M Eii . .. .. , Itiiiiax, San. it---The itettinship EuroptOarrigedlterelast .night With it ,dates toLthe ilth. - from Liverpool,'and r : to the li.th_ bytel .egraph via Queens - toim i l Mr ward's-dispatch was consider, ek i in Cii.binet. Councils, on the 9th.— "The Thifr.s undentands- that an an: t .lver nil be returned eapres.sing,a,rat ifi eat lo n', at the disavowal of, Coin. Wilkes!,lact, accepting the satisfaction re ildered, presuming that the prece. .lent in ',the Trent case will rule the L .-,F.e of the Engin Sm e, ith. i. 'flit. - I,oncloil '4)o4t announces that a t h or ough understaMling" had,been ar •;:vo.4 :14 with the American govern -:aeut. Not only had they given the r maire4 reparation, but in doing so Nl.r Se'. A-ill have succeeded in impres,tig,,ort the English govern %lent LI: notion that tbey have - not , I tiv oi aired the present indemnity, a p t ir Otnatl pledze o future seen . P 1 1* 1.• t - • t IT he Pa il?; _Ve.zrs e illogises'the course 1 , t i,e !Wa,lii,agton government, and ~ ~,.,...LL. of the cdur.se of the Times • ir and Pesr. The 'fir—s has-a' strong editorial ,eipoii! any ovation to Slidell and nason:ankl :-ays they. are the most wortii;d•is booty it could be possible to extr,c.t. from the jaws of -the Amer . ;ca:, Lien. bas jig ,beea . known long -:4 blind! and habitual hates and revil- A l i :of j11(4... lansi. • _ . i l 0:)(4 'journals advise a similar , . ~ •:re. !, , The '' l ;Tillys (16.nnzn(•es the stone i.orkao as iv inost'atrwious. :,-,. , ,,,,f.L—There is LE.a.id t . 4o' be much in otiidal circles at the . -ettlennnt of the Trent s..*air, wbich rise • of one per .-:ent jn the l l _ • liourse_t, Ti. 11:11;)11,;tt'Pyr 4.: - .)acruncer . 9 the stone • . IZit4 tvill recognize Ilk kingdom -;Ur 71 of. S 'Lao jixtrpl! of. St. Peters, artide 'on Sexi• and intellidi 4td . ,lemandi . ng , tly • ;tll:ryiky leeonta the stariting - of ne ::J•Ati pd. the recognition of the ~I:::!l, ,v l ! principies- u pon die question flags. The artille also ex t•••• thi,c...lfligland will give to the guarantee Or the fu- , t.. '---. tton - ~ . -i, . y- 1 i ,,, .111.. , ;: nt:;:l COTIVQII ,-, which ... - -dsil i}i n.l universal respttet for the . , :.glit, qt neutrals, would contributeF, Ili i . o:tinke - nittico-of rteatJe and -mark :-; • pirgi.sss of eivilizationi , . EMI L W ! .0 .I , IIFLOYI6I.:Iir 1 1 . .. - •' - I.*ArE'_,'.rS, \VA N 'l'',D ! r I', - - J. , V,"e wii: 1 11 - r.y from' ..,11, 1 2.5 to siO Per month, rr.di!! ,-30 (tee, to Fictive .Ar...eq!s; or give a '-oto:i , -allito. .Particulars sent .free Address Pre :;zewiing :kinctlilue .t'orapraryi R JAMES, .-I,erell i,im,er.t. Nti!an Oh;o. Q — Ml 44 l: CIO fIUIITII'C lIIIIG ;MEN FOR THE REkRN i J. f 3- NtIyVALMG;' - . 11P:ATI Qt:_ttiTlCllS A.,13.1tT 01 , 711 WitShillgtoti,Jannar ~rr.cLAL'rNiDEtt, No, 16, The f Hotting named officeriand en:islet nfe detailed on the Recruiting Service 'to • theiranks of the 10th Infantry, Penn '..-I,mnift. I'Z:f..serve Corps, and will report to the G nerd of the Army foir instrecti( E. I'. STEWART. L 5....r4 . t. 11. AI EN-NI:NIT. CO. I.' 1 . 6 v t .1. A. J 11 - NSTON, Co.-K. ft Vonitnand of Mei Gen McCLELLAN. I I • It.; I ml.let• bodied men, betw,een the ages Of :z krd 'years. being at lenst 51feet 3 inChim T.ii:l;," leceirod into this tirm•of the ser upont nppliention . the ufldersigned tqCEI4 and , pay-to commence from the dn.,- 7! . eniktment. Pay sl3.tiO per Month, toietir with 'FIOM) bounty et the elofe.- of service . . frsmrortitiod furnished without cost to. the !recruits, tO Camp _Pier:J.ll , on the .Pototite, 'tr wherever the RA giment stationed l • ' • Oftic;:e. 4!1 •Pavillion tel, J Rochester E. P. STEIV ART, Ist 10th Inf'y I. - - Penn a Reeereo Corps Exeeuters'e,Sa e. 11 - 71LLIlbe, offered at publi4 sale on the -Third day cf March next, on, the premises the boin'oph frookslawn.l 'all the reel ~ . sto of Mrs .Abagnil ; of said dec'A. to *it :- One brick Lewes two MO' high !!* . itli Frick kitc)Scn attached 'and ••••-•;it ooe acre of ground, algood Well of irate= `.t the llitclien door, and 'frame stables on the hnilding let fronting on the street: '. l -• , , about F.4,1 t acres, of groimd now fenced off o three tot's.- The above property will be of r'efl and sold as a whole or in separate parts, 'Lithe Mtenests of the estate may require. 