt, the b i r ank
tak . theirSsl enr
issu ;to pay ur
figh ii[tg the battl
is batiliLtle doubt
cone Ur.. Sen
L tor
this gifestion,[ns
eas ,1 has surprise
Tile eonfiseatio
up, land con.sidere
dispOse of thel - fin
we lean pass tle i bill ,
ertly of every de 1
the 'rebels, al d if
destro) the insti
'the estabish
istang eontiidera
is k t..inguished . ge 1
ifrerent seettoni
Igl , the elaiins ai
all, les, an4g 4
tOrson, *ealeo
- )rior adVantii
t , Ilro 'll
1 ,
• , 4WDgtonltems. ' ~,
It 1
TASIIING6N, Feb. 15.—'theW as *.
ngton ebrresp iidenee of the Neiv
'4 Tirne4 tia.) s that Hamilton l.' i'sli
113ishopAms returned! to WaSl-
ig4nt:araYt ndiadercp:rtt
°°vanenoftl9irnissi e it° t '
i :0, tleUnionprisonersnitl.Soui.
They repaired to Fortress Nonioe
and' made known their commission' to I
the 'contederatauthori tie J at Norfolk,i
by, whom the tatter was
Richinond4 A reply can e, refusing l ,
the' Cornmisio era ad n mis toil to i,he
,confederate to i
tory; but' ,expressing
1 4 eadiness to nt r gotiate tbr the general
atibange of p isopers. ' '.l .
, I
9 Cm
or omi sinners opened negoti
tians chi •h esulted in perfect sue,
es. 4. Au'equal exeliank;e l petit agreed
o,lbot the Co federates had 300 inure
Prisoners Oa we. Withomweridad
ble rnognanim ty they proposed to! re-I
tear these als , on parole,f oor''Vrov-1
. rOment Word agree to release 301 l of I
*heir men, tha may next fall into iour
hands. The noble commission of See
.' r%
tetriry- , Stanton, , therefore, bast its
ample reward.
A 1
general jail delivery,of 'our ,dear
'holys will'Ocei r throughout. the Santh,
and will !soon be rejoieing in E
1 diberty
. '
regained! 1 '
1 ~I Feb ,-.
;S I T. Luis, .r. u. 1, Further.— ', •
cial advies fonr Fort Donels,on ' say
that Geri' Floyd escap6d. duijnisi the
. 0
night, and the rebels in the For,t de
nouneedihim as a biack-hearted trait
or and &mord. ' i ' r
' .1 ~.,
The enemy are known to have' had
thirty theus rid troops-fifteen thou
sand-1' „Fi n ,
nofi w o 'are our prisoners;; five
!thousand es aped and the
,halninle are
reported' kil'ed, wounded or othei4is
- ' 1
•1 . ,
Our loi4isnot stated, but the ,slau r ,°ll-1
1 1
ter in our ranks; is mentioned as iterri
lily severe. i % „ . ' t
' ST.II: Las Feb. 17.—The camialties 1
on the'" nn oats ati Fort'DonelsOn are
as follows, e' : The St. Louis had
killed, inelodinn. P. R. Riley,! l CM!
cinziat4l two wounded, amongj them
Lieutenant Kimball. The Zonitiville
had five sadors , killed (four: slightly
wounded, two severely, each having
both arms shot.away. The Caronde , -
let - had"four killed, six badly wounded
including Wm: HamiltOn, pildt, and
two'.seSVer ly. The Pittsburgh had
two woun ed. 1 i
I i' 1
'• • •
The fore en route for Fort 11)0'541-
'son had m. stly come up, and Wprelp
:c.ated,oa t e left. \ -', 1 1,
General Lew Wallace, with the
;Eighth MI souri and 11th lildiana-, ar
rived O id -- - I's 1• I
,pi fir ,rt . , , ,
$ H 1 N. 1 , 1
are, pretty
one. Coin
ded twice,
ler redoubt
lands -Fort
Jre that ter
o:Week als
en ICurtiss,
Icruurd waS
1 Springfield
t o the rebels
itrown with
eneral t Cur r
nioze eiso !:
410 WIG . "1
I - &ew Cas tl
iiioners of th,
11. .c.ill ope n I'
stoek to t
harsdai di
y, e
I 1 f'e lic i
t a l en 1
Id,aslve kris
ieed of `a.
( town
I towo of Ile
n die people and the
placing the financial
ids of the banks. and
overnmenti If such
(Jane t the lifational.
been submerged in ;
1 d a question'.. They
I have been compel-il
e bonds at just whati ,
: clemande 1, and tol
ded and de weciatedii
rave Men, who areti
s of freedom. There! i
that the "'sdnate wilt'
eowan's course 41'6
'ell as in t1; 1 4 Bright I
many ofhis friena I
bill will i# taketi
, as soon as we can
nee question. I think, )
confweating all prop: -1
cription belonging top
we can, we virtually
Wiwi of shivery. •,
ent of an additional'.
and Foundry is eel
, )1e attentiti. Many
itkpen are 'here, front
iof the country, urg
kf their respective 1(5-
-hon't is our friend .Nli...
