HE BEAVER 7 • BT 1 A V WEDNESDAY; JAN T. C. Nicholson, - NOTICE: I• , c• The accounts and, rsuWEriptions to . LIE ARql.'S for 1860 . and 1861,, 'Which. 11:,ve not, .been Settled trio, as well as the accounts of M. Wcyand; M. & J. .I,Veyand, .and Weyand .land Henry. 'arc in triy hands for settlement. All Irbovarer indebted to either of these for suhseriptifin, - advertisement or job work. please .call Qh me at ;the Tar;Ast;ais °mu.. 31ally Of tbeie ca. counts ire of long standing and should , be settled. 4 fi AAi CEL DAVIENPORT. ;! 1 . REM( e • bare - renioVM OUT rulAiCitiiOcl Office -Old .4GVS I r pposite Drub Store: where ;tee will be found nlwaxs readN: to gi% e'aireeeipt to any pf onr frie,uds who mayleall to pay = their subscription; a l ivanee,---" a consummation. to be 41,-A-putly,lwisbed for." ge-The-Daily Pittsburg Chronicle, G azette. Dispatch. a nd N or York Daily•fifibune and. Titneis, together. with. ail the lEn;tern IlVjeklics and . . Month]7 for suit! - at Townsend' s ows , o 'nice and. Boolf StarerNes -11 !!righton. 1 * ' • 110...1Y,e have ro.•eive4 the Zehruary 1 . ..No. Of -Arthur'" Horne Magazine," I . l. 1 1 and 'ti l ls' only "neeessarr to mention', that itlis edited. ,bly T. S. Arthur and • L: 1,,1 • li irginut. F. Townsend, to . impress up= on unrri.aders the fact thatit is a No. I ma:ialzine in every 'respect Send • aril fietla dopy.. *Addrd,s T. S. Arthur • 'l' & Cc), 3 ) 3AValnut ..st. - , Phil'a. - - - • r.n..;-.... i l res - identTmedln has Uomina - '1 t(.. , 1 t[,_i , the Senale, -for confirmation,' • lion t ;\ oats H. Swain, tof Ohio, as As ..;oi..•iaiter : ustiee of the , tipreme Court of tli Tsited States. to fill the vaean- ed,'by the deatfi of 'Judge Me -IWr. Swain is Sitid•to be one of est. lawyers i,l. Ohio, and a Re iiblican. • • c) eap , the r i ,taur he, Evening ChiOaiele ..(Third yini•nished 141eaikiers • at ten ' _ireeki, or tvilo. cents single,. e. ew-s office df 31ilo A. Town . • NeNV Brighton `Just reeemedi same place. 'a - 'beautiful and; assortment O ES- yles ." `•• . 1 - 43 4! •.;.1 cerit.r fronl,lt s( sit flit r...•Wi S ) .-I i..---I ...Imo.tea_ . t The "Luminary" Again. 'Ellie' editoi of ^th4 ..Star in his.last is -sue .i'propounds , the f4lowing cittestil?ni - Au 4, ith, the request that ire would, iito:4 i a'piain rapij l r this week. -W, 1 I will piideavor to do; so. ' The queo 4 • ill t. oii , reads— • Fl - ) .l 'OA ould yen be wilting. to have the' thion restored und i er the old Constiil tatiOn, the Soutlkernl States returning io ;heir alligitinee.:llia the enjoyment 4,i. ktil their Uon - stitution'a I rights. lila vet-v included, as - thelv were before tii`e v.l;' , ?" - , 1 ' ~ : _.' : . e m ight with propr.et24,- tab.e e...- 1- . 4 ppti l vas to the phraseology of tire . ~._ . , :10-4., 'hut for fear our sensitive newn l - • 4 6-, b it 511,0111,1 charge up with attempti+ --. ,I, l ,e)dge the questie l n, and as he is de- - , of , : , will S . a Ina tn repty 4i we waive. , - 1' - a inns.-reservations, ex planattn etc.. and ad-tt i -er him hi the ffirinative; and we -,v l h: say., for his benefit that in addition 1 '' -t j le above ' that in order to restore 1 ' 'that he sees fit tor style the old Con stitutio,t. we are willing even to confis .l, -.4 - • ' c.d.- the slaves. of Rebels, sh i ould t . be lice, ssary to proddee the' desired re -• shit We trust th a t thi4 rcpt.)- may 5 I pro , e satisfacteryt _'it'd, sir, in s . nun ias you have dopted the pre o -1 (leis 'of propounding questiong, We • bar one or two .which , we wish y u 1 , trot Id answer; and; as, you , appear o lwe i artial to: Eli:at rvplies, yon fill Ply: es make it mutual by answeri 1g ur i c I rdingly: 'I '. sir, it should come a "miLitarj _ , Nti be t e 3 n - ; t ' he in ca u u r s d:r 0 tro so I) ut mach: down of t o i i u i I 1 i : 1 1,1 1 nsd i 1 0 : 11 1v eda sir,in ec s itilof a u s t , lij e citibe o: ll r oau n ix)l a d t l i ib o sh n epi c iss . r x i i i tb s h t it e, to confiscate the, slaves of Reb and einancipat tlicrni . would 301 in favor of sue 1 a Proedure - ?. DO you, or do you not believe tha tvery is a sin anti crime, and that i i , s the cause of ithis . nibellion; sis i I. ited States during our present troll:L -1k 11 s, what courses do you. think w uld i ) the proper one, for moral ancte ris t. n men, to tak2e leaving policy, pol it es and every thing else out o the q e6tion, and looking at- it in p lx a moral point of iiiew.? And; sir, last year, when the 'on. l'hos.Ettnninmhim Tattered the mknly ... . .. /entifnent at a public meeting ißo ctrester, (and for aught- we knot to tbe contrary at! other - Placa). athat t 'first caution fired at Fortum. o It was the Jknell of Atue • pe lav e e e rj 7 ," ou sta. ni d o t i h z i e e d h . i se n uti yo m - ur ent ,I. ir j as that then yOni opinion, or v i t ist a little, pi+ of political tne, . a your part to ...gain ,80The , rot .our utopian p i ty. , , , 1 pee, Ire! ! --- _L -- --- —7- -- "r -- I Democrats vs. Rep s pbl It has became very