The Beaver weekly argus. (Beaver, Pa.) 1860-1862, August 07, 1861, Image 2

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4 and 114*i:404-i dorasnieni"
!fed, That our best wish e s a
.any our.fellow citizen-and faith
-4 public nervint, in his future career
and, with these wishes, th hopel!that
he will consent to renew t his country
cervices that hire: largely „rede ded
to her honor, i''' elfare, pro.perity '
respectithility,' both-, at home
abroadi ', .• '
These resolutio ns were
ly adopted'hya:niost, hen:
1 1
tion' and the meeting adjf
Afr 4
l't• Editor
4UGUST,7th,I I
- Republican I County
I 7
, f. --- I
Presidept Judge :
DANIEL AGN . EN: Borough.
Associ to Judge.
Jo.lll'l SCOTT' , Hopewell tp.
AGNEW DUFF, New Brighton,
'Assembly. 1
w H. , RENEY,Tj'alleton. 1
iDi.s . o - ic Attorney.
Is, 13 . ipubici, Ecelpeter,
i ,,
. BRAD§ . I9IW, Fallstoo,
• COnzrssiorier.
IIEL B ifla RT, 31tocm, .
. ' douno Auditor.
Poor ,44u3e Director
nElizitk Go r n ING, .1%/,ew Sewi
TrusOee of ilcirienty ) .
Rev:D It 31 -- e11 1 ,..AN, 13.4 aver. 1
j ostpu u..R, ivlT,sfr.4•, 1 (Beaver,'
iii-Our tan -s are ~i e, Thos. nob..
r t.
II ' I
olsia, Esq. .i 7 fs) n ramppjet c! . .ipy con.
tainidg the ttitl, s of --.t.s . ELI' I Resobt
tious of Geireral Aqseniliqy of tile Cora"
mcinwealth;of Penasy-lania passed at
the session 41 ' 861. 1 ,
_ .____
. . _
1 T
- , a- Wle heti ree'd film Hop. J. IN .
1 . 511114e° ,a .:otrimunicatiion, giving the
„ 1 ..
hi4tory and se tili coTth the legisla
ticion connected with, tile proposed loca
tictrii of the '... ationni Armciry. We
- .E .han publiih if next week- 1 ,
Ivith l g , reaepleasere that the office
ofissistant Secretary , til War has been
tendered C 1T .A cott.
de,nt of the Pennsylvalliki, ;Railroad
(lompany. The indutry, - en'ergy, and
blisiness capacit,y of {this gentleman
makes this one. of the best appoint-
ents of the iAdmitiltration.
P. -0: Appointailents. •
. -
Miss Anderson ha 4 been ap
. .
Jointed -,eost.. Mistress at, this pladc,
ice Hiss III:. P. darter. All wall
. .
Cheerfully bear Witdess toj the strict
attentiCiikkich Miss . Cartfrr .devoted
• f. t
to the maim - rerncnt If the office while
I• . ha'
4e her care; and ve no . doubt
Ithathezlitue l eessor prOve equally
as acceptabl l e in her
. new pOsition.
Mr. Jno. S. Shepley has been ap
pointed Po-t Mastel at Ro-hester, - vice
C. A. Bloss; and M.r.,Nichoi,s, at Baden.
They are both good appointments. i
, ....-
i J.. .
- , . zaa Accident.
George .1 1
Mr. t ? - Painter. a voluntee
, . '
went to Pitt{-
"New. Jaatio, woow went to
burg to, escort tilt returningvolu
'leers horn met his death at Baden,
on Satnid. N' morning. He was stan -
ing on the platform of the R. R. car ,
holding i e break wheel; observing
the break man . upon the npposite plait
form kick plc catch. he undertook to
do the same, when' the wheel revolvd
, with ...iiich r l rapidity as to throw him
about twenty front the cars, breaking
, 1 •
his neck. and killing hint instantly.—
Deceased leaves 4i wife and three: cl4l
- to m i nurn hislloss. T c oroner Recd
being summoned, held an inquest, and
thr jury 'returnedl a verdict in accord
ance.with the above facti.
i • i 1 i_ •,_.
1 1 Col. Blaok's . e Regimen. .
' • COL; S. W. Black's ,Regiment,
ll? b , 1
left , itts urg on Saturday, and
departure created a great deal
i citeinnt , , 'contained: several r
I ii , ' -, 1.
from 'our place, a ; number 1
I young i men- having joined the,
i Guard, Capt. F. C. O'Brian.
• palbh' noticing the departure
, - ' • • • -
regiment from - the city, says:
I i , ,i, ,
As rt.zoonne the . regiment i formed 4-
Iwh eh was done under .th , 2l s.upervi
l sio of Lieutenant Cul. Lehnuin, whb
1.7 on horse-hack during ; the' . entire
' a erhoon---Col Block' - and I:_Major
'Sc 6itzer also appeared, and were
sob, I nafter - joined by, LieutS. 'Lane
!ant Hutchins,' the former ' haviiru.
; i • .
_ .
s,-/W-re. HoWs Speech. iSW rn in the companies sep arately. --
f , i--. • .1 1 TiM-regiment was then , mustered in
We publish this week, the admiia, ! bye baitalions, the Men; assenting by
tie •specii of HOn. Joeplit Holt; ofi litlifting the right hand, tho Ugh kite
Kentu - ekY, delivered . at;l_Louisviller i n t , 1 fa :. i . it was inaudible,i owing to the con
the nth of July., Thisilnoble and pet- flil l idl ' , , . ,4 .- 1 ''
1 I
n t At, station there, wa.4 an im
riotic preductionlis in strong" contrast, euse assemblage, but ;the rapid. ap
with the' weak and trashy' speeehes of piloi ach of a thunder, storm sbon dis
that other son of KO:. - d'ekv, who has persed the - crowd, on the departuroof
heretofore enjoyed 1,
I , t t efiltin. Col. Black has .a fine regi
the cOnfidence o `miratioa and
, l i ate. while 1
with one or two ; expectations, are
the petted and i 1: . . ...Witt of for-1 led to ,the full complement of one
tune, who has 1 L':, i • - .•led far be- Ili adred and one men. We I are not
yond his desert.; ~,., .. - ,:r-confi ing
-i !advised. of the destination of the - regi
people, Iturns frcru :-..... r,ntry in her ille4, but under Col. Black, it will
Mainly be taken into, -active service
hour of need, and cc' ' , ' - plots treason "4
4 • i a' ,
againstlthelnincr that: has nourim f!on ce. '
/ '
him, /this generous and highly gil
son devotes, his whole: energy tot
,- 1 ,
defense of his conntry's_ hoar.
