The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, December 18, 1861, Image 2

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port, Editor. &IF,,titilisher
S. Dave
' 38
SDAY, DEC. 1: tIY 1861
attention Of o
the advertise
ciircttcd t
j. S. -Scot
n Border offers
to his eiistome
merally, daring
learn that.• Sen
dish Antlers in t
Ve - Wt
bill to ab()
pass in somew
• _ _
.' • fr o m
ZW"Th'e latest news -England
on Tuesday, was that England- had
determined to declare w 1 a
'r mainst.the
United . gtates. -- 1 •
----- "" s " ----
" 1. -- . . 7:- •• •
f adc cs f trt New im...i.riva...e 9 i.,. :-Mex
ico sa,3lli_that the repo is that the
strouglibrces - 'which have been sent
a,gainst,: i i i.he.Texans in'th6 3iesillit Val
ley halie driven the enettY far back
into Ttisus.
i Black, of
been appointed rep t.
:preineic, ourt of ill::
place.of;ll3. C.
'canditllt • for
•ting.a brect...,l
Pance. ibecDrde ..,.. ~:. .
Capta,ift Dahleettn
of tbe Washington Nr
-without!: doubt receit
+ ortil R. .Kneai
fit*n "member of t
'bar. land an active
11 . .,' di
deny ;n West. Philade
- • (lay 41Iast Aveylc .. A
dcathi IN - r- Kneass Ny
the Independent ordei
lulrst I
jlt• ,
im. seems that
not 1,14 ti deterred, by,
his i t.‘lel ~ envoys, l'H
othtirs.',.. A letter froi
edciii-New York, ml
tbati he steamer Ta '
rice Niti
t t there'
boa llMessrs . ..llunte
.50u1,..1 of Louisiana,
Mitilsters to Englan
- ill
pitt.e of the uufort
Sli4, 11. . - • ' -, L. t,__
--it-i=3.patand. - axt AlLlTlerlea.l
111 l." news by the rriyal of the late
ste 'tilers, is that th flritiSh Etnblic l: 1
hi4hly indignant at the seizure of the
rell'td conimissione-r-, Mason, and •Sli
dell .ion board an E tglish ship,-i)y the,
t ~• -
riii tied States office rs.. The ingligh
• •
pli l lers complain ibt.dly of the- a,t, and
inimate that iheirGovernment will
probably-demand 01 .
the UnitedtStates
:i dlsavowal of the' et and a•restora
• tio!,aOfilit - prisonet .-! -, .
.',. ,
'Tuft the London. T ones, which is by.
the m o st virul li lin
fa t and asiN'o " of!
t f
n the Newspapeiin (lentukiation ' 1
of our cause and our quarrel NVith the,
i t
• . rdpels, admits that the English Gov- •
errment has by itA• Own treatment of'
iiiiittrals heretofore, for: it.'
- 1 - -
sdr a precedent teat it
.cannot now
• gt t. over. _ The riglit of searegl 1 so long
- • •
•claimed by Abe british Grovernnient,
Ic:innot be withim!punity ignored, 'be
V .
clOse it Happens to le_ an lEnglish
vpssel,thatis coMpelled to submit .to!
it•when exercised { by another :nation'
li i pon the high seek.
11The temper of ~.he EnglishiGevern•-
• I
•r , eat, however' , cannot be Mistaken: ,
. _ _ , . _ - -I
!pat,pertidions . o
tkAs the destinie:
, I
Aire, is most, int
free institutions i
. 4meriaan piT l .2.-.
... 1
itutions htt.7€ 1 1
r i lnderpr .i.-_ T,N:-:-.z!,,.-1
e' -
.. ,
li4areby has ]c•: 1 , 1 0 some very foolio
iii - ild-ineonsistar.' pOsitions 34t, we'eer
liiitinlv hardly' ei: 3 pdet to' see it driven
, ,
, -- 2 . , ... .
ci a deeiaratio of %vat as . a conse-
Oienc . e. of the : late action of Captain
!Wilkes. I • .! t ' i
11 . 1
. : Statement . 1
i i ~.
)(21 . the Ladies'
` td Society`tof Beaver;
1 D Br ec i( e ly in er c a r ter n , th Oc sl
h 6 es l
. ter and Sharp,
Donations of eLri reed .', , $49 70
'1 " x
~ -,-. , ,
''- goods al at 1- , 821
1 orwarded to . leheolifig, care I
U. S. S. Cornigiission, 2
~bexes 1 1
1 ,
, Coeds;valued at 1 ~i_l67 201
', Also, 4,boies of;frui t s and jellies. 1
([ 1 I _
D. , 1
lioods valued :it , 1 ' 44.50
Cash, .. I 1 ' 1 - 1
5 02
. .
t I . ' CONTENTS (4 11 COLE.8',7011WARDED.
! .34 comforts,lls blankets;` 1 coverlet,
'l3 pillows, 8 pi, pillow slips, 6 ~ W ra,pi
pers, 56 pr socks, 38 skirts, ,33 pr
4rawers, 1 priheets, 2.gowns. I 1
] ' 0001 . ? S ON illAliD.
9 comforts, 5 Pillows, 2 blankets )
iirtirawerg, 251. pr socks, 3 pillow Eilip
i 0 stli,-,ts. 3 r 'Teets 3 ,-, ns / '
1 ) i! • ,-,cev • i 1
- 4113.1 A 4113.1 A S. BLANE.ISee. i
1 1' • 1 ',
- I ''
1 '
Prom South Carolina'. I
Mr. Burro= 'The following extract.
or a letter from Lit.; T.J. Hamilton,
... Li eu t . ,; ;
Co, D. lici - undhcad Regiment, ( arling:
ton Blues, Capt. Shuilock) an which
the friends of Lieut. H. wit r d with
interest. War ,is terrible•--e l en the
1 -
idea of it is , horrible r , et In war
there is an inexpressible g andrur and
sublimity - thti ' t arouses a slumbering
• 1 .
patriotism or Iheroisinitha wel seem to
1 , I
have inherited with our existence.---
. c,
We have hadlmanyeouve Lions a with
Lieut. .11..on.ithis all-abs rbing topic,
the realities of which; te is now real
izing-, •He says: ! ', I
•"I will site a little eacnption bf
Ithicfight at Anton Head .- The island,
hove - in sight ion Sabbat mOrning.
