11 I 11 S. Persse dr, Co. 11 Nbilegate an Retail Deele • tr in Fine GROCEIIES, WINES, LIQUORS, • TOI3ACCO & SEGARS,, It .4350, Carbon If, DIA,3IOND, PITTSB RGII, ♦ 5 D So 164 niDERAL ST. ALLEG' Y, PA ,‘ • Lolk at our Price 4. Alleri. Ground pure, 4 cts. a paper of otte.. t rot, potrad. urn, cents a pound. ' Bed Crirds, extra best qunlity, 25 cents, next 20 Outs. Bakintßoela, best kind 9 cents,•se/d at other ban 12i cents Brouti+ cheaper than the cheapest Better:: we have wide airangeraenta With sorni of the best butter rnakerr tn the coi]. tryind will constanth hare Oli hand a prime arts le of print end roil. • _ Beckoa. ?.est two hoop 16 cents. three hoop -20 coma... , ,Ernehes. tord. chops and +oral) all prices 13.ennn: p t od article 3 find 4cent. II g0..rt.1 Cocking Itaiuens 10 cents,tqure asothei• tinter, 14cellta. Chocointe, 25 cents, I.3citish tauter. 4 cents a poupd. Candy. white rock, ce: • e rock- 22 CoFltmitoda., 9 cents _ Colton Twins, 22 cents a p... 1, d. Cotton do un as. 5 -do lo Concentrated Lye. 16 cents kt, how. CarbOn oil. bent a No. 1,60 cents a gallon or 15 neon! a pnuc3. , Cat dies,lbest maid, 12 cents a pound. Cont.ry Seed; 9 rents a potindt - I Flour, best' Piltsburch Ctlyl ililla inspected. SpoltVngs Glue, genuine anttle,l7 cents a loci tle, attn a brush. . 1 ' GlntiB 'by 10, by the box $1 75.0 r 2 cts alight] du ;9 'by 10,.. do .f1.257 ( kr 3 do 1:1 do 10; b 12. 12. do du or do .0' X10.'19 by 14, do 260 or 4 do „ du .10'by 14, do do or 4 do do Ito In 16, • do . 226 or 8.: do' ' Our 81.i'es to best C . A.' , Bridds, any other size waht4l will be bold Tor 20 cents less on a dol. laiitinon the city price current!. , r. , ,..:• :Brove i ji 4...offee ; me, bilge our. Coffee burnt to or de ' I ahn always burn We best and sell toil Oulu!: 'pound ” . i . 11 .--- '• Cigars,. °lumen, 20 cents a hundred. 1 Cigais, half Spauisho 45 bents a hundred. .2 . Cigii . best extra half itstiish, 75 cents a hu dyed. • ..' i Club, ".lUratige and Lemon,. 8 cents for a . I' potted. - • . I , ! . • 1 C lovOle, l ground, 20 cents a poaad,'or 2 cents anr i Onince. .i • - .. ; . eliad w hole .16 cents a - I:vound. ' -I . Cand, ea, Opal: best Cincinnati, 1$ cents.! same as Others charge '22 i •I , . , Cheelje, best Western . Reserve. 12 cents." • Collet" Felix'a batract,4 Colima paper of 4 pa p-rs 14. cents' ' . . 1 Cilitjimon, ground, poree9 cents. perk Potind.l Et- lino Dry Tobacco, 10 cents a p..un4 j," Gibe era,. Water;, best, kind,, 6 - cents a 'pound, Sugar, ~" ..! 8. " 0 . 1 . . Butter, .4 i i . s. . . . IL 1 ILL i ' 1 4t . 11. j‘ Soda, -.Bfasin's Biaokiug, 2 cetil r a box, ar ts 22 cents' LI. .en. II abun's 818 cki ng, _I arse b i ze, 4 cents a i box, or 441 Crutri a dozen. I iCioleir'si B,trup, 64 cents al gallon. • i )..alillts. best Philadelphia, large boxes, 5 for 5- ;e6t.s. .latch;C) 6,. best. } gross, containing 11260, for ri ce7-+ . : I Powlor l al Sugar, best kind. 1 . 2. i and II Cents. • Pep er.. whole, 12 cents i pound. . • . - Bic ,hi tents a pound, 1. •'. I rI. Rai 'loc. bebt box Layere 18 cents a patind.. Sto 1- Blacking large pavers. ..4 cents .oati. Pali in.email sacks fir t a ble toe; B•Lialtit. ; Sal ' White and clean, bY 'tire quart, 2 quarts. lnd .. black. 26 cents a Pound. iin ' ryelluw Scotch. 22 cents a pnund.! Si/ ar, \ of all kincll, lesig Wait any .Otifer store, 80, 11.1wa'stking, two pounds for 9 eents,l : Bt i oh, best\--1. No - I, 8 befits a pouud.l - Eta cq, Silver Gloss,' in . papers, •10 -!cents a ' ound. .\' • I ,•• , I ShOlders, lowebtinarlitit price.' ' I , loy iceLt Tell 48 Cents a pound; ~ • • ! . Sefr•erity .fiie cenil-Tesi`64 cents. • • • ! Tuba; largest size, two Coop, 80 cents.! , 'lnlaid largest size. tbreeinops,„Bs. .! .. ~. .'llibe, menium, 65. -,. ,1 .\ . •! - I I TTtit..B: M_ail, 55.. ' .• - f , \ Tilboeto, brawls, 30 cents r.. poiind or 5 waft a Iplug, , • .. I Notural Leaf Tabacco, 40 cents a pYkiit'od. 13itiinc..re : 4 1.un."R01l ariew-nrtieleiu :this mar - 11 1.. t., 35 cento a pound, 6 nerds a plOig ; 'try' In plug . • . . ' \ • 1 . Tobacco, Baltimore Twist. 28 cents.a tiound‘ • :\ H Tunacce, best loo.g Leg. l fur smoking, 10 cents b,l : put , nd. • • • -- -• •I • Tobacco, Baltimore Twist.• 4 cents a plqg qr 83 Ipouts a pound_ 1 ~____. ... • . . .T.seks, , cao•pet, 4' cents o paper. 1 • I .. , rn i oround.o. loves., It, Cents It pound ;• -., , Ungroun., t Molder:on. EL:t cents a p..iinti. lit it , nod l't•prt-r, I'2. Cytt a ta a pounili I • 1 4.4 mind Allspice, I i:: • et,.L.s a pound. • ' ! N , -it ego.r, 10 ctrlitt-a 'rtiltat, best' 14 -cents a' ', giti.oll. ' . . i - '.asstiosvis. 2 ,-, ~ .0t,... -'• I ! 11**qou Gi (-use: ii' , f.,.! . 5..i-ured-hy Joha Wi'cos. 4 ii4.l.,tt, Zl, - - 2 cents fur g j petitutieatTe. , if• • . . 1 or .1. 1 .:: ;5 ~ ‘•?., i-1,. .• I 1 I •Guto Cami l le i...:-. c, , r,le an 0ut5.?..8. , ' I: , J, STtoi.e Rare an-i ~ i ..e.- - 3.- i ... cents a, gallon: Is /S'i I tpetre; --2.o'costsa !pound, same li/ ethers* 11. charge 25.. 1 - • • I • I - -L. " -- ' • ...Efibutu Saults„ 8 centsb pound. L- 1 1 „f . C, no Starch, in pound papers, „Hl` eenti , A' . ..- li paper. • - -. ,! . .- I .I . ! Extract of LogieCod, best lifild, itcpairerboxes c 120 cebts -a pound, - '. I ” , I •' ,' • .6r. übil Ninstard, best: English, 8 - cents pe l r t iota ui dor 3u cents per pound , 1 - I. - i f Binh g . stritiked,7fi•bilies, 5, cents fOr 12 i '1.414 - ceeu..9 cents a pound. ' -1 - :4311 . gar - Cfarect Ihied Beet, canvassed 131 cents* Ipound.. - ,• ,- , . !hear Cured Canvas's . Rams, - verb nice; 14 Ilcents. . - - - - 1 - A _ .„ p5 1 ,,h, beet White. 6 eints a ' pound I ,L. sh best Ever, No; 11Nlickerat, intopected; Cuts a pound. -. . • - - ; ! • i . sh, best No. 3, Large* i Iliekeral,r7 ceni - pound. . . . , : 1 • - s ' 8 uund Ginger . LI . cents a pound. I. ' - - ,` tra 'nice, White Sugar, only lO oen• • Ipcund. • 1 0 . , • I .6; cd.Cottoei Batting, No. 2, only 11 cen, - , pound. . Cotton Batting, No. 1, 13 cents a Pound. 1 liE HIGIIiST ' PRICE 711 CASH P !0 COUNTRY - ERC H ANTS, • , UR Call lull see us, before, pu r robasini.—= he above is our retail prices; we sell ebeapei wboieetaa, but oily for eseh. i ittmember the, Great Cheap Gre=. veil! Denses t 1 14/0. 11 DIAMOND , PITTSBURI And -1(16 Feceral L St., Allegheny ) ABOVE THE MARKET HOU ss.lili.s." - uri'l.‘looey'reci , irea P ngoodo kept at there,ettabli*fittlems Misr TIMi, 044 , BiIIOGEW'%TER 'CLOT .N - 1 . i i E`. M Pi .0 It 11 U M'- 1 • ... 