Breclkinridge may sit in his se ,
the Senate Cfmniber 14.)ftil,y curve ing
. J 1.
the pun he ,!a conniving at. w hile
Joseph Holt, - iu the'plain walks of life,
as an *humble citizen, is lending the'
energies of his whole being t the
great conteit. But! the wise Initial
would means
by no :exchange po- - ,
1 f p
8 4i OP of the latter fer the fo r.---',
We )tope ere long to see somereciagni- 1
tion bY the Government of the thstin-'
, ,
gnished . servic i e. , :c rendered the nationl
by this gallant'Kentuckian. I
' ‘, - 1 r •
•11 1 ' '
, . :., ,
- Takla yi Iff Party avaraent:
We learn that petitions oi.' circular?
ale being pent around' into: thetdifferr
cl ir
ent owniiiiits, with 'the. intention of ,
pr . uriniaignatures 'to thein, forl - the,
purpose - 41 getting up a Mass Con'
veil ion tOl‘nomitiate a Union ticket (
We would ' advise 'our... Republican
frie ds to 6very cautions Of any such
mo ement.
- I
he Republican party in this county
has already met and put in- nominal
tio a vßeVnblican ticket, composed , of
as d ~find 'reliable Union men is
I f*
the are!to be found in th e .county.
Th " Democratic" party will .meet in
Co vention on the 31st of this mont I,
,i , -
and . also nerninate a ticket; so that th
Un i lonPi4ly movement, instead of Veil
inl what! its friends 'claim 7 ---a general
umon of all parties----will , only hayp
the effee of ; ; creating another party
disiontdrawing off Republican vn
teris, jedOirdizing the Republican ticll
et; and beOefiting,and perhaps F lecti4.
the straight Democratic ticket, here
after to he nominated. : ' . 1
We can not see any pOssible good
to iresult i from the. movement. 1 lie
on!y effect it canc,have, is to. seduce i
Republicans from their party faith,aHd '
make them instrdinental in foisting
thtz , Bredkenridge, pro Slater wing if
th Democratic party- into power lo
this cotinty. Many democrats nre
urgirigfOrward theimovement for the
itiainnient of.this object, and no oth
W e would therefore advise oar ,Rep rni l
lican friends not to' suffer these . k
to be led into this snare. , If they
w i e think, they will certainly regre
, ty ace;
timed 1
' G
Major-General Allelellan
We had' the plealmre; week bef re I .
last, of . lisiening to 'a
speech made ihy
this di4tinguished ofricer; in Wheeling; 1
l ira., delivered from the balcony of the
M.'Lure 'Reuse. The - GOvernor of pie
new l .'l rpont, ( r and ,
his associates in the nedw adminiiira4
1 1 ' 1 1 .
tion, iyere present. eii. at'Clcllan ;
1 • : 1 ) ,
thenot in the strictest sense of.
—1 not,_ in
word, - an orator, yet in all the es-,
sentiall 401ificatliins- that no to make
lip a good speaker--elcarness of 'the- ;
ion, sound sense,: brevity, and purity
f style--can lay claim to a 'very
! high 1
place in the list of publ n ic speakers.—
lswords, to use the lieScripti+ of,
one who was once good authority on i
Such Matters, leg. from !his lipsj hke 1
pew coins from the mint; 0 (ue
lweight, accurately imprc:-sed, and just'
value His llis appearance and manner, i
t ,
retb .: .
to,,,ter with the sublime earne , m.neAs
tat; ether
of the' man, reminded ' the beholder i
strongly of the 'pictures which we
hare Z.l'N'apoieon, just:, before he be , !
,I 1 1
tme:first Consul, and when he dazzled
all Europe ivith those , '"startling, land i
hrillint successes which ele trifled
the whole w9,rld.
The career' Which is now opening
before. this?"Joinv , '' military hero is. cer-i
, • 1 1
taiuly glo,ious; anti - -the' manner in
while he - this so far acquitted himself,
' aunu r rsWell for him and thecOlintry.
Indeed;l ''' • , ,
we are! much mistaken (if, in
, •
tho !course of the next few months,h
i this; inedest and un 'sshminebUti high
1 ' ' ' I
1 y gifted young liter ; does, not in-,
scribe his 'name high up !on the scroll
0 ' ' • .44. ,
of itthose names that, were not born:
to die?', ' ; • ' , '! : '
N, ed
, in
e nment7 has intelligence I from Fort
1. ickens to the 25th nit. i There - was
I tile news of itnpertaneer r \" Affairs
ere generally 'well. Considerable
slickness prevails 1.. WsOn's men I
Were, suffering terighly withi the heat.
The 'defensive wbrkk and J entrench
en -
mts'on Santa Rb'sh Islar d 'were 3 , r0-
1 1 1 1
oressing and nearly completed. I be
fleet off the barb4r• bad little to occu
'Y ' titena.'L No aterriptshad recently
been made by the rebel pritateerk or
ther vessels, to atterript4l entrance;
Or had they eveh made their appear
nce in that direcioh. The rebel force
at Pensacola was; believed to be araall,
although there: were i no (means of as
icertaimng the e#et numbe l r.
i • ; • Il'
The Spirit of 44 , Thies. '
There• 2A tal ' tip ' in a ll Ch '
is no na 11 xr
t,endom . that • ia l 'not ?t:t+:oved by some
mighty pul / iaation--moved now by!of'
overwhelming influelic for ;its • own,
1 - f. i.l
good; 'and then ai irresistibly'impel Okil ,
41 il• - ' i
by means ttf the, sam 1 mysterio us m- 0
pulso,driven ttpOn itsidUstractidn. ii
No' Government thU, ever was, wi1.. 1 ,
lingly l coneured,in those movement ;oil.
rathe impulses : . The Universal cry a t:
every Natinn is for I quiet.. Even 'in
the times' of its greatest prospelti
the tone and iempef of a powerful
people is. eminently 'conservative. I; ;
The fact thti' a Nation is thus i tir,
' I. 1 .
red, as it Were to its I nmost , dep t hs l
evidence that Provideinee has some tra'
poriant efilds tO accomplish -by . me
tl tt
of that particular N lion. - That I , 14t,
ultimate extinction
,calaiery, is 'one
of the ends, to i lre b'Ottght about ",bf,
the .I,'var in which or! Cotintry is -
happily' no
i which o ,
e f ngaged, is rapidly beconting.
evident to the tnost lituse intellect. i
IlOw or. in what Instiller this rabitt
l I ' . 1 .. 11 .
desirable end is to no : accomplished is
not Yet sovery clear.`' That it is;tbe
inevitable fate; of th ' 'peculiar' institit
tionrto be destroyed tNy the advane.i,
poWer of the indom l itable Democioe L y
of North,i even i the most enthOi
astio worshipper of the modern Af.loeh
is cOnpelied tacitly td, acknoWled e.l
Whatever rnvy b the motives or the
men be9-' aloft the
, I band , ig is; er
,.. taro, vial
:es i will b mr.
of ex:
of our
l' ramer
he Di
of the
.Mr:. EDITOR: . I .
This; ;being a rainy day the
and stirsstiriwhicfh usti i ally attends o
haS, to h great e-i4nt, ceased.
oppressive rays of the sun' beiq
out by the 'Watery elonds; one e
beneath the ehnvasspd_tents with
than usual sitisfaqtiOn. ..'
No military,infOrmation as ici
the . movements of
a f i
Washington 4 thati be rel 4
has taken place. Rumors' are p
yet Welitiow not Of their, eorrei
Ohr camp it4situated on a level
of ground, ahout a mile from th i l,,
itel. Thor exposcidlte , the - warl
of thb - sun!: yet Ifrpottritly 1,
lireezes Av:Othei ' way. by Us. 1.1 .
