The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, January 01, 1862, Image 4

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I). Prsse
Wheleeale si4 Retail Dealers 1
Iso, rben
No i 66; FEDOI.4.L.S:r. ALL
.. . ,
our _._._
k liiii
tioo -'-. i4l
allsylve Ground;l pure, 4 cts. a pal
foul th poun•cig ,
' , urn, 6 cents alpound. ,
fled C,,rda, extra" beet qualit, 25
• 20 cents. 4 .
'llakin7. Soda, hilt kind 9 cents, 84
114'aiCS 121 2 cents '
- "ro. MS chespeintban the cheapest
9•••-tsomer' • • .we 14.44. made arranger
• -ii
some of the best buster makers
try.and will e r Onstantly have on h i
nrticle ot pr* and rill.
Due:tete, bestt o hoops 16 cents,
26 cents. , 111 , •• • _
?rushes: stovo,f hoes and nub, all prices.
Bens. good an n
lele, 3 and 4 cents h quart.
-coking Relent% 10 cents,aame a/ether hones
1 " •
Chocolate, 25 anti, British Luster, 4 cents a
1 Gunk. t
- gently.' white ck, 20 cents, red rock 22.
(looking Soda, cents a punch ' '
- .Cct:nn Twine, 2 cents a pound.
Cotton Wick, 101 l 'do - r -do 1
Cepperas..s i i i do - do i
•Conceutrated • ye, 16 cents a box. ,
,'carbon Oil. bhat A No. 1, 60 cants a galleon,
.r 15 cents ti,l- 1 pound. • - -'.
C..i.dles.,:best taould, 12 cents a poUnd.
Canary b'eed49 cents a pound. 7 _ .
-flour, best Plftsburgh City Mills inspected.
- ,Bpaltllngs Glue, genuine article,l7 cents a loci
_ tle. nith a itrush. -1; • ,
' Glass 8 by_loiiitsy the box $1.75,01 , 2 cts alight
do 9 hS `lO,l (lb 1.87 or 3 du •
tio io,by 121 - do . di -dr 2/ do
do- 9by 14i. '. do , 2.00 or 4 do
;iv. I 0 t;y. 14; do do or 4 do
aie 16 by 16 , i i 'do 2.25 7 6 do
Our ass ieikest Gay tradde, any other size
wonted 'alit he eold for 20 cents less on a del
tar than theleity price currents! •
v • Prown CA -, ...e:t, we have our CoffoOlournt to or--
i r and aliays burn the hesLifid sell for 18
- tenth a poiJd. • • 1 •
cl, +id , COliiitiPll,'2o cents a hundred: •
. dred
Cigars, half 6panish; 45 cents a bun . 1
Ligarl, bes(ez,tra half 81=14, • 75 cents a
hundred. .; r
• Citron. Orange - and - Lemon, 8 cents for a i
• pound. 11 ; ' '; t ;
C locet., ground, 20,centa" . a pound, or ; 2 cents
, C`
no ounce.l - I . j; ; .
.•:iove., wh o le, 16 cont9-syouudi
iji; :we, 0,:al; be-rt eincarnaii, 13 c.VS. g4uir
~,: theiv , ,Silarg., '22 ' 1 . ' ..-
C,i,.r-s€. tet.t, t
11% er.tern Resc;r•t,'.l7 :. c,nts: ,
.. - r :-.. I F. lia's atract,4 c..1..,...„-. K-,,p, p.: cr 4pa
rat"l-1 cents .-'
-• CE; tau.tiD, ground, pure. 9 cc it, per f pound.
Cu- and Dry - Tobacco,' 19 natal a•••;_. and
.'' Stucker! Water,6 best kind,
. l:tos a pound
• s.. . libigar, •t •6 i ••
• '. -.6. . Matter, •• B.i " ' ' ."
•-:....•• -.1 , - si.„ - a - i - ;•- - • tt• -- y 8 1 %so i. 1
'Mean i e Blt4ing, 2 cents a buster 22 cents a
. (toren. 1 li. • • '.
St.'', Ws Rltic big, large size, 4 trite a box,or
-3,-' '44 cents a d‘..zeu. - 1 ,
Nic:ltee i- I .rliii. 64 cents a.galfan. ' . v
:;,.:..tcho, .heat Philadelphia, large boxer,.s for
6 ; _(raft - ' il . ; - ._.
'N7stelies, beet } gross, nor/taming 1260, for 6
oente v I• ' . • i -.
... I I I
a* ered7begar, beet kind, 12} and 11 cents.
Pepihr v; whole, 12 cents a pound! •
Rice, 6i. eosin a pound, I
- ' i .
ji..ii,it•e. best box Layers 18 cents a)
...,tote ltnickbig. large pacers, 4 sects each.
• .
salt, it. trultllJsacks for table use, 8 . cents:. v
' 81.v.t, whitailtd clean, by the q, art ; 2 quarts,
a - et - -uta;
i‘nittr, Unto. 25 cents a pound. '
1 4 .!:tai - yerai! Scotch. 22 cents a pound.
, 8, of IsiV.lude, less then iy other store.,
':' ~In. ssittliin :, two pc•onds for .1 cents. -
bitolch, be6t a No 1, b cents a ound, ' .
Starch. StlVor Gloss, ia--; Faye , 10 cents a
pined. 1,
B.Loaiv s, - ;10 , :crla teor , net price.
Fitly et t t Tea 48 ecia. 7 9. ppnat.
Seventy -64 cent Tea 64
. Tubs, larg•st size, iwn poop, ..89 cents.
lubs. h rg l et sin., 'three hooptil 85.
,-- • • Tubs. medium. b 5.
Tube, srUu 1; 55. 1 '
- ' Tbi•oceo,; rant's, SO cents a pound or &cents a
N Ugi ' '
• ntrral Crf Tobacco; 40 cent! ' a pound.
B.?!ircera 'run Roll:a new °nick. in thii mar
, h..% 35 ents *pound, 6 cents a plug ; try
•_' ' h
Tet. s piz
e..Co, a
ltimore Twist., 28 nate a pound.
TottLeno,ate. Dog Leg, for aniaitig, 10 cents a
p' ..d. - 1 ,_
--- -
' Tobacc. Baltimore Twist, 4 cants a plug or .83
cents a pont, , •
, Tacks, cal yta, 4 cents a popell •
ttnground•C loves. 16 cents a licoind.
. 1J0,..r0ur,,1 Cinnamon, b 5 centsla pound.
u r ch un d Pepper, 12 cents a, ipound. . ' Alispice,-12 cents i pound.:_ - •
,10 cents a gallon, ibeet 14 cents a
galion . i,
‘i ash ROftvis, 20 conte. I
-... liag.or ,
'Grease. manufactured hy John Wilco x ,
1 runkfort, Pa., 2;2 cents for 3 pound Ci 11315,
or $2415u dozen. 1 ,
Gum CatoyLor, 6 cents an °nun. •
store. Ware and ans.; 9 cede a gallon. -
Satr.stre; '2O cents a pound,' same as others',
charge 26. ,
- Epsom Saults, 8 cents a pound. • I
, .I,c,ru Search, in pound pap4rs,- 11 cents a
paper', I
Extract of Logwood, best kind, in paper boxes,
- 20 *as a pound. • •f ; • ;
,; Oronntt N lnstard, best English, 9 Cents per'.}
• pound or 89 cents per pa d.
Beniug; intoked,in boxes, yenta for 12 .
' • Hemp teed. 9 cents a poun., • ; v
Sugar Cured Dried beet, canyeased Hi cents a
you - , . J
• s'ugar Cured Canvass Hares, very nice 14
cent,. I
F sh,lteat White, 5 cents a pound. ,
Fish best , Extra, NO. ,l Itlackkral, inspected, II
cent a pound. •; •9 i -
Fish, eat Nc. 3, Large Nitickeral, 7 pents a
.1 10 ,- 1 ,;; , 1 • -.,
Orouno.Giager. 12 seats a ponnd.,
Extra ;nice, likite Sugar, !only 10 cents
' pound. , I .
