II NM ligumE vol MO la np rt, Editor &P • i fitio SHE' NATIONAL ARMORY. kelates; f-.) the depth orCutti. illijil -Il . • , - I i -÷,-,• ''' !'t •' • .I', ,•te'reattcred•foir a canail. i 1 - edEPILED FOR' TIE BEAVER ARGUS, 'ln till 'plan .for this site ill .1 - 1- 1 ~,, .1 ..) . ) . sed . to meet)) a stonedam, e) ' ' lltblisher f') BY.DR. JOU* Wi IVAELACE,''fq. C.' - .-'i' f. ' , ' '' ' ' , ~ , . I high, t the hlad of these f4.11i ) : .2:N . ,.. -. ' •'; 'l''). • Wisni'NoroxlJuly 28,"61)J an op n banal ; from mvel it 11 - • Ati.i.z.ufron:' ) - . ,• - ' • • • ',- parallbl lto the river a far ?is ;, 1861, I ' 'I- • , ) ) - • , lAs - there 1s1• considerable, interest . and t. eqtablitili the rvork. to )) • ) i , .7 1 i . 1 - 1 , - 77 ----- . - i inlantlested s _b r y the citizens of Beaver I left b n;.•• of 'the Walnut rulti. .... T.ER)1,9.-04E DOLLAtt aid FIFTT Cr.:.:s . ,0 . . I , 1 . `1 i , . - 1 1- • • county, in reard to the e,Stalplidhme'pt ! ferene, - ')f level between thb l top 0 R er annum, ;is ADrANCE; othaiwist 2 Tr#.oloL- :•I,;di location of the I'V - sterri . Arniotiv, j'dam rind hi 4 1 11 . 1 water at, thet Lite isill 1 .. e, i , ip s wili[be charged. It - fr.:Ter tl.: l ..eenVtinbe,l, ! I 11 1 01:gilt :i• statement : of; what 14d :feet wittil gtNes 16.6 feet I ad 'a tll HI I; I _ - 1 1.. - .i bee done; at the' present ses.sioir'43ll that i 4 '6 - Tinted on tkvo o orshotlf l ail Srrest.ges ere ettled, e eel , t- at the ,....4 ~res, . . --: ; : • - 1 : -I i .• 1 _ . 1 uoiv, in l i eterenee. to the matter I' two breaStwli9els, placed a 'pve the. 11. i i i • pool: of plic r. d..tor. i . . , Itt Well as the reptirts'of .1 .. the,„ecniunis-! el of th 4 highest fres eta: / . I , i Adircrliseirants infertid at tai e rate of 50.,! sion'ers appointed 'in 1825 and 184.1,17 . 119 dam Will rest. on a Ilevel i ;I 1 .1 4,,, 5er . i fol.. - a similar 'purpose' . nfirrfit be Or:foundation' abbut eit , itee - t r, 'Azts. per s.'uare, of thtrtevn lines for one i . . • . I, • t 6 , - 1 ?_1 , i , ~, , . i I 1 - 1 1 ' LI , I SOTtle Illtel'es, Ito the readers of the •low the; - urfacp of lo‘ wa -r, ands, tion-T-enc , subsequent, insertion 2o; cente.. .A : . , s ., , , I Arpis. hare 4.11 .solid rock .. n b th sideiS I - ' • ) liberal direiinln niadeito• yearly adYertisefs: I 4-It. the beginning of ' the present ; the give for its .abut cot i A iv reBL•Laiclrs I and COrtinunictitionl, by mat , , ...,, • 1 1 Seititi -11 read,• f tt- :•-' i- • , 7 1.. . • J..1%..-. or € o Pi s-, NS ay or 'vett. raa3r be open • thrf . I 1,1 4,F411 have rronuit attention. .• I -.• ' ~ -, i i t 1 ,. , 1 L__1_ ..... ,........... 1. r l j itt,ilved."-'l".hati there: be. -a Select..'at any. : pointi that maybe refe't ' COmmittec of Nine appointed, I,y the! we have plat eii it about . 2, afe Speallten, to inr - Ptire into,. and report 1 , low the leat. of the canal 1t her upon the expediehey of establishing.; rock i•tilion $ *feet a JOVC qie hi!! aril Artnorr. :Al 'rest of the., - Alleirhenyl use 9'' tie .ri er immcJiate t opp 1 • i -; " - ' - '' ' : 1 monft.i r.... . • I 1 !and 4 !felt a (.51,•e the lOvel 'the , 926 e resolutioneras : • adopted, sad the !It is. nearly se en timels width. th& ) , l' Si).,eliier 41,15(54,1.6d the (bllowing tam-, canahland - its - iosition secures it rd!Orsons p •i 4 the : Select_ Committee: ? any lialaird . i or any. meen - veni .J tints K. ;.Moreli6td, Pa.:- IJohii A. i whateVel may be the height,Of a f Biniitiiin, Old , John A. 3E6C:re:viand, ' et ahov4thei dain, ne. 4 nly 'all the , Ill; irraticis %:. liiellogg, -Mich.. J. L. plus waiier duliposi q, - it to . have I Stratton. N. 'J., Charles I.Yclaito,Atass., I.ingress Linto Vie can:l, nin,:t b J.tinis S. _Rollins. - ..1f0.. Win. Vantleve l r, charged rowel Wier, anlihe qwer 1 foil:A; and Jobn 'l\ri Wallace :Pa. - The t4a•ter.in.; : the.eanal- -- bel w i , bin ' Co:nitnittechela on'o . Se'siiion 'but there; rise two [feet a l hove iti4ordi4ry h wa . ti itio definite 'actiOir taken. ' .The!.and, I;fnecessai7 ot-&sirabl i e, tit -‘rUtorv: bilk :and meznorials Whic:h ' ter in tLe c. nFI netti4. the Worl:s had flied ret:ltt-rtst: ;to t ii , .. Committct,-111ay- r ibe .kep at all ssasun with Wcircii distributed ;ti' sub-cicknunioc-Vi i -fe w -inclib o •a uniform 1e l e4. V.O - eport at a tit ture meeting. - 1t E 11l kil l ' OF "FkPE ' FOR At 'lt' za . •••• ~ . N.St. 4 % A ~:fq: t .lllilir, 11.01A - ev i , er, 'will be done!. ! ‘,„ T i,,,,.; ..„I i „. - iN . n „. p p ,„ ft , delhatt.dv,- until the re4tilat''seFiion_ili:. : "-• 1 - ' - ' )- i r r -,. -)-- ---- - i''" - ' ; •,-, Congress whi'clt -meets' ofr tie eir4t ',; -: '-1; , i 1..CAV.1.7 0N:•.•'... !. , 31;.111,/,LV .of beeetnber.: I)evataiiolis Of earth 1 - ' H I ' 1 , , 0 , rt) Ore front. Iliocik Island, 111.. Li-: - .i hs s r es t.). Fir fni y...j se , 1, II • . In 050 5 id yards et di trent d gititgiiitwt. Ind.i Pittsbarg. and • l3eaNer from '. •'. r fi , i 1 - 1 1 L.53,240 9. .I : 4ls — each tti••••itl ,, the Claims of their- .. o .a r r .a ..,, ni, e .. i ~. 1 . L. 4 ,. ,, •,. ~ e ...,,, . 7. • ''' l ., i . i I. 4 .'1 1 - re:ipt...Ll*+._ OC.IIOII. ... . I • ? A 1 . .....36,3 ' 7ubic yilids, 2it (1 , 21. pet de r' at ,In ),4,r,i;ler:, that t - our 'yea! et's ;may ' 6 cts ,per ruble :yr,l - " .7..Aril kl,i4:*,rit- ,„1„,.;„,,,,„; tf,„l I., i ii, 0,.. 