The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, November 13, 1861, Image 2

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W4DNESDAI, #olr. 13th4 (18#1:-
I ii
J, Zf
• ,
. .
;e of our stibso
Nrnl emlirs4
is. Court cony
hopn-that - tlacp
103° 1 1 21re in a+3
opportunity to r sei
d us in a iittl
- I DOpark....c of Troops.
The "Bober tantry," Capt.lebas.
May. left thisfrl ce on Tharsdak last
for Camp Curtin, where. they dill re
main for a feet eeke: for ifte p rpose
of drat equipag , etc. The co pang
thered ab ort y men when! they
unet weroi remarkably fin leek
set of scildiers. C apt. ill. s' and
officers 4, reason ti),:be justly.
tynpany, a--have
he company B irell.
:ening previoni to the
boys, an intOesting
lace at thr §heriff's
proud of. theil
no . o
pleabed with
On Tuesday
departure, of
ceremony too)
the. presentatiol. of an 1
costly Sword! t.l Capt.
mil Waii 'dOntt i ied by
pe f.
1 of the Mclnt sh Ar=
esentation i , ch was
laberts, Esq., and, the
may. Mi. Roberts'
i oZcasion Was au elo - -
r thi) officere and men
y by each o l th j r, in the
9 in the field and he
fficers to relic ber that
r their con= nawere
1 4
.liens, and ehti led to be
Leh under e
in 4e circein-
May reply promised
did each oflthe officers,
elegant wadi
May. The
&pt• • If.auftioi
Thfk .
Tem p
made by R.
by, .1
-address onhi
ent appe4 t(
to do. their 411
earnp as well -
exhorted the
tile men `upid
their fellowLci
regarded as au
stance. Cittot
for hi en seitli as
ial care and r
their charg
bt .bq.
he men wide
have no do
1 410 it. [.
'1 . ,
of departur:, a large
ded the eoMp:ny to the
i l
the boys took the 1240
ire soon onith it way to
1• i r
he fervent prayers of our
16Wing them to their desti
.. - On the
Ifitunbei at
'BtBtion, W
train Opd
10ENT No.- T G:rley's La
flro. con Deeemberi hT just, been
his Ntai s one mag
a engraving,' entitled Win
14 extension .fashion 'plate ,
garments and `fifty-sevenl
stin g s. 1 This i f . something
"Id. Now lif. -- bic time to
.0 1
i h o s w f i o;th f.,r i :11
e h l 4 li t n e g rn n i l s7. tb
1 year, s3;ltw i o copies $5;
e , $6; four e6pi4s, $7. Five
y ar, and one extra to getter
tb, $10; eight_ copies, $15.-- 1 7
and Arthur's, bOth 1 year, $3;
and Harpers, : 'l] " $4,50;
ifarper's and. A—rthur's,B6,oo,
I -
- . , The flews I I ,
31.ASqLAND ALL RIG EiT.l.l he news of.
the eieltion In Maryland Mill be hailed:'
with joy by the friends Of•• the I.7‘pion.
The contest was an animated one;
and the majority for the Union can- ,
ditlatea is nnprecedeniedivlarge. The
r ture ' stands, is ' rfar as hesi-4
fiom— r bont shay-five Union and not
one ~, e”.9.ionist. There are ten
Union mei elected to the Senate and
not one Secessionist., There are sec ,
en Se4essionists -holding. over, bta . r f as
they a i f relprincipally confined at -Fort
Warren,i they s.will not interfere much
--, with lithe piactical workings of the
1 Pl ,
Legislature. , ,; 1 1.1
Th/ Uni - mists.haTs,lwith the three,
. Union Senators who hOld over, a clear
working ; majority in that branch. -../1..
W. Bradford, the Union candidate for
Goveinor, will have aboutrforty thOns
and 4ajOrity, aid the evote, in all the
counties, is th 4 largist ever cast in
the fitate... Baltimore` city gives the
Uni‘. I ticket, 'a majOrity of fifteen
thousand. ; - - 'r
dy's 80015,
l t
nificent li, I
ter, a i doi . '
of 1):. - .: - 1
othevi en!l
'to be; prep
ta l ?,ke up
ly. Tt(
One c
copies, .11
of cli
God i e34, l
116,1 i. S. R4au Leq. , let Lieuten
ant of' "Capt. May's company will ,he i.
in teaver for a few days, for the Par.
pose of, recruiting fol the company.—:
i .rust our lyoung, •men' will tome
forward and' fill up this fine companY
to its full complement.
It le statedthat -the Sumter .
intent :last been captured to the lee
ward of Barbadoes 'island. The' cap
turec.of this fai:nonts pirate ship ha's so
- 7 ,frerently been reported that IT C i s l arp
ineined to disbelieve the rumor.. It
is certainly thne that some one of our
numerous vstniels that have been i sent
4 out after the Sumter, should biting it
lals it. prize! ' ' LL
re , receive fro nt r.
B l owy Miner, his Pittsburg Almanac
for 1862, .caioulated and edited by
6Unford C. Hill; .Esq., of Liven:m - 10.
The .merits of this annual are too well
knosnt by our readers to need any
oatruoracbstiOn from us. Pries five
cents. - I "
, ,
appointed. , ze,.,lienjamin of Louisiana, his tOeu 1
, , . .
Secretary - of. War for the
r , I
qithern Confedsraey. vice Walker re ~1
. , -,
r---- - 7 iiaiil4o - 1 -- izi': 4iii t3 ,i. T -- 7 - - - 1
On_ r readers will be happy O lear
that the , lin. -; Allis6n
‘ ,3
, olin
count, het: lbeen, tiPpointed al ;Pap
maste, ,,i i
. in - the Artny;- This' appoint
ment of Ur. 'Allison refLecte;critlit on
the Adm in is t rat i on, and" we wish we
, [ I.
could,lsay as ' Other em
ployeesimuch of many
winch , ; •
ch the cabinet , ministers
are still retaining, an t i d have i appointed
, , i_
to -responsible positions. ,Whe well I
known integrity 'and ;
ability of Mr. i
Allison should have attracted the
ti.. „
tention he cabinet long ago; but
like many others, who were amongst
; ,
the earliest !rounders_ a the Republi-i
can party, he was obliged to wait :till
the neophytes were provided for. Nye 1
belieye this is not an uncommon pc-: I
I, fpolitical'
currence i O
n the history
'parties id this country, , andperhaps it
i 1 j •
is unareidable. The Pittsburg
l 1
zette in' , commenting upon this ap
porn.tmen' t, Says: .I` , - 1 I • .
