U 0. D.: Pens° & Co. Sth'olesal' and Retail Dealers lti Fine GROCER:IES, WINES, MOORS • I . 9llAcco ISEGARS, A isio, Carbon 011, lAMOND, PITTSBURGH, No. 11; DUAL ST, ALLEN!, PA No Pik If . Look i l at oa r l'r . - Ispise Gedutad pure, 4 atti c a paps fourth ptOnd: Mum, 6 cents a pound. . Bed Cords, kictPa. best quality, 26 ee 20 cents.' - • flaking Sofia, best , kind 9 coati, geld' , houses 121 coats - 1 Broume cheaper than the cheapest .., Butter it we;. have' made arntngem7 some of the best butter Makers in 1 try.and constantly have ou hen( article offprint and roll.. • Brioketi, 'hest two li'eops 16 cents, titre .20 cants.l 13rusitea, novo; shoes and scrub, all tit 24,1113; gond article. 8 and 4 cents a cit cook*, Ruinous 10 centu,same broths .rz, cents., Checolate, 25 fists, British Ltster, 4 pound. 4 , I Candy, ll whlto rock, 20 cents, red rook Cooking BOK, 9 cents a pound. Cotton Twine, 22•ceits a pound. .Cotton trick, 'do do Copperas, b, t do . do a concentrated Lye, 16 cents a box. , garleen Oil; beat 4 No. 1,1 69 cants I er 15 cedta r pcpnd. 1- Cnntiles, hest ,m0u1d,,12 cents* podia Canary ,Beed, 9 cents a pound. 1 ilenr,'t heir Pi ttsburgh City Mini hist Bpaldlegs lue, genuine article, 7am -tie. with' 441esetkby1110; by the box $1:76. r 2 1 do 9 bygo,l is • 1.87 er 8 4a 10 bypl do - de br 2 do 9by tl 4 de 1.00 pr de 19 by 44 ,1 de, do or 4 de 16 bylllo4 do 2255 r 6 Oar Glaselis hest City Bradda, 11 - vanted.,Uilt be sold for 20 caste lest lar thatilltht city price curreati. Brown Coffee f we have our Coftlie tut der and ialways burn the best ndll !tents a Ipotind. - *1 - Cigars, common, 20 cents a hundred. Cigars, bait BR:wish; 45 cents al hunt ' Cigars. bdat extra. half Sranlsit .1 1 • hundred. I citron, Oiange and Lemon, $ cet4i pound. ti I levee, gienid, 29 Gents a pound, tu an MAL Cloves, whole,l6 cents a paned. Candles; Opal best Cincinnati; IS el as 'they, obarge , 22 . Cheese, hestlWestern Reserve, 12. cat Coffee. F#liz's Extract,4 cents arpath, pera 14eents. • 'Chinamen, pound, pine, 9 cenL p l at .Cut and Dry 1 Tobacco, 10 cents a pt Braelteri,i,Water, best kind, 6 cent Butter, * 1 $ • " Soda, ; 81 Mason's Masking, 2 cents a bob, ar t dozen. lUavon'a Blacking, large she, 4 coo 44 cents a dozen. • Melees Syrup, 64 cents a gallon. )4 atshe's,ilest Philadelphia, latie I ants - . • _1 • atobes,lest, 313 rots, contaiqin 4 atobei l l , eents - . Poweiad Sugar, best klad,l2iland Pipper, aimle, 12 cents a pound. . Rine, 8} Ineuts a pound, .1 Raisioe,liest box Layers 18 cents Store Blacking, largo pacers,l ceat Salt, in irnoll tmcks for table uoe, 9 Salt, white and clean, by the quart, 4 eente; - • 1 Snuff, biiick, -28 tents a pound! . Snuff yelloW7 t .Apolch, .22 cents a pen 8 tiger, Of all kinds,`less thanlany c led', witsbing, two pounds for fro j e Starch, best A. No. 1, 8 cents a you - Sterol': [Silver Gloat, in papers, pound. • - • Ibonlddrs, limest market price.. ' 'Fifty tent Tea 48 cents a pound. Saventf,five cent Tea 64 cents. . Tabs, largest size,' two hoop, 80 eel Tubs, largest also, three hoops, 88. Tuba, uicdinai, 85. . 1 labs, 'mall, bi. "-• , 1 Tebeces, grant ' s, 80 ceats a peuai Plug. i Nertnrar Leaf Tabsces, 40 cents a ISAltiniere Spun Roll,a new article • let, 88 cents it pound,-6 rents,l a plug I . 1 cent tobscce, Enlirm et a Telex., 2S; ' Settaeco he...• .• —L. for smokin pacing. i' 1- • Tobneca, rt . - m,, r e Twist, 4 cents cents, a I 1 ..-. , : . I 1. 1; ----.Tooke, ,eti.'1,,••••,., q cents a paper. Unground Cleet". 16 cents ai po . togrotind,Cinns: 111, &5 cent , IS CagroUndrepper, 12 cents a po IlegrenneAllspice, 12 mai a p, l'ilkeliv.r,,,llo cents a gallon, bet • • gallon -I . 1 Vi ask Beard., 20 cents. •, . r WsgenLOr i esse, nianufactured by , - Frankfort, Pa., 22 cents for. . or $2.15 a desest:' -I 1 ' Suit CamPLor, 6 cents mot:ins,. Store Ware and ings, 9 cents a Saltpetre; 20 cents a pound, sat tuipl - Bp e r h eri;Saul 6 ts,s. 8 cents a pound" Cora Etircli, la pound pagers, Pal*. - extract it Legwoed, best ki nd, in 29.eteti 4 ts & pound. Aroundl • , lustard, beet , ruglisb. I po u nd of 80 (nut! per, pound. Nerririg, melted, in boxes, '6 cent Reaspllteed, 9 cents a pound. . ; i Sugar ,Cureu Dried Beet, caiteaisi penad.l - 1 Sugar; Cured Cansais lights, • rcents. • i eh, 'ibest White, 6 *outs sr pout) ' Fish best Extrr, , No. 1 blackerai cent& a pound. 1 ' rl Tish,-best Ne.• 8, Large Macke. ' ponnd I . erround Ginger. 12 cents alpon u ' - Estra! aloe, . Milt* Sugar,[ ou Seeddi 1 ; $ , 1 iCottaa ttiug, Be. p... et I 1 - 1 pound. Cittea! Batting, No. 1, 'Cleat' f . ! , i i , 1 , 7 .......... r Ii Plups II il -- - PAID POR .I ' Rd 1 1 , 1 • ' ICOIINTItY MICRO! i i -,- la Call and as. us, bitter -1 . The abase is cut retail prince, at wholesale, but *sly for Stasi 11 ' i , Remember the Great item ember: 1 "try Hoist • pumotip i n 66. Federal Ist) Aleglieny 'City . ABOVE THE DiAßli Ted at Par it, k kept thus '4Hrtsiiii)izatrats, 1111, - ITtpi • . ' , No 1 r ,t Anilli p .114 U 11, -44 • • ttl to the 'Vaulters or,Bearer aid C h • Lawrenre fountits. , Tilt Undersigned being the only.nnthorised agent for the sale of the "Buckeye log and Mowing" Machines" in Beaver and Lawrence counties, ;takes Pleastire in rennin • Mending this machine to the notice of the Mer. iTlie unparalleiled enceesi which has at tendedl the sale of this machine since its intro ductio# is alone sufficient to recommend it to the faramr. Enquire of yoUr friends who have Purchased and see what theybave to say *tout it. I arthe{Court House in.Boaccr du eing the June term with sue maChine, so that person. wishing to Purchase can see , for thent solves also in New. Castle during their term of would alio caution fkrmers not to purchase fitan any other person in the above territoil,:who may;` represent themselves as agents as no o:her has tile right to sell I Would also call the attention of 'housekeepers to our [COOK , and I PARLOR stbvies. made at 'alem; 'Ohio, which for superior exiellence, 'eheamiesi and neatness of design, are not .littalrect in any market. Ramples of, s.l the above articles can be seen at my' ather's res ideuceErtear Darlington; All cteitemunicatioas by mail-promptly noted. I I R. G. COOS. Agent, . A. COLE, Assistant:. Darlington, Pa ! Lawrence Journal copy 51 months and send ill to this" offiee. I • I I - ces of one nil, ilex at ath = 10 00 glapzi TOILET SOAPS, IN GREAT QUAN i ITITY Ai Drl Ilinie.Store. l I ii: , - - D raglg l 1 I Pure coati's Soap, old Paint Soap, Ilitrrison' el Diamond Castile,lLadies' Soap. Washlng- ton Soap. Tran l eparent Pails and Bars,` 'Glycerine Soap, . Floating Lily . 