15,6i9,8 ;Cubs itirls,'l2 feet d it, nt l i cats ' in t J ..?'4?-,...* .i . :' .. ' 6 ,*'-' ,' I' :,,. * i per 7 :i•ard.. 1 ... ..... .1... • ' L;.2.65'5186 .ut1y..!,4 - i0 ,, .0. - -.t,,, 01" . 0;112ally 1()0:11.1211.Te l t . , 7-... .0 0 cl u b i d a i rds 7 1 et . t deep', at 10,i 'dig. examttyl. I . have copied the Ireport -,l ?f * ''peT . Cllt;if... sari -• . ......... . ..... -0....2;7)4 1 40 tLC , r:!iiiiinii:',4oners appointed hi - Aire 19,117,60 Cu ,cylrds., :14 feet fieep, tit 1119 Se•rl , ,tars - ref ilVar.: ht 1110 q I:014i ey Co... per ctic ' aid , I. ', 14,6906 i i. or at.-t 4.1 Comr . i'",,4s, •,:.• 1 flat • •'' 'Of ito"ok ' - " . 1 1 11' , ' \ . art . . 1 , ~ ‘ p.ts..(. (.11r r, n.,1 - . ,;:,:-. tliii ' - -.,i ;1; - ,!:,:; I The euinin;-- , ion'em •- or . ' . :,.- 7 .. 1 j ; ,.. - ~ ~,. ,;.; ~,,, . ,•;., . . c., -21,534 Clibiciy rds, averavn ii 0 Pia( at ....;sL.e.l or l fit ',,. ~..”. n .ea ano I.t.le,lttp).. i 1.10 per Cubic ,t rt A,- ..... .4...... J.:L.23,6447,00 . 1,14 . 4' Taledti then of high - sc•ionti - tiF . i 245,3 Ctbic:Fitrdr 4.6 feet deepl iiiial . cr:fit i eel att.:al iiii.??ot. • *hi) exaniintid q u it e 1.. 4 depth ~ ,, f , enrtll„ , cet . 0 F t): , „ tier , 3_ 41..,. .. . t . . _24 , 1 . 4 . Mita . .;..-...10f sites, - and reliorted. as ,ful-'' . 60 ' .- :''''?" ° , ) l".. , s • 8- ," c" deli!', at 141-6- loli• - ; in relinrdlt. - o.the InNitiol.. ' 1 I ' ' Per 4B . 4 1 Cat: c . ..T•ira t. 4 , . . - 7, 0 a 4, e ,. ;:. ; • J..- , __,.. 7. ; .....,..,_,.. 1 „,..,,..,,._ 4 - ; -; . ~,hr pirp . .9 } eel t cep, 1 J ... , , . 1 4.4Brtrigr=n. PENN*I7VANIA. 1 'i lub2: sant 1_ pS so .3 0; ; ‘lThe4 - - Falls. continue al roil:el; fr..m. oiei 0 i connne tic , di q•jll i i-;'lion. trf. 11:0; :Beaver - . .: '011:I; ~.), 1 v i•r. tit - r•1111 - -'t=rait' Mt: Pitit.l)nrg.- 'l'il - e. v, - liole 'a.zs.c,,. t'eo, ,, :it.h,-.17 "‘yat, , Ti.iii•the ti o tier( i Tit .- lii2,-I,e,t ii-:-.. ialfliediatel;-at tlo•lo. ..innetion. i-. , ..,-0 , ..),.-1 - ..lleaviv;_r 22 feet ill *r . it ,• • , •i• • ''• It.r. 1 - 1...,1 . _,i,,.. I,PS :10(.V,.5.„.:1t• !!!.'ig, 1 -4,. 1111 . , 1l S et i 141 t ha! , (1(:11f.01. and Ind.-pendent! Of "aily• riso in the 13earer: --. ' [ Tit:ere are;si‘vei . :ll- al I vantag ' , oils. sites' al - 41 1 5;4 the litfl44, :at Which I wat,..r power -", . 1 1 r,,, - ' l • :' 1 111,1\111W l.llll6iVt'll. , I.lle , 1110 q ltt'!=tll-, il l o , , to l'..'::lts*i li, )1 ,- .:-.11:011, IS 011 t lir: iet liillsk it. ttp_ , rirt'r • ali(Alt two (lisle 's, S, :1!, , ,P4; it'4 .tr.Hltil. !Tip. , pow ;I. - iyhic i; i if• :itrri, i,-.4 .ii -4 ,1 ;.. ":1 - h..A. a, mot i; favor.,- I, l ,(laira.oi,: .... ::-,;,..,t of; the ; , ..fronr,.l than c',.' i,j414. lOp the,, erc'elion 'of, t o w e'disliori: i aw 'fith , r - 10-iihilm'rti e•yuld ' hardly he i:• , ,mriv c il. Ilia titi - ,rest eleration (if tiro. grcra:i.i. Jiir'76'' i , / . . 4 00 N: . lr'l'' W''' * .e.,,•- 1 0 1 , )':;*" .11110. puilit Wilt:lk! it Ay:IA.II,I he proiF,' •r•i— ...I;.,,4,l;a7,lnrOurietor er toOmill a dam', f , n• t ill. pu 'poses Of , dee] ,aplapi“,rv. WOil hi )•. - n-iv,r tilt_ Use of a ri'vt.)lwalf nr Liti: 7 l`....!:*tocrilivi.. - the wtl2-- iive 1 '. I :nalie t.:217 • liat ,ii , ranee*. anaVOid: file; auk ' either-expedient wa ons: s-Chie .41 'mule pose 1 old'ecltioimlile'on 11115 scOre of i , s inseeit- of .ds i - ; 1, , rit . ‘: , - , ta it expen, - -0, oati- any I conveni 'ere, .14-"'tliti•.. etwe ;that titiglit itttend a lsituatioli liii , her; up the ri-e-I on teeculint of ii, :. ) .).• ''' ' Ohio . nw..._ are , •re•ater tn....La:l;2e trdti, tine ) cert.!' a_ IA lets et ' al-Place , . 1-, ln ' '. 1 1. -`• Eh tiros:.. favOralile poition ii: at the! • 1L ' • • ' * • 1 " ~ • Vitiate n clivi l ittEr th.• villa< e...02* Bri , diton. nelir tit 'mouth l'„„ " [, „.. Of fli Walnut 'rive" on the right bank I - . N. M-1 - ' ~ 'oi . 01 1 I'IN - 01%.:111.1 tll'l'oo miles and a half 1 . front the Ohio It lias - the!comniand ora .. groa r - I; power; and. In .sonte r'espels - - has,ivenilar advantages; ..witiili wit i tli tLr rl.las o l i s li:Tore, titatetl;' sit e it the , I inefereta.:e ovL-r tiii, one below it. 1 . ~ 4-• ~ .. 1 . . ! • The di tunic front the! lfead ;of thr falliqo the mouth_pf the Wainat run , is'abdut a mile and a, halt and 'the a - cent is. 22 feet a, low _ - ).. - at l ei'. T 145 hi : h I st rise - of any rresliet.at the (sitter pl4e ,is 11.71:1. feet; learitig 1101 . nett diffia tiee of level h,etweeit the Sur c face of 05f low water abpve the falls and the higlit i s' t riSe. of the river at the !mouth. of Tama run. The "Brave is con i_ 611614 :it the head di the fiats and for ; sonw distance beldw, ange .a q by., i r ' ' if steep *hills on its - lett, and a Ipigh and neailplevel bed off - Oek on he. °ppd. I ,siteoide that termiriatesperpe iclieular- I ly at ihowater's edge 1 ) Ikt-eendin . mfromkhis'p l oint the' riv er makes. a bendtol - the _right, embra-', eing.in its causethe, mouth . ot,)Valiit, Tun; fi',) wide and elated ,pia 'n; lyin'g.: between it and . the; hills,` to t lel.rtitliCl The '',iilage ef,Brigt ton is t le'loWer 1 entlkOf, This plain, where it vii slgradu-1 ~ •., , .4 a , ' o f &Wrote the, river to the 1 etgai.