4 --,--: 6. , 1 1, . FRESH - - 41tftaVA L. , Spring' olifll Summer 1 1 GOODS.. - ; FINE CASLUERES FOR PANTS, I ~' 0.1-0' HS FO CHATS, VESTINrif. TRIAIMI Gs. &c., act. i. WM. Ri: L-1. - : 1 . I • I MPRCIOtNi AILOR, I . 1 30. 2. • Stelwitst's fttm Bridgewater, ' t LARGE supply of itdy-‘tade 'Clothinß L ei. Imitable - for the tiviao , kept cortatantiy on ' and; elm a carefully selected - stOck of PieCe Oorfts,-lOr euetoin 'tV.l-kta., All kindi of garments made in tbe;nr l) t et anti ni , i4 sub etanitiat manner, and On ri te-d ra frt. 1 Cii I{I3ES. iq `HATE.'VO trinr 416. 1161 - ? WM. RICH. Dithridee's Oval f. Chimitfl Which the' heat witl tot FO r at Dr.l • r - i - - • • 77 1 7 Are' 3-nn annnt•eil 7 ir, Rip the [i_htc.inß 9r iiins the Lightning FI,I For bale at Pr. , . • 4re:yriutrning.to make tee , inittlp of I:xi - Fact Li 'kOi_koottle of Extract cif Foe oaleqit ler !lave you Giorrhea S.j Get tirown•r ;FaNenceror, J. iy Bro wa Beset:co: of J ; Power & Co's Diarrhea !An Power 8t Co's Diarrhk 'An - ; or Jaynws arininatire Tialaam Japie4 - Barmiriative Bat am 'At Dr. Minias Drug ! ik =la i------ , ~ Iv,' W DRUG STOor, IA friVtit i jus t in the r "it NIINIS. has o p i ne d ant - stye, 11l r .nni fil.rmerlt'netto pi ell tic, R. ' IteCr+em „„ 4 'Lai d 'street. three driors ahtive flarclay's j4, , 1%: . ,in extensive eesortment of Drugs, Paints 1., . , 'mite, Dyestuffs, kc Sic. j He would say ',to 11 1- - '- l'HYgCt‘Ni i . 1 that haying been trigapd in the preacrifition , Bo•dnesifor sometime past, , hem enablepo Of- . fpr the most complete isnl varied stock of me 'haunt repel-salons ever hrOuglit into the tionti 1, ty, which lie will sell at thr loweSt cash peiceS, that the same class cif sioodg can be bought fdr in Pittsburgh or elsOwhere. IsiOthing but Iper -1 , , fectly puie An ii ft.eels Drop will be kept in the eetaiiliehinent. By an! as ritngeinent with Cart; w ight and Young.: any desires Surgical ;Id strunituts can be foils:shed at their own pricge. The attention of 'the i 21 —• 1 1 • r LIDIEn j is called to the 6te.: atisortin' eta 'of lane,. Wrti -1 cli4a, Perfereery, Fine Soaps. Brushei, Toilet Articles, &c ., &c. ' While! to the ~ 1 I i.„. 4., , - . ' fr MAI IL 1 ÜBLic - ; - 1 . , . - here is offered a good variety of Paints, Oils; Dyestuffs, - Carbi.n4ltl Llmpa, Patent Medi -1 tines. choice Tobacco and Cigars, Ste , Sco: 1 1 its Everything will bel , kept usually found in I well appointed Drug St tres,prvl will he sold* as] cheaply as they can In had anywhere in Western Pennarlvani e.. , [Sept. 19, '6O To the Farmers of !ham a , - Lawrence Counties. . . , . .. _, - :• 1 1. qIIIE underSign•A beingthe p 1 -only anthorised I agent for the este ofhe I•BuckeyelßettP ing and Nlnwing Michines" in Beaver, and Lawrence counties,' takes pleasure in recant mending this machine•to the notice of the far mer. The! unparaliell , disop+s which has at tended the sate of this ambling since its intro duction is t alone sidifieievt to recommend alto the.faramr, • Enquire of Jour friends whit Inive purchased he tiee,w hat I hey have to sitylab , lnt it, I will he at the l Conet House in Reaverdn ring the June term with lour - ma - Chine; eci that g,,pnon,•wiibitia to; ritirchmie e l an see for them selves; alisii in. New t'astle . .luritig their term of Cour . t. I I would Also mintion fanners not. ; to Amrcease from any oilier person in the !shove •territery, Who mty I represent th'emseliesl ac agents as, no.o:lier i hoe tie right to sell l I would _abut nail the Attention 0 housekeepers to nue_ 1't1(/K _and PAB.LOR stofres: irl:ide, at Salem, 0,0). whic,S for anperh r-el , ellenlce, cheapnes.' and neatness .01 desigo, are., not equalled in any market • Simples of a I the above 'articles men he seen at my Pstherls — res idence near Dsrlington, All •cotinuunicatiim .• by mail - promptly noted: - I ',i- II 1 t I I, K. 0..C00R1 %celr.t,l I A. COLE, A esititnit. . , • t. ti linitt,m..i' N. 1 "!'Y 8 18.4. , l_ . Lawrenc. Journal col : It 1. - .....1:44 and eetid .ill to tuis: office. .1 • ' l• nr.efivitr:4ifl,';••i, AI rpm! k , .` , .. i I L)ETF.A. ANGEL thus notifies the people II . --thatlhe keeps a 'general n.ss..rttne it' of the shove article,, at Prown'ti, 1)1.1 Stlttid, bridge stteet, Bridgewster.lwhi b he will I s l II lol i: ,tor ces , h. He: hopes - hy attention Itol. bu-i neus to be patroilitd 'liberally by hi:4,16'4 , 105. , Ile i'lso keeps A !No. I (1) j :-.or 4, receive. dk Prectly hysexpresS from Baltimore; slr'Uch !Min be Lad by ibe'Com,l ji,;;lf -ea!, or P , •04 - jot" 1.,!11 in‘and uiskp - our scqu al/lance l and I we wilt give yui.v.,bs l rga i nis. • I' - ' I a • l 'es;. \l - ' PETER ANGEL Dec.' \_ 1 i • ii I . i())1) . ' riow 1(). , ,1 utorky i RE 4.. Oa E 1) 1L Tt'T PFRLISIieD, is ks.EALEIIp ENVEL lq . OPE: on the nature. -tAirtnent,j aid.' ri;tdi sal cure !of Syvrintitorrlicee, -. tir=flol4llllB,l WrlliC• nese, Seitial Oehility. iNervousvt€ss - iind invol untary emissions, iuducinir irnpoten* laud Mentol and Phi - Sisal ncapacity, .1' ...\ I By ROBT.,IJ. Pl' AVERWEEII,;, Ai, D -1, , Author of the .. reen atiok,..r &c. , . 1 The wnrld-restoltned author: in tins admira l:oe Lecture. cletrly i) vesirom_ hil i nwn expe rience that the; ajorfutrcousequences- nt Self*- nbm-e- 11 , ay be effects removed witi?out med icine •and - withdut dangerous surgical opera tions, bOug es, instrntients rings or' cordials, peintiog out a 'Minis of . l ure 'ar once' certain and effectual: by 'Shish every eufferer, no slag ter whit his cntidition -nay be, may cure him selt ciappty. priiatily avd radicaPy.l, This, leo iiire will prove a 'boorkto thuunands anti thou _ SaLas, i . • 1 1 1 ' Senn- under seal .'--- -J ---- 00 the;receipt of driesing Pr. CH., 1. y ,e. box 4,4 N .. , I i A Tu , . ,1, ...... N. . Ri , , Has Just ROccired one Of !tltii l'Arg, est and Best oneletted , STQCX OF FALL GOODS 1 1 _,.. ilVkli BROUGHT iII.ITO TIIIS COUNTY -4J 4.14 Brom the *cry tiniest Broad *tint and Sat ins down to tba coarser qualities,, which he is irierniiiied to,:iall CtiIiA.PEP 7u411 THE CITEAI'&IT. .), i - • II 1 • , 1 Also, a LA.R9II/ SELECTION .of; lii 1 ; i ! , / . i i , . rail il.at andhCaps i„ Tetiona 'Wittig to ailthase will do well to call and amnia', hi !weltfora I huyirg elsewhere ipar B 1 1 1 iroanber eh, lad :, T Street. sign hi : of_,the *lllO 8AT.".491 1., -• [ .Beiter, Augatit.29. - 1860• - ICITAbIBEItIJIN ac , CUTFL ON I3BIiTS Att.dneys and ooursellors•Ot 'Law,: ' .offic - on Broadway, [ lad do or below .t t r in k Bona Netr BrhiliNns.; i [141,10 I I 1 11 B, a TM i , MEI ilia r Laws, T r broak. Drug Stare . . Killer. • !, Kilkr.. %hula' t rug Store round mon nr .tunninr Millis. Drug Stipre twtt!e. of ni. 181 Ginger, Oiuger, I dote; doret SIEI - tiny address, pnst-Piid. twoipostage stamps. by'oul- I. G ILtNK, 127 r BBoweryB6. r tra i ti,•6l. N. FIE OAI'HARTAO Are ~--.