I ti 1 i 1 I= 1 D. . - erssel '-, Co.. 1- --;.-.-f.„ l iThelesaliand Retail De!lets ‘Fine • : :GfiocEmns, WINE, [t ORS, , ''' TOIACCO & SisGARS, 1 A lsO, Carbon O il, 1 , . 7.( 1 0. 11, 14101019, PITTZ,BURG El, 1 1 1 A ..N,D I? i i 0 SRALfa. ALL L G'i, PA a ISO,-Pk; i .4. • Look otir Prices. 411spirse Ore nd pule 4 cis. a paper M ' of line erth p o nd. • - T• YID. 5 ern ,• a pound. fled rorda,',e• Ira best quality, 25 'cents, next 20 cent.' 'o° Baking Sod beet kittd 9 cents, geld t other houses 12. cents Broons cbe per than the cheapest] Butter ; we, have made arrangements with ._ some of t,e beet butter makers in the criun try;end• ill constantly have ou hand iprime article of rent end roll. —. Buckets, b r at two hoops 16 cents, three boor '2O dents. Brushes, st TO, shoes and scrub. all prices. • Beans, article, $ and 4 contara quart. Ceoking igen!' 10 cents,samo aiother houses 12 cents Chocolate, i 25 cents, BritishLuster,' 4 cents a pound. Candy, white rock, 20 cents, red rock 22. Cooking kiitia, 9 cents a pound., Cotton TW}'ne, 22 - cents a pound. Cotton WS k, do do 1 Copperas, 1 15 do do - Coneent e.d 16 cents a boX. jj i; srbon Oil, best .Lye, 1, 60 cents a gallon, or 15 cents a ponnd. • Qandles, test mould, 12 cents s pound. Canary Stee43, 9 cents a pound. r Flour, belt Pittsburgh City Mills inspected. Spahlin gill Glue, genuine_ article, i 7 cents a loci tle.l,with a Brush. . " Glass Glass 8 14 10.: by the box $1.75:0r 2 cts a light. do 9by 10, do 1.87 or ,do do 10 bk do de 'or 2} do do 9bi 14, do 2.00 :or 4 do do 10 , by 14, : -- do do Or 4 do tio•10 by 18, • do 2.25 ;or 6 do . -Our taxis is seat. City,ißradds, any other size - wanted will be eold for 20 cents less on a dal:. tar than .the city price currents. "Brown COffee ; we have our Coffee burnt to or der cents a pound. - - Cigars, common, 20 cents a hundred. . Cigars, balf,Spauish; 45, oents . la hundred. Cigars. besi fr extra' half Sranishi 75 cents - a hundred. H Citron, Orange and L mon,*B cents for a J i•ound. Cloves, an out Cores,t Candles,' t_heepe,l ground, 2Q cents s pound", or 2 cello hes_ rhole, 16 cents a pound. Oral. best Cincinnat,llB dents,,,,sarne • lere charge 22. best Western•Reserv,ll.2 " , o•lls.'s Extruct,4 cents a paper or 4 pa -4 cents. ' • , • groutd, pure, P cents pert pounu. r.liry Tobacco. 10 cents a pound ,/ • s.l,Water, best kind; i 6 cents a pa rqn cl ". 8 " ButtcF, " 8 " e n d s , Se . 8 44 - Os r. Mocking, 2 oeuts a box; or 22 cents a LI 's Blacking, large alze,.4 cents a boor ta.a dozen. . syrup, r)4 cents a gall Vin. s, best Philadelphia,ll l arge boxes, s.for t 3. ' I es. best, gross, Coutuining 1260, for 6 EMI ' pr.TB OWE MEE 1 , %g0n EMI SEE 2r: :•ler . Ilatch cc ynt- .4cil B,lir.r, Iwst. kind, 1.2 i and li cents l i r, It l.el e, 12 ceuts a puz...d. . . 1 , ...,0 . : 01 j °wad, I l !... . be-t box-Layers 18 cents a poun4.. I:;;•ickingi large paper's; 4 cents,;eack. , :rauall acks for table' use, 8 ceuts:. ; id.:, - white and clean, by the quart, 2 quarts; 4 ceute. 1 I Sinlff , black, 25 cents a ponnd. - . ;', Snuf yellow Scotch, 22 cents a pound. 1 ,..,, fitigir, of all kinds, less than any other incr .. Sada, washing,. two pounds tor 9 cents. 84srfli, Ve3t. A. No. 1, 8 cents a pound. r Star^ Sit:l44'3lm, id tapers , 10 cents a pquud. ' ;. 1, 61iMilders, lowest Marketprice. , 1 Fitt cent Tea 48 cents a pou n d, • . F . BeN nt.).fire cent Tea 64 "me. - 1 - Tu , largest size, two nocp, 8 , .) cents, ; Tii 's . , , Isygerd size, three hoops, 8;:?. i . Tul, v 4 1 ) TO , ' • .3 { small, 55. - .! 1 : . t medium , f.:13. Tut Or, Ijraut's, 30 centb a pounu or a co l ts g plug. •N's rat Leaf Tattic;:e. 4VCe tits a pound. 8.: , itacre Spun 13.011,A.exe:articleiii tie mar -o,;'ssaent.-, a round, 16 cents a plug ; tr 3 P/9& ' ,- , ; ._ To.ieco, Baltimore Twi-d i c :Le CPCItE a pouna. is ace.', best i).g Leg. f r stuair.g, 10 Cents a . iind. ""''. To •rtcco, Baltimore Twist, ',4 cantos plug or 88-' . .-, zits a poutl. " ).--- ' . -- .zTa h.: carpet 4 cents a piper -, 'V stirour.d Closes, 16 cents a pound. l' , 11. Mound Ctnuamon, 551c 1 ,enta a pound L' gro'un'd grod Pepper, 12 co r te a pound. 134 g -round Allspice, 12 deka a pound. I ' , Vinegar, 10 ceuts a gallon, best 14 ,cents a s a h 13 lt°11 cds, 20 cents. W I I . :r " W goo Gretse, reenufac rankfori, Pa., 22 ce . "z` $2.15 udczen. 1 6 iii Camphcr , 5 cents aniounce. 1 StSt se Ware and Jugs; 9, c r ente a gallott. 6 Itpetre, 20 Ceuta a pound, -same sit others charge 25. ii 1 ' ' t 1 '- ; ; ises_t ir k a in i d me , , iri v p ery ape: n b ie o e ze l s 4 , 20 cents a pound. J 1 - . 1 6 Onnd Mustard, best - English , 9 ceOs per, i• !. ,1 11 o Pm u e u r d 7 o u r[ It3 :0 8 c l e c n e l ita re 6: F IP:6' 1:po u u n l i d - ; ,[ }l. . '' C I ra ni S ug tii , a r m eh o ' ked ilil , in it'au b u oTes p , ft : 9 c r e e n ' t.sfir e ;l 4 2 :l" .' a snap `seed, 9 cents a pound. • i , -'' [ • i,ar.Cnrea Dried Bee,, canvassed 13,i caritas !tractpotartc° furligwila°dThaa: ' • . . "sk ire , lits. ttezt. Wkits, 5 cents a pound. I I ieh best.Extry , No.liblackers.t, inspected, 11 cents a pound. • , ; tab, beet No. 8, Large- - Mackera - 1,. T i . cina a pound. • - -I • , , i . Itlround Ginger. -12 cents a pound. , 1 titra nice, White Bngar, only ( 10 Outs 1 ood Cotton Battingr. [-- iNo. 2[' only 11 cents a . pound. t o , , ,_[ i _ • -I • tton Batting, No. I, 18 cants a pound. • 1 v ' • - [ • [.. [ .i EIS HE Mama. iPRICZ CASH 'AM roe. Riss.l . 1 - ' COB - STAY : MERCHAN'T, g, c i , 1 the above is cur - retell price; we sell cheap .e r t wholesale, but oat for cash. I • 1 r taiember the I Great. Cheap Gre' ceri Beast's,. 'No. 11, .DIAMOND, PITTSBURGH, lad IN Federal' St, AllitiFbeny , ABOVE THE arARKEI HOUSE. 1 11" s M E onn uney receive it Por or t Re We, in DILIDGEIVqEfi E 0 It 1 , i 1 ITESIT ARR.II , , ..*_p ling 4nd SC ito 0 D . FL\ C"..4 &WERE'S, I'OR I 1 OLOTHS" TOR. 1( 1 VESTING'S, TRIMMINGS, ,-, I - 1 WM. RlO ' 1 IM rt. citA N 'I T . 