The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, August 21, 1861, Image 2

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_ A -
nporr,, , Editor & Pu bl i sher
s: 3iay
I ESDiX, AUGUST' 21e,1
luau County T
Presfdent Judge.
AIEVff Boiongb:
Assd,ciate :Judge. -
; COTT, Hopewell , tp.
DUFF, New-11110ton,,
;NE*, Falistoo,
o istrict Attoniry: .
youNG,. Rocheiter,
P o r ipnotz' cr
EiS~ 1
"Tregsurer. J,
—AIiSHAW, Falhitoii,
, 'Ciln
. • ' • [
.31tion,_. •
~ 11
I. Co Bitty Audifor.
• xseci.'. -EWART, 510 on. 1 .
. 1P oor Hou s e Director
II ENR GOiEMING, Ne i ! , Sevii
rustees of Acaflemy.
w. D H i‘iill - AZI . , Deavir. '.
`Elli 11.
,/VILSON, *aver,.
G. a. lB
i ' • __,
' I s tick; to, the Wicket.
We arn hat, despite the
1 • . 1 . ,
1 .o. qie hronicle, and the I ntspat
i .11ePubl cans of Alleghauy •coon
determ ned ti) have a Tull tiche
field tb s tali. 1 ~
4 , 1
This S AS q, glionld be. ', Repu
r, should nrinthin their party oil
1 1..tion an hot f t-uffer' what ithey
' ea,ilyacquired to be frittere
..-- to please a filw who appear to
q., , r sted mo 4 in breaking up t
I pit lien parlty than in presery 1
1 1
.1 rio s t mon about whieli t
il . •
'aim violently, however muc
may boast or thew patriptism
cry th t . of 4 1 1 t . hers. 1: ,1 1
' Our ticket is now full ill thisi
and we expo' t every- Reblica
I it
cord to it is hearty s u pport
i ,
teat of our p a rty this fall, in th
wouldl prove las disastroits to i t
ofC' mi ivil Libel y,as a seeond &feat it .4fan-!
as. It would be every whey regar
ded, as a virtual abandonment f all at.
* 1 ,
tempts to carry out ill& declaTed pur
poses - cif the'Government. and a virtual
= --ackbowledgement of the right Of i
:Sion, i!I ' '
-- - 1 t• 1
- It is espec-ially dqirable that our Re ,,
publican fri i nds should wake up to the
importance pf maintaining our organi
zation at ths time. There are a great
many merit in our community W'ho;
have bean llrc a ming of a compromise' s
1., ith the. Sckith, and"why would hail
file IL
success if such a tieket, a: the
first synipt l m of tho dissolution of the
' Republican( arty In vain would Re
publicans Protest that they did not
intend to abandon' their principles in
ababdoning, their pary Their protes
tations would he recievet with derisive
• scorn, whit -, their acts would belmade
_the pret ex, for the t most abject ferny
of surreinWr to the insurgents. The
rarty that Iri w
s now in poster ",has struck lt
the 'first blow at the despotism of the
South, and the minions of the Slave
Power an.ry, • disappointed and filled
with mall+. have in their fury deter
' mined to dest ioy w not" they could no
, hanger control. The loyal people of
the Union' have determined that this
shall not be done. And if it comes to
this pass, that either Slavery or this
1 11
Union must perish, they will not hesi
tate,ll I
but will demand the instant- erad
ication of 'the evil. I -
This, if Iwo tnistike;not, is •the deter-,
mination of the American peoPle, and
they are fulls- reiolved to put down
- I -
this gigantic rebellion. We who be
k long to the great Republican Party,
I can in noway give the rebels of the
South to i mderstand this better' than
to carry he elections in-the Northern
i states
ti thiLfall. They then will begin
to.nders nd.that the adming tratiOrt
is backedl l up by the people. 'that it 1
bas the strength of the country to I
rely upon iii this hour of danger.
14 To
The Government basso far been no
bly sustained by the country in its
endeavor'rto crush the rebellion: It
now comps before its friends for, an
endorsement of' its course at the polls.
Will the Republicans who have
called this Administration into exis
tence turn from it noir,. when more
than ever it needs their "countenance'
and their support? i l l . Pause, friends,
and coniiidet, hiforeyou do that which
you may havi cause to'regret hereaf
ter. WJaigh well
~the coysequences,
ere you I l 'rashly do an act fbr which no
amount not after repeiltatice' can atone.
Let us rather make an extra effort
to give the ticket an increased major
ity this ltfall. Let us elect every nom
inee from President Judge to Trustees
of Ana4ery. And show that we are
in ea to in Al
4 a matter.
call attention to the 'open
ing of the Beaver gerninarY -and. in
stituts,4next Tuesday,.27th inst. -
; I ; I
E •
- z ;
;11, ' FAIR.
; [ 1
-The offic r
ers of the Agricultural -8. 1
cietY taitil l determined to hold the Fa
tills year one week
.arlier I:iari lie
announced; last week in. the
~Argu :/,
owing td the fact:that the faat day a i L
pointed l:ii rthe Pre l sident tans up
. 26t1i1V• I Septer4lier,: one of-, t
days firsilielected by the manage .
Tho Fair, , therefore;' - will b y held
the 18th :
,19th ; and 20th of Septembe .
We shall e xpect a large : turn out
4 t
5 5 1 1 ,
that tim , :and a fine display. W
have had j aplenti
ll season and a t.
farmers tave not b een idle. Let o
friends come then their, the' Fruit ,
their yegtables, their Farm Producti
their works' or art, and , their i variour
other matters too numerous to me.
tion, and, ,et s hype a good
'orally, an I : a grand distils ,
larly. 11 I I 1
Al _:__
l l iXabolica i i Outrage.
