11 11 n - rase & Co. ; , ► 1 LI. R. I i - Vholesaleani - • r S' Retail Roden in Fine WINES, LIOJORS, Rocuuss, .To CO it SEGARS, Also, No. 11, DIA 'arkpn. Qll, OND, PITTSBURGH, MI MN • N D 1 • , , , , Ile. ' TEDEIRAL ST. ALLEV ' Y PA. , . li' • ' " ... Lookr at our l'il ces. li ,, pidGround pure, 4 cts.4, paper of one fourth pound. . 1 urn, 6 tents apound. , • a C o rds,,e.ttral but quality, 26 tents, next 20 Cents. it I i l; eking Boda,eo,t kind 9 - cents, sold at ether I houses l2i ;cents. .• Orme ebesper , i tiart the cheapest 1 otter 4 we has made arranements with' 1 ionse of the best butter maker *'in the CQUIII. try,and will constantly have oa hand i. prime Udell' of print end roll. • . Blickete, best two hoops 16 cents, three hoopla I 120 cents. 1 1 I . . Ales, stun, shoes and scrub, all prices. Beans, good article, 3 and cents sr quart. • tjoking Itainenal 10 eentcsame at other houses 1 Ilk Oats. , Chocolate, 25 cents, British Luster, 4 cents • pound. . I ' . i o C udy, white rook , 20 cents, Ted leek 22. F kingfloda, 9 , pents a pound. 1 ' cOtton Twine, 2' cents a pound. ' Cotton Wick,' do do ICeppenit, 511 do • de concentrate L e, 16 cents a box. rte 4 3 Carbon Oil, bet A No. 1, Vicente g a, -• er 16 cents a ound. I I Candles, beat m uld, 12 cents a pound.; Canary Seed, 9 cents a pone.... f Fleur, best Pitt bargh City- ); ' erainpectei. Spaldlngs Glue, genuine lartiele - .17 cents a log • I de, with a ornoh. I Vasa 8 by 19, by the box *I 7."•• m :I cts alight Ids 9by 19, Ido , 1 . . 3 td• Id* 10 by 12,cia - t. , e,r 21 , de , de .1 by 14, I do 2 • ••• 4 do lit IS by lf, I ; do• ''- ,-,r 4 do de 10 bilE, ,do .I._ --; or 6 do Our Glass is b est i City Brr.: -,L, any other size wanted will e sold for i,/ ;cute less on a dol lar than thety price currents. Irown Codes ; we' have our Coffee burnt te or , der and always burn the best and sell for 18 Gents a pou r . • Cigars, comMo Cigars, half 'Sp ;Cigars. bash e • I hundred.,,l 1 Citron. Orange; 4pound i 1 ; CI (ores, gratin 1; an ounce, ICloves, whole,lB cents, a pound. ICandles, Opa l , best Cincinnati; 18 ce nts. same I as etherslcharge 22. - I Cheeie, beoesteni Reserve; 1 2 cents. ICaffee. Felix's Extract,4 cents a`patier or 4 pa p per" 14 een . ', 1 , Cinnamon,',gr and, pure, 9 cents perlt ruined. y Cat and Dr ebacco, 10 cents) a pound Crackers, {Pater, best kind; 6 :cents a pound " Seger, . " 8 • 0. " " Butter, " -8 , 10 -.0 .. s e d a, _.. 8; ill tl• 1 i Rasen's Blacking, 2 cents a Lox, or 22 s cents a dozen. 11 - , - , • , Mason's Blacking, large size, 4 ntil a box,or . 44 centai lu a cozen. ' ileler‘e SyruP 54 cents a gallon. , 1 , 'hatehes, beat Philadelphia, large boxes, 6 for 6 U- !I I i . listen W * best, . } gross, containing 1260, for 5, I atilt'. lil 1 ; ; Powered &gar, beat kind, 12i and II cepte ' Pepper, whole, : 12 cents a pound. Rice, 5i cant, a pound, I Enjoins, best box Layers 18 cents a pound. I Stu. Illaikirg, large papers, 4 cents' each. Salt, in stUall sacks for table use, 8 cents. , •Sali, white and clean, by the quart,l 2 • quarts, • - t 4 sfd cent I Snnff,black.l2s cents a pound. I - Snuff yellew Scotch, 22 cents a pound. . • Sugar, of .all kinds, less than any other stern. Soda, washing, two pounlls for 9 -cents, Starch, Lest A. N. 1, a cents a pound. Starch, Silver Gloss, in papers, 10 cents a - pound:r- 1 . , IShoulders, lowest market price. I ' Fifty cent Tea 48 cents a pound, • , Seventy-five rent Tea 64 cents. Tuba, lafgest tire, two hoop, 80 sent*. tubs, largest size, three•hoops, 85. Tuba, windium, 63. Tubs small: /53. I T iebeceo,lGrents, 80 cents a pound • ine 1 ; , Naturalu Leaf Tabacco, 40 el l - a p BaltimorS I- I pun Roll,a new hl LICIO i. I ket; 25 cents a pound, 6 cents -.a ,' a plugl' I - 1 Tebacco„ Baltimore Twist, 28 petits Tebaeco,r.beet Dog Leg, for smoking .; ', pound; ' 1 robacco,"Taltiture Twist, 4 cents a 1 cents a 'Muni ' Tacks, carpet, 4 cents a paper. Ungronrid--Clowes, 16 cents a - pount _ Pogrom:id Cinnanstm, S 5 'cents a pi ; linground Depper, 12 cents a pout Ungreund Allspice, 12 'cents :a: po t I I Vinegar ..4 cents a gallon '' bes ! , gallon. I - - -- . ' ,•i Wash Boarda, 20 cents.' • !Wagon 9reitee, manufactured by d [Frankfort, Pa., 22 cents for 3 0r52115 a dozen. than Cap:loor, 5 cents,an ounce. : , • lEtere Ware and hugs, 9 cents a r "0 lEsltpetre' cents a poun d , as , 0 ' charge 25. Epsom &tilts, 8 cents a pound. Corn Oust, - in pound papers, paper. I , - 7 Extra ceof Logwood, beat : kind, in 20 cetds a pound. Ifiroand il lklustard. Lcst• Billie'. , pour or 30 ~ ~..,.., I. ei pound. llerriug, smoke '. :r. loxes, 5 cent Bente.ileed, 9 . cents a pound. Sugar Curio Inied BM, canvass< peonl.: Sugar fit - tent . 4 F•sh, Ilea' fish b;st 1 cent a Fish; test - p - onn4. Sround_Gi : Extra 'tie. pouriii. I • _ Soot - Cott I;pound Co ten l l t , , 20 cents' a 'hundred. • 45 cents a hundred. tra half Spanish, 75 oents n - • and Lemon, S genii for a , 20 cents a pound, -srl f bents e di CAi..Np:n }lime 1 :: . • ' ! 174,- • Fi a.ponn' Mackeral porta , - No. 2, Large Macke °ger, -12 eerite n 'pun White Sager, and "iai Batting; No.' 2, on' • , tt ll B, Wo. 1;18 oonta IQII ST -PRICIC Eirll PAID FOR RA. C lINTRY MERCE! I I °Cr and se* us, before The a,o •is our retaitprices ; at whtactale, but only. for cash. LI Remember the Great, C . 4 eery .11eases DIAMOND, PIT r SBURGH, m i rr 6 Federal St., All I gheny City . - LBOVE THE 11A HOUSE. issonri Ma , ey ream l ed at -Par or kept_ at th se astub iichnsepta. fitlf , inViit _ . 1 No, MI all gd, 1 ire ~, MEI 1. SHALK'S EzetuiTon' 'BITTERS. FOR DYSPEPSIA TRY , ! - I 1 .. . S/lairs ,ExCelsior Stomach B' i l , i 1 • ‘ -. FOR MORNING SICKNESS TRY ii , , • :, I 4 1 TiShallei Excelsior StOrtia ch • }OR WANT OF APPETITE TR IStiolk's Excelsior;Sthrivrel 1 it FOR GTDDINESB AND SICK II E. ACRE TRY . H i 1 t 1 .s.hhlk's Excelsior Stomach Bit , FOR,LTyER COMPLAINT TRY iSholk's Eicelsior Stomach, Bi FORTEVER AND AGUE TRY ; I Oalk's ExCelsior Siontach Bit FOll4ll RONIC AFFECTIONS 'III '- I Oh.q/k's Excri.'or stomach it For PIE bi DR; 1111\18; Braver l , - 1 ii ! and Druggisis Genera -! - SMITH dr 7'RIMBLIi';' ~ Whlriale Agent,No• 8 Smltlifirld St' . I OCt4ef 246..1860 Irk 1 _ N I [ATKIN Itecel4,ed one of the i est and Best ,Beleeted 'STOOK. OF FALL GO( VI Ri' BROUGHT INTO; COQ . lJ fihtit the eery finest BiOad cloths ins doidn,! to the coatner qnsßiies„ whid' ileternHnid_ to , sells, CH E.