1 1 I : Soap, Erosive Sdap, Shaw- 1 I I ins Soap, Dental:Soap for' ", i I cleaning the ' teeth e 1 1 . i, kn., Ste., -& o. I 1 AFI ii; ASSORTMENT OF PERFUM I 1 1312111 r boas cents EBY at Dt. Extracts for the , 'Handkerchief.' Oder Culogoes, new Extrnetec Stolen Kiss, Iloneyrooen,Kire,Be Quick.and.SOmi thin" New. Standard Entracte, Musk. PntehoUly.Roseaook ey Club. tleraulum, dca., Bose Hair Oil.Detiqe I • r i Poroa.des. WE ts - EH ate a li I do do do do do iowtroublrd with Rats t i• you troubled With. Rata - ; Tau tOubled with Rate ? _ iyoti troufiled With gets t Iran troubled with Rats f fi troubled with Rats"! you troubled with Rata! Box of Fleming's Rat ?item Pet • Be: of Fleming's Rht Paste. Cfßet a Box bf Fleming's Rat Note, 'Get • Box Of Fleming's hat Pibite, Get • Box of Fleming's Ent Pa•te, ' get a Box of Fleming's - Rat-Paste, Get a Box of Flemiag's Rot Pest*, At Dr. Minis' Drug Store • t At Dr. Minis' Drug Stott, ' At Dr.' Minis' 13,ns Sto , I At Dr. Minis, Drug Stor At Dr. Minis' Drug Storrs , At Di. Minis' Drug Stor: j At Dr. Minis' Drug Storm 1 ether size •n a dol- IA to Or en for 18 ME Bred. cents a, fors 2. seats I mi= • ts. ir or 4 ps i . . IF D RUG D[ STORE IN BI43VER; irvi7:. MI NIS , ; has just opened oat inj the atoris/ 1.1. , F room formerly ccupied by R. lioteOreery onT l loird street:j three dhotis Abo v e i l llarelayre store, an ex tensict assortment ',of Dru s; Paint! Biat,l Dyeituffs, ko . &c. I lie would. say j 1 Ii , I r ; , PHYSICIINS :i 1 . hat, bating been I ingageill in the pi/escription b+dness fdr sometime poet, heist enabled to lie. teethemist -complete . and,varied stock of tile dicitial• rireperaticins ever br o ught into the coup tY,lwhich he witlisen-at the lowest cash pricils r; ! that the same clots of good can he bought RIC! in Pittsburgh or elsewhere. Nothing hut per -;t fe l tlyi pure and fresh Drugs will he kPpt in tilt J ; l' e t4viahment. Dy an airangementlwith Caitl. 1 yr ig4 and, Young , any-desired Stirgical ln if strumente can he furn:shed atilt* own pricel, The attention ;of the i I' '1 1 LIMES tr. .1 is called to the fine assortment of fancy- AO cl',i; Perft'tir9,,l Fine Soaps.' Brushes, Toilet krtmles, I S:a. - , &ie. While to the -, . GENgRAI I i, ruing 1 is here is citfered a good variety of Paints, 1b1.., Dyestuffs, Carbon Oil .Lamps, Patent Iledi 'eines. choice T4atece and Cinre, ac., Ste. '{• Iv; I.Cerythi,ng will be. kept usually fnerd 1 in. well appointed Drog Storei,and will be so d ilast ';'cheaply as they caa be 'had anywher* n I tViatern I P [Sept . nnsTlYanil. , ept r lt, reio ~ • n i . ~ r I 4 potiod.l and j a poun4 H - " 2 cent. el I - is a bex,or ItP, 5 for t i 260, for b 1 ll cents:, pound. eacb:l cents. 2 quarts, tier start,. I nts, 1 1 nd. 4® -eentsi a T -7- . • I TO CONTRUTORS,FOR SUPPL!ES. 1' • , I 1 1, E hereby: give netice to all those will Marbe ; contracting to furnr•ti supplie tOlhe Slate, under' the recent appropristiol zoithree millions, that', having received ith, Total:in:staler that Ant of appointing inspector. stipilies I and other power also in refer , etitelo the settlement'.of claims,' which was n 4 delegated to us_ under-the previous - Act ,f 'April 124. Creabill hold every contractor :t the nns! rigid eccountabili'y in the settlenien ;Ithia'craims, and the' inspection' of hie gulp es 1 must be ~r• i tuit • character !Which steal' Trevent any imposition upon the, State.Ot r rtitect the rolUnteera who hive BO nobly get &tided to its[ call: .io supplies will b pa!id! for until' they have been inspeolecll ncers who shall hare been duly appoir ea that purpeee. iII HENRY ( D. MOORE, State Treasurer. -Taos E. Cobnaax Auditor Gene ral, l •, I -.line Sth, 1461.: • ; 1 t I • ' ENE ICEI=XI pound. in this cast , i plug.; try - a - patindl g, 10 centi a s plug erlB3 mid. -,-,-, I . mind. u ~ ~. .11 - • •• ~ Q ' i si 14 sent' a obn ITilcox, ,•onad ease, FARMER'S None !,,,.. 1 TAKE 1-i..JAMES .ST 'WART, , t.- . Well 1 i, ~ CPI rills, ~Agent 1 1 1 1 114 fort the sale ,of all th e Iraplis en ni I '.-41f. Ruebanlry, made.at lbor , 1 i2GRICUL TITRA:L . W OR K •lon. e ee others 11 seats a paperboxes, cents pi MO for 111 Asusopt srlueb.'sro Wood's Itsproied Moirer Hubbard's Light Mower, Sul bard's algid l ord Mow r , Habbsrd'r Reaping Attaibinent, 71u; , DeWitt & Co's Star Grain Drill, wltl iiitbstrt Grassi Sesd Sewer. WaUseille, June 10th, 18111. i sent. a I ery nice 14 iaspeeted. ..Barber ad Hair Dresser. TAB. BRUIN wouldinforM his Friends a nd tb. e/ public generally,' that be is still •at Ms for Mer business,- at the-old stand on Tbini Street, one; door east of &thins' Clothing HHors, where gentlemee wanting' the attention' of a Herber or Heir Dresier can at all times be at tended to. ; - I ' fibs's now on band a Hair Regent' e un ..rg!talect by any now in use. preventstbe herr falling from the bead, it restores the tiair to its 'stunl colour; it preventsj i the Liair from Or•ling grey ?, &e. I have, alsi s ,a handler' In atantaneous Hair Dye, warranted to turd arse. or Bed H air, to a• beautiful Antiure, thick or Brown. The laboVe'ard both *Ore, tr ied to give Satisfaction. •• 1 inar.20,411. - ; i !MIMI Ism 13Z;21 a ponnL Ti CASH as. Arra n '1 pctrehasbeg.-.—' we sell ehespei 11: El: WELSH, 0, RN XX TI LAI 1 ( 1)14161.42' 1 \ PlEee in the Cowl Bloust,llhavei,ll- Ps July 15 1857. lr I • • ' ' heap' Ere; NM TSBUSG - • - i SCHOLARSHIP FOR SALm - .... 