4 coM men ce at I o'clock P. M. ^ , third hand, and tbel residue in twd'an. rayme;iite bearing ititerest. JOSEPiI CAIN, MILTOS' LArIiTRENCE. licoksta-in Jim. 1' 1862 1 I•• Exee're. Q lctoti4g• N,FLui.ncL The subeiribers, deeirottabf citing out their -ck with a view quieth.bus nees;ainael l r goods extreinely low ?amt. Qurlitost . .1 extensive, and embraces everything usually 'ell in a fir:it chiis gore - , and being put chatted =e Fore :be; :'late iriae, wil et»bte tis to sell '...cods lorer than ban bo aold - tine ns a call, judge for youraelveit,• and ea 6 / 1 1 A bultains..l •J. IL TABittLE & Co. ilooknown Jan. 23 1862. • EXE CUTuR'S NOTICE L TElls. testamentary on the estate of James Craig, deed, late; of Rhiiewell town. Bearer co.. baring been duly grant ' To the subscriber all persons indebted`to said •thte are notified to make innneOstestayment, thoo having claims ugainst thew. same will eottliein properly authenticated for rettle ~4t without delay I • 29 , '52,6. Eer. E I • ! A D Li-ISTRATOIL'S NO ricE. zt!,l. perwinr, indebted to the eelate of 'Thee. %Ilsoor. Esq.,:late of Franklin' tp.. Bee dee'd., are: reqtteeted td make to papa:tent,. ark those, hel4tlit claim ev. cetate will please prelent them to i tzl •':'seriber.... properly arritientidated for set • - /AS. )4IOOON, 11. 1 AdMiniotrator. N - OTT.: ALL PERiONS ktiowltig the6slvesitidebt .: "ti to the subscriber by Notalor Book te- 1 • ) ` i 4 ,.f sil in 3eanil plese .calritt the tREASUBER' , ,ICE er, and settle bereie the fleet Si : sf MarCh, 1862,1 *ll book liooonnti notl Preloas ' too tbst date wil 1 6 l eft wit'h i ' lt P"Pet Ater fi3i ebilention- •_ • ' I G. CI BP. i) Sillw. , • 1 ' , I . --j; • C, ; • 1 ! .tiir, fituthwirri 4 ff of Beaver,cti*ityq" , v ;: .4 1 ' 1 --4 -L daii foii t : , In th e matter Oita ' ' cbsri 'ter of .4toosporation fop_ity t• , ""'" . . be. known by the; naive ef - "The ' • L.Alialrotista Ohurdt- of 014,7 slicMted in Ilistotlict o HOpe: well Townsblik Bearer ed,caty-IP; I salt* January-91b . .. iiNit'the ___,. aloha Crain, Robert C.:-.Booit- ' Itid i. Rised,lwak ing th at sr - earpqation toi ea , to be'' known by the name of "Tits otlreerito= Tian Church of Ohict,'• situat in i Scottsville; 1 Hopewell township, Bearer 0 Itasintfor i pi egd Ita object. the worship of Gad, ng to the j faith and discipline of the Hsi _ alslterlan Church of NOrth Mustiest. to the I Court,j_wherenpon the Court ha perused the saki instrument, and beia of pi nion that 4 the I niin it contains nothitig contrary t la , dintotsaid instrument to be filed in 0. . notaries off' -it, and order r publicadon ig to law. an that unless cause be shown to the contra , ry, the aforesaid Charter_ of Inoorporation will beranted by tbe Court a t tilt nut Term. Heaver County, se r • - - • true extrapt from the Itetord. .1 AIICHIEL[I9VAND, Jan. 22. . 1 • _ .thonotary. IN the Court of Com 1 ion Beaver County. I In the Matter of theapPlicu t ion ter of Incorporation for a Church t( by the name lof ,r•The ElerMan • 'Lutheran, St• JoblVe Church 4 P BoChcster and vicinity.", I t i• Nov. 30, 1861. The applies of' lieb Schmid, Albin SmiM,Oathl Henry Greshake, B enjamin Mtiblhe Sbreit,Eegina 'Mill er and Margareti lug, that a corporatioa be I establia 3 dl te known by the name of ' , The Germ 1 6,l4ntheran: St. John's Chera, o tirfßeohester and viciniti," Itfts ' obj ' t ile wlrship' of 'God, ape fait and disclpline of the Evan gel ran Church, presented to the Ci ii the Court buying perneed the ill an being of opinion that ' it e n ti :niter) , to law, direct: oak, lee filed in the : YrOthonotary'll (Apo, publication according to av, r nd course be shown to t contra t Charter. of IncorPoiatictr - Willi ' be the Court at the next term. BTU:VEIL COUNTY, BS. ' A true extract, from the MICHAEL WEYA A. l ttest, BEI JOHN 8.. YlOl3 lb- .A*tt 9 :3r Ett . (DISTRICT ATT , 1 ,f,Er•Office in the Court Itonle. lan- Jayg pa, rard, on the ince of his 4 the Trent riieetki.! We; r cTHERE is nothing madelbylart I :and beautifies a man or woman a l nice sett of teeth Dress as yi should you be unfortunate enCtigh a sett of bare gums or hid. l ecaiyed teeth, your beauty tijsapßeartr ais Their use is pf more importanr times their cost. They are 9 grind your food, if that is n theistomach cannot digest- D. dig Won' follows. Then.ga at , • S. M ITSSER, E. Il e e will make - you a very fine met Teeth, on Coralite Base, Plate Gummed Teeth, sso;j e Sil med teeth, $25 ; 'common Ds $B. All work warranted'' tion. Workmanship ce go al tbe [county. ' r.ftrlr the firs of prido of Cora ite will be 1 higher.. Electro Slag etic !Galvanic 'slim) a -alleviation pain. in extractin ter - office--Broadway,Now Brighton, l ------ ank Divid I en d. ria ~~~ E!!! • - BAXIL or Biavi ~ j - ~ New•ltrightotn, . or. ; Y /4.IVIDENio bp. • f N V,BE Boolid r of Directors !of his I Li. this day declared, a Dun xi ", rxiierair upon its capital siOckl fru:: its off the lest six wonths,t ps.,} , abl . bnlders or their, Jeinl repreieat tix r itAtt. By orde of the Simi of N 4. 