coot r forl a certain portion of '0 is press to misrepreilent tH wEich thtyßepublican -p 3' 1 relation to the war in, w ich i. are engaged. It is net 0) b ed, at when we &mol der] th 1 for there is a great deale l f t l i tabled in the sayingi--"Thati a Democrat in a_bag, let itiini . still he is a DeMocrat;" aid t ent course and talk is only proof of the correctness of for it is notorious to all ea that misrepresentation has fortelirnie out of mind.he/ they now raise is that th - 1 `patfy-is waging this/wail as toabelish; slavery; and for w argument, we supptise; Ito] ()cessions, "Abolitioniit ! f it:it thinking no doubt that the t strike terror to the heart plc, not ‘seeming to! pro , stand tnat 'there IS -o.q name." .1I 1 I . • 1 I But W hat. , aro th`e facte 1 The Republican party 11 war was itta.tituted 'to, and restore ,the supre laws; arid taken fbstrac that it is cur purpoie to slavery: We belie Z e e purpose that our ,„ v lutGuse 1 ;~P.A .9rn, 18G2 I - Editor. ave in view is to - Put hellion, and that it. shi We recognize a diffi .ausc and effect; or in la 2- put down the rej the guilty,l regardless o nd in relation to the bolitionists, •this is em tend on the slavery are opposed to either i , ebel territory or, :,rdir , • I , 't; but should it occur rosecution of this w .liould melt thell'ehains [ 1 _ .we, as Republican:, sa: instituted 'this rehellil sponsibilit,y;" and :we' 4hat . shoub i l it, become n] our self.preservation, re 1 J doubted rrht-- 7 )Ca ? It NI duty=to _ onfiseate ck . slaves of those whO are in . ` ' - -ii '. t I I . our gas ei tutn . What effect this witmay hive upon slavery: has nothiti to do With its ~. prosecution, and should , of be taken 'into the question sta l l;and we'verily I believe that this lUgging in of collat eral questions and side i Sues,has l iione much to retard that vigorous prosecu .tion-or this war, , whLh the exigencies of the ease Sa latic..reiiiii j re• 1 j i But does it: not isouild peculiarly r i ch for Democratic p d to'talk so munchnow about 'the lsacredness of the ' constitution-,- when it i notorious to every reading inani that there ;was 1:1 1, scarcely a single, Democratic paper `in Pennkylvan i al rait April that did zi :, jnot sympathize - wit4 th ose who Were ;eeking its overthrow. Naw, we do i not wish to be , understood as cinst s ing any imputation 'on th patriotiSm\ of f - I :the masses of the meri t who-.compose the DiMiocratie 4 ptyj Such is far from; our intention. e only allude ii / c• to it to show what he feelings of those whio now; 'ar. erhibising and li: holing, Republidans I were last spring. They tell us wa Will have to abandon' [ our Chicago Platform, a nd re-construct . , this government oti g ;d DemoOratic, pringiples. What in ;the • native of icommon sense are Democratic princi ,pies 7 . Shall we take .ittchinan and his administration as a standard? Shall we take the .1413mbe ti l e press!whieb last spring sykiathiz it with the reb r. els ? Shall we taQ i e the sentiments of those who'said 'that "go on, with this war, but you will Jeave l is more deter mined the behind than those yop go to give battle ?" or .4hall' l i we. take as a T standard of De i inelp ratio' principles the 8 sentiment of those who said that they , • -, t " would "welcome Nirit bloody hands to , inhospitable gri.vs" he Union : army, r 11 . Or is it good. Democratic doctrine thai if we can put tiiislreb llion dpWn with . t out interferini - ith the ,ope9ullar in-, it stitution" to iio so; if not then We it' must, constitutionally le t the 1 Union 'r slide. • But this whole er vt ugiiinstlthe Re- Le publicans and j i the l ir p *nciplesl , iroceeds ' from the semi mainlyt .'whida induced i.' Dethocrats to ;try to , fuse wit h &pub licans last _fall!, /n Republican; strong holds; and thii patriotism of theotie is about as aitetlisive as the other, and will share theßain° Rite.' , . , _ - , , t ; i live on of dur readers who live 1 1 , , on the south sid of the river, and le sire anything; in the Dry Goods, line, ii would do veil do 3 iive Messrs J. IL. Trimble* & C 0. ,. of ookstown, a call,' , whose advertisciraeUt is found i an otherr celumnl l'h have a 'good 0- sorfment. of husido ble and 1 sesiona , i, ble goOds, which 'ere purchased be fore the rise,' and as they are deter mined to close a t .t he ir stock., prepay awry to . quiOin business, now is the time to,seene ,rgains. Give -them a call, and satisfy Yourselves'; can and • per, al it fling for ~i .:~ , iiIMI 'lan..poliey, or means, ornplish this end •the nd best. 1 ' 7 - -- , .1! { 1 ,i 7T 7 - terapropos to the sentiment eon iiii .I tamed in the lettie4 - WlffeliVe pub . lisbed !week from ,Ileauhrt, sTa give th owing e 'aliza l ctl . feesiii N0. , 8 of the , mp Kettle, ” 1 Piblliheil by the officers of the same x*: ircktalt; and we thi k perhaps reflecting the send aunt o the men who compose the regi ment., The extract, is from an artiele 'I !made "Free Speech 4n ...Tiesitfbrt," 1 and reas follows • , . Had an y of the fugitive citizens of this forsaken city" been 1 present - on - el: ther o t l e past - Sabbaths, theymight have on d food for reflection, in wit nessing; e deVotion of the "'found heads'l in the forsaken' sanctuaries of the "Cbe sifters." .114,. is the old fight over akaii—the' men!only are •chang ,ed. Ate proud Chevaliers fought for the "Divine right of Sings," _ - while the . ognallt proud chevalier; of theeie days fight tor the "Divine right of the Pe culiarpititation.4.!