1 .1 L co R , r l No. . -Stewart's flow,: d ewitter. ! I L . RGE supply of Reath -N.ltde Clothing it Ik s 'table for the season, 1 keit constantly on hatid; also, a carefullysi'lected stock of Plece'Gooits, for Custom Works. jAll kinds of 'garments made in the neatel a d mgat sub stantial manner, and guar:tat ed to fit. 1 ft...CHARGES MODE A E.."(en . trior'•"o ' ISC,I. • , i M. RICH. I - , i_ - ithri4ge's'o7al Chimney foi abridge's Oval Chimney for i hrillgdE Oval Chimney for bleb the beat will not ,b ". , For Sale at Dr. 3 . , - '1- • I you annoyed with flic4 ? • : 1 Bay the. Lightning Fly Killer, K*ll i ' • I -Buy ple Lightning Fly ! t er, For sale at Dr..tNiini!s Drug Store i t • i re ycu p going to make Ice-Cre ? 1 , I t a bottle of Extract or Lemori or-Vanills, t a bottle of Extract of Lerall'or VtuAlla, , For sale at Dr.LAI ins' Drug 9 tore. ; sve von Diarrhea? ,ilet alioi tle of • Brown's Essence of Jatostert Ginger, . Brown's Eseence of Jamaica Ginger, i , -Or '.over & Co's Diarrhea Antidoe, ' titter & Co's Diarrhea Atitiiio 'e, , t. t - t or H. . t : , Jayne's Ca ' rai native Balsarn, ' • 1 , Jayne's Ciirm native Balsam, Pr. Minis' Drug store.; ' j ‘ • 1 .. 'OW DRUG STO LE IN' BV.IVEIt. •1 ' _ ir i 1 ' r % R: ltlciirl, has just opened out in the store - 1-/ rosin formerly occupied by It. ItlcCreerY, stThird 'Street, three donra above Jiarclas ore, an extensireitasortment,of Brags, Paints Oils, Dyt4Anffs, ac , &c.. 1 1 He would say 'lto ' : - ' PHYSICIANS - 1 • , i hat having been tngagett riat J the prescription business far sometime past, helm enabled to Of .4r the nufit , complete sudi varied stock of Me dicinal priperatlons ever brought into the coun fly, whlch be will sell at the lowest cash prices, that the 'same class of pooch; can be boughtfor to Pittsburgh or elsewhere: piothing.but' , per fectly Ptire and fresh DrUgs.will be kept in - the establiahinerit. By an arrangement with Ctirt- Wright and Young, any: desires Surgical On- Strumenta can be furnished ath,rowa pri/es. i The attention of "the 5 1 - ' ' I — I . 1 • - LADIEs is called: to the five assortmi clef, Perfemery, Fine Shops Articles; .tc.,, sco. While' to GENERAL' ;T1 .1,. 'here is offerea a good vane Dyei•tuffs, Carbon Gil. Lam cities, choice Tobacco mill Cl ihr, Everythirg will he lo in well app)inted Drug ;tor{ as cheaply as they can be I Western - renns,Flvanit. ` ' - i To the Farmeli: o • • . 1 . Lawrence i' • , Counties. ( T .-vim undersigned being the only authorized ;- , 1- agent for the sale Of the Buckeye Reap; lug . and Mowing 31achin0" in Beaver I and; Lawrence counties, takes' pleasure in recr.m mending this machine to tfre ,notice cf the far naer. The unparalloilici wmeess which bas at tended ` the snle , of this uutc4tine since its intro ductiri is alone sufficient to recommend 'it to! the fur Mer. Enquire of yt.ur• friends who havet :purchased and see what they hare to saylabout I it I trill be at the CMirt }Louse in Beaver du ring the June term with oir machine, so tlist persons wishing to puichase,can see forithein selves; also in New Castli - durinig their term of 'Court. t would also:.na tion farmers not to". Ipurchase from any other perso in the I above Iterritery, who may repr sent hemetelves as agents as no other,bag the riht to sell:` I rwould also call the_atten ion ofj housekeepers to our COON and. PARLOR stoves, Maide at Saleni; Ohio, Which Tor !super or excellence, cheapness and neafeess of d sign, arc not ni'equalled in ! any tharliet. Sa pies of la.l the ahove!articles can he:l'see at n:i- Father' s res idence nearDarlingten. All ommuainations by mail promptly noted. I . - ' ' t IL C. COc N. Agent, : A COLE, Assistatir. De rlington, Pa ','•; May 8 18OL' • : Lawrer Journal ;cop • 2 m nth.s aiid send iii, to thi. bfrice. • - J ufectionlriesTA 13STEP. t ANGEL ' l an that he keeps g' the :above articles, I . tt bridge. btreet, Britlfiew • love for cash. He 'lupe: ness to be paironize'd ife,aleo : keeps A Islo. rectli by express from be had by the Can, Hal Se Call in and rtiaka we will give you bar pit Dec. 6. '6l). 1A Ni otti)!- 1 ()W H , t,OST, ; H \V .1 ItliT/ , R Ell I - 1 usT Pi-BLlstitD I) iNV ,1 - A VEALEEL . - 1 ~, J' ' OPE, on the flatcar , treatment. ant radi cal cure of Spermatorr cee, or Seminal Weak- I ness, Seine' Debili t y, 'ervonsness and invol untary emissions, ind cing impotency, :and Alentol and Physical- I capacity, By 1 m.T i 1 i no. .- cAT VEI ‘id Efal,, M D i Author of the .. reen 1l3'ook," t&c. I i I , The world-I eflowned author: in tins admire-. 1 - hle Lecture, clearly proves from Ids•iown expe rience that the awful i cousequencesl of Self abuse way be effectual 3. removed without cued -161143 and withouti dal.gerotis surgicalopera., dens, bougies, ins rnu a tents rings es cordials, peinting out a mode of cure at on e. certain and effectual, by which every euffere , no mat ter that his condition may be, may ure •tiim selfr cheaply, privairly and radically. ' This !en tcire will. prole a boo to thousand.a and thou - satas, 1 l 1 Sent under seal to any address, I post paid; on toe receipt of tw . postage stamps, by 'ad dressing Dr. Cll. J. C KLI:IE, 127 IBOwery N. Y. i P. O. box 4,688. skarG,',Cll. 1 i • I I ured by Jobe .is for $ pound - ' • ,II .I TKINS Has Jest Received o e of the Larg est and ,Bist gelectedl. • STOCK OF FALL G OODS EVER BROUGHT - INTO TIIICOUNTY from' the very ft ect Broad cloths and Sat , ins down to the conrs rwhich he is ietertnined" to bell :. lISAPEP ` T HAN THE CHEAPEST. Also, LARG 6 LECTION of Fall Hat ad' l , Caps , Persons wishing to, urchase will do iwell to call and examine hts Stack:before buyirg elsewhere. 6• • I StirltemeinVerthWplace, Third Edicet, sign 'of the 6 •11IG llAT.rjegf 'Beayet, Atigtist. 4 29,l 7 . 660 lIIM ; ' - "t - La nil, 1:1; ' , - 1.1 ea . ; • . I iiii ' Drug Store Int of fancy, Brushes, Toilet the i BLIC • y of Painui, Oils, Patent ors, &c., ,6pr usually fOund will be 'sold had, anywhet:i3 in [Sept. 19 1 1 '6O nd es. lir re ail 6; -. 1 notifies the people tierril asenrttrieut of Broirt,'s ; Old I, stuzilf: tercr rich he *ill s it r . 1 : by nttehtion Ite bui- , beralq by his!friertils. 1 Oys ere, re'cOmed ill niti ere, 'which can Can r Dezeh. our a quaintahce, ant 8. : ! 