13. - •! EDWD liOnPB , , 1E COIN T . PerouAc,l Igs24 j N 1 . Thousand' are daily spe's r ing AO t ! . DR. — E-AToN. tfanitile G I : . o why? Misuse it it never ? .1 t:4 n ya eo t. m u w s ajigi r % ei te i ,w ej aen w adTi b oy e :. gives: eili rit ni od. in e t t i a tn O P 0 f a ~ kin A d, R an E d OthOirefßoirCe retie e ? b i i • he su eringi or your child, Bute o tang its eensidititice: For this. a men 4 itself as ths only reliable p pr Taste ktio u for ClitLannat Tsarina , Drs SARY , GRIPING IN Sllli L Bo iir 14r.Srostacn, Wan, COLD IS Cab . also, for so/leanly th4eunt i fla lion, reyalatiny the Boigele. etn i o it h as equal--being an anti I syasi with nfailiny success in-all iCas i ston a OTHER FITS At you vai health of your ehilfiren, andr lei.) front 'thole sad and hits/Lima leesne , areirc4rtnia to reridt from the lute whiehall oth,— .eniftlice for bp are sod emit as it Scat Pe: del tioi by net Scrnfttla, die., and we 'find it ev certain deficiencies in the redgloind Suppl) these deficiencies, and ion I well. e 'The, BLOOD FOOD is fou nded Thecoi--hence its astonishing s 1 at ;Fare .. repkr I' ' 1 adapted to the deficiencies of theißlo ferent disease. For Comm. 'COLDS,. na. - or any a ff ection *baton* 4f till or Lime inducing Oosouximoi, in *lick is oleo the No• for I Dia% drol t e kij Lowe or, Arrrnrs, avid fqr all Cour re arising from Oria-tpm; Del, and Nzavotre -PIM3OtaATIOI for L 'its Court.e.tere. No. 1 8. for 5 Being eadyprvaredfor oirritim it at Duore and carried immediately cireniftion. so that *bat yon gain • The 4i os. 4, .be for FRIULI , Ilu4ga Eitariate, WeAseass, &a •See • tiona trop this. For BAIT Risme; B I &mot this. lltnist,and BiAZIDRR CO take No. 6. In all cases thei direatio etrietir followed. 1 For fun ditimtiona, ace drunium per bottle. ' - • I. •I. ' B'l4 by CHI7OII & DUPONT,. 5 . , 116 31 den Lane, 11, - Y., and by A' • Dr:sects throughout the wavy: ' Fee sale by-Dr. O. COMOHASI Mai. 2. , 60: • I i , r l 1 • 1 1 11 :.'. -" = II Pleas If for a Cbai Io In known Evangelical kikswatini, f jobs Got rine Bolsi, lin, Joseph ' ctx,k,aski bed, to he !Evangeli . Bridgewai. 'tag' fur its . ing to th i ii cal - Luth 2 whereupon Datramont, ns nothin3 ent to be and orti± that yule owforesaiii I granted . b ecord. 'D, Pro. iial ME LB hat adorn BO much a i r nwill, and t; exhibt imps f nothing; an - tweet l e's mal ell groan 1 .queatiy i to INA lEN lice t l Islas' j ot on on hri 0 LE BEA Cosamene of Finul i SIS- GO plate- gam j:liter beei ~ aaddisfae y , made i • 862, th e IliMIB a 4tt far th arid' I. • - ?ming 8.16 A. 2:45 P. • Trade i 1:65 A. 7i' 2,20 P St 1:~ V. IL Bi PITT • ROCK X' '6,..f Brighton 1. Aliignee :1 . Mail, Express, 11 auk ?inv. • or too • the pro to Sunk r,! or Ds irect4re. Cashier. Mail, . Brighton Brighton -.Express Es zi Patent 1 I ; p• t Tfl '0 NI in t, lafford . It set I cow'. . Intaitta r:operat on, a large equalled Dy LATE 7 rdesopin athd-I trit oc t m- i at now 4 t , ‘,811.110214 Act mit frepotect vingpain it is used centime /fie and atm th,et[ i hie 1 1 0 o f 3/aintel It IPAN•• ie most.. lireet 7 . only, T. •JE. jO.SEP 7RZ I :• • . HAVIN , nient Horse," is friends and thOctory • ocri o vs • r 'ETTE t. ed to Alfred Wel Beaver 00, . ladebted to payment against the Beriberi dal Jen Are youlrou.led with Rate Are you trop • led with Rats Are 'yoa trow.led with Rate ', ; . Are you troubled with Rats ? Are you troubled with Rate t Are you trou led with Rate /re you trop le d with" Rate 'Get it aof ,Flemin gs Get a Rex of Fleroio - Gets Box of Flemiee Get a Bo: of Fleeting 's • Get 'a lof Elemingl Get 8 ox.ofFletnihe , . Get ,a oz of Flemliale, ' ! At .1 1 i At . ! At . At At _ 'D , .- ' i ... e?•- ones. ,g tines spepsin, instance 1 of Blood are made pon this Thom ell II is dit eoaatT Ttricaz No. I.' stos eV t 11.1111111 it. No. 2,. PIM& TAX= into tit* n retalr— ipma, diree lIPTIONS. PAR] El w go tiel: I A 5111.1 mist be Ailaitget' übbird withentr EM Beaver I 61 4 = -i=rl . t • Ai': •;....".:1.. ' • ' • .- I• pl -:- .—i--•"."- -.'t-;-- -- -.. - , A.•;.- t `T -- 1 ...'"' "' AIWiIiKEP N ^••• • - • , STATEMENT OF TIPS AGORZONep IPAL„— -8--,- ..:t.•,:. i..t.,.. ' or BEAVIIEL,IIPON ALL ftoprittr3lo.Autipla AssouNTs or*affizirmuscer: ; I -- i --, 1- .. %,.-"-,-• .•••:-4-)_ 1- 4 i. - , -,- : - =fir - • •• -- , , , . to • ' l ,lSt i' . c) t ,' al4 . Lit .t 3 ' 1 - ...,' 1 . - ..2 1. ' •-• F 4 4,4 . 01 4 , • Bigilenyer:lT wnsinp, 123,573 10,891 71820 itenew' Borough, ,-. • -76.656 ' 2,120 18j975 i.:: l. Thricr.lMister Borough, 74,038 1,118: )3080 Borough TOwnahip L i , 66,844 2,676 8,635 '• Itrigiton Tnwtiship.l27,BBs 9,040 • 8 1 180 • . ;•'-"," Chippewa Township . 101,675 6,786 8.896 .Darlington Borough, . 