.1-teport says th ti•we will leaves this.
. by M.nday 4 land march 9 Bigj
ran, this site cifi :ganassas .Junqtior
Our regiment, itl Es e-xp6etetl..Wlll bd .
paid off to-day, y 1 - n
WhichWhichwill sath ! .,' o si
of then as much as any thing! else, col;
agreat numnber 1:1:iy„e•r;i0} sl4):rt. of
Means, the 90portdnities for si ooiling
since leaving home' being i
So, 00at.1 ,
Military diSeipli► eiliere is,yellStrieli.
There are More :hlan,a !Math; dthour
Sand soldiers at'
l and WaShitigtOp; and
still morea7iving, lt is said that the.
WisOnsin;•Ond the Petin'a I gth . will
leaVe, tip-day 'for 1 .13ig ruti.! . , Th .i4xeio-
ment' origiLnatinsl from ;the - '' 1 tittle 41f r
• July ?.lst,pet‘v en Bit.;' run
nassas lunttio_, ,'has iiartly di“liawag
Altlio' our Ore - Met widi a tOlerithl
s c
heavy' loss yet Nlelrly all lii• cm e
to the con ; uSion,, and musy imt,tlu, t
our men e ante _ 1 the most , alrfiic 1.),,h
very, wit h , abut liew exceptions. Ir
thosd fourlbours,lwith the sante nuM
ber of men,' history seldomi l ireeolds
more heroic deHti than crow .0.11 a
battle. Altho'interd than than la week
has passed sinc l e! . this battle,'!y tri th'
et i is
almost impossible _ to sift the
from,' the many flying repor4 i f :is to
• its
real causes; but em content to#ay that
it would litver have happened had iit
not: been for over-anxious n 1 to ria •
ticipate in an engagement ift wihl
perhaps, teach c a valimblc id4Sou(
less o n to confide more strictly in ila
• i 1
general Ship of Scott. 1 1 , '
If - the, takin4 of. 'Sumpterl ;tout
the, bearts of k orthern patriot, rt.
by which all pat political differences !
were laid aside,' the affair Of Sabath
Week produced equally asi nner retie
response. Butt, we should Omen P2ri
that we'arebhttling with the u of un
daunted bra+y. The one
vantage we bre over th itr is the
justness. of (Mr cause; and While our
troops are supOie , rwitli tlie nee s&a
ries of canipl life, the reicio are f ht
exhausting t lairs. 1 d '
, i 14
The determination s never to gve
up the Union; its praises will be he rd
when its foe' and friends (that nw ;
survive shall, be mingled toethr in t
thd dust; it.will loivi be hed in high!l
veneration ifrcim the Atlan is t the
Pubific shores,} .and Wafted! ingentle
br4ezes to other lands; wherever div!,
iliration makes its way it will be borne
upon the Stars and Strio4ll and pro=
claim. the pertietuity of the y American
Union. ' ' • 1 !.I'. R. 1 . . . I t
• i 1 __ _ irt
,7' 1 1
Apar"lle remembered the forgo.t n,' :
was beautifilly said of flowarcl, - the
philanthropi4. It also applies t er r
ery man who ; brings the ameltorat ons,
comforts add':, enjopnPnts of ; life - itti
ina the rea lic r of persona, `4' nd el sss
I 1
who ire of erwise 'deprived of heir
. .1
advantages r Especiallymay it, said
of him wo , - rlaboriotisly rieeks "and
finds new +Sans of
,Prest:rOng b alai,
,1 t 1
"the poor 71 n's capital and the rich
1. z „ . g
man's powpr 1 We think this e logi
rtm properly applied to J. C. pl y r, of
'rowel', therenowned eheniist iiif New
England ? ;ci , o, spurning -t he t; dell
1 1 .1
( i
paths to \ftiMe; devotes his I,enttr ab i '
ities and iMquirements ; the+ldise
cry of Nature's most eff-•lttt)
, i
dies of d isease. ' When
blessing rork
.to supply it to
alike, through our druil
low price's ;that poor of
alike enjOyi its bienep.e
Jour. andlgoq._ 1
-i • --•— • trtre #ie Atria.
1. Carreetioit
I '.' ving ibearl it smartedduring
I I tIM Oast f , weleka . , y Imembers of a
l icertain l .denominatio6_, who seem to
have tOtort of antipat hy; 113
V) the F 0
Church oil tiar li ngton, that she during
1 the present 'contest for our Constitu
-1 tion and, Governmi)nt, has !not proved
Ito be so.patriotie asl,she professed to
bel l in tine of peace, and that preaeh
ing of her,lministershe.s nofproved of-,
feetitall tb, the pulling down, of the
1 stroogl holds of sin land Satan, i sides
i bil l ; one vOlunteer has gone from the
co gregation to. the l warkl am happy
to say that the apse 'on; is untrue. I '
tk l Ok i ng overt enuMber oftlibse
w 1 have' gone &or this Congrdga
glti 11,
i we find l that i eqOals if it '4:4yes
n t exceed the number froni theise'con
c atious who have been nuking so
m eh l capital ofthis false Assertion? '
I.lkl'otv, ill* Fre4 httrch of r.Darltg
toulhas not beeol able to send into he'
field iti Many men a same of those iIV
adjoining , villages, She has been wil-1
~to afford t he +l sinews of \Tar '
milvehl is c' qually'as good. I. wasp res-;
enti on, one ciecaston„nitlieugh but i i rit`..J.,.
littltyrepresented, subscribed over .nrct i
hairier! dollars:for the , benefit l ofithe
I a lingtbn volunteers, besides other .
s i ! s i l given at dift'erent, times. .
: 1 4 N 9ly I any of those, wile have been
I s ) r . , ,,efy to criOcise the Cliurlt ann 1
t er ie To r Esi h o e n r , nave‘i'e x ceededlle'liviil livi n g up.
VT 't( e . i
r 4 glad Ito hearlit. ! But as we believe I
they have not we Would ,say to them
IfFirst cast out ithe l bean' thati.k., in
them, oN I Vn eye, I :that ththi mayest see
eldarly do take the moat from thy ibtb
•th 'errs eye." i I • : I
These', who harf4made this chitrge
against the 'Free Church,l-also aSsert
th E rt She I shoeld del more in the Ares.
e Viemitest thiln he other* churches
I theland. 'We Id ask our friend's
a onf, what groand they, base this aS-
I n
s rtion.l Is it bee use she has alwaYs
I ised her stan4ail against th e sin . of
11, - l eric..n slav4ry: o l Ceartinlyn'ot. I
[Shot'd.d we ask ow friends W4tliCr:
, itt elke cot warisi a contest betweea :
1 1,1:jrt, I >L4lo 1. and avery; o't rather :ft the . ,l
i i s nicif la.very S
has be the eau :e ot 1
l!thii wtiitl, they hvouild say no. Tt c an..l
saver 10U111 bOl tiliit they are ligtiting
fort.helCOnstitutiOn and Governinent, 1
and ;not for thEf abolition of Slavary.