, -1
' ..
"Vire rejoice toleain, fro our Wash
ington correspondeitt, thati our excel
, lent:, friend i l Hon. John Allieon, of Bea
-1 ver (ecnirity, has ac length been reepg
'nized ii.,‘'• the Govtirinie ( ntl We were
's afraid that he was !to be passed I:Ey, as
Wolzilany have been who Mon t g to:his
Fieenliar section in (politia, Trho Wier°
the original and earnest friends of the
RePublican Organilation, ind who bad
something, better iin view than the
mere poesesaion of powerdand the ,
emOluments and honors' hichpover
brings.' John Allison is a men whose
principlee are not for sale, land ~ ‘-ho
would, starve on a erni't . before he
wouldiaTiate one jot-of his prinerples
or of his 'self-respect. Onr enrresPon
dent doea not say a whit toe much'in
1 hi's'fai , or: His honor and integrity
I are ur questionable, and , ! , ke ',poss.esses
lat and requiremen ts frttin,,tri him
I for any'.. place at the btistowal of the
President. Hisappointinent, tho ' late,
does bon l or to the; Government.
.._ -The L appointment conferred upon
Mr., Alliion is that of i PaYrnaster in
A . r
i the uiy, and his posi tion 'will be in
I Kansas. He ilea accepted the api
i pointMent." i :--,''. i •
to &
MI,rd for
; and Nve
hey. will
' ii
TItAVEL stED.-+T he &image
done:to tbe C.'& P. R. R. bridges has
been repaired and trains now ran reg
alarli over the road. a reference
to our titne-table, it will be seen that
severalichanges in the arrival a r d de-
parture of trains has taken IA
The morning Accomm o dation
Reayer at 8:10 and arrives sit Pit
9:46; leaves Pittsburg at ai
here . ati 5:00 'P. ai. '1
piriWe learn :from fr.. David t
pmf i.p Orderly sergeant of ~apt..,ap t.c onidfiy, that the boys all i
satd ai Camp Curtin on Friday
There werkitut
drod men in Camp Curtin; pr
•We hO-43 been 1
isomellarge vegetable,: b.
t ; D l: .Dawson. Two beets,
1b; 11 oz ineasuring
ence 20 inchee, and lain
the theni weighing plb
also, head of eabb
about 19 c
beet and thi's cabbage
to go . forward'',whenever
Matthew F. Kau y o New
leans was arrested at iCleveland, Jon
Thursday :siov. 7t6, by the - Upied
StateslfarShal. A large nunaberl of
letters;aii parties in the Rebel States,
.were found ain his. trtink. We hive
notj learned what was done with AL?.-
ry,r but judging frOin previous eases,
we should feel justiftedin stating latit,
they swore him and /et him go.
r , ,
ift-Nath.aniel Gordon, caPtain ,7of
the ship Erie, charged 'with the of
fe lace-of piracy-, for epgaging ink the
agave trade; Way convicted in•thoiCir
cuit Conk in .ItieW York city, on I Fri
!day of Jast;, week; Our Government;
;determined to put dozen
thje horri
ble. traffic, and the stringent measures
now taken ;will soon effeetually eheelto
the whole
,business: Let the friewbri,
of humanity take 'heart. the' d` is
I I ,•••
break ing. 1.
atirThe.rebels boast ihatik, 6 Ivess
cla have-: Atli Southern' .blokade
eice 3 the isth'ofiltay.i If this Ibe so,
some of the officers of he blockading
Squadron should be h4ng as traitors.
Our Governnlentbas been entirely too
lenient all along lin defiling with such
persons. ; •- , 6 I
Mir Ol d Abe Seems to be gling in
pretty strong on Secretary Chase's
7:30 notes. On the 7th inst. he took
to Treasurer Spinner 8 ,f. 300 of his un
expended salary and laid it f ont ,
that ir.teresting medium of deposit°.
r wy,,lt is said that when the i , eports
Of the different departments, nnw'
ing prepnred,
_are sent in, thai it will
he conelnsively shown thatennSSTl
v anis tis furnished the Gov ernment
with over thirteen thousand more
troops tban ank other state.
__ ' .
as o .White crushed' sugar a
per pctood" can be got at A.
ri'L . '
sO'esv York has given the_peo
ie'a trninn ticket slim' eighty
thonanivi majnri47. •
~ ~. .
r fe•
the r
Witi . tclers
/Valhi, I it.,the •
.. /,
up to 1 c'?4ngf.,
They ut h
landet Royali- 3
coast, ..olina,
portal zebell
.shonl ',ell with i
of ail
Ai \
I. j
, pat. , ON re_ i be
lead f the
1501Ferierai troops at 1
the (Ohio fiver, jtbirtyls, i
GalZipolis Only abont
men escaped, the res
tak•en - ; prisoner?. Thti
tion fof the inhabitanti
/ 1
for he attack,( and lira
pa# for them!.
