The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, November 27, 1861, Image 2

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.. - .: 1.
.9 post,
17 - ER„
• / •
me l ,„iVe are
v..yartg friend,l
' , I
zzirWe ; are I reqUe. l tea Jy the
. .tress. to stater t at the Post
• will bel closed on hanksgirin_
t at ,
(Thurad i a-ylfrotu p a . till 3i P.
..---...0. -...•••••.---. -
Coral.' commence 4u last week, 1
T'---A. glietcl i presiding l here last. be ~,
little - hirAincss this erm. We' !
. -..
with,i+gret the abs nce. on ace'.
.i '
severe iudtpesittpui of Judge
We tract that ire ay be soon
ed to health and lag in resume
on thee 'bench fp s hich he h
been re-elected b' t ysuch a very i
. I
..ips.v.ote. ;-.
' • ' • -
1 , -....
as..Tbe Deeent , er 'number,
--thuf.S -}lnme, e lia!azine is a
gent in its The Must
are gotten up in t ebeA styl,
,ieadt i n r h
g matter- , both enter
'l ' - d r^eful, white - . Jhe very toi l l
_ use) _ te)
at wiich'itis atro 'cled— (82 000 a-year.
'or t7o copies Or 0 00.)plaCp lit with
in the reach of jal : :Weskno no
periodical t at gi es nioro tisOfni and
entertaininkinitttr for the sale mon
• I, ,
_s r a4 Prompl
F. Price 4 1 t Lieut.-of
Reg't. Pa.l _C. (New 1
,$) has - reaign d, and J. S.
been elected o fill.the raj
4 ; . jj •
,Liep.t Allred C/
irpany F. 1.0 Reg't Pa
kinßi4eask h i resigned'
Darragh, l i bte Orderly 1
been pron4)ted to fill the
Joseph Re j ect has been eh
liy - Sergeant s - i_.l place of t i .
, h, promoted.' - I.
d r: 1 0 , * .1 7 ,,
-Capt. G.
town far' , sore
his conipliriy,
;which it:not 1,
that etc'.
I , 1‘
ChariestOn as if defiantly echoing the
hay.e his comtileruent. Cap , ~.
1 ; f , - - rebelliotis artillery of Moultrie and
one of the {right kind' of m r __
ISland, and we may daily look
list] under--l-one.who will look alter the ! ; orris,
1 Bragg's retreat through thimarah
.- interests of his' nee; who wills,Nor see j Psn'
the l m al4 , `ed 'Or( ill treated. and who" ies of Florida. All this time we seem
, '.
will always rec Ilect 'that his ompa- ito have beep merely preparin l , l l4 fore
-1 - II
r-31 is c....mpused f his ftiends. I oontest; !and our victories have been
1 'l't ' Theal '
I nn 1 ary e - pernnents. i alanehe
ii.Urry up. ho s. and let the ompa
. 1 1l T xt rolling, a d ;rens rt will
ny cc ;.on fi' Led. hose ho are al-, of mar iBl ' n a 1 .
ready in Cal r ip 'Curti ,speak - f their ;be
'.‘ n
1 s'peedilf swept away in its 'imlet
, 1 , , . I i l
rituation the e 5 (fait° pleas'ant and .uotis torr at." '
1,, , ; 1
, erlinfortahlf_‘:l, a h man having a good I When we now. take into , considers ti-iforin. ' l lk (A o: e'ret3a ; good ton the fact that the rebels have aev
blanket-. and e -erything it ce sary. to er yet set foot within the loyal States,
his comfort. I ' hero is no co , arty in that their treasury is' bankrupt, that
I 1
the worlil that feeds. blothys and pays their harbors are. , blockaded! that in
i lsold'ers as ell as the Ut i l dtd i d States titeir ;midst are.. thousands . O E Union t
1 1 6- ' . i i '
di e s. '
.----- 1 1_ , ' 1 i men, eagerly waiting P.m- the applar-
I , , ....L i
1 1 atic l e l of our troopi, we may Confident
] 1
Tho 1 3 and Revf i e . 11} ask,'what room iti, there to doubt
On Wed e-. av last, the 2 th inst., that We = shall soon conquer the re
`(General If I CI Ilan, the .:(triimander-!bellion ? ' . ' i
is-Chief of 'lt irmv, rel4eved a di-I 1 ' --=.-----------% •
vlsion Of tl e roops on the P
The - iturnbtr of men inspest
about - fifty .housand. Thd
'f I
took ' Plat,:e 1 ncar Bailey's c`re
I •
and is des ri..oed as"bein(. l o
I- - • LI ,9
most Imp° iris, speCtacies
1 , , ''
messed in t is country.
The E 134 i. 401 Papers' of
were filled Hth the detail=
lentony,l wit , iich. however.
!little inter' s for the get
except as . 1 11 wing •what
My we little n the field.l
! As - some; our friends ,
the necess i k+ of these
Blip from I It
b r
Lion of the'
Chief: 1:
1, ! . .. 1 I
"This system of reyiewink troops is
somewhattriOrel, in Our army opeia-
Cons. 'Rid !many who.are nt7 tatniliar
with its 'objets regard - such demon-
.strations a l i s an weaning. I Gen' 3fe,Clel- I
lan's eXperince in the ,Crimea in . 1 ,-55 l
fully ,cativjneed him of the importapee
of such l rO - Frederick the Great,j,
Islapoldoni liVellington, tang all great "II
militarY doinnanders were in the hab
ot hbld4l ,• frequent grarid reviews,'
and the slvs em is kept up-in all Eure
pan rfatio s. - It is very inspiring:,
riot only: to the troops, hat!also to the ,' i
officers.- j.
, 1,
*" --1- 4 -.1
;he War into ihe South.
Department, stiys Forney's .
sicged by the iColonels of
ndred and itifeyregimentti
- and about i the Capitol for
i to take theiir Commands to
rolina. Thl'gtkies of the 1
.mate and delictous fruits of
'narrated by ithose who have
the region ,now in posses
forces of the United StateS,
.Ay= sbarpendct the appetites I
diers. and 414 are anxious, 1 be winterquarters any-1
~. - ,:i-aS-shon d pend Deeeni-
-.-± iu II e tate of Cal-'., L.
roitt, i rr, and a host, 01.
Isiblo remar
olicv of th
The Wly
.the one
_located a
J 4
South; OaT
eon ot th(
have rgral
of orir
if therea
where, th
ber all
Shall e onquer the Rebe llian ?
_ t
Webs,ve alraytlbeea of those whose
, faith - in - 41e ultimate ,triumph! Of the
cause Ofthe.iVnion has never ulaver
ed. From die first; we have beeil
- suacled that frovidenee:wouldnot itf-
E fer the greatest and best Goyernmnt
on earth to be overthroWn by a miser
ablf.4-44 1 4: 1 g 4 M;:z._cm?" l E•tipg ,
for the Most j part, of a, semi-eivilized
set of cruel and intoleralAe despots.
