The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, August 21, 1861, Image 4

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' 1
S. D.:' . Perse & Co.
Whole*e ana Estop , DeaTers In Flue
), A lso • Ca rbon •
' - 11
r• a 7 7' li' ( l
Ise 160, FE D ERAL ' ST. ..LLEG'Y, PA.
l it
[____:, • . , t, , , . I •
- E ,
'took oar r i es.
Ispice Grilica pure, 4 ets.'a paper Stone.
fourth p0t:461; , •
alum, ceutea pound,
Bed Cords, eXfru. Vest - quality, 25 ,c - ente, next
• 20 corals. 1 1, • 1 .
Baking tiotl4•laest kind 9 cents, sold at ether ,
lousei 1 recta. ' . -
pretani cues 'er than the cneapest
Butter we Zare mule • tr,rangernentb with
some of t 5 tent butter meier.' to the cone
° try.andyitecnstantirhure ea hands prime
'article of: 'hint owl roll. I
Buckets, be yaw* boops,l6
- •
20 cents.
r; ;'• ,
Brushes, et .i6,- shoes and rai
'Beans, goo *tick, 3 and 4
Cooking R sus 10 context'
12 cents.
Clioc•late, 20 elicits, British!
,pound. • , -
candy: white rock, 20 cents ;
Cooking Sodn 9 centen pour
Cotton Twine; 22 cents e poi
- Cotton Wick, : do • 4
Copperas,4) de
Ciacentratef„ Lye, 16 cents
Carbon Oil, Th ibest A No.l,
sr ]5 cent* a pound.
Candles; best; ; m0u14,12 een l i
Canary Seed; 9 cents ivon
• Flour, beat Rittsburgh'Ciiii.
lipaldlogs 01h; genuine a:
tle, with Brush.
Illass 8 by 18, by the box;
-de 9by 10, do
do 10 . 4 12,d0
!go 11 by 1, de, '
de 01 by 14, do .
do 10 by 11), , do
-Our Glass ij best City B.
- wanted w',ll be sold for
Bar than the city price c
Brown Coffee .; we hav w
e o
der and always burn the
cents a pound,. -
Cigars, eominou, 20 cents'
Cigars, balt' l lBpeuish; 45 c
Cigars. -beat extra half N. 4.
bundred. a t ' i
Citron, Or , ge and Lel
pound. II
Cleves, gro und , 20 cents i
an ounetli r : 1
Cloves, whole,l6 cents al'
Candles, 01'4 best Cinch
as others charge 22. il
Cheese, her Western Re!
Coffee. Feli!:s Extract,4l
pers 14dents. • ,
Ciatiamen,igrogg, pure,l9 cents peri
Cut and DO , T ncco, lip cents 'a pa
Crackers,atec, best kind, 6 cente
- 4. Sugar, " g • 4.
..Butter, " S "
~ Sada, . 4 - B'l . 4 ]
Arasen's Bile:king, 2 Bent a box ; Or
dozen. ll ' 1 1
Mason's Blacking, !aria size, 4 pent
44 centdia dozen. ,i,
; 1 -
)4eler's Syi.up;'s4 cents a galloor
ktatehes,Liest Philadelphia, large be
rcents.l ...--; - 1
In s
Ilatchea, 'est, I. gross, cent\ *
lag - l
tents il 1 , • 11
Powered Supr, best kind.
:12,1' l ad
Pepper, Whole, 12 cents ja pound.
Riee, 5 . 4 ceuts!ri poudd. !1..
Raisins, B,e,tiboi,Layer 18 cents a
Stove Bl4king, large *ere, I l i cent
Shit, in.srhall '
sucks for table us e, 8
Salt, whi)o and clean,y the quart
4 cent; , , I
snuff, blilck, 25 cents peundi
Snuff yellow Scotch, V.' cents a
Seger, et all,kinds,l le s than'e
Bede, wrlhing, two .ponds forj
Starch, best A. No. 1, cents
Starch, Bilver''olliss, ta papk
l' I 1
pound_ • _ ,
li • 1 ,
Shoulders, lowest market pride
L 3
Piny sent Tea 48 c I
ut.4 a ponce
Sentylive cent T a'B4"cents,l
Tabs, largest size, wo hoop, 81
Tube, laigeet size, I tt4, e hoop'
Tubs; taidinuz. 654 I ~
Tabs,- eihall, 5 Fr. 1 1.
' Toboecoi Grar...4;\-80;eeeta apt
plug. 1 f.l ' •' •
Natural i' l l.eAf Taheaeo, 40, cent
Laltrneil.• ;;;-:-.11 itoilia• new art
ket, , c..E. - %te-s'ioudd, 6 eel
, • 1
- a pl.I . . L
•Tobr.'r:i 1 - ir. ! .!..c , * Ttiet, 22 II
' Tei.rect!i, C&...,: .Pcg,ll;vg. for sml
Tv . 0..-‘l} Cholinit c
ze Trist, 4
ee,..sile ...h:o 1. 1 ,
VOCI:E, carpet, e•oent a rape
rng:toulrdl:.47e.7. : 18 cents di
reground Cw, li.aon, Ili - ) cent
,rngrouEudiPeppelt! cetas
e i
tegrenudiAllspice, 12 cents!
- 'Linage!, 10 cents.a." gallon 3,
Vasithloards, 201 1 cen e.
14 agotil l -Grease, maicur
' Iraialikrt, Pa:, 2.:
. or 52.15 a dozen.
mune ChroPhor, 5 cen
Steve'Ware and 3ugS
Ifaltpecro,l 20 cents
charge 25.
,IpsonqSaulie, S een
Cern. tarch, in po
paper. i
Extract of Dogwood,
'2O clouts a pound.
Around Mustard, be
poC4d it 30 cent
ElenAis, smoked,
‘ in
Ilerdpi.nead, 9 cents
Ingar l iCuren Dried I
Segal).- Cured Celli
cants.. )
. .best White. 5
Fish best Extre l lqr
cent* i 1 pound.
. 2.
Fish, heit No. 3,
9 cell a
_ peun 84
e• i '
n ' ld
d P p . a u Pe;
beet kit, h
,ist English,
1 per pind.
boxes, ; cen
a poun(i.
~, - i
ca eel, ea van
[ [
M. B a,
cents pori
. 1 SI [
-*intit! Ginger; I .
txtrei, taco, "Whits
oodiCottnat Battir.
• pound. (
Goan Batting, NI
cents s,
Sup r,
TZY Melia
t l'
tit, Cali and . • us, joitfo purehasizr.,.--
Thel!aboti is our tail prices , are sell cheaper
at w,liolasale,-trut sly forleat .
II - '
gesimber, Like Great C heap are
1, :1 i
P • r
{ • . cery Hell
I ?
~ } '
ha 16a Federal St., A llegheny thy
! . ABOVE TliE,letAtf„.,ET HOUSE.
iiii.idisaoittiftivaey re tied at Par or
all goads itilt a these iota lialtassale: ,
ll,* 14
Mis, I , 1
o i t
, ,i .:, , 1 •
To the' .Farssers4f Beaver awl
h L f _... , I -1
awrence it
Is. ..- ,
r i l liZ u Ildfruigniti !nibs the iSelyitethorfged
I 6
, gent for, the sale of the "Buckeye Re+
ing Ind It i o'sring Machine/1" - in Beaver - onil
Lavit 4 enee counties. takes pleasure in •recons•
mending is machine tie the tie - tics of the fttr
_Tb' tmparaileiled suicests whieh has flit
tended th sale of this machine, eines t its intro;
,dciciF3n i albae sufficient to recommend , itjto
'the *in.* 'Enquire' otyour friends woo Lave
purchased and_ see whatithey tow 40 say ab4ut
it I will be et the Cotitt Houle in Beaver du
ring Itbe Jana term with our machine. so that
persons - Wiiiiing to purchase can see for them
selves; also in New Death, darilig their term; of
Conn: V would also Caution 'farmers 'not Ito'
pureness ' i from any o th er person in the above,
territory,fwbo' may represent "themselves 4 sis
agents ale no other has theght to jell r I
Rit i
would al iii mill the attention f 'housekeepers
to ;our CDOK end PARLp stoves, made ! at
Salem. Ohio, vrliiet I for sulferior excellence,
cheapnesle and neatness of - design, are . not
'equalled JA !any mitrhat. Samples of a I the
shove articles can be Iten at nip Fathers' ree-''
ideate near Darlington. All communications
- by mail promptly noted - . ' ''
- .• R.'. G. DOOR. Agent, r
A. CO,LE, Aisiatant; 1 Darlington, 'Pa
Ililay gi 186 L 1 • 1 •I. 1
ILawreneeiournal eery 1_ mouth and. send
ill to this office. 1 i
!ents,threa bops
. . , . . .
TITY, a! Di, li in iA' Drag Store. - - 4
Pure Caitile , Soap, olds Palm S'oap, Ilartllsn',
Dicmcitni Castile. Lticlies' Snap. _Washin g
ton ',Soap; Transparent Balls and Bars,
" . glycerine Soap, Floating Lily
tio.r, Pmsive Soap, Shaw.