0 A. SCHOLARSHIP! in tha Inas Cm 'Con xssctwt Corztraa is'affers for sal. apon imadarate terms. Paquin intodiatoly it this Cleveland, Ohio, Mil Allitil .1 - ot . ~ 1 = ATgAATICI. • ,1. 4 1- PILES.. Are vire eick.,l l feeble,' andi• ithsplaintie • Are you eat sc.: toiler, with jilt syressa 41.1 -tged, aftd your SW*. ail okntalthil 'A* APs' as ere ohs Wise peels& ' eer. , . OM. ' Uwe at j elk] , ' 4 — iiiisi - ilu We Yoe' , stout be averted Iv al: , ly a. ' id the rtOt mew' J . 'Tali Ayer's, Mie, lag; toes ou the diserdivad Po? 1-- p ify the blued. and lira fluids meta sa• naoli d 'dad In Width iielmil - stionalawl I li* Ametimelb • ie lady Isla tiered . "'.l I ito4 =th ty, purify aiii Ike, j lbssructsitit a j make i yaw lui ebb" yi sad ole4, Al. Them°, 'if ! al rellerart;l die anrreuntil4 areas. Prit.•` I t OS, ender) iig, pod 1 (108064 ; . I by ids deraluposents,f, j win direct y May rlaelre dui' i st 1 and w it it l Ihilthertatil „ _ _Jo. Lida .1 iltd. la true 'and se apparent lir, this tilde] and colconoe,crituribilnt. i also true Inlmanyil of dm deepisted au& tiamterpos dist t opers.. The ',that plaintive Wild expels thee.. filmed by shisliat obearals,l doss and &ZIA itIMIe Ut..4 0( •-tbe nab ' l froortsons 'of thi body, they are raphily, Ind I.4ny of : hem! se rely, cored by she sm.° somas. Noise* know the vitas; of thee. I Pills, will Defied to swept Nom w a signing Stone the disorder* they cure.' t I-, t .1 L ' 6. 1 1 I BEatuiLlerall • frOth t o p Ia j of lb:, principal fists, and form ether web know n pu blic p. c ., 7,14.'4 }*,mending '' Nathe"l of 4r 7 ,1 : 1 . 1 4 / / 111411 4 ' Da." Ana: Tour Pil* 'int the 1 on if ill that fit' greed In medlelu 6. They tiave cured I y little daughter or ulcerous Moos upon her hands and feet thist Yowl proved' incarithle for years. let tmother his We h paw grill j ously'adileted wtt b h . LIS heir awl pluiPlos oat r skin and la• MS hair. A r a child was tared, al' ciao triad year rill's, aid they lie to eared her.l it 1 7 r I ASi )10 MIMI. • , . . As a Fai ntly rlayalie ' ' i i I 1/... A..,--...' ArostD.E.l vrriwrighl, 4 , sw -- 7 ."111 Your Pills are the PAries jof purge .. noir' exc. (maidss surpass auy alert* we! looessen They ord mild: hut very certain Lad &dual initheir on *So bowels, oltich makes anti Istraluable to us , dim daily treatment of dlisase. 1 'l' " : I • 1 'L• ' • - ..,t Umadaelie, lc eidaelia,ligial t owe ls. wha t tical • ?to Dr. /*sirs , Boyd; *hoe r r •. : I l l s i l , 'DI II 1110. Ar : 1 eabitOt answer ion complain I I have escra al h yourrul. better tiro to eiy ea that as per frail KIM o,yuvairre 'eerletires.,; A place went dip*. detain an effelteat stir:4lc In my daily contest with disease, anct7 - -.'leving ap I do, that your Title adored us gip halt we • • de, „It:vaunt" shoe them itglil). 1 '' • 1 . , • ' . -. ' 4 l i'MJIIIIta N., Ifill, 111.. 1 . ' 1 ''. i t Da. 1. Cl. Ara" Eir I hove beeitted y eared I . I th e worst hashicla an body con I ' •by a dos or tip lof your rills . It It i oj c artho f;nt a ibol etswath, - I wlistr they, al : at et. j I I It' J IT , ' Ili t D.. A. paimuy' 01 , Aiwawl gral is:eact, - . r . ~.. _ -------., 1 1 aerk'qf .91,cassr Clark* .1 1 f. 1 ._ .....1 Bliiiitlrtir D serditrf4Ltver:Ceeapleuttel ii :: Peon DT. Theetr lieft, If .Virrk,ll4. : F. i 1(. 1 4 anti are your ri id i,denirably tad to their pao - ... Pnes no an "Paling. tel pail their nedclal effects uplidl km Liver very marked i-,di.d. They hairs la my pros- lie.' proved •nuire effectual- the Ours of billow evil phtheis than wißne rvini-ily I can 111(111111i0tIo ' i Silleereti odules t hat we re at i lip li a purgative Which Is irtipd gx? thy tha ciatdd thf the i leaden , rind the people . r I II DZFAIiT OF }hill /XTIOLIOF. 1 . [ Waslaugtue, D. C.,lth Yek r ;lB6o. I die t I hare t sod yotir Pills la my general said happi ' practice arm since youltuidei thite,aeitautuotbediste r (e any they are the best Cathartic ws'ettiplei. ,Their. risia luting adieu o the itiek he quick Land decided, am %%wetly they a e an silwirehlti retried, fur dem . i. ig MM. organ. 'wired, I hays seldom futiud a OW bilious dimes obstleati that it did sot readily yield _ then. Iraternally ia4rs,l Aunira uAL,L, XL D . = : J%esicien the Marini Dreeekterp , Illerhots, Itelax, Werntil l ! i 111 Dr. .F. Orem, qii,HC/iiiagre. , : Itimr .Plltg have had a ?wig trial 1 10 my prattles, MX - X I held dices lu:esteem die wit( thei hest aperients I bilis ever humill.: - their caesura♦e affect *jou the liver writes thew au assailant reasiestiteu 'lien la await dame 141 .. &Amu direatirry mid 1.m., Their sugaotoatiag , o i l makes theta s cry acirti wad veateit ler eke so. of W• 111011 nod child .1 i 'lt 1 . If • Drapepola, g,Mirlty W i t ' the Ellhdidiq /rm Roo. J. ~ !lime, Pilfer of refiliCl, MTh, iferflfa,. Da. ATLI: bare used Year I'll - . - with elatreordinaty d swoon Lei my sniffy end Amon tit • 1 ara {celled to gait In dirtier*. n:regi labs lie o sof digestion and purify the bli illie ail, Ithe very yinetretualy 1 have - over knead, d_l confutratlyroommend. the i s toy [liaised. 1 11. 1 Seurc ----- 7. Nr./1111.1M ' t 1 1 . it. . WAlB"w.iTy4. ng Co.. N. 2..,4444: 24, 4444 1 -•ri tioieyi ir Cathaltle Pigs la my prim MA:I Mil 110101 tiee.'nn4 find them so ex; nyrtign and ri:rol th ftvuthtitt , oftiLt u. I - • liditS O. ItIEA,CI ;, r ! Caitatlywaltlese,cetetts - eue l sh, Bail llltetuayitlanaj tiltiint,' Niitsraill ay, Paslityallsi,' i t s,. eta, 'r • 1 . 1 '• P.N. 1pr....1: P 1 411 n, Nuttireur,l To* Czech ranch . n , , tald of yqiiii• Pills' e , sli,-et..... .If ether of o"zr fr,stetnlty ha ne etßoacleus ee I ha e;'o +yrll,„ aoulttjolri „..4.: It for !the Pruett et.t`va?trtnltlbadesley I that romiltut t, which, glt tougri bid anal: ! (i.e i proton rof (tee that are Woree. IL. to ari nit. . i theqllver,litul, your I organ sbel au the iihtimi. • I 1 , „.