The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, September 18, 1861, Image 2

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eeedingi or by the powers vested in
the- marshals by fuNr i "---that as 'a co
'ordinate brunch. of the gevernmeet
and as CoAmander-in,Chief:of the ar-
111\-.:t;idr.aTy - , he is engaged, hi sup
pressina this- rebellion. ~byf virtue- of
the poAveril vested in Min 'bY the• Con
stitut4on,l; ' tO ,preservc, protect and
_defend 4..."11ancl to take care that the
• laws be faillifOly,. exeeuted," and by
'the authority Vested in andl,..the , duty
laid Upon. him; by Congress to call
out the 'Military power expressly . for
these' purposes-that
. he has - reliahle
'information . that the party arrested is
engaged inithe insurrection:or is (1011 7.1
spiring with the rebels to promote it, 1
and that 14S detention is necessary to j
prevent the -operations' of ithe army 1
- from being frustrated or- impeded, or
is essential; to its safety or to preve . n ± „. „
the spreadlof inSurrection.7 IThe Ch
,te' Meet ing of th e , Committee: - Committee: - 0/
Justicelidj not deeided, I say, thatAte, l .'
'••,;,' I Sp.fetyi:
• would disregard such a re - din - So a
.11 1 1g 1
The' Committee met! on 'Friday,' the
Writ of hateas corpus, and!:
diachitr gy ., l
ah. of Se 1861, at 1 - lo o'clock
the', prison } 'l.s as
illegally arrested and 1 iti . :m•
1. inpursuance of adjournment.
detained. - If he did so, I should dis- '
, l i i, l
e il l '. i h ni.. e Lh e st e i s iiii sari atj
.. .and - Vice :Chairman;
trust the' sudgment of one Who - , 'in a 13 absent, Dr. S. Cuti
time of profound peace, - 4 the e'Ont-, iiin_ton., was appointed ‘ Chairman ,
mind of the executive,. could decide to t
~..o i s4 ., r ini, ~. 1 .
withdraw the whole treasure of the 1 4
Atisl'.N.--•Jitrres Arbnek e, John 41-
United State.s"from its legal .deposita
lis.•or4lEltigh Berinet,,H. B. illeisel,Geo - .,
rv, and distribute it among irinumera- 'i
hie State corporations, bound by no le-1 j••• .1. -
Ba - rker - Samtiel Bigger, Henry Bry-I
i an, JohnlChenv.l. , S: C. :Clow, Jesse Ca-'
g. I cher and under no legal sanctiens ; ;
.!rothers Isaac' Cover B.C tCritchlow.
- 3 ' .-
- • i • t . r I: i ? • ~ •
to eXecute the trust confide ice 0 Robert_ C. o Coo Per, Reber Douthitt,
them ; and yet in a time of 'insUrrec-
Daniel I.)ltivson,lJameti Darragh Sam
tion and war and - . great national : ne,
It , cl n. .l.a . venport, Agnew: 'Duff. Jas. Dun.
cesSitv, could decide that traitors and
~W. Fulton, P. L. Grim, G. W. '
eons.pirators against the lawS, the Co- 1 vu
c a -- . p . not , l'ra j s ci ii i , i ff icts a to co n b , lienrici.,T. E.l l Jaeluson.ll
•stitution and the Union _itself T. I G. Kerr, D. Kennedy,
he :held to-; , deprive ' them of' harm. . 1
I 'll.. T. Kennedi - , .1 A. R. •3.tiller, 'John
But Whatever, be, the .act of the part' lir Carrel DI. `O. A.! 11.'c lane. 5i11..;,
- -- . zan,..we shrill do the• Chief -Justice: no
," il l o e b ri•Lek . :Lß , o_l3,...t in . ruNrCreery ..Wrii. - Orr, -A .1
wrong. :We \could not .even suspect
. him of p ronouncing a judgment. so
~ ,,.,,21TXu . :
i Lewis Reno, Joh
R`jvh.-e-3,-EllePd, John Reeves I
• tnipalriotic and Unsolllld. - As . well - ;" 0 `.7 . '
,u tt Hiraml..Stowe, IW. P:ToWnsefi . d •
might we
,declare that the privileges ell'
. T: TaYlor, :Zit. Wells, I'. N. Yoing
of the habea to re ois extended- larva 11'1
1 The .Fina4ce, Military and Belie
prisoner' arrested. by a Sheriff
p l !CoMmittees, reported Verbally, the Ex 4
returned. as Lela under legal
-r°- i'Lecutive Comnititte reported in writin ,
coss.. • - 1 1; whieh Was adopted. and is as follows f
•Tbough it niay be; that. Congress , : .. ,
meeting oftheEketiv
alone, can-suspend the privilege of the A,en , e co,mmit ?
tee Was Convened at the Sheriff's Office,
irrit itslf. l-- the judge whe, under it,
wonl.ll Wilfully discharge, one held by I .at the:cid' of their President, on Mon: :
of : August, 1861.-4
lal•til 'ar
rest for the maintenance of. tv rn 't-I l l e e r l ,I:Liit' daY
present : 'Daniel Agnew'
the_very. life of the Goverittnent,
iPre l sident, Thoinns Cunitingham, R.
• rtinstittition and
„the laws; ivould the
P Roberts Win 'B. Clark and Thom•.l l
;nip:Pail:led, and-jUstly convicted of a; • ~• ~.,; • •_ . ,
1 , . , I . • - ... .--,, 1 •
• iletra}av i oi ois 11 u.A. ,.. 1 as At k..xtlery. 1. 42uortun Ipresitt. On . ;
i lutotioni .- ~ , , • i
Wheiqthe C'onstitutionlenjoined the
.11-•01v , .t.1 'That the Relief Cotrunit i .,
, ~ t,s, . l , !
,lac}: inn,. t ongress committed, to the ; , ,
actin .
g under authority Of the
Presidei4 the power, to defend . the L"
COMmittee of. Safety; be: ordered 4 . 1
Constitu ion, and to causle the- inwß to lirndllafter .the .ij-th day of Septembeic
he duly I, l xecute.l, - and t• il I
peser- Yet_ -net
;ne t -L . - .l . .o.liscolititiue the relief to fain
I ' .. iww. 1,...:1h0u1d do -- z that„ which they ,
'',';ls,tq., Of Volnateeri, in Serviee so far
- could ia - 4'..foresee, the President - can= 'Bi
as hey shall helfurnislied out of the,
not he etfrbed in a wise and sound dis
lEepitoinV fulidi and to, turn - -their ap4-
cret ion :lI'S to the method and mean.
. Iplicant';over fe,'the .Ceiint.3, - board of
I,v millet - Ai,- shall perform his duty
, tc-- , • 1 ' iter!ld With the ieconipanyin. , segg•e.4.-
autt.exe‘z.iitc hi:. powers: ;The greater. , tiorts ,, a
it . , and proofs to'- enable them to 01,
poweil tilt tholess, i County fund. 1
he ea.. 1,4 s' uppress insnr : r t e y e i ti l o i n lje tV i if i t i ll. t ' l l in.j ' e4er-°L ' L a the
Re l solved, That in case . the .110 •11 UT
011 ' 1 tie 11iTeSt of the
. rebels . and their 1i,..,
liutiarils.; . of this ` t Cunty . be called into l'
eonspiraoi•s, his power tii - ,1 the one
scriri,e :
i i and if i shall be', found that
int:la:los the oilier.