1 , P TER A N GEL. 1 '-SCI4I6I4RS AA SCHOLATISIII NINICIAL COLLV, iritarste tenal. EL . 1104. 1. 1. ~ • , IP FORd SALP. l in . the Lunt CiTT•cos i.z, r s e d ie r ;i red e-c‘to f ° a r tettTi n , i I .44 11 A , E . 'l3 AT I I a Ail fn . ..„ PI. LS.-- I- Ara you; skit; Attie, and Coscipisinine Are ion cut of order, with. yon system de. Fan' gad, and your Ibeliogs un •pccutiGirtablitli. Thaw symp• treas are o , n the prelude to 'swim Wti I sow! lit of l an alc d ko s ess hene btre e pl i n T g ertad upob b yo y n a , ',timely nee the right rem tedy. , Take Ay 461 Yule, and 'leans° oat the disordered hu sore--yrritify the blood. and it the fluids mare on mob :flirted In l , health agate. they stimulate '',tile functions if the bodYlintb sigortrus as dritY, purify the system from die obstrultrons which. make 'cohere P the body; and ob. s i 'Tit If ', , nr.t. relieved, ..„ e 4 , tomcat riding organs,.pro% if ' suffering, l and disease. ,teased by he erangements, ,ow directly they restore the 'm, and with it the,,,tstoyant hat ik trnebod so a ,-- rent its: . 'plaint. Waive true In many :roue dbitli p mpers. Tho same . Causal y similar olistrue. . theentural functious of this body, they ars rapidly, and many of Ahem surely, cured by the same meiio. None;who know the shines of these Flits, will neglect to employ them when Suffering from the disorders they cure. II li its Statements from leading physicians i some of two principal cities, ad tonal other well .Bemire public par sons ' I, t f - • " Front a .14,wic iig Nor'eharif 48. loafs, Ab. 4,1 ,-.. Dn. Arm: Tian' Pillsi t aro the natiqusi of all that .11, great In medicine. TheY,IIILVE cured any little &vette . or ulcerous awed upon heti hands and feet that had pro'', incurable for years.. JIM, mother his been long grin c • molly afflicted with blotches and plmnlas on her ' skin and in her hair. After our t-illid Was chred, she also iris ypar Pills, and they hive cured Ger. k. 11 • -` AS HOUGRIDGE. -- 's - A s a "Family iltiyatc. • ' 'V ' i Prom Dr. E. Ir. Cartwright, 4.,ew prleant. ,• • , Your Pills nit the,prinee of purgis. Their excelle t onslitles surpass any cathartic wo !possess. They mild. but very certain and effectual In their action on the bowels, which makes them invaluab l e to us in the.dally . treatment of Aliscasu. i - . '-• ' :-. 11 I . 1 Bead/telt e,Alc, milers AaUbe,roul Stomach. ',Ven Di*. Elite mid floyd,,fildlimore... . 1 , - DzARDno. ATER.. Icaninot answer Volt what complaints I have cured with your Pills better ttian to say all that we er.ir trect with dpurstatire Medicine. 11 place great depett dekno on an effectual caelmrtie in my daily mattes' with allelic, awl '',ltnylog cc :I do that your Pills &MK us the best we 'Me, .of minter - value th em highly. ' ' , , i , Prrtsnumi; Pa., May 1,11355, I Da. J. C. ATM. Sli: I hare heon;repeetedircurediof I time benthiche any ; Logy; can have by a dose or two of your Piii:4. It seems to Wan f.n3m a foul' stn Which they cleanse at once. ' 1 I, ' . Yours with grolttresTeCt, .En. W. tEUL 7 • ,' i ali trkSita Varlet. ' 1 .., Bilious Dlsordcra —,Llver Compialstia. , l'rmn. S. Thendore,neq, of Ape York aty. .. . Not only are your Pills admirably ' Sultipted to their' ur. pose a s an aperient. betel Had their ifeneticha effects is lon the Liver very marked indeed. They have In my prat tic* proved more effectual for thel cure of bilious coin, plaints then'any one rettiedy Lean mention. I 'Mee ly • rejoice that we.have at jellgth a Pletgetlee which is or• thy the couildnucir of the prufirseion add too people. I Dr.PART3I%3I" or ,rus,lnvestos, I • - - , Washington , D. C. ith Feb., 1851", • Sot: I hare used yout tills to mygenersi and h tai practice ever since you mule them, and cannot Amite e to 'say they are the beet, cathartic we employ. Their riga - lating action on tholiver is-quick slid derided, muse- Unently they are an admirable remedy for deraugements of that organ.. Indelld, I have .settloM found a mile of . bilious disease om elatiMitc thad it did not readily yield to them. Eneternallyryours, , ALONZO 11A1,14 , 31.1)., '- I , t. rbyticiatt 41hr dfacine 114jileal,4 - - • . . , •4 i t Ditserstemy, DLarrhcca, Dada's, W or gi,' F,eei Dr. J. U. G. c.a, ,fr bacaga, .. 1.. Your Pills have 1,..,1a long trial to my practice, sod I. , i li old theta icrest,etu as cue of she .eat aperients I have lever found. Their alterative efitct Upon the liver makes theta an excellent renirdy, 'When gi en in small doers for 0 1 bil,n,t, eye , . dcry and diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating moi.es them eery ei4ntablo cud wituicht lfur tide use of women and khildrln. ' i ' • , Dyspepsia, impurity Wethe Blau .. Dans. F,•eor e.',,c J. F. Ltinizs, 11i.,:i.., ef :r Ae attire's, 11 • • ' ; , , 11 int...trrn: I have sia-d you- 11:14 all!, eatraor nary ~ ,t1,C1141 ill my totiily told among flue.{ 1 alll relied t visit ' in distro.S., To trl4l:..te the organi of .digestio, and purify the blood. tint). are, th e vrty/li r est remedy fi have' e'er know n,'and I Can conadently , racominewl the:raj° toy fr i endit. , , f routs/ f J. V. il/31Es. • .W use kl., WyOnt nig Co., 's: Y., Oct. 24, *55. Data Pm: I am using yourgathartic l'ilk in lllpraC tiCe, and find n' the an excellent pittgatire to elea!, se the r.p tem mad purify the fikt4lttaitss of i the Wad. i JOIE , : O. I'dkIACIIA Sl,' .D. .collatiparictss., , Ci,itivestess!..Suppreakfelvls ' Rite itittatistrt, CI nat ~.Pightiralgls, Drop. sy, Paralyals, Fits, ettt ~ ' l• Fro, ..',. j. ft 1",,,..*. f. ..*J., ~i l, Oilacta. ' • Tr , nowli cruir.oil , -., salt of you} i - ills fir the pare of c , r reiss,r ti.. If othete c.i ,fur fraterri ty have tnind them ii. rfficacknoi as I have. tfory shonldjoin ale in r,m ill,- it for' tiv• boloilt of tho multiOidea who suff r front CU ita! coinidaint. Nvidelloalthough. bed enough ini lf, is the progenitor of oti:ctai'th.,t tire 'ORM. I be ta ens. ii-rues: in oligillftttl, in the. liver, butiyouv Pills etc that organ and cum tlid i 1 dlseaSe. ,; • , -... I I . , .. . 