The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, September 18, 1861, Image 3

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ss:gle learn tlutt, the TreastiffDe - :'
partment is, issuing the. new '',rreastmt=l
notes at ' ; the rate of , about 'one rthird of
a miltion of dollars per day, and tbet
amount will soon be increased to a:
million a day..
Sept. '13 .- A raper
dispatch to the. Tribune, from Cat-i
1.0. thite,i, - Septernbir I2th; :says that
t he _,m.-ht.ats did more .exeeution, on
Tut-si_laylast, than 'was, at - first - sup-i
• a paper received. from ;
their cninp... they , aeknoivledge that;
wafi disahled, and had
killed and a:large num- ;
'LT!' NI :MI d . The :iaine pape r claims
FL,, ; hundred were
il•t # t- we. know thgt only two
' 0 (11 'wounded.Coinniodere;,
I! I:,;,,,tc.ivas arrivel) ._
an d taken charge
Enatters here..; lle takes the
7 ,: 1 • 0 •il of (onlinfidore Rogers, who lentil
WitOsington. •
, e, from 10',5;75 per month
,!.;r:11 to Agents, or give -a
. . l'articulnr . i.ent free .Adderss
Sewinsi llsr..ine C.MwAny, R JAMES,
Lf:r,:rli Milan. 0100.
-Cr. A t . "Vrtri 1 lc- 1 11,
Firl: AND lIESIDENCE • nerrly.
, oppo.
17i1 ;`copal 4,purch. Broatlvrny. Irew
r,-: g boo,_Pft. •
ji ' • neptlB,6l.
Cnwx of, PrOnsyirnnin f r
3,t f r lA.. hnce hien rettivo nt the
s cr. ittld are nrAr ready for
• t. , llh.s€ eotitle.l to i,•crice them
' , .1 11. Pc.n.
1861 PAT ,T , 1861
1101 11 RITE & CO.,
No. .5 Vtii`TH STREET,
- *.i=i - 1. - t - t1311.2.xg,
t- - -
-1 -:: :::H: un TIfURSDAY.,
~ ...'.er 12tIt', a fall
,:;iii.:l:te, dock oi' i '
ES''' GOODS, 1 '.
1.n... vg wl:ch-: -
: •%yill be :
tl: :nod' it t tra - c - ti re,
r•,::, of -the L.Seasoll.l
. - 't ,, c!: hn been . - {
' Coed r. ith !nor::
ti. to
. 01:iliaiii . l-:,1
Ic.r•e;_.' I . •
[ e• fire I)AILT rece l l
'it•li Salplies '0(1
all. Gobds, ,-',pet.ieully !
vite. our . ..iti-
~.-, 1 1 1
fin ;
111 4 0
4 V.
'l, re!
'ls v.
eneral td
arly all.
:tie Public
..rive us
11 1' I -
. - i. R... T. -Taylor; A. 14.
.J ,
t 1.73. A. p.--:Ta.ylor Gov
.... T 1 - :-1:...6L FQR.
•• .z. SCI/O,
.. - .•
:-. , tickr. ofe• ~, pv:r.g 1301eck. S i
:.:: in the 'cl'ti;n:ozy - n s ndi PrepAtjti H .i 1
..1:4 e.)re1,..1:•••4 t ncrrt T 011.1 1 ,11 43. ,
I.' f , rt:: , enw
.' fi art e.rek..4 l
1; Tivn !ruin i.O . U.,.i 00. iueit '
,-. 'I I
;ff. rt. s'pny.e?l to 111:11:9 I the sch
Corilryienct's rIi,ESDAY
1 •
_uni t &
1 -
We c c 1
4e!', .at , eniion theri . !.
ito their
7 7 -
. L
E a: , DO STIO
IdIS : x TOSS, a
:•• J •
,•• Ett.fe aYid reudr far
[Pit:Anti: Aug:
to 1
30 3Elrcorts6
will be at
. ittedrig mi l d . I pd
Inth and 11th. ;
1 •
• • J..1.:1ES FLOYD.
H.LA. V -h-LL - .1 f
.4 6 1- 3:1 WI.. Y.
• •••• ILL. OPLN ON • :
the 27th August, 1061.
r furtherinfornto.tion send for cireu
-..;:21i` MERCER., Principal.
Notice to Teachers.
wlll be received by the School
r of Freedom 8(41401 District. up
. 1:t :135 of:Gctober, 18GL for teaching
sidiecl of said District. daring the
. terlu. The Co. iiup't will be
• that day fur the purpose , of exam
- ) may apply_, , Examination to
;:t J o'clock e dt. st. One male' and
teachers will be employed. School
• On the .14th of October.,
tin< Dberd.. ..MARTIN FISILET,
Svp . Secretary.
N - 0 1 1 1 1(.-3.1 1 .
-hereby notified that, I aw
744tchange : Envelapeg of the
r an , eqnivalent amount of the old
tl:e present . #cek, - after which
r v.1:I not be received in pftyment of
:Tellers Seta fiom this dfice.
1 31: J. ANL/v:B9ON, P.-31.
'',1.1% •
V 7 l'r-ons knowing themselves indebted
• ct anniigned will please call' and
2°Th of September, ns atter that
I :teeoutiti will be Teft - in , the Lends
ior colle'cztion. .
r4llter,dugP.4 •
ao,GUI isi!EYEfitlt.
!ir, Ai •
f • - • ,
• '
CLEVE.f,&:'PI - TTS,
BRAVEItcfirI'ATIOIR. —Soon; RAre,
4:g„ l ,<Tune 19, I* .
Trap, lectivlßiailer Station as. folton,
8.05 A. m. ••• Airiiesict Fittslfg 9.85 A. MI
" I L 6:40P. 31.1
G r Otita I ) ( zsr.
7:80 A. M A nive 10.40 A 11.
545 31 -wdllevine, l' 6,25 31.
J. • '
J N Irecilt.LouGH,, Prei . J
F. , 11.1811'El:41- Gen% ,Ticker Aet.
FT. WI.- 45E - 1.3. - B. R
Le46ie Rochester: - Ari. Pitts
Esrices, 12.42 A. .M. ; 2.00
deeectd‘alatten• 7. '4 8.:15
12.29 r. 2 15 P. 3S.
Mi i l9 `. 2.'03 " ' 3:15
Felt Line, 7;54 '4 , 8 48 - •
I.m re Pitts'i; Arr. at Rochester.
Fast lane, - 'A. 51. 2.11 A. m.
• t .8.15 . 4 ',' 1•• 943 -6
Aceontaioirn, '9.3.5' 4 ., .
Exi - rr.‘m. - 1;233 p. m.
.• 2.05 P. 34:
Accornitiod'n 3 - 50 . 0,50 .6
• t• • :
QEALF..;, PROPOSALII trill be received by
k-7 'thety. , unt 1 Comtais'eloners,'nt their . office
in Beaver; on Friiny, the `_`oth - flay of Septem
ber, 18A1.',ketnpen the honk of 11:totclock. 'A.
anti for t i the - rebiliblit : ic tit
the 'bridge om.littie Beaver Creek 'at 4..,:niaber
apoen7s itoi the
rebnilOin4 of the s viPerstraeturel RIO repairs
of tbel:ahtttment pier Or ihr br . d....e over
t!;y' Little oitrierut It. Mortio', mill iii
Soutklsoi, vet: fowliellip-. 19nri$ tin I speeifica
tions Ter'ks n9ll bu exhibited at thy,
office I' utli,ll (La flaw of ktiinz.
- • WiLEON. ,
Ong 31, '6l. I Cummi3sioners.
. t
f •
Wellearv - 1110,
Akent Ter the sale Or 'Ol tI Impl!m.ents
, of inu4}nhlr,y. made nt the
; • .
Cleveland, ;Ohio,.
A,lnorg.t ,rbtch.: are Wood's finprnrc d. Mower
Iluhhsr I'r Litt Mnwtr. 11nt bar l a Stan4Ar•l
tik yet, Ikubbuicra fiear:tq l Mtap4tent,
‘rin,•beiVitt & Co's '§tar ot
GOIS!. See.lir'ower. : I ,
S 1 (Lk‘itir June 10111, IFAL '
, — f
P l ' 1?" S• A_
spl.scri her. alil offer! for :Sale' at Public
Veli':lne or out t:ry, on:SATtii,DAY,
I , mbest•l n 4,1 o'clock, Al„ u'itt'.the pretni
n eerte,tin sitti,:ie in Alrighton tp
itearer , enU-itz, 'Ps about ; ft:re? miles from,
the troriAtch of Pen'car. nni the reis:l len dinsg to.