„ - 1 _1 11. -, I Froko ' , Frt. E. Mttoit reyrieien out if* 1 . t L t r end au* r two tarp hoses of I s m PII 1 •.. prole , thite, ' o exaelleat i oronmtlr brAn 1 ‘,.. ',hen It 'pity .t . piLniAlls suelyeammi , .11 . ...a1tai be c rause IL* , itinadai, age t a r rtip . ! omit hit lauit latlrie we Itr: . r• t * o l calser !.1 y Vottla . l4 1 ' i 1 1 Aril 44e ne r . I'm /Pirst*is, , l the 444/11 I . _ • ~It u r,acti .. r ., ;AI Ililll4l, G 0... i i UMTeilin P ie :I bh *ld be atiOttelln , 1 . yahr ilclll his breattlitisai If I - did wet t , . yon. -.A eel/ sktl•di iti my Huila Rad lir 1 dating neweeiyie reins, Irbil& ended In luou, ; NetwilostanOtig 1 had the ter.t ;of i 1 a AeIBSIO ge etc' iron. 01 trUrmt. ant 11 , , lb 1 1 i .xorrient '4-Int to gal 'afore . Pr !if citenz _ I Pith. 1 lief rffrrtti l treraglow, bet rtti; 4 1 0 i I. the use o thou. tint!ium tail ly we g , ' 1 kite Cffirit, baton ito 0., TA, , 11 • p.. Arta 4l' ha Iseen entirely roll, , e S . Rbeeen.tia Geart—a painful dleesserat I,_ 1:1( iiiiirs. - 1I 1 ' -VI CILII s 1 , • : .. 1 at-Wit of Sht ;, . Pill. la roarhat oa r which, alth e a & n linable ren te d c In s I dangerous. In a .y . b:fle Iplll, frivol the i if I satsuma that freqqittly Ifolloir Its i least' ! w;ntrin contemn of mineral subitaties o . , ~ 1 't I II 1 it I P'riee. '2. eenle per Box , or 01.13 ”Ii ' . Prepared by Dr.g. C. ATSII, & DO., 11, .' . I I. i I . itd - - ' ITI T ATI i i , Iteited silel) the u., 1 , , d Best , Selected V 1 , • l s FAVi. 601 Or Ii.ITO " , Ti IS COI eta Nicest iiriiind cloths str loaner qssiltiCii, which eel Clikilkl F. Tl THAN LfROIC IiTL :'. ‘i . , i t gl hig Ito putohast iiis ' his E. stk.. I, L Ihc place, Tai - ttr r' jgti - i 6 1 , 0 t u1t.29. 18i i 'EXTRACTS, ;t1 1 0 TY. Ra:pbe 'II mg Ilipsre. , ! , 1 ..., it t It st a fi Has Ja STOCK EVErt BR .. fro.. the ins doirritc. th Jetermin 4 10 , CIIEAPOT. Ai o, a F Ali I Person" wie. call Ind exa. elsewhe • .121-lit mem of the "BIG.. Bear eti,. At] 00KiNG Rossi St to Dr. Finis' i rIF A,B i 1 _.:.• p , 5 ~ Tlii,ubse ri, offers fcit Lsuren . e• onoty, Pa ,ir of IVm. iNTI. n.! And 'F. q. 4 _, 4 (Wimpum F rOaee;) r situtite t Beaver Creek' 3 mile from t''L , from ttiee ; St% losilis,.6 miles containing 118 I acres, 1600 cleared , land oiler fencri and „eamfortable -nimii Bosse, . tit itciry, high, a dialso fifty bekti 1 and tuenty p soh trees, all iif tlff ra id i 'Firm ai bout title!, t tbrestekt to Ire , and alee a feet ein.' Atraidanoe of fitiest nod a !well - ii: rnd with goa A so ‘.O Ott ex ; . al oil inuteatia ledtritbiti i `l 6s of an Oil 5 - o"Persoldsi wishing; to !t p roll to anilleiatoine for t) refareni eal a cal) no liVin. Itiontdi or dui subse#ber in ChiPpseja rantid.lt ri .I JOSEF 'iiso',l`.2fid 1411.,--rilat.l 1 i t l, • 0 Eto i the klaatition he so C.initlrrptia" a!tp, abontitlet or RED tow,' 4,ith a bell hp stiPPow sight- ten: ear Tit wet is ci to Oose reinierty,, ,- pay . saatisa her away. ang2l JOE. NIB • El i t 0011 on , I4 1 ailon" Ns. I —For Neer, , P VIM ‘. . turf Or tii*ilifil , Pit-- 5 No. —For Worm Ifeeerj Worm • • He, Wattleg; taw M. No. '—for Coll% CFAs& T Takata:was et; bigw i g: — r 1 1 1. J c' . l _ _ ___.' No. 4. to Divehi% Cholera In as taw im Cloossildnta. • 1 jl' i 4 i 1 4; , . No. 11.—For Colic, Orlifloga,D No.l6.—for Cholera, Cholera t l ug, 'i'io r mliluf. 7 ..,—For Coughs, Odds, ID , sal Fart orbioaL No. ,B.—For Teotauche, iniceAphi,• sod Nauraljla. No., , P.—Yer IleadaeL4, Tortilla, Neat aid ran" of ISIII s ma l b I 1 I i No. 14.—Deararata Pnars—Por_l Weal aid turmoil BLO , Comitralmt, and lire Domplalst. I No. 11 .— Ma Rama Luisa, Wilma,' .iti, il l i ab4 l,l o of, &I Pula% 1 I If_, 1 1, i 0111.--ifor IsMoorrhsi, Prams listro, sod ilearlai , Dowd ef Pematea . .1 1 +:l4 _I li I , ' No. 13.—for Croup, He is Mad Breathing. t , ; , No. 16.--Neur limn Ptua—Fog pelts, Nr6plioaad, Pimples ass th• race: 1 1 .1 1 0. i Nal 15.--assessue Pizza—, Yoe o, sem lu the Cheat, pack, Lolai, or I. tut 'j . 1 4-4 or Fever and Ara, 0 1 11)1 et. Dnmb Agog` Oa mismanaged Ave,. 1 • 1 1 ~ I t - I i gl. it p,,-4or Met, Inlet or lee 1 arse! or EsternaL • 1; ° 0.-For Sere, Weak, or ntlausall es and Esepla ; Falk •": btu e at,' a. Warred X 1 al ' i r ' f , ,$ C.- -eer Catarrh, of uni •i.,11 1 or receatj Mier m i lli short .-.Per r a c 19 0Xe. 116 1 4 6 7 '1. ta l l anee'l7, obet • etion or profuse 419harge; I 3 ; ' ' 1 la all acute diirmses„ cook as L see Intia • llmaatlarlat 1 DI ea,..Dymmtery, thmp, I Ithitamn and limb erns.. live isermes as Scarlet!Febet, Measles, an tryshadas, the affraatogs of glitita Ufa prover riselles , promptly Is oft. • slousi and In all such eases the o f ides act like a charml The i lire dismal& often ariested "wee, and Le all easel the • :dente of the 14(44cl:dial mode ' t e r alzie al"'"1 i weed, Illtd rtudered lug datigerousl 1 1 ' ' Coughs mad CO4s. a Mel 1 are of so hft uentneenitrenee, r and .1140 so o o lay id a rotaula on a dimated , long; bronehitss and consumpli n,lamy a be It onel cured by the I , Ter owl Chugh Pills. • I t 1 ~ lt: II chronic disease*, too as Dy panels, Weak Pt:tau:eh, eon nation, Meer Coe:plat , Pile}, Prniale Debility, and Iry larities, oil Ileadaelloe, Sore dr Wei k X,) , ed, Catarrh; 4 , Salt emu, a n other al I seuption4 the ease has spectate a lko•Si, proper atiolleatinti I al/nrd,s ear : li, nhimet: every hotat`qe. Oriel tl,e cure r slaeleieltronle difficulty, su as Dy pepsin, Piles or en Ileajt:ehe ler Female Weak , : It ul seas ; au more than pair) or tte a tea titer. , , 1 I. • ' I i . 1 I 3it Cle. I 1 'i 4 , I ~ 1 . 1 Sue of 24 vials cemplete, a 01•111 C Jll, ane Itaisi ... . .11S lase of 'i V viab, and boo , aln. ~ f...... 1... I I i .-.4 .. • . 4 :nee a It. numbered Inuctie and Sohk,.. —.IX. , .. • '.,.. II I=2 41Iaur linkgattve - 4104 to th's 11, Jilt, Mr, 'Lk H ipreestode, ;19 Drop- I • k mimic or the carder "pond Sial* &in Proclam - So suffer I , 6iim ,Th Itesll I bislisvo' *llls affect that *A; Dmil• Wien- ;the traisiissf spere: stiddelan S'•i7 sisrnssui.. They isismiusiaia Jrps. C7i l wil;6 11.1'0.11,5'6.1 Writhe sena •ort 7ty oyojto &tit ai ms • nmie rliewste, 'pliyelefasus,r - the aevice of yaw. As, I tried rutrr Itspersesseug ,sumNisr4 lyenr Mie l e( &it I afflicted *el :T ISLIDKLU ' ~ht l Mercury.' ilful hstii!si is , grisadftil Coo* tleas tae. Thiele whatever.: r I oxfs! 