11 Ed BEAVER ERIS. THE B, V3tES, WEDNESDAY, FP 19TH, 1862 _ T. C. TOohoison, - ,- Editor ~,,, - f sarthe song froTnonr Fallston eor r.:spor.l4 ent was received too late fur iThlieation this week. i will appear ; u 1 onr nett - i ssue. —.- ts:lVe are 'requested to state that the let.tiire on. Oxyge (Ins, at )ir. 'TaylO - r's Seminary, wiil take place on Fridik+ evening, instead of Saturday , as heretofore annoneced. ' tua l ou.—ln the POor l illouse. account tip , amount stated as cxrnded . for sup portof insane Paupers, should read - 61,- 179,64; instead of $1,7;9 64 ; the ac • count as footed up is correct. *•'•l3.l_r. Boyd • Elde'r, son of Win. Eide4, of SO - uth Beaver township, and a member of _Capt. Hamilton's corn panyl, Round Head Regiment, died some time last month! at Beaufort. S. • L.., of coast fever. • - by theiPittsburgh Post; illat,Amlrex - + . 4,. Bears, has been - ~.: 1 30j*ted Mail agent, on the Pittsburgh FoA.Wayiie & Chicago Railroad rice' IV:B. Lemon, removed. We * have no; doubt that tbelCapta l in will make au! accommodating and popular officer. 1 llq us a • -four n, „. 4 ,t00r 'ca bread iou r ny hard ,p . uraeS. and perpetrateS I - 1-. None long:t:,arks= at our expense. All right neia•hbor. do i wish that we eohld'retort,:by callingyou.a-gentle-1 man, but really they faets in, the easel wion't allow it. • ARTILLERT.4- Tfju are hereby r,ofified to meettfbr itrude, at the Court HOuse, on Satur dv, the f.'2d day of.l'elartiary, (Wash ington, s birth-day;) at 10 o'clock, A. Jtr A Mull and punc:tuai attendance is recpp_ted. Bb order of the • ' • - • CAPTAIN. 1 - We ll,f t: that NV. H. Keim, late! 1:1 1t., btu r e ) -or General o 'Pennsylvania. has 1 e 1 - oen c v nfi:nie , i b'.ihe Senate as tri ( C.. alier General. It ks to be hoped that he will pro-:e bon rat commanding) ;10 - en than II,: was a writing reports, if hp don't we pity the men under him.l ilf brains are a necessary element in ithe construction of Br 4 gadier Generals, , , - 1 Iwe are terr.bly mistaken if BeaTer .Ic;ourity has not sent out scores oilmen las -high privateS; C who are vastly Ills 1 i superior, but he tray_ do pretty well, I notwithstanding.as people generally • I believe that he is ` Tome' on a butcher , 'ims,..We understLnd tilt iu addition_ 1 • i -- -, ;to the Many iheiliti,es already offered lo I , 1 r the Beaver Academy to those wish -1-' to secure a Practical, substantial., i i I !education, that t s the intention short ily to add a Nonual Departinent. !Mr. ,'Mercer. the efficient Principal, has es- . !titbliz.died his reputation here as a livci teacher. and it \ ig not necessary for us to say anything in his behalf. lid wi 1 he as , tisted by lir. S. H. Peirsol, .wh 1 1 for years has 'runic teaching his,pr fe.ssion. and not only made it his pr fession, but has Practically demi str ted that he fully understands it. 3 Weknowpfnoinstittition possesii so many advantagei as this one, a hopu, that it- will meet with! ti enoouragement l and patronagt 7hieh it . Is FO justly en . titled to. I The VdrThe following letter has be • I recently received by the-Ladieg' A S,ociety of Chippewa •townshil; knowledging - the receipt, of various gifts to the sol(tieri : • 1 BEavmHT, S. C., Jan. 3 °'62 To the. Ladies .41id -Society of Ch ape Township i ' LADIEs:—Yur kind- gift, of oc • one - hundred pairs tlf socs and otl articles for the members - :of 41;'o.: 'Roundhead Rektnent Ivor ! a receiN ' by us. I 4.M.r roll .ca 1 last evening a vote thinkS and. th ee hearty , I, cheers were given :or_ the Iladiek of ChippeFa for . 1 this token o regard •,I•rest assured! ihat'we will ever hold you in lirateful remembrance f i lar your kindness. The assurance that .yolf labor for =oar cona-, fort at Lorne, t ill remain and strength en our eflorts.l . - _HEAD QUA • I Can To Eniroa. A Dear Sir circulation (g •pathizers-trit to the transt Capt. Lowry s eompany, wl 'some fliscred therefore. 't,rl.‘ at my speei.i instance and 'request, in order that he, officers of Capt. May's .1 . r company might be, sworn into service, which could not be done_ wihent the adclitioa of the members transferred by the povernor, and that Capt. Low yy is entitled to a great deal of credit for the aid, he and his men; renderpd . the Regiment, in this transaction; and ' that it,wai a fair and honorable trips 'AL action, and dome, too, with, the con sent of the men that were thus trans ferred. I - • ' ' 1 .1 11. WILSON, f . col. Centward , , , g. - ' ' i - I[ I [ - - The News of the WI Since our last issue greai bane been achieyedVthe, ray. Gen. Ilahrsida'n been heard from. .131. ea, t emy at Roanoke Island; Wi l l ated about thirty miles no, teras Inlet. and is I bet,,vee sounds, Albemarle and Tam rebels bad erected batteriv the Island and Main land. 1 i and they had constructed ft an intrenched camp inioe which they bad abput 0,00 Our victory, was cpmPlete. WaS 4 killed and 140 470 n ance which , ithere werelpo . ed, 100 wounded, and ti;000 n.' one Among thbse s lain side was 0. Jennings *rise Col Russell; of the 10th C and' Lieut. Col. V i lgicir.D Our troops have now Poss Island, Elizabeth City,: an d In Missouri, we learn b 3 to the St. Louis Deniocidt, d field, Feb.,l3th. that our Y • 1 taken possession of Spring following 'dispatch was i McClellan: "The flag o f: floats over the Court Hous field. The enemy retreu short engagement, leavi t n mount of stores and .equii was captured by Gen. I cavalry is in close pursuit." , The Union feeling is ga i ningl ground 1 in Tennessee, and the sebesh papers are deploring the fact. „ 1 - 1 L We learn from" the Pittsburgh' Ga.. :Ate of. Friday, that theJ Baltitnpre &ii Ohio Railroad, it is 'th4ight, will bel opened for travel in two weeks, corn • mu.niention having already been-open ed With Hancock. ; , - And , following the new of the abov,3 victories in quiek.7 succession, comes ' t the glorious i intelligence bf' the c. I pt ure' of Fort Donelson, Surely this has been a - week of stirring events, and it ap pears that Gen. MeClellin's prediction that this war would be -quick, destruc tive and decisive," is bei i ng verified.