Aelho tow late ; the l e:state '.l /OHS - , NIIiIA
decenSell cunt:Ow:about 93 acres,
Eti -which arc cleated and tinder fence, awl,
well sent red: :There is erected liareen two
frame 'anti log house, sprin't inutse,
eta: ortbini trzarnz, nth
erl ft uk trees: ,•
Tr,ests' or IS'At.u.-One-third in, bawd aLtl the
in I twop
i •
ain ent
!". . I J. IL._ICILsON
, trutz2L. . AdnCr kith the toil ouucz d.
tr IT.
, grin
awry Dc
ling 1, n
, 1)01 Truftill•
; -
P :.6zr . C( D•& C. A
- - ;
. , ,
s Sitnilni>r nt Land :et tvery , f,ttnit.y pro : ,
_OL etire s F.citt le of this 4nbinble Med . :64e
fcs• the i!nrtof ec7sp.lktreF:-ih,7 tra!adies 'Which
at'g so firevitieni winner season.
E. M. POWER: - c!‘. CO'S
-14470/mTID 07W' --'
•,--- .•
bser ettperitnetitel en mince 1851, and in
erfiry prar.A a su , „•Oesi, and is - 11011'
be-mg pnt Try it Owl be eon
" 1 of '•
vire , q 11!. CS 7 sale by
Samuel -. l .nlinen•,, i Itn;mkester.
striPheni;s l Arli; i Bridgewater, ,
jr - Item, or, - -
E Fnlkton,
'^C. • or,
inci 'by at Abe: vrinciplll.Traigisti througivin
• •- `•-••
I '• • •
!' DRY
•:'" 1 A DtAl INISTit Viv(iiit'ti - N6TIPE ..
1 1 ' i i
1 , ~
- 1.1-
i t:TrEms tests:Dc.ntery t,n the estute or
11 1 1 A
>"lrc ip , ri_-Indy ' hie pr i't . +l r n tp ',
i i . .ti-iirer en ;ire d, h .liug !wen granite I V) the
'N0T.T.,.:,?..,:ei1; nliper.t..r , z!,; indei:riil to soul tsi.:tte
I ne t requeite:d to tnnkelitnmelinte p-tj. - mitit, nnd
4ose j - heiitig ;etriinls inpinEt Paidestfitei' tire
pre i - ent l i tlient :to the lEub.3erit,er proper.y._in
-llenticated for settlerdent.
f -,, Jos, C, %; ILSON, . Maar, i;.,
, ~
Aug. 7.. •1 : t - • ' •• Bearer- a
Si' - trwizr
ANIt-toihr prenti4tts oft the sohteriber.ion
fith .of June; in firth tioviclety ip,
sttsv hSrsb, fl.bout 15 yrs- old.. bliittl!itt one
eve; itf thrk!brimn enior. and n white stripe .
the face. The 1 nwser tis retjuested to
come and,lprpre property', pay paycharges nod tok
i .
- • . •
rliint4tion of the subscriber
ti iu OltipPewit tp, nliout the Ist of August,
:1;111 , 11)cnov,i with a bell on, supposed; to he
(eight or tin Scars old.t The otitter is recinest—
et to proie property,- charges nn.l take
her;nwa,K.,, , ttn,g2l JOB NIIILOCY-,
r -,- , ! i --
.1 -.
r EDATO:II.:7 .
iAit ".
i Pleat l e iineounoe the name of RoaraT,F.
St!'•xxikz Eel ,of itocpmeter, is n Repablican
U iiiim IMepemleat candidate ,f - the officel cT
Piotlionotary, - ,at thelOcrobeita•election next,
and okligei H , ; - MANY CITIZENS:
, _
FLA . 1 1I' 3.1 F-0 R SA LU
• I
ricl,HE subscriber offers s *Timetitle . , : i . a, farm in
, Lawrence County; Paii.:adjoillingl lands
of Wm. riavtilson. and P. K. Friend & Cp..
(WeinpuM Furnace;) :situated 1, mile - from
Beaver Creek', 1 mile from' a Grist-mill,' mile
froM three, Raw mills, 6 miles, from . New castle,
soiktiiiiing 1'53 acres, a bout 70 of which are
cle'rtred, and :Under fence, and. on whieh is a.
comfortable:!rnme bolas, 16 by 25 feet, one
sly. and also fifty bearing apple Itreea,
an twenty peach trees ! all of the beat quality.
Said Farm tuts about thiry=6tre acres of a
tialit feet coal 'vein, and also a; five and a cis
feei i vein.l.Atiundance of limeithne and timber,
and h is well watered' with good Springe, end
al4lgood pstecial oil ihulcations, attd ii.sita•
ted withitt 14 &idea at an Oil Well: .
• go—Perilous wishing to . pnreltato will_ do
well 'to call hud caul:tine fir, themselves. For
reference call on m. kinnedY,New Brighton,
or the subscriber in Chippewa Tp Title-war
.rented- .1 •• JOSEPH LIBITTAIN
' F 4iiiii- l — ti - I --------
10 1 i,
I - : PR P Ej A blitlll
VI j 11EP,EAti q
in l lima by in iitt, of th e ,
LV V al ?tree. Irly pelkni
epom onwea.
V enionsylv tile, eutitluet!.!Mu o i t to re i t
ILe Gene I Etrefionit - wiilila It is fie
Wealth y " I is_ enjeuned upon me o gi,sti ti
of each ale tirout p Ainti to matte to in esti
lice what lEceru to belelece i . 1
I 'I; JO ROBE, 0 c
Sheriff rf the nty. of BeaVtir ohe
make kno iventl vO this Pubffte.botice tt
electoits of be cciu to of Reareei theta Gt
al Electiouil w_ill be bold in saitPcOunty on
1 , .i. i 1
Second Tu'esclay in oc6ber nextil
ft , ...- t 1 i
at the seyeral F.l4.ctien District", na follow/I
The el4ctOrs otßorou, gh township will me
at the Cont r t lionise in the Borepgh of Be "e {
The, eletore Uf P t hilliptsbui* district [
, i,
-meet at th Erick School hoosmoftsaid bor/i,
• The electors•of[llvtin tontriihip wilt meet, 1,
the house niter ciccupti, a by 'Moorish llendriel
ion io.saitlAon - nship[ ' • .• 1 _ 1
The.Elec Crs ofillopeweli township will wi ,
at the Scho r pl IloUsol 41-the village Of Setit
Mille, in.saiti townsiiip„.'
The Elec ors of liittepentlence township i
.1 I i
Meet at th ' 'Jonas IrJf Alezenner Tlinropsdi
drc'd ins ap towesh i ip: '- •j ) I I, I
''The Eleplors ofaccoon tow ship will Mir
et }be ri 0. 7 eif. l?aviti I , ,wing li in 'laid twill
ship. .1 !I ; l. .1
The Elec 'era oil Fr-Jukfort diistrict gi ll melt
at the bong pl:Clcotie Dungan. in FrankfoT
The Electoiti of itteGoire's district ',ill met
at the honse - of Jiihn' Porter, in. the Village
linoovor. . I • il ——.• ' /
The Electors of!Circjin township will, mee l
the' house. o . Elijah N??wanger., in Ilooksto
• The Electors of 0110 township .will Imo e
both eof Jathipon E ll[ tt, in' se n t townshiP•
l'he Etectrs of Erighton toireslilp ( , not it
hineed • to I tdustry dieriet) ;',will meet at ?
Eehool llottite, near Eichey Eakin's lin se
townihip. f, ',- i - i 1 I 1
The i lectors of tho'borAir,ti 4 ofiFells ton tell
meet itt thel'Aeademy;in Faltston., 1
The FAec4,rs of l'atierson; toWeship Will ni'e
at tie 5e1,04 house ' in.thou
~ ,/eiliage of 113ri ... ? I
UM. •
' t-
- II 1.._ .
I The 'Electors of lutitppewn town:4lp w ill me,
et the ilcutte. 6f- aniel Ceinniughsto, in afti
tort 1 . -oship. \ I I ~'..