We lay to.o til the fleet which shad
been scatter h
y the storm eollected
together wh eh - Was not effected until
Tdesday evening. That evening the
gunboats made' a reCon,toisauce, and
got up neall the Island. wl enrthe reb- I
els fired on !them. Se; , - LI.; :i;•lti w e re
exchanged. A rebe1,,',.;,..-;..!
disabled, tlf y had; t;,•• plc; her away
an 4 make t it escal4 , ..' On Thursday- -
morning th ie
recornioitcsinei was- ire
neived. The rebels got- ne rly- up to
the :Fort whnn a, terrific fire from the
rebels brokei out, from bOth sides of the
Island. _Out. gunboats kept up the"
fire for some time until lit .seemed ]ae
tually necesary to ;assist them when
we dit-coveried three!vessels:LtaifineuP,
and oh! the grandeur of that noble
War-aldp the Withal,: as slie lowered
her spars stie seemed like the pranc
ing steed it ; battle with her ears ;laid
back, . Shci . got her ' rangy, and first
sailed up one side of the channelland
down, on the other, pouring her Shot
and Shell, ttrst from one side and then
the Other,. Sometirn'es' from; both Sides
atlonce. It was a grand sight for us,
but hot sot for .the rebels. To ;give
• ; ;
you j some ide a of; it, yon must' know
^0 r
ieaders is
etit of Rev.l
dnusnal at-, 1
and to tho
the Holil
at xncidifiect.
llaie state has
`r (of the §ti
;ited state'slin
Ilate ,secession
, r
1 of Maryland.
ale's bill crea
Naval .Ord
.Elaid that
vf in charge
e ' i the appoint-
we could sareely 'tiee ihd vessei„. or
smoke; sometimes a dozen;shells Would
explode in the ; air at one time.. The
rebels handled themselveswell, but
were forced to ;-,break an fly. The
third time ,`
.:the WabaSh sailed up the
'Channel it' i seemetti to be enough. 1 - •§he
1011 1 the ~mall boats !to finish up ' the
I , .
work, and. vanquiih a foe to her- scrim
significant; The gunboats did igood
Avork. . Wewe're, four miles oft, but
-'; la- -•s,- oft,
. lEsq., a Isell
• 'Philadelphia
lember of- the
it at his resi-
'I - 1 • i
phis; on Thum
the time of his
s Grand Sire,,of
Of Odd !Fel
, t
Jeff. Davls nab
the seizure. of
.m sending; out
ntions a rumor
terbilt whieh ar:
, of Virginia, and
as • Confederate
and France, in
nate Mason =and
igarchy which eon
of= the British . Erril
msely hostile to the
the loyaListates,
56land American ini t .
en clistastffial to the
te date'pr the s4 E
to • tlie present
I - h
istility of; the ,Oii-
1 ,
I i
could see the sand tly every slt.
Sometimes a shell would penetrate the
sand, and Ahen explo o tle throwintrthe
sand, like a. darki cl nd, s about.o i o feet
up in the 'Air. Wewatched_with great
anxiety -a small annboat;ratini!ng up
near, shore and thl-owingt slipt 'into a
buildin,g j . _. The..rebels soon lio4sted a
white 114%, and then Aed leaving every
,thing behind. Our !ensign then run
ashore and run, up the stars and
stripes. ',Yoil,know I was never in fa
vor of irinch'eliecrin' , -but I—tell you
I went i' that time. Imaginejhe ex
citement: when 'one prolonged cheer
from 2000 throats rent the air`,..rind
almost rippled the watert.; at the seine
• ' • • - • - t • —ll.- - 4rm. T i gtAlie--
.was a man. Perha s thel whole
.scene was more excitin froin the fact
I that our orders ihatl mo ming , were to
take the Fort at all :liaz rds-, we then
must, consequently, Ilind under a
heavy fire from the en my, rterving
ottr,own‘ tire till we_ could di,tinetly
see thei color of their moustaches, antL
take the fort' at. the , point of the bay
onet. ;Sword and revolver were my
arms. :I loaded -this latter With no
Other calculation than to tnie it, but
the loads Are in it yet.' It was a ter
rible rout to the rebels: P
and a) , florious
- - .. I.
time foi• us. , It ,
is considered -
here a -- -7
1 •
death blow to secession. in the south. CAPE RACE, Dec. 15.
I trust the ball may roll on.iintititAsi City or ;Washingtoa
completely- crushed oat. I am anx- 11 o'clock this Month
Thusly looking for a letter. I yeah' give by telegi4tph to the list/
25 ets for :alate -Tribune." Asa mat- The Elhip Lady Fran,
ter of pleasure to friends and, parents, don for Srewl York, Put
I think I can safely say the 'members on the inst.• She!
of Co. D arc generally - better men same night ono was 8
than when they eft,' home.. I was I guish the flames. $o
talking with. young ,Will Boyd the ped anmiig, the c,ro; :
other day, when he ml} 'e thi.4 remark:. h ir ing her.