;Gc,cd Cotton Batting, No. 1, only 11 cents a
Found. - •
' Cotton tatting, No. 1. IS et
_• . i
3PAIH 10k
08, Call sod see as,
The above is ear retail pri
at wholesale, but °Ely kr
Ittaitiaber the Gre
eery He
No;-11, DIAMOND,
Aud 166 Federal Stl Allegheny City
• aig.Mifetnri Maley ceived
)140 1. *pp at flew tratatiillittennAo
Altort . -
E 31 P 0 R I UE
Spring trod Sniji
OLO 7 HS FO°_LcoArr ,
No. i 3- StawarCiAciw. iiridge; l att ,
itLARVE supply of Read} - Mad e Clot'
suitable for the season, kept on ti
on hand; also, a carefully si/ected 'at c
Piece , Gootts; for Custom Worlta.- Al ki
garments made in the neatest t and os
stantial tanner, and guaranteed to t.
mar 20, 1861 WII RI
ir, TA:
er of one-
Dithrigige's Oval Chimney for ',titinp.,
Dithridge's Oval Chimney forjLainp:
Dithridge's Oval Chimney. for ILampii,
Which tbe beat will m41)0401.
centei. next
• •
Id at other
ents with
the tonn
and a piime
Are you annoyed with flies t i -
Buy the Lightning • Fly Killer.
Duy the Lightning Fly tiller,
For sale , at Dr. Minis'
Are ycn going to make Ice-Cream? , L
Get a bottle of'Extract of.Lerdon or Vadoll
Get it bottle,of,Estract bf Legion or l'n"
For stil at Dr. It inis• ru
• ;
litt - VVyon Diarrhea 1 . Get a , ttle t
- Brown's Essepee of Jnitisith in r,
Bronson Essence of Janitiica
or I
Power &•Co's Ditirrbea Antidote,.
Power & Co's Diarrbea •Antidore,
, sir •
* 1 Jayne's Carmina Ore ID 41
Jaynes. Carminative Bql
At Dr. Minis , Drug Store.'
bree hoops
DR. MINIS, bati just oPentdent t l e
;room formerly occupied by R. Al '
on. Third street, . three doors abor t +,
store, an extensivelsresortment of Dru t
Oils, "Dyestuffs, tic . &c. - ; He wc.iul a;
!" ' Pii f iSiCifilliS •
bat baring been t. i ngsged l i n 111 c pre c pl
busitiess for scmetiine past, help nab e; to
(Cr the most complete andlotried Bloc ' fil
dicin'al n; preperations ever bri ught i to th c ol
ty; which be will cell at the lopes co 1 ric
that the lame class! of goods an e - bu ht
in yittsburgh or el sewhere. I Nod mg ti p
fectiy pure and fresh Drugs will b
l e k tin t
establishment.. ' By an arrangemen t wit Ca;
weight and Young. any dire Sutii al .
strumt..nts can be font:shed ' t their o I n t 7
The attention •,t the ..
is-called to the fiCe assortment 1
cies, Perfemery,- Fine SoaPs, 131
Articles, &c:, &c. While to the
here is offered - a good variety of .I
Dyestuffs, Carbon Oil Laq , pa,
clue's, choice Tobacco and 'gars,
Everything !will be - ept
in well appointed Drug Stoles,an
as cheaply as they can b . bad f
AVltsteru rennsybrani t. I
111 Y virtue of nn _order of
I /-• Court! of .11eaver coun y, wi
to Edie by public ventitte ior. c:1
premises,. on
Safttrciaih - Jittittarg 18i
at 12 o'clock, RI, 'the folle i wing
ReerJames M'esrroll, dec'll sit
township, in said eonnty,!tiottnd
bed as 'follows, to wit. 'll4Tinn'
formerly a small hickory; thenc
tnerly. . of Geo Allison ' north 7
per to cheetnot, north GS 'leg;
a chestnut, south $8 di-g, went
thence by !and - of Sand _Miller
eastl,l49 per and One-half / Ai p
per to white oak, south B4tieg
a C4estnut. thence by land of
Divill Nichol, north 17 deg.! easti
ginning, containing 122 Acre
strict .Ineorre, abour SOAlcres
a sthte of cultilation, on Whicl
good tieiri frime dwolliq boi
double log barn the premilei•
• .TplltS—One-third of libe '
to paiti,on ecmfirMation 1.4 f
Court, and' the boll:ince in t •
instAlments from that date i wit
en front the same time . )Tor ri
tiori‘eoquire of Dr John IcCa
Spipiga, Beaver, Co, Pa. By
Dec 18,'61. A. , O. cf.;*
I N. A
His Jtist 'Received one of tl l L
[ est and Best Selecte i
-1.41 from the very horse Broiid cloth s,an.
ici.down to the coarser qualities, ich
14erruiced to well .CI.I.IAPtP T AN
CIIEAPEST. .- . ' t
1 )
A15 , ...,', a LARGE SELLY,TIO I id'
. 7- ' , . i
Fall lints glad 'a
. i -
ref ~ rens wishing to purchase will .o w
rail end eiaraine his tech bef. ei b
leerktemember the pbeLe,• Third • beet
- , "...491 1 • - j . I
° Tit:74;l.9, . 16b0 .
a Abe :Farmers lof Be . er
Lawrence sunlit.
• I
TBE undersigned being the 01:1i antho
agent for the sale or the "Bu eye '
frig and Mowing Mach nee' in ; aver
Lawrence counties, take ' Pteasu,in •
Mending this machine tolthe notic of th
• The unparalleiled snecesa lick, h
tended the sale of this Machine sir e 'its . i
duction is alone sufficient to recd . ;;lead
the farmer. Enquire of your fries .s who
:urchased and see whit they o Ga,
it. I will be at the Court ll
_ m ouse eßer.v
ring , the June term with{ our ac ..yo e, bo
persons wishing to purc hase can' i • for
selves; also in New,Castie daring heir t-
conit. I would also 4aution f .. er s
•nrcoase from any oth r person , the
territory, who may re reehnt t . nisei.
gents steno other h s tile rig , to e.
old also call the attention of • i
•usek •
o our . COOK and • PARLOR st• en, m
-elem. Ohio,. which I'o. sirperio excel
bespnees and neatness 4t dee .•, ar
quailed in any market. ifiarap •s'of
Bove articles can be seen atrayiatlier'
idenee near Darli4tod. 411 co oractei
by mail promptly not
ed. 1
IG. ,VOl - i t • 4gen
A. COLE, Assistant! 1 Da
' May 8 1861.
c i , ' 1
. 1
Lawrance.Journal py mo • • an.
'll to this office. I I
f '.
'lts a pound
Tyra rurebN g..—
'En; l ,c bc:i Cheaper
nrectioirtriesOikts. .. rea ,
PETER -ANGEL thus otlfi. i pe
that he keeps al ger4rel 1 .rtm ,
tbe above articles. 14 Btowle9ld
-bridge street, Bridgelate ' r wiz -lil he a
m i l
low for cash. lie agtes by att- tion
noes to be patronized ! liberally ly hi s
i Ile also keeps A No. 1 Dyne I race
xectly by express froiii Biltimo , lib"
be bad by th e Can, half Cana Dose
Air Coil in and mike Olir i • • • 'a
two will give yratargabW II I
Doe. 6 '6O. 1-1 - I /I; Z
he4P Gro-
For stile at Dr.
Pal •,
Pate .t 241
/to. • cr.
usua 1 fo
Sept. i 9,
'h e Or p,
1 be xp
t-cr , on
vg •t ii
by cis ?.
de• ire/1
est -) pi
11 im to i
soutl 77
st, (A t2C
east' 3, p
Vol i vln,
18 . 1 ' r i t 4
89. Ore' !uric
utehe. 8 I Tl3l
[he aa! by
o equ• 1 ani
i Intel st th
urther, infoi
oil.- Fr l atil
thQ . chuii.