The Elee t , rs 0 I Sonth Pettier townhb'p tel l
tneit st the tense of /itltu totro in; 8 tiid town
chip:- L k.,_l. li 1 ',
• , , i . 1 i• ~ C.
i 14 . 1 e Eitc ors
_of Pactlington t i , w ,
ftt ." -" •---
1 3
y i
('' 1 i
in Parlingtoo.
or o • Fii Besii-er township wi
I ' OUEB f Wi( ow 31ilter;in said toil
, . , , it • : , ' /
1 ' - .1
re t-f - tran , l
liu to:voship will :well
of Nark; h. Cisiik, in eak town
t t' i'; ''' 'i
..o,orth Sewiel;ty'j ifllllslll
itteelecculiied by John Mill
jh W. i I ' - I
tt'Onski to wnship sill tree
:lop' / /co e, Nll. 4. in tail)
g I
.iiiirit;n tiziwnship Will meet
t o Batt -mil,: jr.. in soi(i
i Nigh on bora,. end , die:
I 'louse tt l imidt - boil
I I ..
cheer , r township" wil t
se in the ;borough tf
ooro r ou ge ofliochester
Hon in Ribeheter j
Ilorn re nd iiitiriet will,
;in ice don't! 1 1, 4
i'voti tity toWnihip wilP,
, t 1
[Joh Fenel, in ,eiii4l
1..; t
I .
meet at the
The Eleol
meet at thel
-T he -El, eft
i f at, the. house ~...
ship. •
1 ;The Eleet r ors
{ r rcill.
meet.atithe Lt
14n , l'of I;enj
- Eleetl - to of 1
at Iluughcrty'a
u to a nstsip'.
t The Eleetqa of
,the hottli.of GI
The Electore of Nit
,trict•will meet at
The Elect t ire of
- - iaeet at the School
The Electors or
11611 meet at the e!
The' Elcete of
li Meet nt the hool ti
The Elertoi4 t:f
4 . tneet at the Ipttee
Ictotvoaltip.• [ •'!
TI e Ele6tolis of lolfltioti
at, tbo eebool liouso 116 1M
'l 4 ,ke Electors of liariq
itkcei in rAiiiny.-
The Electorof F.cntla?
butzee f Geor.d.;(l
s'hip. I,
.0: which flip, and, plat
1 4ris As a I , :res Li. willi rind
1 due person for'Prdaiile
r ict cr,N,pptst Ot Be ' Veri
rOT „t:ls4,c,`Nte'l.f;udgee . of !leaser
1 ILS mereh is ! I nf tfie• lionme of
a of Relit/J..o.lmin, in
t i.:cants .1 j ',' ' . ,
ior. ' tllorottCy of PunTer coati
for T4senrer f fleeter county,
f u r - D. ~t r ice AtO i orney !of Ilenver
o .
'. , 1 I' - • •
rerf'tn ule•iontr of ft( aver court
. ,
Fei. A lima alit:parer county.
or Pc. r tiliuse Director. of Dea
--' P I , . •
- fir3 ortica r ...,,... ~,,,,,,e_
brlbil , fil th 'lose epired term
A. M i ctlil as Irueiee of 'the
iS EeHtelyy Given,
'I 1 ,' '.l
Tint eiers
,crson except ] lustiCes of the
r e :LC•e, 10 - 1,1 FT ,tll I:' dirtily tAel or ippoirt n
wieni t f pri fi t r try,, t hut !„ the firmament'
.of the United 'bites, ni- ,if this &trite, or any
city. or incort, rated dihtricti 'alletlter' a cunt'
miselonecl offic , r or a toll tdbo, le ori . shall have,
beca etnilnyt;(l under the legttlati've; irtseco five!
c .e. jedici.lry el partht 14 'rf Itiin St4te or the,,
,h -,1
nited States, or t.f toy city lor•inc,orpratedi
( 'strict; anti also that biery';menibe of. CoMd :
il::-.S and of ths Stale I..egislature.i.,and of the
elect or Common Connictl i ninny oily, or corn-,
;,vier of any., int-107974.d distract, is by!'
lla w - ,ircaF4l,l43l , ef holditig ler exer . ciaing at the
rne time the ffice o r eppoititinent!,of luspec.,
tor; Judge, or (Jeri o :err; el(;ciion ofithe Com
m e .'
oosllth, and that mi Juilirl, lutpectitr, or*
tiny:it - Aber'. officer cf 1,1 0 ele(ttitn ehall , bo eli
gible to ,atv Ohs then i0(e..1 NI: 1 . 1
2i1.0 li. aorqi i ,y the 4ui-thlrectiolt of an Act
..I.l•roved the . l, th of Apri l 1840, icia enacted,
the. the 13111 section cf the ibt.ptes.scti July
2•1, 182,9,entitled,•-n t Aitlxelating tn, the elec
tions of this (.' , i tn9tantw9aii.ll, 'Anti! net be con-,
-tpled ;sore 0 preliCiii , tans
,milit . eiy *offices
4 borough, pftiCir'frefu IsOrviog as .rudge. In :
iPector cr; Clerk at any general Or ekcial oleo
troll in this Colikrianw:nith,, i 1 ],. •
And the saidact of AsttemlblY l entitled , •fin
1 • i . • .1
.let relating to the e come of thin, Common
4taitn," Teased Jul , 2 , 1,1 1839, pro Sides as
fl:1 / 1 7,71 3 1. : Ib . Jueg l' es ' an i l6l' ‘ ) C4ot- 11 s cliLen i i fore- .
' eniil,', sha ll meet at t he espeetive blears ap
pointed for holding thelection in the districts
to which Itlity,respeDirely belong, , ,, before 9
oreloCk• on ;be mornin of the sacend Tuesday
of Oetob-r; in each nd every Year; and each
1 cf ; said 'lnsp.:core P as' appoint one clerk,
1 ...wh0 abaltr,be a [qualified toter of said dietrict.
i c
In cneeltllo persons l etho`ehall have received
the seconckhigheat number of ',slime fOr Inapec
tift, shall not attend on the ~lay l ied an election.
then thin the person Uho[ehal .: hay, received
the second highest numbest of vntes for Judge
at the next preceding slect?on shall act as In.
specter in place; rnd in ettee the person
•rt,o Shall Lava ieceir d this highest number of
votee'for Inspector eh 1 ntt, Attend ,'
: the pres
ent elected ' udge . eh.ll appoint an inspector
in hie plee•e• and in cave ttie 'person elected
Jge ehallnot 'attend then titellnapectocwho
pr, received th ,higbeet pumhee ef votes /ball
- nint a! J dge in. his p ace,
'land if any va
;coney shall, continue in lee Board for the
'allace l cf one hone aft/ the time fixed 'by law
folr the ope ing of the ele c tion ,) the; qualified
1 ,
;votere of th township war 4 or distriot for
which' each officer shill have lbeen , elected,
present at the ~p lace f election, shall elect
one of the,, number to fill each ',sooner. '
It shill be the-duty of Atteettahra-respective
1Y : to attend at the place of holding every gen
eral, ipeoiil or township elaotidn, during the
time such ;election iiteptj alien for the - pur.
pace of title's informa t ion
f : -to dm Inspectors
and Judges when called on, ,tn 'relation to tho
rights, of any peesonsaisseed ibY them to vote
at such eleetione, or smith other Matters In re
lation to the assessmenCs of 'niters as the said
Inspectorslor Judge, ok eithei Of them shall
fmtim; i tio timorrequire. 1 i 1
0 I'po o a Shall be lermitteid ',to vete at say
Teo Ptison
our . z . ty. I
Two pers q n 1 ,
, ei'remetitntiv4'
TOPi . yi;h Lax,
Ofie L'Ersori:
, 1
y• 7 11
1 One-Per - sun
11 One i'cri.7i!
'! On. rerfon L
One Prrscv,
0 - ,e'Persto)
jo i r county.
1 Tao Pr7s,ir
, 7
.y. anG enc. r
St" Rev. John
. Ncitic.