- yen , Mei . . fivbl l . 4 and romplaiii MO _,Ans you out of order, with"; your. ry.timet - de ranged, andW your foelimis on coutfistable) 1 These .ye lp tams are often the 7 to swims illness. Some St ot sickliest' is creeping to you, and.ebould ,be armlet by a timely Nth.e pr the,eigut rem edy. tal..,Ayeei 1111;"‘ and cleanse one the, disordered kr meet purify-411e blood. and . let the flu* more onlinob, strutted iii health • . again, They Wombat. die finitions of the. beiliiiito vlsorcluit se- , ' 'deity, purity the system Trom the obiaructioris which': make lewhere in the body, and_ Ste um: Theie4 if cut relived, ' die, inimaintling orgar..!pro. lion. i angering.' and dierme. ;wowed by the 'deistigernennt, -.-howl directly', they restore die item..and with it us, twoyant wii.e. le true and so apparent In complaint. I. alas true in:many ngennw vital pert. The same u. Caused bY ,diullar chortle.' the maned function. 44 tha • 4 many of them "wily: cured who know t SI virtues of thine 4 them sloth „suffering - from _._.' i .. • —,.. l ois I,”m ~,..-__ yalcutniti In wane of i li a , ,Ph principal ' Cities; and; fivin other . well Manta public per. mutt ' . - 1 . ' , ' !I 1, . 1 , Prima neerdirp . fikrehaid of St. Lin* sib. 4, Ififid. alit: Da. `AT dt: Tone Pills 'are the tartuion of all i that his . rmat In Medicine. They hareCctirei My little dinghter ' or uleervar 1.14V11 mien her %cols and feat that hail Proved- ilicor.ibleifiw year.:. her usither litistseen long vier-. on.le attlietod with/ , lidelne. ind pimp!, illi her skin and ht h.•` huh.. After! our 0 4 / I 'l WWI C 11444 she duo trued! your Pil and 114 have cur.:4lller. ', . - • ' • i , ASA ii,fitultllitlfKill. . r A. oe. Fatuity. Phynio. I !I. • • . ?Om /r.. h. , Ir. I hd.rr.ht,l.4o Oricatril l , . ,i ' Tour Its are the priory of pinges4 Their excellent qualities litinum iviy catlntrtic we peyote.' They am mild. lint • very certain and e Rectum] In their actl*on the i bowels,- , doh Makes them invaluable 16 us Iti:the daily treatment of di.cmcs. I 4' Illadaelee,Blekileadeehi,Vonlitianataell, 1 - k''''s hr. Ailword,hoyd,'Phdrieiare. tittsll.o. Arta-'I cannot *miser yap what plaints : I hem. c .with your Pill. better than to say offited Mt ere,. trod with a pargraire orwiiirine...• 1 Own great dope*. den •ti on neffectind cathartic' In my ditily canted with dissues. 'Wring as I do that your Mille agora pa th e r beat-we ire; . orcoursit'ealum these highly. . . 1 1 i ' ,4 . Prnsimin. Pa., flay 14 1 i5 1 1. . . ' Thu . J. C. AT?. . ISIr: T have been repeatedly lonred o f the worse...wick:ha any body run Litt. by, a doed or Iwo of your Pills. It ioomna to in'se faro a foul :el • which they elem.'s at once, .. .' ' q , [i - • , 'Yours with great respect, 1 . ET/. W. PERIL .. . ! . . t Clerk ol : Steamer arniall. I ... la Disorders—. Liver, lacomplalnits. Onv Dr. Theodore Erlt; of ono Turk Cry; . . I ly are your' Pills manila-ably Salsirited to their pm% aperient. tut f find their beneliciabeffects upon ,- rety welted Indeed. filet have in my prat:- .4 , .; , ,,,iirttrotual for the cure Of iiiinar'er* au ally one remedy I cau mondial. C11111C1,407. lat we bate at length.* purgallve with:tits woo oubdinicol of the profession and thy I , i ..... ' i, an:PAK-011M 07 Till INTlllioa., 1 ' • ' •• . • Washingtou, D. C., 7tl, Feb., ,11311. , , SIRS ir ISTol2elii yOur rills. In lay general and timital practice Per pilaw you mane diem, inni?munid. he tate to say they hre the best cathartic we employ. Tbetr!regu. lining adtton Lin the liver is, quirk and decided; cones -guently lie, are aif admirable remeilifor derangements of that organ. lhaved, i Luse aeldoni, found edam of b.tious dutose co 4b, t i Date that It did nit retoliti !yield to them.. krideruilty yours, I AL0.N74.1 BALL, Id. D., • I ilryer'ciair rithe L arrwor flopief. 1 bro tery,t Olawritcro, Iteies, W 012111• .' . - tire. .. Dr. J. G.. (Iran, !a . 6 ~allr• ft fi 1 ' . Tour Plll4 hare hada long trial In My pniellee, awl I hold theta , in macro as one of the bestaperiebta I hare ever found. Their aiiterat ire effect opals the liver tuakes them iiii,excelleni routed, y-. Where given In "mall dome for t,1.-sr dysenterii, mull di‘irrhow. 'their sorti-coating , makes themmi eery - accepthble, d conieutent oil the use. of woninti and children. • • ; •• .11 ': ' DyOpepale, Trapnell) , of the Blood. ..• Prom .1. r. J. V.Oineei;, thew. qf Adrini. Chstroi, bodart. lii,.A al: I Vase u .. 41 year Pills With extraOrdinaty succor my fluidly and emoug those I tun called to visit • In diet Tot resillate the organs, of digestion and purify die blooihAliey ere the eery beat remedy I bare , ecce known, hod I can confidently iiiirocutnendahetis to . my-trieada.." • i ' ; Yours, :..i '.li - r.,111)188., . . I WAIIIiIW 4 WyorninirCo., N.'s:, ilct. 'l4, 1865: Dela fix: I sits using your Cathartic I ills lap) prac tice. an find them an excellent purgative to cleahseths' aroma : d pant!! the Auntaisis ed" flit Wad.: .. :::. - • :: 1.11.11LX - 0. MP ACHA4; M.D.' : 1 - : • Cons Ipallan,Costlieineao. ) Ruppeosalon, Itlsionatfora, Gout, NeurplgifylProp. IlYt.,PorolYa Is, Flta,• etc. ;2, ' : : • • i0,,,,Dr.t.i. pl,riw g i o n, llytterrid, Canocl4. • To.. Mocis callimt be raid of your pille for the curs of oatieceirss. If 'Utters of our haternlt,y hare Inind. them • a. efficacious am T here, they, sboidd loin me In proclaim- int: It for the . binefit of the multitudes who Suffer from that cotoplaiut. Which. altlo.laglibral 'enough In itself, is the pmzenitor el others that are , worse. 1 bidiere Mi. tiemeM to originate in! the Urer,but your Pills affect that orzina and mire Pie all...eine. i' 1 • '-.. • . .. -., . . p r „,q Mr.r. r.„Loliort, Pfoiricfim arid Afidgefe, Brelf.fel. 1 the',ono or Om r.trzerlo.c. of pine Pills. taken tit. the prolo, km«. :0 ex.i.•liont pr. loot isl. , '4lCthe sinthrof here; ti ' eit.‘i ten a le.11; •ir 'pal ii:illy wippr:-'..' W.,1, med. , . also Teri / effcctuld to , t ,, ,iiv,ti., ~ , ,,,,,,o, and' ern ,71.4 th 4. v Thrf Cr , -.'.. 11•.11. it"; 0 - ,:•.t phy;Lic we. lotr.i that I recommend no sill •r of toy joti..litt , .. ' ' 'if I ' r [ . 