.EART, [Cl[
•,• s
• '
e;4lloick;', _
• Ars you onto( •
order, With-Your . minis de..
fringed. Ind your beams taw
comfortiblist Throe amp.
tams are attest the prelude to
Lemieux '. Some ft 'of. -
slaws* b creeping upon you,.
aid &Add be averted by st
timely ins of the right rants!
say. Take - Ayres KIK and
cleanse out the disordered ha. ,
morn --pisrily thi blood; and
Ist the; holds move on %mob
stnicted in health ,wcalo.,
They stimulate the function..,
of the body into vigorous so.
t deity, Purify the system front
the nintructionti which make
unewlieni lu the body, and ob.
tioue. TUNS., If ' not relieved, '
upon titemser).- And the antrairudirig organs, pm.
ming tgeneral aggritvation, *Oaring, and dimes.
• bite in-this condition, oppressed ,by the derangetneuts,
e Ayer's_Pllls. and see how directlrthey restore the
• oral action of the, system, and with it the buoyant
;rang of health again. What Is brie and so apparent In
; hi. trivial and common complaint. iv alsol true In many
f the deepeeated and &rigorous distempers. The same
• =native street expels them.. Cruised by Similar obstruo.
:ions and derangements of the natural functions of the
..y, they are rapidiy, and many!, of them surely, cured
• the same means. 'None who know the , virtues of them .
Ms, will neglect to employ them when in fro&
.8 dhordert.they cure.- ' '
Shrtements from leadlog physicians in some of the
.rincipal cities and. from other well hnosrn public per- ,
.11Wwi a Fbricarding Merchant rtr..9l. Lor&, - Ftb.
Da. Arne: Tour Pills are, the;paragan of all that 18
as in medicine. They have cured my . little ihrughtar'
)f ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved'
grumble for years. I her rnothet /two been long grier-'
.m 4 afflicted wit li, blotchy+ and itimplas KM her
' skin and'
n herhair. Ann our child .was cured, she also tried
rour mu; and they hare eland her.
- ;y. sk MORGIUDGE.
a .pamily Physic:"
, _
Front-Dr. I
Your Pills are the prince' of Purges. ;Their expellent
- ; qualities sunrise ,any cathartic We pesos. They
mild, but very certain and effectual in their mike on the
bowels,Which makes them invaluable to be In the dilly
treatment of disease. '
Eleadaebe,lllelutleadael,e,Voll Iltonuma.
Prow Dr. iitioarit Boyd, Baitireere.
Due Das ATM. Teat:mot *termer you whattomplaintr
- I have prod with your Pills better than to ay all that We
kallirl ere, treat with apergatiee utertichia I place great dere'.
• Beare on an effectual cathartic In my daily contest with
dimes, and ' , -lieving as I do that your Pills afford us the
r best we*of course Tales them highly. '-.
MR. ,
Prressose, Pa., limy 1,11151.
tote- Ds. J. C. Arm. Alf: I have been repeatedly mid of
the worst headache any body ens hue by edose or two
ler9. of your Mts. It seems to ark* from 'a end stomach,
lay's which they dust* at once. •
tints Yours with great mind, ED.!w. YRIBLY,
~, Clerk of Steamer Clatiole.
Y to
• Bilious Disorders —LlWer Complaints.
Prom Dr. Theodore Bell, of ram Fork
't i ° l2 Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pru%
o of- pose as an aperient, bat I find their beneficial effects upon
me the Siver very marked indoed.l They have In ray prac
tice proved more effectual far the cure or Nei* map
playas than any one remedy 1 miu mention. I sincerely
i rejoice that we have at length • a purgative which is war
for, thy the oluddecom of the profession and the people.
,er- • • tor.PAllTlttrt or TIM Isreates, ),
Washington, D. C., 7th Peb.;1856.
the Eta: I have used ye* Pills in my general and hospital
trt- , practice ever since you made them, and cannot hesitate to'
n- 1 1 st.Y they are the best cathartic lee employ. Their rega
el rating action ou the liver is qUick and decided, comer
noeutly they are au admirable remedy for derangements
of that organ. Indeed, t hare seldom found e, cue of
i allow disease so obstinate that it did nut readily yield to
them. fraternally yours, ALONZO BALL, ht. D.,1
‘rtii - Wysician oJthe Jfarinc Burped.
tile Dysentery, Dlarrhcea, Relax; Worms..
11..0. Dr. J. G. &am, of Clump.. -
44 4
Your Ma bate lead a long teal In my prattles, and I
l it e hold them in mitten' es one tel the best aperients I have
le , ever found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes
ul them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for
Liiious dysentery and diarrfara. Their sugar-coating
tuna makes them very acceptable and convenkut for the use
, of women and children.
e i amyspepsin; Ifinpurliy of the Blood.
Prom Esc. J. T. liseur= t4 of Advent Church, Bedell.
' r
Da. AYER: I hare need you; Pills withlextraordinary
tweets in toy fondly end among those I ea:called to visit
in distress. To "regulate tliel organs of digestion and
purify the blood, they are the racy hest remedy I have
'ewer eenuo, and l can con.ldentiy recommend them to
my friends. Yours, I J. V. 11131 ES.
oe ' ,
th w %MAW, Wyoming Co., N. Oct. 21.1855.
Loa Sin t I inn using y mit Cathartic Pins In my prac
tie, and flit them au excellent piirmitive t to dense the
vyatem and parity tat fountains of Me Peed.
gp, JOIN . G. .11EACIIA31, 51. D,
, ,
to • Cons tipation. Costiviaies 6, Sttppresslon,
roee i Itheatuatisna. Gout, Neurs.igia, Drop.
esr . my, Paralysis,', Fite ' etc.
Fire Dr . J. I'. l'ausihni.ihnitreal, Canada
Pt' t
fa in
Too much rand le said of your Pills for the cure of
0 , .0 . - I,toe.r. If others of our fraternity bare *mind them
it 8: a t oficsaicas so I have, they should Join me in proclaim
er to lag it for the benefit of Om multitudes who suffer from
that complaint, whirl', although bad enough In itself,
pOB the pri e ereeilter ref others that are worm. I belle,. cos.
de tiveness to originate in the liver, but your Ills a/nettled ,
) I 4 organ and cure the disease.
er o From Mrs. E. Slu.rrt, Physician and .Ifithesife, Boston.
mi find one or iwo large dotes of your Pills, taken at
) b pmper time, ore excellent pr. nodarca of the natural scare-
Don *lieu wholly or Full y supprtme,l , and also very
ear, tool to cleanse the stronTit and expel worms. They
d n j ar e eo mesh the(best phyde ! ere hare that I recomyrend
dal to other to my patients. *
'0 d FrOnLle Dv , Dr. flawter,nXthe keltodisl Epis. ClitHereA.
[', .0 q Drusgi Ilorer:'Savannalt.oo.. Jim. 0, 1858.
[ Itttutiten SIR: I sl.nuld .bo uttristefol for the relief
On' .7 i , year ~kill Laeb, ,, lntht- me litl did vet repOrt My 9ftele'to
t le, y. u. A cO , l settled in my Omits en.l brought on °mein;
n al l ciAting nettearoitt pains, which Pinball in ?fironic rhtuitue
2 , tip, . Notalthetandlug I hid the, beet of . physicians, the
"` . i dteeaso grew woree and worse, until by the aurlee of your
Ir• a i excellent ngenr , ln Baltimore ; Dr. slaricenzie, rtried your
kr rt Pine. Their effects were slow. but sure. lty Fersarelug
iu tiro
use of them, I am now entirely well, '
, • -
9, 1 . SzNATE CRASIBM, IllitOn Rouge, b.. 5 Dec.. 18.55.
Ds:Area: 1 bare been entirely cured, by your l'llle, of
-' Athetisiolie Geut—;apalutur:diaeaaelhat had affiletedrme
= for yEers. ; .. VINCENT SLIDELL.