- fof feet Above IoW, wAt i er. 'fp.ie stir tac4 of the rock thaefOrms the-right hart,T,- of the river-at - theLleal'of the rani; iS abeitt 31 feet above the lbw Iva ter at 'that" laeb7 - - - .Following thelcoiu of, tl+,ri • r down*ards, it _gradually , e7 p &clip: in height, and at tbeldistanee of 50p,;yards it disappears .belOw_the surface' of the ground.' ;From ihence to the site at Brighton,th - round P • , reSents- an i'nelined plane towards the -- -- river, and for the; #reater patt of the (list4lee is E:offiviently ai..comolp,pdips B. Da B~AZT_~I~,, AY, AIItiIISTI4I WEDNES MUli be' Friem ds in Let UT• A (1.11, 11 , 1)&1- at t a uri =EI il:~~ s.li`t~~" EBEEIBE =I iL Str:a Ili!. • , ':, i-; e)? z-. irolul us, I . 11:... ..r pl Ccis, 14; ;. 1 ::1z : lor gl'o V ti l lyj s e . ati/i'eS,. ~.: ~) th,,, I.roNy. /1.- , ,r, .Q . ii(14 1 • i:4 l*wiugl; If ..,..„(.I,[th.is ,uu..;tPtru-nu.nd; fii,lei iN ( -I'l'.nl ti . ;:. , , liqillll" i.,,3 fijll . ll4 : I. • • i It :' , :e. 1 .4' ba% e We Sill 1Well'? , : . a - 7ti,%. , ." - /i. - :/ in. :: ' •--'. '.' Fii (..a..illitlin• e.f..•11.ug• . l i li.:• , l , !.iiig; . If..dLi•tk ljt . still2 . ait y.-.. i - iart. in ii•ilo,nd.shil): ) . , .1... , :•:::4.1.: • i:.o4l(l.'st. t.44q..0.0.Uke 11: - .1,=.1--:411e I, ( sl):4l.lovqlataheri. i.0.,i,1 t i us /,,jt./e 1 Itcuple‘_.. 1 . . .".. . If., A. IN.;fi:s...-.. ... 1 - . .. .- - AL . I,,Fy ,_. 1....:=•it:01.1.! li:• , il.li'!.ii ?, BEM T: ..t Lt',' L lorthe-rn Chrat , ei. 7 . (,f e:kultation. 61 - er. the r'ut' fu'rees at ' - ilall. tun are through th,;.s, ISol i tth,. ntici re tuiprnifvrair a tempo 1. , r, - .• ',', ;—,,_., • ss itt) :Lklez 4 leliy.^ . VLVV,l,l'7.".:; . C : rcjoii:i ig is Do di.filit r tlaiit.., usiied :un'cler la . ‘vtiight (If vi:o se' , 'litt. thi's - •reqrse o al. arriA- an .it.rly,J. l e6iiel - 1. , thY..rreeog:nitipti of tri nil r l4 ' h 1 4 ;1 10 Lel rary -.11(1N: oftiti f f !or r 'r r t.l elPi\ FT; I est. afki.l a, aufierin , :s. Aot• ihteinns tl~;tn this blow trai - " like • .eti to ttr ;Hsi: itr r 131i11 (liOs'te, , c tire riciftloptteng e_ free. `l'iins the t:al •er•ara.tic•i]. Llunto [ 11, , evcry part :Of tit 1101)1 , .: r •- Lot, Tti,. , t it is lour !,zr..(-.1,,,7 ter. 1.1 : )1.1. 1' Edusfri • I i - i(cf, ' Si. ` l e` oft j`il:s (1; ll 'lit fc •••—• =ll E=MM .11 =lll ~'i+l BIM MEI MEM I i t tv .1):I% 4.... I ( 1 .4.• , :i,4.,1" malt 1 - 11 t ., 1 . nit q_l St litt.,:j i il . !,‘, i . • 11 .- jii. , ,: o . the . ). , , , y,:; t 1 . ...\, -. )liti is lik,t a youli4 -gitihtl4:47., - )i1- !zreat s' ren:rth, biit. 'igr.i - )- I)e,t in( ,ie t,! HpilllN if - ig it. e molity--:lear.l I.'el7fila,l 1 1 ,,: tts the t i e= t. wily .6) Stride ve karni to '-hit lillum Elie ;Itoi 6 . !' 1 .tv-66gly ur i)6'‘y rttg. the .ii." -. 011 . • olfpot:eutk. ..r - the 1.H. , 14;61:60 BE ()I t ME MI up,on t v . 51;r1C1/ -:t 11 4 ,.• r)to 1 114 t Rebt,l CbrPp ' naN i e I by Oe 1 qit 1 "1 erner-; - aliways ; at .11 Ilet II tilt` :'F iofit 1,-. re For • Win NN•it • tIOU O. II I f ath ont ilia 1,1 11 ,-',, tiro I'ul '_' r‘ is ME ,MICIEWI oethu,n.i mati . ~urlundA by 11C tbin-01 c(I briglit ; rage ; Rim the SOutherili Iver an- !t I prorklin the en,a , If tf,,e COnfedet , ,, titer. titcy . ituft,;' tliat the gtruggle need. ' yr. laking of , at Phil- 1 F9der-, r v, certain ; orn, ; taggling .l to order; eaptait !1 the • itraggb:dg I cussed ndthe| PUCe Lo b cf - t , to be the :`sluice o cxidt o I it will friumph old tog.. • Comm[t t• I , It , i F • SE 1 it pull pa tiw of ti \;( ]»! katterc;tl laurel), 7 I veiy . lit. A his '.lo,se up • t6.,fire Clos r i t up 1 ,1. , ‘ i ti EST 1011 er. in sp he 'rebels bcifor6 tl Itip town, almost - .ml LWe st le regard Wien :the J close u -;:ouldn7t t • HE ME MI 1 „;. • ! (11 MEM EMI • a stryng fated. which a land:7 • hal ,tuted s, 1 !1 lie, r•rt 1,9713*, 11111 1 11--NO Meath .11auttf , sas bat suplipsed dy- Irl4g . ."lVe lei . its 1.)6 friends _ hC !ling cap hope ' iYietdi g. !i (J,f- F 1 ;t11%.)::e - a two tid• • y.: I tit 1 1 0 t : !zo (I•ru -11 111.1 tO 1 bejzt =M MEE lEEE t , lt 1 ; t,ale k.r rt•stitt iest 16t• i anci its ' , Ft' , e s _lllri yc al (A itieg call e:4 - or t ne vng"(;en -1,e1r.• •iffe6thin hat ,if 3 a man' frir- 111111 I i II I ' Oiit 11 rti' . 3.931;`•1 aI tI I [Vii.l). l e s itt.ltrit• • p;rch. 1 11 is :).1, • IVAP-3 10 1 L pgrrli MEE li I F At ' l an. I' l ' 4.. t 1.6 ) 8, 1 '33' a, '. 3.3 Liter •1 :. (4 ? tilt : I,tiiii I i l i,ar f.... 2.311 1 , :il tl'iig:. ‘lt,:te - a mi.'. t'r ,y.ihr it Iga:int . 1 . • i i:B4 ), each l it !. ..... 3 YOll . I;iqrs, , I rr 411- 4,110ps .t•tt li . - 2:13ii.4 .140 fltcna.cone4.. i li 3 O 11 ; 09 k '---17 77 .'.1a.2',6? t; at i .I .. fter 1 52 :P ...... 1 .21,,34 'il pi iViltl'ie4V i 101:111.4 ili!1.1 ...43,0 )ftiO 4 . 1 if , . p I gate: t . 