-111P i TIIA CHEALEST, 'cik4lo, a LARGE SELECTIOS o Fait Hats amid C -b. -11 I Persons o pure rise tw ill o call en 4 exizeine hie Stecli before elsewhere.. ' 1 edit Rememberthe place, Third Btr of therpßlG., HAvr.mil• Betti,er,'Atgust.29, 18C0 To ill' - IF arm' ersor --Beaier l ' and' • ~, ,i f . , i .4. Lawreure COlllltif S. ' • milF, ,undersigned being the only author i sed ./.. .agent for the Sale Of. the ”Buckelle Reap ing hpM and Owing lAnchines" in Beaver and Lawien e counties 1 _takes pleasure in recom•' mendin this machine to the: notice of the:far mer.:,; he unparalleiled success which hai nt tende be sale of this machine since its intro ductiu is. alon e sufficient t 4 recommend it to tt 'i. the fa er. Enqiiire of,yeur friends Who Lave purcllts'ri and see ' r vhat- th , ...y have tonay about l it Iwill.be at the Court house in'Beaver da ring thd June teen', with ourinachine4 - so tint ershisi wishing to, puiehase: ea - if See tor them aelvea ;.i also in New Castle during their term of ,Court.t, I would also caution ' farmer s not to purcliatle froth any other person in the above 'territory, who tn'ty 'represent Oemsbives as. agenus.l as no other has - the right •toI sell. " I would also call the attention of; housekeepers to our COOK and PARLOR stoves,linade at Saleiii, Ohio, which for superiOr ex i cellence, cheapness and neatness of flesign, are not 'equalled in any Market. Btimplen of all the abov j e articles can be seen at my Father's res iden, e near Darlington, All commu l aications by mII promptly noted. i I i, R. G. COOK, - Agent, ' AI CULL, Assistant. Darlingto „ Pa • M v.B 1 IT. f L'ivience Journal copy 2 monthan I 3 scud :, ill to this_ office., . • - TOI,LET•SOAPS, IN 'GREAT! OUAN-: . - jITITy, at Dr. Mini? Drug Sibrel I . : i Purd Castile Soap, old Paint SoaP, 11a . tkison' 5 Diamond Castile. Ladies'[ Soap, Was a ttng.. chow Soap , Transparent Halls land 13 rs, I`.Glycerine Soap, Floating Lili Soap, Erasive Soap,' phav— 1 ... 11 ; ing Soap.DentraSoap for cleaning the , teeth, i . • I - • &c .k.c., ! .Sci A FINE ASSORT3IENT OF P lIFI.TI 1: ERY, at Dr.' , 3lioie Drug ‘re. ChoiceExtraCts for tlii,qancl i kirchild.. Odera ano , . d Colognes, new -Extracts. StolkalKiss ? r,. lloneymoon,Kiss,Be Quiok;andciitio- I thing New, Standard Extract F ' 1 ii Musk, Patchouly,-Rose,iockL I 'il • -ey Club. Geranium; ikc,, ! i 1 Rose Hair Oil,Bear's 4 fi 1-- -- Oil Pomaded • .. ri : , &c., &c..Frc.i, mama tinpd. I this majr )plug r a porind.[ , 10 ceute a 'ou troubled •ou troubled troubled ou troutAed i' v ou troubled TOll troubled kr6, yl Al y ATE y , An An ArO Arp plug or 83 oct troubled Get a Box ~ Get and. .d. nd. 14 cent! a ' ! Get n tt , .x Get a 13ux. Get a Box gai a Boi bat a tox Ihn .otind cans, 95=11 e 'as others NFU' DRUG STOREriN MOVER. IR.-111INIS, boa just opened ont ''n Itlie store: D 1 room formerly occupied by R bleCreery, 1 on! Third street; three doors shov l Barelny's store', nu extensive assortment'' of Drop, Paints '' ''' fii L ()tiro Dyestuffs, die , Sc . Ac e w uid say .to f , PHYSICIAS j 1 1 , hat haring been Lndagcd in the rpscription -inisiness for sometime past, hely enabled to of fei: the most complete and varied jck of me spinal. p,reperations ev , 4 brought int the coun - i ti, which lie will sell at the lowestl e sh prices, tbakitbe same class of gobds can bpei bought for in tittaburgh or elsewhere. Nothing bin per fPetly pure and fresh Drugs will bp kept in the eiiiiiblishrnent. RY" . an arrangement*itli Cart ..ii,i'ibt and Young, any desiresrSrginal ln- Strurnents - can be furnished at their own psi es. The attention of the: i 1 ~.,- LADIES ' -1 1 ' lis called to the fine: assoriment 'fancy ati elek, Perfemezi, Fine Soaps, e To le Axticles, &e., &e. to the 11 I 111 , GENERAL PIIRL C H !lifts is offered a. good 'variety of paints, ids Dyjeituffs, Carbon Oil, Lamps, atent 51 di anis, choiee Tobacco and Cigars, &C., &e. 'i jek..,Everything will; be kept sunny fo n iivwell appointed Draw Stores,an ,will be of as cheaply as they can be ha anTwher i Western P en n sy l van i a . - 1 Sept. 19,'6 11 cents' a paper boxes, cents per for 12 ME= !7 nice 14 l i niioeetec . 4.l MEE=II 10 emits 1713=0 pound. CA an N113,_ purchasing.— e.sell eheaper B. WEL . TIORNEL AT eap 4 C:0V1.0 4 6. impoiedy or my ei , t o my . Father.': and , ; all accounts/ Abuse # 4 , 1 7, 5 i n d ebted win please; call M.:ati ii t . d ...iate stitt'siteut. '' Vi M•• 8• M. louver , J u l y 6 , iggt. - I . 03 i •' 11 •' ' • :' 1 -1 1 EN MI MA NIM 11111 711 i era. AD. rize = Iffs inial DS li NT. int' Sat lh 'he is ITHE ' Ps well to buyi-g et, sign with Rats ? I • ' ' with Rats ? i # ' • with Rale ? , with Rats , ?di with Rats ".' ; with. Rats ? 1' with Rats ? L , of Flemings Rat Pa to, _ of Fletang'i alit Pa to, ;-- of Fleming . .j Rat 'a te, '.. of Fteming'S Rat r . to, • . of Flenting'ii Rataste, ' 1- of Fleming'S Rat Oiste, of Flerniag'4 Rat poiste, At Pr. Minis'. Drlig Store. At Dr. :Minis'DiJug Store. At D. Minis'D4tg Store. At De. Miiiiai brpg Store. At Dr. Itlipis'i Drug Store. At Dr. iklinis'ilt4ig Store. ;At Dr. Miiiie, Drill; Store. (Diana :AgtOrnise t )l Court Hduse, 1 ,o Stock of 'log do +us tli r iwing em i mak` im. UCLA.. copy-) f i Alt , : R I 3 II lATHART IC , I PILLS. ort;A- you ctirtr).)