. i - ,tr.'Larert, tr.t.,l-tity, "4 4 ... 3 t3r.i. „them to wori `o --n t-n -itSne.t.or it: , 'them a nd d el v e /her: L i 0i... their rater.ra , rat.' I "..ving proceeded nratraradylconlttal i tlittt all laborere i 't --re d laborers, or • It. tyre -_1.1: s!ares: an it is sisen . rraeiltb-illiWtoevter is mare ahi 7 find 1:1 1 thAt can, Lion for life. Now-.l:cre in utt 5t. , 11- relation betw , r.r.d lri.'izt- an rittsrir . nor is there any as r. free mar. - c,eig xed for life in the cif a .1"- 1 I -,:pitrrri . .. 11,c-it. :,t,--ia....tie , :dra,..i.ons are falvt, and all infer- 4 ,.._, er.:3eS frOrl :hem ire groV.TAlieF.3. LS . 1' ir prior ikticr 1 ' Th l' 'll .b e l ' t ra lE ere Tat ela mee .ncr to e--1 ibdeendqrat o' central. Cant. I is only ~. i „.- 7 . - I F 1 , 1 1 1 , n ire fruits l ot tat o_ a d could never ha existed if OI rtne V Republican 1 County , Cen, I Piller- 'and not 4,rit; is.ted. Labor is t superior' Cotaba'tt e of capitalenti cleireer cc.; mach higher nsidera- Con. Capttal hest etr' , zit's which are worthy - in the Register's office. A fat attend s .t , 1 f proteCiion es env c'ir....- rlzh:s: nor ' ii denied snee 1 . I._ , t is l requested, as business f imPor-_ that .herein lend -r - real: , always will be. area- • t Con ,between lab r d wiitai product: g rnutwil tanee Will be brought before the eom ,l benefits! Thu err at is in szterninp: that :he whole wi i t ee. l) , I 1 - 1 . la - ooring Foramutit. exists within they rele.tioin. 1 1 1, , 1 . , A feu- melt owr kts. ita: Fria that few wrd labor i 1-1 , - "ti a ' , i 1 ,1 the:net-Ives. E. 1 1 , - tit - ..1- . _Lintel hire r buy I,n- , 1 - 11 , Religtouis Services, _ ; other few to labo- ur tlf!ir.. A large, majority i.,l 1 1 .,,, . I I belong to ncitherte: .si: ti.,..,:!-.er work for others . ner-704. C. , Pershing, President of 1 H ~ , , , • , rot' have others 1, Q. emit 'or .hem. li? most of tne Pittsburg Female College, will the sc , to h err , E .,, r it s LI ,: ,ri t r;of the mph of all 1 it ~ , I I calrars are Et.:•:!hei-Si %.'5 itt - cr inasters, while in the preaehrtii the 31. E. Church,in Beaver, r-rthern a largelimal:aritt• are -neither . iron tor onlne4. Sabbath, at lOi o'cl ' k, A. at. • hired. Men. twit their ISlTliiit-S. Vi - rYCS •sons and 1 1 1 , , daughters, worklifar l :hemseives CM ,th it farms, The public is respectfully ' invited ,to in :heir li , un.tz eitil in th eir -hops, le g the attend 9 1 , , ' ''' whole prodnct Ith mitelves. and askin no favors 1 •1 ' , it ' l' of capital on the bn hand Isar -of birqd laborers it , tti 1 , , on the other. • 1 tie no: forgotten that Sconsider- 1 The Senate Glerkiship. ; 1 ,, . ... able number of perwns mingle their own labor — a, i , , e 13egtetive to`present,to the with capital that. is they tabor With their own hands and also btuy or hire othell to labor for , t sideratr of the Repiiblican mom s them, hut this isc.,^ly a mixed and nota distinct 1 . 1 i 1 of the ennsylvanta Senate, the n 1 class. ' . T •1 , . No principle 14t is disNrbed Iv th existence of 31 Si IQuay E•i., of BiaVer Con,l of this class. 1 Aka' ,as has already- eon said, I i t ! I , ,„... • there is not. of ' ity, any such 'thing as the as }a suitable candidate for the 1 ftee - blrEd ishOret ' a il find to that condition Lion of? Chief Clerk of that' body.' for life. Ninny ipdyendent men evrwhere in 1 • _these states a feri! 4 ;ars hack in their lives' were Mr. Quay has served in this COll hired laborers. , prudent pefilesibeg-inner wikh.. 41, Eitinl u i ti h e l it success, and in tbe world lahOrsfor wain% aw t ie. sates a suf.- pins with wbichho buy tools or nd The himself, qualifications' for almost any ' itua 'lnn labors on biS own account subtler twhile. and • I petl4aPS not; litirpass d by at length hirqs another new bteginner tO help him. are- 1 gentleman in the ' TI .to This is the just tut generous and pr rots ve t tem. which opens t way to allt r gir hope to 1 1 , islets. the fat, that thei,West has had all and con squint , ner.ty and prom to all No men livingltari more worllo to be trusted little share in the{ distribetiiin of than tho.e who toil up from poyerty, none less 1- t, . ineltried to tttkd r touch aught, which they ces tor a rumberi of years past;- - have no: hunTif: reed. Let them besrare of that 016 East has At the pi , surreffderinc a poii ical power which 11 ey already i 1 -1 I i - t dc fi nd u,hiell ir surrendered wit Surely b e tne Lior?rilbr, Att,lol'ney G. :l against retaf:'lt''pf ' the Contmonwe l used to closel the oor of acicanceir.ent such as thtv.-ariki t .fix new disallilitirtt e and bur-% 1 , i dens upon tli(j , m, % . until all of libern- shill,' he lost. erlnf the Senate. state ''l' ' rl ),.. di or GenPr 1 ' Sn i ., I - • • From the firsi, to lug or our Naltionill Censt:s to a ' rveyr, , 1 t hei„ st . „„ I :64 ra - Years. and we find our pop- I . .1. „,, , ' 1 lation at the end o the period eight tithes as great majority .of t he judges of t.,1 as it was at the 4, e inning. The incroise of those COurt; nd will mbre thanll other 111:ngs ,w,ilic men deemed des mills, has , r , ~ horn t vim, e..,reatlF. We thus have at one view the Sp aker and I Clerk o what The Ipopur pripciple applied o govern- ' Rl , d NV So b tII 111 t 1 o'll 1 1 '1 ihtli: •hrot.-i.hlt`le accinery.of the St I les and the 1 1 1 ' 1 ; rr.;nn has t proiltice in a given time. an also what vt ry pretty shoNt,l for th ,1 ft . aintareii, it promises for tl future—if the of theJt r spoilg. 41 T if, i fi e ' r n : 1 a ... 1 - e m elt-ea v 1 among us those' . ho, 1 rnion he prezer ed. will live to see it ntain two It la no more than the I sit hindred and fi. v Millions - The stru gle of to- - t,' ~t ~, , , 1 4,. As.s. LI not st:YO _ alter for to-d.iy- , --it,l3.for, a vast ti..ni til pay soul? little ittt { future also.' S,Vitth a firm reliance on rot'idensei Western Pennsylvania, IV ie. Nett the more t•ilE arid earnest. let us pr teed in the I i 1 • i . , 1 • I-mt. ttl.