'TAM". .urs../. Piled, Physician ether Midwife, eon. I find ;one or val 1 tr ,,,,.4.,..,„ ofjOar Pill,. tak al the - - ' ...,lures [ s. ~~ iII .i. 1 mer ANT'S, OATS, C., &c. tracer proper tint - , aro exeellentprurdiv, of the nattriOL lucre loon when witelly.br pa tty sup' toed. and very effectual to et,o,,eltho srotaaelt ana trial teonn They are oo woe), the I;eat, pbp,ic *et bi,ve Iftht I eec , ratnerol no othei tU toy patients. Plo,n 17ie Err. Dr.l.llard.rs,nf tht• Epic Cottavari. lSKll'ihnr;r. S"a•itona Jan. % age. _ Trcvor.rn &14. , t;41 be rarebit for the relief 3 mir akin bal. filooplit me if I dblimot report rob , axe to you. ',lt cold aetthal in lily lindenitul brought to orteru-; •dating; irtt.el, SG it 1 0 11 endad in o.caniCirhetinta.%. tint.. l ' . ;:otnitlista;ndlng I had the Irest of phyaielana, the dia...l.ae new mare.i• and worse. until by the :lurid?", of your xoelicnt ay.t.t. t, Rai 01001,1. Dr. aaaekenzfr, I tied your .•r`•.! , ter re x!Qw.l.n. 'our, Ity pe 'mpg in the Ilia of theut. latm teAv ynti ely well. eIt.I3(I3CE r.‘t , :n Rot ce . I Ira. 4e 11u I have been entirely ,ured, by ye of rt , ",. Goat a painful di,cas that had feted me Cii Yea Ts. 9' VINCENT 81. DELL, cf tho Pilll- in makret contain Jeremy, ixhieh,[although !on valuable retarlily in . 3 / 4 ilful habit... is dangethipi in a fpuNtie pill, • ft-,4t the drua I conse quences that frequentlY follow It.Slttemthaus e.• These contalt) no meettry or tatheral althStalleo what ver. • Price, 25 cents per 80x,,n; 5 Boxes for 51. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER C0.,4 towell,:nfase.' • .1 I For osie by r jr., Cros3.Rochet;i - c.nggonel & Lon - r} Ann..; lindenai J. Sargl Brien. s, John rillack, Darlin;ton,, rs every*tere. ,RllElt'S T-NE NO JAMES 'STIEs•IiAf i a:t1lP~1 I Agent . ffr the Bale of E . 411 the II of Huthinlry, made 51t the y ; AGRI Cr t TIT Rik. 1.1 ; • . 4 I • Cleveland Ohio, • Araarigst aro'*oj‘i'm ItOprOl Hutibard's Lightlio - 'wer,l bard Ito er, -Tintbord's Reftpl;ntt Attacht wink treWitt & Co's Stall ciroin Dri without Grities Seed Sower , ellrrille, June loth,Apoi.. T HE UNION' SAE N OT 1 THE undersigned wo q respect:full," info , hie fneuds a: d former patrons that be la JEST OPENING in the Room formerly occupied bY & Boden, Third street, liniter, an etensive as sortmin! of new and desirable g extensive amongwhich wilt be found I DRY gpops, k of every desiription ' • SUITABLE? FQB.I;'SEASONS BAR - DIVARE,IOROGEfiIES, • • Boots Shoes QUtENSWA/iE, oto,, &o. and in fait everythirig nonally kept in a first. class viilDge itore.l se-cin and exaroitie Goode and pricee. • ILIUGI s:.;. AND Beaver, Juin 13, 1 Gel IVI•1 B 1 I AT tt N.EI (Dutrici Officep tile Court 'July IS 11457.- Ty F-L-1 •racer:i 6 pl, !Free . qnt, New I nnii by 13['66.8. TICE EVEM ed INloyrer a Staiolard eat, Bald 1, vflth or F ! ! ELSII, • . V AT LAW ) ' 11 ttorney,)l 011:r 14 4 . 4.11 T - .., 4., Pa .0 ck, ~ om b No: ii._ i r tilers; giolers...irto No. T.--For 0 As,;Coldr,,lnerrerts .No. B.—For Tooth-eche, Face.aehe, No. 1/.—/or headache, Ferilgo;! Iles Bead.: i 1 'l l . No. 10.-L•Trvaricrazat .Puss—por Stomach, Constltatiori, - alui peat I No.ll.—Fna Froutrt liuutnvEr i az iSupwleosed Fakir!". I ! N4,1.2.—F0r lieucottheai l Prof Dori - trot Fernslio. 1.. NO. 18.—For Croup; /lomat. Co No. 14.--Bat T l RIIIIIIII . P1L.154.4 Pimples on. the Face. t_ ~,, i ~. ,1 -No. 15.—Rmre i turd Prii.llF43 bass In the Chess, 1130 R, Lelia, pr, A:-tor Fever and A 7 , 1. 4 1, CRII Ilitortutnned Agues. ! 1 1 : 1 p..—Fur Plies, ISHII(' or 11*a; o.—For Sore, Weak, or tutlam Ins, Weak, ov.la tarred Sight: ' i 1 t).-',For Catir le, ti lOUS , slam 01011wdon or 1, ntlyischarge.. W. C.7—irur • ‘l l ttoo tg Cmgh,l shorien!n; ill eilaroc. t •I 1 In all 414 4 :444 4thettiell, sib a Dianten, Dyser[tzry.iCrout•; Rh. the 4.tlseatesna . ' - arlt Feller, Al, advantage of }tiring !the proper • wioua and In alli stied cases the o The ',entire dlteue Is Often arreate the idedenceorthe attack :1* unit ened, awl rendered Itss dank:emu Cotradis and Col B, of and, which so ritteulojr SLR 11 W bronchitis and icons taptian,rua; the'Ferer and Cough Pills. II:tall eltrottichtLota.irs, arch Ai 1 5 , Cotipation, Liver Coropilinta,l'il ns i1:1 Irregularities, old liroldel ea, ,Bere 1 t Stair Ithrutu,. and other old) eruption ti e 'whose proper 7 pliattun *lll afford 10E111 Instance. ORe i llHrure of et 'lngle eh. 'ol as Dyspepsia, iles ur Catarrh, Rea se e sew, has more than:paid tor the e tan . 1' PRICE. • 1 itdetedin ITAMPC J, I I I/01#; Ode... .. ii frosts - , and of roltrrejl, nail /In k . , atr, withßireeti • ,a, wit! 'direction .1 . aisle, far Vault's . It f i , 1 i. AIZU BPt ettl". 2 . ' ./.. . I .F:nt Aseum A ;cat l' I'lllls C.—lippr.l4f! I, -Brinthing, atteu•let with '4.4441.:14 at., y j 150,cauts per b+.r. L . 1' Fut EAR Dliell 4 X RR A 4 DRA1410:44:.-.41 , Mir, .the resith of •arli, Yeller, dr f ~ M For ttioisrs lithe IFrat,l, 1 1 aril:l , k, et in hilif hiirt, mid I'. T•nch 2 Wive,. '1 0 • Foii Fcsorthls. his ed antle' 4 , , eh v.....m.,, h•ttreoit,.... ..i oht Dicers,. 4, Children. thine, s rent a per;tox, VIA OrZtaat. D 11.1TI t i., -2111471C411 Ether the rcsall:of Sti:hr cal, Exce.siv hanging Discharero. Peicc, IX.! err to Fun IntorSr —FILM A i nntzial/I , oa, &tardy Seetet ons:j Pile ,r 0 cen .1. FrlNEltia Norsa.-1) ...tidy :lc -: Votlitiol. SI ineti - ' , oh '4lllltg or 19 per Pox. h ~ Fox tt Versa v Drefsso —tar G r twill, Painful l'rtu btu, beams o tl cents per boa. 1 . 1 Foe Shmestr. n!...—trivo on toUsequent Pros' Mi . . , R 44411 Deb lit' Iles its .. Thel.mos tatt,tirArut asul- eft aril nosy be retie, op m a cur . Rut s, SI pec i box.i ~;‘ ill4rsona w o whits to dare ; tit se Aortal care, 4 r hi.reric tlvi:le of r RI so, sat Fiat, ce tk2 Br4adway, d I or by letter. 1 , ' • I " •I 1 ORR R MEDIFS ithelkistr ake, , up (Rei444e u the atuont hi iur hire ,at ;in. I' l lelad all? e duly ret i ,ll . C , v.t. a1...0. 77 ‘) e cs i r . ~- , li. it- -Ilea i^' Cale of 20 Alas corn Ouse of 20 244 tied Cast t.f 15 nupinerei Case of 6 boxe4, nuf Slagle numbered ',l3n; tetZered 6.xr Lar're l csse of oz. ' I i Look ove tihJo•e, nnti lurmith to and the meal tree of char' j #GENTS for the .ale the MA , I A 1 L . . e; • FIR*, hs tab , oq i ers ' f Litailett%e eliat . • 'of Wm . . video& ~..