)usly advocating the
,ages of BeaVer F all's.
rs, truly, .1 • : i
- _ .1 .
sive:laud gate rise to the sharp ; rare,
and l'tiustte sarcasm Of S37(.lfiey Smith
—re roacht so keen that; dinner It ables
abroad .an at: home echoed :,with
laughter at the;expense "ofour i . porn
monwealth or a decade. • I 1 '
Nothing of general intprest'l,l,las
transpired raring the past
islation has been a blank so far as gen
eral! interes_s are concerned. 1 !, ,
There is some talk of an adjourn
tniAlt of ;:the two houses tbr :4 brief
period unt i l Congress shall bave ad- 7
k jilted-the lode and, measure of direct
1 taxation. he two houses if tbey;ad!
journ Nvill m e et again - about the 2 middie.
i„of 4 pril or the first of Mayi to dispose
of thefdir et taxitiuestioni it in the
meantime ur armies, have:not dispciii.
ed of the Thellion.' IWe niutiresert.,
however, even ifi, the ie;belliton be
"crushed ut" ;to -direct taratiirbn tot
Itic v; eral yer 1.8. : Ai' least. until. 4:luties
upon inii»rts , have rettelied,a point
1 wnerc the - will not only pay our year
ly eXpens s, but. also thti interest upon
the ratios al debt and form winking
fu .d to p. V the prineipal:i
1 the tic bc.'ratic ;leaders-herb 'are con-
Ikgratillati gti ,n with the self
satistacto y idea that direct, taxes \CM,
soltr and embitter the Minds of the.
farmers i it interior distri;cts 8o that
they will overthroW the moli 'teal as
`4.entlancy (4* iihe flcpubliOni . )arty.- 7 -
They for , et that though:the - habits oi
otlr peopl pre peaceful, their spirit is
t essentiall - t inilitai.y: . Now that *ante
dernocra c! party ,kept *wer in the
National Government alinostinan na
broken. line tbr nearly half a eittttry.
' because t 'plunged the country into
War wit Great Britain .in i. 1812 and,
with Me -leo in 1846. The war spirit
of the nation its n o w i therOugl4
aroused and if a successful
1 ,
nip party can.reap any political advan-,
tap, oVer that party 3,-1n.513 leadersde-'
tided th national:de‘tinieS during the
throes f rebellion. I 11.4bee,1 all this
paltry n eannessi.whiah that !party is
attempting to use against the admin.
iStratio now to ; break itdown will re
sult , i
onl in its overthrow, and defeat.
J Ther is to be isgrand:rOview roflthe
troops 1 owlying at CamilCuiltin,num
bering 100 men. Col. Wilion's regil
menkno i full armed;will lead tiie right.
One hundred guns will be fird in hon
orof the recent national' vie6;:iries. j"
' • , 41 ,‘1141taxiinao." ,1 '
-I _ 1
flowing squi bs are from
he , e , N. Y. Tribune.'
Wtie you hear, a man ,say that, the
Black , ephbliCans have ; . caused the
war, lb sure that his heart is with the
Rebels. -,' I I
lirbc you hear an'office)b shy that
,it the 1-ar is to r bo wag; c; tor the; de
struction .of slay,ery he ')ll,lreSign; be at his heart is witlftb e Rebels.
II Winn you 'hear a i
man find fault
with Ole energy of Seeteta yStanton,
rbe sur 'that hisleart i with the Reb
els. , - 1 I.; 1 1 1 .
, i ,
Wh ever does not cry with all : his
heart, Live the , Republic; thoug,h •Sla-
very crish tis 'a traitor . 1
Rea ember that every friend of; sla
veryl6, an 'enemy of th Republic.;
Wel believe that'Gon. Stone is one of
the o cers who were hound to resign
their co emissions whenever the lwar
should become perverted into a cru r !ad'e
awairiliethe Patriaichl,lniititutton..l
The f.
ST. ;;.iouts, Feb. 17',--4Dispatiches •
from Gen', Grant Le •Gen: Halleck' an
nounle the surrender 'of . . Donol
. Forty
sop, , 15,000 prnionora, including
Gene Johnson, Buckiieir. and Pillow.
FonTnEss ISlonnot, Feb 116 via Bat
timoir, Feb. 17.—8 y a flag ' oft truce.
to-day, ,we hear that Felt ',Donelson
was surrendered to Gen'. drint yester
day, (Satiirdny:.) Gees Piltow. Floyd,.