1. • - - I
Nor did we believe that He 4ho eon
kroll the destinie of nations would
ever permit this freehand bappy na i tion
Ito be supplanyl by one Whos e corner
; stone is the institution of hunt*. sla.
or& Pub
tol74gutious i
. 31cCaliiscq
L. Louis "pii
veey. - i
~ ' r
fience, in the dark and drearyclays
of disaster, through• Which oarepic
pe tte.
passed last simmer, weielt that th -
we had'been:worsted by the fol y of
some of ouiLlea4Ws, and thong 'oar
men had needlessly expos Td to
slughter fl masked batteries by the
incompetency of rash and inconsider
ate leaders,' that all wo.tild _come out
I •
right 7
yet; that the spirit:of democra
cY must in the end triumph over sla-i
very - , and that the courage, enterprise
and intelligence of the labdring men
of the North would ultimately prevai
in this gigantic contest.
Theevents of the last few days hay
awakened the people up the ! great ef i
forts which: the goernment_is putting
fortkis.nd the successes,' which hay
crowned her efforts show that th
of the. Oligarchy b b egins ;to
nigh. I • . 1 '
The foll Owing froM "OccasiOnaLi ,
the Washington torrespOndent 1
ForneY's "Press," presents in a su
ciao ,form' the position of affairs t
the present juncture: 1 i '
"The Republic is sternly vindica
ing its glory—and the tide of"Beason
is rapidly receding. Price ihnelfallin
back,upon Srkattsasi' Buckner' is re
1 1
trestincr:down .the 'lopes of the CuT-
I berind mountains;o 1 Rosecransmenp
ces - Dee at Gauley' Bridge; Kelley.;
at_RomneY;lWool lobks prbutili up
Norfolk. and Portsmouth - , and "ickl .
holds the Chestzpeake peninsul.. 11 e
Cemrnander-in-Chiet MeCrella , slo '-
ly f
extends hill lines, and Was lug n
once more sleeps under the flaghe, iso
bravery - fought for. The guns Hof
-.!. 1.
Dupont , resound. r in the streets ;of
' fe / et
1 Co l , 3E.
; righton .
W nails
pa cy.
it. s, of
Id ...'l'.
.er eant,
, • _._ . __ • ~_
d Or-
•. Mar tuts
days reer
full yet.'
et officer
en in
g for
• hope
Iti 1
ay: is
s Roads,
e` ofjhe ,
ver it-
st week'
ssess but
I render.
lendid ar-
y not see
rican, the
litio_We find in !the Rarris4urg iTele-I
graph the tollolviug notice of our
friend Tayloll, now with his company
in Can't') Curtin.l
Taylor,: - of Beaver county, ...lietho
diSt minister, is the Captain cif vol
udteer company at Qatrip
Last Sunday he was invited to fiil the
ptilpit in the West 11.arrisbUrg Meth°.
Mission church. Re deceptjd the
-iii;vitiition. and marched . his company
to -the church, before whom dud a
Idr ,, r,riumber orour citizens, he /41,eliv
ered fthe most etlectiVe sermon we
have -heard for,, , a long time. The
Reverend Captur,ri is deservMly . popu
ld:r W i rth the mertof his company, not
one of whom Ati*oll Id hesitate - a ruOment
tO ris l l ; 7. lit*/ in his' liehalf,
I I frs. B Secretary'of tbo
• BLAZE; • 6
tides Aid ,SocietV. has handed us' the
ter.l •
lloWino- letter ; for publication
Wheeling, _l
llo'sptrit. DEPOT, Ug :v.ll,
1661,---,futia S. 'plane : The six box
es of,l clothing and frail, contributed
,by ,the "Ladies Aid Society," of Bea--
'ver and rictnitY, came 4afo tdj hand
iper steamer M. Combs. The 'articles
ddnated will ,be, given to the h', , spitat
DOW opening here, for the reception
of 4i./t1 sick , Ohio and PensYlvania
,soldiers. hourly expeeted from 1 liana
whi valley_ On their behalf 4 retuim
the ladies sinee,ie and hearty, thar.ks,
I for:their relief f lthus affOr&rd. 1 1
1 ': lam madam. yours. ,
P. ..Pr-Acr:Frt. Ag't U. .S. S. Qom- 1
1 mission. f - I
I ; , t -
,„ II ,
AsstvEas33rEs -- The ,PreSideritial
election took wave on the 6th day of
I. L 11
Is.ZovemberF l'''4;l,. the' next day. the
p , 1 . II
Federal officers Charlelton , -ned
- 17 - 7 •
their places, and on the ;Bthi of Noi.
vember the United Stes flag Ivi4
lOwered in disgrace before thato f t'd
Palmetto and rattleanaite.
6th November, 1861, our fleet was
in the harbor of Beaufort, the next
day the •iffice rs is'en nn of the
rebel batteries resigned :their .
and on the. 411, the Ilatof the Unioin
floated in triumph from the , shoree of
South Carolina.
! lOLA ' neSit' e ' edition l. - 1164 in
, ;
tanned; and i no' rapidl ta i l pro
; mess of cilitp etio..' It its it i tepFl k
o operate on the lifissitisip Flyer,
liind will !nor-
t up n,, 'the'' ce Fleltne
pf the iron4iln ed gunboats iltkottrie
of const t rueilei at Onientiale tates oil ' r....
l 'Xi, and ether ilacci. I I H . ' 'I
ko`Captain A: • Foote 14; lbeeti 4-
it - Re - tilt:fere • - -identlll:& - e'lliter'of
, ll
he expeditio , 4 orn tr following
, . 1, , , -,
description of the boat i tended to be
theflag . .,, i 1, li t
flag ship, 1. hie we copy front ' t ty
, Scientific' ' Amer an,l it wilt lie lietb that
, ,
the exiiediti l o wi4 beforie tltogethier
worthy of tl e Goirerrinut. I 1 -- -
I 1 . 4 l
"A power gunboa t
n med ,i e.
Thomas B. it
ipton) is coif alibuireaily
and will be tbe':fila4 ship!, of'', the s-
sissippij rivefleet. For eight. Wes
about two liudrcid trien t her been i at,
work upon h r, and thilir labors ate
nearly tomid ted.l The itwin hulls of
the "Bentou" have heen,lcorineetediso
as to torte on p werfut hull-Itif 186
feet inleitit,h /.1d 74 feet iii. breadth.