— , The! fight at FPrt Donetson wal .? com menced on Friday, and continued un til Sabbath, as will be s , et by the ac counts in anotii'er column. Floyd es caped. After committin g ; almost every kind of theft during his life, he hag' capped the climax by stealing himself —certainly one of the Meanest : thefts he "ever perpetrated. V I Fe rather think we twill hear no more tbreats: now 1 .. ~i - 1 ahOnt hanging Cbl. Corcoran ; that ,I• - ' brag and bluff 'game is about Iplayed out.. It is highlyprobable that Savan nati has fallen into-the hands of Cont. Dtipont. Certainly we have had e i i non Ali good n e w= for -one week. -- I -------------7-- I IS A: T. Louts, Februaryll6.—Special to , d the St. Louis 'Democrat. iVAirl.o. Sun- , dac evening. Commander r Foote reach- di edi!here atl2l 'o'clock , last night On it bOard the gunboat 1' onestoka. He c , . sOrnied Fort Donelsbn on 1 Friday p evening with l ithe„gnitoats St Louis, si , • , Louisville , ittsburg Carondolct. -, , , Tyle,r, and Conestogai I After , fighting a little over au hour, Ihe withdrew.— Fifty-four werc killed and Wounded., ( Okir gunboat pilots Riley and Hun: ter of the St , Louis being among the i J ' latter. CoMmander - I. oote, while 1 )- standing ou the pilot house or the (St. E . 0 . Louis, his _fla , * ship, was slightly • ra. wounded.. The St. Louis was hit, six -I t ty-ene times. Two 1 grinboats were 1 ' disabled. The Tyler ! and. Conestoga ng remained out orrange Of thai enemy's' 1 nd guns. The lice of battle l w• s as fol- 1 at lows: The St Louis On the right, nex 1 1 the Louislille, theat! the Pittsburg ' and the Carondolet On the ' eft. ' Th 1 enemy's tiring Was (very a2curate { They had three batteries, lone , ilea 'en 1 the water, lone. :fifty feet above thi. , ''l and a thiratiftyfeet l above tlie seeon . The - upper mounted fourlB pound ers." This one was held in reserve un til our boat; got within four hundred yards of thd fort. Our fire was direct- ed principally:: at the tet 'wa battery. , wa One of the enemy's guns b 'tested, and a number were dismounted The en emy could be seen carrying the dead er out ortheir trenches. 1.!.7 LATE.a, -- 2 ,A gentleinan who _left Fort l ' i borielKon'afternoon at 3 o'- ed ' yesterday, clock and reached here at loon. says that the fidht had ,been tr. . t in . on' all n . . s .. °f day yesterda y . , The rig t wing of the enem y } i sfortifications ere taken, and the stars and Stripes . w re floating over them.r The 'forces N ere ' breast to breast. and the fight was to be re• newed. . 1 • - I I- Dispatebes received at • say that all thegunboats effectually-I disable, except inander .Footer s woui but not fkaally. ;The up taken by our; troops cunt DOT10:8011, 1 and Gen. Grant he be would be able to capt to-day(S,Unds.`y.) General received a, dispatch from .2 stating that, krice's rear overtaken in Jim uit from and after a brief resistan fled, leaving( theroad wagons and Iba gage. tiss reports having taken ers than hp k(new . what to never I ains,"but 1 pours __L . i KEYSTON E lEn T.) C'grtin, Feb. 4.1 . 62. I - :GUS: s Ai there is revort. in ,bt up, no, doubt; by sym the rebehion.) - (relative ‘r of a fun men from is company to Ca t. Mays 'ltch has for •itS object it to. Capt. LoTry. pleasure in 1 stating transfer irsi.s' made • I EMI victories .. ederal. *tion bas l ed the en eh is situ . 1i of Hat- I tilo:tive ilico. The on on both thp Thl , fortil and centre, it. tr00p13.7 Oar Tose ded; to bal. ebels • k ill= , taken prip n the'rebel We lost rineetieut, liontel.— ,sion of the (Edenton: a dispa i tal ted Sp9ng ,•• ps Dave Add. The , 'nt to Gen. the - Union I le in Spring ; /ted after a. ig a large a. 'Pr , age, which Our. wzg , ~W 6 no ice' . in ..t.ho Gazette,, that ithe 6mrnig New Cas!tio & $ verll; books for subspri tion'of road. at' *emr Cas Id; on ' 27th:inst. We hope 'the amount s'ill'be b4be •" ' 1 b 1 ' 1 e of no pince o sadly in ni 11 road AP, the 110 r)shiiig Castlth ! 1, II is 6011 . dance... , ; 14puirattu ,o; eb,156, 186;.; ii i 4aliticoro CI ,Feb. 1.262. Ma. Ibiroa :--LaSt year a law wiui' MR. EDM!.tt.