19.190 • 1,184 _ ,' 11;860 Darlingten'Tnlnsaiip 183,759" 14;080 010 ' aßconoseyTpw,nship 159,611 -12,668 7,867,. Pallet= Bdrotrgb - , 62,124 ' 1.116 7/ 80 Frankfort Ipi:inge,bor. 18.1,70 1,176 3 345 - • Franklin T wn'shit, 84,628 6,897 8;100, Frestom r ou gh - ' 40,798 • 1,077 • 9,9 n Georgetown Borough 20,450 • 1,123 • 2,970 Glasgow BBoorough - 14,0901 , 1 585 2;776 •Al Greene Township ' 175,215 12,506 7'.885 Hanover Tbrinship • 287,692' - 18,888 4,980 • - - Harmony Township 71,810 1,616 Bjs/2 1 Rocket:own Borough 25,080 1:112 8 1 440 1 Hopewell 'ToWnehip ' 160,166 11,989 coup • Independence Tcwnship 86.453 9,389 3,515 Industry TOwnehlp 1 78,286 ,677 64345 .M ..arion Townphip - 1 , 49,906' 'I ,fts6 2;466. Moon Towriskip ',l' 100,.:80 .158 6 985 New Brighton i Borough 204.405 8,765 80,1tb Nev ESewie lII.Tp. 170,382 ,18,021, 9' 504 North aewickly Tp. 111,466 12.955 , 7,877 - _ Ohio Township , 162,650 - 18,002' 055 • Patterson Township 30118 1,216 ll ~, 'Phillipsburg Borough 86,961' 1 :- 816' ', 6'170 Pulaski Township ' 47,402 6,170 , 4 192 Raccoon Township 86.544 8,102 ' 8 .9^25' . Rochester Borough • 95.263 2,990 20,575 Rochester Township ' 46,646 1,878 4;806 .Bouth Bearen Township 180,660 13,044 , 5;485 1 .. 1 MI Toizrauim a. TOTALS. 1 BEAVER 1.001711 TY, es.— ix s_oorreet %Statement of 0 .upon all p roperty l fr.d other) Into theirlcitioe by the said h i t .county is h e re by given, that ing whether any of.the velaol au l lug and intention of the t (ii the right to examine tho id li .and coosidei the written mil Mews to ha4t4 been relke to Given I ;ander our h s I I, i teit, ' 11. AM ON, CI rk. .. At RICIRAILD ffl ME El. & ll ] . Ft e -Tiongo EAST. ilYpv'r.:4, 1 i't4tiox a! jolt tteb'g 9.40 A. "1 1 4:10 P.: i cts, follow; 840 A - 5 O P 17GH, Pres' Aet. st!,.e..n. EB STATION I'ng,. Monday, . leave Beaver .B L Arrives ai, GoisoHiv ledve, Ptttibti 44 1. McC.trt . • • : z, Gen% 'it • - I PT. W. -4}o, is 4 FA tot% Aft. at *1 4.95 A. MO "1 2.10.' P I 3.66 64)0 A. IAIr IA . ttoettes Ao 10,57 ?%' 9}}3sP 6457 ig 9,65 " 3TER 6TATIOq, LOATORoOIit Aeeom 6,42 A It I 9,15 "1 1 " • 12,25 P X 1 , 2.30 4 ' l 3,45 Al A I GOING W 1 ; Leave Pitte'g J • L 55 • ? Accent 9.20 4 'l keeoni 2,30 P AMAX 4,20 fel ' 1,40, ,4 ME It .Cl i washing! t . s lANUFACTUR Dg BY GICINT, -1: . ' Fab! a, Pene kaehines for ' ed, —ease on i and Clothe , ' tlalean wash r mall pieee of Clethink. are any - Welshing Machine now in 1 averriS _.. 7 .__ 1 lel,' it ii A L I; , 1 ent's aohine ropriet Benver I iPenten. ttiorotighl,rtittiii onoerly ktiown prepared', to the pablie gene, oar. • up the eatabl , they "Goan piwilakodati 111 y, Ii .pr. .., ISTBAT OR' !NO , r • testamentary b ring b r .e.:andersigaedl .n! the II • decaeised:. bi • Of Br 111 persona knb l leg t, id estate; are'req, heste. ettlately, and thosn o har t . tat win presen,tl them antheoheeted r Sett! 1 'DREW CABO HERS, ' •Yr Rid Pa4'4 2, Rht note.: Rit Pr i de, If t st Pante, Rit Paige, itni Pak., kit Paige.. Drag, 81 ' Ding 8i irOn' Drag 81 into ; Ding 81 infr Drag Si nje ENE 7 'W.M4 281,206 ME 692 - 1,876 7;685 4.226;189 79,,664 21 10,798 01 . • , . We thiOnnderrigred Comintern re of Baid Prouty, do here certify tl. be Agert4ste ;Value and A t‘eeeMenta n ade 4 by each A in the County of Bestier nut jtcte' of taxation trf county ptirposer, and amounts of eattbereen," as returned e serer 'Ae-esorte for the yetis 1882., Andineticit to the', taxable intutbibinta of toad 113114 DAY the Ilth of February next le, appointed an thelday for finally determin ‘tioas of of. the !Amernors have been math; bell e s Jamie, rate, according to the mean if ASSeal bly: until which time limy taxableinh abitant of the county, - shall bave. return: in the Olboe of the acid Commissioners', I who diiringl the interval will receive ntattniosttioa of any, taxable inhabitant' relative to any property T whmh shall be- L•• • • • a, Beaver, this 22d day of .Jantlary: A. Ti. 11862., ' SA'AIIIELi LAWRENCE, ' I ! • ' JAMES WILSON, . • I , • DANIEL ,B.• SHORT, 71 Comm iOsioners. GIIIDIR &CO. oi! ill, . 4 , No:' 92 arket treat; i . - !Pit loiL4l-1•4614., 1 =Aret 1, , ,, 1 , .. , noir open! g a large r h well selected sto4lof I! • 1:11 = 0 1 2 .- 0r*.:2 0 937 1 / 9 ' having been boughs at MUTTON PRIC*S, w e will' disl.o3l the sane at ' bout half the origi ,' CO. 1 1 It S I,L' S , ,`, , • • lFzoto 60 cenn to an y d red I rice FRENCHMERINOS - L 1 li "l'onlso Centel to any de ired Oiled d,trOAPC - I Sim! S AWLS,., i .'argit l , stook from *2 00 , ntl,utra r sds I 111 , • •. • II i ' , ' , r , I ' WCY L I I I tha " ' 1 N poriel. is , ,_ eV applies. II 1 t ( 44 10 _ll i niii 7 Ilion .b y petition will be reeentlid to the; "Cornitlii.r Com mon.. Fleas ;In and i for Beaver County; on , the first Mon ay (theard ..dey) of Fehisiary next. ; at a Con thin to be held at BeaTer, toe leave to co strit, end finish iii laterel Railroad , froin.ee 'n C oal lend owned by the subictrber,loiter an neon tlu. interven ing lands of John Reed, a d l oif th e l imits. of Clern i ent ''ll.L Solider, de ea4sto a 'certain point i t. int e rsection with the; , ittshurgii, Ft *Wityi Er Chicagd. "mark' ad; ;wording to' proposed route , en "mark' tn• a Plot,, with' cooree'p and divtonces, the a d there to lull li exhibited and filed ;I the !. lit lands situated' in ~ DerlingtoantoironhlP, Bell er Citeinl3l,and gal proyitig for appropketio' of inch land ore t laude ] 'f the owners 'thereoit•at t h e eitidpoltitll of inietsection ' as nifty be ne?,e eery far the convenience of said lateral Rai ro d,..for'ehiii . 