Johnson 'and' Buckner ,weTe taken, to.
gether With 15,000 - d Other
Wle are : lso informed that fighting
has been going on near Slivanniih, and
that that- city had pr l obabl'v been' cai,•
L . wini extracts froM a letter,
)I. i tr of the Army bf the Pl-,
• iehd in anotlte . r Divisio 1
, 'ee, have been h tided us 10
ao : ' 1 , i i
'' ' Jannaryjth, 1862. 1
) a FitliND:—.----4.---11
On ass that wantof ;other em--,I
nt prompts,me this day, to ad- 1
ano ;b-nasor.t.t.h.thactalpadnorit, notytaresenpjnecyt,
ni , , eftnfi sh
el Y''o ct i o 'L ,'n li o .t t ili k e n h o a w pi :t i b n a es t s l t &t hant :
o irri! ni axie"to yew any thingthat ivil .
, . , , ,
i i .
se in ere. in g„ except it s May ye. o
o e, 'we et Home," w,hich,l. know
iy ex eri' , , cut, to a soldieri brings re•
le ti us soth "sad and sWeet."
O e t':onr Brigadas routed the lee!. ,
ie s t ilainesville andl sinote theM
ti 'a d thigh, even in the Pines. It.--'
m. s oat. laboilt 150. to ,201) in killed
in • 'won' aod: Our loss was ,4 killed
in abou *r2s Woi nded. (It :was Gen.
) d's Bri ado of he Pennsylvania R.e
se *v s t at done , the fighting.) ',Tilt
. •
w s the rfit. engagement these me
hd eerilin, and they rccetve,. and riile
entitled o'the highest praise tor, the r
coolness nd and C,OUrage." *
i "The Tiny of the' PotOinacjbas n. t.
a d 4 be ieve wilt not go into wint i
11 arters , they are pornfor k tably fitt'c
u s at pr 'sent.' id * ' *l' Speak it 1
o the F,iglish diflictilt3, he says
-The urrenderi, of 'the traitors .1
.s It. and liclell, to the Brifisli gOVOIIII
- laa non plussed lie'r'for 'the pit s
et, and sh,e will hale to eastiabouti r
a other' ireteXt.l The ,Rebeisand.BiSt
i h, hay Ibot.h been sadly disappointed;
b - e,, t sE h an i e s ga c in t hd i
josi_bioaeosetaoseiuct,read,Ganonivdoesertnaritdntaeisnet.ata. b
t hone'.,jiist, saves her from getting
vhat, sl e -
~ deserves and much needs.
ii ()
hat w uld be, proud Li t' OU r Will e i i , er
ave t I lie lower than our l Anierliwn
Eagle. Ille has' twice Nadi tr yiel4 , to
(iiiirinob c /iinti, and I feel satastied li-ill
hiive,tc ;do so again ei•e 19lig,i1 Jpe
' n
pi/it dt -. not exercise a littW niore,dis
.lretion :in American latraii-s. 1
--All 'Nv e nntitt :is our' havill force re
lieVled f duty pri" the Soitr4rn coasts.
v,llneli hope wilt soon be June by : tend
fOrees nd Stone Boats, we sjill then 1)e
ready Or her . With all her st,•engtli l a,ndi
-arrow nee. We' can' si(ard 1 enough of
- home, I L _ _ , ,
Itien y t from to wirostaikd and
drive Inek any tbree Old livelamEcan
, .../ t n , ,
! I LI ow . on war shores. r or one ts , iy.
tut he lonic at any time, there will,be
iti i eitiv-;irevided for givingl i lier a gear
lecepeci,ll.lwith military lithiorstlrr i f
ipto t elbargain." , 1 -.
' I Fra i -6. Iron the comnienceme ,
this c ellion, !juts illelitl4l' to 100'
us t_lllip ig,li English Glassqs. but I
holies'; that Gen. Seott's,vpit. to I I
rxray have-made all things . ..ecui
that quarter. 1 I have no
t• l ontitieti
l\apo on's toi:, for Ezwlc4,nd.. -
"If tour *miles inove! trward
and s ccessfully, iti will; if i', my:hi
opini '
i i
n, niate,riallY coot t , lie. , r
in E gland, ,and I hope :re will
no m re ,l i leterits. ff there •re an 3,
~,1 / 4 .
defen s--if there are ady i n ores
reve i tes to our arms,,it must an
be c Ifirl.:, , ,ed, to treitelieryii)r imbd
in o 4 commanding Gen,crals. I
tact is we have an ariitylfol bra
diery, able and willing to ern.,
Tree, ')n and I Rebellion sp ,edily i
'let a the Iwork. , 11,
Al Ouridefeats are faillly eh •g:iblei,
tot ie half Breed Traitors D iu our. -amp ~,l';
clotl'ecl wiitii military au leority • Trio I.