-ii4l4. (Wampuia loin ee'; a Beaver ree „i Mild 'fro from thr e,5 is 'Mail, S r rontalai g 53 stcreis a Cleared • r i ' • an , un er pace comfortl Mel fin ie lions 1 story hi •h,' i 'l_soifift 1 arid twe tty ; e:noh treesl Said F Trail has ' about three fe t &pal ' N ri 11,1 mill feet vei . ,blilanCe of and is ell wa 4ierl wi also ,god eite• al lil it te4 wit in 4,i .niles of a . Se' er l aOlN wishinE . cell to eali,iand examin. reference eall*ea Wry , . 1 or the nubarriber iti Chi , rolled. i , li 'Jae . 2:Se 11 ' ~i 1 O . EL I HI ,:c).; plenients DYS •S'hu FOR EE I sha WAN EC] 1 01 DOI?.IES CilE tfeir Shqk Ex s , # tiv#ll, co Shdik'i; E , ' FEV 'WA r i . CB ISA a's £, NIO I ; Sh , iks, El BAL by f » and !skrITH 'Wh?lesale Agent ED ctbbe - r246, t I I.L . rA4P - 1 , i, 11 Pr' phlet tke y F 1881. 1 thinota. y'e l offlo Tsg to! thop e ep:l6,'Bl: , 14JB end Carmii c"" Biimsir. I ."- - - j ' 7* • cgul. 1 1 , , 'el Sort tint 'Throat., ;1 at Naarilider.4 1 4 1 0.4 4 ..tilln of lb& . I Or !And O ruierl A i or - id. Bearing . . ~• .. •, i ltd g. 1 f. ) tiOdorri, 4 , ielo4or 110117.. ~. 1 , I ifers, Otd . itzternat.;. velitti;'.lol,' I l ' ; ittr,ila; .1 1 %air arld 7 . 1 ~;1 _:•i. ..rt, atlobs,.! mch :crtp- : olirari, the j 1 1) y is 1+ ti-. ee p cliarca. , ': In all cases ' vehe itCrl..., 1 • } f . 4crortrilre . :a.4. u i 41 Icii;:,1; 3 .. I i: ea 111 i • I 1 . '• • j.. o:eslegt. tosieb,Ll ill. De ,Ully, ova t tyer CM.arrtt, ore I.' stiecifics tr la aleeio.d. glory, i lc dlfileully,cOoli. e or Pem4.llWitak.'i 1 ttlaits.c.T. •. •.1 ; • , ' .. ; • tt r il l y, L o, l . :,,..' I, l Lti .14. : . . ... 4 . 4... r• :. I 1 .....i..,. t et :: te", l' .'4, • • ••• liliVfnla: , ' lel ph,rEs: cia...i.4115 ' •.1 1; 1 ' i 1. ') ...: I, I) , fteutt, tabort4 1414 m 4.l...4ratiii ?rife, 1 4 ill erharges from the 1. !ail, ot , Netcuriale. - - 4.4 ring, a '44lllW:iglus cats per 0 .. .4 , • Aara4,l o f d etkrai• •refulous lay ,ef . . - ,i Nerioua eaneieq 1 • )Medics o', or Ep• box. 1., j• „ 1 th44l4lEw ir . ilitt rl : ertljte, T!ltUsi lion. 'Prlbe 50'eeill ' , •'.l 't 1 P , Renal I da vi ,iii- .. I eplineil. P *.loo , 4. Dl ' Pe r t117 ,' gt , Rod ' •' • I AeYr i e ` ,l l l "4 ,,l r. l! ' : lie f ;Ice, w* . k ull dlree. i I .., ! 4 imde t e irofiti4•4 ,f. ;Vomit a El, Itn So r frpin Si API. to A P,Sf., ? ' ' ll. l I !, .' , I'AIL. i k I : • i of .1' at 1 - Ifid ydu 41 e/ ~rr,,,t note efri it: oi, Brosetwa SeaP•YoF , i ~.3 'dr expr . r 1 sic:lve, tiflclent„ Agent • y Own ctinicamudlty, '. f1 , „*.111. 7 ,11 . Y 44141. ., Co. bill/DWA , . kW YEAS ■ ) I E , ' ;I. f li 1 • ,I 1 farnt, In 1 rung_ la/011. etl.,'Se Co.l , riiiVe ti . ord l ‘ollj'ilitili p. 1i510w14C,013,1143, Vipetkinre 1 ,. i.llfcl/,'in ;4. ' 3 ' fVet. 'one 't I , . r.- ippin trnes. e*t nonlity. ,1 crb,s of n Sul n nix , nti,r , titilber. 1 , irrillgs §!g , f 1 0 rok isiit!i, , k ' 0 A. Sal., .l'adjo / 1 1.. Fr ne'dl , la Grist I=ll o C. 70e1 earing [a, al the te ~t son i ;y-fi °°4 l • lk eJ h it sten a' 'n wekir r ~ses:w111: cis For' `Try N. pUr4 T titer e rtedy,'N p era T 'gra 'I r ' ~.1 it C!. ' : { itt 4 _ • • , E li 1 = 1 , i ;4l . ("," i Vi' I I ' f ' - ' I ,Si ii;r Si '4 #ittei.s i •• , I ;, OKNE Tifilt I . * i t .' ' I 1 ;• '' I t, j , . , J • , eifi r,St ach, Piaci , . I i ir ETI / TRY , 'r 'l. l l 1 . f ' ;eel:47 Si ; vineh Bigteii. ie'' 1 D 10c II BAP r , I I I; H. . ist f or St Mad" WitiOs, ll'AI y TRY ' I . ceisfor . cnnitch l ,4lters li l AGUTRY •. 1,1 1 x;lizelsi'ur St a'ichtßiiiert. AtTEC Ipi;rBNitx 1 ccwor.s., ot,ncielAlßiliers l 1q1N1S; 1 isilltr,l i IDitiggii i l .Oeupral y. 4. IrlR. 11113.LiE, 1 r 1 I No; 8 SiiiittiOeld t iBt. tltlt. 1 I - •} 1 1- 1 1 I , - i ,'• • i 7 ,E P-S1 , 114 j G i ME IT OF 0 1 •WS: I I for k.eceivo reed), tor • oeive then.l '° ' Y NE ., PO. oni - IL t 1•li a.vo r,' o of 1 've be . 12(1 air! OS i .. 0 11 , lAr: 1 mg , ,' • 1 N , k v i 1 i 0 . „,.. ...., ~. , . o, nim ~...,,- a; , itt: i 1 i t"'''' .-7 Z . ' •CrP : 4 '': • 7' - , 14 7 2 7 t - 43 , . 471141 -„.. I' Ippr ! _ ME 12. • N'S • ' It 41, cs ir4. MOO *4- gli of et Pt , i a v . His Patent THOMIS- Cleineot's i astitugl Ivlmithineti; , ,' i, gAcTuRED BY , ' 1 A Nl',. . . • i ,-, - Falsron, , enit'al • ne's fui speeil,l ease on ila c ` Clothes; an clen6 waeldt4%, ll piece of Clothing. : ate l aot flashing Machine now. in ;ie. G.OO D 8 I :i , G:6,0 D 5111 1 had received and will 'be in ipt of, new articles; pertnining 1 'l .___. lIIIS, 1 '! .1 New isi ty i e RelalirP, ales, '' I . [1,.- 11 New Si y.ie Gittgtainsf a , Ter : titifel, i A Lill 'PI. oip ric to r : 'Beaver. P!41.1 . :1.• i - i • 1.1 i i . . i y fitted roughl up the utallelisb.: erly 'known we the "GoiimtA, pared .to accointuodatel 1,6 i public geuerully,' in thelnuik ner. ! 1 ikpr. 11, •'6O, . i . , ; •i . rp First !mile, 4, (Tr:niter nn on 1 a large ,or l ena el:palled by nny 1 2 ; 1 ' 1 N Pc\ N ~ ti's' 1 • I '' iniLi P*EE L Weekly rec: to ihil busikieno. New Stylof P New. Style, CI April 183' BP,a J (Y,S E =I AVINti . ; eh , inept for .11ouss," .ibl p friends, sad! th, •tetaoteryl na • d 41 T i t ' o N- th ic A'' , a , ii i ie n i l:j a t S he r, ,I (.. t: e " i i :L A l . tl e l : t i l 'lltl l ii t i l i st lll ', l_l t ' B4 l l l ': 4 ltill.n n : e t i ::l .. ".. by A. slulAitvEy, ( tiriLlewatei - I.i .. 011.!! ( - )1 H! • ( 4,11eS 'Fo ',, Sit e, i , ;r. 1 ,.. I, .ci liv i g ta. in the,oil buslat i ss ore i 1 maintraoturotb (by - i :. , 211012WILII:I'' ', l 1 1 ... .ij 1 I FAL); TNt, l'-All , . I,! „I .- 1 , . ”' 1 • l i es ttre, gat up:uu: tut:uu,:)7. tin 1, ,:t. Buritlg an , l Pn'tupin,T, atali, oTh 1- r . - . I t., 1 , 1 , - he puttern4 ,11pui , • rcti,l;,)unik , , tr one bi tho; be'si in , 1:114 1. 11e1 lit I - sylvar.ta. Vets' I;Sr Iltuing,toutli_ 1 notiL,l4l3o all Skids off caste ; fitted - up . . ', , ~pu.irl. 2 9. l' L 1 N ti ; T:Mli - -'I ' i . , • ~ , .cr i e lin ;wing themsolves . in i dorbted 1, her s r , di as Ith ace I h4Viirg (' v hint ill pleasaballiat;hii. Stor e.' l.'s tin shop, fqr llt set . 