1 pincitud tarrying pool ait the sor.ie, is net,' fortlith !aid plot, ;and- a ls o pitying . the aP,- .„.. i :, pointrnent of six disinte re sted 'and ljudicionel men :, , to view, examine, a d report upon tlio ; ,' Berne acording to ;the set flteetebly in such' caned made end provided . . A t BW DUFF, ",, ,l Ne'w' Brighton, ion I 15, i 15621 ' Owner; 1" 1. i the, l ig• not e.I 2 j i EXECUTOR'S NOt ICE ' LR , UMBA tee4menta on the eebtte oft lir. Joint Martin, ofouth Bearer I Tp:, I Beaver co deo d. I to the;, tiolleielgned, all peilmine in ebtetl to ettickestate' arerequested to make imme4inte payment; autr i l ee theee„, baring claims agnitiet laid estate 'area present them to, the subs riber properly au- 1 1 thenticated for lettlemen • , • 1 , ' J. H. MILLE : No. 101, sth St. Dee: 24. . [1 , ' Pittsburg Eer.' 1. the 11. ' ICE. en grai eetate ghton to in og obit the ei ent. 111110GEW Mil E i) 0 R Ves ate itaa I' b. Spl, . •, 1 ' 7 7 %0 1 :.[:; , '.. 1 ; REB4 1 2tit 4 14 ' i ' J Spring atid simm er i' ' GOODS, PI%E CASIME'RE.:OR PANTS,;_ 1 . 1,1 OL_ TH_S FO :__ COA'rs.i 1 , VESTINIeB. TR1M1111,1438, 8 : 0 •• . 41 . 0 ' .. IVE I _j' iW._, RIOH, '1 , 1 ; Is - M it cli-A N I It AII.O li 1 , 1 • 1 No. 2. Stewart's ROWt Blidgewaer. LAROF aupplyi ßeady -Bads Clothing - II suiteli for the sessa i ii, k e pt cotortly on " hand; also. a elm fullt,i selected st eh of Piece poods,lfor Clod to learks.l All ki de of tif ganne ts made in tli . neetiet and mostlob stentild manner, and , '! teed to fit:. '[ • 'OII...CHARGIU3 IdODERATE. 1• lc marigo. 1861. I . il . '3I..RICIV • u •I , ! .1 . •• I 1 1 Adm' ! Dithridgeg Onl Chin: ley fOr l Limps, Ditlariilge's Oval Chita ey for Lainpe, Dithridge's Oval Chloylley for .LailPei .Whilih tbi beat r solll , not brook, 1 - For isles Dr. liliute'Drag 1 i l, T — • i 'E. Are you annozed wit fi len ? ' r . - I Buy the I.lglittdu Fly I,Killer. ' 1 Buy the lightein j ... 7'i t !Cilleir , I 1 For saki Dr. lilillis Droll I' 1 II , I I ' 1 , . ' Are you going to wakeilee-CteamF ,' ," Get a bingo of Entrant:L*ok or 17anIlli i . , Get•a bpUbi - of Estnii,g of Lemon i'.4 Vanilla`, . I _ FOr sale I)r.Miniii Drug Store. 1 1 •H an yo u i t" — • bottl e o f : 'novo Dierrliewtl Get ai of 1 , ; Brown's FesOneA et Janteiel l aillg!r,i ', • BrOnve Esetaci. of o Joist°, Ginger, i, r : . . I Tharrheal•Ant iDtarrheslAn I, 1 Carinknbei4 V Gatillaithe li Power & Co's Power & Cosa `I Jayne. li Jam 111"188,14 At Dr. ll* iii • 11E1 • F - IiMMI INEVI NM . * , I • ••• 11111E1 ~,. __ ..., 4. Isifet.rtt . 24c11:4: :188011 . IN , Tlls. LA./04ra E t " OP itur..4 ON FOR COUNTY rETRPOSEI3; AND . r. ':.:•..,•: ' ' ' t. f I 7,+' 1 t , 4 Isl, • 7 j; {1 ; j • I 120 .16 1168,908 I 1,077 78 4 026 27 1 144,014 1,008 10 . ,' 120: 8 108,299 f 728 93 210 7 •-92,028 644'14 , 4 _,: , 146,162 1,023 13 80 , 1118,592 • 680.14 40 6 29,464 200 25 155 3 216,007 • 1:612 06" 840 $ • 190.760 1,835 82 160 4 -61,590% 481.18 '. 105 3 22,168 156 11 40 2 , 99,824 695 84 880 9 6 6 ,164' 8 83,08 820 10 29,248 •204 98 45 18,421 128 96 r 040 2 202,145 1,416 02 20 1 275,190 1,926 38 250 6 38.4.582 2,842 07 205 7 . 1 84,149 219 04 . .' 810 11 ' 178 875 1,224 83 I I 6(.0 2 , 1, 106.765 747 86 I • I F 4,81 7• 598 72 160 40 1 ! 58,286 40765 • 80 1 1117,012 i 81908 650 1,83088 , 249,720. .1.748 04 ' 194227 1,849 69 I 56, 2 139,790 978 53 76 164 8 158,66 1.281 48 ; 66 2 ;•.38, 8 28: 2 71 56 1 - 42,612:' 297.68 70 88,152 444 06 I 76 ; 104,211 729,48 ° ea,2l Al 4' ?.' !WI E 11.,2141 14,7 e. 48 . 4,4150 I 6,794:'.. 6,626 ...- 4.9.50:`: • 7,874'. .980 4,000 4,229 • 4 1 0 90- "- NW I '15,9%1 .- 2.660 1 56,844 r. 8,980 7.948 8. 8 06 , 1,299 650.; 2,894 9,000 1 - , 1200 1111111 IN 185 178 rig 216 lON I 90 600 Inn 1,209 • 94 1 2 50 500 4,425 6,295 r • 10,895: i 1 710 sb ; 182,878:92&61 • 800 170 4' • 1 E18,744 376 21 45 2 '154,408 1,078 72 • man 96,6 W 181 II NAG u R t I i. Bunt. 121 MN qaMil I sem, hips,' MEI =ONE INC= NM i . s fki 14 . WIN CARR, & 1:00, . , 1 .., . .. 9 liTi7calcocl - - ; ...., , PITrESI U _,G-,:rlj_ek. iNvrr th i n attention of their 1 4toterf 1. and the - • trade generally, to their; ~ - P1.A.M.1.:i STOO.lr, '''• • Or 1 '• ' . I I •,' ~ , . P0RE:1a...7 & DO4EST.IO . DRY ~ ;I' GpODS, .I.YOTI9.KAS',° a- . ' . which is now in morn and- ready for• ', eilmine.-' eon l I :.