--The disnatches from patised'anthorizing the 'Governor to ap- Yortresd Monroe a-tiouncing our great paint an Auctioneer for Beaven coun- vict,ol7, 'tip Gen: Puriiside, 7as 'read ty.r - Th er e was afrestriction i put upon'l in theHOnseto4SY and produced great hiiii,pra,venting him from sollinglgoOda exultation;, both on the floor and rattle hrOught .into the county , for ii,nctiOn galleried.: ' _ - ll,froM either counties or' States:;-- , This triumph of ourarrns ifolloiving jAn effort is on foot' here to' -hate this I) so eloseli, l npon the brillian t ' act ieve. ' prithibition removed. I presume all P 1 1 ., meats at. Mill Sprin‘, Fort H .ury, , your retail grocery . and dry I goads d and Florence, has inspired all, p rtiea , dealers 'will, as a matter of Coatis°, Op-, Y here with s new hope. Every loy I I face I pose this. Would it not interfere ma-: ,' is expre ivh of u bOunded Joy, nd I , terially with the amount of their sates u' IL iik. may say thiit thi list 4 been the mostltO,' have a keen, .s t hrowd vet of, men t e< hopeful daY t at W i Langton since pril ; coMßine and set up one or more large / last. In& it is confidently bel owed, i.auction establishments in the' emnity , that wi hill' a fortnight other str tegic ' and= sell at very low figures, as ;they ~". moVem nts which are now in pre ress, I could afford to do, 'as their sales would 11 ' will be,'lcleinsununated, with e wally Ihi •for cash? , The retail dealers sell" in , gratifying result. Il_ I' Many instances on time, and must haVe '_' The rubbers h ,vC been taken i ff the ! a broader margin of profit upon their, ,u wheels of 'the militaii , coach, and for ' capital than . auction men, to male u 3 the futiire, the war chariot will (make I themselves whole. ' • ':. a .s ' better time', and elosialcontecti ns. :" 11. believe that Mr. Henry, either as o f , The arrest of 1 Gen. Stone created read ; or, will read in place a bill to:"au- `'.' i much e eitement among rnilita7 ,men klioriza the town fathers of Roc:heater 0 Many afro ' disposid th, suspend . judg- 'sof borrow money.: The amount II do , , .i i , meat n ill rnore'id known; while oth- ' not recollect. I know that a' etition In ers are very indignant, and denounce td this effect has beenpresented y-yoUr him- in the most" immeasured terms; , attentive and careful represen ative. but all agree that, if the Baird Bluff IBy the way, I-? may •mention that disaster 'Was the result of his treason, soar Senator, Mr. I.mbrie, has heen and Col Baker ,arid l is men wee sac- i i honored with an appointment of-iv - place rificed through hie treachery, that he , upon the , sub-committee of 1 the two should he hanged"as high as Haman. 'Rouses on Finance, to gnto Washing- The irOte in he 11ouse On Friday , tOn for consultation with the Secretary last, on the Treaitiry i Notehill,inaking :of the Treasury, 'and the conimitees 1 : the notes a legal tender, was as im- :on financial matters in t h e twoqlobses , portant' a Vote is Was ever given in o f Congress. This inter} sew has been any Congress. 'rT Ihe constitutionality sought by the highest finaneial,author la of he legal tender cause was ably de ' a Liles at Washington. It • Was.t, erafore bated.lfer a nuniber of days, and was I mark of particular honoelo i e select finallv passed by a vote of 93 ayes , to Iticl for such a condulta.tion., I preaurne a 9 naN-s.: While. the act may verge on „this selection of Mr. Imbrie, ia, in , ien. the cOafines Of the Constitution, still, I l Of the fact ,that he 'has' beenl here -so lam cl l early of 'the opinion that Con- long and - acquired 80 muelii etrirce. _gress yis the eonsti utionalpo . er, and I I The_ interest upon the State deb has cl• if ever there wds a, ime When the ita. o)een paid off most successfully ilerirj perative wants of the Government de- ID. Moore, the effiCient State Iji:eaSurer mand di its exeteisC, that time,js now. I iwith hit able' ssistant, Thomas Nichol- With an army Of sven hindred thou- -?ion of your : minty, has aehieved this i sand 6 'provide' for and our hike and Jander the ',t ing and delicate state of I sea c arts to d6feni, , without one dol- ''"public credi shaken as it isi in every lari the Treaur3t, and, the hankers li direction un ier the administkitionl by and rakers using every exee i tion to;',State titian iers.; With ,iiiich officers' darn i gd the cr4dit of the Government, ;ilwe need not fear a repetitiOn of the dis ; Congress had the alternative' of exerqsraceful rep dintions whirl!' e/haractei-, casing that poicwet t Nlaich wiis done..lized the 3e rs, 1840-41-42-43 inc o" lU - D • fie - t IE2 and -- I S f reby ii4tai , 111 , , Gov rnlnent, or' of l ques, ion in . tht hat let !§ yule t e a thilrig had be eyed t would la`/ ve ninedays, b 3-oi Gov ynntent 1 'pal led 9 have sol i d 1 1 i y dist: Unt, the b i r ank tak . theirSsl enr issu ;to pay ur figh ii[tg the battl is batiliLtle doubt cone Ur.. Sen L tor this gifestion,[ns eas ,1 has surprise Tile eonfiseatio up, land con.sidere dispOse of thel - fin we lean pass tle i bill , ertly of every de 1 the 'rebels, al d if destro) the insti 'the estabish NatiOnalukrinoi• istang eontiidera is k t..inguished . ge 1 ifrerent seettoni Igl , the elaiins ai all, les, an4g 4 tOrson, *ealeo - )rior adVantii t , Ilro 'll 1 ' 1 , • , 4WDgtonltems. ' ~, It 1 TASIIING6N, Feb. 15.—'theW as *. ngton ebrresp iidenee of the Neiv 0 '4 Tirne4 tia.) s that Hamilton l.' i'sli 113ishopAms returned! to WaSl- ig4nt:araYt ndiadercp:rtt °°vanenoftl9irnissi e it° t ' i :0, tleUnionprisonersnitl.Soui. They repaired to Fortress Nonioe and' made known their commission' to I the 'contederatauthori tie J at Norfolk,i it. by, whom the tatter was referred.to Richinond4 A reply can e, refusing l , the' Cornmisio era ad n mis toil to i,he ,confederate to i tory; but' ,expressing 1 4 eadiness to nt r gotiate tbr the general atibange of p isopers. ' '.l . , I 9 Cm or omi sinners opened negoti j. tians chi •h esulted in perfect sue, es. 4. Au'equal exeliank;e l petit agreed 1.. o,lbot the Co federates had 300 inure Prisoners Oa we. Withomweridad ble rnognanim ty they proposed to! re-I tear these als , on parole,f oor''Vrov-1 . rOment Word agree to release 301 l of I *heir men, tha may next fall into iour hands. The noble commission of See .' r% tetriry- , Stanton, , therefore, bast its ample reward. A 1 general jail delivery,of 'our ,dear 'holys will'Ocei r throughout. the Santh, and will !soon be rejoieing in E 1 diberty . ' regained! 