-- The principle is We sa .e=---so will ult theres be. • cans. I r lately 'emoerat position bold in we .now wsonder, source, te con to shake out, and eir Fes 1 1 further Ihe idea, .did men a :en . Oeir lery that • publican I~a mean ,• of an iw on: all itionist.' ame will the peo- BST, uncler ng in Lient home LieuL the" the ease that this Rebellion of • the , we deny i fere with the only •t shotild this r 43- dopt that 0:1 will se .t speedily . of old shoal in an a sho 3E3 cruits l Ord'B -u , esir gads rat "on do • uld h, "Book! Pb distin TOwri o between ~! ~~ iwords we n, , punish .sequences. ie of being Han where we f forw pital corn 121 EiTIM ning it in attacking MEE ....I I 58 tdwoi f ils and 18 sl+s,' . ... r , . }co additional] Assistant Secre-, taries f War hare ,been appointed; viz:- p.. , Watson of 'Washington City, and l - 0 i l n Tucker of ;I' ennsylvania.'at 1 1.1 . } slim a 'j 0f53,000 pet year. be flames the slaves," ar, of t those ear th her bel eve for I .eessary li 'aye, the ECM • 1 [ R 1 r I, t of Teaoloiors' Meeting. • ' ' . , .____.!..'' i i 1 1 ' A eably 'to pre vi ous appointment an .in er of teacheri'assem bled at the Bogs fichool House , ,n New Scwick ly .wpship, January I.3th, 1862, and Org. niiedby electing Thomas 'Boggs Pre- id'ent, and Cyrus Boggs Secretary. Su • t. parothers stated hisplan of hav ing the exercisesconducted, and called up i n fir. Wilson tolpresent a method Of • &Ching Written' ikritlimetic. Mr. Wilson said he wottldinotThe particular about 'having:the Pupils commit tbe rupee tOriemory,sbutiwould - berleerrefttl to ha*e them undersland the princi ples. Mr. Jackson would have all tags examples.worked on! the blaekboat and then have them fully explained Li the pOpils. Remarkei were made!• by . Mess• eoleman, Ithomack, Mellon, Anis ouse and Carothers. A recess of halfa , hour waslben taken.after which Mr. arothers presented th e subject:of 4,,i: s Readtng. He stated 'itha t -three things necessary in order to teach reading Successfully: first, distinct articulation; . 1 second, the pki p: I must understand what he attempts to ivad; and, third, he must be in earnest i Several pieces were read to showith necessity of va riety oflone, pitch, ..s:':c. Remarks by Mesti. W'il'son, Leonard. Mellon, Cole =Ohl and Rhoinack: 1 31.188 .Warnock -conducted a class drill in Mental Arith metic, and 'insisted upon regulai sys tem,'and tbe use of correct and concise i 1 language in analys is.' . 1 r I Ai number of citiz ens , and directors werelpresent, -The Meeting was quite .., an resting one. On motion anoth-, meet ng was appointed, to be held at; the iliettiewoocl Schobl lions° tin' Pti'i laski township, on Si4urday, Fribruarp Stli to 'commence at 10 o'clock A. M. On motion adjOurned. ! . ; MOS: 'BOGGS, Prest. .1 ns Bonos, Seo'y. ould be berate our the rms against , ' I von THE . . _' U _ i 'IREFL Mr.l .: E nvie: I I bar been a pleased reader of your Hilton Head and Beau'. forteorrespondents, the Messrs. Doti , thit . I have been ;pleased with the talebt, displayed by °y the writers, , and the 'trusting piety • that , pervii4es all thee r eletters, and lends a _charm to them that is rarelyund in camp tlef tore. I have felt proud of our county ; that!, she could furnish men 'that corn- biped the scholar. the soldier, and tit!e• christian, and it is with sorrow and regret that. I read [the letter of Dec. 12th in the Argtis, wherein, he ignores the humanity of the slave, and poitn.l ceslnpon the abolitidnists of the north,' Dirt not strange that` a man making t , , the Cprofessionsl of ,ehristianity thatl Mr, Douthitt doei, should _let party' , pehtice crush out' the 'very essence and vital prineiPle Of Christianity, by ignoring -the claims of the black man. to a common hiimanityr l [ e prays lustily for himself and the white Tam, f but the negro and the; a , abolitionist are ignored in those pray.; II e Does he wish) the loved onesi at home to adopt the same narrow ehris than platform T I 1 1 Thonsands of hearts vibrated not r ponded to they• simple, trusting Christian faith said /patriotism ofthOsi brothers, who will,iafter reading 0, last letter, Cxelaitri!, "Poor human rift titre!" ., • 1 , '• 1 . 1 That letter Mr, Editor, certainlj , Was , not intenaect 'for publication, aim I, think it a greakity that such con traeted views sho ed be i made. putilli tkrough your paper. - • , 1 ' I , i i' l i r' ItzrunFoasil . . Beaver, Jan. 27 1862,. [ iii , 1 .... , 11191F.D.-Mr.