"Lieutenant, lam:-) _ zo quit swear-1 [rho steamer Austr:i
in g, and go home ~ 1 --r man." I I chartered to convey t
was glad to think 1 , ‘!., -.• i bk so, andltery 'of artillery, add i
do believe.the war' to t He, is 1 9 th `'" ' i ' • ' - • i i
a good soldier; is ap.vayi elze,erful; does ' The Sanl Jaeinto ffair ti
mo opoliz
his whole duty, mild' 'never complains. the attention •of thispiess, Well de'r
1 .1.1 e acted as c6rporal the other, night, nounce it in strong fiirms, ► d ,active
and was reported h 3 the offieer of the i naval plieparationware malfi )g. 11
guard as being worthy of promotion. 'filo fiatest by telegraphlt . Queens-
Ortrcompanv made a present to the toy ii,. to the sth inst.' says, thatt
t .l
Chaplain, allusion';to whieh has been excitement is unabnted. 1 , 1
made in other letters. Mr. Brown The Paris Temp says tha Nap*,
Ei f ld in his speech ] to, the boys that, he on has tendered his servie s 6 inedk
was thankful for the ifavor, , not as a ator.. 1 - 1 i 1
(lift to himself, biii a 'token lof appro- At the . banquet{ at Roch le Mr.
c.. ) i
val of the cause in which he, is engag- Bright made an elaborate p ech on
ed. -I must now close. What I may American affairs, but declili d togiVe
say at my next writing is all in the a deed opinion in the Tln ; affair.
future. '' ' T. J. H. He believed that if illegal r it e United
States Will make tittnig re .tration.—
Ile strongly condemned an -warlikel
feeling; and scontedlthe i en that the
AmcrieanCabinethad res lir-cdto pick
The Aiirlexation of ihe Pan:
NM policy of I annexing the Pun - - - , ---c- - ------ F
enns Llv id ' . a quarrel with linglti
liandl© to P
5., a ais now being briliant perortitioni,
discussed in that district. the Wells- North.l 1 '
burg Herald fats the measure in an - A leiter from Gen
article, on the sa ject, from which the the maintenance Of il
li between Englanii
following is an extract :—"Oar views .
tracts 'Much attend '
on annexation have long been known. ‘
• I 1 The ies fort of ,a l s
We are in:favor of annexing all North and lead to A.metJic is '
, i I
ofthe Wetzel county line I t o i Pennsyl- The; Paris Patri 1 has
vania, and if all of it will not an foreshadowing the 1 ' dii
, Franc' to reognikei the Si
then just as , mueh of it, fig , will—prol
vided Pennsylv4nia does not object-- te , dera iLT i f E D O" d 8C
If Ohio and ,Marshall prefer adhering ,l ue * i i
we,- nevertheless; go for annexing When the Europa saih
Brooke andjilancock to the Keystone a more. hopeful look; and'
State, with, 1 the' least delay possible; ly improved, but after
tone of the Ameriean pr
and. as the free negro bugaboo is ,
not so terrific now as it was once, We set ink and fearsre en
are inclined to think that there will the Washington tiover
be very little objection Made. It is ;Justify the - 86zel"e1;(*: M
, l I
manifestly the interest of, us all, and dell. I
we can imagine 'no betterl time ,to ari 'rho English Journals
tate - such a question' than now, when ter arid hostile ontin
the United!States set the. e xam pl e o n the affair as an intolera
so large a s'eale," , ' _ • The instructiene tb L
i ,. i 1 ,
A bill to this
6 :,effectwas introduced
which the Cabinet 1 wai
are explicit and fletermi
into the 1 Pentisylvaniai legislature The London . gut !sa y i
1 last winter hi I Gen. Wilb - on of this' knowledgementi nr error
/ County. ~1 , . 1 ' I"der of the prisone'rg, wit
] f,
I ~;
f 1
I r• '
•ni .d•' 1
f ,
I ' HALM , Dec. 115.- 7 -The j Boy,ti
ail steam
.r Europa; h 0 arrcved a
this port- w th highly important inter
ligence. S • e was detained at Qaeeni
own till t • e 2d,lby order Of; ti)e.Goi
merit. Sb has the Queerils Messer
ger on boa
Et with dispatches fir Lbr
Lyons. , l' ---,.! .
London, ec. 'L-Thep eat stay
that the Government ' himi, de anth
from Pres dent Lincoln - and his. Cal
net, the persons of thelSouthern e
voys to the ' British e t overninent.-
Yesterdayafternoon, attar five o'eloi
P. M., He r Majesty heldla Pri4 Con
cil at Windsor Castle. l'iTherq of h
Ministers,' including the first Lord
the Admiralityand the Secretaries
State and War, traveled' from bond
toWindsor by special train telbe pr'
eat. Previonsi to leavin , Own
throe Ministers;had atten ded a C
ne+ Council at Lord Palmersten's '
cial residence. :
The Obsenier , - taiso says that a
cial messenger of the I..'nrei'',,:),•l Oi
has been ordered to carry to NV ash'
ton ' bands of the British
erni • LOrd Lyons, and,will 7
teed by i packet• &din Qui,
town. - 1 i 1! 1
'1 c will be satisfied to;Inow
that lemands are for in aPolo
a• insist on the restoration to
the Lion of the British flag,l
the i of,i' those the
were ,vio
lent illegally torn from that sa
cred trn.! The Observer tdds : i
There is no'reason why they s oul
: , ,
_, i,
not be restored to the qnarter ciegicif
the British Admiral at .ilieut York r
Washington itself, in•the faCe ofioine
ten or twelve men of war, WhosC.rtis
ence-in the POtoniac would rende r the
blustering Cabinet at W r ashingter. as
helpless its the Trent was Abele the
guns and cutlasses of the Si n4a Into.
It is no faultof ours if it Siolli 1 once
to this. ,The; arrangements f ••• in
creasing the.foree in Canada arc not
i .• ..r. t s , few) 3011.113
yet complete, but in a very Pc,
everything will be settled.
meantime al large., ship;of th
bourne line has been talcen!up,
now being loaded with Ar+toti
some 86'000 VAnfield riff s,, amm
and other stores at Woollich.
not iinpossilale tin4:tbil) Vessel
escorted by . one two ships
The rifles, are, iritehded!fo the
dian military; and stione• re
' fieldlan t tilery sill 'Pe di-
ment,ol Areltrat :ry ..._
ed 11. forthwith.
, q '
The Tim 44 city article of 03
says the position 401 Federal
+A America .is almost ileV'erY !