We.ha r just learned of:a most Mil
ish 7 atte , pi upon the life of one
Out citi l i
ni,• which was perpetrat
on Thu day night .! last. Mr r Jo
than .Be tk, residing near parlingt
having ; tired to rest, ahOut midni
was aroused by a ' -loud 'knocking
the docii• Hastily rising, he repair
to the d 3
~. r!he opened it When, the
lain, in ntinpon murder fired 'eithe,
gun or yliStOl; disdhargink its conte
in' the bhtly of' Mr. R. and inflictin
very serious. ;injury. The villain si
e l eeded i Makin°._ his escape by jun
lag l upot a horse Mr. B's which it
-wretch act near by, ready bridled
1 saddledi t , - , , l, j
ricl I Not ' e of the miscreant has I:1
... I ,‘ 1 5 1 , . i,,
Tscoverca, nor. can any cause be! ,
1 . 1 . -1
,signed 'c.r ; the commission of .the a
.1 Mr. B. i as ,still alive at I the hat
account; : The horse was foilnd ni
-1 'ay,
day new
1 , 1 r
*gx.. e Star publisheS the Call fo 'al
Union , ass I Cons ention, to-assem I le
at the Criirtliouse:on , the 24th in V.: l
and s'ays drat is signed by by upWa i ti
1 , I F
0/ . , six handfed voters, -I'chose na I les
will be üblished in its '• next issu l -1,
Our neighhor seems inclined to fa :lox; I
the molieMent; as he adds that he be i i
lieVeS the movement eminently pa tri!
otic and - v,-iise. ' Now, if this movement
b `eminently patriotic and wi4,7„
Nvlli at-mu:4 be 'thought of the call for
the Democratic CountY Convent 4n
. w i i hich• Otmouneed in the column, of
the Star ? DoeS the editor ! mea to
1, 1
imply that that is not s nor p
I tri,
otic ? Or; does he wish to encourage'
Republicans to support a Union tieltet
while teiDeMocracy gii in for a to k=
et of heir own? Again, we would
say' tol, oar friends', beware .of Ada
Union I-;movement!..'
! Be:
y d?-
pe e ) ,
I nnty
IA de-
-•••..------• ,
s&Tm President has, in 'acTr,
/lance With a resolution of Congr ss,* i
set . .apart Thursday; the 26th day of '
( Sept.; as', a
,du 'of '''Public. humilia
tion,; prayer_ and fasting, to he •obler_
± -4 - • • • - 1 1
Ived by • , the people df the 'Uniited i
States with religious solemnities, and
the offering of fervent supplicati i ons
I to_ Ahnight2, - , God for; the safety and
, .
weltareof these states." , -
We have not learned what the. Va
rious religious denbminations of .his
place have determined:upon'
,in regiarcl
to theLiroper observation of the day L;
but we have no doubt; but that steps
. will be f taken to.have it observed in a
manner suitable to the importanc6. of
the occasion. - - - 1 ''
Whilst the hands were at wor'
the culvert, on the P, ..Ft. W, R. R
New Galilee ; which was washed a!
by the flood last week, a stone fell
the top of' the wall, and 'drushed
Chanipion's , leg below the knee l
Dicli4on 7as immediately telegra
fOr aid: on his arrival.; assisted by
t l
ilazhip, of S'ew- Galilee, ampu
~ _
the leg. • air. (...... was' brought
and is now doing well; [
- - I- ..
A CoRREcTIO ,--The Pittsbur,
zette lia- speakiag of the late lo sI.
. n
this . Vieinitv, sayS that th.L Bride 'at
this. place was carried ,away by I two
large Woolen atills that were driven
against_ it: ;This is an error. - I The
woolen mills'' referred to wi ere not in_
lured. that 'of HuddlestOn, ' in'
• FsAion, is in full operation, and that
of.B; & W. Wilde, in , New Rrighton,,
will be,ns scpn as the race, which Was'
i much injured, is repaired. - .
tifir Seerellary Cameron has issued a
proclamation ordering the Governors
of the .Eastern and 3.l.iddle, States to
accept all regiments' Or parts ot regi offelng, :and send them to
Washington 'foithwitb. • ,
Mir Capt. . Sehonlau left on Spnday
with a part of hisdamP any' for Camp
Wilkins. _
_ob.serve that the Dip
patch Tale-Opened hie :name,
~mahes'it poise in attempting to Cor
reef it.. His trne. i n:ame is . Joseph A.
Sehonlau. •
ri.The Florence`, Agricultural So-
eiety. hold 'their fair on the I.Bth, 19th
and 20th of. September . We ire - un
der obligations to f r he Secretary; lir.
g. Ml:Leary; for - a certificate pre
mitun hit of the Fair. •
tithe ge,,
Sad :Acsoident
}i: FROM :ii ; lAgainr.
1 _ji
__. 1 CAmp T LT, A ug.lo.
IT are still id odr o d quarters, ve
ry ifortably sitnat • • upon &sloping
me o w. The wea her here lis *-
ten ly het fro nbui49l6 2 o'elook,
and en there " a rershin tree e :
unt 1 eVening. Wo ad r rushing
she ers for the last.t i wp or three days,
whi haVe ma e i ite•pl asiant.-
Ou • egimenti was o , n picket duty
on ednesday, abo t our ilea from
ea . The lie ea .ded 'from the
Poi ac'acroS .the ' untry abOut five
Mil ,it .akin sev 'rill regiments to
gq such anextensi ve , tract. It was
sup i sed 'that, ezi.7 linston had cros
sed • r was a ut to pss the river, at
i n
ph bainibrid e. •
i lii
i ArlY'ai lihe P n syl
me ' are ini his s c ion.
is o our right and h 10thi
aho t5O yard .from u . I N
several of th e ti Beal, Boys,
me t ey.wfr 11 is, t 'ng al
well - [ . i.
y e gneytt.) •
Crers here II
e soon, 1 4 1 '
jet. It iS
7, much,
re to the
true t
eon i
rernoval; of the wound d now in ask.
n ton to other . and! istantlhoepitals,
'' 'fie t I • 1 •
igni an .se I stated that the
' els alit! tbrtifyingrsition this side
6lanassas; and
,perhaps : soma for
-Ird movement now .woul prevent
at trouble tercet r. We are also
er the most rigid iscipline, none,
sers or men', being ermitted to vis
e city '
except up n the most urg
business.' There. 's no distinction'
tvrt between officer and men, which
qtly 'pleaSes -the rivate4, and in
id makes them mote con' en'ted:
Yesterday we -eve e gur_rtling the
, use of l a p reon su posed to be a se-
I stgaist and in:co ! munic tion with
(rebels. pi iii. ~. tern areeubjact
to the scrutiny 4 c ur offices. . Ile
ated the gnard very well, giving
en peaches 'aind pe r,3 in Brett quan,
ifi. Ile pi4sesseS a beautiful' situa-
re q
, 1
gh l. ;'
l a
i s
--r' -.p 7 ----, 1 -- '-
tior: but the seemsto be l ri 7ant of i
thrift-house out rep ir,,and fences in
bad condition. .1 ha a with
one; bf hi's slaies, wh o h is eighty • years 1
old; he lived upon the plantation sixty-
years, and hasSeeM he fifth I genera
tion of the . family. lle -gave me .a 1
thiA l cription of all ;the region, 4losition
ofroads; &e. I Ile ski I all Ole: inhabi-J
ta Is are . strongly TniOri l i. 7hicli.l I ,
doubted' very t.: vnerallsH the
• 1 - .