~ , ,The ptAver_to ar
1-th ;;( 'oUntv ' fluid is not available for ~
• ~..s. ilielii.les the power Ite detain` - •.• (-: -- I•
' I •
' the F.•tipporti of their familities,-that the I
:old .it waulfhbe :l nuyekery,ifthe pow- • 1 1-„ ~ 1 .1 . •
~. ..- • f d't .1» 'i , d l t,i• the said
~,,;.E.c.:e110111. un s., ~ 121 ....
el* to reonee an 11r4111•reeti 011 too .great ;
:• - • • <: • ~q•'6 111 - 11 Pri•'• ‘“--- ' . 1
for lb , : tivil authority to-uicine..., i
, ,
D - g Cuni
nin.diain .offerell the fed-
must yield its prisoners to ... ,i... ~.
.. i Th e a , ..!-. ; '••.-','•
ll low,ingl, resolution whieh 'was . unatil 1
corpti atiltlie.nioment of arrest. whilel
__,.,,,, N ,
,a,inpte4. ,
,le• civi power, toolfeeble:to conquer; ": 1 '"
Wlt - Oretts.- I Ttie. tlitizens - of. Beaver
Antpm:il:he. may •rt••=,• .f,oia it s falll 7
c0 , 130,..i)ni.v.,_44,,,,,4 . h..„6ernr... ._ re .,_ tieiii,
.......i, ~,i-li•-:; t it vigoi• 1;) . ..ili' - ' ,1 •""'" 7 s;tl.!'i) -- ,ttill . :prOteetion against, the in- I
- --„-,r.. , •:;-•••• IptU 111f0T1 1:T1 sIU•9 .3 1 1
. , ' )1.9 ' 1°1"1" ; vasl6ll luf rebels who are now in , arms ;
, .
, 1 ••• - ith trie intention of of trampling on i
Th.. 1:4...i-who tlr. Lot. eriN,le 1 .. t .1.....'11er1 ,
, , ; ill(: 0011Stitutii_ni an 4 thellaws of our
:rivr. (4 .- 1,1,t: ll•..verinent• - by unpatriot- i 1
efain ....,_ ,
ie a , tenii,ts to revile its;. tiN mid thus to ovt.rthrow our
adie . ini ' tra jji.datitiful and hitherto happy goyerri
i''•''': ..': \ i''t": l-l T alin g, a " til" , tr'etliwt l i t, l 'lll nicittland build upon-its: ruin one:Aoftlic
- suppress .nsurreetom, raise anotoe,.
1 .,,•• E . ; .- , t of tidotisinsi slt its - eretOre
cry. Tbev - wield 1 the .pres• - •Z to ; the ' ' ....-; . ; ,:- ~' .
• „
,i . • ~, il our tlt:ty A •peiy expresy our opinion
6;el in 4.11 g Int. (.0V el ilineilt. li . r arg , ,-,1• 11
. IL • 1 ally ioatters, thet'bola I t' -h• 1 is
•o o 'l\ le 1
:=ant >`,t appeals Ito the prejudices!! • .. - , , :., ~ .
. i,;l i..1.1, - 01, ~i. in. , ii ; thc.s- - to summit the goverhniont in main--
cr.)" Peact'l, t a i l ,.. th e integrity 4f , he Cons tit talon
Lvi"'"' i• 1 1:::' i 4 "(' i leaPPl i t'n ' l"l - 'll - .Tili' l'i. eill , .reitv , thehtws. and unpin: down
•-. vr'.,:en there can -1;0 flo etliiii,roinise...- 1 , .„ .4 ,
‘. . _ - , , ,
• ' ' 'at at, - tiazarus ttlis net:1110w- n
re (anon. !.
21 1 ,.‘,-,e n e- in T ee and com Promise to al, ..,,
~ -,..
~ • ; -- 1 •
t . i• ~
• t ,•e,•• • .-, tilt i [wi t -tort. 1
'` . " l l' . '",' t s )3 .r.'"'.,T.:(',.""' lily'NII!. - ResOLved. That we ftillv approve (Al!
1 i roi 1." , 1...1 1 lcu9 Say qtey - 4gui......
l ' c4 ' i . t.he pi•OetUina6oit_orMajorGr enema Fre..„.4 . ,
I.i l,+ tii . the- I.' ni , ),El4,ut Oilf ofi t, no -
or •,1,20-,v,,-.s a l.,n e . but it». indepenoetiee, .
1 :LI intik ; that iiiis r an important step 11l
8.1•1-, ni t in., 4imit-grto distraet and di-, , . 1
11 the 1i Lt direj_litm that whilst it fully; ;
I te.Tt - the lov: 1 Citizens 1 ll h l l
n a t eir •
vil e , - al.q, eirculatt- these ;pestilentp'r r.' , the •• "
• ~ • •
sh• - •ets :pii.l.alr this: the 3 - - 1 i , slum:ter Constitution -ot their
Lo .11 the'; l l'. • "1: .. •. • ._ 1 . ._ . .
„. ~ t
~,;;.;:ttatt..l it .will ellectuall ; iinoel. from':
luille• •• 14.: -/I ot:11.1 - 1.. Ile I.lll:.ert of toe:
undo .. 1 , , ~..., , ,
•.: • •.- , I- I. inrit '.the rem» - one of ins principal 1
Il' ' : . '!
'.' ' . '
pig,.„l)-ti - -:-", ~- '1
'r ill a t-r-,e would c:ow.quet that Gov-
I ernment has 'mild means long enough ; :
that. it has forborne until "forbearance
I has ceased to be maile,a,-virtue,?, arid I
Inoiviit becomes its imperatiVe duty, to 1
1 enibree the last-' of.Congres.s hi relation I,
' to traiters a titl thiirSympathizers, w i lt 9 i
1 render ',aid' and comfort . to the eneiny;
and that it is the duty-of all geed and,)
1 loyal'citizen.S, to sec that the laws ' of •
j Ceingrdss;. as well as those of our own
I .S t ate he enforced against; all aitlers and
i abiAtOrs o n
f treason.' ! '
1 - Andrew Wattersdn o'fferedl.he fbl-
''. , . 1
loWing reselution, Which was una»t- 1
1 mOuSly adopted : . -', . 1 : ' - .• ; '
. , ,
I • . 'Resolved, That We approve of. the
; action of theFeSeritl Government, in
-1 suppressing:lF tteasona e newspaper:;
1 anld,iii arresiing and imprisoningper- . .'
1 soils, who have given 1 utterance to
treasonable kentimentsand adhered
,to the eneniis of the government. ' All
1 loy all citizens. we ' feel confident will
1 . vigorously sustain ever act of the pub
; lie authorities : suppressing treason,
and esyccially in dnYy punishing those
amongst - LIS . , who distribute treasonable
papers,and :entleaVor by treasonable
speeites' to i weakn time arm:' of the
Government, andgive aid Andean:OA
te the, traitors 'of the South.
;; On motion, Resolved, That this Com
rriittee will in futule meet on the first
T;tidtty in every= month:l ' 1
1011 motion adjourned: -
press. _
Tliey r ay they are' for- the Union
and against rebellion. - ?;11it
_what sort
of tidelif,y thilt which constantly
plays •its part intee, the - hands of the
enemy. ;!which foments discord. strife,
and di si; ensibli at hot d sends cbu
, t lind - encouragement abroad.?
