The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, August 14, 1861, Image 2

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i! ~: -~
nu_ BEA U
rn - " AI) GU
Davenport, Editor & Piab li sher,
(Republican - County i Ticket
1 Preside?? Judge.'
DANIEL. 4CINEW Borou g h. •
• ' i Aiikciate j d
i u ge;
.I,OIIN ' SCOTT,' Hopewell ti
ONEW iDUFF, New Bri g hton,
1 Assenzbly.,
IiVM. HENRY, Fillatou.,
1 ' , • DistrictJ . Attorney. ' .
40IIN li., YOUN
1 , Rochester,
1. Treasurer. '
6. C. DRADSHAO, Fallstorr, •
1 1 Commissioner.
1 Coraissioner.'
DANI ± EL, 8.--SHORT, sloou,
County Audttor.
.. '
Poor House D i rector.
il .,
EN Y 60EfIft NG, New Aewickiy,
i ?fustees f Acadenii.
iSzv: ; , H NcL AN, Dearer.
(JOSE .41 11. WI SON, Beaver, '`•
, ,
------......--,---. -....
last I •
The '.l:rnion" iiarty; Movements. - i - •
The news of the weak has
~ I .
We!..:adverted last week, to a move- fit. presented any very deerveinOve-,
ment by.eertaini Parties in this county: Ul'uts; although - quite aint . her of
to get uP a Co4-entitin for the nowt - .br !Rant skirmishes bare t. ken place
nation of candidates to 'be voted for in various parts Of:the con tiny, in ev
this fall, i under WhatPhrports l be a ei4 One Of which Our troops have Main
"UniOn", movem l ent. ;We learn .that tained their-former prowes .1 1 •
eircularS - are .betug -iadustrimisl,- eir- 1' llti 31issouri a Collision 4 q occurred
, • i •
culat'ed 'with th. ' intention :of prOcur- lu f tWeen our troops, under Gen. Ryon,
ing.srgnatures t a call- fOr. aC, ouven-
,''aild tlie, rebels, under. Ben: I .llcCuliech,
- • 1 1
of , , •
tion, Ito meet in- he latter ] part Au- i* e full partieulars of -whieblare given
. i .
ot.havi had a opportntn- 1;e1-6Where.. . ! ~ • - : '
pert, ' ' l'
Aug ones of the pwe are , The U. S. Frigate St.-IJurrence cap-1
.o state ithe 'grounds- for this ft red and stink the :rebel, priater
ng.• 1
'll . apposedi :. . the'r• oftheF. 1' -s•
re-- entt e y ,to this li n . ill c.iew-
, t..tre 11,tie
ni. in this county, lat this time. I:k Red or. di oft except .ithirty-six,.
ollowin r reasons, which,..:we t i 116 Were: taken t.O. '
t .
r 1 • , r •N.,
rcould have `due weight with r-p "soners; ,limmigst [them. •ithe I•ii'oet,,,,
Tint Republicans: : - c ' iiptain who eras farmer -mer .peutenant
• i , • , • r
'he Republican Party,:afi,such,'i our Navy, narned,Duvalq -•• ' 1
1 : a.Comirention and nominated • Cu!. Tyler, late of the`". r: S. Army,l
, compo4d of as good and re- i—now an. Adjutant-Geneal: hi •the
.}. . J
mon 'nen as can , be , I found v it...4.)e1 service. was captured last tinif•s-,
, ~.
To meet and - ,plate in daY to `Cincinnati„ and conVevpd: to
Idler ticket, and. claim. 4e N.ewpOrt:Biirraelis,„bypol„. , Ght 11 7
Cnee.the Union tiCket, rr}e.; Of theAst ; kentucky! i•eglment.: i
ri<i• an imputation upon.! Tyler had come! to ICincinnati fOr the.
' - 1. - 1 •
those :ri J! , such: as we are :un-: iuri•pose of visiting ,his wife who :was,
willint .': • :r . r6icliu , ;•, it that • ' • '
'2d I' k that, the principles oft :.• The Tillage -Of llarnpton has' (been
the. e' 1 party arc just as sound ; 1 turned 71"),Y the rebels undOr Gen'. .1.1:1,
to dui I Were': six months ago;1. ruder. This 'is an; unwonted act of
and ;W• whichwould 1 lty, on the part of. the }barbarians:,
••reason - •.
justify •LY. in
. breaking . .up its who are endeavoring to destroY.tho
of , .et this time.. The lie Union. :' -:' i . :1 - 1 ..'. -;
pulilk; cis are solicited to join this The., operations Of Gen. 3l'Clellan At i
i fi
`..l_Tiik n"
parts :--let them ask them I Vas bingl.. on ciii ,: y_, irirc . conducted with
selkes these question s:• I vote • o much' SecrecV and dispat.eli, that hi i s il
ibrif.'ne,rlu F • v W . h3- did I endorse the.. ON'ements.- - -are not •kiiow'i: "Illie At:- . ;
Chleago platil - rm? „: Ilas the Platform 1 triy is gra 111EL11- : discipliriLd and pre
los' li s -ltali 'i Ir- aS the'. kdminis-Ipared.,foral-tion' ' , and w..len tliti-neit
trati:, - u prove . recreant To its trytsti? : ! attack - is Made upon d r o rebel , forces
N. !Then w y 'turn my 'back upon we shall; not s 6 the Manakrsas bluiride
„i" } :
1113 . 1 Party, an the ''..Administrationo c,
-- again perpetrated. 1 1 I 1
,WiilHt do and good ? Will it tend 6
the"advancenient . of the principles f'? : t•
whic we 1 avo so long I been con-.
teiridig 7 I
- - 'r,: •—• '
3tl The Republitain party has at lait,'
.alien, five or iix,yean3 desperate'strug.- .
gliml saeceeded in 'gaining Iconfrol of
0, (lierieral GOverninent, and now-this
",l,:in'un" un - =,-c i went would • diSsipate
the .1
vholc force and effect of the' vie
•-P.• J . • ,
tars- which' , ve.hat-e, just ,
lie are nut willing, after thavinifi ,
fOligli t'a rad won the most H11101111'111434.1
pOlitical con:est which has been Wag,
gust • 1
ty of se
iinab F ic I
mo env
for tile
all gdn'
Is . J
ha h'el ,
liablp 1
the leo
it as p,
r e? ell
to do.
as they
IC. see n
the pai
Os countiry,- CO coolly! set it asidt
f new politicai : organization which
itrie . d, ahil - Wii,if-h. whatever elsd i t
y do, Certainly; cannot jclo any 1.p,t 1
- than the .IPublican Orgaidiatipii
3eo far dune.. . '' •. [
I h. The lovenient, so:, "far, as re
Os this e ani)-, is inipraetitablea
o prsent irate. Both: them
and Republican . parties, arc already
mmitted o a different Connie of 'ac t -
On. The Democratid liarty lids - .a l
et y called a Ctinveution , for the pa r i
os - cif placing a tiket.l in notiiina—i
io' ;
11 . epu . bli i cans have - t ' heirs fil l
he. tied. ( ) This movement: cornett. ;
.1. - ,I cornet
la - refore.l2 o late; It couldltate been .
i- i • 1: • • 1 .. • .; ,
im forwatll witti; better.) grace hail,
be n done-before the Convention.
it' 1' So'i
q l it 1. ~ ar as we are ti. , e ill, gf,
h: ~only
.4 1 . 1 .ffeet of the ,Movement ?tn.
ihiSt . count4, — %Vill 'l;e i lic Weakening Of'
~, 1
iil‘ - lleintblicati. - stron i gthi. TO this..W.o
41. , ... • r 1 .. , : ' -
arc - decide ly opposed.