{ • , ' [Pittsburg, Aug. .2(11-'61: SSE ~ JOIINSON • General Mt rehant i • . . . ii; , .1, „ mfor: ../Atk r in PloOr, 'Grain, and alt kinds • • '!Country ; Produce, ,t. Produce, Irma land Liquors, Tobacco. it-6. • , offiii, R nd VerarehCiuse,No. 237 'South 2d street: 17 1- ;4 , 441,e13,13.1.4n, Liberal aiivamiee made on coniigutneats ri 1,1 • •luF 28. .t fi'llo l o ri d n e t ' l v of 0{;1 itig all ie/Teit ndebte ispoileft of my entire ',.Sr l ock cif my Father,. and being dSsirous **counts, those .k will , please; call and Make int-• ions. WM. 8, BARPtAT.I 121861. .; (Star copy.) Inedii 6 sett'e or. Jul mrLo .t: Town'sLEß D, . 1 1 I I n.E.AILEit 4N I • ;1! t . 1. ,I. ; . .13 'Cit I ,C) KSI ....S Til d' 1 O . VERY. , 1, ~ t al- l :Paper i 1 , i , t 2 TO:Y8 AND . PANCT‘ ARTICLES.. ' - - i ', , •I 1 . 1 , ..• 1 - no 6 ' NEW pRIGE.TON; PA. SA " ii . I I Mir:o . ' i - r _„, ~,, _ ...,, .i. ,4ME te.the premises'ol the suhseti et.. On iifib'l9l,h of June; in :: orth Sew)C iy tp, ettlti b ' Orse abont 15 yrs old. -blind lin - one eye, ?f dark brown color, and a wh4elatripe down I, the face.. The i owner is requested, to -comend prove property, Pay cbargesland tak it-away.;(.02.4-) , JNO. FERGUSON', 0. 1VC:41.0 ALPL I :i,erisouti i indebted to A. C Ilawhine • please call and, settle their ac counted: and all haviniOlccounts against him Will prey sent the mine tir the etOre, ,ne h ereafter ;the etteittno , will be coneducted ; on the; caeli 11 - Hool,l'i 'A 6.IIIAtykIVS: I '.'lloqteiter. Oct. 7.. 1861, r , 1 1 ' .1 • ! 1A I .M. ! tosß &W ,' CO's l, i r,l-, 1 i 1 11- 1 DlA!leitiloEA and tillo LEit 1 ! 11, •!,1-. , - 1 ! .'eIMTID 0 TE 1 gas titian ;eiperimented on since 1854, 1 and in every..proved a incense, and is now being init into the market. 1 , Try it and; be con= vim:sect : cif its go 4 qialities. For 'Sall by ~ Samuel Hannon, * F Essnest i sf, Stephen ;Smith. i ; Bridge 'rat er, • David ;biinis. jr , . 'barer; I , /Ohm Sargent, 1 Neu Brighton, Dunoinitt EdpFallston, A. C. ;Hawkins, n : Roches ter! : • bed 4 all thelFineipall Druggists t4intighotiL Counts I. '', ' t 1 1 ! , , m5y.22.61. 'CARR & Co, LE DEALERS I 11T GOODS STREET,' : • . ii - P/TrAS'B UR G: PA. 0 . again he pleasure of announcing to ir Irien 8, and the trade generally, ' stook will be wide up by the- 10th and wilt! , be offered very lowf , to" ap srties. ,JAn imaninatlon is sidioited. j. 5. / 86 1' 'N I ' i- ..2.: ° -s .: . ,SV H'4l) , p E S N 01,941w00 Hurev Lei lhat the' ;instant, proved,p Pdarebi , .1 ' NfrTIC I L .. , , ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the laubscribel._ as. well as thode II hiiing i 4 c suns against hi' ' will please,call at hp, Store; I 4 posit* Porter' tin - shop,' for a settlement ~..ediatitly, as le desirmis of chauging l his ,bosineWM !The tailoring . will be carried on by dosephlßrann, as the old Stand, he being ~ ep.• pointed agent to Pell out the steak, chiaP for Paidsoen! it yon want to ' secure I, the beat 1 t ', i l.' I 1 ' F eb.`..'' , '6l ' ' L. F. scuAitT l ß. ' •i . . ' i 1, • • 1 i • • 1 ~ , • i List op La Q EMAIRING An the is '.I,L Brighton, Dec. Auto E ?eons, 2 •irallArr Wm • Brown PAlina Miss „ L t overadge A Miss Banery 3.1 . r5 : .• Mor4tan A liens Miss Butler Ellen Mrs t I . lerner Elindiatit,Mrs 'Brun- rlll o i c haeLlll4 l Ma k in B Win Birk Adail . f IhlttY,con-tid „ Bend Jadob R L • Olsrk Simnel 1 Ail'lltirny George Chroeseti E Lewis .' Mary Miss. Cain P John ' MaYCa& • • Courtney B F O'Leary' John., 2 Calhoun • I Owen Climi si Mliss Chess, Price Addi Clofer 'Matt Powers Joh Caligheyi A Mrs Pedon; P Sarah Mrs Clark , A Hannah Mtge winter E . , _ Dlitigin Charlotte 1111ss Smith Forgns karts H I ; Smith , Jenay !died' Poiltbette,.:o • , Taylor Mary, tars, 2 ,Oubs Nabs) , Mrs Tinanisti James flanrion Nathan Taylhr Anb ' Jones David' • Tailor Ann miss • Kettlewolxi John , Wilson John - Kearns 0 Miss - Yet Adams •-• Little . Robert ' i I li§TP/inions enll?ag / 46r letters in the above list will 'pleasa say they are ativeriisad. 1 'J, d t BOYLE, P. •M. . j '0 IME =I • b i , H .List of Leiters t RENIAININO in the .Pest o ffi ce at Bea , • ver..Pa, Dec. 3!. 1861: • • ' Adams =JI A Morh George Arkwright' haat • A Baib, John. • M'H'enry Samuel Coster John ' Martin Cript W W Cunning/Ouit,Mrs M ;'Martha J Moore Cowling Mrs E Noes; Teaq, . Duck & Bro th er,s ' NichOlson . Wm Davis Litzie r 2 Powell Agnes, 2 Elder W ni Phillialiebecca Fdrznan Miller ' 'Powell; Maggie Hutchison Jane • Riajriger Thomaa Hindman' J ; LI ' Sottish Maggie. 2 Johnaturllrs Emma 2 Sample Maria Jones Jamea Swagei4 Sarah Litter Wm WaltOkd Sarah A May Miss Elizabeth _' jerPeraons calling for' l'ltttra in the ablitli List wail please say they 'advertipei.. "M. J. 4'‘tosit.sozi P. M. Iteir Post Office hours at Benitez C, 114 :open at 7 1-2 A. Nl4 and dose at. 1):.'31g • 14 of Letteri3 EIIAINING in the Post Office at Roches ter,lDee.3l. '61,: 1 1,1 - Beet,Cenrad , 1 -Morgan mick• Brdotil Martha J Barfer . ENzabeth • ; =••! - Garner' 'Wtn • NrCtinn Thomas •-,• Grafter Hugh l• • NibliA EileQty Roden Jape (Manila' Rachael Jectleon lart• Ana 8 rl'fonrnir, John fChneon Rev -G•W Tayldnyim ; • • Enricher l 7 'F: • ;-• White ;A G i Litcham Amanda. Woods! M, • Lansing A Lee • • Wood:t:11 indie • Leasord 3:mos Youug l iain G ' t\lareltall 11 ' !gee.' Persons ailing for ietters iitt•the a ore list wit! please r y they are advertised. • ' • • JS, t 3l P. 