4 i :741,54V pi It - , , • iiiri ;:0 prOin• o'r tlic Old , . ~osgs 'the sttel 1 es se lynd , j i ' - itli title exei,l4 , : ';'ter . ri 1 4117. Urn than is do; r, tl 10-1 liiiiic 'tot. It is siii ;1 ;that illi Isnia 11 portioi t iis• d iPiii. both ifs rega is; quilt :tty On i. is 991 t 1 4_,4:' n o i 9l - 1t( ; ) t iil sit(. ii... II fifty 13:ubling i , Oreete (,;on al tiaets.cult. cin th les clialiiigthrecti greatlinills One a tinge. one two :74try stone hot sit, - an , li 'sew til f'taine hOiiie l .s... .Tli6y •w Aild hiil 01 io it ,:ti - to an arm 4y exkiditl rnodatb the. hand's I •-s irin. , - !tlit • , - ()filo i•vorks."l: Th. le thaditr: now.worth a tytltifia vill fraiirg fel he in the way • and int st . b . einove'd thes're:3t; nay be consit ered .' , -t usel l es Stone ; coal ahoundS, n t 1 . ,adjadei hill- bat the vei as havehithe +:, uee t it covered ( o not 4xoceittiwo a 41;a huff: ;or three i fect 14thieloicss ;; t t i f:.. coal i 4, ' therefor cos more, and isll prob ili e l inferiot.to tli it of Pisburla: inf 4 •zi es ti mate ' , lot' tiF cc anntiaexp • i l . dittlits ;: lan armqy at ; this place, 1 e coal I supposedlso;lie Ibrought fromt, the. iiriver.. - In cat-eia vein Jot' filth or and a half feet pick srmui lbe, f 1 rnear the tiverl, "thin four o five i Ilabove the dari, t eoal will not ott a {_two cents ant a half, or th e!. cent lithe haOle!, deli'yered at :th , i work} IProyisiotis andibuildihg tit. terials f l a_btinclanand hibor cheap. . Theq 1 .%titv of water mihich the B aver ishes at the I.4ttteSt stake, p ,Obablyi 1 reeds 13x5 C4ip feet per sOontl ; I estimate l ef it4t -oluinel is xi' de 1 4ata obtained! tit':.Pngli's Ali is a f 'i and a halt* help Brighton. ;.fin at ;rY at ilrightdril will rceittir i ksixty i Cubic teet .pet, - seeond;l wit ithe 1 and fall .of 16.(1 - reet, on breastiand ( 1 , shot . Wheels; i exclusive of I the fo i!which-Will be' Operated by 4 reach :I i :; • - Wheel,: beloW, r t. ie others. 4... is in- ;then probable, ihereflire, that the i er will affordl, it t its lowest stage, , least.tiviee the ittowertihat i 6; requl , ; . for an #motyl,. withoat r ortan any portion ate gie fall. which is - 1? i, the level of bigit water s except foi 0 fort7e. li '1 . g -1 1 1 I ' Ir' . • elm crrh - irrelt aco - . r n nt I,trsl for 11,g LEI 1,269 I, r.4e dirnens til lit ,rtutiwa 81: of tti g env r ;cm . : ,1•11 tight, stmt. ,! itttA lil tlurit:g Flool, Two briol four over ingti fur 14, fixture 4 Tud!sati, nztie:es,. 1121 E ctinra, - s $l5 tiding oilici n.L9flicea, ivery ct.rnr putt' icha] 1 ., inc..' 'rkme imqd mac .t exi4ttses, e .; ...... s • vith .. 1 ..... Contirrg Cent 1256 'nee mils,- &c ' Aigri Tide pi tcliicb J , ; pari, \Si f 0 l' LYS'S S whole fr,i title to a ted, but;' or.:ituat Reg uoneel A bout the sevei Sa AV 111 . i 11, d - Wellin&r dwelling littlt l or:. to aceo,in erection he has - I.' bee) the ~25 fall nd 1 ev- EIf=MIZI lesti nail , i ,i lace in efere n lArin'ory,".i : hel resmirces ,at uiivity , field nutlurall l 'disbursetnen --- 1 , - it.inity l . 4 At . aVipbee enu 1 II , . , e l necess rily i .Muir arm'. 7,1% mate: ts , ; ye among' th ne 'o ni oflune , uod. svitkin'a viti a 9 resen ird mi t nees tis ry,.this :tr,9p ¢ c side option, as a.sil ii The objeof :elative, i lind al ci l th a iore and'a more con sive site.,q Th they ositiOn in but; littleito st itsi Watt, po , 1 mand of' he, 'mire cotlenit iin the lvliee site lallelViii; it ter'ruption by. andllthe slcuri establishment 'lam to the; . deeirled aavat, OVCII any /at exliMined witl or t 'tat ofi Oh' air t hiakos Or tli , e 'renter 147 MIA 1 i 'l arrange er l . , q gre: : L eqono , c 1 • ell' I be iv ill of Ist,- rier, ; 1 1 be ft eAt 7‘3 . te, run. ,714 he 'Atom - fr . 6e • El MEI 4.1 t ;%li[P,s bII ...1 fa ot i ra , i 1:11e; k lhiSt I P the au iiOUll C k.{ S VI I IL_ PPP . vli4ll 1 rola its i roin i ifk`i / Jrzeziipl , ( t il to!. . i , 1 11 , 05% i tor' , l [ I ate SM^ ier p MI fit is -1 h re" 17, , . Ull 4 b E, it ti I.l)t i it ou i l noqi a ts.". CaCil. qu C., we r ori 0: 0 t.,)„ . ,otTnan )or , . timat MEM ElillolB %%nit utud' ,elpatio l f,e ro-Peetsl I • But it ' s loht. esiA I , •lvtintages is tin ids tallow:it •••talsti l niello nnd JO - 1 . , ~ ~ . r re:outc , . .q • • , ich lAvonlil ,ec. tp. t.., to , ~ lie (.To rt 1 in ICas'e-Oflta.yrth,-ei :., ~ 1 N - tilt Ihlt prompt 5 e.ls. cnt Jur he pplaltioils ,df ant arnioi:\i` to thr , • 1 ,1, • i .ri .. 1 ~ Fo.uicti, cif 1 11111tst and :ite iu re l iltnil)er O 1 artn.;; :ilifi, in l all , m iteri4l espects,l l the posit inn of. Beater cen it idel!.ed a " , coirtni tad/ w.tlic r,sourecsief I 3 itltsburl , l . ' .: I ' • I 1 By. a :A . npariion Of the coct, o' f ma-: f erg }}ls a id ' fuel red! in the! ma t tinfa l ine of Itt e mu Ict I at BPrine;fiel ~ ,1 i ... ~ . I_ ,-, . 1:14., andl the prb4ayle I Nlst tit..l3,eave ',:, we; are Saiisfied thak-, it inn- he man l 1, fa l eiliretl tt Beaver i lOr Plitt. )nro-11 for* 1 tor ..ha t fifth cents! less ihran at •prl igticli in' 18?.,3, in si'llic) year tile t + inset eo t less than at al y former grind :1 I I, I II , ' I i t [ 1 1 , • i 1 The ref °rt. O the t omilishioners as poblis' ted, 13, 4 4.• no further, hetioll vas taken! till in 11.541, tha s i ubjedt vas I again revivd, and anntheH. , o7n , ission, .1111 , -,ointe , „COnsistinic of Gen: V. It. AT tistc4l, 8.1,.. 