_clef point with that iv each wa -
pied towardS-uS hy R sSiit bet
Crimean - var. .Russia had a
tariff, livl3o we looked to - he .
I • E
large I porty3n of out general
of brehd . stalfs. But ther'e is t 1
Jieulatly in our- present Blase I
\ comp:amen - lent would 15e. the'
ling ap of the blockadeofthe -,
!por4s; atonee setting ftel our'
from) the anxiety Of a eOttonl
and bring sure prosperity to
tgainOuitt,iire rsriail oiIEK our 1
eight iniMons it the Coif
1-States . Whi) May desire .nothin;
i than. to bdour\custotirerS. ,
.. The fires has ''n( .- 115pe ' t
Federal g4vernineutiwifl'ec.mi
the demarids el England .
The •Aroraing Star.lo6.oares
' stateinent; of instruction's ha-i
' ent to Lord Lyons,lto'4tain
tion,of the.:COntedei ate Oontalii
' 1 or, to take leave of
. s,VaShingt
: premature and so ex ; aggerute
virtually untrue. ' l i , , •
o reat i t
err= nt' fa
England wii
ternativo th
The Time 4
policy to fo
and. I; .
C 73
per ent. I
Tb Ne
'act ith ho
golden opp
by•us. , 1 I
A large nil
ed to be reld
sioni ; ' i .
The frau pl tecli
to b read to sai
her lestin io N% , '
swe . from shit
T is. Engf h ?
on he 3d. I
,he .Pr says'tha
with Englisuid, tl4
I.tfi andtalke a decide
intern tiinaliquesti '1
' • i I_
• 138.
r , r i 1 __,...„'
Iry ASninGIS
!he oi_. 'la report of
not tleV'ickees tight
red.!l cbOtlrms it 1
victory for the Unio
Fort'Piek ns remain
/r t
red: rt birfiea w ,
Iby o fir ,and the
ington n part 'of
gavy a were litti.
men in 4ns lwere t
Gen. Brown has su
re ort,several
. poizits
hi experience in ,this L
ti at Ja, ea' rifle pro 6
p rative wields's. 4,
g n is, m c ,preferab 6,
h d lual, it latter
i pie(
h wouldhave litterl
e emy, ! 1
i e
Ille fp tb r s ystha
i g only sii. fet of % 1
Nfith 4 . ' ft_ d!gttn, l 3, can!
Water t t ban a forty . n
vessel as the !Niag i
mend. I 1
Sail n r lessels he
rth 6 ' enforei . 1
her do t of` our (
rs dhr ng theltwo
receives t e warinc:
Gen. Aro l am. ,' '-
1,1 1 ,
I Vi tort' astern Va
lA.notl)er trt Ir
I. Cia. 4 ci. tr .14, De tither 4.74 ape : ,
eial di s, aeh from CI latit . lion!itffin to_.
the Ci cinnati • Conti ierticil bays : On
,yestei ay on of: thl hardes and bestr
roti.vlit ba.tle4lof th c t r. NV S'totight
•mf . 1, 1
at I eg‘leny C , 1 1 - )0 hatlnnt.4 B
court , yii., Giine' L a : 1 • Milroy
cone 1.. n ing the inn! troopS; , and
-Gen ral oh inion,
i l l Peat* ta,t eorn
pan lng the re help. The fight lasted
train ay i light till tree p. In—
Th I.lltionl lop -tisl about thirty ;
rebel osa over two hnndl-ed including
a 11.aj r and c imanv, ither, officers, , and
thirt . • yfris hers", • Ggneral Johnson
" I -1) 1 4,6Silll1;. 1 , - T.
ed It st. 1 . i II .
i 74
3 e toys ore ri ntberedsevea butt
dret nd fitt - ,rte , I from the' Ninth
I ,
and I ' bi 'tee ithiJni i f ttla,i , 'l4.;erit.V-fiftlf
and l w •tit. 1 -tltiril ph io, and!Sseond
Virig id . - 40bn-soil farcel Intiinbered
over • w th l ottaan 1.1 'The'lls.iiittlt In
dia It la h J t i , brav . 1 1 1 r Itotl et ink: Af=
i g
ter d •iv ng l,h6en:
.y luta their ' bar ,
rac - , no lessl tl ar. 1 five tittles, our
foxi. ti retired iri.good arder y l' ,The reh
elsls t fire v i a their tsittp. and,!retred
ed t Stanton. l ' Ge ll' - l'.lqo . -
en t e last artily '
oi Vit..
gint . ,
t !
. 1 1
sr., . 1 I Iy.'&
Scichits have.not
ed i crease; in the
the rehel Potam'
firin the intel4
larg lyreinforee
1 . 1 prig an s \ ti:
(: , tn •ral , ; ,tal :le
- 1 ri., n UV' l i eViild•
I ; [I ';
; ' 11 * ~40%; t1;-fiN41 t
-; 4 '; ; 1 I 1
i tack tr advance
led fi nd off gun
d - 1 rations had
, I I •
to 't r e rTsl
i 1---
R epo j 7!icsi
1 " asre
eame '
co at
g, I
.r took
re ht
4 I
i shi
I tiNte
R lin
In pi
, Lal
to 6;
1e Larl
l t,
Th rsilay
e*e l eptita, li
Nortarite 4]
o , Tolk,
the ehann
alarm d,"
iri ithei rit
wh i ft.l
N rfopc 1
he e, arid(
pa eh; pu)
0, am
Fin fak.l
made ' a
of - the
w eoer
Olt. 1
Scot ,
rien s 1
favor of
D T ,I .. •
le rill froM the
b at ith he ,w f
tap f tf e sta .1
Rbya , t int he s,
Cbarl asten \I
'oh T i hnrsday Pi
its height, in t
ti n on the (.:11eu
11 ever isanr, an ,
j i
) t
t e ark outli ,
' ig tly i ' illumi
ea like,refle 1
~ lin, but ti.o
lagkation.) 1
1 i I
ed . oriel
tio of
ern Con-
e exam
',ere *
I as
on slight 4
.ting the
reac nun
allied h
int u
very I
to tr,
• .