1 , • .e li.r. :Dr. itiO,..s,:!fiim .WlthiAlist 14.1,. Chirirl , , I Pt 14!F1 Ifor- r: Soratitoili.:fla. Yao46, 1114.0. [ 44iit! - T1 Sim: I sle.uld 1.1 unoidefol foritba roller ;kill ',twin ought nie . if I, did net report ply case' o • I A 'cold 4.4 tied, in me limbs and bheight?, , on smog -1 r Itlffl7 , Nic pu•, , s, which ended' In; WI 6 rrooc rfiensia i ~ Noin'it,i,taildlng I bed the 144 of plij,lionans, the i! • groer w orms nod wOrr.r• until be the ~,,,iioe oryehr tilt...renni , Pelt Moire. Dr Mai'ik.4llzle. ill , tried pair .-I'e.. ;.I. 4r i-, sac. r• .!.m•.i.1111.1rr4 Ity!porserering ,i. !v.. r tit;,:). I :Int zi: w • iftir.llell. I . .. !..f..fv /ITC ( . 4147itnitli. Prit..4 I:4.ilizt, ii 113. 5 ..IFf,.: Dr. *Ten: 1 h are ' Ewen 'orairole onr.ol. 1, ~ar Nof g, 1 1 ..., r I, , ,,oirtir G"iii --a painfid disease tl,,q had 1 iffileirA n.g. t r.y.lorir. i' !. if VINpINT SLIDELL. try- I t • •••W•M'et nr, the Pill. iin 'noirket crini.,in. - 1 61errovv. ~ iit..l ) ,', although is:viiimitii• reni-iivlin: skiltill Land.. is iiiiret:irllf, • in '1 pieolle pill, fr-in lisp; dro.inful co:1:i , qi]...ON that fp.itiently ( hll-te ff.. , intltforei!;ulie. Thcse tout 1:!. na L tneirory or ininerol tinio•tpii 'o wniterer.. .' Pr g -- -. '5 - ciente per Bee, or:51Iloxoe foe $l. Pre. ti t NI bra:l r. S.C. ATEA l ' I, air)' Lliico l i s 4l' .• , 1 - ..ii , t, hy• I) • %111.th4 jr.. re e l 1 lo , .019., ~, !;. , cl4;tr-r; %%.,i'ggoller $ ; Loa:et Ad . 1;1, ..i. Nichol.. itivien; .0...: Norge dennn i 401141 . .111itck4 I.hilitigtiin, era evert' where. 1 = 'Net mores n the Live liar. prO pheitiLe tre up , the GO nor %- y tii riatin iBSIII. ex .11 1 1.t1,._ 1 •• i • • •17.- !---- ---i 1 1 0111EIUS:TAKE'..NO,' --- 7 ' 1 •, JAMES *SI TE. A.'illv - •. t I \ 17 eillervil l ' t l i et 7 I 1 B Agent dor the Bale of .1111 i f i he cro ' I of Hn-hanlry. made at the .A. RI.4'ULTIJR Ak4lWt 1 Cleveland , ' 1 \ • --- phip,, , , 1 ti nget which. are Wtiod's por t a"! it - Aril's, Light %tower. •HO hafd . tti er:,ll;ibbuid's !leaping Atinchnie 1 Lena Sr. (7o's Star grad Orid 1 't • lout Grtme Seed Sow e r. ellsviile. ‘stmie itith, ItiT .1 Am Uu ?In win P. 4 . ON ... iiip. F(2 Market Eitre . ' l t, - :- i =b l.ttiglCVOLV h,. i l, i. Are now opening a largemnd ;Well selectei rs'El. - 5E- GrCOC:piaSiß, . •! - -- ~ c , ha mg been.hought at A0( '101.1 F ltleEd,, w will'dmiose the tame at AN),i t ;half lho origid CO T. 1 ' , 1-I f 1, , ' 1 Fmk' 50 cents to any Otetredl price. FR.CNCH .111EfiINTOS - , . From 50 Cents to pny theeitred ;twice.. . :LO Ki 81. SHAWLS, , - A lame stock from *2 00 and tipwards Icths Cattsirneres, Boy? wear.! Flannels ,en Giusls, bbeetings and Shining! ai Ter 'prtces. , II f, , 1 hose in aunt of cheap Dr y goods shon;d n .1 to giye us a call: ; , ' I t 1 1 PiSiiPaLliT LAW: -, 'IIE !Pamphlet Laws ofi l IF'enniyiyanis f thelyrer 1861, hare 4es •reclivell at .t I oth.optary's office. and nte i , po4 reedy fl rery; to those entitlea toi,ri.criat their' . erkid. , 6l • 31 4El' AND, Pro. ----- JII t• - R./ : ING EXTRICTi. 1 . , , L- , 11;, , I1 Vioili 'ROSS. Strawberry, Raspberry, 4 3: - 4aga,..it 3 ' a 311/11V Drag mkt *I. t. 1 1 ' 1 t 1 . t ` fi 1 I WZ;11 "-it - s- 'r. ,tok t s+ ' . t .ft e. eti . g . or 'p — , , of 8k ...1, Anb.n. N. Y. : ! th e Rev. B; ; L Ashore 8 6 1 1 0 4 ; 1 41; " tiro:.EeT- S ki ' !11,14 r,' New -1166forNtiait ;, ,th• sfrV .l ‘ ' 1 11 1 - Cooferettellt ,t 1 , Re% Semoe RI ' Cooterettoe, N. Y. , the Rev. P. 6 , u thett. , the t: e 4ti V ocii es„, t. . ai 11' " 0:415... . ib i t:Lon. L R 6? t e' D i alli o rit ie tril , ; ln Pte•tlitite,_4 A4l " : °entre Retephreke, filif: j a r. ; Weary ilk k, 164, 6of' Of littAirtt The Ohlo Mute Joe Columbus, CIIII • the Wont. ' . 1 4,t'am. ililoalltai t 0:4! Hon. Thomas „cliase;;•ll,i,ll. crud, ria.;,.l the Hong Saseph Benedict, thea,N. T. ' sfros. Briathl, Weej Cues, N. i'.: A. 11 . Neel. -, Utica,', N. T:; / Moir*. Dog, • 1.0691%1et Teen , f ' 1 ' ' 6 1.-Por Vow, o;ngestiowand Indanitnation. i * No. 2.-thir Winn Ilever, Wane . Calle,Wettini the std.. L i i.tr VISPECIFie itetkplic4. r t sire Fiat-For Collo, Crying, Toethlng,lathd Willett/In:No of tints. : I I . 1 •_1 _": ;,. i til 1 No. 4.-Il r ' oh Chokes Ipriam, and tiontiner Codplalntl. : i .' ; • 1 I : _ No. ik, r Core, dap, Dysentery, or Loodyi pit:#.. i No: e.-ir r mi. Cholera Norbos, ,torni ir. 1,, • ;:Ho . T. Copon,'o3ol4li, Infltrensit, on 4 Threttf. : No. 8.--itor Torth.sethe, Pace-ache, ana , Neonshrla. ; - Na. 9. 2 +P or Head he,;Verthro, , tirst ant Fitilneat of the We 11,, j j l'_. ! ; I - 1, ! 1 • %I ; n. 10.--,Drerars s i ll rit.l22--Por Welty. 'and E . Nniegrad f / gto iteh, , (l4nstiOnti n and• Liver Conp•lnint4 _ , i I 0 , 11 ...4. % !rem leareet.tarcles, &intl. Mira*. lee ea pres2e l / 2 1Periods. 1 ", ' LI 1 ~. . ...i 1 n. 1 0 Leo rhea; Profuse Menseso and Dearing Di, n of, Fetimitis. _. 4 . I I WI No:lg.-For Cr'... , boars.. Cough, Breathing. , I fro. 14. 2 ,-Ratmi Rll 31 Pll.44l+For g pelts, Erylons, Pimples oh the' _,* ', , , _.: [ , 0 I ', I 4 , 4,0.11..„,,,,,Th0e.—F0r Pal: j teem,'" Ka: , ' BNe In that, Boot, 1.0!no. or mote. i •1: I 1 , 4L-piai revei .t id Aioe, Chill ter ~ DwfaV AP.; l ia r n 4lOr pitl, gu iellar,iiieattng,,iniartial,oltate4oll. 0.-for Sore, We or Inducted 15! es and,. sends ; , ,fall 14, Weak,loe D Sled. LI ~, ; p.=-.,rot rtarrn, loine standing or tacell. either Milt oietruetion or prof discharge. 1 4 . l4 • .• 1 11 I V'. C.-Fur Mita I. I: Cough, sbattzoi fns violence, was , Ith rtenids Its c, u rz. 1 ..... , l' ! d 1; I • allirnute tie .... such as Fever; Ofl'anonofinee,- Di rrhea','Dyser orri . ;ll24inli, Rheumatism. aunt Fuld, Crap :llv diseases /12 4 11 lel EtICY, NICI.IIIeII, 1t34 Cr3sipelni, ibe ,:t antrautar cif givin re 'doper remedies iirtolindly is Ob- al , us . and in all, su h eases th e 'ordinanet4liiie a Flinn* The entire ithease o ten arrested aen c 0,.. A .1 in sill eases Da violence of the i.acit'42 nuaterated, the fliseeito,o , ,oet.' i t toed, and rehdeiredlepadanncroos, - 14 1 . jeam: ' r • ('ougha and 0 1 ,44 lintel 'are of Pooh fret/0e t occurrence, anti wh i ch I:: fillet', lay the foundation of d II limes, brooch ds dt•onilviort, way, sit be at duce ironic! by the Iftverend ough la , - ~' !, ~ i. i t in all chronic diseases, smelt as DysiOepsia, Weak StetPaub, C. , 47.stlialthr , n,l4 a rer Camelailds, Pars; Vern, ity ialejDebtl, and Irregularities, o, d Headaches, Sore or Weak leiyes, Catarrh,.' Bail Rheum, and othefuld eruptinusithe easel has Ispicilla allose {miler iiiiillicalloh alll afforit ere In alre.iist every • duJt prieh nre. thn cLur;e of a single liriitile IllAktiltyisuelt as iltyspriaut. p,lio •'r l Catarrh, Head , che 'or "emelt. Weak /elm, has More thou; Paid for the case ten times over. ', IL iltiVE. ! - f 'C'' rge o e f 2') v o l f al l o cr,..l:: ,: e soi. te . :i . : ppp in cei o n i r l ix greipi e: s. , z all n:i d o B br, d; i k ci . i. , l ' , ... t i. .. 