! er .
i th i p i
;l i te r ')
ti i :47l
If f
4 I
M j sttict nilll megg
'aubtrly. • f.r.
uy fßill meet at the
• !
turartriirwill ittelt
ce e qualified elec.,
•1r h', 1-11116 . L—
ant .fu l dge Disz
end .Lewien_ce
o i
elf 1 : , sit
AV iggig of flFoot: 0 4,1 sr*
1! "ihaltWe issi sada ;fate; letureon
y k, aid iss th el etiOn , feet , f!fi ,re ` hie n ,
fete:-t o I set ."f . Aiiir.l# l f 'Pktel
p - lug *ask 1 ON lintf i llitotal e yen
p d s State ,er lc ittrl whiothall bav ,
a seLatilesalte 'III byline - Adeatio .
B tLar. Addis* of tit :ll t iiitsbas„Vi'lthrtli
P Tiously L blen ' tail e :inlet' of Stet ,
an Itiorodithein is in irtesiitted,l - ' awhp
sh li hasp resided i thti ',election du!tr at and
pad taxes s i fts ' fo a1a4..11411e NV:entitled th
TO aunt r reidaeng f u the gale Iliz tactaflie;
Sided, that the
r hilii' treentons;! . indult@ Gt
tb Vatted State's. 66,40 'the epilog ticti
ty- nested twenty- o yease, an rag. re -
d lin the ISt site pn yetis and -la -the gOotlest
din Oct ten days as aforqsaid. Ishall-beentibiol
to Me althotigh 'tli y ha'senotiiitid tsittal, . 1 .
o pOTTOTO abaft pertriltted 'to' 14141 when
'not ais not,Contal ed hi Vie list ef'tsixible lai r
ha Omar foraislit .4 Adiatotandasionetiti, on'.
Its , first, he . produ el at rctitipt: Air the IpayF
meat:within we yeisrS,.iit, a, State . tor. `county
tax trissesseil agreaablyttntbeeettatitutien,and
giv satisfactory; . denT u t i either on Ids ow 4
oat ;.:or affirmation r of - other, that be th
pal s ,such tsii; 'or j &Ili g to 1 , proeure }}ii rer
colrit, shall in ke ela of, the otytnetitl thereof}
nr second, it eca ma aiiight to to t bo
logien elected bet l yr ea the age of Inenty‘one
au ' ilrehty-t oy' itts,hel shalhtlepotielen osth
or Btrutationl due. lie luta:resttled in, Ah4i'Stati
j t
at I pat- onoyea- 1 efore !tit/ applicaron, and
ma e such of j e theliesidtece in tbe alai
trictlas is r qui in Abis . act; an tbst 'he
doe verily be lei roes ih ttetrant giviinhini
.. ' . .
ii Fr et . 0
that: e Is of t eas *Tomtit , , Butte
other °video e sq re riquired, v thil • ate(
whereupon' tit arm sof Abe iierstas .tie dmiti
ted to vote a all he userted -tabs the alp abet?
ical i list byth Insp,eotatli, an& a mitt tnadei,
gilt ,
oPPpitte thot• to by irrstiOg the, ; word I •tas, ,
,if boli , liall b v. adraittod I to I sole; by' reasim of,
1)1,1114 paid a tar or o thaillTined . 14 tige" I if lit
. 1
ilia tI tie a duil ted L . c e iti aciiiiint of 'Ms alp and WI
i .
6 I fesi it 11 b 1 '
eiti ex , ease. he sonata satiVto eft el,
called out b ' ttie (clerks, Ain; shall atalr . ; l
the Illice note i - t lie Hit of. voters - jktlpt b
~•Il ' ' t I •
theca i
lii I " try' ' - 1
141411 cases,, the
.name,.pf the parson
claiirtrUg to 1 ()tells hotlitnnt oft the bet kr.
nisbed by the e_otntaiseniners dna Seat:sitar, or
his rii,ibt to vii
te, itrWether found; there 101 l not,
is ohjeeted te y 4yl4inalified, eiliteit,l it eball
be tbe duty oil lneptctriv ito ejstattne sofh•per
sons itn oath , 611 o ciertliticationi and. •if be
claitoieto hav ,t,vd (11 within but .$ e tono
year tor more, is o ath shlill'be eutheie tlprooti
there'of, hdt h 1011111144 proof by, it 1 lest.l
one doinpratnit virile s, who thall be equdlified ,
elector,'that, 1,2 h •re,sdeil ~within thh die
trict ler mere then t a drgys inmedieteiy I pee.
ceding said 'ecti n alit S all alai I biniself
Swean hie bon' fide ,r Mdenne ill pur!t!rtnbe of,
yis lateral call'ug, ''s witltitt the 'ditttitt fat
the pilrpotse of voting tbeiein. ''l -I,
.- -- ' - If arl perso shbl peeve t' Cr ~ attempt to
preventany u cerlO ankle pest, or ',tuie er
threaten any irovi to - ori 1 ulll, officer, Or
imprOperlY ititerfe it • hiR in ' tic 11 eiecul
tion ot hieduitz. oe a a ll loc up or attemtpt'
. ~_.,......,
to Mimic ItfiTlie •• ndo* liiientio to "%any
wind' * ware din I s Me lo r:li bp holtleti; O t t
shall' "otolitlY Mar th esce lf,sucb ele -
dolt, - reh n11,,,4r - or , ' et hie Any intimidation,
t 1
tures 6; forciskl a t vio la ce,i yitPi tjcsign to
I littlit
,onoo,,, nduliltior °roe lastr,aisy'eleoto i or 'to,
prevent. hint fit m v i o istgl.or to 'restrain; We
hffeedtn of hiolilltin i e apes peoton,on o:ivie
d/di a l all.lbe fl red i ny suoknot 1 exceeding '
Ifite hundred ileilais ndhei prisoied•fonony
time not 41.s.krin. Re MO try as lt i t
remit bit elliwer hat by *b*e the trial
t ut
of Such oaten* 'shall 6 h d 4 t h‘t, 'the iieiiion
'l7 T oni e i n ni d: r t' t lg ed fai o rs lvant ;t o. ? ,, ,e ili titir e
dt t_o eto 4l . e_ vo c t l i ty 4 ; :lie * o ar in d . .
/Marie •or r 14111 i'llr b id offe n ce . w a s
then, n . tent - ' ion sh 11 his!'iteliteTCed to
pay a- •no of utft, le lira one 4 ,hupdrei l"nor
more t ; at t . one haunts d 0114.1.,. snit - b.e I its
prison ,t 1 not lets than . sj "ineghs 4ftlerl more.
than t o y r ifiria .. . i
~' i 1
,-- If s Y p:rsoia or pzlin, • f 'pat,. neat !any
het tor. 1 swor upon th fault, of it ,ttk;• l ection
within Lthis i Coluionissftlthi .or
.sits,ll, . iit to
makli any such, et or wag r,' otjhor ~la iltt, hal
proclan'im t ere°, or, ti• *Often ,05,4iz Pied
ode erti l ament,,' challenge tiny,peracip
•t o make tun a bet
,air vrogcr. upon nonfiction
1 thereof, hod ,thoysh 11 1 f rfeit itil pay three.
'times tfte_ainount soth t o ulti!red to 1.) bet.
If 11,10 person - cot by flaw
,qUolided, shall
fratidulhitlY NQt6 at any alecttion within iltiii
1 CommOhwealth,l or beiSg lthen - wise Aulditled,
I shall rote out of his •te r . pep di lien or if any ,
person icroningl r the nt 1 of; 'qatilifiica
iCon, 10.4'811 aid li t prnii ie auchiperscuist , i ;f lute '
s ~, ~• • i.
the person ar peirson 0 re. Log ennii, l l on
t.,uirie.ion, be tined, ift a
one stun • net ex4eding
two hundred (I.lllnrphl Anal he impriaoilid fl l for '
1:1 1
a ..y teini ut.t less thea thl-re enths.y I '[ . 1
If tiny persor4' strap ;vot,i at:more than ~no
elution district. on
i l othetwittel fratida!ently
d iiLd
fold deliver to te i iniectors ,two i tinkets
together, with the intentios to tote r ille g ally ,
, [1 .1...1
or shall rote torlsa ‘i . in ,or any person I soul
*thine or }renninone:Aber to diaso. he or, they
so offending Shall, onlcOufiletio , be fi j nett in
1 , rn 1
any sum not na,thaul fifty her !noire, tiini) five
hundred dqllarsjinnd ;be ; Onprfsotio,l fo'r any .
term not leas than threo rule Inc a thanl ttialve
monthi4 1 1 li , I ' l' .