The next dui, Col.t
VtP V* l ' ' 'R *tri
a agima op e
ou t ;men.l retaliated b3l 1
in iaShea.l Stich is wat
.ou Fremont has i
1 i
by Gen. Hunter, an
by Gen. BuellL Wo[l
chanues may :prove 't
ATii ,
3 on the Potomtie
in l the same tositiop
w ek. In lie tucky,
i 1
thl rebels are gradus
before gin
/,_ ;1 '
t.ur begin to look m 1
at any tune since th e
n. ( 1
I I _
11 l
r i n -GENi LE FA. MEL The
I No-
.lis, 1 knownmbe tin4r, of iNV
and trtly evlelleht p. ricultural Sour
ial is receive . WE , re n i t surpris
-1 E .
dishe s
at its iritm nee ci ulati n. It - fur-;, i
Oshes !lust such infi) mat* as jev'eryl l
I i - I ' 1
armor and ardener neede—n ntat-i
etr where h is local d. ;It. costs onl ,
y 1 .1
Fifty cents a year ! Thi is sprc
-'heap lenoug far 's eh a Ipar, Ibni,
',-e obs erve hat t& nthllyter offers to',
i ,
Z te rem ining It int4riel th.s - year
FREE to all, who. ou icrib i llat t i i 8 tine
i or tli.„volune fork 62 v.I I I ,IWe advise
1 I
c. , erdione of oar agricultural and tier;,
tic ulturalt filiends to sub+f,ibe at once:
end he. fifty cents in fl i s gelstamps
to• Jo EPH HARRIS, dehes er, N. Y.
i i
—or et oti of yo, neigh ors to join' .
I 1
You, nd ;send ado ar hilt Subscrip r i
tioni f j or the Gen 4 [Far e r , lire •„re T
received at this otli e. i i I '4".
1 I } •II r
of t
1 '1
No .ComOany, 11,
Penngylvania ;V:
son Commvfliin
1 ( i i
CaptainsJohni l
i!4 Lieutenant;
d Sei
st ;rgeant: ..!
2d do bi
,- morn
e hen-
.lialt bb
Sa do'
4th do A .
I .! '
s,th do , 1
Win Benne4,t,c!
t Corporal:lDi
2d do C I : 1
3d i do ,ii
; 4th do
sth do 1
6th do' i ,
L 21
7th do 1 X
'Bth do I -;
Ist Musician; i
2d do i ,
Teamsr: Gel
c ored wi i s
I. 314 Robert
one ieighing
hes in fengtil;
I ..tinol 6 bz.,i-=,
go weighing
h beat' these
1 I i
Ashton Win i
1 Andrew - sJas f
1 Jiteelson M. j
1 -Allison J
i Broad Wm 1
Broad,M •
Butler j , 1
Butler Jos 1
Beatty W . 1
IBlatner C
Burke H
Crawford J C
1 Cuthbertson .7 . 4
I Conkle Geo. I ;
',Conkle Thos i
Jo,l S
Et, 1i.., I
i tit I
, . ... ,
I in J 1
itt3l7-li 0 . 1
.Fow er W i
Fairman R
Gardiner J
Gsllaber J
Honk L
Hobaugh J
HaYs A kr
Hunnel D
King J . M
Kelso G
Kirker L
Kisker W
iLanning J 3
LlOyd I
Larden W I
Law 'J K ;
Leslie W '
Laporte Ti
~All le
Co. H e Nil
oluntee t n
JThe E.
7th has a
gone to Om
inarch of tti
i i
return it i l
tars at St
suing th
bean, aba i s
practicab 1
the year ,
12.) lets
'to ur te9
list up ,
-P - •
rct ..qtor
: inr,
. an ,
wider the,
tiYanjiotte oti
zplea below !
.1 ,
fife of oar
eing killefi
ceon por r
werO looking
1 'saper inv.
i l , 1
keiglfir, of the
it, th 40 of
lyingthe town
-,. „i : ;
, on 4pet i .coded
Gen.ii Sherman
, t:ihati the
I enekeial: [The
is still oeCu PY --
,j 1
hat lit didf last
, and.[ .Nl.lsouri,
ly givingi, way
1 [ I
ltogother mat i
: chOerfui than,
1 isasiOr at Atli
- teirn ittiCisoitril
iLouts Nl,t. 10.-4-A c reespond
,G+ the S . LOuis i Dept° rats dated
Noy. says :11 ; '
' . l
.--;* 4 i i
ortion f the • fOrce sent on on
,to cli ' s i tis t e tr t i? h s e el e i b n el t° B T w e l x )6 4t hi c t o sie m lb Y r ' i
;some time infested t atilectiour urn
ed h re yesterdaY, ringing nin pris
ztone ~•500 'a , ad rof cattle ; and forty
horses and tattles, the proper yi of,
armed rebels Am ng• thf pris i oners
Spetieer Mitihell,uar-termaster, and,
1 ;
Lieut. Pol. Taylor,• Inspector of Mc-,
Brid'e's'. brigade. Before le av ing, '
Ho4iton. Cel..Gretniel. is tied 'the for-II
, lowi i ng prociamatto to the peopl of
;hho) the own of Hdlla 11l .and county ot 1
• , ,
11 II 1 Texas, Mo. t I 1 I ;
r .
II l• I hare th s day , laCedl uponyouill
Ninth, Reginten't, bea tau' U urt i lloi,nieJ Ll) ,. flitg f' mail
hunted• , Col. Juel i cl. 'Cul m. ' W leTe it ,in your ...i.nirgit
, : 1 1 I ' and inoteetio I.' If taken ' down
, ; ,L;
I; I fl rebel hands. i l I- :will return heee land,
uthbert.on, 0 , .,
I I . • house in the- town
i pit Igo
. cV 1 14 , .
ohn IF Pr co. g , ,
.21i: - 0411i. Chitmberliki C,l.c. nttd by s ic .ioAists, or the wbose
talkies at Arial the rebels.—'-
S Winatig, i ;‘: '.`"") • ' 1 9 t.. • '' • d
R iriaw ins r.