5 .: 5, C seta 241,vial , amlBook„ plain - 4. 1 :. 4-• • 1-• 4 , ..... . 4 C eof 181ottailsered box esi, 1111.1 1100 k.. ',....4 .. .0... .P... 2 "C se of 6 bogri, otoliberett, and Cooke .1.......... ',....... I 81 4gle num ber t heV as, aith dig-rolling- 1 - ... . . P. 6 cents. 81 gle lettered one s' shit direetiona,. .. ',C. -45 0 cents: 1 f. 11 f'oa Asir at to Pe l rstsuo.-Opprelard,lpttiqulitlLal)o4.l i: nthing, atm. etolja , ith Cough awl di.ii i iretoratina.. price, acids per b i n- 11„ ' „.* Itat liss fir. a• It ea All'll DK. IMMO; 1111111111(elyIfIlM sne Vtr, th b ' rod .of Si-nrlet Fevsr, 3iensles,thr. sleteitrisils F r Noir:10 Its tit !lend, 11nrill . wie of Ilearittgi al Kioffii l .B In the F:111 i, 111111 Eailaette. Price, fart cents kr 4 .f, , • Woat Selthre4.-ko larged Glands, litolarged andlllnffurat ad Torunts l it% ellirwir ,1111.11131,1 rfernl,6eroftilos Carl ea bf -1.1111,1reni..1 Prier, no 'Feta& per box .. ..1 1 ,1 .1 I. '1 4. Frot CI Nast Duitten.-Ploysleal or Verson, Weakness. Either the ' , , remit of 4irkness., Esc we lelljaticib, or Ka heustlne Olschergrel Price, 50 cents bias'. I ~ • , 4 ~,, DarlsEr.. l --Pluid accumulations, tuill,lttrellings, on Scanty Seesgt m os. Price, 5 0 cents Ilsr 4 . 1 .1•' , 1 1 !Fos Ills. 4• 3664---flanst/dy Sickeess f 'Vertigo Vomit/mt.! flicitnese ftom riding or nioth n. ?rice . Or box. i T i 1` , 1 1; •, , i int Cam" Dirat -IPor Greed, Renal Elul D'fli• • It, Painful rinat, Diseases of the Kidney', pi , . iso s nta per 1 1,01%, • ..• ' 11 1 __, ' l i 1 • Yllll f4Ylillil4 Pas fournts-involurnitry llisehargest and 1 dise•thent Pinar" lt,n and Debility, Rad li.estiCs bf Rvil I stilts. tie tort eeemful 11.011 enlcient ,retriedyinosm, and may h e r lied upon as a cure Price tents roll direr.- 10110, $I I-cr ot. 1. 1 1 1 4' i'' the 1 - - Persona ch stsb vo plate.thcmselvesion.r e protes t omit care, 0 to pose . advice of ,tin P414.716 ners, tan do 10, at his. mne 504 1ir011411 ,1 1,Y, ;114 from Cg.3yto,s PM.' vby letter. • ' 1 1 s 1 1 , 11 . 1 !.. 'I - , 1 , ' CICR i RF.Mlit D11 , ,Z Bt Mans r 1 i , 1 1 1 , ' he Ist ; mate up a ase , :of 1 Shat kind you 105.. 1 the tnnount In F. current note or anthill r Jvhdreas, at No. he?, Broadst ay,. iea•York Joe ad, be duly retOrned by .flail Or express, i. Hl' , I ,• - 1 ,• ir i ; .1 101TY.A.:.--We desire lin ',active; ellleient Agent ow . ; Item., iieS li. wily town for ri , uimunity Slat.,a Are... Dr. . ll I' tt 01 R 141 1 'll & Co. : , v.,. :41.t Nto;Aorr,kr Mcai-roes i • I ~ ) 1. 1 ~. ~ , 1 " 1 1: .1q h,. 1 1,.. 1 1 I' ; 1 : , 1 1, I. i ~. i , .: ~ 1 , ,,,.. 1 ,!. m ~, 1 %..sp ,, i; ;:„ ttsq.is hi lirion II& CH int'ed ~ i ni? fr.),,, l'a 1/11r14 p 1 Will., i .111:11. Lifr"l' Ntjw . o ~11,, , .;I 7 , ):f •tiAr-h; .• • r, • ,i .. ~ •, • • ~,,,,,,,.w, •,, . i i.•, „ -, i i , • ~,, t 1,,.,,,.: id tl Vi fret. oi. anonln fi lly i" enritt nOlir few:4 l . i ir-li trees, ni 'f Ow iteet ionlitil t+' . nhltit 'll'i : fi;;;P aert4 i of n r , , • .1 vett.. and n 8 lII' VP 111.11'11 1.1% 1 1 4,11.CP Ot ir ; mtr stoile all.ll'ilith'eT nti•tiql with I frond, Sprippt. , trn I , 4 tint p I intilenttonn, mad its yito : I.ttlit of no 'Oil ir.ll l• ti Vl,l ,l lingi ho' rtucho. f 4 eFoontie for the Oise 1 Oil ,tittti Kektedyl‘ ew , her ,l n C h i Pri..ew'l IP ' tstt)) Look corer et, wild ii Sy mall erht the meal.' free 'chare. r snit. P , f I , the Cu tel It f' -u .irri . , L wr ncv tit fp! 1,14vi,1t , ~ an. 1111131 FOI ,v. , rit'rtl, I 1,1 :., •ic:riz.. , _ •-' • 21 4 , ' 7.,t• ,:. IV 1)1;:i',1n1 l[•0 1• +1.• 1 n ill I, Mat& 1 ivt.r. • Free •'fit, 'Sao 1 , 1 tal'6o. TICE pletheu R 1 d Niow l iktanditt , -Rt. Paid with 4:r FOR I MEI FOR A C FOR FOR FOR For CE I 1 tl 1:41 odic frntri , G 7.. /I'm' t‘,• MI! MIZE • vi.ia 1 A 4.1/ (1 . 4', w.,11444 . •11;g1I.lieXtel li 'Wi i illin I i i i t erp irtp.o.. •,1, to call at •Eciv i rer i) Callf , 1 1 ,) 1.111 - o.t .4 .. , iMi . l . 1.411 ci 4. .1 1 . i f .111 6. • BM ME ' ' EXCELSIOR .; ; ... t I , aA ai - . 1: : . . c (1 . :..,p n ....7,', - ~ ..:,, i.,,..•, , ,:•. turnAckt.,., ~,.... ,•,,,....i.,,,-7,,i,,. [l3 i)14,i1k.',,..1 . 11 " 11 . TRY' 1 li,lI i,I ilk.',, Excelsior;Stotah:Birt r 1! __, tli ING SICRN li:S.p ',TAY ' 'i ' .t„,','i f ! ik's Exceliii)r Sionzfichi . 4ict I 1 i i i 1. 1 1 ... ANT OF A PkETITE IT ttY -\ ) 'iri ' 1 1 4, 17. r Sh Ilk's ExerVimr kp.riirh . 1; r ;11) 1 () i N lisS AND ,81.0 Ii-II EA . I , ', 'IT RY- 1 . 1 • .1- Shglk' i L"xcelllier,Sinn,24 c h, Rill, J . ,lN , fEit (•()%iFILNINII TRY. ; ishiqfr's Exe,,iiior Sioma , * BiNel E. F.'1 4 :11 AND A I.TEI Ira y • , i f . sii ilk's Excelaior Sirmtqt-Ja li f er, 'HI ()?L( A FFE91 . 1w4: . ! TRY, Ish,!;lVi .g.rerl.t;or I Sihirgirek Bilier'4 ILE, by :lIIt. MINIM, , 114trei, • 1 U -and Bra aa r ist sl o,.neral y f l irii 4 f TRI7IIOLE ; le hiristv,fa:. 8 Samil!rid SI. P 1 !, 1 H•F, 1 1 24 ir. 186 9 1 O• ' -l:, Ys She El 21 Yr Oc D.XI3 „ I I usrirly aalverly STREET,B.,,IVE,R, ph • • ALE* CiA Pro. - EDI MI NG 6ODA. , 1 at I=l es kor hod' I tr en ',4 f•~ 12 W we • in* • • Jr.l •71' its T'atent, THOMAS il rrESEI, Al I operapr, pq a Inrge or equalled by • • 1. 11 4 , E 1)11ILIP K I ,•We l eltly In bielete. Sew .Btyle Aril; 18 EV JO SEP ), , AV I INd , ' ment if. licius;," is fritnae,- tisNctury* N A ILS 117 Al ".1 • 11 the; Taliperi i requsti Steam ' JOIO !owe& 60 cents Theai) . En • protect. spla purpose', o directio, stern Pe o n t it l e Shaft legs 'turt•le ,'''',.• Nol' I 41 , F . ..1 A Lifper ona itrtowinz theniselvel,iittiebte . d it l n the.lsolot •titter as ' well Eta -th , ae:l.h,tiving tilltin'tgait et 1/I;n,will pleas. call at, hi,;,4 store_ orpositel'ortPr'N tin Omit. for ti.•see.?lstaent. ‘Tittos,iintel:;,; as he i.; cbsirsas of i.hivni,Pi .g Lis' 1.s"),) 1 e 'Pie taiy f i'in g win . }.,, cailie t i .on ti'y '-epic litrsuit at the nit Sitiii, holtiling•l,` a piontett sgr•it tit•s..ll nut the stnek, 'cheapv tts ei;sh. Call soonit -.yon want . to se'Ortt• tie -butt .bargitin: : i 1 ~ . • :: 1 1 Feb 21. t. '6J; ' 1 _ • • L 'F. SCHAFER. . •1 . I . * i 1 ~ • .'; 1 I- ' , i 4------ ' — f — ; - 7 --- :;"• -- - ' -7 1 — ' .. 1 ire, you ii•otthOdiwith Rats ° • ( .' :'ri . ., von irt i mble;ll with Hits ? , I V . • . ••.: • tip yolk_ tr( uhlrd with Rats? :- „. •=• 1 ..', I le, yen •trr•nbiell' with; Rate? ' I; "- II !Are ion tiouhle.l with ilats.'r • - f:: • •li ire.inu troubled with lints?