11 ; iy - a- Nlnst• of the Pills In market erMtainlsteretiry.
i which, although a valuably remedy in ekilful handl. is
clangorous in a pu‘die pill. from !lie ;dreadful mese.
a gr 'quenceS that frequeutlyinit,.w its inantinuit me...these
contain no mercury or
Oln,fr.ll ettb.tance whatorer. 1
'l ' Price, 25 cents Box, or 5 BOXeel for SY
1 r
; . ;
1 8 I Prepared by Dr. 3. C. ATER. &. I CO., Lowell, Ma i
N'y 1 tilak.For enie by DI Minis, j, l3eav e)
,I , a , Cros . a. Rocketeer, - Waggoner &0 etry, Ft
h: 2 ii•dom; J. Ni l ebola, Baden: J. Sargent;
TUE I Brighton, John Bla'ek, Darlington, one
I dealers everywhere. i - Oct3l'f
. [ .._
FAitlitß, 8 TAKE NOTII
e, to ' •
.1 I
iptgn .
~ Well'arvill.e,
.I- 18 Agent for the safe of all the Itoplet
of flubbanlry, niada at the
.1- - GR I.CITL T'U:R A I; IV 0 R
zed • I. % ,!• 1 1
• ap- Cleve,tand, Ohio,
o i a. Amongst . which. ar Wood's Improved Mower
Hubbard's Light Mower, fiti!lliftrd's Bhindnrd
. -Mower, Hibbuld's iteniilng A ttochment.l Ilo:d
-inwin, DeWitt & CO'S ' Star Grain Drill, with or
without Grass Seed Sower,
"; `" Wellsville, June t Oth, 1861.. 4.
r du
-• N E S T() R F
boreun . dersigneil would reepectiftill:
, a , .Lis friends at 4 former pitrone that
p ers •
Ile et in the Room formerly occupied by 19
once, Roden; Third street, Beaver.l an eaten
- Dot aortment of new and deairable -goody
.1 the which will be found •
re- g" DR Y? G OODS
"ale • .of ev4y description
• BOOlkg, & shoes •
QUEENS VWAEE , dco., *O.
4, and intact everything usually tept - iri a first.
)eopla diem village stare. • I I
int of AV/P. olll =d e x a mine Goode and priaea. .
;tand,A,7 HUGH Aril DERMIN.
g 'Beater , June 18, iB6O
B. WELI-1.
Lb outA T lo.R IkY AT L
and - (District Attorney:) •
Offies i 6 'be (burl Hozzpit, Ba er, Pa
- My 15 1867.;17 .
I ;
e is
Inn &
tire Its
-1 among
1 1
APO . 4
',SCIPIO lUoYllloffilla
with the smolt , settsfectery ,
isstes to thtikr,'lpesulnenen, .
reensumertd them Jona pima
"able, and efllcactotieemsettlee
tees lo use: I i }I
'She Be?. !Wm Ilemnar..
= ent o ' lle=liE..
lies, OtieplalM of ...
11=I. IL !like, Sailor,
ftenlift, Neer-lforfr
Lar ld al is itutuarg za. rt.; the
. 1144. a e
Me. pth lion..' licka l rler
11"ri gtil l o i t t itate lffe !It
The ' Jo.
Graham, Kollin,
• edlo, PlaSoi!, t ithe lic
LIMI , W, 131/0,1
Jams rebtreta, sal
Al ' ' ;I 4/171'
No. 1.-Pot/ail
No. 11;-tor' 00110.
rufante. II 'I II
No. 4.-Tor, , plarthos,
Complalnta. ; ! ,
- - No. 15.-f0r , 00110,1 llrlf
No. 11.-Ifor Cholera,'
No. 7.-Ifor Cloustia, I.
No. 8.-4'or Tooth-ado
No. 9.-‘for Iliadische;
Head. Il i
_, e
No. fOlftrmreeMt
Stomach, tistipatto
No.' 11. Fos Taxi
Suppressed Perlodal ,'
._,No. 11-oOr Leiniortites, l l6l
Down Of I/Mashie!! !
'No.lB.*lfor Creep, Hoarse!
No. 14:141a0 *Wags.
Pimples on the lace.'
' No. 15.r‘Ritsumairto Pu.ta.-44
tees. In the Chest, duck, Lohilqo. i
'A.-for: !Circe and diva; Chill . ! oitt; OW,
Nlsnifilmied Agneg , 1 ' l" ' -' '
P.-Tor Thee, Band or Ills Extern/. '' 1 1
0.- 1 -Pal , . l'Ook. or Ic lyellids'; 111" , ,
Ing,.Week. 02 gigtik , J 1 I,J I
c_.,, , ,,,l',C.itarr of I..up stan ding , at. *Hi l ler 4 9,11.
13 nrci lr
obstruetion or' prinuse discharge. -,. I' l l,
..1 _
W. H.,-..For 'Whooping Cour,h,,aldth sl violence ,spi I
shortening-ILS course.'.e • ~ '
In all stcute,illecaset, such e.i H . sZaa l ans, nts,
Diarrhea; !Dysentery, Croup, Rhein. and such'` D.
tire dhcatles as SoUrlet Fever, Mims! tryidpelas,lthe i
advantage or giving I the proper; mkt gitomptlY Web- I
ekes, and in all with ems the sped ' . like , a riukellt. r
The plate dlicase do often minted ail td krill cities 1
. .
the violence of the attack is modes.** 'lease gbh*. : ,
coed, and".. - Jwidered , kw dangeruto 1 ' 1,0
cou x ia,4.l Cold a, which are of s uch ot ocCurretice,. ,' !
andirbich so often bey the foundattc incased. lungs,•l I
bronchitis! and couSumption, ms -all once, cured tiyA i
the Fevet; and Cobh : Pills. . .
In all awn hle di such sal. , Weak 2torisaith , ,
Constipatlon, live r ComplinnW. Bit de Debility, aim.
irrecularttles, oil I cadaches, Sore t, a Syn. Caternin
Balt Ehean, and titer old erupttons, has specifies;
Whose prihoet apphratiotvwill alihrdir th ahnost every', i
instanee.ll Often thi'eure of • single. eslincialt.r.lluett E
as Dyspepsia, PileslOr Catarrh, Hold rlfernale Wea k
. .
iris, loos inure ' Mai paid for the coat. CO OTcr. •1 . 1: ,',
11 ' ' ' !MOM i i
i P ' . 1 1
Case of 20 vials complete. in lootaet'o, Scoilt -'• •. 4 .V,
Case of 20 xtals, s ad Hook, p1ain.....i.. .E; .... ' . ....f.: 4 ,
Careilof It numb red boxes, artd. Book. ..... .... .., .I.: I
0.4, o r II boar,,
t, , cambered, and'Book. 1.f.... - .L.,..' , ..' If , •
Single numbered btes, with dtrectlor , . ... : il2l . B ents... i
Single lettered boxes; with dlrectiona, ~,........-..50 One&
Large case of 2 wt.; 'lain, for planter - Iphsekisca.i:sl
I, , • I ; ~, ~ •
..•• •! I ALI* BPE,OIIII I i
Poi Airnsis na Pllll7t3to.—Orp rl:% reollt Lstoni
Tkeathit g, attended '
with Cough am', r toraticin. Ice;
50 CO:Alper box. ,• - - ; ~ , I.' , ,
Yu Eft IiteCIIMICICS AND Diuricsa. ..
~ sm u g? he ill{ ;
Ear, th !reitult. of:Scarlet Foist, lit t I ur teen
For No in the Head, Hardness of H ng, RI ,ging
In the Fars, And Earache. Prke, tn e lfs tsar box.. ; I . , •
' FOR SPIOTTLI.--patarged Ohm* So stoll uj ited Induratcs ,
al T..nsils, Swellings and Old Weeny , igtticheay e .
Children g Price, 50 cents per box. i • 'I ';', ll' 11 ;
Fos 41 Sitat.lhisturr.-;•Phyrlcal or crease Fel , see. •
Other e rteolt of Bickneas,,Encesidve Wettleation, * Zr.
hinsting;Diseharges. Pries, 60 cents. Ws. ' i 1 I .