0 16 An • outrages ”ereutter co n h itte , 1
J %II " ix -LI up n then, or their
, f families wil l,e re.-
.. ' i , , I tut ed, upon the two
id Reg'l 'olor bearer /0 1A . ltdperty taken [from 1 lUlfn ion
WB. B anehard,t, 1. r t
curs Lleyd, I mein
, by th 4 rebel in in •)i out lof the
a $., eointrt innst he retnrned inm?ediste
c°""l'ils'F•T'''enf,l''' ly . I ereby give ;the rebels a ichante
, H Fult 7 ,
!I to make gimdiali the losses. sustained
Fl tan I • . I- • • ~ ,
, g) ; byt Union' annliehlin 'Texas county,— •
;M Corb 13; ti • .i,
A. L Al „
.1 1! IfiyOul neglect, the consequetmes
! el
I' '''''' (11ral ' --' your own heads. I I shalt sem returnl
ohn Mitnhell, ''' l _, y our .
to , County ,I See that this • prin..:
ki. Rose li, ' I.
Vin It king a at 'e °n I P e l 1 .1 f o r m do• . 1
tobt Fiet A l .; l4.
" , t, te . ~I . f you watt me to it ,
- ohn F Ghtss, Ih; Ne 11 dolt with a Vengeance. ; 1 ; I
'J. GRESSEL' Coll Com. Expedition _I
T. Funkbeuser. 'II '• , 1, , ; ; ;
Martin ' ' I ' - t" -- -
1 1 I 1 • ~,, ,I ',., V ia
. i FORTRESS MONROE, /la: (la
iv Aim '' 1 ~ i
Baltzmore.--The Ferry boat , Comoro- 1
Mathe yE : i l d dere Ptfrry urn ed this mot mug ft om
Marph , S L I ' the great expedition. She. lOSt siilit 1
Martin 'W i of the fleet on Friday evening of Auk
3lnssmi J J 1 , I Week abont thitit.Y mileS of Bull's Bay.'
3.E'Canlish P - -E n The fleet Was caring towards p.,' , 11,
Marquis A i ; • Itoyal. The captain knows nothing
M_:Claiit S- ; I about the reported loss of the Union
M'Clain A I and another' 'another transport. ituit beat 'be
Newel) Silas ~!' came so' disabled that he could pros.,
Ness It. I, ' 'eed.„ no farther, but to run toward
Nye ''IS f t he coast for safety. i ; ;
Osburn E . • The steamer IMayllower'lwas some'
~, •
O'Neal I- [ distance bebind,;the fleet with] a , 1,,...
Palmer II • , Is hal ofdistress, and the s captain thinks
• Palm Iv 7 'conld not have ; reac,lied her destine-
Price A -1., 1 .. i iion. The Commodore Perry lay!sev
Rineh rt C t I
hours near Cape Fear, land Anal-
Ramseir R
,f 1 ly nteda; Hatteras Inlet. The fl ag of I
Readylll4 k truce u to'day brings not a word of pews
#ibinSon J eoneernfrig,:thet l expedition. I I The tOth
:Richards S I 'lndiana regiment; now at; Hatteras,
• Reed AV L i ' will ream to Old Point. ' I
Showllter S t
SmitNG A !
Sweeney W H
inith,,J W D
Townsend AI ,
IThoson W B
IToddfC J I
ITanlear I) l o
eVan4ar J ;
Veoni S - I I _
Vanenon SI
- Van order A.
White J ---:•
Wra F 1, g
Wim g er J, '
Walter A ' 1r:
Weleh A ' 1
Zeigler J "
.Oct. 18,1'61.
should: be addreisell),
:giment Penheylania
e of ,C 4 Ol. Jacksoi;
,D: a • I
Ca =
t. LouisD ocrot of No •
rumor th t orders ha v e
h Hunter Or a • 'counteir-
D whOle ar t y,ami upon its
rs tn
to go into wirier guar
. uis. The design of plir-
I °bole into f .Arkaasaa, has
onod on acpountof k its
ty at 'this) late season
rnetµ .0 1: .7 ii A .'
, p0ni) ... 1 ha foi wing iierorei
letitir to - . - "o l ler:tio ,. . ; y.: gletib harks
and asic,foi. it '., .' -.' 1 a t :I l i
*,. t a b=
..:: :.. . ha ve
.irtitte : itiit t,... ,:.; Sr* .
:doltigl wr ng ',, 7 ~•,, la ' t ' l dtiiii* .
l o
'Y# t; ism :thin) *gin LI it' ve bath
a Oonetan . "read , trf'i 10 # 0 1 .4 4 .
thirty;four y • -, an& '.. . . ~ ,
the Isi4ti forliv .la • . . .
a.s - fi ninon , in , ';:, et'. ; . , xt ' t I 34 1 , * *,
eiti.les hall 111 W . boa . s . helitet , rig
t) i
motive in ? tryin toia4ataata ni
Way i
organ. In ,my het r, Oity I . , wiyi3
pliii ;Ihe,ll,rir!torpitiji,*4te O de ,
ae!,,Well ai of treat - rikainrei. - vei -1
IN • I, 1 .
entnettio es; oWever, are l eo lead!.
changed.' I fied4 th. 'more ba t; . I
call Conveniently '2.4 13 1 ; glad ti t i
same - tiiree strictly o a th+ ' fire
_t, la,
of''fiature.' I' .there re d(„ de
.,l._ . i ., 1 ~ t
awe yoa. to m ice y ant,etep-,
tiOn to printeoro frules,lital4isecintimp3j
my pap r,. trust! . tci . Pfevidenee,i nfr
ditipesiti a and lebiiityi ; for; the riaV-I ,
1 )
ni'tinf of f all arr4eragesi , kid 1 tIl
,Y.P 1 f ' ) . I g! •You
oabe see the,' prepriety of this
.0) . 0
4, debt .It 3 lteefalifl i lllmuig. upon, cWil 1.1
it'lli, l , drpiiing , frtiin you Yolr uselefil
inealis, and th i . din eis bo la tin. n- 1 , 1
itiy, • 4nd jut f 11 'li zilll . l% , .riiili, ii?ift _
t; i r e i'acti!li obvi as to itie that y ou ' have
scores f sebticribiril'iVila areNioWtbi
eitutitioe.. i l . heVei, beep. inn . !dng'
i; this for sote , ,,tim past b t .i cotald
never ,et the' risen Of My Mindrte
.1 ) .