11tnerit ' she is desirous of aliangllgl his:; e tailoring icill in{ carried .cu yiy ; , •ot the oil d st;,nli. he bO'ng tip .1. to sell-out the at el:, ollapirbt•i' 10 . 0 4 you want ot ace' re' ~1 0 e L Ft , , !CH ..k F .,. E li I. i I .., ery f3»kily pO. L ,tabltt lluilietue { lozdfuli,n - frbidii.i 'MCC Sitaalie. i! . 1 All "t 1 ea'l,, ME •Sttanil LL perm on rvitueited Stearn Engines Jolly. These:p?gir stye Co, Olt•Nees-- stet!) I",eiip i 1...1),0*tes 41 - 13 itt ALT , tPet,so. .'to tkiti agn,, , ins opprq , i tit port imniedintely, I business.. 1 i. t,e11,1 - .geot e. b.ibt barg'.in Teb 20„. 1 ,('O, - ~ . I) , „ . Sz'- ._ ~cm!s Sulu 1 - 1 • . r in at . !lama let l ei •./.sa. curei i i bottl , - f thin cal o'rltl,e'til.ei,r i tte:.. distreEeingl - EJ ,ar9 en p'q.s.aleut duriug the be 1 POWER. /-• , # I. 11.1 A R RIB 0 r A and 7 4 ;. i' • , II 1 - ! Id ' 1 711)( 1 LI ~ , , I a;btlen ezoirirneple,d cui ain l every iuita'neo I:milled a. ;suecy I i being put into Oct Ti? ark e ti . Tr, i vinced of its g 00,3 qualitie'a Samuel listtim.o. 1 ; Stephen SinnWt, • 1 David Miidal jr; -, I 'Jobn SaYgoet. l • ' Ditncatil & I'ilglir. l • • laudA. C. Ilemetin3, - by l *ill the prince ihe Cotit4ry.l , i• v • •, IN ire you itrouhle i 1 witit Rats • Are youl"troubled:wit Ritti . ? Are yon l tro4ibled with! Rate ?. I Are you troubled with Rate.? Are .ylliti tro4itiled with Rats ? Are you; troubled with Bats c l. ? i Ara you: tr übled,witli Rat 9 ? . • I . 1 r ' Get Box of pouting's: at W r ists ' I Get Box of Fletitiug's ht Plo.ste, • Get a Box of Flerniog'e at Petite Get i s Bea. ofiFletrqng's trt pew; Get a Box of Fleniing'e of NSW, . . 1 , ' Get s Bok of fleritting'e,Bat Panto, • - I Get &lox of rioutioir4 1114. polite, . ' I i'. AtlDr. 31iitie' thug giorp. At Dr..llllbie''brug Store.' At D. Mirde. Drug Store At Dr. :MIA; Drug Stare:- At Pr. Silas' .Drug Store.; I. At Dr. Minds' , Drug Store At Dr. Itiiiiiis' Drug Stoie• MI t • _ TOLLIIIT SOAPS IN (I.RSAT QUAN-' TIT '' at Dr,Mints' Drug Store '—•' . •r I I ' = Pure Castle Soup, ; old p3tinispap, ,nani . votes - "Dlainond Castile,:-Ladiee' Soap. Washing ' ton Insp. 7f4DITILTSIll4tilie and Bars, illyeerine Soaiii;. Floating !Lily; ap, BrOire' •Eloap; 15hav-,. ink Sosp,Dental Bftp for • . ' .- cleaning , the ',teeth,, .1 ke.: .44., fcc. , 1 1 1 _ i c ' • ASSORT 111 ENT OF PER,FUM Y, at Dr. Sltnin D Stor/. , , rn •ei txtracts for the II flak/spelt/el. Nero opts, new- Extrilote. Stolen Else, e3rmoon,Klia,Bii Clitink,sid Soule. ing New, Standard 1 Extiaebi; °. . $14,4 4 Patabonly.Rosejt . ' . ey Club: Geninitini, a 0.,; Bose hair 01034ilei 1 ' , Oil, • rornadei. ) tie. Le.. ice.. . 11, it nit 1 13 : Choice arnd th •I , 1:34 , - .416 . WIMIXIICILS, , _ _ _ . Az z son 2 tor ff. NTIFF i) ,1 : • , Itiqb RV!IDENCE 'rifirTy. oppo.' •Episeepst Chunib,l--Ifroidway. Yew Fs. • 1, 1 frOtta,e,-; • 0 sit! rfillt,ted ~. I ~ .. + i Oi ! i nio . 4 40( IXII 016, f . 7, • • r . k- . 'I• ~ ' • . - • : . . ... .0 ON . I llir ,1 A! 4, 1 1 1 ,1 3 ‘N • f . , Z i. 1,1 • 1 1.1 -1 1, v,' 1 .co s t 11Q L.E R - ; 11E; e. 1861,, air nn ilf..,,i'4oNr ;t un,.l tie -coit ' • trlr 1 c IFpy ilt'octiester. 13a~tistr, 'I E,Npys , • ltoelicotri p!...1 . - Drozo,ist 3 tliro gh on mn.312,Ct.L7 • II ~~. ~~ s:r, - 1 _ .." F acts without' ctinirk.. I t • Frocuthe , 1 Rev. ii.eel Schell rime.,r 411,3 ET Lutheran (Iturth, Churchtreu Columbia Co. N•••If 1%.1k th.arrasca:N•re :IVO • _ Doer Ira it you jarase. ailnl Ind ana dtrynt vou LAT. id - 11o1Pue d Bitters. I kto that i met P5'17.,..1;1i lICTIZEt to loony of myliptecie My 111`dcf. Mrs , ti. fhhi.•ll,,'of fla:lupa4la, 'IC. Lhas i cerm.l Greati 6 "acfai 1 1 Na.OVOUS DEI3IIIITY. 1 I Irl's . l.lrla 21 ezwl, Paatni•ll, l t Ar. r. t:i44.1 1 • • •teatl 1.,e era. tb• th nil , ol r 1-' i hu"il'." i s .,.iNli r ialt • . (s')rur ~....,,,, , t , ..iiII.IVIIS lla - ~ Li / 1 Nt.17444 LhlbllltY." J - ~ca..LXFO NIA x'l , novsl. - -L 1.V.1: CITIt, trf;t• C. 3.1 Cai.. l 0ct.14, SAn. MMI 8../C‘G. 1 ---- -----__Li _:. I Ylr :—ytatre 13-1014i - orithe *bee inedi.- j ei..1••4 o r 7)•:-/vT.iia n , ..1 LSrer Complaint at Tr... Kat •h •-•,-,. 0 inyi 1. fp. 1 %.1.:110 to 11Ite e'ltuutry I Rift: •rulitzezl mitt: 'Dyileirit enorLlWr 11 t. 1•, •II:tn. I ti I.IIT :1 thntic 6.l.utri. 1111F5Z;serd I Otoo 1 Fooiv titr MIN CI tilWrllelq. al .1 wilt to 'al ,1 IT. I * , it t m o'' War m hitt. reatatLl•me to 11••.,1,h. Ti t a.,n.,• 1 aelt tete u1t 1 ,4. but r,,1 . ,6 , A to trlng -euppl It iLln!te. Ik , e na0 , 1•41 it v,ary tench; Y lift e de.tchter wi'nelnifed, midi dm' e atria , and I 1 •.. 1itt. , a.,•11,.. f fie. Itittert. r mlesrd Son wi 1 flitil 'it priI TT.' want.: ml, . itiettz efleretl f. tt a 100 tme f in Vv..4tal r 0t1.11,4t.a... - ti,d,g.i.,0,....n.a,i,,a, I.nl. 4,,a Iri- t n t. , t . r“ , , icaa ivi t, tig• lir. o it:l. 01 4 . ..a of be ri ., L Eittri aV " I Ili sat.acu,lSep •..er tit , fart INWARD P LES t.,.. e.,.1 1 B , a,t-1 wee sorelY n trod for /lit nt ire. 11. Ito 111. Veeperw” tt ,s ',or; p,, _ w 3 1,, ,i.... ~.d. your ju.4. e eel...brat it "Ree rlntyz:* tin . • , to }1 Oat. re; w urea nitc v., ra ~c t•Xt.,,l i,. • I ' 'lt 011:a5N j4lif I - Not :4 , 14 1 . w.. I Pa. Feb. 1 1 , 18 • 1 t 1 1 I . 11 giV ir. , I brirslAt. Ectis- oyu l ,t r u . • i 11, Nl' et...11/ebanta liit , 4, Apri , UtiA, 'l&' imus., Ltcfr..tsn a. Josai. I.sloatg.w4.ry, A a f' t t.e, .1 rots trill fad Ma 14...:14ra—p1• a t.ne teat in it in Itirrbaye'el I 1 [laud Eaters lt , 51- .. : 1 tre l er.. thin:: SA B.l 4 ralAlia .tr "thy .1 t. en:; * 2.eare Awl le ,tl:' OlillIdOL • S we more air‘7. e N ati- _ e -.... •*', try, the care ii Clu. Alt:it. i etre. 1.• - . • , (J. 11. 1%,11,Ki INDICES N. ;lOW, ; i lo t ,?•\ r. ~..1 1 .! a .t; ,1....ery . 111 Jan. 1 31. • i 11 [ i 1., ~.1 I or zlt t ti..neizatf z 5, nti dulti, 4 •*.r. $1 0.. L .1.1.!. of • 14 , :::: I :1 - F. S.. pi•ti.l ifirfl.l:a I ihn•chna•••l laic. r?,IL. I' il i .i, 1 , :, ,:oz..lvi,i v. riELLE ,11 .111 IV eAri.:NI'M% GF To to: sirsl7..t ..,- • ' AND iShilip,,E.'r•Tllltl l lN. W . Ti,„jr. : It F-1,. , lbt Wh . ir, 11,1:14i in II r. , ku , Ai :a . , .1.... 1/ . .i;; . rk il4 1 1. 1 . 