-...,-4 d m er nl ,lw a l i tli mg our Bytom' a dt ranged, sed4our hellos:lsms enuelortabl 'Dm* symp toms Sr. the Prehmie to sitioas Maim Seine Mt of l afilikaalo le erespies*peo yea. aid should' be avec by a timely um if the t rem sty. Take '4Yer's Liu., sad 111111•11•111 ant the dboidseed be Mors Parity the , soli hill this Jules anon ' a snob lit! atrseted In Mal agile. They egmalitte iblik dhow 'of the bedyintio Opening at Wiry, purify the 'poem tires the obstrielOss risk mike :when I. the bell and els. , . ~foie. Those,' If ask reil•vod: me; upon IthPlEll ic E; sad the sarrededlog .r. pro. during gemmed avatlon, mgeriag, as disease. !idle inthis Goad don, oppressed by the deralagsenents, Sake Ayses Ptilazd see haw Creel:Ley restore the mama' station of be eyehole and with It th i t i Ltoyanl feeling ofbeahlt u. . halts true 'dto • at la ibis trivial aid common ,plslat, I. also Wall igl nanny ti i of the deepriseated and da emus distetitpers. t t same purgative WWI expels Caused try 'hull , obstrue. Clone and derangements f the mat urai rani or the body, they. are *mildly, d Many of them au ly, cured by theism's, moans. Nen Who know the Virt of them Pills. will; negtee n t n i e tio ism bay these whin ' mg. from the disorders tkey ne o. i _ •,:lStitatarns• f lads epbyeKsall la of the *hoard cities, and horn Mime well know& instills par sons. • 1 .'..il I • • ' . . , hos albriserav,.. ',, , R. D enis, Pi . di - lett DR: ATLI': Your Pills are the paragon of all that Is groat la medicinal They ate cured my littie l Oactghter 1 of ulcerous sena open la hinds and fait that houl proved 'incurable he Years. Iler wittier halt! been 1, Sag vier- I oust,* &filleted with Mote eshnd pimples on bier skin and fa her hair.' After our Sad was cared, she; also tried ' . year Pills, sad they have soled her. 1; 1 - - I . AS! 3I0118PIDOIL . " ' Aif „, ~ . ( I” - ; , Fa lir. Ph sta. , : : , ~ New Dr. W. fteright 'l :fur Ork L in& _... n ' Tour Pllls are pre 44 et purg inel excellent finalities surpass any use we pinatas. I They an mild. but vsty, oan effectual in, heir non the ,E . bowels, whicblosikes tb "laraluaLla to us I the awl , 1 treatment of disease. "il nesidaehe' Stek r ileaasehe,oul 8 . math r . .. ' From vr..gel aid Boyd, Baltimore. , • 1 , Draulino. Ayes:: Iran a answer you witat)otet ll that ! I Imre mere/ with', your P Ili better than to ea, all I erer !past vodka mirgati Medicine. 11 plan greatde dente on an effectual cathartic In My daily centest wit . i, "linens, and °. '..sing as ..IO that yens Pills airerdves th i . best we'emvs, '-. of Gouge value them hig hl y..) ' 1 i " . • 'PtrMurra.'Pa., Ma tloBs6. " Da..l. C. Avea. Sir: ' Imre ben-repeatedly cured opt the woret hrorlacis any body can ha oby it dose or tw , of your Pills. II •seeiti Lees fro a foul sto which they cleanse at o nce.i .1 . ; . - Yours with great ieei t, If „ W.RE Va ITLI4, 1 f •• .-• . 1 I i Cferk Steamier . Bilious .Disordelt I—LiverComplaints , . , . Pam Dr.lll e Bail. of This F ork City: r. • . ,; Not only are your Pill admirably adapted t o their pnr-, peso tot an aperient, hut toil theiriretteflcinl [Teets upolit" the Liver very marked Mitred. , TliOy have n my prier? Om proved mere effect al for the Icure of 'Filen: coin glands than any bite re oily I cm Minitiou. 'I sincerely, rejoice that we 110%0 at COEII ft 1.14.+0411.10 i'A i lich ill woe-, thy We cwaki•lhee of th ppfessiou old the rhiHple. i I, 'it, '. mi. shit xis or l v a Ixratioa r 1 1 " — ishiiigfou, Li, C.ll IL 1'0b.,,11846. J 1 roil Pills in tuirgencral end Inept en ode them, and.caunoti hesitate _t t thin tic we eh:lo4. ' Their n ' lieJerf is quick 1I dud dechled, coin sultielritide reuu.Wy fur dentugetneu leval I Lane seldnu found , * case of tin teithiit it did not readily. yield ici - Pnirtl,' - AWN ZO BALL,I4. 1 .1 : 4, 10., a it t i ' : l'frysicion ofilhe „Mules ii . - I Dysesate L ry Oles j i•rhicea, pll.a*, Wham. i t - , i li Dr. „1, 67. Green, of litany . • ' t Tour Pill , b e e had loug trhl in my priience, and I. hold them lei tem one of the *sr.;ap.'erieuts I beto;; erre foetid. I 'their alterateve effect upon theltiver mak ' i than an remedy; when givemin entail dc-nester totemis dyeenterly ilnd l l , diem/ace.. 1 Their .segar-coatlng LUIAIACS thein very acre tahle and convenient! ter the ties of women andrldrese ~ 1 1 ? ! ' f i ' I • L Dyspeps a, Imptarlty at the Mood. r' . !rola ieti: J. Hinial litistur of Aiivail C7fre..s,l3ogosi. Dn. Arra i I hare uiedi yens' Pilliilwith etraerdina l ' success in nil family • , i Ittnottg; tli s te I AIII 31104 to TI E its dittrtrie. r ..ii, ~h vi ligii ti:r or ' s of digestion a d parity 11.0 UINKI t they ore tho eery, poet rented,' ,4 Crov Louo it , a 'd lOM 4:l2ldelltly l-4c•aoriod'ottil theta ' my fri-ode.l . -.. I. i Totifs,l J. T. 11111E3 ; ti m I e h jj :d WAR W. Wring COI,- . 7,0(4.24;1855 DEAR SIR i'l till IlAill :elOlll. CUE Ale tills in my o-• tics, and find t on &weir-Aleut piterative ti) cinema the system toikyttartfolhe . PLolairii qfpeldra4„ 1.. - j41.1.:i ef ' INACif Cif If. M.D . .'.l 1 .:_ i 111 li Constifindtletk. yoslttvetaesn.Stappre••toint, i i Rttruma Istrt„ Gent, lircnralVai Dro - ••y, Pain yell, ladle, ete:l . :. Treat .J. P.-I - eer:7 l in, Jtmilvai, Cqtaiiii. - .. 1 Toe tnocll cannot h • 4ild of your Pills f the cur Of evfirenars. , If others A' imr - fratercilty Imo %rood' them so •ffintilout as I h.,4, they should' join m elii prods. ta nig it for ale poonofit Oa Idle multitndes Itti5 6 suffer (min' ' ....itself 4 Ste: I , praeliCe say they n luting act queerly tl of that oil &alum diva I Wawa. which of otil IIR!C It the die Cat corn plai n preretipoo grievers in 0t igi organ aid_ aura ?row I end one proper tiuff, 0 hno hen ak.Ataal.to an ocrni!tclh a 0 other-to ur; /roils /hilt, EOM two Is' tac . 1 Illy or tl 3 test letie Dr. ATX, t tolu.,..lthe T ., IctiCirastrsnitit,Cia.... i'r.libt 1.5.. iitiarittirtful'i t nie if I did "hot ralil , n 'My limb. ifid brod s, which ondi..d in eil i Itid , ,l bad the be.t'ot.q 1 .1 some. until by nit iltitnoro. Dr. lilackenzi ott.r?aldw, brit sum. .: R. now yntiti.ly wet ida,'„Entott RepFe, TA.; ( been entirely.enreth 111, taiinful diicaaet that laiu. 'i• • VINCENT' 1 . I Ils In ruarket eoritt ' triable reinldy In .V 1 lid, 011, from flu, di, ni fail..w itsitirsittf . a r tnlneral stilistaticei , I I ' it6.llox, px. 5 B , 1 " CIATEB be f CO, 1 i ' .H . 0:1, .. Forlsale by tD. Nl.pr, j : Cross. ROlvteer; waggoner . & i:. (164)::. Jj Niehol 1411adiqr1 J. :II Brigbton, .IJohn 11140, Darlin4 1 dealers ev6ryr:ll re.- 'l, : ' .1 • t 4 AL7141.6T Art Ainntwitat : 1 'anti tirtolbrorig pkvil: A eoll.aettle , l, dating neif,,ime Last. Notwitiistninlii ilisolio grow won.' at axratlent omt to An Pill.. (feta w la the =Co( them, I I I , Fr.v4T.":_pnAmali Dr.. i tine Rhiarnalie Gioia —a far years. Aar Most • it the which, althouo a v dangerotia In; A put quanta's that *equal contain no ni4i-eure c cent Prepar by Dr. J, 1 ler :nd ll* 0 31 . 