I cob it iiti . T. L potqd Supply- . y,lplaep
#ith a ahieri er r b. coo(' 4 dra , Ohld
lap of benefit yOe. , I hav nor ; jo t
that subserib L ,--- 3 :, , 1 .7 .:. 4 1,
New; ~ s ir' iii a truth 'I ti" not 4 . oil,
liiit. if , 'we y on, 1 .W4ll/104'6 ish
this letter,. a ' 11 iv nld a k igittie
1, i,,
, spores bova : i i nted a , ;" Go theta li rid
do lik4wise,''
i i i . 'r tie i retain hered i lu
iall tit* to , co l e, 'of an il/eirni3afa.,
,`tow and base ,4 -std Of rObb ryiwhieh
i l i ti carried eel 'th! i lyr i i orld, t at Of rob-
Ding tie pri 't F rh ejnot, no ilift 1 - 0,110,
in. eqt-ai. ! - ;. tkaljOurs,l Ij, i i ;
ii .'
. . , 1 It I Ji;'i;firrA.j.
_ -
: pd
len o'
A j
. I , ~..
BALTIiiORE:*OV. 10.—Tee oteam
ea from Old . Point has arrived: , The
passengers( report that a flag of,.:truce
has - arrived from Norfolk, and) brought
no news "Of the expeditien, bat the 1
wheelsmai of the rebel 'steamer stated
to one of ;the ( 'hands of the Federal ,
steamer, that Peaufort had boon ta
ken by the 'United States troops, and
that, our flag( was waving over the
Cout ho us e. I ! Passengers by the boat
also repot that the Richtfiond'Enqui- I
rer of . FlldaY contains, la dispatch
from Charleeton, dated( pednesdiy, i
siMply stating that the Federal troops'
had landed int two points , and weie I
marching inland ;' the dispatch ' did i
not sayhaCpoints. The officers of,
the rebel fl ag truce refused to give,,i
any info atnon whatever. 1 1,-_' - ':,
) The stiamihip_ Red Itever, ,which
arrived it . gid Poiit late last nlghi
41 tliSt she
rni)orte , !. .Thad spoken tho
stestnirfneie, inOr, w hi 6 . accaP?Pani -,
*id• the •Nerial Expellitinn, - the , Zap!
tain ofwhirl reported that he had
been co mpelled, on actsneht of damage
by the storm, to put ''him ( rnaii9ef 0 4
hoard the MOO Sabine, which vessel
proceeded direct to Port I'Oyal.)-4
What becmme- of the .iteatem +fain'.
nor, our interment didnot: assort ; '
1: :
I • , ;, , s 1 1 ' ; 7 ' '
m i
a trr ust* - 114?Ifiblabah.740,14'1°,08.1''hat;:P9r, carried
•Irolic• on4:1 , ~ , ,
:i1• ! ' 1
.1,..,. -, I e Oat
i: i 01771E88 MOYitni
10.= Trig NEIT- Your., hot 9.— The., ,u. 8.
tittote;l7 ciir.cll, atelinfera - - steam frigate'Powlurtta,a---haareaTiV
pat(ding a Lind *cm ,ttenta. l In. od.FrOm ,Key WeSt; atter'. a ran of aix
l this
~ lig With -20th' Indl • i tiaqa, . Eale conies 'for repairs snit new
t„ t, q, ' : \ .!-. f , boers,i The store-01y.. Nightingale
' reo l hid-Osettras l has, alOolitrrived from t4aSoothsveat
a tsgf 1 at eta* 0412 1 0141 Pass, which pine& aim left 1 44 ',i i iitiya
adleen,recived on the mein land - ill - sinee; r 'The , ateilmeiiiNligara, -and'
the i takidg c l of twn;confederate fortil Huntaville and the r istore-bhip: Pampe-
O f t Point g yal,ind4helanding of it,ro,chti 4,...g,icubn! - -' ere there.
ge Fedi I force. ' ' l, I she :TOL The 'pl . ghtinele is the
Binvio , bad also , been taken by: NtOrtt ship that we t ashore:- mi , the,
, rtroOpis. No particulars hive ari l biro, during the 'a tack made by the,
rived, bat e•snain ..facts correspond rebel . .fleet under C ommodore Hol;
!with the nwe received a few hear' lins._,. .1 - - ~i .., 1 1
;Since from } oitalk'by a flag of truce! , The French ''gu -h o at Catinet alas'
1 G ' - -- -i rlt ', - lied - thr -1 ; arrived. ' i.
_treat excitement prevailed on le ar t
rival of tlO'news" at Norfbllc. .Frout. l t '• • • .1
thelsime'Sjoareo ) ! we 'have' a rumor I ~,NOLLA, Mo., Nov.