- tat an
a i
t asu
I a rece
lac J,
en -l ed
y ;
F ~
~I F - f
TM' c
' 11 1 1 •
. tc: ,
3 w.
. 1
t Eng
Lan e I
pes t that
ndiidigni •
unity WI
9f ',ewe
,inna I
l 'steam
im •
4e • •
ngten. l
nds f
.:h . 1
Dec. 14 ;
Gre 1. tiro v'
bden 4re
sioipi o
t *0 IPe
,n d. 0
i'attt i ,
ggeated, in Ibi3
'there ftoin
9 tion. One ,i 3
t a les a e co'-
, t the arrott
and that ifhe
l at., the fort,
e*olishel the
j J L , ,
nhoa draw
,iand armed
more in thee
ship or lafieh
and the Itieb.
,---, , t
i e2l , !i i r , fi c i i i c i a t ti lzr . ly ,
inle'4•l3and Eiail-,
tay' had 'ring,,
t , elle° ittrile t of
f r tkitay,
I ea that
I -----
1: - fl,. r' - I, I
'8 b that l'lche r ;, rebel',
,diviiied(.,tolailvatice i
in I ,lthree' columns in '
in'Asand. Men; t at
c rliich they e'xpect
rp.nd addslthittfonr
alr b eadt 4 )e p l i I g i ven
_ . ,__H ,'€ '' , ;
iT7' .----- 1 - , ;\
... ,
ivo 1 Insurkoat v iorm
-t .©• , ' i ~ . ,
'A 'iIMORE, Rep."; kt. •
ST rfolk ' ility-Bookof
6 ntaini , ndthing• new'
it rial , tirging'tlie,im
,nksi'ng the defences of
a'vessels ho,surik in
,editor is eVidently
LS l'ad ~ his 'conficiene
t i
'es slialen some 7 i
i 14u.r. Deci'l4. i,
-ISr i
d i ve beeni received
13i t(:/!:Tlit of . the dis- . :
bY [the :Dgy- Book is
. frkirn Fortress
rnarepOrts of negro
rent among, e
the pai
l:tn possibl to say
'well fnan f dod .or
i t .
t 4
i nf,ri
f i
th 6•ftp,
i I I
n t)n
T n s t p r e ;
A .
;the: a
rl ll eC, eni:icri i5.--TWe
litain , pg . *Norfolk
i i formed V the Clap
ell!, Illinaiej from Port
iiie:d Within:six miles
i 4tor; at !tee o'clock
14,; , aed that a tre
s it s i x o c p oe w d a c Ei o i ;tri ev y id.: i t n ly g
tat ci ty . ,?tie rodeo
he whole Bay, with
• ip e f d. Pait t. . :11 i d in n te o r t : w a s;
op fr4n ipkbuldpripg
o f uncoti l trolable eon
•. , .
. - . 1
Dec. 16.--Th l e 7.;tlglii3h
profnunditicusation int
cvmtnerciali circles, but
it!! that if 1, Willies: did
rent affair, due 'apo l lo.:
de, humiliating
r d Made to any
~.1, I
C.‘:i pOduce
nancial and
i i
hist kill ail
r rig i n tbd
y hoi r tld be
sop i 0,0,5 e
io er. 1 .
'l{ •
. I
, 1 s
'' sThe:fo)
''..liiisiw.., 1
bile 'lt
, •
, eral pro(
erus, 'of ti
grass , Mil
piet i es, as
el, it .This 11)
act in beh al f o i
A blllsh a , 1
ponfedera "Co
importatio of
t i
he Ala a
tives has ass
suspension of
chartered an
,' The re or
Price byiGen,
The Goerr
made aca -'u '
11113115. .1
J , i , :— -- r ----,----. . L
. enio4lo ,D e. rO.—T , he PaoriftDaily
i ;
Traneerip his received late Southerin,
papers 4 l?y a'. g entleman whCjleft NeW
- Orleans ten ;(1 ya agu, coming throe h
Tennessee.and Kentucky. , '
..- 1 .
i d
The: Bowling l' Green Courier :Ha s ay s
that , Par on 'oWnlow was arms '
for tirak:snHby Confederate IStaqs
Comnassi ner, at Knoxville, cin t e 1
6tb,i-and, o r inhiitted to jail. - .1,
The K n oxville Register sys: PA !t-i
MOT of 'a corde r . from, the rebel, r
Department for Brownlow's safe . 6 ns;
duct !No th ha l .crea t ed ,intense ti-,
I f)
ii • '
tit,ement , j
The RI 11, N. C.,' Stanuir of lie
n 1
4th learn) ) a reliable,Souree 4 at :
a federall ,went ; had taken pos co-'
- salon of 1 ;mouth, N. Ci, and 't at
there ars Yankee steamers in Ps iii-
pe cant
ac will
tit )Dri
atter - -
. ,IYar
icp Sou
CINCI :44,:ri c Dec. 15.---Thh Eu In
rer's Louisville corresponde4, under
date ,of the'l4th, says that Gpn.J Pin
son wit 1,500 Federal troops i ion
the IsT.d tlierFk bank of Green ri ler,
and Ro Seau seven miles - dist nt, re
paring ' join him. Another brigade
.under 3
1 ,
'Qook was also mOvin , ton
central, :at 'Muufordsvillc.. ackner
1 1
with 25 000 L men was , eoverin'F -- al Lille
hillsrtw Iniles , froni Green rijvcr, and
pr paring
was to prevent our troops '
from c ossing. .
The. Commercial's Frank orti :dis
patch says,' l that the , Souther i Ba k of
Kentucky, at Hopkinsville, havin , or
dere& he Louisville branch to pass
large s trisj,tb the credit of the In `ther
T hank i Liverpool, to ,be Used, a sus
, petted An' the rebellion,l the Le 'Ma-,
tura authorized the branches i , un
indepelnde IL of the niOth li
er ban Ln
til-the State 'authority is 6st:11)101lied.