Ladies are setessiopi ts i and the l inen
I . semi-Union !l• t 1 ,! i
_, ,
1 .
Our cmpany is g tting along i'Cry
ell, very.few being 'the hospital. I
The health of the camp is y ery , good,
although some are in' the habit or
buying - their Meals,l from the 'isuttlers: i .
I think it better td take it asit comes
1 1
' now , and. n t be{ compelled; to fall
( -back upon thelL S. after W hile,. '
11 1 j, 'l'..' 11.
• _i_l_______.
List or Jurors ftir Elibt. Term.
.- -
- 1 ;
Borough t : a l tvid McCready,
Rritlgftwatfr D
13 7 .....A..1 W.4,,,:ii;m4",
Brighton: Abner Morton,
Chippewa: Wm, Duff,
Darlington: 3 - Olin: HartShOrn
Fouts; R., A. Cochran, 1
Economy : ifugh Young,
Fallston: I
Freedom: ,
Brunton; .-
Ncirth Sev
Ohio: Jost
Silas Powell!
avid Davis.
: David lieri'
Sambel Car.
IJohri Eu ,
,nee: . ll3enj.
1)11 Shearer,.
Sarin Moore
antel Ham
11, I
J. . .IRutn,, I
ter: Jos. Curry,
~ Andrew lialer,Ljr.,[ /
k: R4bt Dunlap, ; _ r'
l'i: *seph Bayless, Ilu i gli
: R.l liendriekson, , 1
1 . 11. S. JohnstOrr,lß.dgari,
t: li. .11'Cuteheon, 11. Mc=
Per, Win. Hide, 'Stunt Mar'-
y, .. I 1 1 1 . ']
„ H ~ ,
• AICX. JOhliStoll ; , '1
i: Thos. 7.11c1i4, rched
, ( 11
1 {
James McCready., Jamesl
I l' I 1
Dailingto i
' Economy:
F ran kfpri
Dole,. R. , Rii
tin, R: cool!
son, Jno...
31.oOn: Tt
John M. Di
New Sew
L. 0b1e . 4
Thorriss, , AJ
- New Bri
Slan. •
'W :Walker' Geo.
• •
once: Jno. Shaffer.,
hos. Todd, Cliarles Stoop 4,
nekly:'Jas Harkins,! J. R:
Fisher, Jdo §n3= 4 der,
iewiekly: R. ; Fitzimmons,
in, W. Fnnkhoaser, John
Oaren,l ; '
Tattle, John
vies Johnston, ' ,
i .
n: James Mar l gin's, I 1
Jno C.lifton, Henryr
I Shaner;
I , I •1 1
itoi ,iert Wallace; ,
•r: James Glebdening, Ale i k:
Geo_lC Barnei, 1 ,
eaver:lexander Ellis
Ohio: Ja,
Patter s°,
Jas ShilitO
South B
County Contention,. as will
the proceedings, cas largely
Indeed, considering ‘ccinsidering thb
. 1 .1 1
NE-•The . l
be seen by
, •
i t
circumstances, , that there •was but
.1 ' and but '
one office - to be filled one,`can
didate, id 'respectable a number 1 16 f
delegates is a gratifying, Oridence I } ,Of
the determination of the Republicans,
in Beaver' to stick to their ,r'r
,. . , 1 • ,
Lgatur.atton. • 1 ;
~,,1 .. ..,± .1
1, il 1
i. AtaapiT OF ; VOLUNTEERS --mm. gener
al order has been issued directing that
at the end of this month, 'and every
two monhs thereafteri all ;volunteers
shall be mustered for pay. 4 One copy
of thepa -roll is to bo !sent! to the Ad
jutan neral's office, twoteithePay
mastervi o f the. district or post where
the regihien is stati necl Ind the
remainder a ' hesdq rs. I I. :
1 I • I I 'I :
Republican COUiity - Conventipn.
I ". I I I --
,' 1 I BEAat i ssued
Aug'l9, 1801.
' . i I I.:1 h
ursttant to c by Repno
cr I Committee. 'the' Convention met
an4ganiaed tyl appointing Col''' X).
D I 14 P4' Chairm l rn; • Thos. 13. Wells,
It bt:. Cl lScott,. Riehey Eakin, J'. ,P.
Reed, Speneer Briggs and, Vice PrEisi
d•ts; F.i I.l.lnzllp and J. F. Min l er,,
Se rettu7es!, . ' '
' • he call far the Convention having
be n read, the following delegates e.n
a ered (:,, their names:
. I ig Itfaver: Dk., W: B. flazlep.
I .
; orpu h:; D. Ti.. lmbrie, if. Hine,
J sePh all, W.A.. Laird. ' ,
righ o n :; Noss,, David Scott,
Irchey 'akin. , ' . I /
IClii en: D. Thiiillip, D. Fergt(son,
f i)
I.S. 'C txtiingliam. - p A I
arli gtrin: J: F. W. 311.1a fi c, J. P.
It ed.; '1 '' ••••, / ,
; Econo ly: Geo. Neely, Thornton 4.
SI inn; John Beighlay, ;Samuel Mc-
Ili.anam . • 1 , , .• ' ' ,
Falls ;n: i . H ./ /. ' Johnston, David
T, hnsto ;R.„B. Edgar.
j j3ridgregter: Dr . ....,J , . C. LeVis, Wm.
3 i rnes. •/; • ,
laroperrell: Jno.
3V White,Thos. 3i'lice;
,obt.,Sc:ott, Arch'd Johnston. , 1 , 1
Fitir k
1 indu.stik:• ' rd Walton.. . .1
Xarfon:l Shl k Stone: I r ,
iw: m. hrOdes, Jas. ,
• .BaiI( 1 -- • 1 • i .