71. N n otild in forjth Ms tr getterilliy, that" Le is il as, at the old stitad rl 1 east of et tkits' ci itiee nt ,r. ',wanting the A flair I)e,tesar'ci at al 1 It j band a la l ir tow in se. , It t 'tile Leaj4 it rot lopr, it p eventi C. I lia4 also co i. Ir Dye, i ica rant; , a . , lo Bark JAS. public mer busio °bp. door where ge `Brber, or tended to. I have now of .iinated b any] Httir falling fill col its nattiral c tuirning gt•ey; $; tlaitancons . H Jll ... AA rt Light or (Red - lair; to a l‘ beab Black of Brow t> 'The aboiro a re ted to 'gicle eati fiction. J `I '---------- r I 7 - To coNTßitifroas 1 FORI t , 1 , I. r I I 1 1 w p hireby give no t e to. I't I may be. cantracting to r - b4-the;Btate, under the recerit otAthres (milli 04, thnt, Ihitsib 1 powerlnpler t at Act or appcin . o't all leuppitos awl 'othe'r powe • eneilabo.th4 se tl!emetit o dal • riot delegurad oUs 'uric theil. April pth. w shall hol eve!) , the moat:rigid aucounkabi irry n L- of his claims, and the limpet! it plies .must be rot that Ohara it ` prevent: Amy itnpoeition ts tro - proteat the TO unteers wh, hali• , ponded: to' it. - 611; and dale i. , paid-for until.' they harei bee officers who Avail hare eenc. • i d for that inirpciseL I:, 1 1:i Id ' HEN D . 1400 E, at I in • [ .-IE C Tnoe. URA; , Atalito ~ • . 1 i .0 June 6th, 1 61. g _ L , 1 , • 1 1 Ekri e ri AMP, to 1 A.l ;the 19th a stray 12orse eye; of dark p down the fin :coins aqd poi it s•ri. ME =MU ciOOKING % • Itop i . St , to finial Mei= and i !Wait. although bit: i i enough 'tattoolf la i r rit that tire n 4 raa. believe eiit. ftie liver, t ~ but your Ililli &feet Wit ... 1 , Physidernterui Nice ,ii a,.... or. F ltlr TM ~ I eat itn.nieti,em of OW %it iril!y silOtresft,ll 2 ' igern, , ,./. mitt earl o.ysle we !laic Wall i L 5.. ., • 1 1 . • a/the getlietii r D3ttnuei • t tolrfn at t ine ntrtural'it ad also iy rat..Tdp ropeounn qd Ch 115 t",,r the' ter t my eieo.o iht oo exciu frank rheuntrt fptielans, the ivice of ritir , I tried:Our • 'peseta big Pe , . 115.5 yonr rill afflict ' ISM DEL in 3iere Diu' Trine cso. 1 obiror. as for . • 11 . 1 yroll, X -Bearel wry, F on, . wnt Octal' O. •csier,,/ ends anlllll, II at 1.1.1f0r , Thirds reet thing'Lora ten'tioai lot ;Imes a at ' I stonti a prpven ores tb • ti he Hai ,fro, Ihrtod I.' to turn4Or tful A bn I Voth w iiiiir.2o, i 01_ i •-,_ !li O I - PPL ES ti-I . ul•- Ili- t .05 ., 1ir1 , r itli stir l t PP"' O " ti l receivfill ti ing itipOtn , : also in rnre! e,. whieli!nr - ,• ,revion! Act i Ontracin:r I the- setirie! ~ On. of 11115 gap -1; whichliikliiill he Su 14 . 1 and • leo no tir, _rot pptiee 111 t;)! linspe t i ed ,Itie duty sip ein;ed HI .. • H' to "Tree ter i enersl.. i 1 ' VIS I O N I in . .o. aubsorer.l on , ti Sew' iy Itp, Id. bliasl in one la whilaj ettlip a i l equtedl t ch,nrgeei .bd i ttil FERO 4.180'41 ZT tei premisee of i 0 of June, ih bout , 15 ru g o brow!, ool3r, nu. oe.i• The oirnei ref: proper! , phy JNO eon, V 'I( , 0 iige,&• .EXTRACTS, ciberry, gtoi*. fik•as EMI Cimino • th c sitl ai 4n l l portions who trist; In have eatetriw accuir ,-, le, dMN - niniedlisi 4 - hind to Orate or do !sleight use. '' i • I 1 ii • m i . the Nev. IWm. Roomer, editor of t' The North to I der ts i d it ent, e l Auburn; N. T.: ; the Xeir: Xll C yy, 11.D.', Rector of St. Peter?, Church, MH" N. Y ; the Rev. G. I. II . pleb' of tie Auburn ' Slots Norm; tithe Rev. la Own St Bice, ' 1., New Bedford, Maw ; ithi , ten. I Allen . teele, Nod-Tort! ' Conference ; .thie Nev. Ba nor lICChoI East-Cient e Cbtiferedee, N. T. •, the Rev. . R. Pratt, orset, Vt. ;I Iteo. John Robio , Buffalo ;A. 11l Inert, Beg, ititles,i It Yi ; Ore Illo"tie Neat Dow, Port! ndi' 'NW ; tl: Hen. fiekillyler Collat,ponth-Bend, Ind. ; the ion. / We HemPtirepi. N. T. ; Henry N. Coo;, Es q . ,lldi rof ts ' 0 o Sate Jiminal,'Coluzpbus; Ohio • the Amt. 11. tarahani, Molina, DU; the Hon: Times . Chain, M mt. 1 miki, IclaJ• , the ItOn. Joie* Nenedict, Utica, N. Y. • ns.' Bilstol,lE4., Mien, N. Y.; A. & Pnrol, Nal., DUO, N.Y.; T.; James Plunkett, Ifise., Nlithelllel Teen.; , . I • . . , LIST • OR SPEdililo ItiI.IRDITS. 1 , • Na 1 —Yor Fen ; Coriest:lot', and'lnaammation... ;- 'No. AFor Wo •Perner, Worm Collo, Wetting the 'No. ff.—Yor Co It. Crylng,'yeethlitt, and Wakefulne Infants. 11 . 1 r% t' 1 ' 1. i' • dtio. 4.--Tor DI • ol - shun, ang Bon r Cbmpleints. I 1 r 1 No. 3.For Col c., flr' ire; or Weeds PI t No. 4.- 1 -lior Ch tern, : Vomiting. IN°. I.• For Co c hi,' and Bons Itinco ... d.- - •1' th-e ' - -rtral!ela 1 s jN... No. ti.-For Ti-tiehe, No. 0. -,/for H eadache, I 1 No. l'ifi.Prarsistala I P rata hi Gonstlpitl!in, t No. 1,-4na Pettit.' • lgoppr Perizsl I Nd.: 2.—For egl 1 Dow n of Potosi No. 9.,1nr Ciotti), i I NO. 4.-4kLI. Ittnat ' pt . on'the F ce. L 4 NO. 8., Rua A c ;,,,,, en n t 4 he m :Cht A nt,..:f . el A. F Ft, o i ' ,rr r ,I L s P i) e ire4 v e. e g r , i tivi a tiir d: 4 , • fog, .\ eaki c• 111 rre‘t :I c •I , , ~ .. ,_ recent, I . ' b C.-•, lr (."tttsrr ,',Of !pr.; r t„il,r sr 1 a strti tteo or pr Nee ditch r -t. W. .-1-p:a 15 - alphas' Ceds,ll, atidtki its vi 1 f s brit , talflill no rye. ll l ' 1 . , In 111 lar'uth disousri, such :.s ree'eis, _I I III: N harr .t, 11),,,t,......r.f. Crnupi atliournattlinne Rua • 'sre St eta rtajllet ' few ffr, Me:4les, and ,leryt , , firau 2,w 41 eiriatit* the riN,er•ritlicAies prow ]tons, toilln all iiaol essesit'..e'sp&lll , :i act ilk i t 1 tee: tire ti l dissast liinit sf:ted itnon•e. swig le ci et 4e of tale :ett.icic Inietaied the dLt 1 , earl, Ej.l:retider lilell fi,to da c;i011 Cu . liA nod co ,i ,; .i t sch. L of sto-h frequent . al a 41:1 as olfeni ley ,the f t i.lllll‘ollloll of ...hied, I I rant,' it . land c macooldlon; stay all 14 at ouck , le Fe er padClAUgll PHIS. l• I r • r I„ i, I •,,,,i,411: Ist:Lsei:surp is Dpperda, Weal: Stot tonoti citian, - I.ir r Complatut r , Piles, Fetnale Diblllls l , irre r to written, 01. Ifelviatcli,l ',re l.' 11'eak I.:yer, t:iii, l e *.nit. It iLludt,•ntad i ottt.,r 'old err ptions,ltitn,:ra".' It st'' base prop., op , lic,tion o t ill 'ford ii Wire in 111 Inst t 1,1i,!:In :a. ; 0::.n he cure n . 