- The liberty of the press. is a
'right, and not lightly_to be,l. invaded.
But what ditTerenCe is there' betweclii
the 111211 i ho give s his horse to the
cneiny,tito aid hits!to Aescape or con
- quer. and him, wlie by tie press par:
alyzes I:he arm of government, pre
sents citizens from - voluntering, and
buoys up the hopes of the enemy, by
the distraction 'he breeds in our midst?'
What sort of_liberty is it which has
the right to de wrong ? - The 'only
liberty the press to be prized, has
forit - -. Sake
_tile rights, arid interests
sof freeinen, 'lt has n - o liberty'to strike
them down. lf it, will stand. the
path,.in obstruction to „the 'suPpreS
-.shin. of; a wicked rebellion ; what
,_right bas it to complain that govern.'
went SUPpresses it also ?
ft is'the duty of every man; now in
the holm of his 'country's peril, lb
.give to her the whole weight' of, his
tharacter and his influence—his voice
his :arni..and his means. Let the
tongue be palsied and the voice :hush-,
era in silence, that would 'now spread
divisions in the ranks of the people,
and_thns destroy -the best government
' on earth. turn back the tide of pro-
I •
-gross, , ind sink the cause.. of freedom • I '
and oe human rights in B
the deep and TriE alti or
Exehauge aud.:the
'dark abys:i of treason. South arc not to be allowed- to cirm
As a Court 'WC' should be wanting in I late througll the ufails, Their_ ineon
duty Were we not to warn the people I sistency,,weakness malice, and-unfair
to avoid danger, arouse their patriot-(nzs were sO palpable that. they Were
-ism and enlist them in the cause of harnaless, and the6tep ' tis to
law 'and order, and upon the side of have been unnece.ssary: The Repub
. the Union ,ancl the Constitution.--
_ ieari, of the I same oty 'has also been
This-is ilot polities but plain duty.--
It we fail to raise the voice of admod '
mitten, and an incensed populace, 1 Ifer Treasury notes bearing 7,3oper
goaded to madness , , in a time of exl,cent interest can•be bad at the bank
citement and peril,- should;take bus- ing house of J. Hanna in P sburg
- I . • • •
. .t '
Lice into ita own hands to rid itee of
sympathy with treasons we fail • our
duty . iti, preventing thOpe.ontbu.zta of
passion which lead to riot raid to
blooifshed. The time, will come if
disseinsiona be fomented by. - disloyal
heartS; when here hi the , = peaceful
Nort4b - meu with arms! in their ha i nds i
will oppose- each -other, and scene:3 l
. oceur,l and deeds be d?ne,l
which Inowdarken the soil Of the once
2tinny South, and fill the hearts or pa
il-iota and men Who love the Union,
with "terror and 'dismay. The cowl
country must belpreserved,; the laws
iitust 'be executed, andlthis - only ,can
be clone; by !aveidini those aanses
which excite the passion and aionse
the i `diination Or a loyal and 'a -ffee
. ~.
lige le. I 1 -
- •
ii. . i 't ' rtti 1 i
wawa's. 8' C . ' H. - Ot r irit
Cam. ' T I.Se1 . Sef u., , , i 'l
• 1 : • r 1 :.; ' . • •
• F;IESTi D '•vil.l . R
.. i et .
pres icui thl the is oukt be
io ni j eke• - -a r
r galr,l report of.
kind thiqgs_pertscil il
Igiment in g ;Der „a id Co.
'titular', our ci r ffia ra deemed 1
to appoint reorlspondent, a
consider r.m 1 . co respondcncel
jot* space yo OJAI Faye'all
'thation of ,ntorbst 'that' I : IC,
1 ,
I ° l ld n ct tli f. ii, i l y : i f' ii r k ri -l f et n t o ei l,
t r i , cb l ' i,
f i4 no m:
t 1 myself
important M atte s /„ : as a de led, ree
! Count, of all that c h ti.pas.4ed under in ,
dbserration iiine my . adVent I;(1 ion th
tilitary. st I, e, 1 onlii occupy arc .
' aCe: .• • 1 . 1 I .
i I 1. - )
Terileyto n, rein which this Pam ,
il ives milt, is f, village situated, a '
tlhejtinetio ! of r e 'Washington : aly
,rike the r roalli, leading
fug to Big ails i(. en. 31.',Cit I'4.brt4
. e is qua r ere a .r onn r 1.. ;ow ii. i
il i
iiJaCh:regim nt
_LIS its own field guar 's
nil local•re ulti ion s , the 110 hein
orneWhat strip' en , especially in t
l'intli, whi 11 448 I . in the O r 1 bee i
1 1
'Under bette • dispi ',line than - et r i t y of the
yermsylva. .',a, re *
meats i q i i • guar d n i on ,
is,now alm o st s effectual as a castle nnii;
Wall, and re nti • 1 be passedl with a , r ent
Written ,pas f • eml the 'Coleneld L ; B - fore
; ing outside the J i other day on i
r busine 1 0 (let
i with, the
~i t
onit'; a hsery department, I ry
had •au cirportnniiy; of viiting •t 1 ;t4 on
Tenth. - I took it dinner will 'Capt.l'lf, a f
R.; Adams, and she k , hand - with the ' .
o i
'boys, whom I :l fate id in_ g. 11 heal .11 L I
landpirits _ most id them. bus ily enga ei,
gild in cleaning" } up their t--to wline; Tuf ; B
ces, (thit't• what( we call our painted l
PennsylVa ill_ Maskets)r and Sinekio ti
cut-acid di dn,d'rill, and n general t
APpearence, . Cipt. c i 'Adams i Conipaity E
will compare lay, rablY wi n h any I,p •
the brigade. anti h is justly Proud Of ~
it. 'l' elk) 'Saw Yon townsman, S. B.
i .
Wilson,'ESq., iti li . new occu pation I . l'.
Sutler.. lie bs the best establi as .
, 'tient • ► the brigade, and ill' bo of
1 the enthlmayl be thankful d th 1 the,i
have a Man -whoi.,anlike most
Satlers, will be satisfied with. a fai
profit. Bet to' r return to ourlown rem; 1 ,1
anent. OUr duty iconrists, in it 1, -
.1 • - 1
six hours daily, and takin4. turns 9
guard, New guerd is inounteil e'er -
12,4 hoUrs, end.reqiiires 'at:pile:sent one
hundred Men ' ivitli the necOsery olti:
cers. The torde 4 dKlded:' ntolthrele
••reliefs,?' r .gangs. The 't•st Ilieit l i o ;•
pasted, re nai4 on watch to -o hour„6.
when it o.' refievo bY the second!,
which is rOieved in turn by the IthiAlL
and' so . , o . Police duty 4,Onsistsli
ek•aning u ''thel quarters, e " t., and ;iii
generally •eserved fel. dies . whe mis
(roll calh of thesc. , ditties.
its dc.
, very ei 41' I t (1 . tit
have pick tdu ) •, ~ . r . , i . „.
4 1 .