II The hull is vry tanch, sealed
up inside wi h ' I ree and four iliCh
plank. ~ It is ivi ed into' lbrtY ;wati:iii
(tight copipar pie ts;, dins tlie,llcitn
i'may be eonsi ere bne of the y sit et
war vesselS'i i 4,. p ssible, to? bitld, Tor
,it would scar ely e posiible to pene
; trate evt.ry c nip rtmenit during ttie
closest and eavl:st fing into - tier
for hours. -,r, ncl ten h dr hall.all over
to belew die lwater line,tils, cellist; ley-
toSeart ;t.ll boat, is
-1 ,
beg y iron., fTht4abotit
of t e lull ii , two and a
thi knesii and tiecurely
one nd a ihalf ineh iron
ir . rivetOd / i inside, ache
bolt, beint; countersUnk
cannot be Icnocked. , by
l eeln are Iperfectly pro
h o ot and shell' t the wheel
covered with Six-inch
pia :d with blOiler irdn.- 4
It is spaci4usnd Untedel
corn inetl i lwi b strength.
i t
feet four Inc esfin hight,
le inalinatiott, calculted
1131 1 1 e s i ttfe4t shape for
li . T eße rot is Case,liaat
, the timbqr blin.r l in parts
1 ''ne c 1 , r 'd — . less
inches t gen 1 in
eel tlwt , lve iu iter..i.i aryl. all
h two and a 1 alf inchTron.
tes ire bu,.lt at 'an angle
degrees, iii t o, those ap
hod tar thlol ing off an as
ssilei The c: se uite* are
eighteen inof the leav
forwa'rd. i S 1 e Will have
two Parr tot iflell cannon
y_ four or fiv tniles.l, On
floating bate y will be a
irnrit o' al tie necessary
ores" and ve ythin that
the , corufott flt he ?icrew;
o the confaki oil the ene-'
probable tki4' runboai - - will
.d with "eel° cope"- ' ';chitn
.b' ' are csiPa lel of :i being
i t
Bp . c+..clisioill re, uilies.l,.
qlt !
ery otner ex]
covere,d wit, ,
the middle•
i half inches it
fabtened' by
bolts, whit
1 heads cc, the
so that they
shot. i The
tected froth
!house; being
timber, and
Tho ( I n de
of neatness
It in', sews.
with a gen
the purpose.
; expr+ed plt
IS I covered vci
.fin The engem:
km of rorty-fiv
provd me 1
bailant's mi
piereed for
;lest coliber
fore and a
which carp
! board thfsl
full- con:title
•I can 'add to
as Well as
j ray.; It - is,
bd furnisbt
116 35, 16 1 1 i
In addi
state that
with trodi r
Con has liKt
ELissppi. The
a t 1
s an
The ifqllow
I,ectuble sc
-'il _urce:
?' I;; i,. i. •I ; i_ rd
i - ; " i : ; ~, i The (linlP 01'0 4 c'' 6l t/l)airl' Yof l 4 -
•"At ia late . skirmish near Romney, ton! soltfiers, On Jet liing', 'f - : •tn,c Wee
min ' i
Va., -a ;party of our'. mi i n iwera 'forced i biirningitirigl i ti l y L the Pi ertY . ' Ipais-,
toiretreat, felving 4coi l ,pc 1.0 4, f .. / two bed. 1 -1 1 ! •'' l •
.privates so la. rd. pressed that they had I i. 1
tul secrete thernselve4 in( the to - 7 -ThlUititrd States i - 6f4z)fl'te. i !lila&
i ~ , • ,- 1 bashes ,. i J -1; i-I.t'i . ' , i , t
escape death or i capture. i In pus sit- Inat ev n • this , War aarove that tile
; , 1 ,1 . •1 , l • :
uation toey er, diseoVeited by two ,r pen in might er tl an :thell sword," and
shires., belon ing to a i violent, sece 3- .l4fives2the. foll Win • Piltif: , ' l. • - k
siOnist i tin th vicinity.` Ijii,ler cover i c ' -- - 1 ' ! 1 l i. , :i, -. -i. : . i t .
of night thes . faitlifullifeflOW4 mans-1e ~ •Ge11•2 3 1.e, lella , b 1 . 07. la lbrea
ged to, condo t ours these , "ineh safely'! inn out !of this, car, hati l neFer s tn , all;
td .our,.c a m p , m h ei .,l a q , v ' r i4.„ i.,, c ,.i.i:,111 . 1;is life.iommahtle'd ( I )._ , rriirticbaytited la!
With joy arnt surprisei'
were kindly treated and duly`
ITh e fri egr „ em lregunet f. lie hid! ,been a :ektptitin,l
protected. yirhen t , some ,t, rile , i f ter, , i 11. .1 11,- , 11,1 71, . 1 an i try . . ~,,nt..
,),,., # .12,-,
l.lrig,-,Gen. -Relly of \Vsterti yirg,inia I.c:iase of his i ble retort on: he !lOpera,
'came' to thtir eami and as'surtid comil 6 ° 114 41 " Cliiird 3 aO iwar• ITilrePO i rf
mild, the ci ' umsttane4s 'Were' related 16-`', a iiiere' L'rili(fiti'l l l oi . th I I et. ? flil4, ' 6 , II
to Lim, and lie-negroeteointnimded t ts;
his hotiee. ; tisteld n treitting them
otlillee,d'ecaitiiitipaign. aft& the manaoeni ht '
sitle,--a 'hilten sorb bp h
with honor nd assuring their of his. lobs; jaat sliCllBs l 1)0 Tiemp , . - paivrA ,:3tf l
proteetion, he iiriinealately l handed
, -
themd oiler ti) theiltender mercieS i the e'oit,fitrY ha e !iiiven lof.the prp--
I of i gress of' affa ra it th i ef Orleslnt . agar.—.
the traitor-v'llain Who; claimed to olirttl i is-wriitine,'" in a• 0 l l 'il 3l- 4 . Jnei'llt;:ill'd
theul.' , ' , • - ' i . -I. 1 -
j t , ,
t events-i Irby sh wit). hiin lweitthy.,ltcf I
. _i_._ - 'r. 1 , , t 'wear tie ti le: • iglry !Wi.t.i t itllOaklof
, ,_,l ,
;-) ;•• , 1.1.'
.1,- . ~...1 •C l
, 11,
Iv ° 1 :-----7 , ' L I '' , `l'Calltotittiti bits a sol 'woo 4de, iti 3fa
w. 7 ALDRIDGE'S LDEA ur tiny 7 AR T . or I „... eleriti / .. ?r . 4. - 11 . 1) 11 ,,,-, t .' f eillso p s , l fi e
J _President iha ' - iddr cl
PASO , t,O, ever , 'yet his eo mnandedlpe inanceu
l - i
Waibrrige the ollowint , letter:'•'vered Oo meet a'4 4a hattilidn llint
WAs. l tzmarimt, 0 1 . 12, ]CI.B 'I hi ' sle(4 •U res ° U. t e li "' °I- „I IV411 1 ; Wil l ieh
v .. 1! ilaWc trice the' ..dOliver3 • been pUb-
E?i. li. FALIIDO , .;%en• 'York.--! ilishedlin 'book ort - i.l sliowed ii him i to .1
r Sir: Ybur note r minding me oc !hare StudieWar tl 4rotighly; and the
,ihet th t, asi eary as April last IWar .i,_.' i tepatitter t las 'on that 1 . grottnill
ipointe , ont',,to Me, On tho map Towle itim a' Major Oen4ral. "()' nit.k3.l
( t
t Royal l and peon 'ort ak_advanta, eontitlenee hal4 the Elor'ertnnotttitt hi's i
toplaceis to make olt4nvent on thtl [ abilities that 'OA u - ile has beeii men'fl
hern edast, ii ree ived.