'thenf,. Slavery has **nothing to ;do
with t is contest 'certainly it ei meet t i,
I e,arg l ed that. the Fret Cherel ,' b 6
1 IM:.?e be has raised liersoice ahainst 1
, iiis s 'stem. ;Vhich has heatbeirpn a'.,
i l o l r . l r i e l ) n o s rt a i l o ly n
q , , . 1,
r.rtn !waged I l forl i the 'support , f thel
;oyerireat, than ether ellureh l es; iii)
l e if e l :s ti
i e ) t i r ili e n i 2 'e c - s i
p l a v i r e i are I
o n
i l a o cI l l i e:
e n a ii l 9 l. : l l l e . ): k a l. r l i n l e n i o i t e l ) ):: : a L t t A t v i ti i i
it t l with
theirs 1 , afe. . 11.MII, if some bf lier ae l eui-
At r Jr4 ure lionest l enniigh to rteknolwl
edge .
e lleat the 3!ause , of 'our idreseni
sc i out e as a uation, 1.1a.s been tte ~ ‘,4 ) 1
loch I A mer te nU Slavery, let me hsk
them Why sltunil she, do there than'
(Abel s'f i S.inceisli l ha S been contending
fell t e , wistsixte l n years agaicht :las
evil. ' withstimaing _ the reproa l etuis cts
9t ii oc jeWirches and i)erseeutio, •ona
lilt i*,is it nik avian
that she er
. f .i
•Iher prim, a: she has (.I,one in ,tln3
pj contoJur • Ficedo.m, willell iis 4- 1
It? ..l b o e i d enlecl. And :is Te l t vet ;-4ifi t
; 1 1 .s ie l e r:.stPent,:niost o iii life , in
of l i ke ev il. one. whe n
I .tl is usually more ai:tiv( in! Vie
le of reliikiori, d,e.eining it his 411ity
liiik up misplenitime; so these 'skm'
aav ‘',
infer been sb I . mrticulttr to watch 'the!
Pre '!Chareli and see that 'she c ;es
1 14 a her standard', if they have one I
Ilia°d, it. is b'eoause they feel that hey I
rani!' t i , work to amend lOr lost tine. ,'
47c believe that there is no co tgre- r
gation ' of Christinns in° our vi( • nity
that has done more or is willing o do , ,
More for • Oar Frovernment than the
- Fril;e Church of Darlington. lAnd,we
think that shellias rdason to rejo et in
a belinlding theliadi•atice of vein , iiiles
e• for which sae has Ao, long , cent ivied.,
i And when ;;Northern I men, ivhose,
d iiplihave longlbeen -seal,ed upon this
i Su9eet i aril compelled to speak but a
ll gatnst it, and its discussion is pet uit
tedin Congress, have, we not reaSon
into hope that this great curse t i ic: h
hitsl been tl e cause df our trouble, will
(be exterminate d era -the close Of I the
-, Ipresent ?Ark le and the prineiples Up
mi-;tvhfeh O ur i Government is tbandett
per 1
potuatdil. I 1
J. li. liiI ii
1, 1
ti sit
c IF - -
,1 1 6rds
cl on.
il Pie6e
LL Cap
u •Ays
gr i Ca.
1 1 ler,'
eti ti
._ ; 1 •
1 'The Erie Regiment.;
1 • 1 '
Tim_ Erie Ipispatch is v e ry ' evere
.•'I n the Government - Ifni itatre4Ment
1 11 1
o ;the Erie Itegiment. It says: , 1
f`The reason why they
,did, l i nht go
forward 0 Richmond is simply because
they were not allowed to; and ,l i l this; it
is stispeetixis the result of an inter
feresee b politicians e
and ambitious
I (
absters,l which com menced ,' en be
ore the egiment le ft Erie, and which,
it is hopdd, will, in duo time, e bro't
io light, sinclthe intermeddlers roper
y punisWed.7 , , ' • 11 i I.
i •
, rl c i . The oe:na:.d:itan a rdor i
eno o diy f :
t t bli h :d e tdtinth:
ii, , I i 1
l a ' t
0114 t in
,hot perviCe of i the:State.
hemselv,'es ;•kcady for the field.,lit(
Ihnye clef rniined to join them fOrl
years or fo b the , war, as soon I
General Government will ace*
sorvicee !! • : l'
1 1 rte 6 l ' theC tilt&
of a
At-Cafrlsh was caught on a trdt line
Fl I . • ' , •
ine i river o esitoind str
l i
ttko ; 1 pp 1 , , yby
fir. C. ..I;lsys, which weigh ; d sixty
iig t plunia. I Who spe4s n xt ?.s
1 .1. _ ._____•,.....!2.---- •
I i -
I TriE li
OTE ON THE eciNtlmna,
tit do which is being take
rebcl i '
:tates,.' is reported ;
to be N*ry Ismail:, •In Geink
decided opreition is made to t ;
bittionbit t sevirbo are ojTo
L AT e subjeeted, of course, :to I
'Once of the mob and the', in
the ofl4erti who' are holding!
tion. 1 sad- state of affairs.
-'• 1 . - ' I , ; ' f , 1
. I .4r. . , •
, •
Ii" I
e 1 '
) f l P ;1
I Ff i ii
_Ma ki
'rite, ' sit
: 0
: 4.- [ - L • 0
N s
- i -. I
~ ,
1 . H; ; --:-...... , i I EL 1 1
The .order ,Of Gen. McClellan, con
cerniWthel diseipline of his:camp and
the mternal-:pelce of Mishington
4 , 411 be'foundln this, morning'spapert
Its effect was immediate; and excel=
lent,- IGen.l3lcOlellart appears t 4 have
infused nevi ; vigor, into ever:y..oo64
'retent With Wilich,he co - mes•ittContset
land the best feeling. Prevaili' Ile ex-,
jpressess the opinion thatlth war is • to
ibe mainly - leonducted With artillery,
;and he therefore asks fOr as many
i batteries a can be provided :A regt
,ment has eeti - detailed e l ' him . tor
j .
picket dut ' along the -Potomac, • and;
. j
the line'extends,trom Washmg,to* to
'Harpers Ferry: , . I , I 1 1
'Since the Ist ; of June, there have
been reeei od at Weshingtoni by the
Quarterniatiter's • Departmect, 4,708
horses 2 95 8 Mules 'OO6 ' wagons / and
1 '
.380 ambnlaticei. , , • ' - 1. ,
lAn error eret, into our record let*
the war 1 netv published yesterday
morning,; Malting it appear that Ma
jor-General 'Bank's force w s still Int
Bortier's !Ferry. lle.cress cl 'the 'Av.
tr to the 1 mitotind ilf , ht on Stin
tlity arid ( lis ntrenching hi l inself at a
:placelra , w i as Sandy. Roe c.; his . 1?()••
Isiton 1 cont inand& 'Lerner's , erry, slid •
easily, in a short 'time, be made int
pregnable:- ~.Some exeltenfent 1- tifas
Ile:tithed the e. yesterday bl. l - -ill repirt
that Gen. 4Oliesbit with a I rge force
lltyasi approaching in the', d reetionjof
'lLeesburg lied scouts Wei. kept • se
tively ompidyod. Tbe tr ops. uric er 1
Gen!' Banksi 'ate in good iendition !