-E4 Y. Stewart, Ist li j )f the "Curtin pities," returned a few days ago 1 judging from Stewart's robt appearance, dignea of war" sit lightly on his iert. AS will. bp 13eeti by., a card tiler column, he will remain for t time to receiv6.and forward roll The "Rifles"ll belong to Gen. splendid brigade, and any who' it enlist in a Icrack. 'fighting bri-- -4 iild call upon Lieut.; Stewart 0 1 • k 1 I. i ill's CelebratcdAlmanac, School 1 1 ;, thank Books Wallets, Photo -1 Albums, land iipbotographs of gushed 'celebrities, fort sale at - 4id's Book Stbre, New Brigh - * 1 e (ladies' Aid Society, of , t k i to nslnp, have prepared and ed• for use of soldiers in Itos• followinedatieles, vial 59 , • s 6 blankets, 47 pillows, 70 )fs, 30 shirts, , 11.2 pair drawers, ~,._.~~,~~~.-;,:;>,-, _•R'.'u ; mac+: =II j yton 'ALUM 1. QV` 4 1 ,I - th... 4ap_ : Clot,. fatkl utemiiit 3d I tenant: i Orderly Sergi ill : 124i g t F ' 5 " l/ 1 do I slid I. S. Seorgt : W' • S J oh n - - - -- ill e l itiip : Swaney; +- I ; . 'Qiiarterin" ter :. William Nkali- COrpOral: avid M. Ramsey., -- Co4oral t honiaa Barelay,l. ,Corporal : ;aim Y. Wynn, ' Corporal Jolin M.'llamsey,l i' Corp Oral : Jacob,-;Wench, 1., 1 'Corporal:Joseph Warrickj :i 11 iCOrporal : larks. A. Hunter, '' . C orporal : Abner W. , Leonard sicia.ns : yrue C. Leonard, IBarnard Bash, i , , • , 1 ~ • 1.. , 'agoneri: John A., Eakin. - ; • . ; Psi VATE& , ' i .Mit)re S ' - ! _ Morton J C ;.-' 1 McCarrell J II 1 Morgan C 1 , F - Mdtgan B' f ' i .. Mansfield r 1 Mansfield 4 ',. .}, . Mckenzie MeGraffilel4 T 1. 1 , Manddinl W. "Mcliall J- I 1 Mace ft . ' F' Majors S I -, Nash ' T S I • Patterson IR 1 Packs T ' 'Poer J ..' l • ' , . R*3o P Reisinger J 1 Sutherland .W Sheldruke J i . Springer 1.,„, 1 v tr, I ' Swager M , Swager H Smith Wm .T: Smith:W'i ji Smith B W T . Stein j ; :4 'Tennis'S . 'l' Toms wy U nnll 'in : ..1 : f; I: Wallace J ri i 1 S Young :El 0 1 optiin or three,tall manty. Sergt Yc .elected as Color 1 .131 ent,'a very_ Ihonol :o poeitioa. 111 4 0n..1 Arkpig t t B i iEt BOofrp ) Barea M B . rt4:o RI Cook Cal :iou N Court Ji ChUmbra S Chamb ra B Coulter G Casi4d 'G, Cassidy -' J Dairson TIB Daily W Daily D Daily T Deihl . ', ..1 Dekiiltitrit , . Eatoil Di _ Elliott?. VV Eldon , T 1 Fr:en'ehl, W 1 Grubb j HunterG I.A. Malian or! W, 1 s4ldis S Johnson 1' Leonad J igickey W , Lester 'C 1 1 31.'liead J 1 Matthews Wu With tle ex' fr Beaver C ro I Aids been 6 foi. thii Rasini add resp nsibf, ' 1 1 1 —,--='-' - - Muster Roll. a l ; Capt. Lo; • I 1 . C ~ "Agnew Guards". 1 ; Cap l tai i : Witham LOwry, 1 ilk Lieutenant : li. L3fc .p olke, 12d Lieutenant : D W D i 1 ,Fref Orderly ger i geaut : Jame 4 `3l. T .• - F i st Sergean : Silas Blair, 2d Sergeant : J O.Cabbis'on, ad 'Sergeant : 'David li.nowles o 4te Sergeant : A .DePue Cole, .-, Ist Corporal : W,C Davhison,i 12d Coporil :W. o;Enliles ' .1 I -. , ; 3cl C'or'pora : Milo Thompson,. I 4th CorporalDehaie, 1 f i 5t,1 Corporal ; R 'i Craw l ford I ; ' . ,6th - Corp(;) : William. Glenn,' 14 ,7ti Coipp ~,,„ : D WlO Freeinui t Corpo t : George H. FPnn , i M. sicians : WR . heY, 1., W . L ip ' J g c4v , I' r) a, , , W goner -Mtn ' rty Barker:l' tt. T .,:-1 ; It oo" d, Barker •' ' ''LewisJ, j Barker I I . ; ' ' Lectuard,ll, , S Bruce J' '' -MeLecniald, 4 . Rciwers C . '.. - Malone A ; ' Bordeaux tr. ! McCarty ; T ~ Clovy MI : ' . Ruelilhaus, l', Czitterson J . i Moen 3 i 1 Coon 3 ! i .11OrrolTJI /4. Chambers 'P Miller J Clar - J, i 31eCrsadyJ .1 prider C D .. t lieLaughhn 1 Pricier JII '.. linran.J• 1 1 ... 'Craig G P i '; wangle J i C • Duncan JIC , I, Nangle - J I '.f . Fre4d J . ( Piersol 4 1 Treed D . . 1 Planta T 4 ! Poster Wm F !. QiiiglY J'' 1 Foster Wrn , 'Rassell R. I .Fisherl - • , . Reed J„..` Fisher 1J ' , Reed 3 ; ! Funkhouser 3 J ' . Reinhard 111 1 1 Fry 31! - - Maier J ' . i ;Flowers 7• r . Springer PSI Ford FF. Stanley J ; Glenn 4 - &wagers J . I Geimon r , swagers T I HO Wm 'B ; Stewart] .1 ' Jooes D I 1 4nimiiisois Wm. Klink J, 1 ; ,ankirk A 1 ICllluk,A ' , 'WHY 'J. ' 1 - r , "Ekirtor 0 whoa Honor isti e.", 'ED. l 'Atteuat `,ClirObgh ' the'.' doluMns of l'aronr va cable paper,;we; the mem bers of the “Agnew Guards,"; poi. J. 111 Wilson's 101st irßegiment,t w o uld respectfully tend er oar . ithanka t the) W Blanchard, J. lanehard, mernheil of the House of Repre4ntativei, for his kindness i ffuruisfi'ng us an excellent oyster sap Or on Saturday night, Jest. itisi Leng may he wa v 'and may all hip bpnest en eac'proi . attended with, I sucee Ss. r, his name lie i handed 1 I,,down to •post l erit without` apoi orl, blemish a lOyal patriot, trde tc l i , the! 'IT ion and hospitable to its chifenoers.l n lAitOr supper wee seryed i the folkiw i g touts were of i r i ;d:i '' LI ' 1 ~B y 'Oeo H. -Zo r: ere is ; to the 'y um Sttesinan±,whoi appreciates a i. soldi 's 1 orth. Long may he live to gainglory and re nowt) fromlthe ; 01 leystone, State, and the America: I too . ic -..,; , i , 1 ' By Ito t. Russel. Di , ay we workin.