-.1,,-,,blt e vents ha v e devote ' upon us.attest share i N 1 11 [ ABRAHAM L NCOLN. :. used the t' t rsi ki Il e 1111 e ' h p t t i h O e n 1 of the" State ....,-....yAO!VV3c, pre... 196'1. • • - I 1 1 ' ' -- i I ♦' 1 meshes of .I_, , ,cofoeoisrr H G l i. i w 0 . ' em' lins.l Lane on Sla ery. , ei,trust, thei t l efoi e, tha nil I 'm ade' -- • - 0 ' ' Li In re 1, at Cam pring.' f the l iState will not be i',gt fir'. , l.- 3.liss . n ti'' Gen - .Jim. Lane, than that,..Our friends in the Eat .1' k ' i , Ivlirrn no --,I n 333 n,....1-c fearelland hat- Ilrwlrd in this i9stanicelni ed by Boll; ••• inffians and Rtbels de- titagtianimity, and yield{ ' ... l' • , ~ 11" el•ircd it: reforenee to slav6rv— the cordial support; and in the - 1 .' . • , • , 1 ..Pzn ,- Icia, t 17..-. from which h s issued e[ectipn, wc• can i safely ip - i till , - 1 t ,-,_ ai t r ,- . , 11 ,bi 5 _ : ,,s co!, tacSite win s cure 1 J ct.cfbtr ' o 7t. -, 31 . I y Crl4it is, -Lit siovery, rf :tz•i!f. If•i can i•nt-,ive t r . et - m-nr 7.0. Ire. hut if he ~ _I - .1 - 1-.1. /et . - :ether,, mill4t6 rd, Oov-der, and t •• drive it aWv - . •• it is not fti -4 - at'.,F,.r. t;p ili du t sl' 74 gain. 1 I 1 - - , .'•r, - .7,:..• to ! . L til-ccl v.ar tli)ot •! 1-. - .; npqn P v :.5, ,, 15,,and in the . t 3 tt El;;-, -. ..i . ,:lr.t . 3 PEczery to -,llctr.-civ€si, ; At.3 ,- arc h 4 -- . y , . 'el ar- r i . ' prn-z i 'priptr.'L ti.ati eve , 1.1 a: - .dl • - 1.. , •2d t• ni:tion",,- a moceri). 11. s ~1.,-, 1 :; , - .... on th ~nveiry ; .1111,p tt \ ..- ,Lre rci • ;in ; -, ttet. cri,l any : .... 13i. , 11 • tben -tr l f• ;11.-cl , , - to I witil t 1,0 ci; , l-. - -.---, , ‘ lll , fend him.dlnt‘ -: - -.- '.. he Cua we -0•.,' - : ;" - . 1:- - ii'. ,:"....,• . -,-, fcc:; 4.t them. cruilt ft c•:__ \Then arc this.' Com In t l? .A ryn:,l abt ttcke care' R utir.vt (1 - . - (i L trce: - .on and 1 tE..elf. • A FrGaill I - • Ci EG.aro.—.l Ci licago Tr bum? ent of the (5: Belmont, : . the thicke,t oft the fight ser v ant of Gen. 31, •Clernand, "r med. William; Staing, of xl ibitad eon:plc:99u, .e.our f w CiOEO by -the General, s - hole engsgtnient, cheer- Idlers and swearing that be the-battle. • '•-Dar=n ' the body - a inurattol Decatur, age: -He il . during thi ing the would.sh' ti the first man taiiit show ed the w ite wiather. -. any ,of us. laughed earthy at•the fighting dar-;• key, whil the bullets flew like hail! 1 1) about us. •.! ' ' - . ;1 - , ..In theicciurse , a the _figlit; ,a cap tain of o r l lel of the companies was s_trin - dt h‘ l al spent ball. Which disa-,, 1-• led hin;lfi•L m waiking.. The mulatto boy, who ilw s Mounted, tide tip . to 1 ,1 him ancit i 'h '.uted ont,-Capplin, ifyon can tight I f Y Longer for thb old Stars `ADO St. - s.ip}s tali* my bors4 and lead 3-our rup( i . Jielthen dismtounted and . hedp4 edit' -otindea oflicets into his' saddle.l r :en he 'Was walki:ng lawky. a rebel cl> - it .-oon rush forward at the .otTleer - to l ta.-e him prisonei. Tle dar- Itcy dates l's revolver and put a ball through , rebel's head, &Tattering his brain a I over the bortels neck. -I relate these little circumstance_. that 1 - 1 - 4:r t may be justly 4 ealt with ey,-.41 if ch . . sera is a •nigg•t'l - as same .p. o ple w u d call this brave fe.4w- y ... ' (.: . 1 . .___ l „___ ,_ i-.• The S. C. . ther • The ...)io 30th n1t.,11: ,6, 'olina Plante _Cotton and rfolk - Dar-Bo s the follow i'n' t ; ARLESTON, Xo The, pi i ttr i board are, I their eropsi ties to deli , the rat'at(l the/at) the neiieibl caa , t or of flame I lotic planters iourly applyinti ;of cotton and] f7e authorize:l Toy thc-ir" erlps of the enemy tons of North ierhood elsewb izn Carolina a stnr,kn 4 , ~ -" i ~-1 . - . ' far their - HE •, 0 it vr:111- - i --- • 4 BEIIIPfi Intus, r far itli - A ,zu - , ~ 1 ,_ re ; , itherLL. 7 ~. I. 1 . .d f r a s ti bl i re dr ; S. ISate3 i i_iloit, E". - .- 3- ittor &Fu i blistier la 1371 A 'V i n cttpital .. thin: ndition r riIFpNERDAY,IDEC Ilth, 11861 le Si r . ,i niite win si , eure the s i i offi c er of whom that both 1 stlypr 1, , oud • . r mietiT ' County . '`' .. •..._ e 1,•„, • ,_ I i 1 re pn 'tlieit• li't 2.•-i.l It 1 r 1 . , . to Whom tney na e pah."-for eiacling INor. 9t 1, 8392 ioo, aire,siiilj nee apt licatiou eirnl'orith will nht foot, up s I - - I 1 1 a i men i nt, as many of t l e ha.ve Iseht a portiion .of t eiu theilifamilies, and cense tie] i -1, I r t eed -q from the count) 1 The aboVe fig u res wo6 d , arge increase l. l of debt, r I x. aation; but in l either l e7oten • Mel W I ithyleasure by Ole as arf ..arrest of their app 1 , . I the efforts of our; noblellann 1 U o l I t•.• rs - f. ...e . • i l { ppe Mr From the . pisMea . I i • aurs that Palrson rtrr , t r 1 I,vak drivetlfroin Knoxiille t 1 - - . d. up • ir.l tl.' - new ehar4te 1 argh ~ _, n on 'able P irarned 4.irnself at the hea.d of ,a Ifo (.:liion , men in East ; Ten ,, , /•, II rebenbree . was gent in put I w l ll .41 orertook' him at i lMo Ea .i Tennesce) Browillo P !tie and put the rebel to . rebel diNpat-h ils it the tie - tiiry ot:.tho war. The • 'as inot , ascertained, but il ' . ,i j is admitted to bare beim •ie' kplacethe butt ,ton on la 1 . ber. : I 1 1 TREE'LITTLE YILGRISI.