If snY persou not qualified t ••vote ini this ,
C9nnnost wealth ngrenble to let, .c(!x.pcip. she
son s of ionlifieilleitiqns,) tall
i appear 'at Tiny,'
place of;election !for the; of issuing'
fickets„ ! or of influencing the .c tizens qualif.
ed to livate, lits;i 'Blind, ore co viction,'• forfeit
tint p4!nny slim not r exceeiling,l ono hundred
dollars forl i every such offends, and hi inipris
oned for 'iany term! not excee4lng three month.
The Ilet l urn Jii l dges of tie adrenal disfficto
pioressil are re l aest d to [Mee at they; pit
I Rouse, n' t Lealre l i l . 011:110 fi ,. re: I ran: after the
j k•cond Tuesday f Oc to ber next at ten . O'cldcli, l
is m., 'to 1 uerfoln . ±se ibis s required :by
l aw ' -1 ; 11 1 . ! l l
And b . O ‘./1n Art Telattng o thed , ,E , tre
i , • f
tionsil of tlti• Conimonwe llth." Pas
-1; sad g nat , 2d day of July, 1 09 . tt girpta;
ride(' I
and , di?,e,ctel as follows : , 1 ;' I
I ' I.' 1- lir 1
Sec. Sit. [ When two mnis ountiesi shrill
composola rdistricf foil r the choiceof a member
Or meinVers of the; Senate Of - I is Cuzartio
nerealtb,•l4dr 'of the Iloqsit tilleptleseatittives , lef
tho UniOdi States lor lof . tl*. Coromonieeillth,
~. '
ni163 1 ... .., 1 :I_ pt .pltn,
the Judges of the election in inch conhthohltr
ing metns aferesnici. t the Piet ' l s shill make
Out a (airstatement of all t e votes, whiCh'
shut' have been given at mitt ' e ection. within
the conuty. for every person toted for as
l i
"Such milinber - or ';metnbersl,‘ , -whicb shall b e
sig n ed lily . said Judge s 'and Jat tested by 1 e
Clerk's, and one l of the said ij'advis shalt, Is e
Charge of such ce l rtiffcate, a nd shall produce
the stimh at a meeting of one Judge from, each
county, at such place 4 in ,such district, as is
pr May be appointed by lilt, furl the purpose ;
i, :
,which Meeting shall e held on ',the seventh.
'day after:the election. I: I I
I Soo. 82. The Judge of this sev i eral counties
having Met. As aforesaid. shall least ttr) the
;several county returns land tusks duplioste re
turns of all the votes given 'tor such otno 4:i in
said district, And of the nude of tthe,persoin or'
persons elected , and o' i of Isaid retarsis. for
each' o ffi ce, shall be d positei in Qs office of
of the Prothonotary of I the county in
*Lich they shall meet, and , the other shall
by said Judges Ile dipesitid in the; nearest
poet office, 'sealed and diriieted, as in parts
two and three of the eiihteerith section , of ' this
act. i 1
Sec, Si, It shall also be the.duty of the Re
turn Judges in every case, to transmit to each
of the , persons elected to eer7e in Congress, or
in the Senate, or in the Reuse of Representa
tives of this Commonwealth, a certificate of
hie election, within five dap of making, up.
such i eturn. - , 4
The Return Judges of-Abe Representative
District composed of the,-dounties' of Beaver
and Lawrence will meet at the door House in
(leaver, according to the 81 riScilen, aboye
r l r -1 • 1
.-hwean nude mi. hand At Beaver, the
1.. a. 6th day of September, 1861; and of
' .-..-• the . IndependeaceL; of; the United
States the. Eighty iambi,' I 1
, • . JOHN ROBERTS, Sheriff'.
SherireOffice, skiver, Itept.ll 1861. I I.
, ,
~:: _ iimsAlir§r ImPitcovi
. '
, - . - --
.A: STANRARD ' 31Eploi
the% apeedy.'t i ,eff ect
. eat',
" 'l
of All Diseases ilisiiig- fkUnii, Imit
„. J 1 ' - -' Of die ,Illood. ,- t'!
,Tbie medicine 'l4BlO'OO4M t h e taut atirac,
04 1 111 , 1 3 curse In deeiaerato eases of 11 1 . i ' '
6 °TP,fuln, - . 1 Cancerous thimationa•
Cutaneone Dieeasea, - Brielpelh; oils, I ,
Naples o t i, the liee,, Sore eyes. :
1 Jld,l Stubborn 'Dia l ers, Scalikliesadi
Fatter ateliflons, 1 I
nt llheuatic sorderg4
Dyifiepsio.,l: l , . Costlioneo f l i .. 1 •J,
Jaunclite, , - ' t . k 'Sali Rheum. I ..
~• , i
Mercurial Disease - Oenleralt/ict . L.7l'! .
Livor Complaint, , tolii of elp FltO, '' I i
LowiSpirits, • - f Fold Stadnui '9 .-- 'J.
Female complainta, and`' al 'Dista l 'le &Milt %
theit origin in an Impure state of,' tilt 8100d.,1
'. `The al3ovois a Tortrait of David IfeCrearY.,
of Napier town:,Ship; who,- ' on the, BLit Ay of t ,
August, 1858, made affirmaioni befall Justine
Corley that he was: treated far the oul-e of can.'
cer,Wiree physicians of Bedford rciunty, and
brDr - *trim) of . the •Eleetrio-CcleiCin Din.'
pintinti, for a period i flf'i nearly eigh t * menthe !,
facttwithatiOing wfdch,' ht ; lip twie, 'a i d a par
iion-40421et cheek were entirecy l cateit; away I
I , pccra.--Oren,up all hope, when he heard of
ttltil Searchir,"land was induidd to try
it `Four bottles cured Ihim: and although satl
ly disfignred, there la no question hui,lnhat tit p ,
In-valuable medicine oared, Ida life, ;t The fu I
particulars of this remarkable casemay be,
seen in a eirmilar, which can be had f' arty.f
our Age - 134: .l. , i ' ' • ''
: i
1 ..
:• tie alsO refer to the case of None , Blear , '
hey, of Eiderton, .Armstrong counti,l p:p.eur
ted of Scriihala , after being unable to eet out if
bed for three . years. ; i •
To the case of - a, lady; in Anpchnvilti, Cloak
field county. whe' wee also aftlicted•nikh S9rqt;•
ale in its 'worst form. ' I • 4 . ,
To the 'ease of tleorge Itelsel, resi ding t
1 1
, , ---!" -• -•••"'''
Carrollton.„.CaMbriw, county , Pa , wholwas'st.
badly affiliated with C,under that kcat Il r
nose of, and his case r n.s, woral, it hOssiblti,
thaft llt:Crenryi. i. • ' .1 !
I ,
The particulars of these casem--every ene ! cif
4iCh was coral by; the use of I thel Blood'
Seareher-L-may also he found in a 'otrc'otar to s s
lie had of a ny of the . 4gents. .1 ,; ; I t
..• 1 I It A1..:DE.7.1t/N, : propritor. ;
L a boratory)a for the manufacture and sale,
nar•the Pa. A It. Depot, llollidaysher l gb, Ppi
IDr ICI. It.
Whalsale, Agt.;lVttsboro
_! 1i0 , ..F 11, r Mile 3" 1.. ',E 'taiser and ,Snmal
Ilannen, It.:Ohes er; 'Duncei., Edglt . I S: (701, - ;
Fittiston, -; John 'S - rgeni. - New Brigll ,l 4, WM;
b lti
P. Phillips, Fretdom.,:i ID. Bac.
1 , 1414 Stephen Smith.; Bridgewater; F. rii Ili:ei 1
Industry; John G..,Dulf, Darlington; :Olin al'of
F;invon„.lt Coal , ; Srattli's Ferry; Johit Alter, Foir,
view, and by Dealers' geaerallv. (junT—Curt !I
actAD -- , SuimER ,AnnANGEII 1
, , .
e i l , ;
1 c 1. 1 ,5 filid • i e . :r i:ilooday, June 11th, he thro
•.‘,..../ Nail Train j learts the Pas , iengeriStatio I
every Morning (except Sunday) at .273,0- . ai. *;
isteppiiig at 'Gteensbrirg,. Latroha, Florenee„l
"J l elmstown, 'end! ill Tegulpr stations .-setwionl!