Puft'Ritni ancl Ball Blzi!if affairs •are
slia : dui :I:iderice of tiwitact, and will i t s r
be l'stori •al , , '',. , !,• .4,, 1 • k '
' r goverrunent should have, long i,‘
sine , adopteilsonie pulley for tOnduet- t .
ing 'this, war,
.and not !have ii6a the
Gei rats Iworliing, so hail again t, each
oth r Pro. and con. lifts ;been t e rule
a 'p,,timent the excePti n. •I
Iflselieve we have Maly Gen
the I;various grades, id t• 1 e servic
rather than L iveaken slav e'y in st
'the; rebellion; would re ign tht
~ and I will not he - suri
' he* of, ti , orne of them being i
therrebelseqiee before ih's war i
urass they'- •ti provide with i•
l'oft Warren, r sorb , other
bOarding sdilool. ha 'been a,
to Mi for niouths, that' lie gov
is in' ivgreat civandarS 4 ,:clkoWio l
(11 ion andlS/avery Niilli 1611 t. im
(sit er. Just now,SlaOry ii'ill
no' altogether in, tliel',useendri
in iv ,yet - triumph'. I; shine ti I
do' lds, -tvhether:they r , will• i
ha -e4to be put ,dowirp t hy a •,
et t''''' at the risk of akrecons
If o ur: army is , Kept f(# a,fe,
lo , gerin inactivitY, it May ord.,
so e spirit like a :Agri! oteon,t
wrd,' and our conliu'edi an
odiers would settle' tie Mat
pilte inl a very reasonab y s,
T As miiht be done by a sus !
1 1
t e administrativA pOwe • for
a ter which the goviiranient
p rrnitted to iiiove 90 as usu .'
r llion andislaver !J.- . %I
I hOpef() - r 'hater things,, ; , l) t it r is
li ping against all:the sighs of the
t mes—against the t Presumpt!A e ey 1-
I putie in the 'ease---..a*iin s t the tide
an immense and pa risitic army and
popleagainsf the owes cif the mud- i l
1 s
Z of the natien.
, 1
If on i and:soort a er theNsailini7 m ;of
e l
iotwo ekped ib . . ,
ons, now almolt, keady,
here shall not befi;vigorous and de
r' d ,
ruilned• advanee of ouorces, t t he
untry • will be ditaaPpolittedl beyond
. ' 4 I
l ' l T e h t ; er n d v ti e r r at' p ie l e e . e l tf'nift' y ge*:Teady and,
roveo down on ,New lOrlealts,i)rovided,
he,(3-elierals have satisfaciory assur
nnsd ee em t be. l: il a e. t the stave. of of all the rebels
n ino s t en b L y b,
i n h e
e k i.
iiriptroetslinocc am tug' inter p o u r g ,.
'dr 84.01 I Anglo-Seixons, sn as Stone,
ra.alleck, , and yc( own half breed
Berman, Of Flying,•Artill i,renown,
alsi.) Patterson, Di%, and I ay as well
sy 'Clelian‘ Lin •
coln, et. al. .1 . •
1 I feePeatistied, that if it ad no - tbeen
'fot sympathy forl,slaverY d thefirst
families of tile sciuth, an rlitors, ithis
ribellion would have been nefrly pup
pressed at this tirhe..' 1 .
, Many of oursoialled G erahl, have
stooped lower, and; sunk eepen i into
the damnabie filth and poll tion offfm- 1
pathy for slaveholders
,and 1 their, cot
, tint,' than I think' it pods tile fort ani
. , , • , ; I.
fro.. lai
to .. ad / t
,r i e
i s
pti 11r1
Flo (1
4o 7nt.
r ss .r
10.011 , 6 itizen I,oldo. t i Some of Ithem nerved bb the right. -a
donbt,l6sa'ha7e t e' bu 1(14 tourago to duty. , :
fighti tand iirob ly ' i.OtarY %knowlf ' 1 thank you for Your
edr"tO comnian , but, have ridt the entrultin'g to me thiwsw
'po it e l 1 wisdO ,of, .0
South ai l rolitut always try to keep it Ivo
i ; t
col*, nd. , 1 - ` ' I 'l . , - honor , and when I look'
. • Tlie 4to3pensio of (Major Geti. Fre=. er its bright blade rAfie 1
moat; with 'hie noWn energetic per- the sun. f r glows With t .
soveta co and de t.triination.. at a time, „of hattle,.l will
~see sill!
when'll the and
Ancives,of the Solith- clove of friends at home, s
weiitJ i i r *ere &bin bdtbre lihi: spperior f that it hits, been given ra
abilitie,s, was a n ost Eatal blunder, and the institutions which el
'' . • demonstration ' . • q
tame near cans ng then firesule_. 1
thrOghout the rniy . !Ii wasiworse _ 1 . your4,Am' y .
i i
thati , he Buil gn i af y ltir,in loss pf con-
.- i A. W. TAY - 011..044
fidetien in high rin official , and loss ..: • . Co. 11, 101stliegt. py,
of till that ' had been gain _ in that r
~,,•,,,,. , ~_._.___- 7- 1 ~4 11 ,
quarter by the utn i rr cam aign, all 'IAA of : Grand jurorsciViarehlS es .