. 1
ing Scrtp,Pental Soap for
• c:canint the teeth, ' t
&c • i,ko •• tt•
ui . . I
- :
Eil,f, at Dr. Midis' Drug Store.
h ; j.
Choice tEitrecur for the andkerchief. 0 1 ,
and Colognes, tiewi Extricie. Stolen Hi t
Illineymoon,Kiss,Be Quick.and Some
- thin, lkieyr, I Stndard,- Eitracti, t
- . • -t Aittak, Patch ly.Rose,Jock- )
• 4; ey Club, ii ulutit, &c,,
"II Retie Hair Oil; Bear's
- . I ' _Oil !Pomades, ' I •
k - i
• - .: ~ .c. &c &c . I
L al). all prices.
ants 'a ()use.
o as other houses
red rook 22
a box.
60 cents a gallon,
to • pound
knits i'nspi
tit light
1 - 1, t l
,or — 'C
1.87 er 3 1
di or 2i
2.00 cir 4
de N.
Ore Yon troubled with Rats
Are you troubled with Rats ?
ire.yot troubled with:Rats.? 1 ,
Are lyola troubled wi th Rats,!
Are yottiroubled wi th Rate ?
Are you trembled with Rats 7 f • •
ire you trent:344 with Rate '! (
tit a Boiefi,..Fleming's Rat'llaste,
!Get's Box of Fleming's RherPaste,
,ifiet a Box of Fleitting'm RatiPaste,l
- Get a DDT. off Fleming's, Rat Paste't
itlbt,a Rol of Fleming's R'tt Paste:l
Get n Box ;of Fleming's Itae`raste;
Get a Doi of FleniiagN Rat PaSte;
1; j. At Dr. Minis' Drug
1 At Dr. Drug
' At Dr. 'Minis' Drug
At Dr. ;Minis,
Drug Drug
At Dr. Minis u
1 At Dr. Minis' Diug
I At-Dr. Mini!? Drug
d o ,or i
2.25 or 6
dds, fey
ceal lea's
Iher ease l
on a dal-
Coffel bur
besttill 13
ebun red.
nts itlbun4;
I .fanisti, 7.0
nt to tor
for IS
, cents a
a, 8 center
pound, o
2, cents
nati, 18 ee
J. game
erre. 1 et,!
eats a'pappl
pA. MINIS, has just opened ont in th
irorstu runlet!, occupied by R. Mc
nn Third street,. three doors above
store;.sit extengtve assoVtment of Drug
Oils, :Dyestuffs, ko . Re wen!.
or 4 plc"-
l a pound
I ilf
1 it
1 7 - PHYSICINNS ...
hat having been' .pgaged in the prekci
hnsin i rsefor sometime past; he la ent
ter the most complete and ',tried- sto k
dicinnl preperationa ever biought int4hi
ty, which he Irill:aell at the lo'Weet cnah
that iiie same slas4 of goods can he liOu
in Pittiburgh or elsewhere'.,, , Nothinghi
fectlY pure and fresh Drag! will be k p
estalgiphment,' By an arrangement qi
W-ight and Young. any desires Sugi
struments "can be.Turn:shed at their u -a
The' attention Of the 4
lADIES ' • 1
is ciillOd to the fin l e
ossorment of fen i
cies,' P i erfemery, nFine Soaps. Brtic*s
&th i eve, &c.; &C.., While to ti l e? I
i !, i' GENERII; PUMA,
here la offered a, good variety- of Po nt
Dyeknffs, CartiOn Oil Lamps, PIM
cines:?choice Tobacco and Cigars, /C.,
ligi. Everything will be kept usufil k
i in well appointed Drug Stores,and stiff
'as, Icketley as they can be had aura
1 Western , '
Pennsylvani i. • [Se C l '
, ~ .
2 cacao a
a ber,or
I c
266, for 5
i. cents
•ther store.
10. cents a
9 cO i
w i
, 851
,mr 8 cents a
rt thii mar,
plug ; try
;a pentyl.
, 10 ccuts a
n t
po ,
a pound.
lie.t 14 cents a
o l lin ViPcox,
pound. coils,
cepts for 3
s an on ee
a l llon
`as atheri
11,1 e!nts: •
cents pte j
• I
is for 12 '
IS/ ectt!!l:,
very niel 14
r. •
; inspeqed, II
ral, 7 seats s
poti l
y 10 wits
1 . 11 , 17 11 cents a
t , • i
.E. YeTgbY' !girt! notice to all
. • real be potitracting to ,furnil
to thetate, under the recent ap
of three millions, flint, haying :,c
paper under ttpit Act of AppCintin
of till euppltei, 'and other power at 1
elide f to' the Reglement of claims,
not d'eleguted to: us under the prey
April'. 12th. we shall hold erery en
theiMost rigid
. accountabili'y in the
of his claims, ind the inspection
pli!es must 119 of that chnrn'eter 1
1 , 40 - tit any infposition : upon tho
'protect the volunteers who hire - 13,1
ponied to its 'lean : and ao. suppli
1)4411 for unlit they have been M I
officers who ehhll base; been dull
for that parpnee.-' .
i l :11E-NftY ill! MOORE, State
rraos. E. COdITHAN, Audiior Gen 4
dine 5th,. 1 3 3 61
I : ,.O.AMES- STEW •!
V.V7e1.119 - 111415
IS' Agent foribe gale of all the
1 of made at the
- .
.ClOveland, 'Ohio ) ,
;re Wood's Itapro
inbhard'. •tight Mower, Hut bard'
wer, t d's ReSping, A USA
'iu, DeWitt S Co'e Stir Grain iri
ithout Grass'Seed Sower.
1% ellsti'lle, :Tame 10th, 1861.
11. ' ,
" :Barbe r ` and Ilxii 1;48el ,
TAS: BRUIN would inforin hie' Fier:llra 'lld
it/'public generally, that he istil rt hos ft
INS er business; at.the o/d stand oir
bird itret
cone door east of Atkias' .Cl t ing 8..0r
frbere gent:ewes wanting ; the etc ntiour of
',Barber or flair Dressar can at sill hoes be a
ended to.. , .i ,
~' ‘ -1- ,
1 have nnw on hand a Hair restor4tire u
4osleO by any- now
,in ni . I iireve is t
Asir falling.from tbebead, it re toreS th fit '
to its natural colour; it p ' euts,the Ilai frt
turning grey; &e. Iba e also dal/sand nn 1
7 1
stantaneotti Bair Dye , warrant Soto art
Light If or Red air, to a bes ttifut.A bur
'Black'or Breirn. Thi. aboCe are b i oth - urn
ted 'to give Satisfaction. .' Inar.2 ,431
I '
M I Et ' ViELI-i )
Al. T 1 9 8:1 4 1 It Y ; AT i LAW
• "- (Distn'ci Attorney,
()See in the Court House; iteiver,
L July 15.1857. IY I I '
--- viti.oes,
eut r
! • •
- dmpUlled or wy euttre; StooHk
Geodi to my Fattier, and b eing
o'reloaing a „minta, those knowing theaa
selves ineelled will Oases call and' make
ilediste s. saUcLAY.
lily I, 1861 - (Oita
1: f
AY/s''B •
f ' ' i TIC
1 f
'.. i L.
614 '...1
PlLtti;' -
.L ra
-' ~.. ;ii
- . ..,
-.,,,‘. . .
„1i..1„,,,, , 6 ii.,,0.....1
•wfdr , lllter amens M .
niityrdi, and your deluge m-
I now spar
= "111. 1
ate a et
lai the pals& to ,
*WM' Ithiesfi, Mae fit d
• 3 9 1111011 is imile'll gm 704
_ilionhi let seined by • .
*Mgr Wes state
.ok. , Take
il leals 1111 , ‘ end
oat elemiertet ha-1
to —pet* the biloot; mull ,
gb. fields mere list bleb*
tea . In .Peeith .. eget&
stimuli* the Ausicialis .
• IStOvisiitoue as!
ty; Dbody art* Ow systs_is Insu
•• the o b e 44,Bne wheels malts
___ __ hire la tub body; and obi'
Moots fts haunt 4nuetin • I Them; IT Roll rollived;
newt now tb.rattatili and e'./artrrounderig snessAi pep.
daring dm"' , a i lgravaU suffortni. andThilisess.
Whits fu-thie Mind! on, 0 %I fie. Ilsra!lossiotor
Mita Ayeesirille,' d ses b w,-dirsedly my *Non the
-manna RAMO et,the syMea, aid cliff. I I 134 buoyant '
foiling of heilth'hgals. What Is true an d so appareot la
thli Stiehl Dud common compleint, leahe true in 'Posy
or the d.e p or4cl dangerous distadneerk ',The rime '
purgative elfort expels theusJ i Onased by clbetrim
r Dons and'. dinitrigaulents Of tb o.o3tutor nriluiro oir the
,toody; they Jiro rapidly, and• many et ' surely, arid ,
by the asnio'ntrans. I, None a bo know lii' sienna eeibes• '
Pills. will .negiect to emelt)/ thou wife sakerintlfrsaa ' 1
the disorderethey.eire. ; I ' ; . 1
known the.- ribt4 per , Fl
' r , *gni: ','. ' t... i ;ard — [ • . I .:
,44 k. ' 1 . i
/lain . ti i ' 'Mail . .. Le Iltb. 4,1616 I
E '
Du- .A ... : Tear 'Pills to e paragon of all that is:,
great In taellettle.; They ii re cured ;lay Milli daughter '
lor catenate preen u her ti n and feet that lied proved'
-Inorrablei fur- y • Iler u her Itaa keen too: grief- !
