0 S. D. r6rsse & Wholesa4 aad Retail Dealers in Fi GROCERIES,.. Lit TOBACCO'S SEGARS, , r C'arbon 0 I - DIOND PITTBBU • Rh No. 11, A it lb 6 BRAL ST. /LLE,' No lie, . i • Look ; !.tou r Pr, • lipids Ground puts, 4 eta. a paper fourth pound. : Alum, 6 cents a pound. . ' r ßed Cords, atm- but quality,' 26 cot 20 cents. [ : 1 Baking Sods, best kind il•cents, sold housel 1.14- netts Brooms chit per than the cheapen Butter;." we hare mods -1 torrangetnec some of t e best butter makers Ino tl .try,and will constantly haws on butt article, of ;mint and roll: Buckets, be)tt two hoops 16 cents; thri 20 entail i I -i BrUitien, StAiTO, shoes and scrub. ill 0 Xiang, good,srticle, 3 and 4 cents * qt elsoking i ltelsonts 10 cents,same aiotha `;l`L conts.ll , ' ascents, 25 mutts,' British Luster, 4 pound. I j i ( I '1 Candy, white rock, 29 cents, red, rut Cooking lia .s, I 9 cents a pound. 1 I Cotton Twins 'l2 cents a pound.: Cotton Wlair, , , , do ' , ido • /Lo k i . Copperu, 6 I do is, Concentrated Lye, 18 cents a box. ° Mahon Oil} _ best, A No. 1, 60 cents or 15 cents a pound. • 1 . Candles, best mould, 12 tests s peutu Canary ailed, 9 !Cents a pounds I ; I Iflonr, best Pittiburgh City Mills ins field-lap :Glno, I genuine article ;17 Of .' tit. with a Brush. 1 - I. I Slims 8 bY 10, by the biz 211.7C0r 2 de 9 by, 10, Ido I - 1.871 or 4 1 ; de 10 by 12, 1 di 1 del or de 9 b y 14, ; do • 1(9-00 or 4' de 16 by 14, I do , dorl or 4 do IS by IS, 1 do 225 it ti Oar Glass is best City radds, in , wasted will be sold for 20 cents lees. c tar than the city:price currents. 11 prowl' Case ; we have our Coffee burnt le or don and always burn the best an melt for 18 i • fonts a pound. ; 1. I i 3 , 'Clgars„einnmon, 20 cents a hu n dre d. Cigaro,ittalf Spools's; 45 cents l a Ii Cigars) . but extra half Brutish, !android. 1 Citron; Orang e and ? d emos, a 1 : 91 t pound t .. I. r - - 1-, 0 lores,-ground, 26 err:; a pound, or 2 cants as states. ; -; f ; ! , Cloves, Whole 18 , er.: % pound. 1 ' r Candles,l , Opol ' . 1,-s.t C.nn.tonatil 18 cents. game r, • • t an others chat P-• ..... I • ! ' I Clots*, Phess Wt.- ter'.: '.eserre, 12 4nts. I ' Cellos. relix's Extract l ,4 centas paper sr 4 pa t-, pers 14_coents. !I . 1 I i I Chinamen, ground, pure, 9 cents per i• peund. Cut and Dry .Tobacco, 10 cents a pound 1-.. Crackers, Water , beat kind, 6 cents a pound "11 Sugar, ' !" dents a box, t , -9, 1 , ..? " I Stutter, 1. 1 . 9 1 , • ~, 11 11 Sods, ,I„ 8 " , • Mason'aßlaskiag,• 22 cents a doesn't 1 • -• tt Idason'i Blanking, large size, 4.a lots a box,or 44 meats a doten. ' I ' I lislor'a',ltyrup, 64 cents a gallos. mausolea, use rnuaste!ptaa,, tarsi , uses,' 5 for I costs. r 1 , ii 4 • • • Mitalids lomt, i gross; containing 1,69; for 6 state II Powered, Sugar, best kind, 12i.and 11 cents. Popper,' whole, 12 cents a pootuad.l l l f i kiss, 51} cents a pound, -; 1 11 • j • Raisins, best box LoYers 18 cents a pound. Steve Blacking, large papers, 4 cents each 4 Salt, in small sacks for table use 6 cents. Salt, white s not clean, by -the quitrt, 2 quirts I •, 4 eaits,- • 1 , I • , Sriut,lltdsok, 25 cents a pound. I •'' I Snuff yellow Scotch, 22 cents a pound. 1 - Sugari of all kinds, less than any other store. ' beds , l'arsabidg, two pounds for 9 ',cents, - ~ Starch, lest A. Ne... 1, 8 cents s pound. S terati' po un Silver Gloss, in pope , I 10 cents a l'd. 1 . 'boulders, lowest market price. ! Fifty sent Tea 48 cents& pound.' I . • Seventy-flip cent Tea 64 cents. 4 ! , — Tubs; largest size, two hoop, Bseats. • • I'ol4 1 largest size,:thrse beeps, 85. Tubs, medium; 65. •• • • ' I . Tabs small, 56. I 11 ' Tidies's, Grant's, 80 Gents a pound or 5 seats a plug. i i Natural Leaf Tabaces, - 40 cents pound- Baltilnore Spun Rollos new urti'c gin thiamsr . tit, 85 Cents a pound, 6 eents a plug:: try s plug. ; 1 I 11 Tobacco, Baltimore Twist; 28 cents a pound. ToitUco, best Dog Leg. for smoking, 10 cents a , . pound. i , 1 j . 11 tebicee, Baltimore Twist , 4 eel Jcseats, a "pound.. 1 , I p aper. - 1 sost*,- carpet, 4 cents a n' 4 ..llngtound Cleves, 16 cents s 'l7.gtound Cinnamon, S 5 cents trapennd Pepper, 12 cents a tragriuni Allspice, 12 cents 1 Vinegar, (10. cents a gallon, gallon. t Wash Boards, 20 cents. I , ; wagon Grease , manufactured by .I..obn!l.lrilcox, FrankfOrt, Pa., 22 cents feria pound cane, or l $2.13 ' a doses. .I t • lust Camphor, 5 cents an Gauen. , ! • Stone Ware and Jugs, 9 Cents' ar gallon. ...! Saltpetre: 20 cents a pound, me ns•othors charge 25. -; . 1 1 , 1. , Spun Saul* 8 cents a pound , 1 I I Cori Starch, in pound papers, •11 'fiats a .:tract • , • 1 ' if Loprood, test kin , in paper boxe s, 20 snub, a pound. • • 1 : t l , eresond Mustard, ' ', best Engle h, 9 cents per f pound:, or 80 cents per! pound. ! --„, 11 11 • 1 7ing.illonoted, in boxes, 5 *eats for If Hemp bead, 9 cents a'pound I I I [ Sugar Cared Dried But, tan dosed 18/Isonts a pewit. . Sugar Cored Cturrass 111112. eery ales td Tai, bist Wllits.,% minis a p4c a4 ond. , , 1, 7;6 heft Extir,;No, I Mack, isspectod,lll dents a pound. • • , I 1 1 1 1 rah, best Ns. 8, Large ; .11 Icitersl, 2 ;cents • pound. • ' ,; 4 1 I I ' : Ground Ginger., 12 - sent* a land. 1 Extra ales, White Sugar , only 1 9 1 stab 1 • ; ' - Ord Cotton Batting, :e. ... only 111 1 senta • • pound. ! •11 1 1 , • 1! •: Ilitton Ilatting, 1 Ws. 1., 1 18 tents a pound. 1I• • I ! —...!....._11 • I Tits_Hienkerr _ *64 CeiIINTi ; yr CifANT3,- and sae n 4, Itiers parebasieg:-- The abet/elm ear retail prices •; we yell cheaper it whelesale; tat, wsky'pr. Iteinenber the Greet Cheap ere:: . 1 ; 1 eery no 1 Ufa 11 , DA.MOI4LP' l'lTi B / 3 17R031A; ! id IN Federali s t. , ,4tieg,euy r ABOVE THE Nillt/CET He -4 166.1disscuri Shim; ioceired I iivit ?rapt a Eltml#aki; wert ir ;NW . . • 1 T' ------ --- - --I . _.s.. i, o the 11 1 er/sirs er...,.8c rer 'atid 1 ! .' Lawren4 COllOlll . L i , , .,..