, days; to relieve ot h er legi in, tilts.; ”,,
willityrly and4o atigneof , t,ln. Marei
hi; aecipitliOno4lso good tu n ic cdlui!r. l
'Whi e in this land ',X,I datr; re:-Arah i i u
of camp Ida il eas, re is 'tqrown i e'l'i
and run and fer sting is the oi•der Of t 'm
day. The offniers fft) nut c 6 mtenarid
maurauding, lfut, nevertl4 - --. 4•Oi•ril
fields, 'peach -fire'uardsj atifi
patches. suitta.iitH I;iii4.,
terizcs trilv,...e..i.t.xersion:s hii
lint the ease, ai Able L'ilicerii
post la theilini, islrequi i r6tht . '-J
least one ot hid Men op Oil: elei:f.,,
WllOllOlOl inqui4r of ' penis exte nd
th at'of tl7enop-ccitinnissiwieil officer ; 1
corporals Lire created Irian t he runl.,L; i
and one, 611. tluise with ' tliee, Men to;
relieve eacrli 'otilieif at regul4r,linterv4s, 1 I
constitute a picket
.ptist. I .I.'lle . dirt' 1
of these 61 line i:i to errdsti any Si(i.- t ,
piciaus pei•sinWi+, inters iPti all akiL i i
eles.eo.titi•abitt (14 war; at (11 4 , give ith. ! -c
alarm should the. enemy +env!. 't ,i; r u
advaliee. - "Fatig le duly" i!i'no sitifti ; lil
item With us at p. resent - at d-li,xten ir •to
myht :
; :,tatpe - '4
has timbe
and even'
led to the! !
ed with
guards at
! Cason rec
Bence; Of !
tili'Rl Oil .
SOll I
pose that!
not - loyal;
the fainib
the world
when the
use 'of I,l*
the la wle
I prop ri at i
their fan
I have
ry met]
Thing- ar,
take a m r ire 1
the past' en I
most of. f ie t 4
prepare .l to i
Whereves wei
ed; nothmg, I
nature uintil I
ger froml' hea
into camp al;
'orders t pa(
!a days ''
hold ourselv
a given sign
lenjoined; w ,
and .excitim
'est activity
.0 il[tilv made irom t - ar...11
i , ,- , -; . ' )
:met ; t:i its yequiFentent.t- r1
-he!re l , that .1.7bi10. SOi l 1
ye a biri. thing in t he
1 , p
laO6AO 1);lyi a$ ilot Oni .1'
ensAift, but 11.1.0 s of eOtia, , 11a4 lieeti , hiy i c -
Ind r:whare tbekinteOp- i
rage s of ~ u 11§. . . Special 1 v
)in. tunes l "dt4ed, a 4 !Fml..- 1
iir hist:Lace; the i•eist. 0
itt letuaa wb4 M
11 ni
4 we are 44anipp - '0411s.1 (
gh fO }whams- E.
e to say. , I . l.fany ii
causeitiut t; lb [nate.' it'tv
govw•pmekit; bti i itot:i
, Fee ititetilbitsse 4iih
i .
c. i .: my °pit ion is that
ttientl dyu',andedcp
acres re , coea:,i )1 11
i ted pr,Otel:, ton agai lit
!-s ivil 6 g. 1 aWil 0 : i f
y• thing.; it
, l at .st .1,4.2. '
c c
taptS }ham appe i Iti.7.
'ven i,,-Oull .- 11 ide r 4 t
J¥ Us tttikler orclill :11-
e l n o l
S S n
I -
o i
, 11 sta ,
1 . I
,nre l
d mo,
, II 111
;ginning:, °were* ito
ly- tune O :lat... I , Fpr
S - we liav4 ?oeii for the
I nu* ar s, that t,
lreli at, / ort 1 nn ~i;e
et ca eto be i ced
Icover, et; 'n exe tilii
night wlie a ine `4„n,
afters ett',..:i 'e gall ih
ili a feW min tes v.- .
1 1 . i z i ad
p our blah -ets p it, iti
our hav i e SEAS MI
readinep to Iforifil s
Had Inotli [ Hence he t e
uld hare had it•
e;- tis lit i'it s the gi;er
. aded -ndia 1 ..',14-
hi P t
H. i
l l
, s 4
-* 0
1 1
tett an ih agat ,'
ten, o'e o k an thk
in. The i ip •der t vih.
ihe Camp and i "il4
an a& W were nit]
m the ‘dir ction f, tll
preceded 1 1 *3- h d thel
F. Seri
1, the grf. ter 1 p tl ,
ely:lined itlili he
1 , 1 r
lit. we coulii -cal•colx I st.
and ;wei6 ecer3j Min
failingnim runnitig a
het-of so el l cafele 4 fel
t , ,
"4 7ere fitiallylb light
1 I, 1
, i.t 1 ' -
quiet. 'it, Y .
i i
messen er *lli
in," ran thrdukl
than t en.tjr Inc
"double qnickl'
Chain ridg, c e, ,
rough by-i t oinl
which IN as closk
and so Lark thi
our file leaderS,
me in dnger' o
gainst t e lityoi
low in rout WI
the Po I.'o o e, at ali)oi ta I iutthe;datile
tiffs, • ~, „shore thel hrid e, wheri vie.
r 0 .. ' . , yOti4arty 6 officer A. . 0
,o o'reco Coitei; lAfto awhilo 3 . • •
iet," , 4d ; sati,4fte4 that n "danger'ikaa
pre ,":nded)brfogel t raornmg,l anditoil,d
' 1 ,.t0 o'o k . e , e:jrs(4.:re.g , ,cOm , fortable for
I he ti o . •behig„whiCh ;we did., ITO=
II o :. o ondeirtrePai i red to the roadiido,
I lied himiell' in hi blan4et besidi) his
, .nd in a few / m mites was hliliri
i i
us t 1 I the pr_settce rilatt„,o - rer or !any
hing 41se. We slep , nnlisturbecl 'un
til an Ise; when `lwo aro.' , and aWait,
ed f. ' , er'ordersl • The ermont4ind
*sir. iihuiettSregirnenti hich,a : 'en
'cam •ii near thi ri,icori,- t -this t oiikt
were tither lahead cif uS, or in tl e olui
'nye although mOst i tof-th PennsYlrar .
nia 1 11 •perres wereu der narching or
ders, none that I kilo* Of; but lours
and t e 12th , [were cAlled out. 1 I
-, As Niro filed , 010 the 1. 1 2 1 h on o r re
[turn, 1 1 , had an opportunity of sp a . Ling
,ItO•o , !old friend' Minor t • p ow Ca ain)
I Wilt ,x.-landlord ofitbe'lluron. ' use,
he seelns to he inl'his'cleinj i ent,and' ooks
well 'mid heallY. l Th'is al rm. wa4 .luite
,adventurO:: a . hd; wen a', B rea , way
to. sli4v what inightbe.e Tected rofthe
boys w in h e e n n N‘ p i u h t 6 t:: v ti r te i t o e n s . g l u V a h rd en i :I n ho a , n se y
of th ;sick liSt, 4vholwer deeine able
were in,ustere'tlrtb , •elieve the inbip ef'fo-'
4'd upon-goin Witl the.icOment
had even Eita -tell IvhO badltal be
4 I
(I froni he ran cS, lalnd in;tn i who
. i drilling,an upOl eve-:
)Portunity, I micro ` , ' the, first ' 'top ut
le harness at thfirst prosp ect ofi
'. t. 1 i 1 I , lis . - ' 1 ,
, :
W, a word :abouw companY.—
i'free tO say that in point ofleffi
. i I I t ' 'll. . '
~ there ts, root a,better one it the
ads. In diseipline'an 1 genes h ood
rior it is not lexcell d• th. en for
~ , e
c ost 'pa'rt4lr youn , healthy ac
itnd streng; oth 9 ieers an' l' ten
eto reaCh pe ectio ;and not i ith
, ;,'.ll acqu red 'effibi ney
r lofficerixs eYon our ey!pecta-,
They li r the r3spect o l* their
( I w hom they , reat with a kindness
onsideratim Which is apPrtchk.',
I Oaptain 'Cittliber - son mak s 1 a
ifal offir,, land has the full dprofi
li. Of his men; though the othet of- ,
r 1 , ,
t I are peril:Ts fully ,as wcill pqr:ted
the inal ual.r There is la inafked
-..once it .th jeneial detheanor:of
filen when heis arcs ant whilh klor-i
xist in his itbseenee. There ii; an
Mce in his Wo dS - which is leet on
bloys, hutslio• ld. yodask then:, 'why
I, ithey ceuldtn )t tell Yon.