Johnstown anp
. H,arriaburo. making dirsct co
nlnoctioaTor -11
ihthatuore, arriving in Phihdelphia
or Daltincre•at 5,-00 M.
. ' ''
ExpressT • leaves
T'lle Through
310 l' ' .
M., .9tOrring 04)1 at principal's atiohs, l
making direct. 4onuection at Ilairbiburg fur-'
ilhiltimore, and Atli:ins iu Philadelphia 9t- (
AtialtiMere at 5:30 A. M.
.ThE: h
FAST ..IN4 - lilAves the Statio . n:thriy(es..
cept fliauday)t 6,05-p: m.,. atoppurV• only, at
.Greenshurg,Latrcbe, Johnstown, WilniOre.,Gal
r.litsen,, l Altoona!, t. 0., connecting at 'llattisbueg
with train direct for Baltimore, ail & ariiving
in IPhiladelphla - at 10,00 I.t. st;. • .I , '
i The traveling public will find in grehtly to ;
1 their. interest 1n going Knit or;Weit,, to D..71%01 '
by. the ; Pennsyfonnia' flait,road, --, a a • the, 'ficcen,-. 1
' mOdatipas now offered cannot b`e Surpassed'ou 1 ,
aey other l imr4o. The - Posit ia!lballaStia With ;
stone atid fr e from dust. IF,e eau; Ooruige
surety placed_ a d oorgfort to all Who , may fa
GAS Road with their Pntronage.;i •-. , • .
' PugiUge Checked to • all Stations , ed the;
Persno: - IRallratd and. to Philadelphia; h Balti!
rfuire and lie. liork:!- 1 I 1,
1 For tickets, apply to ,- J. STEWAKTII Ag.'4,..,
it the I' :D. 1; Passenger Station, obi Liberty
i and Grant sire I ' ' II [ly. J,blE:4,'lll
I ! . I ' Quarterly Statenient.• - ..-,-
I , (if the Bartk of - Beaver ,County.
't . NEW 'BRIGHTON, AUG ftb,i10.6.1 . .
; • !' ' RESOURCES: , hlf
." • 1
. . '
Notet'Dille A: Loan , s Discr't. artive, SGI .67T ssrn
.._,- •,' t 1 Sael • under protest,, .1 aOO 00
r4rrevit: expenses I . , 11451 IA !.
Fitinitttre and Optic Fixtuties; 1 1.p55 ff.') ;
Do - O front other Illanks,
~. 1 ' 4.153 13 I;
; Protest account, ', ' • '•' •1 4 156
;Coin in vattli,, ~ '.
' 24:353 30 f
Notes mid Aback. ti ether ban s,' ! 11...191 . 95 ''
• • • I isAsmtvais.
svie*. pai.Vin„
Noffk, in•Ciroglatiou.,
• • - . •.!.#
Due" k e Pbsi°F. 4 .. , ' . . , 4 '04 74
Div.idexitls unpm• -
Piofits andikatruitss, 4
Total, • I• ' 101:115105
Bswxn Covn,y, aa.-L.Before.ine n ll , :p
utyltiotary Public, in' and fur tho of;
Bearer, came Edward lioops, Cashier s.of 'f,he.
Bank of I.3euver Cdivity, rlui being duly: affirku
aposeth, that the atiovelstatement 141 cit
:Veer , / true aceordiug to the' best of his /-novr
dge belief EDWARD 1;00 VS,
Affirmed aid eutseriLed before ine, this 7th
j , of ,'jug. 't
i CnAs.t Itoor i .‘, Dept. NotaryPthlie. '
11 I,
r E L TTER3 to' lstatnentary been grant 1
ed to the. uu4ersigLe:d en the estate; o I
Itlev. ;hones Haggerty, ' dece RAO., *Pito l'o , l
Beaver co, petiole knowing . theMSClves
indebted to estate. are i requesyd to innloi!,(
riOychent" imuied'Ately, and those havitig claims
against the samt ; I will rresent them to the sub.!
stribersdulj' authenticated for,..sottlement!„ •
.; I MARX gAGOERTY,...tfit.
3A NI : 8 lIARSIIA, r.I"
pe l ;Sou; indebted to the estateA I SOni
uel Majors. .Sr late bt: New Senlchly tp.;
Beaver co;, deed., are requested to:mak§ ;ink!
Mediate ;Intym'ent, and those, havin,gl Iclaims;'a :f
pinta void estate plense present theitt 'fo
the anbscriber properly authenneated foe
lement 1
ETTERS testamentary on the
John Leeper, latA of flanover
Beaver co., decd., having ; been dulyj gmnfid
tothe sUbscriber all persons indebted to said
estateari notified tb wake itarnediatelpsymcnt k
and those having claims against tiM same ?Ilk;
present them properly authenticated for scttlif
, July 10:A. R.• MILLER, Barr.
I '
NAT ItEttgAS letters testamentary en the
Estate of,Wtr. , lAlerander. des d:,, late
of Rochester borongg, Beaver county, haie
'nen'•granted to the, subscriber, residing ;in
the same hbrougu, all persons indebted ti
itaidestate are requested to make immediite paY
went, and times having claims will please pre,
lent them ;'properly; authenticated 'for settle
July' 10th, 1861. ' r
rII3IIE PaDiturialtip beretoforo existine m i nder
• !Abe fit= of WOODRUFF & DtcQtatizit. is
thls r lday dissolved by mutual consent, till debts
tf the 'firm will he settled by Dint) iiiroopaurr,
• he' kw ill continue:the bnisneerat. the old stand
tail ell claims will 'be paid by bim. ,
'Bridgewater, Wet. 24, XB5O. - 1 •
it :~i'
al anti of
144. tifyl 0;)
_ 47. p,50 'GO-
01,0.. MAJORS
t ll -7-"* ME N4' li cil i p -- .. ' ,
fai ,7 : aparil
.., ~ , ,
And ' th e s rftre of Pte : katowing lain.:
Scores la ilia 'Allier tiOnd,actieh"
as. stutues.;tl.lears i , Norco, .F.ruptlatta,'
Plitespiles, l .s Illiasttelesi I Ellatehea i ii r oils,'
illiticas, slid allitikin Diiiese/H . , 1
„ , .....1 •
Clartaxkind. 6th a nctr SOOV.
' 1 7 . , t , ',4tr1t 1 00. Gents I Ii fiel It my cut to se.,
..killolled l ite• what your Farrsparilla Las done ilia' rue. •
fleeing tubcrited al Scrofulous infection, I have autfered=•
from tti in irailotts ways for years.' So:nett:ilea t burst.
out I/11.11cent is. my 'bands stud armat ele es ft
, turned; 'a ward sail distresreil me at tho stomee . Two
years a It tro ti out on my head awl covered ' Sy scalp
........„with one sore, which wits painful ondloatbsome'
beyond description. - .I ,tried tunny Medicines lairreral
physiciator but Itliout much relief from any ail g. In
fact,:the 'discord
( igre worse. At length I was tjolotd.
to read Ito the osp ar
el Mowenger that you had ".pared
an alterative (Saramparilla), for I kiteW from Yourriglinta
itiou 111 any thing' yeti Wet must frzgootl.' rent to -
pi n th u i i mid g,., it, and ‘l4 it till it , wed niii.....1 took
It, as- yo advdeo,' to; entail! Mews of a teaspoonful cirer.a
:Month, RIM itsad latest three bottles- Neer arid
skill .soon !eon to farm under l'
the oral, isbi,cit alter a
'while falljeff. it skin hems. clear, and.; kubh , by my
tat the !lease lois gone trent my systekr. -I'up
`can welt believe . It t I Cecil what 1 aro say hag
,reli ml tell
you,-tbat I hold on to he the apostles of sheep,:
and remam ever, gratefully. • . Yours, I I - 'r,
I AIaNSI O it. 141. LEY.
fit: 'Anlt.oriyfir ,F'ire, Roie or Itryel'' elfin,
L : 'l'etre , and i c Sallt 'theme, .Sealdl tad,
Ring'ottri Soro lilyeis, Drops*ld. -:
1., Dr: Thd rt M. Pottle writes horn Elaletn; S .1. .; 12th '
Sept., 19.:1, that 'he _has Mired an Inveterate ;dose of
,Dropty, ,Mehl tleratened Ito eV:initiate fatall , r; .11 the
,'. perseyeri g:inia (tour Sarlaparitlit, Ms, al al. a angerutie ••
. Atatitinan l'rysipitai by largo,doees of the au tae.; says: :
r • hominy, , o common 'Erupticess by It amstrudi :1 .:
Dronc4.esele, Gloiltro or Swelled Week.'