We print ,this *Tornio interesting
letters froislour special'eor i respolident
' 'W t V' ' ''' t' ' P '
in South- s ern. Iry m. rpm
,these ' it. jap ears 'that; General Cox, '
whose force, eonitists of 3,500 .men,t is
steadiiY„a4a.miltrg up the , valley i of
the Great - liver, and driying back the
Secession toops •ninler. EX--Gover r'
IC:ISO, nOmbering'flOmJ2,soo' to - 5, . 00. ', I
Tbey had :continued to •titreat for, .
4 1 d
1 1
-era ~ ays previous to the ila of,
ot r cOrrtspondent's le ter. : T teir 1`
,liight was I t o precipitate _that on j ceV- •
Mal. Oeeafq:ons they ' (..ft, their • •I •Ood i r
iprepared, nit iiricatei .an I • our i len I TI
j partook o theiri j sav city i •at ions. 1 A. ::
j lite dispatri say that oh, the . 9th I `,
I u t.. Wise Vils!still• in i•etrilit , bur4iing ('
bridges, ai d 0650-M:tilt% ands • V), fel-
ling trees Az tic way; ' '• ',I
, 1 ;
I Word • Was yesterday sent
J Clitteaquaillowa; on the Bar th),
and Missis r lipiii Railroad, to Bur
tim,Sa l yink that'the Itebils'of .3,lif
Iri n* . ere N , itltin twelve riffles ol
ftlat•el first inflated, and tli it, they
i destrOviiirn houses. Irillite;,PeoplA
, i
1 (lc 4** . t • ‘ l '• terrible I I' P
' I t•
_nut t_ti ( i elf! et a n us.—
An extrarain was. to lehVe Burling
ton a i t
o ice with ;wits( assis;tauet.
I .ould be tetired.!: ' - ~ I
" 1 . The ICI cw,tng ordtr has just ; , been ,
ronitrlgn teat : '• : ' , 1 . " ' ' !I,
1 ' 1.. «..; ,I '• • . j'l -
, Iropiluarki,-.5-, me. , of tlu Pg,tontite, 1
I VT -04;:iiim(Proi Jul 3 a il, Ibtl I i
ion . tuts vitit filch regret, (t et ted
;,,- t o t i t ' ,, i l o:t r i e e G I ,;n e
t r t:l i t e :::i a li e b t ii; 11 3 ,0 : 1 :o li ; c 111 11 1 ; I l n i;T::
t t l h ie ast st i : r e i e l ' t e S l a u n. lin d lbe hO s tel i : li c c f. el th .s e 'll e 'd' it , t 7 .:-:
This ;J prt:lice, entineritly*Ate;(l
- to order find military di -
• , , g ood- ,
once . .. ..., .
,: eipline, and insist Ist .oe (.tiscon
continueld 'J i j •,- •• • •
; The tie andseryice of all Persoi
connect ( with '! thts, w divisiOrt shoo , I
lie dove ell to' r their , a t proprirtte il
ties ill their respective 'eomprauc
i s
11, isl th refbre directed that licreafte ,
uo,otqc rjor sOldier, be •illoWed 'to a!1
seat' Itimsblf ; frotia his f e, inp ' our -
Washinittlon .except f r.' the
imanee of, some publi dtity, I
Itransac iqn of importrt iypovl
inesS, for which ' purpo es writ l
3 f,
niits wi I. be given b the cj
,der4 of , brigades'' TI e' l p ern
' state the Object of the visit.
r i vet menders will 'be • tell ref for, the iitriet exeetttpait of
der. 1 1 , j
1 °l.' Andrew Porter ()lithe
S nfantry i . , detailed fOr ten
dut - its iProvost Marshal iin V
tau'e and will hs obey '4l' . and
eel aceOrilingly. Cola Porter .1
' ported ill person at' , 'hose 1 , It•
terS,fer ihstruetioes. 1
ily 4 eotamand- of cle 1. I C.IM.,r.tXI,
S I WlultaAms,kAss't Ad j. Generall,
r 1 ,•
..-! •.. i• I', , il
Th 4 order shoWs b th,the[detei, n,
nithion of j 'ben. MeCI .Ilan to i entC • T ,
1 strict diSeipline, and the feet, , Whiel
We; have Often jstated that previo 131 .
to Ihisr arsumptiOn o 'thes eptium n(
1 the streets and ho eli were it
, with 4fficoi* and soh iers Who) sh ul
(t ,
j have been in their q atters:' I • Wej,ai
but beginning under Gen. .McCI Ile
to jdo What the enem, did 'at th 4 Very
' outset. hat
Quarto masterqt Depiart
ment halt received h re fromithiilfirst
ofiJune nit to yeste,r lay, '4,708 horses,
858 xnules, 906 wago s, 380 I lambnian
lee's. 1 IT 1 'l , il I , ' : .
1 , 1 t -.. ' ' • ' i l g i
1 act has been.p ritetritted by 1 one
brother Innen' the h mestead of &cloth
erl near I Fall's ; Clin ch which shows
the blind of eivilWit that the R liels
are cisposed WI warve. Mr. l Th eck
morton,l sotrtin-lat ;of the on.
Chatles,ll - : 'Upton, member of gain
grey • from the F irfax District, in
vite Gt.lll. Tyler t make his louse
, hie, eadquarterit, ;1 hieh he did. oyes
terd y: ThrocikUne tows brother,,with
, 0 ebel em.alry at , hitt -heels, r ran
sac ed the bonse, nd ifestioyed the
Wire, outbuildings, and eropstl,
• . . .-.[ 1! , I ; • - ,
1 ! dispatch' from Gen..Cex,?-9t j inst ,
to e,n., Blizeneranz, reports' his arri-
Val, at •Ganley - Bridge. WiSe r treat-.
in ()R I LeWiskurg, ! which, i ate ding,
to' i
i i
tercepted letters, is to be h'lid
lyi ir point. 'Gauge Bridge wafts en
tirery , deitioyed. .ft will re - quire
three days Ito construct: a licliti ng ,
bridge .j ~ I I.:I.1 j ,
7 j ov. Wise has felled trees
th road,fand destroYed all! the.
es. ' Gen. Cox,l captnred, ,i,OOOl
)6 muskets , and a small; quanti
po 'der left, by,
th rebels.- i
1-- —TriliuneAt4uot
t i
i' 1 I , •.! . -1,
t re-
tl the
i.ti the
t. ll 7;TrY
ed il.tft*OPP-•
to it.
!Warier of
Telogrretro ©•
1 , , -1, . •
+Southern Iteitle, , - • r
. . •1 r LOIIIi3VILLE, July 'iff; 1861.
The I tehmOndf.Exammeil h, of the 2c th
' l'• , • I ! , - 1 . ' .
,instant .!.; ' 'r• i 1i • . 1
"TheLCorifederate, fOree have . been . l
TCMOV . Id fokisiird fait beyo id „Ilanassis.
Itinettou. P 'goners are still being -
hreught itt..r. ne theusan of the efie-'
nay's' dead liti I remain uuhuried. :.