1 .
tO'ettit'y Cain run. with Gen.! Call
(staff rcriewe I the troops of this
~4de on Saturday Pist. Itlvi 4 s a
ad l affair. ' ' i ,
I Private ofll, - .•, fidr. rermont legi
op is to 11e s hot to-tit rrow in l orning
steepin; atl his pbst while on fluty
near camp L yon. 'o the
vniae. Theordcr to • ids arl'qFt' was .
I Iby the tfallerat Chaplins 'thiti
inj' i ng, al , a 41;rning to other:;.,, It
lhorrid sentence. lin, no doubt ju-t,
1011 bel the prooluettvelof -‘ 1 •0(i. :o
-:., 1•
P. /I
18 1 61.
.1; 1 ,
L I in par
ir if 79
den ,
k not
it is'
Hay ti
I . )r
a:, a
• r
l~ithcrd, art
—Laving, 'had; 661110
I l• I .' I ;
COnlitry elIt(11,, ( : p1 . .,
yotirl vizag e
.(raduall i;
lengthl in roportion -11
1 t r .'' tor '
411, 0 11 .0 rovee, 3
will Idrawlit-to a; . el 9)
Ito vtiver fotrget ;tti,.iitt4i
ha -el been
.!, niiexetttd
tet fi•Oin the ranld, to1!I t 1
11( niti V:,` (:) pIOSI O( 0
Cl 11 am du; flit' . higgi -‘4 ;
It it 4 1 4 :it y d
t. ii
tel . ) . far ;in 1016 ' t
1)(1 contented' h'i the
. 4.• . ;
.; • ; '
1'.1;3.-8 ot.l, el: ; 1;.- ',..,1.
irte i to add. that i0.11.a ,
yrdei'S tO I,)e, ill rtirlAililf•
3ir i 4 TB.IIS, 'l, - It. l re Übe pic
.x• i elittilging;• tir eiNii , lilies
.r.I irrhe pb s; s't : o dist
¥.7m tquiciget4 ; :tad
v iitth have . Iretjo . fore
re ahined a NNieli at a t
61 oip• stiti• 'lalwefer . 1 1 :
i2i % + mc4. )ye w
otiri touts viti. vai; ant
th;e:lenloi Atriioa ; bei
w,t)vill 1.), at;on paid
( 1 ,
n#i'4l ; Or (I.llgOpt apd
.This 400 I tie. b i
n4ed ttot. e r4rriaie
911h!haviu c ,- a tills!) l?e;
There i
tlielway c
VOit alit,
btril need
Oven to
Hinging .h
I there thet
p iereyy J ten
l-' ee4ars, wl
g Orirance ,
1 1 - nit heal
it ' There
1(' !
1 no 41,-s of i
(p' li l ttle in - t',
tcl .. I 'rester(
at on teitalt
, ,
Dn svl i vania,;
sY of ( l `flag,
It- (l i r sred u
'as Vu onlyl
.4 o
Cr C I itld hen
al 'the 0
s I -tis place,
1 1
a ails hri.
4e otnntene
tt- (touri pi
er i e urneci i
of server.!
'i'l Satuyr
, e rss time
- I( ary 11i
,a Inpbe:l
1 guard
1 , uds th
I I'
'health i l
4.2( pl a par I
i i-,, and
1 , ?1,t• :
iS i );t
Ott 111?
bat %se
r ar is:
et ::ilia
fi, , Stl 1116 , ::: '.al
Orlr tetil.i!l,gS 1
kl. '.lllll,St] 110 t.
tries.'yyly i .
y INenik,',lllo
ie lionoll,bli , aa'd
I.'orpor,til:, Yini
fay . ` to inilikar • y
• i
utivaiii-enient is
.tore ; 1 ' NSA' o'
ineantiare!! ini--
C , 64:1•04;,%.1t...
.I - hai. - '( 1 , : 1 01'
--- 11
i-e jusf ik , ' ol-(,,I•
cl t,,, nya.oll to
iets havi.'beon
•: actoSs ple: riv-i
taut to :O n&
. ( 1 ,4',,
1 tile :reginierits
me.. Tble HI 111 .
. , -,4
,e n•over3/41 1 ,44 I - .w
II qakelll:iit ()I . '
on a:e• - ., , , Ott Of. .
u:e rnelit l iolneti; --.
d by a ( Aaeh-,
u park: of
-1 ri
Arto-' ' ':, ' I '' --- i ---..7,. _ ~, li ,
usiness and j-ou.
! :
to he air or the.' °F THE.i M. p. Ctrinten . closed their seS:.
ore Triam ( 1, 13 14. 1 5i0,n ip -?`-lcW - Bright9u, on last iNt'undaY'
E. 11 .. IT, evettitt . . 1, We learn that 'thy had
. IT; . ,throughout a•p, castint• and h rmet4-.
i ' i .•
. 1 4 ous meeting. Strong patriotic resolti,
o•,:Sept 112.,. '
I tiong hero passed, and the, - pr nacre'
mpreveine a t in
go for,iii to . their new fields O - labOk
ast few tia sin pledged
alike to: and thei exult
the Sfri , et's f tire •tP3'• I ' . . ''. '.O '
atte .
niliaLii eHrtib_, _
• no l ved
t. ntion is!
of clothitir he Wo have received the ; 'fol °Wing'
anip Tii,
. partial .i 'list of appointments: ''..1!10,v
Brighton--Wm. Reeves ; Pi Pittsburgtsbarg
i ISt tlliiireh—Y. DI Herr ;, 2cl_, , ib.ureil,
idu t il ; ,lher;idi,; 7---AJOnes;Allegheny City 7-4. pobin-'
befOre i alinost Son; 1 Stnirpsburg-- 7 -J. Scott; ro*ns
-1 three pities or 1 iIIOHJ. kl.".1Hull; ' Manchester :Va.-4.,-.
adds tolthe ap -3: Cowl, Ohio Circuit-D. J. K. Rine;'
but to comfort 'Wd!; A. ;Prindlon'W;iisbing-.
1 I - I fan-i-Rer,±•--Wallace. . Rev: 4lexati,
deal :.)f ri ilt:tr 3 -
bare ••-:be but, tor, ' Nvp probably take charg' of the
11 of tic, ~ 1 eongr 4 , 4•ation at JehnstOwn. —' iar.