„....2 lTlLE!,lntdersigned being the, only sutherired ' agentlfor the sale of the; 'l3utkeye .. llo,ltp- - tug . and Hawing cfechinee in Heare r. "DJ Lawrence equaties, tikes• pleasure fa recoils. , Mending this machine to the notice of the For tier. They unparalleiled success *Mob bas , at tended' theistic' of this machine since its tuft°. ditatioa,,is alone sufficient to, recommend it to the fuzee. ' Enquire of your friends wbe hare purchased 'and see what they_hare to s& about it I will be at the Court House Beareida ring the Jlne term with our :mac in.. ei thst persons winning to purchase tan es for tfiettt - lielvesP also in New Castle dering eir terns of Coon. 1 I would alio caution f E era 'not ;to purchase from any other person In the a bove territory, ?rho MAy , ~ repreiteel firmarl7 as agents i as no other i .bas the right to sell; •I would also call the attention of househeepers to our ;;COOII and f PARLOR at' es, made at Salem; Ohio, ihiclf for seuperio excellence, i n 4Shespness land neatness of, desi n, are I not equalled in- any 'rnirket. §amp es of !is I the ibore articles can be 'seen at my atheej a res idencelnear Harlington: Ail co calcitioaa . by mail Promptly noted. - ' . ,1 1 1 ! ' ' E. O. COO Agente; 2 - A. COLE. Assishint. ;Da ington,Pls blav 8 1801 ' r • it s . ~ ! Lawrence Journal copy 2 m the sod ! send ill to this' Mace. 1. - • Il t; ; - • . '1 1 . ' El ORS, 23 En es. f one. ta, next lat etber nta with he min as' prime hoops Mere. iT01.1414 SOAPS, IN GREAT QUAN , 1 - I , TITY, at Dr' Minis' Drug Stor t e- , t Pure Cailile Soap, old Palm Soap , - Tin:m eon's ' Di:timid Castite.iLetclies'.: Soap. Waal4g i ton Soap. Transparent halls ;and Eters, - Glycerine! Soap, Floatirig Lily 4 , . ;Soap. Eriiiive Siiap, dhow- '• ,1 1 1 ' ing Soap . Dental Soap' for ' 1. 1 4 cleaning the teeth, . ' 1 I.' • ' ' ste.. &a., tee. i 1. ~ • A FINE ASSOEThI ENT OF PERFUN ' EIY at N I Mini? DrugiStl) 11 Choice f :tracts for the 11 , incik' rchf et new &tenets. Stole 'and colognes, ki e liOnernoonXies,Be Quie and S thicir New; Srantlirti SiLto aci '.• ` .11nek:Patehouly;Roae , ' • ay Cluti: Gerataim, 1 ! - Itose Hair Oil. Bea; ! Oil, Pomides. . ' - &c., &0.,' fin. , . • ; boa eel Rae a 1213:13 NI lasted. I atm a -log. ts a light do do do I do I do j ther lite on a dol- 'ire .you troubled with Rats ? An ;you troubled with Rats ? Are tymbled with Rate ? Are you troubled; with Itsits ? Are'oyou troubled; with Rats ? Are. you' troubled oik ith Rats ? you - treubled with Rats • - Oet, a Doi of Fleming's, Get a Bei of Fletning'a' J. :Get a Bai l of,Fleming's . Get a Bogor Fleming s Gets Boi of Fleming's' -• Get a Doi of Flemings, Oat a Bei , of FlemiagN • At,Dr. 1 At Dr. 111 At Dr. it 'At Dr. M At Dr. It ji z r yired. 76 coats t i oifor • VEWIDRUG STORE INtrAVIR. R. 2411N15, bas just opened ont n the stor - .rotan formerly occupied by Rll l aCreeiy, A onbird streei, three'doori abov e , arch i ty's store; no eztenaire smortraetti of Drilla, Paints 01M, 'Dyestultditke . &C.' Ille wig sail to .., 1 .; PHYsICIANS l . kl hai having been ingested in the rescripy • n b";:tness fur eorrietime past, _Reis enabled IC •f - ter the • moni complete and.varied !thick oftaie dieiiinl prepersitions 'ever brought 'bee the ctatin ti.whlch lie will Red at the lowest' cash, prfcea, flint the same class of gootis can be bou g h t for in Pittsburgh or eLiewhere. ` Nothing •bat ryi r- Petty Pure and fresh Drug. willkept in he 'eatabiishment. i Byi an arrengeme t with ills t ,. wright and. Young, any desire. orgicalt 1 % 1 3 siraents cen , ,be fu at the own pricek Therattudicin of the 'l If ' ' -; • 1.11111:1 •l' ii • is called to. the fire assortment of fancy arti cles. Perfemer.g, Fine 'Soaps, Brushes, Toilet Articles, ~&c.,'. &c. While •to the! .1 , ~ I i GENERAL Tittle' ~ • !I i , ;'here.is offered a good . variety of Pants, if!, Dyestuffs, Carboo 011 Larnps, Patent Altiii pine.; choice tobacco and Cigars,' &C., &c. ,; isa;Eretything will be kept tasunlly fo g nd in well appointed Drug Stores,end Will be sold 1113 cheaply as they can be had anywhere in Western 't'ennsy,lititii i. [Sept. 19, ' '6O • 1 u. i ----- . TO CONTRACTORS FOR SFPPLIEs.- 4 . V V 1 wE hereby give notice to 'll !thosit who i may be contractin g to f rnisli sOpplies i to the State,' neder. the recent appiop t iation of, three , millions ; dint, having received the power under that Act of Oppcieting iospetors lof all aupplies, and other Power also W I fer-t mice to the :settlement of claitaa,lwhi b was i i mot delegated - to us under the previous Act o April ; 12:h. we !bell hold every contra for to / ,the most rigid aceontitabili'y in the settlement at hie claims, slid the' InaPectio r of b s sup plies must be . that character /wide , hall .prevent any impasition upon thee ' State:. an J. prate& the yolunteers who have so nobly rev piinded to its call; and ao supplies id 1 b paid for until .they hare bean inspect officers who; 'shall have been 'duly &pita nte Lir,thet purpose., ' "• 1 1: 1 , i f l HENRY D. MOORE, State 'freesia r. `.. Twos. E. ',Cocnitaii, Auditor GeiteraLL I • June 5th,11061. }'l 0 i ts a play' or 83 • • WI.. 4, 'pan/. pound. Ipound.l • beat 14 !ants a', , FARmERITAKENorpI v . PAR i : 1 .) r. 1; _, it '---- JAMES . -'-‘.- AR 4 ~... .. 4 :--,..- _l VviTelliercr hi e, L , '-' 1 •:1* C, th e I . 1 18 Agent for the sole "oft all ! ImOon lof Hu , •bauirv, made at the 1 il _ ti - , 1 ii I 11 1 A. G i iii Ci r ti I T U R.. 21 Li ly"0R ,_ 1 1 ' 1. I Clevola . nd, Ohio, , •1• i I, . I Aroonsit which, are, WoOd'o Itnproved :II Pubbard's}Light Mower, sn' bard's Rim Moi:er, Thabbatero Reaping Milia:neat, win; DeWitt .& Ceit Star Drain Drill, 1 without Giza@ Reed Sow f. l';, • Dellowille s June IDth, 1811 . _ . —......mmeamm...01 .. , - ' - ' 11 1 I Barber aid 1 lir garesie . i ,hi fri ' 1 '.- rlB. BRUIN . would in srm .. a . en , ad • • aw ipublia generatly, at he rusetill lit' is f• r . per business, at the ol stan d onTtii street, ons doom east Of Askips' i.Clothitig .8,,0 , where gentle Mes Irrant;og th'et itteniio a o a Bar,ber. or kliir_Diessarican it aft tames be 4,- 1 tended to., :' 4 j ' i , "• • I harelanw on hand a Hai ' floatation& IV' aiihilea I'y any nnw in use. It 'preftents e flair falling fromlths head, i re4torl i the Sir to hi natural coldur. itpret uti the air f m Uniting grey. Au' , 1-I hays so on Ladd an Iti stintenemts Hair; Dye, lira aired to tarn Y. Limit or: Red , II sir , Anti Tit; I .e itfaek-or ;Brown . i The tabo rsWaled' Ira it , led r. ti•• owthditetiott. ' laiv.p,9s .. 