for 'lle sakC of, an 7to, satiley: some- i ~
..., . -; . :dons, 1882 . (; 1 •
present .1- - J antes A Sholes, Forcinan. Rod
thip , * we need of incntion a
Wild to G dl We had ' i i nore Pre-'
Miltollft4nderson, Chippewa tp 4
moms:. We l mus ' have. theta, ov take a . Ti lB c , N'e 'IS kW
Na4okdra. 1 •: 1 i William Cowan, Or ene trf. ,',
li'i.o not .kn 10: thall I need, 6 liell•I Nicholas Dawson, hio tp J.
longer on Obli matters, when I hayel
( i ) , ionias 0g,,5,.... sr , wic A tp
JOhn 'Gibson, 131.1 , -1 ton IT 1• ;
no p i riwer to re ress .the;riCvances.-- I IJOlifi'llennon; Patt 'sou .tp ' c
Sorneltiniesi Zvi 11 fo7 great Mental and , .1 ja i .,,A, Krom ,. , Fr „ ~.,,,,, bor.)
physical power ;.that I might be abler- William Leaf, Roe e4ter ip ii,
to Se' rightt; r dstroy si . ,ine of the : j am , , ,,,;m c iii n i ev , J tu j p„ier t p 'r -
poskErs ' I ' [ M: 1 . -1 . -,Jacob Nicely. barl ngion. ti, 1
Joh4 Nevil, Bri• , htin tp
, Theltblii ,
John I . )nrd . y., limio -ex tp - -
leperur•4/1. henry ileeder, 2.\:e v , SewielcA ;1.,
interest : Itobi:rt Shannon.] opew ell 11'
NOliTa'Sfi 'nion,as Stoke:i. B itell on 1.
, 1,4
..1 liri Slianv, .? , Tari( (:11 tV 1 . Llii
A. W. T John Stessiart. IINI,-, 'III], . 'l',
•wil7 -' ee'rrespondetice
. • -
rs. 'K
our readers we now !
WIC3 I LY i jF Feb, 18t32.
1 1.
- CArP
. ...
.sik . : '' fil'is Gov - "ei•nraerit . ol l ay;, (has i
lickii oppbsed,)hy the gotriblnedpower
odraitors at h me and enclies abroad. j•
bel'oyert brOWn . but! itsfour dallein can I
nel - dr be des - tro cd.l• 3 The pt•ineiplos on 1
whi hit is'inti t-ar Co-exi!stent with'
ri' ' the• • •;tl' 'l •O ';'• •
r lin front RA 101), i. n Lgh, eN CI
per l il of the- woAd' . :i history until
I ,
i10w,.. : kn em • nati n id
irony the - Rule
011 the Uniyers i - th 'y !appea . ii, two t
g iilit 4olu'meslithat of.,Naitiro and Re.
v r ek ions tion••• .lin •tbese vol ine feller-:
sdn Obt!ained'the •4rit'ih - te.rit;. :if not; the
.wki Of tile decla . atinri, • 111 'men itre 1
rnated free and equal; at d endowed '
With:,certruil inalienable.ri , hts. :)H4
144 li are; lite,l lilre •tyLaif 11111
canal( the pursuit i :
of hapPine:•is.'•': i Ot r; n '.ci • - q - in- 1
tiitided fint . i•ights . liniiient as neuihindl
*hl,P the)" , l resit;tbd taxatiopi aille)is !H
Out iteil the,pri vile4;e; of represi.:iitution : i
I:ln i c lines Of FrecdFin IWere: written by i
•the pen oflDii.-initty. 1 Opprssi - rn had 1,
-aealY 'obliterated them.' : When .they
* ji
e 'e re-Written. I*.the 000 , of_iteN'o- .
1 I,iit'ionary heroca. I The' brave . soldier
qr. i Ciinl l x.,ton•liavii the hOnOr of first -
lipa .ittg.... ihem leg`thic. The 1 i.:.word 01. - f
1 VI shfingion unce..,kiralu b
-ii froni the ),ca.;:
'1)::' i ,rd, - cvii rot• reitti•ned utiol libi:rty •
*tifr• Oet:Orion o'ilor'de„,p9tkin .1,0 ( ;••• •..
"Aad the ", Father cif h l is.Coittitinv"• - :re.4te z c s i i
'l. : l l ;('e in hiii.tOhib
i l
w fin: ,tl'it i 1 - ••arik.2 , .i . .1 1
; \ Potorna„c i , , --grLs at ias ,the pro:me:m-1i
lot I thel Governliteor. when . the! trti T .
s haftil was -rithitid l'oxistriis -- ;1 pus- i, -
de the; fatal blrlyi:jii,nieliiicin - r , army''
I - :
is collected, our 'flee- •was insultet9
tile flciatingovi• the bra A-e Andersooll
..o teld'FOrt Sinnter: to .Ithe l ' A till.011:i.