Ain iirOeuted,'l - ; I , i ' --_, ,1 • `-' -
itizeas of( genti., 4 CONDITION ON : ! MANASAEf.— anas-.
alt with beau- sag. n the whole, at: present i one 'of
of whieli l be tid'-'''tbt:, - . st, stinkin spots on.the ; face 'of
patriots I .ee4, Ile I be. The only wretched: hotel ,
large iiii. , ;160 i whiel was !there his; been c' sod,—
[ '‘ , ' I...Wlrat! is , called the I gritard4aae• eon
batter:sy' AO,litli 1 sists of . an ' oPen • :shed I in' the street
nence- to, tre64where the - iwisonerskare - coinp lied to
idrawn•ii TheYetrakirr., exposed to thelelenien' .. until
pri . Till4SsiclY. 1 .,.ey1 are removed toßietimon .i.Wfthi
esilenc44. ‘`IIC 9I . • t '?\eieeptiori of Jeff Davis,i` during
by the 171'11Pit• I ' l '"v•i'r,it
reel 1 their fire thel %,.,
n atten
. airdi, l it.b, dec.:
,i 4 I
structia , a. , tem , , ters
T ,- - V
qr." - rep\ ked l b 3 to
who N'i i'ol tliere.'idat
argiair fifcy-nve i : na:; , ;
red,tak to , their'', the ' -,t, Manaesas;f and' a,ew 1 of
, • i 1
' offiees' all are Ito.
and the he ' -qtuitL
_ .
..d, - -recently r moved
,resemble • .diktp 7
1 a large seal ...• Ira ,
,will.eontin to . be
the' Iriigini 'wly.-
+7 their C .
lt l' '1
4103 ,
y, D
I kin ,'
91 Cr
't' cenll,,
'os aiII I ST :
: l t u nkiT l i i l t r iel
!. to catlition
0 IC+ ss ile clattml m\ tfolliano t
illich til i only
6f bukantp,
h. I i
t , 4 notat
iinpor re, ~t.
' . .l • insti
itleayi G Cu'
,1 1
114:q,,4•a1 r 5:
1 le.aCh rti l iner
tit i 'pelose (
~ a IshOrbuti
phrt ) 1' 00
t Ilitn. 1 • :
' ntte l d &ies
Al dn "al' ern
. lieett"wit
d i'tbb
kets, bu., - ,r•e
+a }n
' Tl l Pre s
lay and, ov
riNier b , co
idg,e, la, IN
ts ttrtill4.7,y,
, IA
rt e rii s
I tv.l
43 le—ssrot
, 1, t
.._ it ..
. iiti „, . iit it l k, er e
il t .
ra w
h . Se .
t- . 1 ;Iled.,i There is still •a Wall '
nice o u - the sneza_Y• ailitioneli aboait: si 5
es , .it the Chain bridge. -41 T at is
4be4r i . tendon to•make an attichstley
will Ce tiinlyi dsl $O tOthgir .1 , w,
iis Gen ,'M'Cleilan is always l, o Abe
:alert; , nif if necessary can bri : ; to-
Other • -i• a' hundred theumw-lmen
,within .''ir hairs, whilst thp, e nemy
cannot raise more than fifty;, Or ahiFty
thOlisa. , under Gen.gpliastna's 00111-
i nis hir lid .. iloiv ". ' a oi l ' Philadelphia.h l nrri 3 ved
1 it Week ; and with . Gen.! Mc Clellan
'tide a, balloon ascent by 'which a bat
' ry -
commanding the Leesburg .
was discovered The citizens here •do
- ~ ,
ot feel much fear of • the rebels : l , 1
I ‘Since commencing; these; few lies, a
i itin i company K. mined •Rpbert
, erry, from New Cattle, while I stand
`i 'g erd accidentally tillot lihnselfi
,t rou the head. A part of eas.'
i i
I re's , gitneut, paid us a visit ont at
tirday. Wei , . were, very' glad t, see
`hem. No r , event, of importanc ' has
tip )e l ed to day. But as 1 the s tides
. • - " - I"' . ,1 I
f I e t v 8
i ' - nu
s i % Tn - e ng l l B E A fi r : v the :nh 'll e
i e ' SF t kei i : Pr P e t i n t; s se : t o 'h4j. i . ti t
t h : 14'
I d fifi mast
e e:
, worth to; assemble ;and express their,
blior puce of the giant treasoil E that
how t • reatea our National life. ow -I
ever ebb that voice may . ' be, It is lii
rebuk• to treason; it is a sigh that will ,
reach the CPurt, of heaven; :i it is 4.1 I
lama inn ; that will came So k ern
-arida ism , to that
he its p laces.
Then ear, aloft the star-viingle ban-1
Inero hose, "stnipes here dyed a Mon
' i mout •;" having inscribed upon t iliJ
woril- of 1 the , hinnortal Web er r -.
• "Lib 4. ty and ,I.Tnion, now und fo over;
i l
e , . 1
one a d inseparable." •I
. I
Ac ording to' 'previous m s i dice;
ment he citizens of. South Beaver and .
apjoir ing townshipslasserubled in the,
grov neur Joseph Lawrence's. After,
the e inPanies--censisting of th , Fair-'
vieW Blues, Capt. Dawson, Pa estine'
,Capt. Hamilton, Soutk eaves, G
rds, Capt. Lawrence„ the St Clair
Cad •ts÷and all the citizens P esent,
had partaken of 1 a sumptuous epast
furui het by the liberality of. t . .li eit-!
iizens of South Beaver, .the I large as-I
' b a ge w
'semas organized by
. iiiilling
Ur, ;SI BATTY to the. ChaT, and
eke lig J.'H. Collide Secret:v.l l r , •
a or Powers was i then introduced.
- e rged the impokaneo of !piling
Men going immediately late., I L 'aotive
semi e 'and thus illustratingjthe max
im, t a't "actions speak lou eti than
word ." I Peier Crowl, Es 4., •hrielly i
urge the eititens to contribi4te oft
theirlmeans for the, purpose of :futility- '
lag she I necessities of tlibse allant
-4-Jung• men l 'iN'ho had and would enlist
in Capt.',s'herlok , k's,t• ompany--kl i usi of-
I l fet-iiii; their lives a sacrifice lipion the
altar' of their 'Country. .444 pov,..
ers-t-neceedc7l in obtaining ten reeruita l
and' !,31r. Crowl ii realizher tO hand-
Is' ' l i- f 11 01)6- t t III
sans 0 1 . , ,
I - Tlie.l6 preliminaries , being' 'cuided,ll
Ree = l .1 1 Baker of Darliterton, brietk
1 •.• , c• . • -
addr •:::d the people upon th issues
.` i yeitt e thetiv detailing the imp rtance
4 I I of - ' 3 I ppirashing t 9 tile ,reseue 'A' this,
and, it pee d be, staining the Vgacred
soir: witlitheire blond in theiii hearts I
lellor slto sustain 'and I -•1T t ' •
1 ~..p erpc tni, e oui
k1ie.ti,i440i..... lie then pointed out the i
1141,1. 1 9 g ;, hypoerisy of those s -called 1
i pea •e intetings," warning the itiieus :
1 - 01' tl c North of the strategy- ilof this
Imiov 1 "l
i ii - ieilt.:—having assatned the Warh I
1 of
. p 'ac'e to, more etlectupily, irolong
iins torrid struggle,,aml , i;lase by re-
ill til , g ihe '•charges against tl e War
I I)cp rtthent: • -'- ' 1
; Ei )(pleat addressee were al ;40 ; - leliv-,
Loved; byLßev.. Sand johliston, )i' Dar-
Lling on,- and Rel.'. Mr. J'ohyisi on, of„
VOlil tp. . , , '
. , 1 I -
tent se reral hours spentby the I
corn nude& in drill, the Iminens crdwr
I sep`a ; :tteti, well pleased! with t e 'el tC- 1 1
zees of. South Beaver, and each other.