—. 1.
- sk. Ou s ts, Dec. ]s= - Thew.
, / L
ki - e - 3tii 46 7tliat"G'e t tFAlT Rigi:
Sick!, wit 6,000 rebels'', iweru,,io
essio Of that town/on IFriday
and a othe r largehody of irodp,,
expee ed o reaelf there Yesterdtly. ,' •
( Get . I) , egtiss i it is said -I Was" on the
nort Eii /of the river 1 with these
,with br e thousand Federal., troops;:
and ' - (1, brown a few sheds- in:6 the
rebel a' and destroyed onel. i nf the
ferry Ixia, ',in their handl. i TI ii fri
form nt slays that he heard heati,y 69-
ing a ft er eavitig Lexington on Friday
r i
iodic ting that an engagen 4vas
progressing between , our
,fords and
the- reb 1.,.;A150 that • Gen. , Da.
vis, t
. itli Federal troops,.left. Ottcr
ville ' n riday for Lexmgton. These
staten4 s neeCconOrming• ' , •
ST 'JO EPII, Dec. 15.; 7 =-Fdrty' f Genf',
Pre i ti4s command returned h . re last,
nigh lost of them I sick' wth I the)
measles They report th at th Fed-,,,
Eti•aia ha , several -skirtaishes with the'i l
rebels ill 'their marctil, killing a few of
tlien. ! Then at the 'riveropposite
Lexingtbn they were t 6la
red 'upon by
the rebels there and Gen. Preis iss dis
persed . hem , with shell
.from three
twelve ouricli3rs but
i ther i e b` ing - no.,'
ferry or means of cro Sin .th ' river, ,
our )I . 6re fi were compelled
to 'rettirl.
to` Richmond torforagefrm kill
p 'set.
It as rentiss's intention, hOwevert
to cross the, jriver It la poh§:t abOi4
rebels "force are reported to 136 , 2,000
-1 of tkntiii in
it AB . boti
say . th.
c i
to- 41
Br ads
an a ll
Ma yl
fro 1
ple w
ces i C
13 , effetT
are of
. ,
1 0, 4 ,
tulSt o
41.1 1
blitsceil ',l
of, ~ !
(Gov. An An w /Massachusetts
h sent to , the Se ntary of,j War
iritdigant iminonstranegainst the ern
ployent of Masepansetitil• soldiers
in t hebriefness of..eatehilisl fugitive
as has been :the case irke iTy
pir P r fltomee. , Mr. Ca erun rAropt
1 se t a copy of the ernoristrance)to
en. tone , with an , e phatie "reiptest
that ho would treat fugitives accOrd
iing to orders.. j i
11 , ,
- - - 7=
lan= a - '
• ,
Dec. 18, 1861.`•:
'in the Memphis;
r., 10 1 .—'Li I nt;"
ieritte steanier .
Sistear City
1 nine oilier Fe&
m the,pnited
sf Taylor;[ which
ine Pass: ! L
+-The o'Sxan;tict
!Says that Con
on, , passeda :bill
to the Stratherii
minim! isesis"'
—Airs were . appOin .
Ile, and!emporered ,
Keninck3-. ,1 "• 1 , q
en introduced in th
egress prohibiting th
negroes fi•enn Africa. ,
House of Itepresen .
d it bill legalizing th
specie payments by th
Aof that Stat. i 1 .-- ,
of supersedi n g o Geij
is t•
Heath denied-I
or of' Mississippi, h
Oen the inhabitants for
'or :
• .ten
YORK, Dac. 16. he 4 pre s s
t the excitement •pno 'change
- itl3,inteilSe boyion des , ri f iition l .
offs: were layo i rably affected
deseiipcions wfird v,er,• Ar.m.--L
-•is of cotton Were wi hdrawn
arket, and a slbn'arra • of sum . -
I reon Bile in t e 'lbrok•rs' `of&
coffee and have :11 been
: , ,
1: wp from the', arket, .lare on
ad F i at enormou pricesf.t . Sugars
red sparing' . IStirling Ex
,.has , r advanced to 11111 j 1 1 ,
1 ..,: • , 1 ~, 1 [
ELAND, Dee, 'l6—The news
, ngland prodn d a deci4pd Ben
n Ithis localit The! ygenerid
nt is fiat ri hts and dig--
stir government inlpt be main
:ilees of English fury and
r.Faulkner s e
i., ole. 1 He is. di directly
'.nth and . procu re the
: on. Alfred tIY. If `1
ul in this er*and, he
'..retnrn in 301 days •
1 11811117telat again.'-i
, c I t , ~ •. • ,'
1 I
lithe . la thatSloalkada. • ,
7 i -
,•, .. .
erhe block do question, or
.1- rather
. . ..-
the running 4 th e blockade, es still
amintaii of ; nett annoyhtice 'to the
IFrder4 Gov - , rnineni, 7/1111:e en ea r- 4
'big to , , prevent' • theliffcape of : 1 essels
at-all the Southern .poi!ts.'!, Not, w itb
standing-this however, steanfers and
sailingvesseis leave - . the; rebel ports
and arrive in safety. at .:Havatta and
other Veit India Isiah& ; while': let
terstrie,'liiome way , or:other, received
at the': north from MObile and - New
brieii Sflmost every** days, with
In.a f 'w days, within:a week. or so-id
-ter le Vii'g the writer's hands. 'Even
in London and . Pans , letters from the
South tole published.. only three or
four' Weeks. old,but _how they. get
there ,is iOt kiown.. Itihashiien sup
posed' that special Messengers were
started from certain'; Sinai:le - fp - cities
-with letters forthe North and Europe
'andlthat they succeeded in 'passing.