4)' ti• I l vorthy Pre.4ide r tit. ilioasith4 - :imj
fri , dikaely retLpoqded. among them you b. col tidien yuar. pOsitiotr. 1.. After re=`
il l etton Old irravei', , kyou concluded to
__: •-, - ~,, ~: , k
le ve the _pulpit,' pit,
.t0 .... _ er! . 97 Govern;
ent,, All thq!lt VC hit even , IC pulpit.
At... - elf would Ibe i : dangeT and -tile pun ; I
• : i
„ia'terlpos4ib l ly hi r ne.4l-at - .,• thekakii . ,:•'forl
4c pyouralgittioorii• Bible truth.- -00 l
• I • • , : • ,
lk') WI qt..r.inr tliends and i by the re',
ilPest of 4.ii• .1. 11'; ,\',l.l3,rovi, by %••• hors y ;
i .
... le . donation was ;;E:lgge.. , ;ted,,l .pr,sent.
, ii "dolt I fhili'lsvlord,iii Olten• of _friendship 1
- •:: : 1. r ,. .:„
and high eteen?. . N $. )VOIIIU. not , jar,
writ it, nor would \HAI Tir.- . ci l e.: Tit to be
drawn 44%1in:A 4 iiiirzuress l pi;ople for '
tontine - ,-• :: • :
~ j •-:
~.„. - •
.1 . -.
;A: nor .t.,;,"ainq .i ; ti,oign nation
`Olen it can -::4Iv 1 any honorably boi
avoide4 mitch I,'ess - 11:?,tonsi. , loyal eit H
"z i cris: Ati;ltimp' e. l i i.l' c pr...,..eiit it to, youl'.
Or the: inaintarnatieel ,9f itit• Gocern-I
ent-4thc protection .of libertv , --t lie
Overthi•OWL of traitors' . the ' slow swell . 1
9f tyrants I:and thOcstablisliment a
ljtigtice. ~ We 'place - ander t
.. he flag ot'i
•otir eouht6 - and tti der yOur cilia manch i
our - son i, our In Oth i eris; l a . q.ct otyrt:ri, , ,,,i,:. 1
and while.We ..2elacve :you 'will, as a
ehrOtiati and aka rninister,-encOurage.
then to recei‘je,.. Christ : as their Ile
deernei4 tuns bong prepar ! ed :for' dipt ii l
'if' they fait and for future l usefulnetis ! it . 1
1 they do, e4t, wytti l treat,,artd. nive : that I
if in
. thfi pt.ogr.s.s - of th war a
you re,}
br o ught trite 'I an • engagement,. , thi)ri:
sword ina;;• - , hyi the blei , sing of God in 1
swhorn yori tri4t, lead lhern, ()It wanl-to
' vietory. 1 - 1; ;1 , ' - . 1 i 1.. I ;• , - - . 1
l orry Air thp' downfall Of trerthon
''•:,, I : ,• l' ,' I . I:- - Al G:KIRIi.: 1
T9•••CI N a 7. FL.N.:.. NT. I.l.A.ralt:! :... • •.,
. .. li .i -• '. i. , I - . .., .1.
. •
1: iat 4:r l '
I ,t
(-; '.1!)1F
L eo in I lot
1,. 1 64i
it)* r
! r the
'Do sol 2
h out
I milY
; I Tait; oi l
I)(luitig •
corns 'ati
blest, • ,
4, an
es hal - .
pi, boi x . . 1
eeap' del
.._. •
1-I.E.,W,nAnTEng KErsTONE REGT, 1
Is ''''' Ca
_h C/ t . .' '6 . ) i"
f , r et. 11 111,1 Feb.y. -, -.
REV. 1.92. G. IMRE..I :•'. I .
Dear Sir c , el kindai(u beantiful
gift Which, through„Ycia, my 'friends
have presented.was received with feel
ings of gi i -atitdo gteat& N than. 1 - can
express tetly by words. '-'
I Nfie
A sword is a strange ofe •Ing for
friendshi'i to nvike 'a stroprer o • rim ,
, - : i r -, .t , .
to bet made by the hand of chris ian i
logy et; but tliese aril strange days uponl
which We hate come, and imperative
necessities are upou Its, tviiielt justify
tho oiler lig iind Warrant its use.
Who can say (that . there is error iii)
one who . .has preached of love mei good,
will te men, striking 'with his whole I
might to preserve an order of things .
instituted by mil: Father in lIea!vZ?11
for 'tile goodlof his eldidien? And '‘vlio
can say that l 'oar Government, growing
as it has grciVti,_ through oppression,
affliction, against precedent, in opposi
ticin to leartkly!l power---alonc among
naticonsr a, solitary thing.'of thajestic
grabdeur-- 7 -grOwit from a .trembling
coloriy_to atnighty empire whose peo
ple _rest in a; sense of security, while, the
dreitd artery of a . foe shakes the
;ground; ant l from. being itself pers i
ted and oppresiedi now offers protpc
tion'to all ot, 'aod's children who arse
persecuted and oppressed,- does ,• not
give evidentte of Iletriksn's good Will,
0 1 0
tividence oti;God's constructive power.