1 . r. . -" , , qg 7, 1 vAill " M. 'ln tas." I !' IDOW OTORX*t L ',I I li LI CD 1 4 214 01 A•-• Oirice ie the eeert, Ho July 18574 ly i SCHOLARSHIP A , SCIIOLARSIIIPIn the km xakciis . Cipmac,ii Is effiirs# f Rodents teraut.i • Enquire El '• • Office. Allepif i ny Cite exser nocry,. 4 • " rteeired at Par or DIMS aikd .Lk . 11 Qciers IMF „Jock. &c., Rat Dast,e, Rt~t paste, Ratimte, !Rat elite, 'Rat Rat' Waite, Rat ?Uri..., Drug Stare. lois' Drug sit. Drug StO [ n ix, Deit'g•Stc't4. [Oa' Drug - Stoie. finis' Dl4 .Btore. I has' DrDrugStore l . , At Dr.•SI At Dr. )1 (ow . nds npJ U 1 1 1 i 1 j I •"'.l J F Al t 1 11.11 V: IA L E.! , - : ......1 N ) ' 4 TiglC •tsoffer, forBl fa ''' se .11 GT Lilllrielle County ,riii, adjoi i'ng I lan /a of !pt. Davidson. and y, R. Fri a , i de C0..1 (Waraimeo iturnhce,7) el:teiated i • -- De f In eld , ri lleavi,cr clielt, 1 taileltrom* Grist M,14 mhi fro 1 : thre SW mills,: 8- Miles from eve cut iv ems inla t Winced. alloOt 70 d which en. cleft ' iKaclinnder tines and on , which ii a eom ortahlell frame bonsai, Ira , by 1 , fiet. one at° hi h,and alsodittylb acing ppl trervo and (ire 'y each t al l of the at ualliy,. . . . . Said Fano has a ut I , ry five acres o . a - thriifele ,al vein.*.vad la ack . a five sld a r . f . teeelieliv Abundance ',lli ratans' leitut itimbir. 11 4, andria well) watered ) with lgoodN pritige, nit alsc good, - eitenval nl inai talons , it is l el q. tediwithip 1 . 4 mike. of an , it well f .N I I. sertersons wishing' in pure see I will; do wort to call and examine', top. thentivivlevis. Par , reticence call on Wiv..lre . tiedy,l4 w D''glitOW, 1.. n 1 sr the atiloicriber.imiel k livp ATp .01 le War revived. I I • , 1 , J liPli 1141 AIM + . iimey lid.. 'el.—LS=4, ; -f - 'I 1 s ,1 11 1 L%, T. " Wit eJO I 'fir ; i AL in 1 , tads ly at 1;;:l !Dr. E I AYER ' S ,', • I t .THARTIO , , PILLS._ . T. you Welt, feeble, MI staining/ Are Yon eut oe .1 r, with year arena dr , ' .god, and your fretless far Wfuttitbio?, :2N e askOINP• .. ; : elre Asa lid no& to illnese4 at at should le creed 44 iios yew, -4 should be sleeted isr • 'y MOO of dust rilypha mu. Take Ulyria ani fteaelell e. owe oat the' i ' 1— pto* Al bleed, and he as ids roue IM es*bt . ' :ted lel Meth Wis. ' ettwalhate less hue:tine ' body' lake rtiorose ea• . purify the Mews Ina* I ilketnottletve width make I owe Inthe letelpi, ,and eit- These It not r , • lithlYeav 'rf surrounding erPes. Pm t sulterikie sad Illossee.l l , d by I t ise u liderangreaolila s l t !real they restore lbw t . 4 w. anitavi 4Pa 1 4 •7 111 11 f . . _. _—... -,, .a. ..' .. l'littt is true ind wi apparent la i thiet%ial and etantnou umlaut. la alwa true fa makell of th e land dinekunue Meta opera. O The wow, pa r effect expel. third! Cowed oy 'hallos obwree.; thins and dersoganienti l ogthe natuntris, of lib" 1 bOdy, p lo y are rapidly, And many of u se4ely, cant 4; y a t ia beawas enti meano. • Imai Nua n e gi 7 brikum know e ii irt som. a ci th ib ene l r Ila, will neglee ea htePle; the° *4 °l auff l rill f tt ; . r . dbiorders the rare., ,1 i f ad ( eitha, now ether ma 'Reim bite il 1 11 . . 3 int Mintan"f a .. l ' 6 " 4 t / 1 1 1 , De. Area: Ycitr PIUS ettt the pixie of , all that Is great n medlcin . They !rave cared , little daughter :is.. . ea of eel miss corm peen lift hands and roitithat had pravett incolade Lie yetwa. erimother has been long igrierg. misty attliaal eel It him lan and pimples Oil. r akin and In her hair. A ron child was cared, also tibia your lllls, and ey la: • 4red her. I t i 1 ' I 1 ASit,r? lIIDGL 1 1 - Ae IL UT :r epr i am e , Prow .Z.W. ( , teright,# 1 1 Tour Pills are the sirbt[te of iniraie4 ;hair eicelhowtt qualitka outputs any Fathartle we(pelteieMi They met mild/ but very certain andffectual Iti their gallon on th e bowels, which makes the n. taralnaltl• tp tal ii i . e the del/ t trelittnent of diteense. i i I i i r i I il Reidetette,,lck eettlitellte, (hal tdismset „ i ' Prato Dr..gdietrat - Dayst, beffimenli. i D ,Allinto. Ala: I lnn t iiiswer at te'Act complain 1 Irate ciire/ Ira h you PP a better t ate 0 may all that ,iipe t ..... I ii r ,,,•/ ' rig s pqrv. t iv} nO,l wins. I place greet deplete ...l 'el on an ethic? nal tt rtic In 1y pl tEy rented whir d se. and' 'lacing s ;do that your d'ills afford na 61te' hest we we, .lof oott ue theisltilliqy i ! ~ il t Prresnutt , N., lir 1.11155. 5 D 'J. C. Arai SI : I have been_ tatmat ly cured ; dt; ; She rat atoudiefoe4 y can hitee tiy &NO or loci or our P11111.•11t ~ , to aerie iloiet s .oul stomach* w • they clains• at ' fis. r i l 1 • 1 y - Tours:jib raved, 1 E .W. rniriiLlS,l Me: rf 'Weimer Cianci6l II i-, 1 ~ _, I It dens . lgor ere —Liver .petalplattalla , / , '", , aut i t. The , clofr Ball, if r d /7./r • Cit. 1 f i l 1 1 .ot only a your Pith" admirabt mint, to their per. :us an, ope#ent. Int And their heap!) I effects**, th Liret 4 very. markrd ~dead. They ha In nay pytuO• .k i l .'''proved , uke elt t. ct al - for thd curd of idiot's Ail pl 1 / 6 14 than tray ore tt+tiy. I can Mendel . I since ely DI Ice that wither, t length a piirgetkve which Ss tio. tit thu coutideucts e ti tiV profaner awl L the people. ill 1 p • 1 .f l' i ~ 1 - Ji• Ero,nvzs.ve et; tottlrrintioa, ,II I 1 11 Vlatliiligton, D. C, Tihr b., 111.56. ,( i f .tar'l traversed your PUN la my gen and hoe Ltd pr Meurer mince }tin a ade them, awl ut beat 4 ti, i as :they are the hew *battle we amply .i Their riay - ctu i if. cog action 11,n the liver is quick Mut decided, cd ti ell- n natty they are an adialrable remedY fur l derangeMente of that organ. Indied; I have M itken f nod . • awe of L. bics diacat4 i so chstin to that it did not cattily yiehtfW ' cm. , kradtruall ,) onto' , Ald./.3,21/ AM., 31. fk; I , • , •‘• .i, ll'hyticiau aloe .N.l.lonnilat. • 11 I , f 11 1 1 • ysenteiri, larslacea, plat , Worase, • blow vf..fi t tr. Gran, hf /e:, 1 i'l l 1 Tour ['Mollie laultri. !mg trip % hinny , I practice, aoolli b-la tb.m biiest.etil ate one of the bag aperients 1 'hare ,e Sr found. I,Titeirptidative effect *Pon tim liver skeet 4 , .out an. excelleut r miQ . y, when kivelepul small d i for 1 teas dysentery 4 diwrrawat That atiorar.o , tin • ekes them Ivory it - C.. table and eoai e et iris us . I or, ir.ouen sad cbildieli. . If' i i • 'C'' I' -./ • ill • 1 ; 1 ii:e Dreprpsta, Trfarrwrlty` wil F 0 solo .1 1 1 i 5... - b.