, IL- All our sicich
that' he , • road above Beaufort has' and woundedinl Springfield are abtel l
fallen' into the possession of trooph to be moved,and were-to leave tild'rel'
with an i, mense quantity of stores. i ;oil ISiturday night for St. Louis.' Or,
1 ' - 'lve de ertera whh re a ched, New ders were given l'tp have the rest start'
port Ne this morning state that" ' , ao''tioon as they are abler 1 7- 1
the rebels upiTames river are in con- : Price had fallenl.`back, eight miles
sternatiO and also bring an
i mpro b.. froM Cassville, hear the State line, and
ltwt, ,
ab e i r that our troops had'a4. was moving ,southward. •It was Mil
v ,
led tip railroad as far aaCharee- lieved that his policy. was - to lead out
to ~ . - 1 • t 11 l arnly on, but not fo tight and simply'
1 - , , • ,
jvir„ , , —, 1 ./ -,,keep tollarg force there so as to
- - . ) ; • • ', . ' t ' l: ' e
1 aspitoTox Car, Nov. 11:—The draw them into the Mississippi valley.,
most intense - excitement 'prevailS to The general belief; ha his Icarne was
hear further * from the great expedi. that -, 'St. • Louis would soon he in thji
tion. ' 17trerly krdandle4s rumors: 0.„ , , hands of the rebels Iron) ColUmbns,s
in ',circulation, including' one
i tnat There had been a good d,eal ofkroti-
Charleiton has 'beep bombarded. No tile about slaves escaping into Lanes
intelligence whatever ' has been, ;e: and ) other camps, and Gen e Huntr
dined concerning the expeditaion in ; had given pprinission to the owners
ahy, quarter to4ltly additionalt° hu
or cninps. and reclaim' them:\
i i
has already been :telegraphed to the 'if theY could Old them. .. I I 1
general presi. 1 I . • 11* . ; The ten
.missing members 4:,f Pro-
I' - • ' 11 .. Morit's body guard Lad • returned to
CAuso, ILL., Nov 11.- -The M ei ii i ,, iSprinoneld frotni Cassvillei They re
phia pape r s received to-day contain ;l3ort Prices forces to be abOut thirty
dispatches; roM Savannah. fully '4on. • thousand strong, with thirty pieces of
firming )the landing of the .naval ta x .1 artillery; twelve •of Whichlhad 'recent-,
peditionat Beautbrt, end the cap are '..4'
been received from Memphis, from
of three 'forts at Port Loyal, Hilton 1 741m0 - othersupplies were ,being re-
Head and Bay Point. The?, Federal l aived I
frees hi 4 possession of the town. of ', ~, - .. i -- i
eaufort. The' rebels , acknowledge 1 ZUN001:111401 I NG , REPOIIT, FROM Ilp:r-
Sheir losS as very large., The iieWs- 1 aorz.,i-A private letter from an Amei
. , 1 ,
. . ~
papers received to-day speak of an Am- ' lean official in paris, with abundant
, ' .
Mense,ffeet off Ship Islarld. . . 1 lOppOrtunities i nit a Most correct ju g.
anent, under , 'date of October ISth,
. .
says: , , 11 .
..! •"Things look. better or, this side. of
he water. . They looked bad .enough
wheit I arrived, but the skirt 09 ps.
, the inharmonioas state Of Europe, the
, immorality of the Southern, cause. and.
cabove all, the strengh and determina
tion which the North hag 'already ex
:hibited, ba'srande the old - Hunke. 'of
.Europe pause. One good victory on
our side would crush the secps.sionists
dui:of‘Parie and London." - l•
iI. I
Fight it Belmont ' Jitissonfi. .1
CA ao 111. , N0v.N 7r '6/
An expodition le ft ',here last, , I
L ianderltth command of -Gen. " Grant
and Gen. g'Clernand, and landed at'
IlßelmOnt,iit 13 this morning.
Tire''Union' troops numbered 't
and the Rebels about 7,000: •
The ! Union troops made the attack'
aboutll in the morning, and the
battle!lasted till , sundown. . ,
The Rebels were , driven from their
intrenrianents (across
• rivers `with
. _„great 1(,-5 ' ,
Their camp was burned, their bag-' ,
cantion, , horses, , and mules,were
Itaked. and .luo `4prisoners Werci cap -
I tured. '
The Union forces then Tatired,ithe
rends having rec e ived'reihihrelmepts
troth , I Chluitithis Ky.'
. Both the Uniou ; Generals had her
sea shot under . them. ''' '
- Col. I Doughertyr, of was
wounded, and taken iirisoner.'
The loss of Oboils is not known.
r The loss on'the lUnion sidelß believ
cd 'to be froMi three' hundred to five
' • Oilcan°, Nov. 8, '6l.
special dispatch from Cairo . to
the Tribune, of t is city, says:
Aftslr landing,itia troops were,form
ed in lino of -bat,tle, with Gen. Itreler
nand in command of the Cairo troops.
'They were met, ;by 'the Rebels 7;000
Strong, and fought jovory loch Of their
way to the enetny'.9 camp, making sad
havoc in the .enemy's ranks. Coi. Bu
ford wag the first to plant the Stars
and Stripes in-the enemy s camp.
I Col. Dougherty's regiment captu: ed
the Rebel battery of twelve pieces, two
of which I wero; brought , ; •
col Vouke's men suffered •greatiy,
as they were in fil l int of the Retel
batteries before they were taken. '1
After taking possession otthe,eamp
of the Repels it was discovered that, i
theylwerC crossing from Kentucky for
the., put riie of( attackiriir us in the' I
rear.' • 1
The order was now giVen to return
to the boats, When our men were at-1
tacked by re•enforcement of sevekal
thousand strong froth Columbus.
Another severe "engagement took;.
plaee in which our troops stiffered'se-1
vorely. . - l‘
'The number of Rebels killed is
shout 860.
The rebel Col. Wright of the Bth
l'ennessee Regiment was killed.
Gen. Cheatam)doinmanded thet reb
els; Gen. Yolk:being at Columbus.
It is stated that , Gen., Johnson was
wounded. I I' '.
The Igun-bonts I . rendered' efficient,
servicev in coVering oar retreat, low
ing down the rebels with grape, but
at the sitme time killing some off our
own men. 1 j 1
4.114 of truce left Cairo this Morn
ing for, Columbus iwith 40 or iso wohna
ed rebels.
! '✓
•, ,
telegreMs stem to I
_indicate that r i the
navel ' expedition has . i attaeked- Iteau
Fort, S: C., a brief , ' description of the
not _ , i
I,:x:alitv may be uninteresting r:
Many readerswill be .likely toi . con
found the Beaufort of, the dispatches
with a city lof the same name in
North Clit4, but 'While, the former
is a city o eonsideralile importance,
the latter is an insignificant village
1 with apo ulation of less than g,ot.m.
:It is built n the *eat Aide' Of( Pert
Royal Is and, is
fifty-eight ;miles
I northeast 6f Savannah, and , seventy
fi•fe miles south-west - of 'Charleston.