• ; ' .1. e ass ) f s iety, s t ik the working.hee of the hiVe, vas:tith .the drones Oa, they I , ge_t ! o mool i thaWeir Abaco. ! By W: Richey: ,Ttat's , : l e their so i n I may he true to , e Aag as :Were o' Fathers f 76k-4, oonl may It,'wtiv ever tr son,, and we i trantimi,t, the ,I boon, of,Union v 1 .1 41 1 811 i ts la, tabdan, 1 blessings to gen ratio* yet, ulihor: 1!By0, . Do : Qui-Galian.t !Cpl. .408. H. ilson— ay he lead the 101. st ir t . • and we, 'itimembers iv ) to Vic to a membere.mot , I Whitt'4llo calls to 'till ours obey." } 1 - '. . ' I'. 1, By A. up . sy i: *4eke Guards be al ze e Cousin p ttitt ,gdoWpebellion i pattii 'down Ya,teti:'2 .- i i I. t i'• j i l. iiilw By;la nt. D. re*ml l l.,-.. P w ho p * . 1 :?' *Quin!i,741117.15, of '7, t . l° P. 7,t i t u a.. c. ,,g, ~ t , "do w nD ,7i: =CZ thi Ro be wr t . may,. J igatitin; i Ptilnaials. - llamado; riai44l - D. ei A. Johnson ' olor Bearer ;„Jam' eli McCarron I ; anima 8 Morlan,, „ t 1 i t i '' are ectrer able :man, •kles, or- A•olt, ' ! itsarrisbusg ie ' iide pee'' l orreepo .•.-. ... ilLtitiuseyao,jan. 20th 1862. .; Kit. if:Drroft : T is weekbas been .one, of no littlesexcite ent Murat every member gifted with 'the powtof ' ad-- s t • diviiittnir e,the,Rous has talk woo •,, or less., The subjects apow , l which` „• , thistalking was done were twalresola- , , - tions: that of Mr. Hopki4ofWashing-3 ton : , and that of_ Mr. Rex of Mentgom-I ery,.• The •former prOpo - ses as You- are aware-to 'investigate the alleged int-. proper means by _which the, bill for the "commutation ofthe tonnage tax,' was, passed ditring, the, last t,session ; :the latter •pkopotiela an,. investigation hied the contracts made by i ti.,i, gover- nor for any supplies '. list spring ' an summer. - • • •,t ;1 ~. The fact that both these refining° came froni the democratic aido .b given rise 'to the. suapicion • that 'th deplocratiwparty design to racikwbue, combo .political capital aut, Or thiti proposition. A . s , that . party , has. 11 - , longer any .national: platform itll3ll, in order to achieve BUCCeSB eiect, on Ofitate policy.l Its shrewdest inaitager in 'the 'the tower House', Hopkins ';; epresent; ect the fi rst and was . thw author of the otker. ;Republicans here bey Opent., lylthat\Alr. llopkiiiidesires .4) be the • democratic nominee l foi governor in 1263. Sheuldhe suebeed in4hr6wing whalo of stipposed parity l and eeonom y about Ilium fin the direetion'Of pub lie affairs he hopes in thitfwitici to makb . headway hofore the people. 'That Re' neither comprehended the fol'ee or e t c feet of his reSolution, or tindOstood i a., meaning or scope is_evideneed! by th, fact that when called 'upon 3bl! by . i Crane of W rt 4 ayee and othe to ,•ex-1 plain his: reason ' for its , tintroduc- 1 tion he sat perfect:y still being entitt - lyeunable to reply to these repeated ia terogatories. The truth is he is plain old farmer from :M.ont,goFipry., ll'i) never had the power r to lutteT a 4 solid ii iliblie iti hilislife and is a 4 h ect4,y- a m. n as Mbnigom fi ery. or, Berks. ihas e t. , thither foe, years. _Their own: Conet - toga horses are ahent as agilei; intellebj tually, as themse ves. • Thei sendirg 5... ? • , finch personslhere • s one of the, fruits \ Of' democratie, ascendancy.. lin 1 tlioise • counties. ....., _ . t t .nopkins used bun' and , he, has fallen, into a trap.. • lle is iii. ea Ifs -4 paw and don't know it. ,Welt let ' 8 e-lcico'vi : II well Mr: opkins Twills C 2 H ceediri this masi•ement, othiii. Let s, See whether kis 'disguise' is not ci„, . .fliiri and transparent that • i.t wilt , f ete 'fully' comprehended and penetrated. - , Whenever personal s.mbitiep :rattier: than a highisense of public duty for .t is , the anigitti? of d a kgirlittox's atltal then' his cherished; plans!, for' per.' sonal'elevation , are sure' ta fall iAlth is:crash about_his Clink 'Let nari -e the. : pr;diation that Mr.' Hopkins hill' notreceive:the nest deinociatie r nom , ination for governor. Its last ...no i nee, wits for weiit of the ,ountai s. Its preeesliwr one was freta, thole n tral part o "'the state; its kext • in st ' i come ti•oni the , heavy sod rpopel us South East'. Doesinot this! 'look ea %enable 'P . ., . .1 [ ' • Thedeniocratie members during he, first pith of thed b t ' ote. the Rex e a amp , . I resolakon .. :muted that.,llG.ovelosr [ Ourtit bad been 'either directly' 6i indirectly i, implicated :in; t• the . •I id leged 'fra'uds .of purchases!! But the effect Of the debate hasbeen so dam, erday - aging ta their resolution that on Yes t through l' Mr. i_lr, reenbarik. they. al demecratie members of ;tile , it. 'use, ooved an essential moclifieatioa„,c;' it and avowed inl 4,sis Speeel - in sup ort 1 Of this stiliStitutelbat, he himself be lieved that Governor ICurtiii So fa as the evidence had been elittited .i•vas koerfectlY free from all taint sr blemieh. e desired simply td ;rent the ' dis t nest and fraudulent coot i• ieteri: vho i s 1 the hurry Of lorgatiizati4ii had swio s led the Governaisni ; mule ' false in s epresentationg•. 