=— .i l. I 1 ber _number o ,this Mos pliilo.'it paper is received. IPil'rift, is edit.4ld by cia 1 rotio, and is die beit Ipai (kind published. It, 'co lamtrm ,, and the, moral' w 1 , is.l Istruetive. Terins. - 50 cent Isingle' copies. !Send for I number„ - and read the s , I dneemen i ts to those gettin 1 ,• 1 rl I for it. q Address. L. .1 7 ,c. 319 ;Walnut strk:et,Ph4de -as col / Inke ,care J le -shock ween an e. it be e winds . it the to, .do not 51avery, leantime e.eare of lore .tru- ,scourg tient or scar for tiiteci to S!itvery 1-operate . to de- Isame en d_ in . ATI al -I.arbarous conquer •.sEen con we will IBM The Veil- WM= slaver) r re&pond • eseribing L 4 .se,..The Richmond ' quirer" o a recent date, has an edit rialiarticl adrOcating theimising Of a eat south ern 'army by conscription The reb. , . • els #ppear tb be short; of ment 3 **The New York, I haniber of Conimerce hacie adopted . memorial 1 ; requesting- the fPresidept s send two or more armed ves - sels l to the •boast of Europe for the, rotection of our cora merce against the attacks • f Southern priva'tPers. • 11 Burning Rice. le' of . iho 129. '61., on the sea- 1, torches', to ;I Sornel' 1,4 authqri- 1 , ict, prevent!' Many ot'l Edisto ancll, re on the! oiie sheets t®-Ben. C. Howard, t ean f ilidate fr)r - Glvernor has resigned his p---;:a2n fir the Supremo C3urt Staies. -1. 1i a l the! seore aiiFii. -- r . L .... If , he Report .f Gen. Cainerott; ‘, ;leo .e ary"of . Wart show that 4tel whole ' I I aunt of the ' now" in ti: army, i or• ; n theri wo•cl ~ the entire esiilnated i 7l 1 r I t ttiength of Ithp army, both olonteers i! nici regulars, fro bet 660,77 inert, - Of Vhom 20,834 . re a inithe.regn i tar F artn l y, , 1 11 ' I ' i ' 1 the balance in the volunteer sera II , 1 f the vol teersi there ar ea l 55T,' ' 29 men in t • e infantry, 54,654,,cavat- ' 1 ri, 20,363 ar Meryl and 6,395, ritl6s I an l cl sha i rp-shUote.o. I It, will thus be , seen l volunt eerl I 4.. ~ that, the force ratsed lin 1 lo y al ~, i , loyal States has already o v ert n' the Presidgnt's mi l li' by over one hUndred 1 1 14 and ft y thousand 'Tien. 1 11, I Speal l fing 'of thi readinesa with I 1 I I, 11 w ich the northern States sprung to I b of 'E I ' a ina s aclthe ca the i xceu r ye an • ngress, the Secretary says: 6 1 . j 'So tlioronmilly amused 4ns I he ne tt t nal - heart, t 'at I have no 44 t thitt l i fo ce . %-cnilci are been eNrolleu t l s ni Ilion had ; not the, Department I It cOmpelled th ll i estriet it in the 4bseire of, authcirity in - the repr6.entatites of the pe i pp e Ito in crease ihe ilimited, ninaber.r , S. _ I '1 l' .. 1 This eico il thing - any has , 1 - - Histo ry ' ever .reeo *xi, and the Secretary Il ' %cl* hI li f g pg,nts l it pride to,t e uct t at' a- 1 rkilenn, in the r.enith of his 4loiy, witif all the L'appliances of conscliiAtiens„), ' d r a ftsa n d le i ies,, ,other -enie ealt, .11 Only raisedi4 4,000 tnen. i l ' , i' .1 1 A I , I iThe subjectsof tie fortifica • ''i of, our scaboad4 and :ekes is co mend- I, 1 , e . .. I , 1 etii to the al, , orabl/ cons! eratton , of, , Congress. . 1 6e Military A i cadentyl i ,i bould, n he' opiniOn of theS - cr,ta i[l i l t ' ry, be Ille with cadets.' 1 T4ere are b ' 1 -•••• enly 19'2 in the instituan, audit' con bers sty. obi- restent t vat , Sp as rer, Getter:, he- Supt li sly tae hi 'ast,• h in's s me, !See eak- An , 1, i”w eny 4'o can 1. p esentLtp The Sec: debted I= I= men mad Vilinen of the iI •. l' -• • mportant - if 1n th ! e Santt. meat: Tit istinction b. unteer an'! r gular r i-officers ise opinion the ecketa: r wired. • : • ' ' ' 1 ,i. i • I. 'rheseonst metroni of several militia l li" , :railways I is . reli . .immei ded , ....• he , di pOinimenti• of Maj. Gen I'4 (del l a:11j ii.s l sued 'ssor, to -Gen i r i. Scott, r approv• : i ecl, and are-4onstriietiou of lithe boun dariesi j, : I of th e Statel of, MarYltind, . it 1. j.nd elawairc, proposed. : 11. e. 'Jig ar the,lremarksi ai.on the 1 • • ~ ! Lry- questioni -,• . ; • 11 illimits:Of Viirgf.nia rrtir.iht be- so las:to makelicr! l bouriOai 1e;... (:)11L., , ,, , the Ihut' Riitge on the i,east t utlli iltaitia• On the::::- . Xot.01, le;kelog •u th e ,souili. a";i•I 4-,..st.ast i . s at i Tiry this, artang4nient twOt ilarykind i s iAlle j gliany and il would be tr l'in;ferreel to o ion of,rVirgini.,. All that j :; ,wliiili lies I beg ue litilge land,.:liesapilitkei; en be h(lild to laryland,ii portion-of the - poninSulai i wieerii of lint pliesapeakel nti'c, now' jointly hell! byl ,-.l . "Vitrginia,' 'otild be , iiii ito the State (5f Delaware.; Ito ta-i ' --t how will -thow that' ' , . Ireat natural. I:boUndaries4 time to ceme,iwo uld serve! limitg of these Slatesji i rt closes by reco - mMer-r . the slives which are . held arty by the rebelsbe co I 1 - Secr (1 3 _ary of the l ilNavy show t thel Opening of the , rebellion, l li• , ips virere shattered. to the Ifoirit'l Of the world." Sine 'ti at iiin!ei i. j , ival 'lower of thel'l7. Siat4laii I • augmented ; /:i3,- the. parch:lle of J Igsels, and e ih ca - ini , t ritetton of; I • ' ' , . • :i i ....king total of 118.8 vessels. mil I 1 -- , find! : .;,.,: _ 1,1 jrying i r-1. guns, 14.;..7-ka men.-+ii ;The old navy conliistedl. of 76 ve•Isell•I i ;! . 1.,783 guns, I and A 05,27).: men. Sine 1 ;Ithe . institution of tho 'blocicuile,! 