I °may alllteted with ' bluish a tl pienelesion her Bide and'.,
, is her bale.: .
Ali. Istr eh I. was aural, mho alio tried,
year PIM, tied have e her. ,- 6 • ..;
year .
.. • • i ,-.. ABA !llolktilllDeill.
, i' • , . ::As ' ' i : riarile..
1 'ea Dr. TI: .1i M. AM Oreseas. 1 i• •
1 1 'SOW Pil l . aro I pia . piegts.l Their excellent
Tlingit, scirpwe ray as •Sr e wo eneensal They' see
mild. 6ut very c 'n and &Oust In their action on the
Lamar, width II! fie th bilking/le CO as in the daily
treatment. ofd • ''l , 1 1
'Nesdeteleo,Bl kilt • riee,SPettel *imamate.'
,Preee Ed rd Boyd, Atlfiriei• J. • I
' Dillt e l: nit Arnt.llcatistot • nr7rer yeti whit 001710dfith
I have with • Ell s bettor LILO In they all Mdf we
veer trod w;:th sip tpotiest usdirins. . I piaci great depict-, '
leas on an a/lathed Wit tilde in my deity contest with
Mimeo. and.^deving se ,Lto that your Pillialford as the
'bolt we -•tTo. •of Ix" Vokoe helm highly. I . 1
Ii •
. ' . '..„
re. !IL, Shy . ',lnd. j-
.Dll.l. CL'.I.TIOL_ 'Fir . : I re been repeatedly eared of
Mb. worst Annid ' Any eau kw* bye dose or two'
'of !oar Pills. '. ll! s ee m s to are. Pula a pal stomach, i
I whleb they el at on . - ' '1 . 1 .
• . Nome with
.. i"- . .•• ' ~ asrk '6l litranter Clarion.
,i i
ill:lions Dteeirder • Liver Ceenpialettn:
1 E
. . 4 • Proles Dr. 1 . 1.10 BA of Noir Ilk City.
.. -'
, .
NM only ire vitt Pills ad mlrably . adipted to their par: I
pose NI an, &partied. bat-
.1 nd their benencial effects upon
the Liver very necked i . They have IP my prue •
itti... : 1 1 ,6,..1.,,,nie1Tecl for the mire of Clio* ems.
Plat; than cur 4 . etsP rent reap mention . I ale ..enily ,
noloi iluttive bete at' Iti h.a panpetlvii whic 3 /4 WIT.
1 lliy.the centl,lso4 fifths p 'on and tat people.
' . i f DO% resets 07 viii 11117/1101, 1
.i4 T .00 1
1 ' ' . Vashlt E, n• D. C., 'ilk Feb., 1048. i
ym : r hare mid yani Ilia in my ventral and horeltsil' i .
Practice ever guide you made timin, and cahoot heidtate 1
any they an; therest 6th at tic we employ: 'Their regu i
lasing action ou the liver Iv quirk mid Wedded,: eou 1
I n.utly they Llano adit it,.ble retried* fur dentugensen 1,
of that organ.l iladeed, I Liars 4shitnit found i t case off. :
6,l7o+47ldiantss soi.batin diet It did hot re:L.llli yield ,
..tliwit.• • .Fratirindly yo rs,. ALtbaut BALL, 'M. D.;
, --. , ' 'l, • I' %/titian of the Marine Ikspitothl'
- - -1 ij 1 I '
Dyleseter.r, Dia rttrai, lftehatt e Worsen. •••
'N/4.2.1 Dr. .1. 4 4c41; fen, ii Chicogle• : P;
not . Pi"■ knee bra of 14 g trial itil,uty pntellee, and L' ,
dlel4 them in ern as i one of the best arollents i Ilia.:
ever found.. ni
. 1r itlteat ve effect upon t 1 .” ,, ,. liver make.
' t .b,...., :s a n 5 , e 411,. t ;snippy, ellen airstrip small lames I C i 1
,l.ticats dillkrii imri trii.irriaro. • 710 r ' suscat-coattn ; I
:make. them I ,i,F. aces laid* and O.:nil:intim:a „trJr tki
'of satin in odd G il•irais . -di . • . I
I I • -
, . Dye:pepsin, I p urity of; the blood.' 1:
Nem, 1. - rr..7. r.I !hems irides of 44ent Clitirol, '''
im.: Arta : ! i rm. 1 your elite with pitiriordlriazit I
*oxen In my faulty in I among three I ant celli - eivi. i i
1, in distress, j 14. ieg c u i ly h el Ups organs of digeotion, said I
i p'.irify the blood, thej the very ',best fumed> , I hav‘
' ores ktOisn;itsld I eintidently recommen d then'. 4 1. L
lay friends .'. ll I Youri;l J. V. 111N1E.9.11 't
1 • w, ti 1
• i .:Il'ittliiw, 11 - ,-rottn'g Cm, N. T., Oct. 2,1, 185.5. i,'
Dattlitrit: lien usiti‘iytowr enthiYlle Pilli IM toy prsq.
• tire. and end"tben Slit 02014101:1t poryathe to cleanse rns ,
s i .trto 'ana ymiify the , fjil wn. ..Pth , ble^d• ...-' f 1 1
I •I I , I !,,colni O.:IIIEACIIAu,,M.P.. , •
,r-r,, if t • ? ,
C•wittpatt ii,C ativeriesh,giappres•topt, I
. ; Itheisusa tent, Gout, , Nismalgia,, Drop -1
ay, ;Para 'yule, Pits, etc .{ -_,,.- 1 1,1,1 1
• ' - .1., D% -- .1. P. I , ohm. J1 ,7 ;71. 01 7' 4 7 ° 4.0 , 4, a- -11 l 1
Ti. kurizli tnned I • 1;1 Of r;tit Pills for the cure OR . :
s r
apemen-as. llMilers f p ar froter . o:lty have Inc..! . third ,
• ' no Palominos • 1 1 law tine/ shouldijnin me In proelain? ,- j
.dreg, it for the audit- f the multittplei who i 4 affer sn:, 1
:hoe ntropiain 1 whici slimes bid enough n itsel I
V the propiedto 'of of r thaLarty. ' eras. T. believe i
, , ~ . , 7 .
- I
I , agyji,e,{ innl / at. l3 4.0 liver, on your Pills!affeet :
t organ iu.d tar ' tie ili -:..e • 1' • ,
• ,
'- 7,,,e5 H Airy. II "" .;-.llseiowf ~1-JI idie l ili, ' ',l
' 1 T 'find tin, I,
t. 1 ,,,,, , r i11 ... 7 ,,,cit.,,,,,n 0 ,1 , ,,; y y,
7. l2 ...3: i rr c t i h l i i:, i..„,iTh.or t i LL . p lit ai to t: r:iy t
1 r propei time.•
tom wiaen whi
edoctoll tow
are so mach t rite no bear. that I Issonni ad
ao other to n• , 11
.rs, F, th4 ' ...ireth4dide , PDC:: Ch • ' I .
ForanCalh, Ga.. Jan. d, 18.5• !I •
Id be tiaitatatai 11 to the -lief
rlf I did Inot re port y - to 1
y linttel and brouth on et ne..
, which *tided In elannie rl •4-
I hail the' kept of o,i:detail, the
ors°. until by the aerie. Of Sr 1
1 ore. Dri)lickenste,"l tried lair'
estow, hotlonve. ItYpereeve fig
now entirely well. ~ I ~
• R o mig., .1 i ,
Baton iA.,6 pee. 1. i
n entirely eured,VV, your Pit of •
al damage that had 'afflict* me
r4 . ...i01iNT EI I LIDLI, , .•
1• 1 • 1
ill In tit . er et contain 11.1,0 1 yr,
aide reel ly in skilful loop tie
pill, trot the droddful e• run,-
i ,
folt•vi It: inPolitialpi Wit. litie
Mend rti ...tones Ii hateser. I ,
i ,
r Bari, ' r 5 Boxes for 1. 1
1 ...;
. ATER CO., Lolvell, *fie.
li3eav i.. 1 5.
. • VH i
P. :tittiie, jr '
.• , er r , 1
Vaggort dt,, La /Ty; roe I.
Batten; J. Sargent; Nei
Black i Dariii4ton, nn fI by
. . •
}', .0031 00. 1
.tore -a
' lan
• reery
1 to of
C 91.111
in -
iu tle
I LiClr •
hal 1 -
![ , I
tem oal.,
e exr.r.
. Ily oi pal
ie imt p
pr. / e.•
I.xt ri r
I: . 1r WI
by , A 14.. I
toes! y e
tandl , 4.
-- .2.
I . m t
1' foul
be e.