!ma reg'-
in front,
iay.e Bean
who old
oak very
ong the
1 here
Are eag
tei prii-at
`int is
but I,
ion a
will be a
er;for the
tesido not
!going on,
think the
‘l ,
Nev .
t. Brig,
~C r j ~F
tiGT~, f
nil Ser i ' o r ,frgs;!
in Foremaw
1 I
_,,%-,.' 1
(03 7 . ' •
trighton: Jag: Edgar, D: lien
F. Miner.
a rDr., J. Cunningham , Spencer
s. , • ' ,
Hon: S. G. Hoops, T. Wollsl
4:1 Simpson Cathbertson; El
• 1
' on: James Smith: ,
titer born: L. S. SluePler, J - . 11.
'. L. Linton, GeO.l'llinds. , 1
'ter dist: J. B. Young,Fergus )
I 1 • .
et;ion,', Michael -WeYand - was!
ted b.3,-;'acclamation as. ,candl
rlP,rothetiotary, tol fill 'the vi-,
kecasioned by the resignation ef I
!day, Esq. '. ' , I 1 1
lotion, adjourned.":, i
i D DUNLAP, Pres.'t. '
lAiLEP, ' .-. . i I i
A r niE i t 1 • oec 5., , i r . 1
) 4 - ... i i
4 ncy 0
j . S. s
Qn 11
J. F
' , -f
)or . . Appoin ted'.
1 E l --7
t,.. 2 , ; 1 1 . I . i A
WAsn*rroNTAuguO,l2.--The ilk (
(owing jpipelainationi lia been issti- (
q - 1 ,1 , • v - •• .1 • • •i 11
ed.-by the President of d the :United
.States ii IH: •1; . .- ..: ' '•, 1 . 1 I
~... Joint
~.. „.„ , I, ,
.111ffItAS,' a J , uommatee an:
)0011tonses s.of C'ongreSs has . waited 1 '
n .the 'president Ofth6 ,trn.ritid amt rep : tested hi . tn!• tO reecont
mend la . day bf:.: Public 'htlntiliation,
prayer and fasting,, to be- lobobserved fly
the people of the United .St Les with
Telicrious'ablemuities l and,th ' offerin ,,
0 .1 I • 1 1 - • in
of feryent supplications. AO Almighty
God, • for 1 the safety I and weltitre . of 1
I ;thrse gtbdes.. - iliW biessinaa• on their
arms and a! speedy reSrqation, , to
p e ace i 'aild whereas, *is' ti and' bee,
eomirlg iiir ,- all people, at all lintes, I to i,
acknow ledge : and .revere the Supreme
Government of Ilto bow in 'hunt- l'
WC s 0 onnssiork to. ws.en astisetnen tic; ;. ,
to confess and dePlore -their! sins
transgresSion, in full eonvietion that
1 1
the fear of the Lord 'is,: the 'beginni . g 1
of w4dont, and to pray :With .all tqr-
1 vene3 L and contrition for! the . pard' ril
Of their Past offenees and . for a; bit s-.-I
1 -sing ttpdit thekprese.nt :0)(11 prosp( c
tive'actions ; ind:whereaS, 1 1
w.;en ' 0 tr
heloV i ed 'c l ountr3Honee, ibyl the ,lilt -
•ing ', f']
. G0(1, nnited,l prosperous a id:
.happy : ;is note afflicted with: factious!
and:CiVil Ai'dr, ' . ii is pecidiarly • fit ~ for:!
Ins tO reeogoizb the 1 hand of God ; in t
this' viilitatioi;and,ln isorroW fill rt4oera-
i branee of our:own faultS l l and eri4ies;
ins a I iation: and as as indivduals, to
humble Ourselves befOre, , llim anditol
[pray] for 'Histitet%;3 - to. pray that rive
ttiay , ',l?e,, spared , futher'-iptinishrnelit,
1 though.Ststlyi;desirvedi that our arfrs .
inayriJet-blesstlnild toittle effeetoal or
the re-establishmoit of
• law, order and
peac l e . lbroughput 'ptir cOuntry,.and that
inestimable boon . if civil and religious
libetity;! 'earned alder Ills . guidance,
and bleSSing lY tin labors and suffering
of our fathers,, miy be:. reStored.lin ''Aill
its or iginal exceleneY. '; t-Etereforel I,
AnarAm. LI colif; . President Of the
IT ni edl Stat e s, 1:10 , appeirt7t, I the' LAST l i 'Ssp7.lm...a...:,Eir, iaq a .
day (IX Luiniliatoniprayer - and• *f t sthig .
for all the pdoPlept Ale, riit tion ; ,AO
1.. ci.:ll I earnestly 'cie(*.tottirneng .: to all
mitostiir4.and,tereher Of religion, of
all de l tiominatiomj and to i all heads: , of
fair4liefa i to obserwandlkeepthat day
acCordingAolther several creeds and
modeii of worsh; in all hutirkility :fr.
with all xeligiou.isclemnity to thee d,
tha , the united irayer.- of the nation
mayascend to tie, Throne' of
~ prace,
andbring, de*n )Initifill'b:lessing ttp
on ail own otiti 1y: ..ii ''. , 1
( igned) -- , I .
By t r ite President : . - r , i ' .1.1 ,
• 1 .L„.
W3t.'-in. SEW MID. feeretary 'of -State.
I 1
'II ' 1) dtl I •f ;tt "
•iliir • e remem re i or,o in,
Nvii, beautifiilly sid • l i:kf nward, ihe
philan i thropist. lal l° a plies i to ev
dryi man wh!b brie the a eliorati
i ns;
co lfoits arid enjilnents f life.with.,
in iik . reach of ersons and iblasses
' I I ' d '- , d fitl - e' -
wl o l are otherwise. epriA of ` n
ad lintorres.ll Esi>iially may ite aid
i li
1. i i . 1 1
of hiin who lahrionsly [ seems nd
fi n I.
n i f e a . T ' l o'preser i clng hea th.l
"th poor t4au'i vital and the ieh 1
nia . 1 , powfir." 1 fii think , thiseulS)gi
tini; iroperlk appM ,40 S. p. .Alyer, l of
1,1%te11. thi:reneinid leherniSt• if New
E noland, Wtio.f isfir4ng the t. odden
e . to fa
~e .,
; Idextes his entiTiibil
ite and qutrelnia ga p the flis‘co
i • 1
er7 - spire s l ,ilst
. effeetna iente.