15)1' II vesselst have been!capta'red. i, The SeL f I t ti l .l . :Iretary l reclihmetids the creation Of , the ;7 7 11 . more grade of ofpeera. lir.'regard to ' Ili employment of fUgit yea, the Sec ) It I l'retarY'says 1 1 1 : . " " . i . ; !, 1 1' 1 1 , 'ln the coasterise l. an ' blockading ; 1, ; duties of t e Nagy, it has! nut hee4j unfrequent that IngitiVek from insur r : :rectioliary . placed. litie: sought -oaf' 'ships for • refuge and proteliimi. alit) "Jour naval cimrrandets,tate applied O I Me for instruetliq mite) the properditi-; Ipositien 'which Should be made ofaucit ' refugees. M answer 111.4 been .tha .! l it insurgents, they _should he . .hande ,i over to thi cust'idy, .Of 'the Govern', lment, butif, on'. thcleentriary, the:l were free. from any voluntary partic -1 . pation in the rebellioniand ottglit thes shelter and protettionpfour flag.,theru they iihould be cared for and etnplov_ ed in Isontri usefuti . manile , and ,mightl i be enlisted to serve o . ii our Public veri-1 sets - et in our nhvy.yars,ireceivin , , ing wakes for theirllahorl I If 44tie . I . employinent could not/ be i fiirnished to; all by the Navy. they! might be refeti.l I red to the Army!, and ilf no! emplo y k linenticouldthe fri'und [for them in the', public servree, they shotild - be allower, I to proceed Ifreely i andlpencetthly. with out restrait, totseek': al liVelihood'6 any ;lo al .portion of the Country, ' Thisli hav considered to be-the wi-p Ireqaired•d ty,,,in the• Prmires, of our naval loffic rs. 1 ~, -• ' ' ,I .P • `The Postmaster . General report's decrease o ':revenue during , the; pat year! ofBl 8,771100. t Decrease of ei penditures 8.1.258,01 i 78. the who • - .1 - • f nomber 9t N.:lit-wry, de,a.l -11Pit , rs ro co:v.:a ,an .l ; 'exaiiiinet! -ikaj, ';'.s:'i".; . ()U The P. M., eneial hafts made 9,235 lip. • t ~ i , I f poinimeat dering the y ear , and th e l , 1 . „• , . ' I • 1 1 .1 s- hare pies. jus ptiolif to .- bontrib- ' ' tol-ards .fro the', . . thi . • end) fired but'l - 1 ill'come 'siii i it-of . • Qtray a e - 1 nt of his; rise rvie t.. , s of i I may be:{ t gima, fullowi 1 soundal t lie Illtered it of' f mid it'll o , e 0 limesefft i countlei WaShit l i the jufii pool 01 tv: I l i ch bet‘.. Oid the (I..oi•poq .f‘. refer these o mar ..mirDittee , the month band titero The pre4-. large an olqiteers wakes to 1 tly ' 1 0 not ij ,' indiate,a crease of- 1 it N't- ill be ~ ax-tlepera lecia 'i'on of The a ation the hseate pa riotic The hat a papers it lowi who has turn- EMI aas the N The re_ 1: - • ately.: put.. e of 3,000 esse6. A . torn, : _ • ga'e ght. The 1i rst Union, rebel force their rout *tall The of iteceni. ME Ems BM he Decem•' excellent, The Little' l CE It tEEN-1 f the: bin Ist -Abel 'th'• in-j a) -par f9ri denaid iili 4 clubs I PPINCOT T I phial - e "seeesh Meryl an . °reporte 1 11 accom c modated i at the ,l L• , r 1 1 ' , I ';. ftry ad,ltnowledgo thelin ' the pepartOtetkt to the :ottry Mor r3l'iDepnrt, l etAtken t4ioulti. lit ryt he abol2 is of 1 gtoili jet of 'le 13' ' 1 th the • :Alt 'llll at ted i Taco CM for al k the 'repo, that prop. I - `RI en g rtl e . -n? he ' 3 11 , pet/ S l l - 411 a t e Seeretii 1 ,:• 'eat.til sit iiiitted to ti 1 . i • 1 .' & : t n it g t i l / 4 4 s i t week ) hors ire, 1 but 1 , . .1 - will 'not, app 71 , !1 3 • 1 ; ; I t.) T he seilr°t4 y . f t h e Mi P i rte tbst,,lthrili ; htpl e en a the ,-; c ase, irLthe untbei of the .'cOt 'l , ! 1 . . till ' ken o sic tie Deginnin i ~ a 1 e bidlioh. I II; 1 1. 1 .1 1,1 Our India ifairs i rtrC in a e ' ll'U.. i settled anti , n tfaetosy . co.di iOri r l'he spitit,of be li ri agaitist t i ti au I hority ofith over inent, whi t ill* recipita d , ' tuber o'" St ates ttrite,' open et 1 ~_ se ,, ri iris ycd i i i.' o a porti ti the I fich e r n It 7 i , !) . y . 1 C issaries f th liestir louary $ SieS. 1 i ~ • ! , 111 11.1 ti. 1,3.4.. hickasii si. d I Oetaw , dilated T il h ie e se la ti he 7supe i . ,n ° t' r en ' d n ;, I: h eie rite ' ', spende all i 'tete arse; nit! ; I . the l U. ates. i I ' L.I 1 I e rf s h i e m r i rort i 9 l f iee the t, 4.; id o ,.. ni ta n i l it s t s cin o e pe ri iif" , liti6n ! 4 of this iurtli tidinina . iie I A n /i year, The n tabilt - ofpc' nsio ° n li ;!;' •iT plinished, , du iilg ',ihei year,l 5 5, an 1 the amon t r Alibied to pay, t em wes . i t !43,24.6i§ le ithin Oie preTio 9 yp t al'. The ci n in the manner o " '4xecu ! t,' ng the! pbl c! prin Fog, I adopt ed by 1 ''t'iti last Con+s, h a been eintrithqi Suete%sfulf - Tudor the direction, oft e Iresent • eine ent i eriritendent the N•ork has been , tinned w•th o r er ispatch andlpt less Bost ; to he l'irOt: l innierq. than tin _preriitus ti 'e. 1, i ;, The ieturesiof,i't e' Eighth i. 7 iistis 1 t re bei id, tain , for pu lie I tidii with al the' l i e ' pqiitimipraet cittle ini r 4 work ii sub niagiutade a cilvaritid! rid coi _nreheitsi ,te details. ;' ' ' , I The epor 11whichillie Su erititCh-] : ~. I . R I 1 ' ' dent of that lerli:ll , pji be p r pn dit . o' make d ing the preeerit Con res v. fll' tontirni't e genetallbelief, that ',U ,p ~e-1 polls pe loci lofirirlhiAtory as been 1 1 distingui he !by 'greater pros rty !hr evidences of i oyesabstantial prog,rts the all the inii oriel interests affecting welfare a d of a'ip tilde. i . .) 1 I ha ppiness . . - 'l,l is ' ' i1T,11;3 R, I ' i ,send our I 1 it4rt4 1 he faci, tliaTt num 1 1 i (f atel , , • y at a cnii• 7a. e ore l ( ur ye; A e.lsage a I sideilesl tvil ears I:hi iittAi °np Till 4 rote ;ea l e7alti..z }.. irii lof ``a(id I I , cohit , ad d 1 11 . • for' ariti. 1 , res?olati Chu ton I favcirabre ,ohition 1 p il ' !et] ag t,le We p ith t rig tAt 10t CO ues.l.l of it I, ay. The P, f th , istrate -age h. Ly a MEE li'r -.lit 1 sympa 1 I .ile tni world. and sOpi .1: • Wild rev' eeutive.:' [of tiff:li: I ;with ze: kind wh eordu .1 "Ok epeded .1 great ; hibite4 4 tip in the, - Our! re; the' . whctl perfee 1: netiln I r ondn i th e ; i x Icrca c e I; , I i ll ' ipapere , , howerefr, fi( liii it 'up appily w th tihat I ‘. l 1 , 1 1..1. 1 i dese,4?edi as; uot I hemg; i t i, kiioliiedike,"l 'ive! An Ii• • 111.. 1 citire th,elmosag,e l , 7 t th S. o farithey haiie r : , 1 1 . ~ , p judgraprlt than;,aciritno ;C•iclure ! s. , 'l 1 i 1 11 t' toY Al careful ,perUstti of i 'I 1 I ii . t er, iyill'percieve that it, : nshitent with the de,11:1- ~" ei , 'set" forth! 13- Mr ' r -I P 1 1 iI: 1 . 1 ; e beintliug of , ills, d-,; 1 The recomnienriatilms. . 