'onion, D , I I rg 1'414 a rrr■c lON of ill do eforo = t on, y, Om El 2311 djoinin Friend jl,mi Leif mill rani No tO of w wh y 25 g /TO be best five, vier fl7o of ono al d Spri Woo, aid well; atobase emselvi ~New 13 Tpj T BRIT i. likriber s i ll ti u be t, 1 J nest _ L 1 1 I i 4 6. b Gs Inks, t Numb II travel oa. via v; I AIALL nil 60.- airit4439.• l'eCtktl24: 1 and) _ mac at 6 boxes az' ,nutubern, Ile Uttered ' rg peso or 21 0 t 1 r - 1 1 .6'l To Mumma pa Qtr./vs • .=-Clp Ulm; Lahore' ires liinit. atteuded with otiich sad r,spettortitiOu.: Pelee, I i ail SO c nte per bury- I'. 1 , , i 1 „, 1 1 , •Fo lEanDtscapat,sax Diu r—Dlacharyoe treat lami Ear, the result ler &mile Poeir, Maul* or 51Pricurlala. For ohm in thi Mead, urines, of Illearine, add Riney In the[Fare, aml Far-ache Price, hi cents per box; , I Fo ',Sewn to.t..J-Eol 11aatb,Flinlarged and Indiana etl T mils, Plereinees ap4 01 ITheera,Mcrottiloue Cacho:, of ! 0111!, rent Pric6-_,IoO cents per bus.' I I /, , r1 ; Ftt OrzotitAl. RKINILITY.--nyliCIA tar NerirOWl, - ,We1L1041111.1 .... i 10th the runt of Shines*, Esc re Iliellcallos, or Es • haus ny Disch recs. price,,6o con per bos.l ir4 Daorar. , Fl, uld Acen ' l'emld Dlvollitigo,aith Scant Secret:olt4 Price' 56 cools looL at i ' Foie tiet•Ftemotime --iDettitiy, Met . V , Nausea Von:king. Sic too ".•oisi, Wing or ittutlen. P oe,, MI rental pit bra. I I L i : ,', ir if H , fun thiliiiiiir DallarlOP IFor dra y el, Renal ilialetylk Di cultj , paittful U itiation, D aof the Midneyli e i cent per box. t u js. • 1 ' 1 V t i , F a Si-ries Natai —, Invol ntary blilehli Fita an Cu.o coma Pr rtrati..l cu d Debit ty, no noun. or E i t liob ea, , The 11 o#t succirtsti gail Metal run t rif ti looria . and n4ay be re 1.11 upon tea cure 1 Price, id II dir Don •,41 per b s t l i, ,l',i I 1 I ~, • p mops who 1) to pl themselves under Ate proftl 401.0 care , or seek vice of *or. itai•oli.kya; can d so, at, his :Mc 662 It way, ditllyi froth 6 A.M. 10 SP. or bly i letter. 1 I - I ' 111 1 l a ' en DT ; ) stows n.r., !MIL -. 1 ; I ! ne./ lu k tutu 1.145 e or wilt kind yO , }se tie ; aunt in a Current note or stamps tddr si, et; No. 662 Mrotolway, New-York ' will be duly reused by mall or express, i 1 . 1 1 il . , v.—•ve ileidneil active, efflelent Aren t 'miles it: ev ery town or] community Arno DriI+.IIq2IIPIIMEYS A Co.: No. 66 Ihtuarteray,'N'aw-yoasi 1 I . et over t cho..'and 1.1 by , to on Ell the medic, fr •Sf charge GENTS AV for he erae" of • United I + ►~ { E,L~ , 0 ;, ~f 1 1 , 0 , 1 1 1 I SL 1 IT i _1 I tl'fiF's,lA TX' -11:( : . 4islOrlzeels'i r Stelna.llllpitiers. ,do TNIN SIG NESS,TRI' ['.e iil ;1 1 I . I 4?salip ,c. esExcelsior S v iortl lBiae;s. 111 OR W , ,ilkiTlo APPETITE ' ' RI! 1 nals Air chrir °grip hlllifie . rOR a, DIN 'SAI 0 SIC HEA . Acu 'TRY 1 1 1;,.1 ,. 11 lIL ; '. i alk 's .c.Tcels - .tlrrns44.lslßitte . ll'OR LINER,C,9II , pkIT T i itt ' l . 1 , s i . :lkjs E xcelsior 1 tom; el Bitterrs 9R F i 1.V147.R 11- , , AGtir TRY, ' i i .1 1 , . 1 'goals fxrelii4r $ orni kh :B itte k i . OR Cl I l ioll 1 AFIfECTIOXgITR-11:' r. l iv II I §wiiiV Exceis; r l. 3pn44lßilieka , F9r 81 Eb y HIL II Niti Bi#ver, 1 I 1 1 , ,' andlDrp gi sts' i'inOrally- S I T .k 1 A r EMBLE, , ,II flii4lale igc t, Nei S S*ltlifiiii St. Pills. P, , , Li- 2-11111.18ti 1 0 1 -I r t ''l I pm OR D 1 Q 096 4f, ,, • 1 I I i 1 i :- t• . . - 1q99'.1._ A' Summer i ' sit. hen , cur -a bot a 'of I Or ti..a cure of tli se dist] Ur* so, preva4nt during ! )1/ ift., P*l I v iil Ail , .RII 0 R I . ' ' —, • 1 . ' • , 1' Tli ~ J 1 _ line hien exp l erh i nntel every inetanen . primed' i being put into this mark ' meal of its godA quali Samuel ' 1 IStephen Smith, 1 David L 'ilfinis: jr, John Sargent; - I ( Hinman ta Elfpr, , , A. 1 C. [Hawkins,' rend b all the be Co ,try.,; I l eet ,fflm Attori a o f,711.18EE 1„ Bi l oadwa lieMtb' l ioLl PA' DONE I[ App! tt t s , tiod4 I I *oft I paw. ii ;! . - iiiii7isqiiiiiiiii ,.,,,.. ,yeiiiiloii......r •Ata•. Pa. W o! . , . lo o ff er to the public,' , &neer 4. 1 &Woo' , , Sewing Mi.ebinea at reduced lgitioes. ni:h increased;eonfidence In their merits as lb. test and moot reliable Sewing blachinei. They ariisimple in construction, more speedy ,in movement Bed. more dirable and less liable ,te 1 disarrangement than Any other macid e. , We give full 'warm:then', ensile to ense the: p u rchaser ' to ssi! "'Ordinary seams, hem felt, tick, tether, quilAran'd embroider. all on the same :I &chip!, and eisirant them for three years. t ,:1 ' , Cikonlars containing testimonieli from ladies et the i highesi edanding. East and Weft; stating prices. 'containing directiOns, /to., wall be fur-, l'nislied gratios. - on application in perm or? by letter: ' 1 ; 1 I ; i ' 1 CHATONEY & WA Agents: : Sole Aients. N. B. 'Aeering MiChines, Needles. Sib, Cot -1 ten'alirays on Laud -* ' c 1 geritmactive lehal„Agent wanted. • , .Bept.ll2 1800. , ' i I I ' • ki i Cit *4 (IQ p ... Tat:. pia " sel . w I tkiiP chaig Be • f•. . , Patent *.Washing) !a, • 11ittiii.IFACTURED BY TIN NIS Git , ANT, I • - Falsiton,, Peun't Fr pESE I Maolliia l es for speed. ease on the I. loperater and , (llothss, and clean waelaing, oWS large 'or small piece. of, Chithing.' are not equalled bY I any Weeping 3fachineTnoi 11'8 , in NFIV'GO'ODS I!! . • !!' *, 1 . G. 0 0 as t.,! PHILIP BEES , boa received and j will...lbw in Weekly receipt' of new ;articles 'pertaining businese:r ! 