11 , '-
ft iith. In levery I in•stan(.o which rhha
___ _ r
It.bine to of r knowledre, in which 1 tl
, bern.6crac - have felt able to carry= li
' - ' •ti
t election, t ley have uniform ) reit(
ilall offers f coneilifitionl add comps
: I
and have 'determined; to 'inn
hint and elec.! 4ick,its Je0mp0,....-ed
If i. , a . rated : . ,
put ml. unadulte Dernocia
IA --x,rnio n j" ticket in this' county wo
Iltrieet Ititli like trite. ( The Detnoora ll
f, who arc
_proverbial for adhering I
' ',, could.-c- hi Srt.y por.inationg, ote t 1
li own ticket, leavingi hose - a - ho join
IR "I; • " ': :- ens, ' the iiu
II e Union" ntos.tii in
i i•
II mourn their e ,, re rrious blincln...s)
r. , r , 1
1 t asting to such - au' ignis . fatuys
Demaeratie sympathy I. for quasi,
Inblicanism. i I ' -
f •
For the above reons we are at
• I
„ 1
u pi ,
l r
ly.OPposed to the Proix;ied movement,
anii*e again confirm our, Repablicon
friends to hsve nothing to do with it.
li ksr
Ttnst it not. It will prove a s i2l a
delusion from , which nothing b t trou
ble .will-ever come,
Iu 0 nelu.sion, 'pellow;ltep hewn',
let us exhort yon to stand fast by our
party and our rinciples. The Re
publican organization was formed for
i i
the Very purpose or saving thisUni i on
fromthe destructiOn which wn threat. ,
eningit. The South has force a war
upon the Government,:and it becomes
the ;duty of. every loyal ; citizen to sup
port the I - flag of his country; but iwe
cannot expect that . men will forsolle
ther cherished prineiples, and aban
don an organization, Merely please
a feiw,who may have ulteriorviews:
rllie_ Administration. is prosecuting
tlief war with vigor. , The President
has shown himself . to be the 'man for
the occason. Letus rally to ais ,41p
pert and invite all who syiiipathise
With us to join resin this good work.
41 . ; . i the ticket already be ) fore - you/
It Cannot be improved. Let] ns eiVrt
by a handsome; majOrity, ; and,SONV
that when wei hold a Conve lionjand
i- . ; . - ' ., r
nominate our candidates, that wof lore
; . 1 i
determined to support' them.l r ,. 1
. 1 sr 1
I Car'
• itEg_Vallandin,,Aam
ridge, ;on their IN' ay,.libt
t p t d to partake of ;:t ii i
at the Euta.WHouse,
. secessionists;.
3 . l3altimore secslonists;
the invitation.; 4. -prett,
;riots, truly
by ,the very nien who
!'df the 19th '4:s'f LAPril;
; •
the lio:ziAtalities of titer
iridge; tell as flint they ;
What 001 imp
i'tlie tra4ors hai4.. I . .W 1;
Itylaverr and diabbli4
will the, too patient eiti^
States tolerate such thi
• t4..,The Democratic Statei
Committee of the Stat Of:NT w•Yi:t4,
have rejected; the offet i fi , t th ,rßepub
lier.Lns to bare but on;i tick t the
State. They' preferred unnhig r their
oirn candidates. In the State of Ohio
the sainc'thing has oeicarrecl ''' In eV?
err county .in' this StLte, where the
Democracy havef any imospett of site
cess, union with Republicans' is bitter
ly and:haughtily rejee l tei-.1. Those Re
publicans, in. this . ..coututy, .Nt ,- ho are so
very anxio u s to unite! With , Who
have always opposed the Republican
,party} shonlil rethemb f er thee facts - .
Ik[ , •
. , • J___• •
ItES..Wel4ve receiN d
New_York 'Da} -Book
questlfrom the editora•ti
tire. 1 We , Will compli , ,"
lug, beg 'olive to- iii or
that. 'the ""Day-Book" I
J oi
most, vile, traitorous sh
It is upposo, to the pr
in direct sv i nipathy'_ '11!
We know ;•Of no m rf
publication in the ho
even excepting the h .
• -!I i 1 •
rer; Ile organ laf Is(
and publishers ougti
for high 'Oeason, a r id'
- tleath; and; We are s r . P
a journal is itis l
Nw' York l •'
• i•
tier - Capt. , Taylor
raisin , * a company ,
yeare., Cap , . ie. a
hake a fine offien
Th, e Kell, iuoky 'tie'. tion. c i
Oil Mairda3 4 , - , tugnst sth, ' n ele
was held iu Xe tnekir, for itetaiie
the State leg i slature. 1 The issue
seated and wfp" h was mad the
at the e's Aim?, lwas Union o *. Djstn
The loyal•eiti:iens wont in o'thei
test with thel dill k-nowledje - tha
moral effect oflthe debision [whie
people of theiSate would. nuilte,
not, fail to be o r the l ig reatifisti it
tame; conirquently
~he ret urns
looked for , wi't4 th e ereaie4 'into
-.6 1... , r - witit
The result is jilt:lced Igratitylit i ,..l ) The
triumph of tha t friends of tho IT ni'f!in is
co triplete.. They 'Will havt nei i rly if
not qnite two thirds of the f gislatare.
This glorious iesult, will inl Ale so
called neutrality of this Stat . A Will 1
• ' 11 listb h 11 - ' 1 1
place kentucky ut the t e
i oys
states. It will strengthen_ .bands'
of the Union. Men of ,Bastern Tennesee 1
and Western :N:rorth parolini. If, 'will
firing 'to a speedy end the pOlitictliiiie
i ' .11 it . i 1
lof the traitor Breckuirige,nna gi l 9 o
fionest J - osopli[Holt, a proiniiiencb , h t
hiS meritsjusly deserve. 11 ' ,
G4ea:t 'Frshei-Hbesini l otio 1
Q. -& 0. R. R.
' B ridge. I:'
On Mond • y night 1
therit ; as a Sud
den rise - in the Beaver lyer j ;which
, an immense 'loss o propertp- in
this vicinity. 1 The water came ponr
ing down in such force that nothing
d withs _and it. The El „„
pibildiPi Rai l- ,
road Bridge which spann i l ed; th( l , , river
at.its moutliiwa's swept front itsl place .
and daslie1:110 pieces on ie: oj.posite
side of the ' Ohio river, and„ such I was
:the force of the current that the I.valid
i 1
stone piers upon which it) rested were
-- i 1 4 '
sweptm i .fro their foundation's a id en
tirely,- destroyed. The eitiiiii -is Much
injured. Th( two iocks lat) its nionth
have fAlleii in. Several ciltial • boats
i - ' 4 ed over i the , 1 i
were .carrl i dam a id. de-,
stroye'd. .Tiie liillOWin Id' plate
been:the principal laserl .4 . r. .13).pitly,
ROpe Pactery,-Nel)v` -Br4llton $7,000;
'mcssrs., St47art, Kennedy ard'lDuff.
Fallston, 82,100; Minor -nd Mirick.
X.f.iw I
Br; );. : ) 1 ( '
I A..