*. Y. F. iltet4, /War Al l I blurtk, ' etal 0. Area , I dire, 4ed your lle ith extraorditraryi ly.. Fsd i u" la . n 1 i feri l cils , a4 te l tnlo e tig o6 t o u nol l o tli r il d ral ige l i ed tie t L iiiii lisi n l l l ~,,,,i n Ify i. the . lt i lLal a t he c.,,w in . re .s tb d, e . vir y y ba t mu t re m oved end y ibeiti v io e , ty filebtle.l! 1 V Tu t rs, I; ;. V. 111 JE I S. 1 1 ft,' 1 WitrSt4 iffYOtliftig CI, N'ili./ Oct. V. i 3. xi* eta!: lam hin t ; you r Co berth. l'llls la tu kites. ice, end Mid then ad eacellentipureatiSe to el be tygent and purify 01 fittudninsief Vie bead. i l l , ' I . b - , I JOIIN G. MEAEIIAM, JD. 'C. , - II fi i 1 !_i etatetipattom, erait'relleea,PPlPPree ion, tltettuntatiefft ! Gout,' etiCialitap Dfop ay; PArsigli 4 'rim., t...p j t i 1 I , Previ, 'l* .J I' rieopetn, .ntrei;l,l (Anode. , t 1 __ 1 1 .c.. I T 4.111 macit rennet ! I to said of our, rills fur the 4.1 ovl•rrness.ll If other of our f ernity hare bond ` i therpr es rflicacteite .a I NO!. they ',Mudd , itt , il MO in ' MAC it for tine bear/0 of the multltted who cuff from tied romeltiot. whhtie. altinragti bed :e °ugh !n ' l tf, is prt the PII/gentler of/Waters that are worse . I be 11,,. esee. 1 tircness to bright* eln the lirer,lbat "our Pills aff that I I rgau 4 / .. .. 1 4' ff u" 1 ti l e ti.mm. ili ji " d Fr'nk, miji• ir• trert, MY 'Pelee ono biotite, ' ni • I and one or tWo larce /loam If yr4r ills, take . i at tint Itotper lc, are relit let I. pre ntHivreo the main i re ar thigt %heti 11113. A. ' ON, partially eoppit. , and so very etfmtual t droll Ip. stomo4 and)esytel wee ; 2134 4 r.f.t Sr. st mu t t. Viet feet physic WO hare that I lewd 1 ., re other uty patients. •ii ,'. . I • i' ,1 ,,, r z i, I , ;Prow 417 , rec t . , tert•rs, of t istllylt. with. j retasiti OPAL ilavahnati, a., yen. 1601. Ramat , RR I I leheutd be funura, t feel for t relief 'yonr 1414 bea 'trboght me if I pliti 'ho report 4 tallsa tO, 'y/ n. A eat Li icllont in my litntal add 1 1 /tight eXtirod' jai/ming nib. Mg, mbot, which fended a cfrremie rAmain- I inn. Ntwitheladdind I IlVihe hew of phyri a, the idirmse ei w wormiend worse. intit tit the slur 'ef your ex , lientirment in paltintore„ Dr. ?far eerie. I t led y r . PHI.. ell. ti were cloy: en .By pe Iter ° 4 II! the .• of thrl4ll AM llMl l latiel well. , 'I L. 1 Er. Ktr. Catimita, Tatra 014, La, 6 • DM. Da. A t I ye beets Mitt y r by you . Mlle. of Intenzn- Ai .—? painful d' tat had kted ate ' fur .7 ' 1 ' $ ENT lII.D,ELIi r ' ' 1 _ I Rr &a-. fis t' off th rills In Mar • eentaln Mercury, which, a thong 4 valtrabte rrni , y n skilfol i iininds. Is • '. den aln inbile pill, (rev tto dread nt, coi.— nuances , at.frismently klb.w ip...i I.,uffogo tree; i tyt,p,„. eostain no mertur, or mineral su t. niv a hattrer. 1 . + ; , 1 1 Piduel2s l dsri per B , 0r.6 Bfocesi 0 r T s . • ii l a Preparlid 1) 1 7 Dz r .T. C. A Sir CO ., Lowe 4Br _ wit_ iPor; aa l 1.1 . by 1). 1 inis i l Jr., Bit Itv i er; S "Ciiiii. lochetei Wagg o ner i . Lo u r ' „. Free , D. don- 1.. . l!iiisti!ale Baden. 94- Barr ii; I.i e, Brit, JeatOrt .4 on, ohs Black ) I • i i I • li 1 ' , - i , h ie i - T I 4ost Reeelyed.o I i I es o l i nd Bet f;cted i 4 1 'STOCK 10F: .A L Gi i 14 pv,Rl_ll TIGHT,' FNTO Tlll5 • J. --a• froio l tilt very finevt B wpm ' ins doVin tel i e _ r ritip'l,i'ties, wi ; ictillnitied til sell 'C IF. 1••,:i EP Til • CIIE.VVE: :1 .' r • liAlso sl LAIiG S C116,N ••, J i F.. ,' -l l ' j Fait list ts it d I 1 Ir • , II Persons Wang to; dro level. call 4nd ; 'tains hill St , Il k info, t ?:1 ' elsewiters 1 11 , It (;f lßio o4 ` ., Jß .B ein tpl esti lti ti A er .r. t , h ,..es e illite 11 4 third prifier, r daikult.29. i lElft• • ic Ras Pratt, - _ , ... ; .... —. 11 4;1414 - 40.—, ___ ,_ - art, tee, Utica. N. T ; ; illoo4 Neal 0 01 4 !grill/pelt Ma.; the lion. Schuyler Oo ! South. , 4 5; the Nom' Own* Nuntpluefs, N. Y. • etnty Is. , , inter of .The Ottlo State Journal,/ m i n la , Oen. R. IL Graham,' Ifollos, 111. ; the oa. ;no as J. Chita Monti. ndlo, Ili.; the Hod 'J I Nenall U N. T.; /Wm. aloe. 1, Req., Mica, N. T. • 0.1 Pond, ' Utica, N. T.; James Plunkett, Mot., Ninth Il e , 4ji LISP OF Er in i I I 11. U the' l bed. Na 1.4-Tor Peter. Oongeetio and I t*i tie. " ' Na tip* Wono Fever, illirorta lic,, t wa rd' n - Na 0.--Ter Colic; Cryini T end eel of , laraata,4 , - I . I - 1 , i t I So. 0,..—T0r . Stare* to 6 l, midi bummer Obalphdato 1 i ' .1 1 ; , No. 112—For Calla, Gripl "iir ..r, SloodY Moz• [ So. lL—tor Cholera, Cho era 6,, omitini. ; ! Karr—tar Omaha, Sold to a , Iklr•Mbrollis r 14.7 1 ;se.lE—Vor Tostiwteho, Itacolo* osol ourolfrml ea-IL—For Headache, T II • ,Poiltatue of the . , / : I f r j an l• I ';_ ;ea-I9;—Fee /o.—Dtarttrata PI gr ;W e and 1 C l l. fo, nt litoatileh,Constlpatton, an liv r 0.1 pl t. ; ; i ' No. I 11.—Pna Fatima I VIA e., .1.1. Irginfllit e t I Suppressed Palate. '.l , I I/ , , • No4l2.—Tor Leaconliei, Pro f ld . and Deering Dolft of Pemalesa t i I f 1 i ir;. Na 19.-error Craup, Mane u • • illreratidne. No, 114.1-41.tur Retire Pi us—lf•r itr Ina, pitptione, Pimples on the Fete. 1 1 , •, • N0:15.--RanneterW IL -- ore . In , ell " B a re' 1 Dell is the Chest, pact, Glint, rid t 1 i i L#POr rarer . and ;te,llllll to ; Arm, Old liflitnanntred Allutia ' I I 1 •'L, , I / pl.por Piles, Blind or eel *A lateen or aleterritli. xii—yor Sere weak: nr P> 1 7 30 7.• xdrudf ; Tall' Id& Leak . 0.. Blurred -gen.; . I i 1., I • ' I;' I - { d r' C..- Tor Catarrh, of : ,, zr , tandlo or ant, tittle at obenuiti di or itrtiturei.lisehitrye. ' I ' / 3 . 