0 Genr Thom* Jason 'ei fl S. 1.. IA ng. Andl I find in their in , ,trucini lb- the Becretar ( f 3V,ar, 1 Ilion. .1" hit IC. . Spot cell, th e , ollo*ing. Il The ti•a iii sporta ion. at 4 ri iven qUantity of . aterial for the I tanufactuiT of ark' I)ei no. ore,', .c4- ; . I , , ,-, penstve-dhan ilmt, of t le fini*fl worlc produced li'rdm. thein, the I faciliTy qt docurill'lgli such materials 'pad es -pectallyit ?ose -v trelt are, reld in the` gred e t prop ort n, suels.a. ' I Iron and 'coal i! an imp ) tent e etnent i:ti tile' fielectti n of alsite for an :armory , . ' I c , -• f[ I ' iit. 1 ;The le,, lthfulness of the 1 po,sitto is anothr.4 'ponSideration_pf igre: t itnPortance, Nol l definite, inStrpotio I can be giv6n as tc, the . etentluff,tronn. whih sh ,uld bet .set cyr, li!n a - r 1 1 i • r mors-, as bat ,xcill,depend yerylnine 1 ;upon , tlfci, peen] ar f i r thaiacter pfth i si i te.seleetiqd. I ' eirpninStaticeS will 'perunt, it *ill be aav l antageous .Or the i; IT. 8. tol, po-s. - ••ss, such' a quantity. !c1 gro'ind about t lie fitlit.,lblishmr . ntl as, ,tr, prevent lineonvenient iritrusioniron] _n L eigthoring settlements; and; e t peal enf.s- ; of iron and coai mines, espticialls the: ,l t Nvithn i the precine'ts ! of th latter; , , armory I; Wort hy of , z on,iderlatin. I These p( l ,knmisi nerS exapiined als I a' great > r ii of s ites,' and l r in 1 refe ence• to che Mt,er Falls ' ,: tia.ade th following ,II I, t I.] i! 1 . , . , 2111 b • un ore nys ~ ) ;td, Ithe aver s in a tulle r4l 1 Steam plaee Ye4i. l eperal?y• ix ;weeks; continue T ---- "- 2ptly, th l il eiiii 0 for six wee'F''' i t , if i_ 1 _ p ' AD ZArirx.SVIT4 E. _ f " r .' . advantages of a 1 ' it as la site f)r , is roper to consider fat ~ mkt be , brought , i. 0 etilouii, thy receive from the , atinn 1 Of fkin 'armory in: the ' mei , of the 'WI6 that 45 0 r , the °gal, would 1 .o . derabl6. But the , d - osifitiel prodUcps E'Seti : lindia, and iron ref* ;Oid, al great 'h.: . iloy , water power as fc*l.,*es, Combining I aiivfmt4gesl 'so int E' vp : *We to, future' i t -, 000 tt,i pro tiy , aid tio .1 lolayoT of it's j.,a- • , ..,avoua I al ,ro - •, ..,,.,. u ~ i 1. *,:10% ' z" tls. griot ' iNg4 l = Sent, ct aid //Tinny ) j ft.3l,it le a Repott,'T, 1 3 . 381 I I . I • 114 . cert:tined lie be iO.- f otAke the nowiti% illyAeritot ito tirr§ng nent of e ' the tti;ici of :it wate? i , 1 1 1 , theit erititry itql.coOstatil matc•ria r ls loci hi 14)ott , ent ly '(' nn' i y ImEave, raom STE 131} I I P I CIS ram ,fizTve 'rine-i kir IV t. 9. riit e; am )t. to i i untaffe :.- ' A\ lii il I, . T i I .11 t tt.1,0 )e 11111 I . are own.:1)1 , in ORL I • L I !e. prpeni, -1119 011 he 11(7 irec fulitorl 1 - 41 - 11?le :u Ell ■ ,1 GUST: 14, 1861. Y AVA after the, most care lit` find I ~, niestigatroniin rpf rence t • . . „ ~a ver,...._ c'j` ~tretne loWlwater at the nl - 9Ut7 of i: a t iata g es 1 -presented iin this ..neigh r- i , .,•; . _ . .., - i.s ~ ~ the .aver,t b..tt el dinary s, lfigh fre le4,', set,. hood for the establidiment of' ,al es- / dotn use higher thanl twenty eight or tern Armory, ,;sigtite:cd.- their Acid • ed. preference of this phiCe before'any ii., l thirty ft; accordingly o theefficient head er, locality by them eitandned.ia th . c ... 1 ancOall, on'this portion of th. rive,rl ve it of water . poWer. eing indespet gii.:l i 8 bly requigtte toseuth est - I+IIOAM rit':'- ;j3 :'seldom pess ithan [forty , fOur, • feet-4 IVith this' all and the copiouS L igapplYl by:tof . Water fnrnisliecl• by the Biglleaver I ~ The particular stte:reconitininted ifri during almost . tpeiwhole of he rear ; . ; them is on the right bank : .a tli I , , 1 .=. 4 an, amount of wateiqioiver:is'b4re pre ' y' Be l ayer riVer,' immediately a move , lei, n.. -7?,t. .; • 1 - "I mouth of !Big Walnut' rain: - and, ah ntl sented Sufficient, fort tneryi rig ont Mann , k facqtring operations on the nui,st ex-1 three. nail4s and '!three. quarters aly ve the mouth of the former,- Ab e 1 ,,, ( ,' 1 q.nstv,nts have already sprung up "at e scale. ManufaCtining 1 estaly-.1 polver . contemplated by theM , Was tto'i ',A4 e ; in. numerous potnts Mpfigthelriyer, :and.' be prodUced. by. the. erection. of a ' eight feet biffli .„, L , .., , atthe .a s, one e 1 fll 1 ' ': ii . are kept in operatiot at an ,expense comparatiVely of very , iiiciniidernble . , and a quarter above the site 11” . m . : portion of - I the, pchver.. They fellow- iOl , thet, water- was to be. one ed • i _ ing are among the; c'stai.d . islin - Milt 'al in an expenihkeflrace cut tli:r 'ugh- . luded : to, ' .Viz : Eight 11°111104 milli id rock, th theNinks of Wa nut rtlin, W,I ere it:N-us t.4.!be. emploYc 'in i dri ) Six saw mills,foul•siloolen fueteqes,twe vi . the' mneliinerpot the erthOry:n (11•' 1/.di p! ,. ; ,one i)iape n r iaehines Onfl cotto i n[ factory Mill, three -iron i . folindries' r one #tre'factory, I tie!) , oil Mills ; • one. then dischlarged into the. ravitM of t le rit .. ' The! head' and :fall Colin fed' on as • :feet huellet , factory tvo. chair. mills an element of' the ioiwer :was 46i . , , : 1 I one ; eoaelifactoryL- tote•titactii4e shop Old the'e4nstant or-Itntrimunijsipp y , • _ - - .J - •._ . i ' e; ' • ' im oil kvat„' wits at leas l t 13 - 'l' '' [t'w°l/"lwi factor 4c. ;•Bea lc, ~.) Cubic, et 1 0 second,. IA ' , 1 7 , • ; 1 1 . ;1; -1- 'Within the;valleY of the .lii..; l : er; and in l a2distanee - of five miles. 1. 'sinee the visit, of the; comMiS!sion rs ' frOni its mouth, -',:tre i ,Sitnated .11 he 'fol abli-e allnpd 1 1 1 1 o,„tha: - state .4 thin ;s has unidert ,i o s' e !Owing flottrishing l ,. in the riergliiii?rhood,..,, l .Fns midi villages ,1 material . changes,in•consqnenee of 6 ... inouth, and , •River point and Bea ver 1 let site improvements here introdueet• Town below.. 