"Ge'. Bealtregard is saidpositively
not toy lbe nt ' Sisal:lssas. .ii - - •
"It is certain that we Captured 32,-
000 hitOcuffs, with-whit: - the Feder-1
ids:expected! to thanael : our prisonl
CTS. ' 1.4 ; ; I
iTiosident Davis -has ;telegraphed
te a,Georgialreginient t come op,, a s
*e hav e • captured 22,091rIstand 'oft
arms.! ! . 1 i . 11 - • . .
'"Adjutanti Fairbanks I f a Miehicrani,
i regitOent is -ti. prisoner ail Ilielinionu." 1
1 'The Enquirfir proposed hanging hi inas
a re be l, .Abolitiottist. -11, , , I
1:4 ,
OISVILLI, August 3LL--A ,reliable
gentleman . ,i-ittst arrived'i . -says seven;
boat lett 310,mithis last toght. conveyi
ing• roops tO New :Sladrid: 'lle says
that ot less than -25,00 R of is Teiniessed l
tr6o - have . been laOded in 31.i.5 .1
sour - ~
111 mis ha Fohably
r ,
ov r .
nor of i j ne s s e,-e-
ri (T neral Flonrhey die
I).4fting or troops lip`
a rettiy .. •
du in "Vir b i iii. : ahe ‘ijistant Ge-
tre orders he. Ililitiiii (to reptir to
the• otrt
r ouses of the rer,peetive
Coutiei Without delay.' I Abillit twenty
tlhoitSand. ar‘ l viunted '' I , I .• 1
lloger,A .I.'ryot LS i'll' command ci
Itel Plata . iv
Plata iti , ...lsli Wight,
cc - Minty. 1
. 1- : . .
lie Itithil l iond Exam, (ter 03- s won ,
the prisdhers here is alfree 'negro whjo
cat to as - chaplain to one of thc" Con
netiieu.t ' reg,iinents: r llie same papti,r
litheritively states th,'e nullifier iii the
l i
7 C ef:al Aryny which' ftuicrendered the
lit - :filer
,the tad Bulb .Rua wsis
...b, soil to jbelong to
~i -i e nnitylk-tl n ht.'
4 tei, i ,. 3 - A.l wise iz, rcpit tel l i in need- of
.eintdreenol•nt-. . H i l l • ••: 1
AlcOnlved no d ates shhseq ient to, 0113
littiftWn'l affairs. N i e under:4:lKP t • • I 'Y' 3l k S i titir. '' ~ 4 W . 111 . • A • 1 "="n`lel'•
tat .1-.letturegar(l has , lung three "trtit-I.''i n! "'' ; '''`', / x ""qv" . -. 'ilr''''•T l )!Htl.:•ot:.',t•••
i' s----,one aa yetighaer nn ; the .11anits:ias ', t 'f",''''''""". -!tr ll ' . '... ....:' . iiilni li . fpg• -•.--:
Cl. p jtaillOatl, - anoti er . a Prette4r,l c iL D . :. l ' ; t l', , ' , ", / i ';' , ',.; ,i ,
. ..., g , 4 • '. T . l ) :', ii . 1- 1 ) / 1 1 ',, ,t 11 . 1 1 ?.. 11 Y i l
wad the thi l t•ti "a farm •1•..
:••'. •. i _ ' ,' '-."'' ' ." • ' ' l '; I
A-dispatch to the 'litinoxville .11;1 - - , ' • ="rtrutt , t l Italia,tv. t•- .. -.-
pp- of the .316t : 50 - s i l r6ittratirnis (Itlat t i, ; '''' • . ----- * ------ '" .- T •• . .;•, '
Regiimer4 of Soythts.s. , -
okUensiVe i:har aener art:. in progi•ehs r i--- "" ' . 1. 4 '1
Ile,rore.a. •,•reat, \i Lit` +i\l. • 11l ((I E- 1 ''-, '• t t • \ ' I v
)- . v ; 9014- .Tertitans• Al ot ew„.•-,, .... vi z 11 , e
!netttly:expeet lar•I•e 61-9vcinent-t C, ar I Ciotti •Itt t ti t '. ' ; „1 f ' •1
. . ,
..,.. • . cuttp,tug t tt•.ot flt:••:.t.:tion o.t. : ‘
are •I?eyond .1 Fulrs •_"ituri:l•:- I
11.- 12 - : itt e nt to he zerne.-;1 wit":,...•••"-et.t ----
•tite 04tift.&eritte trtt9ps ail die yeti i'rllti , org4lll,7,llioa of , • :",„1 • ,I• ;,,,.- 4 i m ,, 4 .,,,Xi,
hiintt;:twe eoll)s,.l.llo, l firtit nu . tler John. -,•.v.-oatt_l o'4; edatplett l .l r.• .. ,I: ,netrtr.•?; , =";
I: -' ' " tl ,• In '•''' ••-• •• '•• 1 l''' .. •'•l' I'' ' 1--
i,171)11, occupy _ll .1, A 41 - 11.,.. p...)••••..•• a,ll ,-k.,t( I:. Ak 10)11 1,1111...i1 . (1,1 , ' ,I II V;;, , ,..1,itt,ti,1 .
the,otter-, under llt.aliregaid:- There I•by -nine or its si•ealt,r; tr:al a reki
sno doulA thaC.trett(lniet;v was. psi "'ete:ii_t-.UI . ii,I•••,• ki ln !' -•,; ,-, !1 !.).1",!,, 1 ; ~T ti . -i t ;
I icetl .911 31assitssGt'p littiirowi to .itra-: t'l ••ti 'tr • '••'•' = • 1 - ' 1 at i l t •[•'
r. , , • !••••.. 1•, te. ,t ,ta I . I t - t ,„•, • 1 -
1t• - i
,• -cut, the ytnetton or the_forecsorio.ha- reftted: tilt•V ~. 1I• • • - •• - ;..- t r . i .
••110,... •.a..-t• 4 .„ 3 1.t. -C. 1 11
I son rataroeattretrart I liti Ural 11. ••911- :•of-hav•lt: to,t • • t 1 ' Itl
b .
. ..•,"
O.IICICII,* Nvassaint, nayingacknOWl'eagtd-:I•••, !....-tt , :r :t•laitte;.l than an 4, •.,t..lver w1 .. •4-
reeki-s':ing a .bribe•t9 dt4'eat. the 1 . 11,'; ion:, •p• tn- a - oW 111111,,' 1.1) 1,1 1 :01'',: )11k! 611 , -,11v . •!i
ot.jjfe' pi - Peers. ' The same treatUtenti eavalt:v With kt•••t.