il l
lam free I tioued ii.s tit - . l .et+o io 1 Fretp6iit, ind;
'°nfesa 'You were the first to call rin still igher 1 .. i:ection4."l l' . ' - i : 4
attentittn• to that important locat- 1 1 1 .1- L. I, t ,: v i ',• ,
, ' ~..,,.._ .....---.1 C , '
I alsore ' tober i ithat you inei44;: i , -L
~,,,.' j. - 1 . ;,i,„.'•l' tn r I+ p i ', l
c-e shoeld ea si hundred thous:-.1 "I' ~'..,"Fill''''",l 4 f aI T: ""I'fr l e l'iwl - "%•:11
nie t _ 3l
men in,to the; fie]
~.,a ponstderablp sere 01 ‘l4.l.lnl'eral ca b l g'aillr : , An tr
'slt ottinie before I had brought myl drive ''" eltie r uu° )9t :I 1 We.r rill VII . '
td. up to anything near , so large A g iniA l l .1
F.1 ?! , ‘ 41 t i r : lti l aSriP b ` 41,111-41 t ' El °
i e . . , y o i s t 1 ..: 1 same a ort, ye •,ereequall,) - 1 liOue
•1' ur ' , ru 3'. 11 eese, •1 I • hut Die 4'. mOre tit.lreAvi at,. 1
i. .I..custceLN. 1 ~ , , - , f., , !..1 1 •
1........ ii I 1 , taeic u uy' tre %xi miner pecause ijuore ,
1 'i 1 wa. , .vpe-t i rd t, o 1: him. atutbe . no ,
A GOOD llrr.tßes t ar t , gard, in hl - eq , o 4 Jim - aki g ,l a b(i rate'
late letter to the Ipeltmond ! .li'latipr, tionk r felling it her, eta inliaehing ,
has the vapity ti) eorliptireiliirnseli• to i : lolurn s with re i t ponhp, fot,r O other.
- 1 11 purp i p e tlilau to take . % good leek at
Aleibieded the eeltibrated Greet n ~ ~ . 1 while , 2 1
co map, r, wbereupou the 7 Philad i the en m
'it ''dS • ' '.14 O Sit on, Resobc.rans
p la in. proceeds to show that" etl. w w .a b g er ' 'll : i h n e , w t -8 8
m el eic a e u x d ii:e t t r e ik ill ne iT7,b b h_ l i °7 i . s
t. B4iuei- '
. 1 A I
•Aieibiadet was pot •Oply a.•groat gen- -a ver • 4 981 history: IL 'f '
-Tai but alio a traitor of the deepegt' -
: 3 :
, 1 i
le. . il -1 t 1
1 I. •i
to t
len .
T mi ri
'l ,
r ip a signifwin ,
rebels *Fel about Tetrio •
tal from Richn+icf-AO
becom+g longr4o
at Itichtcrind; lit 4111
i r aUgerotie for them it
• ,
O. thopt,
fat o4kße!
We IlkeY
he. (.;.xpedi
This Be ;; .
ng stateakeu
t. Airs an
i t(t t►iglily
lii enfi l asacie there is - evi4eitly eo n .
,fi '
, , I side hie tietru f. ofJeff.Days'..ogtte
r - 4 , con e erzi 1 . T ley do not l!ke iztrast
feet that tnie - t , t 1 , • a - .
, 1 „ 1 t oo ,ea an extent, an here
ink their eapi- fora noath ifi adininister:xt t t i l e the
,Niehvilie. It
membersfti?e Viegislature, by lorbieb
fob the. rebels they Jere', and !lot to cOn4enti to any
80 6 n be
more set itat e - 11.1"bf4tige, the ri:ghta of the
lash lie l ei T e ' .1 s 6l °l r ailt eed 4611 4'i 2 lb . ,tia t e
7 0
vi • .tiCa ' titiatit p ' Ll ll' .'
! r 1 '. ,il
1, , I 1 , 1 i ~•,,,
'• • , 'iII . I I, , i : I 1 ,,, 1 ,
/, •
gin 1
1 di
-- - = 4 . 1,.. i_ 0
-- It, ia'peritaPp . a
for thOselvh,: ‘ are` '•
# II PPI,f4gI, 0 G;lt4illi i
ore_lrfMll) l n9i4esagiti)
tune Itlefute thimis iv!
- ed. '':sovia-pi , rsOne '
in r?gard t":11' the
furtmihiii r g Apes, p
are cir little rno
stolults, Mitch le s
- wei :ly. ' lON a* - 7,1e
barreit after barrel p
'th . eyj,i.annott be used
aro ‘flwitatedil 401 .
Let.Otir ladips, as a
1 1 1
votel7heir e/+rgie
eies. - aGf cihmfo i rt rat h
eta, ',iiiiiiitS, iiiraw
eta: I Alf3o, didtabl4
and roans /1)r am l i fg
ligent write upon th
Jellits and .the i'sl
ultesy hie of IMO) tx+,
eAselitial to the d
be aally tibtainoi
order tromithe
, ;agazinea. e al
esp4ialiy ljoee t
will be hi
by ii4ip soPer t wli;e;
when conf!ltemerit
ward js.'
'.iirksoi of
bolo*, Ini4-garni'
able! :1 ,
of'thOgeWhepresentidlf?a;irelo tti . r itei
they three tenths' nie t r i l, t e pots f jet.
. I 1 , 1 . 1 i ,
IteB,lete. 8 ttt, to ea
i p 1 and,. gtten Ito
evexybOCly , n spree!, to tit kid I ,f tt!;
the, i eudle rolls 1 1 0fi 3ndagegl' and,
tnaii:s es of 1 1 nt, ttadlyi, ni delli an not
adatoted V the' urgebniB` wan t h4ve
6114 vni r the 1, r i te ,tie l ev4 of nil quid-'
ed 1 heneve enee.f If they line ical phi'.
ves -, 0r.t4 of he ays,ny had . ine fundB to
purehase• i whatever th it e xperience
indicated ouldii b
le ln e ns flit, then the
11 t,
charity of he p OA be; coked'
BLit AS tlii ;is not.o,lle,lth .I e rte oil,
the l trely and j i dieidusly l en votentil
be! direete I, to o
twining an f weird -1
ing-tO the tiospi al l s, or tO the edit al I
purvey Ors ff-Ptilladefi?l,i4, '5e1,, , 1, "I" , ,fr,i!