01 singleihronideiltqvulty . 4 ,i, pp rt .v.;:i. I•il or Cnthrrl, 11,tnnisel4lor YelnuTe.sl, icam, ao l ittore t tin paid fofr t te.etistt tent-Canes 4.Ver.li 1 Ile, I. 52 5 , „ P I Ir.. •:,.i ' : . 1 1! Carr f . 1i z ; a 4i : ?Mt Ire, 1 rnrolii:, and 80uLt...... }, Case f , 'l-15 thin.r.lir'cirt nail 1 1;t7.. 1 :44 1ii s.n d i l ilit.iii 1 ; 1 ' 11: 1 ;:tee f,6 host, luttichered; afttt 1.10 . 4...'... ... :. i il 'lngle trunitai'L,lll.alvm.'witla illrcet ( aps.l. .. ... ..2Sic iingle iitter.,l 1., xer.., -In, dirFetrohs4 ..1 il• 1 , 01 urge ease of 'S o : elnls, for pliintini.and pfSys cians), ' ' • ' 1 1 ' s o t• i . I , i f . ALSO 8111:CIFICS. ly - • • i t , . I °jar ntotc.--bppi . eoord:l Dineult, 1../ ilk Con 1 h anib pectoral old. i traert—iittchtir es fr i ..eer,',,fdra'alre,.. or 'Mere ens tifllf caring, and .: it 1 ! trice, .7.0.e.1.ta ' per boo i lambi, 'lltale.r7ed aiid J r Uleets4f3r.r'ofoloits:Cach hoc. 1 ,.1 • ' ' . j ysicallor.Nerrou Wei Excessittettleiticit on, at pi) cents per box. • II lulatiori,Tuml4B7lin Olcets.ner bor. ', '. • lily Sinkrrie, Vert! et, 'N. 11Stger retion. PtiFe., ii ' ?or O r* el, Re nal Alcor :hoes dt, i.et Kidneys. y , II -Inenin tory Thseharg 1 Delit4i, Bad Results 1 ~..1 : eilleint re + city k a cure, Price, 71 , full' , • 1. . I•• .tlicensclrett untie the .1 ...., of P, , ,,,r. tlrttert NY S, iy;:dolt - tr•ity -s A. . toI! I, I '.• I' I II • sl. 'l' ! AiAo r..,,1A.,*...,, nit Parnaw treat Mai.:; a ith C• VG rs•per boxl • ' Ft EAR DLACIIIARGO AND ril r 1, I :.r. It I rroult of , licarfrt. 1 , 4 i For.N lwrit la tTlea,l. Ilard; ath P.:FA, mat Eir-aclie. I 1‘ y., F.,„' liOrrio_ Knlargegl ( ,l In. ,iii.i, .lotettisis :ua1,01.1 ICll::Oreit.l..l'rie4, :Al coals pe I • Fax 13 r.toml U. Irsita.m.---Y Mlles ( s he re,ultltliPicknes;r, haartlr.,...- Illsrha , ; e,. 'Prir , I • Foa I)Ribrsr. Fluid Accrual ; Sen.otTl4cret l on x. ; Price,_ roe .FaxBo,l- 4 .••••11L i...... 5.-14,41 Pond iy, 7 , , :••:4l:iir ''slw r 1 per bax. 'l' For 1 - rarlA kV Call, L'Ailfli Cr cents IPPr i lros... I . Flo r.trim.prot. Coni Torr. Fri Hal,' t; The as! i i and rl,vlhe rell tioarl Iprr 1...' Vel,ont• who A.- nattou, ilia .tt: MOT!It•t1/ t . ntHln NS 401 to 'Flace 4)42, Drued'w ' shin: /..;t t, or 3,,, o t..totth:e or b.). fetter. . . I 1 '• . Oqt ItE3itl t.0,1r . over 1. 1 u .11, , t•, tno l - din 0 1,1 rind lot ,, fi: the in , by 'e nil p our) nit.trroA, a, ahzt 14 rtoolicate it ill be .lu , tree .:' liSrarve.l .AARNITS ',V AINTED..--Wie i for t o. sie•..r r.r! nv:iredit• 1.4 :ht reited 5 .tee. ASir • [1 . . .: '' I. . . . ei up it cure' . of nl;t 'kind „ ; you. nut in Ikicitirer.t no e or U 14111114 o. Ild Ilro&lwa1 4 , New. York, ii returiied.jby mul or eikesi, • . - u4ir . earutlre,efricleiAgent ' t In every .town. o ' r 7 21 unity' I L • Dr. .. ItyMPII F. .lk C. 4i . 0..tt112[8u04U , i1.f - Nur,ll - usic. i 1 _____lk_ i' I.i_ . st:aks 1 - 'Br,apt uqs ' n P t ti e l : A. : gefi era ~ • a,t Brow, ' . .5 (~.1 e,Vorrair o l I wb ich be 55 1 ri' e 5 by at. te fititm t/1 I liberall y by his fii • . 1 oys,ers, ri ii eeiN t 13Itlimore, , hie, V If. (':n hr Do!sen.ll 0 ofir-acipaint antil 1ki. 111 4 I I - t. 1 • PETER I.Nel . 1 A I T iie : . 11 1 f i t si . '' sTORF , 1 , t PI)IES. OF 010 I . 1 : ' • ', d I Rigq-TOINT i_ TAN'I'Ll'. OJT' 1 marit th e . I F,: t r a ,R..e articles, i l that' he keeps Bri 0 1 .. stre!t, Bridp low try! cp1....b. .. lie b nes lui be . imirouise I c also keeps A. ; ree llct lby eipTers;fr , i be, ...Itl by the Can,' t . • a Nti (7311 in and n r wp 114 , 11' 1 1 giv4xou b► ' P'x4 s.'€O. " 1 itni 1117th , 1 t de EW l'T CO, : VOGI P[l.• I 180 „I t ! .., uppost 1 1 1 r . i l A It'El ti'F. Otoge r ; MICA' .crivi IN c l , 1 IDES Mks a' CM 1:1 - rtesi)ap 41u,teripl, . -7--- E F 0 fl, ' SA- .E p , . 1 ~...., . ,! offers I, jor awe, a i arm' n iiity,, 11a., 'adjoinin • land s rind P. R. Friend; St C .. .0' - ,siluated i'l • mllet frr lb .from al l Gristimill i m le IS, .B,railes fron4 Neil Cast e,: -s,r about.. 70 or, •eliieli ire.. G i l en 49,1 And on'. irliitelt-ist a ease; 16 by 1 5, , f'i'at, lone fifty bearing ; apple trels, t ees; all of the bestl mmiiiy. be'ut lbir.j•five harps off, a ,i ,• , 1, And also a fire ' Odd a ex 1:e - of imestone eno r timber, a w.l, , g ocid Bprinp; sink Oil in ications,i tand:' is sil.tt siof nO Oil welt. _. 4 ;i i i bing . to purellies .yrill do • crimine : for themiefree:. ' sr Wo. Rennedy,New 13tright n, 'A Obiliperra _TO . Title ,triki , I , 40SEPli 1111ItFAINI. [ Bll j - ' 1 1 11; ' , , ' II' 61 1 0 9 P • -. II • . -, 1 I 1 F 1 A ii II i n- T r i l IE stOscriberi 1, , Lawrence Co, tiV'illm. liaildson, 1 41‘ _ () nnipini. Furna ce 1 . llcitscr Creek, }'mil I , t fioin thr - Saw . mill eintsitiin ;153 act 4 c eared n d tender comfortable"; fi tan .siorY Iftli, 'and nli and pien y peach Said Fnr has three fee coal Tel a . restlerrin. Abund 1, l n .nid!is w 11 wale t °1 !: - lio:good exteron .ors;t d with; ` l} mil . ale In. i - .Or li recut' w t i , well to c 11 find e fr refe'rene 'call CO t t. the iu,bscriber ;11 ‘" v enied. t, I ,i , Ja:, ..1 EMI! 'S 11- & C•liA: 2 1 In at t hand - lei. , ; e very familY pro le of,; tide valtuiblv Illifedidine no dirbtfe eying Maled i ies wilich 7 during [tbe Sum yr pesetold. PoWER & cqs i E N and cill OIL E 'A 7 1DOTE . .. , ~ 1. I 'if — 1854 i at • l on nce I , an d an i eueeesi, *dills itow et..l Try ii and be eon (tits. Fdr Bele by 1 . It zlceester, I / pridsolr.ateiV palm., l' N I 6 W 1 Brigtiion, Falleten,/ Loebeiter, ~ . I ts 'blest% . idt met22,li. 112 .8 8 • timer bk core; bottl e•cure of tkii. pie7ilept I 'Anal! wri ilels been experien eery i. Aimee pr beinginit into the kT'iriced at its gold F;ainuel , 'ennui, Stip - 13en Smith, 1 II %kid ' inis. jr, e• John Sargent, i Ddaelc Edgar, -- Ll: i e. awkine, I' an by a ll the pr he Coutitry. beet ati re Imiovem' !Hoar eve tvi to sew ant a nd w' i did Neuralgia. . and Fat= al 'weak and iDera ufdaint. Scanty, Pa►at eases, and , 'Bad Breatillmei, kryalpetas, Erupl , ea eLs, or , . , . 