11..s•wOlSeend s i he ;vill a Thy' dain. • which ,theri 'existed l r irr 11 e ley; they . occur: in the •follo) ing,:or- 1 rids' ~ a hille aboye the mouth Of, Ir. i Inu 'tun, \i 'a •eightlfeet bigh • tiis ,11 v,iz. :Fait •port; immediately:ab E;-e the; der: Bridgewater on the W•est'lßeles tiße on,the east, Sharon on t ,e West, T. 'on the ee,sl,, Adainsville .‘tl'' the Ida has sineelbeen Iniiplantedby , a 1- Fallsten onL , the •-,,..ti*ti`N : (2 . V."' Brighton• ot] et 13i feet I high, I's), hick backs ;t• elan the east;ol4;Briglitorr•on t le weSt,.. I wri t er nearly' to the Irsite,' .prepoSed,b - : them for thadain at. the head; of tile, l full;, - .4. -• 1 ~-; :'t ', • . • i.' , 4 , .i . St l f Side of the :river!. 'all inett t. ed an t., , it ,general banicl of Beav r „Clay, • : lii;, sintbe.slpfoje;tell l 4 the k_,`"Oni- dim the ' -' ' ' ' . .' iybieh. contains .. ribiont 6,0.00 I.inirribi: , shinersi •w as intended -to he sight fee bigh;!instea l'of id • h 1 17t, r tants _most lo f wlioni Are meehhhies.— .fo r .hhese may , be added the town of :Phillipsburg, , 'situated i oil' the south. t f'c h 6 i; li p ig oi h i j i ti t? i : Fl' .fr b t n se siri lel e t Ne an 'el g °c e n : l 4 ' l i tt ide l a l tne. f4 , I • •' • 'gide of - the Ohio. clirOtly.oppo. t ite - the` {corresponding a teration in the - peiS - ' •; • month of 'the river.; •~ iii:ior) of thelsiie,: tild in the project far rn 11 6 . 6 4. 1103 . i0g i0 e :„.. ty , ate .r power, r0a3 , , , b .• :A line of slack 1 - rtriter ain. canal: nati4ation hasl lieem o r i ene d l ," ain d is readily effected; "r it hout nay,: abet _. meat in•the,l l : l,aniortnt or !efficient - 7;10 ' the" ivaterlowet,: is 4iie.. at the sarri dine it Wil ,rnstrrn a material' i oneli 14, •.eciat.iii; !oily of the • site, but. :fo 1 Big fleaver. l , l Vi l e' tereli4ri, ke.,.recittired.forr the ills 1 ne"r: one • lair of the'iwater s power. •;--. nsteiid ;of the! sit 'o IV I' t upWard, ltiong td valley. g. : of.,this strelim, and; thnt of the 'Ma i iioni - p:;r; otl6 ofits tributaries ,to a point .of thell l b , Otirees' -, if the i ' . i t 1 . latter ; thene,e hY.it:.46ssolit,-1..0 - the I great , 'canal !of the Sts of 1 011 11 1. • ~.,,,, . , ,, oi on, ann run,' •.,.. , ~ L.,1 , -- ; ..„ ... eliC. ineltideS nearly, all the mill -'thence` by tie latter. to Clever d, ,on ivOr -srops,,kwonua,ixzr.,4o,4 - ITicip ' ..1i 4161 i"' .8164.. . 441,4 , . " 1 — . ' -. . j ...41... ~ t er from the niOutlri of Big Bea lelitrtow'n or •lirri4hion,•a„.tract,; l rptite a.' I 5t .,k0 c ,,,,, 2 .6 0. • .0f. „4,„ ..,i.„\o.i.e, favorable il ~ the Lake, beini , one hundred ~ • , • = o is li reseottJ :••.:littli, iuhove the im ro 1 : t •Y nll " . ' l ' . 1 I , , ' ' •••' ,- ,i • . •'• 1 ! ; 1, 'in '1 • :7- ' s ;11 ai L lint liaA been-- cot' vtii lalt of that tows p, e7Ktenfling. up f... - w4 ., (ks iitong . 1 , . the. , lll . er shoei. . nior , ,! , - ,Witli 'mach ispirit, and ,is alrcial' opened,.- on iii brute lead thun, a mi)o, - and ineltiding[ a snial . 11 . 6 ' 01v the , to) a- , ;ii.e. eal l o AdiAsville )I.iicil."ns . 1 1 , 14. ' 41 l'° !• 01.1 . Pi l , Pie , 9 9 i 1 : . ! „.i io n- . .. , ,ant . ..• . 13 q .). 111.iiis tivo or thre, e. tun :ill ;;11,1'-e"?'''(lstitle el On: - that, lipe 1 hot i-' 4l l an.4l Mill- Situated rear : flu r in n° "it' tkik! rani .. as r i i i i t l lat e d i s o t t a i fl t e i , Big.-Beayer. -Lb , the.; nrarest p ~ ',batik Eric is about ;ninety mile :i1; , 1 ttoOit 4f the clans , ' ' r • , ,-, ;.. • !Just ,1 111 6iOn'e 1 ( 11 . he method (lecin 2 Crl most a slit I(lie( i t 'l l ii k e7 fr°//k itie': mouth 1 ' raki , foritheattaininent,itndemplevinyit of t he l'egtirsite; lvaterl pope r (is. Farni .. is thk. shortest .distainie . anywl !an tothati'ro2onnrieirded, br .16e tai ,-..111 , '+', ' • ' . • . 1 • C 1 . .'ae: fbund bet w .ti ' ' • ,nit, cominr,sr• oners, • but is on , a Sea. , , I ... L. . ti!!.. 1-I‘4-1- a l faii,,,les eXt,ensiVe - anil e l osily. . A head i'..J . J• ak6. ,• -' li l -i' :. • : race 6:41:1 con d., , t • . 0 , .. I . . 1 1, ~ T 1 e•ao•rieulturAl' ll lni-eur • --, .1 1 ,1 .: - ...! -• 1' ne,441, - horhood-are similar to t. popl aboN - ..‘ r; 'excav:itii'oris (leii l th 9 fegitle telplatetl, i an( • • nv conven slAdye of 1h A n9t, c.c•ee Br if 111(16 0 }qƒ tli!3 l V•iite'r 'suer lioilit;-liit( 1) l l' deeme r d tip at' ~ , r liavriq,l ,• w K , e,ls • mkyl i l 1 : wheelpitmland eilavationS.,as intO the river. VJiill3, ' fin'c l ar 11l •ter, 'brought do e 9144 e*treiltity /It, I Shoal it I • ",e lie diniensi should be nal . boats e c ,triph Bi eav d Br •:$ 11te artt iar't oigente ut al eilitta 1 ,f; tl. toluniissto half •feetlitho • ; • • irequirea, , ma , at he !head, of tit ofOf *liter ; pitrpbSeS 4.thai• Fetipie feet, Ilpor ,doubt far ;less, les l .4,th!an the n ~, • • river i .nt regard po l ,*ei obtainia r prOposed, fo it lp7 lJl . can, Lie . ni:2 don, reiuirCd eiteni of !twenty! or mnsketsannual' ` , With res‘pectlto the cost of the le 1 1 here propolsed, inclusive =of the wat r pm ilges to the extent about conte n pl4 ed—nOthin Idchnite could he- s eel' ained, 111 ,_,,, nilqman of the e 1- f .1 , 1! ~ , , mate() appoint tl.l to 1 cOnfer with, t el board oulklahje is relating to 'Ar o-1 t 1 ryl encouraged us to expect-from .h m a .ritten - pom unication containi g eli , 4, desired info mation in relation to j these topiks; b t, asy,.et the commu i- I cation' hanot eerirecieved. I !The dis hike:from the dam at th e head of the Falls to-the mouth of thel rier is riv:# Ittil deocent tro Abby() the r - darn' the mouth • • , I oIviANIAI 11 (4 IF therm the ot4y he, fornieil in earth ithdtOdi s than th4t'bi,fo• • ol4 colitinnOdAnw,nwaiq, eat '(.l,ista'nee. ft:Ont cro tn extent 'which iScn . or 600 yard fo [' , foreliays, forl . 