, t i
rcat Diarce.r- fluid - accintadatlous, tildßre flogi . et*
Scanty Iliseseassca. ,Reires s ,64 cads' 'tt::. , ? ' . .•.,.
yam I,44lrestsrcen.-Deittily Blebs Tertian, Nsdte4
Vomllin Bickner ' , oat rdlng or mot o . ' , Pict, 50 Xenia
Pe rbo ; , •• i' 1 r•!•! I ' I !
I I ,
Faa Elingsair -Nor Onsvel, al Cilcull Will.
cult, Painful Urination. Disease; or therildineyal P i '''s Oe
cehts pin. boa.- : . - ... ',
.; I. r. - i ,? ! " I
F.,.C311:1111. Essission--Istrotun DischargeW and
COnatql.Prpt Prostnttiou Osill laib/10,,y4'_ Bid: Results or.gvia
Babas. 'The most's:access/1n and Cate eut4remedy known,
and may be relied upon as a core. Art with full' es.
Llo i l v gi'per box. '. I 1 I . 1 .
oils who wish to Place themscle - der! the rotes.
sion cire,'or to seek advice of pe r. t itraeirs, can db
so, at Ids office 5G2 Bro adamy, daily f 0 B &N. td ilmsl. •
'or by letter; I . I - ;
- .. : ' Otl e nositati BY IL . . .', I i
. t•
• -
,Loolt! over th e list; make up a c ;or what kind ,
,Itst .1!
ehoose,larid inclose the 'amount In At current note or stamps '
by' mall to' our address, at •No, 562. 13 midway, NewfYoris,
and the medicine will be duly fatnined- bylpall or eSPtellk
free nt,tharge. _ ,'.. '
AGENT WANTED. , -Westest - s' re ' ; an aci f .l4 efll 'i' cl ' en ' t,• : ltgelet.
for theidile of our ,Remedlis in every town or countiontty '
Li the Cotten States. Address Dr. F.
„ rt PHRETS , 'S Co. ,
, . Ito. 562 B 40T/sr ,Naw•NoSs ! I
,Shalk'x Excc&tor
Musa's Excelsior
. , .
SAalk's' Excelsior
I - • Sheek's . Exeplator
F S .; h I ; E /k i ' t s E AN irc u Oli 4 io
f Slui ixcelsiot
S/ Exec
so s
FOr 84LE by 0K MIN
H • and Drpg
Whlltsult Agrut, Ns. 8
October 24th. 1866.
i h firgi
Him been experimented et
every inatance proved', a
b! . .ing put into the market.
vinced of ite good qualitil
firimuel Hannan,
Slepben Smith,- , 1
David Minis. Jr,
John Sargent.
Duncan & Edgar,
A. C. Hawkins,
;and by all•the principal 1
14 Country.
-c Barber and II it Dr ier. 1 i
TAB. BRUIN woulttint ii i fr i en ds and the
at public generally, tbbk is still 4 his for
*Kir business, at tba old tagd on Third skeet,
one dokr east of, lit nal Clothing 134 fr at
i l
Where lames waatin the attentions of a
Bather or Bair Dressir can at all thitaa be at
tended to. I . ' 1 '.:
tj I have now on band Bair
~, 'la un-
Fgualea ii any now in the. 7 p elentis, the
-ttair falling from thirkeadritres a the Bair
in its natural tiolour,lt*svaiati , the Bali from
turning grey, &i. I et also on and an In
mantanoorts Hair Dye, artiantod t torn iilrej
Tight or . Rod 'lair; A a ibeantif I'' Auburn
I l lilack or own . Tho a a are bo *wan
;re* to
ise g ir
I l i . 1r •
*ban tati*, •.
OWN - 41
" 'g ra i n
I • %thel
C ,
1 P l i
' L
I ~,, ~;, is j
f Ill! . .B. Itlemesit" ,
.r te t Maehinit IMaatine 1 .'.'
1 1 11 if S.Glt ANT, , . il F
I '• Faistonnin'a
11 : - Pi
, •,
i— Noollinr for speed , et! — on . the
r!op r ter and s
o , thea, and cl ean • w
on a !sr• °towel patee of tlotl . ng4
are not
egos:led by any itfishing Marline now in tile.
NF. IV l'G 0.01181 ; 1
, ~
N . ..k ; IW s 14 o'o . D S •'i!
()OIL P KEGS bil-recei4ed and; ! ill be th
-1 1 1- , 1 Weekly receipt o ne:u articles; crtaining
to ,111 business. , `; i, • ' ~,
:Pie .Styla Pri n ts; , 1:, ' - ,),1 - j
i i 1 I I 1 L , Netwir Style ptattles,
Xi)! 'Skyle: o ClialteM, ' -
1 . , April. 18.] N6W style Gll
SEYH BALL; Proplieior
• • • Heaver.
1 1 I Li,
AVlNG,thoroughly fitted op the'istablise •
iurni formerly imown'ae the oGiciuma
se,!'l ie prepared to accom modate hie
kle, laud the public generally, the, most
torY manuer. l Apr. 41
. "
-,• i . •
OIL'! ' ' oiLil ,'OIL n 1 ' . .: L i i .
. '• I i ' ..
.7. ' ii ' 4 .'''..
•. aihm icugittes - 4 'r oi ~, Sale . : f"i .
, . • i.. r. ••,. ; • , t• , .• •••: :]
iLL , ersons engaged in the i cak,bnennetftare
/- 3.'e. crated te !can and - exam i ne the .416*
( i )
Stearii Enginee ~MSnufaCterect bY I,
- -;JOAN . TiZORJ.VILEY,iI, -', i. ', '', •
, '''l '.• .' r ;Pi i,tarthiPA.., ..-• '2
Theis Engines are got. up on . th e Most no • ,
- Or l ad style for. Boring and 'Pa ping and oth.
-'' .1 i rPoses--4the (pattern! ' be leg rtriadc•ltiude
s retion i:lf One of the b l est MSchioids. )1:1
.'• r . Penesylviints. Tools . or Boring Made
c i
. - a ar,teit ,notice; also . all ', kin oC,CS,atti
de. anefitted un. • .I me 420'.; ;. I.
•1 .. . • .-::- . •;..: !r .
• • .: Tilt; siOr.,•3linie Dr i ngi§tclrfi,• • ....•
1 ~ '.- I ;!•• i • • .1 ~•; • • i;
.•e ~'setile Eoap,inld Palm Soap .; llarrieon'e
Isariond Caatile.' Ladies'. Soap. Washing-'•
' ton Soap, Tratlepareut Balla akid.tstmi,.. - ,
. Glyeerine Eonp, - YPlcatingillyt ' i:
• Spat), 'Vas, ive• Soap,''. 801,, i , 7:, 1..• 1:
.- • , 'lug BosiP,Deittal Soap-for) ..• !T .', •
•!elesning . the teetk ,il s.
li 7 1
t i , , 4
' •' '. ,• :. ' •, Vfi . ..; •&#., 'Am. . f.,. •:!. il
.1A S SO...yF LII EN i T O • F ; ? lt E. •
•-i;• F•.°,.t)M,,
.Eli,'gt.Dr Minis Drug tore
iica Estimate I , the .handkerchief.; Oders
nd'Colognes, n ew; Extracts."Stiien• Kis*:
Iloneymoon, iiii.Be
Quick and Some ', •
'thine ,New.',. Standard Extract!,'`
Nluelf4 Pittdbenly,ltose.:TOck-
'ei Club. Geranium; &a': 1 • ' •.•i' , - 1. •
[ Rose tiair Oil,Beties; i • •'. - , 1 •
ckti i , Pontadesi i'. , i ••. , .1
&c_. t0..14c.t 1 1 '1 1•' . : . :', '
1 1 , 1 ,
, • '
ulttzicr . i
1 , . •
t ers
you troubled !with Rats:'
you 1 troulAed, with Rats ?