, An
night last 4
!name unki
!IA appear ,
Aton; kno
!train corn
him, • and
track wit:
sitant deal
1 - 1
Another Snake StorP.l • •
Te hays; this week an/)ther•lSnahl
story fron l i. Industry,.V;l4ell we think
overtops the one publislict last week ,
in the Si+. Mr. G. - 1. i ll's• . :. , elton in
forms usthat he kille ti a 0 arier l :' , rial; l e
at indus vV, which was 4 f4et lone;
• -. • - • i feet .. ,
and -ha ~ ?0 prong ooes ni l e-uring
d t.
from 4 O. 6. iud!hes. I Lidastry is a
grea_t plae. for Suakes., ,t
l ii li) speaks
I !
next, n Ow', ? i I i •., -:
• , ... . .. . -
. 1 i
nd l 1. i.,
, _ w
lt ,
and di
Irecken 7
tile 1 (t 1
re Int l-
I -
liner at
.. .
a! full atr.adanee on t mi. daY;las mat
,i ; f
tors of r'eat interest wiili. no doubt be
1 I
lireught hefore the COnentien for itt
action. ~ I
I ,f -1
; u
, ----,
I. £.•'.leilearn withr
. I
friend John' A - .Fra7ie.
• 1 -- A. 1 -
appoint - 1 Prlst i i..MaFte
This:is lii :ippoi,ritaitiii
1 1
.' ‘Are renieinber
was- ~ -I. fi
w beptitifully ~ a t(l
i .i
!philantlitiopist. i It al
s •
1 erY'ina 1 who brings 4
leoinfortstand enjoYen
linl the ' r i e, aelt - Of 1)(4
;who ar'L.,• l j otlierwise c
. 1
I . adyant tges. ,"Bspeei a
lofi hin, iwho labori
I finds nevi - mean of •f,
1 s
1 i :the,poor-truin' i s eap
Ir• , 7
, tan's phwer." , ! We
I l ta l pt pe y applied
Dwell, the renowned , q.
England',.i Who,sphiln . illg . .
I r
Ipatlis to fame, devoteslh is
litiles „„a aequirenientl, to .
er. l - • o Nature'.s, nu,st,i effe
des, fi diseaSO:i - , - IYlihn,
Ihi l essineir has be.;...n i i•efeale
eedsl7o. suPply 'it fo it
1 4
like. ;th
• rough our ( i irteit ,
-I . i ..; ` if, * - :'
rice's that poorl am
enjoy its _ benefits.
~, ~ 1 Ir. -
' 1 1
1 I
t Agricultural,
1 • 1 8...4VE11, Aug. l2.
i •• 1
.17 it - ' ' ,
The Board-of It.anagers r ef the Bea
'er Cohnty ktirienituild 'Ociety met
,t the Court 11ouse to.da3.) Members'
dl present exeept 'lentz,,
.hrodeS and.,
duzeni Aftet. a. free, in e,reliange Of.
ipinie it waSlßesOlYed t Pt we ;hold
ur 1 ilunal Vair this -fa I. as tistr!tli
Ind that the time tie jthe '4sth-, ;26th,
and : , 4h *day s of S.p em I:6'. 4 01; bo-
ion ti premiut of i is f 5,0 11,3 akin 6 offered'.
or rht , alas treiting arses aal
ecoi df•premi in of a25,001i0 .be' eon-I
ned,'ep hers 3 . net le ) me *A for the 1
first 1. I T L ti. M. -Crear , Si) tieer Briggs, I,
Andrew Caro hers;,. - w
- .re ' ppointed!lto , l
isllet tlieating ousee ',e. Alter tratisae- I
tibg l oftier im ortintibusini l ess adjourn- i
Icl tot l peetth ' last Bridalii'Of Aug. 'at i
o'ci.otk P. 3M .
. •I ,1 .. , •,1
... t :
_,,- . •J. GJ'IVILSON, Pres.: i'
S. .FILITA- , Se 4:.:. - iri . I I :
rcin. by the
; and 4eeepto
N.: pair of p 46-
tf24l • dinny
vetted: tbe mbh
_partake H l of
Ivho are open
.s,and yet these
and Breekea
life 'good Union
J . .'acc -lut
i soelof
t t. at consammate
nS of, the 6ee
,n#s . ? • 1 : -
t- • ;
L a cOtiy of .the
F with a; re
? give it 1010-,
I and in so do- 1 ,
at our readers!
lis one. of the
ieets. pitliliitiecll
,esen,t Nar,,and
.17r the South.—
e ,raischievious
ile' l
countryl not.
The editors
to be indicted
pfluished with
riled tint i such
be,p - ablished in
if Rochester is
men for three
id man and wilt
LI ITO ds on . 5 idav
c'n the Jine ofi:the ,Ft.
. hvitvhiel v 4,11 14. iti"n
4 ,
that ho eras Sleepi on , a
tb the track, n t earl
he sta-! 1
n. as - Courtrie 4
s, ,when a
Nvevt partially ni,vakened
in attt,mptin,e4 , to the
struck by the engin l e.l\vhieh
him .ii ightfllilr, eakvlng in-
I (.1
!onvelition on
not fot4et th
a this
tsurb that our
~ I 1 •
.sq.l has been
r 11 t 'hullingll
4 lit to be mde.
. 1 1 ".
oh ( Ho
i ao :on
tic !R ri
Illy ma
to ar
1 1
1 -
°lloilo , OJL , is itruilott,
, 1
?Bafi : onry,of , atlatort, ,4 a
Il n i cali'Pilkft, - • , Ninth liegi
, ..
innsylvani4 .11tatterv, have
raished ns for pubien i tion.i.:;-
et writ tedfor•tbe public 'eye,
r ' , tliing -frci i m ,oft l a l ElEteaver
Nfolunte/ rte they' 411 ie read
;o vat]
c Ilmt antra°, .: T tly24th.; r ;
We arrived here et :11
• OlOck [last
nigbt, aid immediat'ely Fent into
Camp Curtin. Oar; trip
m ,i'Vitp4-
burg, wtis very 'pleasant indeed.; j I
wits on tlio platforta of'the tirs j almdst
from the,time ue started i Utd eVe
ing, and was fully tonipeasated fOr
. weariness it, lodeasiondd, by th'o
biirintitq scenery:of tlie country ; and
L e,
a: he
fr&ca T
Tep fu
as) is e
with in
. _ . . ..
especini l l3i" that rai mount a in s homount a in s , '4- . -
tWeen Cresson and, Alimina. .: ' '
f I harp I read titui!hl of the :beauty of
Juni:loTll6y, hut it) far' sat passed any
descrip3i n.-. .1( see*. the very plaee
Rill roma ce! and adventtrre; and it is,
ttet wo erful that, thet Poor Indian'
clung t ):t with - the . fondest attach,.
nient. I - 1 ', ' : '•1 1 I 1
Wel Iced very Welfalpnkthe road,
every lit le' tOWn, having !some J eata-
It's PrOared, egOitillYl at 4uPtiing
it, where - w had 'quite . a
i . e eve went ui)i)prless , to' .bed,, on
the ground. in tilt open - air. ~,'.I: slept
Ver.. t e( . Two othe ~ .soundly, ati4 ' ttwok much' ' re
freshr' . regiments came ;
E from Won, ti. ew, hours later lat There.