IP, '
15 oft the R‘o
y onr,tkill•bad
A curl
ciatirig roan
144,4 Nntwi
i I 1 disealat gtea , "ore aka
rie wih? eicellellt LT* 't In ' Ili
i auppl ea Pills. 'Moir . •ttl•eta ..
, roprist nil la t l4l, use of bout,
..:ekcidl . be ! 'CIiA
iSepect n 3 R l"!' A iw . Z,',L a4 r a •
. ,
o its •IT ..rr tta. 4 lyt,•arri .
• li,ieh as - ..sir.Nf tit the 1'
oiis Act Of whlib, alb ,, ch a al/
tisetor to da'cl"" , c ' a I.aPu II
[ guano's tba frftine• el
sidttletn t it c...-tain 40 n efeury i
°f hiss Pi' - 4rioo iS leen
ril l eh' 5 ail ~ ' 1
S nte. o l d' Prepared.YDr•• • •
i • 1 :..} , }
i .
o' Fil l 1 :1 0 , Crb•s. Roctietee .
, peeted be Ido r.• J. Str,hojs.
Sprointed 1 illigliton, 1 Job I
1 tle tors e'vtry • i t e
, nr ).,
relsuTe .
ril. I '
itas -A'
Ju •
. 4
.. ". . .
1 • tlt ived. () I se of
lo II I ' I' • • l
Il',SI. a d . Best 1 Selee
o li from thelvery fitrit 3rodt•
ina doien to tht gonrserhtinlitie4
Its 13etertninid Co - sill CHEA.PE#I
- i 7 al . :,
I Iflts i ll I 'tit i
1 1,
:per.oni. et a tag to pluThase 1
•er call and, exa 'tie his i , Stock
rd elaewhet 1 11 ;;
i lli
Id -1 ; etier a' eer the Th
11 : Of the -ma Air."..eal , -
Beaver 130..29, 1860
1 .11 1
p i el
P i R
t. 4 I
t. d Ilpw
. Sta tia
! I . ent,
1 1 l 41
subLi ,
et, La
!..), of Wm..l
lel Itaili n ' 'et Nab.( from th-ee Sa t a - tles fro i At
tn- T, tontoin t an
lolit ticres-auout TOrof all bit
the . I cleared ;sink ta t tler few`ea, and6.on
.. w.hl t i li i
air tiomforuible I 'roam hise. 16 iby, 2t) loot. ,
em 1 story h p igh, a>4 also fifty bear ti apP'O ir e
ln- and to nty ash trees, all of the beat ipiali
C. Said rm,i bait about ! thir• -Ave ocroi of
rut three f eet coal lrein, ant: olao a five and a
Cu- feet veto . Auollancei or litnestolie an t,o,itnl.
and is t Well ' akered liwith goOd' Spri ige. r l s
_ also gobd ei er,nal oil itlitieoti us, an glis all
• ted wi t hin 1 Ou ilea of on Oil wll ;
.l. 1'
ir 1
creiPer 'u witihing to urchins 7 F irill
well tall' n czars ins for iltemsel ii eta k
refers c a I Cu 11ni. K.enue‘ly.Nlear I itght
or :thew itre 'ler, in thippeva p it/o a
pp rented . l JOSEPH BIIIT'.III.`i
ti ii
Jan' 211t1t.'11;.--tfar i '. i 1
11 1 :
mod tele Lu,
Office. F.
Ilk 1
Y l . I
the iltrg.
led , i
1 G 6 c"! p' s'
• i .. fi,
is•co itiVir.
cl4the ti t!lttt
-4 Iwhic . ; i:ie i,ft
1 THA rt LIE
lON o
41 !lc)?
efoye uyi
.rd - litre t, e
_ P,
ire offrrl for
Counti, aii
and IP. 11.1
Sit 1.4
ist 4
• srtt) • s tre
the Isot C
is offered for 'le ti
• ire iniinidiste,t / tit!
• ' I
l at, Drd • • I
~, Naatcs.- OP SPECIpIO Vt..
r Paver, OonEratt, anti' 1411.1.. -II
_ For Worm Paver, NITUna CM V1.,---.. tots /Se*.
No. B.lgor Oolic, Orying,,TimOhlay. and Wakattilnoni et
Infanta. I 1 . - 1 • 1 1
Ne. 4.74r0r • Diarrhea, ato? Intbonuo, am! Puraeler
ConicAabl_tit I I ...
Net,P. Per Collo, illriplap, 1 ysentiry, sr 81004 .Plll4.
No. 4 -Pot Cholera, Chat Moans., Voralthig. l 1
Ne. 'ill-, Tar Comp* Outdo, npuenne, and Sore TheemiLl
. t. No. B.i-Pot? Toetb-ilebe, S • ei and igglintre , i
No: Haada4he, V ,Hest Mkt FUIIIII I
t I e 'of Ak
IPead. 11 1
21.a * I.
Ne. 111.-RY Pt . er Mreak . Rod Derri:o4
Ptomain, Constipation, and vet Complain,
No. 1;..1 1. 0tr Flthith Imp= tuArries, Scanty, Prdolbl, 44'
Punctuated Periods. 1 I ' . • I _ I I
No. 12.--Por leuedcrhes, huatilfactses, al Riarlitg
Down' of Fetaalca. 1 • I 1 . i
No. 1a Per Croull, Roan Caugh t Bad Preath ng. -
No. e r.i-SALT ItnnUit Pt I' Or -.E.17j1 114. Kniptiltim,
rimon the PAte.l - I. ' - , '
Ni.. If.-, Patuxent: PtrA.a. For Pala, amid, Orao
teem In he Chest, 134'k, 1.0111 or Unalbtr., 1
- , 'A.•-Po revel' an Ague, . Atter ! ria • rob,/firtut, 4
311moariaged Agues. 1 r.l 1
P.-Par Pam, Nilo 1 or litle ilotr,lnternal or Paterna-t
O,- o! sore, ViroaSt, or In ante d A res , a .da ys y4 s;
.his, w lc, bt Blurred 81 11 66 ~ I 1 1 I
C.-;Yisn teitturlt. It 1001 standing or moat, either
ObStroc i3iii or prolix*. dolehnipt,' I , I
W. C•r — ror itiv , ot=in e=e4,h, abiato; Its = viol. nee d
shortening ilts euurtet I I .l ' 1 - 1 LI
in ull acute .11J;C ' 4.,..c4, tae 1. as FilliltSi Intlammill lug,
01,,xrh,,nliy,t e rderyl, c,.oy. Ithenbuittrin, and ..licb 419 -
tits dictalret a. nettrirt Prom, hicacars, AA. Erysipelas the
arty:o44m! uf skate the trrndor ',remedies promptly 14 hte
thtutt, and lit all molt sates t.te tact:llles act tlikeict ertild7u.
The conic disease to en., arrested at sneer and lit ail close.
the shiUttleti of thel attack Is inotietated, tile disease , 10.10,
erred, alut rineJered less daverout. , 4 LI
se oug la an lt at
d CuldHlt.ltietatflstiela freinenit onoreklce,
, 1
And clt no often i Irty. the loundation,ufl disesied laces,
irronot, tialsod consumption, may all be tit uncoloured by
the're er. and Cough Pius. = f I ,i . dz
to al chronic cllseascs,coot AS Dyes:erste., Wet ly Pro a,
1 1
Consti anal+, Liver Complahtts, Pilm, Female I,rebUlty, arid
trrea.ol trities, sit„ Sore Or Altaic llyeM,Catit l eh,
Salt Illtniml, iAI other old er,uptlopli, the a has
, speallos
whuoe raper applleation oil alined a cur In ...lost eery
(obtain:.l tlflea the cure or a stogie earnn e difficultly „Sinai
aS 1.),. 1 , 5111, hltik'r frotamm, 'dead:tette r P.m tle 114eak
.ater. It ti l more thick ?did fur the vase ten uoc. u Cr. l.
1 . 1 1 p Ica.
I ~
454 t 1013 complete 1 , In morocco; on Book al.' , All
11.1 1t111 V131.1 aril WV:: . t.IISI ...! . .. .. ..1 .. 4
15 ll,bcr , e,t notes, and Donk..., ....... -.1..12
1 6 boxes, totathered, tad third,. „„ . „
.1, . I . L . - I
ntiothet ut hot ec • al direethlos... .., ...... V 6 &las
lettered totes, . atilt .I.,r l ettimet ... 1.40 Motu.
drat ut 2 0z.101414, for planters and ph3slelans.. l .$l6
I 111411 k/ S I PECIPtCY_ I
VI ft itanst4 en POrrfluircTOpprenoe , l, DlE:ult, La tired
Bre 40011g,tattrod,..dl,tral. Co :,;11 and Expe.tneutlint. Price,
50 etedtlper but. II; I I 1 I
F, It i....t ft Inc.ll , strtts itro ca rrynt.-lllseltarg44 front the
C...r. t 4 cos.e.t oll6cat',t es-r, ldrotlet, or , :ileredrlals. .Nii : 1•11 it,:the I'4mi, tht .loem of lienrlo,e, old Klateng
11, tl,e Iltrt, and Etir- :tie. !Prlee, , 6o centa l per lox...