--Stitisfied'irr ray ()won mind ot the
jastnegs of theleause for which. I con
tend, Ishall, Whenever the bpportuni
-- Offers, ilia) itio gi ft Which; from mo
tives of patriotism.and frien-dshiP, you
iiavp liestolied; with all the,aforee - with
whiehkuitt re bas endowed me. ' I Not
in the spirit. 6i . -Vindielive hate ; ' hat
I', ,I ''l,' • • .
1 -
re qtic . r , 4
or t, time.
ler sion of
flip tiniO,
should bp
„, „ .
ennl k Aten(*., i n
)(-) l o, , anljwill
. 6 . q . di a .
[upon it'lrlieth.
,i f ts the'of
the lurid I,. g l it ,
ling tllet3 the
and rerne4ll)er
If for
e t still -,'
, nsureipea v t o
t , .
Jos(1)11Stou ,, 11.N(
Tarr;cart. fZu(
Johr. Tu eker
Gef r i,
11'.k . li:1,iii . ID
1 , 1)1 . , )ri ..,
T , - 1 1
"4,61 i 1;yr:1 1'
lobri j. I) . 1 I r ; -
feVs . l t :*.; ',
' ' 1
: . ',. •:1
r.F.1,1T . .1t 1'.(. -, 11.',- CiP..!:: I ',VLF*
•,,,Tohn!D Stokes. B aver b.,,r.,
yrt i loplas Bigger. t r reem, L i ., -•
Johnston Calhuu: . , do - T
'.lohn 13 , 2•• sen. Traria:on:l 11.
tiailic.i .....;:,:.;•ii.),-,:. 1,1';
,ii °'i.. Laker. iloi l •en‘s ei; t,:
.J() .1 F:e•inin..
Rol•L•rt I.i'l '&4l'. • Ct : \
,101::, i :;., 1*;:',i17 , :. ::.. 1:1;:'H: 1
- ‘ , N"e • siev 3 Beets. ..!•lari - -o'n.t•••
I Sarniiel l',•nes,, Fr,..:.:10- -. 2..,-.1., : ,
Ja;s„ . .:ilec:onrieli, . • -16.-
! ;
(btn_ : -.Beddi , on, PL . .a-k', ;!•,.
Oliver .11oulette.
(21raries Co:•de. Nr...,-).15.•.i,.......•,
Ca' i)un•l t 1.:•% I r'!') .
1 011 ii N\ - at , iln,
4-1' , C:.4.1. * \ 0.11'4•4. i , M 0 ,, 11P :.!:
.Nt:/11101 , 1 .)14.1 , 15. :1: :'
:: 1:k 111 i - •• ..:I\\ - 0 ••••,
.10 1 .111 11 CiTi. i r:: -
/401:."t 11 a I'S I .VI
' S II L•-eper-, \
A 1
I: ,liiier. • „, .4.1:,
John!: S Irarragh. 1 Z...1 - --...-:',
. ~ .P..,Jr'N.
i.(llliS .14•1 o ). * . ,I ;i5:
Ti,(PS P11:11:11,-. (.141 . ?1'r1y..1, * :
Salltitel 1)11V id iOll l . [ ii tff tTil .
.1 A . W . Etlgar; I)itriidgtali:
Wm. Sharp, •., flo:T!'"* - 7- 1 !'
`..loloinCru Fro-tik.Ohio•••&•:',
.1. retierit-k C.ira.ham.83,..1 - -134, ! , i-ri:i•
qainesiiusti.l;. 8 r i,.....1, t 0ii. q v ,
Jose litGalliel: ! 4:6 ' :.::'
• 3 0 fill 1:1 L,;:ill:Ii!. - (al:lifrOir ,I)t
'.Chas I,oll! , llC.ek.ei ; SCirtii . St
:1 Oh 11 _M oN IVe V . l,' , :.!..Via
jas Potter l , i... 4-.. F,lelastrvs 1
•• . I, • ..•,
1 , sti•o•. , ;:), -•
d :lilies' A I: , •T i t••,.. N r ew ser,..\-- clic i-•-/
Tieil I T ( ioolinrind•: - - - o.". 1 ••.; , '
I Roht.)V a t ii.-••••on. . (1; • ''' .
1.„ . .'
3.)11.Via .Alltier:-..)11. r...e.m. , ,01•,:i? . . - t
. i
• thitile:•••:\,t•C l A . , dt• st''''''
jzteol. liii•;••it il 'f' - ).1•011A• I'C'i
-'" It ' .• ; 1- • •
..i i rt.,A•l,lt . o,:l:t - tsl. i1ii'. 1 .;11:42 , ..