•- 1 -
are „now four .regiments „here, being
armed i and equipped • very ..: rapidly,'
Carrying the ld mitikett liiTheSec
ond Prna:. Re Reserve iinowo otelock)
, . 1
march pg to t le. tars. 'We are all
Well, .mid in t e best, of spirits!.i We
leave either t night or in the 'morn:
ing,.de' itinatio Baltimore. It,theered
our hearts' o I - ern that t' O first news
of the battle was'greetly xaggerated.
i l
Although hit was repals , will only
make t r ite traitors defet t teu Lthnes
, More ;terrible I : _ - I 1 .1.. ,' .
WASUINGTON, July '46: ,
regiment arrived Mere this mor 7
t daylight, 'and are now ciecupy
•oven spae,th on the •elist of the
e lest llarrishurg , about 1:1
Wedn'eay, night; but after
. . ,
getting eightl- to ten tnile...i from the,
Ir:town' the traind l aid over until at the;'
!next frioßifilgi
: ' - ,W& arrived in BaltiLii
More about noon lon the Northern •Cen, r -11
tidal. Six miles irout the line we saw
the guard, which hs bad '.an arduous",-;
task in:,wate 1114; the road. At firStr
the s , rviee w is: ; . ,e,xtr tin
emely. gerous
but I ttely- . the seeessionia'shave made
I no 14ostile d.inhnstration m, the re
-1 (rion.l . AS we paseil. tte ten'ts of tilt 1
guards; each , tir gave a .hearty t it.« 1
1.1 ceitriti f ylW the noi•thern part, oft
'Maryland is er'y I poor. ' We entainpl
~ i
] ~
led near the ; station on the north side:
i of . th7e oity, u' til. eigbt o'clock in Of!
1 ev.ennEr„ and then took k g . ) (,111-lihe, 01
I marelt'id th - other.stAtion. 'about 'tw o ;
1 mile. 4 tfistantr Ihe streets }vtre deme,'-'
•' ly - etioWcleil syith Ipeonle. ('titer tiller
1 e: , cer went Up front the' thne ,w'e' 'start-
ed tII we ntlived at the siati9it„ .i•P,
plostille demotelt6thot what i crer ' WaH ,
t 111:1e. Oil 11i1C'(1.1NI• 11:111d thig p ti y: .. ert‘l
; waipg-I . roln alotost eel:lT 11 1 m6e.. - 1 -
and -stand _hat ,ctidast Mend
ty the rc
w .',.
i i
,' eo , 4!:lerailile'i.ltirm
among t te seee-!
. !
sionist,i-on :11(:o mit:of .the clefent ot oar
• 0 ' .' • 1 fr'' ( t • • 1
Iry ir-, N lel. , . 14 , e4111C,,t . IA o Ini—e,
thrynzil i 'ltoitru'; it had a Stillltary 1.:11'0.-!.
Cil (42' wily to: the station i we paii4- . 1
ed he 25th lregi Merit return; 6 - ;.b..1114.1
1 know , not wh e ther they 'wei.e. in. the,l
bat le: but iitett.ainty it . was not tt h i ll I
1 1 .X'Y.
iving he
e today
1. I ex
city OA.
. J 1 -4----L- '-. j
j r• . -I .
: . . C.i.misJ4easii;c, Aug . . I.+! 1 I
. 1,1 I
' • Vii are now dqipattipeil Within ,sigut 1
ofthe j'aliitiii,• 014 a
)0 1 . . mile and :ja I
ha f•trbm It no. th. and about thc. said} J,
i )'I distance tr '
i 1 th i 'r o tin tia e.::
(i•hjtt r
cul'-Is pleasnttli situittett in( 'a large 1
nitialow, 1 &mt 43 oc l cupied _tor` -tie
Stlt purpose:hy ; th N b -W York " l al,
three mon _ls; Melt: Tteri
iS ' :than-
• du'ics of eNi.elient,-Water two or' thiree 1
hundrod y trils'l distatil ,The pkinta
Lion is owed by an olliee-hOlder under •
th Ls • Guyeil ment, ; who also ownssev'e4 l . '
til li si l il ie v° g B il j e . a t j' es j i tii; jl tiYi t 3 p j te - Va ilsin,a ft I,'
this' rje; , imi Armr watrous are ewtl
I . 0 • ; .and r'' 1 ' ! [' 1
st it lit ly going
,returning'. from. '
tl,e, jdittere It, 4.41 1 411)8. heavily laden With 1
piotisions sett.: One unaepustonlecl tco
tl eJrnight', t hiaeltiner3t I of •war,•Av j oald
h Surprised a what has been aceoni—
plished.byrthis tilOt - erninet j tt in se sidOrt
a time. , _ElvViw• thing Iwas to be pkOVi
'dd, the slditts , djrilldd, tind aecjitsititu
i to miltOtrj-, law, with a' great ;many
it ekperieneett j fillteerS; ' And withl all
Jt. e l se clisadvantagq4, it iii said that' we.
b the
,bee,t, IMdly wlo j pp l ed. • No ; '' no;
that is• not; juiy'•opina.n.t What, have '
Nsfeil thine ? 114ee ntbn Its ago-, ur
V lan teero r,aShed to ibnr • lltheinse -es.,
a 1 6oldier ,'JWillin,,n'tdlgo into tietioi ;if
' 'd '
ep , be, Iwithout any cuciwledg 1 of ilitAry teties. jesSet(thi to teak lan
rmy; ma ageable andietl eient.j .11.F.ey
cyntende :against , a I'a- ll diseiplined 1
)vce.!oceitpying:sti•oilg e tycnc.hinchis '
• tat heltin!d Masked hatt rles, tun
Iriit'g mithl' i ee., tqj one; Sect with j all 1
1-.sse, disadvantages our army, .foui;lit i
ia-nth ji edethiess, a couirag jandlhraYitry,
orttly .of 'iveteran.... An aecickent
. juseka panic; conyer mg a VMOTT.
into are reat. W e hay no-reaSOn'to
hjlasha • sit 'Of our inbn. iv
A brae` a lt
1 , l :9 L
it.nee el dared de th pin the: lii'ttl'ei:'
'lld.j j j Indeed, we 4 Val every re; ion.
0, be sap 44
s .1f ith the heroieebn'i lj uet
tr those jheroic men.!, Tili9y:re hilt to,
N6rd 3 the
to cv-.
I Bora lions,
life 0
- elitssee
lof , t h ei r
- ! it be said
• i
seeks -tiiid
i -
rkg health,
'.tl4 the rich.
his ,' etilogi-i
J.! Oyer. of ;
i 4 0 . New
i he trodden
entire abil
‘irecial reme , -1
h i p hidden
td; he pie
t i s, 'at such
. ,
frp24/ o:ty
1, ----7-- I , ' • - 1 •
;. delea ed ' 1 , Their %%use is
ley lc/ ti•ia l lUph-, ..F . or 1 Got '
liem, a he l i is .ever oji th.
riroth - a et J Ostice. From th
', - 2roniwe I charged at ~.gars
antil A t h
e present, [thet P j ul
how s, superiority in arm
Avail It iS 'true the lat
oocaido , pliyigain a 'tertipora
lige, b t It , would .6porti `van
i i - ‘, . .
lAt .the. depot •tve ptet tee
til ti or way . l.,nfet. : - Th(.,,,-
t sw: the 'war: , Troops' .11.:e
i hottd• - \.. • : We Ill'OVe Somel
pdrbai.bA. o\''(:;r , ti.
pevti At) -lic e 'lsoinctlithg , kit,
ti ..r.iloi.);I : ')• ' ' ' ,l -! .
r" 1
Lbodi land
..1 1
is- , 4 -kit'
rs, aid of
da-IT:, hat
itan II has
ovi• the
er Would
S fuiyan
sb b6fOra
Itltl3 sterntteis ~,,a. - steadiness of •hi.