11l q— Fur Whooping- culigh, I. &tins is ylalento and shortening hs count, j 1 1 1. , r , , , t i lu all /acute oiseases, t e ch as' ere fang/month:day Diarrhea,' Dysentery, crotiv,, , h e a ' art; end touch erup live dlaeires as header Pirer,lll les, it t i c Eryisipelsa, the adeinte*c of giving the kopirr Med tproirrikE Is oh- / tul , vituahlunt in till such easel 1 00 a is t Ilte.a charm. I Tl,e'entint ,Ibtease is oftenlntrerat t o ce, suall,ln all magi It. the iri(de , i: et of th e nttac Is hi rat ithe dlievise short- I' cued, ito I rendered has II u tte, I . i i 3 Cruel and adds, eh! at if' e h : tent orence,h • and ahleh an often lay t tit f uhd s lot I' difteased lituns,i , bronchitis and consunlid n, say LI e et mice etiredlbyi ' the Fever and Coin:II PII 'I ',) I i II 1 In all ligroolc dlseares,ducli ape es it, We k S onadho, Conttipatlon, 14ree Ciottp taut ,Pi es, e ode ,I chility, atq irrrviinriti e s, o ld Matta,* .ta, Sore or • k F. 3, g,iCaterr t,' B a it gnelunt so,! other .4,1 irk ptlo re' 1 m ease has' Intel , tclitird pruner application it 11l sir 'l 4tie In AIM t every,l ItiNtaliee. orio, th e ear ,4 aishik eeh tr tic dil)I ty;slica ; as Dyiprnein, Piles or Catarrl , Ile deo or L? 4u le Weak -1/momicon. A more that/ Paddiftir it, t e tic/met er; + 1 1 il' 1 ' nI ' • j • 1 ; P j ll I t; • 1 • ;.• ; C. i,r mo elate compiti o le bre co, 11 4 E el s, . f.z..8.8 C pr to sints, ap.i 80 , ,' 0 tal• •••••••• ,} I • • .1 4 Co .4125 num bertal; bioire, l nd oO . ...... 4 ` •• 1 • e,of 6 r 1,0,4 f, autpuerri; al Kik. .....P ' I ) Pin •li , dumbere,l b oxes, *lth Olt don • .... 24. V!, centir. cs i Su ip Ittlerrl botetj with direct Pot:. ~ ... / ./.../.$4l cent* Lm et rate of 2 on. vlai/ x yltor Witt/tett ph Iciers..L.ols I' 1 f .t fi I_ [ 1 1 i 1 i i AI i fIpECITI TOII 1.7113/ 1 .1.44 Pllriii ic.-4)pp eta 1 Dinh. It, / Labored , Brett/41,e, athaeled sithiCoi+lt and It clorellott. Erici, 1 50 etittlir per box I } , - .1 Price •ta Fax Int. it tans.a.l or DAt C. mt. isrlierges . , ,from the F '„ tile ryrolt 'of Sear! tl It xer, Mt cs, or Mereuriale. 4 v.. „:„...,i, Ihe !Intl, lar p. n. of I ring, and itin e ink In Ithe :ars, awl Enr i ne e 4 •rhle.: 50 ct its per bon. r.i. riettoret.s.-I,3llarire.l 'huh Is, ilfireed and Indult/Y. ediTooeils, 13n el li tstra and AI. Vicers; tdoloc i CACIMXF Of Cl ihlren. Price, :A:cosito 33 r tilax. ' I - p 1 . OM PK q/V1111.111. ) 141 1 11!..41 r• ervo ti Wealcncia ' r the vegan et Pizientes llte me e r ,kdbrsolo r t. or Eip l haustiny Dlsehardes: Price, 5P le •nts 1 r but , 11. i ~Poa Dwaesi,.--lfluhl Abeitmulation T mid E 'Tapp, ell)) Scanty Peers Eons. ;Print , rifl_een a r s. ; li; Piiit San-Stealadt.-oe/t1 Ty can , Vert, lgoi Nausea, Votidtli o r.• SickomM•risin H, tun r tit t on. „Price, 50 Celia . per:hos, 1 I 1 I I I • './ I , _, IDA Mutter Ditatens 1-Por n ( rat I, Renal, Voted( Ws- , cu/i, Painful VrlcutlionjOiseases of Xlddays. . P . ~,,,, ....,..rb.„.. , ~,,1 ~ i ;Poi nottett. Vonteunta.-1-11a . laatory Dnehirlie• elide 6, 3 h tt ,„, en t prostrate.;n and btibuilly,lBad 'Results of Eill 4 , apits. The most Sue/east il ati le cleat//pelf anntrn, 4 reef he renal upon fat ,11 e re. price, Ith full direc t ohs, $1 per box. • i I, , 1 i V Persons eta rrlsll to lac, lit yes on er the profits, s omit care, orl to seek stir ce p Pr LI It utt auks, eanido sp,",at his office 513 Bnni/lwayl all _flow 8 .14 to 8 P.M. or by lette r . r i IH . I, 111 ont ittsrrdpi BY A.l 1 I[l ' Look over the list; Imn l e ,u a e of hat litrui yau ehOooe, and Inclose thi . son nut I na rrent me or stem)* bytin t d) to.our aridit ,I a ;NO 36 2 roe/Ilkley, Plew•Totir, end the undlane 4311 'll ly e turn by nail pr exttreas, I. rte of chart.!. I I I I I I It It 11, AGENTS WANTED Vedes re an env& erich or the sale of nor, Be' di es i e very trowntor 'et ,the United States. Add-et a'r. F. I Ulf HEW 3 t t I J. N a 562 B utnway, it; ' . 1 • • rll . , —l-____ El Eli . ,31, I. li I ' 's A'{TR - i 1,1 0 ,: A ce sloe. Stbinach pi4Ors, r ;SICKNESS Tit ,E iLi ~ • dor I Stoniadt ` lti ters. 1, l o , • ! !L A Y it , .O'F'ETtl'E Tair i i i - lit Al i . t he Sip vi 7 'h- hiWthl. ik 18. 'AND SlCic iliklAD!' * celisior Sin i rntrchlß4ters. ' 11PL A INl* TitYi ft I .iewsior sromeir/i I.lt ors, I. Ni i i AGUE 'ririr i 0 .A7xc: Zlior Stotrptch 'l34ters. lie AFFECTIONS Tay c i ti' l lsior 81 , ,instich .Biters; I' 1 ) . ' , II Lit - iIIiNIS,I ill r ayew; 1;!:41 I rtileieisift Gil`tiir.l.liy. 11 - 1 :7'/ZI4II3LEI . , gri4,Jfita. 8 Smithfield StiPills. i , ~ g „ I I a M . . 1 ' i 1 ' j-- P.&I COi FOR FOR;► "Ss), Be t: ington, jtilt OqtBl', IN ' p a 'FOR AC Ul of t fiEl FOR TT / 01 1 ou. i ii ..... FOR I tielt 1 1 ' ar se gi it n. I ell I cy w Oot, it eeJl I I A 8 Snore , a / a cure S It for the, el I m of t, 2 ,' In so,preill 1 . I si l l D 1 Ar R 4 I : a, ~ i . Rae been l ei e every inetanc i bibing . put lint t vinced of Da it garattel Ilia ea, , It Stephen Sadl, David Vas. Jr, ai Jn Sarien i Duncan&'Erat A. C. Hawk 0.1, and by all't I JO be Count'," 1 i I gittr .ANI di itke 19tit eti4Vtr; eye..t. der dome:- th`to' ff. come and p it &Irv; ( • lb/ I JYRIII. akar. oesix 11014 ' tll *O. j!iiiir ~~ E 1.10, Et S:. El YS ~~ IM SOlkl I ''IANT I Mi t re If) /IN 1•; ir .1 5h4141%, lk h+lk i s bv' P F IIBUID orri MIII ____ ,l'S D r i& O.! A, 17 -d. ~ , ! a J - . I At: end let e v ery mini pro ,l ii-; f this vs sable Medicine se istresnin osiatiieetwhieh du nor. the a mmer itfel9ion. , , Pb BR di ;CO's I; . i. . . R 'lli and 1 111 1 0 LI; A., lip OTE ~. , 1064, tid .in imid; and s now it 4 and 'e con= tYoi sale :i . t Rkneiitjt., . • Bridge titer,'' • l l B'en7ee, I. ' New B ibton, Pillato 1 . gßaoheiii gie!ti thro ugho u t Lail, 4,61. -4---+----,---,,...J-...L Men en MI prod speci he marl et: Ti 4il ;.1 ipsi Dr. 1 preitnises of ibe enbseilher. on i .0 Jtine, in , ierth Sep re!'ly til,, sbeint 15 - ire !tlict Min in one ion* eooohs,a4cl- In wbi !. etilpi lills. oWueil is rettstati , re 'iiroperty, pay eti a rite ,end tokli ii:):-. .INO. RIMUSON • , I: , f ',. 1 *XIIRACIS, prer.. iltliP , 1•, 4 . t r,'i i . r . 