: I,
11 2ebtileaSloan of•Picspl•ct, Teter, writes : ” r i
pe bat. .
ties of lone Sarsaperilli cured me from a Goitre-4w hid: '
I: ., soda swelling onthe neck, which I bad sullared from
P over tyro years." I ' I ; ; I
Le neorclaosa, er Whites, Overlay' Tumor,
'Uterine Ulceration, F emale Diseetireaw.
: . Dr. J. D. H. Choi Ding, of Noir York City, writes ; /r
most cbeerfull3r comply with the roirost civet agent In. saying I:1 ave thusd your !Sarsaparilla a naistlexCalhallt
. alienate in the latuneroui complaints fur wiiiiii We
• employ an di a rem ly, but °Specially In Famati. Direarrs
Of the - der )(Mous fattiest'. , I have cured many Meade. ,
kite cases of i,enco Mee by it, and some where • tbastotre
plaint vas riitad - t y itineration of the ititeas. thelulecr. '
. salon itself was u cured,' Nothing within try itnerfl
;edge eat:Ll:sit fart les , . female dentimsnalita." I 1 -.4.
~ Edward S. llerr. w, of NewSey, Ala. ; writeal`. A den.
'ltiereial ore, •Mit tura Ar on one of the rente.Cl4 In itly.fimilly,"
'Nehich had defied Il the remedies we could elllninJ, bas
. at length been completely cured hyloar'Extract of Ear
: Bipartite. titer physician thinight nothing bull extirna.
lion could afford relief. bnt Le advised flie trial ,of your -
~ Sarsaparit a as the bast resort , before cottl4. - and it
proved eff l etattl. Atter taking yotir
~ .-i P'
e '
nosyoptom'ofthediseaseretnains" ' ' . •.
byphills and2derenelal Disease
I Now Onus”, 25t1.1Aiigns, IS6O.
Dn: J.. 6 Are Pie I cheerfully cantply Wit i the re. `
queer Of Y , ur anent, n o d report to yoit awns cf the effects
I I bate rocized willi.your Sarsaparilla... ' I '' .-
t ' ' I have clued with it, in my.praetice, moat et ;the cons ! .
Ipalate for' whirl' it is reconimeadod, and hare ., mouth its
, elects truly wonderful' in the curd of renereat ni Ake ;
, Curial Dialer,. Coe of my patients Lid Sypbili IC ulcers
l• in his throkt, v Lich were consuming his palate) and the '
l top -MS of mouth.] 'Your . &runt:ilia; steadil y.takeit,„,
stared him in bre 'Weeks Another eras attacked I,y wt..
oratory symptoms In his nowt, and the ulceration limit,
Itaten'away a considerable part of it, that, I belleSe the.
disorder w.itild won' reach hisibr.tin and kill hh4. 'list', it
Yielded tol toy administrationt of your Sarsaparilla: the:
I . ulcers healed, and lie Is well igain,,notof courseivritlaute
tionie diatiguration.tolis face. •A woman who 16e1 beta
treated Cor o same disorder by mercury was ff e'ring
,from lids 'son feller banes. 'They had beconm so sen-'
attire to 0 weather that on a datoip day she suffered ex-
cruciatlnSPain ;in- her joints ad , botais. 'She, Ito°, was .
Owed eutitely by your Sarsaparilla In stew w eeks. I
know Dm o Irs,forinult, which your agent .gave Me, that ':
this Prepaittlen from your leteratory must Lek great'
remedy:to nsequently, tltesti; truly remarkable ' results'
with, it ha ,e not surprised me. 1 1 •
\ Fraternally yours, O. V. LA2IMSIt,III. D. '
ILherihtiettlem s , Giotatil LlWer, Complaint.. ,
1 isuwasniscr, Preston Co.. Ye.. 6th July, ISM/. ..-,
'X J. qlArtit't Mr, / have beee lattilcted with a pain
. tell clitenic, esitatisatfor a long titua,,which tattled the
skill of- phystchin , arid+ stuck to me in spite of all the
retriedles I could d, until I tried your fareaparlifiL ; One -
bottle eared:Me In o weeks, and ;restored my ,geseral .
health 'so teach that stn far better than before 1 Wall
attacked.:l • think it a derful Medicine: .J. l'lpkAlt.
-Jules Y. IGetchell, of St I.Ouis; ',tritest "I hate.iWen ~
alilleted! fob , years with an ji,:erfirg.of the Liriwhick .
ihatroyedroy health: I hied e cry thing; and eve thing.
failed to relieve' rue; and I bar . it a brakeiedfs it Men
for some years froto . no ether ea hither' derantoiment 4f
tit Liter. My beloved paidor„,the eV. Ml'. EspY.a...lvited
.. 1,
me to try your Sarsaparilla, because, o said he knOw yon,
and any tbitneyort made was worth ti g. sty tlie Wen.
bag of God It. Cereal me, and Ints,ao. guided V' blood
as to make ii new , men of me. ' I fest you eget . Th*.
best thatc a n be said of you Is not ludtg nou .1.
S sa
ehlers,Canaer Tumors, Easier e ant,
. :Cleeret ion, Carlos and - E4.f0110 , kOit of
ik lir.t,
!the ,
Bents. • ;
A great•iia, itetyof {saes lineal:44ln t apeettkl,tni‘abetit
pans of thew formidable romplainte Lave • result ftoto
• titel use of this remedy, but our space bete will trot admit , 4
them. , SOlite. of them may be Sound in. our AOnwicati
Almabric, Which y the agents below named are phased -to
furtilair gratis to all whe call Fir them.
I I i ' .
I Dysperuilat,;fleart Dst
ieeae, Fits, E illapi. ,
syi,, Dielaricitolk, ,h'euritlght. I 1 ..
, 1
• -Many reciarkulde-enna of these offeidians hero been
wide by ,the , .eiterall i e posenor of thh"medichie. - Its silo:e
lates the.sliaf functions into yigorons acti•in, aid thus
oyercomeeterders uhieh W 01.91 be-uppoeed belie d its
rarteh..•Sat; a a renua:y I.r, lung l•etil required bylie no
cessltire orthe peopla; flail a e are confident that this will
( do tar themlall that taciliclue cum do.' - • - ',.
'Ayer's Cherry Peet° a1 . ,-;
, •.
YOle, - ritV. nal•IL Ct. I.'. or •
Colds,lstfltartizei IldaYackritess,
) ut
, Hroeltitls.' Iticettietst Curti: -•
Nation, anti for the Dellos , •
COTaslamptiVe 'Policia** ,
in 'Visa:aced Stages
~ 11 :. of tile Disease. l,'i
i . This le keerrietly es mil...Trolly known to, Faroe s may
other for Ilii. cute of thritit and lung, complaints. rat it
r: la useless he etu publish the oil:ere of its .ii lin . Its' •
li unrivalied e f, r ...ought: anl, eolds, and it ttpli ,
' wonderful Ines of pulmonary ClieTti,e; = t are li, ele, 'it
known trek , :gbent 'the cis left nAtlaiis ref the ee: th. I .
I, Few arosthe ecmreinnitiek."e ...v . ...n`, Tett.ilkgietr ,, r. tleln ..
who leafs ' ot 'soi.M!persomil experhinco of its etirti..... "
, - ghee living Ito phy hi .Lodi iitiihr. of - .h.; vicony os .1-the ,
subtle and dar4;erelng d1.,,1,..r....',4 the tbroatpad ; Itir•i.
'', . All all knew:the dreadful 'fatality of ilnicrder,s, and •
1 'as they know, too , the i•fferts of titre rei' need not •
I 'do mere than to as,itir ,, them tlist it ha ? ' now ail tlt' u'O-c•
' :toes time ii did.hare v ben making thccuron width, Late
liens so stronglymiss the conftd..nce id' ruankiod..,l ' , ,
.1 Prepared by Dr:J. C. ER dz. CO Lovell mass:,
i ,• ' . I - ' !I •-:...•• 1. - I . - 1
; V9-,For F.nle I 1) v D ., ;\ I ni5,.1.11;., il , •rtes.r; 6
IW,roes, hucketticit \Vag:goner .S.;': -I,° ,cry, r .„,,,,.