Int ictilo,:g!prit'itheir t.S.rner; in Goo,Lan ,
k: t theit,: . . - poulder dry." ` ' •':1 - •• •- '14 ..
linow l ito,t , what disposition may' 6
, : 4de of kart rcgirnent: - . , 1t, iis pro '
fp we wilt ie4eip here "ferer or -, et
,1, , ' elm.. Ther • itt', some talk that , 1 ;6
11 he seta to gu , ard Ythe ' Salt : in - Ore*
(~ tio Railroad fhe] businesS is da:,
gitroits,, with itj much Credit. , :it.
IV tat
• does : it 'poke . ivh' ej
is'e are placed,l o s 4 l ei'Perform:Our dt, ' . I
JOhsayi the is an appointed finte!dto: ,
d'el,. and v l e rt- iis % view we are justrlas,
s oon !.brittlesfteld as: in! Falls' n:.l
' • le' 3 . '•''. . Ait i i
•• , -I
• AM H P --"- ACItSO INT i- ltis 1
li , , -.. , . ' ~,, ~:. ~,. ~
*I *I I *•ti ! had a long talk'
1 1 .
y sterdaypvith a ,S.6Otch Ilighltinil,Or
i ho was }n the, hattle of Btril's.ii3OnJ
,1, e gave' . liltiit,ii lan aniniating dose 41,4
1 tin of th:e h. ttle: , He, said our. oen
h l id theni' - vh'pped,, and if , I liere2.' ad
-en only in : - or three regiments or.
te recta' ts t i rally •lipon,-Mir viet ry
llr oplel lave. b en; complete. .- I like' he'
q i r....citeli eliara tAir; •Thereis !tin encr ry,
, a deeisit.4l.• :nd a feurlessties: , ,l t.; let .
i renders ;. tiler i . .alintist invineiblil in
gras. 'The • rishintiii,. too, hut d§ne
1i s duty,. i T e gallant 69th 'i4 big . 11v
p ' w ised -1.4 ee ry one ~ for .i ts 'vale , fil
It lei „late Jilt dle.' • The,- derinau S f, iso
i live aeOittl.d theniselvesi likq titbit.
nt ii
oreigalliors citizens, have conic ;..for
i 'f
a l r r d fr i gi ni 'l t i l i
flips rho tl d ie 3 i l c l t s iii c l i t u r ' 3 is i's;ri ' l L , *ll, i t. tl 4 l -
a patriottisi, worthy of the highest
idiniratio . n. , • Wi th. j a:, .loVe of Libtetity
fharitete9sti WI tilit7iiii who'l',itNie 'Seen
the wrongs f • deslibtisni.„ • .th ey' saori
flee every se fish! interest, and teS'otve
to carry, the phi flag thrOugh thishVar
in triuMph, er perisli in I the. rilteiripe.
trl Ont.. iness[ enjoy; their accustomed
health. I : at i :is,coMpOsed of ; I, DitVid
!Lloyd, ..Plitt - Seat,' James!: .., Laritrier.
'McDaniel; I isingei - tad - znYseill • i ; '
' .i • i - :i , .• . r ~;. : •
, . 'l - ' • : ,1„ I _ , ;, l' ,
7 . 1 if, 31P iEN.7ELLEK,,
j! :kV•e' are o:%v eacaralicd 'fi-i+
Ifrei.)in Get.. ‘town near, a s'iiir'''
1 , e , ~ , . - '.l
calltd Te in .Iley. •.Tne'sday •. in
,We tooki• • the. line , of mini
'north .for , a font :four, miles fron
iuka Nvetv, stationed i''as *pielc
sanie;ye t ni - Ig, .relintining on
it is becoming quite 1,
r „ing.' , , I ft i;i:,.. , :ild !the !; sece:.liicinl
: NVer'el Stationed upon:the SUin t oil
[night berme. If' that was thcl t
:is not So Ili( W 'f.LS inirt , Or 06' owi
Tpiiiiy went out . Ft:o4ol'g,, und .sa
ira solitary than .who aPpeared r:413
suspicious. lie Was quite Old, a
oacions, Ile, - was left uitharrti
,Stinie. Of of ripiekets, , within a lips yards'of', N'h,Vlr I. 'N'ti.:i staikincd,
'bur times, after •commundinght
saw Maid t! , . ami- am'inclined to
i that they pOssesseil a ratlwe Vi^.l
i agination.. ButitisludtH 4.e- e m c 4
I, 4 tinitfotir den'shon kl-be 'so' deer
•We mad - - lo: arrests.; We., WI
lid . ab u t e n iii'elbek; last
1 ,
started. fit ~1 eamp !and, arrive :4.1
iat half OA eleveni . - , '• , • .1
It Was. reported
,that., Johrist4
I crossed. the Potiiiihi - e•Ve`4 , l'o.'l'Vl
chitin br tbiey .9(: , li,xllil i l miles fill
'N ' ly;e heart heavy "elamlonading i
' tlireetioli but 'lt innt'>! be 4 - ,tirP
I Were . role .611- t.` . si,ill . !: , their gin'
great, .at Oilier lof heavy o : 1- tql
nail amn minion' iwagons passti l `:
night, ei bee ,t' or. Our picket ! 1 i 114
chain br dgtr , .11, thiak there •w-•.!
hat tle •be ore bill;. We ',have:4
in Our k, butu
, or)1111 ii
as to of. in readiness at a:mUli».
- • • 1 - :
,f ; -
warning [ - 1 • .
Ode a ess is c doing yery•wer;!exe.,:pt
Sitott a,, d• ,Nl'llattiel, - wll6"l'fack, Leen
sick for sonic 'Nays; I : , :.tantl t ,' it, very
N•elif 461; having ;niisied a dayi,s,thity.
since it left kAinip Wrih , lit: ' 1 ) •:-
• • ___l..._.-1-«.-- t'' : ;:.
, , 1 , .11 i .• .
Kentneiry. .. i
tonal returns o • the l i iegisla- ,1
lion in'Kentue' v on•:Moiiiiiiv
doubt -Of the leomplqte ti i
• the 'lrk:lids of :the„Uplon. --
r I
lqintadiitg the,calainitors• in
f .Ball milli,, their iiiiijuAty' is'
great riSI. it Wit+ in l'.-iii,Con-'
al. electiOn three Months since.
panic; timk - the ti 4 ws ChM r,s; tultell
itivancedrithatftwas then ; tiledle , now. Votes a um;, is 11,1a1Mly
peaqo or jwar—peace itiltaming
ion to. the rtilefrif .leff . 'i:ya'ris
r Meaning as ^ aletive; ellicienti
part,. in , the ; glint- conpict'. hi
he Union is mow engag d.
.. ;
,Legisluit re, Jus, elecled (.1%-c m. ,
,t until It-he first - 216;‘ , day in
er; - limt, the etre:t
: AM' -if . . elt, , A,
I be 'fflClong bitbee
,thilt-time r
balled] meutrality' of 'tlM ''State
(info bo,beought to
. an Una, tin'',
in- Melt will, . we ,
'; delay;
- po i ,-
ti i)
i with Ont further elar , t .