'Y oe Si. on ,1
r 1 .-ll:rlargerl Illantls, Kids 'red and Jr, ars!.
e 1 "T .1:1!.., F....0i1e , d, 1 hod 011 Ulcers, Scre alous c,o. ay of
,Cl•l'd 5. . Prier. jr cer,la, ter Not t t
F.,0 t es .stoat- In - M1.111,-t?l') Meal or Nervous Tieslinesm•
r.lit et :,e nti1.1t....',0/ ~s . r,..,autite Mulloatlon, o. 6St
1,adt1.::,,, ol.'har.roti.,,,i'rice 50 ',401s per br '. 1 1 ,
Ftl 4t
fiß(lralf .-:llll‘l'Aeria WWI nll4,,TUlitia Sir e ling% a ith
&pod • k•cret.nns, 1 Prl,, . / eents tiler brit. , 1
E'ns i Sea-StottlEfit -- Itettlidy,- Vertlab„, Niurea
..Siet.oer. 6orrr - l or motion. Price, cents
Per verb 11, ' ' . 1 4 ', .r
. Folu i atl 2 .‘ or In , E,scrut -"or Grovel, Renal Glacial DIM
c.OI, . ',4u: t'lrt4tlott, DiseSses of Use Piney P 'l, 50
eelo• 1 . eletx. ri,.. ,11 . , -..l - _
) 1 i , .
yo t l. AlYs 1. tlinloln.d.-, Invoi,,,Ant l/lIIC arge ana
C, I..,hlterd Prod indoredmil Deb lay, Bad: Itesulta i /f Et 11
141.1 i , si r`l'o ns
e rVillsocefUl Anti tir:lent remedy .noun,
1 ,
sod c e. . Felled upent-aj a core: Pr l ce, with fol rilrer-
Or at, $1 'per box,l l' _1
PesOno olio roe eta ills ,e Wentselres tratterthe rotes
-1101,0 t are, or , 1 Reett.alltifiCe of, Prof. 1 C,IPITit TN an do
01. al ttls d ' ll 4 let 5 , 35. Illermliroy, daily fro 1 S A. 41. to iS , P.M.
or by letter., ,II : I j
f n I• 1 I
()clt Rbil DIES 11•3" .
31 11,. 1 !=
Tr, .:1 uver W,list; Inn e up -a easel or what kind you
city,. ri a n d ittetnt the atrounkto a ronleot note nr static's
tryl„,:r tll td el-c ltddr. tr, a Ne 5112 nrdarlanyj NEal-Tom,
evel I•• 11,..1... ii , e,, , t ill be dilly rend - Tied hy mad or el,press,
free ,t+ el.:or,:i. 1 .1 - , i ,•
Al iiNt S ‘ V.‘NT,E:I3.--'ll5 desirel 1 I
no alive, efilelent Accra
r t 1.1.• / .1•• It! 01111 Litatelt CI is ectry fawn or entrtionnity
zi .•r.lift7,/ .SGIIIf tt. Ad( rem Pr.l F.. ti t)1 i`li ;t1.:1 - S, A- Co.
I 1 I. NO. teat i?tliiltWAY,l NAIV; r :YOBL
-1.-- ____L____
C:, u
1: Lbe
.tom ~1.~
I •
I` "
' r
I._ 1 l i
D: La n 1 - A t 1
~ 1
i I , TE ~i
Fllll DYS,.
Slui l
1 11 I,
q. Ik's xql iior
. . . i i ) 'l.
,01. WA I ,
j' Sh)iik's ,axelsior tonslch Bit 1er, 1 2.
bi,l. GI plpiN ' - ss. AND SICIC f.EAp
!AC II F. i r il' RY • ; , •
* , 81,, tle's xcelso or
~ tomqcl6 Bitteiti..
?( J 1t.1,:.1 VIER C ,NIeLA• NT Thy` I,
•, •1 • Fl . Vik's• - iceliaor Stont!dt•hl Bittdrs
qop. Fil ER AND AGUE 'l?liir, 1
.11i41kfi.i - 'xrehlior Stonz),/ch,Bitief's.
111 hulk's E ‘ 'xrds;orlSi637ll7, chißitter.s.
Qr. S,VI. " by Int. MINIS, BiiTfr, ,I
' I 1 and Drug fists Cznerally.
• 1 i9ITH e r - TRIMB.LE, 1'
Willies. le genty NO 8 Smithfield St. Plitt.
Occobe; , 2.1' th 1860' I.! ', •
, , . ~
' l3 1 ,1 - 1 I •
l i
,_. l t' 1 ‘ -1 ----- 1 -- . I
. I t i i S Sonitner iet band et every family T.o
.-; 1 . ..c nee lilt bottle of thi . valueble 'Medicine
t; foitte.crac of th se diitre ing,niela ies which
ant c 0 preirtent during the bamtner seas° i
i n I 1
B. M. posy= & r col% .
nds l'i A R RH' FI V l lll4 •flial FRI
4 '.. h , , " • .
f 3 ln Jeloir- 11.0111 , 1%
oily 1 1 , I • 11 • ` , I, : .
sltle, tir o
. be lexperic
eincol i, ll3 : l4, an d in
ar.e ., 'very mati nee 1 moms end to Mow
is a.) ; being pixt into tl 1 Try it tied bit 'con
one I Tinted et' lite god 4. F, r eels by
ef.. 9 .-,' t l 'emnel litinnen, I . oencster; I
lily. iStophe Smith, tridgewater, •'
it a p,ivid Aiiiis.ijr, -. I.3:mi r, I r
9i ., 1 6W 0 ohn Sargent. , I
14 B righton,
e.. Duncan 4. Edge l rails 0n,..
A. C. Ifivairts; I
- Itoch etCr, r
end tkyl all the Ingests tihrooghont
b, Conntry. 1 mity22,fo.
41 d'n . .1
il ßored a
lerited el
t e market. )
d qu!litil
• '
L i ,
.. ,
)3T r C
0 . Woe Side
N esi ilk for sale ' St i‘
F to SEI4
Felon I 1
Op . ?
' I
ging tic
or ler, .1 /*Veen
No. 18, ,PO 1 StAsee Pf'ffsborryli . Pa.
VITE o}fer to the publlo,!Ctrover- ilt .. palserls
11(14 Berl; -11litehines at . reduced prices,
wilt intresui &confidence in theirmerits is the
b at and 'nose reliable Sewing Itaehinms, They
are sintplecin construction, . move speedy ' in
m Tomcat anti more durable and Items liable to
diaarrangemint than any other machine. 'i We
give fill instruptions, to enalle t tbo poroliaser
14 soli ordinary seams, hem felt, tick. gather,
quilt and ernhiouler.tall onithe saute Itnacitine,
and warrant theta for threejyenri. . 1 . 1,
r Circulars containingtestimonials frOm ladies
of tho!highest standing,lEnit and Weld, stating
riices,' containing (l i neation/yam., will b e l f ur .
ribbed gratis, onapplioation in pirson ir by
letter,f :
CRATONEY St 114 ' LrER.. Sole Agente.
..N. 8.. 'Sewing 'lliaohige4 Needing, Si4,l C o p,
t.O always on hand. : . i . . 1 I 1 I
marAn astir* local Agent wanted. 1
Sept. I 2 IEGO.r ' 1 ' , - I
' VI P i
mw ,
NI 1
Art r
A ..
* m!
*.l c ,
c.... ri ~
m ;
1 - tg
il 1
0 0
, ~,,.,m
ei. ...
_.- .
1 gi ,
. 1
I lin . subscriber restieelfulli Infor .1
rna the
citizens of teayfr indiiclnPY•9,4t• lie
pin, 'received the Sprurtfi S'urnmer koala lo i ns
for 18fi1, and is now ready to-do u work
the, Latest Faillionable style, and l wrrstit'eps
to fit and to,nrpftbs tiny .'other Tor in this,
counti; Those entru s ting_ ;'their • work with
hibi may depetnf - on hailing it done Wi4it pi out
trod No pains will be- spared to g ive etas
(notion to thos* who may 'els him f f
Ilf-Countryprodue6 will he Inkeri in
change fur Work; L. 1Lt 1 .1.4:
intenser niar2o ' ! f: Fashionable -tailor.l;:'
Patent 1 Waslqiiiig .I'lltialiixies' . l
, m [ kiiur,,o l ,krltE6 BY .1 • . .1
Tiffnlns GlitiNT l L 1• .
.: .. ~.!, . alstOn, Petto a)
ff ESP. Maellines for speed, ease on t lel
"nperater 'and (Acres, and clean ;washing,-
~a large•ne entail pi , ce,nr• Clothing, are.notl
equalled by any WaAttng Machine no
- w in uie.
_.. ,
, 'N ,E, Ill'i ' 00 D S !•.- --- ! '
E W - 1 -o'. 0 D . S! 1
f ___
n tIILIP KEEq ha received - ana
i ' . l:il 1 be ; .in
t i ... fil . i‘ lle u e s k in ly es 7c; - i ' pt i ,o n ' e ' w articles : Poraiuing
Ne) !. 't ..•• , -
A ' • , . 1 ew . Style petal Fs,.
New Style'.Challes— - •
_1 - 11
- April.lB.): Nu , Siyle Gingltaresc_34:
•.I - - .