1 > i i ; ; ; :I ,1 1 1) t o li t ;e se, n i ote;.4zt:i.lageeccii‘uvililtlr;.:lleaeot:ll Il}- 7 .e prt:s 'atm I ,t th Inew I, b ch i ng t to i, erit' r to it et ad , e pa ly e l pi] at tl, tion I d i n d in con wine tlte hem cal •j". - ; - , ii dg 1f ti • C- i •- splte the , :)ings o i ipse s% io .11,0, i , heroine wise laboveWhat is w iite4i toll :, Such a ' eg,tle tinti they to he -i ati ig,j, ly prom unet., sentence of - . :eon :n l ' i,lna. tion up kn ilverything not exactly . tabl . lying. lith: th4iir -Preconceived It9dii .Pervei•tid Li adgments. -We. lhare (not, 4ons)t that *7iten ail the'.iitetssurrodad ing this .nte. i deleate I .matter Of ithe'l proper coal et 'lot thp, isar,liavo he;3aj! 41 j cuily iiiadef. •iden , flier Isliflsepthei I t error. w ho i have 143 hast3?in eondep - vi i,vg t le peiFey lof thelPresident as a I. ntistaken on .' .1 : ' - -.- i - 7 , 1 . We hive received "theiJaa iti-3 , 4, BeiT ~1 1 ' • . - . ~,,,..1 . 1 numb .r of . eter".,on s 31a ,, azine.. 111 IS, . 0 1 . ~ . tulle's , sense, of the word, a §ooc4; .:' ever y • i) - It, ' I's.'' !r; a / ifs H ' aw lr. . , lied b 4 Chas:. .1:: • # ) eteboll,, ,3vii ; u tSt l , J. ItiII:i '; ' ill T, . : , • ,llbl . i 1 i,• G ar d ener o. par,m+l -4, ! r i:tit,,:st 1 by. W. S. ouag, No i s'2 Fort h stre4JLPhil , elphia, i s one of I ,d ip4t ~4.i4 icillt rat . publi9atios viti PriZ LI, ono aullat a 'y''ar, inl , ad; 11 ' r ' . , • ' , [ I ' - • ' , ,'• 1: • i EMEI numb! publ. iJitest lime Sixth the b IMIIIM! Eal EMI A kov You peas 01 Lhe 1) uu. ~•u»'~I i (i, -- - -.. , 4tepub 'lea ‘i =axilJi l l ws:, For Li 'Orjr t I " F rule' ImeL: . .i . en 7l Ito m le . W o l pd lint ti• Id u 1 o4eti leOil . i g l' dOn tikeiNi inter I 1 .01 • pOy .Isl so r Tike'''? er Potomne, passing vet. . , SEl'Ofet C• .• o'Fi ftePOr* ,. . 1 .' l 'lll r iantipro:lsi - Diie' I.4The SeeretUry ' sc *he Treasury , fie .t; into Congrsa bla.reiort.' 'line enu . lerafes,the,lO:lnff ob*ined,, Making : n ',ag g re a te l. Of :191,242;688. • 11e.,e timats the i.e're nfettOtit ill. soureis for:the'ffskearyar. eAOI - ug Julys ne a t at :,r4,55663..i.ih i ch. is; over 820,000,Q00 I. as that"; estimated by him ih . July ',lair_ : : H I : ' To' meet ' the. dens' ndfi caused by the vast_lnerearie iii' the army beyond . the nuipber'.i.fhich'hia atimates . in ' :Tilly, i'lern , 'pi; dicaedi . ' e - Sayin. Of 10 ) ,e:se tidditiona „ approp iations ' $47,035,:. •) II 560,:81. Nr ,re author s •ed rby acts otl the 104 I:sesaion, and: : 8 43,139,92116.4 re nnirisked for ma ing an aggregate inereaSei':ineluding . 822,731,933 , 31.1f0r iPdStirlite•appropria ions' and redeinp-! tilinnollteinporary. . debtbej , iindi , I. tile eiitirtfatfm 'Of ,ltily:'•of 8904,427 68.1 . . . 40 re:Oh:minds either . • tbe . gsdu- 14 . ;,•withdra.*Itt from circa kiff latibp of , l'ut,it t eu of prii-ato' t • .bratiOup, oil L i lhe ' deliireryto,theni of ote%preparedlfor cisiilation under tie !national dike& tioii,land secured : b ' the; pledge il U,. I §:tbdnas'and other needful . securixiica. ',l'lphe' §eeretary g Ves:.estitii:?,te. r itril t,ll3i . ear ending 30th luniSJB64; Shifuld the ;wail continue ' ' r o - lon.. and 'the .prohable in s cease, of the. - .puh!ie 'OO4, which in brief, is..a4 if•liiloU•s I On the Ist (JAY of IJtily,lB. U, the pUblic' . ebt' 1kiia'04,769,70 u 3; du ( the lgt, da '. Of Jitlyl436l,'ltliiPnbl a . debt. was ;'4,t 04 ,861, t '82,8 . 63: on the ISt :. day .Of . .Jfily,. 186•4 the pUblic debt will 601 1 / 1 511:4314 802 ?8; au the 'lst .1 ay of July,_ 1863; thipahlic . debi• wit be 88 . .41014,,,,•2 r,f 1 , i.i. , fl'—' ~ . : on tgiiin , I c 'Post . fitsOrt: 1? , 1 1 • , RoJ 4 Advices from th ilk: 13(M. McCall° 14rinter l i quarters on )4entonplle, Bent°, sai4, where he pu fCr his troo - P 8? , 1, Nothing defiri . • nibvenients /'erl i jl Al i cßride 1. with riebkli 0 ' l l I .' By ord_er o r Gn , regiinent. mw between„liati.: enworth' yesterda between liere citt off. ' The rebel, Hays, l independenti peized all the hors. 4 +Pacitic Otage Corn IgeneralleontisOtio of Unipn 4 , Yesterday, a. pa citiz/nsl R Qwpart , tarne 'rebels i, , my, iiiinder Calits ) 1 10y..-near Punksbu lweit of herekill , , , iterc of them.. Am , Igapt. Young. 2. 'per killed or se‘' I Three of the w since died. I Judo() Birch, wh ' • i oper iu Gen. Price past, arrived l ';:bee.n'leleased ou' p =I 1 41,lidera t . i thi) me tb Pong Ur , le ,arl S' iere 2f at . • 1 i ' ) 1 1 uOl m le , bi i lef *ages 10.'ve blien i., a teatture! NvJolr utare Ciii i '_;f, 314 g. 1 ion Of - tbe 1116, - I I , ~ en' character' ea .. • 1 , , ; • uieseenee in, he i r tk l .,ndationsiof he tvat l •in feelin ' 1 of ,I g 1 strate (it upyi I : po.sitd), l' •”i Ilhe ,the ,i ii press' gener li 1 , „both- I.4o , ti!,9t i an I} appr ,i,ittig' mbarrassiii4,(lltll.... rma Init., • i - - -- , - 1 1 , She reportath t the pirate Sumter iwas therelwhen he, lett,. and' wono I commence coalin on the 12th: , Shit' i liad taken two p zdt3, the brig Daniel i I 11 IF I' Trowbridgo,of e,t4 Haven, and thni 'On in New irtiork:l brig Jnseph Pa k. Capt. IL*, ;i:if ~ 3 .. .L_The i e r l i e ti ee ii i l the , Daniell,TroW 'ridge, lis a - . pamsen, resulted in the 'sai";r i g_er on_the,Errrli e. This vossel . loft .. eorge 14 4.k e ;i t h e ~ i vew orkon't e Bth of Octobey . 4r thae. , ;The v6to .the i Demeria with a cargo of provisions,, . , ,1 l' and ,was *titre op the 27th of, OeS- T , ~, , ) ,t ,;„ ber. in lat. 17 de .80 min'., l'ong. 56 /Ye , . ( ii i l Pl ) \ I - ,1',? - -"Z deg. 34/min. '- T e Captain and l crew' ''' _ -ral g. l `;' z i) , L u i, l t l , l.- „iT a is uv ii t were / taken on ' and the Suiriter i , with ' 3 " -*- ' ' i J - i l t r i all the , provision she wanted,l when ' i P i I the brig was set on fireanddestroyid. ueu , 't, The Captain an crew were'landeil at,l alters, rod' Rojral, No . 