'Our lines"inKentucky, but sostringent
have been the : preventives against this
in flithre,-that it is almest 'possible
for the dodge to , be repeated. A. per
son: vi hO. applied for,a -permit 'at the
of 'e of the secretap , of 'Sta I to . re
turn byl i this route, was' told :emphati
calli. th t not a soul was -allbw4d -to
piss, the lines, and the game in that
direction is eftemtually blocked. , Oth
er loopholes, however,; appear tti be'
open, but how to find them mitt and
eloie them iei a question' the tGoVern
ment would much likeito hilVe solved .
I• 1 . ______—....h...! ....4
, -I, 1 '
1 Good for HOnter
Major-General Hunter h
coinmand: : at Fort.: Leavenw
is pushing things forward N ;
energy A feW days ago
rebels.:had been eciminitting
~ i
tions opposite the:Fort, n
Two cOrnpanies were sent a
the followingproelamation:
- 77 •T0. dhe Trustees of P 1
no.-- 7 Gentlemem. Having ri
liablc9nformatiOn cif depretE
outrages of every kind,. con
anaan named "Si Gordon,'
rebel marauding hands ' I gi ,
tice that Unless -yOni;Ueizs a
the said Gordon to --ine at t
,qUarl6rs, within ; ten days
date,l i or drive Itim , out of
h Wil send a force to you
Orders to reduce: it to asl
bitra,:the house of every
in ynur county, and to tab
e.ry negro
' I Col. Jennisoli'tk regimen will he- en
trusted witn 'the execn ion jof this
~,, • - f 4 , i D. lITINTER,
1 ' 1 ' ' .111iti. Oen. COM:
1 . • ,
• • ', - , ~,
I , ',THE 'Philadelphia Bulletin:thinks
rhat , the entire North,'w th ineonsid-_
e4able eicception; can rbe lliedmn the
I t
basis that .all : tho territory now- in
Virgipia formerly included-in the di's
Vila of Colunihiashall be eeeded to or
;resumed'by the General toyernment;
AM.slaver_v_ in t.titi Distil t shall he a
, mai, win , compel's Mil tO TAM
loyal slavehold4s; and t at "all prop
rty, of rebels overywhe e, including
'laves shall be
oention or hesitation." l adds : 7 -• '
"This is a clear bellig,e ent rig-14:-- ;
Velperc,eive that the sh ves of Judge
Way& and other Union men Me con
fiscated in the 'Soutli. he principle
is o ne, universal 'recog n ized: -There
is no difficulty about an 3 other
'erti, and there wool(' not be any a
bo t slaVes, wcie it not that -the Very
suhjeet seems to confuse Tien'S perbep
ons.". 1, ~. o
ti i " •
This is doing well fOr
tive", a paper ..!0 the
I A wuld s till , :concede
I t Should, or than the slay
right to hope or 1 claim;
such a flame oteivil w:'
glad to Sicure.i l So:_U
i c,,vet, ,
T—iIVERPO9L IN c , .0
F rrEa.-----
.announcement of the elpture of Ma
son and Slidellin Liverpool. created .a
vast sensation, ,and, as s usual' when
people get, into a suddenpassion, the
citizens made semelarg talk but
fore they had quite. gut' through with
their reseives:_they discovered [ tbere
was a probability that bey had been ,
talking too fast,; and t ey prudently
determined to, modify heir hasty ex
pression 'of a ;desire to et their Gov ;
eminent into ;trouble. ' he sober sec
ond thought is much oleo aptto be
wise than the first passfanate ono.
mining to the Forty
egiment, who
ing picket'illity from G
vision, last Week; -bar
y_Ond.our lines, attemp
Thursday morning, an
dered to'half by the gal
ran- One was - shot by
two places and has sin'
was taken priSm
As the guards had bee
ing the absence of- the
eVidently suPposed tl
A:- Goon .11E 1 ASON. The following ,
resOlution is pending jni the.lower
13,Ouse of the, :Xentue. y Legislature:
That ifmera l er ofth' house
shall hereafter offer resolptions forthe
independence or Oeogpition of the
called tonfOdeHtn States,. .3r other
refointions;iinetnorials or papers for a
disu ion .of thel. Government of. the
United Statio3, it sha I be'rgood cause
fob oxpelling such member from 'this
house forthwith. • j, •
', - il
will have on ha
shop, on the , , Diem
,Roast'- 'gal Turkeys,
descriptione, I
I rc iGive n cell:lnd
roasts. I Will deco!
n'ng the Hplidays.
'Slop open on I Chr
o'clock and on' Christ i
A, ;
to go, to
releasO of
0 ill I nOt
baa p rom.
ad subin/it
orth, and:
ith. great.
• party of
i rosi, with
T., Dec :?..
ittte City,
ocived rq
ations awl ;
isnitted by
leader of
ve yon no-.
! frcan. thi?;'
he county.
r city':with
ies, ' and to
etin;and- ;tho'
note: than we
his. a
• ftei!,
-TWo privates
,ninth Pennsyl
vero perform
•en- Smith's di-
ng straypd be
ed "to-return on
on being or-
Lard, tarried:tilt!
the - guards in
1' 7
e died and the
b .
e '
ier y tnm.---
n changed Aut.-
opiekets, they
em• to be ene-
d,at: my meat
nil, in Beaver,
and fowls of all
uyyout du3i
to 'my shop :du
istmas-, eve till
rnas tilll.o o'elcx.k
saKbe 9covr-be' 11 dodge" is extm
eively practiced by the rebels in, V4 r
ginia, to lure our unsophisticated piek.
eta who may notlhave overeo,u e
,acly fondness for milk: -The. enemy
•eobeetil themselves at a convenitint.
distance, and a
;• _imitate the- irregular
tinkling of' cow-bell. The picket
takes his canteen Witt • a, view of .: et :
"tin g milk for his Coffee, ailddoes t i ot
find out his mistake till he finds } Tn . ,
self surrounded by a lot of armed rel,
els who send.hip to Illitilanond tr;
inent his folly._
,ararAb! lam very sorry f or t hi strc ,:
hellion ; it 'prevents my going South,,.