1 1 • i. New.,Stylla I. • ' —•- - MEM * ty, 'New 1-StYle Pelalue) Newl Style _Challee! gpS. , BeaVer ilete.) ;:1` , • JOBEkli If A L ;1 Pr oi) r, is t r. - ' I Beaver. rein:Vas.. AVINO thoroughly fitted up tbe establish' pent forinetly . knottn as tbe •Gottul.4 Hoirtia," -is; prepared' td ; aCcouliaodate friends, and Alle,public generally., iu the most . Satisfactory tnanaer.ll,"'6o.! I A,ILS, j• • g 'Ni ' AILS, "; All L ti7c ind g‘thectpei than the cheoPest,".. -, ,. , • by A. S lIAkVKY, 1 ". [__. Pit 1 01. Ll! I OIL '4l Steam. Engines, !For I Sale • A LL persons engaged in tne 411 business ars r'requested to, nail and the new Steam Engines • manutaotured l JOH/it I_2 , [ • r T.LtitroN, rat. These Engines are got up on -the most tm o:o4ta style for Boring and Piainpitig and, nth' purposes—the patterns being made onde o direciion of, one ot the best Mectinniea i u esters reensylran s. Todli for (Boring : Made °I I the shortest notie-; *lie all kinds of Caste lags made - and fitted up. - dari29., 'IA d lel, 'Tei I m fetellY pro • ise alusble : bleilieine eluting tialedies which the lumiiiir Beeson. • IL & tO'ili I 1_ I . 111: f O. t t e )6 E'' es i t 1 i - ?r i I 135#, Ind tn. :4 i . eii,ljead le • tem, 717 !Cited be; lon- Icii 'sale by Iteebeeter; Oeidgewaters Itiltier..` { I . Nor ,Brighto it, Fellatee, l I 1 Roeheete4 I :eggiete througloa. 1 1214722,81. I II i , 11TTRBEP""' :NOIT I • ALL persons tnowlng themselves iodehted to .the subscriber as well as. th•iso having olanns against hitn pleaselnall at hie StOre, opposite Poker's tin shop, foil !a'Settlentent immediately. Othello detarons of °hanging! his bueiness. The tailoring will bn carried' on by Joieph lilt:ann. at the old Stank. he being ap4 Pointed agent to sellsont the stank, cheap! foe 'naafi. Call soon if you 'Want to latioulls, t• the *et Ninths. ,ft Feb 20,• L. F: • SCHAFER. = _________ FIBERTM A , 1 w 1 Atli l a ' oar lierrisk A L q il, r i...... ; 4i1717' 1!!! 1 , L . gang mg orivedliLty!•.. by PA I;12 geirater. - ^ , • at the. I , Z 1 t o -0 . " ?' "1 k 1 M t i l re , OM ' O 6IN 111 3 ' ti , , 0 ., vi lim 9 . ' t orno - o.• C) r il r„ :til ai tal C) ',4 F i0; 1 3 1- i 1 ... tEI ‘... 1 lm c ~, -:M1111 , I> SC ' ti 1 " PS i i RT SUMTEV REINFORCED: 1. E attoseribsr 'respectfuily, intorms t he ! l itizens-ef beaver.anlid *init.* that h h as; eceived the Spr:o'g and ',Summer Fashions; Igc, and is now ready to do up 'wtork ih .aiest Fashionable' style. and warranted and o to, stuistis any other • work in this y.t , entrusting I their work with say depend on having it done when pi.orrq !No pains will be spored Is give satis-1 it to those who may call , on him., • •.' rCountry pralinee will be taken in eai ;e fur "#ork, , JS,O • L. HALL. kver plan) "Fgsbiontlblei 'frifior.. April 18.] New Style Gingham's, &I; ri Anis; UNION r HOTEL , _l . l (fonnerlt Likerty 1 .Honse) 11. .: THIRD ETtiEpT, l l RAVER; Ell. • • . .1 - • :14 '1 .: • ; 1 - AI,E.X. CLARK„ Pr9 r r. .. ' WILSON, CARR Ci f = WBOVESALITIttoEALIasciN ; DRY .- ECtUji NO 94 WOOD STR E ET , • ,- 1'- • 1 PITTSBURG,. PA. 14AVE again the plOatirre of .ennluncing 11 tkeiefriends.. ad ' the tradi, generally; thee their stook . ill betntade by' the, I Op, Indent, endwill! be offered = very lei' tit I preited 'At - amanita?* 4 offload. Nardi 6, lilt: , •11 - ' I .• ', ~BffitN IWO Tiot the. Rev. L.v l. Schell, Paiior of the E• them Clays& te eburchwn, Culla:a& Ca. Yea ..ie York. 4. ' t , I ... . Ctereicul Net•esthrtr 6th, 1660. Dear Firs .--11" . }eu 'Pease, I send' tee Gee deztitt litithe a va b i s t u ' Il et tlhaut T u Lttetu' o E I ; kuow l that must i L'7%-5d,..,u: 3 .1 caipifia. rre. has i rel!stra great bea•af. .1 - 1,,' - ~,,.. . • . '• l' ,' 1 ' • . ' NERVOUS .DEBILITY: Rev.3:o4 CitturiMsatorllttret It. P. Church, says:—.l Ws been we:oy lernotiteittiy the use of thatitllAVES HOLLAND DITTKItS'Au• gouarst Nrous - pebpity." 1 , ' .] , , .: CALIFORNIA EVIDENCE: • . Jtmaietri f Asaadwr Ca. OA Rd. 14,11166. Mi. ID. Pairs, • ;; . , ' • :—Yorira. Is one of the beat meal- • MONfor Dyipepsla and Liver Complaint. at least - I' Base fouzot it so. I canto to this'etiuntry in' 113 SS, oftlieted with Dyspepala and Liver "Dillon . he. • turned to the. Atkin tic !States' in )657. settled in „Ohio I saw the adverthletnbrit. aiic sent tot:lel**. . Ala fi t i two totles;-,whicXnattored me to , health.. I aiuuo Lock Mini in 1658. but forgot to bring 'supply with me. I have needed It Tory tutteti: my little daughter is tiffiletid ',with the same disease, mul t i moat bare scone of the Bitters.. Inclosed . you will' tlu a postage 'tamp; writs to mo sis soon ao poses. s t.le, If 'yeti lave no agent here. I will forward the em gry au a supply: ' PALPITATION or THE HEART. iton..Judge Illainter‘llayor of the City .of Ohio, says bare used Ikerhavea Rol land Bitters , ter Palpitation of the llaart ati .isesltout remedy for thlir disease." • InthOtion, Costliness, ITeqaohot. Ilev..Jsmeis Robinson, Pastor of M. E. 7h 'well, Pt utlaylvania Ateoue, nye :—"I take plea*. tire in rreo/1101 , •liding 'ililatilAVE ' S • lIOLLAND Birtlitr.S' as tont or the iaortvolturble medicines I horb tl.c‘l. it - relieved nib ors dbcase ,if the stomach. A lady. also. of my. rvinarewation, larCl.flitner. who Weil Suffered for a icing. time trona Waist of Appetite, Indigestion, Iloed , ehe and Car 11l &nese. Was clued by the ute of two bottles of the Bitters." . Pirtasolon, September etb,.lSsB, titan SIR'S :--I ;vrioi send* afflicted fdr about flee , tes.ri Vdill illf2D.Oppita,atid inward Pile—two : . ' - .ttlee of your Jititly uelebratod "Bcerhave's Md. '• 'r. - laud Idttrra,' reafored me to nerf,ct health.- • .' I 1 • IJOBINSON unlit. . , i T.zii,•ccigolcit, Pl. Feb. 11, 1560. . i - IUI3II I IPEPLA VOU 30 TEATI.2 • • . F i ~ .11.1rvii, ilLet.aida. Ztiber,..4 llfh, 1E49; . , ' 1, • Shamus Lsoa.4lo & .Jouts,. Montgomery, AIL-- N eleecil you wilt ond fi re dollars. , -please loud me I^.lo *north of it lln Bcorhoyea flollaed Hitters. I hal:ft trl&I every Ithlux, fen ,Tlyspepsht.ifiv .he last tnatity'years, ant leheie title does me more . good ~.. ti.en,,..rs.Lio;-e..42 , H •F.esd t~ the earn of, amtutillff .;. ,S. Cfci. Yleire, Ay) I' -.- . 1 J. H.:WALK/IA; - .I . . li • , .. . r ' • 13. ' D, , INICESTIOW. '... ~.. Dta , .C'svious,lloritgoroery CO. Md. Jam 81,1557. , . .I ' 1 lieStri felt th-6 heimlit of any medicine L. much . • en from 4.he hail., of •IttEUIIAVVB NoLLA.Nr• ' i3ITI'E/is'4Prtivilaised leaf WI- • .