I by. artmed for e wherever 1 1. .
Stiry, this grea t deetere,:`Of th , f
The ttit.t spe eh whilt- that
hearted Arnerie, r., JoSe h ll.oft.
i .)
make' to kentu ,ky . trtiops, Will
4inceiljupOn .pent !Ay - Soil
no..longet.'be; ne - OssA ..y - o go to
dapsa, for tbef purpose... ~, .', . . • [-•
• ' ' I tit' ":-,
tilt. most tumor a
I, cons '=
of this . ittispicions triiiittpli.'4l
14and eoirifort it v 4 L ill :giv.e rto
A- ' t or'E • St 'T I ' 1. -- ,l'
triots u.„ ern nnesset.. 77
,utral territory Will, henceforth
terpesed 1. between i:. them aid
(iretherii,lthe Soldier of the Un-
Aiklre,w; ;ilohasCly. nail his : gal
intpeerit IN ill . llCefiictlx!r,liave ri
'ty in,car,rving • tO lileit• peoP
Add . l i
live d
lease il
utnpli u
- NI oth wi
quite, a
At tilic ,
M llleh
tioi Wi
Tht so
will tit
tlaj U
pr e?e i
ext i cat ,
• is nem l
has to'
lA , pro
it }till
bo thei
the p‘;
1)01 in
their I
ion. /
rani c
the a
Ims and munitions of ivar which
'''.titional II Governmet.t provides
it &fen e ; and we may ,confi
lcouift 9i their inol o v inahing la
decided''stand than i kiver ;against
;rants INho , have conspired 'to
o theni. lII h :
'together, ;this' , victor y . at the
n 'Kentucky is 'about equal, "n
nonce and - consequence S, to such
rry as '' ; wee cough to have wciri,t
assts on; ,sund y Wfoie,
ne. ); ) 1 - - ; ;• 1 1 1 .1 .- 11
; . ;;
"t - -
th t e t
s bd
ion of ee h
- app4prinict
iiogginias a
In tide army,
1 .
. irilie t ielirmwtp et. , S ecession , Paper Cleaned 0 u , , , '
1 --.- --1---------t---.. --:-.11.- --- 7 --- fj . ' : "tc , I{ . - 01. A' ,' .-' , ' .. f . .)
OA . C . OnD, •A-'4 • / J., , ittignSt. 8. ISM .: i
. An . a l th : V r l'' V I
1i'°!........°132. 7 1.13 %
r °ll4: The ; ()tee of the Dirsocratie Std i' I '
BED ArQULLOOII- - D - It'. A.TED. was completelyreliewf - o f • f"at,
il l .
~ . 1114 t t ol , •,.
1 • -!' t • • •;. 1 -' ' ' tents thisafternoon byrt - moh.coth
. _ i - i
~,- ! :71 -- „ "• .-, ' • , ,
i- t : ZSPRINCIFIALD, Au g . 24861„ of-the soldiers l ot' the returnit4l4 ° :
A battl4 io l C'eurre l li to=ll iv iit_ D. - ag; re il irnEli t t • t" ( t ilof eitiz . eis. 77 “ -1- 4 1 Stoc rl ,,I t
Siring, 19 smiles solurl t 'of thil Itist-,,.,' and toronsoca•an artit•l' l',.."'Avt:•Lili,,,. .. ,
4 . t ,-...• •Al
between the' Gerreral. fore , :.'; , - undet; 1 1-1° s° l qic?". Thc'Y drills -Pied r f _. • •
1rv . . 1 •
Gen.iLyonr and ,the ROA troops un- i tlm't alit the - I'altners—titc . 4,,L ic , i ,, c
der ben 4 - tleilll.o6l, in 'which t . r i of the; anc l PTPrietars - --bhuok pi;.otb,a l -,4
farther were killed and 30', %-oulidetl j'a,,,2°- oat of .tile Nv , it " l °‘ 76 r 1 (1 - , 1 dit - rd
aildi4Or the l.ttcL id , killed'l l ima
F l ::". 1 Cu ll u" e11121‘")•61!;•LI tnOuectultiljet.;,ceita3ii.s.t,t,:iir4,l4:l;iri..ities,
hounded. _
The. Pailtners!lfired four tltot••, s ~,i , „1,,
li-en- '.1.4 - on took iBO stand of ring and ;
15.1. torses utid Wagons. - ~ 1 . fu g I t° -°l(lit l i " 3. T. he offie - e 1:13 h i , '
z 11• A,t*boli of Linit,pd State 'avalrk, 1 ' nedi . t°i•Y torn ill Pif'ec's and ta, ,„;:,
2 b 7 o o dy St o r f °l- Ithel l ln d t i liri il lr; l ra a rig 46 I°P.7 ' ilava° '';
t b e tt lri t hhi li le-s el b: L ta : ir fl :l i e l e : €1 . 11.1 : 1 ; 7 : 3;o1 ; 1 -' 1';' :: •; 11 .e t:az il t t : ; ; ,(:. 1 ti t .t t i tt i • - iiE 4 , 11 1 ti i i,'_ l
teen:4,ooo ;trottl;,, cut ting , [their ' way
through_ 'and routing 'lb in I with a t h'. .l)°l s 'e '4
- Pr ol '-'t.. , •rj Ity hil:.
logs ! of onlr! till, me,n. They eh . ttrge ' .1 - ti' lee t 'rth`)"gi' wa'll grelt evt . ie l ,li t
, 1
was a MoSt, galla 4 and i terrible otw, , , . 1 l i g
, . ____.-.....--......-..11.1: ' -
amp toil Bir ------- rned: .., -.
!several al the relh:libeina .tulnd with '
then heads cloven entirely t itth-r,
rtirgit.. • Ane,tther of o,s
;tl.,c- rentiirhti.lll.,-_,,.ii;
The enemy 1 31etired d urw
ug the of ftP,' for i hit 11 ii .e r;..:' , *•l 'vt••; - ,,i:-.,
Might :Arid Gen-ik-on took pf,, , so6sion% have It cut fatitotns. ha, I - • - • • ',-'' . i
of the field.. 11. • -. --trated at Co an
o cient vi1;i:•;,.,.'1 , t-,. ••
-• ,-•
, ... tt/- I
Another ; hitttlt4 'wt", mon o nt o:c oy ton. a few miles from. 01 , i 1.'....t ( `.- 1
1 rll- ,
expected, the en All. tk•ine l4 I st • ge ' fi.o.t. To do•trt,:,.• p r5 , i ,, ; ,•, ‘ , , ,,,., , „: k , T ,
I fori'e we,,t....0f Spr i inglictl. : '. • hetiteir oiier 111i,:.-lott, ti t at; , 1 ,,,,,.,t , it '
The foll6winff arn the parti •ular•s of lie the frooert‘• of fri.•nit ("' • '
the ,ba,ttle :,, 1 I - '' • . - matter; of ep ee !! slit 1 ... •i l
On TiturSday,! !Ile WS, It ill Cdr here them lAt -..Nl.artin hit...;•. on ~ K..;
that the ienentyl :were >antraqt. , i'lg 0 ., 4 miwha, anu 1107 V it t.' rt.: at HT:•..ii.,,,,, i ;
us in three , - columns•,- with it ! forta., they htve.i . ;,...„ti :Fie i:t.t ti 1 . ,,,,..