1, Notl ing need he' added in Kaise ofl
i•the order, neatness and enjoy ment Ufi
'the occasion. ' I 1 i I t
The .t , I I' ' ' 1 '
, . 4 ,pt p e . 4. n most uriani nously-,
are in fa of a vig•rous proseention
of this war; in prow of whi h tli •
. ' • . i c • 1 d
ioum fr ng : eheerstwere given fix- i ur ie
eeih vietOries; arid Gen. Pr rpont's
procinmation. In eonelusion,w 'night
told the- wbele..afrair was a leeided
sueceSS.' ' . j• •C. 1 '
'r I 11.. (Star please copy.)l .• •
I , • ____ _ I 1 11
,•trr le.l
L.', :1
',GrAitiOng - the mertortons o e.
' whom the ,
present peril of the tolin
tTibas broht itito..f4etifs Orvi,c
'G ' Tyler _who r t n o w however-4 pis
hrGe-rgOlithlit' COMIIIIBIIIO4 as . 811 -
dier'General of the Cormetient ri
sude-baving mipired, bolds - oily_ Ile
position lof President of a ßoard of
Military Examinatien in Connetif?, t
Gen. Tvler 1548 griiduated ati W . st --: _ ______- , i
Point, but waSlafterward's, sent, by he lie ptt hi teats ' Co 11 lil y
Government to the military schO'fils . __,,
of France to eemple e his educationf.--- 'President Jydqc.
On his return he eras: at different
times,Airutanof the Military Seßbol. DA l'II ;114 '‘G.NI. ?, ‘V B.r -A,. . , 1 ;"5- . .- '
of Praeti .e at Ortress - ,„Monroe'; u- l • Associate. Judgr.
perinten eat, of the , iContrac t- Arms . ion N scint i ll , pc
„..„ 1 1 1
Service," int which office he complete-
AUNF,W DUN? No '1; I' l-
14T xe-organized the „armories ;of 'the , W , tif CT.
overtanoni • and - Instructor at:•,Virest , _ Assentb/y. -
I I , I • ' • -k, ,
Point, where his works on artillery -A\ 51 , 111.111, F.d,,
pratreo have been, still 'quite recently J. IV, BLACILA lib. Lill -tell( . r
the text-books] For Many years past 1 il
er, l he has been in ' * civil life!, in 1 . - ‘ I- r° , 7 / (/ c , ""_artY :. .
conneetiOn asEnnitieer ca. Presid at, ; 11.IG1TAEL AA L) .A.N I) - •
with yarn:rear ilroads, both N rtbhind n
airstrict A Millen
South. ,lA.t th. tall Of Surnterr he of- ,- „, ,
„., , , .7 ~
fared his l serVices td his native St 1 te, d 0 "-. Is• Itk-‘l O , 1 ,, ci•u: ,. .J . ,_
Connecticut, and was made Colonel of I TreasuYer. - . '
the• Ist Regimeiff, ' but , was promoted , a c int Apsu 1w
,F, i, 1,, _
;to a Brikadiership, all the requesf ,of ' - - '. '' U , ..
Gen. Scott. For so'kood an officer as : , Commisvoher +
h 1 himself to be iri comma] di DINIFI P sflorr Ni
-e prover, 1 .. ~ .. .4 ). .... 0. , . flrfff, I
d the Cionnecticut Brigade, especially r C i 4d• .
- , (Ain y Jill itur.
at 11411 A nn , where they kit the field i • -
'in geod rde'r, nothwithstandiug [ i the 1%) N 0: S,l KW Alt I, Wni.
, Avb:ch they, were surroun d ed I Poor lion e: Dneclo . r.
will probably be found some more{ nc- I a.
I tive employment than, as President ofi DE'''' BA . ' 6°E . Dl"' ;.' N l- .' ''' . ..11 : It!,
I a, Boar d 'of BiLniination. It
, is diffi- i ' Tiustees . of: , Acivle'atii.:
cult to say in c iiN4iat grade of seTeei REV. .1) n . Mr-LEAN, 130 - . v i( Ti
ET . %Vil..-' , ON, 11 .;,‘,.'•
edneated effi ere are most needed ; I 10 ,,,, 17 ,pii
but'iliert is. no question that Br i ig,tiljon - N sTIT . , - Es o
. n,i,_ t ,,,., (1 ~•.
dier-Ger arals who are soldiers by pro
~.t -
cession, afe men whom ve can hardly 1
afford t4l leave L 'idle.-- - Ncto Yrk Fri.-
; bane` ° 1
-; MART AL' LA*.—To givb our ri
ers some "idea t of what martial Jaw
copy,from] St. Louis papers si
milers. ,emanating from the Prd
Itarghal of Sti Louis
'• The wearing of eencealed weal ,
I y ally not in the; military serviel
the tnirted'States. or in 'the regtili
'conslittuted pOliee' force of the city
hereby prohibited.
excuse of any kind or deserip
thM will mitigate the severe,pimish
nick oiderell to be` inflicted - for al viot
. ..
if,thisf . order ,`,:. : ' ':::: - 1
e . i's tiereby4ivent.g. guite;inith:4
filers in' Arearms,resitient ;in the
d couiity:Of Bt. Louis, that no :.
don or tirearms,*ill le pe4nit-
G l e sold or given: .; tWav after t i tl ' ',
vi thQat a :pecial
permit Ifrtim
lee. L ::' . '.; li 1 .; ;
!sak of spiritouF4j.iliqunrs;within'
Silty and eitY'aini.eount.y; (Jt, S; : 1 i
between the hours' of tifrve
midnight .1-on ow t.. , '.atinilay.;.!, 'and,
.. • I;?
p'eh>.'.l: 'A . .:)1.., on the' 740Mlay.
ng,; is herebypr'Olibitel.
Pr4st..llathalari,•&••As all gain-,
ccPuitii itiltheeitY;and 'semis the'nf,
Ito Cairo 1,6 ' 7 opild ! car t h works . ,
. , .
and- (let{
city am
ted to
this offi
The II
the con
o w 6
St! .' t
Wi t ! /
'rl3l6llE: bLpt. 14.-- , --I lA. Provost i
x4l a'rrested 1.11!s inc rilipg 1, ion
ht the ift , llo;wilur, 'tlistruguislii , l
is.: 'Sittv l o_P
r . r,T.) - % . 4 11, -Chalcss If.
SAtAvi - ence Sang.44tn, S.V NVal- 1 ,
P. Scott arta litisi W,ilians, ntem-
6 - 1 1- ihe }:;.„1i',11 .- ig.,' ; , I NV:1; - I ti r r:Z iii .1
I. T11(. - Witt) le purt . v wits c9llV't'y-
.111: 111'1:Tit:II L I:ol .. Ziirl< p ' airibti:All.
d at F6rt 3.Ulloiry.
i.)iltiNviii.,€* ttaditiamil : iiri‘oz-1 ,
[l,etsn mid - e: . ..Afe l z , i.:l. I>ehtlison.
ait, add Dr, I,:vtielt. 'fliolit!,i•- , of
1 egislaturo - from Ilaltibiwi.: - co..