Itlies his. een mileii from the sea, and
:is guard and made Al little, imper• ,
taiice 1 1 ;•y a fort which prerente the
1 admissio of vessels over eleven feet
' draught. Theb b li 'ter h
, air or, owe , has
i plenty of water for the Griot &pub
lie, or fo I swocir-four gunillp, and
is formed by • ths bay-like month of
Broad riyer There n" college'l
ted'in the , brit lit Ak a,.44oaya
!hien' inlsr - shing Okinilitio*: '
1 '
=The Buffalo Courier i:4 informed b y ii
a;gentleman who was at Fort Pickens,
when Lieut. Russell biirried thepri-II
vateer Jad i'ih, that her Catain.., and''
'sentinel oh l dutpwere both h ung
the I
next day, thefil i rmer ,for . cowardice '
and the latter -la rieglect of datyl,"
—We don't conAider,the
. 'l rebel
k'y good models for; eneral: ,imi t ation ,
1 but we must ray tha t t 'r looks
eurn i •
est and,businesslike. ',lf our brem
bring a w s o cer
; ment wouldfe of its
I to book for permitting bloc - I:aiter to
be evaded; vessels to-be lost, .&,e l 8...eL .
we are confident the result would he
'sa lutary and, thi , improvement mme
diate.-- 7 Gazette.' I 1 1
• 1 1 _.......... i _. •
busy nation of .Americans have J4,-
1'00'9,000 Working people, , whose ser
vices may be estimated at 5: , !, a day
and theiriannual loss' b.•)' sickne ss ht
lan average of ten days .
each n the
i year. This gives a•total loss :o r'1( r );-
000,000 alsum three time's la ge aes as as 'I .
the whole coSt,of the; General C i -oeern- i
14nent, including, the Army, !Navy,
I Post Otilees, LegislaVOrs, Foreign Min- I
1 inters and all. The I amount ,veiglts 1
, over six hundred tons
l in pure gold.
'- When a 2:5 cent box of Ayer 's Pills
will avert an attar-le of illness Iyhich it
I would take several 'days to recover
from, or a dollar bottle' of Aver's Saii
it.aparillt, will expel t lurking_ disor-
I der that !would bring the' sufferer , to
ilis backlthr weeks or months. does it
I tak.e .any,figures .to show the gOod
economy` ',of the investment, ? , When
I yon have taken a cold is it prndent i to
wait.nntil it has settled on the lungs,
I w hen days or week 4 or months must
Ibe spent in trying to cure it.4ven ifit
can be . ciured at .alt, l 'or is it cheaper to.
!take .Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,l costing
a few shillings, and remove the trout
la beforeit-is serious ? It tagbs no
wisdoml to decide. I
1 ,
A large foree is ?rat requi r ed from
Pennsyl v ania: ' ' 1 ,
, I ,
13 AD9rapaaaless I
yet wanted to complete I 1
Col. 11. N. WILSON'S Itegiment
of Infantry, now in Camp 'Fremont.
Allegheny county," and rapidly filling
npl i• toirOeced tn L Head Quarters at
Cramp urtin, Harrisburgh. '
Transportation,' free o Charge:-
Youn, r .
i. 4 1
g w men now the t i
met to an, :
serer ttl; your Cotintry's call.l I i
':4b help c:
it sae es in this extrerea'at need`;`
If ye who bear are pirinta indeed "
Many of your brethren are already
in the geld li4 . 4rig battle under .the-
Stars and Stripes for the Union, the
Constitution; and.ithe aenforcement of ,
the laws, and are Waiting anxiously
for you. , 1 -; ~ ' '
ierThe teturne l from the liiripeon-
Ma eleetion . indieete the sugoese of the .
Demoeratio party I
, -4•
MABBLBD—On the i , 3lst, ult., by
the. Rev. John IBrown,• Mr. ISAtstrzt,
lif.'Comonos -to 'Miss IsAnzma Boss,
both Of Allegheny county!
Os the sth inst., by Rev. Philo M.
BemOle, at, the residence,of the bride's
father, Mr. Joii.lWil'ltATO, ,of Beaver
county, Pa.; to=f Miss Bats,Poierpi, of
atilt count 7, 0 . , • .
T---r-ta''''' - Ir . atrAitantl . liafeararii fltr''''; _.
• linfiVallilllA. VOLUNTEERS. . ,
I 1 • •"---- - ' . . '
.... thelareakiog up of the camp s '
1d - instruction fur the Pennsylvania,
Resierve.Corps, established' under the
i Aet. of 15th May, I'B l 3l, the Corninot- .7
wealth has supplied subsistence on::
Ithe troops concentrated at (7aTup Cur-,
tin.-. 1 Withi.:the -sanction of Gbv. Cur.
tin an arrangement has recen)ly been
effected". betvieen Conamiesary G a n.
W. W: TrWin ;and Capt. Du: Burr's-,
the U. 8. , Commissary stationed in
this city,-under which the Federal
Government assumes the sub , isteue4!
of the-latter camp, in addition to _that
Of others - through the' state 'already
within their charge. For the presen t
therefore,-the functions of the Pettit
sylyania- Commiseairat have ceased,
Captain. Du,- Barry, announced that
his i dePeitment could only n2ceir t ,
.the-trOopi as they were must creri in_
to- the' service, but Comtnissary J I
was anxious to effect. an arratigeum.t
by - which all the troops, those wile,
were in camps for 'instruction. thp„,., ,
arriving'daily, and thoselninitered in-
to the United states service, ienelii h e
subsisted alike by the Comtni,ary
General's Department of, the U. s. '
Army, On , referring . the' subject to
tbe prciper .bureau in the Wa r 1),:s
Partment, the proposition of. J. Ir
win was adopted, while
,the,; U. s.
Commissary General also c'oticiLtdc , L
to subsist all the troops thusi receie e l
,under- the contract alrea.d:-, in opera
tion for subsisting those hoW re f4 , l 4 lr .f,
ly in the'service ; in Camp Climcrou.-:-J.
Thisierrangement was reSo4 - id upo
‘ k
before a notice could be serve oa.faq,
proper officer at this post, Wlho, witt4
out ; z any kndwledge of surf, a
,pia a .?
having been 'adopted by the Comml4
saryi General's Department. at, IV,a,iit'
ington, had asked for proPe•-als foi.