11° • .; ; 211 .. VaniN 404 • icrirov f, I I. PO. miTE ,offer to the 'pa lie Grover k Ba' ker's (IV V Sawing ltischlits t reduced ricei cionfidencet, le their meritiral the est and Most reliable Sewing hiachiroa t They_ simple construction , more speedy in Otovementi and-more diirnble'and less to Idiserrahliement [than 'Other,linachine.-,,We f t • rle the purobas ve 31311 ruo tens, OWL er . Ito sew! ordinary seams,' tieml telt. tick. gather, quilt sad embroider. all On 'the seine mechine, laird warrant them for three years. CiecUlans containing testimonials from ladies :of the highest standing, East 'and West, stating prices; containing directions , &c., will " be fur nished gratis, on application in person or - by letter 9 , 1^ ' ' CHATONEY & LTER, Sole Agents.: !N. U. Sewing - Altchtnes, Ne edles, Silk;' cot. ton alifieys on hand. If ..4 QrtAn active local 4gent wanted jI2 1800, , ' if • LIZI II .6 I pg sit (IQ , , ~.... - r— r i ART 41,11T111: 1 11€11 - FOlltED•i4 ...- :.1, , ) .. _ . I lmE j sub r iiher 'respectfully inforrmi .thi 'I citizens; or lien r'er aa4 vicinit.lthat he )M`s dust recnivedltlrespr k ing add Sdmm r Fashions for 186 t, and is now read to do!. l ip work iii I th -'Liktest,l. Faehionatile Elvis. and warrantini ' %, r o . fit and ;to surpaas any l other :Work in thre coonty. Those entrusting their ;Work with . Lim may dtpbnil on tilirin4 it done whedpi-orn• 110, lio pains will' be 'spnred to kiedsatis faction to tdiose who isisy, iall on him. -,: I Or: CortOry produce_ will be ,iolcen in ez :change for; work. , I 11. /NO L. lIAL,L. ~ [Beaver imar2o ' j -- '.[ Fashionable Tnifor. I • •j'i.E. I J , B. A l — nelat's ~ Patent Washin gs , Machines I‘te\NTIFACTUiI.f.D* BY , . . TH°III4S- re1t.4111 4 I! . . r : 1 I • i 1 .. 11 . , i r r ' 1 " 1 ' FrOqifon 'Pesii*' . . . _,v ~ •. , I . f . rip HESE Machines for speed, ease on, the i t I f opetster C lo and clean ri , ' on A large or otriallipiteeof;Clothing, are wot tßualled hy, any Washin'gi Mitclilne now in use. LI NF 111 il G 0 0 D'Sl . ~'-. 1!VAE.11V2,..1G 0 0 'D -s to E j HILT?, Itr.JE hee received Vi and Will', be'in. JL :i Week receipt or ne* articles 'pertaining to his business. i, ;,. i , '.l •., c, 1 At* St la Prints, i _ ', • , , . •,!New Style Delainesi -Bnw St In Chailes, ' i ,(, 1 April IV neiv, Style e, ingilams, ote 1 ' ' --- i' la - 171 -7- T Bea, ittri oe ) ..' i ) •• 1 i• , •,, ~,, , 1 .• . -- , , L JOSEPHIIIALL, / 2 ro p ri'is lay Li: , 1 'r •f! i -.3 '~~,~~~. l j _ : li -,. =I 'Boa iver P • . 41 • I If STAVING , thOpptighly Fitted up the establish • Inenti formerly kndwn the •glonart.T bonne," lie preporedl jto neeommodiste `hie' friends, Bud the public Igenerelly, ' iu the most saleifiletory unmoor. - Abr. 1080. N . , •I N AILS , ' , off. ft) , ~iie . 1 1 v ;roc Riiti Etetlf I ‘.l,licaperAcin the Cheopeet,"i by 1/6 lr Bridgewater-I'. ' CM 1"1:' ' .OIL! ,9IL I 1 . !OIL!! Steam hoari ties ' For . ate 4 LL pereons VI/4;N) . in the Oil businesse're t . requested tb enil ;and examine' lite rnew Steam Engines inanufaetured by THOIiNIL•EY; • ' I FA LLSToN PA. These Engines I are got striion the most proved' style for Boring and Pumping. and oI h pcirposes—thei I pattermi being Made Mole t's direction •of one bt , the best 'mechanics i s e estern Petinsylvutus. l Tools. for;lioring Made on the ithUrtest notice; also all kinds of Caste inns triad& ma fatted bp; ; marl2o N qrl c r ALL persons knowing themeelres:.inifebted to the subseriber As well as th se baring claims against bim will Please 'call at fiiif+tore, opposite Porter's tin - shop, for a: settlement immediately, as he 'ls desirous of changing his ,business. The *poring will ,l)9 carried on by Joseph l3rittin, at the oldl Stand, he being ap pointed agent to sellout the stook, loheqp , fo cash. Call soon if yOu want to secure - the beet bargain: , • • Feb 2U. 'Bl L. F. SCILUITR. UNION ,HOTEL! , 1.1 ,- , 1 , -,‘ (Formerly Liberty 'llopse,) I , :.. Tamp - STREET, BEitykn, PA.. , - 1 i ALEII It. _, , • 1 - , i, . )L OLA RR, pro'r. ~.., witsair r,L i . t'titit ' Co,a : 1. , • W H 0 I, HSA lit fl), g 4 LE 13. s i,. : DRY':(4:COODS ) No v 4 WOOD STREET, : [,), , !PITTRBURG, P . 11.4 AVE again the !Anent:o,or aniiounelog o ~a-it. Altair frit/Otis. and the.,trade general! ', that their stook will be, mode' til! by 1 the 10 instant. and Willt be offered Tory a lo* to prored,parties.i , o 16 An z..sizi . initiou Cs solio . by! Yank , '1841,, 1 j• .i - ~--,' . l i, • • -., 111 MI = ' f EM d tIOt tv IM 4i t I ; M o s t 0 11 , '1 t! 0 I , tp fa*. f ; : I • 11.I I. 'I 0' I VI Ell tell I= IP*. 4 I j i r lib I *.. I , . iiiil I LI 1 wall 1 4- -In- iiir , alb 111 1 H•i I • 1 , MRII MUMNAI, war rune Arm I i i 1 • .. rsr is T a alega arabodi fbr LIVER 00,1111PLAIti ' 7 il, , 1 1 . AID 411,1.11111 re DISZASY.S. ~•- . 44 , 4 The ordtuary e °noes of Die. 1 4... i 1 I ease of the Lit t rcr are Pain and 'II tenderness in e region of tie 1• 11,1101', sometimes dull and athieg, I 'bieseased by pressure, pain and ; Ettestsbess in Zathing, Pain in the right 0 er, uneasiness vilm lying speri the left side, Messaged Me of the Liver;-liii4rt and Dry Cough, disordered atom ash, Nausea, YellOVISh Tinge on the eyes and skm, Headache, pa l - ined&• far on the tongue, Bitter- Isttrtaste in thS month * heavy, doll sensation in the Hilda, De , 1 . , prristou of Sprits, mounting .4 ilialPit to Insal!itY• slight Fever 1 it:4yard evening, Loss of Appetite, ,Reipocholy,wi.h mormiences and 11 )yreliondria; Nenraigia, dial. math, a general fooling of rnessiT ness, Languor- drowsiness, the° • 1 .'1 I pa t tient conscious of something ' wrung in himself, and disposed , to! • 'see I nothing iright„ in thingrs sitiout . out, ,;fit wholly unable to', expUinl tha cause of his Ben. sations--with teeny others' detected by, iree3mblinee to some one orether of the above. ... • The Liver • will almost per= taitlly arrest t e disease if taken upon the appe fiCe of the above ilyraptolllll, W eh if i allowed to take its Course,•becomes ehrOnio in its nature and almost Mod. rable, producing great and con. ...irtantl3r irlan3lll3ll suffering. 'J I 'The use of thi medicine will neither e *new die sae nor complicate en' li ill Sing one, but. l in. !