V 11 1 1V:6'410d, .P . i.. 1. 11.:111 , ti1ia , 7
ollitlC. 13r9rw, viiy - rut.tilh i pr , .-
Tharnat:; AV. Hall jr.. ellitur [of tilt:
• 1
', ' I i
• BA
I (ski "tai
the •
A1 -30,
Sou td,
... Legltintill'e Wasi to lif.tVe 11.,*(111
y, ; anti I beSe a IY , ' i tS C lit'lq Ufile
the intended •Jegtlitt ion I (,- the
le, I_Novernment. InchnlinL; I tt.•; is
(.1, , the passage: of an ordmlnnee
ession. . , •
Tue , i
ate ea
b) ;t
of ,p
t ` The Rev TIC -Fle - iteher ~ ..tve u'
i last.: eyernpg• kwillilant leeturo op-, tlie
i„ customsitd . ritsoplq ofilCrazi.
'Sato - a ,ihave ! we relVihed, any i thitlg:
tittWe Ithaii the pietur& I he , laidtfore
htsiitadieace of thatelptherou - far;
doofthetropics laden ivich itsst •:.tiigi.
Nai'ietv of fruits and llowerii t 'te using
'with perpetual harreg, for : the hand:
of thal.- Surely that,,, , ;•aralo
eit '6t,:bci t
I. t'O Ili
he.g: en Ofe . yOrlii, 464,1 if i L.p .-v
- pc:o-
Tile 'h d the , eilto uris t e'vhieh !1 . 10e,i
this )laakeepatioa, hmtgiltiation could
not , t. , :io
4 a potrad to-, the k6 . ults i they 1
t proch a tilere. , I.A.s reletz.nt: to i
this-,p inpari on the 1207eretid . gentle
maa tated. t at.the best:Remedie'sani
ploye I then fok the diseases to which
I ,
they lake; t‘ti:bi ee t,, are iwOrtted anti sup
plied! o then : by 'our - Ow") - . -Ir ell Jytow a
Ountrywitti, Dr..J . :.C . i Ayer
. offl,ow‘
ell,' Mass. and that notthe peopliton-,
b-pii di? piiesthood and i,liecoitirt of
th6.-.Friv:er . or dcim'o, 11:14 constant re-.
Bourse hi Sif..kpesio thp Reniedi6s• of t
this cerrtite o ( n i 4. 71iirien,ii1:Ih enl."
ist:ger 'Bo'o t
I •
Teacher's Exarainatioxis. '
' Examinations for teachers will be
Luild at the different times and places
as hereinafter speciffed 1
Franklin tp, at. Furnace sohool house,
i i
SePt. 8; at 10'..a. 'm. Direetori' and
teaell r% 'of Arlon township - will
pleas attend. *f
. No SeWicklY tp, at .-Boggs' fich 9 ol
,house; Sept. 1.9, .ut 9a. m:I '•
'Moon tp, ate'
,Davis' school, 110.180,
S,ept. 20, at 9a. rn. 1 '•• ,
*-: Raccoon ,tp- at Sinith.'s schoolhouse,
Sept. 21, at oa. m.l 4 1 '•
.. NeW Scottsville ' iSept.. 23, at 1 p. m.
• • Inci4enderico tp, at. Rarden , run
school hoase, Sept. 24, at a a. In
nanover . tp, - at: Miller school jnouse,
Sept 25, at 10 a. m. i
Applicants will please furnish;thein
selves;with paper and pencils..l
.'.Teaelaers should be examined in
presence of Directors, to whoml they
apply for Schools. They will de well
to.rernemberthiS provision of th law.
ta b . ablon H. Dicke son is I Peo
ple% candidate in tbe 31 District..
.... ---- - ---- - ---------- -7 ----------
- Davenport, Edit o r & Publik:h
7 1
3E3 r ,
WEDNESDAY S SEP 18 . h, 1861
...ce.':.lle.yrif our paper to . F.:- ,
U day s'oon - er.tlian
- ,
a'11: bawls attefid the , fair.
a Tlto length of our arm*. oh l
pondondee cotnpels _ttls
(sde.editOrials.' . . •
. . .
CoAr. 111'.tiNa'r.1)---.1..% - ;. , :t.l- ,- o','
nil _1. , ..;,'11tk0l 01) suhsc:riptio;, az
oflice:= . I "
.that ;MT
. r
no trirth iii the stzt!ink:rit: tFi
1 3 res'idOnt disappi6vcs.of .pt,
ination of Gen — : Pri r nont': •
° .
gre:ttly the wieetv.lept ni •
or()Itio x _111141 Y . ork.
the i.e . stlt of.7tlie
eittli tl;e,e
(.14 - 1 . 01 to Inakv,sc:qlrau..
\"viih it• Ii I tju n 'h
,;t cott:nr,
- I
0 1 %.- t t
Lr6veriiittela ! :',
t I) ;,
.•'4;l i'y 1.11'1‘x ,, :.
"i .
\lll, ybj.i
. .
att.l ;
{'Uhii ii'llit't-
lia - ve L . ;12,. , 1
h:•: 1 of t 11 . e. k.'ait•;ll 4 ...'oulit . y-1/
ii,dikd E: :111;1
I_l jourihil . a 11;.3
t'imm•thepro , :;r:ution
th e or oto
air: ‘011 . 1i111()Wil't')
401'S tS having at ono tinio
Editors,of this bai•lt:r.
present .
week ,witiv• the :1.1611r:1'10 e:iat-
Jtulgi.‘ Agnew on tin
_lt is_ a rCuntrkabl
.ei4 : exlo4tion of the Wh . ole
sitOuld tie lit the "lands 'Or et
the vo,untv.. ru k t d ;
u l tinistered to the
les's ; inst than sev,ore. 'l"o . ere.
n'o doubt that -- Th e
e rota n;il ;l
p4sites" eptitibitted its tull share
. 1
elevation of Taney tb the.
110 W ' e i "es.: Our frientis
Tireservel this, "paper Air ntt.iir,: ,
. .
: g..l.—.l'he • lions& of, liepresenfakivo
, - 1..
of the RentuckyLegislature:l)-v - alv ,, ::'
'of-71 to 20; has directed. it hti (tl.
te: , :order..-thc . Confederace tro;pts : to
leave'the State. A metiho . ti""''' 'e nd
the'rules in . ) order to. allow thokti t ir°7
auction' of a resolution orderia' , ra•
proclamation - ,
i '
to be issued for ..t tie- ..
parture of the : United
. Sla.te. tr . Ot)s„
'as well as j-Of thes;e of tke . i:ebelsi was
refused:.' The skies are brightening it/
Kentucky... . • - - . -.
• THE NElN"' . Thrusqty. NOTES.-9ver
'dollars: in t , new • '
Notes were sent to St. , Lpuis
cinnati yeAerday, to be ex!pended for
arms accounts. • Thee regular. (laity
grist oll:the 8300i000.
The mere labor of clipping the notes
*cupies. over ItAelet•ks froni
in the. morttinn' till lI o'clock at nit'att
- i `1
~ ~. t ..
•/J. /