Said, an Englishman' the other env,
-dining at a club in. Philadelphiab v !i,„ ,
'vitation. "They tell me," he - (. ol ,[i n:
ued, "that the American gentlernaii, is
only to be found at the South. :Ho w
is that, perry? Can you explain it .?" '
"I can't," replied his host ; "it i 4 I v)
more to be explained than the sea*.
merit so often made that there nreien
tlenien in "England,, but ..that nrmie o f
then ever come to this 4oulitry '."l
sorThe first military execunou
Which has taken place during the r \car
.occarcd on Friday, in. p'resenee ',of
about 0,000 of Gen Franklin's (liCiiA n .
The des/rter, Who was shot. I ti ; "1„ ne
of the Lincoln CavalrY. The . ei . . -, 1).
Con a'llB l ITIOHt impressive. and it. kf m ,
1 •
' ence cannot but be salatarr. :I 1 '
bill. was yeter(la) '
into the Senate to prr.ono-- o, l k
ciency of the Navy. 'lt
the retirement of officer:
been registered,forty-livo :Ntri ..;
authorizes the President tr,
officer from the grade of captiin'
Commander, anct assign him
command of a squad) on, with tin. rank
of Flig Officer. < ' •
. *a:Among - •other,finaneial
tions of .th ; Rihitt g rld DispateXl•
gnit bank in ,the :COntl.4,leracr
ix.Petil the bills .of every 1.,;11n11.:•.!
The and justice of thr rtre- r .
eleaeasmntl. The ipthpri i 0,0 oun(4.
that A. besides paying -Drik
shall' also pay the note; •4•lf
ote..i down to. Z, at • the uidf t!
ige-Seeretary - Bewa.rdiii
ti(nis to our :Minister to
Sa*rd, says: .
"Tite•Prescilerkt n ill I ndt
rev tlysidr indiretly to tile:siltrpo ,-, ..
tion of any for6ip fu a
one." • -
rts_A duel took
sa z ,•,oti the'2lat ult... betWeelq
Courtney. ' Esq., of the
ltercUry,F anfl.Capt. Cuth
Palnietto Guards ~' The
difficulty . f.v,as recent
tire Plmetto, Guardsi-retlee;riiig
ously upot,,ut Ctiurtn6..l
`exclutnge . of .sltofs,:f the'
honoablY‘ settled. ,! . . •
has re:seiv e cra eodtriiet
-Government w tis ti9:901))
ts.een. - 10secrany.
his' headquarters in
winter. He has be.? r tetr
i,Ch l oice of Several vacant
ces'for that purpose': ;j ►
' •
sleio•hin4 is
mar v t his:whole"' ther:st:c
3f.aine and Vermont:: :1110 P
tion 6f New Tiampshi`re.
• 31ARRIED—On ~ t.bc.l2tl of 1)4.,..t
-lwr, by llev. P.: A. Curini n,
L. ANDERSON and 3LitaliE
of 11.ehver. •
. ,•- •.
DUE:b.—Li Lit de'
Law i'enee Coiinty.,l l a.
3 pat. T?:; ,
te:r...4:111,r4in and
;`, weeks;ind 3: d0..p.3. •
On 'the 14th inst.'. in .43'j?i , *11tiLl;
AIfitEn"IVALT6;;II4 , 6I abo r it ve.
Y virtue of ,nn, order of,ribr
11./ 417ourt; fleavei county, w;ill
to tiltt , by public vendue
premises, on ~. - •
Satordeiy, Jcintrary 1801, :
nt M, the ] folleuTng re:
:Rev*Jamesttl - Tarroll,-tlec'cl•Ait r oat , '
said.eptinty, h ,unOe l ft •
!bed tip f?Ilowp, to wit. Begiitnirut
formes-lila small blekory,
merly of Geo Allison - north
per to eltestnat; north 6.7), ?em, i!,:
a cbeitnnt, aotttli tOs 4leg, P.t . ;
thence - by Ittn4 Of Swi) 4.)
east TO per awl
per to irhite onk, 50ut,...!; , •1.. 1 •
a chestnut, thence by 1.1)1 , 1 of !,
DiriiS!Nichohnorthli ; dce. 1 7' 6
ginning, containing 122 34.1.,
strict measure, about Aeri4 c
state:of cultiN l 'ation,
,on: which
good new- frame dwelling hquse.l2
'double log barn, the premisel,wi.ll
TEMRS—One-third ,'of 'the
to paid on .confirmation og
Court, and • the balance in ift're,lll , l ll.
•inetalments from tbaidat l e: 11
en from the' same time • .For rurtheroj'',
tiou enquire ofl Dr John MeCrirroll.. Fri , "
Springs, Beaver, Co, Pk. By ~til e .
Dec 18 • - '6t.; A '
. I
sAZt - -
I WILL' oiler for sale i
f ,
I.ftt wy residence in BEAVER, iiiir tare
Wednesdity, Ja. EL;ir eth' .l £
my .
lIOUSEHOLD „find . •
TU RE, 01 mWst'nns anclexcebutN 114,
,o 1. -V 3.
cies used by bouseliolil6io: . ,
• Tssui,—Sums ,undcr $5 go, ca-d,
/di sums over, yix trioulb.%.4 credit, with :1
curity. Dec 48,•81: S.
Ali, MIN it Et 1 . AM)
Rev. R. T. Tay or;
Mrs. A. S. Ta ler;
ucation of young lath
given .in the -Primary mid
All expenses except Tui ton and
per term of Ifourtectt weeks . J.... ........ .
Tuition from :;3 60 to :1;8.1)0 i eol
guas. ' • f.
No ge ft to
os ;spored S e thestbw .
thy of the eonfuleuce' of ittEpttr: os. -
sarSend fora Cstslogu .
• I.he next Tenn eocuuttoccs
10th. ISCI •
A. 'PC-
Gove o