'Lf N I 1
diOti , lof disease: filen the hidden
blessing has beezievealed l , he I Pro
-1 1 li' , I
coeds to iSupplriao all, mankind
I i il . ' , i
al l ike' til"___lth our I gee' s, ' 4 t s i tell
loiQ I l i prieell that 'ir l and riott taay
aii#a enjoy .1,/s 4 6 fite,Eppru sn d
Joarl and tnq. ; il I
.1_ 1! ', 1
I 1 , , 1 I; ir 11 - 1 - I Iretv oi:
z,, • •
i F"l l 4e3e ~ O: b
Would f
TtLerwii lvii.' St.,_
Blow"! , ' l i.. ,- ',' i 1 ' 1
_ 1 i
31i. Bunou: •
.1 , , ...
j. .. • , 1 _,
, I yonik issue ere is a. commii
raiea yotr*om one "J (R 33.!41 , entitled .
I'''A. orriOtion." ;1 I have reffithis let-
Iter, nt r .have not ' &Old, the euri!ection.
In What sense'; did be nsi3 thh word'
correeltionlf If la hontradietiop ir .
1 ahimadiersioncOnstita es, a correc
tion,; thefp! i indeed, be has ;corrected
What he'lanpposes tolbe is poi:Silas. I-;
ror. Buf,! if correct on implies wh
ppiters;Mean !by' the :term, then' he ,
,bas fhiled to remove the criticisms bf '
which' hel complains.'
Let us !suppose a:e r ase : I-allege that
two and two niake ffire; ' and he pro
minnees this to be lineorrect, What'
has he done? ' He bas isiinply contra
dii:ted mei fn I)rderl to Icortect. 'me he
met shaw that tWo' and ttvp make
for!, Brit,this he hit,th not ddne; and
burning Under the *ell-deserved- cep
, sPre'.of the people - appears before
thel'•public; 'and whato :has; he aceeris
plished ?I, He his Iconfounded that
which :Was already bad: 'I +1
• 'The raPiit that this champicss for de
riomin'ational loyalty l can claim, it'i, that
h a s i dhurlh has supplied more men for.
tie war than one. 1! ~ -1, 1 . .j"
The,poPalarVoici may 'Pot he enti:
callorrect in saying that one only
weneto the • war; bu tt since the appear:
ance of his letter, the fat..of the pee;
ple lis:—the allegations against the.
Free ;Church CA .. .Darlington are not
generally correct. And, if ',he ,and i
fkis' t ,FreeiChnrch v. 0 4 ukl escal)e farther 1
censure and oblofpty, letitheni provide.'
and' send' a reasonable 4uetal of ,able
bodied Men to the s,eat of war: .1
Have iiteittstfiy., G reene and Raccoon
toWnShips dOnan3itiling for the, main
tenance of oar glo rious Constitution ?
O, ,tell it not in path ! They have•
connected themselves wit i li the hoary
headed, and 'the infirm, in' t'
fOrMino• the
'so-IC:We'd Home kinards. ‘ tiet thepage
of bistoky which records it be ,blurred!
1 - Truly, sir, the Free' Chuandrcandher
- )rhood eyond the i river, arc of,the
)oleOnic o..dr---klieir watchword is
y. I : But the'.' ration's watchword )
uty ! , ,
he Visited Statm expect thatiON--
,-, man will do h i s- duty t But this '
rc:h,-an i l these daces,
,havm not yet
ne their ditty. do - mit allege that
ese. people have '
been. kept tack be
. in ,
Luse of some pot nt power their
;e'c''cl• but I do a lege that t ey hold_
articular creed, and they have not
me forivard. A' ( 1 1 if eireUrnstatitial
)1 P
deice I may b epended urion;,the'n
e paucity of me hl suppliedl by i the
uweli of "J; R: 11." and. hiS Co-creed,.
1 , 1 4 , -c.4 . itirnises We asserlion.l namely:
eat;these people Ipossess a theoretic
airiciti,.sm, instead of a' practicaVat
iitisint or,' inptinfr•words,;. , their 'del
by and-allegianeel use 'their lipsand
tot a ,sword+-tll4 blacksmith's hop
Cal not the `tented fieldl' 1 TheirJiatri
otlii ni contains f,oolkiiicli Uninder.! and
. I i .•:
op. litt,fe Ilightnin ~ ' i ,1.,
. .1 . 1
Let Benvqr eon ty earn her- eelebri
-1 ,
'Osman-It and' b her intrepid, hardy
• yis. life 110 W I e'er tne eitinktOg of
tins, tot '
that, of a few dollars, 1.0.kE . ',
- 1 an .oil the battle=field Is or wth move
,t - ,
. an hts
weight it gold. "The sinews.
) 1
: war." he says, is equally 'as good"
tiilinch.. Sir, with millions • NValtillg I
tiFF ateptance o' the, tloveroMent, I
t laguage is rsimply pueri e. . '1
. Fiii:tlier: lie' i,a . , - s the Fri. , ...Church I
has, •t r' 16 yearl, been ' coen
,14ding 1
again 4 the M.ulmili of .S* - iiieari Slit-11
viiry. ~.3rd yet li asks "Wky should'
site dO mole th in othersl r ' . l , Truly.
his reik)iiing is id vel-inolo - betittifigH
t te.alt4tractios e f superentwatiiiltist4 -
t lan hi... F ? 1,406 li becatnielhi, pt iii-.
ciple:4 lrave severtild churc4sif-Sunder,'
ell; families—created ehroinel. disputes!
,4-arrdyed membe •s of the same hou.s(:-
l'old against one anoth&r- 7 1 T beetiuse he:
iias been instrumental in' dividini4 the
"bod.s-tof Christ," he elaims, if f-116t t he
emptiOn, partiid excni tie's' h el
p, from j o -
iy. duty. , ~ .