'ay; Du mb Ape ~~on•. f • tetnal or E 1 yes azot.PAri Thateththa, Iteh eettp• pel en the i rtly Ile ob tt, elittetn. C. 4-4.1 ::1111t 11111.11. I I ,ectiotee, 'et! tunp, cut* b$ hnd , every 4.uch Veak- cats. eras. .415 • the ingfba Hata. Dad. r nzea ceuts vm " 5° P 6 and ' f T Evil own, direr- rofes all .10 r. 31. lES .81" 31.141. •e opl. 0 bind 11 9 1 Lusi ICII .1A Cif di l win 4 f$ 4 0 ) AN) NQ, I SU'PERIORi PI L:4O, and Pianbc ; iRIPI,ENTS 101? IPTIONS, d Stekionexy, PeriOdt,cies, f Dr (ay.. ••ALL nted .Ted marks Druge = 1 üblio; Grover 'ft Baker's , ea at reduced prieex,'' nee in their merits as the 1 Sewing hla'cliin44. They ' sp eed y 1 in t . arable and lessiliable te ny other mach no. IWe 1 to ensile the piwrehaser, ; a bem felt, tick, 'gather ' ,•. 3 ' IfloU th W e same itiebii3e, l I. three Jeers. ' i . I" ' ! tesihnonials friotniadies` • Etat and I Wekl editing thine, 41e., will Ihe fur h - • pe rs on' , eation in or by W. LTER, .he Agents. hines, Needle. ' ilk, Cot. I i . Agent wanted offei to the , "Sowing lthielif iereined otonful id roostreliabl nplor in el:lost, i'ent' arid there ingement Onen 11 inetrpetions, oediadryf sea end embroOer i iirrant the . for nlare contitiain ligbeet oontainiiig di gratis, on .ap Ciro of the 1 prtce a; nishedl Letter. CHATON & Ma • I N. B. &TALI on oliays on greittin *ells Sept.,l2:lB6q, di * '1...„. „ • ....,..• 1.1-!ii,.i- z , %., tt,._•': -..1 '- -, L ? .....A,e, 4 g. a ,r,-.. 0 , A ..• PI ' • ' t-' • Z ....;_, ~ ... Cr" . •' .. .g"-•• - • , , ~ til " ,; ..:.-;,-' d 4 ~ ;.• 4 ut•, , ,. $1 ~ -,..'-'. t il • 0 „... i , , ,.,.,.. - . .., . ' . cc 13 I 11 ew 1) C 4 P , ~,,:: i 17 4 .'7 71 simpb, Os et ori. , 0 . 1 ' Ps Eii ■t et,i , wil ~ 7, - , I i . Et '(REINFORCED!: •,, : ~,,, repectftilly informs the ver and vicinity' pint he itas lin and .S'ommq nishilins ready to do' .iiy,, work in gable ri style, •nd. warranted s 4 any other sic -lc fin this ,trusting',their Iw -t ,with h'aving it done Wl!en prOm ••be spired to iiye satis . may call on iiiin lice will :be taltew in ei JNO L. 11.111 A. Fashion:OA 6 , Tailor.l • I C.leme3lt's : 1 Machh o es, i ehing . p - 1 'ACTUREO t'il: • ( • 1 ,a s ton ' em u ' es for speed, ea s e on the. loibes,-and cleAn , was l 3 i6it,t p iec _of ',Olfithim, ' are, not i>liing :11achine- i nlcv in inic.; FOIE' , .• •ri stit)scjr ther 1 citisensof Be , just receired:the fox' 4861, and no' the ;Latest raihio; to ;fit and to sUrp county. :,i Tysd e himJcsay - depePtl irrd No paine;wil factionto those wh VD—Country pro .change for work, • 1 Beaver mar2o , t 4. F.atent r. j AIANII T IOMIS G 1 . , . • rrillESE 1 1 / 4 ,fachi , operate and on a. large or taal equaAcd by f! , l y G 0 ins Teceived,:nn lIT 'IV , IIILI , P~~iIt6EB 1. Weekly,recei to his busiiess. - t I of new article is, ,'NeW Si3'le Lo tes t I "i • ws;;;i• er I I A L Pr oio- Styla PO New i iejt i'tityte:Chl April 18. a . N licay t JOSEPH II . „. ~ ,eaver: P n i s I s'ns ikhly fittedp t i establis Hs known 5 the! “tionitior ,tired to 'locum:90111a his üblie generally ; in tho most r: 1 Apr.t.i 1,"60 , . 1 . Al AILS, '1 • ..4_ . ' i 1 N .tqLS, , :i, t , V 1 e',t sOr , And Reta 1 , than the Cheapest,": • ~ by IC kl,' HARVEY,' • ',' 1. Bridize i Water. a ', AVING thorn ment ftlyme [louse," is: prell filends, and the p s'etisfeetory; itiatitte 41-A LO,ll, e I: All VI7E , Pet "Uiteaper • ,01411. ! , . ;I nes . For i• pale. rngsged'ita the oil husi Asa are e call and 'exaqrie 'thi, new latinifactured .I.b± lILORNILEYI . • FA ttSTON" I PA. , ire. got up on ha . most im piing and I.'ninping - and Oth ipatterne being male unto ot the, best ribulianici,i n anti. T6ols fir doring,meile .tice;, also ill kinds of Caste ed u'p. ntalrl2o . E .1 nowing thentselels iodeptecl na well as those hating 'wilrplease call it his Store. , . tin shop, for it Lsettlenient le Is -desirous 'of 'ehatiging; his' attiring iatried on by the old Stan '.lle being.. hp eell out the / s i tniki, fin , if .you went.to i eecure the 1 r L. F. ','Sell'ArEtc, 1.. OIL! 1 I ,SteninEm'al ; ' 7 'l ,ILL perioas e .L,I - . reqaested ,t,c Steam. Ellgines I ' ' ' 1 ja/LY. 7' 11 1.. ;1 IF,ngines IheseEngines. ~ (rod stylq for m 1 purplisels—the the direoon of , esterd Peansyl on tbe 'shortest I n( Ingo made and fit _ ___— , I , ALL 'iiersone to tbe; subscribe igainst bi orii:losite Porter': immediately. as bulsinesai he t J4eph!iraun, popated i agent toi cash. Call B°o.l best. bargain. Feb 20, -61 UNIO I F°rDiel :12IRD 81 / /HOTEL / 9 y , Libetty Mnie) REET, 13EilriER, PA ALEX CiLARTF, Pro'r / WILSOI w,ittiLEsl SO 94 WOO, CARIC' Co, I LE DEAT.,;ERS GOOPS,, STREET, " P.ITTSBCT . the pleasure of eq de, land the. trail 'will be made upl 11 be offered Ten I An examination. .1. AVE agaiill their frie that their; stock ineiant; and played parties. March , Er 1. • . •I' .1 I H B gm I r .le B 1 tit ex • rIFPARISII, 1102 tR9 CMIOEST AND XOST oRLItrIL I `.• TENICS AND CkiiMINAMS Vezeitablit Ithitagdorst IQ =I , i i k!; MEE , -, , ; Thi is hot a how and untried re' bilt. o e knowti foryears past, ant. 't, in the families of thou'eands of oui ', seas' throughout the North, Sovitht 11. and West, for ' , i • I • I ' I • I ; • „ , "irl l ll2,,S„liix6 ' 1 - -, , ni 'ALL ITS Im l , ama. 1 a Clergymen, l'i embkys ;of Co Fess, ' Judges Of the 'S'uprripe Court, tndeed Ferscins its everY'stationiof life,l have ' I cheerfully 'givenl us the weight of,, their testimony, private , and pliblisher4 in its favor,. 31arry PhYlicians, though Oppos- ed ' tli "Patient Medicines " generally, have rpeatedly prescribed P,,sit4:tries • Ilouievto Birrsits. It is designed for . giving •. . 