•• I i•• . .1 1 1 'ire you. iroultleti with' Rats I. ' l - ' ‘•.i tiet.a 'Dos of Fleniinis Rat f"niO4, ~ - 1 . . Het a tins of Fleming:a lit& 'ti; to :I . • (let a Dor of 'lenting'S !Cat; ,te, .. il Get a, Box •of•Fiemines lint niite, : ~ i • Gila 119t31 of FII-oninK' ' , l . risti), ~' 1 . tiet,ft 116. o r Fleming's Rat' ttiata;., ." • I . ' •'• •., Get!lt' Box of Fhimi.lit'li . KAt . ;4SiP. I • . 1 !. f At, Dr. l'inis'. rug Stara. I ' •" A Pr. Minis' .tug Sf tors. • .... , I I ' ' ' 4 t Dr Minty' Draw Sitnre ;• • . At Dr. Nlinis• Drag Store.., . ' • • At Dr Minis' Drt4: StoFti.• , - • ; • . At Dr. Mints', Drifg Store ' 0 .11 • " •At Dr. Mils' firug_Rtorcz. , ) : 1 .. ~, , . r Iltighton, i Tigit i TAO. I in 1 P. & 'CO'S° D. & 'C. - A lIM S Summer ill at band let every family. pre-- rn chre a bottle of ,this,vnitiabh? :%leilicilie fot'aelusie of thcsediqtressing in alMlie,s whiili 11 . nre,so pri37alent , duting the. nißtner aesion.. ' . • R•••' M.; POWER ` ,&- OO'n • DIARRIIOEI and t IlidliE lit I 411 4 T1D(17"E ~ ins heilst elperirtiented en since 1 ' every instance instance proved a an , ,:cesa, l i tiejng putriuto the roark.jt. Try it ivineed of jut., good qualiiia. • Fat SamneLflatinen,, ...., • • Rac tephen t4mith, : . Be; David Nlihis.•jr; 1. , - ll ' . D. 7. A... - 401111 Sarge nt ." . ' - Net l D c rdiat ' i an an • . Fall. 1 A. C. H'kiwi. - , Hoc s l and by o i l the ptincipal - ,Druggista Si he Cunnty ' 1 ' im ~ ~ .i' ~, ~ MrClir I . • el traylit ee ,• t.o tie premises of the subscriber. On; the' `9th of June, in' ,• ortbbievric;kiy fp,. a aro) , blame, ..bout 15 yri old , Iblind in ono eye, of dark brown color, and. 11''white stripc • down Oils face: The , owner is 'Tv:peeled to come an& prove.iii4perty, pay charges and tak it away. - (j724.) I JNO. FEROUr.ON • -! 1 ..5. wititt iags ',,f •i l' i ,' •i- . ) : IID (RESENT DENTIST r i a'AF ICE klib, RES;D SCE nearly, oppi•- n y gh tt n ej fi t , i i . scopal Churn . 87 R ad ei 73 :6 7.3 . 7 I, N - --O r rD PBRAINS are hereby plaied to exobonl near sty le{- fOr an equivaleal Tune. d rir4r the present the latter'will fiat be receil postage 1 letters ecnt !ton Poet O ce, M. 1.41 Denver, tl. I 13Lea, • t• fAusie . ' . E . Tirol . ..apOi AZ 1. 1 3 i . . i-ii ,-,‘ li , ; • ~ 1 0 01 • .1 ~,. .. il k, , 0 tit •, . r:' 03 . 1 , \ 1 _ ~,Lr .• 1 Imo -i\ 1 I. , i,:- 01;1. Iw, i ~i -r, , lz: ~cA , i.: i.,... ,i \, „ ii . I L "7 44 • ', 1 , i.. , r 1 t: ~5 , 1 1.13 1 -- , 1...,,t• 1=C:t01 ti , FIA', ' I ' •7' ; 41 . 1 , y ~„,„• . 'At": „....., 1.7 .: , • , ~...., • ~• i - . ..., .• f ; . ... . 1 flemelit NUFACTURPD :I Penn' r chines for speed; ease onT the mud Clothes. and clean nestling. rtnall piece Clothing 60 not ix•Weshing illanitine - now in" -use W 41 41 . 11 . G ierr,! :FS inn r eceived .end will be in ot-new articles pertaining Prints., • , , . Neir Chatirifs. : 11ew Ginghams. timer iisoteL., , •r f , Beaver. rezingit. [ r thorongbly fatted up the estiblisll:l n•turrly known AS the "Gballi prrpared to* ne'nommFal , tie lie ' am public generally.. DU thi.. most , n ler ' I kpr. 1 11,:.150 . • • 1 ',l' ghtro " ' I .lq A 1 . 145 ft l 7 - ('ianle f intiVßetn: (''heap A. 8 . 1 Bri.d• !Alpr.' l • I , ,L i A. °ILA f., oiL t.i 1 I , 1 r En.i ilk, -F6r .- sale . ri -1 . ~. t 'ens engaged in the oil bnaiheaa are ted to coll• and eiamine ; the new 'lea. manufacture.' by ,' h, ,I V 'THORNIL Y, .Ir .1 t: I . 1- . ~,, ',..;i ! . ~ . DUI TOV,Lnit ... . . ~ !nee 'are 'got tin. 6 the; *at ; sni for Boring and Pn piny and Oth; =the pattern.; bei ng tn&le • under . 3 of one of the heat .roonl;ainies in 4115y1Inintai., Toots for Wiring mull nit notice: also 'all' kinde 9r ciato id fitted un. .-, triarl2o ,:: • ' ' 1 , I - • . • 4" I .otified that I aro' e Bratqa lot the Week,( oftlheold ,l eaiLt site' , which okl lultosyateut of thiskethoe D I LISON..pb. M. • • I Il= Dr- Aria tvzig • 1. I - , I, ,_ !Kim the Ufa. Leif( Mehell, Protx of the -- „ EY Lutheran thumb: Claurchlywn, C.')ltuublisLo. ...New , York, L • .•-. i , ~..• , , ••• , _ .. CAPER Mt S girt her 6M. liVb.: • 'i - Denr gm:, if you .pli ale. ertol , ,iii.e 'one dozen' ; 4kerhit 1 ee's l 11iA15 , .4 llituirs. 1 know' that It must . ~ . prve,* bonent to um yof my lend , .iy, sister, • , • .314* M. llchau, of tialhipvlllo, N. Y. X has miceived great, benefit . , ,p ,- - . i'. - ' '• . - Envoys DEBILITY - • ' — ', — nisiiriliva C . PI, Patti,' First M P , March, • laysr.: , firtair• been greatly Lenefitk hide nee of • ' - t tsitttllANsFd IItILLAND BITTERS! liar general .. • Nenonti Debility." '• . .- ' ' ,i. . • • F i • •1 . `i . • i r , CAL FORMA :Fin/I:NCR* Jaaa CITY, ' Amzu.ter Co. Gui att.l4,-18CP.. ''. Ma: li: EAu • ' . . i ..i , , .„. :...::. 1 1 jair:—Yount is, ono 'of t‘io t..e - st mod!. ~,,!,,,' ' s eines for ITheirepcia and Liver Complaint let Imst I :•4:.tsso:fotuld it 84. • I came to this claintr) tu. ISA ,„ •• `,.snllcted Iwith Dysprpiiiis arid- LiveriLiessons. IT.. " • .'7 turned , to i e A.lantic Mates I.llolWiettl , ql In . Ohio, 1,11t1% . the advertisement, and rot to Gallipo. „. lis tut tuo l oa the. which restored Ind tO health I -. 7: .ran , e, hack tern In li!Sti. but fort..ot to taint; a supply ' ,-, with,tria! I have needed it very much . : toy little . • - - doinahtor,„fs alicretl' alai the stun: diceease, /sod I .- m -... eit hare some of the Iliti4rs. iic‘ovi you will , -1 13 int 6 ikon* e stamp: write to me 4. soi4, u pout. U. 1 Li yin have no spat here. I:a It tbrsrard the .-, • ~,, comity' for a! supply. Ili. AL TI.IJIP.-01`1.' • PALPITATION' OF \ THE HEART. • .. : ir:.ou: iodine fia..site r Mayor of the City ..„ of 4rA.l - .4,..,1110. !Aye :=..1 Lave nod Ikerhaves.lio. • ~,. ;landliittcre ler Taluitati , oi. oftkie,• il leart, If l e an. , lv ' . eacelut tahliedy for this disermu.'l , '-.- , ' • • - • [••f • ' ~ 1 , l- • - . /rdigeation .Costivimeset Feedst.l IReir: /sine* itolbits.nik. Pasthr of M. P. - . , ...liurch.li'v4 - uvylv..ilia Ave, tie. (.41)sr - !- - :etale ' ploww. ' . 1: Mr.. iu• .i.cotritaeu,liag AttERILAVI:S lID iLLAND , ' r ItlTTEltti . es one of the most,value le medicines I - . , : ,7 arse ever, ...1.• It speedily reliev'editne of a divease " ...1 the stomach. A lady also, of thy congrekatlon, . • limi. liituei. who told suffered for a long time from .. %% r ant of Appetite , . I adimation, 'Headache sod Cue. tit-arse. Wls cured by the WIC of tub bortletiof the, /titters.". .I ,;',• Pirtstietutt, Septoin ter 6th, ]965: i• . 