1 ' 1 ~I Feb ,-. ;S I T. Luis, .r. u. 1, Further.— ', • offi cial advies fonr Fort Donels,on ' say that Geri' Floyd escap6d. duijnisi the . 0 night, and the rebels in the For,t de nouneedihim as a biack-hearted trait or and &mord. ' i ' r ' .1 ~., The enemy are known to have' had 11 thirty theus rid troops-fifteen thou sand-1' „Fi n , nofi w o 'are our prisoners;; five !thousand es aped and the ,halninle are reported' kil'ed, wounded or othei4is 'disabled:l - ' 1 i •1 . , Our loi4isnot stated, but the ,slau r ,°ll-1 1 1 ter in our ranks; is mentioned as iterri lily severe. i % „ . ' t ' ST.II: Las Feb. 17.—The camialties 1 on the'" nn oats ati Fort'DonelsOn are as follows, e' : The St. Louis had of killed, inelodinn. P. R. Riley,! l CM! , cinziat4l two wounded, amongj them Lieutenant Kimball. The Zonitiville had five sadors , killed (four: slightly wounded, two severely, each having both arms shot.away. The Caronde , - let - had"four killed, six badly wounded including Wm: HamiltOn, pildt, and two'.seSVer ly. The Pittsburgh had two woun ed. 1 i I i' 1 '• • • The fore en route for Fort 11)0'541- 'son had m. stly come up, and Wprelp :c.ated,oa t e left. \ -', 1 1, General Lew Wallace, with the ;Eighth MI souri and 11th lildiana-, ar rived O id -- - I's 1• I ,pi fir ,rt . , , , -, $ H 1 N. 1 , 1 adquarters are, pretty one. Coin ded twice, ler redoubt lands -Fort telegraphs Jre that ter o:Week als en ICurtiss, Icruurd waS r. 1 Springfield t o the rebels itrown with eneral t Cur r nioze eiso !: I. 410 WIG . "1 I - &ew Cas tl , iiioners of th, 11. .c.ill ope n I' stoek to t saii harsdai di y, e I 1 f'e lic i t a l en 1 Id,aslve kris ieed of `a. ( town I towo of Ile I. n die people and the placing the financial ids of the banks. and overnmenti If such (Jane t the lifational. been submerged in ; 1 d a question'.. They I have been compel-il e bonds at just whati , : clemande 1, and tol ded and de weciatedii rave Men, who areti s of freedom. There! i that the "'sdnate wilt' eowan's course 41'6 'ell as in t1; 1 4 Bright I many ofhis friena I bill will i# taketi , as soon as we can nee question. I think, ) confweating all prop: -1 cription belonging top we can, we virtually Wiwi of shivery. •, ent of an additional'. and Foundry is eel , )1e attentiti. Many itkpen are 'here, front iof the country, urg kf their respective 1(5- -hon't is our friend .Nli... )usly advocating the ,ages of BeaVer F all's. rs, truly, .1 • : i JOHN :AV. W ‘LLAC4.i - _ .1 . ,t . sive:laud gate rise to the sharp ; rare, and l'tiustte sarcasm Of S37(.lfiey Smith —re roacht so keen that; dinner It ables abroad .an at: home echoed :,with laughter at the;expense "ofour i . porn monwealth or a decade. • I 1 ' Nothing of general intprest'l,l,las transpired raring the past weeki.eg islation has been a blank so far as gen eral! interes_s are concerned. 1 !, , There is some talk of an adjourn tniAlt of ;:the two houses tbr :4 brief period unt i l Congress shall bave ad- 7 k jilted-the lode and, measure of direct 1 taxation. he two houses if tbey;ad! journ Nvill m e et again - about the 2 middie. , i„of 4 pril or the first of Mayi to dispose of thefdir et taxitiuestioni it in the meantime ur armies, have:not dispciii. ed of the Thellion.' IWe niutiresert., however, even ifi, the ie;belliton be "crushed ut" ;to -direct taratiirbn tot Itic v; eral yer 1.8. : Ai' least. until. 4:luties upon inii»rts , have rettelied,a point 1 wnerc the - will not only pay our year ly eXpens s, but. also thti interest upon the ratios al debt and form winking fu .d to p. V the prineipal:i 1 the tic bc.'ratic ;leaders-herb 'are con- Ikgratillati gti ,n with the self satistacto y idea that direct, taxes \CM, soltr and embitter the Minds of the. farmers i it interior distri;cts 8o that they will overthroW the moli 'teal as `4.entlancy (4* iihe flcpubliOni . )arty.- 7 - They for , et that though:the - habits oi otlr peopl pre peaceful, their spirit is t essentiall - t inilitai.y: . Now that *ante dernocra c! party ,kept *wer in the National Government alinostinan na broken. line tbr nearly half a eittttry. ' because t 'plunged the country into War wit Great Britain .in i. 1812 and, with Me -leo in 1846. The war spirit of the nation its n o w i therOugl4 aroused and if a successful 1 , nip party can.reap any political advan-, tap, oVer that party 3,-1n.513 leadersde-' tided th national:de‘tinieS during the throes f rebellion. I 11.4bee,1 all this paltry n eannessi.whiah that !party is attempting to use against the admin. iStratio now to ; break itdown will re sult , i onl in its overthrow, and defeat. J Ther is to be isgrand:rOview roflthe troops 1 owlying at CamilCuiltin,num bering 100 men. Col. Wilion's regil 1 menkno i full armed;will lead tiie right. One hundred guns will be fird in hon orof the recent national' vie6;:iries. j" ' • , 41 ,‘1141taxiinao." ,1 ' -I _ 1 flowing squi bs are from he , e , N. Y. Tribune.' Wtie you hear, a man ,say that, the Black , ephbliCans have ; . caused the war, lb sure that his heart is with the Rebels. -,' I I lirbc you hear an'office)b shy that ,it the 1-ar is to r bo wag; c; tor the; de l struction .of slay,ery he ')ll,lreSign; be sUre.tt at his heart is witlftb e Rebels. II Winn you 'hear a i man find fault with Ole energy of Seeteta yStanton, rbe sur 'that hisleart i with the Reb els. , - 1 I.; 1 1 1 . , i , Wh ever does not cry with all : his heart, Live the , Republic; thoug,h •Sla- .1, very crish tis 'a traitor . 