,' - ', 1 I
',llreathes thei ~ ain with Soul : s6
dead," i and his embitry bleeding at;ev
elry pore. 'Sir, flie noble, patriotic"
4 onduetiof our latabidingl.eitizens. if'
;their bodies and !ices in the hour of
1 _
I'e be correct is lie result of action '
ti'•lnilaqi• to thati ff hich _prompts the'
' poor': sinner" The eonheeration of
i, haelli lii";
r sss it :oi n in. : s r! h : aa s ev i rc i i ', e1 :1 4. a .e rid illt p ge e av r .ag i ie l t, l, (sie i
i s ,
thi e le a (l,ls ll is:
d a necessary satTitice. , Why was it
gelves i in foPl-rnouthed;'4)lasphetnous.,
( isloyal language,. This is the dedue
tion of his logic. ' , '
We are I regnirell to! • believe in- and
adopt i the follom ing. - They are , the
Prineiples, Of
~ ":1. R._B.:";
I ' , Resolved, That we -re-affirin opt
old - principles oflitnniediate. uneontrt
tional. emancipation on the soil; and
oariohl principle,.lthat this]• cannot• be
obtained except by the 4A;solution p'f
the American. Union, and thik destrtic
tion Of the American Uhittich."
Again: I'l knew no sublimer,' hour
in, hiSteryl, ,T 1 sight , of the:ie . two ,
months -is cOrtipensation fOr dlifeli4
tail." ' ' - " I
- • I, ' .
Again: "The star of "Abolitionism, L I . I
the Lord of, the in the boo ' I
litieal horciscope , 'of the present `hour. .I
TheAmr anti - I :slavery society dotipnales 1
the nation, and Garrison '.is, tits dicta-!
for of the Republic. For the last ten
Years, the lltunkerdom of the North
has been engaged in a constant effort
tolsave the Unian. The A.bolitionisth
of' the .North has ,been nil the tittle bit-,
sy t in the opposite' direction, trying to 'f
break it up', : Well, we have Veaten.
The Union- is dissolved in spite. of the',
Hunkers." '. ~ 1 1
i [A g ain: " A:110 ther . ,on i'nent gentleman
of that school in Speakin ot tht holy!
seriptures, says: "They are to b free ,
ly examined and, a readily ace l pted 1
r rejected as any other bodhs', ac
as they are found d wOrthless
r valuable ' ' '. I '
I'll Is this the pure, undefiled, reed ink'
4er which' "J. R. B."-arid bti co-reli
;ionisis have been acting? - 9
, 1 . . 1
'Loyal men, of Beaver . connti ! we
ire citizens - of a. greq 'natiori r
:apse Which 'demands- your asstetanee
- : , , i oril I
- ---
is not the; effuse of infidel sioolitionistn; 7 . LATE Walt NEWS
it isi a riOtcons ; auiie. Tlieti stand
fast Iby. the State ad StriPes,, and, 0,1 r) iii li es ,
i i i
e president issued a pi!oelti
your, duty. , Whe tnoney is needed, ,
. lions -mation to the effect - that the Rt i ii,
gave money .0 When m en . e si a r li e s, n a e n e s d w
r l , Statespf the aduth, having • re. _
go. I When your contitr3
"H,rel am I; whailwould's i .thoo'hat , e, lib" States of % b _ €l B " th , , h 4 vir!gi'efili.
'ed to open h id c om man d , to return to
their allegiance, are in • insurrection
have me' dp it Qui,t, ion .lik,-"inen:".
:2 ome men talk patriotieni f - bilt let against the fictional tipvernment
00 Ithe Patriot The/ integrity
and • all ceturtreial relations
faithfulnessiof otir citizen's are to !zie
,Nitree,,n them and lie byal States must.
shown coy you--and Pot in bald, illo i :
1 .. hereafter be suspended. All ~f , u ch ,
cal apologies of c4ureh captains. and the vehicles , or,. slii>3 ten4vine
y r nfurl ,th'e'hanner• 'inscribe it*wit ' t.hem, which fir,? 1 il i c A l i ii ih t: eat,. ,
~ i .
these words-- 4 ..Pr .73e0 et Pro Patria.l"
t pa'smng betw r een the tii 0 , E . uct i„ -
litig:l2, '6l. i " IV,EartAs
Hi- -.-- ' I are; to - be forfeited , and all ~-.:- J l ' '
- 1 1117 . I owned in. WIJ l i t; \ • ' - ' ( . 13 ,
) pr In pert by • per:
-- "'..1 Of Fremont.. 'sons in rebellto i found in ;our ' l ' S' a 1 . ( .
• Frtehl;
Energ i -
.' .1 i .1 '.---..1 . 1
i • • --
~-, • , • '. & r 1 L
The Louis Democrat of • Wedn .
•i .. , 1 1 • ,1 .- ; • ,
days Says : i ' , • ' , '
i .
Dating the!past three o r four . 4,:ik , ,. ,
011t;PPIIIIlity: hat heen in a state j a
increasing anxiOus t enspehi.4e; .aWaitin,
intelligenee, of the •antieipated battl
at ;Springfield. 'Yesterday's 'exeitiiiii
news ;Created the most i -intense , inter
.. ; -, . i
eskey,eryWnere., . The exaggerated 'F l e t
port first circulated, that ! Lyon ‘l 4 , 1
killed and his- torce - ,defeated, cauS'ki l
mach! pain; indignation r and glooMl t
Many! - minds. •The . true, ..stittSinell
hrOught hy i the sPeCial - MesSenger It.
Gen. I.FrO,MOnt, 1 - when . pnblislied, die!•
pelled.fhpse feelings: and induced I a
happier Forditionof thelpnblicli tem
per...•l:l3at .the joyl of: virtual . victory
was epastened by = the trladdening c"airi
, 1.. • ) ..1 ,
ftrina itin . of Gen.- 4ori!s! death', and
. the , additMin&reflection: that numbers
of our friends , :andfifelletW eitiienH- , --
' wh9.o nines yet retrain] ' i t hi; learupd
—LhO'e fallen in •baoe, 4 tile 'others
life anguished with waunds.. Doubtless .
.there Willbe many f 'aching heartslc in
the city. 'Tilton the detailsl of the men o
rithle.and Isantrainatiynfl co et shall? . be
• ,
mu ~n icate .. . ,
4 ,r
. . 1.