:you' troubled' with Rats ?
you troubled) with Rats ?
!you troubled With Rata 1
you trouble d i with Rat's? ;, r ,
you trouble d With Rats ? 'i I . , li.
Get a B It Of Fleming's RA l'sate,
Get aWe of Flensiug's Rht [Paste, ' l l
Geta Re of Fleening's RatlPast4..l l i ,
Get sko of Flemidg's Ret•A'aste, • ~ .
Get a Otis of flaming's Rat traste, l
Get a MIS of Fleming's Rat IPasts,. ~
Get a Box.of Flenn • g's,ltstiPaste, I .
1 . I ; Al Dr. Minis!, Drug /Mere.
, . 1i At Dr. Mints! ;Drug Store.
• 1 ' Al Dr. Minis' Drug StOre
At Dr..lldinis !Drug Store:
At Dr. Weis) [Drug Store.
At Dr. Midi' Drug Store.
At. Dr. Minis' Drug &err
t i 'l
• t
; I
14 , n4ch :
9 itlers
Sf l
aC I
INT Title!
. l b
.slpvirch,l lieerg.
So Biav rZ" .
i a
this ea r l 't :
'1111BLIE:, i .
1 , 4
iiiithfield St.; plus.;
, 8 . i ; .
\ 1 -I 1 ','
1 •F - TeC - 111 - 7
■0 L I ERA
1 1 ~, ~i,
orE ,
ti ~,,i i o ti
lace / 85 .J dna ,in
.cOesa; an. 1 s itow
llTry it it 111144 •con
', For Bit aby i
~!. Rotin'i t 1::, ,
I T.tridg w ter,l
t Bolirgr' I ' 1
5 6W Ogbtot,
E lc it .
/ Fillstcs4 I ,
1 Riv !tier,
L . 'gsts t i Attgtt
i , utiY22.6l.' '
ertia 2 Ter* Ia
.. S. 31:FSSER, DzwirsT,
V ILL !alert, Artificial Teeth on Cordite
V and, l lll2l4pite Base, fortioiai $8 to $l5l
I ;C li
per fall set > Warranted equal 'to saproade.l
"lasts of sets in proportion, on, Tieth, or Gold'
stud anise prat .l on very reisonibldiertni.- 1 ‘
i;iugging, Cieeh*. Extraotingiirith instate!
sad itura'Sility. ,) 1 1 1. 1 • ..,
sdrOthe i Me. A. I WYNN% pietas, ‘ok:few
doers below to ,Scadomy, 3lairu , st„ B as for.l
!Also it biSresi otos in itreed s mi oe3o i
serifs j will be In • Beaver ovary tbitd week
the 'month. ' 1: ,u r 1
h ii t . / Qb.
a p
i Mr. A. I :,
i Academy,
i Caen in I fret,
I be In • Bearer .
i WILS 'S i guilt 4 Co, i ,
yirppLIEgALEDEA-0,S',11 1 .;1 bi: .,
1 . RY GOO S; . -:.
1 , ,
i,, 1
*SAVE a n;tbe pleasure of annonnaing tb•
1.1.' their - friends. and the trade interatlY.
that their.attmknill be made ui by :ithn.;lo
insMit, and trill be offered Tea len. tot ap p
Proved prut t iel An examination is rXlleited, , i
i March 5, 1 1 1,. • i 1 -(1 f- . " , P.l
I •,, I ,i• • i 1 i -', :L1
1 0A/tk to t 10 04...mi1es of theisabOriber; On,
the 19th 'June, in h Beifieltiy
s etray horse, thou! 16 7rip old, MiiktVin one •
eye, if darkbrown .cobs, at: a 714t0 (Aril*
down the face , The owner: lib reqnsited• to,
!comp and iprotipropirty, payAsrpr end 1 / 4t
'it away. l fil JION f'EItOZBON
r t
E tiz s ind p. 41 Dmzii
ii l - i ' . "l.'
' ..'•.: • 41
• :L.1 .; : . '.l
.M [,
.• 0 4 ' el ,
! ,, •,j.., : .el
, •, , ~...-1
! •
.t4'.).,1 . .--03
cil l
0 :
.; I
..• i I I 3 •. 4 RIIIIIIIIII,, 1
-. ....
- .
.....w., , .
.'il f
0111 t • I ' I ~
. ',....4P. ii . 4 . .• .
i i 5 -
' ' ).., • I "- j ' ' r k
V j f• 4 '.
0 3
.. _ . , . ~.,,,,,,:•.
.00,,, - - •• •
1.0.... i. ..., ..!
. •
L. . ~- .', 11 i it ' i : .
• •.
1 111 1-1. . ,
L' .. .0
1 '
: ~ . • .
;. li &
~... gill . ~.. :' . :2i*• — 4l
;.. . pig . :1 .. i iki
''. 72- ' -.11;t....E',1
•.kai -.' . t' i !..•.„tc:
t il l
..: • '. -,[l- • .;.*
:, i • • ,ef
) . :-. . •:,, ~„,,..,,
~, - ~, • .„ 17 .,
~ I .• • M !- - m...+. -L A
• • . I•• i i 4 -. :-
. 1 . 4,
'i -.- t -‘• d ' .Fi. '''
• ' '
: Po!
a, •,.
, .
. ,
1 , 1 :-:
N I iiiiB .
I 7 I' I( T tip -Itl Ci $ 11/t *rid, 'Re%
Cheaper: } han the Cheapt4t 4 ":
by A. $ lIARVFY '
Drifizewater. l'
. ',.,
-,-- i --
! 1 .
, ~
, 4
4 1.
? ~ ~~.
it , ,
' . '4l=i•havi nave' s
.1 a olla4d :
ii.l il , ~-i '
, „ ...,
t g- J
e . icier MID soirr a '
13Nics AE amunprinus
iril ow *4l , ags!able 1111sigamt.
I?bis 'nal* new and unir
tit one known for years piu
in; the fandlies lof thousands
throughout the North;
West, for'
). I • •
• IV .ILL I T S!
. 1•1 ' '
, r, ,
' Clergynien, Membera m
:edges; of the Supreme Co
persons, in, every station el
eheerfolly given us, the wei
testimony, private and pub!
five t. Many Physicians, th
ed to "Patent Medieine'
hays r peatedly preeCribc#l.
/ Iltrrcns. It is" ,
giving ' II,'! '
T J`, Strength to ti.
' ow
;; , e
,r to Digestiv l
Digestive • Organs, 1
1 Health to the l Dyspepti,
-- . i
I. .. ig , l Nervous ir i
I . 4 will go far toward rir bui'dmigLa
tnnetitution broken down by (lore& and a n r
iety; by intemperance i cat ni or drinc
' ing, or dissipation in o her forms . it is
l i
universally approved a a family , remedy ..
f l or• Indigestion, Sur Stomach,
Colic, Heartburn, Efeadtiohn, •
and >all Dyspeptio cDmplaints.
. , it
1 A slagle dose gen spiny rev.
Ilevts pain; •must . or any
usicasincsu after .e tins. I .
1 , •
• Asi : , Cafminative, lit i. particularly
pane le to parents. ; Its ti ely use pi•e-
l ii
vents ;many a serious illn i, isrel ruttur
an anxiaus night to them ther over the
kje l d df her child A sin le dose hill • ,
Almost instantly relieve, olic, arising
'rom acidity of the stoma or inliges
• • 'lion. VA German Iv:1Y iti corms um s thst
a' part of a bottie erred her ehif• ~..of
Esananner. C
vainly) m nly i trio to cheek pltal t, after thp I
physi6ian had v i tkie. ~
kliseatte. •A. well known itigsti s 11;;ei,
that by its use he Was, ured of that 1
dreadful disease, 1 1 -
• ia rhoaa. • . • ' , .
4 rironic D l ' 'r
Every day brings up fu her ert4re
of, its efficacy in this elas of complAnts.