1 • .i; - , j; Mr. Armstre day 1 halleng, to day o'n behalf of dthe Governoii i , invesi r ,' ion. , He spoke exjcathed a. .- EV ember .on the Repub c an ' i i ..ould vote for invesfigati , the.} neer:ley Inept hold theinh fves.l4i y 'to _the polieYl of investigation's; -1 o wise by canning'xiodge i a,nd- fe : eek etc allay :the tierce sp irit of in y:they shad eioked., 't 1 . 1 From this you will p47, : ekv„o the whole debate bas assuined a Rival aspect. The conseciuenee be that both,partids per fotitfe win,' i i , fore linvestigation. 'That! iavest tion will be• protracted ifijcairiedf Ito its minutest ramifications of 1, demo and the eiaminationOf aceohn. far.lieyond the,close of4"4l'elsession..-- 7 . The expens,es of , this coriiiiiittee even if - Confined to payings betfid and tiav, eking expenses and the salary' Of clerks will ho enormous,. ;•I,Antlall•this; is to' be paid by the taxpayers ln . or deri if possible•to proraotelthe . p,3 on al suiabaion of a demoeratie aspire i for gubernatorial honors. G ''s I ' • i).B 1 • , , - I ;•.• , •Tho vote upon the i ontral.tfafiroad investigation , will pr hably . ' •be ' ,i had on Tuesday of next W eir:. if the It:hole ii thing is not • abandon i d: : i .There • lias . Nen a st r ug g le for. r twa, tweeks over it, 1 ' • I'f :. 1 , . . 1 It may be however that cipothef hlrp debate Wiliibe 110 .tipoe.ii. There has been:na ideal- legist on during the past 1 we e k either bffered or considered' in :which= - our people , . , t 1 I were interested. 11 , , • i YOui pew representative Wm. Hen-, ry , Essk, has made a *est , favrable impression here” from Ihib nnpr tend ingiv manners and his sterling st rig, common sense. . .He, althimgh h may not* distingttish himself 4ii a, sp aker, will inostAssuredly become ,.e, ' an of, decided influence, cialhie intoll steal' i qattlities gradually but,lisurely - ism* their -way by t eommitt',,ee,,duty an :Per sonal contact into the notice of, mom - hug. p ' I" , : 11 It. : r im health of your Se slator, T. Ira bhe, is improving, grad, bit ly. He is present at, , , iiiiii poet; .. day .intheSepate.• ! 1 Hs - :•1 The House, and SenatC Wilt ties' agiiii. until Monday; at; . i?. )1.: j •l• The 101st regiment, Cold; Wilsouls still here: .. ey Are to , move, beiU# &l i ly. aii4edand. ped. here l ie an in:Te-ion that it will fb it . .a' part of:a diinsion - ,w,liieh setoff .'any Porter's' Mortar fleet now fittingjout at New TVA- and Boston op 'in xpedition to.'ti?e'., uthward. TI • mono, vouch for it, being ,. ell founded. X. suppose the expeditiea- is . deitiaed either for . pentral yei or Eti,steril Florida; indianola i in the, °nee). ea,lo or Ferdandina:in;the-lat i r. t- - -1 , You- Will hear front I ' e regularl:.- hereaftr. I !, ,' '.- - 1 ' - • 1 1 lil ' .'14,11 Battle of Mal Sp . g By • " CINCINNATI, Jan. 24.—This Morin ing!s papers contain hill aceonnts of the battle 'at 'Kill Spring: It 'Silts a .zi, ;air, open ;battle. The; ebils fought i iotrell, and were oyerporne only by impe -1 lior Viting on Tn.! side., 1 1 1 ' I According ; to the re el mounts, 1 their,§arces; tonsistbd of ten infantry 1 regiments three batteri s, Viand some cavalrY--...ltogetber ab' ut ten ihda -1 sand men. : They fought,in the bush, s.„ whacking !style, from ravines 'and be hind trees bushes and re •Ics. ,i 1 ' The brunt of the battl devolved on the Feurt _1 Kentucky,Second Minim . sots, Ninth Ohio, and `:nth Indian - a'. ' For neari 1 two honrs th roar of mus- 1 ketry wt's kept up:: 11,0' clock Colonel; flask , in flarikin, ; , the enemy or, rightlLwhen the N i nth 01 Minnesota charged wit with : triMphant yells, 7 rebel ranks, and the rot Th 4 fled pell-mell t strewing the road ia:ith,r eta, overcoats,.'sand k :abandoned two gunsaM Zol)icoffer; was! shot heart; at:the head of hi Fri', !of the' Fourth li:et pears', that Zollieotier rea l the bushes,l. and I stidal b-Abre Colbtiel Fry, will flied by some staff otfici parties, mistook each of and approached ly ithin each other, when tindin, both halted and prepare I-hand conflict. 1 , , - One of Zollitoffer's a Fry, but only brOUgh The Federal ColOnel i his six-shootey, load`broj, i'rozn: his istetNie• pit fi:R Lstta deserted their takepto SoMers: the battle An East; Tennessean Continerciali says: .and ;loner of this batt Tenth Indiania. :In Fourth, j lieotucky, anc g6ta Regiments, t fighting .ingle-handed eepticrn 'of *hat: snppo from th,e artipery. ,nobly and never iravl fixed. determination tory i r 1 . ~!. .• ie. combatants eve 'other elf 'Due time t', burned ;their .faces Orl , each other's . :,pieees. i . , -,, The Cincinnati ,Cont ne,rcial! says: The telegyaph ann o unces that the rebels, in their haste I get on the south side a . !.lie C.oTbe lan , . and Put ~that i river•l-betWeer,.,4he • and .Thonias! vie teriOnsiriny;H:pg l ees I „ ti) deStroy the 1 m Means. y•wlrli they were enabled •tOt , make their escape, an that the steamer and ninel barges, use; ~11. 