6tb. , I I I 11 f/ The ' brig J ' ph . Park win , from' 1 ';'. i pernambnco. fo New York; in bal. 1 i l ow• 4, last,and was ea inred, Seiatember 29, I I,(..leonud set ' on tire. The Sumter !wan al-1 -,. f lowed to sail ivi hont objectiori,l ,t i;01/ H pi l ' d4if rails , has, 1 I I f his. hettlA 1 on the )ally fi mlnm OCCASIO Er / /. UM iirom issouri. South-West .h i has gone Pea l Ridge, County,' 4.r, ting up •barr is known o. Price Its at. Sprin c , c• eld rt ! Sunday mat.l :A9 CITY, Dec. '' l s: .1 ,Hunter, Col. i Jain-i I d to a, poin • I midl City 'and, 'eay.,. .i , , A.l tomm nica- w i ld Indepen ' enee with 300 men,i via on; Monda ; land • s belonging to, the ' any,, and , n . ado A i of all the pt aper : 1 .a.. , STod.I.IA; a:e.s: • ',' 'Ey of exasp.yated ea attacked a gang from Gen. "Prieea Young anti, Wheat- g, about 20 miles ng , and - ,wounding , kag the killd eras •ne of Cho citizens rely xvoun4 d. ;ended rebp, a have ,i • ' Iv. .. . 16 148 bi3en , ..3..i.i.E.4::! . B'.ibilnip..,f6r ci . me. ,l her',l,6-t.las.,'lhlivitig.i a , r61e:... ,r,.. i l l .. 1 • ..1' .EDALIAA' :,'C.I (3. .. .I . . .. . .. . . . ; A from :iinl i Soutlii a§@ inve' •‘. itip•iik,t4 : .041,n Co a.poi,n't,'nve , ~ .ti titj has:. ustnbli.ll- . 1 s. Gren,: .. ..ll,ktips'i3 . '.OB, 06 . 1A...1..-;..- iva gor u i .i.i.clil. : li : es:; .. I- pp.lie.s Ltiir.. Go'n.l , t0.i1.i . . 1111414031 e d 1 1: - ~ , - 1 I is '6f.. - this 'plat.:e .6n- , • - ', ' I 11.',' I ' -!' • / I lobel . reernitnici ate, 1 !n§stirtm,.i..etrniiB 10'1 1; 0. ~. , . 1 • A. .„me.e ingl, si - iol 6.t„. y7l- ielil 6eir ; • / I ,e.-c,e.sioni!4 3 .:*SpgiCe.; 'a t. in bab Motile., keens by i , '6 been 1 1 y, .. i . iii'd ; 0.. - -1it1.F . 1 1 :i . v 1 0 . .! , ;kip . ii,•),11 . 3 . r' , : , :r irripny ! 'n eirculat, on.- 1 -,. ! '. .! • ... .. 1 ''''l - -- .:: .. ii .. - B.H-TW • , C,r4znirr-1 DispatcF: i6ity - 8-I't4at. - 'i Pre,sidenit..iii".'ploa,--. 1 po i rt,;- 1,nc , 1 . t4e .If.r,fret4- s , plce(ii.n .3.p.:Ci3 . 1, 1•10 , ...,.i' vi , :lf i ii i thei ' anxiety of • th el" Orn,rn'Enit adoptiiii •NCO l uld 4m6,tri . ), - ,..h6.11 . ki0n: party . .. . .. , . ; Our latest advis are 'that' qren. Pri of hit force from Miles I. leiLatit, W r ile ti.l I hi' headquar Li ornmand Ternaine A train of fifty ington, laden x\rith .griee's . army, 4-ithin fifteen mil ltonday last , I , ' ll There are four ,0 1 in Lexington & fez l i.cPriee's arm vela there last Pr oral _prominent ~ , urging a_untteu o' ''Rebels.,Sinlilar I field in ;Clay, F. couritiOs,Land &tilm e:dthing. ll &ii.4',:ire II 1 CINCINNATI, De. eio/ (Frankfort) he ecinduet of th : lying Cameron• r t , orifid l ettoe whidh lan, Buell ur.d' li influerice to c:IiM Vnionlmeu If al% i,lii Ciimeron pOli l 'Mize, if not de.,... - tr. l ;I I K.CTI ;MOST .. ' II Set - eral men wi brie' Perry ool!ii fort yesterday, a lion against Will 'ho bay° invall laundering the p tock, and in 80 i t nion Mem. ' ~ .1 The report tha 1 'Bed the Cumberl: ;' s ited by some per !cie( npies a hill th i this side Of SOITte and men. t ~ o fled frp ,Z n Letehen: •• wer e in rarilq,l ipealing for , pi-oteel t t and hie igang I ed • tllob 'eounties.; ;opt°, off' all ; Ile instances!. killing . 1 1 Zollieol er haserns- Ind rivei., is -dieredh ions her , GendS'elioeo -e gnarlt, rs ofa mile without S a thnil- • ',I I' ; c. S.—Ufa; g looper . cd from I .Port flo3-41 _ : ,dates toitfiel ,11t4 ;- NEW YORF,IDt 14arcinique, . , timed Attack on Coi , l -, 1 lumbils. ',: , I ,' Tlii3: l Noi folk '-Dab-Buokl, , of N 1 ' ' . . •1 leinher . $9 las the following in .its to -, gi:4l)liie C' lim i ng: ' 1- 1 ) 1 1 ! 34:51P1T15, Noy. 29, '9.. ° Gen. Pill w has informatiou frOm a ( 'reliable soUreirthat the enemy wil c a lank.Colinnbus, Ky., in. twenty ' it) n ' ivita forei of,7:!;000 to 100,000 Me .1 , :large laniount' .of ammuni tionlan 1 ,_.... ''/i. cannon, froin St. Louis, has 'been' ei t id 'qui r o.; iTheenemy has thirtyiegl t 1 Mortar beats and: eight, gunboats. A 74(), cii4mPTs Plan m is to surreundl C -' luntbus, arii4 starve the bite euVmi -. 'skin. General TilloW says we shi4d makee eVriteffurt to- meet theri'ieny , witha s rang (woe right away,. Pm is nO tints to be lost. _ 1: 7 he Vii-rel mono!, tee - . -- 7.... , k 'gag , .__ rr ._, ~ t.ue reoeis recem e their suOplies' of ammunition 1 as. 'dispatched to' i Norfolk! rota , Great Brqtain in British vessels. i t ~,i, ,g fr m the flag ship Min-i-1 l a no fault of' "the Green Isle, if British litelmers e 11- . 1., I ; , - • 5.... e.. tr.) 4,Je,tvr al,o 4-- • ••- rotig t . dlwn no lf rress . %. from I , 1 I ,- i, .1 . . t. - , n ••..1-, ,teuet I,aders under the Br? 4 • - , b h gi o . i i: a ni t i c r ° h d ar i s t lBl l 7 . l o ln i l i e g' e p . S r ii t r , oa : m p i d i I r e . o s c p l v : l e t ed i r vi . l i '''- : p in Tr i , e : e ne , .a 'r t i l l s rl \t el \ l . - T PI I v g i t y i r tti s h i n i h e , t o s t en °e f si - t i d il lsr :l t . e i : 9l u a n n g i , o cT i l li t' t : f ll t .t. :,: r : ii ir i: r .' : e l l . ; : i.. t ' ti .r tlir' iti ' : i. : l: " . n ji . Bio t kocu h fl a e p asi pe ti n wo e p d i t i, ts n, e,m f o te efi rl . ; good,-:fo-- ' n -- 1 .- , i,til rnir,. ..- . ,1 1 Ix wit' 'ev, iden ly the desi l gn or t e .r than by shipping a few earro , of li lotread.tuffs and • - ~. provisions to no‘-fect ck/vome down hick struelcCapt. . :, ilL _ knocking hina Ove -- 11 he struck; inflicting , injur s' administration' hat this. should del R ' A T - I A 1) bs r:t i e ' ill'at Blimin is. doin4 all it c i a:, tr, a il, the det,truction of ,ihe Eel ..., fiic. Jr.,t7 ~:4. , f:ot: t. , he abundance , wilic't j-io:hlias the sit a , given us, relieve the perishing_ sub. , 0 1 4ecis of Great Britain' from,ta, ,, ,-;t:i , o , f we want to rebuke Britisli ihtel -erance and af the 1.41. Me tint , • . I . - a mission of mercy, we could nut , i ,,, r . grandly and effettu ' ail . o _.,_, [ 1 , e,.. ..re.an,.., tinder the protecti4.l i9' C • , , 1 ~ .1 were p ossibl©. , i Moddless war I 't' 't tl.undirhmed stars and u r riSulli'ed ' str ' ip i e e s reWhile the Pverninenro.. was never thOs ffilt of the true friends "of 'the still ' proud American fla- —, of this Govern ant to . imbrue' I thelir in'll' a r 1 Tel.