zoo' I•, 'Milli - t ` t'
nc t e d to a4oereult GeorA,llet ;
caul lit piloint: ti'• enn34 „
• it' : + etiemoitt• l tratd . io the 1.)01 - ' ' I
[sit -rev., taloa'
• marsh. :.; _ t -: i ~1. • • ,1 .. .. . , . • l. '
, c , ,
~ l_ , ~.1 A. 11/ . 1. t 1.1 .,
~V, .1i iII I I(., lie asakit , ,,, f i n
I ,
~ ~ , . I iGt 1 .- w .Itll. the I'4...:id:tr , t l .lol'
Supposed , captut.e.lof Pirate Slain
_, I.were•viu• fott-Titt •..cittli !..,..‘ tti•es. ,
:I •I •.. -Jelf.,DaVi, S. ! , '' : 1 .1 Mt arm Arliint '1:01•rer , ''ttl:•tiLit . t:
.1 Bo"-rox.., August -L-, Following-1: an ' llOtai.' nild I : V.. 'Stolle laYi - "t.• Itve.r . i.i I
; exliaet rroin 'a lettet•ldated r . :1111y ;231-It I pointed" ti,l;•..•zti • • .'' • 1• •J
ie. t t. , ..,.. to proseeute ! tut:
attotii.l 'the T.' :•,S: siiidp-91" War !Saran- . 14:111.,,,.1 ':i 1 ; - • .. t•I• •• ' ;I • .
unit oll',•.'ttle .11atieras!; "We made a " . '. '- . 1 .. • --•••••---,-
:‘,!. - .'1
i sail .- %'111411 - W d'; it ;it jblowing-a1 r . 0.a1;..!‘
..,' Agripultitr4 . Is,Tottoo: 1,.
i v
:tad the/sea- A vas- ritipttlig high •!."'we'! : , Ti,,,, - 1.,„ ii ,.,,1 „1" 31. „.,,,: , n l i . , i . j,,
fgaYC'Clia, ' s6 : ' fUr f il / 1 11.1 " ;6 :1*- rctir t0° 1 '•""-- I . lltt‘aver (..9"•tats- : k•••rie L • ' 1 2. 11••; i •ta . • ti t t j t• L
when, o upparintly; tt avaid- tieing eap- I . 1, ' i ,' 1 1 . '!--.• .: •'• " • L r ,'' , .'• .i. ~
: thred, slid - rt., n" over thd 'shoals,i- and'. "'''' •".' 1 "•-•-)Y,....riquesteci tr) imvt"t• attitiv::
wehehiglr anti di.y4 on the!" I tett "eli.---- -. ; , ; - 'shyril, ofifet.•, Oil Mi)ll(fay. t'lit.‘ 1 , r11.0i
L . , the! -eli,.llas rariiri.s ki': hi ,, h tVr.t it, -An„,trus-t lii.x ' ',.. at 2 i;vlcel,.' P. ..Ni. itl;:=
i, - 17. ~ , ...
made a, Cein.plete . durent•ni crier lip,- !.-..‘. d, •• lilt 4. ,. I _.,..- 1 ' • t 1. 1 9
t-1 , 1/•.k t tat t "ft.'l%! :4 . 1,1,111. , 410eit ,
oi l
She was 4 full rigged
- 1 bri ,, .. of bOuf L ' t
bunaked tone7i i i ii er l c 'r o i t i ti - r t w.s i 1111 . 1 Iluilt:4 preSent lit 414 g tneetinV.: tie
7 ,..
t . ". most singtilar, throughout' 'the- ...lnis6,onagers .will ti t en•-!-tinally. deter-.
I t h e' NI
I' she waif . ,,olit.'•'of Lgtin. 'range,- or `she 1 ililOc Iyhet her tO hold a: Ptiir-thi•i rat
,f might. lift've 'got. a tiln 141 t ••ritell sitito l i-"r 11 °I; T .l "-" Alamv-t . '"l's '•lr'-' '••.'".l'.'t': ll
e .her.- • s 4 si tutted t, , ~.1,-.,!,,,, , • w i l c i, i„,.. i. t0 otnuttaticate rreelv. Witlt :ttrel pet,-
still inoi.e.s range , ;We , attetnitled 'to- ; Pk
.. , i•
qt. the ; count . T.• ul t otttliat sui•jert •to
r. ..a, ineat , ; , li ougli -t,6, ascer t a in n e „•;•-tte end tl,:it 'the: best intros't ot't.ll . o
aaracter, b ut A i dai ii erolis b l i.l 'F e w , 1 Society may 60 pt•ontuteth- ..; • . 'r, . '
T .ri •
g 'ftWity. The courite.V around is until. - I. - '.. • _ - 1 -• -''' l '. Cr"'•-"'• • t-''''' 7l. L',-... ..r .
l ia N tu ici e. ., 1. J. sa id, b on :. i s ' ifi eei , f. , , (Star, and qinie,; please•ey'p,, - „.• . .
~.: miteS norili . of (Jape ..ILiiterra:-. andi'. ,
t ,... so rough :that it i' ' limpessible ti hind t edue•itedi German pr ivate7was ~., 1 , ,-;-.
..roirrlli.s: , '. k)N -..""'".. a.flifill.lllit , - 1' . ".it....
~_ I ,, N r elitll ink
,§ s he
, :nnty'. be the .pt steel i ~,i ye_ ' sterda .- -for--eorrePorele:: ...,,! trite:
... I Jca i erson vavis, - .lerl, some vesstl cap -Ithe e'neink.• A. lett.. , r to Gun 1..-i- wa , •
1 timid by Lei.;
,kir..igitig for some in- ; f oun d , h -.... ~.' -• •t 1 1.••• r• xi (._
iet .l-•,•,. „
.. •,4.., r ; • . ii
~ ,
... ~ t - i Is pLisou. _......m0tti0:/ • f . • ~
.. • 1 ,• ~'.• '
. _ iv - rrom *". - • A :' ` ins principal motive. (It' its r 7, i 4 e011
.. 1
.Issoun . .. I i .•. .
4 1 , ~- 3 ...-
_ re
.. 1 . ~....„;
tamed no revelation , of.'impo 4 tunre.
j... ", • Lou . •• ; s r . 1 - 1 Teri' I f "E" f 1 11 - .I.'C' ''' S f eoncin 't r.; the Fo ••' j ' l il ... '''.'
• I leaiiis froni aV. ;informed eitlzen of ' it ' -- 11i " .3. -
elsouti l l w ,„ t i,. 1 ;- n ,i, i ~ . i - . . 4 , ,., I, At, Newport ..News a l •C't - t.ptttit' . D er=•
I, 1
~,• .. , -9. I :,-, ,,,,;,( in i, AN . 0 1 ° - .- - ' 43- nard 'E l hot 11. prir ite beton ,, in , r 't • lii , '
I es - peeithar., fitedities for i.tei uirinfr • - •
mud ‘ , i . r: , ''' ', .--
• knowledge, of thelPlan of - Cher ..... ce ... , t ,company -Was o(Ligeu. tol : El-IV .
''','' ( he carno .
) sionists; that their real 'object, tisr not -1 - • .' - I ..
. . '
•to attack Cairo' or, Bird's Point but to , H '- • . , this .• . •
ld - It n.c; b t .•
re ma k e. a .. def4 P e . r . 4te . 6 l. fib''-t2tP.secn-n're p o i- i' - i.e . gardetl'as a war On - aft .ext,. , ..nt , iYu
Se4sion-of St Lotus There' is q strong I ' i T .
-,'• ,• '• • ' • 'I - I sea e. ..t must milt be eonduetL4. e•,•-•
3 ",
!_ o ld'',
ur.der .PillOw,' at 'New. iMadridA i _ at this - . • „ II
)_ political . i , 1.11Tt..