It not only cheeks the die as°, but liy its
toniei n troperties. gradual 7 reStorel plc
• ayst to Strength l andperfect heilltli
,To the ,i • l;
1 . I • ,
1 w ill ,
it Rye s t re n g th, and
labinent to her child.
i , Are you,nauseated in I
i indisposed ' to rise? 1 1 1 V.
; queSt you to try the Lae
; It surety _will not harm.
I ,
1 tively guarantee new , SC
f and;a cheerful_hopefuli:
F to the duties of the day:,
Are yon. Subject to 0.
0104., eating? Try l the
I befOre each meal. As w
I wil not harm - yet • we
. , ~
relief from that distreSs
I.eithought of food, an
disposition tort:4'11(1111C
prose Lerfl.‘et dtgesti,
; , . ,
1 be es „S i t
~ I ;1,
f :e .4 tonic, nothing
gr teful to the sistem
I IF ter.l Upon the a
•tO Slid Age it acts A t
- brieing die nervous sys
and' perManent ly inalti
, 1 oct , all ; ;is of the fr
; necetsaril l a healthy
1 action of the varitius ,t
I it.' Will prf e useful sch l t
tA i .
• I a C or t.f....--'
mr r . 8 Al
If •
.. er Alta me etoor ,
IN that. name
~ . _____
. _
. } '.,S; oLL,
. , l• ~
'.' - .. R
0 I
.../ T' .
G t r car Thollsdnal
from ibis horriblo evil;
taiit T eully cann 1":-r 'nit
90 for ria'cr ,vre io . tica . ./ 1
#.4. .iTheit wee piny; ol,psitii.
'l6 all4riised,a - onn ak-die:t
jiatoil b; the injarl 'll3 ,q . I
rrtuirllrt, and tha :Ili
ojc. i,
061 ie.:ailed " errin
ctindkis,”:!•Worni Tal'ii," &
/anti Ire 03 Aar:ale i I :,es,th j
imtAT ;Trio MAT 01ST itirl
itabla rnothei, 14111 Ili:21 isi
•Itt:d.. . i ' . 1
• 1
ELLEIIS' I'lllllllloE'
i. . 7/ . c. ..
__ ._ L ....c....ff S•ah,,
a ore v,lrlu. I.4au any I tvcr
:cam nb4re I gave ouo vial. )
:iquitz4 and waztiog ii,, h
i boort:eller 1 rive the Vet
gnatalvy of 1 I raw ref nr iii l
Mulled • 'llie child, that* .
atm - Ai Well as any. hi the,i;
1; 1 . A‘flil:ClS
. Can:p..l4i
/.11 that 14 rteln:r6l W gi
h a iisir true!:
' , Fi
, P 4. , )-1,:; . ,:,
.m . ..Vt.i:. , iitt.t... - :;.-Ifsi
tin .r. r ilia:last I•uur ur Wir
ci t• ‘u,S: ills Lest preTarstiß
lu•rr:oiwc ue.•l tits' yteTts
, 411cr tusuu'acturc rs 11;S
Ve i ts ;gilt inuitotilits • I
is . ,
wcp? lt ntoessaq, Wt. ,S 4, ii
va l
tins sUsaclilugrust cribs i
• I _
lie fc4 surrs than a quarter
fuel Is conch sirs or its
thicrtttinty,ot Its effect: ;
km.l l
sad I
, i
I ....,,„,,, • [ • 'l .
_. ........7,1 ..•
and 'tied! -1
lof our eiti- 1 . .
• ath, East k
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' I t i
1 1 -
Cougrisa,l ,-
urt, ' induct( - 1
' life,. hived ""
!It of theiz
hilted, in its
• ugh °ppm;
Ba:en.yrs'i -
resigned Pit' ' .
t . it . ileby il .:ur•-,
arbt morning,
earne..ttl 1 re=.
) a tepspoprifcli
, Yet we riTv
ess Of enttgy:) ;
1, .. king fo l ri;t:•/
1 ' -
. •
itsea beff.,rp at:
„sr. ret! qt.c3tit,it
• said bernik , ', it,
assure ioil of '
nelont . hidg at
.; also. frcirn i , th'r
part akin-. 1V .e
n 'of stitFt haw 1
could 11 t-Jrr [
debility et. 1.7 •
etions itci,dert i t.
ost magic 4 llll,
em. moder telT
g the cite gie,i
me, prctil ~ .i
nvrease f O t, r -
rgasisY In 'fact
'is 4 t
i .1. t..
t''.bf Ciillare
i 'lbis alarpin , ,
I Itefinn nflthr
, . of ninny viry
es l,iii ILiu
ptiez of some
ine&icitn4y 1
01l 1
' .tifectiops,' .
tr eyfoyet
y an ineltiop
No tbowlitti
.rith the 111 fer
Pll,O 0.F.:
Km. Dce: yr, 1 1 113,1
Vern.u:'w,o w,rz s
Inca. Prints:Pio a
y brother's 00.1
si.,frtent.i In 'ti
ifst;o, lho enornns,
1,714i1 , 11 worms ice
Orin np fur 1.i.51,
'ht., Apr.l 1.11849,
It ilnnaftio in any
. DiLSON, D.
fig used it in fry prat:
~ 'corn, litiuk
' of ti• • 'gird' ' I
tiott of the setenti
.rs, inept
:drab of other rules.
drat fivl3ll7 . ind
if A century, of
. re".4e.i. w nazi ax
itkoolers to ticotiint
..en. Do not let, nnp
.1 1 Ulna On 7° 'lt ,
ecknett, thorotore as
fau no ether. '
iinarteolperifii of
d and sollQber pr.
.cipl . od, Oioiii palm off
bed at trnyl rine U
.r ffrllere.V4rmitup,
; 1 ; .; ;. 1• ' I
I -
-• • •1
~£OfA•9 . T .•
op, rA/
- 1 1
. ' ,
THE • ,
1 . 1 - 014
Ratting Pt!o'°fa -tio, itrerg etn 41 Aro ' ,
• EXPEL THE Dollll7:S i er ALI,, •
for ilt•Plann t Judges, Edi torst, ' Phicu ni
of. the *Kest iieheobtar, well al new, gh, t , i t
their unqnsllified sanction, and, reitentneud it
for,ell-essinNef.eraptionc. and 'diseases! ao w
scali, unteliaratiOtifft eilleho fuireiffited itoitill
it I fiestiflying that it c- eill,preeerve the I,,ii - p p ,i:
b l it aig gray, And from felling Many age,,,SB-I nn u
is ieistore. nem --,, / fbe folloWing ; ,
' . Oiii 0 tot e, a'ley,: : C. June 24th, p uo i, (i) : 3. Wools; Dear Sir4-alronr flair re,
stolidly) is rxpidly gaining popularity- i n al ia
com munity. I listie bad occasion' to lei w i n , .--
judfce'sside,, Mrpe n, girerilsittur Hair Ite n t oratin: ,
lieri Du lic r t in t!ea g t t h ."' e year IP/ . . I Wit. 30 'tin ' f 01 . 41 :4_ 1L1
na abe thrown ' from my milky 'okinat n r o c k
!nese. the roadside, from which m ii, bead re tt ,- . ,
i, e d $ roost terrible blow: causing a. area trdeal )
Il 1 4
irritation,' illicit or zrounifialed i fo ' the lir.;'
f and external eurfite..; of, the lienitile,,,,,, the tf .t it ,
I fecte cif which !my hair, was fi n a lly d4 trus i ee
1 over-the entire eurfaee of the bend • pi n , i,,,,.
time I - first disco vered its drippiug, 1,,,,,,,,,..i; •
up to the time of 'hi totelilis.ippe irat ie I e t:'. -
voyid ,erer y thin g I couldithing Ofhei,,,,,c, r , ~
professional man meself, and, as Itliongl i t,,L, ,r,
demanding the nature of the .dji-ease, but' •,
. defeated in every prescripti o n ii4„4,_,
-etr:' -_ . 1 ''.,- ;,r • -. : 3 -
T b ege and no other ciranznetancel induiedl
me to, resort to your worthy, Hair ItestOtni4e,•
which thave every reason tolbiliere Pr I ' it
a very baPpY.result, two morithe after Hie first
applidatien. t nod ims betiutiful X head isfyoting, .