`subsisting the troops thus Ito itie rv.
Ceived,, and had also reeei'e , l 1,i.1i
from ,various- persons propo l itt( , tp
subsist the troops-according . to ! , their
terms. These bids, in. eln , ,e• l i eJa .4,
of. this order, ‘ver`e trun;vnitted to tht-;
Commissary General, who, 'it, view (1
his order in regard t&sab,i, t i ng fill
tti t e troops under the itontra,a al r , m ,i v ,
in operation. annulled the,. prop ~.14
here referred to us haying
,b,,,, I .:I : .
ed for by an oftleerof the De1e,r...1,..
in this city- The old cortti, ,
nt tr,i -
n.espooSible• men—the - bid
manner in which thelslt;, , ,z 1 „..-
camps T alire both liberal' and Ja-t, - 1 , 1
therefore, when thus ce,H1.... , :.1, th... ,
was no necessity of rrufg.in2,--••a' h a
contract, either on the policy ~ f ....v
_on thfr part of the giiormeco:
or an net of Justice to theSohlier, , v4;,'
were to be subsisted.
- The .transfer of -thel s-i':-;••••• . 1 1.
, , i
from ,the state to. the feoor,i, .1 it ,
ties, relieves the formet• o:t ;a!: lerq
labor jor - responsibility. lfcre:,
the troops will look to th fejferaf
theritiies for subsistene,.. an•l I il .'
thorities alone will bcflpi) v:
their care and comfort. li I:11o t
old arrimgement it was a , ....•:• , v.
that the military fu-1 , 1 was ‘:0 +' -is.'
hausted without . tite le. ,:niri` r':
necessary to a plat reearllai t • .•
terests of, the . -centmon vs•,altit.- , 1:1,
theinceessity and deternliaa• - ,...
linving the plan adopte i •,:'.,' . ' '
al authorities >asbutai
1 . .
bility-: Thi:i pla2,-,..;-. , e74in5.; - -
to -day, when as wo, hay::
Pennsylvania' will be cutirelr r
ed from all responbility lin , _tell)...
both: the : troops inten,,lod• f o r..
those already mustered into rh •
ted 'states service. Thi-- entit
. ,
rangmentas due to the a....a1.. a-,
ergy with *liichConuaisAtiev -if
al Irwin lviS watched the melt - re - }
the state of Petin:rvivartia iu li ,
partmeng. from the lion,. ,he ti.), , 0.e..1
-the Contibl of the cornmVsriat , il tit!
eamps‘of the .commonl4ealth. :. n,!-iri s
this.connection we Tn4t alsoa•111. tllnt
the reiatimis hetweettt the tiorertn,r
and; the. Commiss•ary NV crc , al•.\ - y? (X.
that character whieh ;enabled tileal te
rely on the judgmtnli of tatehlbf her.
while the confident. ,V_oile tbr_ tle;
other,.wits never impaitd by a rsiaele
act, or. word frorn oilier. thi i 4 ji ); , l - ;. -
denea con' 0-.":"',.. , ait 1." whjit ,
the clutii;ss of the CoMmissary'‘ • , nie--
al hay° amen diminished, -it 41 ;1-.t b ,
no lees a source !of grtitificatt iliac
his position, in the estimation of the
authorities, i s . the same as it w;ly wire
surrounded by I his multufar,H; du
ties. • His labor hereafter will 1.. c •:,..
fined loth° adjuatment of this I'. • .111 , 4
of his,department„ . while Gov. C.lrt'l
and his administration are th 3 l•-•, , :, , .- ,
pletelr relieved from all fin;tlwr n•
sponsibility in, the atib-i::teneel ,e: 1.1.;0
volunteer troops from this_sta l `t; -, . • -
The !Treanor in which this: 11 , • ,, -;;;
has been effected, and the - tre,h'.. , :10 i
embarrassment of which ii -xr : 4 l . re- 1
lieve, the props
in 1 our opit4.m..sit4-
gesta the pr - opinety of the fe‘lral Le;r
ernment at once assaming th ctor..'. 6 1
of clothing arid quartering the. trcT 7
I thus subsisted by the same '1. 4 ,... ther.ty
llt would i tie_protinetia-e of-ane`onen's
'by reduci g the tither .hf ou r •rr•li de'
partment4 and bringing the' mir:ary
organizaton - of the countr y at , on''''.
within tit control and super -lump l ' l ,
the War epartment:-W)1TOI iine-lt, t-'
; timately same. their careend ,';'''''"
Con. Ce tainly if so much" 4 , e(gi '' tD
be achie ed -by '
•the t ransf4i of t -e ,
e cornmiss. riat of th l e state tohe- 1 1
ral offi ers at this point% a ilt n
elli l .
amount f benefit ;would tool deri%?l
- surrendering at once the ; cwt n''
organization and " .. .--anagetne l ?t . Of '''.! 1
1 foreAs tO
.the same 'authority, .1 1 '[.
make the suggestiOn on thislinferent?_ i
and ttruat, that it Will be fairi '...^ 11 r. 4 '
ered by t o who, have the; y
powe to' h
order.the transfer!'• 1. • '
Bank Dividend; .
. inunti r FrA ' rxit 'Enr :c r : l
Few D 1 1
" rightoo, Nee 3, 6.1
1„, 1 _
- r
bIVIDEND. NO. T. . , , , ,
rriiE ftOer4 of Dire l otoiti of oat Rink _"_yri
I th isll*, declared * DiviD Y c P Pr -l_ r ‘ i , :1 !
PE$ &KAT nags Its capitol I,!ock frOe' Th"P mck „l
n, of the I sit
,monthe,‘ riph§l° t'' ' ..3
bolder* or their leaillirep-evelse,Tet ,
~_ .1
NAND, Ay °Wei' of lie Boort na Pir"Pq
?Vl' . 1 11 -- E WEI HOCMF, enible
I . 441
~ w r'.
'. , C