nurnbering 2..r,th11./ inen. Ger . : ILs - tm .Itor,,tho:i , ••' fl 0 7 . .121i1 I,)T 1 tt• I•R ' t, .. • 1 ,'
immediately; set out to me l t ,'thent ' - b ~l- 9 , ;, n , i ,-. ...1. - lit a ‘ , ..1.1'..f , :,..i . ,
wit„l4 the 2d randy z, ,, ,4 'Missouri .I:l, g ifinetit.,-, .tructlon, vol pr•••••,;, - triy. front 31111:0, it
from this. city. 'title 4th and 2.t.i han,,,lts is not Pozl, ,, ible ii; gee :toil. tA•t•t: ~,,
Regiments, and J t i he ht lot-a t,ltegi- expect to gli ~. •;• - ,?s- i nti ,,,, i . iii i, i i ~,k-,,_
ntent; also tsv q - oil three m r eo I:lllit. i i of t,:11.;%.• . . 'lt i',... ...t. , : ''..:t titat llt i 1 ext..l(tNe !„...
iteguittr Itifntri) and two - ,r• ; illreelliai . nitig ilatoi.b.,o is that theisi ,;,,•„.
companies Of Regular
_t.:11•61 ryl from cd to prcvent G••tterill Butler itt,, •,.,:.
Clun.P:ll.l.•Ciellan.l. I • 1' , i ing it a,' a place no Wint - er filotkr.,,,.
About tsslervel miles - 'sve,t . ot; fete.,! fiat. ait there is vet no vv. • ) I ; 'i
, , , ,
_,, i itit•;;., it
Gen. 'Lyon entitimped tlrat ey i enoi g on '111111(!ationA of tio l':Ipill. ap j a,, a (.l, , i -
Tyrel Creeli, arid on i'iidatl advaue- cold Weather. - it ih.p;:,.in that ;,cs' I,til
ed to "Drugl sprin,gs. trirttEi nineteen s•4ome ()lit e! . I-shit:et 10 tit-W ;t1 , ! 1„ 1 , l „•,.
wiles sOntlit.vcst or Synti igfit4d.l- wlten , probably it IVIIS to 4rt2:tl t. :t 1 11 ., „,,,,,
he. ohttti'ned • int ellietlitele oil tic en-. feclirgt: of I..ttresl in III ''Cl'• 11 11
11 • I '', , • 11 I.' It• }.: ' r - 4- •”
v eny. _ . . 1 ~ 1 • ..te e‘ til triit,i, ,,
.„4, OS
t'.l.. fight 4 0,101 . Pla:2o irLqWt . t.ll 1 , t,:1;, j 4; nig them '..i; - •
o'clock tital. _ltit.irtl,;6ll.l-..A. II pitety .of diltr;-4;! : - -
-27,0 or ( ;Ulf il,,p, .11 1 1
I S (1 Va iry...i i iiS IWO Vi- P., U. , ,5,.c.. • I', 1.,•! - 1 C ..% It . 4 ,1' o i t ,
01 gly rcr;orted, 11. 1 T1',, , (..rl.i'l I 111_,t7 :11/ ridgy grztlid t,l t.l, , „ i t ; te.,,t, , 1,,
of high land ' . rt -i rtially litelt,so.l on - the tiiliccht t '‘, l . , :ttt ; ali:. l- ,I 1 , ••-•
et st by a - I l i a ley,•attd; s- ' liettl i tlestittl 7 ,thi: , o:ty 1;) , ;:y....1 t-j -• '
'silt*'silt*the itillc e-Arile. tipm a Its•ge c u r e s, titit,. tit: 11. F., e4,,a1:11.....
of . .thc , elleolfs A i 7.l ! l6ollttlS" e:t+q Ill: , Lt.. n L.,
I at Frech ~.i.op.-: ti,, iv ~,
liont 2On Itl) 4,ol.lound.l)c : i 10. unahle V. 111- t,I-'itt- , ;' , 01- '•:::•.: : ',k•
to retrettt. thtit.• , !•haraeti Incea; their on;'• .i: 1•0 1 :. Y . :0.. 1 ' .1.• •'• '
, _ 1 , . .. , ,i , I, • , .
;way turouga, wall tue;toss n only art.
teen. . ~! 1,. • I,• i ,
.'.f1.1: Litutettant . ....,cuttorir 111 it ,,, th e
t • 1 ,11 lif 'O 4 ' '
cavalry wt i- - - I e; t tor -1 ,ini.. , ,• .1..:'41,4t
0f: Clic' .40414.. ),
AH ArQtn iil
1• ivltly
'appearet l . iii ;T a i itt,, .t. , ' -
d -
along tht - tlley I tt lltee
to ti , rt by otn• 'artillery
141111') , „ IV:1 1 , 11(.4Vp : age a CI,. ' 1
te*.reated f•oulliisitt•tt 1. 5 1,,
:Nlet'ullolt . ti; Sli';i*.il on trash' ..t;
• 1 I 1 '
pa' I. I 1
'.l: ite- t0..,t,1 1 ,•erl 0'
t o t tlye tiet,i amot
1.01110 'forty-ion I.; v
tip.; ' I
Get!. 1... , .10n'i1-18: 1... a,
tr. , ne11..1 Fitt f% l O-4.1
' 1 i I I '
e n l7-, zin, 71.17401,.1...
.. ,
take plaee. 11 .
lt,i. .-ai l l.-1 i10,. f k ~,,, " -
men 'll,irt mili.: ~,
ewnin,:,- in to
att.....-ne:e of C.. n i-t '
1 :1v" e!"111 1 )311i'l l '-'1
.M1.,..4,71ri 1 V ol i anl
.'S(a) II onie C01 . 11 ). 1
ing countk.s, aild
ci - iiiiv I tri l r
ijani< ; ,,;( i )rllialll..
to 'reetuinoil-L4'll
\\ - e•q. \re. :t 1.0
conilL i en't. Ilealri i
terminecl tiaiti I
tithe the town ,vi,
rn P'
N. 9 4
' ' l*Stv
, lbut
1( 4 l;-
, ry ro
at the
I ~j H"~'ti'
41 1:1,-,t
qux the
, 1 11 be :a
El 3
F f.
1., i'LL._,.-I'n!".i
. .
AS;Coll . gre:.3l,Ylhp oi' . :.;N. , .1
ported-I ohe lit' lIVAH-no - at
ditching.: ,i
.: ,
Th:e st ea ni e, r Po:eliali( :1;:a:. 0 z
at I •i9u . iviiiit4 •b been .!s iY,e(i :17
Reb'eis on the. ireakies-qle -rivei;,
Utt 11 , J.!:,skea4:of tobaeeo - 1 : •
Th i ;? Coq rit'r, (.4' this. eyylihig .li l as a
report ot a lri.t: 'at Ml,lfe; - Balhu•d
CQUIlty 7 Ey.,i Iviw-eork a warty i k f -1.7.1r
i0i) isis and H:•tetiessioeistsl. : • T ss• c.) _pion
il:amed"Sh(Aieldloiesaid iv •leve - h .c y l
lr.Alled mid 0010 ii-tiiiivied
I Tie: •Af clcpit .( y 04,)1 : !114 v,
that, the hea4N.of the ' - vol
he pl•emoted by: a )her:ii d
eorn and riee . ; instettd4Ai
of 'flhur. • •
7') lehmon;fl.3lThirt
report frotailVashingtO3„4
thnre are conif
Covfederate ,
CON. of Tenriel
reserve foree. !of 25000' la_
State, I • q
The .