'-hair aii; I ever iter; for whialt! I oeitainly eiw e • •
my most:sincere' thani4 , Re % t i t , 7 , 1
you m • • . .' - . " r e .-
dear sir, I.:Xhall recomm e nd jo ur remedy "to ail
it. •
qui re rst,moreOrel ah el I iuse my in 3ue i . s
e, -whieb
. I.letter Inyvelf Li say; is not itlittleyeaeaupubltthi7ifyouttlnkrrl7f
. ] lvreryreectfily
, I
~. (flea of the • Jetlertionian, PhillipPi, l'a„
Dec., I2th, ,1858. ' !"' '• ! - 1
.. . •
Dear Mir e -I feel it my !duty as well as My .
plesenre, to' state to you' the - following circuit'. •
• I stenees,l which you can use lee yo.t'lc' i ii
,u. in r e .
. if
i per. . A gentleman of this , place, (n, lawyer,) .
lies; been bald ever sines his-you th 4 so much is,
that be was compelled to wear a itirig."•, lia.lwar -s,
induced to nee a bottle of your ..11air fiestera:----
`tive,,r which be liked . very nffich, tied ills!.
.using come two or throe bottle s
n , his hair grew
out quite' luxuriantly ; and he now litittia libiel
v v
- n'
groove bead of-hair .. The gentlemas omits is I
.1 Bradford, and as he fs very Well ictiorrn is our 4 -
: 1 adjoining ,Caunties, nt,me Retsons can tekify .'
I to the truth of this state= -one ; I g i ro it to youat
the request of Mr. Br tour. You can 4-11, a
I great deal-of your Hair estorative iii.thisl and
I the adjoining counties . ityaur have the tireller
i t
I agents . Tours ,
ti.,. •
De,.loon: Dear Sir,)- Permit tie tu t exerees
'the- db4ations lam uwler for the 'esitirelrea
toru•tioia ofiny 'hair to its- original, iiiiiat
the lime `of my arrival in tbe Ualtel ,t.ti f , i ii
v i was .rapidly becoming gray, but upea Ci: t.-
e . plication cif yew. "Hair Restorative" it.,4 ill -Is,
I covered its original - hue. I cati.,i ler i
Restorative as a ,very irouderful Arent. 1-
! efficacious as well as agreeable. • 1
, 8. TH li.,lli'llG.
,1 . The.Restarative fa_p! at up in b )it.:-e4 Uttri , „l
, ' alies: large. medium, and small" the sin 'ill .i.s
,Thpilit, and fur one dollar per bottle; sile,
.Imedium bolds at least twenty i per ce:,tl wi•re I.
I in proportion than tile sinall, retails ?qr tee
i'l &liars per bOttle; the a i l
large holly ulti, 40'
' rper cent. More in pro Portion, and vet." is.l.r 4,'•111 . ..:-..
• 0 4. WOOD lc Cu.. Propriet sts, 4-14 Jlomi
).wayi ' N. y , and 1 1 4 Market St •St Lla - 0 Ile.",
,' • .'• ••
' Aud sold by ult . Druggists and Fame!, tio'ods . ,
Dealers. ' ! • June ti, the !' -',.
..-.......2_____4. 1 • ______ ___ Tai,..
, ,
_ --, A; r - &. z ., 4 1171. - ?li,. -•:!
ii ii
r Thousand ate (1,,i17 steAking in t
i : DR. .E AlO N' S . ..
• .1 II fil It $ f I-e i; pi- d i -
and, why? hecftuße it it, nei.,et i'aiti d, ~..1
i stantan , out relief wit ii -- , giv ,, ti in ti nn
us if hy . tnagio, 'and oYie,itrili lilting will j
you thai . what we •Auy VA true.
AI) sit .corti•
PAREGORIC.' OR .01 3 .1. -- . .
• of any kind, and therefore relieves hv'?
he sufferings of
your chiid, ;,instea-1,; , f I
.ni ip its iewsibi li ties F....r this reas,o -
at nds itielf to the only !enable fire i;".it. , ,,,
k oicit - for CIIILDNEN, Te t i:THING, E.‘; 1 IWI , r 1,
DinENTARY. GRIPING - iN Tit!. IioWNI.9, hiatty
ai l THE STOMACH. WIND, Cott IN. THE'li,gl.Ro4
: Caotrr, also, for softening the gams-, i•rdi icing 'in
fkimation, ?vitiating the Bowils, andrelutz,9 mitt,
it has no egual--heing as anti spasmo,ke, r i,'
with unfailing Success in All , can ,+n o f :osyra.-.
stop+ OR °ruin Furs, As yirt 7 , 7177 e 1 fle. 127 e and.
Acath i t of your ehildien.l and Tris7.. v to• Il l iv . c. :ion
from Moire sad and bllghttn 7 colt - 7 , 70 , 1v refircla
are certain to result froia Me. use of 0 ,1 ,74. u .: :, :f •
triiich all other rem-diei for 1, gait ,lef2litip:r.tin4,
~ . are coinposed trLie ACMC but Da.. EA rottls 1:•.e . ‘5
; TILE CONOIAL, t4i9 you can rely - . upa
V perfectly liciauless; and cannot injure
der.tate Want. Price, 25 cen;t 9 ...hi
''.. by
Ib t
) . ‘a
1 r-
' AC •
li l t
.t 1
uie ,I 1
Healthy human Blood upon being I\
' always Presents us with the same easential•ele;
meats, and gives of course the 'FREEST N,t)k . o
Analyze the. Blood of a person suffering frun
Consumption, Liver Complaint, 1 J r yspepgis ,
Scrofula, &c., and we find it every in-tanse
certain deficiencies in the red globules of 0100.1
Supply these deficiencies, and yOttlore minis
well. , The BLOOD FOOD is founded bpon this
„Theory—hence its astonishing success. Tbers
Five Pr;eparktions
adapted to tb6 deficiencies of the Blood in lit ,
ferent'disease. For Cottons, Comm, 'Brewton
rus, br any affection whatever of the - Timor
or Limos inducing Oos s .sintrrtos, urge No• h
which is also the No for - • Deri4sstox rt
SPIRITS, LOBO OP A mmmy...and for all'eneolc
Cowman:vs arising from Oica t uss, Osseatt‘
DEBILITY, Und Neavore Pttorrnievrini .
No. 2,
for MITA COMPIAIATi, No) 3, Ira DV,N.I 3IA *
Dying already prepared for obsorption it i • tilatq
BY DROPS and, carried immediaie4 l ac) tbe
circulation, so that what you gath you t onic..
". 'ltie No 4, is for FEMALE IttEEOBIAKITO'
" MEI "' Wi &NM,' &O. See gfe l tel II Alive
tions for this : ' Fors Resew : BsrerioNs•
Screorm,ors, Kinysr,and BLADDER ( 1 4P " INr5
lakeiNo. 5. In all canaille clirecnrM to st t)
strictly, followed. ' ,
' For fullidirections, -'see circulars
. per bottle -1-.1 - - - - - - -
Sold by Clitoll /01.1.P0N r, 'Dr(
36 Mtarlen Lane, N. Y., and by all r
'Druggists tbraughotit the country.
For solo by. Dr. O. CUNNINGII.I
; , May. 2. 'bD.
In- ,
et the
IC moat.
i r "tithe
nt, 117 E
la, aka
of her
I OIL CLOTH ~FOlt. WOl nti \r-i
1 ' Oil, 4;11 lh foe it airy,
1 - CIL CLO FOR FLpvi,es;
,ICarpet for F J [u.iilr a..
I go
I .L
Can be obtained very ea
' 1 PRlltr vi %
0 wivin- ,
i )
lOU leth.
.) I
1 0111 nicA
rl , TM;
the tenet
tl. I:ve
' cniky