1 Rea ember that every friend of; sla veryl6, an 'enemy of th Republic.; Wel believe that'Gon. Stone is one of the o cers who were hound to resign their co emissions whenever the lwar should become perverted into a cru r !ad'e awairiliethe Patriaichl,lniititutton..l The f. ST. ;;.iouts, Feb. 17',--4Dispatiches • from Gen', Grant Le •Gen: Halleck' an , nounle the surrender 'of . . Donol . Forty sop, , 15,000 prnionora, including Gene Johnson, Buckiieir. and Pillow. FonTnEss ISlonnot, Feb 116 via Bat timoir, Feb. 17.—8 y a flag ' oft truce. to-day, ,we hear that Felt ',Donelson was surrendered to Gen'. drint yester day, (Satiirdny:.) Gees Piltow. Floyd,. Johnson 'and' Buckner ,weTe taken, to. gether With 15,000 - d Other „prisoners. Wle are : lso informed that fighting has been going on near Slivanniih, and that that- city had pr l obabl'v been' cai,• tured. • i. - MEM L . wini extracts froM a letter, )I. i tr of the Army bf the Pl-, 1 • iehd in anotlte . r Divisio 1 , , 'ee, have been h tided us 10 i ao : ' 1 , i i '' ' Jannaryjth, 1862. 1 ) a FitliND:—.----4.---11 On ass that wantof ;other em--,I nt prompts,me this day, to ad- 1 ano ;b-nasor.t.t.h.thactalpadnorit, notytaresenpjnecyt, ni , , eftnfi sh el Y''o ct i o 'L ,'n li o .t t ili k e n h o a w pi :t i b n a es t s l t &t hant : o irri! ni axie"to yew any thingthat ivil . , . , , , i i . se in ere. in g„ except it s May ye. o o e, 'we et Home," w,hich,l. know iy ex eri' , , cut, to a soldieri brings re• le ti us soth "sad and sWeet." O e t':onr Brigadas routed the lee!. , ie s t ilainesville andl sinote theM ti 'a d thigh, even in the Pines. It.--' m. s oat. laboilt 150. to ,201) in killed in • 'won' aod: Our loss was ,4 killed in abou *r2s Woi nded. (It :was Gen. ) d's Bri ado of he Pennsylvania R.e . se *v s t at done , the fighting.) ',Tilt ij, . • w s the rfit. engagement these me hd eerilin, and they rccetve,. and riile entitled o'the highest praise tor, the r coolness nd and C,OUrage." * i "The Tiny of the' PotOinacjbas n. t. a d 4 be ieve wilt not go into wint i 11 arters , they are pornfor k tably fitt'c u s at pr 'sent.' id * ' *l' Speak it 1 o the F,iglish diflictilt3, he says -The urrenderi, of 'the traitors .1 .s It. and liclell, to the Brifisli gOVOIIII - laa non plussed lie'r'for 'the pit s et, and sh,e will hale to eastiabouti r a other' ireteXt.l The ,Rebeisand.BiSt i h, hay Ibot.h been sadly disappointed; 1 b - e,, t sE h an i e s ga c in t hd i josi_bioaeosetaoseiuct,read,Ganonivdoesertnaritdntaeisnet.ata. b es t hone'.,jiist, saves her from getting vhat, sl e - ~ deserves and much needs. ii () hat w uld be, proud Li t' OU r Will e i i , er ave t I lie lower than our l Anierliwn Eagle. Ille has' twice Nadi tr yiel4 , to (iiiirinob c /iinti, and I feel satastied li-ill hiive,tc ;do so again ei•e 19lig,i1 Jpe ' n pi/it dt -. not exercise a littW niore,dis .lretion :in American latraii-s. 1 --All 'Nv e nntitt :is our' havill force re lieVled f duty pri" the Soitr4rn coasts. v,llneli hope wilt soon be June by : tend fOrees nd Stone Boats, we sjill then 1)e ready Or her . With all her st,•engtli l a,ndi -arrow nee. We' can' si(ard 1 enough of - home, I L _ _ , , Itien y t from to wirostaikd and drive Inek any tbree Old livelamEcan 1 , .../ t n , , ! I LI ow . on war shores. r or one ts , iy. tut he lonic at any time, there will,be iti i eitiv-;irevided for givingl i lier a gear lecepeci,ll.lwith military lithiorstlrr i f ipto t elbargain." , 1 -. j ' I Fra i -6. Iron the comnienceme , this c ellion, !juts illelitl4l' to 100' us t_lllip ig,li English Glassqs. but I holies'; that Gen. Seott's,vpit. to I I rxray have-made all things . ..ecui that quarter. 1 I have no Wa t• l ontitieti l\apo on's toi:, for Ezwlc4,nd.. - "If tour *miles inove! trward and s ccessfully, iti will; if i', my:hi opini ' i i n, niate,riallY coot t , lie. , r in E gland, ,and I hope :re will will no m re ,l i leterits. ff there •re an 3, ~,1 / 4 . defen s--if there are ady i n ores reve i tes to our arms,,it must an be c Ifirl.:, , ,ed, to treitelieryii)r imbd in o 4 commanding Gen,crals. I tact is we have an ariitylfol bra diery, able and willing to ern., Tree, ')n and I Rebellion sp ,edily i 'let a the Iwork. , 11, Al Ouridefeats are faillly eh •g:iblei, tot ie half Breed Traitors D iu our. -amp ~,l'; clotl'ecl wiitii military au leority • Trio I. Puft'Ritni ancl Ball Blzi!if affairs •are slia : dui :I:iderice of tiwitact, and will i t s r be l'stori •al , , '',. , !,• .4,, 1 • k ' ' r goverrunent should have, long i,‘ sine , adopteilsonie pulley for tOnduet- t . ing 'this, war, .and not !have ii6a the Gei rats Iworliing, so hail again t, each oth r Pro. and con. lifts ;been t e rule a 'p,,timent the excePti n. •I Iflselieve we have Maly Gen the I;various grades, id t• 1 e servic rather than L iveaken slav e'y in st 'the; rebellion; would re ign tht miKcinsi, ~ and I will not he - suri ' he* of, ti , orne of them being i therrebelseqiee before ih's war i urass they'- •ti provide with i• l'oft Warren, r sorb , other N bOarding sdilool. ha 'been a, to Mi for niouths, that' lie gov is in' ivgreat civandarS 4 ,:clkoWio l (11 ion andlS/avery Niilli 1611 t. im (sit er. Just now,SlaOry ii'ill no' altogether in, tliel',useendri in iv ,yet - triumph'. I; shine ti I do' lds, -tvhether:they r , will• i ha -e4to be put ,dowirp t hy a •, et t''''' at the risk of akrecons If o ur: army is , Kept f(# a,fe, i lo , gerin inactivitY, it May ord., so e spirit like a :Agri! oteon,t wrd,' and our conliu'edi an odiers would settle' tie Mat pilte inl a very reasonab y s, T As miiht be done by a sus ! 