3 - Zollie6fier,.l have fallen) into the; I. Merits lmndsi This- ii . inore iniportia t,.than will ap-1 pear at fir.f.t sight ; 4s it not only sup= 1 Oie l s tneiral t i l'henia_ 'at. once with the mei} us i of.threiving lt. . ninth fore as he desires ( 1 .,n tne: .4, tli bank . ' ol the Cunibria' 'il but” wil .' Cliai;l: hiin toy move: l 'de* i in the di *cetion or Nash. , 1 vilitt? and a most into he city; if ,et, iSI 'deeMed 'advisable., tuithont - Waiting, for transportation '1 •ITb e Cumberland . Ii liOt been fortiqd •by the rebels,' above , ' that citY, sof that virtuallV the defeat; of-Zollieoilef..land the eapture . , , of his!l boats, • gives! General: Thomas eoniniand ,of the riveOtnthat.point., il MI. , er) 'side }deA licti SW-There is no eerain ne-ws of _ the I' i Bu 'n4dc;exPed-ijtiond There are ru. lora At For tress *roe that three of the vessel's have been driven ' ashore, and have been - Imm e to keep them from lulling into the hands ;I of the rebels. Thhie IS another report there that:the ve4sele of the e:xpedition, aftei making a fenit in Pamlico Isam], have gone out to sea, and sailed up i Cape Fear' river„ to j attack Wilniington, North I Carolinalabout thirty-fear miles from sea.t he m' The 'southern papers, stale that'n attack on Nbifolk' is not c. pected and that if NeWberais to be at taeked, there is a (considerable num- . ber'a . nhth C - !arolinit troops j there to defend it. I ' 1 .; • 1 ~'A Tll 'p Adjutant "G l eneral of, Missouri reports ;that thity-eight ;thousand eight, hundred tro o ps have entered the Federal fromr - that State. DfSpafehes from Leuiivillestate that in the at tack oh the camp of General. Schdepq on Sunda* morning, General Critt6den was first in command, and General j ZolliccitierSeeond. ; It is hellev n‘d by tome that General •Crittenden has been takeh prisoner, -thsguisedas A surgeon. Tie keit order issued; to the rebels, found in their encampment, 1 signed by. Colonel; Cummins ' ;the. Se nior lin command after the death of Zollicoffer Anellight ofCrittendeh, di- - reeled the rebels to disperse, and' , Save theniselves in the bestway they could. I i ;.; IPrevinus to the rece ip t of the news the London Times aske why the de / cisidti should be dOlaye iffavorable for peaee, and said an imme iiate surrender would be a greater . blow to the con federates thana vi btOry on the Potomac ,, ab4j•worth m lions to the .-national ex chequer-1 I ; ' - ; I The 'Unite States gunboaanscarors had arrived t Soqthampton to watch the, confede r ate steamer -Nashville. The private er Sumter was at Cadiz, and had r anded I forty-twci prisoners taken fronAmoriCan vessels which she had destroyed. i , , ,lion. J. C i f,, eoplqi, formerly aßepre sentative hrongrcsA;died on Monday last at' his . re sidence on West', river, Anna Arend county, , Marylind, aged stghty-fiyft ea r s. ' • ; Ile that po- IN ill rote ;I 01l b on , e,vi unts sure every meet oseph ready equip- MEI MU 1111311IIRO." hOrtly. after ne I succeeded the extreme ,io and Second the bayonet Lich broke the b4gan. their __cattp, uskets, blank iapsacks, 'and l ea!ssons. , through the • I staff, bv Col 1, Ltuekty.. - ap iris way ie • nly enric c i•ged o was accompa •rs. Thd itv.o er for friemls a 'few yard of' 'their mistake, • d for a hand: &shot at. Col. sown his horse:. inediatly drew ght Zollieoffer re. The rebel s body. which the day after I writing to° the 11 the credit e is dile to the Seeoini e-, (43- did Filt o the with' the ex •t,they received ' hey all tinlghfl .red from their gisiu the vic- I H e, so , iiea . each at., the lie discharge of ,•; . I,' CONGRESSIONAL . . t : . .. . WeptlititrzoN, Jan- 24.. , .. Senate—The Resolution for,,tb lex.: rittlSion 'of Senator Bright being tin - ( l et Consideration; 3.0. Cowan,,cif\PerMSyl yania, said that,in examining thift'et,,se I the Senate must' .be governed b l a ' . , y ; e ;sante rakes_ as if sitting' as - jurors. "h e charge . against ,tile. Senator ..is thai of I ,treason. There, cannot: be any half. way charge or half-way guilt. ik must be guilty of treason or . tiot4 u If there was war between the,i-bro t and South at* the Senator from. iiit, ana aided thii South,he would ofe' 6 be g,uilty of „treason.. I.' ' • 4r..Sumner said he did ndt . j„ .. . stand that there was such:a 'War, ; l .m i 110 E. Davis and - his confeclei.ate a d ' krurs -4 , levied war . against the Goyerinnleht 1 and were traitors,- - . ' , R.„I, . .. • Hr. Cowan continued : If it 4141 d. he proyed that: it wits the intentioirof Mr. 'Brightio aid . the. traitors, Itheri;- , there , cd.uld. be no doubt of his tretticion: ' The, first fact to consider is, wasthere .• a state 61* war? At the 'time:thel et.ter v‘iis .1"h ere - , c‘; , er e. three-o four parties in.the United States. 0 be.