Baltirnore, and ,1 lira.. ti tigtkin; fre,ifht,l
piii-Pcivi;b,ii to the I,)e 1 ;Qiialr ertpus4l
ters of 'the army, Isi ch arts le of
elo,Ati i eg, i and antusbn ent,i co itl3l:ie
t v, ,i - i i:t ii ii i i i i , i i S ie tiri ,r it , e li ti . , : ti : ) , , l c all ia
I,l, 4 :i. i s ll ll l ,: hu i
~nr o e , : 1 011 1
w4tited and corre'etiv aliiir i ee ted b y ,
feldnate or chitiipiLl 1 , rA I , , 1
.i . 1 Mov e manta . ofr tie o . o. 1
11.1 1 . the 1 ' 1,. . b
, it;aBgen ors or 8 04iper 4.11 arcy
r+oitted till quiet al nisi the • Ohio up
to, I.Viidny. 111(031 anxer illl i egitapl 1
wor, till„lyingi at -
; Gall i malcin
ooca,ioris trills I bete!en ith 't plat:
and Joule nes' farm, •thefo thri,4o 9orn
riitnis of the 4157 t: d silo ',engage
cOliflisoitipg all his', c4a:bl:o pioprt ~
1 Nelson s co man isitteingl`roughel
di, vii the Big Aiimi l y froiii,u7r Fres-1
4riburg., l, -,1
_.,1 -- i , • '!1
, c
leis iticertii d that it; was pa rt of
Ji*nlii.n#l'plail,L 'eOgiit 11 . .11 iboki Poif-, 1
sation.of Gaya 'it°, to capture the
steamer Liber vl, asl she passtid ck07n,,1,
tint, trickily the "ctffiers of the ,I heat'
Wer advi:ed ,41t114 di tiloult ji i and 'd 4
, I t , • ,
nutattempt to' pass . . till the trouble i
#l.l,lortir. 1,.1 I 1 , :,11. •.ft k
; 1 The Weekong till, mat taint.d t
sfa ietta. A! blaic; shoJ,, y:',asli fir .0
icy =. , !4 the bow
of the Btearder - L
rg ibt . iri
ty ( n Thu
, 1 1 , r.l
day in t ,ll4 and! she ,w.lB
CCOpelie .l .l to i:obu and !Ain lit
n ; ;
an exammatio. ,
, i
14.. 1 PISMO' Virg* ftf . lOnek
It I.
11l 4 34,04, ,, ,
...1,m4 1 , i elecY ire!r entrt
0 _ eitntitatit _lonigtion of the . rul,
in ;St** ,stitcal • she lcolantarily'l
i c.
"* itie , iu#O robe otnight" am!.
*aid I a 1,11 hait . _"iitar 'f-glcryi,7
7314; tiiii , epepthg * Port
. .yal scorns
l'Ole•v*" ' Te7corneil alio th -, partali . of
COnlm'nnieation with that part of the
t i iiton,, and we are enabled to announce
-that Gbv iPioi#s"aetit is message
to Ole PigiSlat ' of the tate on the
6 h' inst., and Ith t .its to e indicates
t, a 'terror, wli'c the rep ed advance il
T oil
o ithatleat b li, sion d. groin 11.'
:for fragracii , sentenc s', which well
find in the item page ,• it exposes
thb feet that h e State • b raised - only!,
1 17000 , troops for the , 'war, and ' these'.
ttinstly for tw Ivii months • Their time,
h 'd nearly e . pied ',. the werediscon
to -'
; . ? ted in Virginia, whe : "their suf
f .'.
e l k
in haV r e been excess Ve.."-, Was".
I t hl fo e
btfitiSt‘ollSontit carol na ;that, Shel
dotildßt from 60,606 t • 7.0,000 men ,
&Ilk armed; into ac ti v e, service; but
doyeOok I:l6lcens f asys, "the remain ;1
i der of,• d iiir pcqmlation fi t for ` military•i
1 '4l.Oty-s Oa state of co parative , (Hsi,
Oros niiation."• I Theo:3'. meocial capi I
tat of the Stat Charl:ston itself--
hasbiiCtlire o four lt, = ousand effea.
tire_ croppi ,or its" defe'Co. Oppres*,
. Stye taiatio aid an en • rmous indebt-
ednesaseem to have bo • ed the State
'diwri , to the
,Very . *Test, = nd the ' progi 7
gal. Who, ha s laViShed i s „Patrimony,
appeara .red cO . 'd to th : corn husks,
h but atill'un ' illiaii to sti! urn to the pa 7,
' t,ertial - Prot ion the - tp : ions of mon ar-
chical gran eur yet •,11Ii ting about it,
: rgs Govern r Pickener, \ ast a wistful
ilig n - g2 - pg look' towards' . *lie; , stronger
aadirnore 6x t zid fornis of t • Old vroild,:s. ,
This, 88tiws that the,. onfederaey is
' }reap ink its cobesivenes- and,likely to,
fall to pieC'es as a, rope of' sand . The
Governer, Pent up ( in . his .little \ State I
like Cath ;n the I tow • of Utica, be=!
,• . 1, • , i
ging' to mo alize on 'th:. matability,of , 1
all human affairs ; and has •prebably,
Toad hiddisbn, as Cato • id' the WOrlpi'l
ref Plato, fOr the, I la: = hrious execti-,1
1 tivek)f Paimettodom sighs, out that;'`'`
I•i'clintds and darkness" rest upon ,tbe I
Country. -'llisl"hane ', d antidote are
• hntli, befor‘ him.", k :i.;'• al. sub - missibil
t•in a ntonStnt brings'. it. to •an end," ;
rr t but - the go der circleof royalty the
..,uropean oroWn ins i r:s ,to cotton. ati
imperishable reign; " tiforins' him !it,
'shall never die !" :Ta e ft, - all in, all,
and considering r tha Pickeni Was
?borne insoi si bh3 to fa. r,", hiS message
Icertainly,i's entertaining; ; pot, to say
lei niliraii ii i - ,r. lt irnpiiis a giving a Way
•in his knee: and;the i he , t•oftellingl of
ihis'veriebral eblumn, If the
: opening,
of Corninunicatioct v,i=u
such nti h Charleston lets
, in- Upon tn r not.hilig,helanchb-.'
t. ,
' tyl'ihOughts and I shad 'confass ! ions, 'we
shall ,be bklf tempted to wish thk . bar
across' Pot Royal clo ed again. • '
j ii i r i {
, iii
- - i ~
d) . el,t r , ,
4ett ivir- 1-
ler t.,,. w le—.
A no be , me,
pie!) 113 hut n ed •
{lave S r?th t t ,l ,e i 6outi
'',lnt r a of tile ijek
erpes,iete.; vibieb
nett{ti ,hea 44:
t.oithotol, that ire
t ndstiik d I to ends
, RtiCh ,iiliel , a's..
it byt tlhi3 Istek ana;
cis) w 9are ‘411.1
k ha p ibis de
to ibt int
- 7 .-bng aryl
r thin oElank- ,
, slipPeis,ti9ek4, '
bonk arid' p erii,
sleneil,.f \l,An l i tel.
l' is f lu JP I
'l t "s? s '.l '
o-eallud "siv -in .-
'lathe lit l ll tb t is
• t e e .