JOSEl'll•ll*„l.l , ,,Proprie
' II arci. Venn's'
I ..
1 fir AVING thoroughly fitted up the eetab
I LI.. ment ,foriterly I known as the "Goi
Ilouss,' l is pre' a4d to. accommodate
friends, and the ,tkel
eatisfactorYlM/11111 r. r ' Aprt2i.
NT A LL:3' ' ---1-- '
-'! 7'
:toina;ch , tfiller
• I ;ii •
tomdch Alters
iS4i, • ,L, I
, 1 1 7'1' L , N .A:IL..q,)
• y.. ttlle. VI e'tinle and .•.
• " aittipei Wan the Chcapeet,", ,'
-.• 1 i, j_ i . Brnizertate7. •
•,. • OIL! OIL!! OIL!!!!;; :.i
Steinn Efri nes • For , Sate I '
, A LL pen rns eng i nge'd iti,the oil.,busin;ss fire
1. requesteti l to cull and '
examine! th ii'pri
Steam Engides nrannfsctured byi: > I 1 . '•
' . IJOILV • TitIORMLEk, ' Y
f ' 1 l• • ,
~,, I , • 4.,
~ 1
,These Engines ar, got up on 'I t cl
n`inost• m
r; B
T rdved . style foar , fla ring an 1' Partipitg and! tit b
;purposes—.the.patterns: being minds. nails
le directitin. of on of the best! iseohanics i., 1
0 • ,stern Pp:put:Ara is. ' loots . foriEoring made
an; i shortest noti e: also all kinds ot'lleisee 1
I Inge made and fitted up . - ittsrl2ol;
Hi i
i r i ' r•
• ALL personsi i knqwing theniselles indebted
to Itbei sublscribor is I well as lihnee banjrig
(sftu! against him Will
,please oalliat'bial Stare.
op oath' Fortner; tin shop', for a. settlement
imimediate Y. as be la 4eairous of eba'nitlng!hii
business. ' Th&thilbring fill. b 9 carriedl on by
.IWeeph Br no ; tit the Rid Stand,' lie being !ap
pointed agent to sell out the stonlr.,.ebeitp !for
cash. ,Co 1 soon if- you Want tot sec 'e the
best bari, in.; ; , 1 '.!: , , 1 1 I
Feb 20 ' '6l ! ° L.. F. ISCITAFER,I
kformeri Liberty iloitse,Y
if IL ji
- ALEX. CLARK, Pro'r4
W DOLES A / LE DE.AtE 1t8,11,N
.• • .
AVE again tSe plena; of announcitivo
&A • tbete Mends, and ltbe trede galleriny,
that their. ) stock w li be wkde by the .10th
instant.4nd will be offe r ed .err low a ap
proved • stizatiimitice eiblicitid.
Hank 'law
T_ .
1. •
' ;
Sgtfare .
I reits t
, t;Illelit ;price,' ilEk s
B EN t 'd
ccn er p on .
.4igad liter
I Ba
at .4
L . 0 1 .1 t x
7 :I.
0 '-
I ..,
0 . 4 . a , il
'C f-•
' I :
1 :
Ei , r ,
M -?? ?.: j
. ,° r, `gir,'
, n
2.1 - i
2 '
Z H ' '
. ,;.y
, r 4 ;,
M I '
1 fl ow.
... n diu chi,.
A litAk• ' ' •
CrartaAct iSa i
Dear Pi :-;-1f yi)u - plvese. sond , me one
Ikettolve's; ollandillitieri. I 'know that •it - matt
prove it heir t, to many of . my, pelople My 'Dien,.
Mrs W. 10.ehel4 Of - I.3aUtipvillai /iL. Y. has recatell
great I.isleilt. - r I' 1,, .•. :
.„ -
, I. .
.'• 1 • tx.....• t, t •
r: reev.--Nohlit Coati, Pastor Elr M t P. Ctra efb l .l
tap. :.----.1 Davi. teen greatly benedted by the„ o .use c f
• friCF.ItIIANII.'S 11OLLASD I.II2."TAIS' for generril, l
Neertnat Debility.", . 1 .-
.. .
• - A IVORNIA l DErtCll3..l
_ •
- I-Jail City, 41*a:for Co. ors. Oct. 14, ISCO.
, Ma, 11.1's}tS, • . ; "-II - , • f
': . l l .• ,-, Slr:,-Torirs li. One it the best niedl,
aloes • or 1;')/4PrIale- and trive,r I Cornplaint. at lmadt ll '
, have ound ft on. 1 came to Ihis!mountry In Ifsl,
'Aiello witlv Dyipepsia and! Li.sar Disease. fr 4
I .d
'tar." tei the ;A:tootle ..SteteS .161, .1.557, acttle(l 4n
'Ohio - I;':Law the advrtlsonent;i6d sent to Oall i tpct
lie far two I,Ottles, elicit me to braitlf. 11
• tame be.ct fier,• in 1S S. but forgot to bring a en p j -
with ne.,,1 hare 'needed it very' much; my 1 trip
biter I afflicted, with ti'M ohm disease, aidi.l '
omit l iege Winne of the Bitters. 'lncite.' w - 41
'1504 pOsume stamp; write to ino as oxen as wat
tle. If you have no agent - here; _1 will forward ttie
mon y Tot a supply. 'll. 'AL TIIOIIPSON
• ' , ..1 - • • , . I
I f-011.. 4.1114 dae ...11 1 n is tea., , kfayor of the ty
'at° 'lll.O/Ilia,' says :-9.havo tisA. Dcerltave'Sl - I
laud /title,:
Mr l'airdtation of the Meat, ft Dan
sere lent omedy fOr this disease:! • -, i I '
•• I 1 - , • i '.. j ,
• ' : ndigtsti o7l ,'.Ci!stiverlepii ireadaohq. 'i -
11 • •
. . Al,* Jain?, nobittsost; Past or of V.
'lran tb,Veoesylvelda Avenue, says:-"I bike pi . 1
ore n item:amending •DIERIiAI'EfS. I.IOLIIAL'D
!ill' hats ' as iona of the suet valuable inedicite 1
hay everitsed.,• It speedily relieved tad of a d.•. q
of i e gamier:h. A lady. airs,' of my COnirrW 2. 0 6 , ,
XII! Finite. aria had suffered Or a long tarn.
I na .
Na t of; Appetite, ItidigretioM. ficsdache an 9 .
1;1 , r reSP. u ,cured by the as" of two 'Kati.; dr; e.,
Ail. r 5.7 0 , ! Prrissratiti, Eitittmibec tith,.11155,..„.1
. ; .- ,' • I
• .111 r ta Stati:-I was • sorely; afflicted for about lvs ;
i ,.-- s , . 1.0 th e Lkvipepet t e atti Volcard Pal
u, We
hut iia ie f p.or Justly cele4tattet ••"Dcerharo'sj /rely .
ialid'llit • ters,r' melon:dine to per. Pet health. 11. 1 I
' i ' • .1 10. - IBlNsiis 14)r 1 lt , 1
, • , • . TOtitGlTittr.l4, PA. reb. 11, 1St(); 1!
1 -•••' ' • 1 . • • ; ,j' r
tiIIIttIPIEIPS4.I. roirspo rig Air. , ..
= : Br7ott. - .llobdata Rirsr, Aprtlllll., 70. I'.
. .
sub I.rankNo Jc JoN l4 .•iNiontr w
lrY: e
1 :. to.,i , p 1.,.. ill nil 11
a,O cl.dtar r e-pleaSe sod me 7!. ;
I: wrictli of it in Ikerhavelij Rolland Jlltterl li-.
,i, o ir..41 every . thing fort n apepaia.• for .I.lleltlet‘
0 utj years, and l.' tins ( does . me mord ..., 0 .1 , ..
1 us tOttitis; Cut. -bud At, tits care of C.1,4144,14r 7
't. itra, &c, • 1 Ij. 11. WALDI3II. - I .
1 , ali , :csi tHD
tiwx,'i leE
0h : ...,,,tr..: 5 i - ir T .;". °
5141, 14 -.1a . n..31 r ;i i
I fr) ti r ' ii se t r ti t l 'it ts t - i t n tr b :, 7 :f fl.
13;E ir a i ii I ' 4 . ) rn
'E il s i a i , i - olil A ll' :Z i p ki;
witty:: I. I . tureivaat..4 lael 1:41. ' i '1 .1
! .r I ,t, , .10*.11.1 C.-DELLE
• - I I ,
"IE Ktil"..Sifi (kr TILE p.Ton ell
I . ADI IN7atiGEOXION. . -,I
' lb; ,r:11 , . 1 11 -
Ittrren - ,Dr t x...lirlor in 11 a I ht
;:Etlf.:s rza it et , tenty. Vit t t-t t ,tt.. t itt. ruff. r. 4 mu b .