,Alabanla .Gaberpatorial ele
thin .bas probably ;zone in favor of
I '1; • .• Ir .
tr •
dispate4,o/The ,31 - oN/e Daily News
,A,.. .4patch,to,,_ he ..,L opt, _ y..L.
of the sth say that a • Oaval fr
meat had occlarred loetiVeeit'a Feieral
ve,l-ot.l all& ill'e privatis!er Vixon on
, 1
31-is , l ., sippi S4t ild. Iheisteamer peuj
ecl tire tirstj t and after, +changl g 20
shots the .t t eanier was hullilldl twice
and iwitild'r-. The 4rivateei•
‘ was
uninjured. , ' ,
~., .
1 : _
_,.. c
ImpOrtant 'from Sopthern an
( I,' sas. f 1 I
' • Lt:iv.itlywonrit, +utr. 9, 18G1;
7 1 2 , i. l' • •
- , I‘e hnve ~ mteliigencei from Sonkb-
ern ~ifinsis that, g,reat. excitement Pre
vailed i 't,h4re'i lo . cying to the actions' 'of
half-,breedCherokees and white but:,
la*s fl%.lllikanigis and MissOuri,
headed by Olin Matthe,ws, a leadcr,
froni.the Qszt're County. " z /
0 1
If i. reported that .Men have been I
killed,' and sity familiks driven /from
•t,ho Oherokeerneutral quid,,o have
taken ref: e uge lin llninh,dhlt i f.lansas.
Thezotrtl i tathreatenin i attack upon
the place.k -li I ' 2/ , ' '
A ' Rossocre line wirived here re
, .ri
quekting. aseastattee cierr) the Govern
-I,i, - 1 , ~./ J
11101I.L. 1 ,0 , 1 • / , .._ ,_. •
'•.' 1 I I 1 , _/. 1‘ ' •' '
.D.•: ' .
y, .1
tidr, .
noss-.- a it
I - 3 ,
in ',
tbe bill
ns or ,'fortif6a
nl isl4 r. n , e I nt is abol-
k -re put
:lei` el. i".ft`d
t jli
Ali , :dl
1 : 01:1 . V, 101,1
cl•i2 eq.
ti , t t . l)
• I.aillt•
Iv ri.<_
i. iti
. . r
11:4 J
L tit
I. 1-
C ',111.1(
v e Lr{ott,
,l c-
ern Itei
11 in
nt il
tl c.
‘ ith
711 4 tilesti,,, , k - s.i.
'allowzinet of
:td ) o 3d has aa
1114 persons 1
sany 'ler , the.'
„ •
• -
!,s' . 'ec . calls fora.
eu.' frunt the
• -irt“..1:1:::;1
it 1- Liti,ll\
1 , 1. f ,:,•
it"i; '1;.; •
latt , itt
;;,!:1` .•
I ; ' ;;•.• 1. .•
't ;:c1
; v t
1:: .
bt.t.ll v •
i.ilt:..t t
1..„, • +I! LI=1;
'l'u ()ii! r'•
ei t "t.
P4:l. °..11
.11.c1 , :1,1: i . .n..
' 41 ' . :.`.. 1 , , 1`. h ... - . ~, 1 , ;;,,,,..,', . 0.
. V,.,:-.;;.-r. , ~, I - 1 ,.: • :I ' . .*: ' ..'
.. , 11:1 •(•:N1.1,t..".' •- , -V 4 1,..' 1 ', 1.:: - '.. •
..i .ii- ''..*..:
tioVt..i'llitiel,t. \ - ,"i'••ill, c - Ve.i til
l'lro ol
.. 11% ,, 1nt•i f r '?'l.iifija-!,11 1 ,. ." "i:ty•
I.i' rile 1 . :,.y ,liwyS 111,1 Ifl,l . kir . I.FO 1•• ,, - , '
iyl , l , () i . tilt' t'.. - 1.t:1 , ifirf,;•::',o 7. . --- 1 .•,,,' ( ~ , ,V ,:t
, - • ~...
ilitlilt• ciftplf*yt',: - :-. tilt ' :-:,' ,, ,,:fp V.
: grc.'at `,•;1!II.:. liY illm: i;l , '. - t - - 1 itii,,'ll,.. .
.. 4,1 ~..„. --1) -' ... i'...f
, ~, 4,1_ i...,...J. --.. 1 .1. Fr,: ~ ...-q.1,- ; ._• . ,
,rif,. ~,1):,,,,ii.,:. ric . ;;..... ii,t,,,,
: - .)i,,,,-t,,,,,,,, , ,-,„1., ; :,...,, 1. .:.,::,.-..
i .) ~,rii, chlo„—i4), .-; ~,. . .• , ,:t.
.-,..,i:-, ~i, .
ti.; ~:,,,.,, „
ti,l, ,„..,,- 1 ,1,..4.,,,:,,,,1,,4-,7,.›,.„-.1, [ ;,.,
(1.) lim,c,. Tel ,t,.., t i.t..i—::. t -,--;
-. .Tvert ., all vlo:A•il ant1.1..1 , 1::.-. , N.
1 •,--i ,
i SillS ; FP4.!lltiri, '':
•. ' ,I „ '
Q4oz-tc.rly Stat . :,..44luk;
Of the Mink . of —l3ell -1 11 .
BRIG .:I , oj. 7 }.lr':?l' • .
\~tes, -l::!,
t.n act.
ter pr.
Cur! e
Furnitll:, Lt,. I .1 7 /XtUrt s g,
Due rt,E
CLA/ * . - •
Noea of ether
, cteaiLixa
Notes itt Circulation,
Dividenyis unpaid,
1 •ofiti Anti Earnings
I '
Te - 4, • ,_
Bt. Avrat CotrrY,' 01;
uty Notary Puldic, nnA r
_CAM° Edward .
11 - ,045.1
Haul: of peocer County, who l --11 ‘:
ed, deposetl., that the aho , :e
:ect awl true according to t4:Poit cf hi
le (Ise 1 , anti belief ELM Alt 1) 1:PO PS,
,41.1.fu wed at.d subsChibetllNtore 111'1,11'2
Y. of Aug. IE4I. 1/ :
Cn.ts. yept. tot try ru
Alr 1.1 , 1T011.—/
Please at dounce tho 'name o T s sT ,
MI isms, E/sq , of Itochrsier,i 4 , .•3 a Rel. , •;1
Unicu liyeepenleat ea:Aid:o4 Lr the orA..
tn y, at the October eleettw' 'a t
rlease• allow:loco aty, lime &
Gated4ate for - Treas.urei of 111,aver Co.onti•
- - JOHN
Dir. Eorrea--Please onnotioce the niott",
Wit. 'Sr; TR F:ItSPOON, of Dariiititelitow; '
0A11.1 . 11it 1 4 sof CountyTtetater ,
the tlveibiou of the 'Cuiciu C tkaty
anti obti SIANY eItIZE,SI;
Nu t mogsatvl olona;itt Dr.
IVA: Drtfm Store - t ' 4 •
ti~,l l :b?
'k' ~ ~wl
~, i , l
N , '-
.1 .
01;r: ttri"...,
'il t';;::+.
. 1-- -- 4
_ 7.5~,?.
3, i l IPi
;111 1
1 " 2 4