- ~ , ,3 " . hands in their I rothors' blood, ror toll- ' - ___i_ “ E. runioff their n groes ? ' C ause s larose 4 , 1 Jeff. Davis, in his late rrie , i i ..-a re sr , -il d _ l' that the blockade i 3 2061113 in,76.i ~t 1 beYbnd th eon rot of the Comrear 1 er-in-Chie , aud livds hare] b ee: i blt ,,, e t ia th n e il t p_ro , pose .. s to :nl.-,0 1 ' 6: 5 •-, ..i.' - i ) .;:f , i, l i ve4 --Irolcan - natiOns in breakinA , l• ii , ) 01' , .re ..-en-ti,li 0, e.ii- lt I ici ' pena v at w ere offered no-I pe , 1 .itli,..r hand 1 aii:!,!v i in liis , ) ,,spee;:h , have been take . Look. for exa, ,at Portißoyall rid the Es.-;tern 'shc i re,,( ; t ° the - tilinwngers at Lion lei ' saysi fof' Virgitii i a: am this is ;evidently tle !,thi-it the confederate st i iit.. - ,-+. :-tlion , ii if, the I:e b. ls c'ut off by blockade from all forei,mi courie tot be ursue:d. •'• e trale; basi• been able—from- their in. will layidOwn , teir arms, they, ill: prOtated lin their perf„s,ons and pcOp r . 1 ternal resources alone t„ equip _and ii t it maintain in the field an army of over ty ~by `ti l * ,GoVernpient, but t . , if .2.,1,01.,,J troops." , Th - 6re io ft . v , nlidt•r-1 they m st take . th.e.coni,equenceS. , • 'lit is very iapparent thit tli , V. t 1 1 re i itble variance i, - .t - .-.' I I I, IA t.... 11 nit 11:1C. § 4 , c s f l mit nin this case. " ; not;a11 raitors Who are foetid in sia-- 1 th ylareinot aa Sotithlwboare of. 1 .-("' Rattera4, c i ,f Pi,,ii, i ,4.l p ,i :i. i the SuUth; and 'lts one section of after ‘CI - 7 - it ritY S L n itaanagernient . at , ilary,ly',; another -shall -receive the t I protecti ,ii Ferry, and in thei neil,hhorly) ,,, l , if .1 they long for,- the' C r i L. :- ..,- , on et el aci s ill Winchester, it il.; getn?.....dl •Za ;- ''' ...}... ,p,, , u. find itselfi,,grriwing "mill by ; dr'gr Ts. lost ils the battle . 9fJ1311 1 1.,. 1,?, , ,ni ; C - 1 1 , : .. , and beautifully less7's6 fast that , on made his detene.antli , t h row., rite bian..., rioneWill be left to do then revtl j rence.'; on Gen, ,sf , ( 7 .)t•:, • Ail , I G P • 1 e.i. a' .er-w r .., 4 L, it./.1! inollll4/ tri..ll _r ell . : :.'ott -L-Hctr. Tel ' ~ ,11 -.. Iw . it , d ~ , ' ',' i ., c - '., J , left for Europe. before inakintt t!•.i, ,----- 7 ---..- il. The ( American Flai. • st:atement we. prefer Waitin:r i:, ti , 1 i. 1 I I Sim p son, , • ,I ~, ,le TR in a t sermon, de iv- I, tiCotts i eplv before„ we , e •:•,, . . 1 ered in .Brooklyp the other dayi, ill' de r i , pafte d.f - - .• ' t- " '' ' a ” t.'"l - graceful' and eldclu 'ILI -.' ' kellee 811j ' ' ' )I ' '.. 41e1"Sed. -' au , r, O to 1 , flag .i 1- . Ei ..M'lre name of Be:. .E.,'„)-I . :' J. !-'l t i e of our countr -.. Our. fl au.. ho reinarred; isl ' •CO,llll/ On ; Brceliillritige, Of 1...". i has t)211 .- n . )..:::: ,1 4 ., ve y . 5f .,,, :- • 1 ,1 tio ... nei in eunneet:un i with tile 0ff441, ream,— , 1 of; tiruce ; -vi - tbbii mornin Cl3O a, but, b the South,. Who st r ati Yoitic arrive Aft.(ir takin 't6 Port R( noon on. be) ! A sailor le,tl inn; frenli al W. Salton board. In of thep . ro aueb an aai ;ad of. 1 i , 316., Doc eay into ear kan - • ileke lithe on lexery.sea- 7 it visits every port, wherever it ,4 oes the peo 'q . i I '• 1 it p , (m i t, • ( 4, :No ne but he who. has , ;been.iihr( in distance land.s knpws hoW that tiolial• sYmbo t l is respecti j, d. A. it hays ",f. am ail Amerieun," , : ar.i.l Inati protect him wherever he gbes.l l. •.ve•l al othori. doubtless. in this a l i ence, have felt its protecting ipo4 in.oieignf lands. Olrl- it is a giOril. ' t1a , .'!,.., ' Somet i mes it seems' to nal a alljangel's hand ut bud clipped it 'm it blued heave l n , wi'th its own Stars i , • t 1' . • i gOld, coining,down like lungel , q eye mercy as it go.3s on its mission,of g I will over the ;earth. •It isar glori nip', and nations' love it. '',.; 1 , I ' WH i nTSEw_ l itap3lEANT.--The pers al fri lids , oti , Secretary Sewardl r [confident that the remark made, b I hiin iff=,his that on Tueh'ilay, lin re sponse,to a serdnade. that the e un 4. IrY would l within ten claystkbe 'ele tri fled by,Moro lwelcome news thain 6 ey have yet heard, referred cc', the pub,' ,ability . that ulthin that time. Ole e. 'tire acquiesehce of the British goVeii Eri kint, lin the iaking A of 'Mason nd 'li dell Woul d bU receiveil: it is beVe,•ed thai'lLord Lyons has ititianteedj. to Mr. SeWard that his goverianeint "Will assure him that they meaty 3/entralitY Oil' board their vessels and' .every wae re; elde.: I ~ • ;-,. ' 1 ,/ . -.. • 1 1 ..-.„, • . /•1 , •+, Ito Naslrt.4le. i 'll.ntailty is'SO in- I 4st• - chan , (.1 - :On ; to , istetna ee. i for-1 Oar lek- ti)on , 'rid- 1 ! a nd' tiro 1 ex- ; -ion ...ht lnd i : • . ,On Nasr.:ll.3 • • I The news the .li!ntu•ky spirtiig that the cryilias been iroin Rteninoiidt ashvilfe V greatest co;. nun ,prry through l Tenn,:s The. arm, ~ ;11 is swelled :e1 measly, believed ate heatl4 tern pita, line defeated .131 ner, him wilt 'BA-franc6. u Nashvily, the new capitol of tie lt tors,•se lhai - they will be drive lieziven knows where. I Grant 3.l.!Clernand, late movinglfroin 6 down tbe Ilississippi, and we inay ric.ct -at the same time ade,motistra. Tate utior, t.ff3 ri and the.lett the rebels. will' tiotm tjietteelves surrounded; and crashe Forneis. Press., • ' I, .; '- ,: . • 1 . ~ i , , A. NEW Wittikat—Tbe . 