0 . 1 I‘e) the .main ops,'ii be nt:'y 6a \ G uch i(iteryals.as The wate9 . eqfveyed tPTI 'l7aos,iprepard beforie, One mor 1 - or . 1 r, e was, in.' oftthe surplus vr - ,1 W.n b2 . ,' , , freshets . may 1.1 dain'i or.at. the' loWe e ralee 'or 'atany.othe' c dceMed neceSsary . ,, uS of the main . hesa. . heir as to adraitjthe et. w in navigating l 9 ( , , , I falt,pbtained •by : 111 F.. ore.. -,, ros7ided will_ 1 e i r . o that promised f r e, projbet of the ƒ., tiers, Viz biG cn aid •ld 41 1 . ..miter • e l v , r to 1 4 , • , . • : 4.. , , ~ ....be •rcadily , Obtained I the ., height °tithe aa .- ii he Falk. V 4 putrid pplietiblb to,hydraiil el us as, befdre .- iiz • .I.' 5 7.. i ~,'. i second, rtvhich •is , O A.Obahly at 50 Per . cei t mum supply of. ti 6 -,o file i3ufficienay oft c in the &;)+/ alio'' , 11. put•Polds ;to . whi r. in an i Amnon . ) the) , , . --• w.. di t, even were de WO ed to the fabriczai n eveu 'thirty -thousa , d s; and the • aggrpi4t lie' sumacs of the= . j.:o6 Ito ,10*-witter surf 4 BiL2;l3 l paTer is . 7 . 4; fe Lt • I k' I this difference of leliels is 'or rcome . by iind locks of dimensions 1 s itable'! 3 , for ordinary Canal; tpats., ' j • ~i ; ;f '. The freshet of ip:c attained n' ee l!, il vatiOn of nein.' • fort feet above`- id- 1 ,- ii...[: --- ;" ,:- 0 .. ,- . ,-, . . L 1W , :1, tennty Q 1 .I.lLL'illl,ll`g. rrOVIgIOIIS ofalllki l ltds-are alittiitlitnt - And . ylicap. I.dlllll. Sell . of all kiwis ltiay be pr i denred there, arso, On the ipliit, fily9rili4O terns. The.hills t ' Mnilidg ' the Valley" of Big BeaVeF,atrortlinexhaustalile sup -1 plies of stone coal, , 4'tOial Coat loe. ttp para.intl.:s- ve7 good quali4. - , has Lycen I discovered ill:,a(ly ' S, - ,r fh tro. I a - boat two iiiiles from Sliiiron;;• • Nse - rel it oc • E,, • • vem aboout4out, teet•l%thiek. The: 11„,'ont three to six feet i in - thiclitiiess.-- Duilding_4pire- .. Griek-i r elaA. and tine are abtindaiit and i3tiivenient.. The ad - Vantages tibbve• .enunlerated and thefacilities - .Lord keseiitpd fur ti.ide nticl. intercbr i so • withemote , parts of tlio ' coili xy l ; fi added . o the' 1 , Salubrity lof situation ;11.,rit•I eliYnaolie,re , enjoyed, contribute llol.,ender tl e iiolu-- i tel on 1 - n one -of the ''osi . i'lesirable laces, for earrviritr on, 'bilsiiless c •-• •' Co _ , , , , 'pc!•a 1- ns, 'of almost' every varte.t.y, an' where to - I be' met •With -in dip. valley : df • the:; • .As soon as Clonre,S a , ain convenes ell, .. ,re 1„.,_,-, be- . s i some•definite letioa it will taken, ',hi , the .. - ;eleet ebniniit,lted. • And from . - 1 lily . intercourse'. ‘ittli' its members, 1.: Jlige, thilt,T.69] e'r,talilislunent Of twb :additional. - •arrlib'ries . will' be re: eorninended--4pe 111 IWestern Penn - i• Sylvania, and thy I t oCtier ' in '' t le far west, 'at IlVe.ki-,lshiatF.,or some ' othei; • aD 1 1,11 ,i 1 . suitable• Point, artu :also • the appoint- Tent of a byard ,'4f ileoinmissfioners, composed : of scientific men!, toe *amine into and'yepor .upyri the be 1. loea- O 4; wls,' based up tfnat!o l :ill adva )tage.s. 1, ::If there . be.a Co3ilinitision - e point ed, 1 forone;tatifJPrfeetly -willing, that the site that W 6 have ,'-keeoin nieridell, Shaltstandl,inpon its 0 vn in.: 1 teresOnerits,•belie tv Ving that - ten '9 a ' I — 'l , --- thorough examination is had, that there is not a s'ite .all .the Illestern COuntry, that, combines FO m any %ad vantages, as ;that 4if the . Beaver Falls. HOW THEY Cr___ EVEN.-0110 reason for -ihe •emOytd c)ithe ~ `overinnont , from,...l.l4ontgomez 1 tiehrnOnd, was the i i i4hrtle i rable 1 n I ty of the people Of . the . 'rifler' ' 1? he y , Put iq. rentsiletio Fi Ously -ere' guilty or all Ale geedy - vhich they are; so ',4b.rall of eh: - pon the "d - ,4 YaidceeA" - Th 1 rnment 'Tie "yen wiilt the towr r' ear.. The lio l norables the gre l eereturies, &e.', S:e.-- kft withou ing their. rent and. leavirp , s' • 1 ~ 1 I,lrnass of the 'lrish of 'Conie ltionfis,y that g ld commands' to , Iperi7,eent prennum. 1- I I' i l' l i I i ' ESTABLI SHED 1.181 a- ' Garabaidi. 6 ,We clip the following frcnit. the : _ X. Y; World. We hope s ' it is Itrue.