It of e van
i f
lon I tb4 Sorg 01i.13 1
' '
i_!ir#ol.* COll Mt '
- I.i,
i T :
t i and '%
ia i j
flor ' , 1:1 E ,
l igllly{ !appre,•
coni t i l leflearit f
i to i e ler.
1 .
' bieeleetv
on arid , 'nor
alsol pr l ov
1 1• I
pare q irilth,
I }?a
‘, 1.1
rr hetalptary)dhipl►y presented ;be
yond. thel Potomac, oti Wednes*.last
was by fir the most ,FopOsing eitbibv.
ticm 'of thei kind ever Fitnemod' upon
cm' culltfeeiit. l l ltiWas Coniposed of'
seventy liegiinents , of infantry, seVim
tebn,batterieh d.
, anseven regiments of
cavalry, and contai ed over seventy
th!ousand men. 1 Gr an d aa its appear
anee wa4 l , hoWeyer, i !fails to girClus a
Propet , idea Of Ihe ilitary power of
our ountty,. It contained : not_ 4- over
4 psi. h, pnrt of lthe V Itinteer army of
`the , nion .now in s tile e. 'Our war',
altheugh intended' at to !suppress the
rbellion of a Part oibe enited tatc:i
and in which more hatt a., third' part'
of the populati' n is either arrayed 'a
; gain“ the GloV rnin nt ol giving it no
aid has derrion'trat dtheTact nat . :the!
Government eun command sttstain .
a mill tary f i ore' equal to an one ‘vhieh
4•4 been brou-h any.
i , the .field by an
i c,
natiOntf . ' Mod rn times. Most of; the
great military eaMpaigns ,whiela make
the I . , inost• coo picu ms : figures' in
~ t . , he.
hist, ry °flit° ode h world, have been
carriedonl:wi am ller nurnbers Mart
titer* undarns in defence of the
unii n 'of the Stated
he courage an
Merieah People are
the 110 thitt, tth
,erice ()fa grea rebe
hava in arm in t
hundreds of .t ons; 1
putltrepidati n up
of thelanger , `f on
'erfill GOvernMents
6fitly to assert ou
mht, may oppose, 13
( . lioiiina.stincel in v
' it iS!the self-rel
l'otti army,; as well
ithat,makes them
fee, con
bles us to fee, con
ty to sustain the
what enemies ma'
Are:m.l •
energy iof the A. 7
manifested also 111
titnethe exist
lion, whose leaders
e field counted, by
nds, we look with
n the consequences
of the most, pow
s_oh o inrri f :ci
w t ghet
hh ! h : sat r esfe o t:r p mtanh e ralio , oo3,u a .x
a l b,
s d aeabs:e a tetrh r eids e 76::,
ormidable, and ens, :
idence in our abili-1,
"„apublic, no matter
'assault it.— Dail,y.
i Sursl-ncA. , ..i.r. he. St. Louis News
noticesthe presence' of a number, • of,
naval: l 6lll6er in 'that 'city. This and
other I cireu ' stances,, in I its, opinion,
indicates an t inla d naval expedition ,
en th liissi ipp ;secarcety less lnferi- i
or in iiZl3, a d certainly not' less infe-'1
riOr 1 itilpo tams, to the late success-)
ful 'e pe'clitj n t ' Port Roy al The 1
1.- 1
gun- Pat's, yen' n number, Winkling
at ea oudel t, g ~ and' Mound gity, ;
'lll_ are ho nearly coompleted,lso aroi'
1 tue t, silty-eigfit mortar floats !being!
I dens' ue!tedist t e .Upper Ferry. All'l
' these parts Jor t i3- c .Mississippi Nas7Y;
are t be Place under ' c,ommand o 1
' , Flag dfficq F ote.t 'The gun-boat
are t carry.fificen guns each -fiypon
leach'side, tree the bow,' and t*O ,
at the liter '. ',T e,, side guns will bp i
Ooliambiall , the 'Others are rifled guns. 1 ,
`.The mPr fl tai are built of pin! J;
legs,' ply • ick, and 'curia carry il
t i r.
one or two ;in each, ito te nsod
for thrOwi g shills only. I Thii whole AL
fleet will carry an iirmamenti of not "4,
less tban-twoih ndred`giuti, and will I
-be '44 formid ble. ' 11 I
P- , - - • 1 ' 1 f
r _l_
,r . eport is that
..unths, Mr— Thurlow
subject, at iiiterY4lB,l
mental I 'deliression,i
ed und ermine hie ii
I .I',
The !atoll
the' pastbpi
Weed has heon
to tits off grog
rtieh ,threatev
pri Leiicr
i I
1 • ' VIIMI •
, d , ..
1 2 Tt N, Mo., November 241--141;0
Ilittrif Vf the twin OVVi r ifiaWfiiecni.
;firm ''N.gentlenihn vi,ho idliviid
I,fromi kat vicinity this .eVgnini,L,The
main bhsiness, portiott, of tlierqmiiii
'cowl ttng.of onp hirgeblo4k and ser•
:era s tiller ones-svett ill' when .
i i.
the g ntlemari i ile ft . The town' being
sett red, it: is PiObable, that nearly all
th iidenceiescaped. . The QUarter
in fit r,smd Cininissary Departtnents
were 1 ocatedin the la fie , hlocki;but a
o gitier ..portion' Of
,ft rio-government
sttirethad-besn removed.- ' , lt„is suppos
ed to be the work - , of !secessionists.--
1 The mops ,who Were there tat the
,' time ere on, the milTh- to Sedalia,
' (eft the ;morning' f(iihining 1 tho fire,
which occiired onqTbursday. - 1
Bonii, 1.310 1 , Nov. 23.-411011k/eh,
wititja large force,is. now encaMped
betweenSpririgtleld and Lebanon.—
is pickets exteiided last t night over i space of fifteen triles, this', Side of
Lebanon This .is reliable. It :was
rumored 'in caMp last 'night that - the
advance of the rebelJartay, eight, l him!
diettitrong l was, at the Gasconide;l
about thirteen milers'west of hCre.--j
This', however, is not credited:" '
ll . • 1
•1...] .',l
glisF.LpA i go.. NaCr. 254--Itis report-!'
ed that Prieeis still advancin g u. to - .
wards tbis,place, and that the Federal.,
pickets were , sitiven in towards thls'i
place - this. evening. ,' A number of re'l
els were arrested last night who tier . I
on'their Way tojaiit Price's• army. 7 .-J
The secessionists in town are quite;
eerfain that die Union foreeal are to
be driven from,thiS section nf'Xisson'i l l
41. They are verv e still in' . regarcil, to
.the >} tnoverneuts' - ,of Price .- WitWout
doubt lies advanCing ,toward, Sidellal; '
The i mil i tary are! very strict now . ..
andi no, one cant pahs the -line I c l i without
a 4)4+3 Signed by the commanding l offi.f
l ce ' of.the posts. ~
• 4 b
3 I trains from Warsaw;, arrived l f
i yeaterday! nidrning. ' Theyi report!
that al,,
, sick soldi l er, left a.