1 1 t e administrativA pOwe • for a ter which the goviiranient p rrnitted to iiiove 90 as usu .' r llion andislaver !J.- . %I I hOpef() - r 'hater things,, ; , l) t it r is li ping against all:the sighs of the t mes—against the t Presumpt!A e ey 1- I putie in the 'ease---..a*iin s t the tide an immense and pa risitic army and -- popleagainsf the owes cif the mud- i l 1 s Z of the natien. 11 , 1 If on i and:soort a er theNsailini7 m ;of e l iotwo ekped ib . . , ons, now almolt, keady, here shall not befi;vigorous and de r' d , ruilned• advanee of ouorces, t t he untry • will be ditaaPpolittedl beyond . ' 4 I l ' l T e h t ; er n d v ti e r r at' p ie l e e . e l tf'nift' y ge*:Teady and, roveo down on ,New lOrlealts,i)rovided, he,(3-elierals have satisfaciory assur nnsd ee em t be. l: il a e. t the stave. of of all the rebels v n ino s t en b L y b, i n h e e k i. iiriptroetslinocc am tug' inter p o u r g ,. 'dr 84.01 I Anglo-Seixons, sn as Stone, ra.alleck, , and yc(i.tr own half breed Berman, Of Flying,•Artill i,renown, alsi.) Patterson, Di%, and I ay as well 'A sy 'Clelian‘ Lin • coln, et. al. .1 . • 1 I feePeatistied, that if it ad no - tbeen 'fot sympathy forl,slaverY d thefirst families of tile sciuth, an rlitors, ithis ribellion would have been nefrly pup pressed at this tirhe..' 1 . , Many of oursoialled G erahl, have stooped lower, and; sunk eepen i into the damnabie filth and poll tion offfm- 1 pathy for slaveholders ,and 1 their, cot , tint,' than I think' it pods tile fort ani . , , • , ; I. 'het< fro.. lai to .. ad / t Of ,r i e i s pti 11r1 Flo (1 4o 7nt. r ss .r 11111 ME 10.011 , 6 itizen I,oldo. t i Some of Ithem nerved bb the right. -a donbt,l6sa'ha7e t e' bu 1(14 tourago to duty. , : fighti tand iirob ly ' i.OtarY %knowlf ' 1 thank you for Your ricb edr"tO comnian , but, have ridt the entrultin'g to me thiwsw 'po it e l 1 wisdO ,of, .0 South ai l rolitut always try to keep it Ivo i ; t col*, nd. , 1 - ` ' I 'l . , - honor , and when I look' . • Tlie 4to3pensio of (Major Geti. Fre=. er its bright blade rAfie 1 moat; with 'hie noWn energetic per- the sun. f r glows With t . soveta co and de t.triination.. at a time, „of hattle,.l will ~see sill! when'll the and Ancives,of the Solith- clove of friends at home, s weiitJ i i r *ere &bin bdtbre lihi: spperior f that it hits, been given ra abilitie,s, was a n ost Eatal blunder, and the institutions which el '' . • demonstration ' . • q tame near cans ng then firesule_. 1 thrOghout the rniy . !Ii wasiworse _ 1 . your4,Am' y . i i thati , he Buil gn i af y ltir,in loss pf con- .- i A. W. TAY - 011..044 fidetien in high rin official , and loss ..: • . Co. 11, 101stliegt. py, estf•-. of till that ' had been gain _ in that r ~,,•,,,,. , ~_._.___- 7- 1 ~4 11 , quarter by the utn i rr cam aign, all 'IAA of : Grand jurorsciViarehlS es . for 'lle sakC of, an 7to, satiley: some- i ~ ..., . -; . :dons, 1882 . (; 1 • present .1- - J antes A Sholes, Forcinan. Rod thip , * we need of incntion a Wild to G dl We had ' i i nore Pre-' Miltollft4nderson, Chippewa tp 4 moms:. We l mus ' have. theta, ov take a . Ti lB c , N'e 'IS kW Na4okdra. 1 •: 1 i William Cowan, Or ene trf. ,', li'i.o not .kn 10: thall I need, 6 liell•I Nicholas Dawson, hio tp J. longer on Obli matters, when I hayel ( i ) , ionias 0g,,5,.... sr , wic A tp JOhn 'Gibson, 131.1 , -1 ton IT 1• ; no p i riwer to re ress .the;riCvances.-- I IJOlifi'llennon; Patt 'sou .tp ' c Sorneltiniesi Zvi 11 fo7 great Mental and , .1 ja i .,,A, Krom ,. , Fr „ ~.,,,,, bor.) physical power ;.that I might be abler- William Leaf, Roe e4ter ip ii, to Se't.to rightt; r dstroy si . ,ine of the : j am , , ,,,;m c iii n i ev , J tu j p„ier t p 'r - poskErs that.be. ' I ' [ M: 1 . -1 . -,Jacob Nicely. barl ngion. ti, 1 Joh4 Nevil, Bri• , htin tp , Theltblii , John I . )nrd . y., limio -ex tp - - ..1 leperur•4/1. henry ileeder, 2.\:e v , SewielcA ;1., interest : Itobi:rt Shannon.] opew ell 11' NOliTa'Sfi 'nion,as Stoke:i. B itell on 1. , 1,4 ..1 liri Slianv, .? , Tari( (:11 tV 1 . Llii A. W. T John Stessiart. IINI,-, 'III], . 'l', •wil7 -' ee'rrespondetice . • - rs. 'K our readers we now ! WIC3 I LY i jF Feb, 18t32. with 1 1. - CArP . ... .sik . : '' fil'is Gov - "ei•nraerit . ol l ay;, (has i lickii oppbsed,)hy the gotriblnedpower it odraitors at h me and enclies abroad. j• bel'oyert brOWn . but! itsfour dallein can I nel - dr be des - tro cd.l• 3 The pt•ineiplos on 1 whi hit is'inti t-ar Co-exi!stent with' ri' ' the• • •;tl' 'l •O ';'• • r lin front RA 101), i. n Lgh, eN CI per l il of the- woAd' . :i history until I , i10w,.. : kn em • nati n id irony the - Rule t 011 the Uniyers i - th 'y !appea . ii, two t g iilit 4olu'meslithat of.,Naitiro and Re. v r ek ions tion••• .lin •tbese vol ine feller-: sdn Obt!ained'the •4rit'ih - te.rit;. :if not; the .wki ..ls Of tile decla . atinri, • 111 'men itre 1 ic i rnated free and equal; at d endowed ' With:,certruil inalienable.ri , hts. :)H4 144 li are; lite,l lilre •tyLaif 11111 canal( the pursuit i : of hapPine:•is.'