1 1• , l I NVWA RD 1 •• • . .. •-- D. Ali Itter.:-1 was sorely afdieted Az`sbont five; • e,irs_svitti!the Dv,p.px,.: and .bittiOrd 'Ric.,- tee . . t,,t II -Ls of yzatr just!). celebrateVikerboia's 11.4- t, iflt..t Bitters,' restore.] me to perf.et health. ' 1 , ~, - I . ,• , • koItISSON LOIIR.. ~ • ,'" ' ' ''-. Von:cola ? tr, Pal .Fi1b.11,.1860.' lq. . j• , . . 1 .1 • • 1..r . r.11.F.P*1A FOR 20 •tuAirts. . . ilieNTls. Al3b,intalriter.l,lprii I iili, 11Mi , : .- ... „- li'idatte L;SG.,II.AND ikailottr.s. !, inirgionery. Ala.— .. ' ..1,,..1....,...i y al alil nod .15re d4ilsrs-rplettse tend mse• • 1, 1, 4' *Pitt of It Pit ficerhavea "ii and Hitters.. I - . hai., tri.:d every , thin? far Dyspepsia for the last ' t , :Fvoty y'.41'.1 11:1411.1-11,,Ithia does', me', moo ' Jim , 4 ' ''111...e a t .`el,l to Ibti au,.., co Chambliir, , 1 , a Cs. - - -yJr.rv. kr. •-.- i .' J. li. VinVitalsr • 1 -- 'I NPIPES T I ON; • r r' l ' ii7i l ;• r i: ° -7; l ii2 l . l : r tp-xl i Tt7t e o7:l. 4 :, °, i ltd. nicioi a n n o . S uit . m uc h i‘4.. 7. , _ itsL tro„it bp li . .tile 7 pr ittEliflAVoll' Lk/LLANO , lii wet: ,s i L., rchikeyd• Isat fall i . • -i . - I,' ... i, • , ' JOSr.Pit C. DELLETr. vre......25EN , -,so tisi# TUE PiTirl A Cll .4 D 17111 i C. ESTIO I4 I. : - . 1 Ilii• vi. fe 4 11.14rrs De ICJITP- i/fipi In ilallan4 1 , T , :.+1.1.!514 :. , :yr.o , .I.tiitty; Wir:i , in-Iriltufrered yourli (r t 1 .11'..,,,,,,...1.'rf tn. Nt..rrltiCh anal judideAti•ol. rho., t,, , ,1 Iren , orl•r..r a thvskisn's tar, for some vine., 1 , but the itlies.ie;sr , ne , i to lisfit..irr n hi. ',an. flea. ir,,• •,-2,1 , -.1 /OZNif Ii•JLI, I NLI 1117111/1.• at our oliea, ' • . hi' h Igti..trie.l l t. ri.t 1.. 11 , 1 - ' ptomacli: !lei appetite • . , 'ami .4 r.01t.11 aie retiootir•A. e0, , 11 w a foully 'arrow , tio.: ILI.. LS:11oil.1,4 1 prat cure dr...I:IVA by your, u , A..i , v.:.. . IL 1 •• J. QILINTV..i.. ,). „r,d, 5h.c 1 .1:412.4 .I'irieuivsl".44, heeeypan INA. • . • 1 1' ^'—, si oti t c ~ . • —... • .l . F„,.„,,1r ;„ ..41?,,•irit, , , 3:, r: flit Ar7.. - inst,l • ' •„, , , . W,tripriros. It. ..Thrie 1L I . *lol. ' 11T. ~ u ,, ,..1 T.,..!), 41 ,, , , -,1, a it.r . rhoi'l 1101- ~ , l' . i 1; '''... ,1111•.1 11.1,11 - iiiii. if. 5e1 , .u , ...ful .ui emt.,4 , ..Z . 1'01; ,: 1..i ,- ....d Fr.....,11.ti,,..1 ] -•- . -----, - . I:, ... , F.,,t rr el by Dr•PcP*irs L 0 ti lAlrre 4 • • : L. , S+.; eilltou. , P ' • ,• • ' - t• •%vo , !•;311:!1 . 1,V4 , 41!•rn 4 !••'! Nn • 1 A fain. rin Amor. 24c .51 /qr . ), PP", 1 .?1 , • r'.:.....,11.frivr,341.4 i , 14 . ..3-1.1.tle•!of 14er core 11111, 4••• i- • ,, ullat ..• i 1 4116 . " At At . i 111,•!irl !! .1:11; - , `rl ,, 4... ! ., ! , !,•/,-1 •.!!1: . :opf>, Cizst .!;• v!) -!pr...to,•••Nil t )- 1 I i L.! tittri,ott,d i.:;;! • • .- - 1 . • •• `7 - 1 i• •. , ),.rp;r .11 1-- - I fr !i! I • • • t.03.r; • • • .•• . El , . , , COSTIVEN SS, I - 1 - Siak.ll . eadache, , . Bilious., D's pi ier3. ' , 1 . , proper', . .Thu rosr , r %... of li . 1 T(' -it.' Lire, Doil'o - vrill.. , proi•sef t .-.- to !tit.% -.!y of the b0 1 .r.11. TT . icla 1.1 .I{loi to trq r nee,e, "dry to the enjoy:stoat or k/ ap health. I least ven.-..414 this, pr. s, lueito catlBB of to 'l, of ` tte onti ,t,,,, y ~1,,,,,,., of I U.-- , ..Tide n 4 - irk aril Piciv - itt• glit‘4‘the o‘Toti iv,. Fire , ith. Vol o Ni til.io.i`inspi•lt•• .c..., ,t ea truirrirtr, t , th . been[ r a 1 , 1 tllO ipi ,vni•• t• of II re, bo.tt in ivith hi I no , : Arm t so ! it .41 ...... tr,!. m ...t , ' Ilnnornt, ~ In n.11. 1 / 4 ,4 ,110 Pi11..- ., [f 11i8 far ss sellers. . .Cher 1111 ii conti.l.ntiv ~ f 1"......11a1 . Ti.. R.rt.-/v. . It F.,7 Icl.IR %VW'S° ns.rB poi tom hint, or result (ono Indsfes , tion ast.l 14 0 1 , of tti•• bow 0 ,8 „ S 8•111 dory, r, anasio•ble bessolt fr. si ti.s•ir 11•01 81., • 83. 11,....1ts ,fe , t t.,t. 111vpocl.it 1 •-in,, cr Low (S p; ri t,.... all I, layiita. is., - .T, t • o' tremor II ef 11,, • g -,,1t t "...cm; or ch , r 4..8 .1., will b 3 r• storel to clantralo ze and 11,81 th. , ' r • ' I f D TN/ft M ., il:gin."litir:4l 5.1638. A. 'l, E..r rsr 1 , ,t -11 Is ss,Bll,- . ~, 11111(1 I f toull'' •84 .1, 1 gls clot', .c.1.1..1.,1 pro.? 17,!. or .'a!l 0.1,0. flees.pi' U ? ~,,Iy t sB •;"•••• 3:0 tie, 103.1. ~ h•,, ar ,,,, ~ , a • A...ith .wli .11 or theV r etrry ~ t op s .,, r bid secr,tions, mid Ira‘trthorystous fro fr ...0 all I,4llJua owiter4 ' , I , ,I I ~ , ' J. .7' 0 t.KLKY, M. D. • • D r ily /mit, Termnint ni. , ,lii. f..r 12,1834. gollo Motile •8 14 4. 0, , ,t1 .n .rtvuntr.i. ble 'Tod loandrtsl3 of dc . 11.114.i1l .1..... 1..1is • JAMES A - A,.)IoRIL T•Ti•t P.:.•:.,. St.'J.lieplle MLA.), .. rh.m 'I ipklel T.•:11 41/!11.1 , 1111i CO • 111,111111ta a - B. P. cno.t. re, u. D. If • 3 9-Iv. siworni , s.Gl , l.„, v. rn 101sio:-.1 ~ ~ ,, i t i.f... - 1,,,,5:. • L r.o , r 4 Mir aro the best , .s i stl most 4 i 'et, de ~I I s,! . . • ii. n.i....;tr. 60.t....ter. '` 11 - 4r.st 'T. Tit. C". Or o, M. 10 1 , 50. s I Inv. t. Fella et 4.iieluolth‘t gi,e t such gee. 1q 4 • l ' I: ~. Ittstot, ,1 , 111 N% Co.rn, V.rm nt I ' Vei rimr'y . .r). - 15.:,,5. VT Prothn it now In 11.••iSof symoot of 80.81 ' 1 1. S I doubt no ' but Sr.lleet'l LI en Pi 11.... Trl.lch f fl, toa, wore tho =sat' .1 restorlor,-him to ALLTAXDItt iterlittlt: 01 Ohl s 1 4 •.. _ i Ma.l, 1.1F43. f rs ,hot. eon Poltr' Ll.rtr rill mrs:s f foil 11 oi , 1. 1 ly. and aq "nn a sirt . .. re ,to 1 c•34:80,1 Miusl3 , dog Itoutiatr thorn ,....y !101l r 81.1.. 1 • . , • - 'S - ,5,8 3, ft'314 PARE. ' „ ~ • ) I • ' I , Pa.loo - - 'i' ents. . :(343 , r • ,1 itt: B. sriLLEns'ez - ca' - I I ' ' .PlEV*l4llttltrliy.lihia :54, 1 :eis f 4 in nis,ll hi Try/ 10 be coil- i f iewater • ker. - Brightoa, fano'. (lesion 't . `thn)ligh'nn my2//061..• fl , ?Aw l We ME ; .•, ~ ; T'll 111 [ • Baviieft . . . . proaft se). gimrg an Et 1t,,, 4 i , , EXPEI, THE DUUBTS OP !LL• For Rtatitomen. Judges, Ziltnr:iiPt.rit: of. - the oFiePt Behßeiß RC well - na ntt , their inqiillilled sem:ooa, and ro 4,4,,, for all calls at eruptloaa. and di ,k, . , otrilp and o v i a: bag nll Who hairs taisa l i i ,t ' ,: it teertifivinx tbat It *III Preserve ti i ' s ji, cl ; - 1, beiing Itra.Y. and tram fliliPttglfly Ai., a s , as ru , tore . .: Rend tbe .folltitinit ; .. . flak Orwl.e, a C. itit,(.24thf.,18,-4 ,p, 6 , ; 0. J: wt)na: dear Air . : . —r, ite; if yr atcroOve la :rapid], gaining popoldfit i t ; commurtity. lisave . hall occiisi4 to r L I ,; jUdier'.Xtlidei and give your Iblir. 