'i t , 1&....L.Cer,,i of the .Ntion.ii.itargi ItAtl,we.q.a.. ; She
t 1..:, tmder a phyhtoiku'a care fur ?tome r tins,
rcr 4to•ecte. 1,1.11,11 to 6:tflip evu n. his skill 1 S Os,
- ca..-(t , :no ii... - 11.1.-4:kil iffilti:it,! , at ou otli. ,
It i l:•:e e.v,..11 TTO.... nt ts , her :1!...,111.41.1.; h..ei , l'yp..ti
.tr - ng , PI aro rc t teit t
.. t ee t i •a t o fa mly , , (.I.i.- e
this ii: another ,great mire prTi, , ted hi. ~0 r
iroo. • ' ' • 1 1 :1. QUI STIL4 ' .
./ 1 ....i. -Shcb.q.;, , to Nieuiriliode, Shawy: - ..arr4 Fi . '
• I , . '. •
': T 0 It , I c.. .. . ~
~ .) , , 1., :! ;,I. loe.lyle rr,i, .1,-.1, ;,
i -• WAIIIiITWq. Li r. Jtme.ll. tqf 1 ,
t 141,1.1 (WO b..: ti..s of pm:. flrri.Pcks' irt
~ ,,t,,) 4,:r1 b'-.3e'fl eit•l ! it Ivry , tia.tl4l fin e
t!...ctqf •,1.4.,4 tivatincliiil."
c eduicel I by . IttYapt.par:ii to n ten
1., • I . ' tittoletoia. ,, , • .• .1
• • 1
'. It tmntrll i:. •t"' t . r. ..t.- pr,bal,LT as , s ,
1 .. ai r -' sl,in in W..h•toWi'entOklvire . .d...i, tle
itl' • ' d i' ~ • tit! '
.0 :, .t,, rust IV , m to mllyr in
tr ArtL,.l
f,!71. % q r:01 riurt4 4.{/ 1.)!,, , p;1 :.-1 00 t
wit tt: Ilt.tfitrt.lt4l lilni f'., bay a b'ti I' . ''t
tett- ? 11 , titt.7l.l . ;lriera At titetit,lif.; it t
tyte44 . 4 r:
iet , ,itt., bits 4 , 14 - tet t attli: aft, r. what pa
i1. , = , i'1 ,,,,, ;nt :it . fi,,,ii,,. ,?t,i. n hale. hearty
M., tilld mu l o'note iret:ileetil . .atrt pc cads , . a 4.,
ill:41 tettatierftti eltatwu ;1,41.', teen pro:tit,
i‘r•ln.t.r...F 116111114 hilt..,/, toreLich ba aiti
1... , ,,, - 1,,s net...rat:on.' a •1 ,
. . a - 1 ,
of 1%
f~ •,
I. S•," h • Urn :..: Ite Fernera;tr It can Del
i• .t
% . ...p to tro‘tio • into. , I
l' ti, Si, •a v.r bottta e etz bottice f ,
r i e r rolu are or Itopoaitl ,t S., that 0
~ ...1 - 2 1• 0 ,4 Jt rrors b.. 4.14 you boy.
1 1 1
Eir,\',IAMIN PAGE, JR. 4,
&,.. , ..I , ' .7:, t . tr:.• At St 0 i. ,',;.0,
I 1
FI tz ' 1“.: P.,0.1. l'A.
pic F h k Headace
Bilious Disordet.4.
rrh, proper... i .e f tkeiiera Lcrer
rills will Ftro.losq• !teat retro rityl of
ihe bow:ls 7...,ich .slib.olatel teei.s...
sari to the enjoyeze tof goo& eoliths
Costierness 11.1 th•, calme f m i t of
tb i entail% a !metal of 1 oi—on_h se ile :l 4C Ili
Dr rectal ile:tdache,,Offea-ire re il l
l eVoss i :sh WELT), riinply Tiler, & . se
mama; t , t the bean , ~ , in tin. enjnyrit tit -of lif.
tilqth in youth an •t cp.. airs as it orlivriateq ir-At
fr emu tly In a di' inie.....1 eta of the ,1 , r, iio len'
I. rer rill I. en.vident:l off Ted ae The Poem y.
LFRILILF,F; 4 Wil • /A bortoni cunt{ anti often
;1 1 nit
• ibiel fltr:t litltir.-tioni torpor of iha bowels,
trill d.riro 1-. m irkahle benefit from ttati yo: jab.
th wo eti4oet ta lillypiechemelria, l o7 Low
tlpirits. ant liiiratret in, by the ,h-emoval of
is 4re.a. t ., sown. of tii•lr i d ,e 4.0., will ilto rti .314.1
aweduin •ss and lielltb.l ' 1
i D non , ‘lirtOon. Sfsri. ,1155.
Ac a LIV... er hloo-ftliatissor a commria finally'
ill, 1 gira them a decal (I iireh•r tt„ . or 1r till °Piers,
'het• not only er o•nab. th . ..... 1.,, hitt lartirtr t
..alltly action of the! lir.r, carry o't the ntarbiti
seorett iris, and leave the "plea. froo from all batons
mattar. l 1 VI
J. J. O.IICL'fY, if D.
Stir Tont. Vermih n
n Co: 111 ia c . 12, OPI.
Bann! Afellitil e I rld a 5e,111,, . sultr.); have
ave.! bandit& of Sol ..,.r.4 in 'to' m 1 •
tile. t
JA,Nitiii i$A3lOll.ll.
R ' v tA
I J T.ta:t 11.&,:njt, F. Joy.T.l,p .ltti,ih..t . ..
,I Dn. l ill in it good; r.:u..,14 - In nil. qcnui,laluty of.
DIY Litir: J - j. j. ' . ' 1 J j I --.
111 , ' • I • I:S. P. cito.vr l "r 31.. D.
• I - ' IJ , ! --' ~ 1..
r 1; • - I.l.l , . r.woD.awn,..yr;,:oN r a
' 1; - i , :1,..-41,121;:ii i 5 •
.Tony Liver Pills tut, :hit be-t 2 aril 4. 8 4'istde 2- ,
hare Crfr krpt. 'P I I I I ••! '!• '
X I 11.I I . It. 11AI9F.4:Postutior.
! , I - ' ' I -1 , I '• .
i • • i .
(r wAvilt,,.r, T ;ittu. co, obi°, nr ,
ZJlike ~ sell a #itticie !b o at Yrd sokh gee •
i I orotrAttrfaction. . 1 W.
• ,i 1 • '
.., . 1 1.' ' • n 'W. - rAitNI s•
I. ' ---, •Ii '
• , BILIIVOL.AddIyon Co. Yon:aunt. ).
j -•-• • j •I I Petritary:2o. 18L6.11 , f.
J.' My brothnr, to no in Ito enf..yrnynt J jni' noN3
! hollthj • I <l.,tabt not me, ..sellere Lob yr l'iUi l whir ,
, r ‘ji lert. EncS were •3 tioatitt of rtatotm4 htm '
I 1141,0 110.1 Panora
MO as an a
ytyric, I conaidir tt
• ,
. tv ?. y ey.
id ti. , •firtr!re'.;wre'
li. r
1;4'10457/Nl4 I'l Pfp.n.
i 114.14; its•elf n She only reli.:4f.e. preygr A L:oi2
knowu for Cif:i.incr.s TELTHINd,
DYsEsT.ttY, THE LioWLt.3, t k q ntlrf
.7,r THE ST6M<" CH, tiNp, Coy.> is ilia !I n.xn.':U-4
also, for ;ofti7iing-afteguuit„ relacjoz
riatnation, re;7ulating-tiVe'B r occeis„and
it e , ',Tgai--I;einig an ax:i
with nufaiiiihi • • , uc,.:esa in al cuses. of
, • I sti,N FIT.; ogtite.t/N
0/ G;,11 i 1 .1471
... tO fat MO .
• !porn thore sad
,nrict tsEij.!tr.33 con'fegye:icesl
O: Ore Tertdio to recuß• frO, tAe. ette..”f fidrcotice
cdl other . fOr , :1141ahtdc.ComFp:ii
are composed !: , Ac ncaae tDa J c• •
TILE 1 . 0111111., this you can rely- - utwn.t .
pCrfeeLly an.l atonal :in.inte 510 , c,:t
(.I,lientn'inbint. Price. 2.. conic. Fult
actoinp , a.,y bit ?le. • Prep.trva on 4
41i) Ltrnathc.4", New
mo i rt
ANIMA. Vck ink C , . 06,1
I• I Marchl,,, 13::+ 4 - l J
tiv.r PIII, tun a'? and 1.% my
'Perue,..a and . Immoil limstb.
Lux vary dr.e.rat , .1.
' 1 , sam Et. CARL
irl s 1 -
.7, C o ts
ER/ & a
imam, FA.
1 '
•.„ • ,
_,._•- •
-.- '•_:JL !-- .: -...,.,- , 4•-..-sitn iir:: • ..J - ;.--, ,• _...
..'::011,:jr,t',..1.1P I I
T. 1.0-4
..:. • • • :.., m• . „,• .. , • .... ...