•': i Ot r; n '.ci • - q - in- 1 tiitided fint . i•ights . liniiient as neuihindl *hl,P the)" , l resit;tbd taxatiopi aille)is !H Out iteil the,pri vile4;e; of represi.:iitution : i I:ln i c lines Of FrecdFin IWere: written by i •the pen oflDii.-initty. 1 Opprssi - rn had 1, -aealY 'obliterated them.' : When .they * ji i e 'e re-Written. I*.the 000 , of_iteN'o- . 1 I,iit'ionary heroca. I The' brave . soldier qr. i Ciinl l x.,ton•liavii the hOnOr of first - . lipa .ittg.... ihem leg`thic. The 1 i.:.word 01. - f 1 VI shfingion unce..,kiralu b -ii froni the ),ca.;: '1)::' i ,rd, - cvii rot• reitti•ned utiol libi:rty • *tifr• Oet:Orion o'ilor'de„,p9tkin .1,0 ( ;••• •.. "Aad the ", Father cif h l is.Coittitinv"• - :re.4te z c s i i 'l. : l l ;(..it.'e in hiii.tOhib i l w fin: ,tl'it i 1 - ••arik.2 , .i . .1 1 ; \ Potorna„c i , , --grLs at ias ,the pro:me:m-1i lot I thel Governliteor. when . the! trti T . s haftil was -rithitid l'oxistriis -- ;1 pus- i, - de the; fatal blrlyi:jii,nieliiicin - r , army'' . I - : is collected, our 'flee- •was insultet9 tile flciatingovi• the bra A-e Andersooll ..o teld'FOrt Sinnter: to .Ithe l ' A till.011:i. 4)' ti• I l vorthy Pre.4ide r tit. ilioasith4 - :imj fri , dikaely retLpoqded. among them you b. col tidien yuar. pOsitiotr. 1.. After re=` il l etton Old irravei', , kyou concluded to __: •-, - ~,, ~: , k le ve the _pulpit,' pit, .t0 .... _ er!..nu . 97 Govern; :1i ~.i. ent,, All thq!lt VC hit even , IC pulpit. At... - elf would Ibe i : dangeT and -tile pun ; I • : i „ia'terlpos4ib l ly hi r ne.4l-at - .,• thekakii . ,:•'forl 4c pyouralgittioorii• Bible truth.- -00 l • I • • , : • , lk') WI qt..r.inr tliends and i by the re', ilPest of 4.ii• .1. 11'; ,\',l.l3,rovi, by %••• hors y ; i . ... le . donation was ;;E:lgge.. , ;ted,,l .pr,sent. , ii "dolt I fhili'lsvlord,iii Olten• of _friendship 1 - •:: : 1. r ,. .:„ ...., and high eteen?. . N $. )VOIIIU. not , jar, writ it, nor would \HAI Tir.- . ci l e.: Tit to be drawn 44%1in:A 4 iiiirzuress l pi;ople for ' tontine - ,-• :: • : ~ j •-: ,: ~.„. - • .1 . -. ;A: nor .t.,;,"ainq .i ; ti,oign nation `Olen it can -::4Iv 1 any honorably boi avoide4 mitch I,'ess - 11:?,tonsi. , loyal eit H "z i cris: Ati;ltimp' e. l i i.l' c pr...,..eiit it to, youl'. Or the: inaintarnatieel ,9f itit• Gocern-I n ent-4thc protection .of libertv , --t lie Overthi•OWL of traitors' . the ' slow swell . 1 9f tyrants I:and thOcstablisliment a ljtigtice. ~ We 'place - ander t .. he flag ot'i t •otir eouht6 - and tti der yOur cilia manch i our - son i, our In Oth i eris; l a . q.ct otyrt:ri, , ,,,i,:. 1 and while.We ..2elacve :you 'will, as a ehrOtiati and aka rninister,-encOurage. then to recei‘je,.. Christ : as their Ile deernei4 tuns bong prepar ! ed :for' dipt ii l 'if' they fait and for future l usefulnetis ! it . 1 1 they do, e4t, wytti l treat,,artd. nive : that I if in . thfi pt.ogr.s.s - of th war a you re,} br o ught trite 'I an • engagement,. , thi)ri: sword ina;;• - , hyi the blei , sing of God in 1 swhorn yori tri4t, lead lhern, ()It wanl-to ' vietory. 1 - 1; ;1 , ' - . 1 i 1.. I ;• , - - . 1 1: l orry Air thp' downfall Of trerthon ''•:,, I : ,• l' ,' I . I:- - Al G:KIRIi.: 1 T9•••CI N a 7. FL.N.:.. NT. I.l.A.ralt:! :... • •., . .. li .i -• '. i. , I - . .., .1. . • 1: iat 4:r l ' 1#;(f I ,t (-; '.1!)1F L eo in I lot 1,. 1 64i 8001, it)* r teve,rl ME More MEM will cilit) ! r the 'Do sol 2 h out I milY ; I Tait; oi l I)(luitig • MEM Efflll trod ond,l* corns 'ati simi:ar ,parent rnment': SEM patrinL.,. blest, • , 4, an es hal - . pi, boi x . . 1 eeap' del .._. • retioUt4 month' 1 1-I.E.,W,nAnTEng KErsTONE REGT, 1 Is ''''' Ca _h C/ t . .' '6 . ) i" f , r et. 11 111,1 Feb.y. -, -. REV. 1.92. G. IMRE..I :•'. I . Dear Sir c , el kindai(u beantiful gift Which, through„Ycia, my 'friends have presented.was received with feel ings of gi i -atitdo gteat& N than. 1 - can express tetly by words. '-' I Nfie A sword is a strange ofe •Ing for friendshi'i to nvike 'a stroprer o • rim , , - : i r -, .t , . to bet made by the hand of chris ian i logy et; but tliese aril strange days uponl which We hate come, and imperative necessities are upou Its, tviiielt justify tho oiler lig iind Warrant its use. Who can say (that . there is error iii) one who . .has preached of love mei good, will te men, striking 'with his whole I might to preserve an order of things . instituted by mil: Father in lIea!vZ?11 for 'tile goodlof his eldidien? And '‘vlio can say that l 'oar Government, growing as it has grciVti,_ through oppression, affliction, against precedent, in opposi ticin to leartkly!l power---alonc among naticonsr a, solitary thing.'of thajestic grabdeur-- 7 -grOwit from a .trembling coloriy_to atnighty empire whose peo ple _rest in a; sense of security, while, the dreitd artery of a . foe shakes the ;ground; ant l from. being itself pers i ecu- ted and oppresiedi now offers protpc tion'to all ot, 'aod's children who arse persecuted and oppressed,- does ,• not give evidentte of Iletriksn's good Will, 0 1 0 tividence oti;God's constructive power. --Stitisfied'irr ray ()won mind ot the jastnegs of theleause for which. I con tend, Ishall, Whenever the bpportuni -- Offers, ilia) itio gi ft Which; from mo tives of patriotism.and frien-dshiP, you iiavp liestolied; with all the,aforee - with whiehkuitt re bas endowed me. ' I Not in the spirit. 