Ike fiefidish . , el6l.ltritioti , of trai l or.
f ' '
0114 citizens over the fall. Ot 'Lyon, duelj
in view of the advantageii- hey, hoped
had'heen gained to the [eat se . . ofltrea-,
scin;Wlia go" palpable, that -apprehe'n , :t
I slops Of ! disorder were lexcited, , aid
it. waljiidgedexpedient to take• sWps'l
( 1
toward declaring : martial j I law ill
ill , .
other 1 004 consideratiOns, . guch: asr
the; know i ni.anteeedentSl and . syinpa . -1 1
thicS Of; certain Police , Ofileiak-; 4.4g.-,
ges` l ticel ' th- l e propriety of emi r s a I cozy e.•
4 3 - I;. itittliolity 'lot' 3:lior4;eneral. 'Foe
mcnt; lido; - SfeKinstri(iotitied ' 'o - - .
lice Chief MeTiOiniitigli,l :it -3 p, .- u.•
that the ;city Would ' be I t-'ithst anti:. lly
phieed•iii"Charge oil thel United ,StLeS
, ~ ~, . , `tape'-
n ip .; under regantit uns tip- ,
oe 1) io i
lig .eel,, by pro(dain atidn 1 I il . ~ .. 1 I .
: At!ilp.',in,.,.:Major . iNfelfiinistry I lad
aMinteryiew sitli the Ppli:ce CoopniS 7.
sioner,lhe preci , e reiiillt,,; . 9f., vil l i:4
I'4 (I.94iteiis'trari spirelttii. , . Inoepidg.
l'Ato - utideilzitand that au I,ai..rangein'Ait .
.05 laud b w
y , hich il..e!pOlic e d
i n
militaryare for the present 'to ' cp-op
ertete . :,- for the presepiation ot tl ,
peace in any, c ontingeile a k - 1
that . -,.
, ii:ie- I , ''' -I I!
'. The :rumor that martial law
to Ihe'deelared dreW;cro\yds to t h i ,
liee . . office'y on, Oliestnut- ,. stlreet tol
Iness,las,many,coneluded they :;.%-,'",
a transfer. or 'he I polie,e, (flaunter
I die occupancy' of the inilitarY;: . .j
I, crimaltitudescamC also to 'see J•
was the. matter, and thitg.atevtni
I larglil - !concourse of,
.i,- . on6rin. , i
exo,ed people thronged in tiliev i '
tyof the ' place . named. Contra: ,
I . th . NiatieinatiOns Of Man ~-.... tic
' tion n .lpassed . off 'wi tho'tit Nerion
AttrlainCe. Of any ,kind, .. I '''
, 1,1
hd 11. 1 " , —,. 1!.1 ,
- iT ► flatite of Beau rk.gat.l.. the
. el[fithe,r:ll4,l-Chief i ;Itartng venct
t0.31.exi , •0, the /_);teci , ) r,;,,/fi Jtejio,
ididls ;ginle bio , :r ifdlicall 'I, inform,
eOher.-rtiiing hiin. L. '.rii, Autni
er: that . the lry. 11dr:it - Ili - in oi: r , ti
-,it i rd ".il. - 4s aMeija a 1 11.04 it lit., t
li 3 Oregalho,'ivho at'litii..ed' i i;yeat 'Ai
by.' 11H, .tlepreilatiOils! iW t11:0 1 nrotiti
of "Aiert Madre.' t lii:.; ftlea't.h 1
'. b. t ic.." l:l''
)411.1 . 1 , r 1 Q t.. U 1), all( ~, Itii
'I, t ' HI - . ,
11Q1..:11'..!, , onigratetl . to IN C\V-()rle:
NvlereLlve hought ..two litt;ll,,e ~ 64tatli e
the - fi % ¢ eali&l'TotitOland-ille.;:e,
910 131*n•g•Ard! !hence namei
Bca < fibbSocitientl:
11:iSI•tOrtnnato enoughi!to nterli l "
111ity or high' parentinze,l,.And at
no2hi:4 grind , influence zunntig
fonOgrl4)opulAti . on of, Lqiisinna
»i hs4 pi•operty,..Kll..With .11is
spring tno, fh•st chi 4 'Wns ;nai4
To,titon'. ?;. the.second Beatirl•Ar . 4,i, An,
so'!nii w ait all Ads idi•ett' Atte: nil
th' i aS . ..l In the ykr,.at' I,sth'lor IW . h!
obtiiniedfor foni•tN
into the Militnr. I.llclidemy i
CAV'est point, tindei• the'
'l7, ll3e'auregArd.. I + lllSl Ipurth.
«e+An now G,onOrAhitiOhiefO
, rarrilie London 'limes has :moth
I - tic hi bitterly' 4 sareastie r Onftlie bdft ,
...of i3uli run, and says that there - inin
ariso gathering dotibts that he solitl
ern rut is too hard toleraek i , and- . .hit
the nt.ilitary line, as a nuittercol'hutA'
ness,•NkTilnot,janswer. I L iThelsame art
Ple ridie' t les and laughs' at.the throat
of the: p-orainentNe4 York-journal
iigaifilt' England. It fears!, that 1 the
question of the bloekade, may involve ;
• England in sorneditliptili Pomplieations.
1, ylie Queen ,
's speeeh was i read ir
, parlidmpnt, ori'the 60i inSt.,:hy a Con,
mission. .In relati4a to . Ainerfean a
i fairs, it says- the , disSensions whic
arose I sornimontbs ago in the Unit(
States 'have unfortunately a.ssumbd
eharaettlr of open, Ir. -, llerl.ll.ajiisi.
dOnply regretting tliis i restilt, - hai d
tprinined, in c.oiniriOn !s l vith ;the etli
,4iowei4 of EurViie - , 1 to obsPrye a s iii
neutrality:thebetweetr couten'li
parties,. . '''''', ; . .
i i A 1 '
Fropa, Missouri _ ~ =
Col..lSt4fles !regiment, of {
reserve eurps, and Col.l°V,vort
Fifth' Towo, .
,river [ ion the government
they were frequently; fired
I ' ' by
canntim. ,an sma l arrus
stomata from the iboOka, ka
and wounding Rovers . 1 bri ei f
, troopit,
It% 'ser f
the seep
Hine at
ht. of t.
l I I ' .