=Oat CASONi win etilit rapers the system for he, snore vi g orous f , remedies of the phisiobin. should it be 1 ~ ircessary to mil tu his aid. - , 1 ? - Ala A FillfliClf MEDICINE 1 : SELLERS' LIVER PILLS . ('ABET I, • ALI:JAIME. f l • I Price es cents 4. El tb• r 1 r . " I 1:4 GP 441 i Z,l 1 :' y , A I' I i. 1 V CID IMOT. P I P , 5 1 i Q p kMO I • 0 SEILERS! C ,0 RUT . , A. Cush int: sit, ria ' Tram ' ' i ' Drsitifl s.s la, bi.a . , . a S. , A KN. Eeto-- , thoe-Sie4-1n repty to yogi . ; Pape of tl'e 13th Imint. r wottld say thste'hn ids . of Seller.' MediCill•M !PI. far exeeedrd my Wm.; Ind in no itatie„hore they NUN! r tolpmdoos the dmOrol '&44 Ow t.ugh Syrrp ii i tore for none* t4iv. t 4. and , lhe theapnesi of tlio article' - 1 places it ?within I nig li-vrb of OIL whleit,l, ',l4*.ether with, Its ofllowidno owliftteit, renders it a oniversal favorite. INot it.d.r ... witliont.nnnuiOnia calls f . P ! for the one thin .loredfol." at.okla oesion of an yoF, viz. (Sellers' fir,. iiirli Syrup. •.• .t ~ I) '. - A. G. cuentra. k i ricclo ' , ,Ul5' Cent tut. -- , L'r. VE . = '4 Frettiltbe Rev. Illj Wakefield,- former Pcstot..: ' Wats Liberty Street M. E. Church.t Mr. it.. E. Ettr i its..4.—it is froze it seroe I rjf duty, se ." i well be with grab pliosure. that I boil' t.-stimooy to , - the Irtue of yo r justly celebrated Neiiinforte. IV procCred a Anglo itottle, and gatrit to thrre of My: , ehildem. who b aaa444 been ill for seser.,l Weeks '. The " ,• l eldeet was siren Ij eere old, the next tin. and the ' yoangeolt eightee morals. , The iirat i t litty.: .. Me worms, the !second Yoity-asren , and! the +hie( 1 , a considerable nlamber, not dialltely ' 11 , -ctid. • Sincalthen thej re been doluerxell, 'oe now in good health, ''l , 0 WA 'ELI). , . . 1 rl • Pioe-25 C e n ts; 11 • •44 41, . PREPARED AND 111111Nr. B - ' R NE.' SLLERS . I co. - - , PITI'SIIIVIRGO, I'll 6 [.• [. i,l ', ' , ~ •...• ._ d , ...• . , ~ Ha 1 ~: Bitters. npo I I. 1 .. • - ',Fi . ~ , . Er i 'let. ' - , :. • ia!nt,* Fever. and Ague, ice.. , - • -----_ I[:_. I . ', TiMsnoceieftil IntrOductt e n and am of. this -cele brated:Remedy bas Teen th .slgtial forts literal Rood of Oultilmuntis Ladled ." Bit us," offered lb various brags, ,teem g ggartbottig to a Beelon , keg. until, fiat word . 6 Bitters 7 is bet another uam. fur “inisr or some viltspous whiskey mixture. I Ii- - - But the , reallyl great Alief derived train the agnate &mo, ono teaspoonful, of , ,octrimedidne,, I, , somasyis . HOLLAND BITTERS, _. . sad the ~,ire a/otritie eit,Ofter predration, luis esta. bibbed Omit a reputation' Which the host of imitations aiid emzeterfeibi have [riled to undermine. Wit, pool ; tirely iseleetable preparation, with barely milllctent pure spirits to preset.% e It., , it . .. • ; -• But one ale, or the senates, ( al.f-Pint Bottles.) I price 0:11I Dottie: I .. 1 . 1 , t., tg,ficip l i for liollit-7 Ifil Po clry for ' rf**9' M e I.llbod, to ,essenttai fur the. foundation of maid , • health and fur', correcting disorders of the stomach and lave,* Ii I, - I :. i; Two or three dears will marines the e nded of Its 11111111627 effects. I The stenumli e d il spreijity swain its rtrength, au heldtpylactiou of the lie. Tonowels a nd i kiiineys will soo* tole placu,:aml rvtiewilid health be the quick result, I 1 • •, , , -, • , , • Fur nsdnor,snorr.- TO, . I • - '' ;• lie rhave , s Holland Bitters. rot' ICE JI AIITBUttIff, Try - ' - • - • e erhave's Holland Bitten. '' Fora- . d/DiTY, Try :1 • .-.-- . - litritave'si 11011 and Bitters. • . • TO, F iWAT.ElliftAt3ll,l Try. r - ' . Bdrbave's Holland Bitter s. Par -HEADACHE,. TrY --I . , .. Birhave's Holland Bitten. • - 7 1 , , .l , , .roi LOss,Oti AI , ..PETrrE, Try • ' IkOrbave's 11011and.Bitters. lEiT i kya NESS:. Try [ Raltavoia, Holland. Bitten.' 1 , • , . , • •i, 7.z0.-lry• 1 -;i . 1 - . • ; j Btertrive'S Holland Bitten. • la all Revives. I Rhettmatte, and I I Newsier -it re* • done.' it las iin ; numeroterlestnecfs P1V4617 • t ass al,an d in others' effected a decide d :, .., 1 . •..: . tE`t ' d Ostivrial;ie l ----' .. it'aligrirsaj!_llebpul"-"lteirplieLtaitreinntsy Net. r . - retailed et Oi ta reel l ar3tThett.a. 7 see greet deitured:. Ibt I hii truli t felebrited medicine hes (minted nosey Imitations. which i , the public should gaud , ageing, purchasing. ~I, , . 1 ... [ ---. [ 5O, git, 1 sabii*uira.4l.earfea i yws i ., : , !iis that air new ta • - Bete .• . ; Page , • ' • ..;. • &Co; Jr., ,.• SOLE,IMANUFACTURERS,- . . , , --• . . - , L• iiPTISBUS6IO,- PA. -- ~,-,. • , . : . ' 330 V -1 Li l er .Comps w CO For PIL MN j . e les mipudE, . ,TUB ON', y ,P 1 1P A i T I 0 1 - pa - trt„, proofs so strong on J muses 1,0 EXPEL TIIE DOCBTS OP ILL .1 ~ For 'Meteorites, Judge'. Eintort, Ph:sl o wl y . of the oldest schools ac well as new . , ey e ft , tbeir.nnquallifted sanction, stud. risessosaad.ft for all cases of eruptiosa, and diseasafat a n it teetillying that , it will preserve the balr fki a i n , Oak Grove,. ft C. June Zith,.l4kl ram O. J. Wont; Dear Sir;—Your Hair* 1 ' co m mu nity . llll cablllllkr:lfit'iatVegn:diab:kaault: P i nedi: i l i div a lbY r out o hn it :aari hadllif;nle who a t I li a l nhgll e vriti go o lti ' c hit ne a : l l ; r i I lei stnsll a rase d oh r 14 l' t r - t o destroys,, a C 4e .l t s ,:i " y ll : I t oa i 7 1 : t bn i ) rt: of . ~1 4 ,14 I-. 1 : ' plaice nide, and give your Hair fte storatlnS a perfect teat' -•;- , ` . . . ni puying the year 1 4. 1 was as cul ott e , • ;T an to - be thrown fret my saki agai nst n, 11 l'near the roadeidc, fr m which:My j ed a most terrible bl irritation, which co mun ed to. tge brain and external surface of tin head, from the 4r::, recta 'of which my ;hai r 'was finally over the' ntire aurfa oof the heed. Fronih, time I Stet dlacove cd its drip}log, hoo nl l tr , 'np, to lho tinth,of its tal disappe nrucv ; i 4 m : 1 t ployed everything could , thing of, beini it profeasional icon to elf, and, as I thought li n' i l derstanding the oat re et the disease, batine , finally defeated in e ory preioripti nn „I ra k_ i ~ -1 ;iThese and no et ether elr‘tomstnneer latinio , nto to resort to yo r worthy Heir Restoratitt !II winch I ban every emus to believe, pT e d, I e,i -4 very happy remelt, t wo meaths after the fr i t tI application. 