1 Tribune *ever gets 't r `,tried o diticussingd the i slave . questiOn. 1 Ino it we find the I us-.i. iiil;qleStion lof ' "what ; shall. be - 'done N..-iththem 'l'. sitt. l eolicluion: in, ..hat tlie. easiest: the ,tos t l' l i: mane, the ro o,t Political dispOsition A' the i con , ! trabat r i itis mould be .tol pl ace- them :tit _PIO - tido:, ander the perinabent • protee- i tibli...o' thOUnited, States. ' 'Ouriiir-.1 ee,s; itttli4oo • an. etn.ilytako::po des-' Sion Of flori4a,l which' stl i t•to as a an- billinoiA Or rebellion ; knight bo r dde; i i, td fromits rank as a• Sato, - an re sfore to its:- oriiivalil condition loil a toiiiii.y ., • . - il , II ' ' ' A New York pap infnation I . 'has been Washington that. O ne q l e ati with theodekieani, iprovides,G oernment, forafoa !Oen ipt* our oermnent, tol be five anUttal sums of 82,,_00( Ireturn for-the gornmereiti and transit, till' 'United S. through Mexiean terr,itoJ I ed by the trevir. EN • er th on -Wen s rdt a lii' loft • tali , his t ellor tent. ()thee of Senator of the United.•;r,..tte i , in 1 phtee, of John C. Itimelt;nr,i: -..' -4 Hebert J'. 13reckitiritliz..• is a .''',.. 1 . 1 4.,.i-or to iii., degenerate nepaew la bit :• A,. in patriotisin. A•t a S...•dr ):. `;;t• thd l'ilited States,at Col:. 'time it.e v.,„ 1 1 - .1 as' ; tit a' zrand rept% senta . .. , e .. - f 1,..,, , ,,\ ( 1 di - : .t•ite orK , t .k -- - 1 k-' , - -.t . ...a ac k 3 ..—• t .....L. .. ...... , ,.t 17 1 .. i in'lluenee. • i . . [ . •11:€9,,1 rlisT•ttql In In 1 Vi , t i I VI: of V.irgitna. , 3y, , ,lll4 i''f , :, , 1 ., C, , iii..l“ 1 i o r eNpvet tO g{, into kv:iit....y tin:l,qt rs t,'. z , • Pitter. , ,town .31 Aim! I ee..i.tv '":"1.;e. - , ' , . - , 1 , ••. - - ~ . 0d , roa•t , are rep. 3, enteti to ne Imi. , ,s-al•te, - .so that notliff , (o can, be aeeorn ..".!. i. 'us • • . it' i t ill spring. / / I i tte-the Charle , .ton;Con . ri,!r* '.;l' ti} , , f I 2Stlt ult. says the Li nite,l :it ale. ',Pi.) I 1 11:1.d tri,./d• to Ind near 3.1...: :... 1. I but hail been' driven Off. It a.- ,-..a4 t ...'ouJ_T r/nion q. terttners have .a*. .1 tro ps on Otto island,' -anu no v i,,41 , 1 i e i tire possession of S. litle la -..) 1 111.1 AW-Gov. Morgan is in Wa. , :111,i. ,- ,t6 - . , , , urging Govanimen: to buy I:1I., t. , ,1b -! her blankets for the view f (mil , - .1. , .! ik :as a , sanitary mett , ure; ai, it I.( •, 11- I save. Intrust"in re;itieln file 11.., ,, -;., , l ed ' expenses; It will' Prui.),tblv ,e. 1.: ,, I t ' P n Di - o the '- t r ti cb .t ij ic i Es a. r ' RE::: t:f:S. --: ...:.:9: . ill 1 G . B ' ' - '' • ' d ~ win, ennant. athi 13:._ : ii,. at 1,.. e _ t. \N - teltingtua on Titur.sday eveni g- IL '', rtel.- release apon' parole i•:. nyt ;1,1 a , 1 bat their ease wit oe, rei:un-siiiltr.... 113 riar-i 1 • - + P - ~.s. .etter It arn Poi ..oyr.s.v7s • , . t hat one. of the Qar.rzertna-z.,.1... Ha 1 his own rel - masihilit).;..-.has 5,.'=,.1-tv :cotton gins at .work. , The ne l miesl eeive'd three centsiper - pound' ter rthe• marketable cotton, and hav: g into -the .busitiess with enthusia. , :m Vati Wyck'sltivestigating tnitte will hare ,their report re 1,23 i I press this.week. It: ill: make a' pi I and a half of the Philadelptkiit '.1.) Inaturer. . POTOMAC BLOCKAPE,I -- Twenty thirty vessels have within the . fortPeight hours passeu, the relict t, teries Ns - about being.ii red. upon. ''..Kl• on came up:Thursday morning, et, voyed by the Cceur do Lion. tar-AtPotomac'first' the batteries, on the ~ • • PotOae were evidently, well priovi• deli with shot and ',.heil, but c`i . pto they have been tirin. , slugs chs.Trein 1 oneo •,, , railroad iron; and oyster boa f tNvaS I "peppered'' , with small stones. I - I •' ' A letter I from Curaeo l West hides, I under date of October 2.'3 , , states {hit one thosuand six hundred, `lahalel of cot ten NI ere fecentiy. shippt. , d i h . th e. brigs. Ida, and ilaiiot from % ce3z, a i far Now!' lurk ' 1 - ' I lOW E,-Senator Gwit,,Clhottn,-Deh , i l ham and J. Brent Were I,t.''''loilseti.;l t Olll FOrt La Fayette Oil 3101/(12/Yi Ott, #iy ,4 in o g i their parole tint' i to (10 aaty ~a .e t. ,7131tys. tiat l . , itEti;The Union steamer Santee i i . e,ceivF ,f , ti.ael:itnusretdtht:thilenicteodnifSedt:treast'e priva a- liu l S al -Yacht - , off the kat - hot of (.4 a : , atme ,1 the_. ton. .- . • , l i t tiovernment l - - ~ ~,___..---;---'---- I 111°°2(1,(11111,' by Yl . MARRIED—,OM the ith n it., i l.urrlibu "' : ' in. the Rev. 3. lA:Smith, Mr. S. W;BAI MO each',in and Miss A. litat., both of BeaVvt ri t eadvanages • sth L ' agates " troopg .' On the im.t.,by - the same, ;. 3 ,, i . a.gr iii t i. lin t l „ C. IiOVIRY and 46 , .. Ai. B r o.ay„ I 1 . o f . Boavor 10. 1. , I Mil , I _ , • ''a ti the trig a. ' Irelatt an te States I Again wee - bear of famine in IrA il d In , sonie districts the dostitutiiin and suffering is represented to be terrible. Heretofore, when ,the y people of Ire land -were starving, the first and 'meat abundant r'elief. came from this l grest Repnltlie. -Now, while Ireraod;2 Kir., 'fbring the L iliiirol - States is in di itregg,- The harfd -of treason is Uphrto.L2 Great Britain—lreland's persecutnr nerves the treacherous Land: Lit, with .all our sorriw and• sntlering, g kind- Providence has blessed ', I/ S '.n. i; h abundan" harvests; provi,tfons cit: t iii kinds aro abundant. We havr‘ v, spars: and -:if we chonse, l enTl 1 , ..11t , .. 0 the perishing people of Irelo.nci. Ir t ,-:- not do it i ? • It is n fault of Irishmen; if Briti , ll gold sae ins this rebellion .! - I* is do fault -of reined if the rebels reei-. i nft ad ten on{ LI ■ :.L,^ I ME or ast at- haw ter Aeg4- 1 by , .*Ngs )1r: Both.