1 . / WO 1; , ..; . '1 . /. , :elrt , .. f , 1 , 1 , pi 1.0 ' r • ;.,, 'I '..“ bl '•• L' '' . l s I n . 1 Lt the U. e, m.. tit^ 1 ~,,. efIII.. telz 1 o .1 at/ 0 „.. 1 •,, . 1 . .” 11,..1 I, V4l , ; 1 1 r1:- , itt. ior ' ,'z / • . , . / ..',‘ .. `,.. rk , izz't. tier . ti ii .i'n • ti ...It or r . t.iriting. Ole. I• I me * emly I 11. t. Iht.z. 1. in •ti.:, et we at - :id 1 • i t . 1 . IX 11LTZ .-J 1 i Po 1 .0 ~ r . 1.4 Nirtites -.1-, SI , %tau I ' . r TONI fj ~ , ~ 1 , .•••• we J. 1 i f r , .„o', l 1, 0 ' l'iL111:i r - 1 , 1 ”ki • a we. - 1 .I, - I.* * ls - •ie ii .-Nt ,• ' 't it .. tt 1 .1 0... . . 1 , ill NM . . . ,1 , • 11, ,, •" . 1 !• ! r1..t.1,41.;11r.! t ! I !, t• -1, ;;,•1 ..it:' , -V...... 1.../1 ~ -- r ! /.:•' ,1..,;...' • r'. l. ‘p , ll l 9 , , ,•7 1,11 •1".1 - 71•. , 1 - .t 11,,,11,,, 1 ; I 1, ".1•• , 4 . 3. it. !”. h., h ,f,,;.... 1::••• . j;,l i-Iv.,A . Cs i••:invil ILit , ! • 1 . ' • . TN', sr,s Il i a. I of Ec!,.l.V)t I . . • i • I . • t ii' 1 'U d° Szek TTe I - I . Bili , Dl - t. '..D' 6 1 ", IFB!'i , Yilll prol,4z.r. 1, 1 ° t:::e.lrlor-.1.7;,r; ,- . 7 iii. irs lifirr 's.o tate - , ri.j..,:,.r. i 1 d '('*. i ltiTesevw. i- t:I s • , ~1 the nr4lnley a'lln•nt..,ll . , I , Nfi.v . vtes iLtpit,l - tihe I Tell9•A'N'ti filL;111 E'' • .; arskrril,: t> 't.h , lA:n.' . n.', 11. loth In Muth nnl :1;p.: f,l'n' , ltetly • in :4 4 ,114,e.1ft . ! ,1 . 11,1ter1 Pat 14 conti..l , ll).ls Fl'E',.!ljkl.. '4' 1 4r1 1 1,: ml , tli frail Ind4-oolim 4 , 4ri , l-1 derma re Inark4l44 b i [ ,CI , Ao ' glijj.wet t?. ifiyiT I, Mrc illi:vs, .1 Ity'stti th i grent entire.° . 1:11"i1141 f 3 ellt4ifitlun ahk I nd at 1 .torr.rr.- . A4' 4 Livr.r . rx libtp•R ill, I givo tltat a limy '71,4 ,e,y cvleti , ter orti,n or Jo nrcmttdn-,,a:nl Trice tho Lu4ticr. Reler I. • 1 fay fivt .ia A bYtl-r ME tour IA Ter , rula 'cuv, Ilre crm I NT Ivoit * *t.T T to •• • f4l•li+tistictiou.. PR MI I fy t;viattss: ts ;Kra . ftfl doubt niis: Is vas,. ism. ;the th. . • Atm, • 1' hip've used - altc ll .7. awl nueb. r it4 Vile, rem:ol4 therri T 7 , - I .ratriSE t ro 41. E. SELL 0 N I, .r . 1 R E P?' tlillT. I tlii i.. . - - - , I.'• ~, - ..,. -3, I i Itatiing-, proofs Fff grang .07,1 trtfiraaJ ! EXPEL:ILIE DOERTB 'OO . ALL . . . .. ?pr . Statesmen, Judges, , Bditore r Phy„t ei of .ffile coldest ,- „itehoo,la a well,iis new i d s , these;unquallified eanctipti, and rec 0q ,;,..„ 1 „. .for ail esaest of struptious.;,inid 4:5tut5,... 1 ,,,' scalp and twain; who have [tried ain; but tali - t n ot. ". , t • it testif t ying, that it wills, preserve :the i tu i r ` f ) beimg gray, and from fulling. to any age,. 113 i as restore. Read, the following.:-,-- . - , Oak Grove, S.' C. Jane 2.1th,..1 &: ,i Peo.r.lo:J; Wont); Dear :." - Ire---Yoti r li r ii re. I.rtcrativis is rapidiy gaiaing popollety i 4 Itb;, 1 cotntnutiity. !.have Jold...peeni,io n to ! ay ..."' jutlice aside, and titie your llair . .tto„ t „ e , t;','" perfoet test.— , : : . 1 ' I'' 4 During the year 1334.'1 tru e pe trnforha ox to he thawn from my sulky - aguitt gt. 4 nets the roadside, from which my Ito,. I r *,,,, red' ti Most terrible blow; Call`lin,tr . 0 gre , a dil irriißtloll, which e.• almuoiMited to t;,e 1 nnil external surfer,: ef . the he•vt, . teem feetv of which my hair .wav I'm:My ( iL;, over the entire sortnee ',of the heori p,.1 time I first discovt;rel its iir:ppi, l7, - v 0,4 • p u i p v .: ;e o d .he ev t e i e m y e tt 4f g ite l to e la g l ii ;) , ;sit t ;z ig. e , ra. „ : f.. ri :l, profersional moo tnystlif, one, as t.!..:14 ! derstauding - the nieture of tihe,ti e ,,,,,,, c ; , finnlly defeated in every pres , : . l - ipt'd:, nil - 1 , , 'lent.' r 1 m„ L Throe am' rt o' ether cir,minstai,e A .. i n I me to. retort Ito your trorThy :lair ,;(,,i,„ which I have every reniton to holier,. • a very - hat:4l'y result, tvomtrztilid after il (. : application. 1.,11:111 . as 1.(7lilli11 - 1.1.1* h6/1 , 1 v i ',hair aa•l ever saw, fur 'wltitt '1 cert , ..n . : you my moat eiticere 'thank. , „ ; .: p.',,, it ~, dear sir, I shall rec.omeneini ytir reim.-..11, , t, fii7liirCTS' 7710TPDV*2,,, I Sir:H ; 2F ., f ,,, y i „ / ,, ,.. . ,,, i witet I flatter my if t.• el-y, ii; ~t a ~ ,It ~,' tf - ll'ou.' can publish thia.if yod r.idi pro; : , tf ... -.. . . Iburp.,', - ver it IG :: T: lj. , 6 . i :Office Gfthm .Ictlorsonlin ' I'l 11" . ;-. - i ' .' ' . 1 el , f.. 11.ter.. , . V2th, 18.1. S •__ . , ~ Pear Sir—l feel it ray, ',ivy at txsii6t,_, la y pleasure, to state to chu Vie j feili.h, .:„5.L ~,, '„stk pc •1 , , Wiliell you can use it yon ii i : c i s p,,, ,. 14T .. A gentled:4u of thia pl., c.e.71 i"....„.... ) t Vas been held ever since his youlh; s o a ~ ,i, s , , ill'ai ile . was compelled to-wear a:iiig,. III,: :.-,, - i - ideced to use a bottle.of N.out t-11% , -- '3,'„,- .t .... ' ; tive,7 'Which he - Wier] very n ,-,,,,.. , ,, , „i 1 ( ,.... , , •itsirrtt conic two or thretg', , ttles ilis hi , , 't'v -tt , Vl - . " ' • t opt quite luxur...in , . ~.,,e-ii-,w lIIIS S a il. ; iiotae;l:cr..l of hair.. The prn'ilitqa ir - 4 • 1 r ~,,....,, 13mVf.ir,l, ar. , .1 as he ii vevyt: we& know , iii. .'ir iioi aii.ts . , , c , athiee, M,.111' I , CfSlno' 61 t 6... , ,, 4.(ji . ttke triir..i.4 ,tos st-ti....la,nt; I ; ,ive-:, - r „,-, ..,... the .re•iill's! !,1: Mr, !Ira if0...1. -1 " . 0.d :,- .1,1...,,. 1 great deal of ypar tl.tir 1.1 , -stur.s..ise itt',ttd i ~..t :tt,e adjoining 'coudties if yyur - nive Vire ~i..,„`: t ~a;el.l H. .lcure,:gei.o., . • r - `N ‘;T'f•-• it..., ..,_._. .'. 7 11 !?MI . S"- •• - ~, e . 7,,. ' • pi; - -iv pop: Deer tit:T.,. lic,rint.el4--t.i.ir.-r.-.4. thcciddigniions I aiii7uuder f,,r ti.. ~4e . v . , r,‘ i terSitioit °Cosy hair to its orittL , 4l. ~,,' -ir. -•`;,.. the titue of !lay orrisay. in` the 1.:::.:12-:s1,1.„ 5 I was rapidly becoming gray, 1.m.1.t t,,,' plic - ition of your , 9 t . 'air ileatora.ve it sf, , .. . . C,L'Verit its .erigiutti itv.e.i 1::_, _1,.. ; . ;: , )I, s t,,, ru tive as n!it.r.?; Woll. f lerfa: iu'1..........i ~.f . CfklefiCiU.lli'aS weIIILS ,i1.4?e..: , :1i:t.. r ' 1 . -- I .S. ,Ii.i. 1 1 1 , : 1;i 7 1.1. 1"1.e Rektoretive is put Ilp in b. i... .....,::"- ..,,, Zee: large, nie , litoa, nitit'sco.dit the •t‘ , .1,:: ; t . 