..‘....„.,....,....._---, ....- - ---:- • , ,iiter.s.
after fifteen day,s from the
,iloi't.e o 'r,
thiiprOclanitlon are .to be.•;,d,..,•ii-s r :
.! 1 ' : - - !' '
'Prom , Migsoitri we learn that -' L. e•!,.:1
Meculloch is really: '(lead,, lia\ - ir1,4'.. R . 3 1
already!reported, ! l:oe.en ,killed - iii:'\lliel
recent battle. The total loss .On"..Frsirl
;Aide in that fight is'•aseertaiiieit tc;•1-,: t3 i
not mote_ than 400 • killed • iii i rt!
wounded. ''• Gen Sigel ,expected• • t i t
reach : Rolla on Friday. . Re 'ha:l - 11 , 1C
beet inulested on:the way.. -, .
p. There -
,wcre : yesterday' rtinsksrx ;LI
!Washington, of . A fight at : .•;,,, fr isc a l
!Creek. It appeared, however,. Uponi
!investigation that the foundaticiil.l;. ) l
"the reports were slight. ..I.'lle•.iii!l;ol'd
'bad firi.ol with 'rifled cannon. on -•
( Pawnee. 'which liessel returned ?kJ
fare. :TIle distance: h M - er was too ,
great, and, no damage was !done - 14.
either side. • ! , . ...
• . ..
...On Ilesolute r ivils s:” l ti
fr'inn:,. l ,.Washington to make a' I'
l'(.1"/Ji s r
nuisance of Matthias POilit.-.5. - .,,i r ! ! -
- Persimmon Point, on .thi• `" - Vi rg i li i,
shore, a limit *Xi' 'seen. fillt;d vs - itirbarl
rely . ; trim:the ResolUte a' boair.i4i t lil
six meh-was sent -to ' capture: it, ,and
when close upon it. a viilli - _ , - ,:i!, t ivi s
lcetry was fired from s(*na'l bu,lies ~')!
the shore, instantly -Icitliti7 tiiet - ,e' - i; •
the. (TOW, 1111(1 Wollllil illg --- tnotrwr
The , attatling partr. nion4eri%) ., i
T,liont till t.tyl wits di:. iiics,ed . v0;i1.111 ,, ,,L;
hi s -. clie-,'cruns of !Ile Re-:4) 1 ,10o: - It ' il
s ugge,;teil tliartli F . tilt lies along tiff.
river helairlied: iis- tlicy all'orflilo4
co l wnient a hirer fur . ninio.l, l , - ;:;,li l. l .i
ii. - o_:!fit al.!: y :0 ; 141 'le ii ne,see. hav-s, ;,..,..
thrilled into the - -Pi:part ment (!). r:.
Cuillberland, . aiul 11, 401:1 cod.- mu: .!.. •I'
eotinnand 4,1 . Goi - itral Iloheri A:l I.'
• , s
(hie hattill46l uid t• , rty,
01111e : 79th New-York
Gat`9..n:sw - ey tO:their nantes., at 1.{'.1-4.:1
Illfrr1111:, 11:1;1 . : t
we're arrested in tit , ' at!4zll , ,t
Tril.4'n-e 4 , 1'
tint • ot• tho ;;; ; t1
Maine r
a f i th o rity ()I•fie . tir;.Scott:ll,o
They tire to lie
Tor tugtt& , .• •
per , sinis
‘eitlitir Cie lines i!ii •
i Lc m(rr.,,e70.-frann2jy
Esau ex ::t .. ;p1.•
from the .N' - u - :tn ut:r
Rebels we tl,l- a
i)ort from I:iehmonti. i v,,iy 2:.
Olean : to the eifect that on We
r 1 t day morning a tight at
Lburg. \ - a.. bet IL. II . ctiriP
. 11.11:1 1:1
" • '''
L I t.l I" ) " . 1 y
pilic yaptiure of wort. It it
harni 101 tlti ( ;1 , 114.,
.Iten)..selves with
;-.lifttelc cv,sier to. juvooi ,
11:, .1 r , ' • •
I ;
th g,
\i'«' jicllL• I•i
PIoa•lo hzo: fol•
I' l in , t
14" trc...1•..-.."'(01
v . l'of plivi,rl
COt.. - 111:•, : iVr- tbe
All .4 : 0
's, l :`: thi-i inoyeinent. and 1:,1 rrit
.r•• 01p eninnry Will Pit
')f. ; :their either o;• the I
i •er Shelliehl: I w
iteav there no officers e
It fie ; t tfie , eari ) a y is forintA:
List of . Letters-,k
I t ; I?,ENIALN'ING lin the P6st pnice •rtt
l• Itfig i atori, Aucast 113',
i Ale ca tticr It I Kelly NO ~t ti e.t it•
lternce • is C : t
tt Jamas it t
Bartle ({eo C I.oyl Nehentifilr
11 I .
Bernd Jacob Laney Jo es V
Rocks Mrs Sarah 1(.1 - gan
Mvs 'Maryolf •' 1 ,••
Clark F c Dan el. Sams •
I Ennit Aukist 2 -Olney :11 Ws • .
6-swg . Pitz:er
.. j Pcinerti Wm ' Smits Julie, 2le
!French!. Thomas - • I Stiles. Hyman
st Frey Mrs Mary . • - ;Strattanllr.s
h. 1 Gibson', Levi '.. Scott'irs F,llea
' ltl GOurrY Charles. • .S.,nde7rift:'Ali-i- - ? . t
1 John 2 IWElly :11ra .Ja.oie.
/ Ilershimrg 501 • Walton II E -
Li-11113A Mrs Alary.-ft Wright Kelrs- • i t
AS i Hart Mary J You:lz
`, 3 Jackson Anna. 1 .• • .
kr. Versous caliiug fo:lette,..;
list will please say they are atiVertise.E
• •
A. c sz•
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. .
. ON
a ,
y, Tuesday, tite l 27th .A.uguBt; 1811
e-- 4,.‘2y-Fori further infolnation Bend ior.einbu
er, lar.' aug2t S ti. lEf:CEit. Pl:sineipat.
g E ED 'P RN
O.'S ALS will be receive by.
I 1 AL . Q t - •
the :.•:elloul Direeturs of Darlington tuva
ship, on ur hefure the 310. day of Auti*
fur furpishung ma• eriels- for buil4itt and 1'0' 1 :
ishiog. two :School Houses in said tov - tishir
specific:46oßn can b 9 tisall by ea(tiai
upo . n I'. Ma: tin, or J. F. BayleSs, in saiil tg.
Bturier or the Do ardi'
- , r •
!:ireCimrs of the•
it Co:r wilt be bet; at
T ursd fah
Ily or. ler.
a:4.8.1'13101:N Prif
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day Sepl
July 3i
Fr 1:1* . f. , • I
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