1 bad a beautiful a head' orliosat. (youbal r mayas line::: saw , mince f e o r t abliswit thank..: it : o h . , e t .fim e e e sy r i t j a a i n o li t : 'y a : itot w ie s :„, dear sir, l'shall, rec om mend your remetty te All i vr li h q i u c i h rt l nil dotter rn rcp m v yi e s i If to say, is not _1 littlt,' you can publish his if you think prom : • t' : 'Yonne. very respectfullyt '„, • . 1 ,y, j. ITRIGIIT 11 $ ' ~ . . — o6e.. .et the JOlervoniaar Plaillippl, TA:. Dec.. flthi 1858 I Dear her—l feel it 'My duty as well all ssy . • pleasure, ; to state to you this following elm- en tl ega, tibial you can Ilie a l ! , c y , o , u ( , t , h t i: w k .,. (p e r ro.; pe r . A uentlent•so of this p has beettbalti ever_aince' his youth; so nso io, that he was compelled to wear a wig. He r %was induced to use a bottle of your "Ifair Heston, live," which' be lilted very !leach, sod lifter -using come\ two or three bottles hie lilir gran,' out quite luxuriantly, and lie ntiir i ns a - bon, some head Of hair.' The gentfeinan's 'nine ls Bradford, and as he le very well 'mosso in mu adjoining counties, many person* n u instill to the truth 6f this siatoinout; I give it i v yvit it the I'request of Mr. Iltradforl. You can Jr.: IV , great desl of your , nail .. . Restorati ve In thii rill the. adjoining Counties if you's . .have eke j).lrUpe'r agouti. ....C., 1 , TriOMPSON SUittlaNOP: W be. o rt.t Dear Sir, • Permit me te,i4reett, the obligations I eta under for the ontlretres. toration ofmy hairta its eriginsi o,l,r:shout the time or my arrival in the Unitel Stjtes 11. was rapidly becoming gray, hilt urine' te s i . tplication llT ' yinir ..dair Restoristive*!it Ali 11.' covered_ its 'origi , ml 'hue. I csnsidel ;volt • Restorative as a very wonderful lot - antis ,11 . 1 g et:6 eanioite,as well as agreeable. ! 1 '- S. T 11.1,LE gilt; The Restorative is poet up in bottles isf tins sizes: large, mclizun, anti small; the mien i a . pita, and roads for one 1141frtr per ; bottle; die. I. modiniii•holas at tet,st tWenty per can inn 2 . in proportinn than the sunlit,. retails hi two , , dollars pt r bot tl e; the large hold ' s a ...02t't,.44.. 1 , pm. cent:more in propor,ipn, and i et.tilat4rvl. l 1 (.);, 'WOOD fi Co.. Propriet?ta, :141jitroint ~ I' way, N. Y, anti II i Ilarli , t161:;" - St. t.„),/ir, 'fin? l ' And tc.ild. Vr ail Pr(lg'i;il.4.s' QUIZ Fll9 4 G:4;4-- I . Juste 1.1 VI 4C,tt I • I g b e e L --'' '1 0 r e . t;/. t t y . . , i". • ~.,. 4f.i. 1 . '*". :', ae! 4 ..• ''' -, 4 '- k . ' Tbottiinii are daily itpeakilu k itctle 12) 1 i i 1 ' I I) 11.. 1 1 hr AV T'o N''.B . 1, .. f, Intaatile-VOlrd.Fac q and' whN? berau..e it it ,net.r - fat!, • t birmii la elat•taneous relief when given in limo 17 ' I: sou , II 1. • as if by; magic, and one trial alone will i eeri!,:te ion t1ta. , ... what we say . is true. _lt C4111 1 .1i4 ." P - 1 KO P AREG ORIG . ' Olt 011.471 g. of ani, , kind, a:.d therefore relieves byl li r , ,t4t,..q , he sufferings *f ynnr child, instep:l 0111 y 4ead.' : ;zings its sensitilitiis. Pt.' , thin real,t4 it cam. ME nd4 itself as t ttiz QIN reliably pre:)atitt:o4 tisit_ known for enttptti::‘ Tnarutua;lnitans,ovr.. 1 . IIYsENTAET, Ca ft lilltirl LN THE 1.10WE;I.S1 101 - LITI 1 OF i'lli STOMACti, p l Vlial, 001, IX. Tfl El I i,finti • ('roue, also for s, 1) !kiting the gums, (luc re?re - i . • flamation, reculatiiig the' &icily, and reficeilciee. it h'- 1 1-13-14Vial---tieing an anti ..tpas l .,,rodA•it - 4 , ..41 with u.qpifin."9.necess in wr e1t5..23 01 - coNttt;-, i Him, tin trrn En FITS As r;61; ea/net/it ?14 ala 1 hcalth of your 'chi/Wren, and trisi"lolmii lii from thine nod and !Achim, eon:eine im 1.: , :i ., i i ire :eeriain to reenit from the 'ime'.of ' g•tr,n,!,,, , f - . • -te •ich all other reinediceir Ingantde Co.m..ci• -••••,- i are composed taAr, none :but Di,. -EAT4S'S 'BPS. j.TILE CORDIAL, this can rely r'lliill,; 1 . 1; (.perfectly hartnleso, an.l cannot. ininfe the .1,, delicate -infant. Price, 25 ctnte. Full 'LP Along accompany each betel!. Prepareil. e. 9 by. - ciluncit & Durovf• . --. i . - .No„ 4 09 Broad Way, Ni'w I:r.t. r 1 110 1 ,1 , 1i ' ' ' • • ' j : •• tj _ • Healthy human Blood upon beinit " A 4 1 1.4 L YZED , always presents us--with the sortie 6.seneftli• ,rne,ntg, ; Itnil gives of course the ThrleSirott s .Xnalyze tbe•Blood of A person 9uWeringlrer CoimunpfiCat, Liver; Complaint, Jytpert" , Scrofula, &0., and we find it erl . Fy in'"'", certain deficiencies in, the red glolittles,efP' o,4 Supply these 'deficiencies, and sdu are waif well. The BLopu Boon is t i otttided rpo tl'' r Theory--hence ite astonishing suiCeis. 1 1 1 4 " F' 1v • ,P re-p arlf t 1 sal ' A adnpted to the deficiencies of the L Aold:in 4 1 ferent disease. For)Coraws, Cott}s,'B B °" ll. .PIN, or any affection whatever of the Tava or Lereas inducing , CoigularrroNi.ogS ,N 3 . 1. which is, also. the. No. for Der:vivo iP S.PIRIFS; Loss or APPETITE. BIOKO ath , ii t ' , lll COMPLA(NTS nrising froneOven-ls, VI S- g i ' Deanery, and Niewous FEOSTEA lON. 1 3 t ' for LIVER COMPLAINTS, Ni. 8, for ltstrA'./,` A ; Being already.frOared . 1 0? ' & 07 04 1 it. rlo. i ny Drtors and oarried iinotediste/I‘`' t4 v : ‘ Circulation. so that what you 'gairviyfiu t' 14.1 " 'lite No 4, is for FIESSLIS lattlauctst r t at _ 1 , 1 A l I(ToTEIIIS, WEAKNESS, &O. , See AP,''''" - ~° buns I . or 1111 S. For SALT dillitlYSLl CASOFTIO , SCROFULOUS; KEDIV xs,nna 1...ti06f Ca inxi , .take No. fi. 'wall cases the direetiou nett strictly. followed. - ....! .' 1. . iker Fo b r oc cu le ll . directi ; ns, see cirentlais s .. p Fri! , Sold by CHIJC & DUPONT, • Dro i.,1 86 Sluiden Lane, T; . T.,'And by ell -tor DroOg4 . ts thraui.out the county For sale by Dr., 0. cj.INNINC I . .Sley. 2, '6O. ' OKi H R • ' !OIL,.:CLOTH =FOR -W DO T. 14 1 , oil cloth (or CIL CLOTH I'OR .111,9vaw , Carpets for Floe! : P ETS FOR. , Sl i it i WILL PIPER A BO I RDFRS , P.-ipEk BLINDS . 1 1 0 e ;1 671 ;" : Can bb obtained eery hut nil, I ' tom (RU 7 ES% Ni5lY,Wg I El