.iactirr,- ir ~! • a„. so . sqvnsr . .a n d d rresv,
'i'•Y''.... - It''' :•••'- , ,,: r.'c'',.i,-4....,.......,..., - -
.. • E XPEL . I!, 1 E - 110titirS• 9F Au,: ..i
- , .F.0r-' 4 statespi.,•• ..Judges, t tlitore,<Phyoj e k u il
of the( oldest : a ieols as well aa. new, gis t it:. l
their- u*luallitie , 040401;1,411d T ecomMetid It 1
f l o ca r i i4 p .l et ' C n il d se b s rti 6 i f t; ' b iu u P t t a i lr wu'libiilidri..v.' dei-Stseardesit,ifaetiiiitil"
• , it - will it . tOtifiying th preserve the hair frees
siltii . n d l :s a tr ir tit o : '
beitng, gray, : an!,frourfalling to any ago,.as eel) ,
aitteatarei Ite4d the following:* '• ~ i
..,. oit r Ari c , T e , a C. June Seth 11114,..1
pi t 'ei. Ci:'l3.qoon;,.- - Dear Sir;,— Your flai r t :-.1
ettorativais"ra idly gaining popularity 'iu this;
'cameortnitY:: , •- have had : occasion to lily ir e .l
judice aside, , li d • giti, your II air .Rostarcia:riall •
perfect - teat -4 1,
_. ._•
. -
During •the,!yea r . I EtS4. • I was se-ta.unfortaatits --
as tis . be thrown from My
near the reatiSidc,"-from which takqesatlreceirii
eil a most tqriblo blow', criiising*gr ,eo ,
irritation, • ?i tch • commumeateCto th e breisl-•
and • - extern4 . surface of the head, fro it.;
'.:fects,seteehi li'my hair was finally
over the en' ' olurfacti of, the head. ~Flom Cad
rt ;time I .154 . : idisicoverect its • dripping, bOweverl
up to the'linie of its total disappearaitia I e ' sql
played.. eierything ~ I could thing of, ..heini „4
professional man myself, and, is 1 thonglit,asi
i derateriding the nature. of the disease, hot wai.
i finally'" defeated in every preset-4.6n :1(14114
&These 'and.''no either. ciniumstances liideeeo -
ino to Nitwit
. to..yoir worthy liiiirlteStaratiye2...
which I have every reason tobelleivei pradacea .
a vett.) , happy result;" two months after the Prie
lapplication. ,I hail •as beautiful a head of yotoig ,
I:air- i ns I ever `saw, for which' riCer s tajuly o 4
lyeirmy most . aintero thalks. j -Itost - assured; •
dear sir, I 'shall recomthend your- reniedyt e4 t. •
i'd isquirers• rooreeiver,A 4 ,.
. shall use ... ieli se i ,
whiCh I myself.hatter to say, is nut Aittlf. f
• .Yeiu, can publish this if you think proper,l-
-. •• . - Yours, very , respeetto;iy, . .::,.,-
•; . '
,-• '. ~ '. :.. :.
if., J..Wi11t3111,•)1-. D;l'.
cim ee et' ths, Jeflersolibin, - I . ' - lil.l.lippl,' Va;;- -
Dec„.l2th, '1853. :' . •,.. -,.: :' ' i .-. .f ..
Dear Kiy—l-feel it - my duty as wail as rir-:
t pleaeure,.•to state to you thello'sviug circa -ll.' •
(statcce,•which you can use. Is "you think pri(,.,-;
per. A gentleman of tliiii place,firlawiar!,)':
i bas-been build ever since his youth ; Samuel i 1 e,.,,,'
1 that be was compelled to wear a wig.,:'. 1-1 c witi .•
iliadocedtei'usia, bettlearyoui ".11aii.''ReSters-•
jive," whiair he .. .lit:ed. very much, and • after'
3. : •
. wa , l 4 corne. • l.wo-or• three 'patties his hair grai i i
.'. •:
• • -
lout quite Inauriaiitly, and he now hits a hitail.,;,
'setae' head of hair. l) O
- The ; geun;lteit tzamm),is . •
liraciford, iiii . d• as he is veiy _wen •koaraia.ohi-,
'adjoining' ipuntie., assay' persons cao :testft ; '
ito the truth ;. r f this sin tep ie,ti t; I give . i tti- you rat . ii
i the request of -Ir. Bradford. , .. roil gun souks
(great deal of ydiir hair aestarative iti this and
!the adjoining:counties it your 112 S, ..t4e , proiet,
1 agents. -
d. - -Yours, '&.e., ' ' ' -'• .••• .:.- :.)
. - --••.: .
• • . , TIIONIP.3I
. •
, O.N . SUr..cliiSOP.L . ,
De. .iliorn.DeAr Sir. .l'ermit 'me 4),enrest .
the obligations A ata uatter.for the e:.dire i re}
tort utt gal)* hair to its Original 00.1:r, a'aolt
the. into (of ray arriv:tl in the Unitel'titate;i'l •
•a:aeltao.ity be,eotning Arras, but a 2-» enii A t i: : l. '
plieitiet t : t:;your "flair Ite.t9rative''.4soan V.-..
cteri.",.l its .origioni hue.. I carL”'..:er , bt.j.
It ei,t ora tkr e - as it Very , it'iii4 , 1.11 ,
tlikaCiOtt9 rAt; well as agreeable; ..j.: E
. - ' 8. - '111.11,B)•:RGI: •
''. Theltet , taratiie is put op.iti taattles,of Writ , '
sizes: large. medium, und....Aarail;.th'q En,,ll;ia,
rib', and re1A.1,3 'far one pet , b_otletitLit
meliuM ito'ols at lent t wr.nt; per -cent ukre '
'la preporti.;tl thatt. the Itaali, re.taila ter i'a
'dot!ttra pey hot tl.t;.- tha are ho:de.rt . ..tatt jp
t.r.c. .
‘,11!.. 4 . more in pyi2pori,•n, and ! e 4 ,ls; la far.l.l4':
tt .i. , 4“..A.).!'1: - & tfa.. l'ro c .ta.-. 4 t t.i.;...ia'fl'
vrliy, , .111'.'1',. rt ad 1 1.1 Mr.ik; t St . .; .ct, 1, Ali-, i 11,..,
'• And ~.,:ti by sit.. L'raggiats anti f'saa . .- c4;4., .-
Dea'.e.r4; . Dale e.15,-;4l'f- , --
— l ---- =: - ----- - :=_ - _.l_•. - ." ---- 7 - . 7 - 7 - '
- ... j.-- ------ :.1:'„ .___ ..: 7 : " ' 1 - 1 : " . ...!,... ----- . . i,,,,_
- - . 7,..1 P.-, pN3 I. Ft Li p . t . 'l z..) •':'..tWia
)4 1 .1 i:!. 4t' • ':: ~: .-1 -:- V• - ••• .
.' '
.. .* 9.1:1 ~ -I L i ~ z.. ~ .:.,.1,
. •.1,..,,,1•a....„_:4:±_,..:•____,zi..,.._...1.....,...,,.... i f te ed... 1 .
TllctiziAL4 q:e daily vrthisinv,lal.lie,.
12! EATON . $.
la I iie. Go .r, d
and it 1: “ . 174 ,
if by' 4iing:c, and .4:, ; ;;r:
tii:e. we sec ii irSi. 1t e~ntnii
- .
..7;f4 -Mil
- •
'He' ' 'althy huMan Blood upo;
• - .
always presents tis nith tha•sainenlii
mener, and give, 'of Course the ,TeukSTll;a: 4 er
Analyze the Blood of ,a . ptirson tuffelitiercot
Cominuptiou, - Compbiint, oy4efilq ,
Scrofula, 3c., and we find it every iiida - nos
cert:On tleficiencies in the red globules 'cif awl
tlieso deficiencies, and you 'elle touti
weu' rEBOD FOOD is foninlill,pba a";
Thoory—hence its astonishing succeiz.l There.
• _ •
Five- .
adapted to the deficienciesof the BleNli
ferent disease. For Cotratts, CoLns,
rte, or any :affection - whatever of theiTnenii
or .Lo as' inducing •Coxsoll , ittis, use r N 4,2 *
which is also the No. for • BErersSioN
SAILITS, Loss or A PPETITS, tilld for all tptieso•
COMpLAINTS arising from OKER.LiiE, .
for LITER CO.RPLA LITE No. tor.llvsprry , •
lying already firiwared to ' r oieorption 44.
lir; Dears ; and carried.immediately I tta .) t. '' s
circulation, so that what yon gain pm W t . :Q. •
the Na 4, is for FE3fALE Iftr.EOtIIARIT IEL
TSTERIA, NVE.iiNESiii, &C. Beo sPz4 l
lions for this. For SALT RH , EUM, DROFTIO).
Senor mous, KtuNsr,ari.l Iti..%oosu Coifrt:siso
take No, 5. In all Cases the, directionjurzst VI ,
strictly followed: 1 - •
,For lull directions,' ee circulara. tirico
per bottle. • .•
Sold hy Druaist,
86 Nlt..iklerilune, N. T., and by-all, respecuablt.
Droggirts thr.mghoui the country. • ,
For este e Dr. O. CUNNINGLIA* Bever.
-77 1..00K . HERE. , "
oil ,
ClOlll for ,
ICIL r eLOlll POR :FLO tas ,
ICarpets for Flo ' i,orsi
eilvr.Ts FOR - SrAIRS,
- 5. BLINDS FOR Ifrtf),PL'"
Can 14 Obtainia very lion at
iluur Burs
Apri •