0 • . ~, ' strengthr to the Weak, 1 1 ! Power I , to Digestive Organs, ' Healththe ID/ - spdpVe 1 ' - II I , • ' ' ', • c almingCi —erv9utliritat:ll n. will .1 It i i go farj toward ire hueing a ' conattution broke down b correa4.lsnx ierYi•apr intkropetince in eating , 3zodrink- I * ing, or dissipation in other forms It is ~ universally appr s red a s a!fara ily remedy for indigesti n, Sour, Stomach, Colic, lituartibu'rt, 111eu.4 cis,. ap.dl all ra id Dyseptio gie co int*. li t A single dose gel rust y re lieves pain; 'fli , iuseva, oc any saneaslizess tater ai1u... 7 1 . ii fa As s,Catminalive, it is partibularly ; 1 v valuable to pare'ts. Its lizncly cse pre vents many - a >,e ions ill a e:... nt: many '. an anxious nigh to t o rt , o:ho• ler the bid lof hers chid. A -sing ,-fi io• d will i I almost instant] relieve r cobo, Ini iring froth acidity of, he stomach OTirligeS , lion m . A Gerap lady bArrus iv that a part of a bottle cured Inir child of, Sumner C O tricdoint, ail er the, physician had • ;nlyiltried to el:ec1:. they disease.' Awe ka 'vrn citiztias.a.e., . that by its use heas cured I: that dreadful Aiseas ' , I 1 . , p , ill ;; • • ;I ; • rol l M ' o ti r. 71 ‘ 6 ... • .r. P il i r 'i m : o s N P k. ...i gm, tlir cini l 1c 'a .. -11)iarth ...:- „ . i: E further, r ,ery da bang gs us furthidenae of its efficacrin-thifi l elneof coniplainti t -t - It not only che Its the dttease, btalhy its tonic- properti , gradtrally T.:stilt-Cs:the eystem to etre gth and perfecti health` ri , • .To the, 1 ' ' . I 1 I 1 , NURSE GINOTI-lER Li' 1 it will give strength; and thereby; nout ., inliment to her child. I . - I 1 -,- .: ' ArC you nauseatedi in early Morrti?....g, indisposed .to rise?: SN'e earnestly re-• quest you to try the half of a tertipocm fol. Iticurtly will not harni. 1 Yet -- e, pr) i tively gunrant e n ,- iv access, o; em-rgy, i • &Olt a: cheerful, hopeful •lookinc , fOmvard 1 to.thol thities o the dryl 1i• • Are you Buret , t4i,nausea, efor: , or ter eating? Try 1 Ihe ftIV.2.. rum :dlare each meal.. As we said tell liefnot harm:; yet .we .p..,_*,uri , i c 4 .: , fro tie ilistreyeing , loathtn I Lie thong' of;food, anti 'deo from iepoeiiict ,to v l ontit after part alfing omiso ..rfeyt digestion_ of what ex este . 1, i 1, i; • 1 ; . AS a t uic, nothing Could the - c rateful ' , t.he isystetti 21-ebilitatel lever. cpipt-tll4 niTeetioni inc tool tad . go it acts almost magic bracing 1.1 e nervous ryitem. Cr • and pe meaty cxaltirg tit tne Of .all pa to of the frame, , .rO•1 ri , neee.ssaril a held:hit: in.-rea l e ' o a Lion of the various Morgans i Jul L i will pr ve useful wherever ' l . nil aeta t o oil 'carminative is ndk BEWARE Or IMPOSITIO;k1 ! i size', I ~ I Dot owl s e of the granule. (half rhit h that oar norm I..utt tho label of,evi:ry )ta.buy. . .l ~ ! BENJAMIN ' 'PAGt, JR. & I * .1 1 , so in IliAlitEll.CTUit CS I 1 [ . . , •, ' i rtrr e ißußTzt, : I • 1 •.,. , Poke $l.OO Fir Mil% Cr Sir BotilOi. tilt Com be ft:marled by I:l=sas to mint - 0 1 . • x No • -. • be' in. pertinuin4 Del alues, is tor. nouneing to e. generally, the: 104" ;low. to Up:. * solicited • t d h i P D 5 El . 0 . i , 0 Et . Elf S V . Every year Flio•joilr..di3 cf 'Claildre froliCthil Lorribiec..vil. This alarie.in 1 tallty. loudly c. Ils far' increasedwatchf and, for greal r et. re L'o fn ~ etertie e cf, fi ! di,. The J,Tel`i.:ll^, Vi 'il. telOt n •ll Or many ph:, to' atirertited ta,tnn inrdicines ii, In a tit ju'tited hy lite in;o4n , itintlitius of some Nerrnifyges. and the falai% e havtlelenrY , el px tile .. - ..ii -s •- na WITT . I C"up,rti,s,* . iM nen. Candlea",.Worcu Teas," &c. Lren ilec . rte V t , te , later are cs /tannic:l as they are inefilcieof, Tax nr.tar rrt.it r rt Cl' Cqt.T . LIPL: No tlionglitf ii, nen sib', Intitl ' ter;:trill thus tritie will* the lilt , f Let child.: •,I ' - I LET:PHYSICIANS - SPEAZ('; SELLT.ES' VERIIIIIIIIJEITIIE BEST II UE: 1 . 1 . 1.1.1,..-1,12v. ..CIS TTI - i]>. .i.noov. ii,i, g pa.ti,,„. Ky. Thic. 17.3 443 . Me. R T.. s: fi ,.. ii...1---Y. or \ ernu l tize l o.t ~ o vev more virtue than any 1 t'ler no .1. I a itl'at..l;e a case where f gain. tie vini.l Myroll .tr's vitro! v. as Fining god , ' wasting to enter,. sl, friqt,: In :Ai i10111 : 1111Mer 1 ''SN't.‘ll3.l r , !rnliflllgi, I ho enormous quantity of tritleard i up x.r !irrryierel vuorcoi mere, pouted l'f lie chid. that nrot vireo lltip fur lo ot, IC uow as Wall Si any in ti net,:hitorl ood. - I AMlSitp€E Alts Tl:, 3i. D. G,,u. r .e.ii.r, Ohio. A n 1 1,15431 All Iliad It re tut eti to sire it ray tAllon in any ruidi), lama fat trial!' I 1 • / 12 11. Wii.4o's, ,11. D. , • 1 1 1 I , i, , 1 ~tat Tle 19111,1 . a .10ct. 4J 1 , 47. Ibia. Ti. r.. Fe ten , i—nlii r inglllit 1:11" , y l•rar tire fur the test leer or the yreill,l I thinthink it dog ec ,. cid.dly the Leiii. preiaratlen of the Intl. I bare beretefor , _Mord the tat , paration of tho Ikrl oral abet manufacture-$. Tense. resThrtfnlir . I 1 I ' 1 I, D. I.vL l eli, ti. D. - 7 ' We . migitt enumerate hyndreds, r oth r.enses. were it necemary:lnit :fallen' Vertu foie ltas steal the searching test , of the Medical i ty and nimb -1 t lie kr mc:re Mein a qrtarterof a can ury, which, of Itself, is conclusive of ii i entire aa die, as ta,.u 41 .. 1 1 114 eerfc J unty l' its arse s i i N pile& --y.xtraoplinary 14dt:telt:let/la!' are of-. (.real l dosaleri to recomtifrtmf Antl,selluthei Tor inlfu'os. 1),:k 'lut tot aniTideipleitneal-raira off 11 any of ihera l - you. 'pie' but any' mitt ii the ehear.st, t emfarii pat for Bella a'Nermituaa and p.ct+ ria 0 '.ti'. L 'ri - 1 .1 ' 'Frie Ps 1 . : 1 =Z5 j. ,TLETWILD Al) BOLD LT ,• I • R. E. SELLER '.& CO. rrrvenstratcw,PA. ME T ONLY P-R E,P•A .11 1,1 0 NI Baying procifs so sttoog an 'ErdieJi; EXPEf 9 I? gli . , core, Physiel si All newt' give it '; ii recommead it. I diseases o f 11A; _ , • .Te need it;nrtite ro the hair from. 'any age, ns riell : , • !Kt —-. I' .... no 24th, 185 e • ;Pro!. 0. ;—Your Ilairk a . ,:' etre lite in f f', 1 . 1 . 111- tY In Otie " colpmunity, ation to. lay prosy' ,judice aiii . ty dr Restorati4 - perfect tent • During f i se 'anforturtet am to he throv,.... ...oaf ajf,llllSt . a 141;1 . - near the roadside, from' vhieb my head retrfr. ' ' ed ft most terrible blow; cansing a great.d ea l o ii irritation, which communicated to the br'.,sie and external,sarface tif the head, front 'th i tf. , . i Teets of which' tny hair was fiallly d ! ?strvlrefi ' . i , „ N .,_ r. (le entire surface of the head!. l ITro l al,i ie ' 1 fir. t; I tirst- discovered its •drippit,g. liaueter .