Ill& and att-oth'er at .Pocithentaiy, Ark, f points of the rebellion • o • • - . l'' •
• t . ~., e an 4 ,. - .11.•
believed to be now under a - rn , 41 . 9; of the I.;niOn Faust ear r: - t ) leir
M'bulloch , , another in .3 1i 4 ,si'siPlii'4op rathins into \Tiro-ink .TiA'i-- T. , -
c . see, is,,ouri. and titre ..nitta•••-t•v i oltll7
coun'ty", Mo.,.'under Jeff. Thoinp:on:--- I ii , ' 31: , • 'ili ''ir 17, --:-. -
1 7 )0 plan - ' is to .„ . keep up - a eOnstantt tries. Our flotillas will" - -, • q 1 1Ii4-
threut to: attack Cairo andi.Bird'S j. • •i f • Cairo - • L ' ° ‘ Ll it It t' •
8 . 1s:I i ppl) rout to the Baa . .ivittltt.
Point, , so as to.keotheVedi.•raltroo s•-1 in t le Gulf of Mexicothe eent,i or ; yill'
.there.empl'oyad[stud atenace... en. - 11:1 ‘ . '":i ozertnns-' will . be . nit.. Pielz(iiis . .aii!l
op iii•the SolithWT6stL bv•thre:i. 't to - at-
,IV hat 4n nuine4e.• field,
tack front Price - 4-fid .R 41115,. V. thei,li •
tool th e di . - s t p . lay of thi..4o.ites.i qualitie
Poealionl i (41 a 1 da. and and ,Statsniani
truces at ...ew . ..Madrid• and.
tas effect a - jun.... Lion. at . Pilot', Knob,• l
and from there Mareh On to St. Louis
take it, niinst&,te Johnson, and with
this city as a . basii of operation; . to
wrest Missouri from: ; the li"ede,rat Gov
ornnient, ..
.- i ' ' ' '
a Nitu
or 9)
te be
eup . tf
Omm• p
lit •%‘ ill
his Or
respi m
idouisirma:, August s.—The
elections restated as!' follows
Harney, [ editor :of-tire peinocrat; is
elected over ex-Govermor 3lerriweth
ler by 9ul) to I,ooq Majority, ; which
represents a' liti on• intijority,in-Jeffer
soi,t wunty T fi o Union majority in the
city' , is. about Judge. I3uckner,,
enioh, is elected over .lanies - 48. Clay
ton in Fayette:doutify Nv 560 to GOO
• I J 1 I
cnajorityy. • Richard C. n( erson,
nephew of' Sumter Anderlon; is elected
ih Franklin connlr, 801) ,to
'440 majority, St W. ,'Jacobs,'is,
lected• in 011 nun county. The -re
''turns thus far indicate it relative Ma
jority as, large, ',or larger than at the
-laet electiOn. 'AIE is quiet is the polls
to-day. • ' •
1 cross
L flint
ty of
„., ... . .. .;,. ~- m”
NSW BRIGHTON Aug. 6 1861
Forma .
A1L0179: : ' I
' In overhauling some old papers.l re,.
jcently,, I caine across the pay roll Of i,...._
company of militia drafted in itlifip>
neighborhood for; the; .Lake frontier.
Zlate in` the fall of 1818; and boi qv i ng
it - s,•; ahlication would be , 7 ,, r - atilin g t c ,
• the survivors as well as to the - friends
and relktives of those who hate(been
called froth wash' to, we hope, a better
one, T 'send tun, a copy of the roll. It'
bears date . a - t• trio; :January fr,il.Bl.l_._ ,
a season long'-td be remembered lis
i one of intense seVilllty, and to ,!tho-ky,,
11esilrecially encamped tin- the Northern ..-
1' frontier. Although reltalv 48 ~year r,
I have passed,' a Little leA than one.thi r d
1 of ,this company are, itt iiyi j know!,
I edge. 'yet alive. and 'residents 'of, the 1
county, - The roll is as followstl .:• — 1
1 ; ovricr,ae.. , _ • 1
l i Thomas Henry, Captain, , " 1 .
Samuel Ramsey, Lieutenant,'
1 James ...N.D.lillin, Ensign. ‘ ' ' l .
1 IWilliam Johnson., Sergeant, ' ~ i
! , Darit.l Warnock, " i • ''• f
j `John Minitwi
P '
1 -Jasper Snook, -•' . .1
Amon - Stiles Corporal; ' • ''' i '
John Bell.
... • " 1 _ '. -
Soletnon jfains " '. -r ' 1
" . • ruivaTEs v . I I
Matthew garatte, •*(..'aleh• Marattii, I
Johna•. - id, ' Sam tie) Davis, -- J,
1 , 801.,..yrt Beinet, . Solo ion ennc,4 -
i - Jac(*), Iretid, ' -1- Jno Caldwell,:`' A. 1
i Erlw'd Dongher Ay; ii:iines 11a.0.n, , !
Jintes Biddle, - Jas Fergnsmi, ,
51 - 3ttliew liCnnelly s , 7arnes.Sloitn, , 1,..,.
IIII1):41 B(4.1. Win—Snah,
John Eberthart, - . -E. 3l'Cariang,ll(y.
I Jas 31 (3ailVen; Arelird Ci-iii;4. i l.'
,Rufus TrAk; ' ThosGaildner.- 1
r llobet t'lm' me, ' . A IY.'' 111 ( 'r"id bn " li i -
J o h n , v o i
..! .. John Br ,, P adr...- - .1
T ‘ h os ! rn Alt, . :' . Jacob Bcona. .' f
IJoy C aungiori, .; 1 ' •Roll- For i gusg.n r , t.
Wnii.,, i Gardneli. I - Smoot-1;1).10,o r••,' ...
AN'ni. i'irali.'4l!iit ''. Mieliaoll.;)•iti:,
• John '13_0. , , 4s-.... N0.ic . ..._:,..ct;, i
lasliiddle:jr.. .i,;',oi Scot T.
101 in Ferit ; 7. - 1
I, (i e 0 'ha mpi on. .1:11,e'• Nq..)o/ t . ir •
1 . .,„ 1 „,,. •i t_
.14 `-•!' ' '
been etzeted
11,ire yelter-
PAitO oNED---TiloVernor Cur
pardoned Cai?tain' [Rp(fert,- rtl'ent
Convicted at Pit bibut g
ter in taking the 'Wei l- , 119 e r ' ; 7 1:
grift.. -
1. - •
nrED—Orpth.e 2(ith Llitv. Oft J ury,
BrightonTown:shili '
.Ars. Altus".
-JuDY; aged about GO yeat's•
33 - trral-1,
Shop 071 - Weil Side of Publia Spiarc .
_ -
bay-Moat for sale Real' dries; i.pricesi ran:
gitik from FOUR. to SEVEN emits pci* i31n1".!
Affern_ey's and Counsellors at I .Law. 0043
on Tiro a it, 3d doer below -Iderria ki 0 a..`e .
-` - jit: '''... h 1 jt f II 'l' ial.ll,l`l ti lin e gmt a % utlims:iii llr• *
11-1- Dreg Stara .; r