'M. • ; • DISSOLUTION. Partner Ship heretofore , extsttng under the Arm - of WOODRUFF :Ai' MCQUiLLRN. is this, day dissolved by mutunli onsent, all debts )1' Cie firm will he settlCd by I.6AVID WOODRUFF', l'lro will Continue the buisneee at the old stand nd , i all claimnw be p ill aid by bi j ns. ; • • ' . DAVID IWOODRUFP' . j dARRET,NroILLgN. . Bridgewater. Oct. 24. 1t5501 •i; • • ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. , TIBREAS ;letters testamentary on the Eitalte of Elias BreWer;, dec'd., late_of New Prighten borough, &liver county, have i'mer t grouted to the tfilbscriber, residing in New see ittly • ip., 1 all persons indebted to saidestateir, requested to make immediate pay liment, and these having claimslivill please , pre sent dens Preperly authenticated for settle=; • , 81cPHERSON BKEWEIt, • ; or E. II DAUGHERTY, • Attorney at Law.lNew llrighton. Sept, ;Atli; =I J: B0 . 11.1)4t; , l'est ofi .s:guar. sftl'Meat t i er sale at-all .t;tnete r prices rang si rifrorn FOUt to SEVEN cents per pound :UNION HOTEL, (Formerly Liberty 1 , ,lonse,) . .STREET, BEA*E.R, PA. ' - • • ALEX: CLARIC:Pro'i; ; 1861 - COT • IMO. 7 'R, 11111 TE C, No. 25 i Seiii ,a1:11 fotto. , , • .rat and ad p I ing. 'E• A Tie. Pub li 1 To the! Formers 0.. _. 1, f ~ ,1 i •',' Lawrence Counties. 1. • 1 1 THE undersigned being the only authorized ..1. , agenefor the sale of the "Buckeye Reap- Inc and MoWing olachines"iin . Beaver and Lawrence counties, takes j, ple asure in recom mending this michine to the notice of the far me . ii 4 - 'The,unp'aralleiled 'Success which has at ten ed the sale Of this MaChine Biwa) its intro - duo lion is 'alone sufficient to recommend it to 'the Ormer. Enquire of your: friends who have purchased and see what t hey lisve to say about i its ,I will 64 at the Court Hooise in Beaver du slog the 'June term with' our Machine, so thot il Foi . ons wishing to purcha s e min see for them , sok/ s; also in New Coistl durinitheir term of Cop t. I would also caution farmers not to Ptitebsso from lany oth e r, sperion in the above *r Cory,. who may representi themselves is agents. as no Other has the right to sell. • I yOuld also Call tbe attention of housekeepers to our COOK and PARLOR !stoves; made at MTh,. Ohio, ihibli fqr superior agellence, Cheapness and rneatness of design, are not equalled in ,any market.- Samples Ofo, .til the above articles can be seen at My Father s res ide4e near Darlington, 411 coniumMeationa by mail promptly noted. , ,-. 1 ; 1 • I ; R. Ci. COOK;' Agent, - - . A.lfCOLE, l 4ssistant. - ; Darlington,: Pa May B'lBol. ! . ' I ' , l l I.lrrenee Journal- copy ; ' , 2 ,nionOts and solid to this office, ;1 .z. • i 1 t t 1 .WiC t , e ltll . G MI Mice •st Nevi IMP El FIFTH STREET; ,rt - twicittrf, 'open on TUltt.:llA itomber 12th; si efuli i i rl'complete swab of • ( DRESS Goops,„ [ among which! . will . be 1. d tire most Mir& ierns of tire ' Seiatft hits Stock has bileo selected wit more than ordinary ! care we are • DAILYI r Rich_ Supplies Fall Good's' rciuld l respectfirSy invite our C 119%, tomers and' 1 General Early atipS 1 EMI only of ~: :~ ~' o Give ms SODA at Etat !Ulla& , Dela , 1 L i• . =X!Th= liEl No.:si. !Pi: NVE, tete ices. .wi:h into All the best and. __.._......2 oewing blireu....,e6. rThey are `Pimple in eeristynction, moresod,' la -movement and more durable and 'lest little to L ik "disarrangeinent.'thin any other mach i 4 We' give full inetnictiOns, to, netts the ' area to sew ordinary !Mame, hem telt, tiehgilthee. quilt and embroider, all on the saute m achine, . .ii warrant them for three leers: ! [!, Circulars containing testimonials , m ladies , of the highest standing, East and Wei stating'. prices, containing directions, &c.; ail be cn for- • nished gritie,bn application in -p , n by letter. i 1 - • - CIIATONET & WALTER, Ei;le; Agents- N. B. Sewing l'ilachines,•Needles, A IN Cot ton always: on hand. . , - 263—An active local Agent wanted. Sept. 12 - 1860. - .• - r l ' ,' arterly St*Tent. Rank of Be a r NEW BRIGHTON„ NCO Of - the lissouncee.- & Loans Diee't. anti , ,Sarne under prof end Office FixtUree, 'other Banks,' • reount, suit, Not 66, Bi Furniterel * Due froth Protest as Coin in vs U. S. Trei Nates and ,ary Notes, 81) checks of otherßanks, LIAAILITIIIB j I Flock pal , Note in Dueepo Nyielends Praia au 111,. ircalatioo, .itore, - ttripaid. Earninks, Court's . , vs.—Before me al.