° ' a p tk th 1 / 4 : time 'of its total tiWappearanci, fleas. - ployed evetYthing 1 could thing . of, Lciiigi Iprofessioua mail myself, nu.d, a„ . s. I tlicail.f;ar..". !deft:tending the nature of the disease, hil'E'!wati'' finally defented.in every . prissatiption. a , trila s .- ~1 These and no;sther cirzunifitances ludttood miltu resort to -c,ttr . woltity Heir Restsmt ive , ~• ;which I have,every reason to beliere, rroliireed Avery hopPyiresult,•twe,months after the-!nrxt . ' Application, r nod as beautiful ri head of piling --, hair as. Lever saw, for which' 1- , ecrtainlylow! you my 'roost . sincere;thanks . ..' Rost asztired,-' dear sir, I shall recommend your remedy tb.sll"- -- inquirfr,s• moreover, .I• eimll.use. my influence,. grhich I. flatter mystlf to, say,. is not a little. • i You Can publish' this if you tbii,t prop4r.' , .. 'Yours: 'very respectfulty,r • - .. t ,• • J;. J. WRAC, UT, M. U . „ (Ai° of. the Jeflersohian, Thillippi, Ya... filer.. 13t1y.1,f308. , I.Dear Sir—l feel it my duty as well is: my •-' .pleasnre, to state to von the •followius. eirea , ll:- . l . i r 'stances, which you can use as yen thiEll: pro 'I per.. A gentleman of this, i)litc.e; (a Isayer,) has beembald ever since his loud:: so, much a,, that he was corapolled to wear a Wit.. Ile it+as induced to use st,bottle of your "Hair IteseOra-' tire," which bed liked ,very much. ; aar tetier ~' . .using come two or three .bottles his hair grow ' out quite luxuriantly, and - Le tiow , hasu . hued.. some head Q f ',lir. The i!...ll!le.:it•iri..l 1i1:41%.. is Ilradford, a' d rts he is v.erY,lveii_ Lilown: iti' oar - adjoining, c unties, . m'any• persals ca-i taitify ri tri lin.ths•trut t kf this stntebiqiit; : i 4:ro it.tu;yo.o at. , . the request of Ir. ilralforl; Y o u c i a i.'„ii . l , ,l a , • I, great d,,„; t o . yorlr Rair 11.-st .r.,i,v e • in ty3 laud ~.- Ithe adjoining C9l!ripes if your 13.5v0 Cie 1 , 41 , er ' I agents. ~ Yours,..tz . c., . . . . i .. _ . TOMP SON Slilt...4llNeXtt • I H Dr." Woon:,Dea r Sir, - ' Pe.rmit ,me to,extrrit the obligations I-am nailer for, the entirel re:- /foration oftny hair to its original c-,Lr. +.,:it tlre time of my arrival in the Uolte 1 ittlii,,s n 'a ;•••,-. was rapidly b"ccoming gray, but upnil tt i :,,,,, •r' , plication of your "Hair Linstorati re-" it s ,, aa ...z.:, • ; covered its origiial. .Lue..., 1 sion.id , r ly - ,..u.r . - ' Restorative as P. very wonderful inveat••toi.§•tite - ....-- alleacionsas well as, agreeable. _' i ... . S. 'F'.! k.l ,n Eft; •. , . For Stab of theoldel their unqus for all easel scalp and Is it testifiyini being gray as restore. c i iidy, used' t t Eliot 1. . 'The R estorative put aii.ill - 1, dr.co ch i rca sii-es: tn Inedin, and •nadl; a • - Pint. and retn.l..,. • for one ‘l , :sLr.i.er ,bnyletae medium itolls lit least taty pe,frcent more in proportion` titan the enroll, 40.1.ars per 1.,0111-2; the large Irer cent. trise in . 0 i. W 001) Pr6i•net.. , l s, 111 VA co.d `way, N. Y., Ni,(l I LI t. St., St 1..01..;;„ Awl :midFatl4:.: 4)eniers. . • . ,—...-----...-.• • - • 1. . „ • f•; . ! • _ . •- • Thottl:l4 . ale di: s.i.e:ll;•.ngtivi %the 1,- 1 r o s .." • I - ti r:d 1 . 1 .-•• Alid why? he r ny.-x . • • if by, n iv.a• . It emitaiuil. PA 1?1:0*-0 1:16' . ()12. OPLA trE !,f 1171 y kitrli t ro, ; :itf your ch . .. 11, lof ifo I I' (..v Mundi the o 1 1 rai,, 7 ile• knoti;li TI:i:1111:.G, 1. 1 2 PN - 'INTA Nr. , IN T..: L:qiN ert - 7f, - ; !`' Tit. Stil:ll.tCll,,. 71; 1 1T tA , r jirtnrblrcn i•c•7l;7 fairly the t s 4701 reti•t•liig it .1177.3 g :with in n 1 t',\ t-: . ; pt6N F , .7;53; • I r ir.q . n:l7;o'•c . •;• , 7 7 h• • , 4.1 0 . ~ •3.1...1 te.,./la• 101. cirt.:i.ri to_ ri•orli ;;:e - ItYe i'r/ ‘,ll • Pt •,• • • • ja 4 , •• • ••••• Ltr,-.7 co,,,pc.frd .nsh,.. 1, • ';' , ritx Contr.\ yOll c .(mn PA)'y -Innotr Ahlielte infant. Price. • aecitinrm, , i • v each Lc.ttle. . caluncia utrok... I LLP , 0.. • ' • N 409 li•• • • • 1.111). cly Jr; Iftc( her 'la ed. 1.11 M) L IEI nts. r , ,„ 1 / 4 ,,,......,_ „ A *-'7l 0 • e ,r 4 2 r - 4 ceZc.'-' 7, A b -' - I_ . _ _._ 114%1 1 ' 1 .7„------- ---::?'* * .17eatily;11urnin Blood open ben3 . • ' • • . • ' - - -:- :- •-• ~ 1,. . ... . "21 . N.11,1".Z.E D . i. rilict,ye presents us with the: same' essential eiv.., In - lents, nod gives of course 'the Ti,.,Tesi•...N6ArP., Analyze , the BlOod of n pers4n intf.ntng fr.--,ni Consumption,'. Liver Complaint,• '- dy...ipepsia,. Scrofula, ~F,:c.,' and we - find it, every itiAanee , certain deficiencies in tbe red gli..oonles'ofill'.. , e l Supply these deficit ucies, and yon, are - ,usde well. , ThrO, Bunn Foot . . 1.9401111ded ii,r4-1 this . Theory—hence it* ft.stouishing stidc'esd., r:ere : • Five P r tp - 14. r a eljo.i. -‘g ...:. adapted tnitlie dyficien . ciesof tbo 1110,4,d ,in CI ! : fer‘hit disease. For . Covous,lCoLns, 13c,,5cur.... • TIS, or any affection whatever of OD& T'ir- 1 -` .O or LUNGS inducing CoseumerzoN; R3'.' 'NJ: /, -. which, is', also tho No• for 'llarnurt..s,nys cr SPIRITS, Loss OF.ApPETITE; find foralliCiinoslc COMPLAINTS writing from Ovsn-uSs, iGEs.F.a" 7 DEBILITY, find NRIIVoUg. PROSTItATION ? ,y Ni'. 2 -, for LIVER - COMPLAINTS:, No„ 3, f,.40-sry,rs:k... , "- IWO a . irtari.o preparid for 4.9orptiJA i , :l ni. llner i s aud - oarried iminadtately[into Ct i te . 'circulation. so that what yoa gal;ni , you i etzna. - '' Ihe- No . 14, is for :FII.M.ALS ill.t.t:i . :o , AlitiriE . S ,.. II TSTRRIA, 'WEAKNESS,' &c. SP( . : Spr,iil.ll-direC . T i lions for, thil . . For SALT RIIE:1131, -F,11.71 - '0. 9 " , j: . SCROFULOUS KIDIFY Ind BLAunt:rt (.7,yros tsr, 1 tidite'No..ls. In ttiall-ses the directie mist 14 .. e ' . ' strictly followed. • : . . 1 ,L - . ,;- ~2 1. . for full diSections, see Circulir.i.. rlPr , " 4 ', per bottle. - • • 1 . ~,, - Sold- by MUCH Si DIJPON*; Diaggistt- ', f e ' .• 86 Mulden Lane, N. Y,,,and bypall reepeeta,-, ? . Druggiets throughout the co'untrY.. -.... . . ; .•-• For sale by Dr. 0. CUNNINGIIAM," 13.ei,e 1 ' : Mn • 19 'CO " ' 1. m 1 t eine idel.n. CAM MEM • LOOK HER El_ OIL I CLOTH FORWINI)O‘ 47I: Oki Cloth tor Stmri, OILS CLOT!! FOR. EI:OURS, C, a rlp fo r o r C a RPETS FOR S Rs; WALL PAPER & goftOßs; PAP* BLIND_S WIyDOWS J Can be obtained k'IIII4IP 4 61 . 's 1 1 1 {ln:. U. l'*;(.1 Mil