1t,,,,,... . ~ t ir perfeet teaC ra . . . V During the year ,1:3 - 14 I was 2‘ i, r i ~, as to he thrown, from my Full:7 .14 it ' 4 .1 1. near the roadside. frnn:t witicit R I e i l N.: e l a most terrible blow; CallAinV a t it s 4:, I,r4ntion. wiii,i, e.. atirtirmirqt,A" t Y ihip-1;., and external surface of the i lleAd, ~..,n . , ri j , leete of which my buir!'ettH 6 , 1 t" 1,, r ° . : over . o , e,,entirr. sue race or the '...'4 r,,ti; time I first . divorcee.' its dr ppi..14,i,, ‘ u p to the time nt its fond .4-2, pe ris lf, „,. f, pq,yeil—everything .1 rotild tiiiir T !, .. i.t ... 1 .1 f •usional man tit vre'if ' ttn4 ns i • . 1 . .. pro . oliPr.tutuii rig the nature of t t)ie.....iis4-,..i ci, J .,, ,it ' w Bo n ny. detente ,/ in ...vi:ry preucripti:;-.1,1',4.., -1..._. - .These, and no otlar rir•Omstant me Sit Tegort to yO!ltr% , -!Filr ,;',i r whiek I haVe ereri rov e et -..1,..„, a •very hapri.y, ret.iilt, two -,. • • .. , app”entiott I lifiti ire l'. l int , ; .. hair as I ey.:r. sttir, for'. v0....- . .. - i ~ i on my most sineer-' thattit,' tti.l rl.:ar'.ir, I shalt r.cp- m.. 1,4 ‘..ur r .itoquir Ill" tourPo , !.'r. I Orill ;NA ~ wi•ict I flatter revs:tit r.. 5.y.., ,„ ' You cuu publiti - th s if ,;..,t .hit - . t j YourtOtreiy ri..'',p . . .1 1' .1 ",`. tat/ I Office of the .leffer.,,niao,- ph,!. free, Nth,' ItisB . • 4 ., liettil." 4 ir-1 fet4 it Mx duty al t ,:ipp , ore to state to rott-t'.!e ... 6•11,p7,, -t 'up ; 1 which foil •cao Ilse l a . .' l a ,„ gentlemin of this al ../..i , )14 - r! tn . H bald ewer Qinte..ltis vrafth:t, , E that h wog compelled to ieetres al; itolaced•to uae a tiottle of your “Ili F tive."iveltich he liked very "m o o t ii m i n g ; come tiro or three !rattles it.. , •out quite luxuriantly, and he (14tcl .unte. head of b..rir. The perirlem,:, ,Iltstlf o rd + ; aid of he ;a very well kl adjoitung counties, m..ny , per.,444 ; to the truth Ptthis stolen:Put; 'I gave the 'request of Mr. ItTHlffOri. 161 great dell of your ituir ti.Patorritivre the, arcittining couottes if yourba. ~gets „ Yours, Stc., - 1 • . TfI(‘IPSON - SIT 1)p; Wocvvi DeartAir, • l'..rluit ;r .the obligations I alit ut ler•ftir* ti - 4• . ( t 'tur;itieti ofmy . haii!t• ' s t,r,ziaal : the time of myeirri tl .in the 1.:11 ) was rapidly becoming_gr , ty, hut iplic .tion of your 'ail air ltc;tur it vl i coreretr 113 •trigival . hue.. I .c .l I t Restorative ay u very sv..teltu fat it;,...... 3 , ! efficacious as well al agreeable. 1 Theilestorative is put tivitch)tr:::v.,: , sizes: large, medium, and ...a.talt: q)e ..'41,.; pilot, and, retails fer one duller 1;1- ',;,it',.., medium holds at least tqertty liSr - .:P;it t iu iropirrtlotv-tblin tqe stil A ll; rtlili.i '..,..-; dollurs per bottle; the large ItOls„4 ‘ l .l r, , ppr cent. more in proporti:m, amiJtirt.:,‘. r Io.i .. W 001) & Ou., Tropriet • l , tit Ca., wny.N„ Y.. nod 111 qat:ltet St•dit 1 , ON And KuRI by all Draggtjts andil'.4ll, tl• Denler3. ,•.111 te ti.,.t& , ,i 1 1 ..„...../ = l - -" - . ------ a - A --1. .-- --- - -- -- ' r Tbnimind stp &lily srenkinalo lb^ , 1 DR EATONI.I3 , . . I nfa ii lite f; 0 1 1 4 d jai ot4l wb‘? becnu.P it it :1 , 1.'7 cakli•to it-,-/ Vasil - a-let:us rebel irlwri girerCietivin P n. if by tongic„ undone trittl - ale*tettl ear^ 4 1 yeill till'. 'stint We sny, is trite lif Con! ,JII ! IVO PA REG 01?IC 01? pl'l , l 1 ,) cot' any kind, snd therof l ire rcliel,rls -}..; r.”. 1 hs vitre - yrrilp of y‘nur cbdd, in.,l`,..it, ;i . J . mugs as sett , shittster .' F i ..r tbi.. r11:1 , 1 , ' t. mu -r •1. it.eir : the 0 77! , ri , t-/Y: , rr ~ i t .t o r C ~- Xttow for TO 1 rut al lb %. ,, d 1 o . rsi NT‘rilf. 4, ;l:lPinq 11 T.;IF. If g { i s \ , )r. - Tit: ST ~M ucii N% I\1).1 ''lll 11 1 1,111111 • .1' e tO lrP. al ...0, for , !Oftrnid7 the. „ ilaniation. regulating the'Lloirebe I lai re : , •c. at h• aria equal —being ati anti ~ , i a, 1 2,, ,1 • ;,- , with unfallutse -twee - o-BM a.% ch. . ,t, ~, ITSIoN on writ r.rt FITS :4; F;Ot4tr ',pit , - ktiralt4 of ,your ehildren, end ••••:, to • .---- from 'thou sad' and bilyh•ut 1 c1ai. , 2 , ,e , e, are eert-im to result from the d , lO l ', , ?rbtch all other p.m dirt fir Pl i f I . • . i are(.omp,,ed 104 e .4.'ie ins , bur ... %. • , IV} I mil,/ 1.1. „ t ,i. 4 3 ini ~ I t 7 l)1, t - Per , ”C(l.% h.rOlleNS, .111 .. rjio ~4 t , , l' i ; - use 'cute tor-int Pricv„ 2i .1 . .4 , , • [ton* 1iCC.0N . ,1 , ..% .. te.. 11.,f I ..1 1., by. t irwc ir I.a .t -t:, : .- 1 , N. 4U3 ... , :t.1i.v 1 ....e v r -, r-1 ,-,....i-?..--- , cl 2 i3i,, ri i- 4 ._.4 r. :.:: - 1 f.,, , r,.. w _ 4,•. ‘ •;,.. • ...1 .4 _ / .€l,-- - =-_".-•-• ~"' ''" - Health humin Pl. ni ilr, 10 1 Il ' -:. ' A .V A (,1"Z bi 1) ' • i alwsyq pre.eirs us ‘.. Ph ti..; f.:0,1.. ...,, t ', w o g , mai give. of ,:. , 11TSP AV` 111'' '. 1' 3T111.21. the 81, d of Wyo.,*•'l l .0111 .. .. I C11111•1.1111p11011.. Li.er (low) !jot. , - s c rotol% .to-: ntui. We fill.ll 111'ery ' t' C.. 1.111111 11. ficietwir. it) the t... I cI - .1.11 .. - cf ''' i ,S.w.ply 111e:..e tieficietwieg, 1 . well,• Tne 14,00 D P.,OD i 4 4 Theory 2 klence Hr. thstouitddili s'rhe 11:1771?.:, for • tji:ll . l3Cr t;111,0 '•• 1:0-; ~,R co. 5 :: ;:ci. Flv e! Pre p n.innted to - the d..dciencies fere(' ißoa Re. F.. r 4 Nt 110 • I is. or any affection nhate or. , Lrsoi iolkocing which is -oleo the No• fo :.5 • PlEITS,'Lanei or XTPESITE. iin.ll ,, r all TO° , VouPLAtyrsnrising from Winn, t' 4 E.I. -6' ' N ,.. llseti.itit, and NenYulio . PRINT!: i rt. , s! '_. for* Ursa Courtaisys, 'No. a, , r,:,-• pp . ! ?" A -Being aready prepdred for el, .or ion t::.,it'lti fly ( I.l,noPe and oarriid in n . attV I".' . circulation. so that wlint:).hu-k-ant.ril, ,'"•31, he No 4, is for exit tti: liiiiinyLvict t. Ily . ysata.„,„Ws.AßNsa,. ko.) Silte app.A. l _ . tiiing for - thin. Fur Sat,t. fllt.c ,F . x. "13.. ScR" 'h. ri r LoCa, Ntns. yolnd .:koi ER Cl'IMP'.,:. . take No: 5: In all cINOS thli:idi ectkon ia ~ ~ . .. strictly followed. . . • 1 - I For toll directiOns, aeo cinaal t pet imitle ' - i Sind by eff Fi'll)k. Duro'wr. urliTilit , ; 116 Maiden Lune, N. ' V., anil tiy..ll resi2-!;: ., i bruoga,t , i tlinJugliout ite country, . ~ . . 1, ' For &lb ay Ler..o. CRNNINi.iII.M, : r l. q . ': M. -. Y. 'tiO• , 1 A . ' . _, LOOK HEIRIFII 011, (MU NI FOii W1) 1)).1 I (kill 4 lOth for CIL CLOTH . POP IFI,e( ) P .s, Ca - rpei s ror [lttor• RETTa FOR, I I AIRS, il'i¢:L.,NP'. 803DF :S. PAPER BLINDS FORIFINVo" Lan be obtained wry Ip F lo 44e1100BwrY" A*ll'Bol II II 11 'To ' j:11 • ir i C ti MEd r '3 in% I leq h ir ; !Is 1 I I • 1 III.: OE f 4 t BEE ME ISE ME g ‘ q•.ll end re r 1 r ' th "e I. "Om 121111 r` • • , fortriti g sneer vs• r' i the It , eel, r 1.27 114' r IlEr. MEM