„1 as Total; BYAVAIt tine of the Peace in and for the: county • of Beaver, ceme_Edwitrd illoops, CashieV. of the, 'Bank of Beaver County, who being duly itinn .o, dposetLa that the above statement 18' 1 ;04- • ect and time according to the hest of insituow l (. 1 dge and belief EDWARD HOOPS, l asti!r. Affirmed and subscribed, before . 11211, tiliEl 6th 1, , of, Nov. 1861. .- l' • .1L P. I BEAVER S M N i , • rt IRE . 'Ti I I INTER 'SESSION of this Itinitu- ,1 1 tion ill begin on , i Il 1 Wednegday, Nov: 6th, 1861, and continue 4ve months. t i c ll Rates of t ton , • from $6 to slo. Expeusett, , ificinding !net. Board. Rom furnished, LinittAte.. $58.1, . t ,` 'D. A. CIINNINIaIiAMP' . . • I Pres't Board or Trustees. FOIST SUMTER RELIFORCEr . : 4 .. , ri IRE subscriber respectf informs tbs. 1. citiieiicof Beaver and v icinity that he has just:received` the Spring and Summer f askimis' for 1S I, and iii now ready to ido up ! Work , in the !Latest Fashionable style. and warv* nted , to fit and Ito surpass any other :wail'. in this comiti.', l'hose entrusting their work with him may . depend on having it douewhen prom— 'sod: No pains will be spared to give eat* faction to those who may call on him. lam" Conitt7 produce will be taken !in! ex. change fur work, ; JSO' L.I . HAL.[ Beaver mar2o ' 'Fashionable T'f, nor. V... 4' A , It 11 ' FOR R - lea '4IIIE subscriber offers for Sale,, a l. arm in .< J. tairtce County, Pl.. adjoining lands ,•- ~4 of Wm. Da 'icb3on. and P. R. Friend : & :Co:, • (Wampum' Furnacen situated 3 mil Prom - - 13eaver, creek, 3 mile from a Grist mill;`; mile from three iSaw mills,,S miles from New.ponile, - tontairiing : 153 acres, about -70 of which laiti 7 _ ; cleared and' under „tenon, and - on: wittelf is a: comfortable' frame house. 13 by 25 feet, lone --.. story high, mid 'also' fifty bearing- - apple'...trees, arid .twenty peach trees, all of the best.4naiity. • Said 'Forth' hos about - thiroy-fire mores o,F. a . three feet cnal vein, and also' a five and arsix feet vein. Abundance of limestone and 1 ,ini!?11? and is well ' watered, with good Sprinqs,llll.l aldo.gpod exAenal Gil innications, and is sti- • _ ted within 13 miles of an Oil well l, War Persons wishing .to purchase wit do '- well to call and examine for . theniseives - , 'FI.. reference coil, on Wm. Kennedy,New Brighton, or the subseriber ii Chippewa Tp Title war'. :' ' reneed. , ' JOSEPH 13111TTAIN.. - ..Tan'3.,.23d '61.--rdni. : .3 .4. . -- NEW DRUG STORE IN !MAW. R. MINIS, hns just opened ont in the tore room formerly occupied by It. Mcqieery, on. Third street, three doorw above Bats4loiy's store, an extensive assortment of Drugs, Paints Oita,' Dyestuffs, &c ~ He would - tsyt;to' PHYSICIAXS • hat having been cngagedi the prof:n{olA business tor sainietime ,„,past, n he is enabled idbf. fer the most 'complete- and varied stook oilnie dicinal vireierations ever biought into the o nu= - ty, which be will sell at the lowest ,cash prides; thnt the same class of goods can be bought for in•Pittahurgb or eliewhere; • Nothink but Or fectly pnivaod fresh Binge will be kept in-the establishment. By an arrangement with wright and Toting,. any desires Surgleal 1 ln. struments can be furnished at their ownlpriehs. The attention of the ' . ; . LADIEs • is oalletlio the fine assortment of fancy ern- . ores, Perfemery, Fine Soaps, Brughea t ,To• et &rticlee, atc. While to the • . s 1 , GENERAL PUBLIC here is offered a good'variety of Paints, Oily, Dyestuffs, Carbon Oil Lamps, Patent eines, choice Tobacco and Cigars,Ac, &o. • SRL RverYoing will be kept i usually toned - in well appointed Drug - Stores,and will be sold as cheltrly ae they can be had anywliereilin Westert Pentisilvank. - [Sept. 19. ; A v SEMINARY AND !NSTITUTE. - Rev. R. T. Taylor, A. M., prim . Mrs: A. $s Taylor, Goveni H eSe; . • , P -A FIRST CLASS SCHOOL FOR 4 'ucation of young ladles. Speciil ctie given in the Prinutry 4 and Preparatory partments • . ; , All expellees - except Tuition Ind Wasble_ l per. term of fourteen weeks $ BB 9 8 Tuition frOin $B,BO to $8 00 including iiiti guages.l . . 14 , 10 efforts spared to make amoeba), I WO ' ' . thy of the confidence of its: patrdins. • .sfarBend fdr a Catalogue, 1 The next Term eommences TIIXBHAT, 10th. I'B6l. •• • • - EXEC,ITTOR'S.' NOTICE. 1, , A LL-person a indebted to lb, estate of Di., . DasidElderi of. Hopewell . tp., :'Beaver cot, , i . dee'd, are regoestod to make immediato..p .. ~ meat, sad those having dilute against. wild I 'tale will please pr esent dui to the enbediibi' duly authenticated for settlement. 1 41,'-' ,- - Jun I) , ' 1 , ' DAVID BC9lf .\ Eer. ll' .' . L I', k H ffn `. inty. 141., 0 7 0a IN 00 168 96 67 68 ,297 163 61 00 00 ?"" .44362 63 , . 1_ ' ', - fil - f.775 00 r 20.696 09 L , I .3 749 41 1 10 99 ... 1 '66 12 1. . ' - 7 - r ! IPS,B§2 62 -N L H. B. BEISEI 1 ' 73E - .