.',l:i - iIK•S' M• • •!•: ; 11:1z., j,. • ;1•' , • - •:: . -21
i 2 .1 . ,,ht) i, .11a!,•:•. -1 . 4.00 P• l'l:f. - ,,..
Davi(l c;Airli. 1 1 ;,.... 1 1,...„.;:', - ,4•••; 11 .... ,
dames Co ':lt. -,!: . :--.0a;',•.' , .
lienj•3l ! eF.trlaii k ". " ,i•'••1; !----*
, tZobt ('raN • fol'CL IN , j.lC.!Zi''':S '
i)411 c 1 I):1 il it 2 I tt ( 1-1,t . :;
\V;iI .E'hoft. ,Idaeectori‘o-•-;';'.
4 Lonis RObinsi - rril, d,..,', '..-.-'c
.Dar - id Slnith. !..• ut. •
Charles EVia,-;. I:lankiia - 7 1 .•
This l'•nter, ~
,j d•r,
.' . .1•.'
Abram ,Thoma, 4 (1,, /...'.1.:,
Wn - i Fish. Puhi...44i i i ...:: ‘ , ; !.._
Epli!• .••A
Thos ( I.err. Filiedont''
AridreW .111.('IZSOn. ' Vali4
''.1a ,. .. T,horniiey.. •, .. -: a, - ;
John 31ei„,Vwaii. li)a - •Ait,..• l
Jas Ne - well.•• Da l ai in rico:r:i,
1 Win - , Ctill'.o;
1 - I.c•n - ry Ness, indlistr\ - ;;... ,
Geo :Sippert, Ne s w il'i;
Newton• Olivei . . : (I . : ,
dosep,ll.T Pugli. -,..„," . (4r,,'
,Jos T Thompson “•!1,4
Adam Pod, Georgetrip , 'r
Robert Reed, t;reend ti
' hienry".ll Singleton. G
Abl•lrm West. Marion t_i
1::: •
i '
' 4 , '.'' t' i•
~t• ' I.P
4. 4
F;orrx Fortresst .ivr.. s le ,
FORTRESS 310NR0i.',''.' J. ...:.I.iy i :
-.Wind North Eat, ra'..-i A
i i.
, hal:
flag of truce wa. sent ~.,..' ti ,- 1
I to-(1-v with one of - • t.IN-t ) -'•''
...... ,....,-,
i•none' were browflit- r `b-t -- 4 - •!•'` ' l.9 r .
papers received contain- . 11'41 Yr? of
est. The NorfOlk • D04...A ., k' "':' r
theiotal loss c hiriii4 ~ ,il , )Nlq.tttltl•
411 i t t l •t
I' ' '')n v °l
isbirid\r •
• e. i L'l ' ll ' ' I‘.lLe
1 tilil;.:
'bonded, t NI. o vl , • r.l ,‘ 1,,
tired sul.;ocirtently, CaptqlulWis'
j irivate . Burnet of the Iti§linforl l ; ; r:
''llit killed ;Ire Caittaiii 6 J 11 1 1‘;,.. (31 :
ltobt. Goles, Li l t-tit. IV; l:i '0:1tA:
seven irivatesl 'l' he
'.BO - K.
tiTht 2500 prlsonei . W
• - s e:0 taked .,.
that they will be parblc," for,exchr,„:'
l and seat immediately tO.;NorfolltL
..-1.."-,,entletiniii who art > ; t freliq
t , .
rituck sound vesten:lity:,sD,,ys tha
Oral of the federal gokorits :op:
! at Canal on Thursday - Ateriaxalp;
I,Velocl: and I.llllltteltao firing.[ f,
andshell upoul the rebels ;t; he I 7
engage(' at: destroy itto;_ihe eau:111i:
, The stet . nt delhys- the .'•'ai.,liiitt - If!
'Strs - and stripe a t td.4,-r5y ' 1 31: 1 1,..,
llatteras. _il .• : f., ~. 1 -
1,_1" 11 LI , 7 . is' . :: r114),. ,,,, 1.
t i t t r il::::3 ,,: t r l:
Geo. Price ' and his eittli i „‘.
been etpturet.• - .............1.:' " :',
------- -- c'r ,
---=-------- —ll 'of v.
.-,At t e .rost Mei , :,
•‘, • b: A \k i , lII V
derson MILO: priugo .1.0. r ,• 0 k ‘
day 12th 104t..,;•A1fr.• A.l.x-f 5..11F
aged 30•1 - ears, '1)
and 16 t'
Obituary no' rice ne„?.4,kk:ev}i',. -1 1:
, ••i . -;1 , -:- ; .1 tif
• • „ • .;•--..-_i_____,,ii
at'lt,e of
I c i -
I ,I'i:,,,
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