- - , l lieved in `secession; anotlierTdi not', .believe in ~secession, yet did rinChel ere if - States „actuallY seceded we. I li d'a-- 43 right to force, them ,back' Atfother patty th'ought that after it had gone lon till March and the Governmeat was ,fOrtriedOt was impolitic tti•atteMpt i coerce the States. Another par;[ %I.: . posed secession, - and was williag to: take kiliiticans to put .it llolib..lllii - [iinderstood Mr. Bright' te Lehr); to l•the party which ihought any attempt at, coercion would only serve . to, conl. pletely dissever the ,Union. I. Ati - ftile time the letter was written..flitoshi lt i. 11 ; . .sioners were &Lilting,- -iodire i ttly • iperltaps.for a w ithdrpwat of,flie,toops - j from, the South. , , If the :Senator froin .'lndianti . thought! the. rebellion was - 'consummated ; and that there, '!'w - asAo be no. war, he-did not commit treinitiU: . lin Writing. the letter. 1 . ;':- I 2- Mr. llarri4 of New: York I . said itif•tt ~ from all the circumstances of tbe ease, I.he could not bring hirickeltto think the i'' : writes intended treason, ..: Re `4,,ati - net . I:,willing. to act trotn,apy. prejnili [ .e. but from the rule - and the law : of .6 - deuce 'lie could not convict.the Son; to? of 1 -treason ton the facts 'of She case„: i .: It - , • Mr: Ten Eyck, of .N. 1 - . - titer 1•ai1... lbe.fsimple faCt - was the • rbluig. If itwo, :letters on the person of Thos.', ri4iln, written by the Senator frtpit tledlatia-,-, ilf I one which was' addressed ' li' .111.4 ''•, [-EXcellency. - J6fr - - Davis - Lip(lotie.s. L treason could nut be . - of 'the dailiest ..kind, as he . had .been only' lii.4C? bail. . fort Weerime, and, the •DistrietiXttor , new 01 ,Ofiiti l i was very; caret'at t'o' re- .. lain ' this ' lqter as evidence ittain§t i-,tincoln!s,treason. and , tliis Wit's , found on, the laier's person fiV i e ltudh half ... i montlis , afteri, it was ;written. f W . as. .' i itreverdeliv-ereit to Jeff .Davisl . 110 . equoted - frolic'. the' inaugural` 0 E' how 'that the 'Government - contenlated i no war; that the Staitlie - rnerfist be i the aggressors it' war' followifii lie i upheld.• that great priniple .hdeern-i mon la* which resolved all doubts fori . -.. the' benefit of those , arraigned. Candi: should vote'-against-the expiii4in' of - . , the Senator.. - 1 -.• 1 _ . t 5 .". 1 Mr: Ciark, Of New llarap hire: re- fered to the 2,,fette,l w r itten ! t o . i Atr: Davis and thought t:ltattlie,hittet snid e 'and circumstances *ere not bblY sal- cie!nt !cause to expel the tienator front, laana, hut absolutely &nupnleil-his . , expe:sion. IVe could' pot ‘.:.propeiir satistV,-the country or suppOitt the Ad-) ininikratiOn if we permiteet f•iich S' Senator sup pos t c o a t e l t e : t u t n er li h is a s d ca b t e . vio onAbe persOn of ttloppie, ttil li crate. of John Brown. readi lowk 1 -To John Brown, leader o ''the ne . t ere'; at. Harper's' Frrry:-- , . , Allo . me to • ultrounee in - ' , friend, Coppie. who comes to pti in your hands firearms. I Tecom tne d' him a - s a gentleman,' and' reliabh- ini every re- [ Spet. • ' - Yours; , rub-, 1 } 1 CHARLES bMN En. 1 gow long would the Seri. tdr. from MasSachusetts have held iii 4. setit. and . bou i - soon would-the Slenato t frJ i om lu idiana. have voted for. his xpulsion!, If an open rebel ow-rht, to b expelled, ou 1 ought :not that person be expelled who furnishes aid to the,op n rebel to make the rebellion Isuceessfaff lle contended that the Senator . oitld , not plead ignorance .that Lin °Ltd went with. the intention of sellit g Lan irn irevetnent in firearms. no . --- 1 of the', feet that, the rebels intende 'to make war. He must have road' the lumn l' i st.of acts of war committal ,of trap. ' ors, and also the charge' of Judge Sinalley, of New York' charaa , teriOu! , , - the acts of the rebels as- treason Cy levying war. An outraged people are not to be trifled with, and l re. .1 , Wil._, cove no such excuse as the 1 Senator his friends present. The charge was that the Senator from Indiana had de liheratply aided, ,or offered' l to aid the rebels and the enemy, an*. - citir duty deMands that he shall be ezpelled. ', l The Senate .then'idjoirtiod. *The followhig :did° gas been issued by.lhe War-depart l i nt: • '• ' r f‘This Department feco ties as. the first of its duties to 'takel % eatures for the relief of the "brave Men -120 having .. t impel illed their lives in the militarP . service of the Qoveratnnet [are nel prisoners and .. captives. . i 1" It is therefore ordered that pwo commissioners be a the city ofßiehmond, in Virginia; and -wherever elseprisoners.belonging to. 1 , ppointedl, to visit the army of the United States - may 1 , I be held, and there take such `measures , 1 - t , 41 Wan i t Y , andbe needfulconrib contribute. e .provide toib ,e f o o m r . f t o b r : or such prisOers, at the exps Dee oftbe United States, and:to such extent as May be permitted by the 1 authorities, under Whom, such, prisoners aro. Iteld.l , EDWIN M. STANTON, e. .3SecietarY iif War, , , , , . ~._ A dispatch from Sairannith, dat 21st instant, states thaithertiyaith en al" large fleet , at Broad river, about fifteen miles above Pqrt 8431. i This is thought to beCthe reidaiveus opens expedition preparing by ten Ptk for a movernent on Satanna: ~` 4~ ~~ II II El I . u e cower!. fill-