1 lii s ii . mil r; the secessioi l ists of
tha town,
~,.' , , -- , i •
.. I
1, •,, 1 ~ ~ 7-- . 1 , !
SYRACUSE, 3103 Nov —lntAii enee
hai been received, here from parties
directlfrom O ieola that Price's artny '
1 crOsied
. the (:tsfige river at lloll'initiC '
Ferry oh ,Friday yist. t.
and the adven
etl guard !would reach ()set:6l'a the fel I
1 97ini l dItY. 1: ' il
1 I
• , i 1 .." 1 ~.. , -.-..... ~.. ..
OLUMRIA, m. 0.; ::.D. , --..1.11.3 ;?)t at es ma
11' 1 cl l 1 11 s f mist • - f • I
r ptt ) is le
1. iitte,
the'lll 111 apt! 19 .
N.osho that Rump Legkiature i ll
thisState,-after obtaining a gboriir
ihy.Al l ie nppointnien, of prolfies, ele64
I led John B. Clark, formerly . me ni bet.
ob Congress*frenil!llpward county. and
R 14 - NV Peyton of Cass county: St ,
a ors! .te the ;Rebel Congre_4., 'ti e
,Legiilature . , eke appointed! mentbel.,3
1 ef the House of !Representatives fro
1. the different ,Ctingr , i , sional clistric4
of the State, arriong whom are Emmet,
NePonald of St. f.l.4ottis, 'of hanent4
1 cerphs , notoriety, T. M. WElbaneil.
l'of Adrian , cOunty, and James. R. Rain ,
of ,Jasper county, ail of where • are ' a
Price's army 1 ' f
Aattisnurto, ,f2S:--Sugeon .G en.
. Nov.i - , I
era ',Smith this morning , officially Iv
ported t!o•Gov. C urtin that the' ciii:li,4 l l; y
of provisions, particularly' the Intl t
furnished Camp Curtin, i;!. Of , Sit 4 'il la
quality- u ,arena' 4
as to i seriosly i t it:-
health of the '.troops, and that. sidle 'a
ble suffering is l experienciql in (...,,i, ,_
uenee. .The Governor iininedial4 V
ratified the Unise‘i State, :i dConiiiiHrt-.
i-y of this state, of aii:airs`. and reone.t
rl hint, to have it rectitie , l I i 'II mel ia:ls
y .Or he would report to . headquart,iy....
nd ordered the C'eminissary, in 9f
mean , die,. ,to procure' and far l inlsil
IC:int') Curtin with good and ~.411$qin-1
1 i i:fli , provisions, at the expini-e. : of. the
State., tutu that farid-hedl he the li_li:i
: ted; States he so improvyd it:;. the „war
rant the -men ,in receiving theii i L ra
tions. T,he qualitv'of foOd furinslied,
Camp Curtin liaslbeen the subject! of
'fre4uent°complaint ever since thislde- •
partment passed out of the han()s! or
,Coinmissary lGeneral Irwin, oil this
State, and the C-overnor is now deter
, mined that justice shall be done ' 1 p itr i
l:patriptieV vellunteers inaf , lthis resp 1 .set'
lierefter. . 1 , '. 1 - - i
'J ,
I L TIM , '
ORF4 1
„OV . .4 I
—Tire 1
Point . boat brings, but—
. About Midi - light op] Friday the !Gilt'.
bijat Cantlwidge proceeded up_James
ricer: tis far is Warwick. and engaged '
.the 'rebel battery. NO partiinillitrs
transpired further than the , rehelllbat
te,ry.repliett With spirit. hut ww, final
ly, Silenced. j The Cambridge is {said'
to have received one shot,' but no !par-
. ..
Ocular 'damage.
.1 1
'Despatchela to Gen. Dix front Easterri Virginia announce the capture of,
three rebel officers, a Ca'ptiiin :Mil two
tieutenants; and seven cannon all new 1
'and in goodlorder. ; All l i traces of
loyalty seem to . have• disappeared in.
lrth[ counties: Conn ty!meetingS Will
be h ild to-morrew,lo renew allegiance
to t eFederal Government. Th'e peo
Plc,V firs - itlopti..lthe State Gotern
men ofi.,Western Virginia'as l i a ,t/,,iiipO
rat. . i mOttsure; and then look ;to the
Legislature! of that State and; Mary
land:for amexation to the lattei
I The
Secretary of the Treasur' l
ordflred the restorationof the lit r
Cape Charles, l
R - 0
E PAPE_ LANKEIS.- ur read-
erslMay . re'ru'ember the items i which
rtitt,,throuo the newgpaperS seVeral
months ao , o'to the effect that a news
'Taper "laid bet w eon the bedc.:4)thqs ad
-I;ited., greatly tio<the warmth of the tor
'• -; •, • • , I 1
l!ermg We attached little weight to
this , statement, ut intelligent per
lstins informs', US that itlis. really
and' tbit a paper under the ebunter
pane or under the jacket very effec
tivelti keeping the , body comfOrt ahl e.
The texture' ofthe paper is ' close
that it keelie in the bodily artutir
better thanclob.
1 „11NA" , Boman .'r,nciited,lra
t ~ .
y a.. of age, recently t traveledl
from Landon to Curosralt to
•pot of her bulb. r.
: : I
- -- --- T - J`".. 7 iiiiFitil'v7"iir=ii.o 74 Cpll aft '
, .
ey oe4tly bei r,i g cUneentitit,ed, in Ken. , ..
• *ky,,,ccre some important movement
lint atilrandy.; The "Coinmereitti".. of .
titii:y says: ' I, I. '
~ fleet of steamers, including the _
.I#Ob Strider, Telegraph,' ' • 13ostmus
TiostOn, Moses 31!Lellan. Rogket,Ch ELM- ,
piiin,tandother boats, are dnehere this
mOrbing,' from-the mouth of !Bic San- .
dy itver, with Gen. Nelson't brigade,
numbering *B,OOO men. compr i ising Col.