~i6i.; J. 'icliols, iinden;„ J." Sargent, Neil'
I ,nrilhton; ..jolizi llti4cli, parling tor., 'ITN liy
ileatera :el . rywhk!re. ~ 1-• • ' ° Oet:ilttiO. '
~ wain
L 46.1
1 I
1 1
rat!Wri'Ell_. [
SlrflAs Excelsior S,lon welt- Be tcrs
' .
.3 11 Stornacqs• Btfters
Siulk's• Etcelsir i Stontach. Btrtcrc
Ac' 11 TP. Y •
- •
slExcels, or Stomach Bitters.
•• B(ttrrs
FOR FE ,tER 'AND AGUE 1•13.1i7
Shalk' s 'Exceaiur ;Stomach Biiters.
• • Sfia/k.'f ,'Excelaaor StromaCh
gILE by pit: MINIS, BraTer,t
. att'd Druggists . GeorrAlly.
`. 'SMITH - 4-, 7'IIIIIIBLE,
Wit Iles le 6gdtjt , No• 8 Smithfield St. Plus.
. ,
October 246'.' 1860.
----- , , ;
. . 'lVC:itliDe. ''l J •
1 . AVING disposed .nf mg entire Stunt. 'of'
g I °bode to m 7 gither, and being desirous'
of (losing-ill accounts, those knowing them=
Selves indebted will pleaso 0511 and
lbediate sett'ement. WM. IS.- BARC4O ~
", Bearer, July - 15,i1861. ' I(Btar top}) ; i
- -
AttOrneys',inii,Counsellors t 0 file.
on Broadway, 3d door bolo! Mimi kir Boos
Nom BYi tOo. aprl9.
4 3 s' !fi
. 4›.
‘40 1 „,-PAW Sr-(4.1 4ei,,W
1144 V
41 1 ,,
4i 1 as I,
•,.4 . e. "-
ICA §101`; ' - ' 11 " •
By ih nse - cd• these rills tlse . perlidie atteeke
of Nervnus•or Siek ileadactie May be ptieent,•-
ed ; and if taken - nt the commeueenieut;of an
aback immediate relief front pain iftiltness
will he obtained. -4 %) - . • ;
• They•: , eeldran in removing the N fiageSc,
and tfeadnehe to which females lire tio•sut.jeat.
'rimy. net'gently upon the bowels,—rt:nroring
rOf Literary Ater, Studanti, De:foitit Pe
Males, en - 1 nil persons of estc.ltery 44thit.+;
theY.fre valuable I ns it tasative, - tranrari , ig. the
• . -1
appetite, g.ivin,T, tone end rigor to the c t lierestive
orglr.s, end re.ttaring the natural elasticity anti
't.ttetitth of the whole erti.ena. r• • 'l,, '••
LIC PILLS nra the i restilt of
long inventi. 7 o ion and carefully .eon•ictea;ez
peritnenis. 1 .- "n'eing been •in • nee hiany'yfearec .
during wldels iime they ttare prevented! And
relieved n. cast amount oT fain and suffering,
Iron Headache, N., !tether originatin it 4 'the byrtencor from a deranied state of the'.
atom:tell. •
'They are entirely vege . tahle Itt - theit
ition, end may be tahen at all times erithl , per.
feet Pllfvty - :WithoutmAlting- anfChange ofkliet
and the itlisell , ift of inn di.ra•greenble tastkYan
dcre it easy to Admii i. , ter tint a
1.3 fiaie - -.of CouilicTrelts .
i e. genubae hate fire signfaorCs:.or liamr •qt
gpabiialg• on each . 1 :
•S.)1(1 Dongihtlf mail tn. , oilier [Veldt 's iii
11edi Ides. •
A Box - will be' eeni by'mail. frepaitr obi: re
ceipt of the
:All orders 1:110111d 159 11)tiet013 to
P 21 1 4 LIDS littf
T.ll El" 1.:() rFOE :SP ,
STOP yOTTI: COT. l; 4 I",
SPAL D X 0 t
_ I
r,;00 - 1) FOR Ptl3l", re
600 D FOR SA* 7 F:ES -
C,;()011 ;FOR CONSKAiPTI VE,4,
Ladies are delhibted tcith
qtildreat. cry for .
They..,relier,e a;Congli inettiutly.
clear the Tbi-oat.
. .
.. -• •
They,give etrengthAnd i , ,lneno to tho . fo!c ,
(,• - •-
T 102.: ityq.tert• ~e, •deliei , . : us Ar l on s la ti the ti ei.o.,_
Tli:,* Ore delightftil to the , taste. -
,/.. • '',
They 4 1511'., innlil of .21:4111 ilerlpi SA:a clot,
.".I harm .anyone . .' • '. - L ././ •.. ..."-', .., -.'
t 1..:.
:i. , iriso.erer,y toe w.h01;"..i.s ocol:gi ur .1 Hits•
fiy' Voico or a :3•ld Brean,: or at J: - ' e itty.:
Of Thiont ; • tc:get..n feeko.jojef my - lloiehl .
confecti.los ;.the . :
,ls,lll •re.'.i'vre you init.:ugly ;
'ait 3-41 , ..1 will tfgree Kith me that ." Igo .
right to tl•e- pot " • :You - will find - the . e.- Teri
liorul nod plttoont while
;;g putne nietinge . for !s011!:1 - 3 . :Too: - 'cohgit ,-,
r r..llayiu: ,. . your teL .1 - f y•lu try ciu! t , ttol.: , ' ,
:1 ; .,e I , ~OT. t- , :ite in ...-ii!Q•int' th:7t yol.
,w:1I eve
r r.9crimir,l4 eu - ns:dei them. the!%l.lk73n=al , :; 7. lou
if tiu.l {hem - at.the Dregid......t....anGl Doll ere 1, iix
,Nlealc!nesl . I: ...., • • - . .- (-•-
. • ...
~.. .
. 1
.3Tasonvel(e i Conn., Feb.. b, '6l'.V . . •
Mr. Spalding.. 1 I . • . •= • 1 1......
I Irfre trie I yo.iriCip i rlie - Fir e, -. ..end"l . - la.
'h.. co well that I tva t yoti to Bend me tlivoi .
aolliirs wr;vh.more. , . .
. Port i,e dict.o ore l for the . neighbors,te . leh r i>ni.',
. .
I Oise It •few out of the - firt .. box .1 . got 'fr nt .
ion f
'Send. the :Pipe my,
.mnit, and oblige -•-. •- .
Your obedient seri:not; , 'I:.
. ' . i - James, Eenactly.l . .
ry,,rd, Pa
Mr. Spalding,— •
Fir: I • ' 1.
wish you to send me pee more tan of yq).lr
Cephalic Pills,4 received a visa deal lef
beaefit frcirn them. '
• • '
-Yours' :'respectfully;
. • '
,Spruce Creel', Lruniington Co, T'a. 11 -
' J neittary 18th, 1861. ' j
H. C. Epalleg;; ' ,
'You plemse'seed Me 6711 bpxlW ef.yrltkr
Cephalic Phls. eiltithern immediately.
. , ,
Respectfully yours, . ,
r" .!" - 'l l . John B. Simeas.,
P. lf.-1 licit in , e'd one Box Of ynuf PiH
and ilud them excelleni.• ' ' *: -1
'..' I
Pcile -Vs-snail Ohio Jan, t 5 "61:1
1 1 • 1 1. • J • €
. (":"-..,
„SPALDIN . G. req:,,,, • • • ! 1..
Please fin'd inclosed yrerily-five sents, for ;
...thief; send me Einetker bx of
. Souk Ccpholis
pills: Theyospi %Fel, he best - trills - I kale
ever tried. r r Dinet -'• , .
! ! - • A. Stever, P.. U.. ~
tFSI,..A' single bottle of SPALDING'S PR
PAIIED GLI:S eve ten times Its ea
annually. •
CerA Sticla in Time Savo - V'iti ~.lC~•:
. •
signature igen *sob' palikage. All otti
ers feenterfoited, I
A i'sokage 41111 be, sent by mall, prepaid. SD
reesipt,of Tbiltly cents. Address. - 1
1 No. 03-Ih3dar Street; , Neet Teri; ,+
I t
Beil e Vernon, Wysetiot Co., 0,