• 1 .. , JO,SEPII.C. - DELI:Err., • ME . . • WSAILEINCYIIII3 OF THE STO3.IACII ,• ''. AfrIOII.IIfDiGEoTION: •• - . Fi , • , - • , The rr: ~ of tie D c Pt•rtz. llelnzin Tit:Th : lA • ' Town,. ‘,11:• , ,1 , Jy,;:a-1 c , 'onty. WiF.,:onAin, - sef , r: - .1 nto.•11 '. 11,-. W1.....1,4,.;. t ;,•14'it NinrlaCh , Uld.l 1ne.!:14 , ti , 1 1 . .Yl.l : • n'a,l'•"-n7llh.ler.. :i .i.iy,:i.ii(s - ,.-are An; some tirna,.. . • tent the dissate a:ice:NJ t-,l:atth , even 11:a 6:i4). Sho '. yierhae•ti lon3yIXULI.ANI) RITTERSa.C.our.:,Criaa, y, Lich h. giv,:n,t• 11 , .• to lel otoon.arhf her al,petito and etre:tools arellryinraing. awl we firmly .. elirve. - teat thh. :a nutiyt.er I;reat 'lltra' eXixtel L L',:,, , you: ' at:•.11.:111 , •, , ' Ir-',' I •• ' .1.•41:-1N11:1.,;ii • E 4. ,N4ctoyi,w,a .:V:ena:sle4y, sheivpd.s,.lrii: . • . !TONIC. . . • .. Prom 0 I. .Ali.irl Pika. 11. C. from Arkansas, • - ~ ' ': I - IWasittmatint.ll.l*jnnel.l,ll. , sl% '1 f 1 haV;• It ~ ca two hottlea,of your Berrhore,a Ha -1.111,1 11 rii.e.l:, - ...l.havelfcnuel. lt - v ory useful 'in canes ,ef IL:dig:notion and Hyatt:why:4l :by .. . .. . ~.. 46n e d ie , e 4 . y ~t)yiprpgin to a nacre . • r . • . ' . ... ti!lelr :On,' • . T. • • - i • V. M ... R Mal:- elt, a tneier, 1;1 -- hahlp •ni well .. 1t:.(r:1 tin:qt.-I.li i i t illt,ieTll Penin•ylvabln, etatel l .'a+ to: 1...: -I n,; ,W . iill n. rf•- -, fenr In A :. - n. ?twin?, ....1,4 ; 11:t.. NOW 14,1,. r,itt,t' . 4. Ay - 11y.,).,,eppia' to W im•no .i.,....i.p.: , , 1 I.‘roe.oh.: 111:n t.• hay a ts..:•ttto of heyr-• ; lin ..1 . / , .11: , 1 lla,l n.l , ittet 4 1,4-livinz. It annul cure; Win . . Yy• Ilse,- hits etuti• ii.wth y •after.• what wan ray .a...t0.,i-1, elity.f . 'ltelite,:- 1:1,11 a halo,, litaity roan; 1:•• tOid illt 110 'iL) . u , e,9h.,1 tt.l , 7,:nand.i, nod that 1 ... :Ina% woe:lel:11j fletalo. hal 1, , ,:: I:todure , l lay • : 1 1 ,1 . 1.:,e's 11:;11.:eti hittera.-p trlaltli he attrribuhril !•,::,:', .11:6 r. et . :.latinn. • • ' ~. . ‘-.. , . . . • - .... 1. CO TIVENESS • I Sick He'adcho • -' _ , , , - , , .1 1 i.Bilio7 Disprders... ..; i • - • - , - ..,. Th,, proMqr ...at ;of lelellerst ~ . .Ll•voi. ;. Pills Will grollnie frolit regularity of, ,'..; ,the leo . W o le which le stroliately ileess4 1, sari to tha iajoszazoi or good t i t ' altin. 1 4.: : dmiticinicile is tho,o , loping aims° of! molt of '.' the ottlin , ary i‘ili r to.Ote 0f.1:6—. 1 . 7 - I ‘'" Mirk and '7' riFourcite Ilkitidoche, 0 ifoO.iiive Areathi• ' '. . Irel4miish iiilgin, p iniply Once., 'kg. e . e earring; t 0 thelt?eanty int! the enjoyno,4,o!, ifth, ! ' , _.l i 6oth -tof Tooth mil it k te; ail lan It originTitei most, 1 .fre r inautli to a:ilis.;ohno I et - Ve of tha 14v2i., Feller? . 5, I...tTur Ili! li c . ...ifiltdently oft,i.l ns The Sw4y. .. ' r irviiir. a .4 vai...., n4roati. compllint.4 . often'. . , revolt 4.3 M Itbbga•tion .fts:l tor;ror of lbw bOivels, -, veal derive remarkable bettera from tbefr re; . klso, .- thiro -rEtle , ...t b o Nrytilcelroailltaisa, a- Low . Spirit' awl Ilyateria . , by al ,s removal of • tb.i. irrqat Source nf theirAteentse, trio groltored to elseerfuln.ss and health .. I -'" 'D'Ylterr, ilit-1110.n. March r,, 185 a. , I' A. X Li.rvr or A.O-11.11 , 41'. or a ovntnon (until "<, 1111;1 litiaa [limo a .I,c idol pitiless n -^ dyer ill others. ' rlev •nut only eiamteete also brovels,t, but I arousit a .t.altivi aettOn of ihe lia=r. carry, al VII* •mafbld ' reeretiaMs, and leave the,syStem froo from 111 bilious . ! 1 " ... • .J.J. o *lra , M. D. ,' ~.- MU? Yong, Yermalon'en- 111 [AY Ir 2, 1'85 6 - Ilellar4 Mattei 'pa. In till , section of, country, have waved,. Iltualr,ds or doILL:s in• dos elbillS. ' - . , aasi ii.sAmoßs. i ! l'iti-.a 'UTE , ' a at. ,I. ' pile , ' 'll.l. ' i 1' : '., n.bi-a ' 21478 .' I tint tb,tu a good.aFaus.al is i. - -'-, of he ' r •1.. .7 , .. B.' .C 7 if I . • Ilitimaiia, in k ip.... c iar -I . -• ; i - '... !! Is I Tutor Lir.r - Pills aro /her t at. , Aare trerlairt. . . . . 1- , i '.. ' 4 211.• LIALSE' INWARD PILES. g,:ci,rattr. - ...: It call bo tar 1..- Itle ,t , , .. or &IA that vcr i. i.it krory batik. you buy. •• •• - .- '4.E"..3,Nrgirl PAGE; JR. & C,-0. , • Fr; PA. Ivratsr.l s ike Co. 01110.1 :toll a uxodleino that • r oriel . Santo, Addison i.r..4—. __„ , ysaFnary 1?, ai ~ . r-lo fiiait_ aaa:Blrs?lsrll= .lj Ic a hn ass, vivre tha.sasans• of rasaitlikg Wm ll°. ~. . . ~ .. , ' 3. W. TAYLOR: • . 1 1':. Atszainnit. Lickint (* MN} • • Idarch ;41456. I haat, allot Silent' LlTet Nib 1113*.1f 144 l a ur " enitr, wit a an aluratirf mitt Comni33 tang, i joi.sato t I amidst Um% vety &0ra1... I , - I . . • : : • .IsAFE.t.' e#4l. ; . ' 1.430 25, Con , . _, . . ' I - : ' ra-..,.....T..urn 5."1.3) ar 1... : ; ,1 1, .trripinTl-7Glira 1 r • ' R. 4...5g.14T,,e,ER5,,, CO. 011.L.Tt- PII 1..1".-A .11 p , ..1 , : i ...itiving pr s- so troths ,an 44. EXPEL T E , 901111 TX WALL , ' Ai ' - ni l • .' lei Stateirme; 4Pas Ealtore, 1 1 14 8 , • • if the oldest eabboislt well as new, g ',Or k tbeir ungiuillifled itinetlon,i aid .reeeniess44 i t for.all close' of :ertilitiontiCand diseases if ti.' scalp en d Uralic; hat ill whit hate used it,in i l l it teetifiying titan. will Veleffe the hi p/ . 'i,, .• • baling gray. and from falling tdiant . ft" ail , gi . f lill ' as restore. Read the fellowirig:-.. '. - 7' . - ' Oak. @rime, 5. 0. Jun eilith;lBsal . *. -Paco/. O. J. Wooer; Dear Sir.--•-.Teeth•ti ti „• .; : c I I t a tl. a .l nowi frl..t7ewhaneat 1: 1: 4 : g m: t a li , c i i ($ g yi rr: f d , t:het:bdltei:bi ,e; : f :! .: .. . : I'2 storatlia is rapidly gaining popularitil 1 1; : t t bOramuniti, khave had - ecorteien to •lry :w e ll jilill'oe inside, and ove your Hair Resioratii ; • :Diving the:year 1834. 1 was se. f 'l' , , , ~ in intonate as to i l be thrown' from my- sulky _against a gm,' near the roadside,- from: which my-lo n d te r c j•,7 . f i re d , iredi " t it most it.oiieo fnwi;i 1, b t aiw in• r i t:ibi itc b u!r fh l ; rt. r r - over the entire Edribee of the head. p rm t ' r d t i me I first ,iiiiileoetred its dripplag howeere'` tiNtei Owtime of - ite total Alisappearanee, I 4,,:k ( pl o yed. everything I could An t Y u li re elf; Of e t n l! , dugongs; i a ai. l ß h e (l i h g oor. l3 l 6. 