4 . i: a: aud iTta.lB for oho dolray per r0 . ::',e;:..1e I r.ditilli bolls at least t.tTeuty 5 . 4.. r 'Cat ~.,...!--! : po -pr,,rottit.ti 'butt toe :suns„, rci,ii . ". i.; tr. 2. , tothirs p , -thottl: the lit - - . .;4 11, , :i- - i-e •-; io.-r. tit • I t . r ei ;a. „owl's in pec'portfoo, r .i'hif .4 ~.. ,al. 5. , ~. I'. .A . l ..) , :s i:; , ., Vre., r;,:t -1.1 :,, - , i-- - nor, N. y...•irt‘a lit I:„, k , t „,.,.....,.,,,,., ,A,,,i 1,1 1 , ,y i.111.1./g 4 i-tl:111., i i . ,,7 0 ...ik, :, , 1 : "-•'.., 0 r: - ..- PI f,:..1;zi.1.„ 2.1i - : - T., - ..i. • '. '• V r..) ',l tr. - " , .•:;.ti - IT i z 1,.: ..... '.". ' :'V , tr . -.' , 1" ~, Sk , ,i 7 iii; 1„.;.*:,,i-t . ...1::.41‘.....4 1 1 7 :.3, - t r: 'a2 . - - -'5: - - --. . - --..-- --- • ''.'''',.....‹..,-.....1 1.43 t Y b!id tilli 11.4 n 1 - PRI Hi I ;1 s.l— ' • jr!"'' t t•Ni I IMINE Eil 7 P 1r1.174 ~,-,? ?, •,, 1 : 1.1 , 71, 114'010 0 - 11% r . .r . • 1 ~T .:-.1 t . 4,011:7 1. 1i1„ . , M , • ' ,, y• . .'l . ),tlrt.'. :i• ~ t ~, ,....e., ` ,l' ! r fatait r P.,sl • o it • rt Int ,$ 'lli 7$ iiii ii~~.;~,t.c.-r~~ (;.. i IBIENEM EllEl REHM . . • i• •t 1 ,1 , • •••• / . 1 - n • • ' -j- 1 , - , ... • .1 i • ..-4,..,,,it,„ . ' J l 4l'*_ I • 1 I 1 1 , ' Ci ( .. V IC li e, i u , 1 1 II 1 . 6 r Nld. ' 1 .. r.. Lvcer 1 4. ; ,,,t 1 r 7„oo.nri l tv cf 1 .1'4.. ! , it-zZy nc7r4.. lit of 1;490 lactaltia. ~ . ~, ~,l ~ I , , of ...,4: a ~ -, , ~.6 `tic( and . jOrrea l / 4 •-ire Brent:i t , l'oilt , i 3ccs, II l'ir 0:01,11, t 1 , 1 i:1" , ,, il , . :I% It DI ',.:::11to, m 4 .1,*•01 .. th, , ,w , r, s-11,1- ; fr•:::•1 n 2 l Tl; 1i , :n2,1v, • rprvnlii el. - A/074M oft^l ,Il torkor; Or tll. 1 , 1:7•`!", A •11, [row! their 11-(': .liN cr 1, hapiv , .l.4, o^ 91.- !ir;,, .I,r - 0- , ronoval of /li..;,Vie, , il,'ill .ii,:, • r,t.,ro /. ~• I'i . ~ ... ' '.. • ~.. . • 1j nr ori tin air . o Ate' . ;1i 1, 4:14 bat: . anal, a carry! marbti • 1 ..d. 6S:1:1:417; C.. ni. V2.1.5:,fL Acc -14+v4 tat ' • A . 6IORE. s St. J re rig C ,'.: I! ich.l )1'8 , 441ry 26, 11:, , . ) m Ty ill all oomvlgkints'il If. : • ~ -,- - 11., lb CiIO4TE, )1: D.. , I ' . D. 0.11 , r00y CA Oltivi - mak, hi 12.13.5%, f bsl a 4 i most s' etat.le ...!. . At..s,tir, Pcmtmastm - . C .10h(ci., Det.19.1.568. ' '3 , itlut tgires 'zilch geoi . .[ [ W. T. BliTtn& 1 I i . 1 - , ,- At l liwln , „(7o..,:y.firsont,t FOr ary 2,), 1993. j n tt rid. +ymerit of, Foil &litre Liter Pills. which -tli33 9f; it/M1.16g- him to . • '1: W. '4.41. 'Ks on . • t. Mai. Vain ObiN 1 iri:h•l, IgSfl. ) 4 i.llCmysetc 'Fmcl h mT ift, , ,t canara Gandy ..Hrnt.lA: . fiAIICE. f- PARS: , . , Genus: EY , & CO. j ' I ... - T ME Thu 114111,4 41 t; L7‘ , 1 , .. 4 , , r.141...'7 71 sf to, . .' . - * '/) it ,' 1.:•.‘...•T 0 N.' 11 a; l':1 13 t i l'e. -6.'"e r:4l i 3 f mi wi,,?-ht,,,:ri.,,:: , !! , ~,, , f ,,:‘,.4, , .,,, t ,,J., - -- s • R,ttp, f.,,,u.,,. ,-..: :1:!1Y.; 2!I 71'..C1111!: tiple 1, 'Li: az•l If by 1,....,.!:-C. , .. : 4„:1•I ~..,friqi .4;,,ni 1111 ficlro . 44 •• 401 tfyit. v:...t ',,,, 1 -.....,, , ll 1i'e n ,.• . T.4 4 .. • ' - -SO "'A-IL' I: (4 . 1:., itV I:1 (11i 41.1 . - I f)E CJ:.,l)”,i 1:'.11.i,v111-.1:er-r.)143.1 q 1. ; .;. .• -.7i.; , 4 .'.!?: z„,lficr,r.a r•t",y ,, ”r chll 1, : . :,.r..rt , : '..,-,,, .1 li;ii2x i!.; ~ . ..u F', ' ,ft.h. ,1•• i:.. , ', t . ~.“, •; r. - t.l9l,l4'itbelf as Ci - C-0.1 ', ),ri . :;•;'..:- I*.re kn4wti for In Lio.:r.N TE;;Tt0.....6,1 i i : 11 " k.'s - : ll:C,q l .;IPiVi IN THI: Bult, or , iir.. 4 TC , 31.6'11, Vt !NI), ('O) , 15'C . 4 17.,,4ati0n, regtitdor,.7 ti:c•Bou - ;?.4, pth.i 14 a ~t . si/.) , 71411 -- -1J1 . 14g ftilant: N:qii I'll/4 tell,..10!) -I:CTii lill 61 Cl . , :q ,, N 1•1: Oil; Eit PIT 4 ) ;IS ' ?:,..4 r 1);; Ajt)PA' ~/ .." ": 16:4r chi.......17en, o•.- - ..? ~,,:.,,' , . , foim 111,644 sad gml b11 ,, 511111- c , ....,5fi .4trt prrttia - sp r - su.l:lT - 97 , 4 l.it N' , -_' • J rz . ,,N11 Pill 0)1,•; , 'r• 7,l,i^rbie . rJr .1111,:ii", /Tri COMI , JSe.q take 2,1;: .':u! Da.. r I *nu , : It..rtiii.vr., t.lls .; ei' t C .' , ...1 : .. retfectly I.,r...itss„att.... citt..l6l._ .. lie'... ...t... i....i ....t Prict:.. :25 .ceni.s. ti..... 5.. 5ue(41.1..111:....-.1.1...tr:e. il - 19'. .. .. I,:tll.q,J;2Ci! -,?. . : Nu..4UU i;ro - A4-7; - .1). ;1 ri rs t. : 4 7 fjtv - i ii-F.. T -f s --------.---- ____& :ip...-.1141,,,rtki,,P, „tt-,.1.1-,.-_-_...,_ 1,,,,a. -,..„.,,,,,, -,,..-- Ft 11,-::.: •:-.... al ; -OV-rpl.--Zi Ifed/thy humaplll,;ol NA LYZE:I? iitc;er,ts the rnents, and gives of I... , nrse the. Annlyzo the Bhwd of a:pe-isw‘n eqnsutnptien, • LiTer . Colnpinin Scrofula: rind we : - fin , l it certain deficiencies in the'redl gl iz u pply these '4lt•ticienciis, and The i.11;(0.D rod) in'font theory --hence Ite itonninhing,s r.ire Prtpar at o?ted to tilt deficieaciesof thtl fm-ent diteaso. Tts,pr any affection . whoteFer of Lr:cos indticing; :cossumrru, vaich is also: the- No- for 1; „,izmarrs, Los; or .;:kr, - t i rtTE, air! t..1,t!1l WO, COMpLAINTS fieficitT,, from Orsutr , : , :, DEnturv, and NEttVoug fur L I YER COMr/All 4 r.i, Nn. Deing already prepared for 40.3cip:zol tie T.t . F, ItY ,DttoPs and oarriell innoe circulation. so 'that what you gniu pciVr 'lli() No 4, is . for' FEMALE; 4TRTERIA, W,RAY:Nass, sfi r 74p. inns tot . Fur §'ALT BM:1'1, atell6llllVUSi KIDN ET, awl 'ISLA Di DD COM PtA ll tako N0..5.• In all cases the direOtion mnt strictly followed." .! For full directions, see eironVara. , rri:e per bottle. Sold by DUPONT, DrunisiT I 36. Maiden Liine,'N: Y., and by il. resreate , IDruggiet* thraiighout , the Ottntry. For sale by Dr. O. CUNNINOLIA3I,. itest . flay. . - ' 'COI LOOK - F1 R E ,„ OIL CT .H Fog. iw IN 1,0 .Oil Abr lai GIL cLo?rjr .FOR IFLopE s, COrpets, for ,Froori • C 5i..0115 o RPETS FOR _ I WAI.L PAPER 4 ppitOtilS, DO A PAPER BbIIVOS I'OIWI SDO Gan Le obtainedobtained rgry joir orb. l • I Pinta U!lkr, Afet 1502.1 •, • ullikitwb4 ME NE BM •1 it 1033 ME ME 011211 to .'1 CM ,r .t : eNi.r ENE !o/c e 4 I j IRV : I;c 4 . -s ME MIME ill,T :i .4,1;,k:'.: , 1,0 - ' l . , 1 . .. ,1.V71...ri.i 01 .le,l L"'" t g BIJ of GO . iqq 13, 11.,? . -ff-'\ 0181112