—L I The people would rejoice '.to know that such a man had a cOmmandin our I army equal to his deserts.: ' I I, Garibaldi, it is'said,, has ,offeced his services to the Authorities at: iYashl: ington to aid them in.the liippressieri of the „slave holders' • rebellion,. ' Thd Liberator of Italy was for - it 'lon.' ttime a ,resident of this Country. ; is I familiar to good a, degree with its in: i stitutious, its poliey, and its itogreset i Ile knoWe what viper it is w hich ; 'though warmed by, its Tavor„ now - 1 strikes at its lifi ' . and CYCIi were he as ignorant RS ntany f forcigneys arei. concerning this rebellion—the ecausCA which have set it on foot antl the ter; rors by which it is kept alive- 7 11e whd fought, so bravely to unite , into one magnificent kingdom the long disin l , tegrated parts ofltaly„trght 'almost Ihe expected to lend hiS. telpidg hand 1 to preVent the terrible d sentegratiqn of aiirtion and an, cm ire 3 , -'ounger out no less fair. • - I Garabaldi's ~ name ald presened would alone be a hos' . But .new hosts would gather aro nd the flag. iin defense of whnth he dr , W hhilswOrd. llis power is ball in the : inteese -a tilt:sir:sin and cdnildene whith his presenea inspire's. and hi famei would draw alier him thousand-, who have forsaken their homes ac o,s'• the wa ter to enjoy thd` larger Tiber ti and pi-osi?eritv which the - gni lin has seem.; ed to tin:m. - I3esides tbiit, his military skill and c',7perience IV 011 id be inva , luable' to us; In the Italian revolution' : ,f 11-15, in the La - Plata war iri South .2i:lnerica and in the . war whili liberatexlr Italy from the domination of al tyranny._ - as hateful as the politica' ityrat'?py 'of glarery has been to Its, he bore•an tic 7 five br aprincipal - part, ; and iL he is t zlefielent:in the omprehlensive st rat: • egy wh,ich has made our 1 , , ....4reat leader so famOus, his peindiar slpll in—active and so-called irregular warfaie would materially aid the execution of cotta • plans, and be thd most fi instrument to oppose to,:the gue rilla; _ -iiekoti" shoopncr warfare in which the - irelieli puctiAtrist.. - j .... -.:i._ ~ . . The giuidresa Dollar .13euxity.: . , _ It mitt not be generally.' knot - - tligt thOtie of our a volunts44l:- , 0411i . e..li - • ter .the service fo' l'' iiiti. •:• • • - 'iiiUl- ifretetft - 1411-?*. - •' '' '' ton i ,of =' fEeir term of eMlistMent. to ar-bountY of one , hundred dollars. .Ise, -.g. neral -. order . . • number Offeen., issued - , y . the : Wal • '-' department Nay 4th; the . fact. ii.i .disL tinetly set forth. The it; 'del ; . 141'i - ides that "(A-ery-: volunteer: non-coniniist . slimed, , icer,lprtvate,- mustciaa an d i artifieer,! Who enters the .serv.ice: -of the United States -under thisil plaoi: I shall be paidaL t•'enti i_f , a nd It' a: 7 eavair 3 - . tolunt '4.!r, •'tvl-enty l.fk'e cents addiOonal in 114.1 a of 'fbracrtj. . , p forVvery twenty-miles. Jrarellll--...-tri 1 his.'heme.i to the place - of muster.-7—thef ., [distance to be ineasured 'by the !ihort--- eat-usually traveled rout 61 - --'-iand.tWher._ thonorablr diS'ull'ar(red; an.. alg:?•aitee ; ,: . •n . • i l tit the pamc .Thtte from the place of .i , Hiseharge 01341 home, and, in.l.ad!lif,' Itied thereto.. the sum ofThne ittllncireit _ ) dollarS. ,';N.nyl i volunteer who May be 1 received into ' le service . e..if the' ttii-' k.cdStates 'umer 'tills plan itull 'xilo , ' may. h 1 e wounded or •Othei-wis'o• disar.7 - 1 bleclin the s6l i rice, , shall .: be...entitlel, to the benefit. whlch:lmve, , b66.t. Or ' play `be coulet i red Onl'persOns diatoled in the,serviee and the' legalhteirs of' . such as 41ie or may - be', killtid - id ill o . , servicead ,in ( itkin to• all arrL , , 4 1',5.,' Of. ( : ray Mid allOw...lnces.-shall nkeii vi the span of one hundredfdollzirs-', f" • •• ?. I• I to act thr pl • rigneod iv to- I. 1 0p lino in lit, the int on whiPh 'L -re to id thA of this fiF,r. , - REnEt.' Richmond AVldg,"yG inhuy qgard as the peculiar og:in . .JAl Jeff.pavis; 'has , issued jC§mumauf»p6aEe settlement of' our ditlicultits. .n.. 4 . - ; 10:4.5 : s 'This . War mu St go on. „The- ;s.'outli'' muStliollt until Irthe ..Notlth- sties lot' peace.. Pass alCpan-intereourso act; and then she will! soon: begin - feel the ruinous pijess.nre of the wari must dictate' he terms peace,l;'tht,! . . first article *hieh . should be an 'ae-. knowledoement Of the right of 'sPeog: • • • sion.• .This is.. a fundamental. prinei- . The next ,:artit4e, shohldlio; ithqt she pay .to the 'uttermost. thrthinil !the expen.c.. , e, of this itni Th. 2. that she pay forthe distruetiOn . of all public, property, botic,publie 'and Private she may 'appropriatii • to her-oWn- use. The .fourth . 1/ • as' evidence- of her .sineerity: shp int; iTeach( and remove from l - Abd . - onke iLineoln, indict him and hang, hitn:And ! ' for'- treason and otheid,itces?' • 1. : A CuALLENnE.---The Albany IlEve: ning Journal pulfhshed4thel "The Seotchineti of Troy gave al - snp:, per to two of their countrymen 4bcint leaving-for a trip "harne" ph Titeclay'L During the l evening the folldwifig• was read.: • 1 "I, Jock Liddell, a loyal citizen of these United-States, do hereby ichal l lenge Jeff. Davis, Beaut•egard or ffny _ other Rebel Devil, to meet me 'in'p9r-, errnal combat mounted or -off truly' believing that ;a Sdotish murc—always the achiever of lib'er- r ty / since theiwcrld'has bad a lustdry do that fo -i r:trkitors which the rope Will eventually accitimplifth... le this challenge is not raccepted. i f '.This Jock Liddell, is an old ea-alry soldier, / of inuriense niuscld;l and one the most accomplish4d men in the country., I great recefih , y. to •ttpite town. 1 , !Lad tri6ks r r) , bow ft Aident t p ay- J udi a orate • enty II 1111