4: 1 cierttand professional man t hna l•finally defeated in otery presc ript ion . & d en i m , 1 ed. ,'" .. • •I -' ! , -i . 1 I V. These and no ether eirsrtmetni.l64 j e a....! .•. i s beautiful a bead gyoiti l r ! tst wh e i ' e te h i ree ha e 7 r e t e r v o e y4ti re r a ir e e e r n th i y o belie.,;e, I;red,,.;t, a very }happy reehlt, two mantle after:the-8M ; application. I bad ' hair as I ever,' saw, for ; Which I , certainly ki,,, you my most . sincere thanks. Reit aware?, . dear sir, I shall recoranientryour retiedvia:du • inquirers: moreover, I 'shall use my baffieeliee • which I flatter myeelf tei iay, it not a hull - i Yeu can publish this if j•u, think prop e r. 11. .J y o ur s , very reepeettuayi r • I O . . %VMIT:AI; , • 1 ' Office 'if' the Jetlerseinisei,. Plaillipp,,,r ‘ Dec., I2tli, 185/3 - • - • • d , ' I. r i r • Dear iiir—l feel it my duty ad 114.11 j 11951 plettaurei • to state to yeu the fullowingioVesia. stances, which you can Use as you 0,14 iy„,. I per: A . gentleman ,‘f thli place, (:. 1,..e1 e ,... ) has been bald ever since his youth; so.„satitii sa, F that he was compelled to Wear a . wig. Bu • 1 iaduced to use a bbttle of yetir,...!•llair Re sor t . " -] rice, " : which be liked eery much, and Mier using come two or three sottles his hair errs out quite Itiauriantly. and he now Las a Waled. some head of hair. The • gentleman's' tutine ii. ; Bradford, and as he !a very Toll koolvii i 40,7 • Ihuming counties,- niony perilous clan ta t , tini • c i to the truth of this statement; I giro it toyiai et • the requeat of Mr. Bradford. You can.sell - a '.great deal of. Your Hair Reetarative in flii), sad the, adjoining counties if yowl-have toeipropti ri.sgerita. • - Yours, ko., .!, • 1x , r • TitO ) lPSCili fittiii'NOP. -1 Di: Woou: Dear Sir, Permit me to,ezircu ; tu g , o bligations I am under for the eoil r ei r .,,, a I t o o e r e ti t t i i m on e of „my arrival in the United States '; ofmy hair to Its original 0 A.,r, . .., - 11 0 ' was rap idl y becoming gray, hat upon the ay. 1 ; plication of your “Ilafr Iteeterative';,it e ve nv re.. covered its original hue. •I eartaider !you ' ; Restorative as a very wauderful havostioa,euite 1 efficacious as well is agreeable. - . 1 . ,.. • • ! .•• ...• . 8. THALBEIIe, . ;• Thelteeterative is put up Ininitttea ofctinial sister large, medium, and lanallvtbeTsma I 11 -..' ''• pint, and reiNs for one dollar per batt l e; the • medium holds at ienst twenty poi coat! mere in 'proportion, than the sthall, 'retails fir two dollars per bottle; the large beide' a ititart, 41 • ppr colt. more in proportion, and retails feria. a d. WOOD & Co., l'eupridurs, 444 firearlf • J • Way; N.Y.,. and 111 Mai ker. 2 Bt., St. Laing; Be. 1•- And. gold by.eal IJruggiev4 and i'as-y',cools . ' 1-ieu'ers. - ' - . lons 4: 1."0: . , ~ - i ..,-.. : ,, , , , 5 t . k-i; ••. .7.,-; ; %; , .., ,t - . I r _ i11...........__. . ;,---....r., .....i4.: • L.' ,. - ---- , • ~ • '.. , • • : 1 1• • Thousand ale doily spouki ag• Ilk lake `l.n fa is 1: lie Coy and why? becaueo it !it nrker frill to Ord stctntaneous relief when given in time, It %lett . .3 if by, Magic, and one trial will etkuNiete,. you that what we any is trtie. It eontifins, AY 0 A it'. EGO-RIG-Ole OPIATE of itny kind, s t ud theresie reliaves rtnisV.vi , satTlrings of your child, insieed of by dead. niuji Its Fur' this itcou:- • ,inEnd.f itiielf as the only reliable pre;taratice nix., knon - tt fof Cutt.naEst .'reErntxa, .Dvsr.Nr‘ttV, nirtty) IN Till AF TII~ STOD.Acu, WIND, t II hi oLD .is C,iictir, also, for soliciting t the gasmi,.mahleriy . fiamotturs, t egulaiing tleie.Dtwelz, and rat;.:k it lies equal—being an unlit erasittodicA'isoik with unfailing !..iiceess in a i d • - c..ses . ut sioN un Ofll/111 Fu . As .2/up cattle thellite 4.5! „health of your' children.- and wish to sari i. e 4 . from thins sad and thuldi,sq' conrequencee t . rbt.it ore certainloremilt irons Lthe into - .of n4coitss wiich all other ,rentldies for Inirtnille are composed ta,k...,,lo!ltlitlii Dn. EATUNr: iN s:•• TILFL 'CORDIAL; t you. can yely upoo„r as. perfectly linrwlesS, and oanuot injure:tlio . delicate iufaut. : i )'rioe, 25 cents. [lone accompany .e,,ch hGttle. Prepaied eeiy Ne.,*400 Ilroadniy, tiowivreri? Healthy Isnot:din Blood upon being 0 . ; . ANA L 17,ED • •, • always presents ui with the same essential e:e dents, and 'gives of ebureithe Tau oltAzoAzo 'Analyze the Blood of person suffering fro:z enitsumption, m Lizer Coplaint, Scrofula, foi., . and ace ~find it errry, invanto certain deficiencies iu the red glebuleirof lfr:o 4 Supply these ,deficiencies; -mod you Isis uadd well. The Dioon - Foot: is founded pp6;l Theort—henceiite astonishing sucCesi. ;1 Five Preparaotions adapted to, the deficiCuoiesof theod' 810 ferent disease: For couons,"CoLos,illit.sonz • Tie. Or any affection 'what:ever, vfalte Tnac-1 , or Lrsce inducing- CONi6IPTION, use - which ie also the. No. 'for DEPOsato •SPIItiTB; Loss OrAYPETITE. and" .for all COMPLAINTS arising from OrEn-Cee,FOV.:: 7 . lll:-1 DEBILITY, and NERVOUS Livraz XootPleisrs, No. 8, for Di:girt:A- Beino alretidyprcired for ebiorptiola if is Baoya and oarried. immediateljf circulation, so that what you gain ley tettik• The No I, ii for Fuommi - Ittracututw atio, l. -ItyercatA. Wimuseei, Eat 112e111:11 diTak Hone for dal: FOr SALT f4urnosi , -SCEOFCE9EIy EIDE 14,End BLADDEII Cvartaia7 take No. b. In. all casensthe direction utostl l oi - strictly folloired; ' - For full direotioni, ire circulars. .11'nee b ' • per ottle. I • Sofd by elltrell Br. DUPONT,. Druggist, Ft 88 Alaiden Lane, N. T., and by 6 11 riltllkoltuVe Truggieta throughout the country. r Fla sale by Dr. 0. CUNNINGHAM, Peva: • May. 2. '6O. I - LO,OK s H.Elt • OIL CLOTH , FOR ININVOITi Oil 'Cloth for kildiraf CIL CLOTH . I'pR FLOORS, r tetis or I r g o RPETA FOR STAIRS, I • WILL PAPER . a llOlllOlO , PAPER BLINDS FOlt-WilVDO' Ff. Galt he ekkained verjf kw at rmui REMS I t MIEDEFSWITEP • , ME ,12A -TON'S