Plin.rilarriit's and - other Ohio' retile \
e r n e ts ifor
t O ha rd i e n r l a m - l e i ck i i v a e te he i
received ir e: nporta
O tills forte to' .. .4o!tis t ville i - .(d an i d the
; 1) t. n r i et 8 4 11 1 1 . fir i ' ell ni t in n i CllTer of steiin r :ers
11 1 ~ , 1 -
it I execute the order, in the event that,
daily of thp boats chartered; to bring
iltifri troop here decline ,g , o i n!g, , fo-Lon- -
'4ville, wbiel may ,be the ease,- as Bev
et al sof the .steamers nameddabovf are
.:ti regular packet ,trades: ; 1
t •,- '-' - .. r ,
I i:ltExcH SYmPATEtY.-:--Thelßititimore
‘,ITi , triot" learns thut a distinkuii:Vol
"Citi l ien of that city in the" Freneh ar
my,writesto his father that tht French,
inisteis, .at a recent meetiyg. voted
Unanimously not to. recoglu i ze the in.
'dependence of the Southerh Conleder. '
cp. He also stated that he knew of
prate ,)ndiv,duals in - France, who
mild lend the United States tioverh'
M ment $50;000,400, if it-was,: needed.-
1 Tha feeling' was general in fit'vor of .
1 ; s
1., 1
tanding by the old Unionaud giving
her funds to its support..
tNDREW PITT, the .' rebel rifleman
'wh killed Captain , Ward":M
at atiliks"
of l' t, ftring_upoj. him _with a Silaro4
i .ifl .
distance he hundred yard. 4. cli..d.
4 ) .
recenti :of typhoid fever. lie_ was
to lie the best- rifle k<hi):., in
Virginia; and beat all tlie 'crack -iwti
i frrm the extreme South' iwith wbom
'belied trials' of skill. This informa
tion was received from an,old ".confra
-11 band" who egeap"ed from, Fre.l,, , rirks--
11burg a - few:dap- sine.
Baurse NE.ura l actrr.--E:);11'sh tet
,ters state that the British G-.,ve,n:net
refeses to .. grant ele.aranees'
fish , ports to ves:Aell having r..1) , 4 1.14.- ,
furni for the Irnited St.ates, and -ship.
pers will hereafter be boinpeiled tof
send such.goods in vessels froa
tinental ports.
. .
aro n' sig';iing Unit:A
States demanci• notes, ca , ilf
about The.amouaL of ,n
-ey daily manufactured from
UUU $5',10,9011.. The., antoutiz•
to' date: about 828.000.TPJ, requiring
about 5,590;006 signiLthr:es. '
The North erit
Sireritlan Knowles; who has aban,if,c..
ed i the'stage for tile pulpit:ls
from severe. illuens in the
bouLl of iielftist.l •• 7 z , • I
go3;.‘Ve learn that johh:l3. Vaa,leri
.zee maneCoev
rrieinber. of • A'sseinl)l3l:
,District of Alhan- eonnry.
ill with typhoid fever. I.'earA ar'e , en
terained'bf ter ninati,yn.
. .
.attL.The mother ot:fti - 6 - .OF.' E',:tpCr '''
or,oftlnina• 18',Itiid tti lid A wa-tlc.l o
yens and ipirit: who rentiiineti tit Pe
kin *.iter . l he flight of .I.T ien fai flg . ,r, i:!Id ,
..e.ndeai7ored, though ..little r• Fi
'hip ta. return.- .The. new .Etnp.2.rur• isi
only i•ti-t - en years of at , e.t •• • '.,
he Prince of W ales , .C• - •;rn-s-an , a 'b,tlatiari in iii
8 - favor which. after t.ll;it.ttqlgi.'
'8 e.xpensei, 'B,lll(itintB at pea.:.‘44ti
ut ;£7,..10.00t). •It ',:-- r -
Queen Victoria ,1 1 youngc4 ..6.01:1
'Leopold, eight :tears-=01•1-; Irtt
baying shoWn
,Symittort - s 01l 1 t i li ,
lealth. has been 'send to \Vtei
south of Franca.; . ..; i
. . t.
e tate
to al)
11 th
1, Ateir i rt is; ereotio,±y ropoi;t:29. t
BrigAieri. D E. Sieklqs.
opnlims. of Col. ; Coejlrano 14)6'
ehe u,e to be made of the t;l.l.vesl
pros'eLutzng. theivur:, I
I _ ]-'
ItO_Prince Napoleon,' at Vie
datesl was at his villa near I;eneva,qtni
the Pirincess Clothild with
er near - '
de Savigny: the cel.stlllytet
Prusian jurist and''ex-Min—t - erl 6
State, died at. Berlin on the 2.51.6.
aged 83. yr
4361. 3 11% Cyrus' A. Folle e r of-New
has - .bBeh ele. , :ted a Gri•aud, Chief'. r
National Or; a cif' -fruit d
• '
• . 0 ir
dA N We4resday emtil B . 171: ,
1, Jr Tan T..rrier stmut
• .
Any person lenving•inforrn,ti..n.of hi.! ; :rrti,
Rbruts, at this ottice, will be suits* riw
Beaver, Nov *46.
• •. -
- _List Qf Letters
t~IAINiNt3 in -tb Punt
lofrice kt.
I yer., Pa., Nov. PO!. - 1861:
4ngel l'eter,:2
tarns, Wro
BOleoCk G H. 2
Childs L , Moore -
Catsphell /'T f RoTack Enj
!Irrk %Nay J Herd Tijo' • ;
C_lork 0 p 7 • Riitssann slat , /
I)uthitiAds Ity . ss Peter-
Getsdanuer Mary. A StcritiOnnas Ft
itartnnay Chas ah , ine John .
/bill Min/ 13u4ile Fre lerisit'
Ilarbia. n.Sisisl Warren Geo . •
Hull Marvin'
Orions calling for letters in the s
List will please 'Ay they are iiiivrtise t.
M Ast)atu"nt , P
,- • ,:: List - of I Letters,
j)EmAININO iti th e' . ost o.fiell at R?
ter. Nov -15th, 1851; •• - 1
• • 1
'Brewer Jon. • Rest Eliza •_.
Br e w e r
_R o b er t ; . R..b:ttort E-J ' , 1
Bushier ~ 33' . ; - Bit, rtliittheth I
NiqOttom Al. ', Sbanor Ellen •1,
Crot hors Brit 'more ' ' Sitti •h t 4,, m 1
Collies James - 1 Stsith W. A.
Ckimbrties Chas . .
, Srpotr,l.:thr,n _ •
vitt Ctrs . L • • _ .S•ititi Or:ht. : gm . I
Frosivr Copt T :lh.tvhale .1. '-•• : .
Foster, %Liss Cassie- , T s •oln P.M s l
. A.
U • . . Clio" 'T:totet s.hht tt.t In
1.113P:r Christine
Hogue' a tog ro, ' ' Williams ;N it •
Lovas Robert,. HWillisturon M Atrs '
Lyitt'J • 1 I ' 1 .
• p a r tenons callisi r f..r lettait.t i.. the! q
11411 irttl_ptesso vs, they are s t lvertittetl.
' ' . V ''' ' JI d SilEl2lEit, P. .
co, g 0
on foot
itiit tho
IAIcl:l , in Eitti.e*