6i . -Vindielive hate ; ' hat I', ,I ''l,' • • . 1 - re qtic . r , 4 1. the 'festless er or t, time. ler sion of flip tiniO, should bp ntiitt';s' „, „ . ennl k Aten(*., i n )(-) l o, , anljwill isull;ed . 6 . q . di a . [upon it'lrlieth. ,i f ts the ra.is'of the lurid I,. g l it , ling tllet3 the and rerne4ll)er If for e t still -,' , nsureipea v t o t , . Jos(1)11Stou ,, 11.N( Tarr;cart. fZu( Johr. Tu eker Gef r i, 1. 11'.k . li:1,iii . ID 1 , 1)1 . , )ri .., T , - 1 1 "4,61 i 1;yr:1 1' lobri j. I) . 1 I r ; - feVs . l t :*.; ', ' ' 1 : . ',. •:1 r.F.1,1T . .1t 1'.(. -, 11.',- CiP..!:: I ',VLF* •,,,Tohn!D Stokes. B aver b.,,r., yrt i loplas Bigger. t r reem, L i ., -• Johnston Calhuu: . , do - T , '.lohn 13 , 2•• sen. Traria:on:l 11. tiailic.i .....;:,:.;•ii.),-,:. 1,1'; ,ii °'i.. Laker. iloi l •en‘s ei; t,: .J() .1 F:e•inin.. Rol•L•rt I.i'l '&4l'. • Ct : \ ,101::, i :;., 1*;:',i17 , :. ::.. 1:1;:'H: 1 - ‘ , N"e • siev 3 Beets. ..!•lari - -o'n.t••• I Sarniiel l',...ki•nes,, Fr,..:.:10- -. 2..,-.1., : , Ja;s„ . .:ilec:onrieli, . • -16.- ! ; (btn_ : -.Beddi , on, PL . .a-k', ;!•,. Oliver .11oulette. (21raries Co:•de. Nr...,-).15.•.i,.......•, Ca' i)un•l t 1.:•% I r'!') . 1 011 ii N\ - at , iln, 4-1' , C:.4.1. * \ 0.11'4•4. i , M 0 ,, 11P :.!: .Nt:/11101 , 1 .)14.1 , 15. :1: :' :: 1:k 111 i - •• ..:I\\ - 0 ••••, \ .10 1 .111 11 CiTi. i r:: - /401:."t 11 a I'S I .VI ' S II L•-eper-, \ A 1 I: ,liiier. • „, .4.1:, John!: S Irarragh. 1 Z...1 - --...-:', . ~ .P..,Jr'N. i.(llliS .14•1 o ). * . ,I ;i5: Ti,(PS P11:11:11,-. (.141 . ?1'r1y..1, * : Salltitel 1)11V id iOll l . [ ii tff tTil . .1 A . W . Etlgar; I)itriidgtali: Wm. Sharp, •., flo:T!'"* - 7- 1 !' `..loloinCru Fro-tik.Ohio•••&•:', .1. retierit-k C.ira.ham.83,..1 - -134, ! , i-ri:i• qainesiiusti.l;. 8 r i,.....1, t 0ii. q v , Jose litGalliel: ! 4:6 ' :.::' • 3 0 fill 1:1 L,;:ill:Ii!. - (al:lifrOir ,I)t '.Chas I,oll! , llC.ek.ei ; SCirtii . St :1 Oh 11 _M oN IVe V . l,' , :.!..Via jas Potter l , i... 4-.. F,lelastrvs 1 •• . I, • ..•, 1 , sti•o•. , ;:), - ..wr.mt....• d :lilies' A I: , •T i t••,.. N r ew ser,..\-- clic i-•-/ Tieil I T ( ioolinrind•: - - - o.". 1 ••.; , ' I Roht.)V a t ii.-••••on. . (1; • ''' . 1.„ . .' 3.)11.Via .Alltier:-..)11. r...e.m. , ,01•,:i? . . - t . i • thitile:•••:\,t•C l A . , dt• st'''''' ; jzteol. liii•;••it il 'f' - ).1•011A• I'C'i -'" It ' .• ; 1- • • ..i i rt.,A•l,lt . o,:l:t - tsl. i1ii'. 1 .;11:42 , .. .',l:i - iIK•S' M• • •!•: ; 11:1z., j,. • ;1•' , • - •:: . -21 i 2 .1 . ,,ht) i, .11a!,•:•. -1 . 4.00 P• l'l:f. - ,,.. Davi(l c;Airli. 1 1 ;,.... 1 1,...„.;:', - ,4•••; 11 .... , dames Co ':lt. -,!: . :--.0a;',•.' , . lienj•3l ! eF.trlaii k ". " ,i•'••1; !----* , tZobt ('raN • fol'CL IN , j.lC.!Zi''':S ' i)411 c 1 I):1 il it 2 I tt ( 1-1,t . :; \V;iI .E'hoft. ,Idaeectori‘o-•-;';'. 4 Lonis RObinsi - rril, d,..,', '..-.-'c .Dar - id Slnith. !..• ut. • Charles EVia,-;. I:lankiia - 7 1 .• This l'•nter, ~ ,j d•r, .' . .1•.' Abram ,Thoma, 4 (1,, /...'.1.:, Wn - i Fish. Puhi...44i i i ...:: ‘ , ; !.._ Epli uini.Juues.es..!.l.lri:.h..fi.• .••A Thos ( I.err. Filiedont'' AridreW .111.('IZSOn. ' Vali4 ''.1a ,. .. T,horniiey.. •, .. -: a, - ; John 31ei„,Vwaii. li)a - •Ait,..• l Jas Ne - well.•• Da l ai in rico:r:i, 1 Win ....th.C.ltter3. - , Ctill'.o; 1 - I.c•n - ry Ness, indlistr\ - ;;... , Geo :Sippert, Ne s w il'i; Newton• Olivei . . : (I . : , dosep,ll.T Pugli. -,..„," . (4r,,' ,Jos T Thompson “•!1,4 Adam Pod, Georgetrip , 'r Robert Reed, t;reend ti ' hienry".ll Singleton. G Abl•lrm West. Marion t_i 4- 1::: • i ' ' 4 , '.'' t' i• ~t• ' I.P 4. 4 F;orrx Fortresst .ivr.. s le , FORTRESS 310NR0i.',''.' J. ...:.I.iy i : -.Wind North Eat, ra'..-i A .4. i i. , hal: flag of truce wa. sent ~.,..' ti ,- 1 I to-(1-v with one of - • t.IN-t ) -'•'' 7 ...... ,....,-, i•none' were browflit- r `b-t -- 4 - •!•'` ' l.9 r . papers received contain- . 11'41 Yr? of est. The NorfOlk • D04...A ., k' "':' r theiotal loss c hiriii4 ~ ,il , )Nlq.tttltl• 411 i t t l •t I' ' '')n v °l isbirid\r • as • e. i L'l ' ll ' ' I‘.lLe 1 tilil;.: 'bonded, t NI. o vl , • r.l ,‘ 1,, tired sul.;ocirtently, CaptqlulWis' j irivate . Burnet of the Iti§linforl l ; ; r: ''llit killed ;Ire Caittaiii 6 J 11 1 1‘;,.. (31 : ltobt. Goles, Li l t-tit. IV; l:i '0:1tA: seven irivatesl 'l' he '.BO - K. tiTht 2500 prlsonei . W • - s e:0 taked .,. that they will be parblc," for,exchr,„:' l and seat immediately tO.;NorfolltL ..-1.."-,,entletiniii who art > ; t freliq t , . rituck sound vesten:lity:,sD,,ys tha Oral of the federal gokorits :op: ! at Canal on Thursday - Ateriaxalp; I,Velocl: and I.llllltteltao firing.[ f, andshell upoul the rebels ;t; he I 7 engage(' at: destroy itto;_ihe eau:111i: , The stet . nt delhys- the .'•'ai.,liiitt - If! 'Strs - and stripe a t td.4,-r5y ' 1 31: 1 1,.., llatteras. _il .• : f., ~. 1 - 1 1,_1" 11 LI , 7 . is' . :: r114),. ,,,, 1. t i t t r il::::3 ,,: t r l: Geo. Price ' and his eittli i „‘. been etpturet.• - .............1.:' " :', ------- -- c'r , ---=-------- —ll 'of v. .-,At t e .rost Mei , :, •‘, • b: A \k i , lII V derson MILO: priugo .1.0. r ,• 0 k ‘ _, day 12th 104t..,;•A1fr.• A.l.x-f 5..11F aged 30•1 - ears, '1) mouth and 16 t' Obituary no' rice ne„?.4,kk:ev}i',. -1 1: , ••i . -;1 , -:- ; .1 tif • • „ • .;•--..-_i_____,,ii El d at'lt,e of ; tp ME I c i - I ,I'i:,,, oaf, ' " lED • L MEE I wit:l IM